International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (1960-2009)

Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 1-114 (June 1960)

1.Editorial BoardPage CO2
2.An international journal in the field of heat and mass transferPages 1-3E. R. G. Eckert, O. A. Saunders
3.Vaporization processes in the hypersonic laminar boundary layerPages 4-22S. M. Scala, G. L. Vidale
4.Experimental methods applied to the determination of some temperature radiation parametersPages 23-27D. T. Kokorev
5.Thermal radiation between parallel plates separated by an absorbing—emitting nonisothermal gasPages 28-36C. M. Usiskin, E. M. Sparrow
6.Highly intensive heat and mass transfer in dispersed mediaPages 37-45Y. Mikhailov
7.Turbulent boundary layer on a flat plate in a stream of dissociating gasPages 46-49S. I. Kosterin, Yu. A. Koshmarov
8.Ein instätionares verfahren zur messung der wärmeleitfähigkeit von flüssigkeiten und gasenPages 50-54P. Grassmann, W. Straumann
9.Evaluation of bulk velocity and temperature for turbulent flow in tubesPages 55-67G. F. C. Rogers, Y. R. Mayhew
10.Convection de la chaleur en régime laminaire dans le cas d'un gradient de pression et d'une température de paroi quelconques, le fluide étant à propriétés physiques constantesPages 68-80B. Le Fur
11.One-dimensional energy transfer in radiant mediaPages 81-91R. Goulard, M. Goulard
12.Wärmetransport durch natürliche konvektion in stoffen bei kritischem zustandPages 92-101E. Schmidt
13.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 102-112E. R. G. Eckert, J. P. Hartnett, T. F. Irvine Jr.
14.Titles of papers from recent issues of inzhenerno-fizicheskii zhurnalPages 113-114

Volume 1, Issues 2-3, Pages 115-268 (August 1960)

1.Heat transfer to mercury in a circular tube and annular channels with sinusoidal heat load distributionPages 115-120V.I. Petrovichev
2.A mechanism of turbulent heat transfer in liquid metalsPages 121-138N.Z. Azer, B.T. Chao
3.Thermal contact resistance between mercury and a metal surfacePages 139-146T. Mizushina, S. Iuchi, T. Sasano, H. Tamura
4.Local and average heat transfer coefficients at an air stream in a tube with a pointed inletPages 147-151V.K. Ermolin
5.The theory of thermal regular regime and its application to the determination of thermal characteristicsPages 152-160G.N. Dulnev
6.Application of variational methods to the thermal entrance region of ductsPages 161-172E.M. Sparrow, R. Siegel
7.Analysis of the flow and energy separation in a turbulent vortexPages 173-191R.G. Deissler, M. Perlmutter
8.A standard formulation of the steady convective mass transfer problemPages 192-207D.B. Spalding
9.The steady and transient free convection boundary layer on a uniformly heated vertical platePages 208-210, IN1-IN4, 211-218R.J. Goldstein, E.R.G. Eckert
10.On the correlation of nucleate boiling heat transferPages 219-235K. Nishikawa, K. Yamagata
11.A cooling problem of pebble-bed nuclear reactorsPages 236-241L.S. Dzung
12.The thermal conductivity of heavy water between 75° and 260° c at pressures up to 300 atmPages 242-254H. Ziebland, J.T.A. Burton
13.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 255-268E.R.G. Eckert, J.P. Hartnett, E.M. Sparrow

Volume 1, Issue 4, Pages 269-356 (January 1961)

1.ContentsPages iii-iv
2.On the investigation of heat transfer in the presence of chemical conversionsPages 269-272S. I. Anisimov, T. L. Perelman
3.The experimental investigation of heat and mass transfer in the presence of chemical conversionsPages 273-279A. V. Ralko
4.Mixing and chemical reaction in an initially non-uniform temperature fieldPages 280-293S. I. Cheng, H. H. Chiu
5.Heat and mass transfer during the drying of moist materialsPages 294-301P. D. Lebedev
6.Heat and mass transfer between moist solids and airPages 302-305P. D. Lebedev
7.Convection heat transfer coefficients for turbulent flow between parallel plates with unequal heat fluxesPages 306-311Henry Barrow
8.Decay of temperature fluctuations in homogeneous turbulence before the final periodPages
9.An analysis of laminar film boiling with variable propertiesPages 325-335P. W. McFadden, R. J. Grosh
10.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 336-356E. R. G. Eckert, J. P. Hartnett, E. M. Sparrow

Volume 2, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-183 (March 1961)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Heat transfer between a jet and a held plate normal to flowPages 1-7V.A. Smirnov, G.E. Verevochkin, P.M. Brdlick
3.Wall heating by a supersonic gas flowPages 8-14A.A. Pomerantsev
4.Mass transfer through laminar boundary layers—1. The velocity boundary layerPages 15-32D.B. Spalding
5.Verbrennung eines flüssigen brennstofftröpfchensPages 33-55J. Pawlowski
6.Interferometrische messungen an einer ebenen laminaren flammePages 56-60, IN1-IN2, 61-63, 66-68F. Schultz-Grunow, G. Wortberg
7.The two phase boundary layer in laminar film condensationPages 69-82J.C.Y. Koh, E.M. Sparrow, J.P. Hartnett
8.The dynamics of vapor bubbles in nonuniform temperature fieldsPages 83-98Novak Zuber
9.Comments by K. Forster on the preceding paperPages 99-101
10.Author's closurePages 102-105Novak Zuber
11.Natural convection in an air layer enclosed between two vertical plates with different temperaturesPages 106-110, IN3, 111-120E.R.G. Eckertf, Walter O. Carlson
12.Free-convection similarity flows about two dimensional and axisymmetric bodies with closed lower endsPages 121-135Willis H. Braun, Simon Ostrach, John E. Heighway
13.On the regularities of composite heat transferPages 136-149P.K. Konakov
14.Heat transfer at the interface of dissimilar metalsPages 150-154G.F.C. Rogers
15.Influence coefficients for radiation in a circular cylinderPages 155-162E.W. Parkes
16.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 163-172E.R.G. Eckert, J.P. Hartnett, E.M. Sparrow
17.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 173-183Professor A.V. Luikov

Volume 2, Issue 3, Pages 185-271 (April 1961)

1.Skin friction and heat transfer for incompressible laminar flow over porous wedges with suction and variable wall temperaturePages 185-198J. C. Y. Koh, J. P. Hartnett
2.Mass transfer through laminar boundary layers—2. Auxiliary functions for the velocity boundary layerPages 199-221D. B. Spalding, H. L. Evans
3.A correlation for heat transfer in stratified two-phase flow with vaporizationPages 222-230P. Sachs, R. A. K. Long
4.Non-stationary temperature and moisture content fields of porous bodies in the convection heat transfer processPages 231-239M. F. Kazansky, P. P. Lutsick, V. N. Oleynikov
5.Heat transfer in entry length of double pipesPages 240-251Katsuhisa Murakawa
6.An experimental study of critical heat loads at boiling of organic liquids on a submerged heating surfacePages 252-258V. G. Morozov
7.Heat transfer from slotted finned tubesPages 259-261F. Cheers, J. N. Liley
8.Symposium on heat transfer at the Indian institute of science, Bangalore 12, IndiaPages 262-263A. Ramachandran
9.Journées internationales de la transmission de la chaleurPage 264
10.1961 Heat transfer and fluid mechanics institutePage 264Carl Gazley Jr.
11.Modern developments in heat transferPage 265
12.Second symposium on thermophysical propertiesPages 265-266
13.U.S.S.R. conference on heat and mass transferPages 266-267
14.High-speed aerodynamics and jet propulsion: Vol. V: turbulent flows and heat transfer data : Edited by , Princeton University Press; London, Oxford University Press. 1959, 105sPages 268-269D. B. Spalding
15.Tables of thermodynamic and transport properties of air, argon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and steam : Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1960. pp. 478 + xiii, 140sPage 269E. H. Cole
16.Evaporation and droplet growth in gaseous media . Pergamon Press, London, 1959, 67 pp. 30sPage 269D. B. Spalding
17.Conduction de la chaleur en régime variable, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1960, 90 pp. $3.78Pages 269-270R. G. Siddall
18.Papers accepted for publication in future issuesPage 271

Volume 2, Issue 4, Pages 273-348 (June 1961)

1.The thermal conductivity of toluene. New determinations and an appraisal of recent experimental workPages 273-279H. Ziebland
2.Convective heat transfer in horizontal cylinderPages 280-282G. F. Shaidurov
3.The prediction of mass transfer rates when equilibrium does not prevail at the phase interfacePages 283-313D. B. Spalding
4.Mass transfer through laminar boundary layers—. Similar solutions of the b-EquationPages 314-341D. B. Spalding, H. L. Evans
5.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 342-347E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele
6.Papers accepted for publication in future issuesPage 348

Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 1-76 (August 1961)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Laminar natural convection flow in magneto-hydrodynamicsPages 1-25G. Poots
3. 0.5Pages 26-41H.L. Evans
4.Radiative heat exchange between surfaces with specular reflectionPages 42-54E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow
5.Theory of the steady laminar buoyant flow above a line heat source in a fluid of large prandtl number and temperature-dependent viscosityPages 55-59D.B. Spalding, R.G. Cruddace
6.Effect of vibration on heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder to a normal air streamPages 60-62
7.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 68-75E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele
8.Das Mollier ix Diagram für feuchte Luft und seine technischen Anwendungen: W. Häussler, Hochschule für Maschinenbau, Karl-Marx-Stadt. Verlag von Theodor Steinkopf, Dresden u. Leipzig, 1960. 167 pp.Page 76D.B. Spalding

Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 77-166 (September 1961)

1.Turbulent heat transfer in liquid metals-fully developed pipe flow with constant wall temperaturePages 77-83N. Z. Azer, B. T. Chao
2.Turbulence intensity, temperature and concentration of admixtures in a turbulent wake immediately behind a plate placed across a flowPages 84-89G. N. Abramovich, B. G. Khudenko, I. S. Makarov
3.Boiling heat transfer between immiscible liquidsPages 90-93Kenneth F. Gordon, T. Singh, E. Y. Weissman
4.Two-dimensional unsteady incompressible laminar duct flow with a step change in wall temperaturePages 94-107M. Perlmutter, R. Siegel
5.Heat transfer in magnetohydrodynamic flow between parallel platesPages 108-112R. A. Alpher
6.Steady state temperature distribution and heat flow in prismatic bars with isothermal boundary conditionsPages 113-125M. J. Balcerzak, S. Raynor
7.Approximate calculation method for heat transfer in laminar boundary layers with constant surface temperaturePages 126-132A. G. Smith, V. L. Shah
8.Influence of turbulence on the transfer of heat from plates with and without a pressure gradientPages 133-154J. Kestin, P. F. Maeder, H. E. Wang
9.Application of the defect law to the determination of the average velocity and temperature in turbulent pipe flowPages 155-158William Squire
10.Comment on Rogers' paper “Heat Transfer at the Interface of Dissimilar Metals”Page 159A. Williams
11.Journal of engineering physicsPage 160
12.The Combustion InstitutePage 160
13.Elements of the kinetic theory of gases . Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1960, 89 pp. 17s 6d.Page 161D. B. Spalding
14.Physikalische grundlagen der chemie-ingenieur-technik , , Aarau and Frankfurt am Main, 1961, 939 pp. DM80Page 161D. B. Spalding
15.Units, dimensions and dimensionless Numbers. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960, 236 pp. 50s 6dPages 161-162R. W. Haywood
16.Electrodynamics of continuous media and . Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1960, 417 pp. 84sPage 162G. Poots
17.Editor's forewordPage 163
18.Foreword to the seriesPage 163
19.On the extent and action of the heating surface of steam boilersPages 163-166Osborne Reynolds

Volume 3, Issue 3, Pages 167-254 (October 1961)

1.Application of methods of thermodynamics of irreversible processes to investigationofheat and mass transfer in a boundary layerPages 167-174A.V. Luikov
2.Échange de masse entre phases constituées par des mélangesPages 175-180, IN1, 181-182Louis Kaiser
3.Investigation methods into flow in a boundary layer with a longitudinal pressure gradientPages 183-187A.M. Mkhitaryan, V.Y. Fridland, V.S. Maksimov, S.D. Labinov
4.On aerodynamics of rarefied gases and problems of heat transferPages 188-197A.S. Predvoditelev
5.A review of binary laminar boundary layer characteristicsPages 198-221J.F. Gross, J.P. Hartnett, D.J. Masson, Carl Gazley Jr.
6.Heat transfer, a review of current literaturePages 222-232, IN3-IN4, 233-248E.R.G.
7.Experimental study of effect of gas injection on rate of mass transfer from solid to liquidPages 249-251Fan Liang-Tseng
8.Dimensional analysis of burnout heat transferPages 252-253S.L. Bragg, I.E. Smith
9.Papers accepted for publication in future issuesPage 254

Volume 3, Issue 4, Pages 255-370 (December 1961)

1.Velocity and temperature profiles in a wall jetPages 255-265R. A. Seban, L. H. Back
2.The effect of a magnetic field on free convection heat transferPages 267-274E. M. Sparrow, R. D. Cess
3.Convection de la chaleur dans un gaz en régime laminaire dans le cas d'un gradient de pression et d'une température de paroi quelconquesPages 275-291Bernard Le Fur
4.On conjugated problems of heat transferPages 293-303T. L. Perelman
5.Heat transfer of a plate in a liquid flowPages 305-309A. A. Zhukauskas, A. B. Ambrazyavichyus
6.Method of a regular regime for the determination of variable thermal coefficientsPages 311-320E. J. Nekhendzi
7.Mass transfer through laminar boundary layers—6. Mmethods of evaluating the wall gradient (b'0/B) for similar solutions; some new values for zero main-stream pressure gradientPages 321-339H. L. Evans
8.Surface temperature calculations in radiant surroundings of arbitrary complexity—for gray, diffuse radiationPages 341-346B. Gebhart
9.A discrepancy in the published results on heat transfer to cryogenic fluidsPage 347William Squire
10.Second conference on kinetics, equilibria, and performance of high temperature systemsPage 349
11.The ninth international symposium on combustionPage 350
12.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 351-357E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele
13.Heat transfer bibliographyPage 358Takashi Sato
14.Die verbrennung und die vergasung der kohle auf dem rostPages 359-369Wilhelm Nusselt
15.Papers accepted for publication in future issuesPage 370

Volume 4, Pages 1-132 (December 1961)

1.Editorial BoardPage CO2
2.The first all-union conference on heat and mass transferPages 1-15
3.Heat transfer, temperature recovery and skin friction on a flat plate with hydrogen release into a laminar boundary layerPages 17-29E. R. G. Eckert, A. A. Hayday, W. J. Minkowycz
4.Boiling heat transferPages 31-45S. S. Kutateladze
5.Heat and mass transfer between the gaseous and liquid phases of a binary mixturePages 47-62D. B. Spalding
6.On the thermodynamics of irreversible heat and mass transferPages 63-70S. R. De Groot
7.Analytical solutions of a set of equations of heat and mass transfer for a semi-bounded medium with different boundary conditionsPages 71-78P. V. Tsoi
8.Turbulent heat transfer in a flow of liquid metalsPages 79-87V. I. Subbotin, M. K. Ibragimov, M. N. Ivanovsky, M. N. Arnol'dov, E. V. Nomofilov
9.On possible methods of solving boundary layer problems in the presence of dissociation and diffusionPages 89-103I. P. Ginzburg
10.The heat transfer coefficient for flow in a pipePages 105-110A. J. Ede
11.Transfer processes in a free (jet) turbulent boundary layerPages 111-118L. A. Vulis, T. P. Leont'eva, Z. B. Sakipov, I. B. Palatnik, B. P. Ustimenko
12.Sublimation of a solid near a critical point in flat and axisymmetrical gas flowsPages 119-126V. D. Sovershenny, G. A. Tirsky
13.A method of solution of the heat conduction (diffusion) equationPages 127-132O. S. Berlyand

Volume 5, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-112 (January - February 1962)

1.Editorial BoardPage CO2
2.Experimental determinaton of the enthalpy and heat capacity of molybdenum up to 2337°CPages 1-9V.
3.Heat and mass transfer in the process of fuel combustion in an air streamPages 11-21B. V. Kantorovich, G. N. Delyagin
4.Natural convection of an electrically conducting fluid in the presence of a magnetic fieldPages 23-34Paul S. Lykoudis
5.Mass transfer through laminar boundary layers—7. Further similar solutions to the b-equation for the case B = 0Pages 35-57H. L. Evans
6.Heat and mass transfer of circular hollow cylinders under boundary conditions of the second kindPages 59-65Sh. N. Plyat
7.Tables of emissivity of surfacesPages 67-76J. R. Singham
8.Comment on “heat transfer from slotted finned tubes” by F. Cheers and J. N. LileyPages 77-78B. Gebhart
9.Mass transfer through laminar boundary layers—Further exact “similar” solutions of the b-EquationPages 79-82D. B. Spalding, W. M. Pun, S. W. Chi
10.Radiation as a diffusion processPages 82-83H. C. Hottel
11.Free convection from a sphere in airPages 83-84R. J. Bromham, Y. R. Mayhew
12.Temperature distribution in a macroporous body during drying, comments on paper by Kazansky et alPages 85-86Alfred H. Nissan
13.Comment on Squire's Shorter Communication “Application of the defect law to the determination of the average velocity and temperature in turbulent pipe flow”Page 86G. F. C. Rogers, Y. R. Mayhew
14.Conference on convective heat transfer 15–20 June 1959, LeningradPages 87-92
15.Conference on the condensation of superheated steam March, 1961Pages 92-94A. J. Ede
16.Journees internationales de la transmission de la chaleur : Paris 19–24 Juin 1961Pages 94-98
17.AnnouncementsPage 99
18.'s 60th birthdayPage 100Ernst R. Eckert
19.Heat transfer , McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961, 83s 6dPage 101G. F. C. Rogers
20.Fourier transforms , Cambridge University Press, 1961, 76 pp. 21sPage 101A. Talbot
21.Edited by , . Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1960, 350pp. 70sPages 102-103A. A. Westenberg
22.Content list Journal of engineering physicsPages 105-108
23.The evaporation of a liquid into a gasPages 109-112W. K. Lewis
24.ErrataPage 112

Volume 5, Issues 3-4, Pages 113-336 (March-April 1962)

1.To Ernst Schmidt on his 70th birthdayPages 113-115Ernst R.G. Eckert
2.Veröffentlichungen Von E. SchmidtPages 117-119
3.Die Wärmestrahlung der Flammen in nicht isothermen hohlräumenPages 121-127Cesare Codegone
4.Der ebene elastische Spannungszustand in komplexer darstellungPages 129-134, IN1, 135L. Föppl
5.The second virial coefficient for steamPages 137-142Frederick G. Keyes
6.Application of Schmidt's method to the calculation of spalding's function and of the skin-friction coefficient in turbulent flowPages 143-152J. Kestin, L.N. Persen
7.Austauschflächen bei Dreistoff-WärmeaustauschernPages 153-162Günter Lück
8.Zur thermodynamik der raketenbrennkammer: Ungleiche Gemischverteilung im BrennraumPages 163-168O. Lutz
9.The relation between bubble frequency and diameter during nucleate pool boilingPages 169-173P.W. McFadden, P. Grassmann
10.Verfahrenstechnisch günstigere führung der mittel der Wärmeübertragung beim verdampfen und kondensierenPages 175-188Romano Gregorig
11.Zur exakten Lösung der vollständigen Bewegungsgleichung und der Energiegleichung für die laminare Strömung um ebene KeilkörperPages 189-209H.W. Hahnemann
12.Über die dynamik der Blasenbildung beim begasen von Flüssigkeiten unter druckPages 211-222, IN3-IN4, 223G. Kling
13.Thermal transfer from a small wire in the boundary flow about a cylinderPages 225-237Emilio Venezian, B.H. Sage
14.A review of methods for predicting heat-transfer coefficients for laminar uniform-property boundary layer flowsPages 239-244, IN5, 245-249D.B. Spalding, W.M. Pun
15.Impuls- und wärmeübertragung in turbulenten windschatten hinter rotationskörpernPages 251-265H. Reichardt, R. Ermshaus
16.Optimierung eines adiabatischen kalorimeters zur genauen messung von wahren spezifischen wärmen schlecht wärmeleitender substanzenPages 267-275E.O. Schmidt, W. Leidenfrost
17.Konzentrationsprofile vor einer im sauerstoff-strom verbrennenden kohlenstoffoberfläche—I. Experimentelle ergebnissePages 277-280, IN9, 281-289E. Wicke, G. Wurzbacher
18.Onsager beziehungen im Mollier'schen i-x-DiagrammPages 291-294Adolf Busemann
19.Thermische untersuchung eines elektrischen Hochstromlichtbogens mit poröser, gasgekühlter anodePages 295-298, IN11, 299-306Ernst R.G. Eckert, Peter A. Schoeck, Edgar R.F. Winter
20.Absolutbestimmung der wärmeleitfähigkeit von flüssigkeiten—I: Kritische versuche an einer neuen plattenapparaturPages 307-316W. Fritz, H. Poltz
21.Vereinfachte berechnung der Wärmeübertragung durch Strahlung von einem gas an eine wandPages 317-327H. Hausen, J.A. Binder
22.Analyse des wärmeübergangs in blasensäulenPages 329-336W. Kast

Volume 5, Issue 5, Pages 337-433 (May 1962)

1.Editorial noticePage 337
2.An approximate treatment of a heat conduction problem involving a two-dimensional solidification frontPages 339-348G. Poots
3.Terms, letter symbols and definitions on heat and mass transfer used in the soviet unionPages 349-354I. T. Eleptrin
4.The transfer of heat across a turbulent boundary layer at very high prandtl numbersPages 355-371J. Kestin, L. N. Persen
5.Mass transfer through laminar boundary layers—8. Further solutions to the velocity equationPages 373-407H. L. Evans
6.On a particular case of stationary heat transfer with cross flow of heat agentsPages 409-412G. D. Rabinovich
7.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 413-424E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele
8.Combustion, flames and explosion of gases : (2nd Ed.) and . Academic Press, New York 1961.731 pp. 157s6dPage 425D. B. Spalding
9.Journal of engineering physicsPages 427-428
10.The two film theory of gas absorptionPages 429-433Walter G. Whitman

Volume 5, Issue 6, Pages 435-594 (June 1962)

1.V. A. Mikhelson The founder of the physics of combustion in Russia : To celebrate the occasion of his hundredth birthdayPages 435-438A. S. Predvoditelev
2.A variational method for combined free and forced convection in channelsPages 439-444H. C. Agrawal
3.Influence of electric field on the cooling gas flow in a nuclear reactorPages 445-456V. Stach
4.Radiative heat-transfer calculations for infinite shells with circular-arc sections, including effects of an external source fieldPages 457-468Max A. Heaslet, Harvard Lomax
5.An analytical and experimental study of turbulent gas flow between two smooth parallel walls with unequal heat fluxesPages 469-487H. Barrow
6.Heat and mass transfer at a frontal point of blunt bodies for gas flow in the presence of heterogeneous chemical reactionsPages 489-504V. P. Motulevich
7.Buoyancy effects on horizontal boundary-layer flow and heat transferPages 505-511E. M. Sparrow, W. J. Minkowycz
8.On thick boundary layers over slender bodies with some effects of heat transfer, mass transfer and pressure gradientPages
9.On a system of differential equations for highly intensive heat and mass transferPages 521-524M. S. Smirnov
10.On the application of integral-methods to the solution of problems involving the solidification of liquids initially at fusion temperaturePages 525-531G. Poots
11.A hydrodynamic model for nucleate pool boilingPages 533-540C. L. Tien
12.Investigation on resistance and heat transfer of turbulent air flow in axisymmetrical channels with longitudinal pressure gradientPages 541-557P. N. Romanenko, A. I. Leont'ev, A. N. Oblivin
13.On the transfer of radiant energyPage 559P. K. Konakov
14.Reply to comments by Rogers and Mayhew on the shorter communication “application of the defect law to the determination of the average velocity and temperature in turbulent pipe flow” by W. SquirePages 559-560William Squire
15.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 561-570E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele
16.Heat transfer bibliography—russian worksPages 571-582A. V. Luikov
17.Some problems on fuel and energetics , the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences Press, Moscow, 1961 (Nekotorye problemy topliva i energetiki, Izd. AN SSSR), 478 ppPages 583-584B. M. Smolsky
18.Theoretical fundamentals of building thermophysics , Byelorussian Academy of Science Press, Minsk, 1961 (Teoreticheskie osnovy stroitelnoi teplofiziki, Izd. AN BSSR), 518 ppPages 584-586A. F. Chudnovsky
19.Tables of integral error functions and Hermite's polynomials : , Byelorussian Academy of Science Press Minsk, 1961 (Tablitsy integral'nykh funktsii oshibok i polinomov Ermita, Izd. AN BSSR), 164 ppPages 586-587A. V. Luikov
20.Integral transformations and operational calculus and , State Publishing House of Physical and Mathematical Literature, Moscow, 1961 (Integral'nye preobrazovania i operatsionnoe ischeslenie, Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Fiziko-Matematicheskoi Literatury), 524 ppPages 587-588A. V. Luikov
21.Evaporative cooling of circulating water : , Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1961, 392 pp. 140sPages 588-589D. B. Spalding
22.Non-Newtonian fluids. Fluid mechanics, mixing and heat transfer , Pergamon Press, 1960, 138pp. 37s. 6dPage 589A. Acrivos
23.Mollier-i,x-Diagramme für feuchte luft . Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1961, 22 pp. + iii. DM12Pages 589-590H. Sawistowski
24.Contents lists journal of engineering physicsPages 591-592
25.CorrigendumPages 593-594

Volume 5, Issue 7, Pages 595-713 (July 1962)

1.Eccentric rod burnout at 1000 lbf/in2 with net steam generationPages 595-596, IN1, 597-614S. Levy, E.E. Polomik, C.L. Swan, A.W. McKinney
2.Some effects of boiling on hydrodynamic dragPages 615-620, IN3, 621-622W.S. Bradfield, R.O. Barkdoll, J.T. Byrne
3.A new theory for a rotary-kiln heat exchangerPages 623-638M. Imber, V. Paschkis
4.Convective and radiant heat transfer for flow of a transparent gas in a tube with a gray wallPages 639-660R. Siegel, M. Perlmutter
5.New experimental data on critical heat loads at boiling of liquids on a submerged heating surfacePages 661-666V.G. Morozov
6.A statistical analysis of nucleate-pool-boiling dataPages 667-672G.A. Hughmark
7.Heat transfer in the thermal entry length with laminar flow between parallel walls at unequal temperaturesPages 673-679A.P. Hatton, J.S. Turton
8.Experimental determination of thermal radiation properties when heating bodies by radiation in a diathermal mediumPages 681-687I.M. Maslennikov
9.Propagation of temperature and moisture changes during forced convective flow of air through a mass of hygroscopic fibresPages 689-696G.B. McMahon, J.G. Downes
10.Further note on an approximate method for calculating heat transfer in laminar boundary-layers with constant wall temperaturePages 697-700A.G. Smith, V.L. Shah
11.Contents listsPages 701-702
12.III. Bestimmung der wärmeübergangszahlen durch modellversuchePages 703-713H. Thoma

Volume 5, Issue 8, Pages 715-794 (August 1962)

1.A method for the determination of local convective heat transfer from a cylinder placed normal to an air streamPages 715-722D. A. van Meel
2.Application of X-rays excited by β-sources to studying hydrodynamics of two-phase mediaPages
3.Effect of surface emissivity on heat transfer by simultaneous conduction and radiationPages 729-734R. Viskanta, R. J. Grosh
4.Surface evaporation by forced convection : I. Simultaneous heat and mass transferPages 735-749C. G. M. Slesser, D. Cleland
5.Pressure drop and vapor volume with subcooled nucleate boilingPages 751-761D. P. Jordan, G. Leppert
6.Relations for the critical state describing transition from laminar to turbulent flow in free convectionPages 763-764L. S. Klyachko
7.The influence of physical property variations on liquid-phase mass transfer for various laminar flowsPages 765-780Donald R. Olander
8.On umov's worksPages 781-790A. S. Predvoditelev
9.Instant interferometer windowsPage
10.Diffusion and Heat Flow in Liquids: (University of Sheffield), Butterworths, London, 1961, 329 pp. 65sPages 793-794Myron Tribus

Volume 5, Issue 9, Pages 795-887 (September 1962)

1.Boundary layer in thermal radiation absorbing and emitting mediaPages 795-806R. Viskanta, R.J. Grosh
2.Messungen der viskosität von wasser und wasserdampf bis ZU 700°C und 800 ATPages 807-824F. Mayinger
3.Unsteady-state heat and mass transfer in the rotating-disk-revolving-fluid systemPages 825-836Donald R. Olander
4.Theoretical analysis of the downstream influence of mass transfer in a stagnation regionPages 837-857Robert J. Cresci
5.Natural convection through rectangular openings in partitions—1: Vertical partitionsPages 859-862, IN1, 863-868W.G. Brown, K.R. Solvason
6.Natural convection through rectangular openings in partitions—2: Horizontal partitionsPages 869-881W.G. Brown
7.Heat transfer bibliographyPage 883Satō Takashi
8.Fundamentals of Heat Transfer: H. Gröber, S. Erk and U. Grigull (translated by J.R. Moszynski), McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961, 527 pp. 1105. 6d.Pages 885-886A.J. Ede
9.Contents list Journal of Engineering PhysicsPage 887

Volume 5, Issue 10, Pages 889-1052 (October 1962)

1.Application of the entropy method to investigation of transonic adiabatic flowsPages 889-896A.A. Gukhman
2.Heat transfer at the interface of dissimilar materials: Evidence of thermal-comparator experimentsPages 897-902R.W. Powell, R.P. Tye, B.W. Jolliffe
3.Stability and transition of the free-convection layer along a vertical flat platePages 903-908, IN1-IN2, 909-910, IN3-IN4, 911-914Albin A. Szewczyk
4.Measurement of low speed gas flows by particle trajectories: A new determination of free convection velocity profilesPages 915-918, IN5-IN6, 919-920, IN7-IN8, 921-928R. Eichhorn
5.Konzentrationsprofile vor einer im sauerstoffstrom verbrennenden kohlenstoffoberflache—II. Berechnung der konzentrationsprofilePages 929-939P. Hugo, E. Wicke, G. Wurzbacher
6.Film condensation in a forced-convection boundary-layer flowPages 941-954J.C.Y. Koh
7.Coaxial turbulent jetsPages 955-965B.R. Morton
8.A theoretical consideration of directional effects in heat flow at the interface of dissimilar metalsPages 967-971Joon Sang Moon, R.Norms Keeler
9.Heat transfer in the thermal entry length with laminar flow in an annulusPages 973-980A.P. Hatton, A. Quarmby
10.Method for determining size and shape of optically black emitting systemsPages 981-983D.T. Kokorev
11.Experiments on pool-boiling heat transferPages 985-999P.J. Berenson
12.Natural convection near and above thermal leading edges on vertical wallsPages 1001-1010M.G. Scherberg
13.Heat and mass transfer with liquid evaporationPages 1011-1021B.M. Smolsky, G.T. Sergeyev
14.Heat transfer, a review of current literaturePages 1023-1032, IN9-IN10, 1033-1050E.R.G.
15.An approximate analytical solution for the radiation exchange between two flat surfaces separated by an absorbing gasPages 1051-1052Robert V. Meghreblian

Volume 5, Issue 11, Pages 1053-1131 (November 1962)

1.Experimental study of temperature distribution in laminar tube flow of a fluid with internal heat generationPages 1053-1054, IN1, 1055-1058Robert M. Inman
2.Laminar free convection from a non-isothermal conePages 1059-1068R.G. Hering, R.J. Grosh
3.New similarity integrals in heat and mass transfer processesPages 1069-1080A.M. Fainzil'ber
4.A graphite resistance heater for a hypersonic wind tunnel using nitrogen: Part I. Description of tunnel and heaterPages 1081-1093R.P. Shreeve, W.T. Lord, S.J. Boersen, S.M. Bogdonoff
5.A graphite resistance heater for a hypersonic wind tunnel using nitrogen: Part II. Analysis of heater performancePages 1095-1104W.T. Lord, R.P. Shreeve, S.J. Boersen
6.Conduction with time-dependent heat sources and boundary conditions: A modified separation-of-variables techniquePages 1105-1109I.U. Ojalvo
7.Absorption of thermal radiation in a V-groove cavityPages 1111-1115E.M. Sparrow, S.H. Lin
8.On the conference of the U.S.S.R. readers of the international journal of heat and mass transfer, 20 february 1962, MoscowPages 1117-1120B.M. Smolsky
9.Heat transfer bibliography—russian worksPages 1121-1128Professor A.V. Luikov
10.Heat transfer bibliography—polish worksPages 1129-1130T. Hobler
11.Contents list Journal of Engineering PhysicsPage 1131

Volume 5, Issue 12, Pages 1133-1211 (December 1962)

1.A new analytical expression for the drag of a flat plate valid for both the turbulent and laminar regimesPages 1133-1138D. B. Spalding
2.The batchwise transfer of acetic acid from chloroform to waterPages 1139-1148T. Matthews, H. P. Hutchinson
3.Heat transfer and diffusion in wedge flows with rapid mass transferPages 1149-1152Warren E. Stewart, Richard Prober
4.Solar heating of a rotating spherical space vehiclePages 1165-1177W. E. Olmstead, S. Raynor
5.The calculation of wall and fluid temperatures for the incompressible turbulent boundary layer, with arbitrary distribution of wall heat fluxPages 1179-1189A. G. Smith, V. L. Shah
6.The prediction of heat and mass transfer coefficients for turbulent flow in pipes at all values of the Prandtl or Schmidt numberPages 1191-1205H. W. Kropholler, A. D. Carr
7.Bessel's functions and their application to problems on cylinder cooling , Byelorussian Academy of Science Press, Minsk, 1962 (Funktsii Besselya i ikh prilozheniya k zadacham ob okhlazhdenii tsilindra), 170 ppPages 1207-1208K. I. Strakhovich
8.Fundamentals of radiation heat transfer : , Gosenergoizdat, Moscow-Leningrad, 1962, 330 ppPage 1208I. I. Paleyev
9.The conference of the readers of the “Journal of Engineering Physics” and the “International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer”. 17 April 1962, Leningrad, U.S.S.R.Page 1209G. D. Rabinovich
10.Symposium on convective heat transfer in an incompressible liquid flow. 7–9 June 1962, Kaunas, U.S.S.R.Pages 1209-1210I. T. Elperin
11.AnnouncementPage 1210
12.Contents listPage 1211

Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 1-112 (January 1963)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Use of reference states and constant-property solutions in predicting mass-, momentum-, and energy-transfer rates in high-speed laminar flowsPages 1-22Eldon L. Knuth
3.Heat transfer between solid particles and a gas in a non-uniformly aggregated fluidized bedPages 23-31S.S. Zabrodsky
4.Mass minimization of radiating trapezoidal fins with negligible base cylinder interactionPages 33-48B.V. Karlekar, B.T. Chao
5.Temperature distribution in channel flow with frictionPages 49-51J. Madejski
6.Nucleate boiling. The region of isolated bubbles and the similarity with natural convectionPages 53-60, IN1-IN2, 61-78Novak Zuber
7.Alexander Savvich Predvoditelev: To celebrate the occasion of his seventieth birthdayPages 79-89A.V. Luikov
8.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 91-112E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein

Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 113-192 (February 1963)

1.A flame zone model for chemical reaction in a laminar boundary layer with application to the injection of hydrogen-oxygen mixturesPages 113-128Paul A. Libby, Constantino Economos
2.Transient heat dissipation from storage reservoirsPages 129-141Z. Rotem, J. Gildor, A. Solan
3.Radiant-interchange configuration factors for finite right circular cylinder to rectangular planesPages 143-146J. A. Wiebelt, S. Y. Ruo
4.Heat transfer across turbulent, incompressible boundary layersPages 147-189J. Kestin, P. D. Richardson
5.Journal of engineering physicsPages 191-192

Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 193-255 (March 1963)

1.Effect of discontinuity of surface catalycity on boundary layer flow of dissociated gasPages
2.Study of radiation spectrum of gases heated by strong shock wavesPages 211-212A. A. Kon'kov, V. P. Ionov
3.A semi-rational nucleate boiling heat flux correlationPages 215-219J. H. Lienhard
4.Transport phenomena in wedge flows: Perturbation solutions for small mass transfer ratesPages 221-229R. Prober, W. E. Stewart
5.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 231-242E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele, R. J. Goldstein
6.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 243-244Takashi Sato
7.Heat transfer and friction in two-dimensional stagnation flow of air with helium injectionPages 245-248E. R. G. Eckert, W. J. Minkowycz, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele
8.Turbulent heat transfer in a parallel-plate channelPages 248-249E. M. Sparrow, S. H. Lin
9.On a method for the determination of local convective heat transfer from a cylinder placed normal to an air stream, by D. A. Van MeelPage 251O. E. Tewfik
10.The laminar boundary layer equations , Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1962, 162 pp. 30sPages 251-252H. L. Evans
11.AnnouncementPage 252
12.Contents lists : Journal of Engineering PhysicsPages 253-255

Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 257-327 (April 1963)

1.Turbulent heat transfer and temperature fluctuations in a field with uniform velocity and temperature gradientsPages 257-270Robert G. Deissler
2.Heat transfer in a channel with an unheated lengthPages 271-276V.M. Kapinos, N.I. Nikitenko
3.Mercury vapour transfer studies: the transfer characteristics of gauze screensPages 277-287B. Gay, R. Maughan
4.Calculation of the spalding function over a range of prandtl numbersPages 289-299G.O. Gardner, J. Kestin
5.The thermophysical properties research center. An effective answer to information needs on thermophysical properties of matterPages 301-306, IN1, 307Y.S. Touloukian
6.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 309-323A.V. Luikov
7.Unsteady Motion of Continuous Media: K. P. Stanyukovich, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1960, 745 pp. + xiii, £5Page 325D.C. Pack
8.ErratumPage 327

Volume 6, Issue 5, Pages 329-424 (May 1963)

1.Heat and momentum transfer in smooth and rough tubes at various prandtl numbersPages 329-332D. F. Dipprey, R. H. Sabersky
2.Differential methods for studying radiant heat transferPages 355-362V. N. Adrianov, G. L. Polyak
3.Mass transfer through laminar boundary layers—4. Class I methods for predicting mass-transfer ratesPages 363-372D. B. Spalding, S. W. Chi
4.Heat transfer in tube coils with laminar and turbulent flowPages 387-395R. A. Seban, E. F. McLaughlin
5.The thermal conductance of uranium dioxide/stainless steel interfacesPages 397-416A. C. Rapier, T. M. Jones, J. E. McIintosh
6.Mathematical model for heat or mass transfer at the bubble-stirred interface of two immiscible liquidsPages 417-422J. Szekely
7.Thermal regimes of combustion . McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961, 229 ppPage 423G. K. Adams
8.AnnouncementPage 424

Volume 6, Issue 6, Pages 425-535 (June 1963)

1.Simultaneous heat and mass transfer in the compressible laminar boundary layer of a dissociating gasPages
2.Turbulent heat transfer in a circular tube with variable circumferential heat fluxPages 445-454W. C. Reynolds
3.The theory of forced convective heat transfer in beds of fine fibres—IPages 455-465P. Nordon, G. B. McMahon
4.The theory of forced convective heat transfer in beds of fine fibres—IIPages 467-474P. Nordon, G. B. McMahon
5.Fundamental equations for stream gas dynamicsPages 475-482K. I. Strakhovich
6.Heat transfer in annular passages. General formulation of the problem for arbitrarily prescribed wall temperatures or heat fluxesPages 483-493W. C. Reynolds, R. E. Lundberg, P. A. McCuen
7.Heat transfer in annular passages. Hydrodynamically developed laminar flow with arbitrarily prescribed wall temperatures or heat fluxesPages 495-529R. E. Lundberg, P. A. McCuen, W. C. Reynolds
8.Simulation of pool boiling heat transfer by gas injection at the interfacePages 531-535G. E. Sems, U. Aktürk, K. O. Evans-Lutterodt

Volume 6, Issue 7, Pages 537-648 (July 1963)

1.Heat transfer in annular passages—hydrodynamically developed turbulent flow with arbitrarily prescribed heat fluxPages 537-557W. M. Kays, E. Y. Leung
2.Heat and mass transfer with transpiration coolingPages 559-570A. V. Luikov
3.The influence of sound on heat transfer from a cylinder in crossflowPages 571-596R. M. Fand, P. Cheng
4.Theory of the steady laminar natural convectiol above a horizontal line heat source and a point heat sourcePages 597-606T. Fujii
5.Forced convection in a channel with wall heat capacity and with wall heating variable with axial position and timePages 607-620Robert Siegel
6.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 621-641E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele, R. J. Goldstein
7.Viscous hypersonic flow , McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962, 97sPage 643D. B. Spalding
8.Molecular energy transfer in gases and , Butterworths, 1961Pages 643-644P. L. Davies
9.Thermal properties of dispersed materials : , , 1962. 456 pp., 1r. 68kop. (In Russian)Page 644A. G. Shashkov
10.Flow measurement in closed conduits . Her majesty's stationery office, Edinburgh, 2 Vols. 767 pp., 84sPages 644-645J. R. D. Francis
11.Proceedings of the 1962 heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute : Stanford university press, California, 1962, 294 ppPages 645-646D. B. Spalding
12.Contents lists Journal of engineering physics (йнжeнepнo-физихecкий кupнaл)Pages 647-648

Volume 6, Issue 8, Pages 649-760 (August 1963)

1.Shell-side pressure drop and heat transfer with turbulent flow in segmentally baffled shell-and-tube heat exchangersPages 649-668W.H. Emerson
2.Einige optische eigenschaften thermischer grenzschichtenPages 669-676, IN1-IN3, 677-679U. Grigull
3.Laminar free convection in carbon dioxide near its critical pointPages 681-682, IN5-IN7, 683-690H.A. Simon, E.R.G. Eckert
4.Heat and mass transfer between gas and granular materialPages 691-701Z.F. Chukhanov
5.Transient cooling of a heated enclosurePages 703-718A.W. Pratt, E.F. Ball
6.Berechnungen zum einfluss des stofftransportes bei wandreaktionen im ringspaltPages 719-725H.J. Schmidt
7.The effect of transverse mass flow on heat transfer and friction drag in a turbulent flow of compressible gas along an arbitrarily shaped surfacePages 727-738P.N. Romanenko, V.N. Kharchenko
8.Turbulente vermischung runder kaltluftstrahlen mit umgebender ruhender heissluftPages 739-754W. Szablewski
9.Evaluation of the net radiant heat transfer between specularly reflecting plates including computed emissfvitiesPages
10.AnnouncementPage 759
11.Journal of engineering physicsPage 760

Volume 6, Issue 9, Pages 761-872 (September 1963)

1.Heat transfer: A review of current literaturePages 761-770, IN1, 771-791E.R.G.
2.Fundamental solution to the diffusion boundary layer equation for separated flow over solid surfaces at very large prandtl numbersPages 793-804Daniel E. Rosner
3.Turbulent momentum diffusivity within a circular tubePages 805-813G.T.J. Hooper
4.Dissociated laminar boundary layer flows over surfaces with arbitrary continuous distributions of catalycityPages 815-832G.R. Inger
5.Notes on the transfer at the interface of two independently stirred liquidsPages 833-840J. Szekely
6.Simultaneous heat transfer in a circular tube by free-molecule convection and thermal radiationPages 841-852E.M. Sparrow, V.K. Jonsson
7.The influence of electrostrictive forces in natural thermal convectionPages 853-862P.S. Lykoudis, C.P. Yu
8.The effect of surface configuration on nucleate boiling heat transferPages 863-866B.D. Marcus, D. Dropkin
9.Turbulent heat transfer in a tube with ctrcumferentiallyvarying temperature or heat fluxPages 866-867E.M. Sparrow, S.H. Lin
10.High mach number air-breathing engines (proceedings of the fourth agard colloquium on combustion and propulsion): (Edited by A.L. Jaumotte, A.M. Rothrock and A.H. Lefebvre, published Pergamon Press 1961; 396 pp. 105sPage 869S.L. Bragg
11.Reaction heats and bond strengths: C.T. Mortimer. Pergamon Press, London, 1962, pp. xii + 230. 35sPage 869P. Gray
12.Kühlanlagen: H. Drees, VEB Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig, 1959, 6th Ed. 350 pp.; 225 figs., 31 tables, including thermodynamic properties of ammonia and the Freons and a Mollier i−x diagramPage 870D.B. Spalding
13.Thermodynamik: H.D. Baehr, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/ Göttingen/Heidelberg, 1962, 431 pp.+ xvi, DM 38Page 870P.L. Blackshear
14.Contents list journal of engineering physicsPage 871
15.Int. j. heat mass transfer: Warren E. Stewart and Richard Prober, Heat Transfer and diffusion in wedge flows with rapid mass transfer, 5 1149–1163 (1962).Page 872
16.Int. j. heat mass transfer: Richard Prober and Warren E. Stewart, Transport phenomena in wedge flows: Perturbation solutions for small mass transfer rates, 6, 221–229 (1963).Page 872

Volume 6, Issue 10, Pages 873-933 (October 1963)

1.Natural convection mass-transfer measurements on spheres and horizontal cylinders by an electrochemical methodPages 873-879G. Schütz
2.Convection heat transfer and flow phenomena of rotating spheresPages 881-882, IN1-IN3, 883-895F.
3.Optimum suction distribution to obtain a laminar boundary layerPages 897-901S.S. Zolotov, Ya.S. Khodorkovsky
4.The effect of axially varying and unsymmetrical boundary conditions on heat transfer with turbulent flow between parallel platesPages 903-914A.P. Hatton, Alan Quarmby
5.The thermodynamic coupling between heat and mass transfer in free convection with helium injectionPages 915-923O.E. Tewfikf, Yang Ji-Wu
6.Effect of wall heat conduction on convection in a circular tube with arbitrary circumferential heat inputPage 925W.C. Reynolds
7.Temperature transient after contact heatingPages
8.The transition from black body to Rosseland formulations in optically thick flowsPages 927-930R. Goulard
9.The use of secondary surfaces for heat transfer with clean cases: Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Symposium, 1961, 157 pp., 70sPage 931J.R. Singham
10.Physicochemical hydrodynamics: V. G. Levich, Prentice-Hall, 1962, 700 pp
11.Journal of engineering physicsPage 933

Volume 6, Issue 11, Pages 935-997 (November 1963)

1.On the theory of shock waves in the dynamics of a real gasPages 935-940E. A. Orudzhaliev
2.Skin friction and heat transfer for liquid flow over a porous wall with gas injectionPages 941-949Masaru Hirata, Niichi Nishiwaki
3.Transient natural convection for vertical elements for time dependent internal energy generation—appreciable thermal capacityPages 951-957B. Gebhart
4.The mechanism of nucleate boiling heat transferPages 959-969T. Hara
5.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 971-986E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele, R. J. Goldstein
6.Onset of stable film boiling and the foam limitPages 987-989P. Spiegler, J. Hopenfeld, M. Silberberg, C. F. Bumpus Jr., A. Norman
7.Comments on heat transfer between solid particles and a gas in a non-uniformly aggregated fluidized bedPages 989-991P. N. Rowe
8.A note on heat transfer between spherical particles and a fluid in a bedPages 991-992S. S. Zabrodsky
9.Mass transfer from single spheres in stokes flow with surface reactionsPages 993-994T. D. Taylor
10.Einführung in die trockentechnik : Translated into German by and , VEB Fachbuehveriag, Leipzig, 1960, 246 pp. 22 DMPage 995D. B. Spalding
11.Temperature response charts . Wiley, New York, 1963, 153 pp. 58sPage 995B. J. Hill
12.The chemistry of combustion reactions : . Butterworths, London, 1962. 393 ppPages 995-996R. M. Fristrom
13.Int. of Heat Transfer and , Differential methods for studying radiant heat transfer 6, 355 (1963)Page 997
14.Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer , A hydrodynamic model for nucleate pool boiling, 5, 533–540 (1962).Page 997

Volume 6, Issue 12, Pages 999-1101 (December 1963)

1.Use of reference states in predicting transport rates in high-speed turbulent flows with mass transfersPages
2.Radiative heat transfer between moving surfacesPages 1019-1023J. Madejski
3.Thermal diffusion effects in mass transferPages 1025-1033Judson R. Baron
4.An approximation technique for natural convection in a boundary layerPages 1035-1048J. Brindley
5.Cylindrical sections with uniform diffuse-radiation characteristicsPages 1049-1052Max. A. Heaslet, Franklyn B. Fuller
6.Measurements of convective heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder rotating in a tank of waterPages 1053-1062Kurt M. Becker
7.Heat transfer in dissociated air with variable heat of dissociationPages 1063-1075S. J. Fenster, R. J. Heyman
8.The effect of instantaneous chemical reactions at the interface on diffusion in a composite mediumPages 1077-1082J. Szekely
9.A preliminary study on the use of reference states in predicting transport rates in flows with chemical reactionsPages 1083-1094Elon L. Knuth
10.Eine anwendung der Ähnlichkeitslehre auf die berechnung von nichtstationären wärmeleitvorgängenPages 1095-1099S. Traustel
11.Contents list Journal of engineering physicsPage 1101

Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 1-123 (January 1964)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Richard mollier zum 100. geburtstagPages 1-2, IN1F. Bošnjaković
3. x diagramPages 3-10D.B. Spalding
4.Some properties of the pressure—entropy diagramPages 11-13Cesare Codegone
5.R. Mollier und Das i-x-DiagrammPages 15-22A. Endrényi
6.Das Prinzip von Le Chatelier und BraunPages 23-31U. Grigull
7.The thermal conductivity of steamPages
8.Die thermischen zustandsgrössen von 1,1-difluoräthylenPages 41-47J. Otto, W. Thomas
9.Temperatur- und massenänderung verdunstender tropfen aus reinen flüssigkeiten und wässrigen salzlösungenPages 49-73E.U. Schlünder
10.Analysis of energy-transport performance of machines via the resistance conceptPages 75-85Carl F. Kayan
11.Turbulent exchange of momentum, mass, and heat between fluid streams and pipe wallPages 87-94Darshanlal T. Wasan, Charles R. Wilke
12.Simplified calculation for cooler condensers for gas-multicomponent vapour mixturesPages 95-100Mizushina
13.Heat transfer by hartmann's flow in thermal entrance regionPages 101-112Itaru Michiyoshi, Ryūichi Matsumoto
14.Berechnung der wärmeübertragung in regeneratoren bei temperaturabhängigen stoffwerten und wärmeübergangszahlenPages 113-123H. Hausen

Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages 125-282 (February 1964)

1.The works of Richard MollierPages 125-132L.M.K. Boelter, Eldon L. Knuth
2.Contribution à l'étude de la convection forcée turbulente le long de plaques rugueusesPages 133-142Jochen Doenecke
3.Local heat-transfer coefficients on a uniformly heated cylinderPages 143-158H.C. Perkins Jr., G. Leppert
4.Electrokinetic-potential fluctuations generated by jet impingementPages 159-167L. Duckstein, J.E. Cermak
5.Mass diffusion in neutral and unstably stratified boundary-layer flowsPages 169-186R.C. Malhotra, J.E. Cermak
6.Effect of pressure and mass flow rate on burnout heat fluxes in a water and steam-water mixture flow in tubesPages 187-190V.E. Doroshchuk, F.P. Lantsman
7.A physical model for nucleate boiling heat transferPages 191-198E. Ruckenstein
8.Viscosity of steam at high temperatures and pressuresPages 199-209T. Satō, T. Minamiyama
9.Heat transfer from wire to subcooled and boiling waterPages 211-212, IN1, 213-214P. Grassmann, I.J. Hauser
10.Temperaturverteilungen in der turbulenten grenzschicht an der ebenen plattePages 215-228J.C. Rotta
11.The effect of radiation on film-boilng heat transferPages 229-238E.M. Sparrow
12.Heat transfer by laminar flow in a circular pipe under transverse magnetic fieldPages 239-246M.L. Mittal
13.Heat transfer by laminar forced flow against a non-isothermal rotating diskPages 247-252C.L. Tien, J. Tsuji
14.Soret cell diffusion in two anion-two cation salt solutionsPages 253-255Eugene E. Berkau, Gerald T. Fisher
15.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 257-265E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
16.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 267-268Takashi Satö
17.On differential methods for radiant heat transferPages 269-270S.C. Traugott, K.C. Wang
18.An engineering approximation for resistances of certain two-dimensional conductorsPages 270-272Eldon L. Knuth
19.Heat-transfer measurements during dropwise condensation of steamPages 272-273E.J. Le Fevre, J.W. Rose
20.The 1963 symposium on humidity and moisture. 20–23 May 1963, Washington, D.C.Pages 275-277Arnold Wexler
21.The science of flames and furnaces: M. W. Thring, second edition.Page 279A.K. Oppenheim
22.Multicomponent distillation: Charles D. Holland. Prentice-Hall International series in the physical and chemical engineering sciences. Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1963, 506 pp. + xiiiPage 279W. Smith
23.Advances in magnethoydrodynamics: I. A. McGrath, R. G. Siddall and M. W. Thring, Pergamon Press, 1963, 150 pp. 50sPage 280J.A. Shercliff
24.Diffusion in solids: P. G. Shewmon. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1963, pp. 203Page 280R.M. Barrer
25.Heat bibliography 1961: Dep. Sci. Industr. Res. Nat. Engng. Lab., Glasgow. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1962, 325 pp. 5s.Page 280U. Grigull
26.Journal of engineering physicsPages 281-282

Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 283-406 (March 1964)

1.Thermal and material transfer in turbulent gas streams—A method of prediction for spheresPages 283-291T. R. Galloway and, B. H. Sage
2.Approximation calculation of radiant heat transfer in a duct of rectangular cross sectionPages 293-305I. R. Mikk
3.On the theory of conductive heat transfer in finite regionsPages 307-314Nurettin Y. Ölçer
4.Heat transfer in laminar flow of non-Newtonian heat-generating fluidsPages 315-318Franco P. Foraboschi, Iginio Di Federico
5.Temperature distribution in cooled turbine disksPages 327-332A. Brown, E. Markland
6.Heat transfer in packed beds through which water is flowingPages 333-339S. Yagi, D. Kunh, K. Endo
7.The laminar compressible boundary-layer in the stagnation-point region of an axisymmetric blunt body including the second-order effect of vorticity interactionPages 341-370R. T. Davis, I. Flügge-Lotz
8.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 371-396A. V. Luikov
9.Discussion on the effect of transverse mass flow on heat transfer and friction drag in a turbulent flow of compressible gas along an arbitrarily shaped surfacePages 397-398O. E. Tewfik
10.A comment on turbulent momentum diffusivity within a circular tubePages 398-399William Squire
11.Engineering heat transfer . D. Van Nostrand, 1963, 613 ppPage 401H. Cohen
12.Guide to the application of the laplace transforms . 225 pp. 455Page 401J. Murphy
13.Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in a fluidized bed . Gosenergoizdat, 1963, 488 pp., 1.61rPages 401-402A. V. Luikov
14.Proceedings of the 1963 heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute : Ed. , . Stanford University Press. 288 pp. 70sPages 402-403B. W. Martin
15.Journal of engineering physicsPage 405
16.ErratumPage 406

Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages 407-500 (April 1964)

1.Editorial notePage 407
2.One-dimensional mass and heat transfer and their couplingPages 409-421O.E. Tewfik
3.Systematization of dimensionless quantities by group theoryPages 423-430Anthony László
4.Analytical study of heat transfer to liquid metals in cross-flow through rod bundlesPages 431-446Hsu Chia-Jung
5.An attempt to measure the thermal conductivity of liquids, gases, and vapors with a high degree of accuracy over wide ranges of temperature (−180 to 500°C) and pressure (vacuum to 500 atm)Pages 447-462, IN1, 463-478W. Leidenfrost
6.Natural convection cooling transientsPages 479-483Benjamin Gebhart
7.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 485-498E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
8.Contents lists journal of engineering physicsPages 499-500
9.ErratumPage 500

Volume 7, Issue 5, Pages 501-585 (May 1964)

1.Natural convection from wall sections of arbitrary temperature distribution by an integral methodPages 501-516Max G. Scherberg
2.Influencedufluxdechaleuretde lanature du gazsurles coefficientsd'echange dans un tube cylindrique lissePages 517-526J-P. Delpont
3.The equation of a square in heat transferPages 527-529J. Allard
4.An evaporation experiment and its irreversible thermodynamicsPages 531-538J. W. Cary
5.High flux solid-liquid mass transferPages
6.Convective heat transfer in a convergent-divergent nozzlePages 549-568L. H. Back, P. F. Massier, H. L. Gier
7.Dynamic processes which accompany mass transferPages 569-576G. A. Mikhailovsky
8.Une methode de mesure de temperatures de surface utilisant la sensibilite thermique de la luminescencePages 577-580M. Chognot
9.Heat transfer with unsymmetrical thermal boundary conditionsPages 580-582H. Barrow, Y. Lee
10.Laminar flow and pressure drop in internally finned annular ductsPages 583-585E. M. Sparrow, T. S. Chen, V. K. Jonsson

Volume 7, Issue 6, Pages 587-698 (June 1964)

1.Gasmengenmessung auf grund der temperaturdifferenzPages 587-606Tadeusz Hobler, Andrzej Burghardt
2.Etude experimentale de l'echauffement aerodynamique de cylindres circulaires en attaque oblique dans un ecoulement supersoniquePages 607-620G. B. Diep
3.Simultaneous heat and mass transfer between gas and liquid phases I.—Analysis of unsteady state transferPages 621-630T. Takamatsu, M. Hiraoka, K. Tanaka
4.Simultaneous heat and mass transfer between gas and liquid phases II.—Analysis of steady state transferPages 631-637T. Takamatsu, M. Hiraoka, K. Tanaka
5.A model for mass transfer in beds of wool fibresPages 639-651P. Nordon
6.Influence of two-dimensional artificial roughness on convective heat transferPages 653-663V. Gomelauri
7.On one effect of control of a boundary layer on transfer processesPages 665-667T. L. Perelman
8.Steady laminar free convection from inclined, arbitrarily shaped plane surfacesPages 669-673G. S. H. Lock
9.Effects of a modification to Ångström's method for the determination of thermal conductivityPages 675-679R. Eichhorn
10.An analysis of second-order slip flow and temperature-jump boundary conditions for rarefied gasesPages 681-694R. G. Deissler
11.Heat transfer in radio electronic devices : . Gosenergoizdat, Moscow, 1963, 1 r. 7 cPage 695A. F. Chudnovsky
12.The perfect gas . Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1963, xii + 136 pp. 30sPages 695-696E. A. Mason
13.Handbook of heat transfer media . Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York. Chapman and Hall Ltd., London, 256 pp. $12.50Page 696E. H. Cole
14.CorrectionPage 697R. M. Fristrom
15.Journal of engineering physicsPage 698

Volume 7, Issue 7, Pages 699-826 (July 1964)

1.An experimental study of thermal diffusion effects on a partially porous mass transfer-cooled hemispherePages
2.Prediction of pressure drop during forced circulation boiling of waterPages 709-724J.R.S. Thom
3.Measurement of thermal conductivities of organic aliphatic liquids by an absolute unsteady-state methodPages 725-732W. Jobst
4.Laminar forced convection in rectangular channels with unequal heat addition on adjacent sidesPages
5.Contribution to the theory of heat transfer across a turbulent boundary layerPages 743-746, IN3-IN4, 747-750, IN5, 751-761D.B. Spalding
6.Heat transfer in annular passages. Simultaneous development of velocity and temperature fields in laminar flowPages 763-781H.S. Heaton, W.C. Reynolds, W.M. Kays
7.Wärmeübergang und druckverlust bei quer angeströmten, gekreuzten rohrgitternPages 783-790, IN7, 791-799Reinhold Klier
8.Boiling from a mercury surfacePages 801-802, IN9, 803-807Miodrag Novaković, Miodrag Stefanović
9.Sergei ivanovich kosterinPages IN11, 809-810V.P. Motulevich
10.Laminar free convection from a horizontal cylinder with prescribed surface heat fluxPages 811-813J.C.Y. Koh
11.Some generalizations of the stability of liquid-gas-vapor systemsPages 813-817J.H. Lienhard
12.Further calculations on the heat transfer with turbulent flow between parallel platesPages
13.Contents list journal of engineering physicsPage 825
14.ErratumPage 826

Volume 7, Issue 8, Pages 827-954 (August 1964)

1.Heat transfer, a review of current literaturePages 827-840, IN1, 841-852E.R.G.
2.Heat transfer for laminar flow of non-Newtonian fluids in entrance region of a tubePages 853-862A.A. Mckillop
3.Laminar free convection near the lower stagnation point on an isothermal curved surfacePages 863-874G. Poots
4.Heat transfer through the turbulent incompressible boundary layer on a flat platePages 875-890A.P. Hatton
5.Energy transfer by radiation and conduction with variable gas propertiesPages 891-900Ralph Greif
6.General solution of the equations of parallelflow multichannel heat exchangersPages 901-919Jerzy Wolf
7.Thermal resistance of metallic contactsPages 921-929Yu.P. Shlykov, Ye.A. Ganin
8.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 931-948E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
9.Comments on Spalding's paper “a transformation of the Mollier i-x diagram”Pages 949-950Jarl Salin
10.Heat-transfer characteristics of polygonal and plate finsPages 951-953E.M. Sparrow, S.H. Lin
11.Journal of engineering physicsPage 954

Volume 7, Issue 9, Pages 955-1050 (September 1964)

1.Experimental study of laminar convection in the channel between parallel plates with uniform heat sources in the fluidPages 955-956, IN1-IN2, 957-968J.L. Novotny, E.R.G. Eckert
2.Theoretical analyses of vapour condensation on laminar liquid jetsPages 969-981D. Hasson, D. Luss, R. Peck
3.An experimental study of steam condensation on a laminar water sheetPages 983-988, IN3, 989-1001D. Hasson, D. Luss, U. Navon
4.Criteria for the break-up of thin liquid layers flowing isothermally over solid surfacesPages 1003-1015D.E. Hartley, W. Murgatroyd
5.Determination des coefficients de convection d'un alliage nak en ecoulement turbulent entre plaques planes parallelesPages 1017-1031L. Duchatelle, L. Vautrey
6.Hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer in a bed of fine non-porous particlesPages 1033-1045P.D. Lebedev, V.G. Petrov-Denisov
7.Concerning the definitions of the mean absorption coefficientPages 1047-1049R. Viskanta
8.Contents list Journal of engineering physicsPage 1050

Volume 7, Issue 10, Pages 1051-1146 (October 1964)

1.Latent heat transport in saturated nucleate boilingPages 1051-1054, IN1, 1055-1068C.J. Rallis, H.H. Jawurek
2.Turbulent heat and mass transfer in smooth pipesPages 1069-1076William Squire
3.Untersuchung des Stoffaustausch-Anlaufgebietes in einem Rohr bei vollausgebildeter hydrodynamischer strömung mit einer elektrochemischen MethodePages 1077-1082G. Schütz
4.Study of diffusion from a line source in a turbulent boundary layerPages 1083-1095M. Poreh, J.E. Cermak
5.Peak nucleate-boiling heat fluxes and nucleate-boiling heat-transfer coefficients for liquid N2, liquid O2 and their mixtures in pool boiling at atmospheric pressurePages 1097-1116David N. Lyon
6.Thermal conduction and radiant energy transfer in stationary, heated airPages 1117-1122M. Thomas, S.S. Penner
7.Momentum, heat and mass transfer in logarithmic spiral flows of incompressible viscous fluidsPages 1123-1139Yang Wen-Jei
8.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1141-1142Satō Takashi
9.Comments on the effect of axially varying and unsymmetrical boundary conditions on heat transfer with turbulent flow between parallel plates: A.P. Hatton and A. Quarmby, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer6, 903–914 (1963)Pages 1143-1144Niels Madsen
10.On the transition from black-body to rosseland formulations in optically thick flowsPages 1145-1146C.L. Tien, Ralph Greif

Volume 7, Issue 11, Pages 1147-1343 (November 1964)

1.Ernst R. G. Eckert on the occasion of his sixtieth birthdayPages IN2, 1147-1149J.P. Hartnett, T.F. Irvine Jr.
2.Highly nonequilibrium boundary-layer flows of a multicomponent dissociated gas mixturePages 1151-1174G.R. Inger
3.Influence of combined pressure gradient and turbulence on the transfer of heat from a platePages 1175-1184, IN3, 1185-1186A.R. Büyüktür, J. Kestin, P.F. Maeder
4.Heat transfer in an annulus with variable circumferential heat fluxPages 1187-1192, IN5-IN12, 1193-1194W.A. Sutherland, W.M. Kays
5.Gas separation in the Ranque-Hilsch vortex tubePages 1195-1206C.U. Linderstrøm-Lang
6.Heat transfer and pressure loss in helically coiled tubes with turbulent flowPages 1207-1216G.F.C. Rogers, Y.R. Mayhew
7.Function of matrices and their application to boundary problems for a system of differential transport equationsPages 1217-1221P.V. Tsoi
8.The effect of diameter size and speed of rotation on the heat transfer from steam to cooled cylindersPages 1223-1234Russell Hoyle, D.H. Matthews
9.The effect of inclination on the heat-transfer coefficients for film condensation of steam on an inclined cylinderPages 1235-1236, IN13, 1237-1243T.W. Garrett, J.L. Wighton
10.The viscosity of dry and humid airPages 1245-1255J. Kestin, J.H. Whitelaw
11.Heat transfer on circular cylinders exposed to free-jet flowPages 1257-1260, IN15, 1261-1271H. Schuh, B. Persson
12.Direct-contact heat transfer with change of phase: Evaporation of drops in an immiscible liquid mediumPages 1273-1274, IN17-IN20, 1275-1289S. Sideman, Y. Taitel
13.Digital computer simulation of a thermal regeneratorPages 1291-1302A.J. Willmott
14.Asymptotic solutions for the unsteady Graetz problemPages 1303-1307J.L. Hudson, S.G. Bankoff
15.Weighting function and transient thermal response of buildings part I—Homogeneous structurePages
16.Weighting function and transient thermal response of buildings part II—Composite structurePages
17.Thermokinetic analysis of heat conductionPages 1335-1339James C.M. Li
18.Discussion on temperature distribution in channel flow with frictionPage 1340Siavash Eshghy
19.Introduction into the similarity theory: A. A. Gukhman. Gosizdat “Vysshaya Shkola”, Moscow, 1963Page 1341V.M. Borishansky, L.M. Zvsina-Molozhen, I.I. Paleyev, M.I. Zhukovsky
20.Journal of engineering physicsPage 1343

Volume 7, Issue 12, Pages 1345-1445 (December 1964)

1.Heat transfer in an annulus with variable circumferential heat fluxPage viW.A. Sutherland, W.M. Kays
2.The effect of inclination on the heat-transfer coefficients for film condensation of steam on an inclined cylinderPage viT.W. Garrett, J.L. Wighton
3.Allan Philip Colburn 1904–1955Pages 1345-1346
4.Allan Philip Colburn—the years with du pontPages 1347-1352Thomas H. Chilton
5.Allan Philip Colburn—the years in educationPages 1353-1358Robert L. Pigford
6.A method of correlating forced convection heat-transfer data and a comparison with fluid frictionPages 1359-1384Allan P. Colburn
7.Forced convection burnout for water in rod bundles at high pressuresPages 1385-1393L. Bernath, P.D. Cohn, T.J. Sadowski
8.The influence of a wavy, moving interface on pressure drop for flow in conduitsPages 1395-1396, IN1, 1397-1404F.W. Chang, A.E. Dukler
9.Deceleration and mass change of an ablating body during high-velocity motion in the atmospherePages 1405-1417Carl Gazley Jr.
10.Effect of gas entrainment on liquid metal heat transferPages 1419-1422, IN3, 1423-1425Mizushina Tokuro, Sasano Tadahisa, Hirayama Minoru, Otsuki Naoki, Takeuchi Masaaki
11.Measurements of the growth of electrolytic bubblesPages 1427-1430, IN5-IN6, 1431-1443J.P. Glas, J.W. Westwater
12.Papers to be published in future issuesPage 1445

Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 1-192 (January 1965)

1.Editorial BoardPage CO2
2.An extension of linear moving heat source solutions to a transient case in a composite systemPages
3.The effect of variable transport properties on a dissociated boundary layer with surface reactionPages 7-18Gerald S. Janowitz, Paul A. Libby
4.Free convection limits in the open thermosyphonPages 19-25B. W. Martin
5.The effect of transverse vibration on free convection from a horizontal cylinderPages 27-33Robert Lemlich, M. Anandha Rao
6.Convective instability of a hydromagnetic fluid within a rectangular cavityPages 35-41Ulrich H. Kurzweg
7.Combined forced and natural convection flow for the wedge geometryPages 43-53R. C. Gunness Jr., B. Gebhart
8.A note on the use of a boundary-layer model for correlating film-cooling dataPages 55-65J. L. Stollery, A. A. M. El-ehwany
9.Study on forced convective heat transfer in curved pipes : (1st report, laminar region)Pages 67-82Yasuo Mow, Wataru Nakayama
10.Messungen des turbulenten austausches im windschatten hinter beheizten körpernPages 83-97J. Binckebanck
11.On the diffusion of species in similar boundary layers with continuously varying propertiesPages 99-110P. G. Simpkins
12.Convective heat transfer in weak electrolytes under the action of electrolytic currentsPages 111-117S. C. Bhand, G. V. Patgaonkar, D. V. Gogate
13.Transient energy transfer by radiation and conductionPages 119-127Wilbert Lick
14.On eddy diffusivity, quasi-similarity and diffusion experiments in turbulent boundary layersPages 129-145M. V. Morkovin
15.Transient heat flow between contacting solidsPages 147-154J. H. Heasley
16.Theory of nucleate pool boilingPages 155-171J. Madejski
17.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 173-185E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele, R. J. Goldstein
18.Comments on Thom's paper “pressure drop during forced circulation boiling of water”Pages 187-188D. Chisholm
19.Integral methods in transient heat conduction problems with non-uniform initial conditionsPages 189-192R. Thorsen, F. Landis

Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 193-382 (February 1965)

1.Monographs on heat and mass transferPage 193
2.The tension field created by a spherical nucleus freezing into its less dense undercooled meltPages 195-243G. Horvay
3.A correlation of convective heat transfer and recovery temperature data for cylinders in compressible flowPages 245-252C. Forbes Dewey Jr.
4.Laminar-flow heat transfer in the entrance region of circular tubesPages 253-258D. L. Ulrichson, R. A. Schmitz
5.Free convection in closed cavities: A review of work carried out at Perm, USSRPages 259-268G. A. Ostroumov
6.Heat transfer and air flow in a transverse rectangular notchPages 269-279Jay Fox
7.Non-linear heat generation and stability of the temperature distribution in conducting solidsPages 281-288Daniel D. Joseph
8.Laminar boundary-layer flows with small buoyancy effectsPages 289-295E. G. Hauptmann
9.The role of shear and form forces in the stability of a dry patch in two-phase film flowPages 297-301W. Murgatroyd
10.Heat transfer to liquid metals flowing past spheres and elliptical-rod bundlesPages 303-315Chia-Jung Hsu
11.Laminar flow and heat transfer near rotating axisymmetric surfacePages 317-327L. A. Dorfman, A. Z. Serazetdinov
12.Adjoint variational principles for convective diffusionPages 329-335R. A. Nichols, S. G. Bankoff
13.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 337-357A. V. Luikov
14.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 359-371E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele, R. J. Goldstein
15.Radiation of spherically-shaped gasesPages 373-374J. C. Y. Koh
16.Comments on the prediction of pressure drop during forced circulation boiling of waterPages 374-376G. A. Hughmark
17.Journal of engineering physicsPages 377-382

Volume 8, Issue 3, Pages 383-509 (March 1965)

1.The effect of surface-evaporation kinetics on sublimation near the leading edgePages 383-394A.F. Charwat
2.The growth of a deposited layer on a cold surfacePages 395-402Paul A. Libby, Chen Shun
3.Some observations on transport processes in the wake of a sphere in low speed flowPages 403-406, IN1-IN3, 407-409K. Lee, H. Barrow
4.Heat transfer by the induced flow about a rotating cone of non-uniform surface temperaturePages 411-418C.L. Tien
5.Heat transfer in dropwise condensation—Part I The effects of heat flux, steam velocity and non-condensable gas concentrationPages 419-420, IN5, 421-426D.W. Tanner, C.J. Potter, D. Pope, D. West
6.Heat transfer in dropwise condensation—part II surface chemistryPages 427-428, IN7, 429-436D.W. Tanner, D. Pope, C.J. Potter, D. West
7.Boundary layers with prescribed heat flux—application to simultaneous convection and radiationPages 437-448E.M. Sparrow, S.H. Lin
8.Bilan thermique d'une ailette de radiateur soumise a un faible echauffement cinetiquePages
9.Experimental investigation of thermal diffusion effects in laminar and turbulent shear flowPages 455-462, IN9, 463-466Hans Thomann, Judson R. Baron
10.Turbulent temperature fluctuations and two-dimensional heat transfer in a uniform shear flowPages 467-480Jay Fox
11.Wärmetransport durch natürliche konvektion in medien nahe ihrem kritischen zustandPages 481-497Erich W.P. Hahne
12.Approximate eigenvalues for heat transfer to laminar or turbulent flow in an annulusPages 499-505Allyn J. Ziegenhagen
13.Comparison of methods for solution of the heat conduction equation with a radiation boundary conditionPages 507-508B. Gay
14.Theory and fundamental research in heat transfer: Edited by J. A. Clark. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1963, 220 ppPage 509J.L. Novotny
15.Air cooled heat exchangers: American society of mechanical engineers, New York (1964)Page 509J.P. Hartnett

Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 511-668 (April 1965)

1.Solid carbon-dioxide sublimation at an axisymmetric stagnation pointPages 511-514D. B. Spalding, F. A. Christie
2.Die wärmeleitfähigkeit von flüssigkeiten II : Der strahlungsanteil der effektiven wärmeleitfähigkeitPages 515-527H. Poltz
3.On the theory of conductive heat transfer in finite regions with boundary conditions of the second kindPages 529-556Nurettin Y. Ölçer
4.The estimation of the temperature profile in a laminar boundary layer with a schlieren methodPages 557-566P. D. Richardson
5.Filtration-diffusion heat and mass transfer in porous mediumPages 567-573I. J. Kumar, H. N. Narang
6.On vaporization of mist by radiationPages 575-587F. A. Williams
7.Temperature profile in the entrance region of an annular passage considering the effects of turbulent convection and radiationPages 589-607Lester D. Nichols
8.Die wärmeleitfähigkeit von flüssigkeiten III : Abhängigkeit der wärmeleitfähigkeit von der schichtdicke bei organischen flüssigkeitenPages 609-620H. Poltz
9.Developed laminar flow heat transfer from air for variable physical propertiesPages 621-638D. Bradley, A. G. Entwistle
10.Heat transfer in turbulent flow of fluids through smooth and rough tubesPages 639-653V. Kolá
11.Optimum dimensions of uniform annular finsPages 655-662A. Brown
12.Tetrafluoroethylene promoted dropwise condensationPages 663-666J. A. Edwards, J. S. Doolittle
13.Asymptotic concentration distribution of an involatile solute in an evaporating dropPages 667-668C. Gardner

Volume 8, Issue 5, Pages 669-860 (May 1965)

1.Thermischer einlauf in ausgebildeter laminarer rohrströmungPages 669-678U. Grigull, H. Tratz
2.The thermal conductivity of nickelPages 679-688R.W. Powell, R.P. Tye, M.J. Hickman
3.Viscosity of steam at atmospheric pressurePages 689-720Brian Latto
4.The stability of thermally induced flow in the coreless induction furnacePages 721-728N.J. Damaskos, F.J. Young
5.Heat transfer to turbine blading in the presence of secondary flowPages 729-734, IN1, 735-748L.A. Walker, E. Markland
6.Heat-transfer characteristics of packed beds with stagnant fluidsPages 749-757Kunihiko Ofuchi, Daizo Kunii
7.The coupled turbulent transports of salt and and heat across a sharp density interfacePages 759-760, IN3-IN4, 761-767J.S. Turner
8.Radiation heat transfer at a surface having both specular and diffuse reflectance componentsPages 769-779E.M. Sparrow, S.L. Lin
9.The breakdown of the liquid film in annular two-phase flowPages 781-786, IN5, 787-791G.F. Hewitt, P.M.C. Lacey
10.Burnout and nucleation in climbing film flowPages 793-814G.F. Hewitt, H.A. Kearsey, P.M.C. Lacey, D.J. Pulling
11.Laminar free convection along a vertical plate at extremely small grashof numbersPages 815-831Francis J. Suriano, Yang Kwang-Tzu, Jerome A. Donlon
12.Radiative transfer effects in natural convection above fires—transparent approximation, ambient atmosphere non-isothermalPages 833-839M.P. Murgai, R.K. Varma
13.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—polish worksPages 841-844T. Hobler
14.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 845-855E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
15.An effect of a transverse temperature gradient on turbulent pipe flowPages 857-858W. Murgatroyd
16.Contents list Journal of engineering physicsPages 859-860

Volume 8, Issue 6, Pages 861-972 (June 1965)

1.Variable heat flow through walls of cavity construction, naturally exposedPages 861-872A.W. Pratt
2.Analysis of heat or mass transfer in some countercurrent flowsPages 873-886Richard J. Nunge, William N. Gill
3.The mechanism of heat transfer in nucleate pool boiling—Part I: Bubble initiaton, growth and departurePages 887-904Han Chi-Yeh, Peter Griffith
4.The mechanism of heat transfer in nucleate pool boiling—Part II: The heat flux-temperature difference relationPages 905-914Han Chi-Yeh, Peter Griffith
5.Temperature distributions in radiating heat shields by the method of singular perturbationsPages 915-920H.F. Mueller, N.D. Malmuth
6.Laminar flame propagation in droplet suspension of liquid fuelPages 921-922, IN1-IN2,
7.Determination des coefficients de convection d'un alliage sodium-potassium dans un tube circulairePages 937-940, IN3-IN4, 941-951E. Skupinski, J. Tortel, L. Vautrey
8.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 953-954Takashi SatŌ
9.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 955-969A.V. Luikov
10.Contents list journal of engineering physicsPage 971
11.ErratumPage 972

Volume 8, Issue 7, Pages 973-1052 (July 1965)

1.The second all-union heat- and mass-transfer conferencePages 973-978I. T. Elperin
2.Radiative transport and wall temperature slip in an absorbing planar mediumPages 979-994Max A. Heaslet, Robert F. Warming
3.Heat transfer by forced convection from a cylinder to water in crossflowPages 995-1010R. M. Fand
4.Turbulent heat and momentum transfer for gases in a circular tube at wall to bulk temperature ratios to sevenPages
5.Correlation of metallic thermal and electrical conductivities for both solid and liquid phasesPages 1033-1045R. W. Powell
6.The radial variation of the eddy viscosity in compressible turbulent jet flowsPages 1047-1050Victor Zakkay, Egon Krause
7.Contents listsPage 1051
8.Journal of engineering physicsPage 1052

Volume 8, Issue 8, Pages 1053-1179 (August 1965)

1.Heat transfer—A review of current literaturePages 1053-1083E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
2.Thermal transfer from a small wire in boundary flows about a cylinderPages 1085-1094R.F. Cuffel, B.H. Sage
3.Forced convection heat transfer to freon 12 near the critical state in a vertical annulusPages 1095-1100, IN1, 1101-1102J.P. Holman, S.N. Rea, C.E. Howard
4.Thermal conductivity and viscosity of simple fluidsPages 1103-1116J.V. Sengers
5.An experimental study of heat transfer by dropwise condensationPages 1117-1133E.J. Le Fevre, J.W. Rose
6.Binary diffusion and heat transfer in laminar free convection boundary layers on a vertical platePages 1135-1151William N. Gill, Eduardo Del Casal, Dale W. Zeh
7.The effect of gas flow patterns on radiative transfer in cylindrical furnacesPages 1153-1169H.C. Hottel, A.F. Sarofim
8.On the velocities of rise of accelerating and decelerating particlesPages 1171-1172Samuel Sideman
9.Diffusion from a line source in a turbulent boundary layer: Comparison of theory and experimentPages 1172-1175S.V. Patankar, R.G. Taylor
10.Properties of hydrogen : Nitrogen and hydrogen : Carbon-dioxide mixturesPages 1176-1178H.A. Simon, C.S. Liu, J.P. Hartnett
11.Comments on the paper “tetrafluoroethylene promoted dropwise condensation” by edwards and doolittlePage 1179E.J. Le Fevre, J.W. Rose

Volume 8, Issue 9, Pages 1181-1260 (September 1965)

1.Heat transfer at high Prandtl numbers and mass transfer to a turbulent flow from the wall of a smooth tubePages 1181-1186M.Kh. Kishinevsky
2.Heat transfer to a turbulent boundary layer with varying free-stream velocity and varying surface temperature—an experimental studyPages 1187-1202P.M. Moretti, W.M. Kays
3.Approximations on angular distribution of intensity of thermal radiationPages 1203-1208S.S.R. Murty
4.Measurements of the thermal conductivity of helium in the temperature range 1600–6700°KPages 1209-1210, IN1, 1211-1216Daniel J. Collins, Ralph Greif, Arthur E. Bryson Jr.
5.An approximate analytical derivation of skin friction and heat transfer in laminar binary boundary layer flowPages 1217-1234Ting Yi Li, Philip S. Kirk
6.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 1235-1251E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
7.Heat transfer with gas injection at the surfacePages 1253-1254Ralph Greif
8.Remark on the laminar boundary layer with prescribed energy fluxPages 1254-1257Paul A. Libby
9.Comments on the paper by D. Bradley and A. G. Entwistle “developed laminar flow heat transfer from air for variable physical properties”Page 1259W.G. Colborne
10.Discussion of heat transfer and air flow in a transverse rectangular notchPages 1259-1260R.H. Page

Volume 8, Issue 10, Pages 1261-1340 (October 1965)

1.The role of turbulence in determining the heat-transfer characteristics of impinging jetsPages
2.The influence of ultrasonic vibrations on heat transfer to water flowing in annuliPages
3.Heat transfer and friction for laminar flow of gas in a circular tube at high heating rate : Solutions for hydrodynamically developed flow by a finite-difference methodPages
4.The thermal conductivity of sodium in the temperature range 90–850°CPages 1303-1317Roberto Evangelisti, Franco Isacchini
5.Natural convection at a thermal leading edge on a vertical wallPages 1319-1331Max G. Scherberg
6.Laminar free convection from a non-isothermal cone at low Prandtl numbersPages 1333-1337R. G. Hering
7.Developments in heat transfer : Edited by . Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd., London, 1964, 530 pp.Pages 1339-1340W. B. Hall

Volume 8, Issue 11, Pages 1341-1467 (November 1965)

1.Measurements in the thermal field of mercury undergoing natural convection with and without rotationPages
2.Heat transfer and flow in a shallow rectangular cavity with subsonic turbulent air flowPages 1353-1368R.A. Seban
3.On the growth and rise of individual vapour bubbles in nucleate pool boilingPages 1369-1386L.G. Hamburger
4.The thermal conductivity of liquid and gaseous ammonia, and its anomalous behaviour in the vicinity of the critical pointPages 1387-1402, IN1-IN2, 1403-1414D.P. Needham, H. Ziebland
5.Heat transfer and equilibrium temperature on a thin plate in hypersonic flow with strong interactionPages
6.A study of the mechanism of nucleate boiling at high heat fluxesPages 1421-1422, IN3-IN4,
7.Geometrical similarity in saturated pool boilingPages 1425-1438J.S. Turton
8.Transient thermal response of enclosures: The integrated thermal time-constantPages 1439-1449B.C. Raychaudhuri
9.A moment method for compressible laminar boundary layers and some applicationsPages 1451-1467Paul A. Libby, Herbert Fox

Volume 8, Issue 12, Pages 1469-1555 (December 1965)

1.Heat transfer through the turbulent incompressible boundary layer in the presence of moderate pressure gradientPages 1469-1480A. P. Hatton
2.Heat transfer and skin friction in a channel-laminar flow with variable physical propertiesPages 1481-1490V. P. Tyagi
3.Heat transfer in laminar flow between parallel porous platesPages 1491-1497R. M. Terrill
4.The similarity hypothesis applied to turbulent flow in an annulusPages 1499-1505H. Barrow, Y. Lee, A. Roberts
5.Axisymmetric, laminar, binary shear layer with thermal diffusion and diffusion-thermo effectsPages 1507-1513Kuei-Yuan Chien
6.Laminar flow between parallel flat plates, with heat transfer, of water with variable physical propertiesPages 1515-1535G. Poots, M. H. Rogers
7.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 1537-1553E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele, R. J. Goldstein
8.AddendumPage 1555
9.ErratumPage 1555

Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 1-80 (January 1966)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Separation of a gas mixture in curved supersonic flowPages 1-2, IN1-IN2, 3-10A. Kogan
3.The effect of wall conduction on heat transfer to a slug flowPages 11-16M.G. Sell Jr., J.L. Hudson
4.Non-equilibrium transport phenomena of partially ionized argonPages 17-34M.N. Bahadori, S.L. Soo
5.The effect of molecular-kinetic resistances on heat-transfer in condensationPages 35-39J. Madejski
6.Free convection heat transfer to carbon dioxide near the critical pointPages 41-46, IN3-IN7, 47-51Karl K. Knapp, Rolf H. Sabersky
7.Free convection in an air-water vapor boundary layerPages 53-61E.M. Sparrow, J.W. Yang, C.J. Scott
8.Heat transfer to newtonian fluids in coiled pipes in laminar flowPages 63-75Venugopala Kubair, N.R. Kuloor
9.Contents lists Journal of engineering physicsPages 77-80

Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 81-152 (February 1966)

1.Experimental investigation of laminar free-convection flow in air above horizontal wire with constant heat fluxPages 81-82, IN1-IN2, 83-93K. Brodowicz, W.T. Kierkus
2.Drying of a moist capillary-porous body in moving airPages 95-102I.J. Kumar, H.N. Narang
3.Two-phase boundary-layer treatment of free-convection film boilingPages 103-115Nishikawa Kaneyasu, Ito Takehiro
4.Two-phase boundary-layer treatment of forced-convection film boilingPages 117-130Ito Takehiro, Nishikawa Kaneyasu
5.On the behaviour of a relaxing gas in a cylindrical heat-conductivity cellPages 131-137John F. Clarke
6.Application of irreversible thermodynamics methods to investigation of heat and mass transferPages 139-152A.V. Luikov

Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 153-263 (March 1966)

1.Contribution a l'etude de la convection forcee turbulente le long de plaques rugueusesPages 153-164D. Bettermann
2.An extended variational method applied to poiseuille flow: Temperature dependent viscosityPages 165-170Donald F. Hays
3.Prediction of two-phase annular flow with liquid entrainmentPages 171-188S. Levy
4.Über die lösung der wärmeleitungsgleichung für den aussenraum eines zylinders mit kreisförmigem querschnittPages 189-197Erich Mundry
5.The determination of unsteady heat flow to wall from the measurements of surface temperature made with thin film resistance thermometersPages 199-214Vladimir Kmonlek
6.Turbulent temperature fluctuations in mercury and ethylene glycol in pipe flowPages 215-227J. H. Rust, Alexander Sesonske
7.Remarks on nucleate boiling heat transfer from a horizontal surfacePages 229-237E. Ruckenstein
8.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 239-240Takashi Sat
9.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 241-259A. V. Luikov
10.Possible similarity solutions of the laminar natural convection flow of non-newtonian fluidsPages 261-262Tsung Yen Na, Arthur G. Hansen
11.Grundlagen der technischen Thermodynamik : : 184 Abb.; xi, 486 Seiten und Anhang. Braunschweig: Vieweg u. Sohn (1965). Preis DM. 38Page 263U. Grigull

Volume 9, Issue 4, Pages 265-405 (April 1966)

1.Transfert de chaleur et de masse dans un ecoulement radial entre deux disques paralleles fixes, ou tournant a la meme vitessePages 265-282Frank Kreith
2.Surface phenomena causing breakdown of falling liquid films during heat transferPages 283-286, IN1-IN2, 287-294V.A. Hallett
3.Activation of nucleation cavities on a heating surface with temperature gradient in superheated liquidPages 295-300J. Madejski
4.Heat conduction in solids with random external temperatures and/or random internal heat generationPages 301-314J.Clifton Samuels
5.Radiative transfer between two concentric spheres separated by an absorbing and emitting gasPages 315-324Inge L. Ryhming
6.The temperature distribution in the wall of a tube with non-uniform external heating and internal coolingPages
7.Mass-transfer coefficient in impingement flow from slotted nozzlesPages 337-344M. Korger, F. Křížek
8.Measurement of the thermal diffusivities of some single-layer walls in buildingsPages 345-353A.W. Pratt, R.E. Lacy
9.Generalized displacement of the nucleate boiling heat-flux curve, with pressure changePages 355-363J.H. Lienhard, V.E. Schrock
10.The critical heat flux for electrically heated wires in saturated pool boilingPages 365-370, IN3-IN4, 371-377C.C. Pitts, G. Leppert
11.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 379-394E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
12.Heat transfer in laminar flow of heat-generating fluids in a parallel plate channelPages 395-398Franco P. Foraboschi
13.A comment on the paper “an effect of a transverse temperature gradient on turbulent pipe flow” by W. MurgatroydPage 399A.C. Rapier
14.Contents lists Jorunal of engineering physicsPages 401-405

Volume 9, Issue 5, Pages 407-517 (May 1966)

1.Application de la transformation conforme a l'etude analogique de l'echauffement des corps de rentreePages 407-416P. Sulmont, J. Genot
2.Series solution for heat transfer through a turbulent boundary layerPages 417-426E. Baker
3.On the hydraulic resistance and flow structure of a gas-liquid mixture in an annular passage with a rotating cylinder insidePages 427-430, IN1, 431-432E.G. Leonov, Yu.P. Finatiev, B.S. Filatov
4.Laminar heat transfer in tube with nonlinear radiant heat-flux boundary conditionPages 433-440John C. Chen
5.Equations for the mass- or heat-transfer coefficient in turbulent motionPages 441-451E. Ruckenstein
6.Forced convective heat transfer in uniformly heated horizontal tubes 1st report—Experimental study on the effect of buoyancyPages 453-463Mori Yasuo, Futagami Kozo, Tokuda Shinobu, Nakamura Masakuni
7.New correlations and tables of the coefficient of viscosity of water and steam up to 1000 bar and 1000°CPages
8.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 481-490E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
9.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 491-505A.V. Luikov
10.On the extension to non-newtonian fluids of Mangler's rectilinearization of axisymmetric laminar boundary-layer flowsPage 507Arthur N. Tifford
11.The transpiration-cooled flat plate with various thermal and velocity boundary conditionsPages 508-510E.M. Sparrow, J.B. Starr
12.Remarks on transient laminar free convection along a vertical platePages 511-513Yang Kwang-Tzu
13.Comments on the paper “the similarity hypothesis applied to turbulent flow in an annulus” by H. Barrow, Y. Lee and A. RobertsPage 515Alan Quarmby
14.Author's replyPages 515-516H. Barrow, A. Roberts
15.Contents list journal of engineering physicsPage 517

Volume 9, Issue 6, Pages 519-598 (June 1966)

1.Bulk and diffusional transport in the region between molecular and viscous flowPages 519-526D. F. Dyer, J. E. Sunderland
2.Transient radiative cooling of a semi-infinite solid with parallel-walled cavitiesPages 527-532D. F. Winter
3.On temperature distribution over the external surface of screen tubesPages 533-538Z. I. Geller, E. V. Koval'sky
4.Die bestimmung örtlicher und mittlerer wärmeübergangszahlen in rohren bei hohen wärmestromdichten, Pages 539-565W. Hufschmidt, E. Burck, W. Riebold
5.On a problem in the theory of the unidirectional regeneratorPages 567-579Alan Kardas
6.Theoretical study of laminar film condensation of flowing vapourPages 581-591I. G. Shekriladze, V. I. Gomelauri
7.The effect of a stepwise distribution of heat transfer on the compressible flow over a flat platePages 593-595William James McCroskey
8.Comments on the paper “separation of a gas mixture in curved supersonic flow”Pages 597-598J. B. Fenn
9.Author's replyPage 598A. Kogan

Volume 9, Issue 7, Pages 599-709 (July 1966)

1.Heat transfer—A review of current literaturePages 599-602, IN1, 603-636E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
2.An integral treatment of combined body force and forced convection in laminar film condensationPages 637-648Harold R. Jacobs
3.Heat transfer by natural convection between concentric spheresPages 649-652, IN3-IN5, 653-662E.H. Bishop, L.R. Mack, J.A. Scanlan
4.Convection enforced by surface and tidal wavesPages 663-670Michael Bentwich
5.Exact maximum slopes for transient matrix heat-transfer testingPages 671-680Gerhard F. Kohlmayr
6.Methods of simultaneous measurement of heat conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity of solid and liquid metals at high temperaturesPages 681-691L.P. Filippov
7.Heat transfer in the separated region upstream of an orifice in a tubePages 693-695J.R. Lloyd, E.M. Sparrow
8.Heat and mass transfer in medium with variable potentialsPages 695-698Mikhail Dimitrov Mikhailov
9.A correlation for total band absorptance of radiating gasesPages 698-701C.L. Tien, J.E. Lowder
10.Heat conduction with solidification and a convective boundary condition at the freezing frontPages 702-704Charles Lapadula, Wheeler K. Mueller
11.Blasius series for heat and mass transferPages 705-709John Newman

Volume 9, Issue 8, Pages 711-835 (August 1966)

1.On the mechanism of nucleate boilingPages 711-728Kotake Susumu
2.Experiments on the flow over a rough surfacePages 729-734, IN1-IN4, 735-738Harry W. Townes, Rolf H. Sabersky
3.Thermal resistances of some multilayer contacts under static loadsPages 739-754T.R. Thomas, S.D. Probert
4.Nonequilibrium hypersonic stagnation flow with arbitrary surface catalycity including low reynolds number effectsPages 755-772G.R. Ingeri
5.Heat transfer to MHD flow in the thermal entrance region of a flat ductPages 773-789Hwang Ching-Lai, P.J. Knieper, Fan Liang-Tseng
6.Heat transfer at the interface of dissimilar metals—the influence of thermal strainPages 791-801A.M. Clausing
7.Forced convective heat transfer between horizontal flat platesPages 803-808, IN5, 809-817Mori Yasuo, Uchida Yutaka
8.The natural-convection boundary layer in rarefied gasPages 819-820, IN7-IN8, 821-823A.K. Rebrov, N.V. Mukhina
9.Heat and mass bibliography—Japanese worksPages 825-826Satō Takashi
10.The freezing of spheresPages 827-828David Langford
11.Heat transfer across a turbulent boundary layer: Application of a profile method to the step-wall-temperature problemPages 829-834S.V. Patankar
12.Tetrafluoroethylene coatings on condenser tubesPage 835D.W. Butcher, C.W. Honour
13.RejoinderPage 835E.J. Le Fevre, J.W. Rose

Volume 9, Issue 9, Pages 837-993 (September 1966)

1.The international system of units editorial announcement
2.Thermal conductivities of some iron alloys having unusually high lattice componentsPages 845,
3.Total emissivity of hot water vapor—I. High pressure limitPages 853-864C.C. Ferriso, C.B. Ludwig, F.P. Boynton
4.Heat transfer in a moving bed through which air is flowingPages 865-870S. Yoshida, S. Tamura, D. Kunii
5.The propagation and the wave form of the vapor volumetric concentration in boiling, forced convection system under oscillatory conditionsPages 871-895Novak Zuber, F.W. Staub
6.Stability of dry patches forming in liquid films flowing over heated surfacesPages 897-905Novak Zuber, Fred W. Staub
7.Analysis of continuous reverse osmosis systems for desalinationPages 907-923William N. Gill, Chi Tien, Dale W. Zeh
8.Longitudinal laminar flow in an array of circular cylindersPages 925-937J. Schmid
9.The energy balance for a high current argon arcPages 939-940, IN5, 941-949R.C. Eberhart, R.A. Seban
10.Heat transfer of a sharp cone in a supersonic rarefied gas flowPages 951-957Yu.A. Koshmarov
11.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 959-973E.R.G. Eckert, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
12.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 975-985A.V. Luikov
13.Application of case's method to plane parallel radiative transferPages 987-992Joel H. Ferziger, Gerald M. Simmons
14.Technical thermodynamics: Fran Bošnjakovič, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1965, 524 ppPage 993Newman A. Hall

Volume 9, Issue 10, Pages 995-1152 (October 1966)

1.The mechanism of nucleate boiling in pure liquids and in binary mixtures—part IPages 995-1006S. J. D. Van Stralen
2.The mechanism of nucleate boiling in pure liquids and in binary mixtures—part IIPages 1021-1042S. J. D. Van Stralen
3.An investigation into turbulent submerged jets over a wide temperature rangePages 1047-1054G. N. Abramovich, V. I. Bakulev, V. A. Golubev, G. G. Smoli
4.The thermal conductivity of spherical metal powders including the effect of an oxide coatingPages 1061-1074David L. Swift
5.A generalized couette-type flow with variable viscosityPages 1075-1080L. Y. Artyukh, V. P. Kashkarov
6.Heat transfer in supersonic separated flow over a two-dimensional backward-facing stepPages 1081-1088P. J. Baker, B. W. Martin
7.Phenomena of liquid transfer in two-phase dispersed annular flowPages 1089-1093I. I. Paleev, B. S. Filippovich
8.Numerical solution of some problems of boundary-layer theoryPages 1095-1102L. A. Vulis, V. P. Kashkarov, A. T. Lukianov
9.Heat transfer during bubbling of gas through liquidPages 1103-1108V. V. Konsetov
10.The laminar boundary layer with arbitrarily distributed mass transferPages 1109-1123Paul A. Libby
11.Condensation heat transfer in the presence of noncondensables, interfacial resistance, superheating, variable properties, and diffusionPages 1125-1144W. J. Minkowycz, E. M. Sparrow
12.Free convection heat transfer to steam under variable property conditionsPages 1145-1147W. J. Minkowycz, E. M. Sparrow
13.The temperature difference in nucleate boilingPages 1148-1149R. J. Armstrong
14.Prediction of wall temperatures for internal laminar heat transferPages 1151-1152D. M. Mceligot, T. B. Swearingen

Volume 9, Issue 11, Pages 1153-1295 (November 1966)

1.On the fixation of water in diverse firePages 1153-1166Johann Gottlob Leidenfrost
2.The leidenfrost phenomenon: film boiling of liquid droplets on a flat platePages 1167-1188B.S. Gottfried, C.J. Lee, K.J. Bell
3.Experimental investigation of the temperature distribution in a horizontal layer of fluid heated from belowPages 1189-1190, IN1-IN2, 1191-1204Euan F.C. Somerscales, David Dropkin
4.The temperature-vorticity analogy in boundary layersPages 1205-1214, IN3-IN4, 1215-1217W.J. McCroskey, S.H. Lam
5.An investigation of minimum heat fluxes in pool boiling of waterPages 1219-1226S.A. Kovalev
6.Slip effect and flow friction in an adiabatic vapour-liquid mixture flowing in tubesPages 1227-1232N.G. Styushin, G.M. Dvorina
7.Effects of the stefan-nusselt flow on the apparent kinetics of heterogeneous chemical reactions in forced convection systemsPages 1233-1253Daniel E. Rosner
8.Direct heating of fluidized phase by electric currentPages 1255-1267Janusz Ciborowski, MścisŁaw Paderewski
9.The interaction of thermal radiation with free convection heat transferPages 1269-1277R.D. Cess
10.Diffusion in binary systems in a critical statePages 1279-1283S.I. Anisimov, T.L. Perelman
11.Velocity profile and friction in a plane-parallel channel with a developed turbulent compressible gas flowPages 1285-1289M.M. Nazarchuk
12.Heat transfer and friction for laminar flow of helium and carbon dioxide in a circular tube at high heating ratePages 1291-1295P.M. Worsøe-Schmidt

Volume 9, Issue 12, Pages 1297-1488 (December 1966)

1.Heat-transfer and friction properties of surfaces with discrete roughnessesPages 1297-1300, IN1, 1301-1320N. Sheriff, P. Gumley
2.A general non-circular duct convective heat-transfer problem for liquids and gasesPages 1321-1340V.P. Tyagi
3.Film cooling with helium injection into an incompressible air flowPages 1341-1350R.J. Goldstein, R.B. Rask, E.R.G. Eckert
4.A contribution to the study of free convection in a fluid layer heated from belowPages 1351-1360Iginio Di Federico, Franco P. Foraboschi
5.Experimental local heat-transfer and average friction coefficients for subsonic turbulent flow of air in an annulus at high temperaturesPages 1361-1376M.Dalle Donne, E. Meerwald
6.Bubble growth rates at high Jakob numbersPages
7.Mass-transfer measurements with the technique of electrochemiluminescencePages 1391-1399Ralph G. Colello, George S. Springer
8.Turbulent transport coefficients in supersonic flowPages 1401-1418John H. Morgenthaler, Joseph M. Marchello
9.The maximum and minimum values of the heat Q transmitted from metal to boiling water under atmospheric pressurePages 1419-1433Shiro Nukiyama
10.Heat transfer from a sphere to rarefied gas mixturesPages 1435-1448H. Mikami, Y. Endo, Y. Takashima
11.The study of mass transfer from the wall of a smooth tube to a turbulent liquid flow at high Schmidt numbersPages 1449-1453M.K. Kishinevsky, T.B. Denisova, V.A. Parmenov
12.Data reduction using the least square methodPages 1455-1461H. Thomann, G. Lindsjö
13.On the mechanism of boiling heat transfer (vapour bubbles growth rate in the process of boiling of liquids, solutions, and binary mixtures)Pages 1463-1470V.I. Tolubinsky, J.N. Ostrovsky
14.An integral method of solution of the general heat and mass transfer problemPages 1471-1488E.V. Tolubinskiy

Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 1-112 (January 1967)

1.Editorial BoardPage CO2
2.—65 Jahre altPages 1-3Z. Rant
3.Influence of real gas effects on the hypersonic rarefied flow near the sharp leading edge of a thin platePages 5-14N. I. Yushchenkova, A. A. Pomerantsev, V. I. Nemchenko
4.Model for dropwise condensation on randomly distributed sitesPages 15-22Earl E. Gose, A. N. Mucciardi, Eric Baer
5.Salt effect in distillation: A literature reviewPages 23-36W. F. Furter, R. A. Cook
6.Study of forced convective heat transfer in curved pipes (2nd report, turbulent region)Pages 37-59Yasuo Mori, Wataru Nakayama
7.Heat transfer in the constant property turbulent boundary layerPages 61-81F. A. Dvorak, M. R. Head
8.The effect of wall temperature on the low Reynolds number hypersonic stagnation region shock layerPages 83-95J. T. C. Liu
9.Steady state temperature distribution in a disc with radial flow of electric currentPages 97-100Ared Cezairliyan
10.On the use of a boundary-layer model for correlating film cooling dataPages 101-105J. L. Stollery, A. A. M. El-Ehwany
11.Comments on the paper “theoretical study of laminar film condensation of flowing vapour”Pages 107-108Y. R. Mayhew
12.On the heat and mass transfer at single bodies in fluids with superimposed free and forced flow : (In German). 39 pp. VDI-Forschungsheft 512, VDI-Verlag Düsseldorf (1965)Page 109E. Hahne
13.Journal of engineering physicsPage 111
14.Journal of engineering physicsPage 112

Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 113-256 (February 1967)

1.Die strömung an einem flügelprofil mit ausblasen von fremdgasen aus einem nasenspaltPages 113-120, IN1, 121-126Walter Wuest
2.On the growth of small cavitation bubbles by convective diffusionPages 127-134L. Van Wijngaarden
3.Heat losses through rarefied fluidsPages 135-148S.D. Probert, R.G. Brooks, T.R. Thomas, J. Maxwell
4.Rapid calculation of temperature in a regenerative heat exchanger having arbitrary initial solid and entering fluid temperaturesPages 149-168Floyd W. Larsen
5.On the time-dependent lévêque problemPages
6.Diffusion from a ground level line source into the disturbed boundary layer far downstream from a fencePages 181-194Erich J. Plate
7.Series solution of freezing problem with the fixed surface radiating into a medium of arbitrary varying temperaturePages 195-205K.O. Westphal
8.Diffusion across a laminar compressible mixing zonePages 207-217Gerald Schubert
9.Flow and heat transfer in the boundary layer on a continuous moving surfacePages 219-235F.K. Tsou, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein
10.Vapor volume profiles in developing two-phase flowPages 237-249C.C.St. Pierre, S.G. Bankoff
11.Heat transfer to a gas from a spherical enclosure: Measurements and mechanismPages 251-253B.J. Tyler, A.F. Tuck
12.Film boiling of a mixture on a horizontal platePages 253-256D.E. Kautzky, J.W. Westwater

Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 257-414 (March 1967)

1.Asymptotic method of solution of the frozen dissociated laminar boundary-layer flow over a flat-plate surface with arbitrarily distributed catalycityPages 257-266T.Y. Li, P.S. Kirk
2.Some measurements of turbulent heat transfer in the thermal entrance region of concentric annuliPages 267-276Alan Quarmby
3.The application of the capacitance method for void fraction measurement in bulk boiling conditionsPages 277-288L. Cimorelli, R. Evangelisti
4.Der umschlag laminar-turbulent bei nicht isothermer strömung im rohrPages 289-295Klaus Schwier
5.Criterion for the onset of convective flow in a fluid in a porous mediumPages 297-309Y. Katto, T. Masuoka
6.A new method of measuring humidity in a small spacePages 311-319P.E. Doe
7.Experiments on the buoyant plume above a heated horizontal wirePages 321-331R.J. Forstrom, E.M. Sparrow
8.Convection heat transfer in the entry region of a tube which revolves about an axis parallel to itselfPages 333-340J.F. Humphreys, W.D. Morris, H. Barrow
9.The influence of mass transfer on liquid film breakdownPages 349-352A.B. Ponter, G.A. Davies, T.K. Ross, P.G. Thornley
10.Heat transfer and hydraulic resistance during condensation of steam in a horizontal tube and in a bundle of tubesPages 361-373L.D. Boyko, G.N. Kruzhilin
11.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 375-376Satō Takashi
12.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 377-393E.R.G. Eckert, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
13.Heat transfer through coiled tubes in agitated vesselsPages 395-397R.K. Jha, M.Raja Rao
14.Forced convection boiling inside helically-coiled tubesPages 397-401Ali Owhadi, Kenneth J. Bell
15.On the radiation slip between absorbing-emitting regions with heat sourcesPages 401-402John R. Howell
16.Conduction with a time-varying radiation boundary conditionPages 403-406D.B. Adarkar, L.B. Hartsook
17.The eckert reference formulation applied to high-speed laminar boundary layers of nitrogen and carbon dioxidePages 406-409H.A. Simon, C.S. Liu, J.P. Hartnett
18.On the representation of the density dependence of the thermal conductivity of superheated steamPages 409-411A. Das Gupta, A.K. Barua
19.Das dynamische Verhalten von Wärmeaustauschern und seine Beschreibung durch Näherungen: (The dynamic behavior of heat exchangers and its description by approximztion). 89 S. Lex.-8° brsch. München-Wien: Oldenbourg (1966). DM. 44,—.Page 412E. Hahne
20.ErrataPages 413-414

Volume 10, Issue 4, Pages 415-555 (April 1967)

1.Integration of coupled nonlinear equations in boundary-layer theory with specific reference to heat transfer near the stagnation point in three-dimensional flowPages 415-426A.A. Hayday, D.A. Bowlus
2.Wärmeübergangs- und druckverlustmessungen an querangeströmten glattrohrbündeln, insbesondere bei hohen reynoldszahlenPages 427-430, IN1, 431-446K. Hammeke, E. Heinecke, F. Scholz
3.Comparison of kinetic theory analyses of linearized heat transfer between parallel platesPages 447-460P. Bassanini, C. Cercignani, C.D. Pagani
4.The effect of thermal conduction of the wall upon convection from a surface in a laminar boundary layerPages 461-466Zeev Rotem
5.Un nouvel instrument pour la mesure de la conductibilite thermique des matieres isolantesPages 467-474, IN3-IN4, 475-476G. Herpol, N. Willems
6.A nozzle thermocouple for measurements in high-temperature gasesPages 477-488M.Dalle Donne, F.H. Bowditch
7.Analogy between mass and heat transfer in beds of spheres: Contributions due to end effectsPages 489-492, IN5, 493-498G.F. Malling, George Thodos
8.Calculation of heat transfer to turbine blading in the presence of secondary flowPages 499-518L.A. Walker, E. Markland
9.Monte carlo method for radiative transferPages 519-527Philip M. Campbell
10.The effect of fluid turbulence on the rate of heat transfer from spheresPages 529-539William J. Lavender, David C.T. Pei
11.Heat transfer in the thermal entrance region of circular tubes and annular passages with fully developed laminar flowPages 541-551P.M. Worsøe-Schmidt
12.Characteristics of active nucleation sites in pool boilingPages 553-554, IN7-IN8Yitzhak Heled, Aluf Orell
13.Proceedings of the 1966 heat transfer fluid mechanics institute: Edited by M. A. Saad and J. A. Miller, 444 pp. Stanford university press, Stanford (1966)Page 555D.B. Spalding

Volume 10, Issue 5, Pages 557-715 (May 1967)

1.The calculation of heat transfer to thick metal walls of steam turbine components from ambient steam with time-dependent characteristicsPages 557-566B. Saravanos
2.Laminar film condensation on the underside of horizontal and inclined surfacesPages 567-570, IN1-IN2, 571-580Joseph Gerstmann, Peter Griffith
3.New measurements on thermal conductivity reference materialsPages 581-596R.W. Powell, R.P. Tye
4.Theoretical results for variable property, laminar boundary layers in waterPages 597-610G. Poots, G.F. Raggett
5.Friction factor measurements in a rectangular channel with walls of identical and non-identical roughnessPages 611-612, IN3, 613-622D. Wilkie, M. Cowin, P. Burnett, T. Burgoyne
6.The effectiveness of the uniform density, two-dimensional wall jetPages 623-639W.B. Nicoll, J.H. Whitelaw
7.Shielding of surfaces in couette flow against radiation by transpiration of an absorbing-emitting gasPages 641-653R. Viskanta, R.L. Merriam
8.Radiative energy transfer through non-gray gas layers of small optical thicknessPages 655-663Thomas D. Taylor
9.On the determination of the view function to the images of a surface in a nonplanar specular reflectorPages 665-679J.A. Plamondon, T.E. Horton
10.Study on forced convective heat transfer in curved pipes: (3rd report, theoretical analysis under the condition of uniform wall temperature and practical formulae)Pages 681-695Yasuo Mori, Wataru Nakayama
11.The effect of surface thermal properties and finish on dropwise condensationPages 697-707Peter Griffith, Man Suk Lee
12.A comment on the turbulent flow velocity profile in a concentric annulusPages 709-712A. Roberts
13.Asymmetric heat transfer in turbulent flow between parallel platesPages 712-715H. Barrow, J.H. Horlock

Volume 10, Issue 6, Pages 717-844 (June 1967)

1.Free convection oscillatory flow from a horizontal platePages 717-732P.K. Muhuri, M.K. Maiti
2.The measurement of contact angles under equilibrium and mass-transfer conditionsPages 733-736A.B. Ponter, G.A. Davies, W. Beaton, T.K. Ross
3.New thermal conductivity measurements for argon, nitrogen and steamPages 737-744T.J.S. Brain
4.Calculation of the thermal conductivity of normal hydrogen in the dense gaseous and liquid statesPages 745-754I.Wynn Jones
5.On the mechanism of dropwise condensationPages 755-756, IN1, 757-762J.W. Rose
6.Heat- and mass-transfer calculations using an exponentially curved equilibrium line with special reference to cooling towersPages 763-770G.C. Gardner
7.A process for the dimensioning of the high efficiency plate fins of compact heat exchangersPages 771-781L. Szücs, C.S. Tasnádi
8.A review of separated and reattaching flows with heat transferPages 783-797R.E. Chilcott
9.On the search for variational principlesPages 799-821B.A. Finlayson, L.E. Scriven
10.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 823-839E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
11.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 841-843Sato Takshi
12.ErratumPage 844

Volume 10, Issue 7, Pages 845-1019 (July 1967)

1.Particle-to-fluid heat and mass transfer in packed beds of fine particlesPages 845-852Kunii Daizo, Suzuki Motoyuki
2.Coupled diffusion of moisture and heat in hygroscopic textile materialsPages 853-866P. Nordon, H.G. David
3.Programme optimal pour le chauffage des corpsPages 867-875L.K. Glouchkov, M.D. Mikhailov
4.Profils de concentrations dans une couche limite laminaire figée avec une repartition continue et discontinue de catalyseur sur la paroiPages 877-909G. Lassau, B. Le Fur
5.Film boiling on a horizontal surfacePages 911-919E. Ruckenstein
6.Thermal conductivity of binary mixtures of sulphur dioxide and inert gasesPages 921-929A. Das Gupta
7.Bubble growth and heat-transfer mechanisms in the forced convection boiling of water containing a surface active agentPages 931-936, IN1-IN2, 937-949Walter Frost, Charles J. Kippenhan
8.Forced convection subcooled boiling—prediction of vapor volumetric fractionPages 951-965S. Levy
9.On S-shaped boiling curvesPages 967-971Aluf Orell
10.A temperature probe for the determination of heat transfer at a wall in turbulent flowPages 973-981E. Brundrett, W.D. Baines
11.The effect of migration in laminar diffusion layersPages 983-997John Newman
12.Heat transfer bibliography—russian worksPages 999-1014A.V. Luikov
13.Tetrafluoroethylene coatings on condenser tubesPages 1015-1016T. Mizushina, H. Kamimura, Y. Kuriwaki
14.Photographic study of the interfacial disturbances of liquid films in falling film flow, and in vertical, downward, annular two-phase flowPages 1016, IN3-IN6, 1017-1018Chien Sze-Foo, W.E. Ibele
15.Conduction heat transfer: V. Arpaci: 550 pp. Addison Wesley (1966). Price 140 sPage 1019James H. Whitelaw

Volume 10, Issue 8, Pages 1021-1132 (August 1967)

1.P. Grassmann—60 Jahre altPages IN2, 1021-1022T.H.K. Frederking
2.Relationships between bubble frequency, departure diameter and rise velocity in nucleate boilingPages 1023-1040H.J. Ivey
3.Heat transfer between parallel plates including radiation and rarefaction effectsPages 1041-1048Ralph Greif, D.R. Willis
4.Effect of volumetric absorption coefficient on Rosseland radiative heat transferPages 1049-1054R.L. Spicer
5.Unsteady-state heat generation and heat transfer in superconducting compositesPages 1055-1064G.C. Gardner
6.A boundary-layer theory for cellular convectionPages 1065-1074Donald L. Turcotte
7.The thermal conductivity of liquids—IV: Temperature dependence of thermal conductivityPages 1075-1088H. Poltz, R. Jugel
8.The account for the effect of physical properties in heat- and mass-transfer phenomenaPages 1089-1093V.M. Borishansky
9.A boundary-layer method in porous body heat and mass transferPages 1095-1107I.J. Kumar, H.N. Narang
10.Mesure des coefficients d'accommodation de molecules de tres haute energie et resultatsPages 1109-1119F.Marcel Devienne
11.Heat transfer in fully developed laminar flow through rectangular and isosceles triangular ductsPages 1121-1123F.W. Schmidt, M.E. Newell
12.A method of correlating local and average friction coefficients for both laminar and turbulent flow of gases through a smooth tube with surface to fluid bulk temperature ratios from 0·35 to 7·35Pages 1123-1128Maynard F. Taylor
13.Comments on the paper “heat transfer at the interface of dissimilar metals—The influence of thermal strain”: A. M. Clausing, Int. J. Heat Transfer9(8), 791–801 (1966).Pages 1129-1130A. Williams
14.W. M. Kays, Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, 387 pp. McGraw-Hill, New York (1966)Pages 1131-1132Robert M. Drake Jr

Volume 10, Issue 9, Pages 1133-1292 (September 1967)

1.The temperature inner-law and heat transfer for turbulent air flow in a vertical square ductPages 1133-1142Ewart Brundrett, Paul R. Burroughs
2.The hypersonic viscous shock layer with mass transferPages 1143-1158S.Y. Chen, J. Aroesty, R. Mobley
3.Heat transfer and binary diffusion in variable property free convection flowsPages 1159-1170Dale W. Zeh, William N. Gill
4.Free-convection stagnation flow of an absorbing-emitting gasPages 1171-1178J.L. Novotny, M.D. Kelleher
5.Forced convective heat transfer in a straight pipe rotating around a parallel axis: (1st report, laminar regionit)Pages 1179-1194Yasuo Mori, Wataru Nakayama
6.Thermal and material transport from spheres: Prediction of macroscopic thermal and material transportPages 1195-1210T.R. Galloway, B.H. Sage
7.Turbulent heat-transfer characteristics of viscoelastic fluidsPages 1211-1224M.K. Gupta, A.B. Metzner, J.P. Hartnett
8.Hemispherical reflectance of metal surfaces as a function of wavelength and surface roughnessPages 1225-1232R.C. Birkebak, J.P. Dawson, B.A. McCullough, B.E. Wood
9.On the compressible laminar boundary layer with suctionPages 1233-1254Morris Morduchow, Stanley P. Reyle
10.Application of a variational formulation to nonequilibrium fluid flowPages 1255-1266H.W. Butler, Robert Rackley
11.Enhancement of diffusion-limited vaporization rates by condensation within the thermal boundary layer: 1. The critical supersaturation approximationPages 1267-1279Daniel E. Rosner
12.Finite transform solution of the temperature of a plate heated by a moving discrete sourcePages 1281-1289M.H. Cobble
13.Modified planck mean coefficients for optically thin gaseous radiationPages 1291-1292R.D. Cess, P. Mighdoll

Volume 10, Issue 10, Pages 1293-1468 (October 1967)

1.In commemoration of the 100th birthday of P. N. LebedevPages 1293-1304A. S. Predvvoditelev
2.Solution of some boundary problems of heat conduction for cylindrical bodies provided with longitudinal finsPages 1305-1326J. Schmid
3.A study of various limits in radiation heat-transfer problemsPages 1327-1338L. S. Wang, C. L. Tien
4.Analyse des particularites du fonctionnement des radiometres thermoelectriques a disque recepteur absorbant, en regime permanentPages 1339-1348Abdou Moumouni
5.Studies of heat-transfer rate of a subcooled boiling liquid in tubesPages 1349-1359N. G. Styushin, B. S. Varshnei
6.Experimental study of stagnation point heat transfer of a solid in high-enthalpy gas flowPages 1361-1371A. V. Luikov, V. L. Sergeev, A. G. Shashkov
7.A lumped heat-transfer coefficient for periodically heated hollow cylindersPages 1373-1387P. Razelos, A. Lazaridis
8.A finite-difference procedure for solving the equations of the two-dimensional boundary layerPages
9.Radiative transport in an absorbing planar medium II. Predictions of radiative source functionsPages 1413-1427Max A. Heaslet, Robert F. Warming
10.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 1429-1449A. V. Luikov
11.High temperature enthalpy-composition charts for carbon-nitrogen mixturesPages 1451-1457K. T. Shih, W. E. Ibele, E. R. F. Winter, E. R. G. Eckert
12.Three-fluid heat exchanger effectivenessPages 1457-1462Darrell D. Aulds, Randall F. Barron
13.On the effect of molecular-kinetic resistance upon heat transfer with condensationPage 1463L. D. Berman
14.Journal of engineering physicsPages 1465-1468

Volume 10, Issue 11, Pages 1469-1644 (November 1967)

1.The mechanism of nucleate boiling in pure liquids and in binary mixtures—part IIIPages 1469-1478, IN1-IN3, 1479-1484S.J.D. Van Stralen
2.The mechanism of nucleate boiling in pure liquids and in binary mixtures—part IV: Surface boilingPages 1485-1490, IN5-IN6, 1491-1498S.J.D. Van Stralen
3.Forced convection heat transfer to carbon dioxide near the critical pointPages 1499-1504, IN7, 1505-1508Rolf H. Sabersky, Edward G. Hauptmann
4.A generalized galerkin-kantorovich treatment of transient evaporation through a finite regionPages 1509-1520Howard E. Bethel
5.Infrared radiative heat transfer in nongray gasesPages 1521-1532R.D. Cess, P. Mighdoll, S.N. Tiwari
6.Heat transfer to NaK flowing through unbaffled rod bundlesPages 1533-1558Sheldon Kalish, Orrington E. Dwyer
7.A transient response method for a simple evaluation of mass transfer in liquids and dispersions: Experimental test of a mathematical model for an ensemble of bubblesPages 1559-1570B. Gal-Or, J.P. Hauck, H.E. Hoelscher
8.Measurement of rapidly varying gas temperatures in an unsteady flowPages 1571-1579Jerzy Chomiak, Boguslaw Niedzialek
9.Freezing of fluids in forced flowPages 1581-1587Richard T. Beaubouef, Alan J. Chapman
10.Improved heat-transfer performance with boundary-layer turbulence promotersPages 1589-1590, IN9, 1591-1599W.A. Sutherland
11.Radiation coupled shock layer including upstream absorption effectsPages 1601-1613Chien Kuei-Yuan
12.Transient sensitivity coefficients for the thermal contact conductancePages 1615-1617James V. Beck
13.Diffusion thermo effects in turbulent mass transferPages 1618-1622C.J. Scott, V.K. Jonsson
14.The dependence of the impervious wall effectiveness of a two-dimensional wall-jet on the thickness of the upper lip boundary layerPages 1623-1624S.C. Kacker, J.H. Whitelaw
15.Variable density effects in combined free and forced convection in inclined tubesPages 1625-1629M. Iqbal, J.W. Stachiewicz
16.A correlation of psychrometric ratios for a flat platePages 1629-1632J.Y. Kauh, R.E. Peck, D.T. Wasan
17.The measurement of contact angles under conditions of heat transfer when a liquid film breaks on a vertical surfacePages 1633-1636A.B. Pointer, G.A. Davies, W. Beaton, T.K. Ross
18.Conservation laws for two-phase flow with a change of phasePages 1637-1638N. Spinks
19.RejoinderPages 1638-1642Novak Zuber
20.Journal of engineering physicsPages 1643-1644

Volume 10, Issue 12, Pages 1645-1916 (December 1967)

1.To A. A. Gukhman on his 70th birthdayPages ii, 1645-1648A.V. Luikov, N.B. Kondukov, N.G. Styushin
2.Contribution a l'etude des echanges thermiques en ecoulement turbulent dans un tube lisse. Application aux metaux liquidesPages 1649-1660Lionel Taccoen
3.A theoretical and experimental investigation of diffusion-controlled electrolytic mass transfer between a falling liquid film and a wallPages 1661-1676A. Iribarne, A.D. Gosman, D.B. Spalding
4.Effects of variable physical properties on laminar film condensation of saturated steam on a vertical flat platePages 1677-1692G. Poots, R.G. Miles
5.Analytical study of heat transfer to liquid metals flowing along a row of spheresPages 1693-1708Hsu Chia-Jung
6.Directional emittance of an electric nonconductor as a function of surface roughness and wavelengthPages 1709-1716K.E. Torrance, E.M. Sparrow
7.Perturbation analysis of condensation controlled by heat transfer on large dropletsPages 1717-1722, 1725-1726Romuald Puzyrewski
8.Heat transfer in simulated boilingPages
9.Rayonnement thermique des metaux microrugueux ou dispersesPages 1735-1736, IN1-IN2, 1737-1742Bernard Py
10.A computation scheme for the asymptotic. Nusselt number in ducts of arbitrary cross-sectionPages 1743-1748D. Pnueli
11.Mass transfer to the rear of a sphere in Stokes flowPages 1749-1756Ping Huei Sih, John Newman
12.Flow and heat transfer in the axisymmetric boundary layer over a circular cylinderPages 1757-1766Siavash Eshghy, Robert W. Hornbeck
13.A theoretical basis for the Lockhart-Martinelli correlation for two-phase flowPages 1767-1778D. Chisholm
14.Spectral and integrated intensity of CO fundamental band at elevated temperaturesPages 1779-1784M.M. Abu-Romia, C.L. Tien
15.Mass transfer between a single drop and a continuous phasePages 1785-1792E. Ruckenstein
16.On solid-to-fluid heat transfer in fluidized systemsPages 1793-1800S.S. Zabrodsky
17.Forced convective heat transfer in uniformly heated horizontal tubes (2nd report, theoretical study)Pages 1801-1804, IN3, 1805-1813Yasuo Mori, Kozo Futagami
18.The condensation coefficient of waterPages 1815-1827A.F. Mills, R.A. Seban
19.Forced convection condensation in the presence of noncondensables and interfacial resistancePages 1829-1845E.M. Sparrow, W.J. Minkowycz, M. Saddy
20.Natural convection from a plane, vertical surface in non-isothermal surroundingsPages 1847-1859R. Cheesewright
21.Laminar flow heat transfer from an argon plasma in a circular tubePages 1861-1873F.P. Incropera, G. Leppert
22.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 1875-1889A.V. Luikov
23.Film condensation of saturated potassium vaporPages 1891-1894Detlev G. Kroger, Warren M. Rohsenow
24.Thermal scale modeling without similitudePages 1894-1899Jochen Doenecke
25.A model rate equation for transient thermal conductionPages 1899-1904Borivoje B. Mikic
26.Comments on the paper “on the mechanism of boiling heat transfer (vapour bubbles growth rate in the process of boiling of liquids, solutions and binary mixtures)”Pages 1905-1907S.J.D. Van Stralen
27.Comments on the paper “bubble growth rates at high jakob numbers”Pages 1908-1912S.J.D. Van Stralen
28.Proceeding of the second all-Soviet Union conference on heat and mass transfer: English translation edited by C. Gazley Jr., J. P. Hartnett and E. R. G. Eckert, vol. 1. The Rand Corporation, Santa Manica, California (1966)Page 1913
29.Journal of engineering physics: Published in the U.S.S.R. in Russian with English abstractsPages 1914-1916

Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 1-81 (January 1968)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Dedication Llewellyn M. K. Boelter 1898–1966Pages 1-2
3.Llewellyn M. K. Boelter 1898–1966Pages 3-5R.A. Seban
4.The brief careers of Cherry, Martinelli and MorrinPages 7-8Willard P. Berggren
5.Generalizing the meaning of ‘heat’Pages 9-14Myron Tribus
6.Condensation heat transfer in the presence of a non-condensable gasPages 15-26Detlev G. Kroger, Warren M. Rohsenow
7.Transient heat transfer for forced convection flow over a flat plate of appreciable thermal capacity and containing an exponential time-dependent heat sourcePages
8.Coupled radiation, conduction and convection in entrance region flowPages 39-53Simon Desoto
9.Theoretical expression of water vapor spectral emissivity with allowance for line structurePages 55-65M.M. Weiner, D.K. Edwards
10.Two-dimensional transport models for the lower layers of the atmospherePages 67-79H.F. Poppendiek
11.The sixth U.S. congress for applied mechanicsPage 81

Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 83-385 (February 1968)

1.Heat transfer—A review of current literaturePages 83-102, IN1, 103-116E.R.G. Eckert, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
2.Thermal conductivity of porous systemsPages 117-140A.V. Luikov, A.G. Shashkov, L.L. Vasiliev, Yu.E. Fraiman
3.On diffusion in plasma with recombinationPages 141-144A.V. Luikov, T.L. Perelman, S.I. Anisimov
4.Sur le fonctionnement en regime variable du radiometre thermoelectrique a disque recepteur absorbantPages 145-154Abdou Moumouni
5.Turbulent mass transfer with an arbitrary order surface reaction in a flat ductPages 155-180Charles W. Solbrig, Dimitri Gidaspow
6.Heat transfer in dropwise condensation at low steam pressures in the absence and presence of non-condensable gasPages 181-182, IN3, 183-190D.W. Tanner, D. Pope, C.J. Potter, D. West
7.Form factors for parallelepipedsPages 191-200S.P. Detkov, A.V. Vinogradov
8.An analysis of laminar free convection around isothermal vertical platePages 201-204, IN5-IN8, 205-209K. Brodowicz
9.An analysis of the effects of various parameters on the average void fractions in subcooled boilingPages 211-233P.G. Kroeger, N. Zuber
10.Convective liquid stability in closed circuitsPages 235-239G.F. Shaidurov
11.An analysis of laminar free convection flow and heat transfer about an inclined isothermal platePages 241-252, IN9, 253Witold T. Kierkus
12.Drying of wet solid spheres through contact with dry fine solid particles during mixingPages 255-265J. Ceborowski, A. Wolny
13.Turbulence scale in channels formed by closely packed rodsPages 267-277V.M. Kashcheev, E.V. Nomofilov
14.On methods of studying heat transfer in transition boilingPages 279-283S.A. Kovalev
15.Heat conduction in solids: Temperature-dependent thermal conductivityPages 285-295Donald F. Hays, Harriet N. Curd
16.Unsteady heat conduction in plates of polygonal shapePages 297-303Patricio A. Laura, Albert J. Faulstich Jr.
17.Transient heating or cooling of a plate by combined convection and radiationPages 305-317A.L. Crosbie, R. Viskanta
18.Heat transfer in aligned-field magnetohydrodynamic flow past a flat platePages 319-329C.W. Tan, Carl C.T. Wang
19.Liquid thermal conductivity research at Moscow UniversityPages 331-345L.P. Filippov
20.The influence of the state of heating surface on heat transfer at boilingPages 347-351L.S. Sterman, Yu. Vilemas
21.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 353-354Takashi Satō
22.Steady-state first-order reaction at an infinite plane surface to which reactant diffuses from a point sourcePages 355-359J.A. Lordi, G.H. Markstein
23.Further results from use of a transcendental profile function in conduction and convectionPages 359-365P.D. Richardson
24.Conduction in nongray radiating gasesPages 365-369J.L. Novotny, M.D. Kelleher
25.Reflection of monodirectional flux by a coating on a substratePages 369-374T.J. Love Jr., J.E. Francis
26.Tetrafluorethylene coatings on condenser tubesPages 374-375P.G. Kosky
27.The prediction of the mechanism of condensation on condenser tubes coated with tetrafluoroethylenePages 375-377G.A. Davies, A.B. Ponter
28.Radiating, convecting and conducting fins: Numerical and linearized solutionsPages 377-379E.M Sparrow, E.R Niewerth
29.L.S. Tong, boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow: 242 pp. John Wiley, New York (1966). price 112sPage 381H.J. Ivey
30.Thermometry: Edited by T. D. Bansal. National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India (1967). price 35sPage 382R.W. Powell
31.Strömungs und temperaturgrenzschichten: Alfred Walz, 260 pp., 122 figs., 3 tables. G. Braun, Karlsruhe (1966)Pages 382-383D.B. Spalding
32.The proceeding of the 1967 heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute: 468 pp. Stanford University press, Stanford, Calif. (1967)Page 383A.D. Young
33.European mechanics colloquiaPage 385

Volume 11, Issue 3, Pages 387-626 (March 1968)

1.Natural convection between concentric spheres at low Rayleigh numbersPages 387-396Lawrence R. Mack, Harry C. Hardee
2.An experimental investigation of turbulent natural convection in air at low pressure along a vertical heated flat platePages 397-406Charles Y. Warner, Vedat S. Arpaci
3.Convection near a cooled disk rotating with its environmentPages 407-414J. L. Hudson
4.Turbulent heat transfer in annuli with small coresPages 415-426R. B. Crookston, R. R. Rothfus, R. I.Kermode
5.The temperature distribution in rotating thick-walled cylinders heated by radiationPages
6.Heat transfer at high péclet number in regions of closed streamlinesPages 439-444Yu-Fang Pan, Andreas Acrivos
7.Use of the reynolds flux concept for analysing one-dimensional two-phase flow : Part I. derivation and verification of basic analytical techniquesPages 445-458G. B. Wallis
8.Use of the reynolds flux concept for analysing one-dimensional two-phase flow : Part II. applications to two-phase flowPages 459-472G. B. Wallis
9.Laminar free convection about vertical and horizontal plates at small and moderate grashof numbersPages
10.On the ignition and extinction problems in forced convection systemsPages 491-508V. K. Jain, H. S. Mukunda
11.Turbulent heat transfer from the core tube in thermal entrance regions of concentric annuliPages 509-522Y. Lee
12.Dropwise condensation—some factors influencing the validity of heat-transfer measurementsPages 523-537E. Citakoglu, J. W. Rose
13.Thermal and material transfer from spheres : Prediction of local transportPages 539-549T. R. Galloway, B. H. Sage
14.Coupled heat and multicomponent mass transfer in particulate systems with residence time and size distributionsPages 551-565B. Gal-Or
15.An indirect curve matching method for transient matrix heat-transfer testing in the low Ntu-rangePages 567-581Gerhard F. Kohlmayr
16.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 583-603E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele, R. J. Goldstein
17.Heat transfer from a vertical transversely vibrating plane surface to air by free convectionPages 605-607J. C. Dent
18.Generalized free energy method for equilibrium compositions in complex mixturesPages 607-609K. T. Shih, W. E. Ibele
19.Transient diffusion in a composite slabPages 610-613Paul Concus, D. R. Olander
20.Note on “laminar free convection along a vertical plate at extremely small grashof numbers” : F. J. Suriano, K-T. Yang and J. A. Donlon, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 8(5), 815–831 (1965).Pages 615-616Ronald Panton
21.RejoinderPages 616-617Kwang-Tzu Yang, Francis J. Suriano
22.Heat transfer at the interface of dissimilar metals—the influence of thermal strainPages 617-618J. R. Barber
23.Landolt-Börnstein, Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Geophysik und Technik. : Herausgegeben von H. Hausen, 6 Auflage. Springer, Berlin. IV. Band: Technik. 4. Teil; Warmetechnik. Band-teil a: Warmetechnische Meβverfahren. Thermodynamische Eigenschaften homogener Stoffe. Mit 283 Abb. XII, 944 S.(1967). Preis: 510,-DM (127,50 US $)Page 619H. D. Baehr
24.E. M. Sparrow and R. D. Cess, Radiation Heat Transfer : Brooks/Cole Belmont, Calif (1966)Pages 619-620B. Gebhart
25.1968 Heat transfer and fluid mechanics institutePage 621
26.International summer schoolPage 621
27.Journal of engineering physicsPages 623-626

Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 627-786 (April 1968)

1.Mass transfer in aligned-field magnetohydrodynamic flow past a flat platePages 627-640C. W. Tan, Carl C. T. Wang
2.Temperature profiles in liquid metals and the effect of superimposed free convection in turbulent flowPages 641-654H. O. Buhr, A. D. Carr, R. E. Balzhiser
3.Wärmeübergang unter Berücksichtigung der Reibungswärme bei laminaren Keilströmungen mit veränderlicher Temperatur und Normalgeschwindigkeit entlang der WandPages 655-673K. Gersten, H. Körner
4.An analysis of transient flow of heat and moisture during drying of granular bedsPages 675-687O. Myklestad
5.Radiation coupled viscous flowsPages 689-697Josef Shwartz
6.Equilibrium air stagnation point boundary-layer calculations using a variable heat of dissociation modelPages
7.On the dynamics of hemispherical phase growth in nonuniform concentration fieldsPages 709-719H. Y. Cheh, Charles W. Tobias
8.Radiating hypervelocity couette and boundary-layer flow in airPages 721-729Merwin Sibulkin
9.Some simple surface reactions in laminar boundary layersPages 731-741Paul A. Libby, Guido Baccaglini
10.Mass transfer to falling liquid films at low reynolds numbersPages 743-753E. Ruckenstein, C. Berbente
11.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 755-767A. V. Luikov
12.A liquid metal heat-transfer experiment and its relation to recent theoryPages 769-772Richard
13.The effectiveness of a counter-flow heat exchanger with cross-flow headersPages 772-774W. M. Kays, R. K. Jain, S. Sabherwal
14.The effects of mass addition on the laminar boundary-layer flow of an absorbing-emitting gasPages 775-778Lawrence A. Kennedy
15.Shielding of radiation by screens and its similarity to a gray gasPages 778-781Y. Taitel
16.Phenomena of liquid transfer in two-phase dispersed annular flowPages 783-785G. B. Wallis
17.Phenomena of liquid transfer in two-phase dispersed annular flow comments on G. B. Wallis' discussionPages 785-786Moye Wicks

Volume 11, Issue 5, Pages 787-941 (May 1968)

1.Conditions for reproducing material from Pergamon Press PublicationsPage iii
2.Effect of mass addition on the heat transfer to a cavity in supersonic flowPages 787-796, IN1, 798-804A.F. Charwat, L. Redekopp
3.Turbulent heat transfer to dilute polymer solutionsPages 805-818M. Poreh, U. Paz
4.Measurement of heat transfer with an infrared cameraPages 819-822, IN3, 823-826H. Thomann, B. Frisk
5.Compressible flow through a porous platePages 827-836G. Emanuel, J.P. Jones
6.Unsteady heat transfer in ducts with time-varying inlet temperature and participating wallsPages 837-853E.M. Sparrow, F.N. De Farias
7.Combined laminar free and forced convection heat transfer to non-Newtonian fluidsPages 855-869V.G. Kubair, D.C.T. Pei
8.Effect of thermal radiation on the laminar free convection from a heated vertical platePages 871-881Vedat S. Arpaci
9.A numerical experiment of radiant heat interchange by the monte carlo methodPages 883-897J.S. Toor, R. Viskanta
10.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 899-915E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein
11.Two new theorems in heat conductionPages 917-924J.H. Lynch
12.Recalculation of the spalding function for continuous and source heat fluxPages 924-928A.G. Smith, N. Hay
13.Nucleation site instability in nucleate boilingPages 929-930, IN5-IN7, 931-932P.G. Kosky
14.Comments on the paper “new measurements on thermal conductivity reference materials”Pages 933-934M.J. Laubitz
15.RejoinderPages 934-935R.W. Powell, R.P. Tye
16.Heat exchange design: A. P. Fraas and M. Necati Ozisik, 386 pp. John Wiley, New York (1965)Page 937E.A.D. Saunders
17.Absorption in gas-liquid dispersions: Some aspects of bubble technology: F. H. H. Valentin, 212 pp. E. and F. N. Spon, London; Barnes and Noble, New York (1967). Price 55sPages 937-938J.C. Lee
18.Messungen schnell veränderlichi gastemperaturen und gasgeschwindigkeiten an eine zweitakt-dieselmotor (measuring of rapidly varying gas: temperatures and gas velocities in a two-stroke dies engine): Leo Stankewitsch, 40 Seiten, 69 Bilder. VDI Forschungsheft 521 (1967). Preis DM 27,75Page 938E. Hahne
19.Contents listsPages 939-940
20.Hemispherical reflectance of metal surfaces as a function of wavelength and surface roughness: R. C. Birkebak, J. P. Dawson, B. A. McCullough and B. E. WoodInt. J. Heat Mass Transfer10(9), 1225–1232 (1967)Page 941

Volume 11, Issue 6, Pages 943-1085 (June 1968)

1.Turbulent heat transfer in a tube with prescribed heat fluxPages 943-962Hasegawa Shu, Fujita Yasunobu
2.On laminar boundary-layer flows of a dissociated gas past catalytic surfacesPages 963-978A.A. Hayday, D.A. Bowlus, R.A. McGraw
3.Free convection mass transfer at mesh electrodesPages 979-984A.A. Wragg
4.Shape factors in conduction heat flow for circular bars and slabs with various internal geometriesPages 985-992G.K. Lewis
5.Principal mechanism of boiling crisis in pool boilingPages 993-996, IN1-IN5, 997-1002Y. Katto, S. Yokoya
6.Variable property turbulent heat and momentum transfer for air in a vertical rounded corner triangular ductPages 1003-1006, IN7, 1007-1012D.A. Campbell, H.C. Perkns
7.Transport processes in flow around a sphere with particular reference to the transfer of massPages 1013-1026K. Lee, H. Barrow
8.Convective heat transfer in rotating radial circular pipes (1st report, laminar region)Pages 1027-1040Mori Yasuo, Nakayama Wataru
9.Der einfluss temperaturabhängiger stoffwerte auf den wärmeübergang bei turbulenter strömung von flüssigkeiten in rohren bei hohen wärmestromdichten und prandtlzahlenPages 1041-1048W. Hufschmidt, E. Burck
10.The influence of temperature dependent viscosity on laminar boundary-layer stabilityPages 1049-1052E.G. Hauptmann
11.Mass transfer with a moving interfacePages 1053-1067A. Apelblat, A. Katchalsky
12.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1069-1070Takashi Satō
13.An examination of the method of regional averaging for radiative transfer between concentric spheresPages 1071-1076Brian L. Hunt
14.Laminar pipe flow in a transverse magnetic field with heat transferPages 1076-1081Richard A. Gardner
15.Device for production of gas-free liquids or vaporsPages 1081-1083George W. Preckshot
16.Laminar flow over rectangular cavttiesPages 1083-1084, IN9, 1085Thomas C. Reiman, Rolf.H. Sabersky

Volume 11, Issue 7, Pages 1087-1213 (July 1968)

1.Heat transfer and pressure drop in horizontal annular two-phase, two-component flowPages
2.Simulation of a thermal regenerator under conditions of variable mass flowPages 1105-1116A.J. Willmott
3.On the turbulent heat transfer by free convection from a vertical platePages 1117-1125Kato Hiroharu, Nishiwaki Niichi, Hirata Masaru
4.Regime thermique de la couche limite turbulente a proprietes physiques constantes avec soufflagePages 1127-1139L.F. Tsen, C. Quemard
5.Axisymmetric free convection boundary-layer flow past slender bodiesPages 1141-1153H.K. Kuiken
6.The effect of radial temperature gradient on the formation of axial void in UO2 fuel elementsPages
7.The blowhard problem—Inviscid flows with surface injectionPages 1167-1183J.D. Cole, J. Aroesty
8.Forced convective heat transfer in a straight pipe rotating around a parallel axisPages 1185-1201Nakayama Wataru
9.Temperatures in a plasmajetPages 1203-1206C.J. Cremers, E. Pfender
10.Patterns of free convection flow adjacent to horizontal heated surfacesPages 1206, IN3-IN4, 1207-1208R.B. Husar, E.M. Sparrow
11.Boundary-layer analysis of the flow boiling crisisPages 1208-1210, IN5, 1211L.S. Tong
12.An introduction to fluid dynamics: G. K. Batchelor, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1967). Price 75sPage 1213N. Curle
13.Non-Newtonian flow and heat transfer: A. H. P. Skelland, 469 pp. John Wiley, London (1967). Price 140sPage 1213W.L. Wilkinson

Volume 11, Issue 8, Pages 1215-1294 (August 1968)

1.Free convection organic sublimation on a vertical semi-infinite platePages 1215-1224James A. Adams, Robert L. Lowell Jr.
2.Observations on the structure of a turbulent free convection boundary layerPages 1225-1232G.S.H. Lock, F.J.deB. Trotter
3.The effect of turbulence parameters and support position on the heat transfer from spheresPages 1233-1252G.D. Raithby, E.R.G. Eckert
4.Transient response of countercurrent heat exchangers with short contact timePages 1253-1265P.F. Tomlan, J.L. Hudson
5.Transfert de chaleur a travers une couche heterogenePages 1267-1285Jacques Pierre Padet
6.Mass transfer between a falling liquid film and a plane vertical surfacePages 1287-1289A.A. Wragg, Paul Serafimidis, Asbjörn Einarsson
7.The influence of strong adverse pressure gradients on the effectiveness of film coolingPages 1289-1292M.P. Escudier, J.H. Whltelaw
8.Heat and mass transfer in turbulent boundary layers: Herceg-Novi Yugoslavia—9–21 September, 1968Pages 1293-1294

Volume 11, Issue 9, Pages 1295-1420 (September 1968)

1.The effects of pressure and acceleration on the pool boiling of water and Arcton 11Pages 1295-1310J. S. Turton
2.Unsteady heat transfer in laminar boundary layer over a flat platePages 1311-1324B. T. Chao, L. S. Cheema
3.The prediction of the transport properties of a turbulent fluidPages 1325-1340J. R. Tyldesley, R. S. Silver
4.Heat transfer through gases contained between two vertical cylinders at different temperaturesPages 1341-1350William H. Lipkea, George S. Springer
5.Sur la diffusion non-lineaire de La chaleurPages 1351-1357T. Andre-Talamon
6.Influence of the accommodation coefficient on the heat transfer in a rarefied gasPages 1359-1369P. Bassanini, C. Cercignani, C. D. Pagani
7.Heat transfer at the interface of stainless steel and aluminum—the influence of surface conditions on the directional effectPages 1371-1383D. V. Lewis, H. C. Perkins
8.Magneto-fluid-mechanic laminar natural convection—an experimentPages 1385-1391D. D. Papailiou, P. S. Lykoudis
9.Fully developed frictional and heat-transfer characteristics of laminar flow in porous tubesPages 1393-1401Robert B. Kinney
10.Deviations from classical free convection boundary-layer theory at low prandtl numbersPages 1403-1406E. M. Sparrow, Luiz De Mello F. Guinle
11.Turbulent sublayer temperature distribution including wall injection and dissipationPages 1406-1408Robert N. Meroney
12.Heat transfer in thermal entrance region of cocurrent flow heat exchangers with fully developed laminar flowPages 1408-1412William N. Gill, Earnest W. Porta, Richard J. Nunge
13.Radiative transport in an optically thick planar mediumPages 1413-1416George Emanuel
14.Combustion of pulverised coal : British coal utilisation research association. price: 50sPage 1417Ian Fflls
15.Heat transfer of a disc rotating in an enclosure : Westdeutscher, köln and opladen 1967, in GermanPage 1417F. Kreith
16.Contents lists journal of engineering physicsPages 1419-1420

Volume 11, Issue 10, Pages 1421-1580 (October 1968)

1.Heat transfer—a review of current literaturePages 1421-1428E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele, R. J. Goldstein, C. J. Scott
2.Experimental study of flow patterns and temperature fields in horizontal free convection liquid layersPages 1461-1462A. I. Leontiev, A. G. Kirdyashkin
3.The growth rate of vapour bubbles in superheated pure liquids and binary mixtures : Part I: TheoryPages 1467-1489S. J. D. Van Stralen
4.The growth rate of vapour bubbles in superheated pure liquids and binary mixtures : Part II: Experimental resultsPages 1491-1498S. J. D. Van Stralen
5.Theoretical results for variable property, laminar boundary layers in water with adverse pressure gradientsPages 1513-1534G. Poots, G. F. Raggett
6.Dynamic processes accompanied by mass transfer—part 2Pages 1535-1546G. A. Mikhailovsky
7.The turbulent boundary layer on a porous plate: Experimental heat transfer with uniform blowing and suctionPages 1547-1550Robert J. Moffat, William M. Kays
8.Surface radiation properties from electromagnetic theoryPages 1567-1571R. G. Hering, T. F. Smith
9.Improved heat-transfer performance with boundary-layer turbulence promotersPage 1573F. Williams, D. I. Nathan
10.Improved heat-transfer performance with boundary-layer turbulence promotersPages 1573-1575V. Walker, D. Wilkie
11.Note on the meaning of “heat” : Discussion of a paper by M. Tribus [1]Pages 1575-1576L. S. Dzung
12.Measurement of thermal properties of solid and liquid metals at high temperatures : 325 pp. Izd. Mosk. Un., Moscow (1967)Page 1577A. A. Pomerantsev
13.Fourth international heat transfer conference

Volume 11, Issue 11, Pages 1581-1739 (November 1968)

1.Etude du transport de matiere en solution, a l'aide des electrodes a disque et a anneau tournantsPages 1581-1596Michel Daguenet
2.Separation of gas mixture in an axisymmetric supersonic jetPages 1597-1610Hisashi Mikami, Yoichi Takashima
3.Non-grey radiative heat transfer between parallel platesPages 1611-1620G. M. Simmons, J. H. Ferziger
4.Laminar heat transfer in electrically conducting fluids flowing in parallel plate channelsPages 1621-1636L. H. Back
5.Flow about a growing sphere in contact with a plane surfacePages 1637-1652C. P. Wttze, V. E. Schrock, P. L. Chambré
6.Transient temperature distributions in cylindrical shellsPages 1653-1656S. Bruin, W. A. Beverloo
7.Turbulent heat transfer from smooth and rough surfacesPages 1657-1674R. A. Gowen, J. W. Smith
8.Laminar natural convection in an enclosed rectangular cavityPages 1675-1693G. de Vahl Davis
9.Gaseous film cooling at various degrees of hot-gas acceleration and turbulence levelsPages 1695-1713L. W. Carlson, E. Talmor
10.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 1715-1726E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele, R. J. Goldstein
11.Explicit solutions of the nusselt relations for laminar condensationPages 1727-1730E. J. Hoffman
12.The effect of surface emissivity upon infrared gaseous radiationPages 1731-1734S. N. Tiwari, R. D. Cess
13.On methods of studying heat transfer in transition boilingPages 1735-1736K. Stephan
14.Liquid thermal conductivity research at moscow universityPage 1737J. Walton
15.Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer : G.F. Kohlmayr, An indirect curve matching method for transient matrix heat-trasfer testing in the low Ntu-rangePage 1739

Volume 11, Issue 12, Pages 1741-1835 (December 1968)

1.Natural convective oscillatory flow in cylindrical annuliPages 1741-1746, IN1-IN2, 1747-1752E.H. Bishop, C.T. Carley, R.E. Powe
2.Mass transfer in the case of interfacial turbulence induced by the marangoni effectPages
3.Direct contact heat transfer with change of phase: Co-current flow of immiscible films with surface evaporationPages 1761-1770Arye Gollan, Samuel Sideman
4.Unlike interactions and binary diffusion in polar-nonpolar mixtures; kryptonmethylene chloride and kryptonethylchloridePages 1771-1778Yashwant Singh, B.N. Srivastava
5.Forced convection boiling inside helically-coiled tubesPages 1779-1793Ali Owhadi, Kenneth J. Bell, Berry Crain Jr.
6.The effect of external vorticity on stagnation-point heat transfer at high prandtl numberPages 1795-1806S.P. Sutera, G. Williams
7.Pool boiling heat transfer with mercury and mercury containing dissolved sodiumPages 1807-1810, IN5, 1811-1821Y. Lee
8.Radiation interaction in nongray boundary layersPages 1823-1826J.L. Novotny
9.Direct contact heat transfer between two immiscible phases during drop formationPages 1826-1830C.V. Kalyanasundaram, Rajinder Kumar, N.R. Kuloor
10.The temperature of a plate heated by a source of arbitrary motion and strengthPages 1831-1835M.H. Cobble

Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 1-128 (January 1969)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Flow and heat-transfer measurements in subsonic air flow through a contraction sectionPages
3.Analysis of laminar-flow heat transfer in the entrance region of circular tubesPages 15-22R. Manohar
4.Prediction of heat transfer by natural convection in closed cylinders heated from belowPages 23-30D.K. Edwards, Ivan Catton
5.Heat transfer from a short heated section in annular flowPages 31-43Chien Sze-Foo
6.Calculation of temperature and moisture distributions during contact drying of a sheet of moist materialPages 45-59S. Bruin
7.Etude experimentale de la couche limite thermique turbulente dans l'eauPages 61-66, IN1, 67-70Che Pen Chen
8.Laminar heat transfer to a steady couette flow between parallel platesPages 71-80J. Ŝesták, F. Rieger
9.Radiant heat transfer with scatteringPages 81-93G.C. Pomraning
10.Individual droplet heat-transfer rates for splattering on hot surfacesPages 95-108F.K. McGinnis III, J.P. Holman
11.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 109-110Takashi Sato
12.A note on the enhancement of the diffusion limited vaporization rates by condensation within the thermal boundary layerPages 111-114A.W.D. Hills, J. Szekely
13.Thermal turbulence characteristics in sodium-potassiumPages 114-118L.E. Hochreiter, Alexander Sesonske
14.View factor between two hemispheres in contact and radiation heat-transfer coefficient in packed bedsPages 118-120Wakao Noriaki, Kato Koichi, Furuya Nobuo
15.Laminar couette flow with heat transfer near the thermodynamic critical pointPages 120-124Robert J. Simoneau, James C. Williams III
16.On the condensation coefficient of water estimated from heat-transfer measurements during dropwise condensationPages 125-126H. Wenzel
17.Heat Exchange in Furnaces: (edited by P. A. Young). pergamon press, Oxford. Price: 90s.Page 127A.V. Bradshaw
18.Heat and mass transfer in boundary layers: D. B. Spalding and S. V. Patankar 138 pp. Morgan-Grampian London (1967)Pages 127-128A. Walz

Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages 129-248 (February 1969)

1.Pioneer paperPage 129E.R.G. Eckert
2.Papers on mechanical and physical subjectsPages 129-136Osborne Reynolds
3.Wärmeübergang am wagrechten rohr bei kondensation gesättigter und überhitzter dämpfePages 137-146J. Štěpánek, A. Heyberger, V. Veselý
4.The effect of superheating on condensation heat transfer in a forced convection boundary layer flowPages 147-154W.J. Minkowycz, E.M. Sparrow
5.Etude des echanges thermiques entre les canaux et l'eau lourde dans un reacteur nucleairePages 155-166, IN1, 167-172J. Faure, A. Jaumotte
6.Heat and mass transfer in a laminar boundary layer on a flat plate with variable suction or injection velocity and constant wall temperaturePages 173-186J.L. Bansal
7.Local temperature fluctuations in saturated pool boiling of pure liquids and binary mixturesPages 187-190, IN3-IN7, 191-198S.J.D. Van Stralen, W.M. Sluyter
8.Influence of heat transfer on melting and solidification in forced flowPages 199-214K. Stephan
9.The development of layered thermosolutal convectionPages 215-218, IN9-IN10, 219-222T.G.L. Shirtcliffe
10.Near-equilibrium decompositional burning of monopropellant droplets in a stagnant atmospherePages 223-231Francis Fendell
11.Condensation of a vapour in the presence of a non-condensing gasPages 233-237J.W. Rose
12.Nusselt condensation of n-butyl alcoholPages 237-239L. Slegers, R.A. Seban
13.A note on natural convection at high prandtl numbersPages 239-241Sreedhan Roy
14.Further remarks on axisymmetric boundary layer over a circular cylinderPage 243
15.Thermophysical properties—research literature retrieval guide: Y.S. Touloukian, Editor Book I, 819 pp; Book II, 625 pp; Book III, 1315 pp. Plenum Press, New York, 1967Page 245R.A. Seban
16.Boundary-value problems of heat condition: M.N. Ozisik, Internation Textbook Company Inc., Price £6, pp. xiv + 505, (1968)Pages 245-246J. Crank
17.Journal of engineering physicsPages 247-248

Volume 12, Issue 3, Pages 249-375 (March 1969)

1.The prediction of the thermal conductivity of two and three phase solid heterogeneous mixturesPages 249-264S.C. Cheng, R.I. Vachon
2.Gas mixing in rod clustersPages 265-278V.R. Skinner, A.R. Freeman, H.G. Lyall
3.Thermal contact conductancePages 279-300M.G. Cooper, B.B. Mikic, M.M. Yovanovich
4.The velocity and temperature distribution in one-dimensional flow with turbulence augmentation and pressure gradientPages 301-318M. Wolfshtein
5.A non-equilibrium description of two-phase annular flow: Application to the burnout predictionPages 319-331L. Biasi, G.C. Clerici, R. Sala, A. Tozzi
6.Heat transfer by simultaneous conduction and radiation for two absorbing media in intimate contactPages 333-347L.A. Tarshis, S. O'Hara, R. Viskanta
7.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 349-363E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, W.E. Ibele, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott
8.Free convection from a plane vertical surface witth a non-horizontal leading edgePages 365-366, IN1, 367-369E.M. Sprrow, R.B. Husar
9.A note on diffusion from a line source in a turbulent boundary layerPages 370-372Y.L. Lau
10.Comments on the application of the redox method of measuring mass transfer coefficients in two-phase (air-liquid) systemsPages 373-374A.M. Sutey, J.G. Knudsen
11.RejoinderPage 374D.B. Spalding
12.AnnouncementPage 375

Volume 12, Issue 4, Pages 377-528 (April 1969)

1.External convective mass transfer in non-Newtonian fluid: Part IPages 377-391A.V. Luikov, Z.P. Shulman, B.I. Puris
2.General solutions to a class of unsteady heat conduction problems in a rectangular parallelepipedPages 393-411Nuretti̇n Y. Ölçer
3.Sound emission and heat transfer in low pressure pool boilingPages 413-418, IN1-IN2, 419-428A.B. Ponter, C.P. Haigh
4.The boiling crisis in saturated and subcooled pool boiling at reduced pressuresPages 429-432, IN3-IN4, 433-437A.B. Ponter, C.P. Haigh
5.Heat transfer coefficients and thermal conductivity of cold liquidsPages 439-443David N. French, Clyde M. Adams Jr.
6.A substitute-kernel approximation for radiative transfer in a nongrey gas near equilibrium, with application to radiative acousticsPages 445-458Scott E. Gilles, Allen C. Cogley, Walter G. Vincenti
7.Subcooled boiling pressure drop with water at low pressurePages 459-470A.E. Bergles, T. Dormer Jr.
8.Diffusion of disintegration products of inert gases in cylindrical tubesPages 471-478C.W. Tan
9.Elements de cinetique appliquee au sechage a contre courant de corps finement divisesPages 479-488J. Ciborowskl, S. Sieniutycz
10.Transport phenomena in free turbulent flowsPages 489-496J.R. Tyldesley
11.A numerical method for discrete ordinate and moment equations in radiative transferPages 497-507Philip M. Campbell
12.Heat transfer bibliography—Russian worksPages 509-519A.V. Luikov
13.The effects of axial heat conduction on the freezing or melting of cylindersPages 521-524George S. Springer
14.Heat flow across metallic joints—the constriction alleviation factorPages 524-526A. Hunter, A. Williams
15.Heat transfers across cavitiesPages 527-528S.D. Probert, R.M. Edwards, M. Dixon

Volume 12, Issue 5, Pages 529-671 (May 1969)

1.Heat transfer mechanisms between wall surface and fluidized bedPages 529-536K. Yoshida, D. Kunii, O. Levenspiel
2.Analysis of complex assemblies of heat exchangersPages 537-548J.D. Domingos
3.The effect of thermal conductivity of the packing material on transient heat transfer in a fixed bedPages 549-570D. Handley, P.J. Heggs
4.Unsteady heat and mass transfer from spheresPages 571-585Yasuo Mori, Mikio Imabayashi, Kunio Hijikata, Yuzo Yoshida
5.Thermal conductivity of nitric oxide, carbon monoxide and their binary mixturesPages 587-593A.K. Barua, A.Das Gupta, P. Mukhopadhyay
6.Evaporation and combustion of a fuel dropletPages 595-609S. Kotake, T. Okazaki
7.On the normal-mode expansion technique for radiative transfer in a scattering, absorbing and emitting slab with specularly reflecting boundariesPages 611-620M.N. Özişik, C.E. Siewert
8.Determination of optimum, transient experiments for thermal contact conductancePages 621-633James V. Beck
9.Polytetrafluoro-ethylene ablation in high-temperature jet of different chemical compositionsPages 635-643A.V. Luikov, A.G. Shashkov, F.B. Yurevich
10.Dropwise condensation—the effect of surface inclinationPages 645-650, IN1, 651E. Citakoglu, J.W. Rose
11.Heat transfer and natural convection patterns on a horizontal circular platePages 651-652, IN3E.W.P. Hahne
12.A note on boundary conditions for use with the differential approximation to radiative transferPages 653-656David Finkleman
13.More on generalizing the definitions of “heat” and “entropy”Pages 656-660Richard A. Gaggiol
14.Note on the temperature profile of a laminar wedge flowPages 660-661Liu Chang-Yu
15.Comments on the “heat transfer and pressure drop in horizontal annular two-phase two component flow”: R. H. Pletcher and H. N. McManus, Jr, int. J. heat mass transfer11(7) 1087–1104 (1968)Page 663D. Chishola
16.Rejoinder: R. H. Pletcher and H. N. McManus, Jr, int. J. heat mass transfer11(7) 1087–1104 (1968)Pages
17.Laminar boundary-layer theory: 229 pp. addison-wesley, Massachusetts (1968)Page 665G. Poots
18.Radiative transfer: 520 pp. McGraw-Hill, New York (1967). Price £7 4s 6dPage 666L.M. Beér
19.Journal of engineering physicsPages 667-671

Volume 12, Issue 6, Pages 673-752 (June 1969)

1.Heat transfer measurements in cylindrical wall jetsPages 673-679V.S. Manian, T.W. McDonald, R.W. Besant
2.Ageing studies in nucleate pool boiling of isopropyl acetate and perchloroethylenePages 681-688I.H. Chaudhri, I.R. McDougall
3.Non-diffuse infrared emission from the lunar surfacePages 689-690, IN1-IN2, 691-697James K. Harrison
4.The void fraction in an annular channel at atmospheric pressurePages 699-704, IN3, 705-711Roberto Evangelisti, Paolo Lupoli
5.Experimental determination of the “slip ratio” in a vertical boiling channel, under adiabatic conditions at atmospheric pressurePages 713-726L. Cimorelli, R. Evangelisti
6.A regenerator—prediction of nusselt numbersPages 727-736Curtis A. Chase Jr., Dimitri Gidaspow, Ralph E. Peck
7.On limiting nusselt numbers from membrane analogy for combined free and forced convection through vertical ductsPages 737-748B.D. Aggarwala, M. Iqbal
8.Natural convection from a horizontal cylinder at moderate grashof numbersPages 749-752J.A. Peterka, P.D. Richardson

Volume 12, Issue 7, Pages 753-832 (July 1969)

1.Convection naturelle turbulente sur une plaque verticale isotherme, transition, echange de chaleur et frottement parietal, lois de repartition de vitesse et de temperaturePages 753-769Jean Coutanceau
2.The turbulent boundary layer on a porous plate: Experimental skin friction with variable injection and suctionPages 771-789Roger L. Simpson, R. J. Moffat, W. M. Kays
3.Liquid boiling in a thin filmPages 791-796I. A. Kopchikov, G. I. Voronin, T. A. Kolach, D. A. Labuntsov, P. D. Lebedev
4.Turbulent schmidt numbersPages 797-802I. B. Goldman, J. M. Marchello
5.An analytical solution for solidification of a moving warm liquid onto an isothermal cold wallPages
6.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 811-819E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, W. E. Ibele, R. J. Goldstein, C. J. Scott
7.Pressure drop and local heat transfer in an in-line, paralleltube heat exchanger with enter-tube fins: An experimental studyPages 821-825F. C. Lockwood, D. Malila
8.Heat and mass transfers in solid heliumPages 825-828S. D. Probert
9.Journal of engineering physicsPages 829-831
10.International centre for heat and mass transfer 1969 international seminarPage 832

Volume 12, Issue 8, Pages 833-989 (August 1969)

1.Aerodynamics, heat and mass transfer in vapour condensation from humid air on a flat plate in a longitudinal flow in asymmetrically cooled slotPages 833-841P.D. Lebedev, A.M. Baklastov, Zh.F. Sergazin
2.Simultaneous determination of microlayer geometry and bubble growth in nucleate boilingPages 843-846, IN1-IN2, 847-848H.H. Jawurek
3.Surface catalysis in dissociated, chemically frozen air boundary layers with variable transport propertiesPages 849-862A.A. Hayday, R.A. McGraw
4.Saturated boiling heat transfer in narrow spacesPages 863-866, IN3-IN6, 867-893E. Ishibashi, K. Nishikawa
5.The microlayer in nucleate pool boilingPages 895-913M.G. Cooper, A.J.P. Lloyd
6.The microlayer and bubble growth in nucleate pool boilingPages 915-933M.G. Cooper
7.The influence of foreign gas injection and slot geometry on film cooling effectivenessPages 935-951W.K. Burns, J.L. Stollery
8.The effect of power transients on the peak heat fluxPages 953-956, IN7-IN10, 957-964Robert B. Roemer
9.Nonsimilar solutions for laminar film condensation on a vertical surfacePages 965-979V.E. Denny, A.F. Mills
10.Proceedings of the 1968 heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute: (Edited by A. F. Emery and C. A. Depew), Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1968, 272 pp. £5 19s 0dPage 981P. Bradshaw
11.International summer school at Herceq-Novi, Yugoslavia, 9 September 1968Page 983D.B. Spalding
12.Zum 70. geburtstag von professor dr.-ing. otto krischerPages IN12, 985E.U. Schlünder
13.Heat and mass transfer in flows with separated regions and measurement techniquesPage 987
14.Western states section/the combustion institutePage 987
15.Int. J. heat mass transfer: L. P. Filippov: Research of liquid thermal conductivity at Moscow University, 11, 331–345 (1968)Page 989
16.Int. J. heat mass transfer: J.W. Rose: Condensation of a vapour in the presence of a non-condensing gas, 12, 233–237 (1969)Page 989

Volume 12, Issue 9, Pages 991-1213 (September 1969)

1.The calculation of heat transfer coefficient for condensation of steam on a vibrating vertical tubePages 991-996J.C. Dent
2.The regenerative heat exchanger computer representationPages 997-1014A.J. Willmott
3.Etude theorique de la propagation de la chaleur et de l'humiditePages 1015-1024M.D. Mikhailov
4.Heat and mass transfer in the Couette flow of a partially ionized diatomic gasPages 1025-1044Said E. Matar, A.A. Kovitz
5.On the role of inert gas in incipient boiling liquid metal experimentsPages 1045-1060Ralph M. Singer, Robert E. Holtz
6.An investigation into the effects of various platings on the film coefficient during nucleate boiling from horizontal tubesPages 1061-1072F.E. Bliss Jr., S.T. Hsu, M. Crawford
7.Etude du flux de thermodiffusion dans les liquides sur des surfaces planesPages 1073-1080Michel Daguenet
8.Calculations of steady state droplet vaporization at high ambient pressuresPages 1081-1095Jose A. Manrique, Gary L. Borman
9.Heat transfer with a moving boundary — Application to fluidized-bed coatingPages 1097-1108Chaim Gutfinger, W.H. Chen
10.Measurements of average heat transfer coefficients for a mesh simulating porous parachute clothPages 1109-1110, IN1-IN4, 1111-1121C.J. Scott, E.R.G. Eckert, M. Ruiz-Urbieta
11.Laminar combined free and forced convection in vertical non-circular ducts under uniform heat fluxPages 1123-1139M. Iqbal, B.D. Aggarwala, A.G. Fowler
12.Heat and mass transfer in dispersed, two-phase, single-component flowPages 1141-1155A.U.
13.Condensation in the presence of a noncondensable gas in direct contactPages 1157-1169Yehuda Taitel, Abraham Tamir
14.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1171-1172Takashi Satō
15.Thermal instability of a horizontal layer of non-Newtonian fluid heated from belowPages 1173-1178Tien Chi, Huh Sheng Tsuei, Zu Shung Sun
16.On a simple correlation for total band absorptance of radiating gasesPages 1179-1181C.L. Tien, G.R. Ling
17.Heat transfer in a tube with forced convection, internal radiation exchange, axial wall heat conduction and arbitrary wall heat generationPages 1182-1187R.S. Thorsen
18.Temperature distributions for inscribable noncircular ducts having constant wall heat flux and constant velocity flowPages 1187-1191Joseph T. Pearson
19.Radiation effect on the enthalpy and velocity distributions of a laminar, compressible, planar free jetPages 1191-1196M.M. Abu-Romia
20.An experimental investigation of the influence of slot-lip-thickness on the impervious-wall effectiveness of the uniform-density, two-dimensional wall jetPages 1196-1201S.C. Kacker, J.H. Whitelaw
21.Thermal conductivity of packed beds and powder bedsPages 1201-1206S.C. Cheng, R.I. Vachon
22.The prediction of the transport properties of a turbulent fluidPages 1207-1209V. Walker
23.Note on the prediction of the transport properties of a turbulent fluidPages 1209-1210C.J. Lawn
24.Rejoinder—The prediction of the transport properties of a turbulent fluidPages 1211-1212J.R. Tyldesley, R.S. Silver
25.Sixth U.S. national congress of applied mechanicsPage 1213

Volume 12, Issue 10, Pages 1215-1341 (October 1969)

1.Über kompressible ersatzfluide für isotherme zwei-phasen-zwei-komponenten-strömungenPages 1215-1220H. D. Eigner
2.On the time-dependent convective heat transfer in fluids with vanishing prandtl numberPages
3.Coupled diffusion of heat and vorticity in a gaseous vortexPages 1231-1248Alan Mironer, Darshan S. Dosanjh
4.Mass or heat transfer with a change in interfacial area—I : Mass transfer in the continuous phase to a growing dropPages 1249-1255E. Ruckenstein, D. Constanitnescu
5.The failure of a boundary layer model to describe certain cases of cellular convectionPages 1257-1265J. L. Robinson
6.Flow development in a tube with injection of a light or heavy gasPages 1267-1279P. A. Libby, T. M. Liu, F. A. Williams
7.The effect of periodic shock-fronted pressure waves on instantaneous heat flux ratesPages 1281-1293R. W. Goluba, G. L. Borman
8.An analysis of laminar combined forced and free convection heat transfer in a horizontal tubePages 1295-1309G. N. Faris, R. Viskanta
9.On mechanism of dropwise condensationPages 1311-1323B. B. Mikic
10.On the evaluation of “liquid fluctuating velocity” during bubbling of gas through a liquidPages 1325-1326U. Magrini, C. Pisoni
11.Radiative energy transfer from a small spherePages 1327-1331George Emanuel
12.Transient radiative heat transfer in a plane layerPages 1331-1337K. Krishna Prasad, R. G. Hering
13.Radiative heat transfer : T. J. Love ,C. E. Merril, Columbus, Ohio (1968). £5 10s. 0dPage 1339V. K. Jonsson
14.ErratumPage 1341

Volume 12, Issue 11, Pages 1343-1533 (November 1969)

1.On incipient-boiling wall superheats in liquid metalsPages 1403-1419O.E Dwyer
2.Experimentelle untersuchung des wärmeübergangs in parallel durchströmten rohrbündeln bei konstanter wärmestromdichte im bereich mittlerer Prandtl-ZahlenPages
3.An analysis of free-convective heat transfer from an isothermal vertical plate to supercritical fluidsPages
4.Growth rates of free vapor bubbles in liquids at uniform superheats under normal and zero gravity conditionsPages 1465-1489L.W. Florschuetz, C.L. Henry, A.Rashid Khan
5.Thermal convection in high prandtl number liquids at high rayleigh numbersPages 1491-1511E.F.C Somerscales, I.W Gazda
6.Radiative heat transfer between parallel plates and concentric cylindersPages 1513-1517S.K. Loyalka
7.Overall constriction resistance between contacting rough, wavy surfacesPages 1517-1520M.Michael Yovanovich
8.Thermal diffusivtty measurements from a step function change in flux into a double layer infinite slabPages
9.The effect of vapor subcooling on film condensation of metalsPages 1525-1529Eugene D. Fedorovich, Warren M. Rohsenow
10.Heat transfer—soviet research: Vol. 1, No. 1. The American society of mechanical engineers, New York (1969)Page 1531D.B. Spalding
11.ErratumPage 1533
12.A study of one-dimensional ice formation with particular reference to periodic growth and decayPages 1343-1352G.S.H Lock, J.R Gunderson, D Quon, J.K Donnelly
13.Investigations on the critical heat flux of pure liquids and mixtures under various conditionsPages
14.Interactions in natural convection from an array of heated elements, experimentalPages 1385-1386, IN1-IN5, 1387-1396J. Lieberman, B. Gebhart
15.Considerations theoriques sur la surchauffePages 1397-1402N. Ninić

Volume 12, Issue 12, Pages 1535-1725 (December 1969)

1.Effect of secondary flow on the temperature field and primary flow in a heated horizontal tubePages 1535-1552D.P Siegwarth, R.D Mikesell, T.C Readal, T.J Hanratty
2.Radiation dominant interaction in gasdynamicsPages 1553-1572Kuei-Yuan Chien
3.Natural-convection on a finite-size horizontal platePages 1573-1584J.V Clifton, A.J Chapman
4.Turbulent prandtl number in thermally stratified shear flows of airPages 1585-1594H Chuang, R.B Renda
5.Convective heat transfer from small cylinders to mercuryPages 1595-1604J.C Hill, C.A Sleicher
6.Der wärmeübergang bei der laminar längs angeströmten ebenen platte mit der wärmeflussverteilung qw ~ xmPages 1605-1620H Gräber
7.Transient heat transfer from a hot nickel sphere moving through waterPages 1621-1622, in1-in2, 1623-1625F.J. Walford
8.The initial vapor bubble growth on a heated wall during nucleate boilingPages 1627-1630, in3-in4, 1631-1639V. Sernas, F.C. Hooper
9.The feasibility of wall parameter correlations for internal, field-free plasma flowsPages 1641-1659F.P Incropera, R.L Kingsbury
10.Harmoniques crees par excitation parametrique dans les anemometres a fil chaud a intensite constantePages 1661-1677G. Comte-Bellot, J.P. Schon
11.Zone de melange d'un jet plan Fluctuations induites dans le cone a potentiel-intermittencePages 1679-1697M. Sunyach, J. Mathieu
12.Heat transfer to non-newtonian fluids in laminar flow through concentric annuliPages 1699-1703Sun-Nan Hong, John C. Matthews
13.Transient radial temperature distributions in cylindrical shellsPages 1704-1706Robert C. Pfahl Jr.
14.Effect of tunnel blockage and support on the heat transfer from spheresPages 1707-1709D.C.T. Pei
15.Laminar flow heat transfer and pressure drop with freezing at the wallPages 1710-1714C.A. Depew, R.C. Zenter
16.A note on electrolytic analogue experiments for thermal contact resistancePages 1715-1718M.G. Cooper
17.Transient effects in mass transfer to circulating dropsPages 1718-1722J.W. Taunton, E.N. Lightfoot
18.Comment on transport phenomena in free turbulent flowsPage 1723C.J. Lawn
19.Rejoinder to transport phenomena in free turbulent flowsPages 1723-1724J.R. Tyldesley
20.ErratumPage 1725

Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 1-223 (January 1970)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Radiative energy transfer within a hydrogen plasmaPages 1-12D.A Mandell, R.D Cess
3.The effect of buoyancy on the formation of a solid deposit freezing onto a vertical surfacePages 13-25C.A Lapadula, W.K Mueller
4.Computational and experimental study of the effect of secondary flow on the temperature field and primary flow in a heated horizontal tubePages 27-42D.P Siegwarth, T.J Hanratty
5.A variational solution to the taylor stability problem based upon non-equilibrium thermodynamicsPages 43-54H.W Butler, D.E Mckee
6.The relationship of quench data to steady-state pool boiling dataPages 55-68A.E Bergles, W.G Thompson Jr.
7.Steady and transient heat transfer by radiation and conduction in a medium bounded by two coaxial cylindrical surfacesPages 69-80Chang Yan-Po, R.Scott Smith Jr
8.Solutions of equations for the thermal boundary layer at a rotating axisymmetric surfacePages 81-92L.A Dorfman, V.A Mironova
9.An analysis of thermal resistance at a solid-stationary liquid metal interface due to the presence of gas cavitiesPages 93-103M.Michael Yovanovich
10.Improved pool boiling heat transfer to helium from treated surfaces and its application to superconducting magnetsPages 105-108, IN1, 109-115A.P Butler, G.B James, B.J Maddock, W.T Norris
11.Free convection in air between a 60° vee-corrugated plate and a flat platePages 117-123J.C.V Chinnappa
12.An experimental study of the turbulent prandtl number of air with injection and suctionPages 125-143R.L Simpson, D.G Whitten, R.J Moffat
13.Analytical investigation of heat or mass transfer and friction factors in a corrugated duct heat or mass exchangerPages 145-146, IN3, 147-159D.F Sherony, C.W Solbrig
14.Steady laminar natural convection plumes above a horizontal line heat sourcePages 161-168, IN5, 169-171B Gebhart, L Pera, A.W Schorr
15.An analogue study of heat transfer through periodically contacting surfacesPages 173-183J.R Howard, A.E Sutton
16.Radiation from flames and gases in a cold wall combustion chamberPages 185-197B Leckner
17.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 199-212E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele
18.On the local heat transfer from rough spherical particlesPages 213-214, IN7, 215J. Joss, A.N. Aufdermaur
19.Two-dimensional solidification in a cornerPages 215-218L.M. Jiji, K.A. Rathjen, T. Drzewiecki
20.Transient heating of thin platesPages 218-221H.J. Breaux, P.R. Schlegel
21.Some remarks on calculations of heat transfer in the axisymmetric boundary layer over a circular cylinderPage 223D.E. Bourne

Volume 13, Issue 2, Pages 225-448 (February 1970)

1.Heat transfer—A review of 1968 literaturePages 225-238, IN1, 239-262E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele
2.Convective heat transfer at the surface of a corona electrodePages 263-274Myron Robinson
3.Simultaneous measurement of six thermal properties of a charring plasticPages 275-286Robert C Pfahl Jr, Barry J Mitchel
4.Local heat sink on a convectively cooled surface—application to temperature measurement errorPages 287-304D.K Hennecke, E.M Sparrow
5.Bubble dynamics in subcooled nucleate boiling based on the mass transfer mechanismPages 305-318Theodore T Robin Jr., Nathan W Snyder
6.Turbulent and laminar heat transfer to gases with varying properties in the entry region of circular ductsPages 319-344C.A. Bankston, D.M. McEligot
7.Radiative heat transfer analysis from a heated airport runway to fogPages 345-358Gordon L Scofield, Tom J Love
8.Series solution of unsteady heat or mass transfer to a translating fluid spherePages 359-367B.T Chao, James L.S Chen
9.An experimental study of the dynamic behavior and heat transfer characteristics of water droplets impinging upon a heated surfacePages 369-372, IN3-IN5, 373-381C.O Pedersen
10.Calculation of void volume fraction in the subcooled and quality boiling regionsPages 383-393S.Z Rouhani, E Axelsson
11.Turbulent heat transfer in the thermal entrance region of concentric annuli with uniform wall heat fluxPages 395-411Alan Quarmby, R.K Anand
12.Axisymmetric melting or solidification of circular cylindersPages 413-427Jerome M Lederman, Bruno A Boley
13.On gas mixing in rod bundlesPages 429-431L. Ingesson, B. Kjellström
14.Relaminarization in tubesPages 431-433D.M. McEligot, C.W. Coon, H.C. Perkins
15.Combined forced and free convection flow on vertical surfacesPages 434-438J.R. Lloyd, E.M. Sparrow
16.Free convection flow patterns at horizontal surfaces with ionic mass transferPages 439-440,
17.Comments on activation of nucleation cavities on a heating surface with temperature gradient in superheated liquidPages 443-445
18.Further remarks on a model of two-dimensional convectionPage 445J.L. Robinson
19.International center for heat and mass transfer 1970 international seminarPage 447
20.Fourth international heat transfer conference 1970Page 448

Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 449-656 (March 1970)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 631-645A.V. Luikov
2.The solution of radiative exchange problems by least squares techniquesPages 647-650E.M. Sparrow, A. Haji-Sheikh
3.Local heat and mass transfer from rigid spheresPages 651-653G.A. Hughmark
4.Advances in heat transfer: Vol. 5, 538 pp. Academic Press (1968). Price $22.50Pages 655-656G.F.C. Rogers
5.Stability of buoyancy-driven convection in a tilted slotPages 449-458S.F Liang, A Acrivos
6.The effects of axial conduction in the wall on heat transfer with laminar flowPages 459-470E.James Davis, William N Gill
7.Laminar forced convection heat transfer in curved rectangular channelsPages 471-490K.C Cheng, Mltsunobu Akiyama
8.Neutron radiographic study of limiting planar heat pipe performancePages 491-492, IN1, 493-502Richard A Moss, Arnold J Kelly
9.Pool boiling from large arrays of artificial nucleation sitesPages 503-516Y Heled, J Ricklis, Aluf Orell
10.Unsteady combined conduction-radiation energy transfer using a rigorous differential methodPages 517-522A.S Hazzah, J.V Beck
11.Theoretical analysis of bubble dynamics for an artificially produced vapor bubble in a turbulent streamPages
12.A technique for predicting the thermal conductivity of suspensions, emulsions and porous materialsPages 537-546S.C Cheng, R.I Vachon
13.A band absorptance formulation for nonisothermal gaseous radiationPages 547-555R.D Cess, L.S Wang
14.An experimental investigation of natural convection wakes above a line heat sourcePages 557-558, IN3-IN6, 559-571A.W Schorr, BGebhart
15.Laminar heat transfer to a blunted wedgePages 573-581K.K Chen
16.Heat transfer through the axially symmetric boundary layer on a moving circular fibrePages 583-593D.E Bourne, D.G Elliston
17.Mesures de flux thermiques dans un ecoulement hypersonique de gaz rarefiePages 595-596, IN7-IN9, 597-605J Allegre, J.-C Festinger, G Herpe
18.Laminar natural-convective heat transfer from the outer surface of a vertical cylinderPages 607-615Fujii Tetsu, Uehara Haruo
19.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 617-630E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele

Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 657-752 (April 1970)

1.On bubble growth ratesPages 657-666B. B. Mikic, W. M. Rohsenow, P. Griffith
2.Entrance region and variable heat flux effects in turbulent heat transfer to liquid metals flowing in concentric annuliPages 667-680John C. Chen, W. S. Yu
3.Amplification of heat transfer by local injection of fluid into a turbulent tube flowPages 681-688W. A. Tauscher, E. M. Sparrow, J. R. Lloyd
4.Experiments on hydrodynamically developing flow in rectangular ducts of arbitrary aspect ratioPages 689-701G. S. Beavers, E. M. Sparrow, R. A. Magnuson
5.Nonlinear estimation applied to the nonlinear inverse heat conduction problemPages 703-716James V. Beck
6.Distribution of concentration in flow through a circular pipePages 717-723D. H. Chun
7.Surface roughness effects on radiant transfer between surfacesPages 725-739R. G. Hering, T. F. Smith
8.Thermoconvective wavesPages 741-747A. V. Lukov, B. M. Behkovsky
9.Condensation of liquid metalsPages 749-750J. W. Rose
10.ErratumPage 751
11.International symposium on two-phase systems August 29–September 2, 1971 Technion City, Haifa, IsraelPage 752

Volume 13, Issue 5, Pages 753-944 (May 1970)

1.Experiments on natural-convection heat transfer from the outer surface of a vertical cylinder to liquidsPages 753-770, IN1-IN4, 771-787T Fujii, M Takeuchi, M Fujii, K Suzaki, H Uehara
2.Thermal contact resistance: The directional effect and other problemsPages 789-807T.R Thomas, S.D Probert
3.Experiments on the breakdown of laminar flow in a parallel-plate channelPages 809-815G.S Beavers, E.M Sparrow, R.A Magnuson
4.Transient heat and mass transfer in an adiabatic regenerator—A green's matrix representationPages 817-833C.A Chase, Dimitri Gidaspow, R.E Peck
5.Enhancement of nucleate pool boiling with polymeric additivesPages 835-840, IN5, 841-848P Kotchaphakdee, Michael C Williams
6.Experiments on the cellular structure in bénard convectionPages 849-852, IN7, 853-856C.Q Hoard, C.R Robertson, A Acrivos
7.The conduction of heat from sliding solidsPages 857-869J.R Barber
8.Unsteady-state liquid diffusion in laminar flow in a circular tubePages 871-877M.G Williams, J.K Ferrell
9.Etude du transport de masse dans un melange gazeux binaire en ecoulement turbulent avec aspiration parietalePages 879-900D Massignon, A Rosengard, Soubbaramayer
10.Variable viscosity entrance-region flow of non-newtonian liquidsPages 901-909A.A Mckillop, J.C Harper, H.J Bader, A.Y Korayem
11.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 911-923A.V. Luikov
12.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 925-926Sato Takashi
13.A correlation of local nusselt numbers for laminar flow heat transfer in annuliPages 927-931Richard J. Nunge, Earnest W. Porta, Ronald Bentley
14.An experimental study of mixing phenomena of turbulent supersonic jetsPages 932-937J.D. Kapner, Kun Li, R.H. Larson
15.The constant property turbulent boundary layer with injection; A reanalysis of some experimental resultsPages 939-942L.C. Squire
16.Reply to the comments by Dr. Y. R. Mayhew on theoretical study of laminar film condensation of flowing vapourPages
17.Rejoinder to some remarks on heat transfer in the axisymmetric boundary layer over a circular cylinderPage 944S. Eshghy, R.W. Hornbeck

Volume 13, Issue 6, Pages 945-1067 (June 1970)

1.Direct contact heat transfer with change of phase: Evaporation of discrete volatile films from the surface of a stagnant immiscible liquidPages 945-946, IN1, 947-956M Bentwich, U Landau, S Sideman
2.Heat transfer at a melting flat surface under conditions of forced convection and laminar boundary layerPages 957-962F.M Pozvonkov, E.F Shurgalskii, L.S Akselrod
3.Heat and mass transfer in interaction of spherical drops and gas bubbles with a liquid flowPages 963-973B.I Brounshtein, A.S Zheleznyak, G.A Fishbein
4.Laminar heat transfer in a circular tube under solar radiation in spacePages 975-983S Sikka, M Iqbal
5.Surface temperature fluctuations during steady state boilingPages 985-986, IN3, 987-995Robert B Roemer
6.Direct contact heat transfer with change of phase: Bubble condensation in immiscible liquidsPages 997-1011J Isenberg, S Sideman
7.Measurement of the local shear stress in burner ports and other short ducts by a mass transfer techniquePages 1013-1027R.M Davies, D.M Lucas
8.Effect of wall cooling on the mean structure of a turbulent boundary layer in low-speed gas flowPages 1029-1047L.H Back, R.F Cuffel, P.F Massier
9.Heat and mass transfer—Polish worksPages 1049-1055T. Hobler
10.Laminar heat transfer in a round tube with variable circumferential or arbitrary wall heat fluxPages 1057-1060T.K. Bhattacharyya, D.N. Roy
11.On the solidification of a warm liquid flowing over a cold wallPages 1060-1062M. Elmas
12.Turbulent heat and momentum transfer in a square duct with moderate property variationsPages 1063-1065E. Battista, H.C. Perkins
13.AddendumPage 1067

Volume 13, Issue 7, Pages 1069-1260 (July 1970)

1.Pioneer papersPages 1069-1099E.A. Brun
2.Thermal response behavior of laminar boundary layers in wedge flowPages 1101-1114James L.S Chen, B.T Chao
3.On the possibility of measuring thermal fields using the mössbauer effect-application to turbine bladingPages 1115-1131Francesco P Branca, Paolo Lanciani
4.Axial stability of the dry patch formed in dryout of a two-phase annular flowPages 1133-1146, IN1, 1147-1152G.D McPherson
5.The thermal contact resistance at gold foil surfacesPages 1153-1162J Mølgaard, W.W Smeltzer
6.Film boiling and free convection heat transfer to carbon dioxide near the critical statePages 1163-1166, IN3-IN6, 1167-1175E Abadzic, R.J Goldstein
7.Laminar film condensation near a stagnation point on a general curved surfacePages 1177-1185G Poots, R.G Miles
8.On a variational formulation of a class of thermal entrance problemsPages 1187-1197S.D Savkar
9.Le problème des propriétés physiques variables pour un écoulement monophasique dans un canal chauffant prismatique verticalPages 1199-1214Ph Vernier
10.Heat and mass transfer for reaction of injected fluid with external oxygen flowPages 1215-1224G.T Sergeev, B.M Smolsky, L.I Tarasevich
11.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 1225-1230E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele
12.Phase change of spherical bodiesPages 1231-1233Sung Hwan Cho, J.Edward Sunderland
13.Etude experimentale de la distribution des temperatures dans le film visqueux, aux grands nombres de prandtlPages 1234-1237Klaus Janberg
14.Energy transfer mechanisms en transition pool boilingPages 1237-1238, IN7, 1239-1240Tadao Aoki, James R. Welty
15.On the nonlinearity of two-dimensional heat transfer in a conducting and radiating mediumPages 1240-1243V.J. Lunardini, Y.P. Chang
16.Diffuse free convection in a jet above an axially symmetric orifice during hydrogen outflow into ambient airPages 1243-1244, IN9-IN10, 1245-1248K. Brodowicz
17.An analysis of laminar combined forced and free convection heat transfer in a horizontal tubePage 1249A.E. Bergles
18.Journal of engineering physicsPages 1251-1260

Volume 13, Issue 8, Pages 1261-1388 (August 1970)

1.Heat transfer from a plate in a compressible gas flowPages 1261-1270A.V Luikov, T.L Perelman, R.S Levitin, L.B Gdalevich
2.Experimental study of nonsteady convective heat transfer in tubesPages 1271-1281V.K Koshkin, E.K Kalinin, G.A Dreitser, B.M Galitseisky, V.G Izosimov
3.Mass or heat transfer from a solid boundary to a turbulent fluidPages 1283-1291E Ruckenstein
4.Thermal conductance of alumina-nickel interfaces at elevated temperaturesPages 1293-1297Lance G Hays
5.Principal mechanism of micro-liquid-layer formation on a solid surface with a growing bubble in nucleate boilingPages 1299-1302, IN1-IN2, 1303-1311Y Katto, M Shoji
6.Spectral measurements of temperature and longitudinal velocity fluctuations in fully developed pipe flowPages 1313-1329K Bremhorst, K.J Bullock
7.A turbulent heat flux meter and some measurements of turbulence in air flow through a heated pipePages 1331-1338P.J Bourke, D.J Pulling
8.Forced convective heat transfer to turbulent CO2 in the supercritical regionPages 1339-1348P.J Bourke, D.J Pulling, L.E Gill, W.H Denton
9.Radiative transfer in a conservative finite slab with an internal sourcePages 1349-1357J.T Kriese, C.E Siewert
10.Thermal conductivity calculation of porous media by means of nomographsPages 1359-1363Adam Zanker
11.A new method of correlating heat-transfer coefficients for natural convection in horizontal cylindrical annuliPages 1364-1368M. Itoh, T. Fujita, N. Nishiwaki, M. Hirata
12.Displacement thickness of an unsteady boundary layer with surface mass transferPages 1368-1371Tse-Fou Zien
13.Extension of the numerical method for melting and freezing problemsPages 1371-1375W.L. Heitz, J.W. Westwater
14.Steady state temperature profiles within insulated electrical cables having variable conductivitiesPages 1375-1378Donald S. Cohen, Fredrick H. Shair
15.Fuel droplets evaporation in a moving gaseous mediumPages 1378-1382Izzeddin S. Habib
16.The effect of free stream turbulence on the heat transfer from the stagnation point of a spherePages 1382-1386Vincent J. Gostkowski, Frederick A. Costello
17.Thermoresistors and their application, (termorezistory i ikh primeneniye): A. G. Shashkov, 320 pp. Izd. “Energiya”, Moscow (1967).Pages 1387-1388A.N. Devoino
18.Fourth international heat transfer conferencePage 1388

Volume 13, Issue 9, Pages 1389-1515 (September 1970)

1.To Alexei Vasilievich Luikov on his 60th birthdayPage 1389E.R.G. Eckert
2.The international journal of heat and mass transfer enters its second decadePage 1391
3.Enhancement of diffusion-limited vaporization rates by condensation within the thermal boundary layer 2. Comparison of homogeneous nucleation theory with the critical supersaturation modelPages 1393-1414Michael Epstein, Daniel E Rosner
4.The film condensation of mixed vapour in a vertical columnPages 1415-1424K Onda, E Sada, K Takahashi
5.The peak pool boiling heat flux on horizontal cylindersPages 1425-1430, IN1-IN3, 1431-1439Kauo-Hwa Sun, John H Lienhard
6.Concentration polarization in an unstirred batch cell: Measurements and comparison with theoryPages 1441-1457M.K Liu, F.A Williams
7.A numerical solution of the multidimensional solidification (or melting) problemPages 1459-1477Anastas Lazaridis
8.Thermoconvective instability in a bounded cylindrical fluid layerPages 1479-1496G.S Charlson, R.L Sani
9.Thermal constriction resistance due to non-uniform surface conditions; contact resistance at non-uniform interface pressurePages 1497-1500Borivoje Mikić
10.Direct contact condensation with a multi-component mixture of non condensable gasesPages 1501-1503A. Tamir, Y. Taitel
11.Experimentelle ergebnisse mit einem dochtfreien zentrifugal-wärmerohrPages 1503-1504P. Fries
12.On methods of studying heat transfer in transition boilingPages 1505-1506S.A. Kovalev
13.Note on thermal instability of a horizontal layer of non-Newtonian fluid heated from belowPages 1506-1507Phillip C. Wankat
14.Rejoinder to note on thermal instability of a horizontal layer of non-Newtonian fluid heated from belowPage 1508Tien Chi
15.Heat and Mass Transfer in Recirculating Flows: A. D. Gosman, W. M. Pun, A. K. Runchal, D. B. Spalding and M. Wolfshtein, Academic Press (1969). 338 pp, £3Pages 1509-1510John A. Clark
16.Progress in Heat and Mass Transfer: Vol. 2, Eckert presentation volume. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1969). 499 pp, £12Page 1511Leif N. Persen
17.Proceedings of the second all-Soviet Union conference on heat and mass transfer (1967): C. Gazley, jr., J. P. Hartnett and E. R. G. Eckert (editors)Page 1512Ralph Greif
18.Thermal Conductivity: Edited by R. P. Tye. Academic Press, London and New York. volume 1, XXII + 422 pp. volume 2, XXII + 353pp. 130S. or $19.0Page 1513P. Grassmann
19.ErratumPage 1515

Volume 13, Issue 10, Pages 1517-1643 (October 1970)

1.Heat transfer—A review of 1969 literaturePages 1517-1530, IN1, 1531-1558E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele, E. Pfender
2.Diffusion and chemi-desorption rate coefficients from desorption transient measurementsPages 1559-1570W.W Brandt
3.Heat transfer to a flowing non-gray radiating gas: An experimental and theoretical studyPages 1571-1582I.S Habib, R Greif
4.Heat transfer to non-Newtonian fluids in coiled pipes in laminar flowPages 1583-1594S Rajasekharan, V.G Kubair, N.R Kuloor
5.On the liquid film of nucleate boilingPages 1595-1609Kotake Susmu
6.A modified discrete ordinate approach to nonlinear cylindrical heat transferPages 1611-1621C.L Su, R.W Springer
7.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1623-1624Sato Takashi
8.On heat transfer with moving boundaryPages 1625-1627M. Elmas
9.Eddy-shedding from a sphere in turbulent free-streamsPages 1627-1629A.S. Mujumdar, W.J.M. Douglas
10.Mass transfer with chemical reaction in a finite falling filmPages 1629-1632G.J. Jameson, S.R.C. Burchell, J.C. Gottifredi
11.Conformal mapping for heat conduction in a region with an unknown boundaryPages 1632-1636Marvin E. Goldstein, Robert Siegel
12.Application of a sampled-data model to the transient response of a distributed parameter system subject to simultaneous radiation and convectionPages 1636-1639J.W. Graham
13. $10.55)Page 1641D.M. McEligoi
14.Int. J. heat mass transfer: Kaneyasu Nishikawa and Takehiro Ito: An analysis of free convective heat transfer from an isothermal vertical plate to supercritical fluids, 12, 1449–1463 (1969)Page 1643
15.Int. J. heat mass transfer: K. Yoshida, D. Kunii and O. Levenspiel: Heat transfer mechanisms between wall surface and fluidized bed, 12, 529–536 (1969)Page 1643
16.Int. J. heat mass transfer: E. M. Sparrow and A. Haji-Sheikh: The solution of radiative exchange problems by least squares techniques, 13, 647–650 (1970)Page 1643

Volume 13, Issue 11, Pages 1645-1804 (November 1970)

1.Der wärmeübergang in glatten rohren, zwischen parallelen platten, in ringspalten und längs rohrbündeln bei exponentieller wärmeflussverteilung in erzwungener laminarer oder turbulenter strömungPages 1645-1703H. Graber
2.Heat transfer of condensable vapour diffusing through porous mediaPages 1705-1713Masao Kito, Sachio Sugiyama
3.Theoretical investigation of the thermal entrance region in steady, axially symmetrical slug flow with mixed boundary conditionsPages 1715-1725S. Golos
4.Importance relative des differents modes de transmission de la chaleur dans un four —Elements de calculPages 1727-1736J. Jaegle, B. Leblanc
5.Effect of nongray thermal radiation on laminar forced convection over a heated horizontal platePages
6.Berechnung der wärmeübertragung in regeneratoren bei zeitlich veränderlichem mengenstromPages 1753-1766H. Hausen
7.Transfert thermique instationnaire en ecoulement laminaire a l'entrée des tubes circulairesPages 1767-1778Ta Phuoc Loc
8.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 1779-1791E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, C. J. Scott, W. E. Ibele
9.Planar radiating flow by the method of discrete ordinatesPages 1793-1798Ping Cheng, Hung C. Lui
10.Contents listsPages 1799-1804

Volume 13, Issue 12, Pages 1805-1947 (December 1970)

1.Heat and mass transfer between gas and granular material—Part IIPages 1805-1817Z.F Chukhanov
2.Determination of turbulent velocity field in a rectilinear duct with non-circular cross-sectionPages 1819-1823Bohdan Krajewski
3.Planck mean coefficients in the optically thin limitPages 1825-1829Allen C Cogley
4.Etude experimentale et analytique du frottement et de la transmission de la chaleur au sein d'ecoulements turbulentsPages 1831-1855Jean Fayet
5.Natural convection heat transfer between concentric spheresPages 1857-1858, IN1-IN2, 1859-1872J.A Scanlan, E.H Bishop, R.E Powe
6.Natural convection from isothermal flat surfacesPages 1873-1886Kamal-Eldin Hassan, Salah A Mohamed
7.Mass transfer of decaying products with axial diffusion in cylindrical tubesPages 1887-1905C.W Tan, Hsu Chia-Jung
8.Theoretical solutions for low-Péclét-number thermal-entry-region heat transfer in laminar flow through concentric annuliPages 1907-1924Hsu Chia-Jung
9.A fundamental investigation of the phenomena that characterize liquid-film coolingPages 1925-1928, IN3, 1929-1939R.A Gater, M.R L'Ecuyer
10.Laminar film condensation of steam containing small concentrations of airPages 1941-1947L Slegers, R.A Seban

Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 1-176 (January 1971)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Some problems of free convection in a macrocapillaryPages 1-14A.V Luikov, B.M Berkovsky, V.L Kolpashchikov
3.Effect of wall radiation on thermal instability in a vertical cylinderPages 15-18D.K Edwards, W.M Sun
4.Infrared radiative heat transfer in nongray nonisothermal gasesPages 19-26S.H Chan, C.L Tien
5.Correlations of concentration, temperature and velocity profiles in compressible turbulent boundary layers with foreign gas injectionPages 27-40D.I.A Dunbar, L.C Squire
6.The hypersonic boundary layer on a wedge with uniform mass addition and viscous interactionPages 41-48W.S King, R.L Varwig
7.Application of conformal mapping and variational method to the study of heat conduction in polygonal plates with temperature/dependent conductivityPages 49-56James C.M Yu
8.Stability of thermal convection in a salinity gradient due to lateral heatingPages 57-62, IN1-IN3, 63-65C.F Chen, D.G Briggs, R.A Wirtz
9.Transient boiling heat transfer to waterPages 67-82H.A Johnson
10.Näherungsweise berechnung des wärme- und stoffaustausches in laminaren ueberschallgrenzschichten bei ausblasen eines leichten gasesPages 83-131J.L Bansal
11.The slug expulsion of freon-113 by rapid depressurization of a vertical tubePages 133-136, IN5-IN6, 137-139W.D Ford, Hans K Fauske, S.G Bankoff
12.A simple model of radiation heat transfer from a cloud of burning particles in a confined gas streamPages 141-147M.M. Gibson, J.A. Monahan
13.Convective heat transfer at general three-dimensional stagnation pointsPages 149-152Andrzej Wortman, Henry Ziegler, Soo-Hoo Gim
14.One-dimensional freezing or melting process in a body with variable cross-sectional areaPages 153-156Sui Lin
15.Characteristic lengths for non-circular ductsPages 157-159S. Ahmed, E. Brundrett
16.Entrance-region heat transfer for laminar flow in porous tubesPages 159-161R.J. Pederson, R.B. Kinney
17.Natural convection from a vertical flat plate in the low grashof number rangePages 162-165J. Gryzagoridis
18.On the break-up of thin liquid layers flowing along a surfacePages 165-169E. Ruckenstein
19.Effect of varying gravitational field on condensation over vertical platesPages 171-172Subrahmaniyam Susarla, Ramalingam Kaparthi
20.Contents listsPages 173-176

Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 177-336 (February 1971)

1.Evaporation of a solid into vacuumPages 177-184A.V Luikov, T.L Perelman, S.I Anisimov
2.The influence of packing porosity on aerosol particle deposition in a scrubberPages 185-190, IN1, 191-198Janusz Ciborowski, Zbigniew Z Hulewicz
3.Temperature distribution in a semi-infinite solid under a fast-moving arbitrary heat sourcePages
4.The stability of a fluid layer subjected to a step change in temperature: Transient vs. frozen time analysesPages 207-221P.M Gresho, R.L Sani
5.Laminar heat transfer in the thermal entrance region of circular tubes and two-dimensional rectangular ducts with wall suction and injectionPages 223-243G Raithby
6.The calculation of radiative heat flux in a cylindrical furnace using the Monte Carlo MethodPages 245-262F.R Steward, P Cannon
7.A multiple-band formulation for radiative transfer in a slightly disturbed gas, with application to radiatively driven acoustic wavesPages 263-278Dale L Compton
8.Laminar boundary layer on a flat plate at low prandtl numberPages 279-292Roddam Narasimha, Noor Afzal
9.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 293-307A.V. Luikov
10.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 309-324E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele
11.Heat transfer predictions from mass transfer measurements around a single cylinder in cross flowPages 325-329J.S. Lewis
12.Letter concerning the paper “thermal contact resistance—the directional effect and other problems”Pages 331-332J.R. Barber
13.Heat-conduction theory: A. V. Luikov, Vyssh. Shkola, Moscow, (1968). (In English by Academic Press, New York, 1969)Page 333A.G. Shashkov, L.L. Vasiliev
14.Boiling heat transfer in metals under natural convection: V. I. Subbotin, D. N. Sorokin, D. M. Ovechkin and A. P. Kudryavtsev, Moscow, Nauka (1969)Pages 333-334V.N. Moskvichova, N.N. Mamontova, G.I. Bobrovich
15.The theory on turbulent streams and wakes: A. S. Ginevsky, Moscow, Mashinostroenie (1964)Pages 334-335Yu. Anoshkin, B.A. Kolovandin
16.Proceedings of the 1970 heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute: (Edited by T. Sarpkaya). Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1970, 370 ppPages 335-336R A. Seban

Volume 14, Issue 3, Pages 337-512 (March 1971)

1.Heat and mass transfer between gas and granular material—Part IIIPages 337-351Z.F Chukhanov
2.Condensation of vapour bubbles in liquidPages 353-356V.F Prisnyakov
3.Liquid fin—A new device for heat-transfer equipmentPages 357-360, IN1, 361-363J Madejski, J Mikielewicz
4.Turbulent flow in non-circular ducts. Part 1: Mean flow properties in the developing region of a square ductPages 365-375S Ahmed, E Brundrett
5.Stability of liquid flow down a heated inclined planePages 377-385S George Bankoff
6.Heat-rejection radiator mass and its influence in space power systemsPages 387-393Jacques M. Bonneville
7.Heat or mass transfer-controlled dissolution of an isolated spherePages 395-407J.L Duda, J.S Vrentas
8.The prediction of wall temperature in the presence of film coolingPages 409-426B.R Pai, J.H Whitelaw
9.Single-phase transport processes in the open thermosyphonPages 427-434, IN3, 435-441D Japikse, E.R.F Winter
10.Transient film and transition boiling from a spherePages 443-444, IN5-IN6, 445-450J.W Stevens, L.C Witte
11.The Reynolds analogy applied to flow between a rotating and a stationary discPages 451-460J.M Owen
12.Laminar heat transfer and skin friction on a porous plate in unsteady motionPages 461-466Tse-Fou Zien
13.Natural convection in a rectangular cavity transient behavior and two phase systems in laminar flowPages 467-482J Szekely, M.R Todd
14.Quality influence in post-burnout heat transferPages 483-489R Brevi, M Cumo
15.Effects of viscous dissipation on combined free and forced convection through vertical concentric annuliPages 491-495M.S. Rokerya, M. Iqbal
16.Heat transfer in the laminar creeping flow between parallel circular disks with eccentric inletPages
17.The development of laminar flow in the entrance region of a concentric annulus with a porous inner wallPages 499-502W.David Morris
18.Effect of regularly spaced surface ridges on film condensation heat transfer coefficients for condensation in the presence of noncondensable gasPages 502-504, IN7-IN8, 505Ki.I. Chang, Donald L. Spencer
19.Free convection heat transfer of a layer of liquid heated from below— The effect of maximum densityPages 505-509Zu-Shung Sun, Chi Tien
20.Note on gas mixing in rod bundlesPage 511H.G. Lyall
21.1971 international heat transfer seminar Trogir, Yugoslavia
22.First indian national heat and mass transfer conference call for papersPage 512

Volume 14, Issue 4, Pages 513-647 (April 1971)

1.Velocity profiles in two interdiffusing gas streamsPages 513-516, IN1, 517-520G Wyatt, W.E Ibele, E.R.G Eckert
2.A potential treatment of heat conduction in water vapor with temperature-dependent spectrumPages 521-531Chang Yan-Po, David J. Chen
3.Effet de la relaxation thermique sur l'accommodation thermique entre un gaz et une paroiPages 533-545T Andre-Talamon
4.Zusammenhänge zwischen transport-koeffizienten—eine systematik nach der theorie der thermodynamik irreversibler prozessePages 547-559K Stephan, K Lucas
5.Experimental study of velocity and temperature distribution for free convection in a cornerPages 561-564J.H van Leeuwen, C.M Looman, J Schenk
6.Vapor pressure and periodical classification of chemical elementsPages 565-571Cesare Codegone
7.Nonisotropic turbulent stress distribution in swirling flows from mean value distributionsPages 573-585D.G Lilley, N.A Chigier
8.Generalized quantitative criteria for predicting the rate-controlling mechanism for vapor bubble growth in superheated liquidsPages 587-600L.W Florschuetz, A.S Al-Jubouri
9.Heat transfer and friction in tubes with repeated-rib roughnessPages 601-617R.L Webb, E.R.G Eckert, R.J Goldstein
10.Extensions to the solution of the Graetz problemPages 619-623Alan S Jones
11.Sublimation-dehydration in the continuum, transition and free-molecule flow regimesPages 625-638James E Hill, J.Edward Sunderland
12.Transient convective heat transfer in fluids with vanishing Prandtl number: An application of the integral methodPages 639-642Luigi C. Biasi
13.On the perturbation solution of the ice-water layer problemPages 642-644G.S.H. Lock
14.Thermal conductivity of two-phase heterogeneous substancesPages 645-646Gotoh Keishi
15.Pioneer paper by W. NusseltPage 646W.G. Brown
16.Mass transfer in heterogeneous Catalysis: C. N. Satterfield, M.I.T. Press, 1970, 267 pp., $14.25Page 647H. Sawistowski
17.Turbulent jets of air, plasma and real gas: Edited by G. N. Abramovich. Translated from Russian, and published by Consultants Bureau, New York, 1969Page 647D.B. Spalding

Volume 14, Issue 5, Pages 649-725 (May 1971)

1.Publisher's notePage 649
2.The international system of unitsPage 651
3.Cartesian graetz problems with air property variationPages 653-666K. W. Schade, D. M. McEligot
4.Application of the patankar-spalding finite difference procedure to turbulent radiating boundary layer flowPages 667-672J. M. Elliott, R. I. Vachon, D. F. Dyer, J. R. Dunn
5.Shape evolution of a subliming surface subjected to unsteady spatially nonuniform heat fluxPages 673-687F. W. Spaid, A. F. Charwat, L. G. Redekopp, R. Rosen
6.Geometrical influences on the radiant heat transfer within an enclosed spacePages 689-695E. Stammers, H. W. den Hartog, J. Wapenaar
7.Eddy diffusivity of mass measurements for air in circular ductPages 697-707N. Sheriff, D. J. o'kane
8.Measurement of contact angles under condensation conditions. The prediction of dropwise-filmwise transitionPages 709-713G. A. Davies, W. Mojtehedi, A. B. Ponter
9.Heat and momentum transfer analogy for incompressible turbulent boundary layer flowPages 715-717L. C. Thomas, L. T. Fan
10.Shorter communicationPages 718-722R. C. Lindberg, R. A. Schmitz
11.Heat transfer in cold wall combustion chambersPages 723-724D. Anson, F. J. Davison, A. M. Godridge, E. G. Hammond
12.ErratumPage 725

Volume 14, Issue 6, Pages 727-867 (June 1971)

1.Convective mass or heat transfer from size-distributed drops, bubbles or solid particlesPages 727-737I Yaron, B Gal-Or
2.Forced convection heat transfer to fluid near critical point flowing in circular tubePages 739-750Tanaka Hiroaki, Nishiwaki Niichi, Hirata Masaru, Tsuge Ayao
3.The effect of thermal distortion on constriction resistancePages 751-766J.R Barber
4.Boiling heat transfer from a tube to immiscible liquid-liquid mixturesPages 767-779G.D Sump, J.W Westwater
5.Mass transfer investigation in turbulent flow downstream of sudden enlargement of a circular pipe for very high schmidt numbersPages 781-792A.K Runchal
6.The steady evaporation and mixing of a spray in a gaseous swirlPages 793-806, IN1-IN2, 807-812D Adler, W.T Lyn
7.Diffusional mass transfer through porous mediaPages 813-823M.E Lago, U Böhm, F Plachco
8.Analysis of fully-developed ice formation in a convectively-cooled circular tubePages 825-834G.S.H Lock, R.H Nyren
9.Heat transfer in liquid-fluidized bedsPages 835-857E. Zahavi
10.Heat transfer and wall friction in constant flux laminar natural convection of waterPages 859-862R.L. Rackley, S.H. Schwartz
11.Heat transfer in entrance-region flow with external resistancePages 863-866A.A. McKillop, J.C. Harper, H.J. Bader
12.Contents listPage 867

Volume 14, Issue 7, Pages 869-1011 (July 1971)

1.Single-phase transport processes in the closed thermosyphonPages 869-874, IN1-IN2, 875-887D Japikse, P.A Jallouk, E.R.F Winter
2.Development of free convection flow of a gas in a heated vertical open tubePages 889-903Leonard P Davis, Joseph J Perona
3.Taylor diffusion in laminar flow in an eccentric annulusPages 905-919R Sankarasubramanian, William N Gill
4.Mass transport in reverse osmosis in case of variable diffusivityPages 921-930Y.T Shah
5.Minimum bubble departure diameter in nucleate pool boilingPages 931-937A.M Kiper
6.The effects of bubble translation on vapor bubble growth in a superheated liquidPages 939-952E Ruckenstein, E.James Davis
7.Effects of thermal convection currents on formation of icePages 953-956, IN3-IN11, 957-961R.S Tankin, R Farhadieh
8.Total emissivity of hot water vapor—II. semi-empirical charts deduced from long-path spectral dataPages 963-973Frederick P Boynton, Claus B Ludwig
9.On the stability of laminar plumes: Some numerical solutions and experimentsPages 975-982, IN13, 983-984L Pera, B Gebhart
10.Convective diffusion in axisymmetrical stagnation flow for determination of properties of membranes for reverse osmosis desalination of waterPages 985-988S.W. Chi
11.A consideration of a turbulent heat transfer model for flow in smooth and rough tubesPages 989-992Lindon Thomas
12.Flow about a porous-surfaced rotating diskPages 993-996E.M. Sparrow, G.S. Beavers, L.Y. Hung
13.A double-ray technique for the investigation of liquid boundary layersPages 996-998E.A. Schwanbom, D. Braun, E. Hamann, J.W. Hiby
14.The temperature distribution in an infinite medium resulting from a line source of finite durationPages 998-1001Antonio Montealegre, Herbert Weinstein
15.Pool boiling in dilute non-aqueous polymer solutionsPages 1001-1005H.J. Gannett Jr., Michael C. Williams
16.Contents listsPages 1007-1010
17.International symposium on two-phase systemsPage 1011
18.1971 International heat transfer seminarPage 1011

Volume 14, Issue 8, Pages 1013-1233 (August 1971)

1.Asymptotic calculation of free convection in laminar three-dimensional systemsPages 1013-1031Warren E. Stewart
2.Calculation of heat transfer in turbulent flow with allowance for secondary flowPages 1033-1037M.
3.Effect of solid-particle or droplet admixture on the structure of a turbulent gas jetPages 1039-1045G. N. Abramovich
4.Analytical methods of solution of conjugated problems in convective heat transferPages 1047-1056A.
5.Application of the finite element method to convection heat transfer between parallel planesPages 1057-1069A. O. Tay, G. De Vahl Davis
6.Heat transfer to cylinders in helium and helium-air mixturesPages 1071-1077Peter Wu, Paul A. Libby
7.The heterogeneous condensation of mercury from a high velocity carrier gasPages 1079-1091J. J. Markowsky, H. N. McManus jr.
8.Axial heat transfer in packed beds. Stagnant beds between 20 and 750°CPages 1093-1113G. S. G. Beveridge, D. P. Haughey
9.Forced convection heat transfer to water with air injection in a rectangular ductPages 1115-1134B. W. Martin, G. E. Sims
10.The effect of forced flow on heat transfer from a disc rotating near a statorPages 1135-1147J. M. Owen
11.Heat transfer in a rotating cylinder of fluid heated from abovePages 1149-1159G. M. Homsy, J. L. Hudson
12.Laminar forced convection in eccentric annuliPages 1161-1173Michael L. Trombetta
13.Computation of transient temperatures in regeneratorsPages 1175-1202J. V. Edwards, R. Evans, S. D. Probert
14.The unsteady temperature field in plane Couette flowPages 1203-1212H. H. Winter
15.Free convective heat transfer on a vertical cylinder with concentration gradientsPages 1213-1216J. L. Kyle, P. F. Dickson
16.Effective conductivity for conduction-radiation by Taylor series expansionPages 1216-1220E. E. Anderson, R. Viskanta
17.Thin liquid films under simultaneous shear and gravity forcesPages 1220-1224P. G. Kosky
18.Letter to the editors : A discussion of the paper “on the solidification of a warm liquid flowing over a cold wall”Pages 1225-1226J. M. Savino, R. Siegel
19.Theorie der übertragungsvorgänge . Naukowa Dumka (1969). 260SPages 1227-1229T. L. Perelman
20.One-dimensional two-phase flow . McGraw-Hill, New York (1969)Page 1229D. B. Spalding
21.Diffusion and heat transfer in chemical kinetics : D. A. Frank-KamenetskiiPages 1229-1230Forman A. Williams
22.Variational principles in heat transfer : , 185 pp. Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, 1970Pages 1230-1231P. D. Richardson
23.International symposium on two-phase systems : 29 August–2 September 1971 Technion City, Haifa, IsraelPage 1233
24.1971 international heat transfer seminar : Trogia, Yugoslavia 6–11 September 1971Page 1233

Volume 14, Issue 9, Pages 1235-1536 (September 1971)

1.Stoffübergang und druckverlust an parallel angeströmten stabbündeln in einem grossen bereich von reynolds-zahlen und teilungsverhältnissenPages 1235-1259K.H Presser
2.Mass transfer in two-phase gas-liquid wavy flowPages 1261-1268, IN1, 1269-1274Janusz W Ciborowski, Rajmund M Rychlicki
3.Efficiency characteristics of hemi-ellipsoidal and hemispherical collectors of thermal radiationPages 1275-1284R.P Heinisch, E.M Sparrow
4.On the use of Green's functions for solving melting or solidification problemsPages 1285-1294Y.K. Chuang, J. Szekely
5.Combined free and forced convective heat transfer and fluid flow in a rotating curved circular tubePages 1295-1309H Miyazaki
6.Thermal interaction of two streams in boundary-layer flow separated by a platePages 1311-1321R Viskanta, M Abrams
7.The cooling of fibres in the formation processPages 1323-1332D.E Bourne, H Dixon
8.Determination of near wake shear layer by shock expansion method for axisymmetric slender bodyPages 1333-1341Roger Habert, Leon Trilling
9.Dispersed flow film boiling of nitrogen with swirl flowPages 1343-1354A.E Bergles, W.D Fuller, S.J Hynek
10.An improved mixing length theory of turbulent heat and mass transferPages 1355-1362Mahendra R Doshi, William N Gill
11.Forced convection in wedge flow with non-isothermal surfacesPages 1363-1375B.T Chao, L.S Cheema
12.A general technique for the prediction of void distributions in non-steady two-phase forced convectionPages 1377-1394W.T Hancox, W.B Nicoll
13.Heat transfer to binary mist flowPages 1395-1405J.W Heyt, P.S Larsen
14.Anomalous choking conditions related to two-phase pressure drop computationsPages 1407-1413D.M France, R.P Stein
15.The rapid growth of a vapour bubble at a liquid-solid interfacePages 1415-1424, IN3, 1425-1431H.J van Ouwerkerk
16.Measurements on ionized nitrogen in jets and estimations of Prandtl numberPages 1433-1443D.J Myronuk, S.L Soo
17.An experimental investigation of coaxial turbulent jetsPages 1445-1464F.H Champagne, I.J Wygnanski
18.Temperature profiles for turbulent flow of high prandtl number fluidsPages 1465-1471Lindon
19.Diffusion from a line source in a turbulent boundary layerPages 1473-1483Michael Poreh, K.S Hsu
20.The axial contact of finite elastic cylinders with application to thermal contact resistancePages 1485-1498Orlo Mcnary
21.Frequency response of the boundary layer on wall transfer probesPages 1499-1507Gilead Fortuna, T.J Hanratty
22.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 1509-1519E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele
23.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1521-1530A.V. Luikov
24.Limit of pure conduction for unsteady free convection on a vertical platePages 1531-1534K. Nanbu
25.Some notes on formulation of the problem of gas flow in a circular tubePages 1535-1536

Volume 14, Issue 10, Pages 1537-1757 (October 1971)

1.Die berechnung der grenzschichten für gekoppelten wärmeübergang und stoffaustausch bei verdunstung eines flüssigkeitsfilms über einer parallel aneströmten platte unter berücksichtigung veränderlicher stoffwertePages 1537-1550Fritz Eisfeld
2.Radiative transfer in linearly anisotropic-scattering, conservative and non-conservative slabs with reflective boundariesPages 1551-1565H.L Beach, M.N Özişik, C.E Siewert
3.Thermal diffusivity of composite materials at high temperaturesPages 1567-1574A.G Shashkov, V.I Tyukaev, A.T Nikitin
4.Effect of longitudinal surface curvature on heat transfer with dissipationPages 1575-1588V Kadambi, B.K Gupta
5.On the stability of steady temperature distribution in a transparent solid with internal energy sourcePages 1589-1597S Selamoglu
6.Heat transfer and temperature jump in a polyatomic gasPages 1599-1610J.W Cipolla Jr.
7.Rayonnement thermique des surfaces de revolutionPages 1611-1619Jean J Bernard, Jeanne Genot
8.Total temperature thermocouple probe based on recovery temperature of circular cylinderPages 1621-1630Wihelm Behrens
9.An experimental study of energy transfer processes relevant to thermal explosionsPages 1631-1634, IN1-IN4, 1635-1641S.J Board, A.J Clare, R.B Duffey, R.S Hall, D.H Poole
10.A study of boiling heat transfer from a rotating horizontal cylinderPages 1643-1652, IN5-IN7, 1653-1657Tang Shih-I, T.W Mcdonald
11.Boundary vorticity method for laminar forced convection heat transfer in curved pipesPages 1659-1675Akiyama Mitsunobu, K.C Cheng
12.Analysis of heat transfer for compressible flow in two-dimensional porous mediaPages 1677-1690Marvin E Goldstein, Robert Siegel
13.Analyses of parallel flow, multi-stream heat exchangersPages 1691-1703John C Chato, Royce J Laverman, Jay M Shah
14.Turbulent heat and mass transfer between wall and fluid streams of large Prandtl and Schmidt numbersPages 1705-1716T Mizushina, F Ogino, Y Oka, H Fukuda
15.A numerical study of the heat-transfer performance of the open thermosyphonPages 1717-1730A.D Gosman, F.C Lockwood, D.G Tatchell
16.Comparaison des donnees de trempe, determinees a l'aide d'une methode numerique, a celles du regime permanentPages 1731-1740, IN9, 1741-1745Gérard Beck, Jean-Charles Chevrier
17.An analysis for low turbulence intensity liquid metal heat transferPages 1747-1750Lindon Thomas
18.A diametral effect on vapour column formations in film boiling in carbon dioxide near the critical statePages
19.Progress in heat and mass transfer: U. Grigull and E. Hahne (Eds.), Vol. I (Monograph series of the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer) Pergamon Press, 1969. Price £12 ($32.00) viii + 471 ppPage 1753J. Kestin
20.Heat and mass transfer in boundary layers: S. V. Patankar and D. B. Spalding, Second Edition. Intertext, London (1970)Pages 1753-1754F. Landis
21.Contents listsPages 1755-1756
22.AnnouncementPage 1757

Volume 14, Issue 11, Pages 1759-1881 (November 1971)

1.An extended variational formulation of the non-linear heat and mass transfer in a porous mediumPages 1759-1770I. J. Kumar
2.Prediction of departure diameter and bubble frequency in nucleate boiling in uniformly superheated liquidsPages 1771-1785M. Saddy, G. J. Jameson
3.Forced convective heat transfer in a curved channel with a square cross sectionPages 1787-1805Y. Mori, Y. Uchida, T. Ukon
4.Convective heat transfer in a rotating radial circular pipe (2nd report)Pages 1807-1824Y. Mori, T. Fukada, W. Nakayama
5.Conductivity effects on ribbed surface heat transferPages 1825-1834P. L. Mantle, A. R. Freeman, J. Watts
6.Formation of a dry spot in a horizontal liquid film heated from belowPages 1835-1842Aluf Orell, S. George Bankoff
7.Heat conduction calculation for a model of the surface of the moonPages 1843-1851Mei-Kao Liu, F. A. Williams
8.Minimum meniscus radius of heat pipe wicking materialsPages 1853-1855C. L. Tien, K. H. Sun
9.Compressible gas flow through a porous materialPages 1855-1859G. S. Beavers, E. M. Sparrow
10.An improved transformation of the Patanka — Spalding type for numerical solution of two-dimensional boundary layer flowsPages 1859-1862V. E. Denny, R. B. Landis
11.A comment on the periodic freezing and melting of waterPages 1862-1864R. A. Seban
12.Monte Carlo solutions of nonlinear boltzmann equation for problems of heat transfer in rarefied gasesPages 1865-1869S. M. Yen
13.Mass transfer during film boiling on vertical fibersPages 1869-1873Vernon A. Nieberlein
14.Comments on eddy-shedding from a sphere in turbulent free streamsPage 1875G. Raithby
15.Heat transfer at a melting flat surface under conditions of forced convection and laminar boundary layerPages 1875-1876Yin-Chao Yen, Chi Tien
16.Comments on the paper “convection naturelle turbulente sur une plaque verticale isotherme, transition, echange de chaleur et frottement parietal, lois de repartition de vitesse et de temperature”Pages 1876-1878Tetsu Fujii, Motoo Fujii, Masanori Takeuchi
17.Rarefied gas dynamics , Computer Center, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, translated from Russian. Translation Editor Leon Trilling, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts. Plenum Press, New York (1969)Page 1879F. S. Sherman
18.Two-phase flow instrumentation : Published by A.S.M.E. $9·50, 101 pp. 1969Page 1879J. H. Whitelaw
19.Heat transfer , , 612pp. Heinmann Chemical Engineering Series, London (1970). £6.00 netPages 1879-1880E. A. D. Saunders
20.ErratumPage 1881

Volume 14, Issue 12, Pages 1883-2177 (December 1971)

1.Heat transfer—a review of 1970 literaturePages 1883-1898, IN1, 1899-1926E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele, E. Pfender
2.Heat transfer in the seventiesPages 1927-1949R.H. Sabersky
3.An optical study of interfacial turbulence in a liquid-liquid systemPages 1951-1952, IN3-IN10, 1953-1961Y Nakaike, Y Tadenuma, T Satō, K Fujinawa
4.Diffusion dans un reacteur cylindriquePages 1963-1981Jacques Villermaux
5.On heat transfer effect on electric are motion in a transverse magnetic fieldPages 1983-1988O.I Yasko
6.Combined forced and free convection for laminar flow in horizontal tubes with uniform heat fluxPages 1989-2000A.E Bergles, R.R Simonds
7.Composite heat transfer with thermal radiation in non-grey medium part I: Interaction of radiation with conductionPages 2001-2015Echigo Ryozo, Hasegawa Shu, Miyazaki Yoshiro
8.Transfert de matiere, avec reaction chimique irreversible, dans une couche limite laminairePages 2017-2024F Coeuret, J.J Ronco
9.The nature of vertical natural convection flows resulting from the combined buoyancy effects of thermal and mass diffusionPages 2025-2050B Gebhart, L Pera
10.Laminar and axisymmetric vertical jets in a stably stratified environmentPages 2051-2052,
11.Turbulent flow of gas mixtures undergoing equilibrium and nonequilibrium reactions in a tube with surface mass transferPages 2063-2081Y.C Wu, A.F Mills, V.E Denny
12.The effect of a discontinuity in wall blowing on the turbulent incompressible boundary layerPages 2083-2097Roger L Simpson
13.Static heat transfer to liquid helium in open pools and narrow channelsPages 2099-2107Milan Jergel, Richard Stevenson
14.Radial mass transfer effects in a porous wall tubular reactorPages 2109-2124Y.T Shah, T Remmen
15.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 2125-2137E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele
16.Heat transfer bibliography—japanese worksPages 2139-2141satō Takashi
17.Minimum thickness of a draining liquid filmPages 2143-2146S.George Bankoff
18.The dispersion of matter in turbulent shear flowPages 2146-2152Kemal M. Atesmen
19.Bubble condensation with non-homogeneous distribution of non-condensablesPages 2152-2156David Moalem, Samuel Sideman
20.On thermoconvective instability in a bounded cylindrical fluid layerPages 2157-2160G.S. Charlson, R.L. Sani
21.Solidification of semi-transparent materials by conduction and radiationPages 2161-2164I.S. Habib
22.Heat transfer mechanism in recirculating wakesPages 2164-2165Jacob H. Masliyah
23.Comment on “heat transfer through the axially symmetric boundary layer on a moving circular fibre”Pages 2166-2168R.C. Progelhof, J.L. Throne
24.A gas volumetric technique for the measurement of heat transfer coefficient in pool boilingPages 2168-2171M. Silvestri, M.N. Battiston, M. Javarone
25.Limiting nusselt numbers in finite MHD ductsPages 2171-2174William J. Thomson, Timothy H. Tsai
26.Letter to the editorsPage 2175R.S. Silver
27.Contents listPage 2177

Volume 15, Issue 1, Pages 1-192 (January 1972)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Contribution a l'etude experimentale de la conductivite thermique de quelques fluides a haute temperature et a haute pressionPages 1-24B Le Neindre
3.Burnout in pool boiling the stability of boiling mechanismsPages 25-28, IN1-IN2, 29-34H.J Van Ouwerkerk
4.Heat transfer in the entrance region with fully developed turbulent flow between parallel platesPages 35-42B Leckner
5.Heat transfer in porous media with phase changePages 43-60Alan Rubin, Samuel Schweitzer
6.The effects of nonequilibrium heat, mass and momentum transfer on two-phase sound speedPages 61-72R.C Mecredy, L.J Hamilton
7.Transient three-dimensional natural convection in confined porous mediaPages 73-90P.H Holst, K Aziz
8.Traitement de la couche limite thermique laminaire tridimensionnelle en régime instationnaire compte-tenu de la poussée d'archimedePages 91-98Radomir Ašković
9.Self-similar solutions of the second order boundary layer of an incompressible fluid with heat transferPages 99-113Noor Afzal, M.M Oberai
10.Flow effects on bubble growth and collapse in surface boilingPages 115-118, IN3-IN4, 119-125A.H Abdelmessih, F.C Hooper, S Nangia
11.Structure of turbulent velocity and temperature fields in ethylene glycol pipe flow at low reynolds numberPages
12.Diffusion through composite mediaPages 147-160G.P Mulholland, M.H Cobble
13.The temperature distribution in an infinite medium resulting from a plane source of finite durationPages 161-164Antonio Montealegre, Herbert Weinstein
14.A forced convective heat transfer including dissipation function and compression work for a class of noncircular ductsPages 164-169V.P. Tyagi
15.Use of parallel polarized radiation in determinations of optical constants and thickness of filmsPages 169-172M. Ruiz-Urbieta, E.M. Sparrow, E.R.G. Eckert
16.On a simple correlation for prandtl number effect on forced convective heat transfer with secondary flowPages 172-175K.C. Cheng, G.J. Hwang, Mitsunobu Akiyama
17.Experimental observations of wake formation over cylindrical surfaces in natural convection flowsPages
18.A note on the turbulent Schmidt and Lewis numbers en a boundary layerPages 177-180R.L. Simpson, R.L. Field
19.Generalized heat transfer and friction correlations for tubes with repeated-rib roughnessPages 180-184R.L. Webb, E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein
20.Transpiration cooling of tangential newtonian flow in annuli: Analytical solutions for temperature distributionsPages 184-187Y.T. Shah
21.Asymptotic solutions for forced convection from a rotating diskPages 187-189Liu Ke-Tien, Warren E. Stewart
22.Contents listPages 191-192

Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 193-384 (February 1972)

1.Turbulent natural convection on a vertical plate and in a vertical layerPages 193-194, IN1, 195-202S.S. Kutateladze, A.G. Kirdyashkin, V.P. Ivakin
2.Transient heat and mass transfer in fully developed laminar tube flowsPages 203-215C.M Tseng, R.W Besant
3.Laminar filmwise condensation on a vertical surfacePages 217-233Fujii Testu, Uehara Haruo
4.Laminar filmwise condensation of flowing vapour on a horizontal cylinderPages 235-246Fujii Tetsu, Uehara Haruo, Kurata Chikatoshi
5.Heat transfer and flow resistance in condensation of low pressure steam flowing through tube banksPages 247-252, IN3, 253-260T Fujii, H Uehara, K Hirata, K Oda
6.Heat transfer through electrolytic solutions under the action of electrolytic currentsPages 261-267R.G Edkie, P.L Khare
7.Natural convection flows adjacent to horizontal surfaces resulting from the combined buoyancy effects of thermal and mass diffusionPages 269-278L. Pera, B. Gebhart
8.Fluid flow and heat transfer with two cylinders in cross flowPages 279-282, IN5, 283-299Ž.G Kostić, S.N Oka
9.The prediction of laminarization with a two-equation model of turbulencePages 301-314W.P Jones, B.E Launder
10.Effects of noncondensable gas and forced flow on laminar film condensationPages 315-326V.E Denny, V.J Jusionis
11.Free convection heat transfer from isothermal spheres in waterPages 327-339Wayne S Amato, Tien Chi
12.Temperature distributions in couette flow with and without additional pressurePages 341-349S Bruin
13.External natural convection about two-dimensional bodies with constant heat fluxPages 351-354Graham Wilks
14.Thermal conductivity of two-phase and three-phase heterogeneous solid mixturesPages 355-358S.C. Cheng, Y.S. Law, C.C.Y. Kwan
15.Additional data for calculations of steady heat or mass transfer in the axisymmetric boundary layer over a circular cylinderPages 359-360L. Vincent, F. Coeuret
16.Use of thermal comparator method for thermal conductivity measurements on liquids: Values for three organic series: normal alcohols, acids and saturated hydrocarbonsPages 360-366R.W. Powell, H. Groot
17.An improved response equation for hot-wire anemometryPages 367-368R.G. Siddall, T.W. Da Vies
18.On the parabolic, hyperbolic and discrete formulation of the heat conduction equationPages 369-371Yehuda Taitel
19.Photomicrographic study of temperature distribution in a pulse-heated specimenPages 372, IN7Ared Cezairliyan
20.A note on dissipation in free-convectionPages 373-375Sreedhan Roy
21.Prediction of flow and heat transfer in turbulent cylindrical wall jetsPages 375-378S.V. Patankar, A.K. Singhal
22.Heat flow into a semi-infinite body with surface temperature a non-integer power of timePages 378-379D.B.R. Kenning
23.Contents listsPages 381-384

Volume 15, Issue 3, Pages 385-576 (March 1972)

1.Ulrich Grigull: Zum 60. geburtstagPages 385-386Ernst R.G. Eckert
2.Heat transfer crisis data with steam-water mixture in a sixteen rod bundlePages 387-392, IN1-IN2, 393-402R Evangelisti, G.P Gaspari, L Rubiera, G Vanoli
3.Forced convection heat transfer for parallel flow through a roughened rod clusterPages 403-404, IN3-IN4, 405-424V Walker, L White, P Burnett
4.Negative eddy diffusivities for asymmetric turbulent velocity profiles?Pages 425-432K Maubach, K Rehme
5.Non-stationary operation of a staggered parallel system of blast furnace stovesPages 433-442P Zuidema
6.The effect of mass transfer on recovery factors in laminar boundary layer flowsPages 443-456A. Wortman, A.F. Mills, G.Soo Hoo
7.Laminar, transition and turbulent natural convection adjacent to inclined and vertical surfacesPages 457-473J.R Lloyd, E.M Sparrow, E.R.G Eckert
8.Film boiling on vertical surfacesPages 475-476, IN5-IN6, 477-491E.M Greitzer, F.H Abernathy
9.Heat and mass transfer in semi-porous channels with application to freeze-dryingPages 493-502W.M Massey Jr., J.E Sunderland
10.Improved “three-component” theory of nucleate pool boilingPages 503-512J Madejski
11.An experimental investigation of natural convection in mercury at low grashof numbersPages 513-525B.H Chang, R.G Akins
12.Forced convection heat transfer in a circular tube with non-uniform heat flux around the circumferencePages 527-537A.C Rapier
13.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 539-554E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele
14.Remarks about ‘general solution of the equations of multichannel heat exchangers’ [1]Pages 555-557A. Settari
15.A smoke generator for use in fluid flow visualizationPages 557-558, IN7J.P. Yu, E.M. Sparrow, E.R.G. Eckert
16.A continuous correlation equation for heat transfer from cylinders to air in crossflow for reynolds numbers from 10 −2 to 2 × 105Pages 559-562R.M. Fand, K.K. Keswani
17.Franz Grashof and the Grashof numberPages 562-563C.J. Sanders, J.P. Holman
18.Effects of transpiration on the MHD flow near an oscillating platePages 563-566Hsing Chuang
19.Annular two-phase flow: G. F. Hewitt and N. S. Hall Taylor, Pergamon Press, $20, 310 pp.Page 567G.B. Wallis
20.Contents lists: Journal of engineering physicsPages 569-573
21.1972 International heat transfer seminar: Trogir, Yugoslavia August 30–September 6, 1972Pages 575-576
22.Symposium on heat and mass transfer problems in food engineering

Volume 15, Issue 4, Pages 576-880 (April 1972)

1.Laudatio Ernst Schmidt 80 JahrePages 576-578U. Grigull
2.Etude experimentale de l'echange thermique a flux eleve avec l'eau en convection forcee a grande vitesse dans des tubes de petit diametre, avec et sans ebullitionPages 579-592R Ricque, R Siboul
3.Diffusivity of oxygen in a non-Newtonian saline solutionPages 593-597R Greif, I Cornet, R Kappesser
4.A theoretical investigation of the effect of mass transfer on heat transfer to an evaporating dropletPages 599-617T.W Hoffman, L.L Ross
5.Radiating boundary layers at planetary entry velocitiesPages 619-635Merwin Sibulkin, Ezenwa A Dennar
6.A droplet interchange model for annular-dispersed, two-phase flowPages 637-653E.O Moeck, J.W Stachiewicz
7.Bubble growth rates during nucleate boiling at high Jakob numbersPages 655-664James K Stewart, Robert Cole
8.The effect of insulating vertical walls on the onset of motion in a fluid heated from belowPages 665-672Ivan Catton
9.Inkompressible turbulente temperatur-grenzschichten mit konstanter wandtemperaturPages 673-706W Szablewski
10.Simultaneous measurement of bubble growth rate and thermal flux from the heating wall to the boiling fluid near the nucleation sitePages 707-714, IN1-IN2, 715-720D.M Fontana
11.Influence de la convection libre sur la conductivite d'une couche verticale d'isolant poreuxPages
12.Application of the integral method to flows with axial diffusionPages 733-740Yehuda Taitel, Abraham Tamir
13.Heat transfer by condensation of low pressure metal vaporsPages 741-754Y.S Huang, F.A Lyman, W.J Lick
14.Natural-convection heat transfer from a plate with arbitrary inclinationPages 755-764,
15.Effect of free-stream turbulence on mass transfer from a circular cylinder in cross flowPages 769-780Mizushina Tokuro, Ueda Hiromasa, Umemiya Nobuyuki
16.Forced convection in parallel and tapered passages: the importance of the heat flux boundary conditionPages 781-788V. Walker, S.A. Rishehri
17.Finite amplitude convection with longitudinal vortices in plane poiseuille flow—the effect of uniform axial temperature gradientPages 789-790, IN7, 791-800G.J Hwang, K.C Cheng
18.Heat and mass transfer phenomena for viscous flow in curved circular tubesPages 801-817C.E Kalb, J.D Seader
19.Approximate method for the solution to the equations for parallel and mixed-flow multi-channel heat exchangersPages 819-829A Settari, J.E.S Venart
20.Investigation of liquid drop evaporation in a high temperature and high pressure environmentPages 831-846, IN9, 847-852R.L Matlosz, S Leipziger, T.P Torda
21.Pool film boiling heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder to saturated liquidsPages 853-862Nishikawa Kaneyasu, Ito Takehiro, Kuroki Torato, Matsumoto Kenichi
22.Heat transfer in MHD flow with aligned field on a flat plate at high prandtl numberPages 863-865Noor Afzal
23.Calculations of the effect of tangential eddy diffusivity on a non-symmetric turbulent diffusion in a plain tubePages 866-870Alan Quarmby
24.Asymptotic suction profiles in free convection laminar boundary layer flowsPages 870-872D.E. Bourne
25.Experimental heat transfer distribution in an arc constrictor of variable cross-sectional areaPages 873-875W.J. Link, F.P. Incropera
26.Contents listsPages 877-880

Volume 15, Issue 5, Pages 881-1183 (May 1972)

1.E. E. Soehngen—60 yearsPage 881E.R.G. Eckert, E. Pfender
2.Transient laminar free convection between heated vertical plates including entrance effectsPages 883-896C.F Kettleborough
3.Drying of a porous medium with internal heat generationPages 897-905Donald W Lyons, John D Hatcher, J.Edward Sunderland
4.An improved Lighthill's analysis of heat transfer through boundary layersPages 907-919B.T. Chao
5.Arrays of heated horizontal cylinders in natural convectionPages 921-933G.F Marsters
6.Electric field intensity and wall heat transfer measurements for the heating region of an atmospheric cascade arcPages 935-952L.A Lukens, F.P Incropera
7.Axial heat transfer in packed beds. Gas flow through beds between 20 and 650°CPages 953-968G.S.G Beveridge, D.P Haughey
8.Two-dimensional stagnation point flows of binary mixturesPages 969-987A.F. Mills, A. Wortman
9.Free convection with blowing and suctionPages 989-999J.H Merkin
10.Very high temperature laminar flow of a gas through the entrance region of a cooled tube—numerical calculations and experimental resultsPages 1001-1021Lloyd H Back
11.Heat transfer to the transpired turbulent boundary layerPages 1023-1044W.M Kays
12.Thermal characteristics of the lunar surface layerPages 1045-1055Clifford J Cremers, Richard C Birkebak, John E White
13.The regelation of ice—a problem of heat conductionPages 1057-1058, IN1, 1059-1066E.W.P Hahne, U Grigull
14.Turbulence intensity and time-mean velocity distributions in low reynolds number turbulent pipe flowsPages 1067-1074W.T Pennell, E.M Sparrow, E.R.G Eckert
15.Evaluation of nucleate boiling heat flux predictions at varying levels of subcooling and accelerationPages 1075-1078, IN3, 1079-1096R.L Judd, H Merte Jr.
16.Laminar free convection from a nonisothermal plate immersed in a temperature stratified mediumPages
17.On one variational principle of Hamilton's type for nonlinear heat transfer problemPages 1111-1123B Vujanovic, Dj Djukic
18.An integral method for the nonequilibrium dissociating laminar flat plate boundary layerPages 1125-1136Michael Jischa
19.Eine näherungslösung für die kondensation von laminar strömendem dampf mit beliebigen druckgradienten bei kleiner mach-zahl und konstanten stoffwertenPages 1137-1157Martin Schmal
20.The influence of wall thickness, thermal conductivity and method of heat input on the heat transfer performance of some ribbed surfacesPages 1159-1169P.G Barnett
21.The use of green's functions for solving melting or solidification problems in the cylindrical coordinate systemPages 1171-1174Y.K. Chuang, J. Szekely
22.Transient radiation and conduction in an absorbing, emitting, scattering slab with reflective boundariesPages 1175-1179C.C. Lii, M.N. Özişik
23.Transient mass transport between a finite volume of homogenized fluid and a sphere with finite interfacial transport coefficientsPages 1179-1183Robert E. Farritor, Luh C. Tao

Volume 15, Issue 6, Pages 1185-1296 (June 1972)

1.Generalization of basic equations of aerodynamics and electrodynamicsPages 1185-1190A.S. Predvoditelev, V.A. Bubnov
2.Generalization of basic equations of aerodynamics and electrodynamicsPages 1191-1202N.P. Kasterin
3.Atomization of liquid droplets in a convective gas streamPages 1203-1206, IN1-IN2, 1207-1211A.A Ranger, J.A Nicholls
4.Heat transfer by free convection from a longitudinally vibrating vertical platePages 1213-1220, IN3, 1221-1223K.Krishna Prasad, V Ramanathan
5.Coupled heat and mass transfer in regenerators—prediction using an analogy with heat transferPages
6.Radiation with free convection in an absorbing, emitting and scattering mediumPages 1243-1252E.H Cheng, M.N Özişik
7.Viscous dissipation effects on unsteady free convective flow past an infinite, vertical porous plate with constant suctionPages 1253-1261V.M Soundalgekar
8.Heat and mass transfer bibliography-Soviet worksPages 1263-1270A.V. Luikov
9.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 1271-1279E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scoti, W.E. Ibele
10.Onset of convection near a suddenly heated horizontal wirePages 1281-1282, IN5, 1283C.M. Vest, M.L. Lawson
11.To geometrized theory of hyperbolic heat conduction equationPages 1283-1284V.L. Kolpashchikov, A.A. Baranov
12.Reynolds flux and danckwerts surface renewal theoryPages 1284-1287G.M. Thomson, R.S. Silver
13.Comment on “limit of pure conduction for unsteady free convection on a vertical plate”Page 1289
14.Harold A. Johnson 1907–1972Page 1291R.A. Seban
15.Annual review of fluid mechanics: volume 2 1970. Annual Reviews, Inc. $10, 461 ppPages 1293-1294Egon Krause
16.Grundlagen der emphasen- und mehrphasen-strömungen (fundamentals of single-phase and multi-phase flow): H. Brauer. Edited by H. Mohler, O. Fuchs, H. Kraussold and K. Dialer in the series Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering. The Technology of the Chemical and Related Industries. Published by Sauerlaender. Aarau and Frankfurt/M. (1971). 955 p., 520 pict. and numerous Tables. Price DM 98.-. sFr. 110Page 1294K. Stephan
17.The fluidised combustion of coal: D. G. Skinner. Mills ; Boon Ltd. £1.50. 58 ppPage 1294G.G. Thurlow
18.23rd heat transfer and fluid mechanics institutePage 1295
19.Congres international de fluidisation a ToulousePage 1295
20.International congress “fluidization and its applications”Page 1295
21.Seminar on two-phase flow thermohydraulicsPage 1296

Volume 15, Issue 7, Pages 1297-1440 (July 1972)

1.Heat transfer to liquid drops from a small diameter channel at temperatures in the film boiling rangePages 1297-1308, IN1, 1309-1315J.J. Hebert, D.C. Price
2.Mass transfer at rough surfacesPages 1317-1336David A Dawson, Olev Trass
3.Couche limite turbulente avec discontinuite de temperature et de concentration a la paroiPages 1337-1354M Trinite, P Valentin
4.Effects of vorticity, displacement speed and curvature on heat transfer with dissipationPages 1355-1371V Kadambi
5.Calcul par iteration d'une couche limite tridimensionnelle et comparaison experimentalePages 1373-1393L.F Tsen, J.F Arnaudon
6.Wavy flow of thin liquid filmsPages 1395-1406V Penev, V.S Krylov, Ch Boyadjiev, V.P Vorotilin
7.Determination simultanee des caracteristiques thermocinetiques des solides par une methode de regime variablePages 1407-1418J.C Champoussin
8.Die kriterielle gleichung des wärmeaustausches in rekuperatorenPages 1419-1422P. Pana, H. Theil
9.Radiative transfer through a scattering, absorbing layerPages 1422-1426S.H. Chan
10.Laminar forced convection heat transfer in curved pipes with uniform wall temperaturePages 1426-1431Mitsunobu Akiyama, K.C. Cheng
11.Dropwise condensation of mercuryPages 1431-1434J.W. Rose
12.The response of heated wire temperature distributions to unsteady surface cooling ratesPages 1434-1439M.R. Davis
13.Progress in heat and mass transfer: Vol. 3. edited by E. R. G. Eckert and T. Irvine. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1971). 560 pp. £10Page 1440F.J. Bayley

Volume 15, Issue 8, Pages 1441-1584 (August 1972)

1.Laudatio Peter grassmann 65 years oldPages ii, 1441J.L. Olsen, F. Widmer
2.A theoretical solution of the Lockhart and Martinelli flow model for calculating two-phase flow pressure drop and hold-upPages 1443-1449Thorbjörn Johannessen
3.Influence de la rugosite sur le rayonnement thermique emis par les surfaces opaques: Essai de modelePages 1451-1465J.F.Ody Sacadura
4.On steady laminar free convection due to a heated ellipsoid of revolutionPages 1467-1475A Watson, G Poots
5.Theoretical determination of the absorption coefficient and the total band absorptance including a specific application to carbon monoxidePages 1477-1487T.C Hsieh, R Greif
6.Experiments on individual droplet heat transfer ratesPages 1489-1495J.P. Holman, P.E. Jenkins, F.G. Sullivan
7.An experimental study of the sensitivity to freestream turbulence of heat transfer in wakes of cylinders in crossflowPages 1497-1513A.M Petrie, H.C Simpson
8.The influence of property variation on forced convection heat transfer to liquidsPages 1515-1524, IN1, 1525-1536R.M Fand, K.K Keswani
9.The enhancement of heat transfer by waves in stratified gas-liquid flowPages 1537-1552David P Frisk, E.James Davis
10.A critical examination of the validity of simplified models for radiant heat transfer analysisPages 1553-1567J.S Toor, R Viskanta
11.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—soviet worksPages 1569-1576A.V. Luikov
12.Fully developed laminar free convection between vertical plates heated asymmetricallyPages 1577-1580W. Aung
13.Journal of Engineering PhysicsPages 1581-1584

Volume 15, Issue 9, Pages 1585-1727 (September 1972)

1.Experimental friction factors for turbulent flow with suction in a porous tubePages 1585-1602J.K Aggarwal, M.A Hollingsworth, Y.R Mayhew
2.Thermoacoustic effects in surface boiling liquidsPages 1603-1610, IN1, 1611-1614E.V Lykov
3.Das kühlungsproblem bei laminaren grenzschichten realer gasePages 1615-1630Günter Romberg
4.L'éffusivité et la résistance thermique des zones superficielles du solide déterminent le processus de vaporisation du liquide en régime de trempePages 1631-1642, IN3,
5.Application of rough surfaces to heat exchanger designPages 1647-1658R.L Webb, E.R.G Eckert
6.Factors influencing the heat transfer from cylindrical anemometer probesPages 1659-1674, IN5, 1675-1677M.R Davis, P.O.A.L Davies
7.Conjugate free convection from horizontal, conducting circular cylindersPages 1679-1693Zeëv Rotem
8.A two-phase closed thermosyphonPages 1695-1707Y Lee, U Mital
9.Convective heat transfer to water containing bubbles: Enhancement not dependent on thermocapillarityPages 1709-1717D.B.R Kenning, Y.S Kao
10.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—polish works (1969–1970)Pages 1719-1723J. Bandrowski
11.An introduction to turbulence and its measurement: P. Bradshaw, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1971). pp. 218. £2.50Page 1725Z. Zarić
12.The heat pipe: D. Chisholm, Mills and Boon, London (1971). Price £2.50. 123 pp
13.High-temperature flnidized-bed units: S. S. Zabrodsky, Energia, Moscow (1971)Page 1726A.V. Luikov
14.Fluid mechanics: L. G. Loitsyansy, Izd. “Nauka”, Moscow (1970) 904 ppPages 1726-1727Z.P. Shulman

Volume 15, Issue 10, Pages 1729-1968 (October 1972)

1.Aleksandr savvich predvoditelev: To his 80th birthdayPages 1729, IN1, 1730-1744
2.Anode heat transfer for a flowing argon plasma at elevated electron temperaturePages 1745-1763Tarit K Bose
3.Hot wire anemometer calibration for measurements of small gas velocitiesPages 1765-1786G.E Andrews, D Bradley, G.F Hundy
4.A calculation procedure for heat, mass and momentum transfer in three-dimensional parabolic flowsPages 1787-1806S.V Patankar, D.B Spalding
5.Le transfert de chaleur conductif par rayonnement dans des materiaux solides semi-transparentsPages 1807-1817A.A. Men, O.A. Serceev
6.Buoyancy effects on laminar heat transfer in the thermal entrance region of horizontal rectangular channels with uniform wall heat flux for large prandtl number fluidPages
7.Aerosol transport in a naturally-convected boundary layerPages 1837-1850J.M Hales, L.C Schwendiman, T.W Horst
8.Evaporation from a two-dimensional extended meniscusPages 1851-1863M Potash Jr., P.C Wayner Jr.
9.Thermodynamic anomalies near the critical point of steamPages 1865-1886J.M.H.Levelt Sengers, Sandra C Greer
10.Three-phase heat transfer: transient condensing and freezing from a pure vapor onto a cold horizontal plate—analysis and experimentPages 1887-1903W.A Olsen, W.E Hilding
11.The calculation of turbulent boundary layers with foreign gas injectionPages 1905-1932R.B Landis, A.F Mills
12.Application of a variational method to flow over a flat plate in the entrance region with variable physical propertiesPages 1933-1952S.C Cheng, L.G Birta, Y.L Su
13.Bubble growth and collapse in narrow tubes with nonuniform initial temperature profilesPages 1953-1956W.D. Ford, S.G. Bankoff, H.K. Fauske
14.Correlation of liquid-film cooling mass transfer dataPages 1956-1960R.A. Gater, M.R. L'Ecuyer
15.The criterion for validity of the fin approximationPages 1960-1963Myron Levitsky
16.Note on the general solution of the transfer processes in finite capillary porous bodyPages 1963-1965M.D. Mikhailov
17.Use of coatings of low thermal conductivity to improve fins used in boiling liquidsPages 1965-1966, IN3, 1967-1968Shih Chien-Cheng, J.W. Westwater

Volume 15, Issue 11, Pages 1969-2328 (November 1972)

1.Heat transfer—A review of 1971 literaturePages 1969-2010E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, E. Pfender
2.Boiling from small cylindersPages
3.Variational analysis of high mass transfer rates from spherical particles boundary-layer injection suction considerations at low particle reynolds numbers and high peclet numbersPages
4.The influence of curvature in post dry-out heat transferPages 2045-2062Maurizio Cumo, Giovanni Elvio Farello, Giuseppe Ferrari
5.Drainage and evaporation of a liquid film with salt deposition upon a horizontal cylindrical surfacePages 2063-2075G.C Gardner
6.Forced convection droplet evaporation with finite vaporization kinetics and liquid heat transferPages 2077-2089Warren C Strahle
7.A theory for heat transfer to annular two-phase, two-component flowPages 2091-2096Richard H Pletcher, H.N Mcmanus Jr.
8.Flow and heat transfer on a flat plate normal to a two-dimensional laminar jet issuing from a nozzle of finite heightPages 2097-2107H Miyazaki, E Silberman
9.The effect of heats of solution on marangoni convectionPages 2109-2114, IN1, 2115-2117H Heines, J.W Westwater
10.On the heat transfer between two rotating disksPages 2119-2132Ramesh Chandra Arora, Vijay Kumar Stokes
11.Effects of forced flow, noncondensables, and variable properties on film condensation of pure and binary vapors at the forward stagnation point of a horizontal cylinderPages 2133-2142V.E Denny, V South III
12.Effects of forced flow and variable properties on binary film condensationPages 2143-2153V.E. Denny, V.J. Jusionis
13.A study of convective heat transfer from flamesPages 2155-2172R Conolly, R.M Davies
14.Couette flow with particle injectionPages 2173-2186Victor Quan
15.Low péclét number mass transfer in laminar flow through circular tubesPages 2187-2201C.W Tan, Hsu Chia-Jung
16.Computed total radiation properties of compressed oxygen between 100 and 1000kPages 2203-2215M.C Jones
17.Etude experimentale de l'ecoulement turbulent d'une suspension trajectoires et vitesses des particules transferts thermiques entre les deux phasesPages 2217-2229F Armand
18.Interpretation of measured variations of the eddy conductivityPages 2231-2239Larry D Eckelman, Thomas J Hanratty
19.The effects of liquid motion induced by phase change and thermocapillarity on the thermal equilibrium of a vapour bubblePages 2241-2250E.S Caddis
20.Numerical simulation of dropwise condensationPages 2251-2269Leon R Glicksman, Andrew W Hunt Jr.
21.The dispersion of matter in neutral and stably stratified atmospheric surface layersPages 2271-2291Kemal M Atesmen
22.Developing laminar free convection between vertical flat plates with asymmetric heatingPages 2293-2304, IN3-IN4, 2305-2308W Aung, L.S Fletcher, V Sernas
23.Measurements of the radial and tangential eddy diffusivities of heat and mass in turbulent flow in a plain tubePages 2309-2327Alan Quaramby, Richard Quirk
24.Symposium on application of computers to fluid dynamic analysis and designPage 2328

Volume 15, Issue 12, Pages 2329-2680 (December 1972)

1.Heat and mass transfer laws for fully turbulent wall flowsPages 2329-2351B.A Kader, A.M Yaglom
2.The transpired turbulent boundary layer in an adverse pressure gradientPages 2353-2369J.Douglas McLean, George L Mellor
3.Statistical transfer theory in non-homogeneous turbulencePages 2371-2383B.A Kolovandin, I.A Vatutin
4.Thermophysical properties of thermally insulating materials in the cryogenic temperature regionPages 2385-2390A.G Shashkov, L.L Vasiliev, S.A Tanaeva, L.S Domorod
5.Effet de la convection induite par la diffusion et le mouvement de l'interface sur le transfert de chaleur et de masse entre deux phasesPages 2391-2399Daniel Defives, Jean-Claude Noisier
6.Hypersonic rarefied flow past an insulated flat plate with suction/injectionPages 2401-2407A.C Jain, A Kumar
7.A note on a minimum principle in bénard convectionPages 2409-2417E Palm
8.Temperature variation and collapse time at the condensation of vapour bubblePages 2419-2426E Pattantyús-H
9.Film boiling of water and an aqueous binary mixturePages 2427-2430, IN1-IN2, 2431-2445S.J.D Van Stralen, C.J.J Joosen, W.M Sluyter
10.Empirische gleichungen zur berechnung der stoff- und wärmeübertragung für den spezialfall der abgerissenen strömungPages 2447-2471K.H. Presser
11.Temperature and heat flux distributions in incompressible turbulent equilibrium boundary layersPages 2473-2488J.R Taylor
12.Rough annulus pressure drop—interpretation of experiments and recalculation for square ribsPages 2489-2498K Maubach
13.Pressure drop performance of rod bundles in hexagonal arrangementsPages 2499-2517K. Rehme
14.Radiative heat transfer by flowing multiphase medium-part I. An analysis on heat transfer of laminar flow between parallel flat platesPages 2519-2534Echico Ryozo, Hasecawa Shu
15.Free convection along the downward-facing surface of a heated horizontal platePages 2535-2538, IN3-IN6, 2539-2549T Aihara, Y Yamada, S Endö
16.Unsteady-state conjugated heat transfer between a semi-infinite surface and incoming flow of a compressible fluid—I. Reduction to the integral relationPages 2551-2561T.L Perelman, R.S Levitin, L.B Cdalevich, B.M Khusid
17.Unsteady-state conjugated heat transfer between a semi-infinite surface and incoming flow of a compressible fluid—II. Determination of a temperature field and analysis of resultsPages 2563-2573T.L Perelman, R.S Levitin, L.B Gdalevich, B.M Khusid
18.Forced convective heat transfer to supercritical water flowing in tubesPages 2575-2593K Yamagata, K Nishikawa, S Hasegawa, T Fujii, S Yoshida
19.Radiative heat transfer by flowing multiphase medium—part II. An analysis on heat transfer of laminar flow in an entrance region of circular tubePages 2595-2610Ryozo Echigo, Shu Hasegawa, Tamehiro Hiroshi
20.Experimental study of effect of wetting on turbulent flow of mercury in annuliPages 2611-2631P.J Hlavac, B.G Nimmo, O.E Dwyer
21.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 2633-2636satō Takashi
22.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 2637-2654E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, C.J. Scott
23.Heat and mass transfer bibliography-soviet workSPages 2655-2662A.V. Luikov
24.Application of olfe's modified differential approximation to the radiation-layer problem on a flat platePages 2663-2667Werner Koch
25.On heat transfer in mhd channel flowPages 2667-2670P. Schroeder
26.Apparent thermal emittance of cylindrical enclosures with and without diaphragmsPages 2671-2674Alfano Gaetano
27.On the heat transfer aspects of vapor deposition in vacuoPages 2674-2679J. Szekely, J.J. Poveromo
28.Int. J. heat mass transfer: W. Szablewski, inkompressible turbulente temperaturgrenzschichten mit konstanter wand-temperatur, 15(4), 673–706 (1972)Page 2680
29.Int. J. heat mass transfer: D. M. Fontana, simultaneous measurement of bubble growth rate and thermal flux from the heating wall to the boiling fluid near the nucleation site, 15(4), 707–720 (1972)Page 2680
30.Int. J. heat mass transfer: C. E. Kalb and J. D. Seader, heat and mass transfer phenomena for viscous flow in curved circular tubes, 15(4), 801–817 (1972):Page 2680

Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 1-240 (January 1973)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.ObituaryPage 1
3.Peculiarities of evaporative cooling in rarefied gasPages 3-12A.V. Luikov, L.L. Vasiliev, O.G. Rasin
4.Die Dynamik der axialen Wärmeübertragung bei turbulenter RohrströmungPages 13-23H. Schmidl
5.Thermal radiation by combustion gasesPages 25-40D.K. Edwards, A. Balakrishnan
6.Stability of condensate flow down a vertical wallPages 41-48E. Marschall, C.Y. Lee
7.An investigation into thermal boundary layer growth in the entrance region of an annulusPages 49-50N.C. Srivastava, F. Bakhtar, F.K. Bannister
8.Rate of growth of drops during condensationPages 61-62J.D. Ford, A. Lekic
9.Mass-transfer effects on higher-order boundary layer solutions: The leading edge of a swept cylinderPages 65-79K. Gersten, J.F. Gross
10.Étude expérimentale de la convection naturelle dans des cellules rectangulaires verticalesPages 81-86M. Jannot, C. Mazeas
11.Étude de la condensation de vapeur d'eau au cours d'une détente rapide dans un long tubePages 101-104J.P. Barrand, E. Rieutord
12.On generalized hydrodynamic equations used in heat transfer theoryPages 109-119V.A. Bubnov
13.Mass transfer in turbulent flowPages 121-128R.I. Larson, S. Yerazunis
14.Étude tridimensionnelle de la sous-couche visqueuse dans une veine rectangulaire par des mesures de transfert de matière en paroiPages 129-144Bernard Py
15.Experimental study of the effective thermal conductivity of liquid saturated sintered fiber metal wicksPages
16.The dynamic stability of confined, exothermically reacting fluidsPages 157-167D.R. Jones
17.Theory of the ultimate heat transfer limit of cylindrical heat pipesPages 169-186C.A. Busse
18.An approach to the analysis of temperature fluctuation in two-phase flowPages 187-188N.
19.Heat transfer with melting or freezing in a wedgePages 195-211H. Budhia, F. Kreith
20.Heat transfer with a moving boundary: Application to fluidized-bed coating of thin platesPages 213-216N. Abuaf, C. Gutfinger
21.The use of aerosols for the visualization of flow phenomenaPages 217-218O.M. Griffin, C.W. Votaw
22.Melting heat transfer with water jetPages 219-223Yen Yin-Chao, Anthony Zehnder
23.Réponse à un commentaire relatif à la publication “convection naturelle turbulente sur une plaque verticale isotherme; transition”Page 225J. Coutanceau
24.Discussion of paper ‘a theoretical solution of the lockhart and martinelli flow model for calculating two-phase flow pressure drop and hold-up’Pages 225-226D. Chisholm
25.ErratumPage 227
26.Journal of engineering physicsPages 229-239
27.AnnouncementPage 240

Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 241-528 (February 1973)

1.Compound heat exchange between a high temperature gas-fluidized bed and a solid surfacePages 241-248S.S. Zabrodsky
2.Determination of the statistical characteristics of temperature fluctuation in pool boilingPages 249-256N. Afgan, M. Stefanović, Lj. Jovanović, V. Pis̆lar
3.Thermo-acoustic oscillations in forced convection heat transfer to supercritical pressure waterPages
4.Specular reflection of heat radiation from an arbitrary reflector surface to an arbitrary receiver surfacePages 271-280Donald G. Burkhard, David L. Shealy, Roman U. Sexl
5.Heat flux contours on a plane for parallel radiation specularly reflected from a cone, a hemisphere and a paraboloidPages 281-291David L. Shealy, Donald G. Burkhard
6.Drying of hygroscopic capillary porous solids —A theoretical approachPages 293-302D. Berger, D.C.T. Pei
7.Friction and heat transfer in the swirl flow of water in an annulusPages 303-310R.A. Seban, A. Hunsbedt
8.Experiments on a shrouded, parallel disk system with rotation and coolant throughflowPages 311-314J.P. Yu, E.M. Sparrow, E.R.G. Eckert
9.Laminar flow heat transfer from wedge-shaped bodies with limited heat conductivityPages 329-336Ulf Olsson
10.Drop size distributions and heat transfer in dropwise condensationPages 337-346Clark Graham, Peter Griffith
11.Pressure gradients due to friction during the flow of evaporating two-phase mixtures in smooth tubes and channelsPages 347-358D. Chisholm
12.Effects of upstream and downstream boundary conditions on heat (mass) transfer with axial diffusionPages 359-369Yehuda Taitel, M. Bentwich, Abraham Tamir
13.New formulations of the corresponding states principle for the transport properties of pure dense fluidsPages 371-384K. Lucas
14.Convective mass transfer from stationary and moving surfaces using a mercury evaporation techniquePages 385-393R.W. Maxwell, K.L. Nash
15.Convection mixte en milieu poreuxPages
16.Dropwise condensation—The distribution of drop sizesPages 411-425J.W. Rose, L.R. Glicksman
17.Methode de calcul approche de la couche limite laminaire hors d'equilibre vibratoirePages 427-435David Zeitoun, Raymond Brun
18.Micropolar free convection flowPages 437-441M. Balaram, V.U.K. Sastri
19.Heat transfer fouling through growth of calcareous film depositsPages 443-458T.R. Galloway
20.Dropwise condensation—The effect of thermal properties of the condenser materialPages 461-467S.N. Aksan, J.W. Rose
21.Ein direktes variationsverfahren zur behandlung der wärmeÜbertragungsprobleme für erzwungene konvektionPages 469-483B. Krajewski
22.The experimental determination of wall-fluid mass transfer coefficients using plasticized polymer surface coatingsPages 485-504N. Macleod, R.B. Todd
23.Heat transfer to a draining filmPages 505-512J. Isenberg, C. Gutfinger
24.A graphical method for analyzing pool-boiling systemsPages 513-514Niels Madsen
25.Leading edge effects on the nusselt number for a vertical plate in free convectionPages 517-520J. Gryzagoridis
26.Inert-gas transport in liquid metals during boiling experimentsPages 520-524Robert E. Holtz, Hans K. Fauske, Donald T. Eggen
27.On the paper “transient mass transport between a finite volume of homogenized fluid and a sphere with finite interfacial transport coefficients”Page 525M.D. Mikhailov
28.A comment on “radial mass transfer effects in a porous wall tubular reactor”Pages 525-526Mahendra
29.Progress in heat and mass transfer: Volume IV, edited by O. G. Martynenko, J. P. Hartnett and T. F. Irvine Jr. Pergamon Press, New York (1971).Pages 527-528A.F. Mills
30.Combustion aerodynamics: J. M. Beer and N. A. Chigier, Applied science (1972). £7.00, 264 pp.Page 528R. Günther
31.Fluid dynamics measurements in the industrial and medical environment: Edited by David J. Cockrell. Leicester University Press, 1972. £5.0. 343 pp.

Volume 16, Issue 3, Pages 529-704 (March 1973)

1.Fluid to fluid modeling of critical heat flux: A compensated distortion modelPages 641-662S.Y. Ahmad
2.Variable properties laminar gas flow heat transfer in the entry region of parallel porous platesPages 663-668J.R. Doughty, H.C. Perkins Jr.
3.Destabilization of vapor film boiling around spheresPages 669-670J.W. Stevens, L.C. Witte
4.Roughness of heat transfer surfacesPages 679-680K.R. Perkeins, D.M. McEligot
5.Correction on the length of ice-free zone in a convectively-cooled pipePages 681-683G.J. Hwang, Yih Ifsen
6.Condensation of binary mixtures of miscible vaporsPages 683-685A. Tamir
7.Hemispherical reflectivity and transmissivity of an absorbing, isotropically scattering slab with a reflecting boundaryPages 685-690C.C. Lii, M.N. Özişik
8.Monte carlo radiation solutions—effect of energy partitioning and number of raysPages 690-694N. Shamsundar, E.M. Sparrow, R.P. Heinisch
9.Heat transfer across turbulent falling filmsPages 694-696A.F. Mills, D.K. Chung
10.Joule-Thomson effects on thermal entrance region heat transfer in pipes with uniform wall temperaturePages 696-699K.C. Cheng, Ou Jenn-Wuu
11.A comparison of some proposals for the mixing length near a wallPages 700-702B.E. Launder, C.H. Priddin
12.ErratumPage 703
13.Euromech 43 colloquium heat transfer in turbulant boundry layers with variable fiuid properties Göttingen, FRG, 14–16 May 1973Page 704
14.Heat transfer and the design and operation of heat exchangers Johannesburg, May 1973Page 704
15.Etude des phenomenes thermiques dans un tube de Hartmann-SprengerPages 529-538E. Brocher, C. Maresca
16.Effect of wetting hysteresis on state of gas trapped by liquid in a capillaryPages 549-554E.A. Romanov, D.T. Kokorev, N.V. Churaev
17.Heat transfer through the unsteady laminar boundary layer on a semi-infinite flat plate Part I: Theoretical considerationsPages 555-565Norman A. Evans
18.Heat transfer through the unsteady laminar boundary layer on a semi-infinite flat plate Part II: Experimental results from an oscillating platePages 567-570Norman A. Evans
19.On the solution of the nonlinear heat conduction equations by numerical methodsPages 581-589C. Bonacina, G. Comini
20.Heat transfer for turbulent flow with suction in a porous tubePages 591-596J.K. Aggarwal, M.A. Hollingsworth
21.A theoretical study of natural convection heat transfer from downward-facing horizontal surfaces with uniform heat fluxPages 611-627Fujii Tetsu, Honda Hiroshi, Morioka Itsuki
22.Influence of various surface roughness on the natural convectionPages 629-636Fujii Tetsu, Fujii Motoo, Takeuchi Masanori

Volume 16, Issue 4, Pages 705-864 (April 1973)

1.Some peculiarities of heat transfer crisis in salkali metals boiling under free convectionPages 705-712, IN1-IN2, 713S.S. Kutateladze, V.N. Moskvicheva, G.I. Bobrovich, N.N. Mamontova, B.P. Avksentyuk
2.High-rate condensation process theory of vapour flow inside a vertical cylinderPages 715-724I. Shekriladze, Sh. Mestvirishvili
3.Hydrodynamic theory of heat transfer between a stabilized gas suspension flow and channel wallsPages 725-733Z.R. Gorbis, F.E. Spokoinii
4.Thermal buoyancy in round laminar vertical jetsPages 735-745J.C. Mollendorf, B. Gebhart
5.A note on the structure of thermal convection in a slightly slanted slotPages 747-753J.E. Hart
6.Buoyant plume above a horizontal line heat sourcePages 755-768Fujii Tetsu, Morioka Itsuki, Uehara Haruo
7.Mixed convection above a heated horizontal surfacePages 769-785C.A. Hieber
8.Heat transfer and friction coefficients for turbulent flow of air in smooth annuli at high temperaturesPages 787-809M.Dalle Donne, E. Meerwald
9.Growth law of a fast moving spherical second phase as governed by simultaneous heat and mass transfer limitationsPages 811-818W.S. Chang
10.The response of a hot-wire anemometer in flows of gas mixturesPages 819-828J. McQuaid, W. Wright
11.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 829-840E.R.G Eckert, E.M Sparrow, R.J Goldstein, C.J Scott, W.E Ibele
12.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 841-851A.V Luikov
13.Natural convection arising from stripwise heating on a horizontal surfacePages 853-855R.F. Boehm, R.S. Alder
14.Band and total emissivity of ammoniaPages 856-857C.L. Tien
15.Heat transfer parameters of a parallel plate heat exchangerPages 857-861V.M.K. Sastri, K. Mastanaiah
16.ErratumPage 862
17.Industrial flames; Volume 1, measurements in flames: J. Chedaille and Y. Braud, Published by Edward Arnold (1972). £6. 228 pagesPage 863J.H. Whitelaw
18.AnnouncementPage 864

Volume 16, Issue 5, Pages 865-1072 (May 1973)

1.Untersuchung der thermischen eigenschaften im stoff an der moskauer universitätResearch of thermophysical properties at the moscow state universityPages 865-885L. P. Filippow
2.High reynolds number fluid dynamics and heat and mass transfer in real concentrated particulate two-phase systemsPages 887-895I. Yaron, B. Gal-Or
3.Heated laminarizing gas flow in a square ductPages 897-916K. R. Perkins, K. W. Schade, D. M. McEligot
4.The transient temperature distribution in a slab subjected to radiative and convective heating calculated by variational methodPages 917-932Wiktor Zyszkowski
5.Simple method of predicting friction factors of turbulent flow in non-circular channelsPages 933-950K. Rehme
6.Integral spectrum absorption coefficients of a mediumPages 951-959S. P. Detkov
7.On thermal convection between non-uniformly heated planesPages 961-970Jan Erik Weber
8.Incipient-boiling superheat for sodium in turbulent, channel flow: Effects of heat flux and flow ratePages 971-984O. E. Dwyer, G. Strickland, S. Kalish, P. Hlavac, G. A. Schoener
9.An integral equation approach to heat and mass transfer problem in an infinite cylinderPages 985-990G. Tripathi, K. N. Shukla, R. N. Pandey
10.A probe system for spectrometric determination of temperature and concentration distributions in combustion gasesPages 991-1001H. J. Fissan, E. Pfender
11.Nongray radiative transfer in a turbulent gas layerPages 1003-1015D. K. Edwards, A. Balakrishnan
12.Experimental and theoretical results for mass transfer to a rotating cone in a non-newtonian saline solutionPages 1017-1023J. A. Paterson, R. Greif, I. Cornet
13.Natural convection mass transfer adjacent to horizontal platesPages 1025-1035R. J. Goldstein, E. M. Sparrow, D. C. Jones
14.Inward spherical solidification—solution by the method of strained coordinatesPages 1037-1043R. I. Pedroso, G. A. Domoto
15.Electrohydrodynamic heat pipesPages 1045-1048Thomas B. Jones
16.Turbulent transport coefficients for compressible heterogeneous mixingPages 1048-1052Ram Sinha
17.Boundary extrapolation in heat transfer calculationsPages 1052-1056Arsalan Razani
18.Indirect thermal sensing in composite mediaPages 1056-1060G. P. Mulholland, R. L. San Martin
19.A note on the numerical solution of free convection in open ended vertical channelsPage 1061H. Barrow, Anant Prasad
20.Stoffaustausch einschliesslich chemischer Reaktionen , Verlag Saurlander Aaran. 696 pp. 95 DMPage 1062K. F. Knoche
21.Heat and Mass Transfer (Handbook) , Energiya, Moscow (1972)Pages 1062-1063A. S. Predvoditelev, A. A. Pomerantsev, V. A. Bubnov
22.Fondements de la théorie générale de fonctionnement des fours : Professor and , Faculté des Sciences de Paris. 170F, 446 ppPages 1063-1064F. C. Lockwood
23.Contents listsPages 1065-1071
24.AnnouncementPage 1072

Volume 16, Issue 6, Pages 1073-1328 (June 1973)

1.Some problems of heat transfer and hydraulics in two-phase flowsPages 1073-1085V.M. Borishansky, I.I. Paleev, F.A. Agafonova, A.A. Andreevsky, B.S. Fokin, M.E. Lavrentiev, K.P. Malyus-Malitsky, V.N. Fromzel, G.P. Danilova
2.Study of the ice sublimation processPages 1087-1090, IN1-IN6, 1091-1096A.V. Luikov, D.P. Lebedev
3.Some relations for the ultrasonic region of flow of a real gas in the presence of heat transferPages 1097-1101E.A. Orudzhaliev
4.Some relations for high pressure flows with and without heat transferPages 1103-1110E.A. Orudzhaliev
5.Application of the optimal linearization method to the heat transfer problemPages 1111-1117B. Vujanovic
6.The calculation of low-Reynolds-number phenomena with a two-equation model of turbulencePages 1119-1130W.P. Jones, B.E. Launder
7.Natural convection boundary layer flow over horizontal and slightly inclined surfacesPages 1131-1136, IN7-IN8, 1137-1146Luciano Pera, Benjamin Gebhart
8.On the stability of natural convection boundary layer flow over horizontal and slightly inclined surfacesPages 1147-1158, IN9-IN12, 1159-1163Luciano Pera, Benjamin Gebhart
9.The thermal analysis of a belt type radiator by the method of matched asymptotic expansionsPages 1165-1174R.J. Krane, M.C. Jischke, M.L. Rasmussen
10.Combined natural and forced convection heat transfer from horizontal cylinders to waterPages 1175-1191R.M. Fand, K.K. Keswani
11.Constant line sources of heat in infinite media, whose thermal resistivities are linear functions of the temperaturePages 1193-1198Jarl Salin, Jarl-Gunnar Salin
12.Radiative heat transfer by flowing multiphase medium—part III. An analysis on heat transfer of turbulent flow in a circular tubePages 1199-1213Tamehiro Hiroshi, Echigo Ryozo, Hasegawa Shu
13.Theoretical investigation on laminar boundary layer with combustion on a flat platePages 1215-1229Kikkawa Shinzo, Yoshikawa Katsuhiro
14.Heat transfer to a cylindrical laminar liquid jet ejecting into a gasPages 1231-1244Richard D. Kaplan, Lawrence H. Shendalman
15.Natural convection in a sound field giving large streaming Reynolds numbersPages 1245-1265G. De Vahl Davis, P.D. Richardson
16.Effects of buoyancy and of acceleration owing to thermal expansion on forced turbulent convection in vertical circular tubes—criteria of the effects, velocity and temperature profiles, and reverse transition from turbulent to laminar flowPages 1267-1288Tanaka Hiroaki, Tsuge Ayao, Hirata Masaru, Nishiwaki Nuchi
17.Heat transfer to a strongly accelerated turbulent boundary layer: Some experimental results, including transpirationPages 1289-1305D.W. Kearney, W.M. Kays, R.J. Moffat
18.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1307-1317A.V Luikov
19.Transient temperature field in a plane slab with embedded cylindrical sourcesPages 1319-1322M.Regis L.V. Leal, Paul L. Miller
20.Effect of electric field on boiling hysteresis in carbon tetrachloridePages 1322-1324D.K. Basu
21.An integral equation describing conjugate transient heat transfer in fluid flow through insulated pipesPages

Volume 16, Issue 7, Pages 1329-1503 (July 1973)

1.A contribution to the diffusion theory in solidsPages 1329-1338Yu.L. Khait
2.Mass transfer peculiarities of a disc rotating in non-Newtonian fluidPages 1339-1346Z.P. Shulman, N.A. Pokryvailo, V.I. Kordonsky, A.K. Nesterov
3.Transient temperatures in a plate from a Gaussian distribution of normal heat flux and current flow with application to the free arc dischargePages 1347-1358F.Edward Ehlers, Donald F. Winter
4.Free convection film condensation of steam in the presence of non-condensing gasesPages 1359-1369H.K. Al-Diwany, J.W. Rose
5.High Reynolds numbers unsteady convective mass transfer from fluid spheresPages 1371-1384Vi-Duong Dang, Eli Ruckenstein
6.Turbulent heat transfer and the periodic viscous sublayerPages 1385-1392, IN1-IN2, 1393-1396Ronald L. Meek, Alva D. Baer
7.The solution of a solid body at its horizontal surface, governed by free convective cellular motionPages 1397-1404, IN3-IN4, 1405-1406Pavel Hrma, Ivan Bělohoubek
8.Analyse cinetique de la condensationevaporation dans un systeme binaire vapeur-gazPages 1407-1424T.M. Mouratova
9.Development of free convection axial flow through a tube bundlePages 1425-1438Leonard P. Davis, Joseph J. Perona
10.Magneto-fluid-mechanic heat transfer from hot film probesPages 1439-1442, IN5-IN6, 1443-1452Paul S. Lykoudis, Patrick F. Dunn
11.Nucleation of sodium boiling from surface cavities containing gasPages 1453-1458P.K. Holland, R.H.S. Winterton
12.The dynamic-bias in radiation interrogation of two-phase flowPages 1459-1465A.A. Harms, F.A.R. Laratta
13.Experimental study of the stability of differentially heated inclined air layersPages 1467-1476K.G.T. Hollands, L. Konicek
14.Thermal radiative properties of a smooth air-water interfacePages 1477-1487B.F. Armaly, A.L. Crosbie, D.C. Look, H.F. Nelson
15.Laminar mixed convection from a horizontal rotating discPages 1489-1492Sampath K. Sreenivasan
16.View function in generalized curvilinear coordinates for specular reflection of radiation from a curved surfacePages 1492-1496Donald G. Burkhard, David L. Shealy
17.Multivalued relations between surface conduction and surface temperature in a saturated porous media with phase changePages 1496-1500Samuel Schweitzer
18.Theoretical analysis of forced laminar convection heat transfer in the entrance region of an elliptic ductPages 1501-1503D.E. Gilbert, R.W. Leay, H. Barrow

Volume 16, Issue 8, Pages 1505-1663 (August 1973)

1.Combined forced and free-convection over thin needlesPages 1505-1512Jai Prakash Narain, Mahinder S. Uberoi
2.Measurements of transient heat fluxes and vapour generation rates in waterPages 1513-1514R.B. Duffey, A.J. Clare, D.H. Poole, S.J. Board, R.S. Hall
3.Remarks on some properties of the equation of heat transfer in multichannel exchangersPages 1527-1530T. Zaleski, A.B. Jarzebski
4.Turbulence measurements in interacting wakesPages 1531-1546Gordon M. Bragg, Baily V. Seshagiri
5.Calculation of turbulent boundary layers over flat plates with different phenomenological theories of turbulence and variable turbulent Prandtl numberPages 1547-1563A.T. Wassel, Ivan Catton
6.Temperature and eddy diffusivity profiles in NaKPages 1565-1575C.A. Sleicher, A.S. Awad, R.H. Notter
7.Generation and growth of condensed phase in high-velocity flowsPages 1577-1587G.A. Saltanov, L.I. Seleznev, G.V. Tsiklauri
8.An experimental study of heat transfer through gases contained between two vertical coaxial cylindrical surfaces at different temperaturesPages 1589-1599N.A. Ganti, S.H.P. Chen, S.C. Saxena
9.Laminar film condensation of a vapor containing a soluble, noncondensing gasPages 1601-1610F.S. Felicione, R.A. Seban
10.Heat transfer in nucleate boiling, maximum heat flux and transition boilingPages 1611-1622G. Hesse
11.Heat transfer in a heterogeneous drag reduction systemPages 1629-1631J. Vleggaar, M. Tels
12.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1633-1642A.V. Luikov
13.Properties of specularly reflected radiation at normal incidencePages 1643-1645M. Ruiz-Urbieta, E.M. Sparrow
14.Heat transfer to steam flowing turbulently in a pipePages 1645-1648Z. Chiba, R. Greif
15.Numerical solutions of the integro-differential equations of high-speed radiating boundary layersPages 1648-1651J.M. Elliott, R.I. Vachon, D.F. Dyer, J.R. Dunn
16.Transient and forced convective film boiling in subcooled water at low reynolds numbersPages 1652-1654S.J. Board, R.B. Duffey
17.Heat transfer to gas-liquid mixtures in a vertical tube fitted with twisted-tapesPages 1655-1657A.F. Nooruddin, P.S. Murti
18.Transfer phenomena in thermal plasma: J. E. Anderson, Energiya, Moscow (1972)Page 1659V.L. Sergeev
19.Boiling crisis and critical heat flux: L. S. Tong, AEC critical review series. 82 pp. $3Pages 1659-1660P. Griffith
20.Convective boiling and condensation: John G. Collier, McGraw-Hill, 1972, 421 pp. £9.00Page 1660P. Griffith
21.Mass transport phenomena: Christie J. Holt, Reinhart and Winston, £8.00, 495 ppPages 1660-1661R.A. Mashelkar, F.A. Holland
22.Heat transfer: F. J. Bayley, J. M. Owen and A. B. Turner, published by Nelson. £4.95, 438 ppPage 1661B. Gebhart
23.Polymer conference series : 4 June–20 July, 1973 University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UtahPage 1663

Volume 16, Issue 9, Pages 1665-1824 (September 1973)

1.The effectiveness of three-dimensional film-cooling slots—I. MeasurementsPages 1665-1672A.K. Rastogi, J.H. Whitelaw
2.The effectiveness of three-dimensional film-cooling slots—II. PredictionsPages 1673-1681S.V. Patankar, A.K. Rastogi, J.H. Whitelaw
3.On the stability of the conduction regime of natural convection in a vertical slotPages 1683-1690Seppo A. Korpela, Doǧan Gözüm, Chandrakant B. Baxi
4.Wärmeübergang an turbulente und laminare rieselfilmePages 1691-1702H. Limberg
5.Heat transfer from a vibrating circular cylinderPages 1703-1727B.J. Davidson
6.Practical calculations of transitional boundary layersPages 1729-1744Henry McDonald, R.W. Fish
7.Transonic laminar boundary layers with surface curvaturePages 1745-1761Lloyd H. Back
8.Emploi d'electrodes a anneau tournant a l'etude du transport de matiere dans un fluide en regime hydrodynamique laminaire ou turbulentPages 1763-1775C. Deslouis, M. Keddam
9.Fluid flow in the interline region of an evaporating non-zero contact angle meniscusPages 1777-1783P.C. Wayner Jr.
10.Natural convection flow patterns in spherical annuliPages 1785-1786, IN1-IN4, 1787-1795S.H. Yin, R.E. Powe, J.A. Scanlan, E.H. Bishop
11.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1797-1801Mori Yasuo
12.Note on tangential eddy diffusivity in a circular tubePages 1803-1805K. Johannsen, H. Ramm
13.Approximate method for absorption at high temperaturesPages 1805-1807J.C. Lin, R. Greif
14.Shape of porous cooled region for surface heat flux and temperature both specifiedPages 1807-1811Robert Siegel
15.A general expression for the rate of evaporation of a layer of liquid on a solid bodyPages 1811-1815M.G. Cooper, J.M.D. Merry
16.Exact solution by perturbation method for planar solidification of a saturated liquid with convection at the wallPages 1816-1819R.I. Pedroso, G.A. Domoto
17.The taylor wave configuration during boiling from a flat platePages 1820-1821V. Sernas, J.H. Lienhard, V.K. Dhir
18.Letter to the editorPage 1822L. Glicksman, C. Graham, P. Griffith, A. Hunt
19.Boundary layer theory: L. N. Persen, 212 pp., Tapir, £3.30Page 1823B.E. Launder
20.Annual review of fluid mechanics: Vol 4, 1972, edited by M. Van Dyke, W. G. Vincenti and J. V. Wehausen. Annual Reviews, Inc., Palo Alto, CaliforniaPages 1823-1824J.T. Stuart

Volume 16, Issue 10, Pages 1825-1968 (October 1973)

1.Numerical solution of phase-change problemsPages 1825-1832C. Bonacina, G. Comini, A. Fasano, M. Primicerio
2.A discussion of critical parameters which can occur in frictionally heated non-newtonian fluid flowsPages 1833-1848E.A. Trowbridge, J.H. Karran
3.Determination experimentale du nombre de prandtl turbulent pres d'une paroi lissePages
4.Propagating thermal waves in force-cooled superconducting devicesPages 1863-1875W.B. Bald
5.Film boiling of saturated binary mixturesPages 1877-1888P.-L. Yue, M.E. Weber
6.The effect of surfactant on evaporative heat transfer in vertical film flowPages 1889-1903Basit H. Shah, Ron Darby
7.The use of fundamental green's functions for the solution of problems of heat conduction in anisotropic mediaPages 1905-1918Y.P. Chang, C.S. Kang, David J. Chen
8.Evaporation from a porous flow control element on a porous heat sourcePages 1919-1929R.J. Raiff, P.C. Wayner Jr.
9.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—soviet worksPages 1931-1939A.V Liukov
10.A Riemann-Hilbert problem for a heat conduction in an infinite plate with a rectangular holePages 1941-1943Terukazu Ota
11.Laminar film condensation with vapour drag on a flat surfacePages 1944-1949Y.R. Mayhew, J.K. Aggarwal
12.Ambient temperature stratification effects in laminar free convectionPages 1949-1950Jack Goodman
13.Phase change in a semi-infinite solid with temperature dependent thermal propertiesPages 1951-1954Murray Imber, P.N.S. Huang
14.The influence of rotation on the heat transfer from a sphere to an air streamPages 1954-1957T.D. Eastop
15.Combined forced and free convection flow on vertical surfacesPages 1958-1964, in3-in4Graham Wilks
16.Kiyoshi Yamagata 1901–1973Page 1965
17.ErratumPage 1966
18.Study of liquid thermal conductivity: L. P. Filippov, Moscow, Moscow University (1970)Pages 1967-1968A.G. Shashkov, T.N. Abramenko
19.AnnouncementPage 1968

Volume 16, Issue 11, Pages 1969-2128 (November 1973)

1.Heat transfer—A review of 1972 literaturePages 1969-1982, in1-in2, 1983-2006E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, E. Pfender
2.Quasi-steady state solution of periodically varying phenomenaPages 2007-2012J.R. Reed, G. Mullineux
3.Prediction of thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity of porous metallic materialsPages 2013-2022J.C.Y. Koh, Anthony Fortini
4.The heat transfer from bare stranded conductors by natural and forced convection in airPages 2023-2034V.T. Morgan
5.On the use of superposition in the approximate solution of heat conduction problemsPages 2035-2041Bruno A. Boley
6.Pressure fluctuations in a vapour-liquid mixture flowPages 2043-2054M.R. Davis
7.Determination of plate temperature in case of combined conduction, convection and radiation heat exchangePages
8.Supersonic underexpanded jet impingement upon flat platePages 2067-2076I.A. Belov, I.P. Ginzburg, L.I. Shub
9.An investigation of the freezing of supercooled liquid in forced turbulent flow inside circular tubesPages 2077-2085A.P.S. Arora, J.R. Howell
10.Coupling through a wall between two free convective systemsPages 2087-2096G.S.H. Lock, R.S. Ko
11.Taylor stability of viscous fluids with application to film boilingPages 2097-2106, in3-in4,
12.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Polish works (1971–1972)Pages 2111-2115J. Bandrowski, J. Zloło
13.The use of evacuated thermal insulation as a means of thermal emission controlPages 2117-2119R.D. Heap
14.The Graetz problemPage 2120L.S. Dzung
15.On the commonality of equations for natural convection from immersed bodiesPages 2121-2123John H. Lienhard
16.Journal of engineering physics: Volume XXIIIPage 2125
17.Journal of engineering physics: Volume XXIVPages 2126-2127
18.ErratumPage 2128

Volume 16, Issue 12, Pages 2129-2436 (December 1973)

1.Heat transfer in a supersonic flowPages 2129-2140A.S. Predvoditelev
2.Spectral measurements of turbulent heat and momentum transfer in fully developed pipe flowPages 2141-2154K. Bremhorst, K.J. Bullock
3.General solutions of the diffusion equations coupled at boundary conditionsPages 2155-2164M.D. Mikhailov
4.Heat transfer and skin friction of a phase-changing interface of gas-liquid laminar flowsPages 2165-2176Kotake Susumu
5.Natural convective heat transfer from a vertical isothermal surface to a non-Newtonian Sutterby fluidPages 2177-2187Fujii Tetsu, Miyatake Osamu, Fujii Motoo, Tanaka Hiroshi, Murakami Kentaro
6.Discontinuites de temperatures parietales dans un gaz polyatomique hors d'equilibrePages 2189-2203Michel Larini, Raymond Brun
7.Exact solution of the transient forced convection energy equation for timewise variation of inlet temperaturePages 2205-2214S. Kakaç, Y. Yener
8.Heat transfer and pressure drop performance of rod bundles arranged in square arraysPages
9.Free convective condensation heat transfer with noncondensable gas on a vertical surfacePages 2229-2230, IN1-IN2, 2231-2240Mori Yasuo, Hijikata kunio
10.The second-order boundary layer along a circular cylinder in supersonic flowPages 2241-2260K. Gersten, J.F. Gross
11.Production terms in chemically reacting equilibrium flows, discussed for a binary mixture laminar boundary layer flowPages 2261-2273Michael Jischa
12.Growth law of a spherical second phase as governed by simultaneous heat and multi-component mass transfer limitations—IPages 2275-2282W.S. Chang
13.Growth law of a spherical second phase as governed by simultaneous heat and multi-component mass transfer limitations—IIPages 2283-2289W.S. Chang
14.Growth law of a spherical second phase as governed by simultaneous heat and multi-component mass transfer limitations—IIIPages 2290-2296W.S. Chang
15.Laminar film condensation in tubes; calculation of local film resistance and local adiabatic mixing temperaturePages 2297-2304Wilfried Roetzel
16.Direct contact heat transfer with change of phase: Condensation of a bubble trainPages 2305-2319D. Moalem, S. Sideman, A. Orell, G. Hetsroni
17.The effect of motion on bubble collapsePages 2321-2329David Moalem, Samuel Sideman
18.Transient multiphase multicomponent flow in porous mediaPages 2331-2342Frank A. Morrison Jr.
19.DNB in liquid metal heated forced convection boilingPages 2343-2354D.M. France
20.Vortex instability of natural convection flow on inclined surfacesPages 2355-2367S.E. Haaland, E.M. Sparrow
21.Some optimization problems related to cooling finsPages 2369-2375G. Ahmadi, A. Razani
22.Laminar heat transfer to temperature-dependent Bingham fluids in tubesPages 2377-2391G. Forrest, W.L. Wilkinson
23.Numerical approach to non-spherical vapour bubble dynamicsPages 2393-2406T.B. Guy, T.J. Ledwidge
24.Transient heat transfer in Bénard convectionPages 2407-2416, IN3-IN6, 2417-2420R.C. Nielsen, R.H. Sabersky
25.Laminar flow in a porous paraboloidal pipePages 2421-2424Hsiao C. Kao
26.The heat balance integral methodPages 2424-2428David Langford
27.Journal of engineering physicsPages 2429-2433
28.AnnouncementsPages 2435-2436

Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages 1-160 (January 1974)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.An analysis of the conductive and radiative heat transfer to the walls of fluidized bed combustorsPages 1-9V.N. Vedamurthy, V.M.K. Sastri
3.Convective effects in enclosed, exothermically reacting gasesPages 11-21D.R. Jones
4.Radiation-convection interaction in the boundary layer regime of an enclosurePages 23-36J.C. Bratis, J.L. Novotny
5.Thermal analysis of cyclic cryogenic regeneratorsPages 37-49M.F. Modest, C.L. Tien
6.Cellular convection in a salinity gradient along a heated inclined wallPages 51-60C.F. Chen, M.W. Skok
7.Analysis of the effects of vapor pressure drop on heat pipe performancePages 61-67C.L. Tien, A.R. Rohani
8.The onset of natural convection from time-dependent profilesPages 69-76Ian F. Davenport, C.Judson king
9.Natural convection from time-dependent profiles at a gas-liquid surfacePages 77-83Ian F. Davenport, C.Judson king
10.Viscous dissipation effects on unsteady free convective flow past an infinite vertical porous plate with variable suctionPages 85-92V.M. Soundalgekar, Ioan pop
11.An experimental study of the transition of natural convection flow adjacent to a vertical surfacePages
12.Heat transfer to a near-separating laminar boundary layerPages 109-112M.P. Escudier
13.Turbulent structure of isothermal and nonisothermal liquid metal pipe flowPages 113-123L.E. Hochreiter, Alexander Sesonske
14.Spheres, hemispheres and DISCS as high-performance fins for boiling heat transferPages
15.The effect of edge conditions on natural convection from a horizontal platePages 135-142Francisco Restrepo, leon R. Glicksman
16.Axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric turbulent diffusion in a plain circular tube at high Schmidt numberPages 143-147Alan Quarmby, Richard Quirk
17.Natural convective heat-transfer from a vertical surface of uniform heat flux to a non-newtonian sutterby fluidPages 149-154Fujii Tetsu, Miyatake Osamu, Fujii Motoo, Tanaka Hiroshi, Murakami Kentaro
18.A theoretical closed form expression for the total band absorptance of infrared-radiating gasesPages 155-158J.D. Felske, C.L. Tien
19.On the flat plate approximation to laminar free convection from the outer face of a vertical cylinderPages 159-160

Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages 161-392 (February 1974)

1.Turbulent free convection flowPages 161-172Demosthenes D. Papailiou, Paul S. Lykoudis
2.Natural convection flow in a finite, rectangular slot arbitrarily oriented with respect to the gravity vectorPages 173-184Ivan Catton, P.S. Ayyaswamy, R.M. Clever
3.Interface heat transfer and thermal accommodation coefficients: Heated tungsten wire in nitrogen environmentPages 185-196S.H.P. Chen, S.C. Saxena
4.Hypersonic radiating merged shock layer near the blunt-body stagnation regionPages 197-204Ajay Kumar, A.C. Jain
5.Thermal contact conductance; theoretical considerationsPages 205-214B.B. Mikić
6.A study on the effect of Prandtl number on the stability of the conduction regime of natural convection in an inclined slotPages 215-222Seppo A. Korpela
7.On Merk's method of calculating boundary layer transferPages 223-240B.T. Chao, R.O. Fagbenle
8.Convection in a porous medium with horizontal and vertical temperature gradientsPages 241-248Jan Erik Weber
9.Pool boiling—Binary liquid mixturesPages 249-256W.F. Calus, D.J. Leonidopoulos
10.Conjugate convective heat transfer problemsPages 257-265A.V. Luikov
11.A shape factor scheme for point source configurationsPages 267-273E. Hahne, U. Grigull
12.The turbulent boundary layer with foreign gas injection—I. Measurements in zero pressure gradientPages 275-291R.J. Baker, B.E. Launder
13.The turbulent boundary layer with foreign gas injection—II. Predictions and measurements in severe streamwise pressure gradientsPages 293-306R.J. Baker, B.E. Launder
14.Conducting-sheet model for natural convection through a density-stratified interfacePages 307-311Robert D. Haberstroh, Richard D. Reinders
15.An approximate solution of the generalized Stefan's problem in a porous mediumPages 313-321L.N. Gupta
16.Laminar thermal plume rise in a thermally stratified environmentPages 323-329R.A. Wirtz, C.M. Chiu
17.Fragmentation in thermal explosionsPages 331-339S.J. Board, C.L. Farmer, D.H. Poole
18.Turbulence measurements with hot-wire anemometry in non-homogeneous jetsPages 341-349J. McQuaid, W. Wright
19.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 351-363E.R.G Eckert, E.M Sparrow, R.J Goldstein, C.J Scott
20.Pressure-induced radiative transfer in hydrogenPages 365-366S. Khetan, R.D. Cess
21.Laminar boundary layer mass transport from a disc rotating in a viscoelastic fluid: Significance in diffusivity measurementsPages 367-370R.A. Mashelkar
22.Thermal properties of krypton and xenon laminar arc plasmasPages 370-372C.S. Greene, F.P. Incropera, K.J. Daniel
23.Effect of radial velocity component on laminar forced convection in entrance region of a circular tubePages 372-375G.J. Hwang, Sheu Ja-Pung
24.Effect of surface materials on pure mercury boiling heat transferPages 376-377Y. Lee
25.A comment on the papers “on the solidification of a warm liquid flowing over a cold wall”Page 378C.C. Lii, M.N. Özisik
26.Nonlinear anisotropic temperature distribution in a wedgePages 379-380M.H. Cobble
27.Geometric band absorptance of a nongray gas with arbitrary configurationsPages 381-383S.H. Chan
28.Effects of internal conduction on the determination of heat transfer rates using thin film modelsPages 384-386P.H. Oosthuizen
29.Comments on the “dispersion of matter in neutral and stably stratified atmospheric surface layers”Pages 387-388F.H. Chaudhry, R.N. Meroney
30.Author's closurePages 388-389K.M. Atesman
31.The blast-furnace process: The kinetic-dynamic simulation model of the Verein Deutscher Eisenhüttenleute: Mainly in German. Published 1973 by Verlag Stahleisen mbH., Düsseldorf, Germany. Price DM 58. 194 pages, with 185 diagrams and 11 tablesPage 390D.B. Spalding
32.Award of the gold medal of L'Institut Francais Des Combustibles et De L'Energie to Professor LuikovPage 391
33.Joint meeting of commission B1 (thermodynamics and transport processes) C 1 (freeze-drying; cryobiology; medical applications) and C 2 (food science and technology) of the I.I.R.Page 391
34.Ninth international symposium on rarefied gas dynamics
35.Heat transfer in gas-cooled reactorsPage 392

Volume 17, Issue 3, Pages 393-464 (March 1974)

1.On the method of the local potential as applied to the solution of the equations of diffusionPages 393-400D. A. MacDonald
2.Natural convection in an inclined square channelPages 401-406Hiroyuki Ozoe, Hayatoshi Sayama, Stuart W. Churchill
3.Implications concerning rod bundle crossflow mixing based on measurements of turbulent flow structurePages 407-419D. S. Rowe, B. M. Johnson, J. G. Knudsen
4.The use of an eddy viscosity model to predict the heat transfer and pressure drop performance of roughened surfacesPages 421-428C. J. Lawn
5.Experiments on heat transfer to transpired turbulent pipe flowsPages 429-437G. Lombardi, E. M. Sparrow, E. R. G. Eckert
6.Laminar burning between parallel fuel surfacesPages 439-451J. S. Kim, J. de Ris, F. William Kroesser
7.A solution technique for multidimensional ablation problemsPages 453-455Y. Horie, S. Chehl
8.Influence of thermal properties on film cooling effectivenessPages 455-457A. Haji-Sheikh, J. R. Leith
9.Solution of the natural convection problem by parameter differentiationPages 457-459T. Y. Na, I. S. Habib
10.Gas absorption into turbulent liquids at intermediate contact timesPages 459-461Orville C. Sandall
11.Inert gas effects in the incipient boiling of alkali liquid metalsPages 461-463S. G. Bankoff, H. K. Fauske
12.ErratumPage 464
13.A reduced formula for the dynamic-bias in radiation interrogation of two-phase flowPage 464F. A. R. Laratta, A. A. Harms

Volume 17, Issue 4, Pages 465-528 (April 1974)

1.Influence des variations des proprietes physiques et de la stratification en convection naturellePages 465-476J.-M. Piau
2.Free convection heat and mass transfer under conditions of frost depositionPages 477-484Lawrence A. Kennedy, Jack Goodman
3.An experimental study of natural convection in inclined porous mediaPages 485-496T. Kaneko, M.F. Mohtadi, K. Aziz
4.Solutions approximatives de l'equation de diffusion thermiquePages 497-503Dag Thulin
5.Modelisation de la convection naturelle au sein d'une couche poreuse horizontale a l'aide d'un coefficient de transfert solide-fluidePages 505-515M. Combarnous, S. Bories
6.The stability of the laminar free convection flow induced by a heated inclined platePages 517-525P.A. Iyer, R.E. Kelly
7.Proceedings of the 1972 heat transfer and fluid mechanics institute: edited by R. B. Landis and G. J. Hordemann. Stanford university press, Stanford, California, 1972, 430 pp. £8.75Page 527H.A. Simon
8.Extended surface heat transfer: Donald Q. Kern and Allan D. Kraus, McGraw-Hill, 805 ppPage 528H. Martin, E.-U. Schluender
9.AnnouncementPage 528

Volume 17, Issue 5, Pages 529-624 (May 1974)

1.Heat transfer and friction coefficients in smooth and rough tubes with dilute polymer solutionsPages
2.The vortex mode of instability in natural convection flow along inclined platesPages 541-548RenéA. Kahawita, Robert N. Meroney
3.Effect of gas bubbles on liquid metal heat transferPages 549-554R. H. S. Winterton
4.Analyse du transport transitoire sur un disque tournant en regime hydrodynamique laminaire et permanentAn analysis of transient transport on a rotating disk for constant laminar hydrodynamic flowPages 555-566E. Levart, D. Schuhmann
5.Mass transfer from aerodynamically rough surfacesPages 567-579S. B. Verma, J. E. Cermak
6.Three-dimensional compressible turbulent boundary layer on a sharp cone at incidence in supersonic flowPages 581-593J. C. Adams Jr.
7.Effects of hole geometry and density on three-dimensional film coolingPages 595-607R. J. Goldstein, E. R. G. Eckert, F. Burggraf
8.Forced convection from a cylinder at moderate reynolds numbersPages 609-613C. K. Lee, P. D. Richardson
9.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 615-624E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, R. J. Goldstein

Volume 17, Issue 6, Pages 625-704 (June 1974)

1.Transferts de matiere entre une sphere soumise a des vibrations et un liquide en mouvementMass transfer between a vibrating sphere and liquid flowPages 625-632H. Gibert, H. Angelino
2.Interferometric measurement of instantaneous local heat transfer from a horizontally vibrating isothermal cylinderPages 633-642W. W. Carr, W. Z. Black
3.Etude theorique de l'evaporation d'une particule spherique d'un materiau refractaire dans un plasma thermiqueTheoretical study of the evaporation of a spherical particle from a refractory material inside a thermal plasmaPages
4.Hydrodynamic stability by variational methodsPages 655-667G. Lebon, Hung Nguyen
5.Study of batch dryingPages 669-679M. Parti, B. Paläncz
6.Combined forced and free convection MHD channel flow in entrance regionPages 681-691H. K. Yang, C. P. Yu
7.An integral equation approach to diffusionPages 693-699Richard Paul Shaw
8.Influence of radial convection on bubble growth governed by mass transferPages 701-702Bror Persson
9.Drying principles and practice : Pergamon press (1973) £10, 358 ppPage 703W. Douglas Baines
10.AnnouncementPage 704

Volume 17, Issue 7, Pages 705-800 (July 1974)

1.Effect of free stream turbulence on the turbulent boundary layerPages 705-716Henry McDuonald, John P. Kreskovsky
2.On stability of plane-parallel convective motion due to internal heat sourcesPages 717-726G.
3.Sur le role de l'effusivite dans les contacts thermiques brefsThe part of effusivity in the brief thermal contactsPages 727-738Jacques Bransier
4.Criterion equations of the heat and mass transfer at the surface of droplets and vapour bubblesPages 739-742E. Pattantyús-H
5.The flow of a uniform stream over a semi-infinite vertical flat plate with uniform surface heat fluxPages 743-753Graham Wilks
6.Thermal radiation between closely spaced metal surfaces at low temperature due to traveling and quasi-stationary components of the radiation fieldPages 755-765R. P. Caren
7.Dynamics of heat transfer from cylinders in a turbulent air streamPages 767-783Maher I. Boulos, David C. T. Pei
8.Natural convection around a semi-infinite vertical plate: Higher-order effectsPages 785-791C. A. Hieber
9.Total band absorptance of carbon dioxide and water vapor including the effects of overlappingPages 793-795J. C. Lin, R. Greif
10.Low rayleigh number natural convection heat transfer from high-temperature horizontal wires to gasesPages 796-798G. Hesse, E. M. Sparrow
11.Transient condensation without condensate flowPages 798-799Robert C. Pfahl Jr.
12.1975 Summer school and seminar on alternative energy sources-heat and mass transfer problemsPage 800
13.1974 Seminar on heat and mass transfer in the environment of vegetationPage 800

Volume 17, Issue 8, Pages 801-960 (August 1974)

1.Marcel veronPage 801J. Gosse
2.Mixing of cold and hot co-current air-streams in a packed bedPages 803-808C. Joly, J. Andrianne, J.J. Ginoux, F. Thiry
3.Roughness functions, the thermohydraulic performance of rough surfaces and the hall transformation—an overviewPages 809-814M.J. Lewis
4.Influence de la variation de la viscosite avec la temperature sur le frottement avec transfert de chaleur en regime turbulent etabliPages 815-834J. Lafay
5.Natural convection effects on graetz problem in horizontal rectangular channels with uniform wall temperature for large PrPages 835-843Ou Jenn-Wuu, K.C. Cheng, Lin Ran-Chau
6.Prediction of fully-developed flow in a tube containing a twisted-tapePages 845-859A.W. Date
7.On the estimation of thermophysical properties in nonlinear heat-conduction problemsPages 861-867C. Bonacina, G. Cominl, A. Fasano, M. Primicerio
8.Analysis of instabilities in round pipes and infinite channels by stochastic methodsPages 869-873P. Hrycak
9.Transient temperature response of composite slabsPages 875-883S. Sugiyama, M. Nishimura, H. Watanabe
10.Gas-liquid laminar boundary-layer flows with a wavy phase-changing interfacePages 885-897Susumu Kotake
11.Effects of surface resistances on simultaneous heat and mass transfer in porous solids with phase changePages 899-907Sugiyama Sachio, Hasatani Masanobu, Nakamura Masaaki, Morishita Tadashi, Kiyotani Akihiro
12.The modification of the characteristic functions in disperse two-phase one-component systemsPages 909-913E. Pattantyús-H
13.Radiation-convection interaction for a laterally bounded flow past a hot platePages 915-931Werner Koch
14.Enhancement of condensation heat transfer in the presence of noncondensable by viscous dissipationPages 933-943M. Saddy, F.V. Del Pozo
15.On the integral technique for spherical growth problemsPages 945-953Chuang Yun-ken, Olaf Ehrich
16.A closed-form solution to radiant interchange between nonisothermal platesPages 955-956A.L. Crosbie, D.C. Look
17.Saturation of a liquid metal with inert gas in forced convection facilitiesPages 957-959D.M. France, R.D. Carlson
18.ErratumPage 960

Volume 17, Issue 9, Pages 961-1119 (September 1974)

1.Theoretical investigation of vapour transfer through a capillary-porous bodyPages 961-970A.V. Luikov, T.L. Perelman, V.V. Levdansky, V.G. Leitsina, N.V. Pavlyukevich
2.Electro-analog models for heat exchangers and a simplified method for heat exchanger calculationsPages 971-980N. Saryal
3.Heat transfer in a rotary heat exchangerPages 981-990J. Kern
4.Heat transfer through a shallow, horizontal convecting fluid layerPages 991-1002E.L. Koschmieder, S.G. Pallas
5.Turbulent heat transfer in a circular tube with circumferentially varying thermal boundary conditionsPages 1003-1018D. Gärtner, K. Johannsen, H. Ramm
6.Condensation from a turbulent stream onto a vertical surfacePages 1019-1028W.P. Jones, U. Renz
7.Dynamics of a cross-flow heat exchanger with finsPages 1029-1036K. Waede Hansen, K. Demandt
8.Heat exchanger design with variable transfer coefficients for crossflow and mixed flow arrangementsPages 1037-1049Wilfried Roetzel
9.Experimental investigation of free convection flow from wires in the vicinity of phase interfacesPages 1051-1061J. Reimann
10.Extinction analysis of premixed flame for counter flow and blunt body forward stagnation region flowPages 1063-1077Saitoh Takeo
11.Evolution of the heat transfer and flow in moderately short turbulent boundary layers in severe pressure gradientsPages 1079-1085R.G. Deissler
12.Heat transfer from heated walls to packed beds of metal particles at various pressuresPages 1087-1091E.U. Schlünder
13.Analysis of diffusion in macroporous media in terms of a porosity, a tortuosity and a constrictivity factorPages 1093-1103J. van Brakel, P.M. Heertjes
14.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 1105-1109E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein
15.Berechnung von regeneratoren mit hilfe der gauβschen integrationsmethodePages 1111-1113Helmuth Hausen
16.Interferometric study of the temperature field in the natural convective flow along a heated vertical cylinderPages 1114-1116W. Erdmann, W. Merzkirch
17.Zero latent roots of the coefficient matrix in the equation of multichannel exchangersPages 1116-1118Tadeusz Zaleski, Andrzej B. Jarzebski
18.Analysis of lowe's measurements of effects of vibration on heat transferPages 1118-1119P.D. Richardson, K. Tanishita

Volume 17, Issue 10, Pages 1121-1279 (October 1974)

1.A two-dimensional analysis of laminar fluid flow in rod bundles of arbitrary arrangementPages 1121-1128R. Mottaghian, L. Wolf
2.Semi-empirical method of determining the heat-transfer coefficient for subcooled, saturated boiling in a channelPages 1129-1134J. Mikielewicz
3.Measurements of local transfer coefficients for developing laminar flow in flat rectangular ductsPages 1135-1140G. Lombardi, E.M. Sparrow
4.The effect of waves on the motion of the triple-phase front of a dry patch formed in a thin motivated liquid filmPages 1141-1150A.H. Mariy, A.A. El-Shirbini, W. Murgatroyd
5.The determination of local mass-transfer coefficients by holographic interferometry—IPages 1151-1162D.N. Kapur, N. Macleod
6.Einfluβ chemischer reaktionen auf die turbulente dispersion von schmutzstoffen in der atmosphärePages 1163-1179G. Romberg
7.Magneto-fluid-mechanics free convection turbulent flowPages 1181-1189D.D. Papailiou, P.S. Lykoudis
8.The solution of a two-dimensional freezing problem including convection effects in the liquid regionPages 1191-1207P.G. Kroeger, S. Ostrach
9.Natural circulation in an inclined rectangular channel heated on one side and cooled on the opposing sidePages 1209-1217Ozoe Hiroyuki, Yamamoto Kazumitsu, Sayama Hayatoshi, Stuart W. Churchill
10.The effect of electric fields on mass transfer from falling dropsPages 1219-1225J.H. Harker, J. Ahmadzadeh
11.An analysis of a counterflow spray cooling towerPages 1227-1239K.G.T. Hollands
12.Direct contact condensation of an immiscible vapor on a thin film of waterPages 1241-1251A. Tamir, I. Rachmilev
13.Direct contact condensation of binary mixturesPages 1253-1260A. Tamir, Y. Taitel, E.U. Schlünder
14.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1261-1267A.V Luikov
15.Heated two-dimensional jet discharged at water surfacePages 1269-1272H. Miyazaki
16.Contents lists Journal of Engineering PhysicsPages 1273-1278
17.ErratumPage 1279

Volume 17, Issue 11, Pages 1281-1421 (November 1974)

1.Alexei Vasilievich Luikov 1910–1974Pages 1281-1283
2.Aleksandr Savvich Predvoditelev 1891–1973Pages 1285-1286
3.Heat transfer — A review of 1973 literaturePages 1287-1317E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, E. Pfender, W.E. Ibele
4.Radiative heat transfer from a plasma in tube flowPages 1319-1328B.D. Hunn, R.J. Moffat
5.Numerical predictions for turbulent free convection from vertical surfacesPages 1329-1336H.B. Mason, R.A. Seban
6.Mixed convection in an isothermally heated horizontal pipePages 1337-1348C.A. Hieber, S.K. Sreenivasan
7.Effects of density inversion on free convective heat transfer in porous layer heated from belowPages 1349-1356Yin-Chao Yen
8.The onset of natural convection and its enhancement of heat transfer in stratified gas-liquid flowPages 1357-1364Scott C. Hung, E.James Davis
9.Evaluation of selected refractories as high temperature thermophysical property calibration materialsPages 1365-1382Merrill L. Minges
10.Convection from pipe with harmonic internal heat generationPages 1383-1390Kamal-Eldin Hassan, Mounir M. Hilal, Galal M. Zaki
11.The Graetz problem with axial heat conductionPages 1391-1402M.L. Michelsen, John Villadsen
12.Discrete-hole cooling in the presence of free stream turbulence and strong favourable pressure gradientPages 1403-1409B.E. Launder, J. York
13.Pool boiling critical heat fluxes in slowly variable transient statesPages 1411-1412Donato M. Fontana
14.Heat and mass transfer in a porous wall tubular reactorPages 1413-1416Vito Cedro III, Seshadri Srinivasan
15.Extinction of spherical diffusion flames: spalding's approachPages 1416-1418K. Annamalai, P. Durbetaki
16.Marangoni instability in case of a non-uniform heat sourcePages 1419-1421Y.T. Shah, Andras Szeri

Volume 17, Issue 12, Pages 1423-1630 (December 1974)

1.Laudatio E. R. G. Eckert—Seventy yearsPages 1423-1424J.P. Hartnett, T.F. Irvine Jr., W.J. Minkowycz
2.Mass transport around two spheres at low Reynolds numbersPages 1425-1436Karamat Aminzadeh, T.R. Al Taha, A.R.H. Cornish, M.S. Kolansky, Robert Pfeffer
3.Radiation effect on hydromagnetic convection in a vertical channelPages 1437-1442P.S. Gupta, A.S. Gupta
4.Measurement of three-dimensional temperature fields above heated surfaces by holographic interferometryPages 1443-1454D.W. Sweeney, C.M. Vest
5.On the characteristic drying curvePages 1455-1464R.B. Keey, M. Suzuki
6.Free convection over a vertical porous plate with transpirationPages 1465-1474P.G. Parikh, R.J. Moffat, W.M. Kays, D. Bershader
7.Quasi-steady state temperature distribution in finite regions with periodically-varying boundary conditionsPages 1475-1478M.D. Mikhailov
8.Temperature and specie concentration measurements in a flow fieldPages 1479-1486S.
9.Convective heat transfer for steady laminar flow between two confocal elliptic pipes with longitudinal uniform wall temperature gradientPages 1487-1498H.C. Topakoglu, O.A. Arnas
10.On a converging spherical flame frontPages 1499-1506G.I. Sivashinsky
11.The inward solidification of spheres and circular cylindersPages 1507-1516D.S. Riley, F.T. Smith, G. Poots
12.Experimental verification of thermal remote sensing method for recovering temperature distribution in glassPages 1517-1526G.L. Groninger, R. Viskanta, R.E. Chupp
13.Thermal droplet size measurements using a thermocouplePages 1527-1548C.A.A. van Paassen
14.Forced convective heat and mass transfer from a falling film to a laminar external boundary layerPages
15.Etude theorique de l'evaporation d'une particule spherique d'un materiau refractaire dans un plasma thermiquePages 1559-1569C. Bonet, M. Daguenet, P. Dumargue
16.Eclectic merger of crocco-lees and chapman-korst approach to near wakePages 1571-1589Jimmie H. Smith, J.Parker Lamb
17.The total emissivities of luminous and non-luminous flamesPages 1591-1605P.B. Taylor, P.J. Foster
18.The stability of a dry patch on a wetted wallPages 1607-1615S.D.R. Wilson
19.Linearized buoyant motion due to impulsively heated vertical plate(s)Pages 1617-1620R.T. Doty, M.C. Jischke
20.Laminar and turbulent heat transfer by natural convectionPages 1620-1622G.D. Raithby, K.G.T. Hollands
21.Natural convection in a closed rotating cylinderPages 1623-1626V.N. Pustovalov, E.M. Sparrow
22.Advances in Heat Transfer: Vol. 7. Edited by T. F. Irvine Jr. and J. P. Hartnett. Academic Press, New York and London; Vol. 7 (1971)Page 1627R. Eichhorn
23.Advances in Heat Transfer: Vol. 8. Edited by T. F. Irvine Jr. and J. P. Hartnett. Academic Press, New York and London; Vol. 8 (1972)Page 1627R. Eichhorn
24.Advances in Heat Transfer: Vol. 9. Edited by T. F. Irvine Jr. and J. P. Hartnett. Academic Press, New York and London; Vol. 9 (1973)Pages 1627-1628R. Eichhorn
25.Heat bibliography: Published 1972 by the department of trade and industry. 475 pages, £5.35Page 1628J.H. whitelaw
26.Heat and mass transfer in boundary layers: Vols. I and II. Edited by N. Afgan, Z. Zaric and P. Anastasijevic. Pergamon Press, September 1973Pages 1628-1629G. de Vahl Davis
27.The new heat transfer: E. F. Adiutori, Ventuno Press, Cincinnati (1974); (Unpriced)Pages 1629-1630R.S. Silver

Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages 1-176 (January 1975)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Systems of differential equations of heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodies (review)Pages 1-14A.V. Luikov
3.Temperature and moisture distributions during contact drying of a moist porous sheetPages 15-24M.D. Mikhailov, B.K. Shishedjiev
4.Unsteady heat transfer between a fluid, with time varying temperature, and a plate: An exact solutionPages 25-36James Sucec
5.Boiling of liquids in a compact plate-fin heat exchangerPages 37-42Haralampus Panitsidis, R.D. Gresham, J.W. Westwater
6.The thermal structure of free convection turbulence from inclined isothermal surfaces and its influence on heat transferPages 43-50W.Z. Black, Jack K. Norris
7.Boiling heat transfer to a freon-113 jet impinging upward onto a flat, heated surfacePages 51-60M.A. Ruch, J.P. Holman
8.Solute extraction from an internally circulating spherical liquid dropPages 61-68A.S. Brignell
9.An analysis of steady fully developed heat transfer in laminar flow with viscous dissipation in a curved circular ductPages 69-78V.P. Tyagi, V.K. Sharma
10.Improving heat transfer in steam-heated fast rotating paper drying drumsPages 79-86Wilfried Roetzel
11.Influence de gradients de proprietes physiques en convection forcee—Application au cas du tubePages 87-95Jacques Charraudeau
12.Heat transfer to flowing granular mediaPages 97-107W.N. Sullivan, R.H. Sabersky
13.A system of concentrated and distributed heat sources over a translationally and rotationally moving cylinderPages 109-121C.S. Kang, Y.P. Chang
14.Multicomponent boundary-layer characteristics—Use of the reference statePages 123-129Yehuda Taitel, Abraham Tamir
15.The prediction of heat transfer in the wake of cylinders in crossflowPages 131-137A.M. Petrie
16.Pressure losses and heat transfer in non-circular channels with hydraulically smooth wallsPages 139-149J. Malák, J. Hejna, J. Schmid
17.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 151-158A.V. Luikov
18.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 159-162Mori Yasuo
19.Study of the analogy between heat and mass transfer to the wall of a stirred tankPages 163-167A. Le Lan, H. Angelino
20.Local heat-transfer coefficients on the rotating disk in still airPages 167-170Cz.O. Popiel, L. Bogusławski
21.Exact solutions for multi-dimensional radiative transfer in non-isothermal spherical mediaPages 170-174Ping Cheng, Shyam S. Dua
22.On the paper “an analysis of the conductive and radiative heat transfer to the walls of fluidised bed combustor”Page 175Prabir Basu
23.RejoinderPage 176V.N. Vedamurthy, V.M.K. Sastri
24.AnnouncementPage 176

Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages 177-350 (February 1975)

1.Progress in heat pipe and porous heat exchanger technologyPages 177-190A.V. Luikov, L.L. Vasiliev
2.Two-dimensional quasi-stationary temperature distribution in a moving infinite slab with orthotropic propertiesPages 191-204Robert C. Pfahl Jr.
3.Liquid metal superheat in forced convectionPages 205-212R.H.S. Winterton
4.Free convection at a vertical plate and in closed interlayer at different gas pressuresPages 213-218G.N. Dulnev, Yu.P. Zarichnyak, A.V. Sharkov
5.The aerosyphon: An exploratory studyPages 219-226G.S.H. Lock, S. Maezawa
6.Finite element analysis of laminar convective heat transfer in vertical ducts with arbitrary cross-sectionsPages 227-236A.L. Nayak, Ping Cheng
7.The effects of blowing and suction on free convection boundary layersPages 237-244J.H. Merkin
8.Multi-dimensional radiative transfer in non-isothermal cylindrical media with non-isothermal bounding wallsPages 245-259Shyam S. Dua, Cheng Ping
9.The zone method: Explicit matrix relations for total exchange areasPages 261-269James J. Noble
10.Thermal interaction of molten copper with waterPages 271-287Wiktor Zyszkowski
11.A model of heat transfer in gas fluidized bedsPages 289-299J. Kubie, J. Broughton
12.An analysis of temperature fields in the bubble and its liquid environment in pool boiling of waterPages 301-309Ejup N. Ganic, Naim H. Afgan
13.Spray cooling of air-cooled compact heat exchangersPages 311-317Yang Wen-Jei, D.W. Clark
14.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 319-327E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein
15.Thermal response characteristics of unsteady stagnation point flows: A new approachPages 329-331Kenneth E. Kasza
16.The mach number dependence of the stagnation point heat transfer in supersonic flowPages 332-334Hans W. Stock
17.Gas absorption into a turbulent liquid filmPages 334-336R.Shankar Subramanian
18.A simplified model for predicting overall heat-transfer coefficients for cavity bearing flow obstructionsPages 337-339H.G. Rigo, J.J. Stukel
19.Temperature distributions and heat-transfer characteristics of a vee-fin arrayPages 339-341V.R. Megler
20.A two-dimensional analog simulating the helmholtz equation for heat flowPages 341-344Krishna K. Pillai
21.On the solution of the heat equation with time dependent coefficientPages 344-345M.D. Mikhailov
22.The equations of radiation hydro-dynamics: Pergamon press, Oxford (1973), £7, 288 pPage 346J.L. Novotny
23.Contents listsPages 347-350
24.Use of SI units in the international journal of heat and mass transferPage 350
25.Joint announcement to subscribers and subscription agencies from Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company and Pergamon Press LimitedPage 350

Volume 18, Issue 3, Pages 351-476 (March 1975)

1.Simultaneous heat and mass transfer in sphere in presence of phase and chemical transformation under generalised boundary conditionsPages 351-362G. Tripathi, K.N. Shukla, R.N. Pandey
2.Thermal performance characteristics of heat pipesPages 363-380K.H. Sun, C.L. Tien
3.The effect of pressure and surface material on the leidenfrost point of discrete drops of waterPages 381-386George S. Emmerson
4.Heat transfer from a horizontal circular wire at small reynolds and grashof numbers—I: Pure convectionPages 387-396Nakai Seiichi, Okazaki Takuro
5.Heat transfer from a horizontal circular wire at small reynolds and grashof numbers—II: Mixed convectionPages 397-413Nakai Seiichi, Okazaki Takuro
6.On the buoyancy-induced flow arising from a heated hemispherePages 415-431Yogesh Jaluria, Benjamin Gebhart
7.Transpiration cooling of a rotating disk: An experimental studyPages 433-441William P Cosart
8.Particulate diffusion across a plane turbulent jetPages 443-451Gordon M. Bragg, Hubert V. Bednarik
9.Bubble growth rates in pure and binary systems: Combined effect of relaxation and evaporation microlayersPages 453-467S.J.D. van Stralen, M.S. Sohal, R. Cole, W.M. Sluyter
10.Evaluation of microlayer contribution to bubble growth in nucleate pool boiling using a new bubble growth modelPages 469-472J.S. Saini, C.P. Gupta, S. Lal
11.Effect of jakob number on forces controlling bubble departure in nucleate pool boilingPages 472-474J.S. Saini, C.P. Gupta, S. Lal
12.Thermal convection in a tilted porous layerPages 474-475Jan Erik Weber
13.Contents listPage 476

Volume 18, Issue 4, Pages 477-588 (April 1975)

1.The growth of vapor bubbles in superheated sodiumPages 477-493M.Dalle Donne, M.P. Ferranti
2.On a direct variational method for nonlinear heat transferPages 495-502Bogdan Krajewski
3.Experimental study of heat transfer at the total condensation of mixed vapours of miscible liquidsPages 503-512J. Bandrowski, A. Bryczkowski
4.The transition of plane plumesPages 513-526R.G. Bill Jr., B. Gebhart
5.Effects of couple stresses in fluids on the dispersion of a soluble matter in a channel flow with homogeneous and heterogeneous reactionsPages 527-530V.M. Soundalgekar
6.Effects of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions on the dispersion of a soluble matter in a MHD channel flowPages 531-535V.M. Soundalgekar, S.K. Gupta
7.Bubble induced heat transfer in two phase gas-liquid flowPages 537-551J. Kubie
8.Uniform heat flux in a paper drying drum with a non-cylindrical condensation surface operating under rimming conditionsPages 553-557Wilfried Roetzel, Michael Newman
9.The development of the thin-film naphthalene mass-transfer analogue technique for the direct measurement of heat-transfer coefficientsPages 559-567S.B.H.C. Neal
10.The boundary-layer regime for convection in a vertical porous layerPages 569-573Jan Erik Weber
11.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 575-581E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele
12.Interferometric flow visualization of free convection from a horizontally vibrating isothermal cylinderPages 583-587W.W. Carr, W.Z. Black
13.Engineering calculations on radiative heat transfer: 161 pp. Pergamon Press, Oxford. Hard cover $15.50, Flexicover $7.50
14.International conference on mathematical models for environmental problemsPage 588
15.ErratumPage 588

Volume 18, Issue 5, Pages 589-714 (May 1975)

1.Heat transfer in emulsions of poor conductors under electric fieldPages 589-596B.R. Lazarenko, I.A. Kozhukhar, M.K. Bologa
2.Impingement transfer coefficients due to initially laminar slot jetsPages 597-605E.M. Sparrow, T.C. Wong
3.Effects of suction and injection on self-similar solutions of second-order boundary-layer equationsPages 607-614Noor Afzal, Shabbir Ahmad
4.New theories of the A-axis growth of ice crystalsPages
5.Transpiration drying of porous hygroscopic materialsPages 623-634Phani P.K. Raj, Howard W. Emmons
6.The effect of upper surface conditions on convection in a shallow cavity with differentially heated end-wallsPages 635-648D.E. Cormack, G.P. Stone, L.G. Leal
7.Deterioration of heat transfer to supercritical helium at 2·5 atmospheresPages 649-653Patricia J. Giarratano, M.C. Jones
8.Bubble growth rates in nucleate boiling of water at subatmospheric pressuresPages 655-669S.J.D.
9.Pressure excursions in transient film boiling from a spherePages 671-675Michael Rooney, Louis Burmeister
10.A convenient correlation for heat transfer to constant and variable property fluids in turbulent pipe flowPages 677-683C.A. Sleicher, M.W. Rouse
11.Self-similarity in the vapour bubble dynamicsPages 685-687V.D. Shestakov, L.G. Tkachev
12.Perturbation solutions of planar diffusion-controlled moving-boundary problemsPages 689-695Huang Ching-Lun, Shih Yen-Ping
13.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—soviet worksPages 697-705A.V. Luikov
14.The effect of different modes of operation on the drying processesPages 707-709D. Beyer, D.C.T. Pei
15.Heat-transfer regimes in vertical, plane-walled, air-filled cavitiesPages 709-710M. Dixon, S.D. Probert
16.On the uncoupled superposition approximation for combined conduction-radiation through infrared radiating gasesPages 711-713Duane A. Nelson
17.Comments on the paper “a theoretical solution of the lockhart and martinelli flow model for calculating two-phase flow pressure drop and hold-up”Page 713N.J. Dembi
18.RejoinderPage 714Th. Johannessen
19.ErratumPage 714

Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages 715-843 (June 1975)

1.ForewordPage 715
2.From the Japanese editorPage 717Y. Mori
3.Impingement cooling from a circular jet in a cross flowPages 719-730J.-P. Bouchez, R.J. Goldstein
4.Les phenomenes de transport de masse dans la stratospherePages 731-735Edmond A. Brun
5.Sub-cooled film boiling on horizontal cylindersPages 737-742A.J. Ede, J.B. Siviour
6.Estimation numerique de la convection turbulente dans les espaces annulairesPages 743-749J. Gosse, R. Schiestel
7.Formfaktor und formwiderstand der stationären mehrdimensionalen wärmeleitungPages 751-767E. Hahne, U. Grigull
8.Radiation propagation in multi-layer systems with variable optical propertiesPages 769-774S.G. Iliasov, V.V. Krasnikov
9.The calculation of local flow properties in two-dimensional furnacesPages 775-791E.E. Khalil, D.B. Spalding, J.H. Whitelaw
10.AerothermoopticsPages 793-796O.G. Martynenko
11.Exact solution of temperature and moisture distributions in a porous half-space with moving evaporation frontPages 797-804M.D. Mikhailov
12.On mass-transfer kinetics with evaporation in a capillaryPages 805-809N.V. Pavlyukevich, V.G. Leitsina, G.I. Rudin
13.Estimation of diffusional thermoeffect contribution to heat transfer in gas mixtures in electric field (steady state)Pages 811-812A.G. Shashkov, T.N. Abramenko
14.Experimental study of gas flow out of a porous plate into vacuumPages 813-817L.L. Vasiliev, Yu.A. Lapshin, A.N. Piskunov
15.Radiation attenuation by disperse mediaPages 819-829F.B. Yurevich, L.A. Konyukh
16.Wall turbulence structure and convection heat transferPages 831-842Z. Zarić
17.1975 International seminar future energy production—heat and mass transfer problemsPage 843
18.1975 International summer school future energy production—heat and mass transfer problemsPage 843

Volume 18, Issues 7-8, Pages 845-1002 (July-August 1975)

1.Minimum evaporation in two-phase flowsPages 845-848Yahli Narkis, Benjamin Gal-Or
2.Laminar flow friction and forced convection heat transfer in ducts of arbitrary geometryPages 849-862R.K. Shah
3.Static characteristics of equilibrium two-phase transpiration cooling systemsPages 863-874A.V. Luikov, L.L. Vasiliev, V.A. Mayorov
4.Film boiling from a partly submerged spherePages 875-878E. Marschall, L.C. Farrar
5.Correlation equations for free convection heat transfer in horizontal layers of air and waterPages 879-884K.G.T. Hollands, G.D. Raithby, L. Konicek
6.Determination of the region of stable and reliable operation of equilibrium two-phase transpiration cooling systemPages 885-892A.V. Luikov, L.L. Vasiliev, V.A. Mayorov
7.Influence of refractive index on reflectance from a semi-infinite absorbing-scattering medium with collimated incident radiationPages 893-900B.F. Armaly, T.T. Lam
8.Analysis of two-dimensional diffusion-controlled moving boundary problemsPages 901-910J.L. Duda, Michael F. Malone, Robert H. Notter, J.S. Vrentas
9.Combined free and forced convection from an isothermal vertical platePages 911-916J. Gryzagoridis
10.Heat-transfer characteristics of a bubble-induced water jet impinging on an ice surfacePages 917-926Yen Yin-Chao
11.Contribution a une etude statistique theorique des champs thermiques turbulents aux faibles nombres de pecletPages 927-932J.-P. Maye
12.Mesure de l'effusivite par un appareil du type touchauPages 933-940Daniel Balageas, Jean Jamet
13.Heat transfer in decaying swirl flowsPages 941-944N.H. Zaherzadeh, B.S. Jagadish
14.Numerical and analytical solutions for concentration polarization in hyperfiltration without axial flowPages 945-951F. Bellucci, A. Pozzi
15.Phenomenological theory of energy and mass transfer for pressure shaping of disperse materialsPages 953-959I.G. Kharchenko
16.Investigations of the factors affecting the performance of a rotating heat pipePages 961-973T.C. Daniels, F.K. Al-Jumaily
17.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 975-980E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, W.E. Ibele
18.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 981-988A.V. Luikov
19.The effect of interface fluid on thermal contact conductancePages 989-991C.V. Madhusudana
20.Note on a paper by kierkusPages 991-993N. Riley
21.Effect of lighter noncondensable gas on laminar film condensation over a vertical platePages
22.Graetz problem in curved rectangular channels with convective boundary condition-the effect of secondary flow on liquid solidification-free zonePages 996-999K.C. Cheng, Lin Ran-Chau, Ou Jenn-Wuu
23.Thermodynamik: (At introduction to basic concepts and their technical applications) 3rd rev. edn. Springer, Berlin (1973). 440 pp. DM 42,00.Page 1001Jochen Sohns
24.Recent developments in compact high duty heat exchange: The institution of mechanical engineers, London (1972) £7Pages 1001-1002Kenneth J. Beli

Volume 18, Issue 9, Pages 1003-1111 (September 1975)

1.Droplet evaporation: Effects of transients and variable propertiesPages 1003-1008G.L. Hubbard, V.E. Denny, A.F. Mills
2.Der Wärme- und Stoffaustausch im Übergangsgebiet laminar/turbulent: Ein Vergleich von Rechnung und experimentPages 1009-1014U. Renz, H. Vollmert
3.Calculation of steady temperature fields in generalized couette flows of simple fluidsPages 1015-1030M. Biermann
4.Influence of the separation of elements on the flow field in hypersonic boundary layers of air in local chemical equilibriumPages 1031-1036H. Eickhoff, F. Thiele
5.Die wärmeübertragung beim sieden unter dem einfluss hydrodynamischer vorgängePages 1037-1047R. Best, P. Burow, H. Beer
6.Correlating equations for laminar and turbulent free convection from a horizontal cylinderPages 1049-1053Stuart W. Churchill, Humbert H.S. Chu
7.The prediction of turbulent Prandtl and Schmidt numbersPages 1055-1069A.J. Reynolds
8.An hysteresis loop in the two component Bénard problemPages 1071-1075J.K. Platten, G. Chavepeyer
9.Turbulent mass transfer at free, gas-liquid interfaces, with applications to film flowsPages 1077-1081L.K. Brumfield, R.N. Houze, T.G. Theofanous
10.Free convection effects on the oscillatory flow of a viscous, incompressible fluid past a steadily moving vertical plate with constant suctionPages 1083-1093V.M. Soundalgekar, S.K. Gupta
11.Determination of the initial point of net vapor generation in flow boiling systemsPages 1095-1099H.C. Ünal
12.Isotherm Migration Method in two dimensionsPages 1101-1107J. Crank, Radhey S. Gupta
13.Note on the effect of thermal distortion on constriction resistancePages 1109-1111H.P. Rossmanith

Volume 18, Issue 10, Pages 1113-1222 (October 1975)

1.Transfert simultane de chaleur et de masse dans une sphere en presence d'une reaction chimique avec changement de phase sous des conditions aux limites generaliseesPage i
2.Caracteristiques thermiques de fonctionnement des caloducsPage i
3.Effet de la pression et de la nature de la surface sur la point de Leidenfrost pour des gouttes d'eauPage i
4.Transfert thermique par un fil horizontal aux petits nombres de Reynolds et de Grashof. Premiere partie: Convection purePage i
5.Transfert thermique par un fil horizontal aux petits nombres de Reynolds et de Grashof. Deuxieme partie: Convection mixtePage i
6.Gleichzeitige Wärme- und Stoffübertragung in einer Kugel unter verallgemeinerten Randbedingungen in Gegenwart einer phasenumwandlung und einer chemischen UmwandlungPage ii
7.Der einfluss von druck und oberflächenmaterial auf den Leidenfrost-Punkt einzelner WassertropfenPage ii
8.Wärmeübergang an einem horizontalen kreisförmigen draht bei kleinen Reynolds- und Grashof-Zahlen. Teil i: Reine konvektionPage ii
9.Wärmübergang an einem horizontalen kreisförmigen draht bei kleinen Reynolds- und Grashof-Zahlen. teil II: Gemischte Konvektion
10.Thermische leistungscharakteristik von W:→merohrenPage ii
11.Пepeнoc тeплa oт гopизoнтaлянoи кpyглoи пpoвoлки пpи мaлыч чиcлaч peинoлядca и гpacгoфa. Чacтя II. Cмeшaннaя кoнвeкцияPage iii
12.Пepeнoc тeплa oт гopизoнтaлянoи кpyглoи пpoвoлoки пpи мaлыч чиcлaч peинoлядca и гpacгoфa. чacтя I. Чиcтaя кoнвeкцияPage iii
13.Bлияниe дaвлeния и мaтepиaлa пoвepчнocти нa тoчкy лeидeнфpocтa диcкpeтнoи кaпли вoдыPage iii
14.Xapaктepиcтики тeплoвoгo peзимa тeплoвыч тpyбoкPage iii
15.Пepeгpeв зидкич мeтaллoв в ycлoвияч вынyздeннoи KOHBEКЦИИPage iii
16.Sur la convection naturelle au dessus d'un hemisphere chauffe
17.Refroidissement par transpiration d'un disque tournant: Une etude experimentalePage iv
18.Diffusion de particules a travers un jet plan turbulentPage iv
19.Vitesse de croissance de bulles dans des systemes purs ou binaires: Effet combine de relaxation et d'evaporation de micro-couchePage iv
20.Über die freie konvektionsströmung über einer beheizten halbkugelPage v
21.Schwitzkühlung einer rotierenden scheibe: Eine experimentelle studiePage v
22.Diffusion von feststoffpartikeln quer zu einem ebenen turbulenten freistrahlPage v
23.Пoдщeмнoe тeчeниe oт нaгpeтoи пoлycфepыPage vi
24.Экcпepимeнтaлянoe иccлeдoвaниe пopиcтoгo oчлaздeния вpaщayщeгocя диcкaPage vi
25.Диффyзия чacтиц чepeз плocкyy тypбyлeнтнyy cтpyyPage vi
26.La croissance de bulles de vapeur dans le sodium surchauffe
27.Sur une methode variationnelle directe pour le transfert thermique non lineairePage vii
28.Etude experimentale du transfert de chaleur dans la condensation totale d'un melange de vapeurs de liquides misciblesPage vii
29.La transition des fumees planesPage vii
30.Effet des tensions de cisaillement dans les fluides sur la dispersion d'une substance soluble dans un ecoulement en conduite avec reactions chimiques homogene ou heterogenesPage vii
31.Blasenwachstum in ein- und zweistoffsystemen: Der kombinierte einfluss von relaxations- und verdampfungs-mikroschichtenPage viii
32.Das dampfblasenwachstum in überhitztem natriumPage viii
33.Über eine direkte variationsmethode für nichtlinearen wärmeübergangPage viii
34.Experimentelle untersuchung des wärmeüberganges bei vollständiger kondensation von dampfgemischen mischbarer FlüssigkeitenPage viii
35.qeвPage ix
36.Pocт пapoвыч пyзыpякoв в пepeгpeтoм нaтpииPage ix
37.Иcпoлязoвaниe пpямoгo вapиaциoннoгo мeтoдa для peшeния нeлинeиныч зaдaч тeплooбмeнaPage ix
38.Экcпepимeнтaлянoe иccлeдoвaниe тeплooбмeнa пpи кoндeнcaции cмeceи пapoв oднopoдныч зидкocтeиPage ix
39.Effet des reactions homogenes et heterogenes sur la dispersion d'une substance soluble dans un ecoulement m hd en canalPage x
40.Transfert thermique induit par des bulles dans un ecoulement diphasique gaz-liquidePage x
41.Maintien d'un flux de chaleur constant dans les tambours secheurs a papier avec surface de condensation non-cylindrique et film de condensat circonferentielPage x
42.Developpement de la technique analogique du transfert massique du naphtalene pour la mesure des coefficients de transfert de chaleur
43.Le regime de couche limite pour la convection dans une couche verticale poreusePage x
44.Der Übergang bei ebenen dampfschwadenPage xi
45.Auswirkungen von verbindungskräften in fluiden auf die Verteilung eines löslichen Stoffes in einer kanalströmung mit homogenen und heterogen ReaktionenPage xi
46.Der einfluss homogener und heterogener Reaktionen auf die verteilung einer löslichen substanz in einer mhd-kanalströmungPage xi
47.Der einfluss von blasen auf den wärmeübergang bei einer Zweiphasenströmung, gas-flüssigkeitPage xi
48.Динaмикa плocкич cтpyeкPage xii
49.Bлияниe нaпpязeния в зидкocти нa диcпepcиy pacтвopeннoгo вeщecтвa пpи тeчeнии в кaнaлe пpи нaличии гoмoгeнныч и гeтepoгeнныч peaкции
50.Bлияниe гoмoгeнныч и гeтepoгeнныч peaкции нa диcпepcиy pacтвopимoгo вeщecтвa в кaнaлe мгд-гeнepaтopaPage xii
51.Bлияниe пyзыpякoв нa тeплooбмeн пpи двyчфaзнoм тeчeнии гaзa и зидкocтиPage xii
52.Иcпoлязoвaниe oднopoднoгo тeплoвoгo пoтoкa для cyшки бyмaзнoи мaccы нa нeцилиндpичecкoи кoндeнcиpyyщeиcя пoвepчнocти пpи нaличии гpaничныч ycлoвииPage xii
53.transfert thermique dans des emulsions de mauvais conducteurs sous champ electriquePage xiii
54.Coefficients de transfert dûs a des jets initialement laminaires issus d'un mince orifice et frappant une paroiPage xiii
55.Effets de l'aspiration et du soufflage sur les solutions en similitude des equations du second ordre de la couche limitePage xiii
56.Nouvelles theories de la croissance des cristaux de glace suivant l'axe APage xiii
57.Konstanter Wärmestrom in papiertrockentrommeln bei nichtzylindrischer kondensationsfläche und umlaufendem kondensatfilmPage xiv
58.Die entwicklung einer Stoffaustausch-Analogietechnik mit hilfe dünner naphthalinfilme zur direkten ermittlung von WärmeübergangskoeffizientenPage xiv
59.Konvektive grenzschichtströmungen in vertikalen porösen schichtenPage xiv
60.Der Wärmeübergang in schlecht leitenden emulsionen im elektrischen feldPage xiv
61.Paзpaбoткa aнaлoгoвoгo мeтoдa, ocнoвaннoгo нa pacчeтe мaccooбмeнa тoнкoи нaфтaлинoвoи плeнки, для нeпocpeдcтвeннoгo измepeния кoэффициeнтoв тeплooбмeнaPage xv
62.Peзим пoгpaничнoгo cлoя пpи нaличии кoнвeкции в вepтикaлянoм пopиcтoм cлoePage xv
63.Teплooбмeн в эмuляcияч cлaбoпpoвoдящич зидкocтeи пoд вoздeиcтвиeм элeктpичecкoгo пoляPage xv
64.Oпpeдeлeниe кoэффициeнтoв пepeнoca пpи coyдapeнии лaминapнoи плocкoи cтpyи c плocкoи пoвepчнocтяyPage xv
65.Stoffübergangskoeffizienten, hervorgerufen durch ursprünglich laminare schlitzstrahlenPage xvi
66.Der einfluss des absaugens und ausblasens bei ähnlichkeitslösungen grenzschichtgleichungen zweiter ordnungPage xvi
67.Neue theorien zum A-Achsen-Wachstum von eiskristallenPage xvi
68.Bлияниe oтcoca. И вдyвa нa aвтoмoдeляныe Peшeния yPaвнeнии втoPoгo пoPядкa пoгPaничнoгo cлoяPage xvii
69.Hoвыe тeopии cкopocти pocтa кpиcтaллoв лядa пo ocи aPage xvii
70.Иcпapитeлянaя cyшкa пopиcтыч гигpocкoпичecкич мaтepиaлoвPage xvii
71.Sechage par transpiration de materiaux poreux hygroscopiquesPage xviii
72.Influence des conditions a la surface superieure sur la convection dans une cavite peu profonde avec ecart de temperature entre parois lateralesPage xviii
73.Deterioration du transfert thermique a l'helium supercritique sous 2,5 atmospheresPage xviii
74.Transpirationstrocknen von porösen, hygroskopischen StoffenPage xix
75.Die auswirkung der oberen Oberflächen-Randbedingungen auf die konvektion in einer flachen vertiefung mit unterschiedlich beheizten begrenzungswändenPage xix
76.Verschlechterung des Wärmeübergangs an überkritisches Helium bei 2,5 barPage xix
77.Bлияниe ycлoвии нa вepчнeи пoвepчнocти нa кoнвeкциy в yзкoи пoлocти пpи paзличнoм нaгpeвe низнич cтeнoкPage xx
78.Yчyдшeниe тeплooбмeнa cвepчкpитичecкoгo гeлия пpи дaвлeнии 2,5 aтмPage xx
79.Cкopocтя pocтa пyзыpякoв пpи пyзыpякoвoм кипeнии вoды пpи дaвлeнияч низe aтмocфepнoгoPage xx
80.Измeнeния дaвлeния пpи пepeчoднoм плeнoчнoм кипeнии oт нaгpeтoи cфepыPage xx
81.Vitesse de croissance des bulles dans l'ebullition nucleee de l'eau sous des pressions subatmospheriquesPage xxi
82.Sauts de pression dans l'ebullition transitoire en film sur une spherePage xxi
83.Une correlation utile pour le transfert de chaleur a des fluides de proprietes physiques constantes ou variables dans l'ecoulement turbulent en conduitePage xxi
84.Similitude dans la dynamique des bulles de vapeurPage xxi
85.Solutions de perturbation de problemes plans de diffusion controlee a frontieres mobilesPage xxi
86.Das blasenwachstum beim sieden von wasser bei unterdruckPage xxii
87.Druckschwankungen beim instationären filmsieden an einer kugelPage xxii
88.Eine brauchbare korrelation des Wärmübergangs bei turbulenter Rohrströmung für fluide mit konstanten und variablen StoffeigenschaftenPage xxii
89.Ähnlichkeit der dampfblasen-dynamikPage xxii
90.Störungslösungen von ebenen diffusionsbeherrschten problemen mit sich bewegender GrenzschichtPage xxii
91.Ypaвнeниe для вычиcлeния кoэффициeнтoв тeплooбмeнa пpи тypбyлeнтнoм тeчeнии зидкocти c пocтoянными и пepeмeнными cвoиcтвaмиPage xxiii
92.Aвтoмoдeлянoe пoвeдeниe пyзыpякa в пyзыpякoвыч кaмepaчPage xxiii
93.Peшeниe мeтoдoм вoзмyщeнии плocкич диффyзиoнныч зaдaч c двизyщимиcя гpaницaмиPage xxiii
94.Nonequilibrium merged stagnation shock layers at hypersonic speedsPages 1113-1118Ajay Kumar, A.C. Jain
95.Structure quantique de la conductivite thermiquePages 1119-1126Louis Kaiser
96.Film boiling near the critical statePages 1127-1130J. Berghmans
97.Luminescence characteristics of cylindrical and spherical light-scattering mediaPages 1131-1138K.S. Adzerikho, V.P. Nekrasov
98.An exact solution of the coupled phase change problem in a porous mediumPages 1139-1142Sung Hwan Cho
99.Characteristic disturbance frequency in vertical natural convection flowPages 1143-1148Benjamin Gebhart, R. Mahajan
100.Composite heat transfer in a pipe with thermal radiation of two-dimensional propagation—in connection with the temperature rise in flowing medium upstream from heating sectionPages 1149-1159Echigo Ryozo, Hasegawa Shu, Kamiuto Koichi

Volume 18, Issue 11, Pages 1223-1332 (November 1975)

1.Further comments on heat transfer researchPages 1223-1227R. H. Sabersky
2.The effect of turbulence on heat transfer from heated cylindersPages 1229-1242G. W. Lowery, R. I. Vachon
3.Optimising the thermohydraulic performance of rough surfacesPages 1243-1248M. J. Lewis
4.Laminar convection to rotating cones and disks in non-newtonian power-law fluidsPages 1249-1252R. N. Smith, R. Greif
5.On closed-form analytical solution for circular duct, thermally developing slug flow under mixed boundary conditionPages 1253-1256V. P. Tyagi, K. M. Nigam
6.Higher approximations to thermal boundary-layer in an inviscid flowPages 1257-1266Takao Sano
7.Molecular gas radiation and laminar or turbulent heat diffusion in a cylinder with internal heat generationPages 1267-1276A. T. Wassel, D. K. Edwards, I. Catton
8.Application of a transitional boundary-layer theory in the low hypersonic mach number regimePages 1277-1284S. J. Shamroth, H. McDonald
9.A theory for monodisperse spray vaporization in adiabatic and isothermal systemsPages 1285-1292C. K. Law
10.Circulation phenomena in stefan diffusionPages 1293-1297J. P. Meyer, M. D. Kostin
11.Numerical experiments on the onset of layered convection in a narrow slot containing a stably stratified fluidPages 1299-1305R. A. Wirtz, L. H. Liu
12.Cooling of a horizontal cylinder of water through its maximum density point at 4°CPages 1307-1315R. R. Gilpin
13.Steady one-dimensional heat transfer through a radiating-conducting mediumPages 1317-1321Syozo Kubo
14.Correlating equations for laminar and turbulent free convection from a vertical platePages 1323-1329Stuart W. Churchill, Humbert H. S. Chu
15.Some gray gas weighting coefficients for CO2-H2O-soot mixturesPages 1331-1332P. B. Taylor, P. J. Foster

Volume 18, Issue 12, Pages 1333-1490 (December 1975)

1.Tribute to Ludwig PrandtlPages 1333-1336
2.The effect of temperature dependent properties on transients measurement with intrinsic thermocouplePages 1337-1342Uri Gat, Donald S. Kammer, O.J. Hahn
3.Transient film boiling from a moving spherePages
4.Flow and heat transfer in curved wall jets on circular surfacesPages 1351-1360H. Miyazaki, E.M. Sparrow
5.Transient boiling of liquefied cryogens on a water surface: I. Nitrogen, Methane and EthanePages 1361-1368Elisabeth M. Drake, Ayodeji A. Jeje, Robert C. Reid
6.Transient boiling of liquefied cryogens on a water surface: II. Light hydrocarbon mixturesPages 1369-1375Elisabeth M. Drake, Ayodeji A. Jeje, Robert C. Reid
7.Combustion and flame spreading phenomena in gas-permeable explosive materialsPages 1377-1386W.F. van Tassell, H. Krier
8.Total and local heat transfer from a smooth circular cylinder in cross-flow at high reynolds numberPages 1387-1396Elmar Achenbach
9.Optical and electrochemical studies of transient free convection mass transfer at horizontal surfacesPages 1397-1407M.A. Patrick, A.A Wragg
10.Radiation characteristics of honeycomb solar collectorsPages 1409-1413C.L. Tien, W.W. Yuen
11.An experimental study of centrifugally driven free convection in a rectangular cavityPages 1415-1423S. Abell, J.L. Hudson
12.Natural convection in an inclined rectangular channel at various aspect ratios and angles—experimental measurementsPages 1425-1431Hiroyuki Ozoe, Hayatoshi Sayama, Stuart W. Churchill
13.Convective heat-transfer enhancement by electric fieldsPages 1433-1441B.R. Lazarenko, F.P. Grosu, M.K. Bologa
14.Free convection mass transfer: Laminar and turbulentPages 1443-1447Jacob H. Masliyah, T. Nguyen
15.A general analytical solution to the equation of transient forced convection with fully developed flowPages 1449-1454S. Kakaç
16.The development of laminar natural-convective flow in a vertical uniform heat flux ductPages 1455-1465J.R. Dyer
17.When is it allowed to treat the heat-transfer coefficient α as constant?Pages 1467-1471Stefan Gołos
18.Natural convection above a line heat source: Higher-order effects and stabilityPages 1473-1479C.A. Hieber, E.J. Nash
19.Perturbation solution for planar solidification of a saturated liquid with convection at the wallPages
20.On the analysis of cellular convection in porous mediaPages 1483-1486Hillel Rubin
21.Heat transfer by laminar film condensation on sphere surfacesPages 1486-1488Cz.O. Popiel, L. Boguslawski
22.25th heat transfer ; fluid mechanics institutePage 1489
23.International centre for heat and mass transfer 1976 seminarPages 1489-1490
24.The correlation of interface fluid of thermal contact conductance: C. V. Madhusudana Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer18 (7/8), 989–991 (1975)Page 1490
25.Calculation of steady temperature fields in generalized Couette flows of simple fluids: M. Biermann, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer18(9), 1015–1030 (1975)Page 1490

Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages 1-128 (January 1976)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Obituary In memory of Ernst SchmidtPages 1-2Ernst R.G. Eckert
3.Verdunstung und wärmeübergangPages 3-8Ernst Schmidt
4.Stoff- und wärmeübergang in schüttschichten—I Überblick und mathematische grundlagenPages 9-14D. Gelbin, K.-H. Radeke, W. Stein, H.-J. Wolff
5.Mathematical model of frozen consumption productsPages 15-20W. Tarnawski
6.Shear stress and heat transfer at a stagnation pointPages 21-26W.D. Baines, J.F. Keffer
7.Instabilite et flux de chaleur dans le probleme de benard a deux constituants aux coefficients de soret positifsPages 27-32J.K. Platten, G. Chavepeyer
8.The effect of wall temperature on the growth and separation of the laminar boundary layer of a spherePages
9.Transfer characteristics of two-row plate fin and tube heat exchanger configurationsPages 41-49F.E.M. Saboya, E.M. Sparrow
10.Experimental study of gas absorption into turbulent falling films of water and ethylene glycol-water mixturesPages 51-59D.K. Chung, A.F. Mills
11.Regular expansion solutions for heat or mass transfer in concentrated two-phase particulate systems at small peclet and reynolds numbersPages 61-69I. Yaron
12.Onset of instability in a fluid layer heated sinusoidally from belowPages 71-85R.G. Finucane, R.E. Kelly
13.Growth of a bubble at a heated surface in a pool of liquid metalPages 87-93S.G. Bankoff, H.K. Choi
14.Condensation heat transfer in a mixed flow regimePages 95-99H. Jaster, P.G. Kosky
15.Heat and mass transfer—Polish works (1973–1974)Pages 101-105J. Bandrowski, J. Ziolo
16.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 107-113O.G. Martynenko
17.Direct contact heating of laminar falling liquid jetsPages 115-117N.S. Murty, V.M.K. Sastri
18.Film cooling in adverse pressure gradientsPages 117-118George W. Haering
19.Instabilites au cours de la contraction de bulles de vapeur non spheriquesPages 118-121H. Delmas, H. Angelino
20.The dependence of local Nusselt number on Prandtl number in the case of free convection along a vertical surface with uniform heat fluxPages 121-122Fujii Tetsu, Fujii Motoo
21.Laminar flow heat transfer in the entrance region of semi-circular tubes with uniform heat fluxPages 123-124S.W. Hong, A.E. Bergles
22.Comments to “the onset of natural convection from time-dependent profiles”Pages 125-126Mlzukami Koichi, Tanaka Sadao
23.Correlations for heat transfer to variable property fluids in turbulent pipe flowPage 126M.B. Ibrahim, V. Walker
24.Heat transfer in fires: Thermophysics, social aspects, economic impact: Edited by Perry L. Blackshear, Scripta, Washington D.C. 550 pp. $28.50Page 127D.J. Rasbash
25.AnnouncementPage 128

Volume 19, Issue 2, Pages 129-238 (February 1976)

1.Heat transfer—a review of 1974 literaturePages 129-156E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, E. Pfender, W.E. Ibele, S. Patankar
2.The effect of axial radiation on the cartesian graetz problemPages 157-164George C. Davis
3.Transient free convection with mass transfer on an isothermal vertical flat platePages 165-174G.D. Callahan, W.J. Marner
4.Wave concepts in the theory of heatPages 175-184V.A. Bubnov
5.Evaporation of the microlayer in hemispherical bubble growth in nucleate boiling of liquid metalsPages 185-192O.E. Dwyer, C.J. Hsu
6.Mass transfer accompanied by chemical conversion of substance in a dropPages 193-199B.I. Brounshtein, G.A. Fishbein, V.Ya. Rivikind
7.A one-dimensional model for seasonal variation of temperature distribution in stratified lakesPages 201-205Albert M. Mitry, M.N. Özişik
8.Numerical solution of combined convective heat transfer of micropolar fluid in an annulus of two vertical pipesPages 207-211V.U.K. Sastry, G. Maiti
9.Experiments on heat transfer and pressure drop in a horizontal tube with internal solidificationPages 213-219J.C. Mulligan, D.D. Jones
10.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—soviet worksPages 221-226O.G. Martynenko
11.The effect of pore-shape, -configuration and -orientation on the thermal conductivity of porous materialsPages 227-229I.I. Sherif, A.S.A. Ammar, S.A. El-Messih
12.Analysis of mixed convection about a horizontal cylinderPages 229-232E.M. Sparrow, L. Lee
13.A note on heat-transfer mechanism as applied to flowing granular mediaPages 232-233J. Broughton, J. Kubie
14.An experimental study of thermal equilibrium in liquid saturated porous mediaPages 234-235K.F. Wong, A. Dybbs
15.Observation of boiling in porous mediaPages 236-238K. Cornwell, B.G. Nair, T.D. Patten

Volume 19, Issue 3, Pages 239-348 (March 1976)

1.Etude theorique des flux de diffusion, ou de conduction, sur un nombre fini de surfaces actives en interaction, separees les unes des autres par des zones inertes, dans un fluide visqueux newtonien ou non, en ecoulement laminaire ou turbulentTheoretical study of the dfiffusion or conduction fluxes on a finite number of active sufaces in interaction, one with another, separated by inret zones in a Newtonian or non Newtonian viscous fluid in laminer or turbulent flowPages 239-244Aryadi Suwono, Michel Daguenet, Daniel Bodiot
2.On wave solutions of the heat-conduction equationPages 245-248A. V. Luikov, V. A. Bubnov, I. A. Soloviev
3.Transfert de masse dans des jets turbulents de revolution en milieu non homogeneMass transfer in axisymmetrical turbulent jet of non homogeneous componentPages 249-257P. Chassaing, A. Claria
4.Theoretical analysis of a horizontal condenser-evaporator tubePages 259-270David Moalem, Samuel Sideman
5.Application of perturbation techniques to heat-transfer problems with variable thermal propertiesPages 271-276A. Aziz, J. Y. Benzies
6.Combined free and forced laminar convection in inclined rectangular channelsPages 277-283Jenn-Wuu Ou, K. C. Cheng, Ran-Chau Lin
7.Dispersion measurements in a turbulent boundary layerPages 285-295D. J. Shlien, S. Corrsin
8.Radiative heat-transfer effects on the propagation of pressure shocksPages 297-301S. Srinivasan, Rishi Ram
9.Contribution a la resolution de l'equation non lineaire de la chaleurContribution to the nonlnear heat equation resolutionPages 303-311Bernard-Henri Caussade
10.Two-flux spherical harmonic modelling of two-dimensional radiative transfer in furnacesPages 313-321Nevin Selçuk, R. G. Siddall
11.Film condensation from a ternary mixture of vapors upon a vertical surfacePages 323-333F. E. Sage, Joseph Estrin
12.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 335-343E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, R. J. Goldstein
13.Analysis of rotating, recirculating turbulent flow and heat transfer in an enclosure with fluid throughflowPages 345-347L. M. De Socio, E. M. Sparrow, E. R. G. Eckert
14.Review of heat and mass transfer in the biosphere: i. transfer processes in the plant enviroment : D. A. de Vries and N. H. Afgan, eds., Scripta Book Company. 1975, Washington, D.C., 594 pagesPage 348Frank Kreith

Volume 19, Issue 4, Pages 349-452 (April 1976)

1.Temperature field of a moving point source with change of statePages 349-354N. D. Malmuth
2.Analysis of surface tension driven flow in floating zone meltingPages 355-366Chong E. Chang, William R. Wilcox
3.An experimental study of heat transfer through periodically contacting surfacesPages 367-372J. R. Howard
4.Diffusion of heat and solute during freezing of salt solutionsPages 373-384B. W. Grange, R. Viskanta, W. H. Stevenson
5.Analysis of a laminar flat plate boundary-layer diffusion flamePages 385-393Norbert Peters
6.Unsteady heat transfer in impulsive falkner-skan flowsPages 395-403Charles B. Watkins Jr.
7.On the melting of solids near a hot moving interface, with particular reference to beds of granular polymersPages 405-411J. R. A. Pearson
8.A theoretical study of heat transfer in two-dimensional turbulent flow in a circular pipe and between parallel and diverging platesPages 413-423P. L. Stephenson
9.Universal relations for bubble growthPages 425-429T. G. Theofanous, P. D. Patel
10.Turbulent natural convection of liquid deuterium, hydrogen and nitrogen within enclosed vesselsPages 431-441David E. Daney
11.A new approach to the concept of efficiency of high finsPages 443-445L. Bolle
12.On the linearized analysis of entrance flow in heated, porous conduitsPages 445-448R. C. H. Tsou, Y. P. Chang
13.Heat transfer at the condensation of steam on turbulent waterjetPages 448-450S. Benedek
14.Theory of unsteady combustion of solid propellants , Nauka, Moscow (1975). 132 pp., 39 diagrams, 8 tables, 87 referencesPage 451D. B. Spalding
15.Mecanique des fluides et transferts de chaleur et de masse par convection , (1975) Masson, Paris. 236 ppPage 451J. R. Singham
16.Proceedings of a conference on heat and fluid flow in steam and gas turbine plants : Institution of mechanical engineers, 331 pages, £13.00Page 451W. Jansen
17.The new heat transfer , Vols. 1 and 2. Venturo press, Cincinnatti. volume 1 was reviewed in Int. J. heat mass transfer 17(12), 1629–1630 (1974)Page 452O. A. Saunders

Volume 19, Issue 5, Pages 453-580 (May 1976)

1.Study on conjugate heat transfer by vectorial dimensional analysisPages 453-460Kikuji Chida, Katto Yoshiro
2.Conjugate heat transfer of continuously moving surfacesPages 461-470Kikuji Chida, Katto Yoshiro
3.Heat and mass transport across diffusive interfaces bounded by turbulent convecting regionsPages 471-478R.A. Wirtz, C.S. Reddy
4.Diffusion, convection and chemical reaction in a channelPages 479-486Helmut F. Bauer
5.The interline heat-transfer coefficient of an evaporating wetting filmPages 487-492P.C. Wayner Jr., Y.K. Kao, L.V. LaCroix
6.Prediction of concentration and temperature distributions in a flow reactor: Homogeneous liquid-phase reactionPages 493-501J.A. Golding, R. Dussault
7.Analysis of thermal gradients within human temporal bonesPages 503-511Jack H. Young, Herman Merte Jr., George A. Gates
8.Approximate analysis of heat transfer in transpired boundary layers with effects of prandtl numberPages 513-521Zien Tse-Fou
9.Flow and heat transfer in the hydromagnetic ekman layer on a porous plate with hall effectsPages
10.Steady state heat transfer within porous medium with temperature dependent heat generationPages 529-537David Moalem
11.Heat transfer to saturated mist flowing normally to a heated cylinderPages 539-543P.G. Kosky
12.The validity of the boussinesq approximation for liquids and gasesPages 545-551Donald D. Gray, Aldo Giorgini
13.Coupled at boundary mass or heat transfer in entrance concurrent flowPages 553-557M.D. Mikhailov, B.K. Shishedjiev
14.Maximum density effects on thermal instability induced by combined buoyancy and surface tensionPages 559-565Ray-Shing Wu, K.C. Cheng
15.Heat and mass transfer bibliography-soviet worksPages 567-573O.G. Martynenko
16.Heating of a cylindrical cavityPages 575-577Leonard Y. Cooper
17.Saline water distillation process: Andrew Porteous, Longman, London (1957). pp. 147,£6,50Page 579R.S. Silver
18.Flow, its measurement and control in science and industry: Rodger B. Dowdell and H. W. Stoll (editors) Part I.450 plus xiv pp. Instrument society of America, Pittsburgh, 1974,£19.60Pages 579-580Peter Bradshaw
19.Fluid-bed heat transfer: J.S.M. Botterill, Academic press, London (1975)

Volume 19, Issue 6, Pages 581-705 (June 1976)

1.The application of the governing principle of dissipative processes to bénard convectionPages 581-588P. Singh
2.A study of two limiting cases in convective and radiative heat transfer with nongray gasesPages
3.Die asymptotischen lösungen für vorgänge des erstarrensPages 597-602K. Stephan, B. Holzknecht
4.Magnetic hypersonic rarefied flow at the stagnation point of a blunt body with slip and mass transferPages 603-612Margaret Muthanna, G. Nath
5.Turbulent mass transfer at free, gas-liquid interfaces, with applications to open-channel, bubble and jet flowsPages 613-624T.G. Theofanous, R.N. Houze, L.K. Brumfield
6.On the transplosion phenomenon and the leidenfrost temperature for the molten copper-water thermal interactionPages 625-633Wiktor Z̀yszkowski
7.Mass-transfer kinetics in dissolving polydisperse solid materialsPages 635-641P. Ditl, J. Šesták, K. Partyk
8.Maximum bubble diameter, maximum bubble-growth time and bubble-growth rate during the subcooled nucleate flow boiling of water up to 17.7 MN/m2Pages 643-649H.C. Ünal
9.Exact solution for freezing of humid porous half-spacePages 651-655M.D. Mikhailov
10.Heat transfer in shallow crossflow fluidized bed heat exchangers—I. A generalized theoryPages 657-663D.R. Mcgaw
11.Heat transfer in shallow crossflow fluidized bed heat exchangers—II. ExperimentalPages 665-671D.R. McGaw
12.Local and average transfer coefficients due to an impinging row of jetsPages 673-683R.N. Koopman, E.M. Sparrow
13.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 685-691E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein
14.Entrance region heat transfer in flowing suspensionsPages 693-695Robert W. Watkins, Channing R. Robertson, Andreas Acrivos
15.Transition boiling of normal pentane from a horizontal flat gold surface at one atmosphere pressurePages 696-698R.M. Canon, E.L. Park Jr.
16.Heat transfer from a constant temperature circular cylinder in cross-flowPages 698-700Hsichun M. Hua, Paul S. Lykoudis
17.Effect of stall length on heat transfer in reattached region behind a double step at entrance to an enlarged flat ductPages 700-702N. Seki, S. Fukusako, T. Hirata
18.An integral equation approach to ac diffusionPages 702-704G. De Mey
19.Nato advanced study institute on: Two-phase flows and heat transferPage 705
20.25th heat transfer and fluid mechanics institutePage 705
21.Call for papersPage 705

Volume 19, Issue 7, Pages 707-813 (July 1976)

1.Transient heat conduction in cylindrical systems with an axially moving boundaryPages 707-714J. Kern, J.O. Hansen
2.Experimental investigation of heat transfer to supercritical pressure carbon dioxide in a horizontal pipePages 715-720G.A. Adebiyi, W.B. Hall
3.Applications of gauss's principle of least constraint to the nonlinear heat-transfer problemPages 721-730B. Vujanovic, B. Bačlić
4.Heat conduction between bodies with wavy surfacesPages 731-736J. Dundurs, Carl Panek
5.Secondary mean motions arising in a buoyancy induced flowPages 737-750T. Audunson, B. Gebhart
6.The interaction of unequal laminar plane plumesPages 751-756Benjamin Gebhart, Hussain Shaukatullah, Luciano Pera
7.The variation of turbulent Prandtl and Schmidt numbers in wakes and jetsPages 757-764A.J. Reynolds
8.The evaluation of a one-dimensional temperature profile in a turbulent fluid flow from the amplitude distribution of measured temperature fluctuations at a fixed detector positionPages 765-770E. Ohlmer, D. Schwalm
9.Minimum thickness of a liquid film flowing vertically down a solid surfacePages 771-776J. Mikielewicz, J.R. Moszynskl
10.Steady state heat transfer to blood flowing in the entrance region of a tubePages 777-783S.A. Victor, V.L. Shah
11.Discrete formulation of heat conduction and diffusion equationsPages 785-789A.G. Temkin
12.Electrostatic fields and the maximum heat fluxPages 791-797J. Berghmans
13.Measurement of wall region turbulent prandtl numbers in small tubesPages 799-803D.M. McEligot, P.E. Pickett, M.F. Taylor
14.Free convection about a vertical cylinder embedded in a porous mediumPages 805-813W.J. Minkowycz, Cheng Ping

Volume 19, Issue 8, Pages 815-958 (August 1976)

1.Stabilite d'une couche poreuse horizontale soumise a des conditions aux limites periodiquesPages 815-820J.-P. Caltaoirone
2.The effect of gas heat storage upon the performance of the thermal regeneratorPages 821-826A.J. Willmott, Clare Hinchcliffe
3.Free convection mass transfer from horizontal platesPages 827-838J. Bandrowski, W. Rybski
4.Layered thermohaline natural convectionPages 839-848T.R. Mancini, R.I. Loehrke, R.D. Haberstroh
5.Study of the thermal explosion phenomenon in molten copper-water systemPages 849-868Wiktor żyszkowski
6.On the average transfer coefficient in periodic heat exchange—I: Solid with negligible thermal resistancePages 869-878J. Kern
7.On the average transfer coefficient in periodic heat exchange—II: Semi-infinite solid bodyPages 879-892J. Kern
8.Methode de calcul de couche limite turbulente compressible avec transfert de chaleurPages
9.Temperature measurement by wall-mounted thermocouples for polymer melt flow—I. TheoryPages 901-905R.L. Laurence, J.R.A. Pearson
10.Thermal instability of blasius flow along horizontal platesPages 907-913Ray-Shing Wu, K.C. Cheng
11.Predictions of vigorous ignition dynamics for a packed bed of solid propellant grainsPages 915-923Herman Krier, S.S. Gokhale
12.Equation of motion of an expanding vapour drop in an immiscible liquid mediumPages 925-929Anatol Selecki, Leon Gradoń
13.Bubble growth rates in nucleate boiling of aqueous binary systems at subatmospheric pressuresPages 931-941S.J.D. van Stralen, W.M. Sluyter, R. Cole
14.Simultaneous development of the laminar velocity and temperature fields in a circular duct for the temperature boundary condition of the third kindPages 943-949V. Javeri
15.Heat-transfer coefficients for combined forced and free convection flow about a semi-infinite, isothermal platePages 951-953Graham Wilks
16.Stability of a forced convection mass transfer system with a concentration-dependent diffusivityPages 954-956Anthony B. Ponter, S. Vijayan, Walter Peier
17.The disturbance of a uniform steady-state heat flux by a partially conducting plane crackPages 956-958J.R. Barber

Volume 19, Issue 9, Pages 959-1076 (September 1976)

1.Analysis of thermal conductance of contacts with interstitial platesPages 959-966T.N. Veziroǧlu, H. Yüncü, S. Kakaç
2.The dependence of hot-wire calibration on gas temperature at low reynolds numbersPages 967-974A.M. Koppius, G.R.M. Trines
3.A rapid thermometer for measurement in turbulent flowPages 975-980C. Nieuwvelt, J.M. Bessem, G.R.M. Trines
4.Heat transfer across vertical ferrofluid layersPages 981-986B.M. Berkovsky, V.E. Fertman, V.K. Polevikov, S.V. Isaev
5.Stoff- und wärmetransport in schüttschichten—II wärmetransport und axiale wärmeleitungPages 987-994D. Gelbin, K.-H. Radeke, B. Rosahl, W. Stein
6.Shell-side heat transfer in baffled cylindrical shell- and tube exchangers—an electrochemical mass-transfer modelling techniquePages 995-1002B. Gay, N.V. Mackley, J.D. Jenkins
7.An approach to prediction of free convection in non-newtonian fluidsPages 1003-1007Z.P. Shulman, V.I. Baikov, E.A. Zaltsgendler
8.Solidification of droplets on a cold surfacePages 1009-1013J. Madejski
9.Effect of wall conductances on hydromagnetic convection of a radiating gas in a vertical channelPages 1015-1019Nanigopal Datta, Rabindra Nath Jana
10.Natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder to mercury under magnetic fieldPages 1021-1029Michiyoshi Itaru, Takahashi Osamu, Serizawa Akimi
11.Effect of peripheral wall conduction on heat transfer from a cylinder in cross flowPages 1031-1037Y. Lee, S.G. Kakade
12.Random rough surface model for spectral directional emittance of rough metal surfacesPages 1039-1043R.C. Birkebak, A. Abdulkadir
13.Temperature control of poiseuille flow with particular application to flow of molten glassPages 1045-1055D.E. Bourne, E. Huntley, I.J. Hendrie, B.P. Hunter
14.On the introduction of disturbances in a natural convection flowPages 1057-1063Yogesh Jaluria
15.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1065-1072O.G. Martynenko
16.On the effect of heating wall thickness on pool boiling burnoutPages 1073-1075G. Guglielmini, E. Nannei
17.A consideration on natural convective swaying motion of plume above a horizontal heated platePages 1075-1076S. Aiba, N. Seki

Volume 19, Issue 10, Pages 1077-1216 (October 1976)

1.Allan ede at nelPages 1077-1078D. Chisholm, W.H. Emerson
2.Tribute by E. J. Le FevrePage 1079Edwin Le Fever
3.Heat transfer and ice-melting in ambient water near its density extremumPages 1081-1087Michael S. Bendell, Benjamin Gebhart
4.Terminologie et unitesPages 1089-1094E.A. Brun
5.Solar energy economics—the a priori decisionPages 1095-1106John A. Clark
6.Quantities, units and symbols in heat and mass transferPages 1107-1111Dan A. de Vries
7.Influence of molecular diffusivity on diffusion from an instantaneous point source in a uniform, time dependent velocity fieldPages 1113-1116J.J.D. Domingos
8.Injection effect in multicomponent boundary layerPages 1117-1120S. Endrényi, B. Paláncz
9.Laminar flow natural convection from the open vertical cylinder with uniform heat flux at the wallPages
10.Correlating equations for natural convection heat transfer between horizontal circular cylindersPages 1127-1134T.H. Kuehn, R.J. Goldstein
11.Peak boiling heat flux on cylinders in a cross flowPages 1135-1142John H. Lienhard, Roger Eichhorn
12.Distribution of dynamic and thermal statistical characteristics in turbulent non-isothermal incompressible flows in a cylindrical tube rotating relative to its axisPages 1143-1148O.G. Martynenko, I.A. Vatutin, I.V. Skutova
13.Application of formula manipulation to nonequilibrium fluid flowPages 1149-1152M.D. Mikhailov
14.Effect of dissolved gas on bubble nucleationPages 1153-1159Yasuo Mori, Kunio Hijikata, Takashi Nagatani
15.Predictions of two-dimensional boundary layers on smooth walls with a two-equation model of turbulencePages 1161-1172K.H. Ng, D.B. Spalding
16.Investigation of variable thermophysical property problem concerning pool film boiling from vertical plate with prescribed uniform temperaturePages 1173-1182Kaneyasu Nishikawa, Takehiro Ito, Kenichi Matsumoto
17.Fluid flow and heat transfer in three-dimensional duct flowsPages 1183-1188V.S. Pratap, D.B. Spalding
18.Flow beyond an isolated rotating diskPages 1189-1195P.D. Richardson
19.Turbulent buoyant jets in unstratified surroundingsPages 1197-1204R.A. Seban, M.M. Behnia
20.Circumferentially local and average turbulent heat-transfer coefficients in a tube downstream of a teePages 1205-1214D.A. Wesley, E.M. Sparrow
21.Analysis of heat-transfer from a vertical plane surface by turbulent natural convectionPages 1215-1216E.J. Le Fevre

Volume 19, Issue 11, Pages 1217-1342 (November 1976)

1.Heat transfer—a review of 1975 literaturePages 1217-1243E. R. G. Eckert, E. M. Sparrow, R. J. Goldstein, C. J.
2.Film condensation of mercuryPages 1245-1256S. Necmi, J. W. Rose
3.Free convection heat transfer from isothermal spheres in polymer solutionsPages 1257-1266Wayne S. Amato, Chi Tien
4.Buoyancy induced flows in a saturated porous medium adjacent to impermeable horizontal surfacesPages 1267-1272Ping Cheng, I-Dee Chang
5.Combined body force and forced convection in laminar film condensation of mixed vapours—integral and finite difference treatmentPages 1273-1280K. Lucas
6.The growth and decay of a frozen layer in forced flowPages 1281-1288Michael Epstein
7.The velocity and temperature fields of rectangular jetsPages 1289-1297A. A. Sfeir
8.An analysis of the effect of surface thermal conductivity on the rate of heat transfer in dropwise condensationPages 1299-1307R. J. Hannemann, B. B. Mikic
9.An experimental investigation into the effect of surface thermal conductivity on the rate of heat transfer in dropwise condensationPages 1309-1317R. J. Hannemann, B. B. Mikic
10.An evaluation of buleev's model of turbulent exchangePages 1319-1327Alan Quarmby
11.Heat transfer in simple monatomic gases and in binary mixtures of monatomic gasesPages 1329-1335D. Braun, A. Frohn
12.Mass-transfer experiments on secondary-flow vortices in a corrugated wall channelPages 1337-1339Leonardo Goldstein Jr., E. M. Sparrow
13.Comments on the paper “on a direct variational method for noneinear heat transfer” by B. KrajewskiPage 1340G. Lebon, J. Lambermont
14.RejoinderPage 1341B. Krajewski
15.ErratumPage 1342

Volume 19, Issue 12, Pages 1343-1453 (December 1976)

1.Thermal instability of hartmann flow in the thermal entrance region of horizontal parallel-plate channels heated from belowPages 1343-1350Ray-Shing Wu, K. C. Cheng
2.Solidification in flow through channels and into cavitiesPages 1351-1356J. Madejski
3.Bubble growth in the presence of a magnetic fieldPages 1357-1362Paul S. Lykoudis
4.Further aspects of dropwise condensation theoryPages 1363-1370J. W. Rose
5.Fluxes of heat and salt across a diffusive interface in the presence of grid generated turbulencePages 1371-1378P. F. Crapper
6.Flow oscillations in fixed-pressure-drop flow-boiling systems with random excitationPages 1379-1386W. Brimley, W. B. Nicoll, A. B. Strong
7.A numerical solution of two-dimensional problems involving heat and mass transferPages 1387-1392G. Comini, R. W. Lewis
8.Mass transfer into an interface bombarded by a regular succession of pulsesPages 1393-1398T. Wood, R. P. Wainberg
9.Natural convection heat transfer from isothermal horizontal plates of different shapesPages 1399-1404M. Al-Arabi, M. K. El-Riedy
10.Statistical transfer coefficients of homogeneous velocity and temperature fieldsPages 1405-1413B. A. Kolovandin, A. A. Bulavko, Yu. M. Dmitrenko
11.Theoretical analysis of steady and transient operation of internally energised porous element under phase conversion and vapor superheatPages 1415-1423David Moalem, Shimon Cohen
12.A mixing-length method for predicting heat transfer in rough pipesPages 1425-1431A. P. Hatton, P. J. Walklate
13.Zur praktischen durchführung der wärmeleitfähigkeitsmessung mit der kugelsondePractical measurements of thermal conductivity with spherical probePages 1433-1439Hans Rohatschek
14.Bubble induced heat transfer in gas fluidized bedsPages 1441-1453J. Kubie

Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 1-92 (January 1977)

1.Honorary Editorial Advisory BoardPage IFC
2.Distribution de la temperature au sein d'un cylindre trempe dans un liquide vaporisablePages 1-6P. Archambault, J.C. Chevrier
3.Direct measurement of the void fraction of a two-phase fluid by nuclear magnetic resonancePages 7-14G.F. Lynch, S.L. Segel
4.The change in phase of a fluid considered as composed of molecule clustersPages 15-22M.D. Ristic
5.Laminar film condensation of flowing vapor on a horizontal melting surfacePages 23-30D.H. Cho, M. Epstein
6.Pool heat transfer to liquid and supercritical helium in high centrifugal acceleration fieldsPages 31-40R.G. Scurlock, G.K. Thornton
7.Fundamental study of bubble dissolution in liquidPages 41-50Y. Mori, K. Hijikata, T. Nagatani
8.Local heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder to air in cross flow: Influence of free convection and free stream turbulencePages 51-56T.S. Sarma, S.P. Sukhatme
9.Heat/mass transfer in taylor vortex flow with constant axial flow ratesPages 57-63K. Kataoka, H. Doi, T. Komai
10.The influence of axial wall conduction in variable property convection—With particular reference to supercritical pressure fluidsPages 65-71A. Watson
11.Mixed convection from a horizontal circular cylinderPages 73-77J.H. Merkin
12.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 79-85Mori Yasuo
13.A simplified model of inert gas bubble dynamics in liquid metalsPages 87-88Ralph M. Singer, David M. France, W.J. Minkowycz
14.The effect of transverse oscillations on heat transfer from a horizontal hot-wire to a liquid. Holographic visualizationPages 88-92G. Antonini, G. Guiffant, P. Perrot

Volume 20, Issue 2, Pages 93-186 (February 1977)

1.Infrared flame radiationPages 93-106R.O. Buckius, C.L. Tien
2.Etude phenomenologique d'une couche limite turbulente avec aspiration et chauffage a la paroiPages 107-112E. Verollet, L. Fulachier, I. Dekeyser
3.Nonlinear two dimensional bénard convection with soret effect: Free boundariesPages 113-122J.K. Platten, G. Chavepeyer
4.Natural convection patterns in a long inclined rectangular box heated from below: Part I. Three-directional photographyPages 123-129Hiroyuki Ozoe, Hayatoshi Sayama, Stuart W. Churchill
5.Natural convection patterns in a long inclined rectangular box heated from below: Part II. Three-dimensional numerical resultsPages 131-139Ozoe Hiroyuki, Yamamoto Kazumitsu, Sayama Hayatoshi, Stuart W. Churchill
6.Eddy diffusivity of heat transfer in the radial direction for turbulent flow of mercury in annuliPages 141-151O.E. Dwyer, P.J. Hlavac, B.G. Nimmo
7.Buoyancy-induced flow arising from a line thermal source on an adiabatic vertical surfacePages 153-157Yogesh Jaluria, B. Gebhart
8.Flow studies for natural convection in liquids between a sphere and its cubical enclosurePages 159-169Ralph E. Powe, Jack A. Scanlan, Thomas A. Larson
9.Heat transfer to pulsatile flow in a porous channelPages 171-173G. Radhakrishnamacharya, M.K. Maiti
10.A generalized two-parameter relation for conduction-controlled rewetting of a hot vertical surfacePages 174-176S.S. Dua, C.L. Tien
11.Boiling of liquid nitrogen and methane on water. The effect of initial water temperaturePages 176-177Ali K. Dincer, Elisabeth M. Drake, Robert C. Reid
12.Laminar hypersonic boundary-layer flow at a three-dimensional stagnation point with slip and mass transferPages 177-180G. Nath, Margaret Muthanna
13.A comment on “an integral equation method for diffusion”Pages 181-182G. De Mey
14.Heat pipes: P. D. Dunn and D. A. Reay. Pergamon press, Oxford (1976), 299 pp. price $18.00 (£9.00)Page 183A. Brown
15.A bibliography of finite elements: compiled by J. R. Whiteman, Academic Press, New York (1975)Page 183C.E. Turner
16.Heat transfer at low temperatures: edited by W. Frost. Plenum Press, New York (1975). Price $35.00. 362 ppPages 183-184Tien Chang-Lin
17.Solar heating and cooling: Jan F. Kreider and Frank Kreith, Scripta, Washington D.C. (1975) 342 ppPage 184C.J. Hoogendoorn
18.Steam and air tables in SI units: edited by Thomas F. Irvine Jr. and James P. Hartnett. Hemisphere, Washington, U.S.A. (1975) 120 ppPage 184R.W. Haywood
19.Fluid mechanics, thermodynamics of turbomachinery: S. L. Dixon, 2nd edn (1975) Pergamon Press, Oxford. price $14.00 (£7.00)
20.Worked examples in turbomachinery (fluid mechanics and thermodynamics): S. L. Dixon, (1975). Pergamon Press, Oxford. Price $10.00 (£5.00)Page 185A. Thyagaraja
21.Perturbation methods in fluid mechanics: M. Van Dyke. The Parabolic Press, Stanford, CA (1975). Price $7.00Page 185J.T. Stuart
22.International symposium on flow visualizationPage 186

Volume 20, Issue 3, Pages 187-298 (March 1977)

1.Laudatio Ulrich Grigull on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthdayPages 187-188E. Hahne
2.Periodic heat transfer in directly opposed free and forced convection flowPages 189-194Shrinivas K. Nayak, V.A. Sandborn
3.Determination of thermal wave distributions by the finite element methodPages 195-200M.D.
4.The influence of lateral mass flux on free convection boundary layers in a saturated porous mediumPages 201-206Ping Cheng
5.Measurements of forced convective heat transfer to supercritical heliumPages 207-214D.J. Brassington, D.N.H. Cairns
6.New classes of similar solutions for laminar free convection problemsPages 215-226Luigi Gerardo Napolitano, Giovanni Maria Carlomagno, Paolo Vigo
7.Effect of operating conditions, physical size and fluid characteristics on the gas separation performance of a Linderstrom-Lang vortex tubePages 227-231J. Marshall
8.Correlation of nucleate boiling heat transfer based on bubble population densityPages
9.Transfert de matière entre une goutte et un liquide pulséPages 247-257J. Molinier, H. Angelino
10.Thermal property estimation utilizing the Laplace transform with application to asphaltic pavementPages 259-267A. Kavianipour, J.V. Beck
11.Stable film boiling heat transfer from flat horizontal plates facing downwardsPages 269-277M.M. Farahat, E.E. Madbouly
12.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 279-290E.M. Sparrow, L.R. Laing, E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein
13.Heat transfer to variable property fluids in turbulent pipe flow: A transformation for a particular case of property variationsPages 291-293M.B. Ibrahim, V. Walker
14.Application of the heat-balance integral method to the freezing of a cuboidPages 294-296D.S. Riley, P.W. Duck
15.An extension of existing solidification results obtained from the heat-balance integral methodPage 297P.W. Duck, D.S. Riley
16.Turbulent jets: N. Raharatnam, Elsevier, Amsterdam. Price: US$37.75Page 298D.B. Spalding

Volume 20, Issue 4, Pages 299-441 (April 1977)

1.Obituary: In memory of professor A. CrayaPage 299
2.Transient thermal response of two bodies communicating through a small circular contact areaPages 301-308G.E. Schneider, A.B. Strong, M.M. Yovanovich
3.Solidification of a liquid on a moving sheetPages 309-314H.K. Kuiken
4.The frequency response of hot-wire anemometer sensors to heating current fluctuationsPages 315-322K. Bremhorst, L. Krebs, D.B. Gilmore
5.Radiation transfer through specular passages—a simple approximationPages 323-330Ari Rabl
6.Mass-transfer factors from actual driving forces for the flow of gases through packed beds (0.1 < Re < 100)Pages 331-340Thomas H. Hsiung, George Thodos
7.Taylor diffusion in a falling film of a non-Newtonian liquidPages 341-343A.S. Gupta, B.S. Mazumder
8.Turbulent heat and mass transfer from a wall with parallel roughness ridgesPages 345-357B.A. Kader, A.M. Yaglom
9.The effect of surface roughness on the heat transfer from a circular cylinder to the cross flow of airPages 359-369Elmar Achenbach
10.Direct contact condensation of steam bubbles in water at high pressurePages 371-381G.G. Brucker, E.M. Sparrow
11.Diffusion from a line source in a neutral or stably stratified atmospheric surface layerPages 383-391A.T. Wassel, I. Catton
12.Diffusion in laminar pipe flowPages 393-401Bruce Hunt
13.Buoyant plume rise in atmospheric inversionsPages 403-407M.I.O. Ero
14.Void fraction and incipient point of boiling during the subcooled nucleate flow boiling of waterPages 409-419H.C. Ünal
15.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 421-427O.G. Martynenko
16.An analytical study of natural convection in a vertical open tubePages 429-431R.A. Meriç
17.Convective heat transfer to laminar flow over a plate of finite thicknessPages 431-433P. Payvar
18.On disturbance growth mechanisms in a buoyancy induced flowPages 434-437Yogesh Jaluria, B. Gebhart
19.Generalized direct exchange factors for isothermal molecular gasesPages 437-440Duane A. Nelson
20.International solar energy congress 1977Page 441

Volume 20, Issue 5, Pages 443-582 (May 1977)

1.Experimental and analytical study of transient heat transfer for turbulent flow in a circular tubePages 443-450Hiroshi Kawamura
2.Intensive drying of an infinite platePages 451-458G. Tripathi, K. N. Shukla, R. N. Pandey
3.Evaporation of a liquid drop immersed in another immiscible liquid. The case of σc < σdPages 459-466Leon Gradon, Anatol Selecki
4.A simple and apparently safe solution to the generalised stefan problemPages 467-474J. Kern
5.Internal forced convection to mixtures of inert gasesPages 475-486D. M. McEligot, M. F. Taylor, F. Durst
6.Global collocation approximations of the flow and temperature fields around a gas and a vapour bubblePages 487-498W. Zijl
7.Natural convection in a volumetrically heated fluid layer at high rayleigh numbersPages 499-506F. B. Cheung
8.Effect of conduction in wall on heat transfer with turbulent flow between parallel platesPages 507-516Mikio Sakakibara, Kazuo Endoh
9.Microwave freeze-drying of food: A theoretical investigationPages 517-526T. K. Ang, J. D. Ford, D. C. T. Pei
10.Temperature of a cylindrical cavity wall heated by a periodic fluxPages 527-534Leonard Y. Cooper
11.On the dissolving rate of a solid with chemical reactionPages 535-541J. Roszak, M. K. Obrebska
12.Magnetohydrodynamic channel flow heat transfer for temperature boundary condition of the third kindPages 543-547V. Javeri
13.Laminar film surface evaporation with uniform heat flux in a fast rotating drumPages 549-553Wilfried Roetzel
14.Identification de la conductivite thermique et de la chaleur specifique dans les equations de diffusion non lineairesIdentification of thermal conductivity and specific heat in non linear diffusion equationsPages 555-563Bernard Henri Caussade, Guy Renard
15.A solution to heat transfer in turbulent flow between parallel platesPages 565-573Ali A. Shibani, M. N. Özisik
16.Minimum thickness of a liquid film flowing down a vertical surface—validity of mikielewicz and moszynskfs equationPages 575-576A. B. Ponter, K. M. Åswald
17.Effect of operating conditions, physical size and fluid characteristics on the gas separation performance of a linderstrøm-lang vortex tubePages 577-579C. U. Linderstøm-Lang
18.Models for flow systems and chemical reactors , Marcel dekker new york (1975)Page 581L. Kershenbaun
19.Natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder to mercury under magnetic field : I. Michiyoshi, O. Takahashi and A. Serizawa, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 19, 1021–1029 (1976)Page 582
20.Equation of motion of an expanding vapour drop in an immiscible liquid medium : A. Selecki and L. Gradon, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 19, 925–929 (1976)Page 582

Volume 20, Issue 6, Pages 583-709 (June 1977)

1.Turbulent convective heat transfer from rough surfaces with two-dimensional rectangular ribsPages 583-620M.Dalle Donne, L. Meyer
2.The finite velocity of heat propagation from the viewpoint of the kinetic theoryPages 621-626B.M. Berkovsky, V.G. Bashtovoi
3.Convection naturelle au sein d'un liquide contenu dans une capacite cylindrique verticale fermee soumise a un changement brusque de temperature ambiantePages 627-634H. Mouton, H. De Roëck
4.Bubble formation and heat transfer during dispersion of superheated steam in saturated water—I: Bubble size and bubble detachment at single orificesPages 635-646Hans Schmidt
5.Bubble formation and heat transfer during dispersion of superheated steam in saturated water—II: Heat transfer from superheated steam bubbles to saturated water during bubble formationPages 647-654Hans Schmidt
6.Fully developed laminar free convection flow between two parallel vertical walls—IPages 655-660K. Vajravelu, K.S. Sastri
7.An analytical model of the transient ablation of polytetrafluoroethylene layersPages 661-668B. Holzknecht
8.A correlation of recovery temperature data for cylinders in a compressible flow at high reynolds numbersPages
9.An integral energy-balance model for the melting of solids on a hot moving surface, with application to the transport processes during extrusionPages 675-683Owen M. Griffin
10.Natural circulation in horizontal pipesPages 685-691S.W. Hong
11.The effects of dendritic ice formation in water pipesPages 693-699R.R. Gilpin
12.Nucleate boiling in binary mixturesPages 701-709R.A.W. Shock

Volume 20, Issue 7, Pages 711-805 (July 1977)

1.A prediction of the bounds on the effective thermal conductivity of granular materialsPages 711-723R.A. Crane, R.I. Vachon
2.Forme du flux d'entropiePages
3.Resultats experimentaux concernant une couche limite turbulente avec aspiration et chauffage a la paroiPages 731-739L. Fulachier, E. Verollet, I. Dekeyser
4.Applications of infrared band model correlations to nongray radiationPages 741-751S.N. Tiwari
5.Transient response of periodic-flow regeneratorsPages 753-761A.J. Willmott, A. Burns
6.The effect of free stream turbulence level on the flow and heat transfer in the entrance region of an annulusPages 763-771M.R.F. Heikal, P.J. Walklate, A.P. Hatton
7.Etude du transfert de masse sur un cylindre oscillant sinusoidalement dans un fluide newtonien au reposPages 773-785P. Dumargue, D. Kalache
8.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 787-792E.M. Sparrow, L.R. Laing, E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein
9.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 793-799O.G. Martynenko
10.Radiant heat transfer to a dilute cloud of particlesPages 801-802Pham Q. Tuan
11.Comments on the paper “application of perturbation techniques to heat-transfer problems with variable thermal properties”Pages 803-804M. Arunachalam, V. Seeniraj
12.RejoinderPage 804J.Y. Benzies, A. Aziz
13.Physical properties of inorganic compounds (si units): Edward Arnold, London 1975 pp.466 + xiii price £22.50Page 805S. Angus
14.Tables on the thermophysical properties of liquids and gas: 2nd edn Hemisphere Washington 1975.pp758 + xii price £32.50
15.Handbook of thermodynamic tables and charts: Hemisphere Washington 1976. pp392+ viiiPage 805S. Angus

Volume 20, Issue 8, Pages 807-891 (August 1977)

1.Combined free and forced convection flow about inclined surfaces in porous mediaPages 807-814Cheng Ping
2.Prediction of multilayer chimney liner temperatures under unsteady state conditionsPages 815-826R.G. Siddall, J.K. Pearson
3.A study of nucleate boiling near the peak heat flux through measurement of transient surface temperaturePages
4.The effect of solute layering on lateral heat transfer in an enclosurePages 841-846R.A. Wirtz
5.Heat transfer in the entrance length of a horizontal rotating tubePages 847-854J.E. McElhiney, G.W. Preckshot
6.Dispersed flow heat transferPages 855-866E.N. Ganić, W.M. Rohsenow
7.Analysis of mixed forced and free convection about a spherePages 867-875T.S. Chen, A. Mucoglu
8.Heat-transfer measurements during dropwise condensation of mercuryPages 877-881S. Necmi, J.W. Rose
9.New analytical method for a nonlinear diffusion problemPages 883-889Suzuki Mutsumi, Matsumoto Shigeru, Maeda Siro
10.ErratumPage 891

Volume 20, Issue 9, Pages 893-1002 (September 1977)

1.Similarity solutions for mixed convection from horizontal impermeable surfaces in saturated porous mediaPages 893-898Cheng Ping
2.Temperature and concentration profiles in transient gas flows by rotational raman scatteringPages 899-910J.R. Smith, W.H. Giedt
3.Fluidised bed combustion for the stirling enginePages 911-918R.H. Thring
4.Convection in a vertical slot filled with porous insulationPages 919-926P.J. Burns, L.C. Chow, C.L. Tien
5.Equilibrium heat and mass transfer in regenerators in which condensation occursPages 927-934J.G. van Leersum, P.J. Banks
6.Etude experimentale de la turbulence au voisinage de la paroi d'un tube legerement chauffePages 935-944M. Elena
7.Finite element analysis of free convection flowsPages 945-952B. Tabarrok, Ran C. Lin
8.Natural convection effects on graetz problem in horizontal isothermal tubesPages 953-960Jenn-Wuu Ou, K.C. Cheng
9.Etude par simulation thermique de la couche limite de diffusion avec reaction de surface en regimes laminaire et turbulentPages 961-973M. Ledoux, P. Valentin
10.Effect of approach-flow velocity and temperature nonuniformities on boundary-layer flow and heat transferPages 975-979E.M. Sparrow, R.M. Abdel-Wahed, S.V. Patankar
11.The leading edge effect in unsteady natural convection on a vertical plate with time-dependent surface temperature or heat fluxPages 981-989Mizukami Koichi
12.Heat transfer from a sphere to an infinite mediumPages 991-993Fred Cooper
13.Analysis of counterflow heat exchanger for non-newtonian fluidsPages 994-996J. Raghuraman
14.The natural circulation solar heater-models with linear and nonlinear temperature distributionsPages
15.Unsteady boundary layer in impulsive stagnation flowPages 1000-1001Sano Takao
16.Heat transfer in fires—Thermophysics, social aspects economic impact: International centre for heat and mass transfer, trogirPage 1002U.R. Nicf
17.Industrial energy conservation—A handbook for engineers and managers: Pergamon press, Oxford (1977) 370 pp. price $12:50 (£6.95) flexicover; $20.00 (£11.00) hard-boundPage 1002P.W. O'Callaghan

Volume 20, Issue 10, Pages 1003-1096 (October 1977)

1.Calcul d'un ecoulement supersonique bidimensionnel d'un fluide diphasique en presence de condensationPages 1003-1012Ph. Mathieu, J.J. Smolderen
2.Analysis of binary film boilingPages 1013-1018E. Marschall, L.L. Moresco
3.Analytical solution for heat conduction in anisotropic media in infinite, semi-infinite, and two-plane-bounded regionsPages 1019-1028Chang Yan-Po
4.The third kind of boundary condition in numerical freezing calculationsPages 1029-1034A.C. Cleland, R.L. Earle
5.Turbulent temperature fluctuations in liquid metalsPages 1035-1044C.J. Lawn
6.Thermal convection in a horizontal porous layer with internal heat sourcesPages 1045-1050Morten Tveitereid
7.Application of the hot wire anemometer to temperature measurement in transient gas flowsPages 1051-1058T.I. Eklund, R.A. Dobbins
8.The temperature field above a concentrated heat source on a vertical adiabatic surfacePages 1059-1067V.P. Carey, J.C. Mollendorf
9.Influence of liquid heat conduction on maximum pressure during transient film boiling from a sphere to a saturated liquidPages 1069-1075Stephen E.
10.An analysis of heat transfer to turbulent flow of drag reducing fluidsPages 1077-1081D.D. Kale
11.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 1083-1086E.M. Sparrow, L. Laing, E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein
12.Solidification of low conductivity material containing dispersed high conductivity particlesPages 1087-1089Robert Siegel
13.Atmospheric dispersion of an instantaneous pollutant releasePages 1090-1092P. Rengarajan, R.Shankar Subramanian
14.Comment on the paper “an evaluation of Buleev's model of turbulent exchange”Page 1093H. Ramm, K. Johannsen
15.RejoinderPages 1093-1094Alan Quarmby
16.Collected works of Robert T. Jones: NASA TM X-3334 (February 1976)Page 1095A.D. Young
17.Control of flow separation: Paul K. Chang. Hemisphere, Washinhgton, 1976Page 1095L.C. Squire
18.International union of pure and applied chemistryPage 1096

Volume 20, Issue 11, Pages 1097-1272 (November 1977)

1.Heat transfer—a review of 1976 literaturePages 1097-1125E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, E. Pfender, S.V. Patankar, J.W. Ramsey
2.Eddy diffusivity near the free surface of open channel flowPages 1127-1136Hiromasa Ueda,
3.Laminar film condensation on helical reflux condensers and related configurationsPages 1137-1144Amir Karimi
4.Turbulence measurements in an axisymmetric buoyant plumePages 1145-1154William K. George Jr., Ronald L. Alpert, Francesco Tamanini
5.Free convection from a sphere in a slightly-thermally stratified fluidPages 1155-1160Shiva N. Singh
6.Analysis of thermal and electrical energy transport in Poco AXM-5Q1 graphitePages 1161-1172Merrill L. Minges
7.Natural convection heat transfer from horizontal cylinders to air, water and silicone oils for rayleigh numbers between 3 × 102 and 2 × 107Pages
8.Mass transfer in turbulent pipe flow measured by the electrochemical methodPages 1185-1194F.P. Berger, K.-F.F.-L. Hau
9.Application of the finite element method to natural convection heat transfer from the open vertical channelPages
10.The effect of dike intrusion on free convection in conduction-dominated geothermal reservoirsPages 1205-1210K.H. Lau, Cheng Ping
11.Effet sur la couche limite thermique du decollement provoque par une legere depression de paroiPages 1211-1219B. Prunet-Foch, F. Legay-Desesquelles, G.B. Diep
12.The variational principles of classical type for non-coupled non-stationary irreversible transport processes with convective motion and relaxationPages 1221-1231Stanislaw Sieniutycz
13.Radiative heat-transfer analysis using an effective absorptivity for absorption, emission and scatteringPages 1233-1239D.Y. Goswami, R.I. Vachon
14.Local convective transfer coefficients in a channel downstream of a partially constricted inletPages 1241-1249E.M. Sparrow, J.P. Kalejs
15.Approximations for conduction with freezing or meltingPages 1251-1253Stuart W. Churchill, Jai P. Gupta
16.Perturbation solution for convective fin with internal heat generation and temperature dependent thermal conductivityPages 1253-1255A. Aziz
17.Investigation of temperature fields in heat exchangers of porous cylindrical boardsPages 1255-1257Ladislav Půst
18.Influence of variable properties upon transient and steady-state free convectionPages 1258-1261M. Miyamoto
19.Study of acoustic phenomena accompanying nucleate boiling of subcooled dilute aqueous ethanol solutions and aqueous surfactant systemsPages 1261-1262A.B. Ponter, W. Peier, R. Klimkiezwicz
20.Infrared radiation properties of nitrous oxide in the 4.5μ regionPages 1262-1265M. Nikanjam, R. Greif
21.A comment on the paper “the effect of gas heat storage upon the performance of the thermal regenerator” {1}Page 1267A.J. Willmott
22.Comment on the paper “combined body force and forced convection in laminar film condensation of mixed vapours—integral and finite difference treatment”Page 1268J. Schröppel, F. Thiele
23.Combustion measurements: R. Goulard. Hemisphere, New York (1976)
24.Engineering heat transfer: Bhalchandra V. Karlekar and Robert M. Desmond West, St. Paul, MN. 580 pp. price $19.95 (1977)Page 1269H. Barrow
25.Principles of thermodynamics: Jui Sheng Hsieh, McGraw hill, New York (1975), pp. xx ; 512, £14.45Pages 1269-1270G. Saville
26.Introduction to metallurgical thermodynamics: D.R. Gaskell, McGraw hill, New York (1973). pp xx ; 520Page 1270G. Saville
27.The new heat transfer, vol. 3, equipment design and analysis: Eugene F. Adiutori Ventura Press, Cincinnati (1977)Page 1270J.W. Rose
28.Some papers to be publishedPage 1271
29.Call for papers 26th heat transfer and fluid mechanics institutePage 1272

Volume 20, Issue 12, Pages 1273-1432 (December 1977)

1.Concerning the effective transverse conductivity of a two-dimensional two-phase materialPages 1273-1280Kalman Schulgasser
2.Evaluation of sodium incipient superheat measurements with regard to the importance of various experimental and physical parametersPages 1281-1300H. M. Kottowski, C. Savatteri
3.A simple formula for multicomponent gaseous diffusion coefficients derived from mean free path theoryPages 1301-1306E. Obermeier, A. Schaber
4.The characteristic functions of multiphase fluid systems and the thermodynamic interpretation of vapour bubble collapsePages 1307-1314E. Pattantyús-H.
5.Laminar forced convection heat transfer of a non-newtonian fluid in a square ductPages 1315-1324Ashok R. Chandrupatla, V. M. K. Sastri
6.Collapse of one-component vapor bubble with translatory motionPages 1325-1332Milan Dimic
7.The effect of turbulence on heat transfer at a stagnation pointPages 1333-1338C. J. Hoogendoorn
8.Turbulent mass transfer with a first-order chemical reaction on a wall at pr much greater-than 1Pages 1339-1350B. A. Kader, A. A. Gukhman
9.Temperature distributions in a system of two cylindrical bodiesPages 1351-1354K. N. Shukla, R. N. Pandey
10.Ecoulement turbulent en conduite annulaire avec aspiration aux paroisPages 1355-1361M. P. Chauve, R. Dumas
11.Unsteady free convection flow past an infinite vertical plate with constant suction and mass transferPages
12.Unsteady free convection flow past an infinite vertical plate with variable suction and mass transferPages
13.Transition and flow boiling heat transfer inside a horizontal tubePages 1381-1387K. Stephan, E. G. Hoffmann
14.Dynamic instabilities in tubes of a large capacity, straight-tube, once-through sodium heated steam generatorPages 1389-1399H. C. Ünal, M. L. G. van Gasselt, P. W. P. H. Ludwig
15.Heat transfer through drop condensate using differential inequalitiesPages 1401-1407S. S. Sadhal, W. W. Martin
16.General solution of diffusion processes in solid-liquid extractionPages 1409-1415M. D. Mikhailov
17.Heat transfer from rotating short radial bladesPages 1417-1425A. K. Mohanty, T. S. Raghavachar, R. S. Nanda
18.“The new heat transfer”: Comments on O. A. Saunders' reviewPages 1427-1428M. A. Llory
19.Selected papers on chemical science : edited by , Elsevier, Oxford (1976). 385 ppPage 1429D. M. Newitt
20.Turbulente scherströmungen, teil I, grenzschichten , Akademie, Berlin, (1976), 196 ppPages 1429-1430W. Rodi
21.Physical fluid dynamics : Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New York (1977)Pages 1430-1431R. G. Taylor
22.Measurement of unsteady fluid dynamic phenomena : edited by Hemisphere/McGraw-Hill, New York (1977). Price $35.00Page 1431P. Bradshaw
23.Two-phase steam flow in turbines and separation : edited by and Hemisphere McGraw hill, New York (1976)Pages 1431-1432D. B. Spalding
24.Magnetofluid dynamics for engineers and applied physicists : McGraw-Hill, New York (1973) 350 ppPage 1432H. I. Roste

Volume 21, Issue 1, Pages 1-85 (January 1978)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Influence des echanges thermiques entre le capteur et ses supports sur la mesure des fluctuations de temperature dans un ecoulement turbulentPages 1-6F. Millon, P. Paranthoen, M. Trinite
3.Heat transfer and friction coefficients for dilute suspensions of asbestos fibersPages 7-14A.Leigh Moyls, Rolf H. Sabersky
4.Growth of a vapour bubble in combined gravitational and non-uniform temperature fieldsPages 15-23J.G.H. Joosten, W. Zijl, S.J.D. van Stralen
5.Laminar jet impingement heat transfer including the effects of meltingPages 25-33A.W. Lipsett, R.R. Gilpin
6.Local heat transfer from a single sphere to a turbulent air streamPages 35-41Gordon L. Hayward, David C.T. Pei
7.The thermal laminar boundary layer on a continuous cylinderPages 43-47J. Karnis̄, V. Pechoc̄
8.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 49-56O.G. Martynenko
9.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 57-62Mori Yasuo
10.The mechanism of spinning detonationPages 63-64F. Schultz-grunow
11.Condensing surface thickness effects in dropwise condensationPages 65-66R.J. Hannemann
12.Transient free convection on an isothermal vertical flat platePages 67-69D.B. Ingham
13.Use of the microtransient thermal diffusivity measuring technique on liquids: Implications on fluids of the “weak infrared absorbing” classPages 69-73F.J. Goldner
14.Nucleate boiling of n-pentane, n-hexane and several mixtures of the two from various tube arraysPages 73-75K.W. Wall, E.L. Park Jr.
15.Prediction of heat transfer to supercritical helium at high heat fluxes using non-bulk values of pr and rePages 76-77D.J. Brassington
16.Comment on “predictions of vigorous ignition dynamics for a packed bed of solid propellant grains”Page 79Carl W. Nelson
17.Reply to comment by C. W. NelsonPages 79-80Herman Krhr
18.The effect of surface thermal conductivity on dropwise condensation heat transferPages 80-81J.W. Rose
19.RejoinderPage 82B. Mikr, R. Hannemann
20.Principles and practice of laser-doppler anemometry: F. Durst, A. Melling and J. H. Whitelaw, Academic Press, London (1976). Price £12.00; $29.73Page 83R.J. Goldstein
21.Alternative energy sources: Edited by James P. Hartnett. Academic Press, New York (1976)
22.The flow of heat: K. Cornwell, Van Nostrand-Rheinhold, Wokingham (1977). Price £11.50 hardbound; £5.00 paperbackPages 83-84H. Barrow
23.The effect of free steram turbulence level on the flow and heat transfer in the entrance region of an annulus: M. R. F. Heikal, P. J. Walklate and A. P. Hatton Int. J. Heat Transfer20(7), 763–771 (1977)Page 85
24.Generalized direct exchange factors for isothermal molecular gases: Duane A. Nelson, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer20, 437–440 (1977)Page 85

Volume 21, Issue 2, Pages 87-259 (February 1978)

1.Heat- and mass-transfer characteristics of a cooling and dehumidifying coil and the effect of upstream turbulence on themPages 87-96S. Nagaraja, M.V.Krishna Murthy
2.Heat transfer to falling liquid films and film breakdown—I: Subcooled liquid filmsPages 97-108Toshihiko Fujita, Tatsuhiro Ueda
3.Heat transfer to falling liquid films and film breakdown—II: Saturated liquid films with nucleate boilingPages
4.Free convection from a downward facing inclined flat platePages 119-126D.E. Fussey, I.P. Warneford
5.Growth of spherical gas bubbles by solute diffusion in non-Newtonian (power law) liquidsPages 127-136J.E. Burman, G.J. Jameson
6.Nucleate boiling heat transfer of liquid nitrogen from plasma deposited polymer coated surfacesPages 137-144D.F. Warner, E.L. Park Jr., K.G. Mayhan
7.Influence of end conduction on the sensitivity to stream temperature fluctuations of a hot-wire anemometerPages 145-154K. Bremhorst, D.B. Gilmore
8.Constitutive heat-transfer equations for materials with memoryPages 155-161V.L. Kolpashchikov, A.I. Schnipp
9.Vibrational nonequilibrium radiation in diatomic gases—IPages 163-168V.I. Kruglov, Yu.V. Khodyko
10.Vibrational nonequilibrium radiation of diatomic gases—IIPages 169-173V.I. Kruglov, Yu.V. Khodyko
11.The effect of suction and slip velocity of a non-Newtonian fluid flowing over a circular cylinderPages 175-185Martin Schmal, Antonio MacDowel Figueiredo
12.The effect of heater plate thickness on boiling heat-transfer coefficientsPages 187-191T.L. Chuck, J.E. Myers
13.Experimental temperature distribution and heat load characteristics of rotating heat pipesPages 193-201T.C. Daniels, R.J. Williams
14.Laminar flow structure in vertical free convective cavitiesPages 203-213G.L. Morrison, V.Q. Tran
15.Numerical solution of stefan problemsPages 215-219A.B. Crowley
16.The characteristics of heat exchangers using heat pipes or thermosyphonsPages 221-229Y. Lee, A. Bedrossian
17.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 231-238O.G. Martynenko
18.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 239-245E.M. Sparrow, L.R. Laing
19.Effects of variable physical properties in laminar flow of pseudoplastic fluidsPages 247-250Fabio Gori
20.Laminar flow between parallel plates with injection of a reactant at high reynolds numberPages 251-253K. Seshadri, F.A. Williams
21.The development of a model for three-dimensional flow in tube bundlesPages 253-256D. Butterworth
22.Natural convection film boiling from spheres to saturated liquids, an integral approachPages 256-258M.M. Farahat, T.N. Nasr
23.Thermocybernetics (laws and methods), (kibernetska termodinamika): Gradjevinska Knijiga, Boegrad (1976), pp. 160Page 259
24.ErratumPage 259

Volume 21, Issue 3, Pages 261-370 (March 1978)

1.Convection entre deux cylindres coaxiaux en regime laminaire permanentPages 261-268A. Mojtabi, J.-P. Caltagirone
2.Thermal interactions among the confining walls of a turbulent recirculating flowPages 269-274S.V. Patankar, E.M. Sparrow, M. Ivanović
3.Influence of the prandtl number on second-order heat transfer due to surface curvature at a three-dimensional stagnation pointPages 275-284Klaus Gersten, Heinz-D. Papenfuss, Joseph F. Gross
4.Transport characteristics of films flowing over horizontal smooth tubesPages 285-294S. Sideman, H. Horn, D. Moalem
5.Burnout in a high heat-flux boiling system with an impinging jetPages 295-305M. Monde, Y. Katto
6.Natural convection in an air layer enclosed within rectangular cavitiesPages 307-315S.H. Yin, T.Y. Wung, K. Chen
7.Analysis of heat transfer, including axial fluid conduction, for laminar tube flow with arbitrary circumferential wall heat flux variationPages 317-323Mohammad Faghri, James R. Welty
8.Thermal interaction for molten tin dropped into waterPages 325-333V.H. Arakeri, I. Catton, W.E. Kastenberg, M.S. Plesset
9.Thermal convection in a horizontal fluid layer with internal heat sourcesPages 335-339Morten Tveitereid
10.The melting of metal spheres involving the initially frozen shells with different material propertiesPages 341-349Olaf Ehrich, Chuang Yun-Ken, Klaus Schwerdtfeger
11.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Polish works (1975–1976)Pages 351-355J. Bandrowski, J. Zioto
12.Heat transfer by natural convection from corrugated plates to airPages 357-359M. Al-Arabi, M.M. El-Refaee
13.Conductive heat transfer to an arbitrarily shaped body in a variable property fluidPages 360-362Chang Jen-Shih, J.G. Laframboise
14.A constant heat flux model of the evaporating interline regionPages 362-364P.C. Wayner Jr.
15.Note on diffusion in a turbulent boundary layerPages 364-366R.E. Mayle
16.Comments on “dispersion measurements in a turbulent boundary layer”Pages 367-368
17.Specification of the correct boundary conditionsPages 368-370
18.RejoinderPage 370P. Archambault, J.C. Chevrier

Volume 21, Issue 4, Pages 371-527 (April 1978)

1.Mass, momentum, and energy transport in turbulent free jetsPages 371-384Pasquale M. Sforza, Robert F. Mons
2.Laminar film condensation of a chemically reacting gasPages 385-392A.A. Mikhalevich, V.B. Nesterenko
3.Isotherm migration along orthogonal flow lines in two dimensionsPages 393-398J. Crank, A.B. Crowley
4.Kinetics of mass transfer in a capillary with evaporation from the internal surfacePages 399-406V.G. Leitsina, N.V. Pavlyukevich, G.I. Rudin
5.The buoyancy and variable viscosity effects on a water laminar boundary layer along a heated longitudinal horizontal cylinderPages 407-414Yao Lun-Shin, Ivan Catton
6.An analytical study of the thermally induced two-phase flow instabilities including the effect of thermal non-equilibriumPages 415-426P. Saha, N. Zuber
7.Intermittent phenomena in the boiling two-phase boundary layerPages 427-434Naim H. Afgan, Larisa A. Jovic
8.The coating of fibresPages 435-443H.L.R.M. Levy, A.J. Lockyer, R.G.C. Arridge
9.Unsteady state mass transfer through the interface of spherical particles—I: Physical and mathematical description of the mass-transfer problemPages 445-453H. Brauer
10.Unsteady state mass transfer through the interface of spherical particles—II: Discussion of results obtained by theoretical methodsPages 455-465H. Brauer
11.Transfer of heat or mass to particles in fixed and fluidised bedsPages 467-476D.J. Gunn
12.Laminar convection with radiation: Experimental and theoretical resultsPages 477-480R. Greif
13.Measured variation of thermal boundary-layer thickness with prandtl number for laminar natural convection from a vertical uniform-heat-flux surfacePages 481-488V.P. Carey, J.C. Mollendorf
14.Thermodynamic approach to qualitative properties of trajectories of heat and mass transfer in gas-solid flow systems—I. Nonreacting systemsPages 489-497S. Sieniutycz, J. Komorowska-Kulik
15.Convective heat transfer through boundary layers with arbitrary pressure gradient and non-isothermal surfacesPages
16.Evaporation rates of drops in forced convection with superposed transverse sound fieldPages 511-517Poul S. Larsen, John W. Jensen
17.Transient temperature response of charring composite slabsPages 519-522John E. Prussing, Herman Krier
18.Comments on “turbulent convective heat transfer from rough surfaces”Page 523H.G. Lyall
19.RejoinderPages 523-524M.Dalle Donne, L. Meyer
20.Rejoinder to the comment on the paper “combined body force and forced convection in laminar film condensation of mixed vapours—integral and finite difference treatment”Page 524K. Lucas
21.Thermal energy storage: Edited by E. G. Kovach. Pergamon press, Oxford (1977). 84 ppPage 525Nigel Lucas
22.Sun power: F. McVeigh. Pergamon press, Oxford (1977). 180 pp. price £6.00Page 525Frank Kreith
23.Heat-transfer calculations using finite difference equations: David R. Croft and David G. Lilley. applied science, Barking (1977). 283 pp. price £16.00Page 525M.M. Gibson
24.Heat and mass transfer in metallurgical systems International'centre for heat and mass transfer—seminar 1979Page 526
25.Nato advanced study institute on turbulent forced convention in channels and rod bundlesPage 526
26.Outline of 1978 international conference on physico chemical hydrodynamics (the Levich conference)Page 527
27.ErratumPage 527

Volume 21, Issue 5, Pages 529-668 (May 1978)

1.A model for predicting the dry-out position for annular flow in a uniformly heated vertical tubePages 529-536M. El-Shanawany, A. A. El-Shirbini, W. Murgatroyd
2.Heat-transfer measurements of evaporating liquid dropletsPages 537-542M. C. Yuen, L. W. Chen
3.Convective heat transfer of dielectric suspensions in coaxial cylindrical channelsPages 543-548Z. P. Shulman, E. V. Korobko
4.Higher order approximations to the natural convection flow over a uniform flux vertical surfacePages 549-556R. L. Mahajan, B. Gebhart
5.The periodic thermally developed regime in ducts with streamwise periodic wall temperature or heat fluxPages 557-566S. V. Patankar, C. H. Liu, E. M. Sparrow
6.External heat transfer—calculation methods and moist material drying kineticsPages 567-570P. S. Kuts
7.Prediction of furnace heat transfer with a three-dimensional mathematical modelPages 571-580B. R. Pai, S. Michelfelder, D. B. Spalding
8.Perturbation solutions for melting or freezing in annular regions initially not at the fusion temperaturePages
9.Mass transfer at the wall as a result of coherent structures in a turbulently flowing liquidPages 593-603Robert S. Brodkey, Kenneth N. McKelvey, Harry C. Hershey, Stavros G. Nychas
10.Heat transfer characteristics of evaporation of a liquid droplet on heated surfacesPages 605-613Itaru Michiyoshi, Kunihide Makino
11.Efficient numerical technique for one-dimensional thermal problems with phase changePages 615-621L. E. Goodrich
12.Transient performance of periodic flow regeneratorsPages 623-627A. Burns, A. J. Willmott
13.Caracterisation de l'evaporation profondeDeep evaporation characterizationPages 629-637Mohamed Salah Sifaoui, Alain Perrier
14.Aerodynamic effects in isotope separation by gaseous diffusionPages 639-645L. A. Bert, A. Prosperetti, R. Fiocchi
15.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 647-652E. M. Sparrow, L. R. Laing
16.Non-linear diffusion problems with variable diffusivity and time-dependent flux boundary conditionsPages 653-654Mutsumi Suzuki, Siro Maeda
17.General criterion for rating heat-exchanger performancePages 655-658Adrian Bejan
18.A simple method for time of drying prediction under constant wet-bulb temperature conditionsPages 658-660Milan Dimic
19.Photosensitized reactions in absorbing—scattering media within a plane slabPages 660-662Carlo Stramigioli, Gigliola Spadoni, Francesco Santarelli
20.A simple analysis of unsteady heat transfer in impulsive falkner—skan flowsPages 662-664J. C. Gottifredi, O. D. Quiroga
21.A method of obtaining flow film boiling data for subcooled waterPages 664-665D. C. Groeneveld, S. R. M. Gardiner
22.Comment on “on the time dependent convective heat transfer in fluids with vanishing prandtl number”Pages 667-668James Sucec

Volume 21, Issue 6, Pages 669-826 (June 1978)

1.A statistical thermodynamic theory for coordination-number distribution and effective thermal conductivity of random packed bedsPages 669-676A.L. Nayak, C.L. Tien
2.Measurement of local mass-transfer coefficients by holographic interferometryPages 677-682H. Grosse-Wilde, J. Uhlenbusch
3.Thermal response behavior of boundary-layer flowsPages 683-690F.N. Lin
4.Prediction of the stability of pool boiling heat transfer to finite disturbancesPages 691-700S.A. Kovalev, G.B. Rybchinskaya
5.Fully developed natural counterflow in a long horizontal pipe with different end temperaturesPages 701-708A. Bejan, C.L. Tien
6.Possible similarity solutions for free convection boundary layers adjacent to flat plates in porous mediaPages 709-718Charles H. Johnson, Cheng Ping
7.Unsteady heat conduction in a quarter plane, with an application to bubble growth modelsPages 719-724D.A. Spence, D.B.R. Kenning
8.The contribution of latent heat transport in subcooled nucleate boilingPages 725-734Milton S. Plesset, Andrea Prosperetti
9.Computer model of thermal regenerators with variable mass flow ratesPages 735-744P. Razelos, M.K. Benjamin
10.Mass transport and surface reactions in lévêque's approximationPages 745-750R. Ghez
11.Heat and mass transfer in packed beds—III. Axial mass dispersionPages 751-759G. Langer, A. Roethe, K.-P. Roethe, D. Gelbin
12.Transfer coefficients on the surfaces of a transverse plate situated in a duct flowPages 761-767E.M. Sparrow, K.P. Wachtler
13.High temperature gas diagnostics by spectral remote sensingPages 769-781P.J. Hommert, R. Viskanta
14.Bounds on transient temperature distribution due to a buried cylindrical heat sourcePages 783-789W.W. Martin, S.S. Sadhal
15.The effect of buoyancy on flow and heat transfer for a gas passing down a vertical pipe at low turbulent reynolds numbersPages 791-801J.P. Easby
16.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—soviet worksPages 803-812R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
17.Diffusivity measurement method based on the concept of group velocityPages 813-814Dan Censor
18.Radiation characteristics of multiple-plate glass systemsPages 815-818R. Viskanta, D.L. Siebers, R.P. Taylor
19.Analytic incorporation of probability density functions in turbulent flamesPages 818-821T.M. Shih, P.J. Pagni
20.Time dependént solidification of binary mixturesPages 821-824Bruno A. Boley
21.A numerical method for heat transfer in an expanding rodPages 824-826Gunter H. Meyer

Volume 21, Issue 7, Pages 827-1008 (July 1978)

1.Forecast of the surface structure of moon, mars, mercury and venus based on radio-astronomical observations of their thermal conditionsPages 827-834G.N. Dulnev, Yu.P. Zarichnyak, B.L. Muratova
2.Effect of condenser tube material on heat transfer during dropwise condensation of steamPages 835-840J.W. Rose
3.Predictions and measurements of non-axisymmetric turbulent diffusion in an annular channelPages 841-848M.R.F. Heikal, A.P. Hatton
4.Surface renewal model of condensation heat transfer in tubes with in-line static mixersPages 849-854L.T. Fan, S.T. Lin, N.Z. Azer
5.Comparison of gas and vapour bubble nucleation on a brass surface in waterPages 855-862R.I. Eddington, D.B.R. Kenning, A.I. Korneichev
6.Transient helium heat transfer phase I—Static coolantPages 863-874W.G. Steward
7.Film condensation of binary mixture flow in a vertical channelPages 875-884S. Kotake
8.Liquid fuel droplet heating with internal circulationPages 885-895S. Prakash, W.A. Sirignano
9.The reaction between water droplets and molten sodiumPages 897-903A.G. Newlands, W.D. Halstead
10.Experimental study of heat transfer in layered compositesPages 905-909H.V. Truong, G.E. Zinsmeister
11.Space-time correlation measurements in a turbulent natural convection boundary layerPages 911-921R. Cheesewright, K.S. Doan
12.Thermal boundary layer of a micropolar fluid on a circular cylinderPages 923-933M.N. Mathur, S.K. Ojha, P.Subhadra Ramachandran
13.Numerical prediction of heat-transfer characteristics of fully developed laminar flow through a circular channel containing rod clustersPages 935-945R.W. Benodekar, A.W. Date
14.The role of contact angles and contact angle hysteresis in dropwise condensation heat transferPages 947-953A.W. Neumann, A.H. Abdelmessih, A. Hameed
15.An experimental investigation of falling-film rewettingPages 955-965S.S. Dua, C.L. Tien
16.An instrument for measuring the thermal penetration property pckPages 967-973R.M. Abdel-Wahed, Thomas P. Bligh, E.R.G. Eckert
17.Onde de gravite dans un liquide avec film superficiel et diffusionPages 975-983M. Dudeck, R. Prud'homme
18.Heat transfer in a confined rectangular cavity packed with porous mediaPages 985-989Nobuhiro Seki, Shoichiro Fukusako, Hideo Inaba
19.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 991-998E.M. Sparrow, L.R. Laing
20.Wavenumber dependence of velocity field amplitude in convection rolls—Theory and experimentsPages
21.A local similarity model for the heat flux equation in a turbulent boundary layerPages 1002-1005R.A. Antonia, H.Q. Danh
22.Fundamental principles of heat transfer: Stephen Whitaker. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1977). 576 pp. price $50Page 1007F.J. Bayley
23.Transport in porous catalysts: R. Jackson. Elsevier, Amsterdam (1977)Page 1007Warren E. Stewart
24.Handbook of essential formulae and data on heat transfer for engineers: H. Y. Wong. Longman London New York (1977). 236pp. U.K. Price £4.95Pages 1007-1008N.C. Markafos
25.ErratumPage 1008

Volume 21, Issue 8, Pages 1009-1173 (August 1978)

1.Etude spectrale des mecanismes d'echange entre champ cinematique et champ scalairePages 1009-1018Claude Rey, Jean Mathieu
2.Equation of the growth rate of frost forming on cooled surfacesPages 1019-1024H.W. Schneider
3.Nucleate boiling in binary mixturesPages 1025-1028A.B. Ponter, W. Peier
4.Laminar heat transfer in a rectangular channel for the temperature boundary condition of the third kindPages 1029-1034V. Javeri
5.Magnetohydrodynamic heat transfer in a circular duct for temperature boundary condition of the third kindPages 1035-1040V. Javeri
6.Vibrational nonequilibrium stagnation shock layers at hypersonic speed and low reynolds numberPages 1041-1048Barbara Schmitt-v. Schubert
7.Determination of the drift velocity and the void fraction for the bubble- and plug-flow regimes during the flow boiling of water at elevated pressuresPages 1049-1056H.C. Ünal
8.Equations of motion for two-phase flow in a pin bundle of a nuclear reactorPages 1057-1068T.C. Chawla, M. Ishii
9.Experiments on heat transfer and pressure drop for a pair of colinear, interrupted plates aligned with the flowPages 1069-1080N. Cur, E.M. Sparrow
10.The effect of pressure on the leidenfrost point of discrete drops of water and freon on a brass surfacePages 1081-1086G.S. Emmerson, C.W. Snoek
11.Convection and frictional heating in a cone and plate systemPages 1087-1097Raffi M. Turian, W. Aung
12.A periodic intermittent model for the wall region of a turbulent boundary layerPages 1099-1109F.G. van Dongen, A.C.M. Beljaars, D.A. de Vries
13.A special differential interferometer used for heat convection investigationsPages 1111-1115H. Oertel Jr., K. Bühler
14.Three dimensional fluctuating flow and heat transfer along a plate with suctionPages 1117-1123P. Singh, V.P. Sharma, U.N. Misra
15.Convection naturelle laminaire tridimensionnelle autour de surfacesPages 1125-1131J.-L. Peube, D. Blay
16.Mass transfer in the entrance region of a circular tubePages 1133-1141A.S. Popel, J.F. Gross
17.An investigation of heat transfer and friction for rib-roughened surfacesPages 1143-1156J.C. Han, L.R. Glicksman, W.M. Rohsenow
18.Thermal conductivity of heterogeneous mixturesPages 1157-1166A.G. Prakouras, R.I. Vachon, R.A. Crane, M.S. Khader
19.Turbulent boundary-layer temperature profiles and reynolds analogyPages 1167-1170R.E. Wilson
20.A step-by-step method for the calculation of the concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficient from a single (de)sorption experimentPages 1170-1171Willem J.A.H. Schoeber, Hans A.C. Thijssen
21.Chemical engineering: Vol. 1 3rd end (SI Units), J. M. Coulson and J. F. Richardson. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1977). 449 pp. Price £7.50Page 1173J.R.A. Pearson

Volume 21, Issue 9, Pages 1175-1267 (September 1978)

1.Impingement of an axisymmetric liquid jet on a barrierPages 1175-1184V.E. Nakoryakov, B.G. Pokusaev, E.N. Troyan
2.Freezing-melting heat transfer in a tube flowPages 1185-1196A. Yim, M. Epstien, S.G. Bankoff, G.A. Lambert, G.M. Hauser
3.Laminar convective heat transfer in helical coiled tubesPages 1197-1206L.A.M. Janssen, C.J. Hoogendoorn
4.Heat pipes with header and artery systemsPages 1207-1212D. Chisholm
5.Flow and heat transfer in steady laminar compressible boundary layer swirling flow in a nozzlePages 1213-1220G. Nath, Margaret Muthanna
6.Instability of free convection flow over a horizontal impermeable surface in a porous mediumPages
7.An experimental study of the natural convection flow over a heated ridge in airPages 1229-1239R.M. Miller, B. Gebhart
8.Surface tension effects in heat transfer through thin liquid filmsPages 1241-1249Thomas E. Hinkebein, John C. Berg
9.The effect of stable stratification on the motion in a rotating spherical annulusPages 1251-1259E.J. Shaughnessy, R.W. Douglass
10.Some new results for conjugated heat transfer in a flat platePages 1261-1264R. Karvinen
11.Stability of a layer of fluid subjected to convective boundary conditionsPages 1264-1266M.A. Hassab, M.N. Özişik
12.1978 International conference on physicochemical hydrodynamics (the Levich conference)Page 1267

Volume 21, Issue 10, Pages 1269-1356 (October 1978)

1.Heat transfer—A review of 1977 literaturePages 1269-1298E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, E. Pfender, S.V. Patankar, J.W. Ramsey
2.Mass transfer for turbulent flow in an annulus with non-axisymmetric boundary conditionsPages 1299-1308D.P. Robinson, V. Walker
3.Laminar condensation heat and mass transfer in the vicinity of the forward stagnation point of a spherical droplet translating in a ternary mixture: Numerical and asymptotic solutionsPages 1309-1324J.N. Chung, P.S. Ayyaswamy
4.Vaporization of water films in rotating radial pipesPages 1325-1332J.T. Dakin
5.Experimental frequency domain dynamics of heat pipesPages 1333-1340A. Rajakumar, P.R. Krishnaswamy
6.Natural-convective flow through a vertical duct with a restricted entryPages 1341-1354J.R. Dyer
7.Prediction of mass transfer near a rotating disc at high schmidt numbers and high swirl ratesPages 1355-1356B.I. Sharma

Volume 21, Issue 11, Pages 1357-1451 (November 1978)

1.A refinement of the heat balance integral method applied to a melting problemPages 1357-1362G.E. Bell
2.On the stagnation-point ignition of a premixed combustiblePages 1363-1368C.K. Law
3.Heat transfer and pressure drop for a staggered wall-attached array of cylinders with tip clearancePages 1369-1378E.M. Sparrow, J.W. Ramsey
4.Comparison of predictions with measurements for radiative transfer in an algal suspensionPages 1379-1384K.J. Daniels, N.M. Laurendeau, F.P. Incropera
5.Measurements of boiling curves of subcooled water under forced convective conditionsPages
6.Predictions and measurements of a turbulent, axisymmetric ducted diffusion flamePages 1393-1402D.G. Elliman, D.E. Fussey, N. Hay
7.Prediction of skin-friction and heat transfer from compressible turbulent boundary layers in rocket nozzlesPages 1403-1410K. Mastanaiah
8.Pressure excursions in transient film boiling from a sphere to a subcooled liquidPages 1411-1420Louis C. Burmeister
9.Analysis of solidification interface shape during continuous casting of a slabPages 1421-1430Robert Siegel
10.On equivalency of various expressions for speed of wave propagation for compressible liquid flows with heat transferPages 1431-1435T.C. Chawla
11.Evaluation of the unsteady-state quenching method for determining boiling curvesPages 1437-1445Wanawan Peyayopanakul, J.W. Westwater
12.Numerical solution of the embedding equations applied to the Landau melting problemPages 1447-1449John D. Randall
13.7th AIRAPT international conference (Jointly with EHPRG)Page 1451

Volume 21, Issue 12, Pages 1453-1627 (December 1978)

1.Temperatures in a heated air jet discharged downwardPages 1453-1458R.A. Seban, M.M. Behnia, K.E. Abreu
2.Heat transfer in an annular gapPages 1459-1466S.R.M Gardiner, R.H Sabersky
3.Transition and transport in a buoyancy driven flow in water adjacent to a vertical uniform flux surfacePages 1467-1479Z.H. Qureshi, B. Gebhart
4.An experimental investigation of natural convection flow on an inclined surfacePages 1481-1490Hussain Shaukatullah, B. Gebhart
5.Etude theorique de la reduction gazeuse d'une boulette spherique poreuse d'oxydePages 1491-1498J.-L. Fihey, F. Ajersch
6.Free convection boundary layers in a saturated porous medium with lateral mass fluxPages 1499-1504J.H. Merkin
7.Short-time solution for unsteady forced convection heat transfer from an impulsively started circular cylinderPages 1505-1516Sano Takao
8.Surface tension driven instability of a liquid film flow down a heated inclinePages 1517-1526S. Sreenivasan, S.P. Lin
9.A generalized correlation of critical heat flux for the forced convection boiling in vertical uniformly heated round tubesPages 1527-1542Y. Katto
10.Thermal convection in rotating spherical annuli—1. Forced convectionPages 1543-1553R.W. Douglass, B.R. Munson, E.J. Shaughnessy
11.Thermal convection in rotating spherical annuli—2. Stratified flowsPages 1555-1564R.W. Douglass, B.R. Munson, E.J. Shaughnessy
12.Transient flow and heat transfer of liquid sodium coolant in the outlet plenum of a fast nuclear reactorPages 1565-1579Nicholas C.G. Markatos
13.Multidomain multiphase fluid mechanicsPages 1581-1595William T. Sha, S.L. Soo
14.Axial conduction in laminar pipe flows with nonlinear wall heat fluxesPages 1597-1607Antonio Campo, Jean-Claude Auguste
15.An algebraic stress and heat-flux model for turbulent shear flow with streamline curvaturePages 1609-1617M.M. Gibson
16.Finite element analysis of combined free and forced convectionPages 1619-1621S. Del Giudice, G. Comini, M.D. Mikhailov
17.Measurement of transition boiling boundaries in forced convective flowPages 1621-1624H.S. Ragheb, S.C. Cheng, D.C. Groeneveld
18.Experimental investigation of contact angles of rivulets flowing down a vertical solid surfacePage 1625Stanislawa Semiczek-Szulc, Jaroslaw Mikielewicz
19.Comments on “Turbulent convective heat transfer from rough surfaces”Page 1627W.B. Hall

Volume 22, Issue 1, Pages 1-175 (January 1979)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Edmond A. Brun a l'occasion de son quatre-vingtieme anniversairePages 1-4
3.Random heat transfer in flat channels with timewise variation of ambient temperaturePages 5-12Antonio Campo, Yoshimura Toshio
4.Free convective heat transfer to fluids in the near-critical region from vertical surfaces with uniform heat fluxPages 13-20T.R. Seetharam, G.K. Sharma
5.Sur une nouvelle methode de calcul de l'influence de la condensation dans le developpement des panaches thermiquesPages 21-26X. Garonne, R. Guillaume, A. Papon, G. Salaun-Penquer
6.A theoretical analysis of evaporating droplets in an immiscible liquidPages 27-38M.R. Mokhtarzadeh, A.A. El-Shirbini
7.The development of turbulent thermal layers on flat platesPages 39-46P.H. Hoffmann, A.E. Perry
8.Pressure generation during the drying of a porous half-spacePages 47-50M. Cross, R.D. Gibson, R.W. Young
9.Heat transfer from a uniform heat flux wedge in air-water mist flowsPages 51-60T. Aihara, M. Taga, T. Haraguchi
10.Electro-chemical measurements of mass transfer in semi-cylindrical hollowsPages 61-75J.K. Aggarwal, L. Talbot
11.A steady vortex driven by a heat line sourcePages 77-87Chen Jwo-Min, Robert G. Watts
12.Forced convection over rotating bodies with non-uniform surface temperaturePages 89-97D.R. Jeng, K.J. DeWitt, M.H. Lee
13.The non-adiabatic calorimeter problem and its application to transfer processes in suspensions of solidsPages 99-109J.W. Hemmings, J. Kern
14.Calcul des transferts thermiques entre film chaud et substrat par un modele a deux dimensions: Prevision de la reponse dynamique de sondes usuellesPages 111-119J.F. Brison, G. Charnay, G. Comte-Bellot
15.Film boiling of Freon 113, normal pentane, cyclopentane and benzene from cylindrical surfaces at moderate pressuresPages 121-129G.J. Capone, E.L. Park Jr.
16.Luminescence of two-phase inhomogeneous media of cylindrical geometryPages 131-136K.S. Adzerikho, V.I. Antsulevich, Ya.K. Lapko, V.P. Nekrasov
17.Buoyancy induced flows adjacent to horizontal surfaces in water near its density extremumPages 137-149Benjamin Gebhart, Michael S. Bendell, Hussain Shaukatullah
18.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 151-156Mori Yasuo
19.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 157-166R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
20.Some improvements to the solution of Stefan-like problemsPages 167-170Mohamed S. El-Genk, August W. Cronenberg
21.Photographic study of melting about an embedded horizontal heating cylinderPages 171-173R.M. Abdel-Wahed, J.W. Ramsey, E.M. Sparrow
22.Lattice thermal conductivities of TiO—MeO (Me=Ni, Co, Mn) solid solutionsPages 173-175A.Kh. Muranevich

Volume 22, Issue 2, Pages 177-348 (February 1979)

1.A heat flux meter to determine the local boiling heat flux density during a quenching experimentPages 177-184Jules Thibault, Terrence W. Hoffman
2.Wave instability of mixed convection flow over a horizontal flat platePages 185-196T.S. Chen, A. Mucoglu
3.Heat transfer in the separated and reattached flow over blunt flat plates —Effects of nose shapePages 197-206Terukazu Ota, Nobuhiko Kon
4.Steady and transient film boiling on a sphere in forced convectionPages 207-218S.D.R. Wilson
5.A general variational principle for thermal insulation system designPages 219-228Adrian Bejan
6.Stockage periodique par chaleur sensible—Aspects fondamentaux lies a la cinetique des transfertsPages 229-236J.P. Bardon, B. Fourcher, B. Cassagne
7.Mass transfer due to an impinging slot jetPages
8.On the near field characteristics of axisymmetric turbulent buoyant jets in a uniform environmentPages 245-255Ching Jen Chen, Constantinos P. Nikitopoulos
9.Heat and moisture transfer in concrete slabsPages 257-266C.L.D. Huang, H.H. Siang, C.H. Best
10.The development of turbulent transport in a vertical natural convection boundary layerPages 267-277R.G. Bill Jr., B. Gebhart
11.The two-phase turbulent jetPages 279-287W.K. Melville, K.N.C. Bray
12.Boiling and bubbling heat transfer under free convection of liquidPages 281-299S.S. Kutateladze
13.An analytical study of resistance, heat transfer and stability in evaporative cooling of a porous heat-producing elementPages 301-307L.L. Vasiliev, V.A. Maiorov
14.A model of convector heating from a flat platePages 309-319F.T. Smith, D.S. Riley
15.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 321-329R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
16.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 331-340E.M. Sparrow, L.R. Laing
17.Temperature distribution in a composite prismatic rod in the case of heat generation in the circular, cylindrical concentric corePages 341-343P.A.A. Laura, G.Sanchez Sarmiento
18.Natural convection from single horizontal platinum wiresPages 343-345Sigurds Arajs, J.B. McLaughlin
19.Heat transfer in boiling: Hemisphere, Washington (1977). 486 pp. U.K. price £28.05Page 347N.C. Markatos
20.Heat and mass transfer source book: Scripta/Wiley, New York (1977)Pages 347-348Keith Cornwell
21.New heating systems—decentralised heat-power-coupling by combustion engines: VDI report no. 287Page 348E.L. Schmidt
22.Annual review of fluid mechanics: Vol. 10. annual reviews, California (1978). 475 ppPage 348B.W. Martin

Volume 22, Issue 3, Pages 349-492 (March 1979)

1.Local heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics for airflow oblique or normal to a square platePages 349-360K.K. Tien, E.M. Sparrow
2.Steady and transient natural convection in enclosures between horizontal circular cylinders (constant heat flux)Pages 361-370E. Van De Sande, B.J.G. Hamer
3.Solution of the two phase boundary-layer equations for laminar film condensation of vapour flowing perpendicular to a horizontal cylinderPages 371-382E.S. Gaddis
4.Unsteady natural convection in horizontal channels with arbitrary wall temperaturesPages 383-388H.K. Mohanty
5.The mechanism of heat transfer in magnetorheological systemsPages 389-394Z.P. Shulman, V.I. Kordonsky, S.A. Demchuk
6.On the stability of non-linear convection in a hele-shaw cellPages 395-400Oddmund Kvernvold
7.Global numerical solutions of growth and departure of a vapour bubble at a horizontal superheated wall in a pure liquid and a binary mixturePages 401-420W. Zijl, F.J.M. Ramakers, S.J.D. van Stralen
8.Natural convection in a vertical cylinder subject to constant heat fluxPages 421-430C.F. Hess, C.W. Miller
9.Laminar film condensation of pure vapours in tubesPages 431-435K. Lucas, B. Moser
10.Convective heat transfer in an internally heated horizontal fluid layer with unequal boundary temperaturesPages 437-445P. Boon-Long, T.W. Lester, R.E. Faw
11.Prediction and measurement of the thermal conductance of laminated stacksPages 447-459T.N. Veziroǧlu, A. Williams, S. Kakaç, P. Nayak
12.Influence of evaporation and condensation upon sound reflectionPages 461-467Marko Robnik, Ivan Kuščer, Heinz Lang
13.A study of transpiration from porous flat plates simulating plant leavesPages 469-483Joseph N. Cannon, William B. Krantz, Frank Kreith, Dan Naot
14.Effect of wall accommodation on heat transfer and pressure in the stagnation region of blunt bodiesPages 485-487Barbara Schmitt-v. Schubert
15.Mass-transfer coefficients of acetone in the volume changing system n-butylacetate/acetone/waterPages 488-490W. Halwachs, H.R. Howind
16.Comments on “an investigation of heat transfer and friction for rib-roughened surfaces”Pages 491-492

Volume 22, Issue 4, Pages 493-638 (April 1979)

1.Study of heat and mass transfer in pipe flows with non-newtonian fluidsPages 493-498J.T. Teng, R. Greif, I. Cornet, R.N. Smith
2.Transient behavior of natural circulation loops: Two vertical branches with point heat source and sinkPages 499-504Y. Zvirin, R. Greif
3.Onset of convection in a horizontal water layer with maximum density effectsPages 505-515G.P. Merker, P. Waas, U. Grigull
4.Superheating in nucleate boiling calculated by the heterogeneous nucleation theoryPages 517-524E. Gerum, J. Straub, U. Grigull
5.Film cooling from a single hole and a row of holes of variable pitch to diameter ratioPages 525-534A. Brown, C.L. Saluja
6.Finite amplitude bénard-rayleigh convectionPages 535-546J.R. Kraska, R.L. Sani
7.A general correlation for heat transfer during film condensation inside pipesPages 547-556M.M. Shah
8.A generalized graphical method for predicting chf in uniformly heated vertical tubesPages 557-568M.M. Shah
9.Boundary-layer flow in forced-convection film-boiling on a wedgePages 569-574Stephen K. Walsh, S.D.R. Wilson
10.Generalized correlations of critical heat flux for the forced convection boiling in vertical uniformly heated annuliPages 575-584Y. Katto
11.The wave equations for simultaneous heat and mass transfer in moving media—Structure testing, time-space transformations and variational approachPages 585-600Stanislaw Sieniutycz
12.Heat transfer from axisymmetric sources at the surface of a rotating diskPages 601-610D.L. Oehlbeck, F.F. Erian
13.Free convection in thermally stratified water cooled from abovePages 611-623M. Behnia, R. Viskanta
14.Numerical experiments on the determination of unsteady state temperature distribution in a solid propellant rocket motorPages 625-628P.A.A. Laura, G.Sanchez Sarmiento, M.E. Olivetto
15.Steam condensation on electroplated gold: Effect of plating thicknessPages 629-632David W. Woodruff, J.W. Westwater
16.Effect of radiation on evaporating dropletsPage 633G.M. Harpole, D.K. Edwards
17.RejoinderPage 634M.C. Yuen, L.W. Chen
18.Mathematical theory of diffusion phenomena and reactions in porous catalysts: Oxford university press, oxford (1974)Pages 635-636B. Levich
19.Turbulence in internal flows: Turbomachinery and other engineering applications: Hemisphere, Washington (1977)Pages 636-637R.C. Mjolsness
20.Basic heat transfer: McGraw-Hill, New York (1977), 572 ppPage 637M.D. Mikhailov
21.Studies in convection: Theory, measurement and applications: Vol. 2. Academic press, London (1977), price £8.80Page 637R.W. Bilger
22.Studies in convection: Vol. 2. Academic press (1977)Pages 637-638Norman Chigier

Volume 22, Issue 5, Pages 639-781 (May 1979)

1.Free convection between horizontal concentric cylinders in a slightly-thermally stratified fluidPages 639-646S.N. Singh, J.M. Elliott
2.A model of the two-phase turbulent jetPages 647-656W.K. Melville, K.N.C. Bray
3.Radiative heat transfer in horizontal magnetohydrodynamic channel flow with buoyancy effects and an axial temperature gradientPages 657-668J.B. Helliwell, M.F. Mosa
4.Post dryout heat transfer to R-113 upward flow in a vertical tubePages 669-678Koizumi Yasuo, Ueda Tatsuhiro, Tanaka Hiroaki
5.A Reynolds analogy solution for the heat transfer characteristics of combined Taylor vortex and axial flowsPages 679-689D.A. Simmers, J.E.R. Coney
6.Premixed burning in diffusion flames—the flame zone model of libby and economosPages 691-703Norbert Peters
7.Heated turbulent flow of helium—argon mixtures in tubesPages 705-719P.E. Pickett, M.F. Taylor, D.M. McEaligot
8.Influence of slip velocity at a membrane surface on ultrafiltration performance—I. Channel flow systemPages
9.Influence of slip velocity at a membrane surface on ultrafiltration performance—II. Tube flow systemPages
10.Convection naturelle dans une enceinte rectangulaire presque horizontale chauffee par le hautPages 739-747B. Dulieu, M.L. Bonniaud, J.P. Walch
11.Melting of powder grains in a plasma flamePages 749-761Jerzy K. Fiszdon
12.Generalization of heat-transfer results for turbulent free convection adjacent to horizontal surfacesPages 763-769R.F. Bergholz, M.M. Chen, F.B. Cheung
13.Extension of a modified integral method to boundary conditions of prescribed surface heat fluxPages 771-774James Sucec
14.On predicting boiling burnout for heaters cooled by liquid jetsPages 774-776J.H. Lienhard, R. Eichhorn
15.Periodic heat transfer with temperature dependent thermal conductivityPages 777-781M.S. Sodha, I.C. Goyal, S.C. Kaushik, G.N. Tiwari, A.K. Seth, M.A.S. Malik

Volume 22, Issue 6, Pages 783-987 (June 1979)

1.A generalized correlation of critical heat flux for the forced convection boiling in vertical uniformly heated round tubes—a supplementary reportPages 783-794Y. Katto
2.Applications of the electrolytic method—I. Advantages and disadvantages, mass transfer between a falling film and the wallPages 795-798P. P. Grassmann
3.Applications of the electrolytic method—II. Mass transfer within a tube for steady, oscillating and pulsating flowsPages 799-804P. P. Grassmann, M. Tuma
4.Time-evolution of spherical droplets in vapour environment: A physical-mathematical modelPages 805-812R. Monaco
5.A theory for natural convection turbulent boundary layers next to heated vertical surfacesPages 813-826William K. George Jr., Steven P. Capp
6.Pressure gradients generated during the drying of porous shapesPages 827-830R. D. Gibson, M. Cross, R. W. Young
7.The effect of composition on the boiling rates of liquefied natural gas for confined spills on waterPages 831-838Jaime A. Valencia-Chavez, Robert C. Reid
8.Gas absorption accompanied by first-order reversible and irreversible reactions in turbulent liquid filmsPages
9.Two phase natural convection adjacent to a vertical heated surface in a permeable mediumPages 849-855E. M. Parmentier
10.Heat and mass transfer in reacting flow systems: An approximate theoryPages 857-863R. Tal Thau, B. Gal-Or
11.An experimental study of the interface of a condensing vapour regionPages 865-873Y. Jaluria
12.Stockage periodique par chaleur latente aspects fondamentaux liés a la cinétique des transfertsPeriodic storage by latent heat on the fundamental aspects of the kinetics of transfersPages 875-883J. Bransier
13.Turbulent heat and mass transfers across a rough, air-water interface: A simple theoryPages 885-899Robert L. Street
14.Heat transfer during piston compression including side wall and convection effectsPages 901-907R. Greif, T. Namba, M. Nikanham
15.The effect of a mixing tee on turbulent heat transfer in a tubePages 909-917E. M. Sparrow, R. G. Kemink
16.Natural convection in horizontal space bounded by two concentric cylinders with different end temperaturesPages 919-927Adrian Bejan, Chang-Lin Tien
17.Natural convection in porous media bounded by concentric spheres and horizontal cylindersPages 929-939P. J. Burns, C. L. Tien
18.On the numerical solution of an alloy solidification problemPages 941-947A. B. Crowley, J. R. Ockendon
19.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 949-957E. M. Sparrow, L. R. Laing
20.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 959-967R. I. Soloukhin, O. G. Martynenko
21.Boundary-layer flow on a flat platePage 969J. W. Rose
22.Heat-transfer coefficient correlations for thermal regenerator calculations—transient responsePages 969-973A. Burns
23.Measurement of boiling curves during rewetting of a hot circular ductPages 973-976W. J. Chen, Y. Lee, D. C. Groeneveld
24.Study of pretransitional induced benard convection by two-dimensional numerical experimentsPages 976-978J. C. Legros, J. Wesfreid, J. K. Platten
25.Effects of the initial size of water droplet on its evaporation on heated surfacesPages 979-981Kunihide Makino, Itaru Michiyoshi
26.National program for solar heating and cooling of buildings : ERDA 76-6, Division of solar energy, Washington DC 20545 (November 1976)Page 983A-M. A. Rezk
27.Solar energy in America's future—a preliminary assessment : DSE-115/1, Division of Solar Energy, ERDA, Washington DC 20545 (March 1977)Page 983A-M. R. Rezk
28.National program plan for research and development in solar heating and cooling : Interim Report, ERDA 76-114, Division of Solar Energy, Washington DC (November 1976).Pages 983-984A-M. R. Rezk
29.Solar energy heat pump systems for heating and cooling buildings : ERDA doc. COO-2560-1, Con. 7506130. The Pennsylvania State University (June1975)Page 984A-M. A. Rezk
30.Solar energy engineering : Academic Press, New York (1977), 506 ppPages 984-985A-M A. Rezk
31.Physicochemical hydrodynamics, V.G. Levich Festschrift : Advance publications, London (1977), pp. X/V 1076Page 985Roger Parsons
32.Theory and problems of heat transfer, (schaum's outline series) : McGraw-Hill, New York (1978)Page 985R. D. Gibson
33.Natural convection from combustion sources : Oxford and IBH (1976). pp. 377Pages 985-986R. C. Corlett
34.Optimization criteria for irreversible thermal processes (criterii de optimizare a proceselor termice ireversibile) : Editura Tehnica, Bucharest (1977) 468pPage 986Adrian Bejan
35.ErratumPage 987

Volume 22, Issue 7, Pages 989-1163 (July 1979)

1.Analysis of intensive evaporation and condensationPages 989-1002D.A. Labuntsov, A.P. Kryukov
2.Transitional mass-transfer behavior from packed-bed conditions to onset of fluidizationPages
3.Fuel spray vaporization in humid environmentPages 1009-1020C.K. Law, M. Binark
4.The effect of deformation and thermoset cure on heat conduction in a chopped-fiber reinforced polyester during compression moldingPages 1021-1032M.R. Barone, D.A. Caulk
5.Effect of interfacial phenomena in the interline region on the rewetting of a hot spotPages 1033-1040P.C. Wayner Jr.
6.Heat transfer around a circular cylinder in a liquid-sodium crossflowPages 1041-1048Ishiguro Ryoji, Sugiyama Kenichiro, Kumada Toshiaki
7.Non-isothermal liquid flow and heat transfer in sintered metallic porous mediaPages 1049-1057B.S. Singh, A. Dybbs
8.Instabilite de la calefaction a haute temperature sur un cylindre vertical trempe dans un liquide sous-refroidiPages 1059-1067Gérard Flament, François Moreaux, Gérard Beck
9.Heat and mass transfer in porous media subject to firesPages 1069-1081M.S. Sahota, P.J. Pagni
10.The propagation of large scale thermal explosionsPages 1083-1093R.W. Hall, S.J. Board
11.Effects of radiation and convective boundary conditions on the stability of fluid in an inclined slender slotPages 1095-1105M.A. Hassab, M.N. Özi§ik
12.The recuperator analogy for the transient performance of thermal regeneratorsPages 1107-1115A.J. Willmott, A. Burns
13.Heat transfer to plane non-Newtonian Couette flowPages 1117-1123S.H. Lin
14.A theoretical investigation of the effect of freestream turbulence on skin friction and heat transfer for a bluff bodyPages 1125-1135Bengt Sundén
15.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1137-1146R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
16.Influence on thermal diffusion of the inclination of a column with both ends closedPages 1147-1149F. Akoum, C. Klapisz
17.Extension of the solution of inverse conduction problemPages 1149-1150R.C. Mehta
18.Estimation of error in steady-state temperature measurement due to conduction along the thermocouple leadsPages 1151-1154P. Satyamurthy, R.K. Marwah, N. Venkatramani, V.K. Rohatgi
19.The laminar wall plume in a transverse magnetic fieldPages 1155-1158Donald D. Gray
20.Wind and solar energies in the tornado type wind energy systemPages 1159-1161Chen Jwo-Min
21.Moving boundary problems: D. G. Wilson, Alan D. Solomon and Paul T. Boggs (Editors), Academic press, New York 1977Page 1163John F. Clarke

Volume 22, Issue 8, Pages 1165-1244 (August 1979)

1.Non-Darcy flow with change of phase in internally energised flat shaped porous elementPages
2.Turbulent flow and pressure losses behind oblique high-drag heat exchangersPages 1175-1186F. K. Moore, J. R. Ristorcelli Jr.
3.A numerical calculation of nonlinear transient heat conduction in the fuel elements of a nuclear reactorPages 1187-1198G. Lebon, Ph. Mathieu
4.On the transition to transverse rolls in an infinite vertical fluid layer—A power series solutionPages 1199-1208Douglas W. Ruth
5.Etude de la resistance de contact entre deux materiaux en frottement—Influence de la vitesse relative de glissementAnalysis of the thermal contact resistance between two solids in friction. effect of the relative slipping speedPages 1209-1219J. J. Vullierme, J. J. Lagarde, H. Cordier
6.The accuracy and resolving power of one dimensional transient inverse heat conduction theory as applied to discrete and inaccurate measurementsPages 1221-1229R. G. Hills, G. P. Mulholland
7.The effect of contact angle on bubble nucleationPages 1231-1236R. I. Eddington, D. B. R. Kenning
8.The effect of external boundary conditions on condensation heat transfer in rotating heat pipesPages
9.Boundary-layer flow with transpiration on an isothermal flat platePages 1243-1244J. W. Rose

Volume 22, Issue 9, Pages 1245-1322 (September 1979)

1.Measurement of drop sizesPages 1245-1279B.J. Azzopardi
2.A new approach to the correlation of boundary layer mass transfer rates with thermal diffusion and/or variable propertiesPages 1281-1294R. Srivastava, D.E. Rosner
3.Multi-phase moisture transfer in porous media subjected to temperature gradientPages 1295-1307C.L.D. Huang
4.Fluctuations de temperature dans un ecoulement turbulent a temperature eleveePages 1309-1317I. Gokalp, A. Lasek
5.On the characteristics of heat and mass transfer from a rotating disk with sink flowPages 1319-1321Akira Iguchi, Katsuo Komori, Ryotaro Izumi
6.The effect of composition on the boiling rates of liquified natural gas for confined spills on water: J.A. Valencia-Chavez and R.C. Reid, Int. J. Haet Mass Transfer22, 831–838 (1979)Page 1322

Volume 22, Issue 10, Pages 1323-1465 (October 1979)

1.Laminar boundary-layer flow of non-Newtonian fluidPages 1323-1329F. N. Lin, S. Y. Chern
2.On an implicit scheme for the isotherm migration method along orthogonal flow lines in two dimensionsPages 1331-1337J. Crank, A. B. Crowley
3.Turbulent convection between two horizontal platesPages 1339-1346R. A. Denton, I. R. Wood
4.Finite element analysis of optimal heating of a slab with temperature dependent thermal conductivityPages 1347-1353R. A. Meric
5.Thermo-fluid-dynamic experiments with gas-cooled bundles of rough rods and their evaluation with the computer code SAGAPØPages 1355-1374M. Dalle Donne, A. Martelli, K. Rehme
6.New computational implementation of non-linear derivative boundary conditions for A.D.I. methodsPages 1375-1379Bo Ström
7.Evaluation of heat transfer performances of rough surfaces from experimental investigation in annular channelsPages 1381-1392M. Hudina
8.Mass transport in electrolytic cells with gas spargingPages 1393-1399L. Sigrist, O. Dossenbach, N. Ibl
9.A similarity solution for combined forced and free convection flow over a horizontal platePages 1401-1406W. Schneider
10.A model for the effect of droplet interactions on vaporizationPages 1407-1415Julian M. Tishkoff
11.Extended leveque solutions for flows of power law fluids in pipes and channelsPages 1417-1423S. M. Richardson
12.The steady state ice layer profile on a constant temperature plate in a forced convection flow—I. Laminar regimePages 1425-1433T. Hirata, R. R. Gilpin, K. C. Cheng, E. M. Gates
13.The steady state ice layer profile on a constant temperature plate in a forced convection flow—II. The transition and turbulent regimesPages 1435-1443T. Hirata, R. R. Gilpin, K. C. Cheng
14.Interaction between surface mass transfer and transverse curvature in natural convection boundary layersPages
15.Heat conduction in a semi-infinite solid with variable thermophysical propertiesPages 1455-1456V. Seeniraj, M. Arunachalam
16.The measurement of growing bubbles on a heated surface using a computerised image analysis systemPages 1457-1459G. Preston, J. R. Thome, W. B. Bald, G. Davey
17.Free convection boundary layers on axi-symmetric and two-dimensional bodies of arbitrary shape in a saturated porous mediumPages 1461-1462J. H. Merkin
18. , McGraw-Hill Kogakusha limited, international student edition, Tokyo (1975). £8.10Page 1463W. J. McManamey
19.Combustion , Academic Press, New YorkPage 1463Norman Chigier
20.Heat transfer , Simon and schuster, New York (1975). 604 pp.Page 1464A. W. Bush
21.AnnouncementPage 1465

Volume 22, Issue 11, Pages 1467-1589 (November 1979)

1.E. R. G. Eckert on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthdayPages 1467-1468
2.Heat transfer—A review of 1978 literaturePages 1469-1499E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, C.J. Scott, E. Pfender, S.V. Patankar, J.W. Ramsey
3.Thermoconvective waves in a compressible fluidPages 1501-1512H. Keck, W. Schneider
4.Thermoconvective waves in a conducting and radiating fluidPages 1513-1523H. Keck
5.A theoretical investigation of heat transfer in a ladle of molten steel during pouringPages 1525-1532P. Egerton, J.A. Howarth, G. Poots, S. Taylor-Reed
6.The response of a weld pool to perturbations in powerPages 1533-1538J.G. Andrews, D.R. Atthey
7.The effect of dissipation on free convection loopsPages 1539-1546Yoram Zvirin
8.About the prediction of turbulent prandtl and schmidt numbers from modeled transport equationsPages 1547-1555Michael Jischa, Heinz Berend Rieke
9.The calculation of free turbulent shear flows with strong density fluctuationsPages 1557-1565W. Kollmann, D. Vandromme
10.An analysis of the effect of inlet subcooling on critical heat flux of forced convection boiling in vertical uniformly heated tubesPages 1567-1575Y. Katto
11.Heat and mass transfer in a saturated porous wedge with impermeable boundariesPages 1577-1585K.P. Goyal, D.R. Kassoy
12.Correction to “an investigation of heat transfer and friction for rib-roughened surfaces”Page 1587J.C. Han, L.R. Glicksman, W.M. Rohsenow
13.Comments on “a theoretical analysis of evaporating droplets in an immiscible liquid”Page 1588Yasuhiko H. Mori
14.Preliminary announcement-outlineof 1980 international conference on physico chemical hydrodynamicsPage 1589

Volume 22, Issue 12, Pages 1591-1725 (December 1979)

1.S. S. Kutateladze on the occasion of his sixty-fifth anniversaryPages 1591-1592E. Khabakhpasheva
2.Heat transfer in film condensation of slowly moving vapourPages 1593-1599S.S. Kutateladze, I.I. Gogonin
3.Effect of side walls on heat transfer through a vertical air layer in laminar natural convectionPages 1601-1606L.B. Gdalevich, E.F. Nogotov, V.E. Fertman
4.Convection naturelle dans une boîte rectangulaire légèrement inclinée contenant un milieu poreuxPages
5.Heat-transfer, pressure-drop and performance relationships for in-line, staggered, and continuous plate heat exchangersPages 1613-1625E.M. Sparrow, C.H. Liu
6.Experimental study of the turbulent heat flux balance components in the cross-section of a retarded turbulent boundary layerPages 1627-1630E.V. Shishov, A.I. Leontiev, P.S. Roganov
7.Application of a second-moment turbulence closure to heat and mass transport in thin shear flows—I. Two-dimensional transportPages 1631-1643B.E. Launder, D.S.A. Samaraweera
8.Local mass/heat transfer distribution on surfaces roughened with small square ribsPages
9.Solution of radiation-conduction problems with collocation method using B-splines as approximating functionsPages 1657-1667T.C.Chawla, S.H. Chan
10.Free convection about a rectangular prismatic crystal growing from a solutionPages 1669-1679Chen Pei-Shiun, William R. Wilcox, Paul J. Shlichta
11.Solidification of a liquid about a cylindrical pipePages 1681-1686Graham E. Beli
12.A note on the formation of “salt-finger” and “diffusive” interfaces in three-component systemsPages 1687-1693R.W. Griffiths
13.Investigation of radiative contribution in a high temperature fluidized-bed using the alternate-slab modelPages 1695-1703A.K. Kolar, N.S. Grewal, S.C. Saxena
14.Radiative transfer in an absorbing-scattering slab bounded by emitting and reflecting surfacesPages 1705-1717V.C. Boffi, F. Santarelli, G. Spiga, C. Stramigioli
15.On the thermal stability of a frozen crust in forced flow on an insulated finite wallPages 1719-1723Mohamed S. El-Genk, August W. Cronenberg
16.Optimization of wall thickness for a constant heat flux intermittent operation furnacePages 1724-1725Neville Tully

Volume 23, Issue 1, Pages 1-126 (January 1980)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Professor Alexander Louis LondonPages 1-4
3.A generalization of the methods of heat exchanger analysisPages 5-16A.L. London, R.A. Seban
4.Radiative absorption by evaporating dropletsPages 17-26G.M. Harpole
5.Pool boiling heat transfer from horizontal plane heater to mercury under magnetic fieldPages 27-36Takahashi Osamu, Nishida Masaaki, Takenaka Nobuyuki, Michiyoshi Itaru
6.Puissances thermiques critiques lors de la penetration dans l'atmosphere des panaches, avec ou sans girationPages 37-44G. Salaun-Penquer, X. Garonne, R. Guillaume, A. Papon
7.Laminar natural convection heat transfer from an inclined cylinderPages 45-51M. Al-Urabi, Y.K. Salman
8.Laminar free convention boundary-layer in three-dimensional systemsPages 53-61Aryadi Suwono
9.Heat transfer from a high temperature condensable mixturePages 63-71S.H. Chan, D.H. Cho, D.W. Condiff
10.Heat-transfer correlations for natural convection boilingPages 73-87K. Stephan, M. Abdelsalam
11.Convective diffusion to a solid particle in the case of nonlinear kinetics of heterogeneous chemical reactionPages 89-93Yu.P. Gupalo, A.D. Polyanin, Yu.S. Ryazantsev, Yu.A. Sergeev
12.Variable viscosity effects in several natural convection flowsPages 95-109Van P. Carey, Joseph C. Mollendorf
13.Quasisteady approach for thermal analysis of insulated structuresPages 111-121R. Seshadri, A.V.G. Krishnayya
14.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 123-126Yasuo Mori

Volume 23, Issue 2, Pages 127-252 (February 1980)

1.On a cell to measure diffusion coefficients of gases through cigarette papersPages 127-134D. G. Drake, D. S. Riley, R. R. Baker and, K. D. Kilburn
2.Slope and intercept of the dimensionless velocity profile for artificially roughened surfacesPages 135-140S. A. Hodge, J. P. Sanders, D. E. Klein
3.The simulation of steady state behaviour of the dephlegmation of multi-component mixed vapoursPages 141-146H. J. Röhm
4.Gas-Partikel-Strömungen an einem Keil im ÜberschallSupersonic gas particle flows over a wedgePages 147-160H. W. Stock
5.Forced flow laminar filmwise condensation of a pure saturated vapor in a vertical tubePages
6.Subcooled forced-convection film boiling in the forward stagnation region of a sphere or cylinderPages
7.Influence of solidification on surface tension driven convectionPages 191-201Basil N. Antar, Frank G. Collins, George H. Fichtl
8.Advanced numerical computation of two-dimensional time-dependent free convection in cavitiesPages 203-217K. Küblbeck, G. P. Merker, J. Straub
9.Bubble departure radii at solidification interfacesPages 219-224R. Cole, J. M. Papazian, W. R. Wilcox
10.A general correlation for critical heat flux in annuliPages 225-234M. M. Shah
11.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 235-245R. I. Soloukhin, O. G. Martynenko
12.Analog solution of free convection mass transfer from downward-facing horizontal platesPages 247-249C. N. Kerr
13.Fluid flow and heat transfer , John Wiley, New York (1979)Page 251D. B. Spalding
14.AnnouncementPage 252

Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 253-411 (March 1980)

1.Theory of convective droplet vaporization with unsteady heat transfer in the circulating liquid phasePages 253-268S. Prakash, W.A. Sirignano
2.Buoyancy driven flows originating from heated cylinders submerged in a finite water layerPages 269-278F.P. Incropera, M.A. Yaghoubi
3.Rate of mass transfer in a semifluidized bedPages 279-282A.N. Singh, S. Kesavan, P. Sen Gupta
4.Solid-liquid phase-change heat transfer and interface motion in materials cooled or heated from above or belowPages 283-292N.W. Hale Jr., R. Viskanta
5.Growth rate of a gas bubble during electrolysis in supersaturated liquidPages 293-299H.F.A. Verhaart, R.M. de Jonge, S.J.D. van Stralen
6.Heat transfer to a plane wall from a heated, ventilated plane jetPages 301-309G.F. Marsters, B. Howkins, E. Kortschak
7.Heat transfer of tubes closely spaced in an in-line bankPages 311-319Aiba Shinya, Ota Terukazu, Tsuchida Hajime
8.On thermal-diffusion effects in chemically frozen multicomponent boundary layer with surface catalytic recombination behind a strong moving shockPages 321-327Yoram Tambour
9.An improved zone method using monte carlo techniques for the simulation of radiation in industrial furnacesPages 329-337H.A.J. Vercammen, G.F. Froment
10.Equation generalisee du touchau amelioration de la methode de mesure de l'effusivite thermiquePages 339-347Daniel Balageas, Dominique Ory
11.The adjoint space in heat transport theoryPages 349-353H. van Dam, J.E. Hoogenboom
12.An experimental investigation of mass transfer from a gas flow to liquid jetsPages 355-361H.T. Karlsson, S. Åberg, I. Bjerle
13.Ion wind enhancement of evaporation into a laminar air streamPages 363-371F.X. Hart, J.S. Massey
14.Single-phase and two-phase magnetohydrodynamic pipe flowPages 373-385Patrick F. Dunn
15.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Polish works (1977–1978)Pages 387-391J. Bandrowski, J. Zioło
16.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 393-403E.M. Sparrow, L.R. Laing
17.Displacement-thickness induced pressures on a flat plate with homogeneous and heterogeneous vectored injectionPages 405-408R.N. Gupta, M.K. Chaurasia, C.M. Rodkiewicz
18.Natural convective heat transfer in vertical wavy channelsPages 408-411K. Vajravelu, K.S. Sastri

Volume 23, Issue 4, Pages 413-587 (April 1980)

1.Boundary layer transition observations on a body of revolution with surface heating and cooling in waterPages 413-424Vijay H. Arakeri
2.Expansions in time for the solution of one-dimensional stefan problems of crystal growthPages 425-432R. Ghez
3.The effect of shrinkage on the rate of solidification of a cylindrical ingotPages 433-436P.M. Beckett, N. Hobson
4.Dimensional analysis and equation for axial heat flow of Gorter-Mellink convection (He II)Pages 437-441S.C. Soloski, T.H.K. Frederking
5.Solutions to heat-conduction problems by a mixed methodPages 443-450M.N.Bapu Rao
6.Combined heat and mass transfer in natural convection along a vertical cylinderPages 451-461T.S. Chen, C.F. Yuh
7.Effect of finite length on forced convection heat transfer from cylindersPages 463-469Alan Quarmby, A.A.M. Al-Farhri
8.Heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of spanwise-periodic corrugated ductsPages 471-481E.M. Sparrow, M. Charmchi
9.A nonequilibrium heat transfer model for dispersed droplet post-dryout regimePages 483-492Pradip Saha
10.General features of chf of forced convection boiling in uniformly heated vertical tubes with zero inlet subcoolingPages 493-504Y. Katto
11.Convective wall plume: Higher order analysisPages 505-513Noor Afzal
12.A shock tube investigation of heat transfer from dissociated hydrogen to catalytic surfacesPages 515-526A.E.M. Nasser, R.A. East
13.Combined heat and mass transfer in mixed convection along vertical and inclined platesPages
14.Approximate equations for forced-convection condensation in the presence of a non-condensing gas on a flat plate and horizontal tubePages 539-546J.W. Rose
15.Dry patch formation in liquid films flowing in a heated horizontal channelPages 547-557Ariel Sharon, Aluf Orell
16.Parallel-flow and counter-flow condensation on an internally cooled vertical tubePages 559-562M. Faghri, E.M. Sparrow
17.Determination de la diffusivite et de la chaleur massique par traitement d'une evolution thermocinetique transitoirePages 562-566P. Thery, J.P. Dubus, F. Wattiau
18.On the penetration of turbulence through perforated flat platesPages 566-568Dan Naot, Frank Kreith
19.Interferometric measurement of heat transfer during melting from a vertical surfacePages 568-571P.D. Van Buren, R. Viskanta
20.Measurements and calculations of transient natural convection in airPages 571-576B. Sammakia, B. Gebhart, Z.H. Qureshi
21.Advances in heat transfer: Vol. 14Page 577F. Bakhtar
22.Matrix computation for engineers and scientistsPage 577J.L. Sproston
23.Internal flow systemsPage 577G.J. Williams
24.Methods in computational physics, vol 17, general circulation models of the atomsphere: Series editors: B. Alder, S. Fernbach and M. Rotenberg; Academic Press (1977)Page 578P.L. Betts
25.Magnetohydrodynamic flows in ducts: Wiley, New York (1978)Pages 578-579D.T. Swift-Hook
26.Applications of numercial heat transfer: McGrew-Hill, New York, 142 pp.Page 579M.W. Collins
27.A course thermodynamics: Vols I and II McGraw-Hill, New York, 725 pp. and 617 pp.Pages 579-580G.F.C. Rogers
28.Turbulent shear flows: Selected papers from the first international symposium on turbulent shear flows edited by F. Durst, B. E. Launder, F. W. Schmidt and J. H. Whitelaw, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1979Page 580D.B. Spalding
29.The iron blast furnance: Pergamon press, Oxford (1979). 258 pp.Pages 580-581M. Cross
30.Addendum to “multidomain multiphase fluid mechanics” [1]Pages 583-586W.T. Sha, S.L. Soo
31.ErratumPage 587

Volume 23, Issue 5, Pages 589-748 (May 1980)

1.Aleksei Aleksandrovich PomerantsevPages 589-590J. Meyer-ter-Vehn
2.Turbulent flow in a plane channel having one or two rough wallsPages 591-608L. Meyer
3.An alternative general solution of the steady-state heat diffusion equationPages 609-612M. D. Mikhailov, M. N. Öziik
4.Effect of surface characteristics and atmospheric conditions on radiative heat loss to a clear skyPages 613-620B. Landro, P. G. McCormick
5.Etude experimentale de certains moments vitesse-temperature d'ordres 2, 3 et 4 en tunnel aerothermique turbulentExperimental study of some multi-orders velocitytemperature correlations in an aerothermal turbulent channelPages 621-626Jean-Pierre Maye
6.Exact and approximate solutions of a chemically reacting nonequilibrium flow problemPages 627-636R. K. Ahluwalia, Paul M. Chung
7.The role of adsorption in determining the minimum film boiling temperaturePages 637-642A. Segev, S. G. Bankoff
8.Dry-out phenomena in gravity-assist heat pipes with capillary flowPages 643-654C. A. Busse, J. E. Kemme
9.Refined closed methods for the contra-flow thermal regenerator problemPages 655-662A. J. Willmott, R. C. Duggan
10.Experimental and analytical investigation of the sprayed liquid hydrodynamics in a swirled flowPages 663-666P. S. Kuts, E. G. Tutova
11.Heat transfer and hydrodynamics of an array of round impinging jets with one-sided exhaust of the spent airPages 667-676E. P. Dyban, A. I. Mazur, V. P. Golovanov
12.Natural convection in a shallow annular cavityPages 677-686G. P. Merker, L. G. Leal
13.The heat and mass transfer characteristics of boiling point drying using radio frequency and microwave electromagnetic fieldsPages 687-695R. M. Perkin
14.An experimental investigation of free convection heat transfer in supercritical heliumPages 697-705M. A. Hilal, R. W. Boom
15.Convective fin of minimum massPages 707-711I. Mikk
16.Heat- and mass-transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 713-722R. I. Soloukhin, O. G. Martynenko
17.A synthesis of analytical results for natural convection heat transfer across rectangular enclosuresPages 723-726Adrian Bejan
18.Natural convection in a vertical cylindrical well filled with porous mediumPages 726-729Adrian Bejan
19.A note on kutateladze's equation for partial nucleate boilingPages 729-730G. Guglielmini, E. Nannei
20.Transient thermal response of two solids in contact over a circular diskPages 731-733Satwindar Singh Sadhal
21.On the transition to transverse rolls in inclined infinite fluid layers — steady solutionsPages 733-737Douglas W. Ruth
22.Heat transfer by thermal convection at high rayleigh numbersPages 738-740R. J. Goldstkin, S. Tokuda
23.Heat transfer characteristics for laminar flow between parallel plates with suctionPages 740-743L. C. Chow, A. Campo, C. L. Tien
24.Comments on “turbulent convective heat transfer from rough surfaces”Page 745M. Dalle Donne
25.An introduction to viscous incompressible flow , Hemisphere, (1979). Price $23.50Page 747D. B. Spalding
26.Programming in standard fortran 77 and , Heinemann, London (1979). 388 pp. Price £4.50Page 747D. B. Spalding
27.AnnouncementPage 748

Volume 23, Issue 6, Pages 749-908 (June 1980)

1.Mass transfer in laminar falling liquid films with accompanying heat transfer and interfacial shearPages
2.Generalized variational principle of molar-molecular heat- and mass-transfer phenomenaPages 759-763Yu.T. Glazunov
3.Influence des conditions aux limites sur la convection naturelle dans un volume poreux cylindriquePages 765-771S. Bories, A. Deltour
4.Assessment of a new model for heat flow during unidirectional solidification of metalsPages 773-782T.W. Clyne, A. Garcia
5.A note on the heat transfer characteristics of circular impinging jetPages 783-787B.N. Pamadi, I.A. Belov
6.Vortex instability of mixed convective flow in a semi-infinite porous medium bounded by a horizontal surfacePages 789-798C.T. Hsu, Ping Cheng
7.An accurate experimental investigation of the shock-tube end-wall boundary layer in argonPages 799-803A. Hirschberg, W.H.H. van Heugten, J.F.H. Willems, M.E.H. van Dongen
8.Mass transfer to rotating rods and platesPages 805-811I. Cornet, R. Greif, J.T. Teng, F. Roehler
9.Diffusion convective a l'interieur d'un canal a parois poreusesPages 813-818J.L. Peube, J.L. Bousgarbies, M.J. Pierre-Eugene
10.Buoyancy effects on flow and heat transfer on rotating axisymmetric round-nosed bodiesPages 819-831Aryadi Suwono
11.A minorant-majorant approximation method for the solution of the nonlinear Fourier equationPages 833-839Dirk Meinköhn
12.Radiative transfer in an absorbing and anisotropically scattering slab with a reflecting boundaryPages 841-852G. Spiga, F. Santarelli, C. Stramigioli
13.Rigorous and simplified approach to the radiative transfer in an absorbing and anisotropically scattering slab with a reflecting boundaryPages 853-860F. Santarelli, C. Stramigioli, G. Spiga
14.Forced convection in a horizontal pipe subjected to nonlinear external natural convection and to external radiationPages 861-872M. Faghri, E.M. Sparrow
15.Fully developed laminar flow and heat transfer in curved tubesPages 873-880Z. Zapryanov, Ch. Christov, E. Toshev
16.Convection in a porous layerPages 881-887P.G. Simpkins, P.A. Blythe
17.Statistical characteristics of a turbulent free-convection flow in the absence and presence of a magnetic fieldPages 889-895Demosthenes D. Papailiou
18.Heat flow in a rotating weld poolPages 897-901J.G. Andrews, D.A.C. Nicol
19.Temperature distribution in ground: response function techniquePages 903-906N.D. Kaushik, A. Srivastava
20.Behaviour of the turbulent prandtl number near the wallPages 906-908R.A. Antonia

Volume 23, Issue 7, Pages 909-1044 (July 1980)

1.Transfert de matiere autour d'une sphere immergee dans une couche fluidisee par un liquidePages 909-917J.P. Riba, J.P. Couderc
2.Heat transfer in a MHD channel with uniform wall heat flux — effects of Hall and ion slip currentsPages 919-926A.N. Bhat, M.L. Mittal
3.Hydrodynamic and transfer characteristics in free interface film due to timedependent disturbance at the entryPages 927-941David Moalem Maron, Wout Zijl, Jacob Aboudi
4.Forced heat convection in lineal flow of non-newtonian fluids through rectangular channelsPages 943-949N.T. Dunwoody, T.A. Hamill
5.Generalized analytical solution for the freezing of a supercooled aqueous solution in a finite domainPages 951-959Ronald L. Levin
6.Wärmeleitfähigkeitsmessungen mit dem Plattengerät: Einfluβ der Schutzringbreite auf die MeβunsicherheitPages 961-970K.-H. Bode
7.Numerical solution to the Navier-Stokes equations for laminar natural convection about a horizontal isothermal circular cylinderPages 971-979T.H. Kuehn, R.J. Goldstein
8.Etude des contacts thermiques en regime transitoire. Proposition d'un modele thermiquement equivalentPages 981-990A.M. Cames-Pintaux, J.P. Padet
9.Two-fluid model of two-phase flow in a pin bundle of a nuclear reactorPages 991-1001T.C. Chawla, M. Ishii
10.Study on a heat pipePages 1003-1013Shinzo Shibayama, Shinichi Morooka
11.The measurement of radiant heat flux in large boiler furnaces—I. Problems of ash deposition relating to heat fluxPages 1015-1021S.B.H.C. Neal, E.W. Northover
12.The measurement of radiant heat flux in large boiler furnaces—II. Development of flux measuring instrumentsPages 1023-1031S.B.H.C. Neal, E.W. Northover, R.J. Preece
13.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—soviet worksPage 1033R.I Soloukhin, O.G Martynenko
14.Measurement of two-phase-flow parameters: G. F. Hewitt, Academic Press, New York (1978), 287ppPage 1043F. Mayinger
15.Aerodynamic heating and thermal protection systems: Leroy S. Fletcher, ed., Vol. 59 of Progress in Astronautics ; Aeronautics, Series Editor-in-Chief, Martin Summerfield, AIAA, New York (1978), 424ppPages 1043-1044John F. Clarke
16.Turbulent forced convection in channels and rod bundles: Theory and Applications to Heat Exchangers and nuclear reactors: S. Kakac and D. B. Spalding, Vols. I and II. Hemisphere (1979)Page 1044W.J. Seale
17.Recent developments in theoretical and experimental fluid mechanics: U. Müller, K. G. Rosener and B. Schmidt (editors), Springer, Berlin (1979). 642pp. Price $48.40Page 1044D.Brian Spalding

Volume 23, Issue 8, Pages 1045-1170 (August 1980)

1.Analytical study of heat transfer in the post dry-out region in smooth and rough vaporization channelsPages 1045-1053M.A. Styrikovich, A.I. Leontiev, V.S. Polonsky, I.I. Malashkin
2.Convective heat transfer on a plate in an impinging round hot gas jet of low Reynolds numberPages 1055-1068Cz.O. Popiel, Th.H. van der Meer, C.J. Hoogendoorn
3.Analysis of the one-dimensional moisture migration caused by temperature gradients in a porous mediumPages
4.Radiation effects on performances of radiative gas heat exchangers at high temperaturesPages
5.Heat transfer by a free convection loop embedded in a heat-conducting solidPages 1091-1097K.E. Torrance, V.W.C. Chan
6.The surface rejuvenation model of wall turbulence: Inner laws for u+ and T+Pages 1099-1104Lindon C. Thomas
7.Effect of radial electric field on heat and momentum transfers in dielectric organic liquid for laminar flow through concentric annuliPages 1105-1115T. Mizushina,
8.Experimental study of natural convection in a horizontal cylinder with different end temperaturesPages 1117-1126Kimura Shigeo, Adrian Bejan
9.Forced convection heat transfer in helically rib-roughened tubesPages 1127-1136D.L. Gee, R.L. Webb
10.Convective-radiative interaction in a parallel plate channel—application to air-operated solar collectorsPages 1137-1146C.H. Liu, E.M. Sparrow
11.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1147-1155R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
12.Application of the heat-balance integral to melting problems with initial subcoolingPages 1157-1160W.W. Yuen
13.Self-preservation of slightly heated small perturbation jets and wakes in a pressure gradientPages 1160-1162R.A. Antonia, N. Phan-Thien
14.Influence of transverse intraphase velocity profiles and phase fraction distributions on the character of two-phase flow equationsPages 1162-1167R.P. Roy, S. Ho
15.Laser velocimetry and particle sizing: H. Doyle Thompson and Warren H. Stevension, eds., Hemisphere, U.S.A., 556ppPage 1168P. Hutchinson
16.Statistical thermodynamics: Chang L. Tien and John H. Lienhard, Revised printing, Hemisphere-McGraw-Hill (1979). xvi + 397 ppPage 1168Joseph Kestin
17.Heat transfer and thermal control systems: Leroy S. Fletcher (editor), Vol. 60, Progress in astronautics and aeronautics. AIAA (1978). 382 ppPages 1168-1169Ko Shao-yen
18.Fluid mechanics: Frank M. White, McGraw-Hill, New York (1979). 701 pp. price £13.90Page 1169R.G. Taylor
19.Engineering fluid mechanics: Alan Mironer, McGraw-Hill, New York (1979). 592pp. Price £15.75Page 1169R.G. Taylor
20.Applications of numerical heat transfer: E. F. Nogotov, (B. M. Berkovsky, Editor, and W. J. Minkowycz, consulting editor). Hemisphare, 1978. 133 ppPage 1170G.D. Raithby
21.Thermomechanics of magnetic fluids: B. Berkovsky (Editor), Hemisphare, Washington, DC (1980). 318 ppPage 1170H. Rosten

Volume 23, Issue 9, Pages 1171-1296 (September 1980)

1.Convective diffusion to a reacting particle in a fluid. Nonlinear surface reaction kineticsPages 1171-1182A.D. Polyanin, Yu.A. Sergeev
2.The variational principle replacing the principle of minimum entropy production for coupled non-stationary heat and mass transfer processes with convective motion and relaxationPages 1183-1193Stanislaw Sieniutycz
3.Transient natural convection heat transfer in a mass of water cooled through 4°cPages 1195-1205P. Vasseur, L. Robillard
4.Analyse theorique des erreurs liees aux transferts de chaleur parasites lors de la mesure d'une temperature de surface par contactPages 1207-1217B. Cassagne, G. Kirsch, J.P. Bardon
5.Thermoelectric MHD with walls parallel to the magnetic fieldPages 1219-1228J.A. Shercliff
6.The effect of turbulent heat transfer on the propagation of an optical beam across supersonic boundary/shear layersPages 1229-1241S.E. Elghobashi, A.T. Wassel
7.Compatibility and mutual interaction among the dimensionless groups present in the navier-stokes and energy differential equationsPages 1243-1250Manlio Bertela
8.Fonction de transfert d'un element de stockage par chaleur sensible fonctionnant en regime periodiquePages
9.Direct-contact heat transfer characteristics: Evaporation of a drop dropped onto a hot liquid surfacePages 1263-1271Y. Iida, T. Takashima
10.Turbulent natural convection in a horizontal water layer heated from belowPages 1273-1281Tanaka Hiroaki, Miyata Hiroshi
11.An experimental study of heat and mass transfer across a diffusive interfacePages 1283-1285Shingo Takao, Uichiro Narusawa
12.A transformation of the boundary layer equations for free convection past a vertical flat plate with arbitrary blowing and wall temperature variationsPages 1286-1288M. Vedhanayagam, R.A. Altenkirch, R. Eichhorn
13.Temperature distribution in floor heating systemsPages 1289-1291G. De Mey
14.An analytic solution of the film thickness of laminar film condensation on inclined pipesPages 1291-1293W. Kamminga
15.Transfer processes, an introduction to diffusion, convection and radiation: D. K. Edwards, V. E. Denny and A. F. Mills, Second Edition, Hemisphere, Washington, 1979. 421 ppPage 1295
16.Chemical engineering vol. 1: J. M. Coulson and J. F. Richardson, (Third edition). Pergamon Press, Oxford (1978). 449 pp. Price £20.00Page 1295
17.Chemical engineering vol. 4: Solutions to the problems in chemical engineering vol. 1: J. M. Coulson and J. F. Richardson (Editors), by J. R. Backhurst and J. H. Harker. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1978). 207pp. Price £10.50Pages 1295-1296

Volume 23, Issue 10, Pages 1297-1404 (October 1980)

1.Pressure corrections in measurements of energy accommodation coefficientsPages 1297-1302Milan Miklavčič, Ivan Kuščer
2.Convection in a rotating spherical annulus with a uniform axial gravitational fieldPages 1303-1312R.J. Dallman, R.W. Douglass
3.Radiative heat transfer in a heat generating and turbulently convecting fluid layerPages 1313-1323F.B. Cheung, S.H. Chan, T.C. Chawla, D.H. Cho
4.Buoyancy effects on turbulent transport in combined free and forced convection between vertical parallel platesPages 1325-1336Nakajima Masamoto, Fukui Keisuke, Ueda Hiromasa, Mlzushina Tokuro
5.Natural convective flow between a body and its spherical enclosurePages 1337-1350Ralph E. Powe, Robert O. Warrington, Jack A. Scanlan
6.Two phase heat transfer in horizontal tube with jet mixingPages 1351-1357D. Mukherjee, M.P. Sinha, N.K. Purohit, A.K. Mitra
7.Conjugated heat transfer from circular cylinders in low reynolds number flowPages 1359-1367Bengt Sundén
8.Analyse du transfert de chaleur en convection mixte laminaire entre deux cylindres coaxiaux horizontauxPages
9.Transient solidification of a flowing liquid at a heat conducting wallPages 1377-1383W. Schneider
10.Heat transfer bibliographyPages 1385-1397E.M. Sparrow, L.R. Laing
11.On the solution of graetz type problems with axial conductionPages 1399-1402Y. Bayazitoĝlu, M.N. Özisik
12.Bubbles, drops and particles: Academic press, new york, 1978, 380 ppPage 1403Hugh C. Simpson
13.Wärmeleitung: Springer, Berlin (1979). (in German). 36DMPage 1403E.R.G. Eckert
14.Transonic flow problems in turbomachinery: Hemisphere, WashingtonPages 1403-1404R. Hetherington

Volume 23, Issue 11, Pages 1405-1608 (November 1980)

1.Parameters of binary-mixture film condensationPages 1405-1416S. Kotake, K. Oswatitsch
2.A closed periodic condensation-evaporation cycle of an immiscible, gravity driven bubblePages 1417-1424D. Moalem-Maron, M. Sokolov, S. Sideman
3.Mesure simultanee de la concentration et du gradient parietal de vitesse dans un ecoulementPages 1425-1432H. Begorre, M. Lebouche
4.Taylor instability in boiling, melting and condensation or evaporationPages 1433-1445K. Taghavi-Tafreshi, V.K. Dhir
5.Radiative heat transfer in nonhomogeneous gases: A simplified approachPages 1447-1459William L. Grosshandler
6.Self-similar condensing flows in porous mediaPages 1461-1470R.H. Nilson, L.A. Romero
7.Effect of surface tension on condensate motion in laminar film condensation (study of liquid film in a small trough)Pages 1471-1478Hirasawa Shigeki, Hijikata Kunio, Mori Yasuo, Nakayama Wataru
8.Heat transfer in polymer reaction moldingPages 1479-1492Ly James Lee, Christopher W. Macosko
9.Heat transfer at the solid-liquid interface during melting from a horizontal cylinderPages 1493-1503A.G. Bathelt, R. Viskanta
10.Heat transfer between a horizontal tube and a gas-solid fluidized bedPages 1505-1519N.S. Grewal, S.C. Saxena
11.Buoyancy induced transport in porous media saturated with pure or saline water at low temperaturesPages 1521-1530J.M. Ramilison, B. Gebhart
12.Direct contact condensation of vapour on a spray of subcooled liquid dropletsPages 1531-1537A. Lekic, J.D. Ford
13.Mass transfer in heterogeneous system with chemical reactionPages 1539-1543B.J. Huang
14.Effects of axial heat conduction in a vertical flat plate on free convection heat transferPages 1545-1553M. Miyamoto, J. Sumikawa, T. Akiyoshi, T. Nakamura
15.Experiments on natural convection heat transfer on the fins of a finned horizontal tubePages 1555-1560E.M. Sparrow, P.A. Bahrami
16.Turbulent structure measurements in mercury pipe flowPages 1561-1572L.L. Eyler, A. Sesonske
17.Critical heat flux of forced convection boiling in uniformly heated vertical tubes (correlation of CHF in HP-regime and determination of CHF-regime map)Pages 1573-1580Y. Katto
18.Heated jet discharged vertically into ambients of uniform and linear temperature profilesPages 1581-1588Ogino Fumimaru, Takeuchi Hiromi, Kudo Isao, Mizushina Tokuro
19.Heat transfer bibliography — Japanese worksPages 1589-1594
20.A solution procedure for heat and mass transfer in multicomponent laminar jetsPages 1595-1598J.B. Greenberg, Y. Tambour, B. Gal-Or
21.Combined free and forced convection near a vertical wall due to oscillations in the wall velocity and temperaturePages 1598-1601R.S. Rath, G. Jena
22.Heat transfer from in-land and staggered horizontal smooth tube bundles immersed in a fluidized bed of large particlesPages 1602-1604V.A. Borodulya, V.L. Ganzha, S.N. Upadhyay, S.C. Saxena
23.On the three-dimensional laminar flow in a tee-junctionPages 1605-1607A. Pollard, D.B. Spalding
24.ErratumPage 1608

Volume 23, Issue 12, Pages 1609-1703 (December 1980)

1.Contents and author index of volume 23 1980Pages iii-xix
2.Obituary in memory of Edmond A. BrunPage 1609J. Gosse
3.Louis cailletet et la liquefaction de l'oxygenePages 1611-1612Edmond A. Brun
4.A general analysis of moisture migration caused by temperature differences in an unsaturated porous mediumPages 1613-1623E. R. G. Eckert, M. Faghri
5.Effects of vibrational relaxation of multi-atomic molecules on stagnation heat transferPages 1625-1633Y. Mori, N. Himeno, K. Hijikata, T. Miyauchi
6.Influence of free-stream turbulence intensity on heat transfer in the two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer of an accelerated compressible flowPages
7.Free convective heat transfer to supercritical carbon dioxidePages 1643-1652Rodolfo J. Neumann, Erich W. P. Hahne
8.Thermal interaction of high-power laser radiation with gasesPages 1653-1661R. I. Soloukhin, O. G. Martynenko, N. E. Galich
9.Analyse thermique d'un mur composite soumis sur une face a une variation en creneaux de la temperaturePages 1663-1671Pierre Duhamel, Jean Gosse
10.Vector and scalar characteristics of opposing jets discharging normally into a cross-streamPages 1673-1680Z. A. Khan, J. H. Whitelaw
11.Natural convection in a porous layer saturated with a compressible ideal gasPages 1681-1682E. Saatdjian
12.Analysis of batch scraped surface heat exchangePages 1683-1685O. K. Crosser, K. Y. Park
13.Measurement and prediction of the pressure difference through a two-phase liquid-metal MHD generatorPages 1686-1690P. F. Dunn
14.A note on mass transfer in turbulent wall jetsPages 1690-1693V. Kuppu Rao
15.Influence of mass transfer on the momentum transfer in condensation and evaporation phenomenaPages 1694-1695F. Blangetti, M. K. Naushahi
16.Transient response of fins by coordinate perturbation expansionPages 1695-1698A. Aziz, T. Y. Na
17.Applied numerical modeling : (2 vols) pentech (1978)Page 1699E. Krause
18.Numerical methods in laminar and turbulant flow : Pentech press (1978)Page 1699D. C. Leslie
19.Heat transfer calculations in buildings : Aplied science, LondonPage 1700A. W. Pratt
20.Third symposium on turbulent shear flowsPage 1701
21.Iutam symposium on high temperature gas dynamicsPage 1701
22.Second national symposium on numerical methods in heat transferPage 1702
23.ErratumPage 1703

Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 1-189 (January 1981)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Heat transfer—A review of 1979 literaturePages 1-34E.R.G. Eckert, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, E. Pfender, S.V. Patankar, J.W. Ramsey, K.Y. Teichman
3.The two- and three-dimensional dispersal of a passive scalar in a turbulent boundary layerPages 35-46S. El Tahry, A.D. Gosman, B.E. launder
4.Wave processes on heat generating surfaces in pool boilingPages 47-55S.A. Zhukov, V.V. Barelko, A.G. Merzhanov
5.Study of radiation properties of a plane inhomogeneous two-phase mediumPages 57-67K.S. Adzerikho, V.I. Antsulevich
6.Film boiling on a horizontal plate — new correlationPages 69-79V.V. Klimenko
7.A general solution of solute diffusion with reversible reactionPages 81-87M.D. Mikhailov, M.N. Özişik
8.Bubble growth rates in liquid nitrogen, argon and their mixturesPages 89-97J.R. Thome, G. Davey
9.Correlations for nucleate boiling heat transfer in forced convectionPages 99-107Karl Stephan, Hein Auracher
10.General features of CHF of forced convection boiling in vertical concentric annuli with a uniformly heated rod and zero inlet subcoolingPages 109-116Y. Katto
11.Enhanced interfacial heat transfer by differential vapor recoil instabilitiesPages 117-124H.J. Palmer, J.C. Maheshri
12.The influence of Prandtl number on free convection in a rectangular cavityPages 125-131W.P. Graebel
13.Hot-film anemometry in aqueous NaCl solutionsPages 133-139M. Castaldini, K.N. Helland, V. Malvestuto
14.Effects of precise arrays of pits on nucleate boilingPages 141-145A.D. Messina, E.L. Park Jr.
15.On the condensation of multicomponent vapours in the presence of inert gasesPages 147-153J. Bandrowski, A. Kubaczka
16.Large time solutions for temperatures in a semi-infinite body with a disk heat sourcePages 155-164James V. Beck
17.Impact of wall temperature variation on the film condensation of binary gas-vapour mixturesPages 165-170J. Schröppel
18.Heat and mass transfer bibliography-Soviet worksPages 171-180R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
19.Exponentially varying internal heat generation in fully-developed, laminar, rectangular channel flowPages 181-183Avram Bar-Cohen
20.Heat transfer in a piston cylinder systemPages 184-187J. Polman
21.Advanced study institute on low reynolds number forced convection in channels and rod bundles applied to heat exchangersPage 189

Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages 191-364 (February 1981)

1.Dropwise condensation theoryPages 191-194J.W. Rose
2.Boundary and inertia effects on flow and heat transfer in porous mediaPages 195-203K. Vafai, C.L. Tien
3.Sodium eddy diffusivity of heat measurements in a circular ductPages 205-211N. Sheriff, D.J. O'kane
4.Bubble growth in flowing liquidsPages
5.Bubble diameter on detachment in flowing liquidsPages 223-230R.A.M. Al-Hayes, R.H.S. Winterton
6.A mathematical model of nozzle blockage by freezingPages 231-241P. Sampson, R.D. Gibson
7.Effect of mounting systems on heat transfer from inclined cylinders in cross-flowPages 243-250K. Bremhorst
8.Variable time step methods for one-dimensional stefan problem with mixed boundary conditionPages 251-259R.S. Gupta, Dhirendra Kumar
9.Liquid spray cooling of a heated surfacePages
10.Freezing on a finned tube for either conduction-controlled or natural-convection-controlled heat transferPages 273-284E.M. Sparrow, E.D. Larson, J.W. Ramsey
11.Dryout and two-phase flow pressure drop in sodium heated helically coiled steam generator tubes at elevated pressuresPages 285-298H.C. Ünal, M.L.G. Van Gasselt, P.M. Van 't Verlaat
12.Gas absorption in laminar falling films with first order homogeneous reaction and gas phase mass transfer resistancesPages 299-304Henrik Pedersen, Jiri E. Prenosil
13.Numerical computation of buoyancy-induced recirculation in curved square duct laminar flowPages 305-314Radhakrishna Chilukuri, Joseph A.C. Humphrey
14.Mixed convection in an isothermal horizontal tube: some recent theoriesPages 315-322C.A. Hieber
15.Analysis of heat transfer during hydrair cooling of spherical food productsPages 323-333P.M. Abdul Majeed
16.Zum rohrreiheneffekt bei gasbeaufschlagten kondensatorenPages 335-342H.-G. Schrey, J. Kern
17.A variational approach to the problem of stationary laminar convection with dissipation in the variable property fluidPages 343-354M.I. Pavlović, D.Ž. Milojevic
18.A rigorous solution to a heat transfer two phase model in porous media and packed bedsPages 355-364Giampiero Spiga, Marco Spiga

Volume 24, Issue 3, Pages 365-562 (March 1981)

1.Analogy between heat and mass transfer by natural convection from air to horizontal tubesPages 365-369M.K. El-Riedy
2.Etude du transfert convectif entre un cylindre chauffe et un ecoulement d'air charge de gouttelettes d'eauPages
3.Particle-to-gas mass-transfer measurements and coefficients in fixed beds at low reynolds numbersPages 387-394W. Resnick, M. Golt
4.Natural convection between concentric spheres in a slightly-thermally stratified mediumPages 395-406S.N. Singh, J.M. Elliott
5.Heat transfer from a row of impinging jets to concave cylindrical surfacesPages 407-419Peter Hrycak
6.Analysis of condensation in porous insulationPages 421-429Y. Ogniewicz, C.L. Tien
7.A simplified model of the boiling crisisPages 431-438B. Sedler, J. Mikielewicz
8.Electrical analogue model for moving stripe sources of frictional heat on surfaces of solid bodiesPages
9.The least squares method: Kantorovich approachPages 443-448Dj.S. Djukic, T.M. Atanackovic
10.Transient heat and mass transfer in soilsPages 449-458J.Y. Baladi, D.L. Ayers, R.J. Schoenhals
11.Enhanced heat conduction in phase-change thermal energy storage devicesPages 459-474Richard H. Henze, Joseph A.C. Humphrey
12.Numerical simulation of turbulent temperature fluctuations in liquid metalsPages 475-490Günther Grötzbach
13.The effect of vertical vibrations on natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal cylinderPages 491-496A.S. Dawood, B.L. Manocha, S.M.J. Ali
14.Convection in a porous layer for a temperature dependent viscosityPages 497-506P.A. Blythe, P.G. Simpkins
15.Turbulent heat transfer coefficients and fluid flow patterns on the faces of a centrally positioned blockage in a ductPages 507-519E.M. Sparrow, M. Molki, S.R. Chastain
16.Measurements of characteristic time scales of the turbulent boundary layer with mass transferPages 521-531E. Alp, A.B. Strong
17.On the heat-flux/exit-quality type correlation of chf of forced convection boiling in uniformly heated vertical tubesPages 533-539Y. Katto
18.On the relation between critical heat flux and outlet flow pattern of forced convection boiling in uniformly heated vertical tubesPages 541-544Y. Katto
19.Accurate solutions of moving boundary problems using the enthalpy methodPages 545-556V. Voller, M. Cross
20.The effect of nozzle erosion on heat transfer in a ladle of molten steel during pouringPages

Volume 24, Issue 4, Pages 563-783 (April 1981)

1.Application de la methode integrale a l'etude de la zone d'etablissement d'un panache thermique humidePages 563-570R. guillaume, X. garonne, G. Salaün-Penquer
2.Heat transfer in a large-particle fluidized bed with immersed in-line and staggered bundles of horizontal smooth tubesPages 571-579S.S. Zabrodsky, Yu.G.
3.An experimental and analytical study of heat transfer in an engine exhaust portPages 581-595J.A. Caton, J.B. Heywood
4.Transient and steady behavior of an open, symmetrically-heated, free convection loopPages 597-609Haim H. Bau, K.E. Torrance
5.Heat and mass transfer of a liquid drop evaporating into a flow of gas capable of condensingPages 611-620P.I. Lebedev, S.S. Rybanin, L.N. Stesik
6.The transient, steady state and stability behavior of a thermosyphon with throughflowPages 621-633A. Mertol, R. Greif, Y. Zvirin
7.Mercury pool boiling under the influence of a horizontal magnetic fieldPages 635-643Lorry Y. Wagner, Paul S. Lykoudis
8.Heat explosion theory and vibrational heating of polymersPages 645-648Dirk Meinköhn
9.Numerical investigation of supersonic non-equilibrium carbon dioxide flow past blunt bodiesPages 649-657Yu.P. Golovachov
10.Turbulent MHD flow of a radiating gasPages 659-669Theodore F. Smith, Fariborz Alipour-Haghighi, Phillip H. Paul
11.A mathematical model of a ramp forced hot-wire thermal conductivity instrumentPages 671-683Shamseddin
12.Laminar natural convection above a horizontal laser beamPages 685-694Ronald D. Boyd, Charles M. Vest
13.Superheating and boiling of water in hydrocarbons at high pressuresPages 695-706C.T. Avedisian, I. Glassman
14.Etude des equilibres thermiques d'un filament chauffe par effet joulePages 707-713M. Nivoit, J.L. Profizi, D. Paulmier
15.Performance evaluation criteria for use of enhanced heat transfer surfaces in heat exchanger designPages 715-726R.L. Webb
16.Natural convection in an inclined circular cylindrical annulus heated and cooled on its end platesPages 727-737Ozoe Hiroyuki, Shibata Tsutomu, Stuart W. Churchill
17.Effects of thermal wall resistance on the stability of conduction regime in an inclined narrow slotPages 739-747M.A. Hassab, M.N. Özişik
18.An approximate calculation of heat transfer during flow of an air-water mist along a heated flat platePages 749-755M. Trela
19.Application de la methode des transformations integrales finies a la modelisation d'une sonde de debitmetrie sanguine intratissulairePages 757-764Dimitri Tsacalos, Francis J. Dupoirieux, Daniel L. Balageas
20.Non-darcy natural convection from heated surfaces in saturated porous mediaPages 765-768O.A. Plumb, J.C. Huenefeld
21.The effect of subchannel shape on heat transfer in rod bundles with axial flowPages 768-770W.J. Seale
22.A galerkin method for calculation of laminar thermal boundary layersPages 771-774W.P. Graebel, C.C. Hsu
23.A heat transfer prediction method for turbulent boundary layers developing over rough surfaces with transpirationPages 774-778P.M. Ligrani, W.M. Kays, R.J. Moffat
24.A numerical method for the solidification of a binary alloyPages 778-781Gunter H. Meyer
25.AnnouncementPage 783

Volume 24, Issue 5, Pages 785-957 (May 1981)

1.Numerical study of turbulent droplet flow heat transferPages 785-793Shi-Chune Yao, Anil Rane
2.Developed boiling heat transferPages 795-801I.G. Shekriladze
3.Intrinsic scales in thermohydrogasdynamicsPages 803-810S.S. Kutateladze
4.Vapour film condensation heat transfer and hydrodynamics under the influence of an electric fieldPages 811-819A.B. Didkovsky, M.K. Bologa
5.Experimental investigation of the critical heat flux in horizontal channels with circumferentially variable heatingPages 821-828A.I. Leontiev, I.L. Mostinsky, V.S. Polonsky, M.A. Styrikovich, I.M. Chernika
6.Influence des conditions thermiques de paroi sur la convection naturelle dans une cavite rectangulaire verticale, differentiellement chauffeePages 829-841B. Gilly, P. Bontoux, B. Roux
7.A formulation of the boundary element method for axisymmetric transient heat conductionPages 843-850L.C. Wrobel, C.A. Brebbia
8.Heat transfer at an upstream-facing surface washed by fluid en route to an aperture in the surfacePages 851-857E.M. Sparrow, U. Gurdal
9.Holographic interferometry measurement of convective heat transport beneath a heated horizontal plate in airPages 859-869R.E. Faw, T.A. Dullforce
10.Calculation of heat transfer rates to gas turbine bladesPages 871-879L.D. Daniels, W.B. Browne
11.Natural and forced convection heat transfer from a plate finPages 881-885R. Karvinen
12.Dispersion effects on thermal convection in a Hele-Shaw cellPages 887-890Oddmund Kvernvold, Peder A. Tyvand
13.Measurements of thermophysical properties of liquid electrolyte by modified heat pulse techniquePages 891-894Zygmunt Sz. Kolenda, Jerzy Nowakowski, Ryszard Obŀakowski
14.Interaction between internal natural convection in an enclosure and an external natural convection boundary-layer flowPages 895-907E.M. Sparrow, C. Prakash
15.Mass transfer to rotating disks and rotating rings in laminar, transition and fully-developed turbulent flowPages 909-918Clarence G. Law Jr., Peter Pierini, John Newman
16.Laminar starting plume temperature field measurementPages 919-931D.J. Shlien, Raymond L. Boxman
17.Finite amplitude convection in inclined and vertical slots —A power integral analysisPages 933-944Douglas W. Ruth
18.Mass transfer in turbulent pipe flow of viscoelastic fluidsPages 945-951Y.I. Cho, J.P. Hartnett
19. Comment on “turbulent convective heat transfer from rough surfaces” and the discussion of Hall's methodPage 953V.L. Lelchuk
20.366 pp. Price $12.75 (flexi), $37.00 (case)S.L. Dixon (3rd edition), Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1978).Page 955L.H. Townend
21.A.M.A. Rezk, Editor, Heat and Fluid Flow in Power System Components, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1979).Page 955Ralph M. Singer
22.£12.00Francis G. Shinskey, Energy Conservation Through Control, Academic Press, New York (1978).Pages 955-956Ian J.G. Berry
23.687 pp. £14.90M. Necati Özisik, Heat Conduction, John Wiley, New York (1980).Page 956J.R. Singham
24.Norman Chigier, Editor, Energy and Combustion Science, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1979).Page 956P. Le Goff
25.R.H. Gallagher, O.C. Zienkiewicz, J.T. Oden, M. Morandi Cecchi and C. Taylor, Editors, Finite Elements in Fluids Vol. 3, John Wiley, New York (1978), p. 396.Page 957S.V. Patankar

Volume 24, Issue 6, Pages 959-1079 (June 1981)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 959-968R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
2.Dispersion from line sources in turbulent pipe flowPages 969-982P.A. Durbin, S. Frost
3.Film condensation along an inclined surface in a porous mediumPages 983-990Ping Cheng
4.Etude fondamentale des transferts couples chaleur-masse en milieu poreuxPages 991-1004P. Crausse, G. Bacon, S. Bories
5.Echanges de gaz dissous en ecoulements stratifies de gaz et de liquidePages 1005-1018L. Aisa, B. Caussade, J. George, L. Masbernat
6.Edge and aspect ratio effects on natural convection from the horizontal heated plate facing downwardsPages 1019-1024D.W. Hatfield, D.K. Edwards
7.Fully-developed nucleate boiling: Overlap of areas of influence and interference between bubble sitesPages 1025-1032D.B.R. Kenning, Victor H. Del Valle M
8.Dynamics, heat and mass transfer of vapour-gas bubbles in a liquidPages 1033-1044R.I. Nigmatulin, N.S. Khabeev, F.B. Nagiev
9.Conjugated convective heat transfer problems for viscoplastic fluids in plane-parallel channelsPages 1045-1050Z.P. Shul'man, B.M. Khusid
10.A two wavelength holographic technique for the study of two-dimensional thermal boundary layersPages 1051-1057P.J. Walklate
11.Heat transfer to non-newtonian and drag-reducing fluids in turbulent pipe flowPages 1059-1069R. Smith, M.F. Edwards
12.Laminar free convection on an inclined flat plate or a vertical cylinder with prescribed wall heat fluxPages 1071-1075E.K. Zariffeh, M. Daguenet
13.An anomaly in the similarity analysis of film-cooling heat transferPages 1076-1078A.A.B. El-Hadik, H. Barrow
14.Developments in heat exchanger technology — 1: D. Chisholm (Editor), applied science publishers, London, 1980, 300 pp. £26.00Page 1079J.R. Singham

Volume 24, Issue 7, Pages 1081-1293 (July 1981)

1.Heat conduction in spheres packed in an infinite regular cubical arrayPages 1081-1088M.E. Cunningham, K.L. Peddicord
2.An instrumentation scheme for multipoint measurement of mould-metal gap in an ingot casting systemPages 1089-1095Jharna Majumdar, B.C. Raychaudhuri, S. Dasgüpta
3.The effect of impingement on heat transfer in rotating condensationPages 1097-1104C.S. Wang, R. Greif
4.Etude de la diffusion de la chaleur en aval d'une source lineaire placee dans une couche limite turbulentePages 1105-1117P. Paranthoen, M. Trinite
5.Etude du transfert de matiere dû a une injection parietale normale localisee, dans un ecoulement laminaire a grand nombre de schmidtPages 1119-1125J.C. Besse, P. Dumargue
6.Observations in transition boiling of subcooled water under forced convective conditionsPages 1127-1137H.S. Ragheb, S.C. Cheng, D.C. Groeneveld
7.Optical tomography for flow field diagnosticsPages 1139-1150R.J. Santoro, H.G. Semerjian, P.J. Emmerman, R. Goulard
8.The effect of subcooled liquid on film boiling about a vertical heated surface in a porous mediumPages 1151-1160Cheng Ping, Ashok K. Verma
9.Conditions d'apparition de l'ebullition nucleee en convection forcee dans un canal court. Influence de la conduction longitudinale dans la paroi epaissePages 1161-1169M. Humbert, M. Martin
10.Coupling of heat transfer between two natural convection systems separated by a vertical wallPages 1171-1177R. Viskanta, D.W. Lankford
11.Laminar and turbulent heat transfer in the pipe entrance region for liquid metalsPages 1179-1189Chen Ching-Jen, Jenq Shing Chiou
12.Methode des elements finis appliquee au calcul du regime etabli laminaire de convection naturelle dans les faisceaux tubulaires verticaux de dimension finiePages 1191-1200D. Magallon
13.Analyse en regime thermique periodique du couplage conduction-convection entre un fluide en ecoulement laminaire et une paroi de stockagePages 1201-1210M.T. Acker, B. Fourcher
14.Etude des conditions particulieres de frequence favorisant les transferts thermiques en ecoulements pulses en canalisation cylindriquePages 1211-1219P. Andre, R. Creff, J. Crabol
15.Mass transfer between the particles and the fluid in fluidized beds of large particlesPages 1221-1228D.K. Pandey, S.N. Upadhyay, Surendra Kumar
16.Lumped heat-transfer coefficients for thermal regeneratorsPages 1229-1236Clare Hinchcliffe, A.J. Willmott
17.Heat transfer across a vertical impermeable partition imbedded in porous mediumPages 1237-1245Adrian Bejan, Ren Anderson
18.Heat transfer from rarefied ionized argon gas to a biased tungsten fine wirePages 1247-1255Takuya Honda, Takashi Hayashi, Atsushi Kanzawa
19.Critical heat flux and droplet entrainment rate in boiling of falling liquid filmsPages 1257-1266Tatsuhiro Ueda, Mitsuru Inoue, Seichi Nagatome
20.Critical heat flux and exit film flow rate in a flow boiling systemPages 1267-1276Tatsuhiro Ueda, Yasushi Isayama
21.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1277-1286R.I Soloukhin, O.G Martynenko
22.On the existence of thermoconvective rolls, transverse to a superimposed mean poiseuille flowPages 1287-1291J.-M. Luijkx, J.K. Platten, J.Cl. Legros
23.Sixth national heat and transfer conferencePage 1293

Volume 24, Issue 8, Pages 1295-1431 (August 1981)

1.Computer-extended series: Natural convection in a long horizontal pipe with different end temperaturesPages 1295-1303Tsan-Hsing Shih
2.Measurement and prediction of the mean and fluctuating temperature field downstream of a multi-bore jet block in which one jet is heatedPages 1305-1312L. Krebs, K. Bremhorst, U. Müller
3.Caracteristiques des transferts simultanes de masse et de quantite de mouvement dans des ecoulements de recirculation forceeSimultaneous momentum and mass transfer characteristics in surface-driven recirculating flowsPages 1313-1323G. Antonini, M. Gelus, G. Guiffant, A. Zoulalian
4.Critere d'apparition de la convection naturelle dans des couches poreuses stratifieesCriterion for the onset of natural convection in stratified porous layersPages 1325-1334J. P. Richard, J. Gounot
5.Numerical solution of moving boundary problems by boundary immobilization and a control-volume-based finite-difference schemePages 1335-1343C. F. Hsu, E. M. Sparrow, S. V. Patankar
6.Analysis of two-dimensional freezing on the outside of a coolant-carrying tubePages 1345-1357E. M. Sparrow, C. F. Hsu
7.The effect of plasma-deposited polymers on the nucleate boiling behavior of copper heat transfer surfacesPages 1359-1368T. Hinrichs, E. Hennecke, H. Yasuda
8.Numerical solution of steady-state free convective heat transfer from a solid spherePages 1369-1379F. Geoola, A. R. H. Cornish
9.Countercurrent flow of air/water and steam/water through a horizontal perforated platePages 1381-1395S. G. Bankoff, R. S. Tankin, M. C. Yuen, C. L. Hsieh
10.Periodic heat transfer in fins with variable thermal parametersPages 1397-1404A. Aziz, T. Y. Na
11.Axial thermal dispersion and particle to fluid transfer in packed-fluidized bedsPages 1405-1411D. J. Gunn, P. V. Narayanan
12.General features of CHF of forced convection boiling in uniformly heated rectangular channelsPages 1413-1419Y. Katto
13.Combined conduction, convection, gas radiation and particles radiation in MHD diffusersPages 1421-1430R. K. Ahluwalia, K. H. Im
14.Medium and high temperature solar processes : Jan F. Kreider (Editor), Academic Press (1976). 346 ppPage 1431

Volume 24, Issue 9, Pages 1433-1559 (September 1981)

1.Dynamics of inert gas bubbles in forced convective systemsPages 1433-1441W. J. Minkowycz, N. J. Rabadi, D. M. France
2.The freezing of finite domain aqueous solutions: Solute redistributionPages 1443-1455Ronald L. Levin
3.Estimating the solidification/melting times of cylindrically symmetric regionsPages 1457-1462V. R. Voller, M. Cross
4.Convection naturelle laminaire dans un canal vertical chauffe a flux constantPages 1463-1473A. -M. Dalbert, F. Penot, J. -L. Peube
5.Growth of diffusion-controlled vapour bubbles at a wall in a known temperature gradientPages 1475-1492M. G. Cooper, T. T. Chandratilleke
6.Two-dimensional solidification in pipes of rectangular sectionPages 1493-1501J. L. Sproston
7.Measurements of fluid and thermal transport in vertical buoyancy induced flows in cold waterPages 1503-1512Z. H. Qureshi, B. Gebhart
8.Free surface convection in a bounded cylindrical geometryPages 1513-1529J. S. Vrentas, R. Narayanan, S. S. Agrawal
9.Unsteady thermal entrance heat transfer of power-law fluids in pipes and plate slitsPages
10.Temperature and concentration profiles in fully turbulent boundary layersPages 1541-1544B. A. Kader
11.A unified theory for correlating steady laminar natural convective heat transfer data for horizontal annuliPages 1545-1548R. D. Boyd
12.An experimental set-up for interaction turbulence-chemical reaction researchPages 1549-1553A. Bennani, E. Alcaraz, J. Mathieu
13.Additional parameters in two-phase closed thermosyphons: Effects of tube diameter and wall thicknessPages 1554-1555B. Clements, Y. Lee
14.Comments on ‘a synthesis of analytical results for natural convection heat transfer across rectangular enclosures’Page 1557S. Hossain
15.Reply to “comments on ‘a synthesis of analytical results for natural convection heat transfer across rectangular enclosures’”Pages 1557-1558Adrian Bejan
16.Water and Steam: Their properties and current industrial applications and (editors), Pergamon Press, 1980, xx + 684 pp. price £45.00Page 1559S. Angus

Volume 24, Issue 10, Pages 1561-1751 (October 1981)

1.On the existence of steady supercritical plane thermal detonationsPages 1561-1572A. Sharon, S.G. Bankoff
2.Efficient numerical technique for determining two-dimensional temperature distribution for N arbitrarily located heat receivers with phase-changePages 1573-1576A. Cichy, S. Lasocki, H. Marcak
3.Effect of pressure stress work and viscous dissipation in some natural convection flowsPages
4.Free-forced laminar flow convective heat transfer from a square cavity in a channel with variable inclinationPages 1589-1597J.A.C. Humphrey, E.W. Jacobs
5.Simulation numerique du regime thermohydraulique transitoire d'un jet bidimensionnel injecte dans une cavite rectangulairePages 1599-1609Marie Farge, Pierre Duhamel
6.Heat transfer through single and double vertical walls in natural convection: Theory and experimentPages 1611-1620Ren Anderson, Adrian Bejan
7.High Rayleigh number convection in shallow enclosures with different end temperaturesPages 1621-1629G. Shiralkar, A. Gadgil, C.L. Tien
8.Transient temperatures in a semi-infinite cylinder heated by a disk heat sourcePages 1631-1640James V. Beck
9.Response of a turbulent boundary layer to a sudden decrease in wall heat fluxPages 1641-1647C.S. Subramanian, R.A. Antonia
10.Heat transfer in laminar plane channel flow with uniform suction or injectionPages 1649-1655V.M Yeroshenko, L.I. Zaichik, B.Yu. Bakhvalov
11.A new criterion of dry-out in two-phase flowPages 1657-1665J. Madejski
12.Heat transfer in a channel at supercritical pressurePages 1667-1674Mariusz Adelt, Jaroslaw Mikielewicz
13.Experimental study of free convective mass transfer in porous mediaPages 1675-1679J.F. Gabitto, U. Böhm
14.Combined radiation and convection in absorbing, emitting and anisotropically scattering gas-particulate tube flowPages 1681-1698F.H. Azad, M.F. Modest
15.Heat transfer coefficients for melting about a vertical cylinder with or without subcooling and for open or closed containmentPages 1699-1710R.G. Kemink, E.M. Sparrow
16.An improved quasi-steady approach for transient conjugated forced convection problemsPages 1711-1722James Sucec
17.Thermodynamics of coupled heat, mass and momentum transport with finite wave speed I—Basic ideas of theoryPages 1723-1732Stanislaw Sieniutycz
18.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Polish works (1979–1980)Pages 1733-1738J. Bandrowski, J. Zioło
19.Natural convection in the annuli between horizontal confocal elliptic cylindersPages 1739-1742Jae Heon Lee, Taik Sik Lee
20.Transient turbulent thermal convection in a pool of waterPages 1742-1746M. Kaviany, R.A. Seban
21.Discussion of “application of a second-moment turbulence closure to heat and mass transport in thin shear flows—I. Two-dimensional transport”Pages 1747-1748R.A. Antonia
22.Author's response to ‘discussion of“ application of second-moment turbulence closure to heat and mass transport in thin shear flows”’Page 1748B.E. Launder
23.Thermohydraulics of two-phase systems for industrial design and nuclear engineering: J. M. Delhaye, M. Giot and M. L. Riethmuller (Editors), Hemisphere/McGraw-Hill, 1981, U.S. $39.50Page 1749P.B. Whalley
24.Nineteenth annual meeting of the society of engineering science
25.Numerical computation of multi-phase flowPage 1751

Volume 24, Issue 11, Pages 1753-1860 (November 1981)

1.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1753-1758Yasuo Mori
2.Thermodynamics of coupled heat, mass and momentum transport with finite wave speed II—Examples of transformations of fluxes and forcesPages 1759-1769Stanislaw Sieniutycz
3.Heat and mass transfer in an emitting compressed layer with reflection from the body surface and injection of ablation productsPages 1771-1782M. N. Rolin, R. I. Soloukhin, F. B. Yurevich
4.Analysis and solution of the ill-posed inverse heat conduction problemPages 1783-1792Charles F. Weber
5.Thermal performance of regenerators and waste heat recoveryPages 1793-1800O. P. Chawla, A. I. Khandwawala
6.An analysis of the effect of plate thickness on laminar flow and heat transfer in interrupted-plate passagesPages 1801-1810S. V. Patankar, C. Prakash
7.Closure model for intermittent turbulent flowsPages 1811-1822S. Byggstøyl, W. Kollmann
8.Steady-state heat transfer with axial conduction in laminar flow in a circular tube with a specified temperature or heat flux wallPages 1823-1832Hiroyuki Nagasue
9.Effect of Reynolds number on a slightly heated turbulent boundary layerPages 1833-1846C. S. Subramanian, R. A. Antonia
10.Surface renewal phenomena in liquid-liquid droplet systems with and without mass transferPages
11.Nonsimilar laminar natural convection in a thermally stratified fluidPages 1848-1850B. J. Venkatachala, G. Nath
12.Pressure drop of two-phase flow through circular tubes with in-line static mixers accompanied by condensation—Simple stochastic modelling of the dataPages 1851-1853S. T. Lin, L. T. Fan
13.An experimental study of transient heat transfer characteristics in a porous layer enclosed between two opposing vertical surfaces with different temperaturesPages 1854-1857H. Inaba, N. Seki
14.Two-phase flow heat transfer in the power and process industries : , Hemisphere, Washington, 1980, 707 pp., $55.00Page 1859Naim H. Afgan
15.Turbulence. Topics in applied physics : (Editor), Vol. 12. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2nd Edition, 1978, 339 pp., 47 Figures. Price $24.50Page 1860N. C. Markatos

Volume 24, Issue 12, Pages 1861-1995 (December 1981)

1.Volume 24 contents and author indexPages i-xviii
2.Professor Warren M. Rohsenow on his 60th birthdayPages 1861-1862E.N. Ganic, J.P. Hartnett
3.Heat transfer—a review of 1980 literaturePages 1863-1902E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein, S.V. Patankar, E. Pfender, J.W. Ramsey, T.W. Simon, E.M. Sparrow, K.Y. Teichman
4.A special case of diffusion with moving boundaryPages 1903-1905Lothar Senf
5.Prediction of boiling heat transfer duty in a compact plate-fin heat exchanger using the improved local assumptionPages 1907-1912C.C. Chen, J.V. Loh, J.W. Westwater
6.The influence of size-distribution parameters on the evaporation of polydisperse dilute spraysPages 1913-1923A.C. Alkidas
7.Unsteady internal boundary layer analysis applied to gun barrel wall heat transferPages
8.Boiling of binary mixtures—study of individual bubblesPages 1937-1950M.G. Cooper, C.R. Stone
9.Temperature separation produced by a Hartmann-Sprenger tube coupling a secondary resonatorPages
10.An investigation of a laminar diffusion flame adjacent to a vertical flat plate burnerPages 1959-1970K.Vincent Liu, John R. Lloyd, K.T. Yang
11.Transient phase-change around a horizontal cylinderPages 1971-1981L.S. Yao, W. Cherney
12.Oscillatory behaviour in convecting waterPages 1983-1986M.A. Azouni
13.A finite element method for the solution of one-dimensional phase change problemsPages 1987-1989Boris Rubinsky, Ernest G. Cravahlo
14.Total temperature-velocity relation in turbulent compressible boundary layersPages 1990-1992A.J. Laderman
15. and Y. Yener, Middle East Technical University, Ankara (1979). 431 ppPage 1993A.B. Bartman, V.G. Leitsina, N.V. Pavlyukevich
16.Heat conduction: M. N. Ožişik, John Wiley, New York (1980). 687 ppPages
17.The Ninth U.S. National Congress of Applied MechanicsPage 1995

Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 1-150 (January 1982)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Professor Fran Bošnjaković on his 80th birthday
3.Natural convection heat transfer from inclined cylindersPages 3-15M. Al-Arabi, M. Khamis
4.Solutions a hodographe lineaire des equations de la convection naturelle dans un milieu poreuxPages 17-25Bernard Le Fur
5.One-dimensional transport from a highly concentrated, transfer type sourcePages 27-36Kevin O'Neill
6.Instabilites de zones de diffusion thermique instationnaires en milieu poreuxPages 37-44Michel Quintard, Laurent Prouvost
7.Boiling in low-permeability porous materialsPages 45-55Haim H. Bau, K.E. Torrance
8.Effects of scattering and reflection of radiation on batch photochemical reaction in a slab geometryPages 57-62F. Santarelli, C. Stramigioli, G. Spiga, M.N. Özişik
9.Mathematical modelling of buoyancy-induced smoke flow in enclosuresPages 63-75N.C. Markatos, M.R. Malin, G. Cox
10.The empirical description of turbulent channel flowsPages 77-86M.M.M. El Telbany, A.J. Reynolds
11.Contributions concerning quasi-steady propagation of thermal detonations through dispersions of hot liquid fuel in cooler volatile liquid coolantsPages 87-98Duane W. Condiff
12.Characteristics of inclined thin films, waviness and the associated mass transferPages 99-110Neima Brauner, David Moalem Maron
13.Variational bounds for the effective thermal contact resistance between bodies with rough surfacesPages 111-117M. Bobeth, G. Diener
14.A mathematical model of nozzle blockage by freezing—II. Turbulent flowPages 119-126P. Sampson, R.D. Gibson
15.Heat transfer coefficients for the upstream face of a perforated plate positioned normal to an oncoming flowPages 127-135E.M. Sparrow, M.Carranco Ortiz
16.Analysis of the heat transport mechanisms during melting around a horizontal circular cylinderPages 137-147H. Rieger, U. Projahn, H. Beer
17.Heat transfer from multidimensional objects using one-dimensional solutions for heat lossPages 149-150L.S. Langston

Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 151-301 (February 1982)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 151-160R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
2.Linear stability of liquid films with interfacial phase changePages 161-173B. Spindler
3.Combined forced-free laminar convection in the entry region of a vertical annulus with a rotating inner cylinderPages 175-186M.A.I. El-Shaarawi, A. Sarhan
4.Thermal and fluid flow effects during solidification in a rectangular enclosurePages 187-194N. Ramachandran, J.P. Gupta, Y. Jaluria
5.Heat transfer in curved tubes with pulsating flowPages 195-203N.J. Rabadi, J.C.F. Chow, H.A. Simon
6.On boiling incipience due to contact angle hysteresisPages 205-211Keith Cornwell
7.Laminar buoyancy-induced axisymmetric free boundary flows in a thermally stratified mediumPages 213-221K. Himasekhar, Y. Jaluria
8.Correlation of the effects of viscosity and surface tension on gas absorption rates into freely falling turbulent liquid filmsPages 223-229Y.S. Won, A.F. Mills
9.A numerical solution of laminar developing flow in eccentric annular ductsPages 231-241E.E. Feldman, R.W. Hornbeck, J.F. osterle
10.A numerical solution of developing temperature for laminar developing flow in eccentric annular ductsPages 243-253E.E. Feldman, R.W. Hornbeck, J.F. Osterle
11.Transport at large downstream distances in mixed convection flow adjacent to a vertical uniform-heat-flux surfacePages 255-266Van P. Carey, Benjamin Gebhart
12.Heat transfer during the shock-induced ignition of an explosive gasPages 267-275H. Heperkan, R. Greif
13.Natural convection in a vertical stack of inclined parallelogrammic cavitiesPages 277-284Kyung Cho Chung, Lloyd M. Trefethen
14.Double-diffusive counterbuoyant boundary layer in laminar natural convectionPages 285-287R.H. Nilson, M.R. Baer
15.On conjugated heat transfer in fully developed flowPages 288-289Bal Krishan
16.Heat and mass transfer in unsteady compressible axisymmetric stagnation point boundary layer flow over a rotating bodyPages 290-293M. Kumari, G. Nath
17.Natural convection heat transfer coefficients measured in experiments on freezingPages 293-297E.M. Sparrow, P.Souza Mendes
18.Dying '80. Volume 1: Developments in dying: Arun S. Majumdar(Editor) Hemisphere/McGraw-Hill, 1980, 518 pp. $62.00.Page 299
19.Advances in dying. Volume 1: Arun S. Majumdar(Editor) Hemisphere/McGraw-Hill, 1980, 301 pp. $55.00.Page 299
20.Dying '80. Volume 2: Proceedings of the second international symposium,: Arun S. Majumdar(Editor) Hemisphere/McGraw-Hill, 1980, $58.00.Page 299
21.Heat transfer between a horizontal tube and a gas-solid fluidized bed: N. S. Grewal and S. C. Saxena, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer23, 1505–1519 (1980).Page 301
22.Heat transfer from a row of impinging jets to concave cylindrical surfaces: P. Hrycak, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer24, 407–419 (1981).Page 301
23.Free surface convection in a bounded cylindrical geometry: J. S. Vrentas, R. Narayanan and S. S. Agrawal, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer24, 1513–1529 (1981).Page 301

Volume 25, Issue 3, Pages 303-435 (March 1982)

1.Professor Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Grigull on his 70th birthdayPages 303-304Erich Hahne
2.Heat transfer ahead of moving condensation fronts in thermal oil recovery processesPages 305-316Y.C. Yortsos, G.R. Gavalas
3.In-line and cross-flow helical tube heat exchangersPages 317-323V.M. Ievlev, B.V. Dzyubenko, G.A. Dreitser, Yu.V. Vilemas
4.A numerical model for turbulent non-equilibrium dispersed flow heat transferPages 325-335Stephen W. Webb, John C. Chen
5.Effects of geometrical imperfection at the onset of convection in a shallow two-dimensional cavityPages 337-343P.G. Daniels
6.Transfert de matiere global liquide-paroi pour des ecoulements associant tourbillons de taylor et circulation axiale forceePages 345-351J. Legrand, F. Coeuret
7.Couche limite avec reaction de surface: Extension de la methode de rosner au cas compressible a gradient thermique. Application au jet parietalPages 353-361A. Garo, M. Ledoux
8.Thermal convection in a horizontal fluid layer heated internally and from belowPages 363-370Kikuchi
9.A free boundary value problem arising in climate dynamicsPages 371-379C. Nicolis
10.Collapse of a cavitation bubble between two solid wallsPages 381-387G.I. Kuvshinov, P.P. Prokhorenko, N.V. Dezhkunov, V.I. Kuvshinov
11.Condensation in turbulent flow through an annulus—experimental and theoretical investigationsPages 389-398S. Kasprzak, J. Podpora
12.Free convection heat transfer to mercury in vertical annuliPages 399-407V.G. Kubair, C.R.V. Simha
13.Heat transfer to air from a yawed cylinderPages 409-418J.S. Kraabel, A.A. McKillop, J.W. Baughn
14.The period of density-wave oscillations in forced convection steam generator tubesPages 419-421H.C. Ünal
15.Surface effect on droplet deposition in two-phase flowPages 422-424K. Mastanaiah, E.N. Ganić
16.Minimum mass convective annular finPages 424-425J.Ernest Wilkins Jr.
17.Heat transfer in vertical gapsPages 426-428Jean N. Koster
18.Convection naturelle en mur plan a des nombres de prandtl elevesPages 428-430R.Ben Maad, A. Fortier
19.Enhancement of flow boiling heat transfer with polymer additivesPages 431-434Wei Hsiang, Jer Ru Maa
20.ErratumPage 435

Volume 25, Issue 4, Pages 437-596 (April 1982)

1.Professor Niichi Nishiwaki On his 70th birthdayPages 437-438Y. Katto, M. Hirata
2.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 439-448R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
3.Effect of a missing cylinder on heat transfer and fluid flow in an array of cylinders in cross-flowPages 449-456E.M. Sparrow, M. Molki
4.The influence of permeability and of a third diffusing component upon the onset of convection in a porous mediumPages 457-464N. Rudraiah, D. Vortmeyer
5.Heat transfer with contact resistancePages 465-470Isaac Shai, Mordechai Santo
6.Method for solution of some non-linear boundary value problems of a non-stationary diffusion-controlled (thermal) boundary layerPages 471-485A.D. Polyanin
7.An experimental and theoretical study of gas bubble driven circulation systemsPages 487-497J.H. Grevet, J. Szekely, N. El-Kaddah
8.Natural convection in a vertical channel with opposing buoyancy forcesPages 499-511T.S. Lee, P.G. Parikh, A. Acrivos, D. Bershader
9.Turbulence structure and transport mechanism at the free surface in an open channel flowPages 513-521Komori Satoru, Ueda Hiromasa, Ogino Fumimaru, Mizushina Tokuro
10.Radiative heat transfer in a completely general plane-parallel environmentPages 523-534Ajay Sharma, Allen C. Cogley
11.Non-linear mass transfer in falling filmsPages 535-540Chr. Boyadjiev
12.Forced flow evaporative cooling of a volumetrically heated porous layerPages 541-552A.S. Naik, V.K. Dhir
13.An analysis of the heat and solute transport during solidification of an aqueous binary solution—I. basal plane regionPages 553-561Michael G. O'Callaghan, Ernest G. Cravalho, Charles E. Huggins
14.An analysis of the heat and solute transport during solidification of an aqueous binary solution—II. Dendrite tip regionPages 563-573Michael G. O'Callaghan, Ernest G. Cravalho, Charles E. Huggins
15.Thermodynamic approach to qualitative properties of trajectories of heat and mass transfer in gas-solid flow systems—II. Reacting systemsPages 575-585S. Sieniutycz, J. Komorowska-Kulik
16.On the performance of the enthalpy methodPages 587-589Graham E. Bell
17.An analysis of the transient edge effect on heat conduction in wedgesPages 590-592C. Wei, J.T. Berry
18.Heat transfer to horizontal tubes in a pilot-scale fluidized bedPages 592-594S.E. George, J.R. Grace
19.Experiments on solidification with natural convection in a rectangular enclosed regionPages 595-596N. Ramachandran, J.P. Gupta, Y. Jaluria

Volume 25, Issue 5, Pages 597-739 (May 1982)

1.The effect of variable properties of air on the boundary layer for a moving continuous cylinderPages 597-602Inn G. Choi
2.Heat transfer from pin-fins situated in an oncoming longitudinal flow which turns to crossflowPages 603-614E.M. Sparrow, E.D. Larson
3.Turbulence measurements and mass transfer in fully developed flow in a triangular duct with a narrow apex anglePages 615-624Usui Hiromoto, Sano Yuji, Fukuma Hiromichi
4.An exact solution of the desublimation problem in a porous mediumPages 625-630Sui Lin
5.Finite amplitude convection in a porous container with fault-like geometry: Effect of initial and boundary conditionsPages 631-641Robert P. Lowell, Heroel Hernandez
6.Thermal conductivity of metal-filled systemsPages 643-651Z.P. Shulman, L.N. Novichyonok, E.P. Belskaya, B.M. Khusid, V.V. Melnichenko
7.Semi-empirical theory of film condensation of pure vapoursPages 653-660S.S. Kutateladze
8.Effect of absorption of radiation on thermal conductivity measurements by the transient hot-wire techniquePages 661-673J. Menashe, W.A. Wakeham
9.Pulsatile flow in heated porous channelPages 675-682A.R. Bestman
10.A study of boiling outside a tube bundle using high speed photographyPages 683-690K. Cornwell, R.B. Schüller
11.Experimental evidence supporting two-mechanism critical heat fluxPages 691-698D.M. France, T. Chiang, R.D. Carlson, R. Priemer
12.Multiple solutions for natural convective flows in an internally heated, vertical channel with viscous dissipation and pressure workPages 699-706D.L. Turcotte, D.A. Spence, H.H. Bau
13.Adsorption and capillary condensation at the contact line in change of phase heat transferPages 707-713P.C. Wayner Jr.
14.Finite amplitude convection in a two-component fluid saturated porous layerPages 715-722N. Rudraiah, P.K. Srimani, R. Friedrich
15.Performance comparisons among geometrically different pin-fin arrays situated in an oncoming longitudinal flowPages 723-725E.D. Larson, E.M. Sparrow
16.Thermal design of a heat exchanger employing laminar flow of particle suspensionsPages 725-728Avtar S. Ahuja
17.Radiation configuration factors for obliquely oriented finite length circular cylindersPages
18.Analytic solution for the eigenvalues and coefficients of the graetz problem with third kind boundary conditionPages 736-739M.N. Özişik, M.S. Sadeghipour

Volume 25, Issue 6, Pages 741-897 (June 1982)

1.Professor Ralph A. Seban on his 65th birthdayPages 741-742J.P. Harinett, Tien Chang-Lin
2.Economics and the second law: An engineering view and methodologyPages 743-751A.L. London
3.Correlation of forced convection boiling heat transfer dataPages 753-757Robert W. Bjorg, Garry R. Hall, Warren M. Rohsenow
4.Homogeneous non-equilibrium critical flow modelPages 759-770S. Levy, D. Abdollahian
5.On the existence of two ‘transition’ boiling curvesPages 771-779L.C. Witte, J.H. Lienhard
6.Thermal modeling of steam generator tubing under CHF-induced temperature oscillationsPages 781-790T.T. Kao, S.M. Cho, D.H. Pai
7.Heat transfer to flowing granular materialPages 791-796J.K. Spelt, C.E. Brennen, R.H. Sabersky
8.Effect of diameter on critical weissenberg numbers for polyacrylamide solutions in turbulent pipe flowPages 797-805E.Y. Kwack, J.P. Hartnett
9.Heat transfer from an elliptical cylinder moving through an infinite plate applied to electron beam weldingPages
10.Finite element embedding with optical interferencePages 815-821D.K. Edwards
11.The use of heat transfer principles in designing optimal diathermy and cancer treatment modalitiesPages
12.Transient mixed convection adjacent to a vertical flat surfacePages 835-845B. Sammakia, B. Gebhart, V.P. Carey
13.Experimental and analytical study of heat transfer and mixing in thermally stratified buoyant flowsPages 847-861R. Viskanta, M. Behnia
14.Elliptic field calculation of a laminar diffusion flame adjacent to a vertical flat plate burnerPages
15.Experimental investigation of turbulent walljets in the presence of adverse pressure gradients in a rectangular diffuserPages 871-887Lloyd Back, Robert Cuffel
16.Heat and mass transport in turbulent liquid jetsPages 889-897A.F. Mills, S. Kim, T. Leininger, S. Ofer, A. Pesaran

Volume 25, Issue 7, Pages 899-1073 (July 1982)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 899-908R. I. Soloukhin, O. G. Martynenko
2.Onset of convection in a melted ice layer between vertical platesPages 909-916M. A. Hassab, M. M. Sorour
3.Radiation heat transfer using mean photon path lengthsPages 917-923Richard O. Buckius
4.Natural convection adjacent to a vertical isothermal hot plate with a high surface-to-ambient temperature differencePages 925-934L. R. Cairnie, A. J. Harrison
5.Mass-transfer coefficients in packed beds at very low reynolds numbersPages 935-943Peter S. Fedkiw, John Newman
6.Evaporative heat transfer, pressure drop and critical heat flux in a small vertical tube with R-113Pages 945-960G. M. Lazarek, S. H. Black
7.Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of arrays of rectangular modules encountered in electronic equipmentPages 961-973E. M. Sparrow, J. E. Niethammer, A. Chaboki
8.Cauchy integral method for two-dimensional solidification interface shapesPages 975-984Robert Siegel, Don J. Sosoka
9.Experimental study on the boiling phenomena within a narrow gapPages 985-990S. Aoki, A. Inoue, M. Aritomi, Y. Sakamoto
10.Heat transfer by steady laminar free convection in triangular enclosuresPages 991-998V. A. Akinsete, T. A. Coleman
11.Finite element solutions for free convection flow around an LMFBR debris trayPages 999-1011M. K. Exete, N. Hay, J. J. Webster
12.Studies on thermohydraulics of single- and multi-start spirally corrugated tubes for water and time-independent power law fluidsPages 1013-1022S. Ganeshan, M. Raja Rao
13.Heat and mass transfer to a translating drop in an electric fieldPages 1023-1030Loto S. Chang, Thomas E. Carleson, John C. Berg
14.On nonisothermal chemical reaction at the particle surface in a laminar flowPages 1031-1042A. D. Polyanin
15.Thermohydraulic characteristics of single rods with three-dimensional roughnessPages 1043-1058L. Meyer
16.Exact solution of a stefan problem relevant to continuous castingPages 1059-1060J. H. Blackwell, J. R. Ockendon
17.Influence de la convection naturelle sur la convection forcee au-dessus d'une surface plane verticale soumise a un flux de rayonnementPages 1061-1065Guo Tingwei, Rachmat Bachrun, Michel Daguenet
18.Laminar visco-elastic flow and heat transfer between two stationary uniformly porous discs of different permeabilityPages 1065-1069Jyotirmoy Sinha Roy, Nalin Kanta Chaudhury
19.Evaluation of the geometric mean transmittance and total absorptance for two-dimensional systemsPages 1069-1071W. W. Yuen
20.An introduction to thermodynamics for engineering technologists and , John Wiley, 1981, 469pp, £11.75Page 1073

Volume 25, Issue 8, Pages 1075-1265 (August 1982)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1075-1085R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
2.Optimum flowrate history for cooldown and energy storage processesPages 1087-1092Adrian Bejan, Werner Schultz
3.The thermal conductivity of some organic liquids between 30 and 190°CPages 1093-1101H. Poltz, R. Jugel
4.The method of characteristics applied to numerical solutions of gas bubble implosion and fragmentationPages 1103-1111W.M. Sluyter, S.J.D. Van Stralen, W. Zijl
5.Heat and mass transfer in two-phase flow—a mathematical model for laminar film flow and its experimental validationPages 1113-1126J.R. Conder, D.J. Gunn, M.Ashfaq Shaikh
6.A turbulent burst model of wall turbulence for two-dimensional turbulent boundary layer flowPages 1127-1136Lindon C. Thomas
7.A mixed finite difference-galerkin procedure for two-dimensional convection in a square boxPages 1137-1146J.M. McDonough, I. Catton
8.Convection in a fluid-saturated porous layer with non-uniform temperature gradientPages 1147-1156N. Rudraiah, B. Veerappa, S.Balachandra Rao
9.Holographic interferometry measurement of convective heat transport beneath a heated horizontal circular plate in airPages 1157-1166R.E. Faw, T.A. Dullforce
10.The effect of turbulence promoters on mass transfer—numerical analysis and flow visualizationPages 1167-1181In Seok Kang, Ho Nam Chang
11.Boundary and inertia effects on convective mass transfer in porous mediaPages 1183-1190K. Vafai, C.L. Tien
12.Diffusion in a two-region slab with an eroding boundaryPages 1191-1197S.Bogado Leite, M.N. Özişik, K. Verghese
13.Mesure de la resistance thermique effective d'une paroi homogene par traitement d'un bilan d'entropie en regime variablePages 1199-1207B. Duthoit, A. Farza, P. Thery
14.An approximate method for the nonlinear diffusion problem with a power relation between diffusion coefficient and concentration—I. Computation of desorption timesPages 1209-1220J.K. Liou, S. Bruin
15.An approximate method for the nonlinear diffusion problem with a power relation between diffusion coefficient and concentration—II. Computation of concentration profilesPages 1221-1229J.K. Liou, S. Bruin
16.Upper bounds for the effective thermal contact resistance between bodies with rough surfacesPages 1231-1238M. Bobeth, G. Diener
17.Behaviour of oxygen bubbles during alkaline water electrolysisPages 1239-1243H.M.S. Wedershoven, R.M. de Jonge, C.W.M.P. Sillen, S.J.D. van Stralen
18.Mixed convection about a horizontal cylinder and sphere in a fluid-saturated porous mediumPages 1245-1246P. Cheng
19.Film boiling about two-dimensional and axisymmetric isothermal bodies of arbitrary shape in a porous mediumPages
20.On evaluation of correlations for prediction of heat transfer coefficient in nucleate flow boilingPages 1250-1251P.L. Dhar, V.K. Jain
21.Precise measurements of the wavelength at the onset of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a long rectangular ductPages 1252-1254J.M. Luijkx, J.K. Platten, J.Cl. Legros
22.Advantages of a cryogenic environment for experimental investigations of convective heat transferPages 1255-1257A.M. Clausing
23.Low Rayleigh number heat transfer in ducts of varying cross-sectionPages 1258-1262C.V. Mahalakshmi, Rathna Devanathan
24.XXth International congress of the IAHRPage 1263
25.ErratumPage 1265

Volume 25, Issue 9, Pages 1267-1460 (September 1982)

1.Dr Carl Gazley jr on his 60th birthday and retirement from the board of editorsPages 1267-1269J.W. Westwater, David J. Masson, Joseph F. Gross, Jerome Aroesty, James P. Hartnett
2.Mist cooling of very hot tubules with reference to through-hole cooling of gas turbine bladesPages 1271-1278Y. Mori, K. Hijikata, T. Yasunaga
3.KNOWTRAN: An artificial intelligence system for solving heat transfer problemsPages 1279-1289Ajay Sharma, W.J. Minkowycz
4.Laminar film condensation in a tube with upward vapor flowPages 1291-1300R.A. Seban, J.A. Hodgson
5.Flooding in vertical gas-liquid countercurrent flow through multiple short pathsPages 1301-1312C.P. Liu, G.E. McCarthy, C.L. Tien
6.A uniform thermal field in a hyperthermia chamber for microvascular studiesPages 1313-1320J.F. Gross, R. Roemer, M. Dewhirst, T. Meyer
7.The effect of heat transfer on three-dimensional spatial stability and transition of flat plate boundary layer at mach 3Pages 1321-1331A.R. Wazzan, H. Taghavi
8.Heat transfer coefficients for a cup-like cavity rotating about its own axisPages 1333-1341E.M. Sparrow, A. Chaboki
9.A method of predicting the ‘diameter effect’ for heat transfer and friction of drag-reducing fluidsPages 1343-1351E.F. Matthys, R.H. Sabersky
10.An analytical investigation on CHF of flow boiling in uniformly heated vertical tubes with special reference to governing dimensionless groupsPages 1353-1361Y. Katto
11.Effects of wall radiation and conduction on the stability of a fluid in a finite slot heated from belowPages 1363-1376D.W. Hatfield, D.K. Edwards
12.Impingement of a circular jet with and without cross flowPages 1377-1382R.J. Goldstein, A.I. Behbahani
13.Critical heat flux in helical coils with a circumferential heat flux tilt toward the outside surfacePages 1383-1395M.K. Jensen, A.E. Bergles
14.Measurements of instability and disturbance growth in vertical buoyancy induced flows in cold waterPages 1397-1409J.M. Higgins, B. Gebhart
15.A multi-layer model for mixing layer development in a double-diffusive thermohaline system heated from belowPages 1411-1418T.L. Bergman, F.P. Incropera, R. Viskanta
16.Ordered motion of turbulence in a thermally stratified flow under unstable conditionsPages 1419-1425Mizushina Tokuro, Ogino Fumimaru, Katada Naoki
17.An analysis of the technical and economic performance of a parabolic trough concentrator for solar industrial process heat applicationPages 1427-1438J.A. Clark
18.Condensation inside near horizontal tubes in co-current and counter-current flowPages 1439-1444D.Moalem Maron, S. Sideman
19.Effect of solvent chemistry on critical weissenberg numbersPages 1445-1450E.Y. Kwack, J.P. Hartnett
20.Two-component benard convection in cylindersPages 1451-1456E. Crespo, M.G. Velarde
21.Contribution to the theory of surface phenomena of porous bodies occurring due to heat and mass transfer processesPages 1457-1460S. Endrényi

Volume 25, Issue 10, Pages 1461-1619 (October 1982)

1.Heat and mass transfer within an intensely heated concrete slabPages 1461-1467Abraham Dayan, Emil L. Gluekler
2.Self-similar temperature, pressure and moisture distributions within an intensely heated porous half spacePages 1469-1476Abraham Dayan
3.Laminar forced convection in converging or diverging planar symmetric ductsPages 1477-1480M. N. Öziik, Ch. Trepp, H. Egolf
4.Mercury-argon two-phase heat transfer in a vertical annulus under transverse magnetic fieldPages 1481-1487I. Michiyoshi, M. Tanaka, O. Takahashi
5.Interaction between a stream which passes through an enclosure and natural convection within the enclosurePages 1489-1502E. M. Sparrow, F. Samie
6.Free convection at small rayleigh number in porous cavities of rectangular, elliptical, triangular and other cross-sectionsPages 1503-1509J. R. Philip
7.Theoretical treatment of evaporation front dryingPages 1511-1522G. Ronald Hadley
8.Heat transfer for MHD flow through a rectangular pipe with discontinuity in wall temperaturesPages 1523-1529Bani Singh, Jia Lal
9.A mechanistic theory for heat transfer between fluidized beds of large particles and immersed surfacesPages 1531-1540V. L. Ganzha, S. N. Upadhyay, S. C. Saxena
10.Theoretical and experimental investigations of I.R. radiation transfer in vibrationally nonequilibrated molecular gas containing CO2 and COPages 1541-1558N. N. Kudryavtsev, S. S. Novikov
11.Natural convection between horizontal concentric cylinders with density inversion of water for low Rayleigh numbersEcтecтвeннaя кoнвeкция meздy гopизoнтaльными кoнцeнтpихecкими цилиндpaми c инвepcиeй плoтнocтги boды пpи maлых знaхeниях хиcлa PeлeяPages 1559-1568T. Hung Nguyen, P. Vasseur, L. Robillard
12.A study of laminar buoyant jets discharged at an inclination to the vertical buoyancy forcePages
13.Local velocity and mass transfer measurements in molten metals using an incorporated magnet probePages 1579-1588Rene Ricou, Charles Vives
14.A new correlation for quench front velocityPages 1589-1593E. Oliveri, F. Castiglia, S. Taibi, G. Vella
15.Heat transfer at the cladding-cooling fluid boundaryPages 1595-1603Jan ach, Wincenty Pieczka
16.Onset of convection in a porous layer saturated by an ideal gasPages 1605-1606D. A. Nield
17.The effects of radiation, inclination and insulation opacity on the critical radius for radial heat transferPages 1607-1609I. S. Habib
18.Performance of counter current heat exchanger with periodic inlet temperaturesPages 1609-1610M. S. Sodha
19.Film boiling on a horizontal plate—a supplementary communicationPages 1611-1613V. V. Klimenko, A. G. Shelepen
20.Formulae for freezing outside a circular tube with axial variation of coolant temperaturePages 1614-1616N. Shamsundar
21.Comments on “parallel flow and counter flow condensation on an internally cooled vertical tube”Page 1617U. N. Murthy
22.AnnouncementPage 1619

Volume 25, Issue 11, Pages 1621-1780 (November 1982)

1.Heat losses from a fluid flowing in a buried pipePages 1621-1629Haim H. Bau, S. S. Sadhai
2.Gas absorption by single charged drops during their formation in a uniform electric fieldPages 1631-1639Manabu Yamaguchi, Yoshiki Hashimoto, Toru Takamatsu, Takashi Katayama
3.Compressible boundary-layer flow at a three-dimensional stagnation point with massive blowingPages 1639-1649R. Krishnaswamy, G. Nath
4.Generalized laminar heat transfer from the surface of a rotating diskPages 1651-1660S. E. Tadros, F. F. Erian
5.Effects of organic surface films on evaporation and thermal structure of water in free and forced convectionPages 1661-1670Kristina B. Katsaros, William D. Garrett
6.Solidification de spheres liquides surchauffees a caracteristiques physiques variablesSolidification of superheated liquid spheres with temperature dependent propertiesPages 1671-1676S. Heurtault, J. M. Badie, A. Rouanet, G. Arnaud
7.Numerical simulation of free convective heat transfer from a spherePages 1677-1687F. Geoola, A. R. H. Cornish
8.Axisymmetric free convection at small rayleigh number in porous cavitiesPages 1689-1699J. R. Philip
9.Temperature distribution in and around a buried heat generating spherePages 1701-1707Haim H. Bau
10.Numerical computations of wall-jet flowsPages 1709-1718R. N. Sharma, S. V. Patankar
11.Heat transfer between rotating eccentric cylinders with different radiiPages 1719-1724Mohan Singh, S. C. Rajvanshi
12.Aerosol and gas deposition to fully rough surfaces: Filtration model for blade-shaped elementsPages 1725-1735J. Fernandez de la Mora, S. K. Friedlander
13.Laminar mixed convection in an isothermal horizontal tube: Correlation of heat transfer dataPages 1737-1746C. A. Hieber
14.Phenomenological relation of phase change of water in a porous medium: Experimental verification and measurement of the phenomenological coefficientPages 1747-1754J. C. Benet, P. Jouanna
15.Convective heat transfer in vertical cylindrical annuli filled with a porous mediumPages 1755-1766M. A. Havstad, P. J. Burns
16.Asymptotic solutions of the laminar boundary-layer equationsPages 1767-1769William M. Bishop
17.Performance evaluation criteria for air-cooled finned-tube heat-exchanger surface geometriesPage 1770Ralph L. Webb
18.Solidification in an annulusPages 1771-1773T. K. Sinha, J. P. Gupta
19.Forced convection heat transfer over a semi-infinite platePages 1774-1776J. Dey, G. Nath
20.Comments on ‘mathematical modelling of buoyancy-induced smoke flow in enclosures’Page 1777M. Shaheed Hossain
21.Reply to “comments on ‘mathematical modelling of buoyancy-induced smoke flow in enclosures’”Pages 1777-1778N. C. Markatos, G. Cox
22.3rd multi-phase flow and heat transfer symposium-workshopPages 1779-1780
23.Humidity in buildingPage 1780

Volume 25, Issue 12, Pages 1781-1919 (December 1982)

1.Volume 25 contents and author indexPages i-xvi
2.Author indexPages xvii-xviii
3.Professor Peter Grassmann On his 75th birthdayPages 1781-1782Erst R.G. Eckert
4.Heat transfer—a review of 1981 literaturePages 1783-1812E.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein, S.V. Patankar, E. Pfender, J.W. Ramsey, T.W. Simon, E.M. Sparrow
5.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1813-1818Mori Yasuo
6.Coupled gas convection and unsteady conduction effects in fluid bed heat transfer based on a single particle modelPages 1819-1828Ronald L. Adams
7.The onset of instability in a horizontal fluid layer due to a step change in temperaturePages
8.Etude experimentale du transfert simultane de chaleur et de masse au cours du sechage par contact sous vide d'un bois resineuxPages 1839-1848C. Moyne, M. Martin
9.Gray gas weighting coefficients for arbitrary gas-soot mixturesPages 1849-1855J.D. Felske, T.T. Charalampopoulos
10.Visualization of heat transfer from arrays of impinging jetsPages 1857-1868R.J. Goldstein, J.F. Timmers
11.Pressure drop and mass transfer in dilute polymer solutions in turbulent drag-reducing pipe flowPages 1869-1878R. Smith, M.F. Edwards, H.Z. Wang
12.Critical equilibrium inhomogeneous two-phase two-component water-steam-air flowPages 1879-1884N.I. Kolev
13.On the deformation of the rectangular turbulent jet cross-sectionPages 1885-1894G.N. Abramovich
14.Influence d'ondulations de faible amplitude sur la convection turbulente dans un ecoulement en conduite axisymetrique: Experience et prevision numeriquePages 1895-1904R. Schiestel, M.P. Chauve
15.Examination of the two-flux model for radiative transfer in particular systemsPages 1905-1907M.Q. Brewster, C.L. Tien
16.A steady state linear ablation problemPages 1907-1909G.J. Weir
17.Analysis of nusselt-type condensation on a triangular fluted surfacePages 1909-1911C.B. Panchal, K.J. Bell
18.Heat transfer from a porous circular cylinder immersed in a moving streamPages 1912-1916J.M. Ramilison, B. Gebhart
19.Flow past a suddenly cooled vertical flat surface in a saturated porous mediumPages 1916-1919D.B. Ingham, J.H. Merkin, I. Pop

Volume 26, Issue 1, Pages 1-159 (January 1983)

1.Editorial BoardPage CO2
2.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1-10R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
3.Heat conduction in eccentric annuliPages 11-21Y.P. Ting, K.L. Peddicord
4.Entrance region heat transfer in a uniform wall-temperature helical coil with transition from turbulent to laminar flowPages 23-32C.E. Kalb, J.D. Seader
5.Heat transfer at an array of co-planar slat-like surfaces oriented normal to a forced convection flowPages
6.Budget of the temperature variance in a turbulent plane jetPages 41-48R.A. Antonia, L.W.B. Browne, A.J. Chambers, S. Rajagopalan
7.Transient analysis of packed-bed thermal storage systemsPages 49-54A.E. Saez, B.J. McCoy
8.The inertial relaxation terms and the variational principles of least action type for non-stationary energy and mass diffusionPages 55-63S. Sieniutycz
9.Free and forced convection in the entry region of a heated vertical channelPages 65-72L.S. Yao
10.Mixed convection over a vertical zircaloy plate in steam with simultaneous oxidationPages 73-86B.T. Chao, S.J. Chen, L.S. Yao
11.A unit cell model for predicting the thermal conductivity of a granular medium containing an adhesive binderPages 87-99K.W. Jackson, W.Z. Black
12.Effect of single scatter phase function distribution on radiative transfer in absorbing-scattering liquidsPages 101-107T.L. Bergman, W.G. Houf, F.P. Incropera
13.The longitudinal vortex and its effects on the transport processes in combined free and forced laminar convection between horizontal and inclined parallel platesPages 109-120Keisuke Fukui, Masamoto Nakajima, Hiromasa Ueda
14.Application of Fourier transforms to periodic heat flow into the ground under a buildingPages 121-132A.E. Delsante, A.N. Stokes, P.J. Walsh
15.Natural convection experiments in an enclosure between eccentric or concentric vertical cylinders of different height and diameterPages 133-143E.M. Sparrow, M. Charmchi
16.A note on the Lockhart-Martinelli correlation in the turbulent-turbulentPages 145-146A. Rouet
17.An explicit numerical method toPages 147-150V. Voller, M. Cross
18.The effect of orientation on the heat transfer from a flat surface in an air fluidized bedPages 151-153K.K. Kellogg, B. Rubinsky, R. Greif
19.Boiling heat transfer from a horizontal plane heater to a potassium layerPages 154-156N.
20.213 pp. £12.00C.M. Elliott and J.R. Ockendon, Weak and Variational Methods for Moving Boundary Problems, Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, Boston, London, Melbourne (1982).Page 157J. Crank
21.3rd Multi-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer Symposium-Workshop: 18–20 April 1983 Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A.Page 159

Volume 26, Issue 2, Pages 161-319 (February 1983)

1.Professor D. Brian Spalding on his 60th birthdayPages 161-162Suhas V. Patankar
2.Matched asymptotic expansions for free convection about an impermeable horizontal surface in a porous mediumPages 163-174I.D. Chang, P. Cheng
3.A comparison of the heat transfer and friction factor performance of four different types of artificially roughened surfacePages 175-183R.J. Firth, L. Meyer
4.Free energy loss during the breakdown of liquid filmsPages 185-196D.J. Ryley, Xu Tingxiang
5.Gas turbine combustor modelling for calculating pollutant emissionPages 197-209G. Romberg
6.Perturbation solution of the diffusion equation in the case of mutual non-stationary isochoric and isothermal diffusion of two real gasesPages 211-229K. Kerl, M. Jescheck
7.Natural convection from horizontal cylinders in interacting flow fieldsPages 231-243B. Farouk, S.I. Güçeri
8.Momentum and heat transfer in power-law fluid flow over two-dimensional or axisymmetrical bodiesPages
9.Boundary integral equation and conjugate gradient methods for optimal boundary heating of solidsPages 261-268R.A. Meriç
10.Certain aspects of autowave transitions from nucleate to film boiling regimes with a cylindrical heat generating element inclined from a horizontal positionPages 269-275S.A. Zhukov, L.F. Bokoa, V.V. Barelko
11.Radiative heat transfer between a fluidized bed and a surfacePages 277-287V.A. Borodulya, V.I. Kovensky
12.crystallization nuclei in liquid in a sound fieldPages 289-300V.A. Akulichev, V.A. Bulanov
13.A special case of diffusion with moving boundary considered as a propagating wavePages 301-302Lothar Senf
14.Some comments on Beck's solution of the inverse problem of heart conduction through the use of Duhamel's theoremPages 302-305B.F. Blackwell
15.The influence of wall-condensate interface resistance on measurements of liquid metal condensation coefficientPages 306-308P.J. Erens, D.G. Kröger
16.A theory for transient mass transfer with suction at the phase boundary-application to bubbles in fluidized bedsPages 308-312J.R.F. Guedes de Carvalho, J.B.L.M. Campos
17.Treatment of the solidification problem inside and outside cylinders by variable time step methodsPages
18.Some properties of the coefficient matrix of the differential equations for parallel-flow multichannel heat exchangersPage 316Leszek Malinowski
19.758 ppD.B. Spalding and N. Afgan, Heat and Mass Transfer in Metallurgical Systems, Hemisphere (1981).Page 317A.K. Majumdar
20.xiv+370D.K. Edwards, Radiation Heat Transfer Notes, Hemisphere (1981), p. S19.95.Page 317Nikos G. Markatos
21.ErrataPage 319

Volume 26, Issue 3, Pages 321-477 (March 1983)

1.Professor Boris Sergeyevich Petukhov on his 70th birthdayPages 321-322R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martyntnko
2.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 323-333R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
3.Exergy conservation in parallel thermal insulation systemsPages 335-340W. Schultz, A. Bejan
4.An investigation of energy separation in a vortex tubePages 341-348K. Stephan, S. Lin, M. Durst, F. Huang, D. Seher
5.Liquid metal heat transfer in turbulent pipe flow with uniform wall fluxPages 349-356Lee Shong-Leih
6.Simultaneous heat and mass transfer in film absorption under laminar flowPages 357-371G. Grossman
7.Evaporation of water into a laminar stream of air and superheated steamPages 373-380L.C. Chow, J.N. Chung
8.Mixed convection in an axisymmetric buoyant plumePages 381-388Noor Afzal
9.A new hydrodynamic model of critical heat flux, applicable widely to both pool and forced convection boiling on submerged bodies in saturated liquidsPages 389-399Y. Haramura, Y. Katto
10.Rewetting of a hot surface by a falling liquid filmPages 401-410Ueda Tatsuhiro, Inoue Mitsuru, Iwata Yasuhiro, Sogawa Yoshiyasu
11.Continuum equations for the prediction of shell-side flow and temperature patterns in heat exchangersPages 411-424Wout Zijl, Han De Bruijn
12.An experimental determination of the turbulent prandtl number in the inner boundary layer for air flow over a flat platePages 425-431A.L. Snijders, A.M. Koppius, C. Nieuwvelt
13.Mixed convection plume above a horizontal line source situated in a forced convection approach flowPages 433-444S.E. Haaland, E.M. Sparrow
14.A direct variational method for the determination of the equivalent time constant of diffusion processesPages
15.Three-dimensional natural convection in a confined porous medium with internal heat generationPages
16.Post-dryout heat transfer in steam generator tubes at high pressuresPages 459-464H.C. Ünal, M.L.G. Van Gasselt
17.Heat conduction through periodic arrays of spheresPages 465-469A.A. Zick
18.Combined free and forced convection between horizontal parallel planes: some case studiesPages 471-474K.J. Kennedy, A. Zebib
19.Frequency dependence in the equivalent diffusivityPages 474-477Robert Kuklinski, Benn Gold

Volume 26, Issue 4, Pages 479-638 (April 1983)

1.A model of eddy viscosity and eddy diffusivity of heatPages 479-508Jiří Šimonek
2.A statistical analysis of saturated nucleate boiling along a heated wirePages 509-519D.D. Paul, S.I. Abdel-Khalik
3.Die wirkung der oberflächennahen turbulenz auf den sauerstoffeintragPages 521-530R. Friedrich, E.J. Plate
4.Free convection flow on a nonisothermal flat plate under nonuniform gravityPages 531-538I. Pop, T.Y. Na
5.The role of a reflecting boundary in improving the operation of an annular photoreactorPages 539-544C. Stramigioli, G. Spadoni, F. Santarelli
6.Unsteady forced convective heat transfer from a hot film in non-reversing and reversing shear flowPages 545-557Peter Kaiping
7.Latent heat transport in forced boiling flowPages 559-565Zbigniew Bilicki
8.Transient heat conduction under plasma conditionsPages 567-582E. Bourdin, P. Fauchais, Maher Boulos
9.Transient boiling heat transfer under forced convectionPages 583-595Kataoka Isao, Serizawa Akimi, Sakurai Akira
10.Heat transfer and flow characteristics of two-phase two-component annular flowPages 597-605K. Suzuki, Y. Hagiwara, T. Sato
11.Generalized correlation of the water frost thermal conductivityPages 607-619Mark A. Dietenberger
12.Melting and solidification with internal radiative transfer—A generalized phase change modelPages 621-633S.H. Chan, D.H. Cho, G. Kocamustafaogullari
13.Efficiency of straight fins cooled by natural or forced convectionPages 635-638R. Karvinen

Volume 26, Issue 5, Pages 639-794 (May 1983)

1.A theoretical study of laminar mixed convection from a horizontal cylinder in a cross streamPages 639-653H.M. Badr
2.A class of backward free-convective boundary-layer similarity solutionsPages 655-661H.K. Kuiken
3.Measurement of high gas-stream temperature using dynamic thermocouplesPages 663-669N. Venkatramani, P. Satyamurthy, N.S. Dixit, J.P. Lancelot, V.K. Rohatgi
4.Simplified nonlinear descriptions of two-phase flow instabilities in vertical boiling channelPages 671-679H. Gürgenci, T.N. Veziroglu, S. Kakaç
5.The effect of thermal boundary conditions on the heat transport in vertical channels heated from belowPages 681-688H. Frick
6.Enhanced and local heat transfer, pressure drop, and flow visualization for arrays of block-like electronic componentsPages 689-699E.M. Sparrow, S.B. Vemuri, D.S. Kadle
7.Thermal convection in a cavity filled with a porous medium: A classification of limiting behavioursPages 701-708P.A. Blythe, P.G. Simpkins, P.G. Daniels
8.A correlation for heat transfer by natural convection from horizontal cylinders that accounts for viscous dissipationPages 709-716Richard M. Fand, James Brucker
9.The transport from a drop in an alternating electric fieldPages 717-726Stewart K. Griffiths, Frank A. Morrison Jr.
10.On the effects of viscous dissipation and pressure work in free convection loopsPages 727-734Haim H. Bau, K.E. Torrance
11.On the mechanism of macrolayer formation in nucleate pool boiling at high heat fluxPages 735-740A.M. Bhat, R. Prakash, J.S. Saini
12.Identification of the polyrelaxational nonlinear differential mass diffusion operatorPages 741-745A.G. Temkin
13.Drop-to-filmwise condensation transition: Heat transfer measurements for ethanediolPages 747-760S.A. Stylianou, J.W. Rose
14.Thermal convection in a porous medium composed of alternating thick and thin layersPages
15.Free convection about a sphere at small Grashof numberPages 781-783S.N. Singh, M.M. Hasan
16.A second law analysis of the concentric tube heat exchanger: optimisation of wall conductivityPages 783-786K. Chowdhury, S. Sarangi
17.An analysis of substrate heat losses in Stefan's problem with a constant fluxPages 786-790Bellave Jayaram, William Strieder
18.The influence of sound on natural convection from vertical flat platesPages 790-792Matsumura Hiroaki
19.Two-phase annular and dispersed flowsPage 793
20.Fifth international heat pipe conferencePages 793-794
21.Fourth international symposium on turbulent shear flowsPage 794

Volume 26, Issue 6, Pages 795-953 (June 1983)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 795-804R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
2.Heat transfer performance of ceramic regenerator matrices with sine-duct shaped passagesPages 805-814C.W. Rapley, A.I.C. Webb
3.Natural convection heat transfer in a porous layer with internal flow obstructionsPages 815-822Adrian Bejan
4.Fluid flow and transfer behavior of a drop translating in an electric field at intermediate Reynolds numbersPages 823-832Loto S. Chang, John C. Berg
5.Heat transfer in nucleate pool boiling at high heat fluxPages 833-840A.M. Bhat, R. Prakash, J.S. Saini
6.Pool boiling heat transfer in a confined spacePages 841-848Shi-Chune Yao, Yung Chang
7.Boiling on a finned tube and a finned tube bundlePages 849-859E. Hahne, J. Müller
8.Effective macroscopic description for heat conduction in periodic compositesPages 861-869J.L. Auriault
9.Thermal performance of radiative cooling panelsPages 871-880P. Berdahl, M. Martin, F. Sakkal
10.Duct-flow versus external-flow natural convection at a short, wall-attached horizontal cylinderPages 881-889E.M. Sparrow, P. Souza Mendes, M.A. Ansari, A.T. Prata
11.Une certaine methode de calcul des echangeurs de chaleurPages 891-899J. Lach, W. Pieczka
12.An investigation of transient boiling heat transfer with conjugate naturePages 901-909Shi-Chune Yao, Abolfazl Salehpour
13.Analysis of transient natural convection flow at high Prandtl number using a matched asymptotic expansion techniquePages 911-919V.P. Carey
14.Theoretical prediction of maximum heat flux in power transientsPages 921-932Akimi Serizawa
15.The geyser effect in a two-phase thermosyphonPages 933-941C. Casarosa, E. Latrofa, A. Shelginski
16.Experiments on a rotating fluid heated from belowPages 943-949Daniel Tang, J.L. Hudson
17.Source function expansion for radiative transfer in an anisotropically scattering slab with reflecting boundariesPages 951-953S.M. Shouman, M.N. Özişik

Volume 26, Issue 7, Pages 955-1107 (July 1983)

1.Das Abreissen von Dampfblasen an festen HeizflächenPages 955-963J. Mitrović
2.Prediction of binary mixture boiling heat transfer coefficients using only phase equilibrium dataPages 965-974John R. Thome
3.Transient heat and mass transfer in the two-phase system: Subliming solid-vapour-gas mixturePages 975-980J. Smolík, J. Vítovec
4.Mass transfer into a turbulent liquid filmPages 981-991A.K. Biń
5.Effect of interwall spacing and fluid flow inlet conditions on a corrugated-wall heat exchangerPages 993-1005E.M. Sparrow, J.W. Comb
6.Experimental study of mass transfer around a turbulence promoter by the limiting current methodPages 1007-1016Do Hyun Kim, In Ho Kim, Ho Nam Chang
7.Generalization and application of Laplace transformation formulas for diffusionPages 1017-1027T. Shibata, M. Kugo
8.The velocity field produced by a submerged jet directed upwards at a free surfacePages 1029-1036A.D. Garrad, M.A. Patrick
9.Analysis and computation of three-dimensional, transient flow and combustion through granulated propellantsPages 1037-1053N.C. Markatos, D. Kirkcaldy
10.Reducing scattering to nonscattering problems in radiation heat transferPages 1055-1062Haeok Lee, Richard O. Buckius
11.False diffusion in convection and diffusion with chemical reactionPages 1063-1067Chung-Hsiung Li
12.Low Prandtl number convection between differentially heated end wallsPages 1069-1074J.E. Hart
13.Structure dynamique et transfert de matiere liquide-paroi dans le cas de l’ecoulement laminaire tourbillonnaire de Couette-PoiseuillePages 1075-1085J. Legrand, F. Coeuret, M. Billon
14.A simple drop table for fractional gravity — Design and instrumentationPages 1087-1088MG Cooper
15.The ‘mirage’ in boilingPages 1088-1090MG Cooper
16.Note on the pulsating nature of thermally-driven open cavity flowPages 1090-1093KS Chen, JAC Humphrey, L Miller
17.Temperature distribution in a large circular plate heated by a disk heat sourcePages 1093-1095R.C. Mehta, T.K. Bose
18.Droplets on impact with a solid surfacePages 1095-1098J. Madejski
19.Characteristic potentials for coupled heat and mass transfer processesPages 1098-1102D.J. Close
20.Comments on ‘On the existence of two “transition” boiling curves’Pages 1103-1104R.H.S. Winterton
21.Reply to “Comments on ‘On the existence of two “transition” boiling curves’”Page 1104L.C. Witte, J.H. Lienhard
22.F.W. Schmidt and A.J. Willmott , Thermal Energy Storage and Regeneration. Hemisphere (1981) 352 pp., $35.50.Page 1105J.B. Harness
23.N.P. Leonachescu , Heat Transfer between Buildings and Soil, Editura Tehnica, Bucharest (1981) (in Romanian), 260 pp.
24.C.O. Bennett and J.E. Myers , Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (3rd edn.), McGraw-Hill (1982) 832 pp.Pages 1105-1106H. Sawistowski
25.P.P. Prokhorenko, N.V. Dezhkunov and G.E. Konovalov , Ultrasonic Capillary Effect, Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk (1981).Page 1106O.G. Martynenko, V.V. Levdansky
26.Mafelap 1984: The mathematics of finite elements and applications: Brunel University, 1–4 May 1984Page 1107

Volume 26, Issue 8, Pages 1109-1264 (August 1983)

1.High temperature catalytic combustion of CO−O2−N2, Ar, He, CO2−H2O mixtures of platinumPages 1109-1120C. Bruno, P.M. Walsh, D. Santavicca, F.V. Bracco
2.Nonuniform steady states of the boiling process in the transition region between the nucleate and film regimesPages 1121-1130S.A. Zhukov, V.V. Barelko
3.Diffusion in composite layers with automatic solution of the eigenvalue problemPages 1131-1141M.D. Mikhailov, M.N. Özişik, N.L. Vulchanov
4.Certain heat transfer problems in a rectangular region with multiple cutoutsPages 1143-1149A.K. Naghdi
5.Simultaneous determination of two unknown thermal coefficients through an inverse one-phase Lamé-Clapeyron (Stefan) problem with an overspecified condition on the fixed facePages 1151-1157D.A. Tarzia
6.Hydrodynamic and heat transfer analysis of two-phase annular flow with a new liquid film model of turbulencePages 1159-1171Flavio Dobran
7.On bubble cavitation and dissolutionPages 1173-1180Y.S. Cha
8.Critical heat flux in a closed two-phase thermosyphonPages 1181-1188H. Imura, K. Sasaguchi, H. Kozai, S. Numata
9.An investigation of critical heat flux and surface rewet in flow boiling systemsPages 1189-1198Tatsuhiro Ueda, Shigeru Tsunenari, Masayuki Koyanagi
10.Critical heat flux on a uniformly heated horizontal cylinder in an upward cross flow of saturated liquidPages 1199-1205Y. Katto, Y. Haramura
11.Heat transfer performance of an inclined two-phase closed thermosyphonPages 1207-1213Kanji Negishi, Teruo Sawada
12.Heat transfer to Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids flowing in a laminar regimePages 1215-1220J.C. Gottifredi, O.D. Quiroga, A.F. Flores
13.Correlations en convection naturelle turbulente. Influence de la pression et de la nature du gazPages 1221-1227R. Lochet, D. Lemonnier, Doan-Kim-Son
14.Sur la pertinence des modeles thermocinetiques et l'estimation de leurs caracteristiquesPages 1229-1239J.-C. Champoussin
15.Solute polarization during planar freezing of aqueous salt solutionsPages 1241-1253Ch. Körber, M.W. Scheiwe, K. Wollhöver
16.A variational principle for a radiation problemPages 1255-1256T.M. Atanacković
17.A comparison of approximation formulas for the heat conduction equation of a spherePages 1256-1259B. Rogg
18.On the effect of a large temperature difference on the velocity and temperature profiles for the turbulent flow of air in a tubePages 1259-1261Mario Dalle Donne
19.Comments on “A study of laminar buoyant jets discharged at an inclination to the vertical buoyancy force”Pages 1263-1264Wilhelm Schneider

Volume 26, Issue 9, Pages 1265-1418 (September 1983)

1.Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in sphere assemblages—cylindrical cell modelsPages 1265-1273R. Tal (Thau), D.N. Lee, W.A. Sirignano
2.Moment method for the evaluations of heat transfer coefficients in a packed bedPages 1275-1281Hor-Da Juang, Hung-Shan Weng
3.Local mass transfer for cross flow through tube banks of square in-line layout at intermediate reynolds numbersPages 1283-1288I.A. Nieva, U. Böhm
4.Mass transfer across a sheared, wavy air-water interfacePages 1289-1297Yoram Cohen
5.Domain dependence of critical Rayleigh numbersPages 1299-1305J.S. Vrentas, C.M. Vrentas, R. Narayanan
6.Heat transfer in large particle fluidized bedsPages 1307-1320N. Decker, L.R. Glicksman
7.A calculation procedure for two phase flow distribution in manifolds with and without heat transferPages 1321-1328A.B. Datta, A.K. Majumdar
8.Influence of buoyancy forces and thermal conductivity on flow field and heat transfer of circular cylinders at small Reynolds numberPages 1329-1338Bengt Sundén
9.The boundary layer regime in a porous layer with uniform heat flux from the sidePages 1339-1346Adrian Bejan
10.Investigation of heat transfer behind an oscillating gridPages 1347-1355W. Kühn
11.A refutation of King’s rule for multi-dimensional external natural convectionPages 1357-1364E.M. Sparrow, M.A. Ansari
12.Heat transfer in vertical upwards gas-liquid slug flowPages 1365-1376Dvora Barnea, Naseem Yacoub
13.Interfacial area and nucleation site density in boiling systemsPages 1377-1387G. Kocamustafaogullari, M. Ishii
14.An axisymmetric model for the charging of a liquid-dominated geothermal reservoirPages 1389-1401J. Troncoso, D.R. Kassoy
15.Forced convective heat transfer in the entrance region of a parallel plate channelPages 1403-1405Reeta Das, A.K. Mohanty
16.Vapour bubble formation during fast transient boiling on a wirePages 1405-1408K. Derewnicki
17.Heat transfer from partially insulated hexagonal ductsPages 1408-1412R.M. Abdel-Wahed, A.E. Attia
18.Magnetohydrodynamic natural convection heat transfer from horizontal cylindersPages 1413-1416Patrick F. Dunn
19.Comments on ‘the effect of subchannel shape on heat transfer in rod bundles with axial flow’Pages 1417-1418J.T. Rogers

Volume 26, Issue 10, Pages 1419-1576 (October 1983)

1.Effects of stepwise variation of albedo on reflectivity and transmissivity of an isotropically scattering slabPages 1419-1426T.B. Clements, M.N. Özişik
2.Long rolls generated by natural convection in an inclined, rectangular enclosurePages 1427-1438Hiroyuki Ozoe, Keiichi Fujii, Noam Lior, Stuart W. Churchill
3.Transport near a vertical ice surface melting in water of various salinity levelsPages 1439-1452B. Sammakia, B. Gebhart
4.Fusion et coulee de gaine en conduite cylindrique annulaire verticale en presence d’un contre-courant gazeuxPages 1453-1461J. Galan, R. Brun, M. Fortunato, J. Papin
5.Prediction of critical heat flux in flow boiling at low qualitiesPages 1463-1477J. Weisman, B.S. Pei
6.Evaporative convection in minute drops on a plate with temperature gradientPages 1479-1488Nengli Zhang, Wen-Jei Yang
7.Behaviour of vapour bubbles growing at a wall with forced flowPages 1489-1507M.G. Cooper, K. Mori, C.R. Stone
8.Steady heat conduction from an infinite row of holes in a half-space or a uniform slabPages 1509-1513D.A. Caulk
9.Mechanism for transition to turbulence in buoyant plume flowPages 1515-1532Shigeo Kimura, Adrian Bejan
10.Evaluation of spectrally-integrated radiative fluxes of molecular gases in multi-dimensional mediaPages 1533-1546Michael F. Modest
11.Local heat transfer rates from two adjacent spheres in turbulent flowPages 1547-1556David C.T. Pei, G. Hayward
12.Second-order boundary-layer flow past sharp conesPages 1557-1570M.N. Mathur
13.Analysis of 1–2 split flow heat exchangerPages 1571-1573K.N. Murty
14.The growth of a thermal layer in a porous medium adjacent to a suddenly heated semi-infinite horizontal surfacePages 1574-1576I. Pop, Ping Cheng

Volume 26, Issue 11, Pages 1577-1729 (November 1983)

1.High pressure heat transfer investigations for fluidized beds of large particles and immersed vertical tube bundlesPages 1577-1584V.A. Borodulya, V.L. Ganzha, A.I. Podberezsky, S.N. Upadhyay, S.C. Saxena
2.Non equilibre thermodynamique dans les milieux poreux non satures avec changement de phasePages 1585-1595J.C. Benet, P. Jouanna
3.The exact solution of the nusselt's model of the cross-flow recuperatorPages 1597-1601Jan Lach
4.A new method for measuring the heat conduction coefficient of thin ceramic layers at high temperaturesPages 1603-1610Wiktor Żyszkowski
5.Transient conduction in a two-dimensional composite slab—I. Theoretical development of temperature modesPages 1611-1616H. Salt
6.Transient conduction in a two-dimensional composite slab—II. Physical interpretation of temperature modesPages 1617-1623H. Salt
7.Stokes's problem with meltingPages
8.Freezing a saturated liquid inside a spherePages 1631-1637James M. Hill, Adam Kucera
9.Convection naturelle mixte et forcee dans un thermosiphon vertical chauffe a flux constantPages 1639-1647F. Penot, A.-M. Dalbert
10.Radiative scatter by fly ash in pulverized-coal-fired furnaces: Application of the Monte Carlo method to anisotropic scatterPages 1649-1660R.P. Gupta, T.F. Wall, J.S. Truelove
11.Transient conjugated heat transfer between a cooling coil and its surrounding enclosurePages 1661-1667T.F. Lin, K.H. Hawks, W. Leidenfrost
12.Laminar free convection around horizontal circular cylindersPages 1669-1677Luciano M. de Socio
13.The possibility of determining and using a new local heat transfer coefficientPages 1679-1684G. Dankó
14.An improved root-finding procedure for use in calculating transient heat flow through multilayered slabsPages 1685-1693Douglas C. Hittle, Richard Bishop
15.Transient heat transfer from a wire in a violently fluctuating environmentPages 1695-1705W.F. Tseng, S.P. Lin
16.Effects of the thermal gradient on the moisture migration in a cylindrical concrete vesselPages 1707-1710C.L.D. Huang, H.H. Siang
17.Diffusion and informationPages 1710-1712Lothar Senf
18.An approximate analytical solution to the freezing problem subject to convective cooling and with arbitrary initial liquid temperaturesPages 1712-1715A.M.C. Chan, P. Smereka, M. Shoukri
19.Optical illustration of liquid penetration to the vapour film in inverted annular boilingPages 1715-1717Z. Edelman, E. Elias, D. Naot
20.Similarity solution for conjugate natural convection heat transfer from a long vertical plate finPages 1718-1721T.H. Kuehn, S.S. Kwon, A.K. Tolpadi
21.An approximate solution procedure for laminar free and forced convection heat transfer problemsPages 1721-1726Akira Nakayama, Hitoshi Koyama, Sei-ich Ohsawa
22.M.N. Ivanovskii, V.P. Sorokin and I.V. Yagodkin R. Berman and G. Rice, Editors, The Physical Principles of Heat Pipes, Oxford University Press, New York (1982).Page 1727A. Wright
23.B.V. Karlekar and R.M. Desmond (2nd edn.), Heat Transfer xiii, West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minnesota (1982) + 799 pp.+solutions manual, 417 pp..Pages 1727-1728N.C. Markatos
24.Adrian Bejan , Entropy Generation Through Heat and Fluid Flow, John Wiley ; Sons, New York (1982) 248 pp., £33.00.Page 1728Hassan Aref
25.E. U. SchlüNder, K. J. Bell, D. Chisholm, G. F. Hewitt, F. W. Schmidt, D. B. Spalding, J. Taborek, A. Zukauskas and V. Gnielinski (Editors), Heat Exchanger Handbook. Hemisphere, 1982, 2080 pp., S600.00.Pages 1728-1729Owen Saunders
26.R.H.S. Winterton , Thermal Design of Nuclear Reactors, Pergamon Press, Oxford (1981) 200 pp., £7.50.Page 1729A. Watson
27.W.W. Durgin, Editor, Flow: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry Vol. 2, ISA (1981) 867 pp.Page 1729G.J. Williams

Volume 26, Issue 12, Pages 1731-1896 (December 1983)

1.Professor Bei Tse Chao on his 65th birthdayPages 1731-1732Chang-Lin Tien, James P. Hartnett
2.Heat transfer—A review of the 1982 literaturePages 1733-1770E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein, E. Pfender, W.E. Ibele, S.V. Patankar, J.W. Ramsey, T.W. Simon, N.A. Decker
3.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1771-1781R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
4.The emitter-receptor geometrical configuration influence on radiative heat transferPages 1783-1789R. Mihail, Gh. Maria
5.Heat transfer in a tube bank in the presence of upstream cross-sectional enlargementPages
6.Natural convection in vertically and horizontally layered porous media heated from the sidePages 1805-1814D. Poulikakos, A. Bejan
7.The variational method for the solution of the combined heat and mass transfer problemsPages 1815-1822Yu.T. Glazunov
8.Mixing to a molecular level in turbulent mediaPages 1823-1831V.P. Kabashnikov, A.A. Kurskov
9.Turbulent flow heat transfer and fluid friction in helical-wire-coil-inserted tubesPages 1833-1845R. Sethumadhavan, M. Raja Rao
10.Short-circuit phenomena: Heat energy drains in composite cylindrical slabsPages 1847-1856H.P. Yagoda
11.Heat transfer from round impinging jets to a flat platePages 1857-1865Peter Hrycak
12.Natural convection in a partially divided enclosurePages 1867-1878Nienchuan N. Lin, Adrian Bejan
13.Exact analysis of convective diffusion of a solute in MHD radiating convective flow in a vertical channelPages 1879-1882K.K. Mandal, G. Mandal
14.Effect of crossflow in boiling heat transfer of waterPages 1882-1885R.L. Singh, J.S. Saini, H.K. Varma
15.The effect of a magnetic field on the heat transfer characteristics of an air fluidized bed of ferromagnetic particlesPages 1885-1889Julie J. Neff, Boris Rubinsky
16.Mixed convection heat transfer from a vertical heated cylinder in a crossflowPages 1889-1892M.F. Young, T.R. Ulrich
17.Comments on ‘Heat transfer with contact resistance’Page 1893C.V. Madhusudana
18.Second International Symposium on Applications of Laser Anemometry to Fluid Mechanics: Lisbon, Portugal, 2–4 July 1984Page 1895
19.XVI ICHMT Symposium—Heat and mass transfer in fixed and fluidized beds: Dubrovnik President Hotel, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 3–7 September 1984Pages 1895-1896

Volume 27, Issue 1, Pages 1-155 (January 1984)

1.Editorial BoardPage CO2
2.Total hemispherical emittances for CO2 or H2O including particulate scatteringPages 1-13R. D. Skocypec, R. O. Buckius
3.Laminar combined convection from a horizontal cylinder—Parallel and contra flow regimesPages 15-27H. M. Badr
4.The effects of heat generation and wall interaction on freezing and melting in a finite slabPages 29-37F. B. Cheung, T. C. Chawla, D. R. Pedersen
5.Effect of pressure gradient in forced convection film condensation on a horizontal tubePages 39-47J. W. Rose
6.Natural convection in enclosures with off-center innerbodiesPages 49-56E. M. Sparrow, P. C. Stryker, M. A. Ansari
7.A finite element analysis of the upper jet region of a fiber drawing flow field of a temperature-sensitive materialPages 57-67Richard Sayles, Bruce Caswell
8.Vertical natural convection flows in porous media: Calculations of improved accuracyPages 69-75Yogendra Joshi, Benjamin Gebhart
9.Numerical study of heat transfer in laminar film boiling by the finite-difference methodPages 77-84J. Srinivasan, N. S. Rao
10.Heat transfer on a rotationally oscillating cylinder in crossflowPages 85-94E. P. Childs, R. E. Mayle
11.Unsteady, conjugated, forced convection heat transfer in a parallel plate ductPages 95-101James Sucec, Ajay M. Sawant
12.On transient natural convection heat transfer in the annulus between concentric, horizontal cylinders with isothermal surfacesPages 103-111Y. T. Tsui, B. Tremblay
13.Melting and solidification of a metal system in a rectangular cavityPages 113-123C. Gau, R. Viskanta
14.A new analysis of the closed loop thermosyphonPages 125-136John E. Hart
15.Influence of buoyancy on the vertical flow and heat transfer in a shrouded fin arrayPages 137-140Z. Zhang, S. V. patankar
16.Turbulent heat and mass transfer in newtonian and dilute polymer solutions flowing through rough pipesPages 140-142Yoshinori Kawase, Addie De
17.The thermal resistance of a composite hollow spherePages 142-144G. M. L. gladwell
18.Boiling of suspension of solid particles in waterPages 145-147Yu Min Yang, Jer Ru Maa
19.Estimation of fin efficiencies of regular tubes arrayed in circumferential finsPages 148-151D. -Y. Kuan, R. Aris, H. T. Davis
20.Comments on ‘a mechanistic theory for heat transfer between fluidized beds of large particles and immersed surfaces’Page 153J. Kubie
21.Reply to “comments on ‘a mechanistic theory for heat transfer between fluidized beds of large particles and immersed surfaces’”Pages 153-154V. L. Ganzha, S. C. Saxena
22.First U.K. national heat transfer conferencePage 155

Volume 27, Issue 2, Pages 157-323 (February 1984)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Polish works (1981–1982)Pages 157-161J. Bandrowski, J. Zioło
2.An asymptotic analysis of some nonlinear boundary-value problems of convective mass and heat transfer of reacting particles with the flowPages 163-189A.D. Polyanin
3.Convective and radiative heating of a Saturn entry probePages 191-205S.N. Tiwari, K.Y. Szema, J.N. Moss, S.V. Subramanian
4.Natural convection in a vertical porous annulusPages 207-219V. Prasad, F.A. Kulacki
5.Combined convection and radiation in rectangular ductsPages 221-231K.H. Im, R.K. Ahluwalia
6.Heat transfer adjacent to the attached end of a cylinder in crossflowPages 233-242E.M. Sparrow, T.J. Stahl, P. Traub
7.Shape of porous region to control cooling along curved exit boundaryPages 243-252Robert Siegel, Aaron Snyder
8.The prediction of turbulent flow and heat transfer in a narrow isosceles triangular ductPages 253-262C.W. Rapley, A.D. Gosman
9.Parametric studies on direct contact evaporation of a drop in an immiscible liquidPages 263-272P. Battya, Vijay R. Raghavan, K.N. Seetharamu
10.Developing flow and transport above a suddenly heated horizontal surface in waterPages 273-289J.C. Mollendorf, Humayun Arif, Emmanuel B. Ajiniran
11.Extinction of premixed flames by stretch and radiative lossPages 291-300S.H. Sohrab, C.K. Law
12.Investigations of liquid flashing and evaporation due to sudden depressurizationPages 301-310R.J. Peterson, S.S. Grewal, M.M. El-Wakil
13.Transmittance of collimated radiation by a cylindrical absorbing columnPages 311-312Rah Sang-Chun, Adel F. Sarofim, János M. Beér
14.Unsteady three-dimensional mixed convection flow with temperature dependent viscosityPages 312-315C.D.Surma Devi, G. Nath
15.The existence of nucleate boiling in diabatic two-phase annular flowPages 315-317D.R.H. Beattie, W.J. Green
16.The mathematical modelling of condensation heat and mass transfer: A. A. Mikhalevich, Nauka i Technika, Minsk, 1982, 216 pp.Page 319M.D. Mikhailov
17.Similarity analysis in thermal physics: S. S. Kutateladze, Izd. Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1982,280 pp., 144 illust., 6 tables, 131 lit. refs.Page 319O.G. Martynenko, S.P. Fisenko
18.Fundamentals of compressible flow: S. M. Yahya, Wiley, New York, 1982, 352 pp., £9.00.Page 320J.C. Ludwig
19.Selected publications of wilhelm nusselt and ernst schmidt: Edited by U. Grigull (Technische Universität Munchen, West Germany), Hemisphere, Washington, DC, 1983, 262 pp., ISBN 0-89116-3298, list price $11.95.Page 320Y.R. Mayhew
20.IFA 100 brochure available from TSI incorporatedPage 321
21.Short course: ‘Bases of two-phase flow’Page 321
22.Prediction of critical heat flux in flow boiling at low qualities: J. Weisman and B.S. Pei, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer26, 1463–1477 (1983).Page 323

Volume 27, Issue 3, Pages 325-477 (March 1984)

1.Professor James P. Hartnett on his 60th birthdayPages 325-326W.J. Minkowycz, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, E.R.G. Eckert, T.F. Irvine Jr.
2.A microscopic study of dropwise condensationPages
3.Natural convection between horizontal concentric cylinders filled with a porous layer with internal heat generationPages 337-349P. Vasseur, T.Hung Nguyen, L. Robillard, V.K.Tong Thi
4.Study of liquid spray (water) in a non-condensable environment (air)Pages 351-361S.Y. Lee, R.S. Tankin
5.Study of liquid spray (water) in a condensable environment (steam)Pages 363-374S.Y. Lee, R.S. Tankin
6.The onset of thermal convection in a fluid layer with time-dependent temperature distributionPages 375-381M. Kaviany
7.The temperature and flow field of a free burning arc deflected by a transverse magnetic fieldPages
8.Laminar heat transfer to blood flowing in a circular ductPages 391-398Antonio Dumas, Giovanni S. Barozzi
9.Modeling of the effective thermal conductivity and diffusivity of a packed bed with stagnant fluidPages 399-407Emerson F. Jaguaribe, Donald E. Beasley
10.Temperature distributions around buried pipe networks in soil with a temperature dependent thermal conductivityPages 409-417Abraham Dayan, Alan H. Merbaum, Ishaiahu Segal
11.Surface thermal capacity effects in transient natural convection flows at high prandtl numberPages 419-431V.P. Carey
12.Natural convection heat transfer to liquid metals below downward facing horizontal surfacesPages 433-441T. Schulenberg
13.Marangoni convection in a rotating fluid layer with non-uniform temperature gradientPages 443-449R. Friedrich, N. Rudraiah
14.Droplet formation and growth in condensing binary vapoursPages 451-461W. Studziński, R.A. Zahoransky, S.L.K. Wittig, D. Barschdorff
15.The senftleben effect in cross-flow heat exchange and the part played by electronic conductionPage 463P. Cooper, P.H.G. Allen
16.The two-flux model for radiative transfer with strongly anisotropic scatteringPages 464-466J.S. Truelove
17.Multi-prandtl number correlation equations for natural convection in layers and enclosuresPages 466-468K.G.T. Hollands
18.Convective heat transfer response to height differences in an array of block-like electronic componentsPages 469-473E.M. Sparrow, A.A. Yanezmoreno, D.R. Otis Jr.
19.Transient Two-Phase Flow: Milton S. Plesset, Novak Zuber and Ivan Catton (Editors), Published by Hemisphere, Washington, DC (ISBN 0-89116-258-5) and distributed outside North America by Springer, Berlin (ISBN 3-540-12248-6), 1983, 736 pp., £51.85Page 475P.B. Whalley
20.First announcement and call for papers-fifth international conference on physicochemical hydrodynamicsPage 477
21.NATO advanced study institute on natural convection: Fundamentals and applicationsPage 477

Volume 27, Issue 4, Pages 479-637 (April 1984)

1.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 479-485Mori Yasuo, Echigo Ryozo
2.Development of inverse methods for determining thermophysical and radiative properties of high-temperature fibrous materialsPages 487-495L.K. Matthews, R. Viskanta, F.P. Incropera
3.The effects of the density extremum and boundary conditions on the stability of a horizontally confined water layerPages 497-510Hwang Lih-tyng, Lu Wen-feng, J.C. Mollendorf
4.Nouvelle methode de mesure de la conductivite thermiquePages 511-517J.Y. Desmons, E. Madieta, M. Martin, R. Torguet, M. le Ray
5.Forced convection film condensation on a horizontal tube with and without non-condensing gasesPages 519-528W.C. Lee, J.W. Rose
6.Mass transfer due to a confined laminar impinging two-dimensional jetPages 529-539Hin-Sum Law, Jacob H. Masliyah
7.Measurements of the transient behavior of a capillary structure under heavy thermal loadingPages 541-551Gene T. Colwell, Won Soon Chang
8.Analysis of laminar flow and heat transfer in tubes with internal circumferential finsPages 553-560G.J. Rowley, S.V. Patankar
9.An investigation of natural convection in enclosures with two- and three-dimensional partitionsPages 561-571M.W. Nansteel, R. Greif
10.Size and number density change of droplet populations above a quench front during refloodPages 573-585R. Lee, J.N. Reyes, K. Almenas
11.Free convection of gases in a horizontal cylinder with differentially heated end wallsPages 587-598G.H. Schiroky, F. Rosenberger
12.Thermal resistance at a surface in contact with fluidized bed particlesPages 599-610David Gloski, Leon Glicksman, Norman Decker
13.Combined natural and forced convection between parallel walls: Developing flow at higher Rayleigh numbersPages 611-621P.M. Beckett, I.E. Friend
14.Measurement of thermal conductivity of molten salts in the range 100–500°CPages 623-626R.
15.A study of the variation of the pressure in a natural circulation loopPages 626-630A. Mertol, A. Lavine, R. Greif
16.High Rayleigh number heat transfer in a horizontal cylinder with adiabatic wallPages 630-633G.H. Schiroky, F. Rosenberger
17.Progress in boundary element methods (volume 2): C. A. Brebbia (Editor), Pentech Press, London, 1983, 217 pp., £28.50.Pages 635-636N.C. Markatos
18.Reviews of renewable energy resources: M. S. Sodha, S. S. Mathur and M. A. S. Malik, Vol. 1, Wiley Eastern Lim., New Delhi, 1983, 368 pp.Page 636C.J. Hoogendoorn
19.Heat exchangers: Theory and practice: J. Taborek, G. F. Hewitt and N. Afgan, Hemisphere, Washington, DC, 1983, 992 pp., $69.96Pages 636-637Owen Saunders

Volume 27, Issue 5, Pages 639-798 (May 1984)

1.Correlation of thermophoretically-modified small particle diffusional deposition rates in forced convection systems with variable properties, transpiration cooling and/or viscous dissipationPages 639-646S.A. GökoḠlu, D.E. Rosner
2.Analysis of solar-dehumidification dryingPages 647-655B. Paláncz
3.Approche experimentale des mecanismes de transfert au cours du sechage convectif a haute temperature d'un bois resineuxPages 657-668C. Basilico, M. Martin
4.Turbulent heat transfer coefficients in an isothermal-walled tube for either a built-in or free inletPages 669-675E.M. Sparrow, M. Molki
5.Natural convection in saturated porous layers with internal heat sourcesPages 677-685T. Schulenberg, U. Müller
6.Unsteady heat transfer from a single sphere in stokes flowPages 687-695B. Abramzon, C. Elata
7.Natural convection effects in the continuous casting of a horizontal cylinderPages 697-704L.S. Yao
8.Heat transfer during inward melting in a horizontal tubePages 705-716C.-J. Ho, R. Viskanta
9.The nondarcy regime for vertical boundary layer natural convection in a porous mediumPages 717-722Adrian Bejan, Dimos Poulikakos
10.Flow regime transition criteria for upward two-phase flow in vertical tubesPages 723-737Mishima Kaichiro, Mamoru Ishii
11.An analytical solution of the heat transfer process during melting of an unfixed solid phase change material inside a horizontal tubePages 739-746M. Bareiss, H. Beer
12.Three-dimensional natural convection in an inclined cylindrical annulusPages 747-754Takata Yasuyuki, Iwashige Kengo, Fukuda Kenji, Hasegawa Shu
13.Laminar and turbulent natural convection in an enclosed cavityPages 755-772N.C. Markatos, K.A. Pericleous
14.Optical temperature gradient measurements using speckle photographyPages 773-780M.S. Sivasubramanian, R. Cole, P.C. Sukanek
15.The behavior of a water droplet on heated surfacesPages 781-791Makino Kunihide, Michiyoshi Itaru
16.Free convection of non-Newtonian fluids over non-isothermal two-dimensional bodiesPages 791-794A. Som, J.L.S. Chen
17.Transient film condensation on a vertical surface in a porous mediumPages 795-798P. Cheng, D.K. Chui

Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages 799-952 (June 1984)

1.Combined natural and forced convection in a horizontal porous channelPages 799-813M. Haajizadeh, C. L. Tien
2.Simulation of the vertical flow of a thin, wavy film using a finite-element methodPages 815-827Poul Bach, John Villadsen
3.Effect of a large temperature difference and pyrolysis on the heat transfer between a cylinder and transverse gas flows of nitrogen and propanePages 829-841Tokuro Mizushina, Fumimaru Ogino, Toshitatsu Matsumoto, Hiroshi Ueda, Kazuyoshi Baba
4.A mathematical analysis of pneumatic drying of grains—I. Constant drying ratePages 843-849Shigeru Matsumoto, David C. T. Pei
5.A mathematical analysis of pneumatic drying of grains—II. Falling rate dryingPages 851-855Shigeru Matsumoto, David C. T. Pei
6.Heat and mass transfer in viscous swirled jetsPages 857-862Z. P. Shulman, V. I. Korobko, V. K. Shashmin
7.Transient natural convection heat and mass transfer during refrigeration of air by horizontal tubesPages 863-868El-Reidy M. K.
8.Laminar free convection from a vertical platePages 869-881O. G. Martynenko, A. A. Berezovsky, Yu. A. Sokovishin
9.Prediction of critical heat flux for annular flow in tubes taking into account the critical liquid film thickness conceptPages 883-891Y. Katto
10.On the solution of heat transfer through an array of extended surfacesPages 893-899M. D. Mikhailov, M. N. Öziik
11.Two-phase droplet flow convective and radiative heat transferPages 901-910J. N. Chung, S. I. Olafsson
12.A similarity relation for energy separation in a vortex tubePages 911-920K. Stephan, S. Lin, M. Durst, F. Huang, D. Seher
13.The free surface on a liquid filling a porous slab heated from its sidesPages 921-926C. Y. Loh, H. Rasmussen
14.Correlation between heat transfer and fluctuating pressure in separated region of a circular cylinderPages 927-937T. Igarashi
15.Interaction of convection and radiation heat transfer in high pressure and temperature steamPages 939-941D. M. Kim, R. Viskanta
16.The heat spreader: some quantitative resultsPages 942-943H. K. Kuiken
17.Film condensation in a vertical tube with a closed topPages 944-948R. A. Seban, A. Faghri
18.Comments on ‘a heat transfer prediction method for turbulent boundary layers developing over rough surfaces with transpiration’Pages 949-952A. F. Mills, Xu Hang
19.Reply to “comments on ‘a heat transfer prediction method for turbulent boundary layers developing over rough surfaces with transpiration’”Page 950P. M. Ligrani, W. M. Kays, R. J. Moffat
20.Comments on ‘some properties of the coefficient matrix of the differential equations for parallel-flow multichannel heat exchangers’Page 951Andrzej B. Jarzebski

Volume 27, Issue 7, Pages 953-1125 (July 1984)

1.In memoriam Professor Shiro NukiyamaPage 953T. Takeyama
2.Memories of my research on boilingPages 955-957Nukiyama Shiro
3.The maximum and minimum values of the heat q transmitted from metal to boiling water under atmospheric pressurePages 959-970Nukiyama Shiro
4.A modified selected point matching technique for testing compact heat exchanger surfacesPages
5.Reflection of sound at an interface, taking into account mass and heat transport across itPages 979-986W. Maier, L. Meinhold-Heerlein
6.Spectral analogy between temperature and velocity fluctuations in several turbulent flowsPages 987-997L. Fulachier, R.A. Antonia
7.Rewetting of a hot surface by a falling liquid film — Effects of liquid subcoolingPages 999-1005Ueda Tatsuhiro, indue Mitsuru
8.Thermal convection in a porous medium with horizontal cracksPages 1007-1023Robert McKibbin, Peder A. Tyvand
9.Film boiling in laminar boundary-layer flow along a horizontal plate surfacePages 1025-1029Wang Bu-Xuan, Shi Dn-Hui
10.Peripheral temperature variation in the wall of a noncircular duct — An experimental investigationPages 1031-1037H. Barrow, A.K.A. Hassan, C. Avgerinos
11.Effect of inlet, exit, and fin geometry on pin fins situated in a turning flowPages 1039-1054E.M. Sparrow, A.P. Suopys, M.A. Ansari
12.Inward solid-liquid phase-change heat transfer in a rectangular cavity with conducting vertical wallsPages 1055-1065C.-J. Ho, R. Viskanta
13.External heating of a flat plate in a convective flowPages 1067-1073César Treviño, Amable liñán
14.An experimental determination of the heat and mass transfer coefficients in moist, unsaturated soilsPages
15.Transition from conduction to convection around a horizontal cylinder experiencing a ramp excursion in internal heat generationPages 1087-1097R.E. Faw, R.P.H. Ismuntoyo, T.W. Lester
16.L'interaction de pénétration/gonflement pour l'étude de la diffusion des liquides dans les élastoméresPages 1099-1108G. Antonini, E. Brunier
17.Description of the wetting frontPages 1109-1110Josef Pražák
18.The effect of wall suction and thermophoresis on aerosol particle deposition from a laminar boundary layer on a flat platePages 1110-1113A.F. Mills, Hang Xu, F. Ayazi
19.Heat transfer between hot combustion gases and a cold wall in narrow channels for limit flamesPages 1113-1116Józef Jarosiński
20.Melting rates in turbulent recirculating flow systemsPages 1116-1121J. Szekely, H.H. Grevet, N. El-Kaddah
21.Comments on pratt's transient cooling solutionPage 1123M.G. Davies, M.C. Bhattacharya
22.J. Weisman and B.S. Pei, Prediction of critical heat flux in flow boiling at low qualities, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer26, 1463–1477 (1983)Page 1125
23.K. G. T. Hollands, Multi-Prandtl number correlation equations for natural convection in layers and enclosures, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer27, 466–468 (1984)Page 1125

Volume 27, Issue 8, Pages 1127-1432 (August 1984)

1.Experimental study of natural convection in an inclined air layerPages 1127-1139Inaba Hideo
2.Liquid mixtures separation in a freezing-out processPages 1141-1148Leon Gradoń, Dariusz Orlicki
3.A convective heat transfer coefficient in a highly circulating reheating furnacePages 1149-1155Jerzy Tomeczek, Władysław Komornicki
4.Comparison of Stefan model with two- phase model of coal dryingPages 1157-1169R.W. Lyczkowski, Y.-T. Chao
5.Endothermic gasification of a solid by thermal radiation absorbed in depthPages 1171-1182W. Börsch-Supan, L.W. Hunter, J.R. Kuttler
6.Temperature calculation in an incompressible permanent laminar fluid flow through a circular pipe with axial conduction and viscosityPages 1183-1187Jeronimo Dos Santos Travelho, Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias
7.The kinetic phenomena in nonisothermal motion of a binary gas mixture through a plane channelPages 1189-1196V.G. Chernyak, V.V. Kalinin, P.E. Suetin
8.Heat transfer for turbulent flow in a circular tube with uniform suction or injectionPages 1197-1203V.M. Yeroshenko, A.V. Yershov, L.I. Zaichik
9.Thermogravitational and thermocapillary flows in a horizontal liquid layer under the conditions of a horizontal temperature gradientPages 1205-1218A.G. Kirdyashkin
10.Heat transfer between fluidized beds of large particles and horizontal tube bundles at high pressuresPages 1219-1225V.A. Borodulya, V.L. Ganzha, A.I. Podberezsky, S.N. Upadhyay, S.C. Saxena
11.Stratified two-phase flow in circular pipesPages 1227-1234Leif N. Persen
12.Green's function solution for transient heat conduction problemsPages 1235-1244James V. Beck
13.Experimental investigation of the critical heat flux and post-dryout temperature regime of helical coilsPages 1245-1250M.A. Styrikovich, V.S. Polonsky, V.V. Reshetov
14.Some aspects of turbulent heat transfer in accelerated flows on permeable surfacesPages 1251-1259P.S. Roganov, V.P. Zabolotsky, E.V. Shishov, A.I. Leontiev
15.Unsteady-state extraction from a falling droplet with nonlinear dependence of distribution coefficient on concentrationPages 1261-1276A.D. Polyanin
16.Influence of some non-linear effects on the mass transfer kinetics in falling liquid filmsPages 1277-1280Chr. Boyadjiev
17.Heterodiffusion and polyrelaxationPages 1281-1289A.G. Temkin
18.Prediction of the concentration pdf for evaporating spraysPages 1291-1309Alan R. Kerstein
19.Transient boiling heat transfer from two different heat sources: Small diameter wire and thin film flat surface on a quartz substratePages 1311-1318Patricia J. Giarratano
20.Non-condensable gas effect on condensation in a two-phase closed thermosyphonPages 1319-1325K. Hijikata, S.J. Chen, C.L. Tien
21.Heating of a fully saturated darcian half-space: Pressure generation, fluid expulsion, and phase changePages 1327-1335Paul Delaney
22.Melting of semi-infinite region with viscous heatingPages 1337-1343S.C. Huang
23.Foced convection heat and momentum transfer to dendritic structures (parabolic cylinders and paraboloids of revolution)Pages 1345-1356Sachindra Kumar Das, William N. Gill
24.The radiation spectrum from a test furnacePages 1357-1364D. Karman, F.R. Steward
25.Film boiling on a reactive surfacePages 1365-1378Michael Epstein, Joseph C. Leung, George M. Hauser, Robert E. Henry, Louis Baker Jr.
26.Heat transfer during a small-break loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor—A parametric study for a 4 in. Lower-plenum breakPages 1379-1394Nikos C. Markatos, Stephen M. Rawnsley, D.Brian Spalding
27.Heating or cooling a stable compositional gradient from the sidePages 1395-1401Herbert E. Huppert, Ross C. Kerr, Mark A. Hallworth
28.Prediction of bubble growth rates and departure volumes in nucleate boiling at isolated sitesPages 1403-1409N.S. Srinivas, R. Kumar
29.Alterations du profil de temperature d'un ruban de tungstene chauffe par effet joule, dues a une oxydationPages 1411-1413J.L. Profizi, M. Nivoit, J. Lepage, D. Paulmier
30.Periodic solutions of heat transfer for flow through a periodic assemblage of spheresPages 1414-1417Reuven Tal (Thau), Dah Nain Lee, William A. Sirignano
31.Concentration profiles near a wall at Pr not double greater-than sign 1Pages 1417-1418B.A. Kader
32.On a slowly evaporating droplet near a hot platePages 1418-1421Asok K. Sen, C.K. Law
33.Flow boiling: Prediction of bubble departurePages 1422-1424R.H.S. Winterton
34.Unsteady nonsimilar natural convection over a vertical flat plate in a thermally stratified fluidPages 1424-1427C.D.Surma Devi, G. Nath
35.Efficient numerical solution for enthalpy formulation of conduction heat transfer with phase changePages
36.Heat transfer and fluid flow in nuclear systems: Henri Fenech (Editor), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1981, 582 ppPage 1431P.J. Phelps
37.Heat transfer in energy problems: Tokuro Mizushina and Wen-Jei Yang, Hemisphere, Washington, DC, 1983, 241 pp., $69.50, ISBN: 0-89116-251-8Page 1431B.W. Martin
38.Chemical engineering: Design: R. K. Sinnott, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1983, 820+18 pp., £13.50Pages 1431-1432R. Dodd

Volume 27, Issue 9, Pages 1433-1669 (September 1984)

1.Dedication to Sir Owen A. Saunders on his 80th birthdayPage 1433
2.Professor Emeritus Sir Owen Saunders—an appreciation
3.O. A. Saunders—the scientific achievementPages 1437-1438D.Brian Spalding
4.Equilibrium radii of small vapour bubbles and liquid dropletsPages 1439-1443H. Glaser
5.An interferometric study of the natural convection in an inclined water layerPages 1445-1453R.J. Goldstein, Q.-J. Wang
6.On laser monitoring of transport processes in capillary porous bodiesPages 1455-1464O.G. Martynenko, V.V. Levdansky
7.Steady-state measurements and analytical correlations of axial effective thermal conductivities in packed beds at low gas flow ratesPages 1465-1472D. Vortmeyer, W. Adam
8.Effect of thoracic and abdominal pressure waves on blood flow in cardiopulmonary resuscitationPages 1473-1483R. Beyar, E. Kimmel, S. Sideman, U. Dinnar, Y. Kishon
9.Numerical computation of convective heat transfer in complex turbulent flows: time to abandon wall functions?Pages 1485-1491B.E. Launder
10.Flame radiation in gas turbine combustion chambersPages 1493-1510Arthur H. Lefebvre
11.Effects of sound on local transport from a heated cylinderPages 1511-1523Jon A. Peterka, Peter D. Richardson
12.Estimated eddy diffusivities of momentum and heat of viscoelastic fluidsPages 1525-1532E.Y. Kwack, J.P. Hartnett
13.Sur une méthode analytique de resolution de la conduction thermique dans les murs compositesPages 1533-1538Jean Gosse
14.Dropwise condensation of steam on electroplated silver surfacesPages 1539-1549Gary A. O'neill, J.W. Westwater
15.Film cooling effectiveness and turbulence distribution of discrete holes on a convex surfacePages 1551-1557Ko Shao-Yen, Xu Jing-Zhong, Yao Yong-Qing, Tsou Fu-Kang
16.Effect of surface configuration on nucleate boiling heat transferPages 1559-1571Nishikawa Kaneyasu, Fujita Yasunobu, Uchida Satoru, Ohta Haruhiko
17.Vertical transient natural convection flows in cold waterPages 1573-1582Yogendra Joshi, Benjamin Gebhart
18.An appreciation of advances in natural convection along an isothermal vertical surfacePages 1583-1586B.W. Martin
19.Reflux condensation in a two-phase closed thermosyphonPages 1587-1594S.J. Chen, J.G. Reed, C.L. Tien
20.Structure of thermogravitational convection in flat variously oriented layers of liquid and on a vertical wallPages
21.Laminar free convection in a vertical tube with temperature-dependent viscosityPages 1613-1621Tadao Yamasaki, Thomas F. Irvine Jr.
22.Critical heat flux in flowing liquid filmsPages 1623-1629R.P. Baines, M.A. El Masri, W.M. Rohsenow
23.Direct contact condensation of vapor to falling cooled dropletsPages 1631-1640K. Hijikata, Y. Mori, S. Kawaguchi
24.An improved version of the generalized correlation of critical heat flux for the forced convective boiling in uniformly heated vertical tubesPages 1641-1648Y. Katto, H. Ohno
25.Heat exchanger situated downstream of a right-angle bendPages 1649-1657E.M. Sparrow, Y.S. Berman
26.Transient response of a packed bed for thermal energy storagePages 1659-1669Donald E. Beasley, John A. Clark

Volume 27, Issue 10, Pages 1671-1943 (October 1984)

1.Asymptotic solutions for nonlinear thermal convection in porous mediaPages 1671-1678B. Kochhar, B.C. Chandrasekhara
2.Mixed convection in wall plumesPages 1679-1689Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Benjamin Gebhart
3.Parametric effects on the onset of flooding in flat-plate geometriesPages 1691-1700S.C. Lee, S.G. Bankoff
4.Fluid-phase radial transport in packed beds of low tube-to-particle diameter ratioPages 1701-1713Anthony
5.Effect of rounding of protruding edges on heat transfer and pressure drop in a ductPages 1715-1723E.M. Sparrow, L.M. Hossfeld
6.Analyse et modélisation du transfert de chaleur entre une paroi et un lit fluidisé à haute températurePages 1725-1735G. Flamant, G. Arnaud
7.Analogie entre transferts de chaleur et de quantité de mouvement dans un jet pariétal plan turbulentPages 1737-1748P.Y. Nizou
8.Penetrative convection in porous medium bounded by a horizontal wall with hot and cold spotsPages
9.Band radiation of isothermal gases within diffuse-walled enclosuresPages 1759-1769Duane A. Nelson
10.Heat transfer and flow around an elliptic cylinderPages 1771-1779Ota Terukazu, Nishiyama Hideya, Taoka Yukiyasu
11.The kinetic theory of a dense gas in the approximation of three-body interaction (hydrodynamic approximation)Pages
12.Investigation of heat transfer in rarefied gases over a wide range of Knudsen numbersPages 1789-1799Yu.G. Semyonov, S.F. Borisov, P.E. Suetin
13.Recirculating mixed convection flow for energy extractionPages 1801-1812C.K. Cha, Y. Jaluria
14.Convection naturelle tridimensionnelle en milieu poreux sature par un fluide presentant un maximum de densitéPages 1813-1824I. Altimir
15.Double-diffusive convection with an imposed magnetic fieldPages 1825-1836N. Rudraiah, I.S. Shivakumara
16.Transient mass transfer from an isothermal vertical flat platePages 1837-1843D.B. Ingham
17.Propagation and reflection of thermal waves in a finite mediumPages 1845-1854M.N. Özişik, Brian Vick
18.All-modes heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder situated adjacent to adiabatic, partially enclosing wallsPages 1855-1864E.M. Sparrow, M.A. Ansari
19.Spectral transmission and reflection properties of high temperature insulation materialsPages 1865-1872R. Caps, A. Trunzer, D. Büttner, J. Fricke, H. Reiss
20.Thermal boundary layer thickness in the cylinder of a spark-ignition enginePages 1873-1878Edward J. Lyford-Pike, John B. Heywood
21.Natural convection in a porous layer heated and cooled along one vertical sidePages 1879-1891Dimos Poulikakos, Adrian Bejan
22.Natural convection in a vertical porous enclosure with internal heat generationPages 1893-1902M. Haajizadeh, A.F. Ozguc, C.L. Tien
23.Heat transfer of a cylinder in large-amplitude oscillating wake flowsPages 1903-1917Kotake Susumu, Aoki Isao
24.Radiative transfer in a plane-parallel medium with space-dependent albedo, ω(x)Pages 1919-1922Y.A. Cengel, M.N. Özişik, Y. Yener
25.Effect of inert regions on local mass transfer rate measurements using the limiting diffusion current technique—case of Poiseuille type flowPages 1922-1925Ho Nam Chang, Joong Kon Park, Kim Cheol
26.Non-uniform energy generation effects on natural convection in a spherical annulus enclosurePages 1925-1928J.M. Nelsen, R.W. Douglass
27.Transport from a vertical ice surface melting in saline waterPages 1928-1932R.S. Johnson, J.C. Mollendorf
28.Burning of char/carbon particle in a periodic thermal environmentPages 1932-1935K. Annamalai, S. Stockbridge
29.Transient process of thermally stratifying an initially homogeneous fluid in an enclosurePages 1936-1938Jae Min Hyun
30.An efficient approach to isotherm migration method in two dimensionsPages 1939-1942Radhey S. Gupta, Ambreesh Kumar
31.First international conference on circulating fluidized bedsPage 1943

Volume 27, Issue 11, Pages 1945-2175 (November 1984)

1.Samson Semyonovich Kutateladze on his 70th birthdayPages 1945-1946Ye. M. Khabakhpasheva, B. P. Mironov, V. Ye. Nakoryakov, A. K. Rebrov, N. A. Rubtsov
2.The mixing length hypothesis in the turbulence theoryPages 1947-1951S. S. Kutateladze
3.Heat and momentum transfer around a pair of spheres in viscous flowPages 1953-1962Reuven Tal(Thau), Dah Nain Lee, William A. Sirignano
4.Numerical study on heat transfer in laminar flow through co-rotating parallel disksPages 1963-1970Yoon S. Sim, Wen-Jei Yang
5.Lumped parameter modelling and an introduction to optimization of one-dimensional nonadiabatic drying systemsPages 1971-1983Stanislaw Sieniutycz
6.Physical behaviour of electron-beam fusion heat transfer and deep penetration in metalsPages 1985-1998T. Vijayan, V. K. Rohatgi
7.Mechanistic modeling of pool entrainment phenomenonPages 1999-2014Isao Kataoka, Mamoru Ishii
8.Heat transfer phenomena in liquid-liquid spray columnsPages 2015-2023H. Noth, A. Mersmann
9.Thermal conductivity of a microporous particulate medium: moist silica gelPages 2025-2036Henrik Bjurström, Ernest Karawacki, Bo Carlsson
10.Heat transfer in an electrostatically charged fluidized bedPages 2037-2045A. Wolny, I. Opalinski
11.Convective heat losses from a pipe buried in a semi-infinite porous mediumPages 2047-2056Haim H. Bau
12.Analysis of heat transfer during melting from a vertical wallPages 2057-2066M. Okada
13.Maximum density effects on natural convection in a porous layer differentially heated in the horizontal directionPages 2067-2075Dimos Poulikakos
14.Efficient numerical method for two-dimensional phase change problemsPages 2077-2084P. Ramakrishna Rao, V. M. K. Sastri
15.Radiant heat transfer through the cover gas of a sodium-cooled fast reactorPages 2085-2093J. S. Truelove
16.Friction factor prediction for fully developed laminar twisted-tape flowPages 2095-2100J. P. Du Plessis, D. G. Kroger
17.Onset of thermal convection in a saturated porous medium: experiment and analysisPages 2101-2110M. Kaviany
18.Heat transfer and diffusion from the sources with random componentsPages 2111-2117A. Z. Dolginov, N. A. Silant'ev
19.Coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer across honeycomb panels and through single cellsPages 2119-2131K. G. T. Hollands, G. D. Raithby, F. B. Russell, R. G. Wilkinson
20.Symmetric vs asymmetric periodic disturbances at the walls of a heated flow passagePages 2133-2144E. M. Sparrow, W. Q. Tao
21.Heat transfer from impinging jets to a flat plate with conical and ring protuberancesPages 2145-2154Peter Hrycak
22.Film condensation along a frustum of a cone in a porous mediumPages 2155-2157M. Kumari, I. Pop, G. Nath
23.Turbulent Prandtl number in circular pipesPages 2158-2161A. Malhotra, S. S. Kang
24.Determination of boiler furnace heat fluxPages 2161-2166S. Rajaram, K. U. Abraham
25.Transient conduction through a two-layer mediumPages 2167-2170W. Chester, R. Bobone, E. Brocher
26.A correlation for predicting the critical heat flux condition with twisted-tape swirl generatorsPages 2171-2173Michael K. Jensen
27.Call for papers numerical methods in laminar and turbulent flow 4th international conferencePage 2175
28.Call for papers numerical methods in thermal problems 4th international conferencePage 2175

Volume 27, Issue 12, Pages 2177-2440 (December 1984)

1.Professor E. R. G. Eckert on his 80th birthdayPage 2177J.P. Hartnett
2.Heat transfer—a review of 1983 literaturePages 2179-2214E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein, S.V. Patankar, E. Pfender, J.W. Ramsey, T.W. Simon, N. Decker, T.H. Kuehn
3.A formulation of combined forced and free convection past horizontal and vertical surfacesPages 2215-2224M.S. Raju, X.Q. Liu, C.K. Law
4.On the properties of some special functions related to Bessel's functions and their application in heat exchanger theoryPages 2225-2238Jan Łach, Wincenty Pieczka
5.Thermally driven motion of strongly heated fluidsPages 2239-2251P.C.T. de Boer
6.Comparisons between experiment and theory for dropwise condensation of mercuryPages 2253-2257J. Niknejad, J.W. Rose
7.An analysis of simultaneous heat and water vapor exchange through a flat paper plate crossflow total heat exchangerPages 2259-2265Tanaka Osamu
8.Effet de la température sur le champ dynamique turbulent à l'intérieur d'un tubePages
9.Thermal convection in a horizontal, eccentric annulus containing a saturated porous medium—an extended perturbation expansionPages 2277-2287Haim H. Bau
10.Thermal convection in a porous medium with continuous periodic stratificationPages 2289-2295Kjell M. Gjerde, Peder A. Tyvand
11.Impingement heat transfer at a circular cylinder due to an offset or non-offset slot jetPages 2297-2306E.M. Sparrow, A. Alhomoud
12.Some new developments on coupled radiative-conductive heat transfer in glasses—experiments and modellingPages 2307-2319T. Kunc, M. Lallemand, J.B. Saulnier
13.Experimental investigation of coupled conduction and laminar convection in a circular tubePages 2321-2329Giovanni S. Barozzi, Giorgio Pagliarini
14.An inverse solution for the steady temperature field within a solidified layerPages 2331-2337Graham E. Bell
15.Dimensionless heat-mass transfer coefficients for forced convection around a sphere: a general low Reynolds number correlationPages 2339-2345P.O. Brunn, D. Isemin
16.The effect of heat convection on drying of porous semi-infinite spacePages 2347-2353S. Haber, A. Shavit, J. Dayan
17.Natural convection near 4°C in a water saturated porous layer heated from belowPages 2355-2364Kenneth R. Blake, Adrian Bejan, Dimos Poulikakos
18.Simultaneous heat and mass transfer in absorption of gases in turbulent liquid filmsPages 2365-2376Gershon Grossman, Michael T. Heath
19.The analysis of heat transfer in fixed beds of particles at low and intermediate Reynolds numbersPages 2377-2385S.C. Dhingra, D.J. Gunn, P.V. Narayanan
20.Four-equation turbulence model for prediction of the turbulent boundary layer affected by buoyancy force over a flat platePages 2387-2395Myung Kyoon Chung, Hyung Jin Sung
21.Experiments on laminar flow and heat transfer in an elliptical ductPages 2397-2413R.M. Abdel-Wahed, A.E. Attia, M.A. Hifni
22.Turbulent transport in the transition flow regionPages 2415-2420Jiří Šimonek
23.A note on the mass transfer in the entrance to a flat duct with permeable wallsPages 2421-2422D.B. Ingham
24.A similarity analysis of heat conduction in a wedge with or without phase changePages 2423-2425W. Zheng, C. Wei
25.Saturated nucleate pool boiling bubble dynamics in aqueous drag-reducing polymer solutionsPages 2426-2428D.D. Paul, S.I. Abdel-Khalik
26.Forced convection heat transfer from a flat plate with an unheated starting lengthPages 2429-2431J. Dey, G. Nath
27.Heat transfer through a vertical enclosure with convective boundary conditionsPages 2431-2434V.M. Marballi, S.A. Korpela, Y. Lee, S. Nakamura
28.Comments on ‘boiling of suspension of solid particles in water’Page 2435P.K. Tewari
29.Comment on ‘Measurement of high gas-stream temperature using dynamic thermocouples’Pages 2435-2436Xi Chen
30.Reply to ‘comment on “measurement of high gas-stream temperature using dynamic thermocouples”’Pages 2436-2437V.K. Rohatgi
31.International symposium on jets cavitiesPage 2439
32.Advance notice and call for papers Euromech 194—Simultaneous heat and mass transfer in porous mediaPages 2439-2440

Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 1-317 (January 1985)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1-6Mori Yasuo, Echigo Ryozo
3.Investigation of the unsteady-state heat transfer in the region of a stagnation point in plane and axisymmetric flowsPages 7-16B.M. Smolsky, L.A. Sergeyeva, V.L. Sergeyev
4.Analysis of two-dimensional radiative heat transfer in a gray medium with internal heat generationPages 17-23W.W. Yuen, C.F. Ho
5.New methods of the mass and heat transfer theory—I. The method of asymptotic correction and the method of model equations and analogiesPages 25-43A.D. Polyanin, V.V. Dtl'man
6.New methods of the mass and heat transfer theory—II. The methods of asymptotic interpolation and extrapolationPages 45-58A.D. Polyanin, V.V. Dil'man
7.Heat transfer and friction of rough ducts carrying gas flow with variable physical propertiesPages 59-68J.V. Vilemas, V.M. Šimonis
8.The influence of liquid viscosity and system pressure on stagnation point vapour thickness during forced-convection film boilingPages 69-80T.R. Fodemski
9.Downward heat transfer in heat-generating boiling poolsPages 81-90T.C. Chawla, J.D. Bingle
10.Ecoulement laminaire et transfert de chaleur pour un fluide pseudo-plastique dans la zone d'entrée d'un tubePages 91-99V. Scirocco, R. Devienne, M. Lebouche
11.Unsteady momentum and energy boundary layers in laminar flat plate flowPages 101-109P.G. Berardi, A. Pozzi
12.Analyse modale des échanges thermiques dans le bâtimentPages 111-123J. Sicard, P. Bacot, A. Neveu
13.Numerical calculations of laminar and turbulent natural convection in water in rectangular channels heated and cooled isothermally on the opposing vertical wallsPages 125-138Ozoe Hiroyuki, Mouri Akira, Ohmuro Masaru, Stuart W. Churchill, Noam Lior
14.Effect of coolant vapor quality on rewetting phenomenaPages 139-146Y. Lee, W.-Q. Shen
15.Analysis of boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow in porous media with non-uniform porosityPages 147-154Y.K. Chuah, V.P. Carey
16.Experimental investigation of conjugate natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal isothermal cylinder with a nonisothermal longitudinal plate fin at various anglesPages 155-163A.K. Tolpadi, T.H. Kuehn
17.Experimental study of natural convection in shallow enclosures with horizontal temperature and concentration gradientsPages 165-173Y. Kamotani, L.W. Wang, S. Ostrach, H.D. Jiang
18.Heat transfer from a square prism to an air streamPages 175-181T. Igarashi
19.Free convection above a near horizontal semi-infinite heated surface embedded in a saturated porous mediumPages 183-190D.A.S. Rees, D.S. Riley
20.A void fraction model for annular two-phase flowPages 191-198T.N. Tandon, H.K. Varma, C.P. Gupta
21.Influence of variable permeability on combined free and forced convection about inclined surfaces in porous mediaPages 199-206B.C. Chandrasekhara, P.M.S. Namboodiri
22.Laminar, mixed convection heat transfer for flow between horizontal parallel plates with asymmetric heatingPages 207-217D.G. Osborne, F.P. Incropera
23.The toroidal thermosyphon with known heat fluxPages 219-233Mihir Sen, Eduardo Ramos, César Treviño
24.Measurements of true quench temperature of subcooled water under forced convective conditionsPages
25.A unified matrix formulation for the zone method: a stochastic approachPages 245-251M.H.N. Naraghi, B.T.F. Chung
26.Laminar forced convection from a rotating cylinderPages 253-264H.M. Badr, S.C.R. Dennis
27.Effects of shear on the turbulent diffusivity tensorPages 265-276S. Tavoularis, S. Corrsin
28.The theory of heating and evaporation of a spherical particle exposed to optical radiationPages 277-289V.K. Pustovalov, G.S. Romanov
29.Turbulent natural convection in a horizontal fluid layer with volumetric energy sources: an intermediate layerPages 291-300Noor Afzal
30.A note on two-dimensional linearized perturbations of the Neumann problemPages 301-304J.A. Howarth
31.Heat transfer in the flow of a second-order fluid between two enclosed rotating discsPages 304-309H.G. Sharma, K.R. Singh
32.On the effect of annealing on total normal emittance of oxidized steelPages 309-311R. Bartolini, C. Isetti, E. Nannei
33.Corrigenda et addenda to two-component Bénard convection in cylindersPages 311-313M.G. Velarde, E. Crespo, P.L. Garcia-Ybarra
34.Fundamental principles of heat transfer: S. Whitaker, Reprint edition, Robert E. Krieger Publ. Co. Inc., Florida, 1983, 556 ppPage 315N.C. Markatos
35.Heat transfer: Frank M. White, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1984, 584 pp., ISBN 0-201-08324-8, £14.95Pages 315-316J.M. Owen
36.Gas turbine combustion: Arthur H. Lefebvre, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., 1983, $38.50, 531 ppPage 316Erik Olsson
37.Short course on two-phase flow and heat transferPage 317
38.Second conference of European rheologistsPage 317

Volume 28, Issue 2, Pages 319-519 (February 1985)

1.The transfer of heat by natural convection between bodies and their enclosuresPages 319-330R.O. Warrington Jr., R.E. Powe
2.Freeze-off conditions of a pipe containing a flow of waterPages 331-337T. Hirata, M. Ishihara
3.Longitudinally-finned cross-flow tube banks and their heat transfer and pressure drop characteristicsPages 339-350E.M. Sparrow, S.S. Kang
4.The stability of steady convective motion in a vertical slender slot with non-uniform volumetric energy sources and unequal surface temperaturesPages 351-360M.A. Hassab
5.Unsteady convective heat transfer for turbulent flows of gases and liquids in tubesPages 361-369E.K. Kalinin, G.A. Dreitser
6.A laminar swirled free-convection jetPages 371-382O.G. Martynenko, V.N. Korovkin, Yu.A. Sokovishin
7.Solid conduction in low dt/dp beds of spheres, pellets and ringsPages 383-394Maria M. Melanson, Anthony G. Dixon
8.Temperature measurement and heat transfer in flowing polymer meltsPages 395-406J. Van Dam, H. Janeschitz-Kriegl
9.Effects of a small amount of noncondensable gas on film condensation of multicomponent mixturesPages 407-414S. Kotake
10.Boiling heat transfer from surfaces with porous layersPages 415-422Naim H. Afgan, Larisa A. Jovic, Sergey A. Kovalev, Victor A. Lenykov
11.The effect of variable properties on momentum and heat transfer in a tube with constant heat flux across the wallPages 423-431H. Herwig
12.The approximate temperatures within a flat-plate solar collector under transient conditionsPages 433-440W. Kamminga
13.Effects of anisotropic scattering on melting and solidification of a semi-infinite, semi-transparent mediumPages 441-449F.O. Oruma, M.N. Özišik, M.A. Boles
14.Micellar extraction of phenols from carbolic oilPages 451-458Paweł Pluciński
15.An experimental method to determine temperature-dependent extinction coefficients and solid thermal conductivities of glass fibre insulations in calorimetric measurementsPages 459-466H. Reiss, B. Ziegenbein
16.Natural convection heat transfer below downward facing horizontal surfacesPages 467-477T. Schulenberg
17.Dissipative structure in detonation wavesPages 479-483Fritz Schultz-Grunow
18.Heat transfer in porous media considering phase change and capillarity—the heat pipe effectPages 485-495Kent S. Udell
19.One-dimensional conduction-radiation heat transfer between parallel surfaces subject to convective boundary conditionsPages 497-499M. Kaviany
20.Control of solidification boundary in continuous casting by asymmetric cooling and mold offsetPages 500-502Robert Siegel
21.The asymmetric Graetz problem in channel flowPages 503-505Victoria Edwards, John Newman
22.Heat transfer in wavy liquid filmsPages 506-508A. Faghri, R.A. Seban
23.Crossflow heat transfer for tubes with periodically interrupted annular finsPages 509-512E.M. Sparrow, T.A. Myrum
24.Effect of cross-flow on boiling heat transfer of refrigerant-12Pages 512-514R.L. Singh, J.S. Saini, H.K. Varma
25.Comments on ‘the possibility of determining and using a new local heat transfer coefficient’ by G. DankoPages 515-516
26.Comments on E. F. Adiutori's contributionPages 516-517
27.ErratumPage 519

Volume 28, Issue 3, Pages 521-730 (March 1985)

1.In memoriam professeur Marcel VéronPages 521-522J. Gosse
2.Conjugate mixed convection and conduction heat transfer along a vertical circular pinPages
3.Rotation-induced heat transfer in a radial flow passage in a rotating shaftPages 531-539E.M. Sparrow, L.M. Hossfeld
4.On approximate solutions of the Graetz problem with axial conductionPages 541-545C. Laohakul, C.Y. Chan, K.Y. Look, C.W. Tan
5.Critical heat flux in saturated forced convective boiling on a heated disk with an impinging jet—CHF in L-regimePages 547-552Monde Masanori, Okuma Yoshiaki
6.A method of analysis for heat pipe heat exchangersPages 553-562B.J. Huang, J.T. Tsuei
7.A boundary-layer analysis for natural convection in vertical porous enclosures—use of the Brinkman-extended Darcy modelPages 563-571T.W. Tong, E. Subramanian
8.Effect of natural convection on solidification from above and melting from below of a pure metalPages 573-587C. Gau, R. Viskanta
9.Heat transfer in a two-phase thermosyphon operating with a fluid in the near critical statePages 589-601U. Gross, E. Hahne
10.A numerical study of two-dimensional laminar natural convection in shallow open cavitiesPages 603-612Y.L. Chan, C.L. Tien
11.Ein Beitrag zur Bestimmung der mittleren Zeitkonstante von DiffusionsprozessenPages 613-620Andrzej Brykalski
12.On buoyancy induced heat and mass transfer from a concentrated source in an infinite porous mediumPages 621-629D. Poulikakos
13.Buoyancy in developed laminar curved tube flowsPages 631-640Jy-Ber Lee, H.A. Simon, J.C.F. Chow
14.Convective—radiative heat transfer from a horizontal finned tube with sidewall or sidewall/floor interactionsPages 641-651E.M. Sparrow, M.A. Ansari
15.Numerical prediction of an asymmetrical heated plane jet with a second-moment turbulence closurePages 653-662I. Dekeyser
16.Temperature distribution within the left ventricular wall of the heartPages 663-673E. Barta, R. Beyar, S. Sideman
17.A model of heat transfer between fluidized beds and immersed surfacesPages 675-682Peishi Chen, David C.T. Pei
18.The Brinkman model for natural convection about a semi-infinite vertical flat plate in a porous mediumPages 683-697C.T. Hsu, P. Cheng
19.Laminar heat transfer in a tube with viscous dissipationPages 699-701T. Basu, D.N. Roy
20.Analysis of three-dimensional solidification interface shapePages 701-705Robert Siegel
21.Flow patterns of natural convection in horizontal cylindrical annuliPages 705-714Rao Yan-Fei, Miki Yasutomi, Fukuda Kenji, Takata Yasuyuki, Hasegawa Shu
22.Deflection of a circular jet by a weak cross-flowPages 714-717P.M. Steffler, N. Rajaratnam
23.A Monte Carlo procedure for straight convecting boundariesPages 717-720L.C. Burmeister
24.A numerical study of natural convection in a vertical, annular, porous layerPages 720-723C.E. Hickox, D.K. Gartling
25.A dryout correlation for R12 and R113 flowing vertically upwards in uniformly and non-uniformly heated tubesPages 724-727H.C. Ünal
26.Eighth International Heat Transfer Conference 17–22 August 1986, San Francisco Hilton Hotel, San Francisco, U.S.A. Announcement and Call for PapersPage 729
27.Second Law Analysis Methods [2–3 April 1985, Edinburgh, U.K.]
28.Polymodel 8—Industrial Fluid Flow Computation 22, 23 May 1985, Teesside Polytechnic, U.K. Announcement and Call for PapersPage 730

Volume 28, Issue 4, Pages 731-896 (April 1985)

1.Heat transfer and pressure drop in flow passages that are open along their lateral edgesPages 731-740E.M. Sparrow, P.C. Stryker, C.A.C. Altemani
2.Natural convection from variously oriented cubes and from other bodies of unity aspect ratioPages 741-752E.M. Sparrow, A.J. Stretton
3.Counter-current mass transferPages
4.Unidirectional freezing of binary aqueous solutions: an analysis of transient diffusion of heat and massPages 761-769K. Wollhöver, Ch. Körber, M.W. Scheiwe, U. Hartmann
5.Temperature measurements in a turbulent round plumePages 771-777Nikolas E. Kotsovinos
6.A differential model for salt-stratified, double-diffusive systems heated from belowPages 779-788T.L. Bergman, F.P. Incropera, R. Viskanta
7.Effects of a vertical discontinuity in a porous medium on a plane convection plume at high Rayleigh numbersPages 789-794D.C. Shaw, R.A. Dawe
8.Boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux in high-speed rotating liquid filmsPages 795-806I.A. Mudawwar, M.A. El-Masri, C.S. Wu, J.R. Ausman-Mudawwar
9.Natural convection between confocal horizontal elliptical cylindersPages 807-822Willard C. Schreiber, Shiva N. Singh
10.Numerical and experimental studies on a two-dimensional model of an offset-strip-fin type compact heat exchanger used at low Reynolds numberPages 823-836K. Suzuki, E. Hirai, T. Miyake, T. Sato
11.Large eddy structure and heat transfer of turbulent natural convection along a vertical flat platePages 837-850K. Kitamura, M. Koike, I. Fukuoka, T. Saito
12.Laminar flow through a porous channel bounded by isothermal parallel platesPages 851-858M. Kaviany
13.Mathematical modelling of countercurrent adsorptionPages 859-866J. Németh, E.V. Vasanits, T. Virâhg
14.Unsteady-state heat transfer and mixing of a heat carrier in a heat exchanger with flow twistingPages 867-877L.A. Ashmantas, B.V. Dzyubenko, G.A. Dreitser, M.D. Segal
15.Wall-to-fluid coefficients for fixed bed heat and mass transferPages 879-881Anthony G. Dixon, Leonard A. Labua
16.A variational principle for a non-linear diffusion problemPages 882-883T.M. Atanacković
17.Simplified relations for the phase change process in spherical geometryPages 884-885Luiz F. Milanez
18.Flow rate determination by cross correlation of temperature noise signals from out-of-stream thermocouplesPages 886-891B.M. van Meulenbroek, B.M. van de Wakker
19.Dispersion from elevated line source in a turbulent boundary layerPages 892-894A. Dupont, M. El Kabiri, P. Paranthoen
20.Heat transfer in the corners of noncircular ducts with peripherally uniform wall heat fluxPages 895-896H. Barrow, A.K.A. Hassan

Volume 28, Issue 5, Pages 897-1055 (May 1985)

1.On morphological stability of planar phase boundaries during unidirectional transient solidification of binary aqueous solutionsPages 897-902K. Wollhöver, M.W. Scheiwe, U. Hartmann, Ch. Körber
2.Extended Lévêque solution for heat transfer to non-Newtonian fluids in pipes and flat ductsPages 903-908J.C. Gottifredi, A.F. Flores
3.Heat and mass transfer by natural convection in a porous mediumPages 909-918Adrian Bejan, Khairy R. Khair
4.A study of binary mixture boiling: boiling site density and subcooled heat transferPages 919-928T.O. Hui, J.R. Thome
5.Heat and mass transfer in a multi-component chemically reactive gas above a liquid fuel layerPages 929-938N.N. Smirnov
6.A note on the loop thermosyphon with mixed boundary conditionsPages 939-947J.E. Hart
7.Steady-state characteristics and stability thresholds of a closed two-phase thermosyphonPages 949-957Flavio Dobran
8.Mixed convection about a rotating spherePages 959-968R. Rajasekaran, M.G. Palekar
9.Theoretical and experimental study of free convection from a vertical frustum of a cone of a finite lengthPages 969-976Koyama Hitoshi, Nakayama Akira, Seiichi Ohsawa, Hitoshi Yamada
10.Measurement of local mass transfer on a surface in the region of the base of a protruding cylinder with a computer-controlled data acquisition systemPages 977-985R.J. Goldstein, M.K. Chyu, R.C. Hain
11.Stability of combined natural and forced cross flow in a vertical slotPages 987-993M.M. Sorour, M.A. Hassab, F.A. Elewa
12.Effect of buoyancy on laminar fully developed flow in a vertical annular passage with radial internal finsPages 995-1003C. Prakash, P. Renzoni
13.Transient heat transfer to a fluid sphere suspended in an electric fieldPages 1005-1009Douglas
14.The influence of condensate flow rate on heat transfer in film condensation of stationary vapour on horizontal tube banksPages 1011-1018S.S. Kutateladze, I.I. Gogonin, V.I. Sosunov
15.Heat transfer in condensation of flowing vapour on a single horizontal cylinderPages 1019-1030S.S. Kutateladze, I.I. Gogonin
16.Viscosity induced non-uniform flow in laminar flow heat exchangersPages 1031-1038Greer R. Putnam, Warren M. Rohsenow
17.Unified solutions of heat diffusion in a finite region involving a surface film of finite heat capacityPages 1039-1045M.D. Mikhailov, M.N. Özişik
18.Unsteady-state transfer between a sphere and a surrounding stationary medium with application to arrays of spheresPages 1047-1053W.R. Johns, Sarah J. Lawn
19.Swirl flows: A. K. Gupta, D. G. Lilley and N. Syred, Abacus Press, 1984, 475 pp. £32.95Page 1055B.H. Hjertager
20.Introduction to thermal sciences: F. W. Schmidt, R. E. Henderson and C. H. Wolgemuth, Wiley, New York, 1984, 445 ppPage 1055J.M. Owen

Volume 28, Issue 6, Pages 1057-1243 (June 1985)

1.Use of an adaptive grid procedure for parabolic flow problemsPages 1057-1066S. Acharya, S.V. Patankar
2.Turbulence modeling in combined convection in mercury pipe flowPages 1067-1088Marcelo J.S. de Lemos, Alexander Sesonske
3.A potential and stream function analysis of two-dimensional steady-state convective diffusion equations involving Laplace fieldsPages 1089-1095P.K. Wang
4.Etude théorique du couplage convection-conduction en convection libre laminaire sur une plaque plane verticalePages 1097-1104Jean Timma, Jacques-Pierre Padet
5.Minimum film boiling temperature for cooldown of insulated metals in saturated liquidPages 1105-1114Y. Kikuchi, T. Hori, I. Michiyoshi
6.Boiling burnout and flow instabilities for water flowing in a round tube under atmospheric pressurePages 1115-1129Mishima Kaichiro, Nishihara Hiedeaki, Michiyoshi Itaru
7.On the flow field generated by a growing sphere near a solid plane with application to nucleate boilingPages
8.Heat transfer to a viscoelastic fluid in laminar flow through a rectangular channelPages 1147-1155James P. Hartnett, Milivoje Kostic
9.Free convection above a uniformly heated horizontal circular diskPages 1157-1163J.H. Merkin
10.Similarity properties in the problem of flow from a supersonic source past a spherical bluntnessPages 1165-1171Yu.P. Golovachov
11.Laminar natural convection between finitely conducting vertical platesPages 1173-1186T. Burch, T. Rhodes, S. Acharya
12.Boiling in an unconstricted granular mediumPages 1187-1196E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein, A.I. Behbahani, R. Hain
13.A new type of boundary condition in convective heat transfer problemsPages 1197-1203A.Sh. Dorfman
14.Irreversible condensation conditions near the cryosurfacePages 1205-1214Dusan P. Sekulić
15.Experimental and numerical study of direct contact heat exchangersPages 1215-1227L. Tadrist, P. Seguin, R. Santini, J. Pantaloni, A. Bricard
16.Effects of natural convection on the inward solidification of spheres and cylindersPages 1229-1231R. Guenigault, G. Poots
17.Analytical solution for the buoyancy flow during the melting of a vertical semi-infinite regionPages 1231-1233S.C. Huang
18.Skin friction and heat transfer on a continuous flat surface moving in a parallel free streamPages 1234-1237Talat A. Abdelhafez
19.A Stefan problem for exothermic non-catalytic reactionsPages 1237-1239J. Puszynski, V.K. Jayaraman, V. Hlavacek
20.Theory of Unsteady Laminar Boundary Layer Flow: I. Pop editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucharest, 1983, 333 ppPage 1241Adrian Bejan
21.Modelling of Furnaces and Combustors: E. E. Khalil, Abacus Press, 1982, 260 ppPage 1241N. Fricker
22.AnnouncementPage 1243

Volume 28, Issue 7, Pages 1245-1411 (July 1985)

1.Electric field induced heat transfer enhancement in a gas-solid suspension heat exchangerPages 1245-1255M.K. Bologa, V.V. Pushkov, A.B. Berkov
2.Boiling the immiscible water/n-nonane system from a tube bundlePages 1257-1267P.J. Nelson, B.M. Burnside
3.Convection mixte stationnaire autour d'un cylindre horizontalPages 1269-1279M. Amaouche, J.-L. Peube
4.Inverted annular boiling in a stainless-steel tube with steady heat sourcesPages 1281-1292Z. Edelman, E. Elias, D. Naot
5.An investigation of laminar mixed convection inside a horizontal tube with isothermal wall conditionsPages
6.A bubble growth model for nucleate boiling in thin, falling, superheated, laminar, water filmsPages 1307-1316M. Cerza, V. Sernas
7.Ductflow heat transfer at a smooth wall which faces a wall covered by protuberancesPages 1317-1326E.M. Sparrow, D.R. Otis Jr.
8.Plasma-particle interaction effects in induction plasma modeling under dense loading conditionsPages 1327-1336Pierre Proulx, Javad Mostaghimi, Maher I. Boulos
9.Experimental study of mixed convection heat transfer for transitional and turbulent flow between horizontal, parallel platesPages 1337-1344D.G. Osborne, F.P. Incropera
10.Heat transfer between gas fluidized beds and immersed surfacesPages 1345-1353J. Kubie
11.Treatment of multi-dimensional moving boundary problems by coordinate transformationPages
12.The effect of heater wall thickness on heat transfer in nucleate pool-boiling at high heat fluxPages 1367-1375N.Rajendra Prasad, J.S. Saini, R. Prakash
13.Unsteady, swirling boundary-layer flow with heat and mass transfer in nozzles, diffusers and hydrocyclonesPages 1377-1383M. Kumari, G. Nath
14.Two simple correlations for the inception of density-wave oscillations in long sodium-heated steam generator tubesPages 1385-1392H.C. Ünal
15.Experiences of a solar collector test method using fourier transfer functionsPages 1393-1404W. Kamminga
16.Mass transfer in a pulsating turbulent flow with deposition onto furrowed wallsPages 1405-1408J.W. Stairmand, B.J. Bellhouse
17.Can thermal conductivity, л, and extinction coefficient, E, be measured simultaneously?Pages 1408-1411H. Reiss, B. Ziegenbein

Volume 28, Issue 8, Pages 1413-1627 (August 1985)

1.Professor Ye.M. Khabakhpasheva on her 60th birthdayPages 1413-1414M.F. Zhukov, V.E. Nakoryakov, A.I. Leontiyev, B.P. Mironov, N.A. Rubtsov, E.P. Volchkov, A.K. Rebrov
2.Liquid-solid contact measurements using a surface thermocouple temperature probe in atmospheric pool boiling waterPages 1415-1423L.Y.W. Lee, J.C. Chen, R.A. Nelson
3.Comparaison des fonctions de transfert d'un stockage en régime périodique pour trois geometries fondamentales. Exemples d'optimisationPages 1425-1439B. Bourouga, B. Fourcher
4.Droplet evaporation by combined mechanisms in an ICF reactorPages 1441-1450H. Kislev, A. Nir
5.Analysis of evaporation in the presence of composition-induced natural convectionPages 1451-1460E.M. Sparrow, G.A. Nunez, A.T. Prata
6.Turbulent Prandtl number and spectral characteristics of a turbulent mixing layerPages 1461-1468A.J. Chambers, R.A. Antonia, L. Fulachier
7.The effect of the corrugation inclination angle on the thermohydraulic performance of plate heat exchangersPages 1469-1479W.W. Focke, J. Zachariades, I. Olivier
8.Coupled integral equation approach for solving melting or solidificationPages 1481-1485J. Mennig, M.N. Özişik
9.Theoretical and experimental study of transient and steady-state natural convection heat transfer from a vertical flat plate partially immersed in waterPages 1487-1498U. Projahn, H. Beer
10.A semi-empirical theory for forced-flow turbulent film boiling of subcooled liquid along a horizontal platePages 1499-1505Wang Bu-Xuan, Shi De-Hui
11.Calculation of the geometric-mean transmittance in a multi-dimensional absorbing and anisotropically-scattering mediumPages 1507-1515W.W. Yuen, W. Dunaway
12.Heat transfer of a laminar flow passing a wedge at small Prandtl number: a new approachPages 1517-1523Chen Ye-Mon
13.Heat transfer during the early expansion of gas in pressurized vesselsPages 1525-1537S. Paolucci
14.Electrostatic characteristics of a charged turbulent free jetPages 1539-1549B. Abedian, Eric S. Da Vis, M. Metghalchi
15.Instability and unproportional pressure variations near the thermodynamic critical point in a closed thermosyphonPages 1551-1561U. Gross, E. Hahne
16.Probes for local velocity and temperature measurements in liquid metal flowPages 1563-1574Thomas von Weissenfluh
17.Design theory for rotary heat and mass exchangers—I. Wave analysis of rotary heat and mass exchangers with infinite transfer coefficientsPages 1575-1586E. Van Den Bulck, J.W. Mitchell, S.A. Klein
18.Design theory for rotary heat and mass exchangers—II. Effective n ess-number-of-transferunits method for rotary heat and mass exchangersPages 1587-1595E. Van Den Bulck, J.W. Mitchell, S.A. Klein
19.Natural convection with combined heat and mass transfer buoyancy effects in a porous mediumPages
20.Influences of the boundary conditions and linearization on the stability of a radiating fluid in a vertical layerPages 1613-1617G. Lauriat, G. Desrayaud
21.Parameterization of system behavior for salt-stratified solutions heated from below with and without salinity-maintained mixed layersPages 1617-1621T.L. Bergman, F.P. Incropera, R. Viskanta
22.Effects of magnetic field and non-uniform temperature gradient on Marangoni convectionPages 1621-1624N. Rudraiah, V. Ramachandramurthy, O.P. Chandna
23.Two-phase heat and mass transfer in single and multicomponent systemsPage 1625
24.Call for papers International symposium on pressure and temperature measurement. ASME winter annual meetingPage 1625
25.Eighth national heat and mass transfer conferencePage 1626
26.F. Dobran, Steady-state characteristics and stability thresholds of a closed two-phase thermosyphon, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer28 (5), 949–957 (1985)Page 1627
27.M. A. Abdelghaffar and K. Cornwell, On the flow field generated by a growing sphere with application to nucleate boiling, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer28 (6), 1131–1146 (1985)Page 1627

Volume 28, Issue 9, Pages 1629-1793 (September 1985)

1.Conjugate free convection from long vertical plate fins embedded in a porous medium at high Rayleigh numbersPages 1629-1636I. Pop, J.K. Sunada, P. Cheng, W.J. Minkowycz
2.Prediction of the heat transfer for decaying turbulent swirl flow in a tubePages 1637-1643A.H. Algifri, R.K. Bhardwaj
3.Heat transfer in tube banks under conditions of turbulent inclined flowPages 1645-1656K.A. Antonopoulos
4.A high sensitivity, fast response heat flux sensorPages 1657-1667A.R.P. van Heiningen, W.J.M. Douglas, A.S. Mujumdar
5.Heat and mass transfer in wood during dryingPages 1669-1678O.A. Plumb, G.A. Spolek, B.A. Olmstead
6.Conjugate heat transfer in a channel with staggered ribsPages 1679-1687B.W. Webb, S. Ramadhyani
7.Icing on submerged tubes: a study of occlusionPages 1689-1698G.S.H. Lock, T.M.V. Kaiser
8.Analysis of laminar mixed convection in shrouded arrays of heated rectangular blocksPages 1699-1709Mark E. Braaten, Suhas V. Patankar
9.A steady-state analysis for variable area one- and two-phase thermosyphon loopsPages 1711-1719Eduardo Ramos, Mihir Sen, César Treviño
10.Transient cooling by natural convection in a two-dimensional square enclosurePages 1721-1732V.F. Nicolette, K.T. Yang, J.R. Lloyd
11.Free convection heat transfer from vertical and horizontal short platesPages 1733-1745M. Miyamoto, Y. Katoh, J. Kurima, S. Kurihara, K. Yamashita
12.On a model for frictioning stage in friction welding of thin tubesPages 1747-1755A. Francis, R.E. Craine
13.Wall independency and effect of initial shear-layer thickness in separated flow and heat transferPages 1757-1771Aung Win, Amichai Baron, Tsou Fu-Kang
14.A phenomenological model for the passive scalar variance transformation in a turbulent fluidPages 1773-1781Aleksander Toompuu
15.Mixed convection in porous media adjacent to a vertical uniform heat flux surfacePages 1783-1786Yogendra Joshi, Benjamin Gebhart
16.Ambiguities related to the calculation of radiant heat exchange between a pair of surfacesPages 1786-1787W.Q. Tao, E.M. Sparrow
17.One-dimensional modeling of multiple-loop thermosyphonsPages 1788-1790Mihir Sen, JoséLuis Fernández
18.Unified analysis and solutions of heat and mass diffusion: M. D. Mikhailov and M. N. Özisik, John Wiley, New York, 1984, 524 ppPage 1791R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
19.Third international symposium on applications of laser anemometry to fluid mechanics 7–9 July 1986, Lisbon, Portugal

Volume 28, Issue 10, Pages 1795-1981 (October 1985)

1.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1795-1803Mori Yasuo, Echigo Ryozo
2.On a heat transport model for a turbulent plane jetPages 1805-1812R.A. Antonia
3.Mixed convection and diffusion of reactants, products, and heat with arbitrary-order heterogeneous and homogeneous reactions in a rectangular ductPages 1813-1821Chang Ching-Yuan, Yang Yueh-Jiun, Lin Ching-Feng
4.Hyperbolic heat conduction with surface radiationPages 1823-1830D.E. Glass, M.N. Özişik, Brian Vick
5.Investigation of heat transfer in film condensation of flowing vapour on horizontal tube banksPages
6.Measurements and calculations of transient mixed convection in airPages 1837-1846Bahgat Sammakia, V.P. Carey, B. Gebhart
7.Vertical-channel natural convection spanning between the fully-developed limit and the single-plate boundary-layer limitPages 1847-1857E.M. Sparrow, L.F.A. Azevedo
8.Mono-dimensional model analysis of solidification phenomena with subcooling using the enthalpy methodPages 1859-1868J.D. Sauzade, J. Guion
9.Measurement of surface contact in transition boilingPages 1869-1880D.S. Dhuga, R.H.S. Winterton
10.Surface effects in pool boilingPages 1881-1889S.K. Roy Chowdhury, R.H.S. Winterton
11.Use of image intensification for mass transfer studies in liquid-liquid systemsPages 1891-1898F.J. Aguirre, G.E. Klinzing, S.H. Chiang
12.Onset of convection in a horizontal porous layer saturated with cold waterPages 1899-1905Dimos Poulikakos
13.Subcooled flow boiling at high heat fluxPages 1907-1920Victor H. Del Valle, D.B.R. Kenning
14.Convective flows around a rotating isothermal cylinderPages 1921-1935Bakhtier Farouk, Kenneth S. Ball
15.Fundamental study of laminar film condensation heat transfer on a downward horizontal surfacePages 1937-1944Yanadori Michio, Hijikata Kunio, Mori Yasuo, Uchida Motokazu
16.Conjugate heat transfer from small isothermal heat sources embedded in a large substratePages 1945-1952S. Ramadhyani, D.F. Moffatt, F.P. Incropera
17.Unsteady thermal field in a long, prismatic rod with a complicated initial condition and adiabatic boundaryPages 1953-1955P.A.A. Laura, R.O. Grossi, L. Ercoli, G.Sánchez Sarmiento
18.Direct contact heat transfer in spherical geometry associated with phase transformation—a closed-form solutionPages 1956-1958V. Dharma-RAO, P.K. Sarma
19.A method of measuring capillary rise in a heat pipePages 1959-1960A. Das, A.K. Chatterjee, S.P. Basu
20.Technical notePages 1960-1963C.D.Surma Devi, T. Ramesan, G. Nath
21.On the search for new solutions of the single-pass crossflow heat exchanger problemPages 1965-1976B.S. Baclic, P.J. Heggs
22.On the general solution to a certain class of heat and/or mass transfer problemsPages 1976-1981J. Łach, W. Pieczka

Volume 28, Issue 11, Pages 1983-2179 (November 1985)

1.Separation of liquid mixtures in the freezing-out process—mathematical description and experimental verificationPages 1983-1989Leon Gradoń, Dariusz Orlicki
2.Comportement thermique de differents types d'habitation soumis a un ensoleillement et à une température extérieure périodiquesPages 1991-2004H. Oiry, J.P. Bardon
3.Modelisations des transferts couples de matière et de chaleur dans l'absorption gaz-liquide en film ruisselant laminairePages 2005-2017H. Le Goff, A. Ramadane, P. Le Goff
4.Heat transfer in a rarefied polyatomic gas—I. Plane parallel platesPages 2019-2027N. Pazooki, S.K. Loyalka
5.Two-dimensional buoyant plume in porous media: higher-order effectsPages 2029-2041Noor Afzal
6.Mixed convection plume above a point heat source in a vertical free streamPages 2043-2047Noor Afzal
7.Two-dimensional heat transfer and critical radius results for natural convection about an insulated horizontal cylinderPages 2049-2060E.M. Sparrow, S.S. Kang
8.Mass transfer of trace species from a superheated stream to a subcooled surfacePages 2061-2070R.K. Ahluwalia, K.H. Im
9.Transition to the convective regime in a vertical slotPages 2071-2077P.G. Daniels
10.A fast, unconditionally stable finite-difference scheme for heat conduction with phase changePages 2079-2084Q.T. Pham
11.Experimental studies of heat transfer and vapour formation in fast transient boilingPages 2085-2092K.P. Derewnicki
12.Block-implicit calculation of steady turbulent recirculating flowsPages 2093-2103S.P. Vanka
13.The instability associated with the onset of motion in a thermosyphonPages 2105-2111Yoram Zvirin
14.Combined forced and free convection heat transfer for fully-developed laminar flow in horizontal annuliPages 2113-2120S. Kotake, N. Hattori
15.On the solution of three-dimensional inverse heat conduction in finite mediaPages 2121-2128N.M. Al-Najem, M.N. Özişik
16.Governing equations for heat and mass transfer in heat-generating porous beds—I. Coolant boiling and transient void propagationPages 2129-2136T.C. Chawla, D.R. Pedersen, W.J. Minkowycz
17.Governing equations for heat and mass transfer in heat-generating porous beds—II. Particulate melting and substrate penetration by dissolutionPages 2137-2148T.C. Chawla, D.R. Pedersen, W.J. Minkowycz
18.Non-Darcian effects on vertical-plate natural convection in porous media with high porositiesPages
19.Variable property effects in the analysis of a stagnation point diffusion flamePages 2159-2168I.M. Kennedy
20.Numerical analysis of a tube with heat generation, thermal radiation, convection and axial conductionPages 2169-2171R.C. Mehta, Pradeep Kumar
21.Finite-difference and improved perturbation solutions for free convection on a vertical cylinder embedded in a saturated porous mediumPages 2171-2174M. Kumari, I. Pop, G. Nath
22.Pressure/temperature ignition limits of fuel droplet vaporizing over a hot platePages 2174-2176P. Cho, C.K. Law
23.Turbulent heat transfer in a channel with two right-angle bendsPages 2177-2179R.S. Amano

Volume 28, Issue 12, Pages 2181-2395 (December 1985)

1.Heat transfer—a review of 1984 literaturePages 2181-2227E.R.G Eckert, R.J Goldstein, S.V Patankar, E pfender,
2.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Polish worksPages 2229-2234J. Bandrowski, J. Zioło
3.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 2235-2245R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
4.Heat transfer and pressure drop results for one- and two-row arrays of finned tubesPages 2247-2259E.M. Sparrow, F. Samie
5.Solidification in a finite, initially overheated slabPages 2261-2268Ch. Charach, P. Zoglin
6.Radiative and conductive transfer for a real gas in a cylindrical enclosure with gray wallsPages 2269-2277T.K. Kim, T.F. Smith
7.Determination of the temperature distribution in an extended surface with a non-uniform heat transfer coefficientPages 2279-2284H.C. Ünal
8.Shock-induced flow in regular arrays of cylinders and packed bedsPages 2285-2298B. Rogg, D. Hermann, G. Adomeit
9.Apparent thermal conductivity of evacuated SiO2-aerogel tiles under variation of radiative boundary conditionsPages 2299-2306P. Scheuerpflug, R. Caps, D. Büttner, J. Fricke
10.Breakdown of the boundary-layer approximation for mixed convection above a horizontal platePages 2307-2313W. Schneider, M.G. Wasel
11.Initial flow development due to Marangoni convection in a mass transfer systemPages 2315-2322H.A. Dijkstra, A.I. van de Vooren
12.A study of economiser performance in a water-lithium bromide absorption coolerPages 2323-2329M.A.R. Eisa, S. Devotta, F.A. Holland
13.Some aspects of the interaction among nucleation sites during saturated nucleate boilingPages 2331-2342Andrej Calka, Ross L. Judd
14.Unstable stratification effects on turbulent shear flow in the wall regionPages 2343-2352Fukui Keisuke, Nakajima Masamoto
15.Heat transfer at the base of a cylindrical cavity oriented perpendicular to a freestream flowPages 2353-2361E.M. Sparrow, G.T. Geiger
16.Dynamic behaviour of a boundary layer with condensation along a flat plate: comparison with suctionPages 2363-2370F. Legay-Desesquelles, B. Prunet-Foch
17.Convective heat transfer in shallow, gas-filled porous media: experimental investigationPages 2371-2378D.J. Close, J.G. Symons, R.F. White
18.Finned-tube performance evaluations for one-row arrays and two-row staggered and in-line arraysPages 2379-2382F. Samie, E.M. Sparrow
19.Countercurrent flow limits for steam and cold water through a horizontal perforated plate with vertical jet injectionPages 2382-2385I. Dilber, S.G. Bankoff
20.Similarity between unsteady conduction and natural convectionPages 2385-2388M.G. Davies
21.Free convective motion in an infinite vertical porous slot: the non-Darcian regimePages
22.Thermodynamics: W. Z. Black and J. G. Hartley, Harper ; Row, London, 1985, 755 pp., £14.95Page 2393R.I. Crane
23.Convective heat transfer: L. C. Burmeister, John Wiley, New York, 1983, ix + 790 ppPages 2393-2394N.C. Markatos
24.Heat and mass transfer in packed beds: N. Wakao and S. Kaguei, Gordon ; Breach, London, 1982, xxii + 364 ppPage 2394N.C. Markatos
25.Eighth international heat transfer conference: 17–22 August 1986, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, U.S.A.Page 2395

Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages 1-167 (January 1986)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Determination of the time-resolved probabilities of heterogeneous recombination of atoms in shock tube experimentsPages 1-19V.D. Berkut, V.V. Kovtun,
3.Effects of electromagnetic stirring during the controlled solidification of tinPages 21-33Charles Vives, Christian Perry
4.Frequency response of the mass transfer rate in a modulated flow at electrochemical probesPages
5.A general method for the solution of inverse heat conduction problems with partially unknown system geometriesPages 47-58C.K. Hsieh, Alain J. Kassab
6.Some characteristics of longitudinal vortices produced by line-source heating in a low-speed wind tunnelPages 59-68Mahlon C. Smith, Donald A. Haines, William A. Main
7.An experimental investigation of mixed cavity natural convection in the high Rayleigh number regimePages 69-82A.T. Kirkpatrick, M. Bohn
8.The testing of an evacuated tubular collector with a heat pipe using the Fourier frequency domainPages 83-90W. Kamminga
9.An explanation for the augmentation of heat transfer during boiling in capillary structuresPages 91-94S.V. Konev, J. Mitrović
10.Heat and mass transfer with condensation in laminar and turbulent boundary layers along a flat platePages 95-105F. Legay-Desesquelles, B. Prunet-Foch
11.Convective heat transfer for laminar flows in a multi-passage circular pipe subjected to an external uniform heat fluxPages 107-117M.A. Ebadian, H.C. Topakoglu, O.A. Arnas
12.Natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder embedded in a porous mediumPages 119-133R.M. Fand, T.E. Steinberger, P. Cheng
13.An asymptotic, large time solution of the convection Stefan problem with surface radiationPages 135-143Tokuda Naoyuki
14.Combined forced-free laminar heat transfer to a highly heated gas in a vertical annulusPages
15.Non-darcy natural convection over a slender vertical frustum of a cone in a saturated porous mediumPages 153-156R. Vasantha, I. Pop, G. Nath
16.On a class of dimensionless groups in dimensional analysisPages 157-159Árpád Pethö, Surendra Kumar
17.Temperature ratio effects in compressible turbulent boundary layersPages 159-164A.D. Fitt, C.J.P. Forth, B.A. Robertson, T.V. Jones
18.Effect of suction on heat transfer rates from a rotating conePages 164-167K. Himasekhar, P.K. Sarma

Volume 29, Issue 2, Pages 169-349 (February 1986)

1.The prediction of turbulent swirling jet flow
2.Natural-convection-dominated melting heat transfer in an inclined rectangular enclosurePages 183-192B.W. Webb, R. Viskanta
3.The onset of natural convection in a fluid layer suddenly heated from belowPages 193-201Kyoung-Hoon Kim, Moon-Uhn Kim
4.Vaporization of a heated liquid into a saturated streamPages 203-213R.K. Ahluwalia, K.H. Im
5.A study of heat transfer during arc weldingPages
6.Convection in the vertical midplane of a horizontal cylinder. Comparison of two-dimensional approximations with three-dimensional resultsPages 227-240P. Bontoux, B. Roux, G.H. Schiroky, B.L. Markham, F. Rosenberger
7.Low-temperature technological combustion of porous systems with forced filtration of a gas reagentPages 241-255O.S. Rabinovich, I.G. Gurevich
8.Heat transfer in full-scale coolers of rubberPages 257-263M. Hartman, O. Trnka, K. Svoboda, Z. Beran
9.Heat transfer in particulate flowsPages 265-273Efstathios E. Michaelides
10.Heat transfer through porous solids with complex internal geometriesPages 275-284D.A. Zumbrunnen, R. Viskanta, F.P. Incropera
11.The use of lumped capacitance in the finite-element solution of heat conduction problems with phase changePages 285-291Q.T. Pham
12.Semi-preservation of momentum and heat transfer in cascade-wake-flowsPages 293-300J.W. Elsner, J. Zieliński
13.Thermal description of pseudosteady-state natural convection inside a vertical cylinderPages 301-307Y.S. Lin, R.G. Akins
14.Free boundary shape of a convectively cooled solidified regionPages 309-315Robert Siegel
15.An integral solution of moving boundary problemsPages 317-329M. Mashena, A. Haji-Sheikh
16.Two-dimensional natural convection and conduction in a packed bed containing a hot spot and its relevance to the transport of air in a coal dumpPages 331-336B.D. Young, D.F. Williams, A.W. Bryson
17.Critical heat flux and heat transfer for high heat flux applicationsPages 337-340R.D. Boyd, L.N. Powell, L.L. Schluter
18.Transient conduction in a three-dimensional composite slabPages 340-342M.D. Mikhailov, M.N. Özişik
19.On the similarity solutions to laminar natural convection boundary layersPages 342-344Poul S. Larsen, Vedat S. Arpaci
20.Mixed convection from a horizontal line source of heatPages 344-347Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Benjamin Gebhart
21.MAFELAP 1987 The Mathematics of Finite Elements and Applications 28 April–1 May 1987, Brunel University U.K.Page 349

Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 351-505 (March 1986)

1.A general correlation for flow boiling in tubes and annuliPages 351-358K.E. Gungor, R.H.S. Winterton
2.Orientation effects on natural convection/radiation heat transfer from pin-fin arraysPages 359-368E.M. Sparrow, S.B. Vemuri
3.Local and average natural convection Nusselt numbers for a uniformly heated, shrouded or unshrouded horizontal platePages 369-379E.M. Sparrow, C.K. Carlson
4.A thermodynamical modelling of fluid flows through porous media: application to natural convectionPages 381-390G. Lebon, A. Cloot
5.Mixed laminar convection in a horizontal tube with natural convection around its boundariesPages 391-402J.Pascal Coutier, Ralph Grief
6.Mass and heat transfer by natural convection in a vertical slot filled with porous mediumPages
7.Prevision numérique de la convection forcée turbulente dans une cavité bidimensionnelle entrainéePages 417-427P. Abadie, R. Schiestel
8.Effect of vapour velocity on film condensation of R-113 on horizontal tubes in a crossflowPages 429-438Honda Hiroshi, Nozu Shigeru, Uchima Bunken, Fujii Tetsu
9.Numerical study of two-dimensional natural convection in a horizontal fluid layer heated from below, by finite-element method: influence of Prandtl numberPages 439-449Henri Bertin, Ozoe Hiroyuki
10.Turbulent heat transport in a horizontal fluid layer heated internally and from belowPages
11.The end-effect error in the determination of thermal conductivity using a hot-wire apparatusPages 463-473P.G. Knibbe
12.Three-dimensional natural convection heat transfer of a liquid metal in a cavityPages 475-485R. Viskanta, D.M. Kim, C. Gau
13.A model for heat transfer in circulating fluidized bedsPages 487-489D. Subbarao, P. Basu
14.A higher-order asymptotic solution for heat transfer of a laminar flow passing a wedge at small Prandtl numberPages 490-492Chen Ye-Mon
15.Double diffusion from a horizontal line source in an infinite porous mediumPages 492-495Steven E. Larson, Dimos Poulikakos
16.A numerical solution to moving boundary problems — application to melting and solidificationPages 495-499Mehmet A. Hastaoglu
17.Propagation of the temperature front in heat-up of an initially isothermal fluidPages 499-501Jae Min Hyun
18.Radiant-interchange configuration factors between a disk and a segment of a parallel concentric diskPages 501-503Lin Sui, Lee Pai-Mow, Wang Joseph C.Y., Dai Wei-Liang, Lou You-Sm
19.Int. j. heat mass transfer: G. Grossman and M. T. Heath, simultaneous heat and mass transfer in absorption of gases in turbulent liquid films, 27, 2365–2376 (1984)Page 505
20.Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer: E.R.G. Eckertet al. Heat transfer—a review of 1984 literature, 28, 2181–2227 (1985)Page 505

Volume 29, Issue 4, Pages 507-657 (April 1986)

1.Determining the two-phase friction coefficient in the transition between annular and fog flowPages 507-515Enrico Lorenzini, Carlo Crescentini
2.Thermohydrodynamics of quasi-stable floating of a free liquid volume over a solid surfacePages 517-527S.S. Kutateladze
3.Optimisation de la représentation réduite d'une paroi thermiquePages 529-538C. Benard
4.Evaporation of water from a partially filled, cylindrical container to a forced convection air flowPages 539-547A.T. Prata, E.M. Sparrow
5.Melting of powder grains in plasma sprayingPages 549-554I. Groma, B. VetÖ
6.Heat and mass transfer from a horizontal tube of an evaporative heat dissipatorPages 555-562R.S. Rana, V. Charan, H.K. Varma
7.A numerical study of thermocapillary flow in a rectangular cavity during laser meltingPages 563-572J. Srinivasan, Biswajit Basu
8.Numerical simulation of buoyant, turbulent flow—I. Free convection along a heated, vertical, flat platePages 573-592W.M. To, J.A.C. Humphrey
9.Numerical simulation of buoyant, turbulent flow—II. Free and mixed convection in a heated cavityPages 593-610J.A.C. Humphrey, W.M. To
10.Buoyancy-induced flow adjacent to a horizontal surface submerged in porous medium saturated with cold waterPages
11.Un modèle simple de la pénétration couplée de chaleur et de matière dans l'absorption gaz-liquide en film ruisselant laminairePages 625-634H. Le Goff, A. Ramadane, P. Le Goff
12.On computing radiative heat flux distributions using the FN methodPages 635-637James D. Felske, Sunil Kumar
13.Prediction of nucleate pool boiling heat transfer coefficients for binary mixturesPages 637-640H.C. Ünal
14.A simple method of dimensioning straight fins for nucleate pool boilingPages 640-644H.C. Ünal
15.Overstability of a viscoelastic liquid layer with internal heat generationPages 645-647Hamabata Hiromitsu
16.Evaluation of the importance of the relative velocity during evaporation of drops in spraysPages 647-651J. Bellan, K. Harstad
17.On the relativistic temperature transformations and the related energy transport problemPages 651-654S. Sieniutycz
18.Axial heat conduction effects in natural convection along a vertical cylinderPages 654-656C.D.Surma Devi, M. Nagaraj, G. Nath
19.AnnouncementPage 657

Volume 29, Issue 5, Pages 659-817 (May 1986)

1.Heat transfer inside a horizontal cylindrical annulus in the presence of thermal radiation and buoyancyPages 659-671S.O. Onyegegbu
2.Heat and mass transfer in unsteady-state diffusion combustion of a condensed fuel surfacePages 673-679N.N. Smirnov
3.Thermally driven motion of highly viscous fluidsPages 681-688P.C.T. De Boer
4.Dry patch formed boiling and burnout in potassium pool boilingPages 689-702I. Michiyoshi, N. Takenaka, O. Takahashi
5.Large Rayleigh number convection in a horizontal, eccentric annulus containing saturated porous mediaPages 703-712K. Himasekhar, Haim H. Bau
6.Free convection in a vertical, porous annulus with constant heat flux on the inner wall—experimental resultsPages 713-723V. Prasad, F.A. Kulacki, A.V. Kulkarni
7.Natural convection In narrow-gap, spherical annuliPages 725-739J.L. Wright, R.W. Douglass
8.An electrochemical method for determining natural convection mass transfer boundary-layer thicknessesPages 741-751Peter N. Pintauro
9.Effects of flow inertia on vertical, natural convection in saturated, porous mediaPages 753-759K.S. Chen, J.R. Ho
10.The influence of interface thermal contact resistance on the heat transfer performance of prestressed Duplex tubePages 761-767J.R. Barber
11.Conjugated, mixed convection-conduction heat transfer along a cylindrical fin in a porous mediumPages 769-775Jin-Yuan Liu, W.J. Minkowycz, P. Cheng
12.Local heat transfer from a square prism to an airstreamPages 777-784T. Igarashi
13.Forced convective boiling in horizontal tube bundlesPages 785-795T.H. Hwang, S.C. Yao
14.Laminar forced convection in circular and flat ducts with wall axial conduction and external convectionPages 797-807N.E. Wijeysundera
15.Mass transfer in a rotating disc oxygenatorPages 809-811K. Vijay Raghvan, J.P. Gupta
16.Some heat transfer studies on a diesel engine pistonPages 812-814V.P. Singh, P.C. Upadhyay, N.K. Samria
17.Some comments on the sensitivity to sensor location of inverse heat conduction problems using Beck's MethodPages 815-817M. Raynaud

Volume 29, Issue 6, Pages 819-962 (June 1986)

1.Natural convection in a vertical channel vented to the ambient through an aperture in the channel wallPages 819-830L.F.A. Azevedo, E.M. Sparrow
2.Heat transfer from rotating annular finsPages 831-839E.M. Sparrow, C.S. Preston
3.Numerical study of natural convection in a vertical, porous annulus with constant heat flux on the inner wallPages 841-853V. Prasad
4.Analysis of close-contact melting heat transferPages 855-867M.K. Moallemi, R. Viskanta
5.Numerical predictions of natural convection in a trombe wall systemPages 869-877S.J. Ormiston, G.D. Raithby, K.G.T. Hollands
6.Conjugate unsteady heat transfer from a spherical droplet at low Reynolds numbersPages 879-887Douglas L.R. Oliver, Jacob N. Chung
7.Numerical analysis of natural convection in a rectangular enclosure horizontally divided into fluid and porous regionsPages 889-898Nishimura Tatsuo, Takumi Toru, Shiraishi Mitsuhiro, Kawamura Yuji, Ozoe Hiroyuki
8.Prediction of film cooling with a liquid coolantPages 899-908T.R. Shembharkar, B.R. Pai
9.Thermal conductivity of packed metal powdersPages 909-920G.R. Hadley
10.On the problem of heat transfer in phase-change materials for small Stefan numbersPages 921-926Lev N. Gutman
11.Annular film-flow boiling of liquids in a partially heated, vertical channel with offset strip finsPages 927-939V.P. Carey, G.D. Mandrusiak
12.Conjugate Leveque solution for Newtonian fluid in a parallel plate channelPages 941-947Lee Wen-Chien, Ju Yi-Hsu
13.Effects of friction losses in water-flow pipe systems on the freeze-off conditionsPages 949-951T. Hirata
14.Boundary-layer treatment of film condensation in the presence of a solid matrixPages 951-954M. Kaviany
15.Mass transfer in cross flow of non-Newtonian fluid around a circular cylinderPages 955-960U.K. Ghosh, S.N. Gupta, S. Kumar, S.N. Upadhyay
16.Computer simulation of multiphase flowsPage 961
17.International symposium on cold regions heat transferPages 961-962

Volume 29, Issue 7, Pages 963-1058 (July 1986)

1.In memoriam professor S. S. Kutateladze 1914–1986Page 963R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
2.Recession of a coal face exposed to a high temperaturePages 965-978Jerald A. Britten
3.Coupled heat and mass transfer in laminar flow, tubular polymerizersPages 979-986Clement Kleinstreuer, Shailesh Agarwal
4.Effect of interwall spacing on heat transfer and pressure drop in a corrugated-wall ductPages 987-997M. Molki, C.M. Yuen
5.Heat transfer in the stagnation region of the junction of a circular cylinder perpendicular to a flat platePages
6.Melting in a horizontal tube with the solid either constrained or free to fall under gravityPages 1007-1019E.M. Sparrow, G.T. Geiger
7.Heat transfer in percolated fixed beds with temperature-dependent physical properties—compressive and dispersive effectsPages 1021-1031C. Roizard, D. Tondeur
8.Analysis of experiments of moisture migration caused by temperature differences in unsaturated porous medium by means of two-dimensional numerical simulationPages 1033-1039M. Prat
9.One-dimensional simulation of the thermal structure of urban atmospheresPages 1041-1049A. Yoshida, T. Kunitomo
10.Convection heat transfer from discrete heat sources in a rectangular channelPages 1051-1058F.P. Incropera, J.S. Kerby, D.F. Moffatt, S. Ramadhyani

Volume 29, Issue 8, Pages 1059-1291 (August 1986)

1.Professor Warren M. Rohsenow on the occasion of his 65th birthdayPages 1059-1061J.P.
2.Unsteady thermocline degradation in a fluid-saturated, porous mediumPages 1063-1070Douglas W. Stamps, John A. Clark
3.Microscales of turbulence and heat transfer correlationsPages 1071-1078Vedat S. Arpaci
4.Second-law-based optimization of heat exchanger networks using load curvesPages 1079-1086John C. Chato, Charalambos Damianides
5.On free convection melting of a solid immersed in a hot dissimilar fluidPages 1087-1093Michael M. Chen, Rouyentan Farhadieh, Louis Baker Jr.
6.Jet impingement nucleate boilingPages 1095-1101C.-F. Ma, A.E. Bergles
7.Thermal conductance at solid interfaces: an application of the Fenech-Rohsenow modelPages 1103-1108Henri Fenech
8.Evaluation of organic coatings for the promotion of dropwise condensation of steamPages 1109-1117P.J. Marto, D.J. Looney, J.W. Rose, A.S. Wanniarachchi
9.Performance characteristics of industrial finned tubes presented in dimensional formPages 1119-1125D.G. Kröger
10.Exploiting hydrodynamic instabilities. Resonant heat transfer enhancementPages 1127-1138A.T. Patera, B.B. Mikic
11.Simple analysis of mixed convection with uniform heat fluxPages 1139-1147Isaac Shai, Yacov Barnea
12.Droplet deposition in two-phase, turbulent flowPages 1149-1158M.M. El-Kassaby, E.N. Ganić
13.Recent film boiling calculations: implication on fuel-coolant interactionsPages 1159-1167B.J. Kim, M.L. Corradini
14.Aging of polyurethane foamsPages 1169-1176A.G. Ostrogorsky, L.R. Glicksman, D.W. Reitz
15.Viscous heating of high Prandtl number fluids with temperature-dependent viscosityPages 1177-1183E.R.G. Eckert, M. Faghri
16.Effect of angle of attack on the heat transfer coefficient for an annular finPages 1185-1191E.M. Sparrow, S.R. Chastain
17.A fundamental study of symmetrical vortex generation behind a cylinder by wake heating or by splitter plate or meshPages 1193-1201Mori Yasuo, Hijikata Kunio, Nobuhara Takayoshi
18.Models of concentrated energy flux effects on homogeneous and porous mediaPages 1203-1210O.G. Martynenko, N.V. Pavlyukevich, G.S. Romanov, R.I. Soloukhin
19.Heat transfer by mixed convection in a vertical flow undergoing transitionPages 1211-1218Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Benjamin Gebhart
20.Laminar film condensationPages 1219-1226Stuart W. Churchill
21.Streamwise distribution of the recovery factor and the local heat transfer coefficient to an impinging circular air jetPages 1227-1235R.J. Goldstein, A.I. Behbahani, K.Kieger Heppelmann
22.Radiation-induced ignition of condensed fuels in a ceiling fire including effects of radiation blockagePages 1237-1244K.Y. Lee, C.L. Tien
23.Post-dryout heat transfer to Freon in a vertical tube at high subcritical pressuresPages 1245-1251Nishikawa Kaneyasu, Yoshida Suguru, Mori Hideo, Takamatsu Hiroshi
24.Spatial and temporal temperature distribution in the healthy and locally diseased wall of the heartPages
25.Convective heat transfer to rapidly flowing, granular materialsPages 1263-1269J.S. Patton, R.H. Sabersky, C.E. Brennen
26.Analysis of melting around a moving heat sourcePages 1271-1282M.K. Moallemi, R. Visksnt
27.Heat transfer to water flowing turbulently through a rectangular duct with asymmetric heatingPages 1283-1291M. Kostic, J.P. Hartnett

Volume 29, Issue 9, Pages 1293-1451 (September 1986)

1.Convection mixte autour d'un cylindre horizontal. Influence des variations des propriétés physiques avec la températurePages 1293-1300M. Amaouche, J.-L. Peube
2.The effect of rotation on linear and non-linear double-diffusive convection in a sparsely packed, porous mediumPages 1301-1317N. Rudraiah, I.S. Shivakumara, R. Friedrich
3.Vapor condensation onto a turbulent liquid—I. The steady condensation rate as a function of liquid-side turbulencePages 1319-1332Ain A. Sonin, Martin A. Shimko, Chun Jung-Hoon
4.Vapor condensation onto a turbulent liquid—II. Condensation burst instability at high turbulence intensitiesPages 1333-1338Chun Jung-Hoon, Martin A. Shimko, Ain A. Sonin
5.The solution of some diffusion problems by Fourier transform methodsPages 1339-1347D.V. Evans, D.S. Riley
6.Frequency response of boiling flow systems based on a two-fluid modelPages 1349-1357R.P. Roy, M.-G. Su, R.C. Dykhuizen, S.P. Kalra
7.Numerical simulation of melting of ice around a horizontal cylinderPages 1359-1369C.J. Ho, S. Chen
8.Natural convection of gas/vapour mixtures in a porous mediumPages 1371-1381Malcolm R. Davidson
9.The stability of vertical thermal buoyancy induced flows in cold pure and saline waterPages 1383-1392Z.H. Qureshi, B. Gebhart
10.Etude analytique des distributions de température et de concentration à l'intérieur d'un grain sphérique d'adsorbant solide soumis à un échelon de pression de vapeur adsorbablePages 1393-1406L.M. Sun, F. Meunier, B. Mischler
11.Ablative melting of a solid cylinder perpendicularly pressed against a heated wallPages 1407-1415H. Martin, J. Lede, H.Z. Li, J. Villermaux, C. Moyne, A. Degiovanni
12.Comparison of computed frequency responses of intrinsic and encapsulated bead type thermocouples in liquid sodiumPages 1417-1426L. Krebs, K. Bremhorst
13.Pre-pressurization effects on initiation of subcooled pool boiling during pressure and power transientsPages 1427-1437R.E. Faw, R.J. Vanvleet, D.L. Schmidt
14.Heat transfer in forced oscillatory compressible flow past a yawed cylinderPages 1439-1443G.N. Sarma, Reeta Srivastava
15.Séchage d'un milieu poreux contenant une faible teneur en eauPages 1443-1449S. Ben Nasrallah, G. Arnaud
16.International symposium on natural circulation ASME winter annual meeting, 15–20 november 1987, new york, U.S.A.Page 1451

Volume 29, Issue 10, Pages 1453-1615 (October 1986)

1.Professor Sándor Endrényi on his 90th birthdayPages 1453-1455K Vertesffy, J Verhas
2.Numerical prediction of natural convection heat transfer in horizontal annulusPages 1457-1464A.W. Date
3.Natural convection on horizontal, inclined, and vertical plates with variable surface temperature or heat fluxPages 1465-1478T.S. Chen, H.C. Tien, B.F. Armaly
4.On the thermal adjustment of an almost-enclosed fluid region with through-flowPages 1479-1485Lars Rahm
5.Adjustment of a thermally-stratified fluid in a container with vertical through-flowPages 1487-1493Jae Min Hyun, Jae Chun Hyun
6.Laminar forced convection inside ducts with periodic variation of inlet temperaturePages 1495-1501R.M. Cotta, M.N. Özişik
7.Simultaneous heat and mass transfer with phase change in a porous slabPages 1503-1512Shahryar Motakef, Mäher A. El-Masri
8.Non-Darcian effects on natural convection in porous media confined between horizontal cylindersPages 1513-1519M. Kaviany
9.The effects of temperature-dependent viscosity and coefficient of thermal expansion on the stability of laminar, natural convective flow along an isothermal, vertical surfacePages 1521-1529P. Sabhapathy, K.C. Cheng
10.Experimental determination of the behaviour of wet porous beds in which natural convection occursPages 1531-1541D.J. Close, M.K. Peck
11.Natural convection flows in a vertical, open tube resulting from combined buoyancy effects of thermal and mass diffusionPages 1543-1552C.J. Chang, T.F. Lin, W.M. Yan
12.Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of an array of plates aligned at angles to the flow in a rectangular ductPages 1553-1563Y.N. Lee
13.Particle-gas mass transfer under plasma conditionsPages 1565-1573Shrikant V. Joshi, Jin Y. Park, P.R. Taylor, L.S. Richardson
14.The stability of natural convection in narrow-gap spherical annuli to axisymmetric disturbancesPages 1575-1584M.T. Farmer, R.W. Douglass, S.A. Trogdon
15.Heat transport in a turbulent plane wakePages 1585-1592R.A. Antonia, L.W.B. Browne
16.Enclosed gas and liquid with nonuniform heating from abovePages 1593-1604S.K. Aggarwal, J. Iyengar, W.A. Sirignano
17.Diffusion around oblate ellipsoids—a study on the influence of particle shape on the rate of particle consumption in fluid-particle processesPages 1605-1607C.M.C.T. Pinho, J.R.F.Gueduedes de Carvalho
18.Average Nusselt number on the downward-facing heated platePages 1607-1609D.K. Edwards, J.C. Haiad
19.Heat pumps in industry: F. Moser and H. Schnitzer, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1985, 264 pp., $59.25Page 1611J.R. Singham
20.Heat conduction within linear thermoelasticity: W. A. Day, Springer, Berlin, 1985, 80 ppPage 1611C. Atkinson
21.Fluid mechanics and transfer processes: J. M. Kay and R. M. Nedderman, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £17.50Pages 1611-1612D.B. Spaldino
22.Measurement techniques in power engineering: Naim H. Afgan (Editor), Hemisphere, Washington, DC. Distributed outside North America by Springer-Verlag, 1985, 356 ppPage 1612Derek Bradley
23.Physico chemical hydroynamics 6th international conference April 6–8 1987 the Queen's college, Oxford, EnglandPage 1613
24.Sixth international conference on mathematical modelling call for papers August 10–13, 1987 Washington University St. Louis, Missouri, USAPage 1614
25.ICHMT XIX. Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, August 24–28 1987 Heat and mass transfer in gasoline and diesel enginePage 1615

Volume 29, Issue 11, Pages 1617-1765 (November 1986)

1.Effect of interbaffle spacing on heat transfer and pressure drop in a shell-and-tube heat exchangerPages
2.In-tube melting in the presence of circumferentially nonuniform heatingPages 1629-1637E M. Sparrow, M.L. Zumbrunnen
3.Prediction of the critical heat flux in flow boiling at intermediate qualitiesPages 1639-1648S.H. Ying, J. Weisman
4.A comparison of radiative characteristics for fly ash and coalPages 1649-1654S.A. Boothroyd, A.R. Jones
5.Multiple steady-state solutions for horizontal buoyant flows in cold waterPages 1655-1667Ibrahim El-Henawy, Benjamin Gebhart, Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
6.Moving boundary problem: heat conduction in the solid phase of a phase-change material during melting driven by natural convection in the liquidPages 1669-1681C. Benard, D. Gobin, A. Zanoli
7.Thermally induced hygroscopic mass transfer in a fibrous mediumPages 1683-1694David A. Pierce, Steve M. Benner
8.Experimental and numerical investigation of double-diffusive convection induced by a discrete heat sourcePages 1695-1709T. Bergman, A. Ungan
9.Laminar mixed convection in a partially blocked, vertical channelPages 1711-1722S. Habchi, S. Acharya
10.Measurements and visualizations of transient and steady-state vertical natural convection flow in cold waterPages
11.Experimental investigation of combined mass transfer at gas-evolving electrodes with superposition of electrolyte flowPages 1741-1745G. Bendrich, W. Seiler, H. Vogt
12.Conjugate film condensation and natural convection along the interface between a porous and an open spacePages 1747-1758D. Poulikakos, P. Sura
13.The non-Darcy free convection boundary layer on axi-symmetric and two-dimensional bodies of arbitrary shapePages 1759-1760D.B. Ingham
14.A further examination of void fraction in annular two-phase flowPages 1760-1763J.J.J. Chen
15.International symposium on natural circulation ASME winter annual meeting, 13–18 december 1987, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.Page 1765

Volume 29, Issue 12, Pages 1767-2010 (December 1986)

1.Professor Zoran Zaric—in memoriamPages i-iiiD.B. Spalding
2.Volume contents and author index volume 29, 1986Pages i-xix
3.Heat transfer—a review of 1985 literaturePages 1767-1842E.R.G Eckert, R.J Goldstein, E Pfender, W.E Ibele, J.W Ramsey, T.W Simon, N.A Decker, T.H Kuehn, H.O Lee, S.L Girshick
4.Fully-developed, forced convective flow through an annular packed-sphere bed with wall effectsPages 1843-1853P. Cheng, C.T. Hsu
5.Outward phase change in a cylindrical annulus with axial fins on the inner tubePages 1855-1868P.V. Padmanabhan, M.V. Krishna Murthy
6.Analytical and experimental investigation of simultaneous melting-condensation on a vertical wall in the presence of a noncondensable gasPages 1869-1880D. Galamba, V.K. Dhir, Kaveh Taghavi
7.Laminar flow with an axially varying heat transfer coefficientPages 1881-1889Brian Vick, R.G. Wells
8.On the behaviour of a translating vapour bubble under the influence of a pressure step—numerical solutions of implosion and fragmentationPages 1891-1901W.M. Sluijter, D.G. Roddeman, S.J.D. Van Stralen
9.Heat transfer and pressure drop on the shell-side of tube-banks having oval-shaped tubesPages 1903-1909G.P. Merker, H. hanke
10.Mass transfer at smooth and rough surfaces in a circular couette flowPages 1911-1918J. Grifoll, X. Farriol, Francesc Giralt
11.Measurement and analysis of dynamic instabilities in fluid-heated two-phase flowPages 1919-1929D.M. France, R.D. Carlson, R.P. Roy
12.Periodic, fully developed, natural convection in a channel with corrugated confining wallsPages 1931-1936M. Faghri, Asako Yutaka
13.A wide-band absorption coefficient integration kernelPages 1937-1942R.C. Estes, R.G. Bill Jr., G.A. Domoto
14.Melting of frozen, porous media contained in a horizontal or a vertical, cylindrical capsulePages 1943-1951J.A. Weaver, R. Viskanta
15.Role of macrolayer evaporation in pool boiling at high heat fluxPages 1953-1961A.M. Bhat, J.S. Saini, R. Prakash
16.Determination of the bulk-saturated liquid condition for maximum heat fluxes at boiling crisesPages 1963-1967K. Srinivasan, M.V.Krishna Murthy
17.Temporal and spatial distribution of heat flux in oscillating flow subjected to an axial temperature gradientPages 1969-1977U.H. Kurzweg
18.Conjugate natural convection in a square enclosure: effect of conduction in one of the vertical wallsPages 1979-1988D.A. Kaminski, C. Prakash
19.CHF prediction via Katto's correlations and Whalley's model using AECL CHF data bankPages 1989-1993S.C. Cheng, S.K. Chin
20.Second-order boundary layers for steady, incompressible, three-dimensional stagnation point flowsPages 1993-1996R. Vasantha, G. Nath
21.Unsteady, three-dimensional, boundary-layer flow due to a stretching surfacePages 1996-1999C.D.Surma Devi, H.S. Takhar, G. Nath
22.Heating or evaporation in the thermal entrance region of a non-Newtonian, laminar, falling liquid filmPages 1999-2002Yih Siu-Ming, Lee Mauh-Wahng
23.Some aspects of enhanced heat diffusion in fluids by oscillationPages 2002-2006M. Kaviany
24.Handbook of heat transfer fundamentals and handbook of heat transfer applications: W. M. Rohsenow, J. P. Hartnett and E. N. Ganic (Editors), McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985Page 2007D.B. Spalding
25.Measurement techniques in heat and mass transfer: R. I. Soloukhin and N. H. Afgan(Editors), Hemisphere, Washington, DC (distributed outside North America by Springer-Verlag, Berlin), 1985,569ppPages 2007-2008Derek Bradley
26.Bifurcation phenomena in thermal processes and convection ASME winter annual meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 13–20 December 1987Page 2009
27.Short Course two-phase flow fundamentals for industrial applications Zurich, 23–27 march 1987Page 2009
28.Advanced study institute on: Thermal-hydraulic fundamentals and design on two-phase flow Heat exchangers Torres Vedras, Porto Novo, Portugal, 6–17 july 1987Page 2010

Volume 30, Issue 1, Pages 1-213 (January 1987)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Fran Bošnjaković on the occasion of his 85th birthdayPage 1E.R.G. Eckert
3.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 3-13R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
4.Heat transfer in turbulent fluids—I. Pipe flowPages 15-22Victor Yakhot, Steven A. Orszag, Alexander Yakhot
5.Turbulent heat and momentum transfer of combined forced and natural convection along a vertical flat plate—aiding flowPages 23-41K. Kitamura, T. Inagaki
6.A Second Law analysis of the optimum design and operation of thermal energy storage systemsPages 43-57Robert J. Krane
7.An asymptotic approach to compressible boundary-layer flowPages 59-68H. Herwig
8.Heat transfer and friction in the offset stripfin heat exchangerPages 69-84Himanshu M. Joshi, Ralph L. Webb
9.Generalized boundary conditions of the heat and mass transferPages 85-92P.M. Kolesnikov
10.Thermogravitational and thermocapillary convection heat transfer in concentric and eccentric horizontal, cylindrical annuli filled with two immiscible fluidsPages 93-107U. Projahn, H. Beer
11.Thermocapillary periodic flowsPages 109-124A.G. Kirdyashkin
12.Analysis of the convective evaporation of nondilute clusters of dropsPages 125-136J. Bellan, K. Harstad
13.An advance on the theory of forced turbulent-flow film boiling heat transfer for subcooled liquid flowing along a horizontal flat platePages 137-141Wang Bu-Xuan, Shi De-Hui, Peng Xiao-Feng
14.Analysis of thermal dispersion effect on vertical-plate natural convection in porous mediaPages 143-150J.T. Hong, C.L. Tien
15.Mixed convection in vertical, cylindrical annuliPages 151-164M.A. Hessami, G. De Vahl Davis, E. Leonardi, J.A. Reizes
16.Combined forced and natural convection heat transfer for upward flow in a uniformly heated, vertical pipePages 165-174Tanaka Hiroaki, Maruyama Shigeo, Hatano Shunichi
17.Turbulent duct flow with streamwise nonuniform heating at the duct wallPages 175-185E.M. Sparrow, A. Garcia, W. Chuck
18.Radiation heat transfer in foam insulationPages 187-197L. Glicksman, M. Schuetz, M. Sinofsky
19.Determination of thermal parameters of relaxation materialsPages 199-201J. Gembarovič, V. Majerḱ
20.Integral analysis of conjugate natural convection heat transfer from a long, vertical finPages 201-203K. Himasekhar
21.On the heat transfer characteristics of constrained air jets impinging on a flat surfacePages 203-205M. Shoukri, A. Calka
22.Analysis of interdiffusion in film absorptionPages 205-208Gershon Grossman
23.Thermal convection in a porous medium subject to transient heating and rotationPages 208-211Jong Jhy Jou, Jian Shuen Liaw
24.Solar thermal storage: H. P. Garg, S. C. Mullick and A. K. Bhargara, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1985, 742ppPage 213Sadik Kakaç
25.An introduction to the finite-element method with applications to non-linear problems: R. E. White, John Wiley, New York, 1986Page 213
26.Technical guide to thermal processes: J. Gosse, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986, 227 pp., £22.50/$7.95Page 213D.B. Spalding

Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 215-413 (February 1987)

1.Professors Takashi Sato, Tokuro Mizushina and Kaneyasu Nishikawa on their 65th birthdays and retirement from the Honorary Editorial Advisory BoardPage iMori Yasuo, Tanasawa Ichiro, Echigo Ryozo
2.Professor Takashi SatoPage iiSuzuki Kenjiro
3.Professor Tokuro MizushinaPage iiiOgino Fumimaru
4.Professor Kaneyasu NishikawaPage ivFujita Yasunobu
5.Evaporative mass transfer in turbulent forced convection duct flowsPages 215-222W. Chuck, E.M. Sparrow
6.Boundary integral equation technique with application to freezing around a buried pipePages 223-232Ali M. Sadegh, Latif M. Jiji, Sheldon Weinbaum
7.Solidification in finite bodies with prescribed heat flux: bounds for the freezing time and removed energyPages 233-240Ch. Charach, Peter B. Kahn
8.A robust method for regenerative heat exchanger calculationsPages 241-249A. Hill, A.J. Willmott
9.A three-dimensional analysis of natural convection in a toroidal loop—the effect of Grashof numberPages 251-262Adrienne S. Lavine, Ralph Greif, Joseph A.C. Humphrey
10.Thermal convection associated with hot/cold pipes buried in a semi-infinite, saturated, porous mediumPages 263-273K. Himasekhar, Haim H. Bau
11.The turbulent viscosity model and inherent laws of the near-wall turbulencePages 275-277Jiří Šimonek
12.Solid-gas mass transfer measurement by the swollen polymer method: proving of swelling agentsPages 279-287W.R. Paterson, R.A. Colledge, J.I. Macnab, J.A. Joy
13.Non-linear, unsteady free convection in a vertical cylinder submitted to a horizontal thermal gradient: measurements in water between 6 and 21°C and a theoretical model of convectionPages 289-295M. De Paz, M. Pilo, G. Sonnino
14.Transferts couples de chaleur et de masse dans des matériaux consolides utilises en génie civilPages 297-309B. Perrin, R. Javelas
15.Mechanisms of film boiling heat transfer of normally impacting sprayPages 311-318K.J. Choi, S.C. Yao
16.Free convection heat transfer in a partially divided vertical enclosure with conducting end wallsPages 319-331E. Zimmerman, S. Acharya
17.Thermal diffusivity of transparent liquids by photon correlation spectroscopy—I. Results for toluene and methanol in an extended range of temperature and pressurePages 333-339M. Hendrix, A. Leipertz, M. Fiebig, G. Simonsohn
18.An analytic study of boiling heat transfer from a finPages 341-349H.C. Ünal
19.Stability of a free convection density-extremum flow in a porous mediumPages 351-361Sunil Kumar, Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
20.Numerical computation of flow and heat transfer in finned and unfinned tube banksPages 363-372M. Faghri, N. Rao
21.An improved approach to condenser design using film modelsPages 373-378D.R. Webb, D. Panagoulias
22.Leidenfrost boiling of methanol droplets on hot porous/ceramic surfacesPages 379-393C.T. Avedisian, J. Koplik
23.Simultaneous heat and mass transfer between a fluidized bed of fine particles and immersed coarse porous particlesPages 395-400S. Cobbinah, C. Laguérie, H. Gibert
24.Thermodynamic optimization of convective heat transfer through a duct with constant wall temperaturePages 401-405P.K. Nag, P. Mukherjee
25.Correlations for laminar mixed convection on vertical, inclined and horizontal flat plates with uniform surface heat fluxPages 405-408B.F. Armaly, T.S. Chen, N. Ramachandran
26.Large amplitude modulation of heat transfer from a circular cylinderPages 408-411C.K. Aidun, S.P. Lin
27.Letter to the editorsPage 413Moon Kyu Choi, Seung Jong Lee, B.J. McCoy

Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 415-612 (March 1987)

1.Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr.e.h. Ulrich Grigull on his 75th birthdayPages 415-416Erich Hahne
2.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 417-426Y. Mori, R. Echigo
3.Effect of yaw on forced convection heat transfer from a circular cylinderPages 427-435E.M. Sparrow, A.A.Yanez Moreno
4.Application of statistical narrow-band model to coupled radiation and convection at high temperaturePages 437-447A. Soufiani, J. Taine
5.Direct contact condensation of superheated steam on waterPages 449-458G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, G.E. Farello, G. Focardi
6.A theoretical model of direct contact condensation on a horizontal surfacePages 459-467G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, G.E. Farello, G. Focardi
7.Thermal instability of evaporating drops on a flat plate and its effects on evaporation ratePages
8.Effects of magnetically damped convection during the controlled solidification of metals and alloysPages 479-496Charles Vives, Christian Perry
9.Dropwise condensation of steam at low pressuresPages 497-507Hatamiya Shigeo, Tanaka Hiroaki
10.Heat transfer correlation for thermally developing laminar flow in a smooth tube with a twisted-tape insertPages 509-515J.P. Du Plessis, D.G. Kröger
11.A statistical turbulent reacting flow modelPages 517-526V.A. Sosinovich, B.A. Kolovandin, V.A. Tsyganov, C. Meola
12.Fluid flow and heat transfer in the duct of an MHD power generatorPages 527-535M.L. Mittal, H.R. Nataraja, V.G. Naidu
13.Natural convection in a thin, inclined, porous layer exposed to a constant heat fluxPages 537-549P. Vasseur, M.G. Satish, L. Robillard
14.Evolution thermique d'une sonde électrostatique dans un gaz raréfié et partiellement ioniséPages 551-557M.A. Dudeck
15.The effect of surface renewal due to largescale eddies on jet impingement heat transferPages 559-567K. Kataoka, M. Suguro, H. Degawa, K. Maruo, I. Mihata
16.Thermal interactions of a molten tin drop with water triggered by a low-pressure shockPages 569-579S.H. Han, S.G. Bankoff
17.Flooding and hysteresis effects in nearly-horizontal countercurrent stratified steam-water flowPages 581-588S.G. Bankoff, S.C. Lee
18.Discontinuity of particle contact with the surface and heat transfer in fluidized bedsPages
19.Experimental investigation of heat flux uniformity at thin, electrically heated metallic foilsPages 601-604E.M. Sparrow, C.K. Carlson
20.A heat balance integral method based on an enthalpy formulationPages 604-607V.R. Voller
21.Mass transfer to an accelerating multidrop systemPages 607-610S. Ramachandran, C. Kleinstreuer, E.R. Altwicker
22.Steady-state temperature distribution in a doubly connected, orthotropic region with heat generationPages 610-612P.A.A. Laura, V.H. Cortínez, R. Carnicer

Volume 30, Issue 4, Pages 613-817 (April 1987)

1.Melting in a vertical tube rotating about a vertical, colinear axisPages 613-622A. Chaboki, E.M. Sparrow
2.Conjugate natural convection about a vertical cylindrical fin with lateral mass flux in a saturated porous mediumPages 623-630Liu Jin-Yuan, Shih Shagi-Di, W.J. Minkowycz
3.Investigations on the propagation of free surface boiling in a vertical superheated liquid columnPages
4.Convection thermique pour l'écoulement de couette avec débit axial; cas d'un fluide pseudo-plastiquePages
5.Laminar flow past a sinusoidal cavityPages 649-661C. Saidi, F. Legay-Desesquelles, B. Prunet-Foch
6.Fluid flow and heat transfer in incandescent lampsPages 663-672S.M. Correa
7.Pressure drop during laminar oblique flow through in-line tube assembliesPages 673-681K.A. Antonopoulos
8.Diffusion from a vertical wall into an accelerating falling liquid filmPages 683-689Helge I. Andersson
9.Similarity solution for natural convection flow over an isothermal vertical wall immersed in thermally stratified mediumPages 691-698A.K. Kulkarni, H.R. Jacobs, J.J. Hwang
10.Mass transfer-controlled bubble growth during rapid decompression of a liquidPages 699-706Parviz Payvar
11.Is a fully-developed and non-isothermal flow possible in a vertical pipe?Pages 707-716L.S. Yao
12.The Brinkman model for boundary layer regime in a rectangular cavity with uniform heat flux from the sidePages 717-727P. Vasseur, L. Robillard
13.Natural convection in a thin horizontal porous annulusPages 729-739Mihir Sen, Kenneth E. Torrance
14.Numerical study of natural convection in a tilted rectangular porous materialPages 741-756Sara L. Moya, Eduardo Ramos, Mihir Sen
15.Effects of viscous dissipation on the stability of a liquid film flowing down a heated inclined planePages 757-762D.A. Goussis
16.A transducer for the measurement of instantaneous local heat flux to surfaces immersed in high-temperature fluidized bedsPages 763-769A.H. George
17.An analytical study of the effect of convection heat transfer on the sublimation of a frozen semi-infinite porous mediumPages 771-779Y.C. Fey, M.A. Boles
18.Measurements of mass transfer coefficient and effectiveness in the recovery region of a film-cooled surfacePages 781-789W.P. Webster, S. Yavuzkurt
19.A two-dimensional mathematical model of annular-dispersed and dispersed flows—IPages 791-800P.L. Kirillov, V.M. Kashcheyev, Yu.V. Muranov, Yu.S. Yuriev
20.A two-dimensional mathematical model of annular-dispersed and dispersed flows—IIPages 801-806P.L. Kirillov, V.M. Kashcheyev, Yu.V. Muranov, Yu.S. Yuriev
21.Heat or mass transfer adjacent to the free end of a rotating cylinderPages 807-809E.M. Sparrow, S.S. Kang, L.M. Hossfeld
22.Linear stability analysis for opposing mixed convection in a vertical pipePages 810-811L.S. Yao
23.Shape factors for hollow prismatic cylinders bounded by isothermal inner circles and outer regular polygonsPages 812-816L.M. Simeza, M.M. Yovanovich
24.Directory of microcomputer software for mechanical engineering design: O'Connell, Sheviak, Browne and Johnson, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1985, 432 pp., $45.00 U.S. and Canada, $54.00 all other countriesPage 817D.B. Spalding
25.Numerical methods for engineers with personal computer applications: Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985, XIV + 570 ppPage 817N.C. Markatos

Volume 30, Issue 5, Pages 819-1026 (May 1987)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 819-825R.I Soloukhin, O.G Martynenko
2.Experimental research of radiative heat transfer in fluidized bedsPages 827-831Renzhang Qian, Wendi Huang, Yunsheng Xu, Dechang Liu
3.Mixed convection heat transfer in horizontal, concentric annuli for transitional flow conditionsPages 833-841M. Ciampi, S. Faggiani, W. Grassi, G. Tuoni, F.P. Incropera
4.Transient thermocapillary flow in rectangular tanks with phase changePages 843-854C.Y. Shieh, Yang Wen-Jei
5.Natural convection in a shallow porous cavity—the Brinkman modelPages 855-868Asok K. Sen
6.Periodic B-spline basis for quasi-steady periodic inverse heat conductionPages 869-880G.P. Flach, M.N. Özişik
7.Heat and mass transfer associated with a spray drop experiencing condensation: a fully transient analysisPages 881-891Lin Jie Huang, P.S. Ayyaswamy
8.Fluid flow and heat transfer around rectangular cylinders (the case of a width/height ratio of a section of 0.33 ~ 1.5)Pages 893-901T. IGARASHI
9.Adiabatic-isothermal mixed boundary conditions in heat transferPages 903-909J.L. Bassani, M.W. Nansteel, M. November
10.Reynolds analogies and experimental study of heat transfer in the supersonic boundary layerPages 911-926J. Gaviglio
11.An analysis on the thermal instability of forced convection flow over isothermal horizontal flat platePages 927-935J.Y. Yoo, P. Park, C.K. Choi, S.T. Ro
12.Steady-state conduction in stagnant beds of solid particlesPages 937-947J. Kubie
13.A multi-zonal integral method for problems involving unsteady one-dimensional heat conduction with change of phasePages 949-957Peter W. Carpenter
14.Separation of variables solution for non-linear radiative coolingPages 959-965Robert Siegel
15.Natural convection heat transfer from a vertical plate to high permeability porous media: an experiment and an approximate solutionPages 967-977M. Kaviany, M. Mittal
16.Horizontal flow boiling of pure and mixed refrigerantsPages 979-992H. Ross, R. Radermacher, M. di Marzo, D. Didion
17.Effective media formation and conduction through unsaturated granular materialsPages 993-1000R.N. Pande, F. Gori
18.Irreversible thermodynamics for the rheological properties of colloidsPages 1001-1006J. Verhäs
19.Flow and mass transfer characteristics in wavy channels for oscillatory flowPages 1007-1015Nishimura Tatsuo, Tarumoto Atsushi, Kawamura Yuji
20.Mass transfer of mixed gas flow crossing a high temperature graphite cylinder with chemical reactions and in-pore diffusionPages 1017-1026M. Ogawa

Volume 30, Issue 6, Pages 1027-1235 (June 1987)

1.Physical model of gradient zone erosion in thermohaline systemsPages 1027-1036John R. Hull, Jayesh M. Mehta
2.Moisture transport in silica gel packed beds—I.Theoretical studyPages 1037-1049Ahmad A. Pesaran, Anthony F. Mills
3.Moisture transport in silica gel packed beds—II. Experimental studyPages 1051-1060Ahmad A. Pesaran, Anthony F. Mills
4.Free convection heat and mass transfer during pool penetration into a melting miscible substratePages 1061-1075F.B. Cheung
5.Variational treatment of quasi-stationary thermal conduction through flat platesPages 1077-1081C.I. Staicu
6.The details of the convective evaporation of dense and dilute clusters of dropsPages 1083-1093J. Bellan, K. Harstad
7.Effect of an immersed tube-bank in a gas fluidized bedPages 1095-1101Wahab Mojtahedi
8.The effect of temperature on the permeability of a porous materialPages 1103-1109Willard W. Pulkrabek, Warren E. Ibele
9.Similarity solutions for laminar forced convection heat transfer from wedges to fluids of any Prandtl numberPages 1111-1118Hsiao-Tsung Lin, Li-Kuo Lin
10.Vertical mixed convection flow about a horizontal line source of heating or coolingPages 1119-1131Graham Wilks, Roland Hunt
11.Condensation heat transfer studies for stratified, cocurrent two-phase flow in horizontal tubesPages 1133-1148I.Y. Chen, G. Kocamustafaogullari
12.Séchage superficiel d'un matériau poreux humide par convection forcée d'air chaud: couplage entre les équations de transfert dans le matériau et celles de la couche limitePages 1149-1158H. Amir, G. Le Palec, M. Daguenet
13.The theory of advanced multi-layer thin film heat transfer gaugesPages 1159-1168J.E. Doorly, M.L.G. Oldfield
14.Effect of channel geometry on critical heat flux for low pressure waterPages 1169-1182Kaichiro Mishima, Hideaki Nishihara
15.Mass transfer in a three-dimensional net-type turbulence promoterPages 1183-1192Woo Sik Kim, Joong Kon Park, Ho Nam Chang
16.A correlation of maximum turbulent heat transfer coefficient in reattachment flow regionPages
17.Laminar heat transfer in an asymmetrically heated rectangular ductPages 1201-1208Yasuo Kurosaki, Isao Satoh
18.A study of laminar natural convection in a non-uniformly heated annular fluid layerPages 1209-1222M. Prud'homme, L. Robillard, P. Vasseur
19.The effect of diffusivities ratio on conjugate mass transfer from a dropletPages 1223-1226Gh. Juncu, R. Mihail
20.Heat transfer in the laminar flow of a non-Newtonian fluid in a porous annulus by the method of quasilinearizationPages 1227-1231H.G. Sharma, K.R. Singh
21.The general characteristics of boiling heat transfer from a surface embedded in a porous mediumPages

Volume 30, Issue 7, Pages 1237-1556 (July 1987)

1.Relation between the points of flow reattachment and maximum heat transfer for regions of flow separationPages 1237-1246E. M. Sparrow, S. S. Kang, W. Chuck
2.Experiments on natural convection in complex enclosed spaces containing either two fluids or a single fluidPages 1247-1258E. M. Sparrow, T. A. Myrum
3.Solution of the unsteady-state heat conduction problem for a two-dimensional region with a moving boundaryPeщeниe зaдaхи нecтaциoнapнoй тeплoпpoвoднocти для двыхмepнoй oвлacти c пoдвижнoй гpaнипeйPages 1259-1267N. M. Tsirelman, A. V. Zhiber
4.Kinetic boundary layer treatment in the problem of a rarefied gas flow through a perforated wall by the method of momentsPages 1269-1274I. Neudachin, S. Givotov, V. Poddubnyi
5.Ecoulements induits par la force gravifique dans une cavité cylindrique en rotationBuoyancy driven flows in rotating cylindrical annulusPages 1275-1292A. Randriamampianina, P. Bontoux, B. Roux
6.General formulation and analysis of hyperbolic heat conduction in composite mediaPages 1293-1305J. I. Frankel, Brian Vick, M. N. Özisik
7.Experiments on mixed convection heat transfer for airflow in a horizontal and inclined channelPages
8.Instabilities in a double-diffusive thermosyphonPages 1319-1329Yoram Zvirin
9.Onset of convection in a vertical slab of saturated porous media between two impermeable conducting blocksPages 1331-1341M. Wang, D. R. Kassoy, P. D. Weidman
10.The theory of heat and moisture transfer in porous media revisitedPages 1343-1350Daniel A. De Vries
11.Combined forced and natural convection heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder embedded in a porous mediumPages 1351-1358R. M. Fand, R. T. Phan
12.Entropy generation in combined heat and mass transferPages 1359-1369J. Y. San, W. M. Worek, Z. Lavan
13.Anisotropic scattering in three-dimensional differential approximation for radiation heat transferPages 1371-1380Duane W. Condiff
14.Natural convection in uniformly heated vertical annuliPages 1381-1389M. Al-Arabi, M. A. I. El-Shaarawi, M. Khamis
15.Analysis of flow and heat transfer at the interface region of a porous mediumPages 1391-1405K. Vafai, R. Thiyagaraja
16.Funicular state in drying of a porous slabPages 1407-1418M. Kaviany, M. Mittal
17.Natural convection measurements in a mercury-filled rectangular plenumPages 1419-1425D. A. Booth, P. A. Glover, N. Sheriff
18.Two-phase downflow in a vertical pipe and the phenomenon of choking: homogeneous diffusion modelPages 1427-1434Z. Bilicki, J. Kestin, J. Mikielewicz
19.Alcohol droplet vaporization in humid airPages
20.Heat transfer from a porous composite sphere immersed in a moving streamPages 1445-1451Jacob H. Masliyah
21.Entry flow in heated curved pipesPages 1453-1463N. Padmanabhan
22.Temperature distributions in fins with uniform and non-uniform heat generation and non-uniform heat transfer coefficientPages 1465-1477H. C. Ünal
23.Statistic analysis of the boiling curve for a dropletPages 1479-1485Romuald Mosdorf, Mieczyslaw Poniewski
24.Effect of natural convection and thermal transparency of liquid encapsulant on thermal stresses during LEG growth of GaAsPages 1487-1495Shahryar Motakef
25.Numerical solution for film evaporation of a spherical liquid droplet on an isothermal and adiabatic surfacePages
26.Laminar three-dimensional mixed convection about a rotating sphere in a streamPages 1511-1523Georges Le Palec, Michel Daguenet
27.Study and modelling of mass transfer in magnetically stabilized fluidized bedsPages 1525-1529Josep Arnaldos, Joaquim Casal
28.Evaporation of macrolayer in nucleate boiling near burnoutPages 1531-1538M. -C. Chyu
29.Temperature distribution in a cylindrical conductor with skin effectPages 1539-1541A. Jordan, A. Szybiak, M. Benmouna, A. Barka
30.Forced convection heat transfer in smooth tubes roughened by helically coiled ribbonsPages 1541-1544S. Nag, M. Raja Rao
31.A combined convection correlation for vertical downward cooling flow in a natural circulation loopPages 1544-1546B. J. Huang
32.Forced convection boundary layer flow and heat transfer along a flat plate embedded in a porous mediumPages 1547-1551C. Beckermann, R. Viskanta
33.Simple separability for steady heat conduction with spatially-varying thermal conductivityPages
34.Free stream effects on the wave instability of buoyant flows along an isothermal vertical flat platePage

Volume 30, Issue 8, Pages 1565-1771 (August 1987)

1.In memoriam Professor J. W. Ciborowski (1918–1986)Pages 1565-1566R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko, R. Pohorecki
2.Effect of rotation on melting in a horizontal tube rotating about a vertical axisPages 1567-1575G.T. Geiger, E.M. Sparrow
3.Electric-field-induced enhancement of vapour condensation heat transfer in the presence of a non-condensable gasPages 1577-1585M.K. Bologa, I.K. Savin, A.B. Didkovsky
4.New performance-evaluation analyses on heat transfer surfaces by single-blow techniquePages 1587-1594Yoon S. Sim, Yang Wen-Jei
5.Heat and mass transfer in a non-isothermal fixed bed solid adsorbent reactor: a uniform pressure-non-uniform temperature casePages 1595-1606J.J. Guilleminot, F. Meunier, J. Pakleza
6.Some problems of mass transfer in magnetic colloids near a filtrating element in high-gradient magnetic separationPages 1607-1613E. Blūms, A.Yu. Chukhrov, A. Rimša
7.Free convection from a semi-infinite vertical surface bounded by a horizontal wall in a porous mediumPages 1615-1622D.B. Ingham, I. Pop
8.Non-Fourier effects on transient temperature resulting from periodic on-off heat fluxPages 1623-1631D.E. Glass, M.N. Özişik, Brian Vick
9.Development of stratification in a cylindrical enclosurePages 1633-1636D.R. Otis, J. Roessler
10.Laminar natural-convection flow transitions in tilted three-dimensional longitudinal rectangular enclosuresPages
11.Mixed convection between horizontal plates—I. Entrance effectsPages 1645-1654Chiu Kuan-Cheng, Franz Rosenberger
12.Mixed convection between horizontal plates—II. Fully developed flowPages 1655-1662Chiu Kuan-Cheng, Jalil Ouazzani, Franz Rosenberger
13.Wall-particles heat transfer in rotating heat exchangersPages 1663-1672P. Lybaert
14.Indirect measurement of surface temperature and heat flux: Optimal design using convexity analysisPages 1673-1683Yakov Ben-Haim, Ezra Elias
15.Influence of ventilated shrouds on the convective heat transfer to a circular cylinderPages 1685-1692Kamran Daryabeigi, Robert L. Ash, Lawrence A. Dillon-Townes
16.A distributed model for liquid-phase heat transfer in fixed bedsPages 1693-1702D.J. Gunn, M.N. Sabri
17.Heat transfer across vapour film without ebullitionPages 1703-1708A.A.Alem Rajabi, R.H.S. Winterton
18.A fixed grid numerical modelling methodology for convection-diffusion mushy region phase-change problemsPages 1709-1719V.R. Voller, C. Prakash
19.Mixed convection wall plumesPages
20.A boundary integral approach to the solidification of dilute alloysPages 1727-1732C.J. Coleman
21.Performance of air-to-water copper finned-tube heat exchangers at moderately low air-side Reynolds numbers, including effects of bafflesPages 1733-1741S.A.
22.Wave instability characteristics for the entire regime of mixed convection flow along vertical flat platesPages
23.Transient laminar forced convection in ducts with suddenly applied uniform wall heat fluxPages 1753-1756W.S. Eim, M.N. Özişik
24.Natural convection heat transfer in enclosures with an off-center partitionPages 1756-1758Nishimura Tatsuo, Shiraishi Mitsuhiro, Kawamura Yuji
25.A generalized correlation for thermal design data of heat-pipe heat exchangersPages 1758-1762Hsieh Shou-Shing
26.Radiative cooling of a solidifying droplet layer including absorption and scatteringPages 1762-1765Robert Siegel
27.On the termination of one-dimensional transport in transient buoyancy induced flow adjacent to a vertical surfacePages 1766-1769Yogendra Joshi
28.A note on the solution of the free convection boundary layer flow in a saturated porous mediumPages

Volume 30, Issue 9, Pages 1773-1977 (September 1987)

1.Vaporization of a liquid by direct contact in another immiscible liquid Part I: vaporization of a single droplet Part II: vaporization of rising multidropletsPages 1773-1785L. Tadrist, I. Shehu Diso, R. Santini, J. Pantaloni
2.Numerical prediction of turbulent plane jets and forced plumes by use of the k-var epsilon model of turbulencePages 1787-1801J. F. Sini, I. Dekeyser
3.Combined wall-to-fluidized bed heat transfer. Bubbles and emulsion contributions at high temperaturePages 1803-1812G. Flamant, T. Menigault
4.Etude expérimentale de la turbulence pres de la paroi en écoulement à bullesExperimental study of wall turbulence in bubble flowPages 1813-1823M. Souhar
5.Free convection in a shallow cavity with variable properties—1. Newtonian fluidPages 1825-1832G. P. Merker, St. Mey
6.Free convection in a shallow cavity with variable properties—2. Porous mediaPages 1833-1837S. T. Mey, G. P. Merker
7.A hydrodynamic model developed for the condensate flowing over a sinusoidal fluted tubePages 1839-1846Hüseyin Gökçe, Canan Özgen
8.Dissipative model of film boiling crisisPages 1847-1857Mieczyslaw Poniewski
9.Etude des structures convectives et du transfert thermique autour d'un cylindre en deuxième nappe dans une configuration en quinconce, en écoulement d'air chargé de gouttelettes d'eauForced convection and heat transfer around a circular cylinder on the second row of a bank in an airstream charged with sprayed waterPages
10.Solution of the penetrating evaporation front model for finite porous medium using orthogonal collocation methodPages 1871-1878B. Paláncz
11.Mass transfer into turbulent liquid jetsPages 1879-1883A. K. Bin
12.A correlation for the limiting dryout steam quality in forced convection in uniformly heated vertical round tubesPages 1885-1893Yu. D. Morozov
13.Discussions of transient heat transfer to a water droplet on heated surfaces under atmospheric pressurePages 1895-1905Kunihide Makino, Itaru Michiyoshi
14.An evaluation of eleven discretization schemes for predicting elliptic flow and heat transfer in supersonic jetsPages 1907-1925M. Patel, M. Cross, N. C. Markatos, A. C. H. Mace
15.Drift flux model for large diameter pipe and new correlation for pool void fractionPages 1927-1939Isao Kataoka, Mamoru Ishii
16.Natural convection and radiation heat transfer from staggered vertical finsPages 1941-1948G. Guglielmini, E. Nannei, G. Tanda
17.Modeling of a dilute vaporizing multicomponent fuel sprayPages 1949-1961Suresh K. Aggarwal
18.Unsteady conjugated forced convective heat transfer in a duct with convection from the ambientPages 1963-1970James Sucec
19.Critical heat flux on a uniformly heated cylinder in a cross flow of saturated liquid over a very wide range of vapor-to-liquid density ratioPages 1971-1977Y. Katto, S. Yokoya, S. Miake, M. Taniguchi

Volume 30, Issue 10, Pages 1979-2214 (October 1987)

1.Heat transfer, pressure drop, and fluid flow patterns in yawed tube banksPages 1979-1995A.A.Yanez Moreno, E.M. Sparrow
2.Heat transfer in transient buoyancy driven flow adjacent to a horizontal rodPages 1997-2012H.M. Badr
3.On the superposition of injection induced swirl during enhancement of subcooled critical heat fluxPages 2013-2022V.K. Dhir, J.H. Scott
4.Conventional and conditional Prandtl number in a turbulent plane wakePages 2023-2030R.A. Antonia, L.W.B. Browne
5.A complete model of the drying curve for porous bodies—experimental and theoretical studiesPages 2031-2044N. Schadler, W. Kast
6.Prediction technique for minimum-heat-flux (MHF)-point condition of saturated pool boilingPages 2045-2057Nishio Shigefumi
7.Statistical and spectral properties of tracer concentration in round buoyant jetsPages 2059-2071Panos N. Papanicolaou, E.John List
8.Transient conjugated forced convection in ducts with periodically varying inlet temperaturePages 2073-2082R.M. Cotta, M.D. Mikhailov, M.N. Özişik
9.Boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux in liquid films falling on vertically-mounted heat sourcesPages 2083-2095I.A. Mudawwar, T.A. Incropera, F.P. Incropera
10.Multiple steady states for unicellular natural convection in an inclined porous layerPages 2097-2113Mihir Sen, P. Vasseur, L. Robillard
11.Radiative entropy production—lost heat into entropyPages 2115-2123Vedat S. Arpaci
12.Radial mass flow in electrohydrodynamically-enhanced forced heat transfer in tubesPages
13.Effect of external laminar channel flow on mass transfer in a cavityPages 2137-2149Ho Nam Chang, Hwa Won Ryu, Deug Ho Park, Yong Seok Park, Joong Kon Park
14.Transient heat transfer and bubble dynamics in a pressurized fluidized bedPages 2151-2160D.M. Deffenbaugh, S.T. Green
15.A continuum model for momentum, heat and species transport in binary solid-liquid phase change systems—I. Model formulationPages 2161-2170W.D. Bennon, F.P. Incropera
16.A continuum model for momentum, heat and species transport in binary solid-liquid phase change systems—II. Application to solidification in a rectangular cavityPages 2171-2187W.D. Bennon, F.P. Incropera
17.Non-Darcy convection from horizontal impermeable surfaces in saturated porous mediaPages 2189-2192F.C. Lai, F.A. Kulacki
18.Convection heat transfer to the continuous cylinder of finite thermal capacity moving inside the heating pipePages 2193-2195L. Hes, H. Staňková
19.Correlations for laminar mixed convection in boundary layers adjacent to inclined, continuous moving sheetsPages 2196-2199N. Ramachandran, B.F. Armaly, T.S. Chen
20.Correction de longueur d'impulsion pour la mesure de la diffusivité thermique par méthode flashPages 2199-2200A. Degiovanni
21.Experimental evaluation of parameters affecting turbulent flow freeze blockage of a tubePages 2201-2205S.B. Thomason
22.The transient solidification of weldpoolsPages 2205-2209G.M. Oreper, J. Szekely
23.Radiation configuration factor between disk and segmentPage 2211P.M. Li, S. Lin
24.Fourth international symposium on applications of laser anemometry to fluid mechanicsPage 2213
25.First World conference on experimental heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamicsPages 2213-2214

Volume 30, Issue 11, Pages 2215-2447 (November 1987)

1.Review of 1983–1986 Chinese literature on heat transferPages 2215-2223Wang Bu-Xuan, Guo Zeng-Yuan, Ren Ze-Pei
2.Conductivité thermique de matériaux poreux humides: évaluation théorique et possibilité de mesurePages 2225-2245A. Degiovanni, C. Moyne
3.The onset of significant void in up-flow boiling of water at low pressure and velocitiesPages 2247-2260J.T. Rogers, M. Salcudean, Z. Abdullah, D. McLeod, D. Poirier
4.Critical heat flux of forced convective boiling in uniformly heated vertical tubes with special reference to very large length-to-diameter ratiosPages 2261-2269Katto Y, Yokoya S
5.Surface renewal theory for turbulent mixed convection in vertical ductsPages 2271-2279Larry W. Swanson, Ivan Catton
6.Turbulent forced convection heat transfer from a bottom heated open surface cavityPages 2281-2287R.F. Richards, M.F. Young, J.C. Haiad
7.The horizontal spreading of thermal and chemical deposits in a porous mediumPages 2289-2303Zhang Zongqin, Adrian Bejan
8.Local liquid-solid mass transfer measurement in a trickle film flow model using an electrochemical techniquePages 2305-2317Pao C. Chau
9.Natural convection heat transfer in a square enclosure containing water near its density maximumPages 2319-2329D.S. Lin, M.W. Nansteel
10.Heat and mass transfer analysis of a coal particle undergoing pyrolysisPages 2331-2339T.X. Phuoc, P. Durbetaki
11.Mass and heat transfer by high Rayleigh number convection in a porous medium heated from belowPages
12.Fluid flow and heat transfer in plasma reactors—I. Calculation of velocities, temperature profiles and mixingPages 2357-2372A.H. Dilawari, J. Szekely
13.Effects of radial thermal dispersion on fully-developed forced convection in cylindrical packed tubesPages 2373-2383P. Cheng, H. Zhu
14.Heat transfer and two-phase flow during convective boiling in a partially-heated cross-ribbed channelPages 2385-2397X. Xu, V.P. Carey
15.An investigation into heat transfer in circulating fluidized bedsPages 2399-2409P. Basu, P.K. Nag
16.Rotation effects on inhomogeneous mixing in axisymmetric sudden-expansion flowsPages 2411-2421R.M.C. So, M.H. Yu, M.V. Otugen, J.Y. Zhu
17.Numerical analysis of mixed convection heat transfer of a high viscosity fluid in a rectangular tank with rolling motionPages 2423-2432S. Akagi, H. Kato
18.Natural convection in rectangular enclosures heated from below and cooled along one sidePages 2433-2440M. November, M.W. Nansteel
19.A complete analytical solution to laminar heat transfer in axisymmetric stagnation point flowPages 2441-2444S.Antony Raj
20.A note on the series solutions of momentum and energy equations for heat transfer from a semi-infinite platePages 2444-2445J. Dey
21.Transient state temperature distribution in a cylindrical conductor with skin effectPages 2446-2447A. Jordan, A. Barka, M. Benmouna

Volume 30, Issue 12, Pages 2449-2697 (December 1987)

1.Volume contents and author index volume 30, 1987Pages i-xxv
2.Heat transfer—a review of 1986 literaturePages 2449-2523E.R.G Eckert, R.J Goldstein, E Pfender, W.E Ibele, S.V Patankar, J.W Ramsey, T.W Simon, N.A Decker, T.H Kuehn, H.O Lee, S.L Girshick
3.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 2525-2532R.I. Soloukhin, O.G. Martynenko
4.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Polish works (1985–1986)Pages 2533-2538J. Bandrowski, J. Zioło
5.Natural convection in V-shaped and L-shaped cornersPages 2539-2548R. Ruiz, E.M. Sparrow
6.Heat transfer in the post dryout region and on wetting heated surfacesPages 2549-2557N.G. Rassokhin, L.P. Kabanov
7.Double-diffusive flow and heat transfer for a cylindrical source submerged in a salt-stratified solutionPages 2559-2570D.G. Neilson, F.P. Incropera
8.Natural convective heat transfer in a rectangular porous cavity with variable fluid properties—validity of the Boussinesq approximationPages 2571-2581M.B. Peirotti, M.D. Giavedoni, J.A. Deiber
9.On the modeling of turbulent evaporating sprays: Eulerian versus lagrangian approachPages 2583-2593A.A. Mostafa, H.C. Mongia
10.An analytical solution for heat transfer at a boiling front moving through a porous mediumPages 2595-2602K. Pruess, C. Calore, R. Celati, Y.S. Wu
11.Heat transfer enhancement by means of flag-type insert in tubesPages 2603-2609JoséL. Fernández, Robert Poulter
12.Analytical and numerical solutions of radially symmetric inward solidification problems in spherical geometryPages 2611-2616S.C. Gupta
13.Effect of seed droplet evaporation on electrical conductivity and temperature of combustion plasmasPages 2617-2625N.S. Dixit, N. Venkatramani, V.K. Rohatgi
14.Effects of enhanced surfaces and surface orientation on nucleate and film boiling heat transfer in R-11Pages 2627-2639D.S. Jung, J.E.S. Venart, A.C.M. Sousa
15.Phase-change front prediction by measuring the wall temperature on which solidification occursPages 2641-2650Chun Moon-Hyun, Choi Heon-Oh, Jun Hyung-Gil, Kim Yeon-Sik
16.Natural convection with combined heat and mass transfer buoyancy effects in non-homogeneous porous mediumPages 2651-2656K.N. Mehta, K. Nandakumar
17.A phase change problem with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and specific heatPages
18.Fluid-solids flow with thermal and hydrodynamic non-equilibriumPages 2663-2669Efstathios E. Michaelides, André Lasek
19.Evolution du coefficient d'échange et des pertes de charge dans un faisceau de tubes, en fonction de l'angle d'attaquePages 2671-2681M. Mahfoud, F.
20.On ceramic particle-wall heat transfer in fixed bedsPages 2683-2685W. Odendaal, James J. Carberry
21.Wall plume at extreme prandtl numbersPages 2686-2690Yogendra Joshi
22.A fixed grid numerical methodology for phase change problems involving a moving heat sourcePages 2690-2694C. Prakash, M. Samonds, A.K. Singhal
23.Cryogenic engineering: B. A. Hands (Editor), Academic Press, London, 1986, 494 ppPage 2695C.J. Hoogendoorn
24.Second international symposium on two-phase annular and dispersed flowsPage 2697
25.The first international symposium on symbolic computation in heat transfer and fluid mechanicsPage 2697

Volume 31, Issue 1, Pages 1-213 (January 1988)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.In memoriam professor Takashi SatoPage 1
3.In Memoriam Professor Takashi SatoPage 3Suzuki Kenjiro
4.Effect of free stream turbulence on flat plate heat transferPages 5-12S. Sugawara, T. Sato, H. Komatsu, H. Osaka
5.Internal forced convection to low-Prandtl-number gas mixturesPages 13-25M.F. Taylor, K.E. Bauer, D.M. McEligot
6.The effect of surface roughness on fluid-to-particle mass transfer in a packed adsorber bedPages 27-34B.D. Young, B.M.Van Vliet
7.Natural convection solid/liquid phase change in porous mediaPages 35-46C. Beckermann, R. Viskanta
8.External forced convection around a circular cylinder near a plane boundaryPages 47-53A.R. Figueiredo, D.X. Viegas
9.CHF enhancement in flowing fluorocarbon liquid films using structured surfaces and flow deflectorsPages 55-65T.A. Grimley, I. Mudawwar, F.P. Incropera
10.Local heat transfer coefficient in wavy free-falling turbulent liquid films undergoing uniform sensible heatingPages 67-77J.A. Shmerler, I. Mudawwar
11.A semianalytical solution for heat-pipe effects near high-level nuclear waste packages buried in partially saturated geological mediaPages 79-90Christine Doughty, Karsten Pruess
12.Combined free-forced convection heat transfer between vertical slender cylinders and power-law fluidsPages
13.A comparison between models of thermal fields in laser and electron beam surface processingPages 99-106Renato Festa, Oronzio Manca, Vincenzo Naso
14.Numerical simulation of forced convection heat transfer from a cylinder in crossflowPages 107-118George EM Karniadakis
15.A simple model to calculate the Sherwood and Nusselt numbers for discs of various shapesPages
16.On the stability of vapor film in pool film boilingPages 129-134Tanaka Hiroaki
17.Heat transfer and pressure drop of perforated surface heat exchanger with passage enlargement and contractionPages 135-142Fujii Masao, Seshimo Yu, Yamanaka Goro
18.Heat transfer characteristics of the closed tube aerosyphonPages 143-152G.S.H. Lock, R.D. Abdurahman
19.Dispersion measurements in turbulent flows (boundary layer and plane jet)Pages 153-165P.
20.A sublayer description for the air friction acting on thin filaments during melt spinningPages 167-176C. Bos
21.Natural heat transfer in a mercury bath and the effect of introduced partitionsPages 177-182Dan Gazit
22.Developing heat transfer in rectangular channels with rib turbulatorsPages 183-195J.C. Han, J.S. Park
23.Forced convection heat transfer about an elliptic cylinder in a saturated porous mediumPages 197-199Kimura Shigeo
24.Approximate analytical solution for non-convective heat or mass transfer in composites of spherical particlesPages 200-203Park In-Soo, B.J. McCoy
25.The effect of heat generation on convective heat transfer for laminar flows in a multi-passage circular pipe maintained under constant wall temperaturePages 204-206M.A. Ebadian, H.C. Topakoglu, O.A. Arnas
26.Total normal emittance of dolomitic limestonePages 207-209N.S. Grewal, M. Kestoras, V.K. Nangia, B.S. Rao
27.Combustion flames and explosions of gases: Bernard Lewis and Guenther von Elbe 3rd Edn. Academic Press, New York, 1987Page 211D.B. Spalding
28.AnnouncementPage 213

Volume 31, Issue 2, Pages 215-460 (February 1988)

1.Professor Yasuo Mori on the occasion of his 65th birthdayPages 215-216K. Hijikata, R. Echigo, I. Tanasawa
2.Professor Yasuo Mori on his 65th birthdayPage 217E.R.G. Eckert, J.P. Hartnett
3.Critical heat flux on a disk heater cooled by a circular jet of saturated liquid impinging at the centerPages 219-227Y. Katto, S. Yokoya
4.Nucleate boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux in narrow space between rectangular surfacesPages 229-239Y. Fujita, H. Ohta, S. Uchida, K. Nishikawa
5.Comparison of entropy generation and conventional method of optimizing a gas turbine regeneratorPages 241-244David S. Herbein, Warren M. Rohsenow
6.Condensation of binary vapors of immiscible liquidsPages 245-250Ogino Fumimaru, Kanzaki Shuji, Mizushina Tokuro
7.Water absorption and measurement of the mass diffusivity in porous mediaPages 251-257Wang Bu-Xuan, Fang Zhao-Hong
8.Dissimilarity between heat and momentum transfer in a turbulent boundary layer disturbed by a cylinderPages 259-265H. Suzuki, K. Suzuki, T. Sato
9.Radiative heating of a fine-porous filled materialPages 267-271O.G. Martynenko, N.V. Pavlyukevich, G.S. Romanov, R.I. Soloukhin, S.I. Shabunya
10.An experimental and theoretical study of transient free-convection flow between horizontal concentric cylindersPages 273-284A. Castrejon, D.B. Spalding
11.Effect of magnetic field on onset of Marangoni convectionPages 285-293Maekawa Tohru, Tanasawa Ichiro
12.Conductivité thermique d'un liquide saturé polyatomique et non polairePages 295-300Jean Gosse
13.Effects of thermal dispersion on forced convection in fibrous mediaPages 301-309M.L. Hunt, C.L. Tien
14.Analytical study of the structure of radiation controlled flamePages 311-319Yoshizawa Yoshio, Sasaki Kiyoshi, Echigo Ryozo
15.Freezing of saturated and superheated liquid in porous mediaPages 321-330S. Chellaiah, R. Viskanta
16.An experimental study of natural convection effects on downward freezing of pure waterPages 331-348R.A. Brewster, B. Gebhart
17.Fluidization and heat-transfer characteristics around a horizontal heated circular cylinder immersed in a gas fluidized bedPages 349-358Kurosaki Yasuo, Ishiguro Hiroshi, Takahashi Kiyoshi
18.Latent heat thermal energy storage of a binary mixture—flow and heat transfer characteristics in a horizontal cylinderPages 359-366N. Himeno, K. Hijikata, A. Sekikawa
19.Enhancement of radiative heat transfer in the laminar channel flow of non-gray gasesPages
20.Natural convection in evaporating sessile drops with solidificationPages 375-385Su Yeong-Jen, Yang Wen-Jei, G. Kawashima
21.Laminar heat transfer in a helically coiled tubePages 387-396Futagami Kozo, Aoyama Yoshiyuki
22.Optical ct measurement and mathematical prediction of multi-temperature in pulverized coal combustion fieldPages 397-405K. Ohtake, K. Okazaki
23.Augmentation of convective and boiling heat transfer by applying an electro-hydrodynamical liquid jetPages 407-417Yabe Akira, Maki Hiroshi
24.Boundary and inertia effects on conjugate mixed convection heat transfer from a vertical plate fin in a high-porosity porous mediumPages 419-427U.S. Gill, W.J. Minkowycz
25.Combined radiation and free convection heat transfer in a vertical channel with arbitrary wall emissivitiesPages 429-440Yamada Yukio
26.Free convection heat transfer from horizontal wires to pseudoplastic fluidsPages 441-447Moses L. Ng, J.P. Hartnett
27.Heat transfer from tube banks to air/water mist flowPages 449-460Nakayama Wataru, Kuwahara Heikichi, Hirasawa Shigeki

Volume 31, Issue 3, Pages 461-671 (March 1988)

1.Models and solutions for isothermal and nonisothermal evaporation from a partially filled tubePages 461-477G.A. Nunez, E.M. Sparrow
2.Thermal boundary layer development in transonic and/or separated turbulent flows past surfacesPages 479-485L.M. Zysina-Molozhen, L.S. Petukhov, A.A. Malkov
3.Analyse modale d'un processus de diffusion thermique: identification par thermographie infra-rougePages 487-496R. Pasquetti, D. Petit
4.A method for calculating direct and inverse problems of unsteady-state heat transferPages 497-504P.V. Tsoi
5.Heat conduction numbering system for basic geometriesPages 505-515James V. Beck, Bahman Litkouhi
6.Heat transfer and flow modes of phases in laminar film vapour condensation inside a horizontal tubePages 517-523V.G. Rifert
7.The stability chart of parallel shear flows with double diffusive processes—approximate derivation by a first-order Galerkin methodPages 525-539M. Magen, D. Pnueli, Y. Zvirin
8.A generalized correlation for two-phase forced flow heat transferPages 541-552V.V. Klimenko
9.Conduction dans un “mur” multicouche avec sources: extension de la notion de quadripolePages 553-557A. Degiovanni
10.Natural convection heat transfer from inclined isothermal platesPages 559-566M. Al-Arabi, B. Sakr
11.Double surface-renewal model for the prediction of mass transfer rates during bubble formation with instantaneous reaction on the liquid sidePages 567-575F.Xavier Malcata
12.Zonal heat transfer rates in a fluidized bed combustorPages 577-582N. Achara, M.E. Horsley, M.R.I. Purvis, R.H. Teague
13.Ecoulements de convection forcée en régimes dynamique et thermique non établis dans un espace annulairePages 583-590O. Terhmina, A. Mojtabi
14.On the mass transfer in a circular conduit dialyzer when ultrafiltration is coupled with dialysisPages 591-602M. Abbas, V.P. Tyagi
15.The gas contribution to heat transfer between fluidized beds of large particles and immersed surfacesPages 603-614Germán D. Mazza, Guillermo F. Barreto
16.Natural convection to power-law fluids from two-dimensional or axisymmetric bodies of arbitrary contourPages 615-624Tien-Chen Allen Chang, D.R. Jeng, K.J. DeWitt
17.Laminar flow heat transfer in a semi-circular tube with uniform wall temperaturePages 625-636R.M. Manglik, A.E. Bergles
18.Heat conduction in sliding solidsPages 637-646W.Y.D. Yuen
19.A Weak collision of two natural-convection boundary layersPages 647-655L.S. Yao
20.Convective heat transfer for steady laminar flow between two confocal elliptic pipes with longitudinal uniform wall temperature gradient and uniform heat generationPages 657-659O.A. arnas, M.A. Ebadian
21.Local heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder in unstratified and salt-stratified fluid layersPages 660-663D.G. Neilson, F.P. Incropera
22.Ultrasonic enhancement of saturated and subcooled pool boilingPages 664-667K.-A. Park, A.E. Bergles
23.Near wall turbulence ICHMT international seminar Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 16–20 May 1988Page 669
24.Polymodel XI flow modelling in industrial processes teesside polytechnic, 24–25 1988Page 669
25.Heat transfer in electronic and microelectronic equipment 20th ICHMT international symposium Libertas Hotel, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 29 August–2 September 1988Pages 669-670
26.ErratumPage 671

Volume 31, Issue 4, Pages 673-903 (April 1988)

1.Natural convection in open-ended cavities with a porous obstructing mediumPages 673-693J. Ettefagh, K. Vafai
2.A numerical study of three-dimensional natural convection in a horizontal porous annulus with Galerkin methodPages
3.Analytical and experimental study of steady-state convection in a double-loop thermosyphonPages 709-722Mihir Sen, D.A. Pruzan, K.E. Torrance
4.Correlation between the longitudinal velocity fluctuation and temperature fluctuation in the near-wall region of a turbulent boundary layerPages 723-730R.A. Antonia, L.V. Krishnamoorthy, L. Fulachier
5.Local evaporative heat transfer coefficient in turbulent free-falling liquid filmsPages 731-742J.A. Shmerler, I. Mudawwar
6.Transient response of a steady vertical flow subject to a change in surface heating ratePages
7.Vortex instability of buoyancy-induced inclined boundary layer flow in a saturated porous mediumPages 759-767Jang Jiin-Yuh, Chang Wen-Jeng
8.The flow and vortex instability of horizontal natural convection in a porous medium resulting from combined heat and mass buoyancy effectsPages 769-777Jang Jiin-Yuh, Chang Wen-Jeng
9.Combustion and detonation in multi-phase media. Initiation of detonation in dispersed-film systems behind a shock wavePages 779-793N.N. Smirnov
10.Non-linear mass transfer in boundary layers—1. Asymptotic theoryPages 795-800Chr.B. Boyadjiev, N.L. Vulchanov
11.Non-linear mass transfer in boundary layers—2. numerical investigationPages 801-805N.L. Vulchanov, Chr.B. Boyadjiev
12.Enhancement of convective heat transfer in rectangular ducts of interrupted surfacesPages 807-818E.V. Dubrovsky, V.Ya. Vasiliev
13.Turbulent mass flux measurements using a laser/hot-wire techniquePages 819-829J.Y. Zhu, R.M.C. So, M.V. Otugen
14.Laminar free convection flow rate in a vertical tubePages 831-841Fujii Tetsu, Koyama Shigeru, N.S. Buenconsejo Jr.
15.A frequency response study of packed bed heat transfer at elevated temperaturesPages 843-853M.L. Huber, M.C. Jones
16.Drying behaviour of spherical grainsPages 855-861S.K. Dutta, V.K. Nema, R.K. Bhardwaj
17.Natural convection induced drag forces on spheres at low Grashof numbers: comparison of theory with experimentPages 863-873D.R. Dudek, T.H. Fletcher, J.P. Longwell, A.F. Sarofim
18.Thermophoresis of aerosol particles in laminar flow over inclined platesPages 875-890Vijay K. Garg, S. Jayaraj
19.Heat and mass transfer to a turbulent liquid filmPages 891-894A. Faghri, R.A. Seban
20.Penetrative double diffusive convection: effects of the Lewis and Prandtl numbersPages 895-898Basil N. Antar
21.The relation between the rewetting temperature and the liquid-solid contact anglePages 898-902S. Olek, Y. Zvirin, E. Elias
22.AnnouncementPage 903

Volume 31, Issue 5, Pages 905-1123 (May 1988)

1.Professor Ephraim M. Sparrow on his 60th birthdayPages 905-906W. J. Minkowycz, K. E. Torrance, J. R. Lloyd, J. P. Hartnett, T. S. Chen, A. Haji-Sheikh
2.Experimental and numerical investigation of natural convection in convergent vertical channelsPages 907-915E. M. Sparrow, R. Ruiz, L. F. A. Azevedo
3.Temperature field in non-Newtonian flow over a stretching plate with variable heat fluxPages 917-921Ming-I Char, Cha'o-Kuang Chen
4.Oxygen diffusion in meat tissuesPages
5.Steady-state analysis of two-phase natural circulation loopPages 931-940K. S. Chen, Y. R. Chang
6.Natural convection boundary layer flows in isothermal ternary systems: role of diffusive couplingPages 941-955Alain F. Trial, Frank J. Spera
7.Detailed study of a model of heat and mass transfer during convective drying of porous mediaPages 957-967S. Ben Nasrallah, P. Perre
8.A theoretical analysis of heat transfer due to particle impactPages 969-975J. Sun, M. M. Chen
9.Heat transfer in a rarefied polyatomic gas—II. SpherePages 977-985N. Pazooki, S. K. Loyalka
10.Development of turbulent heat transfer over the length of vertical tubes in the presence of mixed air convectionPages 987-992A. F. Polyakov, S. A. Shindin
11.Thermal instability of two horizontal porous layers with a conductive partitionPages 993-1003Jiin-Yuh Jang, Wen-Lieh Tsai
12.A method for evaluation of heat and mass transport properties of moist porous mediaPages 1005-1009Bu-Xuan Wang, Wei-Ping Yu
13.An asymptotic solution for transpired incompressible turbulent boundary layersPages 1011-1021Atila P. Silva-Freire
14.Theory of laminar flame propagation in off-stoichiometric dilute spraysPages 1023-1034T. H. Lin, C. K. Law, S. H. Chung
15.Radiative influence on the stability of fluids enclosed in vertical cavitiesPages 1035-1048G. Desrayaud, G. Lauriat
16.Aiding and opposing mixed convection in a vertical porous layer with a finite wall heat sourcePages 1049-1061F. -C. Lai, V. Prasad, F. A. Kulacki
17.Application of elliptic grid generation technique to the solution of hydrodynamics and heat transfer of droplet arrays at intermediate Reynolds numbersPages 1063-1072Steven J. Chen, Albert Y. Tong
18.Non-Fourier propagation of heat pulses in finite mediumPages 1073-1080J. Gembarovi, V. Majerník
19.Dispersion in cellular thermal convection in porous layersPages 1081-1091John G. Georgiadis, I. Catton
20.Transient conjugated heat transfer in fully developed laminar pipe flowsPages 1093-1102T. F. Lin, J. C. Kuo
21.Thermal resistance of a solar-energy collector absorber under a non-uniform flux distributionPages 1103-1111D. E. Prapas, B. Norton, S. D. Probert
22.On the mechanism determining the transition mode from dropwise to film condensationPages 1113-1120Yoshio Utaka, Akio Saito, Hiroyuki Yanagida
23.International conference on energy sources management and energy saving technology : Beijing, People's Republic of China, 20–23 September 1988Page 1121
24.1988 International conference on heat transfer in energy conservation : Shenyang, People's Republic of China, 6–9 October 1988
25.Conference on optical methods in flow and particle diagnostics : International Congress on Applications of Lasers and Electro-optics, Santa Clara, Califronia, U.S.A., 30 October–November 1988Page 1122
26.Second international symposium on multi-phase flow and heat transfer : Xi'an, China, 21–24 June 1989Page 1122
27.International symposium on turbulence modification in dispersed multiphase flows : ASME Spring Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, U.S.A., 9–12 July 1989Pages 1122-1123

Volume 31, Issue 6, Pages 1125-1329 (June 1988)

1.In Memoriam Professor R. I. Soloukhin (1930–1988)Page 1125
2.A mathematical model of the pool boiling nucleation site density in terms of the surface characteristicsPages 1127-1135S.R. Yang, R.H. Kim
3.Study of natural convection in horizontal annuliPages 1137-1148Ranganathan Kumar
4.Non-stationary conjugate free-convective heat transfer in horizontal cylindrical coaxial channelsPages
5.Heat transfer from an isothermal wedge in an air-water mist flowPages 1157-1165W.S. Fu, R.M. Wu
6.General theory of a convective nucleus of a fluid in unsteady state and in non-linear conditionsPages 1167-1172M. De paz, G. Sonnino
7.Remark on the solutions of the diffusion equationPages 1173-1176P. Hillion
8.Laminar natural convection heat transfer from sharp-edged horizontal bars with flow separationPages
9.Heat transfer during the quench process that occurs in the reflood of a single vertical tubePages 1189-1198S.T. Wang, R.A. Seban
10.The heating of a turbulent water jet discharged vertically into a steam environmentPages 1199-1209T.C. Hoang, R.A. Seban
11.Theory of heat transfer-irreversible power plantsPages 1211-1219Adrian Bejan
12.Scaling theory of melting with natural convection in an enclosurePages 1221-1235Peter Jany, Adrian Bejan
13.Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics in a corrugated duct with rounded cornersPages 1237-1245Asako Yutaka, Nakamura Hiroshi, Mohammad Faghri
14.Natural convection across a vertical layered porous cavityPages 1247-1260F.C. Lai, F.A. Kulacki
15.Heat transfer in the thermal entrance region for viscoelastic fluids in turbulent pipe flowsPages 1261-1267Ken H. Toh, Afshin J. Ghajar
16.The dynamic characteristics of a countercurrent plate heat exchangerPages 1269-1278A.R. Khan, N.S. Baker, A.P. Wardle
17.Local steady-state natural convection heat transfer in vertical parallel plates with a two-dimensional rectangular ribPages 1279-1288Y.H. Hung, W.M. Shiau
18.The local enhancement of mass transfer at 180° bendsPages 1289-1297Bryan Poulson, Russell Robinson
19.Numerical analysis of the Graetz problem with natural convection in a uniformly heated horizontal tubePages 1299-1308F.C. Chou, G.J. Hwang
20.Onset of entrainment between immiscible liquid layers due to rising gas bubblesPages 1309-1317G.Alanson Greene, John C. Chen, Michael T. Conlin
21.A method for determination of chemical rate mostly encountered in coal combustion processesPages 1319-1322Y. Sezen
22.Boundary effects on natural convection heat transfer for cylinders and cubesPages 1322-1325R.O.
23.Transient conjugated heat transfer to laminar flow in a tube or channelPages 1326-1328R. Karvinen
24.Eleventh international conference on the properties of steam

Volume 31, Issue 7, Pages 1331-1543 (July 1988)

1.Alexandr Adolfovich Gukhman on his 90th birthdayPages 1331-1333R.I Soloukhin, O.G Martynenko, O.A Gerashchenko, A.I Leontiev, Yu.A Mikhailov, I.L Mostinsky, R.I Nigmatulin, M.A Styrikovich, A.A Zukauskas
2.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1335-1344I. Tanasawa, R. Echigo
3.Experiments on isothermal and non-isothermal evaporation from partially filled, open-topped vertical tubesPages 1345-1355E.M. Sparrow, G.A. Nunez
4.Natural convection near a rectangular cornerPages 1357-1364Man Hoe Kim, Moon-Uhn Kim
5.Natural convection heat transfer in an inclined porous layerPages 1365-1374Hideo Inaba, Masahiro Sugawara, Jurgen Blumenberg
6.Full-field in situ measurement of local mass transfer coefficient using ESPI with the swollen polymer techniquePages 1375-1384C.L. Saluja, B.L. Button, B.N. Dobbins
7.Non-parallel wave instability of mixed convection flow on inclined flat platesPages 1385-1398S.L. Lee, T.S. Chen, B.F. Armaly
8.Experiment and analysis of forced convective heat transport in a packed bed of spheresPages 1399-1408K.J. Renken, D. Poulikakos
9.Two-dimensional heat transfer study on the keyhole plasma arc welding processPages 1409-1421Y.F. Hsu, B. Rubinsky
10.Natural convection in an enclosure with discrete roughness elements on a vertical heated wallPages 1423-1430S. Shakerin, M. Bohn, R.I. Loehrke
11.An approximate thermal analysis for a regenerative heat exchangerPages 1431-1441D.R. Atthey
12.Hysteresis and contact angle effects in transition pool boiling of waterPages 1443-1449M. Maracy, R.H.S. Winterton
13.Mass transport in sector and annular sector tubesPages 1451-1469Helmut F. Bauer
14.Thermal diffusivity of transparent liquids by photon correlation spectroscopy—II. Measurements in binary mixtures with a small difference in the refractive index of both pure componentsPages
15.Evaluation of flux models for radiative transfer in rectangular furnacesPages 1477-1482Nevin Selçuk
16.The effect of the boundary condition at a fin tip on the performance of the fin with and without internal heat generationPages 1483-1496H.C. Ünal
17.Recirculating flows in the cross-section of a channel induction furnacePages 1497-1515A. Moros, J.C.R. Hunt
18.An investigation of transient, two-dimensional coupled heat and moisture flow in the soil surrounding a basement wallPages 1517-1527Lester S. Shen, James W. Ramsey
19.The stability of Prandtl-Darcy convection in a vertical porous layerPages 1529-1534D.A.S. Rees
20.Surface tension driven flows for a droplet in a micro-gravity environmentPages 1534-1537D.L.R. Oliver, K.J. DeWitt
21.Radiation configuration factors from axisymmetric bodies to plane surfacesPages 1537-1539M.H.N. Naraghi, J.P. Warna
22.AnnouncementPage 1541
23.ErratumPage 1543

Volume 31, Issue 8, Pages 1545-1745 (August 1988)

1.Yurii Ananiyevich Mikhailov on his 60th birthdayPages 1545-1547U.S.S.R. Editorial Board Members
2.Method of inverse dynamic systems and its application for recovering internal heat sourcesPages
3.Heat transfer in the recirculating region formed by a backward-facing stepPages 1557-1562E.V. Shisnov, P.S. Roganov, S.I. Grabarnik, V.P. Zabolotsky
4.Heat transfer in turbulent decaying swirl flow in a circular pipePages 1563-1568A.H. Algifri, R.K. Bhardwaj, Y.V.N. Rao
5.The thermal regime of vapour bubble collapse at different Jacob numbersPages 1569-1576A.D. Okhotsimskii
6.Etude théorique et expérimentale des échangeurs en régime thermique instationnaire. Simulation d'une phase de relaxationPages 1577-1586P. Pierson, J. Padet
7.An experimental study of the Leidenfrost evaporation characteristics of emulsified liquid dropletsPages 1587-1603C.T. Avedisian, M. Fatehi
8.Misinterpretations of the diabatic regenerator performancesPages 1605-1611B.S. Baclic
9.A closed form solution for average heat transfer coefficient during force vapour flow condensation on inclined surfacesPages 1613-1617Mazhar Ünsal
10.Non-linear stability of forced vapour flow condensationPages 1619-1626Mazhar Ünsal
11.Radiative heat transfer in ultra-fine powder insulationsPages 1627-1634H.S. Chu, A.J. Stretton, C.L. Tien
12.Ernst Schmidt's approach to fin optimization: an extension to fins with variable conductivity and the design of ducts for fluid flowPages 1635-1644Peter Jany, Adrian Bejan
13.Analytical study of vacuum-sublimation in an initially partially filled frozen porous medium with recondensationPages 1645-1653Y.C. Fey, M.A. Boles
14.Turbulence effects during evaporation of drops in clustersPages 1655-1668J. Bellan, K. Harstad
15.Heat transfer and friction of a rough cylinder in longitudinal turbulent gas flow with variable physical propertiesPages 1669-1677J.V. Vilemas, J.E.J. Adomaitis
16.Natural convection heat transfer in enclosures with multiple vertical partitionsPages 1679-1686Tatsuo Nishimura, Mitsuhiro Shiraishi, Fumio Nagasawa, Yuji Kawamura
17.Rapid evaporation at the superheat limitPages 1687-1700V.T. Nguyen, R.M. Furzeland, M.J.M. Ijpelaar
18.Thermal instability in gently heated unsaturated sandPages 1701-1710John Ewen
19.Effect of anisotropic scattering on radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional rectangular enclosuresPages 1711-1721Tae-Kuk Kim, Haeok Lee
20.Characteristics of a turbulent natural convection boundary layer along a vertical flat platePages 1723-1734T. Tsuji, Y. Nagano
21.Solidification of a pure metal at a vertical wall in the presence of liquid superheatPages 1735-1744F. Wolff, R. Viskanta
22.Sixth International Conference on numerical methods in laminar and turbulent flow : Swansea, U.K., 11–15 July 1989Page 1745

Volume 31, Issue 9, Pages 1747-1959 (September 1988)

1.Bounds for conduction and forced convection heat transferPages 1747-1757M. Magen, B. B. Mikic, A. T. Patera
2.Transient natural convection in triangular enclosuresPages 1759-1766Yu. E. Karyakin, Yu. A. Sokovishin, O. G. Martynenko
3.Two-dimensional heat transfer analysis of radiating platesPages 1767-1774K. Badari Narayana, S. U. Kumari
4.Non-linear stability analysis of film flow down a heated or cooled inclined plane with viscosity variationPages
5.Computer simulation of moving-interface, convective, phase-change processesPages 1785-1795S. E. Hibbert, N. C. Markatos, V. R. Voller
6. equation model in artificially roughened annulusPages 1797-1806B. K. Lee, N. H. Cho, Y. D. Choi
7.The coupling of conduction with laminar natural convection along a flat platePages 1807-1814A. Pozzi, M. Lupo
8.Experimental investigation and analytical modeling of a closed two-phase thermosyphon with imposed convection boundary conditionsPages 1815-1833Claudio Casarosa, Flavio Dobran
9.An attempt at enhancing direct contact evaporation utilizing the surface dilational viscoelasticityPages
10.Evaporation of single liquid drops in an immiscible liquid at elevated pressures: experimental study with n-pentane and R 113 drops in waterPages 1843-1851Yasushi Shimizu, Yasuhiko H. Mori
11.Effects of recycle on heat and mass transfer between parallel-plate walls with equal fluxesPages 1853-1860Ho-Ming Yeh, Shau-Wei Tsai, Chen-Li Chiang
12.Thermal constriction resistance with convective boundary conditions—1. Half-space contactsPages
13.Thermal constriction resistance with convective boundary conditions—2. Layered half-space contactsPages
14.The ITPE technique applied to steady-state ground-coupling problemsPages 1885-1898Moncef Krarti, David E. Claridge, Jan F. Kreider
15.ITPE technique applications to time-varying two-dimensional ground-coupling problemsPages 1899-1911Moncef Krarti, David E. Claridge, Jan F. Kreider
16.Heat transfer and friction coefficients for tomato pureePages 1913-1921E. F. Matthys, R. H. Sabersky
17.Thermosolutal convection in a floating zone: the case of an unstable solute gradientPages 1923-1932Jayathi Y. Murthy, Peter Lee
18.Analysis of combined fully-developed natural convection heat and mass transfer between two inclined parallel platesPages 1933-1940A. Hajji, W. M. Worek
19.Condensation on a vertical plate fin of variable thicknessPages 1941-1944P. K. Sarma, S. P. Chary, V. Dharma Rao
20.Effect of waves on Nusselt condensationPages 1944-1947Mazhar Ünsal
21.Dynamic instability experiments in a boiling flow systemPages 1947-1952R. P. Roy, P. Jain, S. P. Kalra
22.The use of the Walsh functions for the study of periodic diffusive phenomena in a multilayer mediumPages 1952-1954G. Guiffant, A. Arhaliass, J. Dufaux
23.Discussion of “drift flux model for large diameter pipe and new correlation for pool void fraction”Pages 1955-1956G. C. Gardner
24.Reply to ‘discussion of “drift flux model for large diameter pipe and new correlation for pool void fraction”’Pages 1956-1957Isao Kataoka, Mamoru Ishii
25.AnnouncementPage 1959

Volume 31, Issue 10, Pages 1961-2189 (October 1988)

1.Experimental investigation of parallel-walled and divergent-walled open thermosyphonsPages 1961-1967R. Ruiz, E.M. Sparrow
2.Natural convection in confined fluids with combined horizontal temperature and concentration gradientsPages 1969-1977J. Lee, M.T. Hyun, K.W. Kim
3.Free surface convection in a bounded cylindrical geometry: note on the role of surface adsorption and solute accumulation at the air-liquid interfacePages
4.Thermal effectiveness of multipass plate exchangersPages 1983-1991Alberto Pignotti, Pablo I. Tamborenea
5.Prediction of boiling dryout heat flux for restricted annular crevicePages 1993-1998M.-C. Chyu
6.Mass transport in a parabolic conduitPages 1999-2004Helmut F. Bauer
7.Heat transfer in tissues radiated by a 432 MHz directional antennaPages 2005-2012D.A. Kouremenos, K.A. Antonopoulos
8.An asymptotic analysis of laminar film boiling on vertical plates including variable property effectsPages 2013-2021H. Herwig
9.Minimum-dissipation heat removal by scale-matched flow destabilizationPages 2023-2032H. Kozlu, B.B. Mikic, A.T. Patera
10.Numerical study of double-diffusive free convection from a vertical surfacePages 2033-2038J. Srinivasan, D. Angirasa
11.Boundary layer solutions to the Green's function for the extended Graetz problemPages 2039-2046Y.S. Mayya
12.Effects of a forced couette flow during the controlled solidification of a pure metalPages 2047-2062Charles Vivès
13.On the interaction of particles and turbulent fluid flowPages 2063-2075A.A. Mostafa, H.C. Mongia
14.Double-diffusive convection due to meltingPages 2077-2089C. Beckermann, R. Viskanta
15.Convective film boiling in a rod bundle: axial variation of nonequilibrium evaporation ratesPages 2091-2100C. Unal, K. Tuzla, J.C. Chen, S. Neti, O. Badr
16.Turbulence measurements in a natural convection boundary layer along a vertical flat platePages 2101-2111T. Tsuji, Y. Nagano
17.Laminar natural convection of cold water enclosed in a horizontal annulus with mixed boundary conditionsPages 2113-2121C.J. Ho, Y.H. Lin
18.Natural convection suppression in horizontal annuli by azimuthal bafflesPages 2123-2135H.Q. Yang, K.T. Yang, J.R. Lloyd
19.Buoyancy effects on laminar impinging jetsPages
20.Numerical simulation of binary solidification in a vertical channel with thermal and solutal mixed convectionPages 2147-2160W.D. Bennon, F.P. Incropera
21.Transient boiling heat transfer characteristics of R113 at large stepwise power generationPages 2161-2174Okuyama Kunito, Kozawa Yoshiyuki, Inoue Akira, Aoki Shigebumi
22.Mixed convection friction factors and nusselt numbers in vertical annular and subchannel geometriesPages 2175-2189Victor Iannello, Kune Y. Suh, Neil E. Todreas

Volume 31, Issue 11, Pages 2191-2398 (November 1988)

1.Professor D. Brian Spalding on the occasion of his 65th birthday and retirement from Imperial CollegePage iS.V. Patankar, E.R.G. Eckert, J.P. Hartnett, W.J. Minkowycz
2.In memoriam Professor Tokuro MizushinaPage 2191Fumimaru Ogino
3.Analogy between fluid friction and heat transfer in annuliPages 2193-2195Tokuro Mizushina
4.Experiments on natural convection in divergent vertical channels and correlation of divergent, convergent, and parallel-channel Nusselt numbersPages 2197-2205E.M. Sparrow, R. Ruiz
5.Variational solution of the problem of unsteady-state convective heat transfer in the channelPages 2207-2214N.M. Tsirel'man
6.Fundamental study of heat transfer and flow situation around a spacer (in the case of a cylindrical rod as a spacer)Pages 2215-2225Koichi Ichimiya, Norio Akino, Tomoaki Kunugi, Koji Mitsushiro
7.The effect of matrix longitudinal heat conduction on the temperature fields in the rotary heat exchangerPages 2227-2238T. Skiepko
8.Heat and momentum transfer in laser induced decomposition of silane jets: theory and experimentsPages 2239-2249I.S. Akmandor, J. Szekely, J.S. Haggerty
9.Heat transfer in laminar flow through circular tubes accounting for two-dimensional wall conductionPages
10.Spectral correlated and non-correlated radiative transfer in a finite axisymmetric system containing an absorbing and emitting real gasparticle mixturePages
11.The process of melting by rolling contactPages 2273-2283Adrian Bejan
12.Convective instability of a fluid layer confined in a vertical annulus heated from belowPages 2285-2290Joo Sik Yoo, Moon-Uhn Kim, Do H. Choi
13.Experimental studies of critical heat flux for low flow of water in vertical annuli at near atmospheric pressurePages 2291-2304Mohamed S. El-Genk, Stanley J. Haynes, Kim Sung-Ho
14.Approche expérimentale et théorique de la conductivité thermique des milieux poreux humides—I. ExpérimentationPages 2305-2317S. Azizi, C. Moyne, A. Degiovanni
15.Approche expérimentale et théorique de la conductivité thermique des milieux poreux humides—II. ThéoriePages 2319-2330Christian Moyne, Jean-Christophe Batsale, Alain Degiovanni
16.Numerical study of steady-state laser melting problemPages 2331-2338Biswajit Basu, J. Srinivasan
17.Effects of non-condensable gas on laminar film condensation in a vertical tubePages 2339-2345Chad-Yang Wang, Chuan-Jing Tu
18.A new correlation for laminar mixed convection over a rotating spherePages 2347-2355Georges Le Palec
19.Performance of an air-filled, open thermosyphon tube with particular reference to wind augmentationPages 2357-2364G.S.H. Lock, J.D. Kirchner
20.Steady two-dimensional thermal convection in a vertical porous slot with spatially periodic boundary imperfectionsPages 2365-2380D.S. Riley
21.A model of heat transfer in tunnel kilns used for firing refractoriesPages 2381-2390D.R. Dugwell, D.E. Oakley
22.Improved calculation of the steady-state heat conduction from/towards a cylinder in the centre of a slabPages 2391-2392J. Laven
23.Effect of boundary conditions at the lateral walls on the thermal entry lengths of horizontal CVD reactorsPages 2392-2394J.E. Gatica, H.J. Viljoen, V. Hlavacek
24.An extension of the transpired skin-friction equation to compressible turbulent boundary layersPages 2395-2398Atila P. Silva-Freire

Volume 31, Issue 12, Pages 2399-2597 (December 1988)

1.Volume contents and author index volume 31, 1988Pages i-xxii
2.Professor Benjamin Gebhart on his 65th birthdayPages 2399-2400Y. Jaluria, R.L. Mahajan, W.J. Minkowycz, V.P. Carey, J.C. Mollendorf, N. Lior, J.P. Hartnett
3.Heat transfer—a review of 1987 literaturePages 2401-2488E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein, E. Pfender, W.E. Ibele, S.V. Patankar, J.W. Ramsey, T.W. Simon, N.A. Decker, T.H. Kuehn, H. Lee, S.L. Girshick
4.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 2489-2503O.G. Martynenko
5.Mixed convection boundary layer flow on a horizontal plate in a uniform streamPages 2505-2516Tasawwur Hussain, Noor Afzal
6.Slow drying simulation in thick layers of granular productsPages 2517-2526G. Arnaud, J.-P. Fohr
7.Combined convection from an isothermal horizontal rod buried in a porous mediumPages 2527-2541H.M. Badr, I. Pop
8.Some theorems in Luikov's theory of heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodiesPages 2543-2546J. Wyrwał
9.Entropy parameters for heat exchanger designPages
10.Thermal diffusivity of transparent liquids by photon correlation spectroscopy—III. Measurements in binary mixtures with large differences in the refractive index of the pure componentsPages
11.Two-phase flow regime transition criteria in post-dryout region based on flow visualization experimentsPages 2559-2570N.T. Obot, M. Ishii
12.Generalized solution and effectiveness for concentric tube heat exchangersPages 2571-2578R.C. Prasad
13.Parameter estimation for packed cooling tower operation using a heat input-response techniquePages
14.Steady-state moisture profiles in an unsaturated porous medium with impermeable boundariesPages 2587-2589Y.B. Suh, N.K. Anand, Win Aung, S. Somasundaram
15.Developing laminar flow and heat transfer in the entrance region of regular polygonal ductsPages 2590-2593Asako Yutaka, Nakamur Hiroshi, Mohammad Faghri
16.Further results on evaporating bicomponent fuel spraysPages 2593-2597Suresh K. Aggarwal

Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 1-199 (January 1989)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Professor Richard J. Goldstein on his 60th birthdayPages 1-2Win Aung, T.Y. Chu, E.R.G. Eckert, J.P. Hartnett, W.E. Ibele, F.A. Kulacki, W.J. Minkowycz, R.L. Webb
3.Heating, evaporation and combustion of a solid aerosol particle in a gas exposed to optical radiationPages 3-17V.K. Pustovalov, D.S. Bobuchenko
4.Flow structure and heat transfer characteristics behind a diaphragm in the presence of a diffusion flamePages 19-28G.P. Yogesh, B.N. Raghunandan
5.Stabilized turbulent fluid friction and heat transfer in circular tubes with internal sand type roughness at moderate Prandtl numbersPages 29-34Nikolai L. Vulchanov, Ventsislav D. Zimparov
6.Fluid flow and heat transfer in plasma reactors—II. A critical comparison of experimentally measured and theoretically predicted temperature profiles in plasma jets in the absence and presence of side-stream injectionPages 35-46A.H. Dilawari, J. Szekely, J.F. Coudert, P. Fauchais
7.Solidification of an aqueous ammonium chloride solution in a rectangular cavity—I. Experimental studyPages 47-68M.S. Christenson, F.P. Incropera
8.Solidification of an aqueous ammonium chloride solution in a rectangular cavity—II. Comparison of predicted and measured resultsPages 69-79M.S. Christenson, W.D. Bennon, F.P. Incropera
9.Effect of boundary radiation on thermal stabilitv in horizontal layersPages 81-86R.F. Richards, D.K. Edwards
10.Natural convection in an inclined square enclosure with a partition attached to its cold wallPages 87-94Ramón L. Frederick
11.Critical heat flux on horizontal tubes in an upward crossflow of Freon-113Pages 95-103S.C. Yao, T.H. Hwang
12.Variable density effects on axisymmetric sudden-expansion flowsPages 105-120G.J. Yoo, R.M.C. So
13.Numerical prediction of flow characteristics and retardation of mixing in a turbulent swirling flowPages 121-130Hirai Shuichiro, Takagi Toshimi, Higashiya Teruyoshi
14.Horizontal flow boiling heat transfer experiments with a mixture of R22/R114Pages 131-145D.S. Jung, M. McLinden, R. Radermacher, D. Didion
15.Laminar natural convection boundary-layer flow along a heated vertical plate in a stratified environmentPages
16.Comparison of turbulence models for the natural convection boundary layer along a heated vertical platePages
17.Experimental and numerical study of natural convection between two eccentric tubesPages 171-181D. Naylor, H.M. Badr, J.D. Tarasuk
18.Non-Darcy mixed convection boundary layer flow on a vertical cylinder in a saturated porous mediumPages 183-187M. Kumari, G. Nath
19.On the heat transfer from a cylindrical finPages 187-192Vljay K. Garg, K. Velusamy
20.Transient forced convection heat transfer from a circular cylinder in a saturated porous mediumPages 192-195Kimura Shigeo
21.Heat Transfer in Gas-cooled Annular Channels: J. Vilemas, B. Cesna and V. Survila, (Edited by A. Zukauskas and J. Kami). Hemisphere, Washington, DC (distributed outside of North America by Springer, Berlin)Page 197W.M. Kays
22.Computational fluid dynamics: Tarit kumar Bose, Wiley Eastern LimitedPages 197-198K.A. Pericleous
23.AnnouncementPage 199

Volume 32, Issue 2, Pages 201-408 (February 1989)

1.Heat transfer in a straight tube situated downstream of a bendPages 201-212M.M. Ohadi, E.M. Sparrow
2.Analyse modale des systèmes thermiques en présence de transferts non-réciproquesPages 213-226K. El Khoury, A. Neveu
3.Vapour bubble growth in boiling under quasistationary heat transfer conditions in a heating wallPages 227-242M.V. Fyodorov, V.V. Klimenko
4.Récupération optimale de l'énergie dans les réseaux d'échangeurs de chaleur—I. Etude théoriquePages 243-250C. Guiglion, S. Domenech, L. Pibouleau
5.Récupération optimale de l'énergie dans les réseaux d'échangeurs de chaleur—II. Etude de cas particuliers et classification des réseaux possiblesPages 251-260C.
6.Etude numérique et expérimentale de la convection mixte entre deux plans horizontaux à températures différentesPages 261-269M.T. Ouazzani, J.P. Caltagirone, G. Meyer, A. Mojtabi
7.Heat transfer from a staggered tube bundle in cross-flow at high Reynolds numbersPages 271-280
8.Simultaneous axial conduction in the fluid and the pipe wall for forced convective laminar flow with blowing and suction at the wallPages 281-288Amir Faghri, Chen Ming-Ming, E.T. Mahefkey
9.An experimental method to determine the heat transfer coefficient between fine fluidized particles and air via changes in magnetic propertiesPages 289-296R. Turton, T.J. Fitzgerald, O. Levenspiel
10.A mathematical model of drying processesPages 297-310Chen Peishi, David C.T. Pei
11.Effect of fiber orientation on thermal radiation in fibrous mediaPages 311-319S.C. Lee
12.Viscous heating of a cylinder with finite length by a high viscosity fluid in steady longitudinal flow—1. Newtonian fluidsPages 321-334E.R.G. Eckert, J.N. Shadid
13.An inverse radiation problemPages 335-341C.-H. Ho, M.N. Özişik
14.Numerical integration method of radiative exchange (NIMREX)Pages 343-350N.B.Kampp Rasmussen, P.Tørslev Jensen, S. Hadvig
15.Destratification and other properties of a packed bed heat storePages 351-359Barrie W. Jones, Mahyar Golshekan
16.Predicting the onset of nucleate boiling in wavy free-falling turbulent liquid filmsPages 361-378W.J. Marsh, I. Mudawar
17.Critical heat flux in subcooled flow boiling of fluorocarbon liquid on a simulated electronic chip in a vertical rectangular channelPages 379-394I. Mudawar, D.E. Maddox
18.Three-dimensional heat transfer analysis of arrays of heated square blocksPages 395-405Asako Yutaka, Faghri Mohammad
19.Heat and mass transfer in MHD flows: E. Blums, Yu. A. Mikhailov and R. Ozols World Scientific, distributed by Wiley, 1987, £42.60Page 407Herman Branover
20.Handbook of single-phase convective heat transfer: Sadik Kakaç, Ramesh K. Shah and Win Aung (editors) Wiley, New York, 1987Page 408D.G. Tatchell

Volume 32, Issue 3, Pages 409-624 (March 1989)

1.Professor James P. Hartnett on his 65th birthdayPages i-iiW.J. Minkowycz, E.M. Sparrow, E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein, T.F. Irivine Jr.
2.Une méthode numérique non itérative pour la détermination du régime de fonctionnement périodique des régénérateursPages 409-414R. Scaricabarozzi
3.Non-isothermal flow of polymers into two-dimensional, thin cavity molds: a numerical grid generation approachPages 415-434S. Subbiah, D.L. Trafford, S.I. Güçeri
4.Semi-similar solutions of the unsteady compressible second-order boundary layer flow at the stagnation pointPages 435-444R. Vasantha, G. Nath
5.Saturated flow boiling of water in vertical tubesPages 445-458D.B.R. Kenning, M.G. Cooper
6.Flow boiling—the ‘apparently nucleate’ regimePages 459-464M.G. Cooper
7.Accurate and rapid thermal regenerator calculationsPages 465-476A. Hill, A.J. Willmott
8.Experimental and theoretical studies of combined radiative and convective transfer in CO2 and H2O laminar flowsPages 477-486A. Soufiani, J. Taine
9.The heat conduction problem with temperature-dependent material propertiesPages 487-491L.N. Tao
10.Leading edge effects on free convection of a Darcian fluid about a semi-infinite vertical plate with uniform heat fluxPages 493-501I. Pop, P. Cheng, T. Le
11.The effective thermal conductivity for a pointcontact porous medium: an experimental studyPages 503-512D.R. Shonnard, S. Whitaker
12.Stability of fluid in a rectangular enclosure by spectral methodPages 513-520N.Y. Lee, W.W. Schultz, J.P. Boyd
13.A thermopyroelectric infra-red detectorPages 521-527O.A. Gerashchenko, V.L. Kremenchugsky
14.Non-Darcian effects on vortex instability of a horizontal natural convection flow in a porous mediumPages 529-539Chang Wen-Jeng, Jang Jiin-Yuh
15.Inertia effects on vortex instability of a horizontal natural convection flow in a saturated porous mediumPages 541-550Chang Wen-Jeng, Jang Jiin-Yuh
16.Fluid flow and heat transfer in an axially rotating pipe—I. Effect of rotation on turbulent pipe flowPages 551-562G. Reich, H. Beer
17.Fluide flow and heart transfer inan axially roatating pipe—II. Effect of rotation on laminar pipe flowPages 563-574G. Reich, B. Weigand, H. Beer
18.Transient conduction in a cylindrical shell with a time-varying incident surface heat flux and convective and radiative surface coolingPages 575-584Bengt Sunden
19.The effective thermal conductivity of high temperature particulate beds—I. Experimental determinationPages 585-593J.S.M. Botterill, A.G. Salway, Y. Teoman
20.The effective thermal conductivity of high temperature particulate beds—II. Model predictions and the implication of the experimental valuesPages 595-609J.S.M. Botterill, A.G. Salway, Y. Teoman
21.An extension of the Kantorovich method and its application to a steady state heat conduction problemPages 611-613Patricio A.A. Laura, Victor H. Cortinez
22.Two temperature, two phase heat transfer in porous media: solution to linear modelsPages 613-616James Baker-Jarvis
23.Transient forced and natural convection heat transfer about a vertical cylinder in a porous mediumPages 617-620Kimura Shigeo
24.Evaluation of flux models for radiative transfer in cylindrical furnacesPages 620-624Nevin Selçuk

Volume 32, Issue 4, Pages 625-783 (April 1989)

1.In memoriam Dr Carl Gazley, Jr.Pages 625-626J.P. Hartnett
2.Flyash radiative properties and effects on radiative heat transfer in coal-fired systemsPages 627-638D.G. Goodwin, M. Mitchner
3.A comprehensive analysis of direct contact condensation of saturated steam on subcooled liquid jetsPages 639-654G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, G.E. Farello, G. Focardi
4.Film condensation on non-isothermal vertical platesPages 655-663H.J.H. Brouwers
5.Analysis of natural convection about a vertical plate embedded in a porous mediumPages 665-677S.J. Kim, K. Vafai
6.Numerical simulation of Soret-induced double diffusion in an initially uniform concentration binary liquidPages 679-687T.L. Bergman, R. Srinivasan
7.Engineering analysis of heat transfer during melting in vertical rectangular enclosuresPages 689-696Yeung Woon-Shing
8.Heat transfer from a negatively buoyant wall jetPages 697-709K. Kapoor, Y. Jaluria
9.Heat transfer characteristics of the annulus of twocoaxial cylinders with one cylinder rotatingPages 711-722Yong N. Lee, W.J. Minkowycz
10.Nucleate boiling in a thin film on a horizontal tube at atmospheric and subatmospheric pressuresPages 723-728P.K. Tewari, R.K. Verma, M.P.S. Ramani, A. Chatterjee, S.P. Mahajan
11.Transformation of the data base to calculate the relation characteristics of steamPages 729-733S.P. Detkov, O.A. Bryukhovskikh
12.Laboratory studies of thermal convection in the interface under a stable layerPages 735-749Ranganathan Kumar
13.The contact heating and lubricating flow of a body of glassPages 751-760Adrian Bejan, Pedro A. Litsek
14.Turbulent boundary layer on a porous flat plate with severe injection at various angles to the surfacePages 761-765O.J. Ilegbusi
15.Prediction of fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of turbulent shear flows with a two-fluid model of turbulencePages 767-774O.J. Ilegbusi, D.B. Spalding
16.Transient conjugated heat transfer in laminar pipe flowsPages 775-777W.M. Yan, Y.L. Tsay, T.F. Lin
17.A method for determining the thermal diffusivity of fluidsPages 778-780V. Vilimpoc, T. Chen, R. Cole, P.C. Sukanek
18.Approximate method for the oxygen diffusion problemPages 781-783Radhey S. Gupta, N.C. Banik

Volume 32, Issue 5, Pages 785-983 (May 1989)

1.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 785-794I. Tanasawa, R. Echigo
2.Transient radiative—conductive heat transfer in flat glasses submitted to temperature, flux and mixed boundary conditionsPages 795-810Tan He Ping, M. Lallemand
3.The effect of buoyancy on downward and upward laminar-flow convection in the entrance region between inclined parallel platesPages 811-823E. Naito, Y. Nagano
4.Boundary layer nucleationPages
5.Equations of drying curvesPages 837-841M.S. Smirnov, V.I. Lysenko
6.Photophoresis of aerosol particles in the free molecular and slip-flow regimesPages 843-854D.W. Mackowski
7.Natural convection in enclosures filled with a vapour and a non-condensing gasPages 855-862D.J. Close, J. Sheridan
8.An effective model for measuring transient natural convective heat flux in vertical parallel plates with a rectangular ribPages 863-871Y.H. Hung, W.M. Shiau
9.Effect of radiative transfer on the onset of convection in a porous mediumPages 873-879D. Vortmeyer, N. Rudraiah, T.P. Sasikumar
10.Mixed convection flow in a saturated porous annulusPages 881-888K. Muralidhar
11.Performance evaluation of crossflow compact heat exchangers using finite elementsPages 889-894S.G.
12.A study of traveling wave instabilities in a horizontal channel flow with applications to chemical vapor depositionPages 895-911Greg Evans, Ralph Greif
13.Stochastic modelling for contact problems in heat conductionPages 913-921Da Yu Tzou
14.Heat transfer in laminar, oscillatory flow in cylindrical and conical tubesPages 923-934Robert A. Peattie, Ralph Budwig
15.Sinusoidal perturbation solutions for planar solidificationPages 935-941Nai-Yi Li, J.R. Barber
16.An asymptotic solution for short-time transient heat conduction between two similar contacting bodiesPages 943-949J.R. Barber
17.Laminar mixed convection in power law fluids in continuous flow electrophoresis systemsPages 951-960R.A. Brewster, T.F. Irvine Jr.
18.Steady-state heat transfer beneath partially insulated slab-on-grade floorPages 961-969Moncef Krarti
19.Thermal dispersion effects on non-Darcy convection over horizontal surfaces in saturated porous mediaPages 971-976F.C. Lai, F.A. Kulacki
20.Two-dimensional fin with non-constant root temperaturePages 977-980D.C. Look Jr.
21.AnnouncementPage 981
22.Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer: A. D. Okhotsimskii, The thermal regime of vapour bubble collapse at different Jacob numbers, 31, 1569–1576 (1988)Page 983
23.Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer: R. F. Richards and D. K. Edwards, Effect of boundary radiation on thermal stability in horizontal layers, 32, 81–86 (1989)

Volume 32, Issue 6, Pages 985-1195 (June 1989)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 985-994O.G. Martynenko
2.Unsteady diffusion mass transfer in a microencapsulated islet of Langerhans for a bioartificial pancreasPages 995-1006D. Morvan, M.Y. Jaffrin
3.The transient behavior of weldpools with a deformed free surfacePages 1007-1019M.E. Thompson, J. Szekely
4.Density stratification due to counterbuoyant flow along a vertical crystallization frontPages 1021-1036M.E. Thompson, J. Szekely
5.Steady laminar heat transfer in the entry region of circular tubes with axial diffusion of heat and momentumPages 1037-1052Giorgio Pagliarini
6.Pressure and thermal effects in liquid metal due to collapse of external magnetic fieldPages 1053-1061P. Bader
7.Melting in an enclosure heated at constant ratePages 1063-1076Zhang Zongqin, Adrian Bejan
8.An experimental study of vapour growth at the superheat limit temperaturePages 1077-1093H. Mccann, L.J. Clarke, A.P. Masters
9.Transient natural convection in prismatic enclosures of arbitrary cross-sectionPages 1095-1103Yu.E. Karyakin
10.Efficiency and optimized dimensions of annular fins of different cross-section shapesPages 1105-1110A. Ullmann, H. Kalman
11.A continuum model for the propagation of discrete phase-change fronts in porous media in the presence of coupled heat flow, fluid flow and species transport processesPages 1111-1130Ifiyenia Kececioglu, Boris Rubinsky
12.Stabilité et convection naturelle au sein d'une couche poreuse non homogènePages 1131-1140Jean Gounot, Jean Paul Caltagirone
13.Turbofan forced mixer/nozzle temperature and flow field modellingPages 1141-1153P. Koutmos, J.J. McGuirk
14.Study of three-dimensional gas-turbine combustor flowsPages 1155-1164W. Shyy, M.E. Braaten, D.L. Burrus
15.Thermal boundary condition effects on heat transfer in the turbulent incompressible flat plate boundary layerPages 1165-1174Robert P. Taylor, Hugh W. Coleman, M.H. Hosni, Philip H. Love
16.The effect of geometry on the performance of the closed tube thermosyphon at low Rayleigh numbersPages 1175-1182G.S.H. Lock, Y. Liu
17.The transient response of finned crossflow heat exchangersPages 1183-1189S. Kabelac
18.Approximate analytical solution to forced convection with arbitrary surface heat fluxPages 1189-1192James Sucec
19.Negative heat transfer in separated flowsPages 1192-1195M. Kurosaka, J.E. Graham, J.S. Shang

Volume 32, Issue 7, Pages 1197-1387 (July 1989)

1.Theory and experiments on evaporating sessile drops of binary liquid mixturesPages 1197-1205Yang Wen-Jei, K.H. Guo, T. Uemura
2.The coupling of conduction with forced convection over a flat platePages 1207-1214A. Pozzi, M. Lupo
3.The coupling of conduction with forced convection in a plane ductPages 1215-1221A. Pozzi, M. Lupo
4.Development of the method of generalized coordinates for solving non-linear non-stationary combined heat and mass transfer problems with complex boundary conditionsPages 1223-1229Yu.T. Glazunov
5.A fundamental study of flow and heat transfer performances of downward water flow at low Reynolds numbers in a vertical heated straight tubePages 1231-1238Y. Mori, M. Ohbuchi
6.Natural convection near a rectangular corner formed by two vertical flat plates with uniform surface heat fluxPages 1239-1246Man Hoe Kim, Kim Moon-Uhn
7.Evaluation des paramétres thermiques d'un milieu poreux: optimisation d'outils de mesure “in situ”Pages 1247-1259Jean-Paul Laurent
8.A numerical investigation of phase change effects in porous materialsPages 1261-1277K. Vafai, H.C. Tien
9.The thermal performance of heat pipes with localized heat inputPages 1279-1287Yiding Cao, Amir Faghri, E.T. Mahefkey
10.A numerical analysis of Stefan problems for generalized multi-dimensional phase-change structures using the enthalpy transforming modelPages 1289-1298Yiding Cao, Amir Faghri, Won Soon Chang
11.Unsteady vaporization of stationary dodecane and alcohol droplets suspended in a hot non-reactive environmentPages 1299-1308M.M. Megahed, M.N. Saeed, M.M. Sorour, M.B. Madi
12.Mixed convection over rotating bodies with blowing and suctionPages 1309-1319Wang Tian-Yih, Clement Kleinstreuer
13.Heat transfer experiments for low flow of water in rod bundlesPages 1321-1336Kim Sung-Ho, Mohamed S. El-Genk
14.The mechanism of heat transfer in transition boilingPages 1337-1349Pan Chin, J.Y. Hwang, T.L. Lin
15.Heat transfer between a circular free impinging jet and a solid surface with non-uniform wall temperature or wall heat flux—1. Solution for the stagnation regionPages
16.Heat transfer between a circular free impinging jet and a solid surface with non-uniform wall temperature or wall heat flux—2. Solution for the boundary layer regionPages
17.Melt propagation in porous mediaPages 1373-1376Sudip S. Dosanjh
18.Effect of magnetic field and buoyancy on onset of Marangoni convectionPages 1377-1380Maekawa Toru, Tanasawa Ichiro
19.Viscous dissipation effects in buoyancy induced flowsPages 1380-1382R.L. Mahajan, B. gebhart
20.Analysis of heat and momentum transport along a moving surfacePages 1383-1386P.R. Chappidi, F.S. Gunnerson
21.AnnouncementPage 1387

Volume 32, Issue 8, Pages 1389-1591 (August 1989)

1.Unsteady-state heat and mass transfer in complex-shaped channelsPages 1389-1400V.M. Iyevlev, B.V. Dzyubenko, G.A. Dreitser, V.V. Balashov
2.Experimental data processing by means of ‘asymptotic coordinates’Pages 1401-1411A.D. Polyanin, V.A. Alvares-Suares, V.V. Dil'man, Yu.S. Ryazantsev
3.Particle rotation as a heat transfer mechanismPages 1413-1423David G. Wang, Satwinder Singh Sadhal, Charles S. Campbell
4.A method to determine the thermal conductivity from measured temperature profilesPages 1425-1430Pekka Tervola
5.Mixed convection along slender vertical cylinders with variable surface temperaturePages 1431-1442J.J. Heckel, T.S. Chen, B.F. Armaly
6.Effect of parameter values on gas and matrix temperature fields in rotary heat exchangersPages 1443-1472T. Skiepko
7.A new model for the non-steady-state probe method to measure thermal properties of porous mediaPages 1473-1481W.K.P. van Loon, I.A. van Haneghem, J. Schenk
8.The effect of surface tension variation on filmwise condensation and heat transfer on a cylinder in cross flowPages
9.Turbulent heat transfer in rectangular ducts with repeated-baffle blockagesPages 1491-1499M. Molki, A.R. Mostoufizadeh
10.Solutions par perturbations singulières pour un problème de stefan généraliséPages 1501-1515M. Prud'homme, T.Hung Nguyen
11.An experimental study of heat transfer in a vertical annulus with a rotating inner cylinderPages
12.Etude des transferts bidimensionnels de chaleur et de masse lors du séchage par convection naturelle d'une plaque poreuse verticale chauffée par un flux constantPages 1529-1539S.Ben Nasrallah, G. Arnaud
13.Dropwise vs filmwise condensation of steam on chromiumPages 1541-1549Sandra S. Finnicum, J.W. Westwater
14.Structure turbulente de l'écoulement d'interaction de deux panaches thermiquesPages 1551-1559M. Brahimi, L. Dehmani, Doan-Kim-Son
15.Combined convection from isothermal cubical cavities with a variety of side-facing aperturesPages 1561-1566A.M. Clausing, L.D. Lister, J.M. Waldvogel
16.Heat transfer in square cavities with partially active vertical wallsPages 1567-1574Alvaro Valencia, Ramón L. Frederick
17.Spectral emissivity measurementPages
18.Combined heat and mass transfer in turbulent natural convection between vertical parallel platesPages
19.Hyperbolic heat conduction with surface radiation and reflectionPages 1585-1587Wu Chih-Yang
20.Methods of model equations and analogies in chemical engineering: V. V. Dil'man and A. D. Polyanin, Khimiya, Moscow, 1988Page 1589R.I. Nigmatulin
21.ErratumPage 1591

Volume 32, Issue 9, Pages 1593-1798 (September 1989)

1.Professor Yoshiro Katto on his 65th birthdayPages
2.Heat transfer between a surface and an infiltrated bed of solid particlesPages 1595-1604V.A. Borodulya, Yu.S. Teplitsky, Yu.G. Yepanov, I.I. Markevich
3.Droplet vaporization model for spray combustion calculationsPages 1605-1618B. Abramzon, W.A. Sirignano
4.Augmented heat transfer in rectangular channels of narrow aspect ratios with rib turbulatorsPages 1619-1630J.C. Han, S. Ou, J.S. Park, C.K. Lei
5.Theory of heat transfer-irreversible refrigeration plantsPages 1631-1639Adrian Bejan
6.Natural convection in horizontal enclosures with multiple partitionsPages 1641-1647Nishimura Tatsuo, Nagasawa Fumio, Kawamura Yuji
7.The non-boiling vapour filmPages 1649-1655A. Abbassi, R.H.S. Winterton
8.A new approach to the transient conduction in a 2-D rectangular finPages 1657-1661Ju Yi-Hsu, Chou Yi-Shyong, Hsiao Chang-Chun
9.An analysis of heat transfer using equivalent thermal conductivity of liquid phase during melting inside an isothermally heated horizontal cylinderPages 1663-1670T. Hirata, K. Nishida
10.High Rayleigh number natural convection in partially divided air and water filled enclosuresPages 1671-1679Joel Neymark, Charles R. Boardman III, Allan Kirkpatrick, Ren Anderson
11.Mixed convection from a heated inclined plate in a channel with application to CVDPages 1681-1695H.Q. Yang, K.T. Yang
12.Study of local natural convection heat transfer in an inclined enclosurePages 1697-1708F.J. Hamady, J.R. Lloyd, H.Q. Yang, K.T. Yang
13.An exact solution of extended Graetz problem with axial heat conductionPages 1709-1717M.A. Ebadian, H.Y. Zhang
14.The modelling of heat, mass and solute transport in solidification systemsPages 1719-1731V.R. Voller, A.D. Brent, C. Prakash
15.Analysis of moisture migration in two-dimensional unsaturated porous media with impermeable boundariesPages 1733-1739S. Somasundaram, N.K. Anand, Y.B. Suh, Aung Win
16.Inverse heat transfer analysis of Bridgman crystal growthPages 1741-1750K. Taghavi, W.M.B. Duval
17.A study of flow boiling heat transfer with refrigerant mixturesPages 1751-1764D.S. Jung, M. McLinden, R. Radermacher, D. Didion
18.Heat and moisture transfer by natural convection in a rectangular cavityPages 1765-1778H.K. Wee, R.B. Keey, M.J. Cunningham
19.Combined heat and mass transfer natural convection between vertical parallel platesPages 1779-1787D.J. Nelson, B.D. Wood
20.Fully developed combined heat and mass transfer natural convection between parallel plates with asymmetric boundary conditionsPages 1789-1792D.J. Nelson, B.D. Wood
21.Evaluation of correlations for stagnant thermal conductivity of liquid-saturated porous beds of spheresPages 1793-1796V. Prasad, N. Kladias, A. Bandyopadhaya, Q. Tian
22.Heat and mass transfer to a turbulent falling film—IIPages 1796-1798A. Faghri, R.A. Seban

Volume 32, Issue 10, Pages 1799-2003 (October 1989)

1.Fully developed nucleate boiling in upflow and downflowPages 1799-1808E. Hahne, N. Shen, K. Spindler
2.Rayleigh limit—Penndorf extensionPages
3.Bubble number density and vapor generation in flashing flowPages 1821-1833Jovica R. Riznic, Mamoru Ishii
4.Droplet entrainment correlation in annular two-phase flowPages 1835-1846Mamoru Ishii, Kaichiro Mishima
5.The effect of non-condensable gas on forced convection condensation along a horizontal plate in a porous mediumPages 1847-1852Wang Chaoyang, Tu Chuanjing
6.Film boiling characteristics of liquid nitrogen sprays on a heated platePages 1853-1864Samuel O. Awonorin
7.Water vapour diffusion and condensation in fibrous insulationsPages 1865-1878N.E. Wijeysundera, M.N.A. Hawlader, Y.T. Tan
8.Coupled heat condensation and mass absorption with comparable concentrations of absorbate and absorbentPages 1897-1906Neima Brauner, David Moalem Maron, Hanuch Meyerson
9.The effect of variable properties on momentum and heat transfer in a tube with constant wall temperaturePages 1907-1915H. Herwig, M. Voigt, F.-J. Bauhaus
10.Temperature distribution in a plate with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and internal heat generationPages 1917-1926H.C. Ünal
11.Étude numérique de la fusion autour d'un cylindre vertical soumis à deux types de conditions limitesPages 1927-1938Y.K. Wu, M. Prud'homme, T.Hung Nguyen
12.The effect of the direction of the external magnetic field on the three-dimensional natural convection in a cubical enclosurePages 1939-1954Hiroyuki Ozoe, Kazuto Okada
13.Some aspects of transient cooling of a radiating rectangular mediumPages 1955-1966Robert Siegel
14.Turbulent natural convection of gases in horizontal cylindrical annuli at cryogenic temperaturesPages 1967-1978Andrew E. McLeod, Eugene H. Bishop
15.Shock wave formation around a moving heat source in a solid with finite speed of heat propagationPages 1979-1987Da Yu Tzou
16.Interaction of surface suction/blowing with buoyancy force on mixed convection flow adjacent to an inclined flat platePages 1989-1991S.L. Lee, K. Hsu
17.Internal mass transfer considerations during the pyrolysis of an isolated spherical softening coal particlePages 1992-1997Yusuf Sezen
18.A note on the inverse problem of radial diffusion in a semi-infinite porous mediumPages 1997-1999G.F. Jones
19.Transport-related phenomena for clusters of dropsPages 2000-2002J. Bellan, K. Harstad
20.On the chronology of progress on thermal stabilityPage 2003E.F. Adiutori

Volume 32, Issue 11, Pages 2005-2209 (November 1989)

1.Theory of thermodiffusion for solidsPages 2005-2013Walenty Dudziak, Stefan Jan Kowalski
2.Study of heat and mass transfer in a chemical moving bed reactor for gasification of carbon using an external radiative sourcePages 2015-2025A. Belghit, M. Daguenet
3.A numerical study of heat and momentum transfer for flexible tube bundles in cross flowPages 2027-2036Yeon Chang, Anthony N. Beris, Efstathios E. Michaelides
4.Application of a gradient diffusion and dissipation time scale ratio model for prediction of mean and fluctuating temperature fields in liquid sodium downstream of a multi-bore jet blockPages 2037-2046K.
5.Pseudosteady-state natural convection heat transfer inside spheresPages 2047-2053J. Hutchins, E. Marschall
6.An analysis of stability and oscillation modes in boiling multichannel loops using parameter perturbation methodsPages 2055-2064A. Clausse, R. T. Lahey Jr., M. Podowski
7.Weighting function scheme and its application on multidimensional conservation equationsPages 2065-2073Shong-Leih Lee
8.Prandtl number effect on external natural convection heat transfer from irregular three-dimensional bodiesPages
9.Stratifying process of a fluid in an enclosure with a time-varying vertical through-flowPages 2081-2086Jae Min Hyun, Ki Moon In
10.Evolution of a binary system crystallizing in a confined regionPages 2087-2098A. M. Leitch
11.Analysis on film boiling heat transfer of impacting spraysPages 2099-2112Sugato Deb, S. -C. Yao
12.Turbulent transport phenomena in three-dimensional side-dump ramjet combustorsPages 2113-2125Y. H. Hwang, Y. H. Hung
13.The kinetic theory of heat and mass transfer from a spherical particle in a rarefied gasPages 2127-2134V. G. Chernyak, A. Ye. Margilevskiy
14.Non-Darcian effects on natural convection in a vertical porous enclosurePages 2135-2148G. Lauriat, V. Prasad
15.The delay time during depressurization of saturated waterPages 2149-2154A. A. Kendoush
16.Stability of lid-driven shallow cavity heated from belowPages 2155-2166A. A. Mohamad, R. Viskanta
17.Natural convection in a right-angle corner: higher-order analysisPages 2167-2177D. B. Ingham, I. Pop
18.Matrix calculation of multicomponent transient diffusion in porous sorbentsPages 2179-2187Tang Wong, Douglas D. Frey
19.Conjugate heat transfer between a laminar impinging liquid jet and a solid diskPages 2189-2197X. S. Wang, Z. Dagan, L. M. Jiji
20.Periodic laminar convection in a tall vertical cavityPages 2199-2207H. Q. Yang, K. T. Yang, Q. Xia
21.AnnouncementPage 2209

Volume 32, Issue 12, Pages 2211-2493 (December 1989)

1.Volume contents and author index volume 32, 1989Pages i-xx
2.Heat transfer — a review of 1988 literaturePages 2211-2280E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein, E. Pfender, W.E. Ibele, S.V. Patankar, T.W. Simon, N.A. Decker, H. Lee, S.L. Girshick, C.J. Scott, P.J. Strykowski, K.K. Tamma
3.Heat and mass transfer bibliography-Soviet worksPages 2281-2289O.G. Martynenko
4.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Polish works (1987–1988)Pages 2291-2295J. Bandrowski, J. Zioło
5.The class of self-similar solutions for laminar buoyant jetsPages 2297-2307O.G. Martynenko, V.N. Korovkin, Yu.A. Sokovishin
6.A swirled jet problemPages 2309-2317O.G. Martynenko, V.N. Korovkin, Yu.A. Sokovishin
7.Vibrational convection in a horizontal fluid layer with internal heat sourcesPages 2319-2328G.Z. Gershuni, E.M. Zhukhovitsky, A.K. Kolesnikov, Yu.S. Yurkov
8.Hydrodynamics and heat transfer of turbulent gas suspension flows in tubes—1. HydrodynamicsPages 2329-2339I.V. Derevich, V.M. Yeroshenko, L.I. Zaichik
9.Hydrodynamics and heat transfer of turbulent gas suspension flows in tubes—2. Heat transferPages 2341-2350I.V. Derevich, V.M. Yeroshenko, L.I. Zaichik
10.Convective drying of a consolidated slab of wet porous materialPages 2351-2362M. Ilic, I.W. Turner
11.Heat exchangers and linear image processing theoryPages 2363-2374W. Marszalek, G.T. Kekkeris
12.A modelling study to the heat transfer between immersed surfaces and large-particle fluidized bedsPages 2375-2384Lu Jidong, Qian Renzhang
13.Benefits of microgravity for measuring thermotransport coefficients in liquid metallic alloysPages 2385-2401Jean-Pierre Praizey
14.Nucleate pool boiling performance of acetone-ethanol and methylene chloride-ethanol binary mixturesPages 2403-2408H.Erden Alpay, Firuz Balkan
15.Buoyancy and surface tension driven flows in float zone crystal growth with a strong axial magnetic fieldPages 2409-2420K.H. Lie, D.N. Riahi, J.S. Walker
16.A multi-dimensional model of momentum and mass transfer in the liverPages 2421-2434Charles Y.C. Lee, Boris Rubinsky
17.Prediction of pressure drop during horizontal annular flow boiling of pure and mixed refrigerantsPages 2435-2446D.S. Jung, R. Radermacher
18.The problem of time-dependent natural convection melting with conduction in the solidPages 2447-2457Zhang Zongqin, Adrian Bejan
19.A comparison of the flow boiling performance characteristics of partially-heated cross-ribbed channels with different rib geometriesPages 2459-2474M. Cohen, V.P. Carry
20.Heat transfer enhancement in Rayleigh-Benard convectionPages 2475-2483J.Andrzej Domaradzki
21.On variable viscosity magma flowPages 2485-2492N. Filatoff, A. Lasek
22.CorrigendumPage 2493

Volume 33, Issue 1, Pages 1-218 (January 1990)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Mass transfer in the spiral flow of a pseudoplastic liquidPages 1-7S. Wroński, M. Jastrzëbski
3.Convective mass transfer from a square cylinder and its base platePages 9-18R.J. Goldstein, S.Y. Yoo, M.K. Chung
4.Unsteady mixed convection about a porous rotating spherePages 19-27P. Hatzikonstantinou
5.Microscopic study of coupled heat and mass transport during unidirectional solidification of binary solutions—I. thermal analysisPages 29-38Sohrab Kourosh, Michael E. Crawford, Kenneth R. Diller
6.Microscopic study of coupled heat and mass transport during unidirectional solidification of binary solutions—II. Mass transfer analysisPages 39-53Sohrab
7.Linear stability of convection in a rigid channel uniformly heated from belowPages 55-60P.G. Daniels, C.F. Ong
8.Heat transfer in horizontal mechanically formed thin film heat exchangers—application of penetration theory modelPages 61-68H. Abichandani, S.C. Sarma
9.Measurements of the thermal characteristics of heated offset jetsPages 69-78J.T. Holland, J.A. liburdy
10.The effect of mixed convection instability on heat transfer in a vertical annulusPages 79-90B.B. Rogers, L.S. Yao
11.Contact angle effects on boiling incipience of highly-wetting liquidsPages 91-103W. Tong, A. Bar-Cohen, T.W. Simon, S.M. You
12.Experimental investigation of nucleate boiling incipience with a highly-wetting dielectric fluid (R-113)Pages 105-117S.M. You, T.W. Simon, A. Bar-Cohen, W. Tong
13.Local similarity solutions of free convective heat transfer from a vertical plate to non-Newtonian power law fluidsPages 119-125Huang Ming-Jer, Chen Cha'o-Kuang
14.Thermal protection from intense localized moving heat fluxes using phase-change materialsPages 127-138Yiding Cao, Amir Faghri
15.Simulation of pure metal melting with buoyancy and surface tension forces in the liquid phasePages 139-149T.L. Bergman, B.W. Webb
16.Transient convection in saturated porous layers with internal heat sourcesPages 151-161M.R. Islam, K. Nandakumar
17.Unsteady heat and mass transfer with phase change in porous slabs: analytical solutions and experimental resultsPages 163-173Andrew P. Shapiro, Shahryar Motakef
18.The method of the ‘carry over’ of integral transforms in non-linear mass and heat transfer problemsPages 175-181A.D. Polyanin, V.V. Dil'man
19.An algebraic method for heat and mass transfer problemsPages 183-201A.D. Polyanin, V.V. Dil'man
20.A phenomenologically based prediction of the critical heat flux in channels containing an unheated wallPages 203-205J.C. Lim, J. Weisman
21.Optimum hair strand diameter for minimum free-convection heat transfer from a surface covered with hairPages 206-209Adrian Bejan
22.Coupled heat and mass transfer from a sphere buried in an infinite porous mediumPages 209-215F.C. Lai, F.A. Kulacki
23.Radiative configuration factors from cylinders to coaxial axisymmetric bodiesPages 215-218C. Saltiel, M.H.N. Naraghi

Volume 33, Issue 2, Pages 219-400 (February 1990)

1.Theoretical investigation of the temperature regime and pressure distribution in a gas mainPages 219-224E.A. Orudzhaliyev
2.Some gas dynamic relations for real gas flows in the presence of heat transferPages 225-228E.A. Orudzhaliyev
3.Phenomenological modelling of non-equilibrium flows with phase changePages 229-242G.F. Hewitt, A.H. Govan
4.Gas-solid heat exchange in a fibrous metallic material measured by a heat regenerator techniquePages 243-252M. Golombok, H. Jariwala, L.C. Shirvill
5.Unsteady-state mass transfer by fluid particles of changing volumePages 253-266J. Schirrmann
6.Heat and mass transfer in evaporating two-component liquid film flowPages 267-273W.W. Baumann, F. Thiele
7.Vertical tube air flows in the turbulent mixed convection regime calculated using a low-Reynolds-number k ~ epsilon (Porson) modelPages 275-286M.A. Cotton, J.D. Jackson
8.Transient binary mixture natural convection in square enclosuresPages 287-299T.F. Lin, C.C. Huang, T.S. Chang
9.Theory of influence of a low-volatility, soluble impurity on spherically-symmetric combustion of fuel dropletsPages 301-317B.D. Shaw, F.A. Williams
10.Coupled radiation and laminar mixed convection in an absorbing and emitting real gas mixture along a vertical platePages 319-329L. Zhang, A. Soufiani, J.P. Petit, J. Taine
11.Turbulent Prandtl number in a circular jetPages 331-339L.P. Chua, R.A. Antonia
12.Thermally developing laminar flow inside rectangular ductsPages 341-347J.B. Aparecido, R.M. Cotta
13.Détermination du flux de chaleur instationnaire sur les surfaces cylindriquesPages 349-357Stanisław Łopata
14.Susceptibility to drying of unsaturated soil near warm impermeable surfacesPages 359-366John Ewen
15.Numerical simulation of solidification in a horizontal cylindrical annulus charged with an aqueous salt solutionPages 367-380D.G. Neilson, F.P. Incropera, W.D. Bennon
16.Etude dynamique et thermique de l'écoulement de Couette-Taylor-Poiseuille; cas d'un fluide présentant un seuil d'écoulementPages 381-391M. Naimi, R. Devienne, M. Lebouche
17.Dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy in buoyant free shear flowsPages 393-400Nikolas E. Kotsovinos

Volume 33, Issue 3, Pages 401-581 (March 1990)

1.Unsteady conjugate heat transfer from a translating fluid sphere at moderate Reynolds numbersPages 401-408D.L.R. Oliver, J.N. Chung
2.The energy-integral method: application to one-phase hyperbolic Stefan problemsPages 409-416Fouad A. Mohamed
3.Laminar-flow heat transfer to a fluid flowing axially between cylinders with a uniform surface temperaturePages 417-425O. Miyatake, H. Iwashita
4.Solidification of an alloy in a cavity cooled through its top surfacePages 427-434W.-Z. Cao, D. Poulikakos
5.Natural convection in a vertical cylinder: Comparison of COMMIX-1A predictions with experimentPages 435-445J.F. Lafortune, D.A. Meneley
6.Heat transfer in Newtonian liquids around a circular cylinderPages 447-456V. Vilimpoq, R. Cole, P.C. Sukanek
7.Cooling of a continuous moving sheet of finite thickness in the presence of natural convectionPages 457-464S.L. Lee, J.S. Tsai
8.A sensitivity study of the effects of evaporation/condensation accommodation coefficients on transient heat pipe modelingPages 465-481Michael L. Hall, J. Michael Doster
9.A study of three-dimensional natural convection in high-pressure mercury lamps—I. Parametric variations with horizontal mountingPages 483-493P.Y. Chang, W. Shyy, J.T. Dakin
10.A study of three-dimensional natural convection in high-pressure mercury lamps—II. Wall temperature profiles and inclination anglesPages 495-506W. Shyy, P.Y. Chang
11.A simplified model for radiative source term in combusting flowsPages 507-516S. Bhattacharjee, W.L. Grosshandler
12.The effects of heat conduction in the wall on the development of recirculating combined convection flows in vertical tubesPages 517-528P.J. Heggs, D.B. Ingham, D.J. Keen
13.Combined heat and mass transfer in natural convection between vertical parallel plates with film evaporationPages 529-541W.M. Van, T.F. Lin
14.Convective cooling of a thin flat plate in laminar and turbulent flowsPages 543-554A. Vallejo, C. Trevin˜o
15.Regions of heat transfer enhancement for laminar mixed convection in a parallel plate channelPages 555-570J.R. Maughan, F.P. Incropera
16.MHD forced and free convection boundary layer flow near the leading edgePages 571-575M.A. Hossain, M. Ahmed
17.The influence of surface mass flux on mixed convection over horizontal plates in saturated porous mediaPages 576-579F.C. Lai, F.A. Kulacki
18.Evaluation of spherical harmonics approximation for radiative transfer in cylindrical furnacesPages 579-581Nevin Selçuk

Volume 33, Issue 4, Pages 583-770 (April 1990)

1.Pressure drop characteristics for turbulent flow in a straight circular tube situated downstream of a bendPages 583-591M.M. Ohadi, E.M. Sparrow, A. Walavalkar, A.I. Ansari
2.Numerical and analytical solutions of one-dimensional freezing of dilute binary alloys with coupled heat and mass transferPages 593-602S.C. Gupta
3.A study on the effect of non-condensible gas in the vapor film on vapor explosionPages 603-609Ryo Akiyoshi, Shigefumi Nishio, Ichiro Tanasawa
4.A physical approach to critical heat flux of subcooled flow boiling in round tubesPages 611-620Y. Katto
5.Application of the hybrid method to inverse heat conduction problemsPages 621-628Han-Taw Chen, Shiuh-Ming Chang
6.Analytical and experimental study on turbulent natural convection in a horizontal annulusPages 629-639Kenji Fukuda, Yasutomi Miki, Shu Hasegawa
7.Heat transfer in supersonic coaxial reacting jetsPages 641-648S.I. Baranovsky, V.M. Levin, A.S. Nadvorsky, A.I. Turishchev
8.An experimental investigation of the reversibility and hysteresis of the condensation curvesPages 649-659Yoshio Utaka, Akio Saito, Hiroyuki Yanagida
9.Solidification in the presence of high Rayleigh number convection in an enclosure cooled from the sidePages 661-671Zongqin Zhang, Adrian Bejan
10.Two-phase flow and dryout in a screen wick saturated with a fluid mixturePages 673-681D.A. Pruzan, K.E. Torrance, C.T. Avedisian
11.Unsteady forced convection heat transfer in a channelPages 683-690James Sucec, David Radley
12.Modeling of confined turbulent fluid-particle flows using Eulerian and Lagrangian schemesPages 691-701A. Adeniji-Fashola, C.P. Chen
13.A declarative language for the thermal design of regenerative heat exchangersPages 703-723M.P. Henry, A.J. Willmott
14.Radiation conductivity for a random void-solid medium with diffusely reflecting surfacesPages 725-734Jeffrey R. Wolf, Josefina W.C. Tseng, William Strieder
15.Analysis of regenerative enthalpy exchangersPages 735-744H. Klein, S.A. Klein, J.W. Mitchell
16.Solidification of a binary solution on a cold isothermal surfacePages 745-754S.L. Braga, R. Viskanta
17.Low Reynolds number heat and mass transfer measurements of an overall counterflow, baffled, finned-tube, condensing heat exchangerPages 755-765A.M. Jacobi, V.W. Goldschmidt
18.Radiative heat transfer in insulations with random fibre orientationPages 767-770R. Mathes, J. Blumenberg, K. Keller

Volume 33, Issue 5, Pages 771-1043 (May 1990)

1.Thermal processes during the interaction of optical radiation pulses with heterogeneous laminated biotissuesPages
2.Identification de l'erreur de mesure par thermocouple de la température d'une surface soumise a différentes conditions d'échangesPages 785-796C. Bénard, Y. Body, M. Delisée, C. Depoid, D. Gobin
3.Heat transfer in thin silicon film melting by laser line sourcesPages 797-803Costas P. Grigoropoulos, Ashley F. Emery, Evan P. Wipf
4.On the characteristic lengths for absorbing, emitting, and scattering mediaPages 805-813D.V. Walters, R.O. Buckius
5.Heat transfer and flow in a radio frequency plasma torch—a new modelling approachPages 815-826Chen Xi
6.Natural convection in liquid-saturated porous media between concentric inclined cylindersPages 827-833Wang Bu-Xuan, Zhang Xing
7.Flow observations and mass transfer characteristics in symmetrical wavy-walled channels at moderate Reynolds numbers for steady flowPages 835-845Nishimura Tatsuo, Murakami Shinichiro, Arakawa Shingho, Kawamura Yuji
8.Transient characteristics of combined conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer in porous mediaPages 847-857H. Yoshida, J.H. Yun, R. Echigo, T. Tomimura
9.Turbulence structure and heat transfer of a two-dimensional impinging jet with gas-solid suspensionsPages
10.Confined natural convection due to lateral heating in a stably stratified solutionPages 869-875J. Lee, M.T. Hyun, Y.S. Kang
11.Thermal shock waves induced by a moving crack—a heat flux formulationPages 877-885Da Yu Tzou
12.Natural convection melting of a frozen porous mediumPages 887-899S. Chellaiah, R. Viskanta
13.Superposition technique for radiative equilibrium in rectangular enclosures with complex boundary conditionsPages 901-915W.W. Yuen, E.E. Takara
14.Natural convection in a two-dimensional square loopPages 917-930Eduardo Ramos, Alfredo Castrejón, Manuel Gordon
15.Heat transfer due to buoyancy in a partially divided square boxPages 931-942S. Acharya, R. Jetli
16.Convective heat transfer to laminar droplet flow in tube bundlesPages 943-952T.H. Hwang
17.Convective heat transfer inhibition in an annular porous layer rotating at weak angular velocityPages 953-963L. Robillard, K.E. Torrance
18.Effect of surface geometry and orientation on laminar natural convection heat transfer from a vertical flat plate with transverse roughness elementsPages 965-981Sushil H. Bhavnani, Arthur E. Bergles
19.Analysis of levitation of saturated liquid droplets on permeable surfacesPages 983-994M. Fatehi, M. Kaviany
20.Dynamic simulation of plate heat exchangersPages 995-1002Chittur Chandrasekharan Lakshmanan, Owen Edward Potter
21.Unsteady vaporization of fuel droplets in a convective environment with varying ambient conditionsPages 1003-1012R.P. Gakkhar, S. Prakash
22.Effect of wall conduction on free convection between asymmetrically heated vertical plates: uniform wall heat fluxPages
23.Effect of wall conduction on free convection between asymmetrically heated vertical plates: Uniform wall temperaturePages
24.The effect of variable viscosity on convective heat transfer along a vertical surface in a saturated porous mediumPages 1028-1031F.C. Lai, F.A. Kulacki
25.Linearly anisotropic scattering in a rectangular medium exposed to collimated radiationPages 1032-1034C.Y. Wu, J.Y. Chiang
26.A linear stability analysis of a mixed convection plumePages 1034-1037Ramesh krishnamurthy
27.Transport processes in chemically reacting flow systems: O. E. Rosner, Butterworths, 1986, xxvii+ 540 ppPage 1039N.C. Markatos
28.Heat transfer: James Sucec, Wm. C. Brown, 1985, xvii+837 ppPages 1039-1040N.C. Markatos
29.Heat transfer equipment design: R. K. Shah, E. C. Subbarao and R. A. Mashelkar (Editors), Hemisphere, Washington, DC, 1988, xii+804 pp., £78.50Pages 1040-1041N.C. Markatos
30.Archives of heat transfer: Naim Afghan (Editor) Hemisphere, 1988Page 1041W.B. Hall
31.AnnouncementPage 1043

Volume 33, Issue 6, Pages 1045-1373 (June 1990)

1.Professor Naim H. Afgan on his 60th birthdayPages 1045-1046Jovica R. Riznić
2.Turbulent gas flow heat transfer and friction in channels of different cross-sectionsPages 1047-1055A.I. Leontiev, B.B. Petrikevich, O.G. Vyrodov
3.The method of asymptotic analogies in the mass and heat transfer theory and chemical engineering sciencePages 1057-1072A.D. Polyanin, V.V. Dil'man
4.Effect of rotation on the stability of a doubly diffusive fluid layer in a porous mediumPages 1073-1080Prabhamani R. Patil, C.P. Parvathy, K.S. Venkatakrishnan
5.An extremum variational principle for some non-linear diffusion problemsPages 1081-1085Teodor M. Atanacković, Djordje S. Djukić
6.Numerical determination of wall functions for the turbulent natural convection boundary layerPages 1087-1097R.A.W.M. Henkes, C.J. Hoogendoorn
7.Condensation of spherical-cap shaped bubblesPages 1099-1103M.O. Isikan
8.Description of transport of liquid in porous media—a study based on neutron radiography dataPages 1105-1120Josef Pražák, Jan Tywoniak, František Peterka, Tomáš Šlonc
9.An analytical and experimentall investigation of natural convection heat transfer in vertical channels with a single obstructionPages 1121-1134S.A.M. Said, R.J. Krane
10.Gravity-assisted melting in a spherical enclosure: Effects of natural convectionPages
11.Numerical study of steady state and transient laser melting problems—I. Characteristics of flow field and heat transferPages 1149-1163Biswajit Basu, A.W. Date
12.Numerical study of steady state and transient laser melting problems—II. Effect of the process parametersPages 1165-1175Biswajit Basu, A.W. Date
13.Transient free convective heat transfer from co-rotating concentric disksPages 1177-1182Biswajit Banerjee, K.V. Chalapathi Rao, V.M.K. Sastri
14.Study of laminar heat transfer over a sinusoidal-shaped rotating diskPages 1183-1192G. Le Palec, P. Nardin, D. Rondot
15.Numerical computations of steady transonic and supersonic flow fieldsPages 1193-1204A. Palacio, M.R. Malin, N. Proumen, L. Sanchez
16.A similarity solution for two-phase fluid and heat flow near high-level nuclear waste packages emplaced in porous mediaPages 1205-1222Christine Doughty, Karsten Pruess
17.Free convective/radiative heat transfer from pin-fin arrays with a vertical base plate (general representation of heat transfer performance)Pages 1223-1232Toshio
18.Comparison of predicted and measured mixed convection heat transfer from an array of discrete sources in a horizontal rectangular channelPages 1233-1245H.V. Mahaney, F.P. Incropera, S. Ramadhyani
19.Analysis of the non-thermal equilibrium condensing flow of a gas through a packed bedPages 1247-1261M. Sözen, K. Vafai
20.A synthesis of infiltration effects on an insulation matrixPages 1263-1280H.C. Tien, K. Vafai
21.Heat and mass transfer in metal hydride beds for heat pump applicationsPages 1281-1288H. Choi, A.F. Mills
22.Forced and combined convection of water in a vertical seven-rod bundle with P/D = 1.38Pages 1289-1297Mohamed S. El-Genk, Shokry D. Bedrose, Dasari V. Rao
23.Mass transfer of supersaturated contaminants in cryogenic helium heat exchangersPages 1299-1306Ho-Myung Chang, Joseph L. Smith Jr.
24.Experimental measurements of orthogonal mixed convection in a partial enclosurePages 1307-1319M.M. Rahman, V.P. Carey
25.Thermal convection and surface temperatures in porous mediaPages 1321-1330P. Anderson, D. Glasser
26.A numerical analysis of heat transfer and combustion in porous radiant burnersPages 1331-1338S.B. Sathe, R.E. Peck, T.W. Tong
27.Improving the performance of porous radiant burners through use of sub-micron size fibersPages
28.Natural convection heat transfer characteristics of a protruding thermal source located on horizontal and vertical surfacesPages 1347-1357B.H. Kang, Y. Jaluria
29.Effect of a 180° bend on heat transfer in a downstream positioned straight tubePages 1359-1362M.M. Ohadi, E.M. Sparrow
30.Electrodiffusional probe for measurement of the wall shear rate vectorPages 1363-1366C. Deslouis, O. Gil, V. Sobolik
31.Heat transfer in liquid metals by natural convectionPages 1367-1370Y. Cao, A. Faghri
32.Mixed convection experiments about a horizontal isothermal surface embedded in a water-saturated packed bed of spheresPages 1370-1373K.J. Renken, D. Poulikakos

Volume 33, Issue 7, Pages 1375-1573 (July 1990)

1.Three-dimensional problems of unsteady diffusion boundary layerPages 1375-1386A.D. Polyanin
2.Effect of variable thermophysical properties on laminar free convection of gasPages 1387-1395Shang De-Yi, Wang Bu-Xuan
3.Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in a vertical cylinder exposed to periodically varying centrifugal forces (accelerated crucible-rotation technique)Pages
4.Etude expérimentale de la convection mixte entre deux plans horizontaux à températures différentes—IIPages 1417-1427M.T. Ouazzani, J.K. Platten, A. Mojtabi
5.Near-wall modeling of turbulent heat fluxesPages 1429-1440Y.G. Lai, R.M.C. So
6.Augmentation of natural convection heat transfer using binary gas coolantsPages 1441-1449J.G. Petri, T.L. Bergman
7.Characterization of dryout in helical coilsPages 1451-1463Georges Berthoud, Sreenivas Jayanti
8.Condensation of a vapour with incondensables: An improved gas phase film model accounting for the effect of mass transfer on film thicknessPages 1465-1474A.C. Bannwart, A. Bontemps
9.Free convection near a thermal quadrupolePages 1475-1483M.A. Goldshtik, V.N. Shtern
10.Numerical analysis of laminar mixed convection in horizontal internally finned tubesPages 1485-1496I.M. Rustum, H.M. Soliman
11.A unified approach to plasma-particle heat transfer under non-continuum and non-equilibrium conditionsPages 1497-1509E. Leveroni, E. Pfender
12.Radiation induced ignition of solid fuelsPages 1511-1520S.H. Park, C.L. Tien
13.Local forced convective heat transfer from protruding and flush-mounted two-dimensional discrete heat sourcesPages 1521-1533A.B. McEntire, B.W. Webb
14.Confluent hypergeometric solutions of heat conduction equationPages 1535-1543Mizukami Koichi, Futagami Kozo
15.An observer-based solution of inverse heat conduction problemsPages 1545-1562Wolfgang Marquardt, Hein Auracher
16.Using the least square method for data reduction in the flash methodPages 1563-1565J. Gembarovič, L. Vozár, V. Majerník
17.A statistical procedure for model building in dimensional analysisPages 1566-1567Li Chang-Chung, Lee Yu-Cheng
18.Non-dimensional numbers as ratios of characteristic timesPages 1568-1570Paul S. Lykoudis
19.Transport phenomena in polymeric systems: R. A. Mashelkar, A. S. Mujumdar and R. Kamal (editors) Ellis Horwood, Chichester, 1989. ISBN 0-7458-0663-5, 447 pp., £45.00Page 1571Stephen Richardson
20.Fluidized bed technology—principles and applications: J. R. Howard Adam Hingler Edition, ISBN 0-85274-055-7Pages 1571-1572K.A. Pericleous
21.AnnouncementPage 1573

Volume 33, Issue 8, Pages 1575-1779 (August 1990)

1.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1575-1586I Tanasawa, R Echigo
2.Thermal dispersion in a porous mediumPages 1587-1597C.T. Hsu, P. Cheng
3.The migration of metal melts in sintered composite materialsPages 1599-1603A.F. Lisovsky
4.Double-diffusive convection in a rectangle with cooperating horizontal gradients of temperature and concentrationPages 1605-1617Jae Min Hyun, Jin Wook Lee
5.Double-diffusive convection in a rectangle with opposing horizontal temperature and concentration gradientsPages 1619-1632Jin Wook Lee, Jae Min Hyun
6.Adaptive grid method for convection-diffusion equationsPages 1633-1641Adeniyi Lawal
7.The effect of periodic disturbances of inlet parameters on the performance of a chemical reactionPages 1643-1648L.Yu. Artyukh, P.G. Itskova, A.T. Lukiyanov
8.Thermocapillary steady and periodic flows in a horizontal layer much thicker than the boundary layer at the free surfacePages 1649-1666A.G. Kirdyashkin, V.F. Zaporozhko, S.P. Popov
9.General procedure for effectiveness of complex assemblies of heat exchangersPages 1667-1674Chen Jun-Dar, Hsieh Shou-Shing
10.Forced convection of thermally developing laminar flow in circular sector ductsPages 1675-1683Q.M. Lei, A.C. Trupp
11.Effects of boundary properties on transient temperature distributions in condensed semitransparent mediaPages 1685-1695D. Schwander, G. Flamant, G. Olalde
12.Fundamental research on the supercooling phenomenon on heat transfer surfaces—investigation of an effect of characteristics of surface and cooling rate on a freezing temperature of supercooled waterPages 1697-1709Saito Akio, Utaka Yoshio, Okawa Seiji, Matsuzawa Kazuyuki, Tamaki Atsushi
13.Heat transfer in developing magnetohydrodynamic Poiseuille flow and variable transport propertiesPages 1711-1720Alireza Setayesh, Vireshwar Sahai
14.Prediction of film condensation on horizontal integral fin tubesPages 1721-1735Thomas Adamek, Ralph L. Webb
15.Prediction of film condensation on vertical finned plates and tubes: a model for the drainage channelPages 1737-1749Thomas Adamek, Ralph L. Webb
16.Laminar axisymmetric multicomponent buoyant plumes in a thermally stratified mediumPages 1751-1757J. Srinivasan, D. Angirasa
17.Equivalent conductivity of a heterogeneous mediumPages 1759-1766K. Muralidhar
18.Free and mixed convection from slender bodies of revolution in porous mediaPages 1767-1769F.C. Lai, I. Pop, F.A. Kulack
19.A note on the free convection in a wall plume: horizontal wall effectsPages 1770-1773D.B. Ingham, I. Pop
20.Note on the method of analysis for heat pipe heat exchangerPages 1774-1775C.Y. Liu, W.M. Ying, J.O. Tan
21.Discussion of “Approche expérimentale et théorique de la conductivité thermique des milieux poreux humides”Pages 1777-1778
22.Reply to ‘Discussion of “Approche expérimentale et théorique de la conductivité thermique des milieux poreux humides”’Pages 1778-1779S. Azizi, C. Moyne, A. Degiovanni, J.-C. Batsale

Volume 33, Issue 9, Pages 1781-2063 (September 1990)

1.Application of a spherical thermal conductivity cell to solid n-eicosane paraffinPages 1781-1793P.C. Stryker, E.M. Sparrow
2.Mechanisms and predictions of burnout in flow boiling over heated surfaces with an impinging jetPages 1795-1803M. Kandula
3.Laminar mixed convection in a radially rotating semiporous channelPages 1805-1816C.Y. Soong, G.J. Hwang
4.Convective heat transfer in rotating isothermal ductsPages 1817-1828G.J. Hwang, T.C. Jen
5.Response of a solid-gas growth interface to a homogeneous time dependent acceleration fieldPages 1829-1837Bernard Zappoli
6.Response of a solid-gas growth interface to an increase in temperaturePages 1839-1847Bernard Zappoli, Didier Bailly
7.Global modelling of heat transfer in crystal growth furnacesPages 1849-1871F. Dupret, P.
8.Fully developed laminar natural convection in open-ended vertical concentric annuliPages
9.Transport de l'eau dans une feuille de caoutchouc naturel pendant la période de séchage à vitesse décroissantePages 1885-1894R. Auria, J.C. Benet
10.Stability of boiling in porous mediaPages 1895-1908P.S. Ramesh, K.E. Torrance
11.Etude numérique du transfert thermique métal-fluide dans un conduit rectangulaire en régime instationnairePages 1909-1920S. Abboudi, F. Papini
12.Prediction of critical heat flux of subcooled flow boiling in round tubesPages 1921-1928Y. Katto
13.A stochastic model for particle convective heat transfer in gas-solid fluidized bedsPages 1929-1936Ajay Mathur
14.Non-isothermal flow of non-Newtonian fluids through a porous mediumPages 1937-1944H. Pascal
15.An analysis of the vapor flow and the heat conduction through the liquid-wick and pipe wall in a heat pipe with single or multiple heat sourcesPages 1945-1955Ming-Ming Chen, Amir Faghri
16.Effects of internal radiative transfer on natural convection and heat transfer in a vertical crystal growth configurationPages 1957-1968H. Matsushima, R. Viskanta
17.Codeposition of SiO2/GeO2 during production of optical fiber preforms by modified chemical vapor depositionPages 1977-1986Kyo-Seon Kim, Sotiris E. Pratsinis
18.Laminar forced convection from surface-mounted ribsPages 1987-1999Shou-Shing Hsieh, Huei-Jan Shih, Ying-Jong Hong
19.Rate correlation for condensation of pure vapor on turbulent, subcooled liquidPages 2001-2018J.Steven Brown, Boo Cheong Khoo, Ain A. Sonin
20.Non-parallel thermal instability of forced convection flow over a heated, non-isothermal horizontal flat platePages
21.Turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer in concentric annuli with moving coresPages 2029-2037T. Shigechi, N. Kawae, Y. Lee
22.Influence of the interphase mass transfer on the rate of mass transfer—1. The system ‘solid-fluid (gas)’Pages 2039-2044Christo B. Boyadjiev, Nikolai L. Vulchanov
23.Influence of the interphase mass transfer on the rate of mass transfer—2. The system ‘gas-liquid’Pages 2045-2049Nikolai L. Vulchanov, Christo B. Boyadjiev
24.Combined thermal-momentum start-up in long pipesPages 2051-2053Gregory S. Patience, Anil K. Mehrotra
25.Moisture and temperature dependence of the moisture diffusivityPages 2053-2055J. Drchalová, O. Kapičková, F. Vodák, T. Klečka
26.Critical conditions for natural convection induced by a surface reactionPages 2056-2059S. Pushpavanam, R. Narayanan
27.The asymmetric Graetz problem in a radial capillary gap cellPages 2059-2061Ravindra V. Shenoy, James M. Fenton
28.First international numerical heat transfer conference University of Surrey, guildford, Surrey, U.K., 22–26 July 1991Page 2063
29.Eight symposium on turbulent shear flows Technical University of Munich, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany, 9–11 September 1991

Volume 33, Issue 10, Pages 2065-2347 (October 1990)

1.Transient boiling heat transfer characteristics of nitrogen (bubble behavior and heat transfer rate at stepwise heat generation)Pages 2065-2071Kunito Okuyama, Yoshihiro Iida
2.A generalized correlation for two-phase forced flow heat transfer—second assessmentPages 2073-2088V.V. Klimenko
3.Heat transfer and fluid flow in welding arcs produced by sharpened and flat electrodesPages 2089-2098M.C. Tsai, Sindo Kou
4.Boiling regimes in a closed two-phase thermosyphonPages 2099-2110A. Niro, G.P. Beretta
5.Multi-component interfacial condensationPages 2111-2120F.M. Gerner, C.L. Tien
6.Mixed convection in buoyancy-assisting, vertical backward-facing step flowsPages 2121-2132J.T. Lin, B.F. Armaly, T.S. Chen
7.The role of transition in determining friction and heat transfer in smooth and rough passagesPages
8.Buoyancy induced instability of laminar flows in vertical annuli—I. Flow visualization and heat transfer experimentsPages 2145-2159Mohamed S. El-Genk, Dasari V. Rao
9.Buoyancy induced instability of laminar flows in vertical annuli—II. Model development and analysisPages 2161-2172Dasari V. Rao, Mohamed S. El-Genk
10.Overall degradation of conductive solids with mesocracksPages 2173-2182Da Yu Tzou, Er-Ping Chen
11.Scattering phase function for fibrous mediaPages 2183-2190S.C. Lee
12.Mass transfer by natural and forced convection in open cavitiesPages 2191-2205Chee Burm Shin, Demetre J. Economou
13.Energy considerations in high-energy beam drillingPages 2207-2217P.S. Wei, J.Y. Ho
14.Validation of heat transfer coefficients on interior building surfaces using a real-sized indoor test cellPages
15.On the thermocapillary Instabilities in a liquid layer heated from belowPages 2237-2245D.A. Goussis, R.E. Kelly
16.Calculation of turbulent buoyant plumes with a Reynolds stress and heat flux transport closurePages 2247-2264M.R. Malin, B.A. Younis
17.Natural convection heat and mass transfer along a vertical cylinder in a porous mediumPages 2265-2274Adnan Yücel
18.Heat exchange between unequal countercurrent vessels asymmetrically embedded in a cylinder with surface convectionPages
19.Experiments on subcooled flow boiling heat transfer in a vertical annular channelPages 2285-2293A. Hasan, R.P. Roy, S.P. Kalra
20.Natural convection of opposing/assisting flows in vertical channels with asymmetrically discrete heated ribsPages
21.The effects of sharp corners on buoyancy-driven flows with particular emphasis on outer boundariesPages 2311-2328Kambiz Vafai, Javad Ettefagh
22.Thermal and fluid flow instabilities in buoyancy-driven flows in open-ended cavitiesPages 2329-2344Kambiz Vafai, Javad Ettefagh
23.High performance single-phase heat exchangers: A. Zukauskas, (Edited by J. Karni). Hemisphere, Washington, DC, 1989Page 2345K.A. Pericleous
24.Gas-liquid-solid fluidization engineering: L.-S. Fan, Butterworths Series in Chemical Engineering, Stoneham, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 1989, XX + 763 pp., U.S. $85.00Page 2345Norman Epstein
25.CorrigendumPage 2347

Volume 33, Issue 11, Pages 2349-2578 (November 1990)

1.Heat transfer — a review of 1989 literaturePages 2349-2437E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein, W.E. Ibele, S.V. Patankar, T.W. Simon, N.A. Decker, H. Lee, S.L. Girshick, P.J. Strykowski, K.K. Tamma, A. Bar-Cohen, J.V.R. Heberlein
2.Holographic interferometry applied to rib-roughness heat transfer in turbulent flowPages 2439-2449J.F. Lockett, M.W. Collins
3.A fundamental study of the heat transfer and flow situation around spacers (a single row of several cylindrical rods in cross flow)Pages 2451-2462K. Ichimiya, N. Akino, T. Kunugi
4.Simulation par volumes finis des transferts couplés en milieux poreux anisotropes: séchage du bois à basse et à haute températurePages 2463-2478P. Perre, A. Degiovanni
5.Experimental and theoretical investigations on the steady-state and transient behaviour of a thermosyphon with throughflow in a figure-of-eight loopPages 2479-2489P.K. Vijayan, A.W. Date
6.The application of an embedded grid to the solution of heat and momentum transfer for spheres in a linear arrayPages
7.Structure of turbulent reacting gas jets in liquids at different temperatures and pressuresPages 2503-2509S.H. Chan, T.R. Shen
8.Simplified thermal models in laser and electron beam surface hardeningPages 2511-2518Renato Festa, Oronzio Manca, Vincenzo Naso
9.Free convection experiments in water and deuterated mixtures at temperatures including the density maximaPages 2519-2524C. Anselmi, M. De Paz, A. Marciano, M. Pilo, G. Sonnino
10.Frequency response of electrochemical sensors in a cone-and-plate modulated flowPages
11.Prandtl number effects on the stability of natural convection between spherical shellsPages 2533-2544Rod W. Douglass, Kevin G. Tebeest, Steven A. Trogdon, David R. Gardner
12.Steady-state natural convection with phase changePages 2545-2563Shyy Wei, Chen Ming-Hsiung
13.Effect of Prandtl number on buoyancy-induced transport processes with and without solidificationPages 2565-2578Shyy Wei, Chen Ming-Hsiung

Volume 33, Issue 12, Pages 2579-2752 (December 1990)

1.Volume contents and author index volume 33, 1990Pages i-xxi
2.The influence of bubbly flow on boiling from a tube in a bundlePages 2579-2584Keith Cornwell
3.Hydrodynamic, thermal and crystallographical effects of an electromagnetically driven rotating flow in solidifying aluminium alloy meltsPages 2585-2598Charles Vives
4.Second-order corrections of the k-ε model to account for non-isotropic effects due to buoyancyPages 2599-2608Lars Davidson
5.Thermal conductivity measurement of mercury in a magnetic fieldPages 2609-2613Nakamura Shin, Hibiya Taketoshi, Yokota Takao, Yamamoto Fumio
6.Transition from subcritical to supercritical bifurcation in penetrative convection in a vertical cylinderPages 2615-2623Christiane Normand
7.The singular behavior of the temperature gradient in the vicinity of a macrocrack tipPages 2625-2630Da Yu Tzou
8.The effect of surface blocking on mass transfer from a stagnant cap dropPages 2631-2640G.C. Quintana
9.Effect of thermocouple sensor dynamics on surface heat flux predictions obtained via inverse heat transfer analysisPages 2641-2649Keith A. Woodbury
10.Radiation in cylindrical symmetry with anisotropic scattering and variable propertiesPages 2651-2658J.R. Tsai, M.N. Özişik
11.Heat transfer characteristics of an array of protruding elements in single phase forced convectionPages 2659-2669S.V. Garimella, P.A. Eibeck
12.Application of the imaginary planes method to three-dimensional systemsPages 2671-2681A. Charette, A. Larouche, Y.S. Kocaefe
13.Optimal synthesis of heat-and-power systems: the operating line methodPages 2683-2699Eduardo
14.Calculation of turbulent convection between corotating disks in axisymmetric enclosuresPages 2701-2720C.J. Chang, J.A.C. Humphrey, R. Greif
15.A numerical method for phase-change problemsPages
16.Radiative transfer in a coating on a rectangular corner: allowance for shadowingPages 2735-2741C.Y. Wu, M.N. Fu
17.Transfert de matière global et local entre un jet liquide et des disques circulairesPages 2743-2747A. Bensmaili, F. Coeuret
18.A reconsideration of the definition of a heat exchangerPages 2748-2750Dusan P. Sekulic
19.Comments on “The effect of a magnetic field on the heat transfer characteristics of an air fluidized bed of ferromagnetic particles”Pages 2751-2752S.C. Saxena

Volume 34, Issue 1, Pages 1-330 (January 1991)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1-10O.G. Martynenko
3.Modelling of developing nearly homogeneous turbulence of velocity and scalar fieldsPages 11-30V.U. Bondarchuk, B.A. Kolovandin, O.G. Martynenko
4.Experimental investigation of condensation heat transfer in small arrays of PCM-filled spheresPages 31-45M.M. Weislogel, J.N. Chung
5.Heat transfer between a surface and a fluidized bed: consideration of pressure and temperature effectsPages 47-53V.A. Borodulya, Yu.S. Teplitsky, I.I. Markevich, A.F. Hassan, T.P. Yeryomenko
6.Temperature field in random conditionsPages 55-58Andrzej S–luż;alec
7.Local mass transfer from a circular cylinder in a uniform shear flowPages 59-67Hyung Jin Sung, Myung Seok Lyu, Myung Kyoon Chung
8.Analysis of heat transfer in a pipe carrying two-phase gas-particle suspensionPages 69-78Kee Soo Han, Hyung Jin Sung, Myung Kyoon Chung
9.Two-dimensional rectangular fin with variable heat transfer coefficientPages 79-85S.W. Ma, A.I. Behbahani, Y.G. Tsuei
10.Convection in a porous medium with inclined temperature gradientPages 87-92D.A. Nield
11.Performance characteristics of a thermal energy storage module: a transient PCM/forced convection conjugate analysisPages 93-101Y. Cao, A. Faghri
12.Analysis of the fluid flow and heat transfer in a thin liquid film in the presence and absence of gravityPages 103-114M.M. Rahman, W.L. Hankey, A. Faghri
13.Influence of inlet geometry on mixing in thermocline thermal energy storagePages 115-125Yousef H. Zurigat, Pedro R. Liche, Afshin J. Ghajar
14.The effects of heating methods on pool boilingPages 127-134S.M. Lu, D.J. Lee
15.A study of the effects of the assumption of local-thermal equilibrium on the overall thermally-induced response of a decomposing, glass-filled polymer compositePages 135-147John Florio Jr., Jack B. Henderson, Frederick L. Test, Ramamurthy Hariharan
16.Bubble induced entrainment between stratified liquid layersPages 149-157G.Alanson Greene, John C. Chen, Michael T. Conlin
17.A single-equation solution for conduction in finsPages 159-165A. Haji-Sheikh, Ling Yan, Stephen P. Kinsey
18.Natural convection heat transfer in a partially—or completely—partitioned vertical rectangular enclosurePages 167-179M. Ciofalo, T.G. Karayiannis
19.The mathematical modelling and computer simulation of fire development in aircraftPages 181-197E.R. Galea, N.C. Markatos
20.Heat transfer from smooth and rough in-line tube banks at high Reynolds numberPages 199-207E. Achenbach
21.Influence of critical phenomena on the heat transfer to binary mixturesPages 209-216H. Ettle, K. Stephan
22.Computation of macrosegregation in an iron-carbon castPages 217-227Gustav Amberg
23.Thermal drag in forced duct flowsPages 229-235Guo Zeng-Yuan, Bu Wei-Hong
24.Natural convection in a partially divided rectangular enclosure with an opening in the partition plate and isoflux side wallsPages 237-246K.S. Chen, P.W. Ko
25.Natural convection in vertical porous enclosures with internal heat generationPages 247-252Y.F. Rao, B.X. Wang
26.Solution of the inverse radiation problem for inhomogeneous and anisotropically scattering media using a Monte Carlo techniquePages 253-266Shanker Subramaniam, M.Pinar Mengüç
27.Evaporation from a packed bed of porous particles into superheated vaporPages 267-280Jamil A. Khan, Donald E. Beasley, Bulent Alatas
28.Analysis of wall shear stress probes in large amplitude unsteady flowsPages 281-290Mao Zhuoxiong, Thomas J. Hanratty
29.Theoretical and experimental study of natural convection pipe flows at high Rayleigh numberPages 291-303W.M. Yan, T.F. Lin
30.Non-parallel vortex instability of natural convection flow over a non-isothermal horizontal flat platePages
31.Mixed convection along slender vertical cylinders with variable surface heat fluxPages 315-319H. Khouaja, T.S. Chen, B.F. Armaly
32.Thermophoretic deposition near the leading edge of cylindrical surfacesPages 320-322D.P. Georgiou, D. Kladas
33.Laminar-flow heat transfer to a fluid flowing axially between cylinders with a uniform wall heat fluxPages 322-327O. Miyatake, H. Iwashita
34.Short courses on multiphase flow and heat transfer: Bases, modelling and applications in: (A) The nuclear power industry; (B) The process industriesPage 329
35.Workshop Benchmark computation and experiment for turbulent natural convection in a square cavityPages 329-330

Volume 34, Issue 2, Pages 331-587 (February 1991)

1.A numerical-analytical method for solving the non-linear problem of the dynamics of heat transfer in channelsPages 331-340B.P. Korol'kov, E.A. Tairov
2.Laminar premixed flame stabilized inside a honeycomb ceramicPages 341-356Dae Ki Min, Hyun Dong Shin
3.A unified similarity transformation for free, forced and mixed convection in Darcy and non-Darcy porous mediaPages 357-367A. Nakayama, I. Pop
4.Measurement of condensation heat transfer in a thermosyphonPages 369-376X. Zhou, R.E. Collins
5.Natural-convection flow in a square cavity calculated with low-Reynolds-number turbulence modelsPages 377-388R.A.W.M. Henkes, F.F. Van Der Vlugt, C.J. Hoogendoorn
6.Melting of ice in a porous medium heated from belowPages 389-405Zhang Xiaoli, T.Hung Nguyen, René Kahawita
7.Thermodynamics of an ‘isothermal’ flow: the two-dimensional turbulent jetPages 407-413Adrian Bejan
8.Model for contact heat transfer in mechanically stirred granular bedsPages 415-425Karun Malhotraf, Arun S. Mujumdar
9.Wall-to-bed contact heat transfer rates in mechanically stirred granular bedsPages 427-435Karun Malhotraf, Arun S. Mujumdar
10.Enhanced nucleate boiling in an angular geometry found in structured surfacesPages 437-448M.-C. Chyu, J. Fei
11.Double diffusive natural convection in a vertical rectangular enclosure—I. Experimental studyPages 449-459Hwataik Han, Thomas H. Kuehn
12.Double diffusive natural convection in a vertical rectangular enclosure—II. Numerical studyPages 461-471Hwataik Han, Thomas H. Kuehn
13.Dryout stability and inception at low flow ratesPages 473-481R.B. Duffey, E.D. Hughes
14.Asymmetric-unbalanced counterflow thermal regenerator problem: solution by the Galerkin method and meaning of dimensionless parametersPages 483-498B.S. Baclic, G.D. Dragutinovic
15.Significance of exchange area adjustment in zone modellingPages 499-503C.V.S. Murty, B.S.N. Murty
16.Stability analysis of a growing horizontal thermal layer subject to sudden bottom heatingPages 505-512Hechmi Hamouda, Joseph C. Mollendorf
17.Laminar thermal convection between vertical coaxial isothermal cylindersPages 513-524Ranganathan Kumar, M.A. Kalam
18.Experimental study of free and mixed convection in horizontal porous layers locally heated from belowPages 525-541F.C. Lai, F.A. Kulacki
19.Transient and stability phenomena in a double diffusive natural circulation loopPages 543-558Yoram Zvirin
20.Simulation of the mass transfer behaviour of individual gas bubbles undergoing fast chemical stripping using the jet stream modelPages 559-572F.Xavier Malcata
21.Convection in a vertical channel with a finite wall heat sourcePages 573-578D. Elpidorou, V. Prasad, V. Modi
22.Film condensation on an upward facing plate with free edgesPages 578-582Adrian Bejan
23.Mixed forced and natural convection from two-dimensional or axisymmetric bodies of arbitrary contourPages 582-587M.R. Cameron, D.R. Jeng, K.J. DeWitt

Volume 34, Issue 3, Pages 589-897 (March 1991)

1.Pressure drop characteristics of heat exchangers consisting of arrays of diamond-shaped pin finsPages 589-600E.M. Sparrow, V.B. Grannis
2.Pariculate flow with sublimation or evaporation and with thermal and hydrodynamic non-equilibriumPages 601-609Efstathios E. Michaelides, André Lasek
3.Local convective heat transfer from a heated surface to an impinging, planar jet of waterPages 611-623D.T. Vader, F.P. Incropera, R. Viskanta
4.Transient behavior of an active thermal protectic systemPages 625-632Maruyama Shigenao, Aihara Toshio, Raymond Viskanta
5.Forward and inverse analysis of single and multiple scattering of collimated radiation in an axisymmetric systemPages 633-647Birendra M. Agrawal, M.Pinar Mengüç
6.Responses of concrete walls to firePages 649-661C.L.D. Huang, Gamal N. Ahmed, D.L. Fenton
7.Thermocapillary flows of surface melting due to a moving heat fluxPages 663-671J.C. Chen, Y.C. Huang
8.Simultaneous measurement of the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of small size elements: application to the characterization of integrated circuit package samplesPages 673-680Y. Scudeller, J.P. Bardon
9.Convection laminaire ou turbulente de fluides thermodépendants. Cas de l'écoulement en canal de section rectangulairePages 681-691P. Sourlier, R. Devienne, M. Lebouche
10.Free convection heat transfer of air-water layers in a horizontal cooled circular tubePages 693-702S. Fukusako, M. Takahashi
11.Natural convection in a Hele-Shaw cellPages 703-709S.S. Vorontsov, A.V. Gorin, V.Ye. Nakoryakov, A.G. Khoruzhenko, V.M. Chupin
12.A near wall k—ε formulation for high Prandtl number heat transferPages 711-721J.
13.CHF behaviour during pressure, power and/or flow rate simultaneous variationsPages 723-738G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, F. D'annibale, G.E. Farello, A. Mariani
14.Turbulent flow measurements in a 30/60 degree right triangular ductPages 739-748K.S. Hurst, C.W. Rapley
15.Effect of variable thermophysical properties on laminar free convection of polyatomic gasPages 749-755De-Yi Shang
16.An analysis of film boiling of a binary mixture in a porous mediumPages 757-766Guy R. Essome, J. Orozco
17.Non-isothermal vapour absorption into falling filmPages 767-784Neima Brauner
18.Combined radiation and natural convection in a two-dimensional participating square mediumPages 785-793Zhiqiang Tan, John R. Howell
19.Numerical simulation and field testing of flame-jet thermal spallation drilling—1. Model developmentPages 795-808Rick M. Rauenzahn, Jefferson W. Tester
20.Numerical simulation and field testing of flame-jet thermal spallation drilling—2. Experimental verificationPages 809-818Rick M. Rauenzahnf, Jefferson W. Tester
21.Forced convection heat transfer in microencapsulated phase change material slurries: flow in circular ductsPages 819-833P. Charunyakorn, S. Sengupta, S.K. Roy
22.Surface evaporation of turbulent falling filmsPages 835-841Anders Åsblad, Thore Berntsson
23.Numerical simulation of convection in the two-phase zone of a binary alloyPages 843-852Yu Qiuping, Zhou Yaohe
24.Thermal analysis of shell and tube exchangers with divided-flow patternPages 853-861Y. Xuan, B. Spang, W. Roetzel
25.Thermal performance of split-flow heat exchangersPages 863-874B. Spang, Y. Xuan, W. Roetzel
26.Natural convection heat transfer from plates of finite dimensionsPages 875-885Witold M. Lewandowski
27.Oscillatory mixed convection in horizontal porous layers locally heated from belowPages 887-890F.C. Lai, F.A. Kulacki
28.Heat and mass transfer studies on water-lithium bromide absorption heat pump systemsPages 891-894M.A.R. Eisa
29.A suitable approximate solution of Neumann's problemPages 894-897Didier Lecomte, Jean-Christophe Batsale

Volume 34, Issues 4-5, Pages 899-1325 (April-May 1991)

1.Study of transient laminar free convection over an inclined wet flat platePages 899-909B. Zeghmati, M. Daguenet, G. Le Palec
2.Transfert de soluté au cours du séchage convectifPages 911-917S. Ben Nasrallah, O. Damak, H. Ben Dhia, G. Arnaud
3.A numerical study on natural convection in an inclined square enclosure containing internal heat sourcesPages 919-928H.-O. May
4.Direct simulation of wave interactions in unsteady natural convection in a cavityPages 929-940S.W. Armfield, John C. Patterson
5.A mass transfer model for dimensioning a centrifugal absorber in an air cleaning plantPages 941-947Helena Uddholm
6.Measurement of local convective heat transfer coefficients using three-dimensional interferometryPages 949-960S. Bahl, J.A. Liburdy
7.Modelling of pulse-periodic energy flow action on metallic materialsPages 961-971I.Yu. Smurov, A.A. Uglov, A.M. Lashyn, P. Matteazzi, L. Covelli, V. Tagliaferri
8.Double wake flow with heat transferPages 973-982C. Beguier, P. Fraunie
9.Coupled heat transfer to workpiece, wheel, and fluid in grinding, and the occurrence of workpiece burnPages
10.Critical heat flux of counter-flow boiling in a uniformly heated vertical tube with a closed bottomPages 993-1001Y. Katto, T. Hirao
11.Radiation heat exchange between non-diffuse gray surfaces separated by isothermal absorbing-emitting gasPages 1003-1008Z. Zavargo, M. Djuric, M. Novakovic
12.Frost growth parameters in a forced air streamPages 1009-1017R. Östin, S. Andersson
13.Heat transfer by natural convection from the inside surface of a uniformly heated tube at different angles of inclinationPages 1019-1025M. Al-Arabi, M. Khamis, M. Abd-Ul-Aziz
14.An experimental-computational investigation of the heat transfer in mechanical face sealsPages 1027-1041J.C. Doane, T.A. Myrum, J.E. Beard
15.Heat transfer in membrane waterwallsPages 1043-1057B.D. Bowen, M. Fournier, J.R. Grace
16.Effects of variation in root temperature on heat lost from a thermally non-symmetric finPages 1059-1065D.C. Look Jr., H.S. Kang
17.Measurements and calculations of rough-wall heat transfer in the turbulent boundary layerPages 1067-1082M.H. Hosni, Hugh W. Coleman, Robert P. Taylor
18.Transient temperature and velocity profiles in a canned non-Newtonian liquid food during sterilization in a still-cook retortPages 1083-1096Ashwini Kumar, M. Bhattacharya
19.Design of a trilaminated rectangular finPages 1097-1104Ju Yi-Hsu, Shih Yen-Ping, Chiu Chen-Yaw, Lee Wen-Chien
20.Evaporative cooling of liquid film through interfacial heat and mass transfer in a vertical channel—I. Experimental studyPages 1105-1111W.M. Yan, T.F. Lin, Y.L. Tsay
21.Evaporative cooling of liquid film through interfacial heat and mass transfer in a vertical channel—II. Numerical studyPages 1113-1124W.M. Yan, T.F. Lin
22.Modélisation d'un défaut limité en vue du controle non destructif des multimatériaux anisotropesPages 1125-1138Anne-sophie Houlbert, Anne-sophie Lamine, Alain Degiovanni
23.Study on surface rewet caused by uniform collapse of flow film boilingPages 1139-1147Inoue Mitsuru, Tanaka Hiroaki
24.Direct numerical simulation of passive heat transfer in a turbulent channel flowPages 1149-1161S.L. Lyons, T.J. Hanratty, J.B. McLaughlin
25.Experimental study of spray cooling with Freon-113Pages 1163-1174M. Ghodbane, J.P. Holman
26.Heat transfer enhancement of laminar and turbulent pipe flow via corona dischargePages
27.Coupled heat and mass transfer by natural convection from vertical surfaces in porous mediaPages 1189-1194F.C. Lai, F.A. Kulacki
28.A study of turbulent heat transfer in a sudden-expansion pipe with drag-reducing viscoelastic fluidPages 1195-1208Bockchoon Pak, Young I. Cho, Stephen U.S. Choi
29.Axial conduction and the graetz problem for a bingham plastic in laminar tube flowPages 1209-1217Peter R. Johnston
30.Low Reynolds number simultaneously developing flows in the entrance region of parallel platesPages 1219-1225T.V. Nguyen
31.The effect of inclination on local heat transfer under an axisymmetric, free liquid jetPages 1227-1236J. Stevens, B.W. Webb
32.Natural convection and conduction in Trombe wall systemsPages 1237-1248R.Ben Yedder, E. Bilgen
33.Transient heat and mass transfer in laminar flow forced convection in ductsPages 1249-1258E. van den Bulck
34.Diffusion thermique non-stationnaire dans des milieux multicouches et problème aux valeurs propres—1. Une paroi unique multicouchesPages 1259-1270M. Bouzidi
35.Diffusion thermique non-stationnaire dans des milieux multicouches et problème aux valeurs propres—2. Plusieurs parois couplées entre ellesPages 1271-1280M. Bouzidi
36.The effects of inlet conditions on mass transfer in annular swirling decaying flowPages 1281-1291P. Legentilhomme, J. Legrand
37.Turbulent film boiling heat transfer for liquid flowing with high velocity through a horizontal flat ductPages 1293-1299X.F. Peng, B.X. Wang
38.Hybrid Laplace transform technique for non-linear transient thermal problemsPages 1301-1308Chen Han-Taw, Lin Jae-Yuh
39.Mixed convection heat and mass transfer in vertical annuli with asymmetric heatingPages 1309-1313Yan Wei-Mon, tsay Hsin-chuen
40.On the analysis of counter-flow cooling towersPages 1313-1316Fletcher Osterle
41.New method for data reduction in flash methodPages 1316-1318L. Vozár, J. Gembarovič, V. Majerník
42.A numerical study of convective and radiative transfer in ducts of rectangular and equilateral cross sectionsPages 1319-1322G. Yang, M.A. Ebadian, A. Campo
43.Limiting Nusselt number for multiparticle system under dynamic conditionPages 1323-1325S. Kaguei

Volume 34, Issue 6, Pages 1327-1577 (June 1991)

1.Natural convection near a vertical corner of an arbitrary anglePages 1327-1336Man Hoe Kim, Kim Moon-Uhn, Do Hyung Choi
2.Finite difference simulation for heat conduction with phase change in an irregular food domain with volumetric changePages 1337-1346Sheen Shiowshuh, Hayakawa Kan-Ichi
3.Heat transfer and interactive buoyant vortex shedding by a pair of circular cylinders in transverse arrangementPages
4.Predictions of parametric effect on transition boiling under pool boiling conditionsPages 1355-1370Chin Pan, T.L. Lin
5.Natural convection in a horizontal annulus partially filled with cold waterPages 1371-1382C.J. Ho, Y.H. Lin
6.An experimental investigation of resonant heat transfer enhancement in grooved channelsPages 1383-1391M. Greiner
7.Analysis of tissue injury by burning: comparison of in situ and skin flap modelsPages 1393-1406Kenneth R. Diller, Linda J. Hayes
8.Heat and mass transfer around an advancing penetrometerPages 1407-1416Arto M. Ylinen, Derek Elsworth
9.Design of high-performance sintered-wick heat pipesPages 1417-1427D.A. Pruzan, L.K. Klingensmith, K.E. Torrance, C.T. Avedisian
10.Transient laminar natural convection from horizontal cylindersPages 1429-1442P. Wang, R. Kahawita, D.L. Nguyen
11.Unsteady conjugated heat transfer in laminar pipe flowPages 1443-1450S. Olek, E. Elias, E. Wacholder, S. Kaizerman
12.Statistical investigation of the relationship between interfacial waviness and sensible heat transfer to a falling liquid filmPages 1451-1464T.H. Lyu, I. Mudawar
13.Critical heat flux from a simulated chip to a confined rectangular impinging jet of dielectric liquidPages 1465-1479I. Mudawar, D.C. Wadsworth
14.Heat transfer near a small heated protrusion on a platePages 1481-1489S.Ghosh Moulic, L.S. Yao
15.An enthalpy formulation for phase change problems with a large thermal diffusivity jump across the interfacePages 1491-1502S.L. Lee, R.y. Tzong
16.Application of weighting function scheme on convection-conduction phase change problemsPages 1503-1513W.Y. Raw, S.L. Lee
17.Sensor for transient heat flux at a surface with throughflowPages 1515-1523S. Polat, A.R.P. Van Heiningen, W.J.M. Douglas
18.An experimental and numerical simulation of mixed convection in large baffled rectangular chambersPages 1525-1542K.L. Yerkes, A. Faghri
19.A numerical study of three-dimensional natural convection in a differentially heated cubical enclosurePages 1543-1557T. Fusegi, J.M. Hyun, K. Kuwahara, B. Farouk
20.Transient three-dimensional natural convection in a differentially heated cubical enclosurePages 1559-1564Fusegi Toru, Jae Min Hyun, Kuwahara Kunio
21.Some exact solutions for free convective flows over heated semi-infinite surfaces in porous mediaPages 1564-1567D.A.S. Rees, A.P. Bassom
22.Mixed convection heat transfer in inclined backward-facing step flowsPages 1568-1571J.T. Lin, B.F. Armalyy, T.S. Chen
23.Discussion of the effect of convection during solute transfer between stationary and partially miscible phasesPages
24.Estimation of the stagnant thermal conductivity of saturated porous mediaPages 1575-1576D.A. Nield
25.CorrigendumPage 1577

Volume 34, Issue 7, Pages 1579-1908 (July 1991)

1.Professor Raymond Viskanta on his 60th birthdayPages i-iiF.P. Incropera, J.P. Hartnett, Y. Kurosaki, W.J. Minkowycz, C.-L. Tien, E.R.F. Winter, S. Wittig
2.A new model for heat flow through macrolayer in pool boiling at high heat fluxPages 1579-1591A.M. Jairajpuri, J.S. Saini
3.Unsteady heat and mass transfer with phase changes in an insulation slab: frosting effectsPages 1593-1603Y.-X. Tao, R.W. Besant, K.S. Rezkallah
4.Effects of V-shaped rib arrays on turbulent heat transfer and friction of fully developed flow in a square channelPages 1605-1616S.C. Lau, R.T. Kukreja, R.D. Mcmillin
5.Measurements of turbulent heat transport in a boundary layer with an embedded streamwise vortexPages 1617-1631Donald E. Wroblewski, Pamela A. Eibeck
6.The influence of large eddies on thermal mixingPages 1633-1647M.R. Davis, P. Rerkshanandana
7.The condensation and evaporation of liquid droplets in a pure vapour at arbitrary Knudsen numberPages 1649-1661J.B. Young
8.Etude numérique de la fusion d'un métal pur dans une enceinte avec une paroi chauffée glissantePages 1663-1677Marcel Lacroix
9.Natural convection from two-dimensional discrete heat sources in a rectangular enclosurePages 1679-1693M.L. Chadwick, B.W. Webb, H.S. Heaton
10.Convective boiling in a rod bundle: transverse variation of vapor superheat temperature under stabilized post-CHF conditionsPages 1695-1706C. Unal, K. Tuzla, O. Badr, S. Neti, J.C. Chen
11.Thermal instability and heat transfer in a multi-layer system subjected to uniform heat flux from belowPages 1707-1715H.Q. Yang
12.Unidirectional solidification of a binary alloy and the effects of induced fluid motionPages 1717-1732D.G. Neilson, F.P. Incropera
13.Measurement of three-dimensional temperature fields in conjugate conduction-convection problems using multidirectional interferometryPages 1733-1745A.K. Tolpadi, T.H. Kuehn
14.Solutions of Luikov equations of heat and mass transfer in capillary-porous bodiesPages 1747-1754Jen Y. Liu, Cheng Shun
15.A study of steady-state steam-water counterflow in porous mediaPages 1755-1771C. Satik, M. Parlar, Y.C. Yortsos
16.Spectral dynamics of computer-simulated, two-dimensional, few-tube fluidized-bed combustorsPages 1773-1781S.L. Chang, R.W. Lyczkowski, G.F. Berry
17.Nucleate boiling on two cylinders in line contactPages 1783-1790M.-C. Chyu, A.M. Mghamis
18.Laminar heat transfer in the oil groove of a wet clutchPages 1791-1798P. Payvar
19.Mechanisms of heat and mass transport at gas-liquid interfacesPages 1799-1810M. Rashidi, G. Hetsroni, S. Banerjee
20.Three-dimensional heat transfer and fluid flow in the modern discharge lampPages 1811-1822P.Y. Chang, W. Shyy
21.Numerical simulation of mixing of coaxial air flows with condensationPages 1823-1838X. Xu, V.P. Carey
22.The effect of internal heat transfer in cavities on the overall thermal conductivityPages 1839-1846Da Yu Tzou
23.Holographic interferometry experiments on the growth of ice from a horizontal pipePages 1847-1859T.L. Spatz, D. Poulikakos
24.Heat transfer enhancement in internally finned tubes accounting for combined convection and participating radiationPages 1861-1869Juan C. Morales, Antonio Campo, Carlos Schuler
25.The harmonical transmission model: a new approach to multidimensional radiative transfer calculation in gases under consideration of pressure broadeningPages 1871-1880R. Koch, S. Wittig, B. Noll
26.Evaporation of a liquid droplet on a hot platePages 1881-1894T.Y. Xiong, M.C. Yuen
27.Apparent absorptance for diffusely and specularly reflecting spherical cavitiesPages 1895-1897Aldo Steinfeld
28.The extension of Boadway's transformation technique to two or more dimensional moving boundary problemsPages 1897-1901Turgut Ozis
29.Laminar natural convection heat transfer from inclined surfacesPages 1901-1904J.A. King, D.D. Reible
30.Turbulent Prandtl number in the near-wall region of a turbulent channel flowPages 1905-1908R.A. Antonia, J. Kim

Volume 34, Issue 8, Pages 1909-2173 (August 1991)

1.Pressure drop and mass transfer around perforated turbulence promoters placed in a circular tubePages 1909-1916Hwa Won Ryu, Young Soon Hyeon, Dong Il Lee, Ho Nam Chang, O Ok Park
2.The effect of a short unheated length and a concentrated heat source on the heat transfer through a turbulent boundary layerPages 1917-1928Y.-P. Chyou
3.Directional characteristics of electrodiffusion anemometric triple-split probesPages 1929-1933V. Sobolík, O. Wein
4.Mixed convection from an arbitrarily inclined semi-infinite flat plate—I. The influence of the inclination anglePages 1935-1945G. Wickern
5.Mixed convection from an arbitrarily inclined semi-infinite flat plate—II. The influence of the Prandtl numberPages 1947-1957G. Wickern
6.Natural convection in a horizontal porous cylinderPages 1959-1968Leiv Storesletten, Morten Tveitereid
7.Investigation of heat transfer between metal and a water-cooled belt using a least square methodPages 1969-1974K.-H. Spitzer
8.Heat and mass transfer between a porous medium and a parallel external flow. Application to drying of capillary porous materialsPages 1975-1989W. Masmoudi, M. Prat
9.An experimental study on the spanwise eddy diffusivity of heat in a flat-plate turbulent boundary layerPages 1991-1998H. Maekawa, Y. Kawada, M. Kobayashi, H. Yamaguchi
10.Simulation numérique bidimensionnelle d'un écoulement turbulent stratifié derrière une marchePages 1999-2011A.Silveira Neto, D. Grand, M. Lesieur
11.Reynolds shear stress and heat flux calculations in a fully developed turbulent duct flowPages 2013-2018R.A. Antonia, J. Kim
12.Instantaneous local heat transfer and hydrodynamics in a circulating fluidized bedPages 2019-2027R.L. Wu, C.J. Lim, J.R. Grace, C.M.H. Brereton
13.Analysis of the one-dimensional transient compressible vapor flow in heat pipesPages 2029-2037Jong Hoon Jang, Amir Faghri, Won Soon Chang
14.Unsteady three-dimensional mixed convection in a heated horizontal channel with applications to chemical vapor depositionPages 2039-2051Greg Evans, Ralph Greif
15.A mixing length model for turbulent boundary layers over rough surfacesPages 2053-2062Lit S. Han
16.A neural network methodology for heat transfer data analysisPages 2063-2070Jules Thibault, Bernard P.A. Grandjean
17.Pool boiling heat transfer on finned tubes—an experimental and theoretical studyPages 2071-2079E. Hahne, Qiu-Rong Chen, R. Windisch
18.Determination d'un réseau aleatoire de pores pour modéliser la sorption et la migration d'humidité dans un mortier de cimentPages 2081-2096Jean-François Daian, Johnny Saliba
19.On the approximate solution of non-deterministic heat and mass transport problemsPages 2097-2105John G. Georgiadis
20.Numerical modeling of solidification and convection in a viscous pure binary eutectic systemPages 2107-2121Curtis M. Oldenburg, Frank J. Spera
21.Theoretical and experimental heat and mass transfer in highly porous mediaPages 2123-2132Lee Kum-Bae, John R. Howell
22.Heat transfer to a row of impinging circular air jets including the effect of entrainmentPages 2133-2147R.J. Goldstein, W.S. Seol
23.Natural convection arising from a heat generating substrate-mounted protrusion in a liquid-filled two-dimensional enclosurePages 2149-2163Sanjeev B. Sathe, Yogendra Joshi
24.A note on surface heat transfer coefficientsPages 2165-2166P.M. Beckett
25.Low Prandtl number convection in a rectangular cavity with longitudinal thermal gradient and transverse g-jittersPages

Volume 34, Issue 9, Pages 2175-2433 (September 1991)

1.Influence of an array of wall-mounted cylinders on the mass transfer from a flat surfacePages 2175-2186M.K. Chyu, R.J. Goldstein
2.Heat transfer and friction characteristics of spirally corrugated tubes for power plant condensers—1. Experimental investigation and performance evaluationPages 2187-2197V.D. Zimparov, N.L. Vulchanov, L.B. Delov
3.Heat transfer and friction characteristics of spirally corrugated tubes for power plant condensers—2. A mixing-length model for predicting fluid friction and heat transferPages 2199-2206M.L. Vulchanov, V.D. Zimparov, L.B. Delov
4.The effect of asymmetric heating on the onset of thermal instability in the thermal entrance region of a parallel plate channelPages 2207-2218F.S. Lee, G.J. Hwang
5.On the steady-state performance of natural circulation loopsPages 2219-2230
6.A strong enthalpy formulation for the Stefan problemPages 2231-2235A.W. Date
7.Heat transfer enhancement by electroconvection resulting from an injected space charge between parallel platesPages 2237-2250F.M.J. McCluskey, P. Atten, A.T. Perez
8.Einfluss der wärmeleitung auf die zeitkonstante eines dünnen, als anemometer oder thermometer verwendeten drahtesPages 2251-2263A. Azzouz
9.Analysis of combined conductive and radiative heat transfer in a two-dimensional rectangular enclosure using the discrete ordinates methodPages 2265-2273Taik Young Kim, Seung Wook Baek
10.Simulation numérique de la fusion à l'intérieur d'un cylindre adiabatique chauffé par le basPages 2275-2286M. Prud'homme, T.Hung Nguyen, Y.K. Wu
11.Transient thermal contact resistancePages 2287-2290J.A. Greenwood
12.A heat flux-meter for ash deposit monitoring systems—I. Ash deposit preventionPages 2291-2301Branislav Brajuskovic, Miodrag Matovic, Naim Afgan
13.A heat flux-meter for ash deposit monitoring systems—II. ‘Clean’ heat flux-meter characteristicsPages 2303-2315Branislav Brajuskovic, Naim Afgan
14.An experimental investigation into the effect of fins on heat transfer in circulating fluidized bedsPages 2317-2326P. Basu, D. Lawrence, M.N.Ali Moral, P.K. Nag
15.Fluid to particle heat transfer in a fluidized bed and to single particlesPages 2327-2337R.S. Brodkey, D.S. Kim, W. Sidner
16.Analysis of passive cooling in a vertical finite channel using a falling liquid film and buoyancy-induced gas-vapor flowPages 2339-2349H. Chiang, C. Kleinstreuer
17.Modeling of dendritic solidification systems: reassessment of the continuum momentum equationPages 2351-2359
18.Experimental study of laminar mixed convection in the entrance region of a horizontal semicircular ductPages 2361-2372Q.M. Lei, A.C. Trupp
19.Coherent structure of turbulent longitudinal vortices in unstably-stratified turbulent flowPages 2373-2385Fukui Keisuke, Nakajima Masamoto, Ueda Hiromasa
20.An improved tangency condition for fog formation in cooler-condensersPages 2387-2394H.J.H. Brouwers
21.The influence of the freezing process on vapour transport during sublimation in vacuum-freeze-dryingPages 2395-2408M. Kochs, Ch. Körber, B. Nunner, I. Heschel
22.Time-dependent double diffusion in a stably stratified fluid under lateral heatingPages 2409-2421Jin Wook Lee, Jae Min Hyun
23.Double diffusive convection in a cavity under a vertical solutal gradient and a horizontal temperature gradientPages 2423-2427Jin Wook Lee, Jae Min Hyun
24.Effect of spanwise spacing on the heat transfer from an array of protruding elements in forced convectionPages 2427-2430S.V. Garimella, P.A. Eibeck
25.Enhancement of single phase convective heat transfer from protruding elements using vortex generatorsPages 2431-2433S.V. Garimella, P.A. Eibeck

Volume 34, Issue 10, Pages 2435-2676 (October 1991)

1.An improved mathematical model of melt/water detonations—I. Model formulation and example resultsPages 2435-2448D.F. Fletcher
2.An improved mathematical model of melt/water detonations—II. A study of escalationPages 2449-2459D.F. Fletcher
3.Three-dimensional modelling of the coupled flow field and heat transfer in continuous-flow electrophoresisPages 2461-2474N. Jouve, M.J. Clifton
4.Numerical simulation of transitional flow and heat transfer in a smooth pipePages 2475-2482Huiren Zhu, Songling Liu
5.Static flow instability onset in tubes, channels, annuli, and rod bundlesPages 2483-2496R.B. Duffey, E.D. Hughes
6.Conjugate heat transfer of conduction and forced convection along wedges and a rotating conePages 2497-2507Yu Wen-Shing, Lin Hsiao-Tsung, Hwang Tsung-Yuan
7.A comparison of models and experimental data for pressure drop and heat transfer in irrigated packed bedsPages 2509-2519M.S. Bohn, L.W. Swanson
8.Determination of wave-induced fluctuations of wall temperature and convection heat transfer coefficient in the heating of a turbulent falling liquid filmPages 2521-2534T.H. Lyu, I. Mudawar
9.Dynamic responses in hollow concrete cylinders under hazardous thermal loadsPages 2535-2543C.L.D. Huang, Gamal N. Ahmed
10.Assessment study of longitudinal rectangular plate inserts as tubeside heat transfer augmentative devicesPages
11.An investigation of transient three-dimensional buoyancy-driven flow and heat transfer in a closed horizontal annulusPages 2555-2570Kambiz Vafai, Javad Ettefagh
12.Radiative energy transfer in induction plasma modellingPages 2571-2579P. Proulx, J. Mostaghimi, M.I. Boulos
13.Unsteady thermal entrance heat transfer in laminar flow with a periodic variation of inlet temperaturePages 2581-2592Li Weigong, Sadik Kakac
14.An analysis on fully developed laminar fluid flow and heat transfer in concentric annuli with moving coresPages 2593-2601T. Shigechi, Y. Lee
15.Efficiency of transient contaminant removal from a slot ventilated enclosurePages 2603-2615J.L. Lage, A. Bejan, R. Anderson
16.Augmented heat transfer in a pin fin channel with short or long ejection holesPages 2617-2628T.K. Kumaran, J.C. Han, S.C. Lau
17.Thermal diffusion effects in turbulent partial condensationPages 2629-2639P. Kaiping, U. Renz
18.On the frequency response of wall transfer probesPages 2641-2652Neima Brauner
19.Scalar mixing in a free, turbulent rectangular jetPages 2653-2662E.W. Grandmaison, A. Pollard, S. Ng
20.Temperature visualizations by use of liquid crystals of unsteady natural convection during supercooling and freezing of water in an enclosure with lateral coolingPages 2663-2668Nishimura Tatsuo, Fujiwara Masaki, Horie Namiko, Miyashita Hisashi
21.Vaporization behavior of fuel droplets in a hot air streamPages 2669-2673S.K. Aggarwal, G. Chen, T.A. Jackson, G.L. Switzer
22.Calculation of scattering fractions for use in radiative flux modelsPages 2673-2676R. Koenigsdorff, F. Miller, R. Ziegler

Volume 34, Issue 11, Pages 2677-2928 (November 1991)

1.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 2677-2690I. Tanasawa, R. Echigo
2.The effect of adiabatic wall roughness elements on natural convection heat transfer in vertical enclosuresPages 2691-2701M.Ruhul Amin
3.Characteristics of lithium chloride in rotary heat and mass exchangersPages 2703-2713J.J. Rau, S.A. Klein, J.W. Mitchell
4.Thermal dispersion in thick-walled tubes as a model of porous mediaPages 2715-2726Yuan Zeng-Guang, Wilbur H. Somerton, Kent S. Udell
5.Particulate fouling of water in tubes having a two-dimensional roughness geometryPages 2727-2738Kim Nae-Hyun, Ralph L. Webb
6.Numerical prediction for laminar forced convection in parallel-plate channels with transverse fin arraysPages 2739-2749Cheng Chin-Hsiang, Huang Wen-Hsiung
7.Augmented boiling on copper-graphite composite surfacePages 2751-2758Yang Wen-Jei, H. Takizawa, D.L. Vrable
8.A general correlation for saturated and subcooled flow boiling in tubes and annuli, based on a nucleate pool boiling equationPages 2759-2766Z. Liu, R.H.S. Winterton
9.Second law analysis of combined heat and mass transfer phenomenaPages 2767-2773C.G. Carrington, Z.F. Sun
10.Free convection laminar film condensation on a horizontal tube with variable wall temperaturePages 2775-2778S.B. Memory, J.W. Rose
11.A theoretical study on the constriction resistance in dropwise condensationPages 2779-2786Tsuruta Takaharu, Hiroaki Tanaka
12.Experimental verification of constriction resistance theory in dropwise condensation heat transferPages 2787-2796Tsuruta Takaharu, Tanaka Hiroaki, Togashi Shigenori
13.Instability in pool boiling of a wide boiling mixture on a horizontal tubePages 2797-2803A.H. Tarrad, B.M. Burnside
14.On the Lagrangian simulation of turbulence influence on droplet evaporationPages 2805-2812Alain
15.A method for researching natural convection heat transfer from a non-isothermal vertical plate by infra-red thermovisionPages 2813-2818Lin Zhao-Zhuang, Wang Bu-Xuan, Xu Jia-Yu
16.Natural convection and conduction in enclosures with multiple vertical partitionsPages 2819-2825A. Kangni, R. Ben Yedder, E. Bilgen
17.A study on the mechanism of dropwise condensationPages 2827-2831Song Yongji, Xu Dunqi, Lin Jifang, Tsian Siexong
18.Surface materials with dropwise condensation made by ion implantation technologyPages 2833-2835Zhao Qi, Zhang Dongchang, Lin Jifang
19.Heat and mass transfer in pressure-gradient boundary layersPages 2837-2857B.A. Kader
20.Universal formulations and comprehensive correlations for non-Darcy natural convection and mixed convection in porous mediaPages 2859-2868W.S. Yu, H.T. Lin, C.S. Lu
21.Independent theory versus direct simulation of radiation heat transfer in packed bedsPages 2869-2882B.P. Singh, M. Kaviany
22.Conjugate heat and mass transfer in continuous processes of convective dryingPages 2883-2889A.A. Dolinskiy, A.S.H. Dorfman, B.V. Davydenko
23.Simple method for transient response of gas-to-gas cross-flow heat exchangers with neither gas mixedPages 2891-2898Han-Taw Chen, Kuan-Chih Chen
24.Heat and mass transfer with a boundary layer flow past a flat plate of finite thicknessPages 2899-2909Shigeru Mori, Hiroshi Nakagawa, Akira Tanimoto, Mikio Sakakibara
25.A general optimization method using adjoint equation for solving multidimensional inverse heat conductionPages 2911-2919Y. Jarny, M.N. Ozisik, J.P. Bardon
26.Non-Fourier effect on heat conduction during weldingPages 2921-2924H.Q. Yang
27.Application of ‘SPICE’ to predict temperature distribution in heat pipesPages 2925-2928H.M. Li, C.Y. Liu, M. Damodaran

Volume 34, Issue 12, Pages 2929-3151 (December 1991)

1.Volume contents and author index volume 34, 1991Pages i-xxiii
2.Professor Dr. Ing. F. Mayinger on his 60th birthdayPages 2929-2930S. Kakaç, U. Grigull, E. Hahne, J.P. Hartnett
3.Heat transfer—a review of 1990 literaturePages 2931-3010E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein, W.E. Ibele, S.V. Patankar, T.W. Simon, N.A. Decker, S.L. Girshick, P.J. Strykowski, K.K. Tamma, A. Bar-Cohen, J.V.R. Heberlein, D.L. Hofeldt
4.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 3011-3023O.G. Martynenko
5.An instrumented cylinder for the measurement of instantaneous local heat flux in high temperature fluidized bedsPages 3025-3036A.H. George, J.L. Smalley
6.Analysis of natural convection in vertically-vented enclosuresPages 3037-3046D.M. Sefcik, B.W. Webb, H.S. Heaton
7.The effect of polyvinylidene chloride coating thickness on promotion of dropwise steam condensationPages 3047-3054T. Haraguchi, R. Shimada, S. Kumagai, T. Takeyama
8.Higher-order fluxes and the speed of thermal wavesPages 3055-3060Maria Ferrer, David Jou
9.Numerical and experimental study of multicellular free convection flows in an annular porous layerPages 3061-3074M.C. Charrier-Mojtabi, A. Mojtabi, M. Azaiez, G. Labrosse
10.Measurement of the local convection coefficient by pulsed photothermal radiometryPages
11.Lumped-parameter modeling of heat transfer enhanced by sinusoidal motion of fluidPages 3083-3095Ozawa Mamoru, Kawamoto Akira
12.Analysis of close-contact melting for octadecane and ice inside isothermally heated horizontal rectangular capsulePages 3097-3106T. Hirata, Y. Makino, Y. Kaneko
13.Natural convection due to horizontal temperature and concentration gradients—1. Variable thermophysical property effectsPages 3107-3120J.A. Weaver, R. Viskanta
14.Natural convection due to horizontal temperature and concentration gradients—2. Species interdiffusion, Soret and Dufour effectsPages 3121-3133J.A. Weaver, R. Viskanta
15.Convective-radiative heat transfer in the thermal entrance region of the semicircular duct with streamwise internal finsPages 3135-3142H.Y. Zhang, M.A. Ebadian
16.Numerical prediction of turbulent mixing in a variable-density swirling pipe flowPages 3143-3150S. Hirai, T. Takagi
17.AnnouncementPage 3151

Volume 35, Issue 1, Pages 1-267 (January 1992)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Professor Fran Bošnjaković on his 90th birthdayPage iiiK.F. Knoche, U. Grigull, E. Hahne
3.Film models for transport phenomena with fog formation: the classical film modelPages 1-11H.J.H. Brouwers, A.K. Chesters
4.Film models for transport phenomena with fog formation: the fog film modelPages 13-28H.J.H. Brouwers
5.An effective installation of turbulence promoters for heat transfer augmentation in a vertical rib-heated channelPages 29-42Y.H. Hung, H.H. Lin
6.Scale analysis and wall-layer model for the temperature profile in a turbulent thermal convectionPages 43-51Myung Kyoon Chung, Hyo Chul Yun, Ronald J. Adrian
7.Momentum/heat transfer analogy for power-law fluids during turbulent boundary layer flow with mild pressure gradientsPages 53-62A.V. Shenoy
8.Direct-contact heat transfer to a spherical-cap liquid/vapor two-phase bubblePages 63-72Yasuhiko H. Mori, Ehara Nobuo
9.Wall temperature patterns in nucleate boilingPages 73-86D.B.R. Kenning
10.Dynamic model of a film absorber with coupled heat and mass transferPages 87-99R.H. Wassenaar, J.J.W. Westra
11.Prediction of heat transfer by direct contact condensation at a steam-subcooled water interfacePages 101-109Murata Akira, Hihara Fiji, Saito Takamoto
12.Thermal convection loop with heating from abovePages 111-120Y.-Z. Wang, Haim H. Bau
13.Group modeling of impacting spray dynamicsPages 121-129Q. Zhou, S.C. Yao
14.Mean emission length approach to multidimensional radiative transfer including scattering and real gas absorptionPages 131-140D.V. Walters, R.O. Buckius
15.Numerical modelling of phase change and heat transfer during rapid solidification processes: use of control volume integrals with element subdivisionPages 141-153G.-X. Wang, E.F. Matthys
16.Natural convection in honeycomb wall spacesPages 155-164G.S.H. Lock, Litong Zhao
17.Some characteristics of the inclined, closed tube thermosyphon under low Rayleigh number conditionsPages 165-173G.S.H. Lock, J.D. Kirchner
18.Natural convection in porous media—I. NonfreezingPages 175-186H. Lein, Richard S. Tankin
19.Natural convection in porous media—II. FreezingPages 187-194H. Lein, Richard S. Tankin
20.Analysis and experiment of non-Darcian convection in horizontal square packed-sphere channels—1. Forced convectionPages 195-205F.C. Chou, W.Y. Lien, S.H. Lin
21.Non-parallel thermal instability of natural convection flow on non-isothermal inclined flat platesPages
22.Heat and mass transfer in a single screw extruder for non-Newtonian materialsPages 221-237S. Gopalakrishna, Y. Jaluria, M.V. Karwe
23.Simultaneously developing laminar convection in rotating isothermal square channelsPages 239-254Jen
24.Thermocapillary motion of a droplet heated by radiationPages 255-261A.Ye. Rednikov, Yu.S. Ryazantsev
25.Buoyancy effect on the laminar forced convection in a horizontal tube with a longitudinal thin plate insertPages 263-267Chen Jun-Dar, Hsieh Shou-Shing

Volume 35, Issue 2, Pages 269-592 (February 1992)

1.Professor Erich W. P. Hahne on his 60th birthdayPages 269-270U. Gross, J. Sohns, N. Fisch, J.P. Hartnett, W.J. Minkowycz
2.Active nucleation site density and pool boiling heat transfer—an experimental studyPages 271-278G. Barthau
3.Reflux condensation heat transfer inside a closed thermosyphonPages 279-294U. Gross
4.Heat transfer enhancement in the direct contact melting processPages 295-305Akio Saito, Hiki Hong, Osamu Hirokane
5.Research on hydrodynamics and heat transfer for fluid flow around heating spheres in tandemPages 307-317Bu-Xuan Wang, Tao Liu
6.Capillary-induced rewetting in a flat porous cove layerPages 319-327X.F. Peng, G.P. Peterson, B.X. Wang
7.Modélisation du transfert de chaleur entre un obstacle en mouvement hélocoidal et un fluide visqueux en écoulement confinePages 329-341A. Ghezal, B. Porterie, J.C. Loraud
8.Investigation of macrolayer thickness in nucleate pool boiling at high heat fluxPages 343-350A.K. Rajvanshi, J.S. Saini, R. Prakash
9.Experimentally determined turbulent Prandtl numbers in liquid sodium at low Reynolds numbersPages 351-359K. Bremhorst, L. Krebs
10.Mesures des résistances thermiques superficielle et de contact au moyen de la constante de temps fondamentalePages 361-373B. Bourouga, J.P. Bardon
11.A model for the extracted heat and the phase front position in solidification with boundary condition of the third kindPages 375-382G.C.J. Bart, C.J. Hoogendoorn
12.Analysis of the heat transfer coefficient of grooved heat pipe evaporator wallsPages 383-391P.C. Stephan, C.A. Busse
13.Simulation of convective temperature oscillations in phase-change processesPages 393-401J. Praz̆ák, J. Pátek
14.The Reynolds-stress model of turbulence applied to the natural-convection boundary layer along a heated vertical platePages 403-420T.W.J. Peeters, R.A.W.M. Henkes
15.Freezing of a paraffin flow downstream of an abrupt expansionPages 421-431T.A. Myrum, S. Thumma
16.Heat transfer and fluid flow in floating-zone crystal growth with a mostly covered melt surfacePages 433-442C.W. Lan, Sindo Kou
17.Conjugate heat transfer from a translating drop in an electric field at low Peclet numberPages 443-456Hoa D. Nguyen, J.N. Chung
18.A numerical method for phase-change problems with convection and diffusionPages 457-467Kim Charn-Jung, Massoud Kaviany
19.Funicular and evaporative-front regimes in convective drying of granular bedsPages 469-480J.A. Rogers, M. Kaviany
20.Characteristics of thermal and flow behavior in the vicinity of discontinuitiesPages 481-491Da Yu Tzou
21.Experimental investigation of thermal transport from a heated moving platePages 493-511M.V. Karwe, Y. Jaluria
22.High performance heat transfer ducts with parallel broken and V-shaped broken ribsPages 513-523J.C. Han, Y.M. Zhang
23.Bifurcation analysis of pressure-drop oscillations and the Ledinegg instabilityPages 525-532M.M. Padki, K. Palmer, S. Kakaç, T.N. Veziroǧlu
24.Conjugate solidification and melting in multicomponent open and closed systemsPages 533-543G.W. Bergantz
25.Laminar natural convection in a cylindrical enclosure with different end temperaturesPages 545-557Stefan Schneider, Johannes Straub
26.Step response of the crossflow heat exchanger with finite wall capacitancePages 559-565Marco Spiga, Giampiero Spiga
27.The structure of turbulence in rod bundles and the implications on natural mixing between the subchannelsPages 567-581Klaus Rehme
28.Thermal and optical processes in shattering water aerosol droplets by intense optical radiationPages
29.Short courses on multiphase flow and heat transfer: Bases, modelling and applications in: A, the nuclear power industry; B, the process industriesPage 591
30.Joint workshop of eurotherm ; ercoftac benchmark computation and experiment for turbulent natural convection in a square cavityPages 591-592

Volume 35, Issue 3, Pages 593-737 (March 1992)

1.Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing.e.h. ulrich grigull on his 80th birthdayPages 593-594E. Hahne, J.P. Hartnett
2.Atmung und wärmeübertragungPages 595-597P. Grassmann
3.The thermal conductivity of pure polyatomic gases at moderate pressurePages 599-604Jean Gosse
4.The photoacoustic technique as a convenient instrument to determine thermal diffusivities of gasestPages 605-612K. Stephan, J. Biermann
5.Onset of natural convection under an electric fieldtPages 613-621Maekawa Toru, Abe Keisci, Tanasawa Ichiro
6.Heat transfer in an annulus between independently rotating tubes with turbulent axial flowPages 623-633H. Pfitzer, H. Beer
7.Numerical investigation of turbulent plane and buoyant jetsPages 635-639O.G. Martynenko, V.N. Korovkin
8.Influence of variable viscosity of mineral oil on laminar heat transfer in a 2:1 rectangular ductPages 641-648C. Xie, J.P. Hartnett
9.Steady-state and transient temperature field in the absorber tube of a direct steam generating solar collectorPages 649-657W. Heidemann, K. Spindler, E. Hahne
10.Transient pool boiling in microgravityPages 659-674J.S. Ervin, H. Merte Jr., R.B. Keller, K. Kirk
11.Film boiling heat transfer for liquid flowing with high velocityPages 675-682B.X. Wang, X.F. Peng
12.Heat transfer and film thickness during condensation of steam flowing at high velocity in a vertical pipePages 683-689R. Bellinghausen, U. Renz
13.Measurement of direct-contact condensation of pure saturated vapour on an injection spray by applying pulsed laser holographyPages 691-702F. Mayinger, A. Chávez
14.Transient behaviour of multipass shell-and-tube heat exchangersPages 703-710W. Roetzel, Y. Xuan
15.Fine-tube heat exchanger woven with threadsPages 711-717R. Echigo, H. Yoshida, K. Hanamura, H. Mori
16.Short-pulse laser heating on metalsPages 719-726T.Q. Qiu, C.L. Tien
17.Thermal destratification in a cylindrical packed bedPages 727-737Douglas W. Stamps, John A. Clark

Volume 35, Issue 4, Pages 739-995 (April 1992)

1.Chinese Academician, Professor Bu-Xuan Wang on his 70th BirthdayPages 739-740B.T. Chao, E.R.G. Eckert, Z.Y. Guo, E. Hahne, J.P. Hartnett, S.Y. Ko, W.J. Minkowycz, I. Tanasawa, K.T. Yang, S.M. Yang
2.Buoyancy driven convection in a rectangular enclosure with a transverse magnetic fieldPages 741-748J.P. Garandet, T. Alboussiere, R. Moreau
3.Instabilités de Rayleigh-Bénard dans les cellules de Hele-ShawPages 749-758M. Souhar, J.P. Brancher, S. Aniss
4.Dynamic and structural aspects of the processes of single-phase convective heat transfer metastable regime decay and bubble boiling formationPages 759-775S.A. Zhukov, V.V. Barelko
5.Mean driving force in multichannel parallel-flow heat exchangersPages 777-782Tadeusz Zaleski
6.Simulation of unsteady-state thermocapillary mass transfer for laser doping of metalsPages 783-793A.A.
7.Heat transfer in an overhead electrical conductorPages 795-801S.H. Lin
8.Heat transfer in a channel with built-in wing-type vortex generatorsPages 803-814G. Biswas, H. Chattopadhyay
9.Analysis of conjugate laminar mixed convection cooling in a shrouded array of electronic componentsPages 815-822Subhashis Ray, J. Srinivasan
10.Mixed convection heat transfer from the bottom tip of a cylinder spinning about a vertical axis in a saturated porous mediumPages 823-832R.V. Kamath, M.R. Ravi, A.G. Marathe
11.Numerical study of double-diffusive natural convection in a square cavityPages 833-846C. Béghein, F. Haghighat, F. Allard
12.Heat transfer in the splash zone of a bubbling fluidized bedPages 847-860A. Dyrness, L.R. Glicksman, T. Yule
13.Transient natural convection of water near its density extremum in a rectangular cavityPages 861-875S.L. Braga, R. Viskanta
14.Convection in a porous thermosyphon imbedded in a conducting mediumPages 877-886Lincoln Paterson, Harry P. Schlanger
15.Analytical solutions to simultaneously developing laminar flow inside parallel-plate channelsPages 887-895J.B.Campos Silva, R.M. Cotta, J.B. Aparecido
16.Propagation and reflection of thermal waves in a finite medium due to axisymmetric surface sourcesPages 897-912Louis G. Hector Jr., Kim Woo-Seung, M.N. Özisik
17.Local interfacial area measurement in bubbly flowPages 913-925S.T. Revankar, M. Ishii
18.Slip and no-slip velocity boundary conditions at interface of porous, plain mediaPages 927-943M. Sahraoui, M. Kaviany
19.Analysis of finite laminar opposed-jets with and without rigid-body rotationPages 945-956S.S. Hou, K.C. Chang, T.H. Lin
20.Measurement of the diffusion coefficient of naphthalene into airPages 957-966Cho Keumnam, Thomas F. Irvine Jr., Jacob Karni
21.The unsteady development of a GTA weld poolPages 967-979Michael Kanouff, Ralph Greif
22.Heat and mass transfer on a rough surface with gas blowing at the wallPages 981-986V.G. Puzach
23.A composite correlation for heat transfer from isolated two- and three-dimensional protrusions in channelsPages 987-990P.T. Roeller, B.W. Webb
24.The transfer of heat in turbulent boundary layers with injection or suction: universal laws and Stanton number equationsPages 991-995Marcello A. Faraco-Medeiros, Atila P. Silva-Freire

Volume 35, Issue 5, Pages 997-1329 (May 1992)

1.Professor Ralph A. Seban on his 75th birthdayPages 997-998A. Faghri, R. Greif, J.P. Hartnett, W.J. Minkowycz, C.-L. Tien
2.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Polish works (1989–1990)Pages 999-1002J. Bandrowski, J. Zioło
3.Double-diffusive boundary layers along vertical free surfacesPages 1003-1025L.G. Napolitano, A. Viviani, R. Savino
4.Prediction of maximum heat transfer coefficient in gas fluidized bedPages 1027-1034D. Sathiyamoorthy, M.Raja Rao
5.An analytical model of spray combustion for slowly moving fuel dropsPages 1035-1048D. Sanyal, T. Sundararajan
6.Rapid solidification following laser melting of pure metals—I. Study of flow field and role of convectionPages 1049-1058Biswajit Basu, A.W. Date
7.Rapid solidification following laser melting of pure metals—II. Study of pool and solidification characteristicsPages 1059-1067Biswajit Basu, A.W. Date
8.Convection in a differentially-heated square cavity with a torsionally-oscillating lidPages 1069-1076Iwatsu Reima, Jae Min Hyun, Kuwahara Kunio
9.Heat/mass transfer and dynamics of bubbles in high-polymer solutions—I. Free oscillationsPages 1077-1084Z.P. Shulman, S.P. Levitskiy
10.Heat/mass transfer and dynamics of bubbles in high-polymer solutions—II. Oscillations in a sound fieldPages 1085-1090Z.P. Shulman, S.P. Levitskiy
11.Convective stability of the horizontal reacting liquid layer in the presence of various complicating factorsPages 1091-1102A.K. Kolesnikov
12.The drying-induced deformations of a clay platePages 1103-1114J.-M. Collard, G. Arnaud, J.-P. Fohr, A. Dragon
13.A prediction model of subcooled water flow boiling CHF for pressure in the range 0.1–20 MPaPages 1115-1123Y. Katto
14.Approximate method of solving equations for plate heat exchangersPages 1125-1130Tadeusz Zaleski, Krystyna Klepacka
15.Rigorous numerical solutions and correlations for two-dimensional laminar buoyant jetsPages 1131-1141W.S. Yu, H.T. Lin, H.C. Shih
16.A fully implicit method for diffusion-controlled solidification of binary alloysPages
17.The transient thermal response of a glass-fiber insulation slab with hygroscopic effectsPages 1155-1167Y.-X. Tao, R.W. Besant, K.S. Rezkallah
18.Removal of contaminant generated by a discrete source in a slot ventilated enclosurePages
19.Solution of Stefan problems imposed with cyclic temperature and flux boundary conditionsPages 1181-1195Choi Chang-Yong, C.K. Hsieh
20.Analysis and experiment of non-Darcian convection in horizontal square packed-sphere channels—II. Mixed convectionPages 1197-1207F.C. Chou, C.J. Cheng, W.Y. Lien
21.Mixed convection analysis in large baffled rectangular chambers with internal heat sourcesPages 1209-1228K.L. Yerkes, A. Faghri
22.Modeling of turbulent transport and solidification during continuous ingot castingPages 1229-1245W. Shyy, Y. Pang, G.B. Hunter, D.Y. Wei, M.-H. Chen
23.Critical heat flux enhancement by means of liquid subcooling and centrifugal force induced by flow curvaturePages
24.Thermohalinequals, single dot above convection in a porous medium heated from belowPages 1261-1273N.D. Rosenberg, F.J. Spera
25.Effectiveness-number of transfer units relationships for heat exchanger complex flow arrangementsPages 1275-1291A. Pignotti, R.K. Shah
26.Transient natural convection over a heat generating vertical cylinderPages 1293-1306K. Velusamy, Vijay K. Garg
27.Numerical analysis of convecting, vaporizing fuel droplet with variable propertiesPages 1307-1324C.H. Chiang, M.S. Raju, W.A. Sirignano
28.The analogy between fluid friction and heat transfer of laminar natural convection on vertical and horizontal flat platesPages 1325-1327Lin Hsiao-Tsung
29.MAFELAP 1993 eighth conference on the mathematics of finite elements and applicationsPage 1329

Volume 35, Issue 6, Pages 1331-1634 (June 1992)

1.Distribution of heat flux density in spiral heat exchangersPages 1331-1347Th. Bebs, W. Roetzel
2.Thermodynamique des réseaux d'échangeurs de chaleur, et possibilités de diminuer le nombre d'échangeurs dans ces réseaux—I. Thermodynamique des réseaux d'échangeursPages 1349-1360C. Guiglion, L. Pibouleau, S. Domenech
3.Thermodynamique des réseaux d'échangeurs de chaleur, et possibilités de diminuer le nombre d'éechangeurs dans ces réseaux—II. Etude des possibilités de diminuer le nombre d'échangeursPages 1361-1375C. Guiglion, L. Pibouleau, S. Domenech
4.Résolution d'un problème thermique inverse par méthodes analytique et impulsionnelle. Application à la détermination des fluctuations thermiques pariétales à l'intérieur d'une conduitePages 1377-1383P. Morilhat, J.-P. Maye, E. Brendle, B. Hay
5.The influence of capillary hysteresis effects on the humidity and heat coupled transfer in a non-saturated porous mediumPages 1385-1396C.H.A. Molenda, P. Crausse, D. Lemarchand
6.Modelling radiative heat transfer in packed bedsPages 1397-1405B.P. Singh, M. Kaviany
7.Segmental heat transfer in a pin fin channel with ejection holesPages 1407-1417S.C. Lau, R.D. McMillin, R.T. Kukreja
8.Investigation of the overall transient performance of the industrial two-phase closed loop thermosyphonPages 1419-1426Charles C.J. Vincent, Jim B.W. Kok
9.Three-dimensional boundary element thermal shape sensitivity analysisPages 1427-1439K.Guru Prasad, J.H. Kane
10.Numerical simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer in a thin liquid film over a rotating diskPages 1441-1453M.M. Rahman, A. Faghri
11.Velocity and temperature fields in turbulent liquid flow through a vertical concentric annular channelPages
12.Scaling of low-Prandtl-number thermocapillary flowsPages 1469-1479Damiân Rivas, Simon Ostrach
13.Mixed convection in a horizontal rectangular channel—experimental and numerical velocity distributionsPages 1481-1494Thomas A. Nyce, Jalil Ouazzani, Arnaud Durand-Daubin, Franz Rosenberger
14.Heat transfer during impactPages 1495-1506F. Ben-Ammar, M. Kaviany, J.R. Barber
15.Buoyancy-driven flow in an enclosure with time periodic boundary conditionsPages 1507-1518M. Kazmierczak, Z. Chinoda
16.Analytic solution to the conjugate heat transfer problem of flow past a heated blockPages 1519-1525T.A. Rizk, C. Kleinstreuer, M.N. Özisik
17.Buckling of a thermal plumePages 1527-1532H.Q. Yang
18.Thermal constriction resistance: effects of boundary conditions and contact geometriesPages 1533-1544Tio Kek-Kiong, S.S. Sadhal
19.The forced convective heat transfer from a twisted bundle of insulated electrical conductors in airPages 1545-1555V.T. Morgan
20.Régime permanent d'ébullition en milieu poreux: Prise en compte de la conductivité thermique, des pertes latérales et des incondensablesPages 1557-1572Didier Stemmelen, Christian Moyne, Alain Degiovanni
21.Experimental study of transient natural convection of glycerol-water mixtures in a side heated cavityPages
22.Measurement of liquid-solid contact in film boilingPages 1589-1594Yoshihiro Kik Uchi, Ebisu Takeshi, Michiyoshi Itaru
23.Behavior of a hydrocarbon liquid dripped onto the surface of a flowing water layerPages 1595-1604Ishikubo Yoshinobu, Ishida Kenji, Yasuhiko H. Mori
24.The effect of plate temperature on the onset of wettingPages 1605-1613X.F. Peng, G.P. Peterson, B.X. Wang
25.On the wetting mechanism of liquid flow on hot surfacesPages 1615-1624X.F. Peng, G.P. Peterson, B.X. Wang
26.A method of determining local heat flux in boiler furnacesPages 1625-1634Jan Taler

Volume 35, Issue 7, Pages 1635-1855 (July 1992)

1.Professor Thomas F. Irvine, Jr. on the occasion of his 70th birthdayPages iii-ivG.A. Greene, W.J. Leonhardt, N.A. Park, J.P. Hartnett, W.J. Minkowycz, E. Hahne
2.Thermal drive in centrifugal fields—mixed convection in a vertical rotating cylinderPages 1635-1644Guo Zeng-Yuan, Zhang Chao-Min
3.On natural convection in a single and two zone rectangular enclosurePages 1645-1657T.G. Karayiannis, M. Ciofalo, G. Barbaro
4.Correlations for heat transfer and flow friction characteristics of compact plate-type heat exchangersPages 1659-1665F.V. Tinaut, A. Melgar, A.A.Rahman Ali
5.Modification of the wide-band gas radiation model for flame calculationPages 1667-1672Wladyslaw Komornicki, Jerzy Tomeczek
6.The optimal thickness of a wall with convection on one sidePages 1673-1679J.S. Lim, A. Bejan, J.H. Kim
7.Frozen start-up behavior of low-temperature heat pipesPages 1681-1694Amir Faghri
8.A study of thermal convection in an enclosure induced simultaneously by gravity and vibrationPages 1695-1710Wu Shung Fu, Wen Jiann Shieh
9.An accurate numerical solution for mass diffusion-induced bubble growth in viscous liquids containing limited dissolved gasPages 1711-1722Ali Arefmanesh, Suresh G. Advani, Efstathios E. Michaelides
10.Counterflow double-pipe heat exchanger analysis using a mixed lumped-differential formulationPages 1723-1731F.Scofano Neto, R.M. Cotta
11.Laminar heat transfer for thermally developing flow in ductsPages 1733-1741T.V. Nguyen
12.Rate of evaporation of water into superheated steam and humidified airPages 1743-1751R. Sheikholeslami, A.P. Watkinson
13.Analysis of bubble translation during transient flash evaporationPages 1753-1761Sridhar Gopalakrishna, Noam Lior
14.Shrinkage-induced fluid flow and domain change in two-dimensional alloy solidificationPages 1763-1770K.C. Chiang, H.L. Tsai
15.Interaction between shrinkage-induced fluid flow and natural convection during alloy solidificationPages 1771-1778K.C. Chiang, H.L. Tsai
16.Conjugate gradient method for determining unknown contact conductance during metal castingPages
17.A model of binary alloy solidification with convection in the meltPages 1787-1793F. Vodák, R. Černý, P. Přikryl
18.Thermal transport in polystyrene and polyurethane foam insulationsPages 1795-1801J. Kuhn, H.-P. Ebert, M.C. Arduini-Schuster, D. Büttner, J. Fricke
19.Fluid flow and heat transfer in an axially rotating pipe subjected to external convectionPages 1803-1809B. Weigand, H. Beer
20.Numerical simulation and holographic visualization of double diffusive convection in a horizontal concentric annulusPages 1811-1821J. Dosch, H. Beer
21.A local equation of state for a fluid in the presence of a wall and its application to rewettingPages 1823-1832V. Gerweck, G. Yadigaroglu
22.A modified formula for calculating the heat transfer coefficient by the shadowgraph techniquePages 1833-1836Z.F. Dong, M.A. Ebadian
23.An improved velocity field for the Madejski splat-quench solidification modelPages 1836-1837Alan J. Markworth, James H. Saunders
24.An analysis of multiple superheated and saturated regions in a stagnant binary filmPages 1838-1841H.J.H. Brouwers
25.The film model applied to free convection over a vertical plate with blowing or suctionPages 1841-1844H.J.H. brouwers
26.Transient combined conduction and radiation in an absorbing, emitting and anisotropically-scattering medium with variable thermal conductivityPages 1844-1847Tseng Chung-Jen, Chu Hsin-Sen
27.Transfert de chaleur et limite de mouillabilite d'un film ruisselant sur paroi plane inclinée entre 0° et 90°Pages 1847-1855Liu Bai-qi, Pierre Le Goff

Volume 35, Issue 8, Pages 1857-2067 (August 1992)

1.A study of three-dimensional natural convection in high-pressure mercury lamps—III. Arc centering by magnetic fieldPages 1857-1864P.Y. Chang, W. Shyy
2.Channel height effects on forced-convection boiling and critical heat flux from a linear array of discrete heat sourcesPages 1865-1880T.C. Willingham, I. Mudawar
3.Prandtl number effects on laminar mixed convection heat transfer in a lid-driven cavityPages 1881-1892M.K. Moallemi, K.S. Jang
4.Nucleate pool boiling data for five refrigerants on plain, integral-fin and enhanced tube geometriesPages
5.Application of a surface renewal model to the prediction of heat transfer in an impinging jetPages 1905-1912T.D. Yuan, J.A. Liburdy
6.Nonparallel thermal instability of mixed convection flow on nonisothermal horizontal and inclined flat platesPages
7.An experimental study of a stratified thermal storage under variable inlet temperature for different inlet designsPages 1927-1934M.G. Abu-Hamdan, Y.H. Zurigat, A.J. Ghajar
8.Natural convection between concentric spheresPages 1935-1945Vijay K. Garg
9.Three-dimensional mixed convection flows in a horizontal annulus with a heated rotating inner circular cylinderPages 1947-1956Yang Lei, Bakhtier Farouk
10.Turbulent gas flux measurements below the air-water interface of a grid-stirred tankPages
11.Coupling of wall conduction with natural convection in a rectangular enclosurePages 1969-1975Z.-G. Du, E. Bilgen
12.Calculation of wall-mass transfer rates in separated aqueous flow using a low Reynolds number κ-ε modelPages 1977-1985S. Nešić, J. Postlethwaite, D.J. Bergstrom
13.Dropwise evaporation: thermal analysis of multidrop systemsPages 1987-2004Tio Kek-Kiong, Satwindar Singh Sadhal
14.Forced convection film boiling in the stagnation region of a molten drop and its application to vapour explosionsPages 2005-2016T.R. Fodemski
15.Observations of soot during droplet combustion at low gravity: heptane and heptane/monochloroalkane mixturesPages 2017-2033G.S. Jackson, C.T. Avedisian, J.C. Yang
16.Self-similar regime of thermally controlled solidification of binary meltsPages 2035-2042Yu.A. Buyevich, L.Yu. Iskakova
17.The boundary condition of the PN-approximation used to solve the radiative transfer equationPages 2043-2052Fengshan Liu, Jim Swithenbank, Eric S. Garbett
18.Dual solution for mixed convection in a horizontal tube under circumferentially non-uniform heatingPages 2053-2056D.K. Choi, D.H. Choi
19.Optimization of a thermally non-symmetric fin: preliminary evaluationPages 2057-2060D.C. Look Jr., H.S. Kang
20.Diffusion-thermo and thermal-diffusion effects in transient and steady natural convection from a vertical surfacePages 2060-2065Zafer Dursunkaya, William M. Worek
21.ErratumPage 2067

Volume 35, Issue 9, Pages 2069-2325 (September 1992)

1.The effect of turbulence on the phase change of droplets and particles under non-equilibrium conditionsPages 2069-2076Efstathios E. Michaelides, Li Liang, André Lasek
2.Vortex instability of mixed convection flow over horizontal and inclined surfaces in a porous mediumPages 2077-2085Jang Jiin-Yuh, Lie Kun-Nun
3.Analysis of flow and heat transfer characteristics of an asymmetrical flat plate heat pipePages 2087-2099K. Vafai, W. Wang
4.Transient heat and mass transfer in film absorption of finite depth with nonhomogeneous boundary conditionsPages 2101-2108A. Hajji, W.M. Worek
5.An experimental study of saturated pool boiling from downward facing and inclined surfacesPages 2109-2117Zhanxiong Guo, Mohamed S. El-Genk
6.Convection in an asymmetrically heated cylinderPages 2119-2130J.P. Pulicani, S. Krukowski, J.Iwan D. Alexander, J. Ouazzani, F. Rosenberger
7.An experimental study of natural convection with coupled heat and mass transfer in porous mediaPages 2131-2143J. Sheridan, A. Williams, D.J. Close
8.Wavenumber selection for Rayleigh—Bénard convection in a small aspect ratio boxPages 2145-2159D. Mukutmoni, K.T. Yang
9.Modified enthalpy method applied to rapid melting and solidificationPages 2161-2172Ali A. Rostami, Ralph Greif, Richard E. Russo
10.Flow and heat transfer to a circular cylinder with a hot impinging air jetPages 2173-2183S.H. Kang, R. Greif
11.Evaluation of transverse thermal diffusivity of unidirectional fiber-reinforced compositesPages 2185-2194R. Pitchumani, S.C. Yao
12.Laminar free convective heat transfer from isothermal spheres: A new analytical methodPages 2195-2201K. Jafarpur, M.M. Yovanovich
13.Reflux condensation phenomena in single vertical tubesPages 2203-2218R. Girard, J.S. Chang
14.Performance of a multigrid three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic generator calculation procedurePages 2219-2232J.X. Bouillard, G.F. Berry
15.Scalar rate correlation at a turbulent liquid free surface: A two-regime correlation for high Schmidt numbersPages
16.Benard convection in a two-component system with Soret effectPages 2245-2256G. Zimmermann, U. Müller
17.Layer growth process of transient thermosolutal convection in a square enclosurePages 2257-2269C. Gau, K.H. Wu, D.J. Jeng
18.Thermal explosion under film boiling conditionsPages 2271-2276P. Bader
19.Numerical study of heat and mass transfer from an inclined flat plate with wet and dry zonesPages 2277-2287M. Mammou, M. Daguenet, G. Le Palec
20.Conjugate heat transfer between two natural convections separated by a vertical platePages 2289-2297Sakakibara Mikio, Amaya Hiroshi, Mori Shigeru, Tanimoto Akira
21.Shape optimization of thermo-diffusive systemsPages 2299-2304Andrzej Służalec, Michał Kleiber
22.Optimization of monolithic silica aerogel insulantsPages 2305-2309J. Fricke, X. Lu, P. Wang, D. Büttner, U. Heinemann
23.Heat transfer enhancement in the oscillating turbulent flow of a pulse combustor tail pipePages 2311-2325John E. Dec, Jay O. Keller, Vedat S. Arpaci

Volume 35, Issue 10, Pages 2327-2753 (October 1992)

1.Natural convection heat transfer between a uniformly heated cylindrical element and its rectangular enclosurePages 2327-2334Nasrine K. Ghaddar
2.Effect of anisotropic permeability on the transport process during solidification of a binary mixturePages 2335-2346Hoseon Yoo, R. Viskanta
3.The thermal shock phenomena induced by a rapidly propagating crack tip: experimental evidencePages 2347-2356Da Yu Tzou
4.Calculation of a circular jet in crossflow with a multiple-time-scale turbulence modelPages 2357-2365S.-W. Kim, T.J. Benson
5.Sonically enhanced heat transfer from a cylinder in cross flow and its impact on process power consumptionPages 2367-2376Brian G. Woods
6.Observations of droplet impingement on a ceramic porous surfacePages 2377-2388S. Chandra, C.T. Avedisian
7.Evaporation and growth dynamics of a layered dropletPages 2389-2401V. Bharat, Asit K. Ray
8.Evaporation of non-dilute and dilute monodisperse droplet cloudsPages 2403-2411Wong Shwin-Chung, Chang Jyh-Cheng
9.Boundary effect on the Bénard-Marangoni instabilityPages 2413-2420H.Q. Yang
10.Local heat transfer in a vertical gas-cooled tube with turbulent mixed convection and different heat fluxesPages 2421-2428J.V. Vilemas, P.S. Poškas, V.E. Kaupas
11.An analysis of rivulet formation during flow of an air/water mist across a heated cylinderPages 2429-2434M. Trela, J. Mikielewicz
12.Non-stationary heat transfer and dispersion effects in granular mediaPages 2435-2444Yu A. Buyevich, V.A. Ustinov
13.Heat and mass transfer in disperse media—I. Averaged field equationsPages 2445-2452Yu.A. Buyevich
14.Heat and mass transfer in disperse media—II. Constitutive equationsPages 2453-2463Yu.A. Buyevich
15.Analysis of microchannels for integrated coolingPages 2465-2474Arel Weisberg, Haim H. Bau, J.N. Zemel
16.Heat transfer enhancement in coiled tubes by chaotic mixingPages 2475-2489Narasimha Acharya, Mihir Sen, Chang Hsueh-Chia
17.Effects of anisotropic scattering on radiative heat transfer using the P1-approximationPages 2491-2499Fengshan Liu, E.S. Garbett, J. Swithenbank
18.A numerical study of the flow and heattransfer characteristics of an impinging laminar slot-jet including crossflow effectsPages 2501-2513Sami Al-Sanea
19.A numerical study of heat transfer due to an axisymmetric laminar impinging jet of supercritical carbon dioxidePages 2515-2526Kim Joo-Kyun, Aihara Toshio
20.Fundamental research on external factors affecting the freezing of supercooled waterPages 2527-2536Saito Akio, Okawa Seiji, Tojiki Akira, Une Hiroshi, Tanogashira Ken'ichi
21.Convective heat transfer in the developing flow region of a square duct with strong curvaturePages 2537-2550Jae Hwa Chung, Jae Min Hyun
22.The Coriolis force effect on molten silicon convection in a rotating cruciblePages 2551-2555Kakimoto Koichi, Watanabe Masahito, Eguchi Minoru, Hibiya Taketoshi
23.Etude experimentale de la conductivité thermique de fluides non-Newtoniens sous cisaillement application aux solutions de Carbopol 940Pages 2557-2562T. Loulou, H. Peerhossaini, J.P. Bardon
24.Comparative study of various computational models for triple moments of velocity and scalar in second-order closurePages 2563-2570Myung Kyoon Chung, Hwa Choon Park, Nam Ho Kyong
25.Second law analysis of convective droplet burningPages 2571-2578Ishwar K. Puri
26.Finite difference solution for transient radiative cooling of a conducting semitransparent square regionPages 2579-2592R. Siegel, F.B. Molls
27.Influence of high mainstream turbulence on leading edge film cooling heat transfer: effect of film hole spacingPages 2593-2604A.B. Mehendale, J.C. Han
28.Effects of condensation and liquid transport on the thermal performance of fibrous insulationsPages 2605-2616N.E. Wijeysundera, M.N.A. Hawlader
29.Evolution theory for optimal control of a Couette iceform design modelPages 2617-2629R.S. LaFleur
30.Example of the Couette iceform design model: flat plate iceformationPages 2631-2642R.S. Lafleur
31.Buoyancy effect on the heat convection in vertical channels with fin array at low Reynolds numbersPages 2643-2653Cheng Chin-Hsiang, Luy Chen-Don, Huang Wen-Hsiung
32.Analysis of heating and evaporation from a liquid film adjacent to a horizontal rotating diskPages 2655-2664M.M. Rahman, A. Faghri
33.Wall to suspension heat transfer in the similar profile regimePages 2665-2673Y. Molodtsof, D.W. Muzyka
34.Transient heat and mass transfer of interacting vaporizing droplets in a linear arrayPages 2675-2682Hsucheng Chiang, Clement Kleinstreuer
35.Steady state model for the thermal regimes of shells of airships and hot air balloonsPages 2683-2693Oleg A. Louchev
36.Numerical simulation of surface tension- and combined buoyancy-driven convection in a liquid layer heated by a hot wirePages 2695-2703J. Maquet, G. Gouesbet, A. Berlemont
37.Artificial pressure for pressure-linked equationPages 2705-2716S.L. Lee, R.Y. Tzong
38.Validation of a k-ε model based on `experimental results in a thermally stable stratified turbulent boundary layerPages 2717-2724R. Morel, A. Laassibi, E. Alcaraz, R. Zegadi, G. Brun, D. Jeandel
39.Boundary layer separation by a step in surface temperaturePages 2725-2738F. Méndez, C. Treviño, A. Liñán
40.Viscous heating of a cylinder with finite length by a high viscosity fluid in steady longitudinal flow—II. Non-Newtonian Carreau model fluidsPages 2739-2749J.N. Shadid, E.R.G. Eckert
41.Comprehensive correlations for laminar mixed convection line plume and wall plumePages 2751-2753Hsiao-Tsung Lin, Wen-Tung Cheng

Volume 35, Issue 11, Pages 2755-3151 (November 1992)

1.In memoriam professor Niichi Nishiwaki (1910–1992)Pages 2755-2756Hirata Masaru
2.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages
3.Degree of heterogeneity of thermal field a method of evaluationPages 2769-2775Zbigniew Garncarek, Jerzy Idzik
4.Analytical and numerical heat transfer in cooling panelsPages 2777-2782K.A. Antonopoulos
5.Multigrid acceleration and turbulence models for computations of 3D turbulent jets in crossflowPages 2783-2794A.O. Demuren
6.Solidification of arbitrarily shaped casting in mold-casting systemPages 2795-2803R.Y. Tzong, S.L. Lee
7.Dynamical mechanisms of the temperature differences arising under uniform heat exchange conditionsPages
8.Conductive length in heat exchange problems of shells and truss constructionsPages 2815-2822Igor V. Baum, Oleg A. Louchev
9.Effects of shear thinning on laminar heat transfer behavior in a rectangular ductPages 2823-2836William K. Gingrich, Young I. Cho, Wei Shyy
10.Heat transfer and convection characteristics of a superheated turbulent jet interacting with a solid objectPages 2837-2847Shyy Wei, Pang Yuan, Chen Ming-Hsiung, Y.Wei Daniel
11.An analysis of radiant heat transfer in furnace chambers burning slagging coalsPages 2849-2853A.G. Blokh, Yu.A. Zhuravlev, S.M. Tinkova
12.Natural convection-radiation cooling of a vented channelPages 2855-2863A. Moutsoglou, J.H. Rhee, J.K. Won
13.A variable property analysis of alloy solidification using the anisotropic porous medium approachPages 2865-2877S.K. Sinha, T. Sundararajan, V.K. Garg
14.Forced-convection boiling and critical heat flux from a linear array of discrete heat sourcesPages 2879-2890T.C. Willingham, I. Mudawar
15.Heat transfer performance comparisons of five different rectangular channels with parallel angled ribsPages 2891-2903J.S. Park, J.C. Han, Y. Huang, S. Ou, R.J. Boyle
16.Thermocapillary convection in a rectangular cavity under the influence of surface contaminationPages 2905-2910Jyh-Chen Chen, Kuan Shih-Fan
17.Thermal contact resistance across pressed metal contacts in a vacuum environmentPages 2911-2920T. McWaid, E. Marschall
18.Experimental studies on the dynamics and evaporation of tandem liquid droplets in a hot gas flowPages 2921-2929K.J. Choi, H.J. Lee
19.Natural convection near a small protrusion on a vertical platePages 2931-2940S. Ghosh Moulic, L.S. Yao
20.Mixed convection from multiple-layered boards with cross-streamwise periodic boundary conditionsPages 2941-2952Seo Young Kim, Hyung Jin Sung, Jae Min Hyun
21.Analysis of transient behaviour of multipass shell and tube heat exchangers with the dispersion modelPages 2953-2962W. Roetzel, Y. Xuan
22.The use of gas absorption correlations for mass transfer coefficients in distillation processesPages 2963-2968G. Ovejero, R. Van Grieken, L. Rodriguez, J.L. Valverde
23.A 1-D/2-D model and experimental results for a closed-loop thermosyphon with vertical heat transfer sectionsPages 2969-2982M.A. Bernier, B.R. Baliga
24.The isotherms migration method in the theory and practice of heat and mass transfer investigation—I. Kinematics of temperature fieldsPages 2983-2995N.M. Tsirelman
25.The isotherms migration method in the theory and practice of heat and mass transfer investigation—II. Numerical-analytical determination of temperature fieldsPages 2997-3008N.M. Tsirelman
26.Impingement cooling flow structure and heat transfer along rib-roughened wallsPages 3009-3020C. Gau, C.C. Lee
27.An analytical study on the critical heat flux of countercurrent boiling in a vertical tube with a closed bottomPages 3021-3028Y. Katto, K. Watanabe
28.An experimental study of forced convection in a packed channel with asymmetric heatingPages 3029-3039T.H. Hwang, Y. Cai, P. Cheng
29.Non-Darcian effects on mixed convection about a vertical cylinder embedded in a saturated porous mediumPages 3041-3046Chen Cha'o-Kuang, Chen Chien-Hsin, W.J. Minkowycz, U.S. Gill
30.Effective macroscopic description for heat conduction in heterogeneous materialsPages 3047-3058Piotr Furmanski
31.Universal temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity and viscosity coefficientsPages 3059-3067A.S. Okhotin, L.I. Zhmakin, A.P. Ivanyuk
32.Heat transfer to generalized non-Newtonian Couette flow in annuli with moving outer cylinderPages 3069-3075S.H. Lin
33.Film and transition boiling characteristics of subcooled liquid flowing through a horizontal flat ductPages 3077-3083X.F. Peng, B.X. Wang, G.P. Peterson
34.Analytical and experimental investigation of the rewetting of circular channels with internal V-groovesPages 3085-3093G.P. Petersont, X.J. Lu, X.F. Peng, B.X. Wang
35.A two-equation heat transfer model for predicting turbulent thermal fields under arbitrary wall thermal conditionsPages 3095-3104M.S. Youssef, Y. Nagano, M. Tagawa
36.Conjugate free convection from a circular cylinder in a porous mediumPages 3105-3113Kimura Shigeo, Ioan Pop
37.Numerical and experimental studies of self-sustained oscillatory flows in communicating channelsPages 3115-3129C.H. Amon, D. Majumdar, C.V. Herman, F. Mayinger, B.B. Mikic, D.P. Sekulic
38.Températures de contact et coefficient de partage de flux généré par frottement sec entre deux solides. Approche nouvelle de la génération de fluxPages 3131-3139N. Laraqi
39.Direct numerical solution of diffusion problems with intrinsic randomnessPages 3141-3151Xiaowei S. He, John G. Georgiadis

Volume 35, Issue 12, Pages 3153-3498 (December 1992)

1.Volume contents and author index volume 35, 1992Pages i-xxvi
2.Heat transfer—a review of 1991 literaturePages 3153-3235E.R.G Eckert, R.J Goldstein, W.E Ibele, S.V Patankar, T.W Simon, S.L Girshick, P.J Strykowski, K.K Tamma, A Bar-Cohen, J.V.R Heberlein, D.L Hofeldt, K.A Stelson
3.Marangoni-Bénard instabilities under non-steady conditions. Experimental and theoretical resultsPages 3237-3244O. Dupont, M. Hennenberg, J.C. Legros
4.The liquid flow in multi-stage flash evaporatorsPages 3245-3257Miyatake Osamu, Hashimoto Toshiyuki, Noam Lior
5.The optimal spacing of parallel plates cooled by forced convectionPages 3259-3264Adrian Bejan, Enrico Sciubba
6.Thermophoresis of a radiating aerosol in thermally developing Poiseuille flowPages 3265-3273G. Jia, Y. Yener, J.W. Cipolla Jr.
7.Composite expansions on forced convection over a flat plate with an unheated starting lengthPages
8.Prediction of pressure drops in forced convection subcooled boiling water flowsPages 3291-3299M.A. Hoffman, C.F. Wong
9.Adaptive finite element analysis of axisymmetric freezingPages 3301-3312Erwin Sutanto, H.Ted Davis, L.E. Scriven
10.Thermal radiation modeling in multilayer thin film structuresPages 3313-3321Peter Y. Wong, Christopher K. Hess, Ioannis N. Miaoulis
11.Rigorous development for radiation heat transfer in nonhomogeneous absorbing, emitting and scattering mediaPages 3323-3333Donald V. Walters, Richard O. Buckius
12.Transient forced convection in the entrance region of concentric annuliPages 3335-3344M.A.I. El-Shaarawi, M.K. Alkam
13.Hybrid Laplace transform technique for Stefan problems with radiation-convection boundary conditionPages 3345-3351Chen Han-Taw, Lin Jae-Yuh
14.Experimental methods of estimating heat transfer in circulating fluidized bed boilersPages
15.Entrance region heat transfer in a channel downstream of an impinging jet arrayPages 3363-3374Alok Sarkar, L.W. Florschuetz
16.A near-wall two-equation model for turbulent heat fluxesPages 3375-3387T.P. Sommer, R.M.C. So, Y.G. Lai
17.Concerning the calculation of plane turbulent jets on the basis of the k-ε model of turbulencePages 3389-3395O.G. Martynenko, V.N. Korovkin
18.The measurement of instantaneous heat transfer coefficients around the circumference of a tube immersed in a high temperature fluidized bedPages 3397-3406Tanveer Khan, Richard Turton
19.Non-uniform porosity and thermal dispersion effects on natural convection about a heated horizontal cylinder in an enclosed porous mediumPages 3407-3418Hsiao Shih-Wen, P. Cheng, Chen Chao-Kuang
20.Effects of film evaporation on laminar mixed convection heat and mass transfer in a vertical channelPages 3419-3429Yan Wei-Mon
21.An experimental study of conduction heat transfer in rarefied polyatomic gasesPages 3431-3440S.J. O'shea, R.E. Collins
22.Gas turbine regenerators: A method for selecting the optimum plate-finned surface pair for minimum core volumePages 3441-3450J.F. Campbell, W.M. Rohsenow
23.Onset of salt-finger convection in anisotropic and inhomogeneous porous mediaPages 3451-3464Chen Falin, Jay W. Lu
24.Difficultés liées à la réalisation d'un montage expérimental monodimensionnel pour l'étude des transferts de chaleur et de masse dans les milieux poreux non-saturésPages 3465-3478J.C. Batsale, D. Stemmelen, A. Degiovanni
25.Visible and infra-red sensitivity of Rayleigh limit and Penndorf extension to complex refractive index of sootPages 3479-3484Ahmet Selamet
26.Viscous and Joule heating effects on MHD-free convection flow with variable plate temperaturePages 3485-3487M.A. Hossain
27.Heat transfer in concentric annuli with moving cores—fully developed turbulent flow with arbitrarily prescribed heat fluxPages 3488-3493Y. Lee, T. Shigechi
28.Study of heat transfer from buried nuclear waste canistersPages 3493-3495K. Muralidhar
29.Discussion of “Double diffusive natural convection in a vertical rectangular enclosure—I. Experimental study”Page 3497C.F. Chen
30.Author's replyPages 3497-3498Hwataik Han
31.Comments on “Coupled heat and mass transfer by natural convection from vertical surfaces in porous media”Page 3498Adrian Bejan

Volume 36, Issue 1, Pages 1-247 (January 1993)

1.Honorary editorial advisory boardPage IFC
2.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Soviet worksPages 1-15O.G. Martynenko
3.Modelling of indirect evaporative air coolersPages 17-26P.J. Erens, A.A. Dreyer
4.Various formulas and their accuracy concerning convective heat and mass transfer in the vapor boundary layer in the case of laminar film condensation of binary vapor mixturesPages 27-33Tetsu Fujii, Kan'ei Shinzato, Jong Boong Lee
5.Natural convection in a heated annulusPages 35-47B.B. Rogers, L.S. Yao
6.How to distribute a finite amount of insulation on a wall with nonuniform temperaturePages 49-56Adrian Bejan
7.Numerical simulation of melting inside a rotating cylindrical enclosurePages 57-69M. Prud'homme, T. Hung Nguyen, P.G. Mao
8.Heat transfer in the boundary layer of a ‘gas-evaporating drops’ two-phase mixturePages 71-78A.N. Osiptsov, Ye.G. Shapiro
9.Numerical study of the solid particle motion in grid-generated turbulent flowsPages 79-87Q.Q. Lu, J.R. Fontaine, G. Aubertin
10.On the stability of the near shore waters of a lake when subject to solar heatingPages 89-100D.E. Farrow, J.C. Patterson
11.Thermogravitational and thermocapillary convection in a cavity containing two superposed immiscible liquid layersPages 101-117Q.S. Liu, G. Chen, B. Roux
12.Evaluation of radiation reception factors in a rotary kiln using a modified Monte-Carlo schemePages 119-133C.V.S. Murty
13.Application of Laplace transforms for the solution of transient mass- and heat-transfer problems in flow systemsPages 135-139Spas D. Kolev, Willem E. Van Der Linden
14.The turbulent thermal boundary layer with an abrupt change from a rough to a smooth wallPages 141-146Robert P. Taylor, J. Keith Taylor, M.H. Hosni, Hugh W. Coleman
15.Roughness element shape effects on heat transfer and skin friction in rough-wall turbulent boundary layersPages 147-153M.H. Hosni, Hugh W. Coleman, James W. Garner, Robert P. Taylor
16.Penetrative convection of a plane turbulent wall jet in a two-layer thermally stable environment: a problem in enclosure firesPages 155-167Kamlesh Kapoor, Yogesh Jaluria
17.Boiling heat transfer of a micro-impinging jet of liquid nitrogen in a very slender cryoprobePages 169-175Toshio Aihara, Joo-Kyun Kim, Kazuya Suzuki, Keisuke Kasahara
18.Natural convection in the cranked thermosyphonPages 177-182G.S.H. Lock, D. Ladoon
19.The influence of tilt on natural convection in the elbow thermosyphonPages 183-188G.S.H. Lock, D. Ladoon
20.Gas absorption and solid dissolution in a thin liquid film on a rotating diskPages 189-199M.M. Rahman, A. Faghri
21.A study of circumferentially-heated and block-heated heat pipes—I. Experimental analysis and generalized analytical prediction of capillary limitsPages 201-212Joseph Schmalhofer, Amir Faghri
22.A study of circumferentially-heated and block-heated heat pipes—II. Three-dimensional numerical modeling as a conjugate problemPages 213-226Joseph Schmalhofer, Amir Faghri
23.Critical heat flux hysteresis in vapor-liquid counterflow in porous mediaPages 227-231A.K. Stubos, C. Satik, Y.C. Yortsos
24.Frequency response of constant-current film anemometersPages 231-232Anthony Demetriades
25.Two-dimensional fins attached to a thick wall—effect of non-uniform root temperaturePages 233-236P.C.S. Jucá, A.T. Prata
26.Natural convection heat transfer in smooth and ribbed vertical channelsPages 236-241S. Acharya, A. Mehrotra
27.The combined effects of fog formation and Stefan flow on nickel and iron evaporation into heliumPages 241-243H.J.H. Brouwers
28.Discussion of “Comparison of turbulence models for the natural convection boundary layer along a heated vertical plate”Pages 245-246Joseph A.C. Humphrey, Wai Ming To
29.Authors' replyPages

Volume 36, Issue 2, Pages 249-540 (January 1993)

1.Natural convection liquid immersion cooling of a heat source flush mounted on a conducting substrate in a square enclosurePages 249-263Yogendra Joshi, L.O. Haukenes, Sanjeev B. Sathe
2.Heat transfer in the pneumatic transport of massive particlesPages 265-275Michel Louge, Jamaludin Mohd. Yusof, James T. Jenkins
3.Electromagnetic vaporization of molten-metal dropsPages 277-286Y. Bayazitoglu, R. Cerny
4.Heat transfer characteristics of a bayonet tube using air under laminar conditionsPages 287-291G.S.H. Lock, Maolin Wu
5.Radiation properties of coal combustion productsPages 293-302K.H. Im, R.K. Ahluwalia
6.Numerical study of the transient vaporization of an oxygen droplet at sub- and super-critical conditionsPages
7.Analysis of Lewis number effects in flame spreadPages 315-323J.B. Greenberg, P.D. Ronney
8.Critical heat flux for low flow boiling in vertical uniformly heated thin rectangular channelsPages 325-335Chang H. Oh, Stan B. Englert
9.Instantaneous local heat transfer coefficients and related frequency spectra for a horizontal cylinder in a high temperature fluidized bedPages 337-345A.H. George
10.Convective diffusion near a consolute pointPages 347-351Thomas F. Fuller, John Newman
11.A mathematical model for predicting the densification and growth of frost on a flat platePages 353-363Y.-X. Tao, R.W. Besant, K.S. Rezkallah
12.Turbulent heat transfer of polyacrylarnide solutions in the thermal entrance region of circular tube flowsPages 365-370S.S. Yoo, T.S. Hwang, C.S. Eum, S.C. Bae
13.Effects of angle of attack on mass transfer from a square cylinder and its base platePages 371-381S.Y. Yoo, R.J. Goldstein, M.K. Chung
14.Thermal dispersion and inertia effects on vortex instability of a horizontal mixed convection flow in a saturated porous mediumPages 383-389Jiin-Yuh Jang, Jiing-Lin Chen
15.Thermal processes under the action of laser radiation pulse on absorbing granules in heterogeneous biotissuesPages 391-399V.K. Pustovalov
16.Reflection and refraction of thermal waves from a surface or an interface between dissimilar materialsPages 401-410Da Yu Tzou
17.Pure material melting and solidification with liquid phase buoyancy and surface tension forcesPages
18.Hydrodynamic stability of multiple steady-states of vertical buoyancy-induced flows in cold pure waterPages 423-435Youngkyu Hwang, Nicholas D. Kazarinoff, Joseph C. Mollendorf
19.Transient thermal convection in an enclosure induced simultaneously by gravity and vibrationPages 437-452Wu-Shung Fu, Wen-Jiann Shieh
20.A photographic method for the visualization of mass uptake patterns in aqueous systemsPages 453-462A. Dasgupta, P. Guenard, J.S. Ultman, J.S. Kimbell, K.T. Morgan
21.Nonsimilarity solutions for mixed convection from horizontal surfaces in a porous medium—variable surface heat fluxPages 463-470T.K. Aldoss, T.S. Chen, B.F. Armaly
22.Nonsimilarity solutions for mixed convection from horizontal surfaces in a porous medium—variable wall temperaturePages 471-477T.K. Aldoss, T.S. Chen, B.F. Armaly
23.Natural convection on vertical and horizontal plates with vectored surface mass transferPages 479-487T.S. Chen, W.P. Buchanan, B.F. Armaly
24.Effect of rotation on fluid motion and channel formation during unidirectional solidification of a binary alloyPages 489-505D.G. Neilson, F.P. Incropera
25.Simulation and measurement of enhanced turbulent heat transfer in a channel with periodic ribs on one principal wallPages 507-517Tong-Miin Liou, Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Shih-Hui Chen
26.Purging of density stabilized basinsPages 519-530S.W. Armfield, W. Debler
27.Radiative transfer through a medium of silica fibres oriented in parallel planesPages 531-536G. Jeandel, P. Boulet, G. Morlot
28.Correlations of pressure drop in packed beds taking into account the effect of confining wallPages 536-540E.A. Foumeny, F. Benyahia, J.A.A. Castro, H.A. Moallemi, S. Roshani

Volume 36, Issue 3, Pages 541-832 (February 1993)

1.Professor Algirdas ukauskas on his 70th birthdayPages 541-542O. Martynenko, J. Vilemas, V. Makarevicius, A. Slanciauskas, A. iugda
2.Entrance pipe flow and heat transfer for a Bingham plasticPages 543-552George C. Vradis, John Dougher, Sunil Kumar
3.The influence of tube layout on flow and mass transfer characteristics in tube banks in the transitional flow regimePages 553-563Tatsuo Nishimura, Hisayoshi Itoh, Hisashi Miyashita
4.Heat transfer and pressure drop in large pitch spirally indented tubesPages 565-576C.B. Panchal, D.M. France
5.Computational study of laminar heat transfer downstream of a backward-facing stepPages 577-591T. Kondoh, Y. Nagano, T. Tsuji
6.Convective wall plume in power-law fluidsPages 593-597Ioan Pop, Jin Kook Lee, Rama Subba Reddy Gorla
7.Experimental investigation on convective heat transfer of heated spinning spherePages 599-610Sheng Mao Tieng, An Cherng Yan
8.An experimental investigation on natural convection of air in a vertical channelPages 611-616A. La Pica, G. Rodonò, R. Volpes
9.Improved heat-transfer models for fibrous insulationsPages 617-625C. Stark, J. Fricke
10.The porosity in a fluidized bed heat transfer modelPages 627-632G. Visser, M. Valk
11.Heat and mass transfer in a two-dimensional cross-flow regenerator with a solid conduction effectPages 633-643Jung-Yang San
12.An application of spectral decomposition to model validation in the thermal analysis of buildingsPages 645-650Y. Candau, G. Piar
13.Vapor bubble departure in forced convection boilingPages 651-662J.F. Klausner, R. Mei, D.M. Bernhard, L.Z. Zeng
14.Stability of liquid-vapor flow down an inclined channel with phase changePages 663-672Adam Huang, Daniel D. Joseph
15.An efficient numerical solution for the multidimensional solidification (or melting) problem using a microcomputerPages 673-683Y. Rabin, E. Korin
16.Ice-formation phenomena for water flow inside a cooled parallel plate channel: An experimental and theoretical investigation of wavy ice layersPages 685-693B. Weigand, H. Beer
17.On droplet evaporation in the presence of a condensing substance: the effect of internal diffusionPages 695-703T. Vesala
18.Evaporation of polydisperse ethanol aerosols in humid environmentPages 705-711S.V. Mani, M. Kulmala, T. Vesala
19.The binary alloy problem in an expanding domain: the microsegregation problemPages 713-723Suresh Sundarraj, V.R. Voller
20.Periodic melting within a square enclosure with an oscillatory surface temperaturePages 725-733C.J. Ho, C.H. Chu
21.On the enhancement in heat transfer through the use of slurriesPages 735-741M.S. Phanikumar, Ashok N. Bhaskarwar
22.Détermination instantanée de l'effusivité massique d'humidité d'un matériau hygroscopiquePages 743-754G. Bastian, N. Al Sheikh Hassan
23.Natural convection heat transfer in enclosures fitted with a periodic array of hot roughness elements at the bottomPages 755-763M. Ruhul Amin
24.Thermal theory of the spiral heat exchangerPages 765-773Th. Bes, W. Roetzel
25.Basic study on the enhancement of nucleate boiling heat transfer by applying electric fieldsPages 775-782Junji Ogata, Akira Yabe
26.Augmentation of boiling heat transfer by utilizing the EHD effect—EHD behaviour of boiling bubbles and heat transfer characteristicsPages 783-791Junji Ogata, Akira Yabe
27.Double-diffusive fingering convection in a porous mediumPages 793-807Falin Chen, C.F. Chen
28.Analysis of heat and mass transfer during bulk hydraircooling of spherical food productsPages 809-822K.V. Narasimha Rao, G.S.V.L. Narasimham, M.V. Krishna Murthy
29.Spectral analysis of wall turbulence with photolithography devised electrochemical probesPages 823-829C. Deslouis, F. Huet, S. Robin, B. Tribollet
30.Comment on “Equivalent conductivity of a heterogeneous medium”Pages 831-832D.A. Barry
31.Comments on “Analysis of close-contact melting for octadecane and ice inside isothermally heated horizontal rectangular capsule”Page 832Adrian Bejan

Volume 36, Issue 4, Pages 833-1131 (March 1993)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—CIS worksPages 833-844O.G. Martynenko
2.Effects of stress work on similarity solutions of mixed convection in rotating channels with wall-transpirationPages 845-856C.Y. Soong, G.J. Hwang
3.Two-dimensional modelling of a non-confined circular impinging jet reactor—fluid dynamics and heat transferPages 857-873Y.B. Wang, C. Chaussavoine, F. Teyssandier
4.Interacting, convecting, vaporizing fuel droplets with variable propertiesPages 875-886C.H. Chiang, W.A. Sirignano
5.Steam distillation of a single component hydrocarbon liquid in porous mediaPages 887-897Zeng-Guang Yuan, Kent S. Udell
6.Improving effectiveness of pipe insulation by using radial baffles to suppress natural convectionPages 899-906F.C. Lai
7.Experimental measurements of large-scale temperature fluctuation structures in a heated incompressible turbulent boundary layerPages 907-918Nader Bagheri, Bruce R. White
8.Modeling of pulsed laser irradiation of thin silicon layersPages 919-924C.P. Grigoropoulos, H.K. Park, X. Xu
9.Superposition of thermal loads model for measuring thermal diffusivity in solidsPages 925-930Isaac Shai, Uri Laor, Ilan Gilad
10.Effect of ridge shapes on turbulent heat transfer and friction in a rectangular channelPages
11.A general estimate for the thermal time-to-steady-state for a solid body suddenly immersed in a fluid streamPages 941-947Y. Maday, Anthony T. Patera
12.Heat transfer past particles entrained in an oscillating flow with and without a steady velocityPages 949-959Man Yeong Ha, Savash Yavuzkurt, Kyung Chun Kim
13.Some measurements of the penetration of turbulence into small cavitiesPages 961-965Y. Taniguchi, James W. Evans
14.Effects of capillary heterogeneity on vapor—liquid counterflow in porous mediaPages 967-976A.K. Stubos, C. Satik, Y.C. Yortsos
15.The hydrodynamic stability of a one-dimensional transient buoyancy-induced flowPages 977-988Matthew John M. Krane, Benjamin Gebhart
16.Air jet impingement heat transfer from modified surfacesPages 989-997L.G. Hansen, B.W. Webb
17.Asymptotic analysis of the lumped-capacitance approximationPages 999-1006B.D. Shaw
18.Thermophoretic transport in the outside vapor deposition processPages 1007-1018S.H. Kang, R. Greif
19.Slip and no-slip temperature boundary conditions at interface of porous, plain media: conductionPages 1019-1033M. Sahraoui, M. Kaviany
20.A unified approach to discretizations of the linear analysis of thermal regeneratorsPages 1035-1041L. Zhang, D.M. Scott
21.A problem of measurement of temperature solved using the one-dimensional heat equationPages 1043-1048S. Anita, N. Damean
22.Structure of air-water bubbly flow in a vertical pipe—I. liquid mean velocity and turbulence measurementsPages 1049-1060T.J. Liu, S.G. Bankoff
23.Structure of air-water bubbly flow in a vertical pipe—II. Void fraction, bubble velocity and bubble size distributionPages 1061-1072T.J. Liu, S.G. Bankoff
24.A new analytic technique for 3-D heat transfer from a cylinder with two or more axially interacting eccentrically embedded vessels with application to countercurrent blood flowPages 1073-1083Y.L. Wu, S. Weinbaum, L.M. Jiji
25.Calculation of turbulent flow and heat transfer in a tube with a periodically varying cross-sectionPages 1085-1095L.I. Shub
26.Analysis of evaporation in the presence of composition/temperature gradient induced natural convectionPages
27.Specific features of mass transfer of discrete microparticles in the process of metallic target treatment with a powder fluxPages 1113-1124S.K. Andilevko, V.A. Shilkin, S.M. Usherenko, G.S. Romanov
28.Unsteady natural convection flow over a vertical plate embedded in a stratified mediumPages 1125-1128R.K. Tripathi, G. Nath Heat transfer from a stretching surfacePages 1128-1131Noor Afzal

Volume 36, Issue 5, Pages 1133-1421 (1993)

1.Numerical prediction of periodically fully developed natural convection in a vertical channel with surface mounted heat generating blocksPages 1133-1145Kanchan M. Kelkar, Dipankar Choudhury
2.Radiative transfer in a two-layer medium on a cylinderPages 1147-1158Chih-Yang Wu, Shang-Chen Wu
3.The effect of perfectly conducting side walls on natural convection in porous mediaPages 1159-1170Peter Vadasz, Carol Braester, Jacob Bear
4.Contact melting during sliding on icePages 1171-1179A.J. Fowler, A. Bejan
5.Three-dimensional radiation in absorbing-emitting-scattering media using the modified differential approximationPages 1181-1189H.M. Park, R.K. Ahluwalia, K.H. Im
6.Internal variables for relaxation phenomena in heat and mass transferPages 1191-1200Nikolaos
7.Computations of liquid immersion cooling for a protruding heat source in a cubical enclosurePages 1201-1218Donald E. Wroblewsk, Yogendra Joshi
8.Transient reflectivity measurements and heat transfer modeling in laser annealing of semiconductor filmsPages 1219-1229C.P. Grigoropoulos, A.A. Rostami, X. Xu, S.L. Taylor, H.K. Park
9.Impeded natural convection in a rotating, radial tubePages 1231-1240G.S.H. Lock, Litong Zhao
10.Natural convection near a corner of an arbitrary angle formed by two vertical flat plates with uniform surface heat fluxPages 1241-1250Man Hoe Kim, Moon-Uhn Kim, Chul Hyung Cho
11.Bench mark solutions to natural convection heat transfer problem around a horizontal circular cylinderPages 1251-1259T. Saitoh, T. Sajiki, K. Maruhara
12.Determination of moisture diffusivity in porous media using scanning neutron radiographyPages 1261-1267L. Pel, A.A.J. Ketelaars, O.C.G. Adan, A.A. Van Well
13.Burnout in highly subcooled water flow boiling in small diameter tubesPages 1269-1285G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, A. Mariani
14.Variable viscosity effects on the vortex instability of free convection boundary layer flow over a horizontal surface in a porous mediumPages 1287-1294Jiin-Yuh Jang, Jin-Sheng Leu
15.Transient conjugated heat transfer in channel flows with convection from the ambientPages 1295-1301Wei-Mon Yan
16.Conjugate problems of conduction and free convection on vertical and horizontal flat platesPages
17.Unsteady thermosolutal opposing convection of a liquid-water mixture in a square cavity—I. Flow formation and heat and mass transfer characteristicsPages 1315-1331J. Chang, T.F. Lin, C.H. Chien
18.Unsteady thermosolutal opposing convection of liquid-water mixture in a square cavity—II. Flow structure and fluctuation analysisPages 1333-1345J. Chang, T.F. Lin
19.Experiments on film condensation promotion within thin inclined porous coatingsPages 1347-1355K.J. Renken, M. Aboye
20.Dispersion in heat and mass transfer natural convection along vertical boundaries in porous mediaPages 1357-1365Rubens Silva Telles, Osvair V. Trevisan
21.Two-phase flow in the localized boiling field adjacent to a heated wallPages 1367-1372F. Bonetto, A. Clausse, J. Converti
22.On the linear stability of mixed and free convection between inclined parallel plates with fixed heat flux boundary conditionsPages 1373-1381A.S. Lavine
23.A hybrid method to analyse the performance of falling film absorbersPages 1383-1390G.A. Ibrahim, G.A. Vinnicombe
24.Analysis and numerical simulation of the thermohydraulic behaviour of a heat dissipating debris bed during power transientsPages 1391-1401A.K. Stubos, J.-M. Buchlin
25.Effect of molecular diffusivity on turbulent diffusion in isotropic turbulencePages 1403-1412K. Kontomaris, T.J. Hanratty
26.Incidence du seuil d'écoulement sur les performances dynamiques et thermiques de l'échangeur de chaleur à surface racléePages 1413-1421M. Naimi, R. Devienne, M. Lebouche

Volume 36, Issue 6, Pages 1425-1716 (1993)

1.Experimental determination of the volumetric heat transfer coefficient between stream of air and ceramic foamPages 1425-1434L.B. Younis, R. Viskanta
2.An extension of the fire-field modelling technique to include fire-sprinkler interaction—I. The mathematical basisPages 1435-1444N.A. Hoffmann, E.R. Galea
3.An extension of the fire-field modelling technique to include fire-sprinkler interaction—II. The simulationsPages 1445-1457N.A. Hoffmann, E.R. Galea
4.Turbulent flow in a channel with transverse rib heat transfer augmentationPages 1459-1469B.H. Chang, A.F. Mills
5.Linear stability of natural convection in a tall vertical slot with a moving sidewallPages 1471-1476J.-C. Chen, C.-K. Hsieh
6.Mixed convection in a suddenly-expanded channel with effects of cold fluid injectionPages 1477-1484C.Y. Soong, W.C. Hsueh
7.Nonsimilarity solutions for mixed convection from vertical surfaces in porous media: variable surface temperature or heat fluxPages 1485-1493J.C. Hsieh, T.S. Chen, B.F. Armaly
8.The effect of inlet flow distribution on catalytic conversion efficiencyPages 1495-1504Evangelos Karvounis, Dennis N. Assanis
9.Mechanisms of miniaturization of sessile drops on a heated surfacePages 1505-1515Shigeaki Inadat, Wen-Jei Yang
10.Three-dimensional natural convection in an enclosed vertical rod bundle with mixed boundary conditionsPages 1517-1528Y.F. Rao, E.K. Glakpe
11.Natural convection in an annular fluid layer rotating at weak angular velocityPages 1529-1539M. Prud'homme, L. Robillard, M. Hilal
12.Numerical simulation of subcooled boiling and heat transfer in vertical ductsPages 1541-1551J.C. Lai, B. Farouk
13.Transient forced convection heat transfer in a vertical rib-heated channel using a turbulence promoterPages 1553-1571H.H. Lin, Y.H. Hung
14.Variable porosity effect on vortex instability of a horizontal mixed convection flow in a saturated porous mediumPages 1573-1582Jiin-Yuh Jang, Jiing-Lin Chen
15.Solutions of thermal problems in friction welding—comparative studyPages 1583-1587Adolf Słżalec, Andrzej Słlużalec
16.The round thermal jet: undisturbed and in cross-flowPages 1589-1599Leif N. Persen, Henry Øiann, Himadri P. Mazumdar
17.Mixed convection in a driven cavity with a stable vertical temperature gradientPages 1601-1608Reima Iwatsu, Jae Min Hyun, Kunio Kuwahara
18.Numerical and experimental analysis of laminar fluid flow and forced convection heat transfer in a grooved ductPages 1609-1617Bijan Farhanieh, Čila Herman, Bengt Sundén
19.Influence de l'injection de gouttes d'eau dans de la vapeur d'eau en écoulement dans une tuyèrePages 1619-1632E. Daniel, J.C. Loraud, M. Larini
20.Analytic study of temperature solutions due to gamma-type moving point-heat sourcesPages 1633-1637M. Aslam Chaudhry, Syed M. Zubair
21.Heat transfer due to a round jet impinging normal to a flat surfacePages 1639-1647A.K. Mohanty, A.A. Tawfek
22.Synthèse modale: une méthode de sousstructuration dynamique pour la modélisation des systèmes thermiques linéairesPages 1649-1662B. Flament, F. Bourquin, A. Neveu
23.Improved collocation methods for thermal regenerator simulationsPages 1663-1670A.J. Willmott, D.P. Knight
24.Forced convection film condensation on a horizontal tube—effect of surface temperature variationPages
25.Flow dynamics and heat transfer of a condensate film on a vertical wall—I. Numerical analysis and flow dynamicsPages 1677-1686Erich Stuhlträger, Yutaka Naridomi, Akio Miyara, Haruo Uehara
26.Modelling of resonance effects during burning in a continuous-flow reactorPages 1687-1691A.T. Lukyanov, P.G. Itskova, A.S. Bukharbayeva
27.Heat transfer and hydraulic drag in helical channels in gas flowPages 1693-1700J. Vilemas, P. Poškas, V. Šimonis, V. Šukys
28.Heat transfer in fully developed turbulent channel flow: comparison between experiment and direct numerical simulationsPages 1701-1706M. Teitel, R.A. Antonia
29.A step change in wall heat flux in a turbulent channel flowPages 1707-1709M. Teitel, R.A. Antonia
30.Transfer function method for analysis of temperature fieldPages 1709-1713J. GołcebiowsKi, A. Skorek, A.J. Jordan
31.M. Kaviany, Principles of Heat Transfer in Porous Media, Springer-Verlag, New York (1991).Pages 1715-1716O.G. Martynenko, N.V. Pavlyukevich, O.S. Rabinovich

Volume 36, Issue 7, Pages 1717-2005 (May 1993)

1.Alexandr Ivanovich Leontiyev on his 65th birthdayPages 1717-1718
2.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—CIS worksPages 1719-1725O.G. Martynenko
3.The influence of the freezing process on vapour transport during sublimation in vacuum-freeze-drying of macroscopic samplesPages 1727-1738M. Kochs, Ch. Körber, I. Heschel, B. Nunner
4.Turbulence model of fire-induced air flow in a ventilated tunnelPages 1739-1748H. Xue, E. Hihara, T. Saito
5.Infrared gas radiation from a homogeneously turbulent mediumPages 1749-1762F. Kritzstein, A. Soufiani
6.Les réseaux de Modules d'Unités de Transferts, thermique, massique, outils pertinents d'analyse de séchoirsPages 1763-1772P. Sebastian, J.P. Nadeau, J.R. Puiggali
7.Les Nombres d'Unités de Transfert, thermique, massique, outils rapides de simulation de séchoirsPages 1773-1782P. Sebastian, J.P. Nadeau, J.R. Puiggali
8.Unsteady heat transfer to pulsatile flow of a dusty viscous incompressible fluid in a channelPages
9.A mathematical model of glass flow and heat transfer in a platinum downspoutPages 1789-1797Robert Ducharme, Phiroze Kapadia, Fred Scarfe, John Dowden
10.Coupling of conduction and forced convection past an impulsively started infinite flat platePages
11.Determination of transfer coefficients by psychrometryPages 1807-1818A. Kondjoyan, J.D. Daudin
12.Mixed convection along a nonisothermal vertical flat plate embedded in a porous medium: The entire regimePages 1819-1825J.C. Hsieh, T.S. Chen, B.F. Armaly
13.Heat transfer characteristics of a cranked, evaporative thermosyphonPages 1827-1832G.S.H. Lock, Jialin Fu
14.An interface tracking method applied to morphological evolution during phase changePages 1833-1844W. Shyy, H.S. Udaykumar, S.-J. Liang
15.An engineering assessment to the relaxation time in thermal wave propagationPages 1845-1851Da Yu Tzou
16.Leading edge effect during transient buoyancy induced flow adjacent to a vertical cylinderPages 1853-1858K. Velusamy, Vijay K. Garg
17.Laminar mixed convection over horizontal flat plates with power-law variation in surface temperaturePages 1859-1866W.R. Risbeck, T.S. Chen, B.F. Armaly
18.The influence of external heat transfer on flame extinction of dilute spraysPages 1867-1874Shuhn-Shyurng Hou, Chi-Chang Liu, Ta-Hui Lin
19.Thermocapillary breakdown of falling liquid films at high Reynolds numbersPages 1875-1881Mark S. Bohn, Stephen H. Davis
20.Measurements of laminar mixed convection in boundary-layer flow over horizontal and inclined backward-facing stepsPages 1883-1895H.I. Abu-Mulaweh, B.F. Armaly, T.S. Chen
21.Convective instability in saturated porous enclosures with a vertical insulating bafflePages 1897-1904Falin Chen, C.Y. Wang
22.The effects of particle size distribution and refractive index on fly-ash radiative properties using a simplified approachPages 1905-1912Fengshan Liu, Jim Swithenbank
23.Solution of Navier-Stokes equations on non-staggered gridPages 1913-1922A.W. Date
24.The role of buoyant thermals in salt gradient solar ponds and in convection more generallyPages 1923-1941Leslie B. Mullett
25.Lateral velocity fluctuations and dissipation time scale ratios for prediction of mean and fluctuating temperature fieldsPages 1943-1952P.J. Gehrke, K. Bremhorst
26.Modelling of the homogeneous turbulence dynamics of stably stratified mediaPages 1953-1968B.A. Kolovandin, V.U. Bondarchuk, C. Meola, G. De Felice
27.On the stability of stratified flow and its transition to other flow regimesPages 1969-1980Leif N. Persen
28.Modelling of the effect of turbulent twophase flow friction decrease under the influence of dispersed phase elementsPages 1981-1991L.V. Zakharov, A.A. Ovchinnikov, N.A. Nikolayev
29.Three-dimensional natural convection in a cubical enclosure with walls of finite conductancePages 1993-1997Toru Fusegi, Jae Min Hyun, Kunio Kuwahara
30.Transient temperature distributions within spherical products with internal heat generation and transpiration: experimental and analytical resultsPages 1998-2003Ibrahim Dincer, Eyup Akaryildiz
31.A review of the proceedings of the first international conference on advanced computational methods in heat transferPage 2005V.V. Zambare

Volume 36, Issue 8, Pages 2007-2245 (1993)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—CIS worksPages 2007-2012O.G. Martynenko
2.Local heat/mass transfer distribution in a square channel with full and V-shaped ribsPages 2013-2020R.T. Kukreja, S.C. Lau, R.D. McMillin
3.Steady-state heat conduction problem of the interface crack between dissimilar anisotropic mediaPages 2021-2026C.K. Chao, R.C. Chang
4.The resonance of natural convection in an enclosure heated periodically from the sidePages 2027-2038J.L. Lage, A. Bejan
5.Critical heat flux measurements in a round tube for CFCs and CFC alternativesPages 2049-3039R.M. Tain, S.C. Cheng, D.C. Groeneveld
6.Effect of axial solid heat conduction and mass diffusion in a rotary heat and mass regeneratorPages 2051-2059J.Y. San, S.C. Hsiau
7.Molecular dynamics study of solid melting and vaporization by laser irradiationPages 2061-2067Susumu Kotake, Masatugu Kuroki
8.Periodically developed flow and heat transfer in a ribbed ductPages 2069-2082S. Acharya, S. Dutta, T.A. Myrum, R.S. Baker
9.Study of the heat transfer behavior of a latent heat thermal energy storage unit with a finned tubePages 2083-2092Marcel Lacroix
10.Numerical method for direct contact melting in transient processPages 2093-2103Hiki Hong, Akio Saito
11.Hot spot locations and temperature distributions in a forced convection photochemical reactorPages
12.Binary diffusion and heat transfer in mixed convection pipe flows with film evaporationPages 2115-2123Wei-Mon Yan
13.Experimental and numerical analyses of double diffusive natural convection heated and cooled from opposing vertical walls with an initial condition of a vertically linear concentration gradientPages 2125-2134Katsuyoshi Kamakura, Hiroyuki Ozoe
14.Steady-state heat transfer from horizontally insulated slabsPages 2135-2145Moncef Krarti
15.Steady-state heat transfer from slab-on-grade floors with vertical insulationPages 2147-2155Moncef Krarti
16.Phase change thermal storage: transient behaviour analysis of a solar receiver/storage module using the enthalpy methodPages 2157-2163C. Bellecci, M. Conti
17.Transient cooling of petroleum by natural convection in cylindrical storage tanks—I. Development and testing of a numerical simulatorPages 2165-2174Mark A. Cotter, Michael E. Charles
18.Transient cooling of petroleum by natural convection in cylindrical storage tanks—II. Effect of heat transfer coefficient, aspect ratio and temperature-dependent viscosityPages 2175-2185Mark A. Cotter, Michael E. Charles
19.A theoretical investigation of acoustic enhancement of heat and mass transfer—I. Pure oscillating flowPages
20.A theoretical investigation of acoustic enhancement of heat and mass transfer—II. Oscillating flow with a steady velocity componentPages 2193-2202Man Yeong Ha, Savash Yavuzkurt
21.Accurate determination of diffuse view factors between planar surfacesPages 2203-2208Amrit Ambirajan, S.P. Venkateshan
22.Bayesian estimation of heat transport parameters in fixed bedsPages 2209-2221D.J. Gunn, M.M.A. Misbah
23.Modelling of unsteady combustion regimes for polydisperse fuels—I. Instability and auto-oscillationsPages 2223-2231Yu.A. Buyevich, N.A. Korolyova, I.A. Natalukha
24.Modelling of unsteady combustion regimes for polydisperse fuels—II. Parametrically controlled combustionPages 2233-2238Yu.A. Buyevich, N.A. Korolyova, I.A. Natalukha
25.Extended studies of spray cooling with Freon-113Pages 2239-2241J.P. Holman, C.M. Kendall
26.Fluid flow and heat transfer through a porous medium channel with permeable wallsPages 2242-2245X.K. Lan, J.M. Khodadadi

Volume 36, Issue 9, Pages 2247-2477 (1993)

1.Heat transfer bibliography— Japanese worksPages 2247-2259I. Tanasawa, S. Nishio, R. Echigo
2.A unified model for the prediction of bubble detachment diameters in boiling systems— I. Pool boilingPages
3.A unified model for the prediction of bubble detachment diameters in boiling systems—II. Flow boilingPages 2271-2279L.Z. Zeng, J.F. Klausner, D.M. Bernhard, R. Mei
4.An analysis of the combined conductive-radiative heat transfer between a surface and a gas-fluidized bed at high temperaturePages 2281-2292Hamdy M. Shafey, A.M. Abd El-Ghany, A.M. Nassib
5.Vapor flow analysis of an axially rotating heat pipePages 2293-2303A. Faghri, S. Gogineni, S. Thomas
6.Finite-amplitude instability of mixed-convection in a heated vertical pipePages 2305-2315B.B. Rogers, L.S. Yao
7.A two-port network formalism for 3D heat conduction analysis in multilayered mediaPages 2317-2326Ph. Leturcq, J.M. Dorkel, F.E. Ratolojanahary, S. Tounsi
8.Experimental investigations of heat transfer enhancement and flow losses in a channel with double rows of longitudinal vortex generatorsPages 2327-2337St. Tiggelbeck, N.K. Mitra, M. Fiebig
9.Effects of longitudinal vortex generators on heat transfer and flow loss in turbulent channel flowsPages
10.A study of the effects of macrosegregation and buoyancy-driven flow in binary mixture solidificationPages 2349-2358S.K. Sinha, T. Sundararajan, V.K. Garg
11.Experimental studies of forced, combined and natural convection of water in vertical nine-rod bundles with a square latticePages 2359-2374Mohamed S. El-Genk, Bingjing Su, Zhanxiong Guo
12.Numerical analysis of mixed convection at the entrance region of a rectangular duct heated from belowPages 2375-2384U. Narusawa
13.Analytical solution for transient laminar fully developed free convection in vertical concentric annuliPages 2385-2395M.A. Al-Nimr
14.Anisotropic thermoconvective effects on the onset of double diffusive convection in a porous mediumPages 2397-2401M.S. Malashetty
15.Diffusion controlled evaporation of a multicomponent droplet: theoretical studies on the importance of variable liquid propertiesPages 2403-2415R. Kneer, M. Schneider, B. Noll, S. Wittig
16.Buoyant-thermocapillary instabilities in medium-Prandtl-number fluid layers subject to a horizontal temperature gradientPages 2417-2427Patrice M. Parmentier, Vincent C. Regnier, Georgy Lebon
17.Developing laminar flow and heat transfer in a square duct with one-walled injection and suctionPages
18.Stability of plane Poiseuille flow with temperature dependent viscosityPages 2441-2448P. Schäfer, H. Herwig
19.Thermal processes in gas-powder laser cladding of metal materialsPages 2449-2456V.K. Pustovalov, D.S. Bobuchenko
20.An experimental study of laminar entrance flow and heat transfer in finned tube annuliPages
21.Application of inductive heating to granular media: temperature distribution in a granular bedPages 2473-2477P. Duquenne, A. Deltour, G. Lacoste

Volume 36, Issue 10, Pages 2479-2713 (July 1993)

1.On natural convection in vertical porous enclosures due to prescribed fluxes of heat and mass at the vertical boundariesPages 2479-2498Farid Alavyoon
2.Melting around a shaft rotating in a phase-change materialPages 2499-2509Al.M. Morega, A.M. Filip, A. Bejan, P.A. Tyvand
3.CHF mechanism in flow boiling from a short heated wall—I. Examination of near-wall conditions with the aid of photomicrography and high-speed video imagingPages 2511-2526J.E. Galloway, I. Mudawar
4.CHF mechanism in flow boiling from a short heated wall—II. Theoretical CHF modelPages 2527-2540J.E. Galloway, I. Mudawar
5.Vapor-film-unit model and heat transfer correlation for natural-convection film boiling with wave motion under subcooled conditionsPages 2541-2552Shigefumi Nishio, Hiroyasu Ohtake
6.Measurement of local heat flow in flat evacuated glazingPages 2553-2563R.E. Collins, C.A. Davis, C.J. Dey, S.J. Robinson, J.-Z. Tang, G.M. Turner
7.Transient method for measuring thermal properties of saturated porous mediaPages 2565-2573Osvair
8.Performance evaluation of a vortex generator heat transfer surface and comparison with different high performance surfacesPages 2575-2587U. Brockmeier, Th. Guentermann, M. Fiebig
9.Effects of momentum ratio on turbulent nonreacting and reacting flows in a ducted rocket combustorPages 2589-2599T.M. Liou, L. Chen, Y.Y. Wu
10.About the second-order instability on an electrically heated temperature-controlled test section under forced convective boiling conditionsPages 2601-2612X.C. Huang, G. Bartsch
11.Double conductivity media: a comparison between phenomenological and homogenization approachesPages 2613-2621J.L. Auriault, P. Royer
12.Mass flow sensing with heat waves: the effect of gas pressurePages 2623-2634David K. Lambert
13.A measurement technique and a new model for the wall heat transfer coefficient of a packed bed of (reactive) powder without gas flowPages 2635-2646M. Pons, P. Dantzer, J.J. Guilleminot
14.Two-dimensional freezing of water filled between vertical concentric tubes involving density anomaly and volume expansionPages 2647-2656Charn-Jung Kim, Sung Tack Ro, Joon Sik Lee, Moo Geun Kim
15.Prediction of the pulsation frequency of flames formed over a semi-infinite horizontal surfacePages 2657-2663Ishwar K. Puri
16.Near-field solution for heat and mass transfer from buried nuclear waste canistersPages 2665-2674K. Muralidhar
17.Impinging jet studies for turbulence model assessment—I. Flow-field experimentsPages 2675-2684D. Cooper, D.C. Jackson, B.E. Launder, G.X. Liao
18.Impinging jet studies for turbulence model assessment—II. An examination of the performance of four turbulence modelsPages 2685-2697T.J. Craft, L.J.W. Graham, B.E. Launder
19.Peculiar bubble generation on a film heater submerged in ethyl alcohol and imposed a high heating rate over 107 K s1Pages 2699-2701Y. Iida, K. Okuyama, K. Sakurai
20.Calcul au second ordre d'une couche limite de convection mixtePages 2702-2706M. Amaouche, C. Nouar
21.Natural convection heat transfer and fluid flow in an enclosure cooled at the top and heated at the bottom with roughness elementsPages 2707-2710M. Ruhul Amin
22.Correlations for simultaneously developing laminar flow and heat transfer in a circular tubePages 2710-2713B. Shome, M.K. Jensen

Volume 36, Issue 11, Pages 2715-2956 (July 1993)

1.Thermal diffusion in cyclic laminated composites: Spectral properties and application to the homogenizationPages 2715-2723M. Bouzidi, P. Duhamel
2.Advances in transport phenomena during convective drying with superheated steam and moist airPages
3.A two-phase mixture model of liquid-gas flow and heat transfer in capillary porous media—I. FormulationPages
4.A two-phase mixture model of liquid-gas flow and heat transfer in capillary porous media—II. Application to pressure-driven boiling flow adjacent to a vertical heated platePages
5.Thermally unstable convection with applications to chemical vapor deposition channel reactorstPages 2769-2781Greg Evans, Ralph Greif
6.Magnetorheological control of heat transferPages 2783-2788W.I. Kordonsky, S.P. Gorodkin, S.A. Demchuk
7.Improved thermal radiation extinction in metal coated polypropylen microfibersPages 2789-2794R. Caps, M.C. Arduini-Schuster, H.-P. Ebert, J. Fricke
8.Low Prandtl number convection in layers heated from belowPages 2795-2804V. Kek, U. Müller
9.Freezing of aqueous sodium chloride solution saturated packed bed from a vertical wall of a rectangular cavityPages 2805-2813J. Choi, R. Viskanta
10.Modeling of turbulent buoyant flow and heat transfer in liquid metalsPages 2815-2826A.A. Mohamad, R. Viskanta
11.Multicomponent droplet evaporation at intermediate Reynolds numbersPages 2827-2835M. Renksizbulut, M. Bussmann
12.Étude numérique du changement de phase autour d'un cylindre isotherme en rotationPages 2837-2846M. Prud'Homme, T.Hung Nguyen, P.G. Mao
13.An investigation of transient mixed convection heat transfer of cold water in a tall vertical annulus with a heated rotating inner cylinderPages 2847-2859C.J. Ho, F.J. Tu
14.Formation of castings with complex geometry. Thermomechanical effects, growth and influence of the air gapPages 2861-2867J.R. Popov, I.H. Katzarov
15.Solidification of porous medium saturated with aqueous solution in a rectangular cellPages 2869-2880K. Matsumoto, M. Okada, M. Murakami, Y. Yabushita
16.Natural convection and heat transfer in a vertical cavity filled with an ice—water saturated porous mediumPages 2881-2890Zhang Xiaoli
17.Numerical analysis for hyperbolic heat conductionPages 2891-2898Chen Han-Taw, Lin Jae-Yuh
18.Numerical study of laminar and turbulent natural convection in an inclined square cavityPages 2899-2911R.A. Kuyper, Th.H. Van Der Meer, C.J. Hoogendoorn, R.A.W.M. Henkes
19.Scaling of the laminar natural-convection flow in a heated square cavityPages 2913-2925R.A.W.M. Henkes, C.J. Hoogendoorn
20.Transition to time-periodicity of a natural-convection flow in a 3D differentially heated cavityPages 2927-2940R.J.A. Janssen, R.A.W.M. Henkes, C.J. Hoogendoorn
21.The condensation and evaporation of liquid droplets at arbitrary Knudsen number in the presence of an inert gasPages 2941-2956J.B. Young

Volume 36, Issue 12, Pages 2957-3158 (August 1993)

1.Similarity solution for laminar film boiling over a moving isothermal surfacePages 2957-2963J. Filipovic, R. Viskanta, F.P. Incropera
2.Heat transfer enhancement in a serpentine channelPages 2965-2976B. Snyder, K.T. Li, R.A. Wirtz
3.Optimal experimental design for estimating thermal properties of composite materialsPages
4.Kinetic and heat transfer-controlled solidification of highly supercooled dropletsPages
5.Theory and measurement of local interfacial area using a four sensor probe in two-phase flowPages 2997-3007S.T. Revankar, M. Ishii
6.A discrete element method for composite media: one-dimensional heat conductionPages 3009-3016Shuling Hou, Allen C. Cogley, Ajay Sharma
7.Investigation of solutal convection during the dissolution of silicon in a sandwich systemPages 3017-3027S. Erbay, H.A. Erbay, N. Djilali, S. Dost
8.Mixed convective flow with mass transfer in a horizontal rectangular duct heated from below simulated by the conditional Fourier spectral analysisPages 3029-3042Hosokawa Iwao, Tanaka Yoshinori, Yamamoto Kiyoshi
9.Augmentative heat transfer in a vertical 2-pass tube through an air box by use of strip type insertsPages 3043-3057Hsieh Shou-Shing, Wen Mao-Yu
10.Laminar mixed convection in a duct with a backward-facing step: the effects of inclination angle and Prandtl numberPages 3059-3067B. Hong, B.F. Armaly, T.S. Chen
11.Inverse segregation for a unidirectional solidification of aluminum-copper alloysPages 3069-3075J.H. Chen, H.L. Tsai
12.Heat and humidity transfer in non saturated porous media: capillary hysteresis effects under cyclic thermal conditionsPages 3077-3088C.H.A. Molenda, P. Crausse, D. Lemarchand
13.Instability of radiation-induced flow in an inclined slotPages 3089-3098Yang Wen-Mei, Leu Mou-Chang
14.Transmittances and frequency characteristics of wave and diffusion heat transfer in the flat slabPages 3099-3105Jerzy Gołëbiowski, Andrzej Jan Jordan
15.Comparison of natural convection of water and air in a partitioned rectangular enclosurePages 3107-3117Jamil A Khan, Yao Guang-Fa
16.Mixed convection in an inclined channel with a discrete heat sourcePages 3119-3134C.Y. Choi, A. Ortega
17.Role of surface tension and ellipticity in laminar film condensation on a horizontal elliptical tubePages
18.Ohmic heating of complex fluidsPages 3143-3152A.Ould El Moctar, H. Peerhossaini, P. Le Peurian, J.P. Bardon
19.High Peclet number heat transfer from a droplet suspended in an electric field: interior problemPages 3153-3155D.L.R. Oliver, K.J. De Witt
20.A close upper bound for the conduction shape factor of a uniform thickness, 2D layerPages 3155-3158A.V. Hassani, K.G.T. Hollands, G.D. Raithby

Volume 36, Issue 13, Pages 3159-3410 (September 1993)

1.Transient natural convection heat transfer between concentric spheresPages 3159-3170Chu Hsin-Sen, Lee Tzong-Shing
2.The melting process of ice from a vertical wall with time-periodic temperature perturbation inside a rectangular enclosurePages 3171-3186C.J. Ho, C.H. Chu
3.On vertical turbulent buoyant jetsPages 3187-3200R.M.C. So, H. Aksoy
4.Superadiabatic combustion in a porous mediumPages 3201-3209Katsunori Hanamura, Ryozo Echigo, Serguei A. Zhdanok
5.Etude des transferts radiatifs et convectifs induits par une source de chaleur et de masse dans une cavité a deux zonesPages 3211-3227Laurence Allançon, Bernard Porterie, Jean-Claude Loraud
6.Couche limite laminaire autour d'un corps déformable animé d'un mouvement non uniforme avec transfert de chaleurPages 3229-3236R. Askovic
7.Transfert de chaleur en écoulement puisé au point d'arrêt d'un cylindre chaudPages 3237-3249S. Soudki, J.-L. Peube
8.Onset of natural convection in a cubePages 3251-3263W.J. Hiller, St. Koch, T.A. Kowalewski, F. Stella
9.General equation for heat transfer for laminar flow in ducts of arbitrary cross-sectionsPages 3265-3270T. Yilmaz, E. Cihan
10.Numerical study on heat and mass transfer in a liquid-fueled gas turbine combustorPages 3271-3281H.K. Ma, F.H. Lee, M.W. Wang
11.Three-dimensional simulation of the plasma arc welding processPages 3283-3298Russell G. Keanini, Boris Rubinsky
12.Forced convective boiling in binary mixturesPages 3299-3309Gian Piero Celata, Maurizio Cumo, Tommaso Setaro
13.Unsteady flow and heat transfer for cylinder pairs in a channelPages 3311-3328K Tatsutani, R Devarakonda, J.A.C Humphrey
14.Structure d'écoulement et transfert de chaleur par convection naturelle au voisinage du maximum de densitéPages 3329-3342R. Bennacer, L.Y. Sun, Y. Toguyeni, D. Gobin, C. Benard
15.Forced-convection heat transfer in the entrance region of pipesPages 3343-3349R.F Badus'haq
16.A correlation for forced convective boiling heat transfer of pure refrigerants in a horizontal smooth tubePages 3351-3360H. Takamatsu, S. Momoki, T. Fujii
17.Natural convection in a vertical cylinder filled with anisotropic porous mediaPages 3361-3367Chang Wen-Jeng, Hsiao Chi-Feng
18.Kinetics of intense evaporative mass transfer through a porous layerPages 3369-3374G. Gorelik, N. Paylyukevich, S. Zalenskiy, S. Radev, S. Stefanov
19.Radiative transfer in a flat non-equilibrium mixture layer of CO2−N2 gases: numerical experimentPages 3375-3381V.I. Kruglov, L.V. Katkovskiy, V.G. Redikultsev
20.Flow structure and turbulent transport of a supercritical pressure fluid in a vertical heated tube under the conditions of mixed convection. Experimental dataPages
21.Condensed gas evaporation into the atmospherePages 3393-3398L.A. Dekhtyarenko, N.I. Zverev, N.N. Smirnov
22.Momentum and heat transport on a continuous flat surface moving in a parallel streamPages 3399-3403Noor Afzal, A. Badaruddin, A.A. Elgarvi
23.Three-dimensional natural convection in a vertical porous layer with hexagonal honeycomb core of negligible thicknessPages 3403-3406Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi,
24.Influence of channel diameter on subcooled flow boiling burnout at high heat fluxesPages 3407-3410G.P Celata, M Cumo, A Mariani, H Nariai, F Inasaka

Volume 36, Issue 14, Pages 3411-3662 (September 1993)

1.Study on liquid laminar free convection with consideration of variable thermophysical propertiesPages 3411-3419De-Yi Shang, Bu-Xuan Wang, Yang Wang, Yui Quan
2.Forced convection and flow boiling heat transfer for liquid flowing through microchannelsPages 3421-3427X. F. Peng, B. -X. Wang
3.A non-Boussinesq integral method for laminar free convection between vertical flat plates subject to a uniform wall heat fluxPages 3429-3435M. A. Langerman
4.Mass and momentum transport in smooth falling liquid films laminarized at relatively high Reynolds numbersPages
5.Nonequilibrium evaporation of molten-metal drops in an alternating magnetic fieldPages 3449-3458Yildiz Bayazitoglu, Robert Cerny
6.Computational modeling of the gas-phase transport phenomena during flame-jet thermal spallation drillingPages 3459-3475Mark A. Wilkinson, Jefferson W. Tester
7.Thermophoretic deposition of absorbing, emitting and isotropically scattering particles in laminar tube flow with high particle mass loadingPages 3477-3485Sung Ho Park, Sang Soo Kim
8.Local heating induced by a nonhomogeneously distributed heat sourcePages 3487-3496Da Yu Tzou, Jing Li
9.Heat transfer enhancement in a ribbed duct using vortex generatorsPages 3497-3508T. A. Myrum, X. Qiu, S. Acharya
10.Heat and mass transfer through a liquid metal in an infinitely long, rotating cylinder with a uniform, transverse magnetic fieldPages 3509-3514M. C. Hall, J. S. Walker
11.CW laser machining of hard ceramics—I. Effects of three-dimensional conduction, variable properties and various laser parametersPages 3515-3528Subhransu Roy, Michael F. Modest
12.CW laser machining of hard ceramics—II. Effects of multiple reflectionsPages 3529-3540Se Yoon Bang, Subhransu Roy, Michael F. Modest
13.Heat transfer in helical, curved rectangular channels—comparison of type I and type II systemsPages 3541-3546Donald D. Joye, Andrew G. Hakun, Colin D. Joye
14.Mixed convection from an isothermal horizontal plate moving in parallel or reversely to a free streamPages 3547-3554Hsiao-Tsung Lin, Kuo-Yeu Wu, Huey-Ling Hoh
15.A correlation for forced convective boiling heat transfer of nonazeotropic refrigerant mixture of HCFC22/CFC114 in a horizontal smooth tubePages 3555-3563Hiroshi Takamatsu, Satoru Momoki, Tetsu Fujii
16.Natural convection below heated horizontal rectangular platesPages 3565-3571F. J. Higuera
17.Multicomponent heat and mass transfer for flow over a dropletPages 3573-3581P. L. C. Lage, R. H. Rangel, C. M. Hackenberg
18.Freezing of a water-saturated inclined packed bed of beadsPages 3583-3592C. -H. Yang, S. K. Rastogi, D. Poulikakos
19.Free convection from an elliptic cylinder with major axis verticalPages 3593-3602H. M. Badr, K. Shamsher
20.Computation of turbulent natural convection in rectangular enclosures with an algebraic flux modelPages 3603-3624K. Hanjalic
21.Conjugate forced convection-conduction analysis of the performance of a cooling and dehumidifying vertical rectangular finPages 3625-3631H. Kazeminejad, M. A. Yaghoubi, F. Bahri
22.Radiant and convective heat transfer for flow of a radiation gas in a heated/cooled tube with a grey wallPages 3633-3645J. Stasiek, M. W. Collins
23.Coupled mass and heat transfer in a multicomponent turbulent falling liquid filmPages 3647-3657L. P. Kholpanov, E. Ya. Kenig
24.Incremental heat transfer number in the entry region of circular tubesPages 3659-3662T. V. Nguyen

Volume 36, Issue 15, Pages 3663-3876 (October 1993)

1.Non-Darcy natural convection around a horizontal cylinder buried near the surface of a fluid-saturated porous mediumPages 3663-3669D. M. Christopher, B. -X. Wang
2.Modeling of heat and mass transfer in unsaturated wet porous media with consideration of capillary hysteresisPages 3671-3676Wei-Ping Yu, Bu-Xuan Wang, Ming-Heng Shi
3.The optimal cooling of a stack of heat generating boards with fixed pressure drop, flowrate or pumping powerPages 3677-3686Stefano Mereu, Enrico Sciubba, Adrian Bejan
4.Upward solidification of a binary solution saturated porous mediumPages 3687-3695M. Song, J. Choi, R. Viskanta
5.Influence of surrounding bubbles on the rate of nucleationPages 3697-3701P. Deligiannis, J. W. Cleaver
6.Use of in situ conductivity measurements to calculate the flow field and heat transfer in continuous-flow electrophoresisPages 3703-3710Jörn Heinrich, Michael J. Clifton, Horst Wagner
7.Temperature fields in sliding solids with internal heat sourcesPages 3711-3722W. Y. D. Yuen
8.Reynolds number effect on leading edge film effectiveness and heat transfer coefficientPages
9.Non-ideal vaporization of dilating binary droplets with variable propertiesPages 3731-3741P. L. C. Lage, C. M. Hackenberg, R. H. Rangel
10.Oscillatory thermocapillary flow in a rectangular cavityPages 3743-3749Jyh-Chen Chen, Farn-Shiun Hwu
11.Measurements of flow structure in the radial layer of impinging free-surface liquid jetsPages 3751-3758J. Stevens, B. W. Webb
12.An efficient computational technique to solve the moving boundary problems in the axisymmetric geometriesPages 3759-3764Charn-Jung Kim, Sung Tack Ro, Joon Sik Lee
13.Experimental investigation of leakage in shell-and-tube heat exchangers with segmental bafflesPages 3765-3771W. Roetzel, D. Lee
14.Double-diffusive convection in a rotating annulus with horizontal temperature and vertical solutal gradientsPages 3773-3782Hyung Jin Sung, Won Kook Cho, Jae Min Hyun
15.Steady and oscillatory opposing mixed convection in a symmetrically heated vertical channel with a low-Prandtl number fluidPages 3783-3795Tsai-Shou Chang, Tsing-Fa Lin
16.Evaporation from a translating drop in an electric fieldPages 3797-3812Hoa D. Nguyen, J. N. Chung
17.Analysis of critical and subcritical flow boilingPages 3813-3822R. W. Lyczkowski, H. M. Domanus, M. Bottoni, W. T. Sha
18.An experimental investigation of the transient response of a water heat pipePages 3823-3830Mohamed S. El-Genk, Lianmin Huang
19.A sensitivity study of material properties for coupled convective-conductive heat transfer generated in an electronic equipmentPages 3831-3839H. Y. Wang, J. B. Saulnier
20.Forced convection on a rotating cylinder with an incident air jetPages 3841-3850C. C. Chiou, S. L. Lee
21.Transient behaviour analysis of a latent heat thermal storage modulePages 3851-3857C. Bellecci, M. Conti
22.Saturated pool nucleate boiling mechanisms at high heat fluxesPages 3859-3868Kemal O. Pasamehmetoglu, Padmanabha R. Chappidi, Cetin Unal, Ralph A. Nelson
23.Temperature dependence measurements of thermal parameters of solid samples by the relaxation methodPages 3869-3872O. Budke, P. Dieka
24.A note on conjugate forced convection boundary-layer flow past a flat platePages 3873-3876I. Pop, D. B. Ingham

Volume 36, Issue 16, Pages 3877-4078 (November 1993)

1.Numerical study of liquid film cooling in a turbulent gas streamPages 3877-3885Wei-Mon Yan, Soong Chyi-Yeou
2.The overall thermal conductivity in a straining body with microcrack evolutionPages 3887-3895Da Yu Tzou, Li Jing
3.Study of 3-D mixing of a cold jet with a transverse plasma streamPages 3897-3907Zouhir Njah, Javad Mostaghimi, M Faghri, Maher Boulos
4.Mathematical modelling of the 3-D mixing in an induction plasma reactorPages 3909-3919Zouhir Njah, Javad Mostaghimi, Maher Boulos
5.The effect of a swirled annular jet on convective heat transfer in confined coaxial jet mixingPages 3921-3930H. Memar, J.P. Holman, P.A. Dellenback
6.High frequency asymptotics of acoustical nucleate pool boiling noise spectrum in compressible viscous liquidsPages 3931-3935L. Likhterov
7.Unsteady behavior and mass transfer performance of the combined convective flow in a horizontal rectangular duct heated from belowPages 3937-3947H. Koizumi, I. Hosokawa
8.Transient cooling of a finite cylindrical medium in the rarefied cold environmentPages 3949-3956Seung Wook Baek, Taik Young Kim, Joon Sik Lee
9.Heatline visualization of forced convection laminar boundary layersPages 3957-3966Al.M. Morega, A. Bejan
10.The effect of heat conduction resistances of tubes and shells on transient behaviour of heat exchangersPages 3967-3973Wilfried Roetzel, Xuan Yimin
11.Comparison of engineering models of nongray behavior of combustion productsPages 3975-3982Song Tae-Ho
12.Single-phase thermosyphon cooling of an array of discrete heat sources in a rectangular cavityPages 3983-3996M.S. Polentini, S. Ramadhyani, F.P. Incropera
13.Temperature and penetration depth prediction for a three-dimensional field below a moving heat sourcePages 3997-4008Peter Ehrhard, Christoph Hölle, Christian Karcher
14.Measurements of entrainment characteristics of swirling jetsPages 4009-4018S.H. Park, H.D. Shin
15.Flow and heat transfer control over an external surface using a porous block array arrangementPages 4019-4032P.C. Huang, K. Vafai
16.Transverse conductivity in non-ideal fiber composite geometriesPages 4033-4038Ke-Da Bao, Hui Lu, Göran Grimvall
17.Implementation of an inverse method for identification of reticulation kinetics from temperature measurements on a thick samplePages 4039-4047Jean-Sebastien Le Brizaut, Didier Delaunay, Bertrand Garnier, Yvon Jarny
18.Heat transfer to a horizontal disc using a buoyancy-induced jetPages 4049-4066Sangeeta Kohli, J. Srinivasan, H.S. Mukunda
19.Natural convection in a rectangular enclosure with partial heating of the lower surface: experimental resultsPages 4067-4071J.D. Nicolas, M.W. Nansteel
20.Critical heat flux in pool boiling of binary mixtures as determined by the quenching methodPages 4071-4076Chen Jyh-Fuh, Liu Ming-Huei, Yang Yu-Min
21.Dryout under oscillatory flow condition in vertical and horizontal tubes—experiments at low velocity and pressure conditionsPages 4076-4078Ozawa Mamoru, Umekawa Hisashi, Yoshioka Yohji, Tomiyama Akio

Volume 36, Issue 17, Pages 4079-4286 (November 1993)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—Polish works (1991–1992)Pages 4079-4083J. Bandrowski, J. Zioło
2.Thermal problem of curvilinear cracks in bonded dissimilar materials with a point heat sourcePages 4085-4093C.K. Chao, L.Y. Kuo
3.Numerical simulation of convection/diffusion phase change problems—a reviewPages 4095-4106A.A. Samarskii, P.N. Vabishchevich, O.P. Iliev, A.G. Churbanov
4.Transient temperature response of different fins to step initial conditionsPages 4107-4114E. Assis, H. Kalman
5.Thermal effect on liquid-phase free convection at gas evolving electrodesPages 4115-4121H. Vogt
6.Influence of segregation-diffusion processes on the effective thermal conductivity of porous ceramicsPages 4123-4131Tatiana Gambaryan, Efim Ya. Litovsky, Michael Shapiro
7.Evaporative cooling due to a gently deposited dropletPages 4133-4139M. Di Marzo, P. Tartarini, Y. Liao, D. Evans, H. Baum
8.Analysis of radiation-natural convection interactions in 1 -g and low-g environments using the discrete exchange factor methodPages 4141-4149M. Kassemi, M.H.N. Naraghi
9.Measurement of mass and momentum transport in wavy-laminar falling liquid filmsPages 4151-4162Issam Mudawar, Ronald A. Houpt
10.High temperature radiative properties of thin polysilicon films at the λ = 0.6328 μm wavelengthPages 4163-4172Xianfan Xu, Costas P. Grigoropoulos
11.Three-dimensional linear stability of natural convective flow between concentric horizontal cylindersPages 4173-4180Jun Young Choi, Kim Moon-Uhn
12.A general analytical approach toward the thermal conductivity of porous mediaPages 4181-4191T.H. Bauer
13.Performance evaluation of convective heat transfer enhancement devices using exergy analysisPages 4193-4197R.C. Prasad, Jihua Shen
14.The Brinkman model for natural convection in a porous layer: Effects of nonuniform thermal gradientPages 4199-4206P. Vasseur, L. Robillard
15.Forced convective heat transfer in a vertical annulus filled with porous mediaPages 4207-4213Wang Bu-Xuan, Du Jian-Hua
16.A simple inverse heat conduction method with optimizationPages 4215-4220J. Vogel, L. Sára, L. Krejčí
17.Stationary and dynamic simulation of multipass shell and tube heat exchangers with the dispersion model for both fluidsPages 4221-4231Xuan Yimin, Wilfried Roetzel
18.Unsteady convective flows in a vertical slot containing variable viscosity fluidsPages 4233-4246Chen Falin, C.H. Wu
19.Turbulent buoyant flows into a two dimensional storage tankPages 4247-4256L. Cai, W.E. Stewart Jr., C.W. Sohn
20.Heat transfer in the thermally developing region of a pulsating channel flowPages 4257-4266Seo Young Kim, Byung Ha Kang, Jae Min Hyun
21.A new pressure drop correlation for subcooled flow boiling of refrigerantsPages 4267-4274E. Hahne, K. Spindler, H. Skok
22.Numerical solution of natural convective heat transfer in parabolic enclosuresPages 4275-4281S.O. Talabi, U. Nwabuko
23.Measurements of flow structure in the stagnation zone of impinging free-surface liquid jetsPages 4283-4286J. Stevens, B.W. Webb

Volume 36, Issue 18, Pages 4287-4499 (December 1993)

1.Volume contents and author index volme 36, 1993Pages i-xxxvi
2.Model of radiative transfer in fibrous media—matrix methodPages 4287-4297P. Boulet, G. Jeandel, G. Morlot
3.The formation of negative- and positive-segregated bands during solidification of aluminum-copper alloysPages 4299-4305Q.Z. Diao, H.L. Tsai
4.Mixing between a sharp-edged rectangular jet and a transverse cross flowPages 4307-4316A.J. Humber, E.W. Grandmaison, A. Pollard
5.Thermal Taylor dispersion in an insulated circular cylinder—I. TheoryPages 4317-4325R.P. Batycky, D.A. Edwards, H. Brennerf
6.Thermal Taylor dispersion in an insulated circular cylinder—II. ApplicationsPages 4327-4333R.P. Batycky, D.A. Edwards, H. Brenner
7.Mathematical modelling of surface segregation in aluminum DC casting caused by exudationPages 4335-4340Asbjørn Mo
8.An approximate solution for the dynamic response of wall transfer probesPages 4341-4349D.M. Wang, J.M. Tarbell
9.Numerical computation of thermocapillary-driven convection in an open cylindrical cavity with different aspect ratiosPages 4351-4363Hsieh Shou-Shing, Wen Mao-Yu
10.Numerical study of laminar heat transfer with temperature dependent fluid viscosity in a 2:1 rectangular ductPages 4365-4373Shin Sehyun, Young I. Cho, William K. Gringrich, Wei Shyy
11.A forced convection subcooled boiling model for nonuniform axial heat fluxesPages 4375-4387M.A. Hoffman, B.R. Springsteen
12.An investigation on instantaneous local heat transfer coefficients in high-temperature fluidized beds—I. Experimental resultsPages 4389-4395Li Hong-Shun, Qian Ren-Zhang, Huang Wen-Di, Bi Kai-Jun
13.An investigation on instantaneous local heat transfer coefficients in high-temperature fluidized beds—II. Statistical analysisPages 4397-4406Li Hong-Shun, Qian Ren-Zhang, Huang Wen-Di, Bi Kai-Jun
14.Empirical correlation equations for heat transfer by forced convection from cylinders embedded in porous media that account for the wall effect and dispersionPages 4407-4418R.M. Fand, M. Varahasamy, L.S. Greer
15.High pressure droplet vaporization; effects of liquid-phase gas solubilityPages 4419-4431H. Jia, G. Gogos
16.Thermal hysteresis in fibrous insulationPages 4433-4441C.J. Simonson, Y.-X. Tao, R.W. Besant
17.Unsteady mixed convection heat transfer from a solid sphere: The conjugate problemPages 4443-4453Hoa D. Nguyen, Seungho Paik, Jacob N. Chung
18.Une méthode de résolution de l'équation de la chaleur en régime graduellement variéPages 4455-4460H. Sadat, J.L. Peube
19.Analysis on hysteresis in nucleate pool boiling heat transferPages 4461-4466Shi Ming-Heng, Ji Ma, Wang Bu-Xuan
20.Integral transform solution of Luikov's equations for heat and mass transfer in capillary porous mediaPages 4467-4475J.W. Ribeiro, R.M. Cotta, M.D. Mikhailov
21.Wall functions for numerical simulation of turbulent natural convection along vertical platesPages 4477-4485X. Yuan, A. Moser, P. Suter
22.Some aspects of free-convective heat transfer in eddy flow through a horizontal tubePages 4487-4491V.F. Vinokurov, S.V. Volkov, O.G. Martynenko, P.P. Khramtsov, I.A. Shikh
23.Effective modeling/analysis of isothermal phase change problems with emphasis on representative enthalpy architectures and finite elementsPages 4493-4497Raju R. Namburu, Kumar K. Tamma
24.Steady state multiplicity in boiling fluid pipe flowPages 4497-4499I. Naot, D.R. Lewin, S.J. Wajc
25.Call for papersPages I-V

Volume 37, Supplement 1, Pages 1-463 (March 1994)

1.Editorial BoardPage CO2
2.Professor James P. Hartnett on his 70th birthdayPages 1-2
3.Transition from transpiration to film coolingPages 3-8E. R. G. Eckert, H. H. Cho
4.Size effects on the temperature rise in vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diodesPages 9-17Pamela M. Norris, Gang Chen, Chang-Lin Tien
5.Laminar heat transfer in a rectangular duct with a non-Newtonian fluid with temperature-dependent viscosityPages 19-30Sehyun Shin, Young I. Cho
6.Analysis of post-CHF swirl flow heat transferPages 31-40D. M. France, W. J. Minkowycz, C. Chang
7.Theoretical and experimental study of the falling cylinder viscometerPages 41-50Fulin Gui, Thomas F. Irvine Jr.
8.Flow and heat transfer in round vertical buoyant jetsPages 51-58O. G. Martynenko, V. N. Korovkin
9.Natural convection heat transfer on finned tubes in airPages 59-63E. Hahne, D. Zhu
10.Active enhancement of evaporation of a liquid drop on a hot solid surface using a static electric fieldPages 65-71Kiyoshi Takano, Ichiro Tanasawa, Shigefumi Nishio
11.Experimental investigation on liquid forced-convection heat transfer through microchannelsPages 73-82B. X. Wang, X. F. Peng
12.Mechanism of heat transfer enhancement due to self-sustained oscillation for an in-line fin arrayPages 83-96K. Suzuki, G. N. Xi, K. Inaoka, Y. Hagiwara
13.Scaling and analysis of mixing in large stratified volumesPages 97-106P. F. Peterson
14.Natural convection heat transfer in overlapping discrete plate arraysPages 107-111P. Balasundar, V. M. K. Sastri
15.Determination of the characteristic and diffusion times of polyacrylamide solutions using falling balls and needlesPages 113-122Sang-Sin Yoo, Chan-Yeal Jeon, Y. I. Cho
16.Multi-phase mixing of liquid cryogens in the simulation of explosion hazardsPages 123-132T. S. Luchik, E. Y. Kwack, K. M. Aaron, P. Shakkottai, L. H. Back
17.On turbulent drag and heat transfer reduction phenomena and laminar heat transfer enhancement in non-circular duct flow of certain non-Newtonian fluidsPages 133-147M. Kostic
18.Convective mass transfer and pressure loss characteristics of staggered short pin-fin arraysPages 149-160R. J. Goldstein, M. Y. Jabbari, S. B. Chen
19.An experimental study of critical heat flux in very high heat flux subcooled boilingPages 161-173C. L. Vandervort, A. E. Bergles, M. K. Jensen
20.Mixed convection flow and heat transfer in a bottom-driven shallow cavity heated from belowPages 175-190R. Ben Mansour, R. Viskanta
21.Relating mechanics, blood flow and mass transport in the cardiac musclePages 191-205Daniel Zinemanas, Rafael Beyar, Samuel Sideman
22.Enhancement of forced convection heat transfer in viscous fluid flowsPages 207-212A. Zukauskas
23.The entrainment flow adjacent to an isothermal vertical surfacePages 213-231Neil T. Wright, Benjamin Gebhart
24.The thermal-hydraulics of aseptic food processingPages 233-239M. Millies, D. Drew, R. T. Lahey JR.
25.The effect of turbulent structures on the development of mixing and combustion processes in sub- and supersonic H2 flamesPages 241-253M. Haibel, F. Mayinger
26.Behavior of vapor masses on a vertical flat surface of comparatively large height near critical heat flux conditions in saturated pool boilingPages 255-263Y. Katto, S. Otokuni
27.Vaporization of a binary unsteady spray at high temperature and high pressurePages 265-272M. Klingsporn, U. Renz
28.Boundary element solutions of the steady state, singular, inverse heat transfer equationPages 273-280D. B. Ingham, Y. Yuan
29.Buoyancy effect on three-dimensional turbulent surface jetPages 281-289Fumimaru Ogino, Kosuke Katai
30.Heat transfer in nucleate pool boiling of binary mixturesPages 291-302Yasunobu Fujita, Masayuki Tsutsui
31.Nucleate pool boiling on horizontal tubes: A convection-based correlationPages 303-309K. Cornwell, S. D. Houston
32.Spectral radiative properties identification of fiber insulating materialsPages 311-324V. P. Nicolau, M. Raynaud, J. F. Sacadura
33.Measurement of the heat transfer coefficient in plate heat exchangers using a temperature oscillation techniquePages
34.Heat transfer from a planar surface to a fluid in laminar flow. An experimental and computational studyPages 333-346J. F. T. Pittman, J. F. Richardson, A. O. Sharif, C. P. Sherrard
35.Rationalization of existing mechanistic models for the prediction of water subcooled flow boiling critical heat fluxPages 347-360G. P. Celata, M. Cumo, A. Mariani, M. Simoncini, G. Zummo
36.Drop motion with surfactant transfer in an inhomogeneous mediumPages 361-374Alexei Ye.
37.Finite difference method by using MathematicaPages 375-379M. D. Mikhailov
38.Benchmark results in computational heat and fluid flow: The integral transform methodPages 381-393Renato M. Cotta
39.Numerical and experimental results for coupled heat and mass transfer between a desiccant film and air in cross-flowPages 395-402M. S. Park, John R. Howell, Gary C. Vliet, John Peterson
40.Approximate solution methods for spectral radiative transfer in high refractive index layersPages 403-413R. Siegel, C. M. Spuckler
41.An analysis of conjugate heat transfer from a heated wall in a channel with zero-mean oscillatory flow for small oscillatory flow Reynolds numbersPages 415-423Q. D. Liao, K. T. Yang, V. W. Nee
42.Turbulent transition and maintenance of turbulence; implication to heat transfer augmentationPages 425-431B. B. Mikic, Lj. B. Vujisic, J. Kapat
43.Plate fins with variable thickness and height for air-cooled electronic modulesPages 433-445Mihaela Morega, Adrian Bejan
44.Unsteady turbulent forced convection in a parallel-plate channel with timewise variation of inlet temperaturePages 447-456Sadik Kakaç, Weigong Li
45.Effect of fin efficiency on a model for condensation heat transfer on a horizontal, integral-fin tubePages 457-463A. Briggs, J. W. Rose

Volume 37, Issue 1, Pages 1-173 (January 1994)

1.Editorial BoardPage IFC
2.Convection thermique pour un fluide de Herschel—Bulkley dans la région d'entrée d'une conduitePages
3.Effect of the orientation of a finned surface on the melting of frozen porous mediaPages 13-26K Sasaguchi, H Takeo
4.Pressure gradient effects on Reynolds analogy for constant property equilibrium turbulent boundary layersPages 27-41Ronald M.C. So
5.Heat transfer from a fully-developed pulsating flow in a curved pipePages 43-52Jae Hwa Chung, Jae Min Hyun
6.Enhancement of CHF water subcooled flow boiling in tubes using helically coiled wiresPages 53-67G.P Celata, M Cumo, A Mariani
7.A phenomenological model for boiling heat transfer and the critical heat flux in tubes containing twisted tapesPages 69-80J Weisman, J.Y Yang, S Usman
8.A density-weighted reacting model for multiphase turbulent diffusion flamesPages 81-90S.H. Chan, M.M.M. Abou-Ellail
9.Etude de la convection mixte dans un conduit cylindrique. Approches analytique/numérique et détermination expérimentale de la température de paroi par thermographie infrarougePages 91-101C. Abid, F. Papini, A. Ropke, D. Veyret
10.Free convection heat transfer from arrays of vertically separated horizontal cylinders at low Rayleigh numbersPages
11.Extension de la méthode des quadripôles thermiques à l'aide de transformations intégrales—calcul du transfert thermique au travers d'un défaut plan bidimensionnelPages 111-127J.C. Batsale, D. Maillet, A. Degiovanni
12.Convective instability of moist gas in a porous mediumPages 129-138Zhang Yiqiang, Lu Ning, Benjamin Ross
13.A new turbulence model for predicting fluid flow and heat transfer in separating and reattaching flows—I. Flow field calculationsPages 139-151K Abe, T Kondoh, Y Nagano
14.Analysis of two-dimensional hyperbolic heat conduction problemsPages 153-164Chen Han-Taw, Lin Jae-Yuh
15.Hydrodynamic conditions of transfer processes through a radial jet spreading over a flat surfacePages 165-173Yu.A. Buyevich, V.A. Ustinov

Volume 37, Issue 2, Pages 175-345 (January 1994)

1.Heat transfer to mixtures of acetone, isopropanol and water under subcooled flow boiling conditions—I. Experimental resultsPages 175-183U. Wenzel, B. Hartmuth, H. Müller-Steinhagen
2.Heat transfer to mixtures of acetone, isopropanol and water under subcooled flow boiling conditions—II. Prediction of heat transfer coefficientsPages 185-194U. Wenzel, H. Müller-Steinhagen
3.On natural convection in vertical porous enclosures due to opposing fluxes of heat and mass prescribed at the vertical wallsPages 195-206Farid Alavyoon, Masuda Yoshio, Kimura Shigeo
4.Forced convection heat transfer with phase-change-material slurries: Turbulent flow in a circular tubePages 207-215Choi Eunsoo, Young I. Cho, Harold G. Lorsch
5.Local heat transfer in a rotating serpentine passage with rib-roughened surfacesPages 217-228Fann Shin, Yang Wen-Jei, Zhang Nengli
6.Conjugate free convection due to a vertical plate in a porous mediumPages 229-236Michael Vynnycky, KimuraShigeo
7.Assessment of correlations and models for the prediction of CHF in water subcooled flow boilingPages
8.Thermophoretic transport with application to external vapor deposition processesPages 257-268H.C. Tsai, R. Greif
9.Effects of interaction between adjacent free surface planar jets on local heat transfer from the impingement surfacePages 269-282S.J. Slayzak, R. Viskanta, F.P. Incropera
10.Heat transfer enhancement in fin-tube heat exchangers by winglet type vortex generatorsPages
11.Measurement and interpretation of growth and evaporation of monodispersed droplets in a shock tubePages 293-302F. Peters, B. Paikert
12.Natural convection in a finite wall rectangular cavity filled with an anisotropic porous mediumPages 303-312Chang Wen-Jeng, Lin Hui-Chuan
13.Simulation of heat transfer to flow in radial grooves of friction pairsPages 313-319Parviz Payvar, Y.N. Lee, W.J. Minkowycz
14.High flux boiling in low flow rate, low pressure drop mini-channel and micro-channel heat sinksPages 321-332M.B. Bowers, I. Mudawar
15.Flow and heat transfer of plane surfaces moving in parallel and reversely to the free streamPages
16.Thermal entrance length and Nusselt numbers in coiled tubesPages 336-340Narasimha Acharya, Mihir Sen, Chang Hsueh-Chia
17.Effect of wall conduction on melting in an enclosure heated at constant ratePages 340-343Zhang Yuwen, Chen Zhongqi
18.CorrigendumPage 345

Volume 37, Issue 3, Pages 347-539 (February 1994)

1.A universal approach to predicting temperature response of metallic parts to spray quenchingPages
2.Convection heat transfer distributions over plates with square ribs from infrared thermography measurementsPages
3.Numerical study of thermal convection in tall laterally heated cavitiesPages 375-386P.G. Daniels, P. Wang
4.Numerical study of thermal convection in shallow cavities with conducting boundariesPages 387-399P. Wang, P.G. Daniels
5.Conjugate analysis of a flat-plate type evaporator for capillary pumped loops with three-dimensional vapor flow in the groovePages 401-409Yiding Cao, Amir Faghri
6.Spatial and thermal features of three dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convectionPages 411-424R. Hernández, R.L. Frederick
7.Evaporative heat transfer and enhancement performance of rib-roughened tube annuli with refrigerant 114Pages 425-436Mao-Yu Wen, Shou-Shing Hsieh
8.An extended power law model for the calibration of hot-wire/hot-film constant temperature probesPages 437-442S. Wu, N. Bose
9.Complementary upper and lower truncated sum, multiple scattering bounds on the effective emissivityPages 443-450Yong Xia, William Strieder
10.Variational calculation of the effective emissivity for a random bedPages 451-460Yong Xia, William Strieder
11.Transient mass transfer at the surface of an evaporating stationary dropletPages 461-468S.M. Ghiaasiaan, D. Luo
12.Parametric study of turbulent three-dimensional heat transfer of arrays of heated blocks encountered in electronic equipmentPages 469-478Y. Asako, Mohammad Faghri
13.Exact solutions for nonlinear diffusion with first-order lossPages 479-484J.R. Philip
14.Numerical calculation of the transition from subcritical droplet evaporation to supercritical diffusionPages 485-492Frank Poplow
15.Marangoni-Bénard convective instability driven by a heated dividerPages 493-498R.V.
16.Enhancement of heat transfer for a tube with an inner tube insertionPages 499-509Wu-Shung Fu, Ching-Chi Tseng
17.Heat transfer in liquid metals with electric currents and magnetic fields: The conduction casePages 511-521Ali Kaan Kalkan, Gita Talmage
18.When to defrost a refrigerator, and when to remove the scale from the heat exchanger of a power plantPages 523-532Adrian Bejan, Jose V.C. Vargas, Jong S. Lim
19.Catastrophe characteristics of the condensation and pool boiling phenomenaPages 533-535Xuehu Ma, Dunqi Xu, Jifang Lin
20.Constant flux, turbulent convection data using infrared imagingPages 535-539A.H.W. Lee, D.E. Klein, J.P. Lamb

Volume 37, Issue 4, Pages 541-714 (March 1994)

1.Professor Benjamin Gebhart on his 70th birthdayPages 541-542
2.The effects of supercooling and freezing on natural convection in seawaterPages 543-552Robert A. Brewster, Benjamin Gebhart
3.Design of surface microrelief with selective radiative propertiesPages 553-558A. Sentenac, J.-J. Greffet
4.Drop size measurement in a two-phase swirling flow using image processing techniquesPages
5.Modeling liquid-side particulate fouling in enhanced tubesPages 571-579L.M. Chamra, R.L. Webb
6.An experimental investigation of convective heat transfer from the heated floor of a rectangular duct to a low frequency, large tidal displacement oscillatory flowPages
7.Laminar forced convection heat transfer in microcapsulated phase change material suspensionsPages
8.The thermal boundary layer in a rotating cylinder subject to prescribed surface heat fluxesPages 605-618W.Y.D. Yuen
9.Calculation of laminar film condensation in/on inclined elliptical tubesPages 619-624Georg Peter Fieg, Wilfried Roetzel
10.Cooling process and heat transfer parameters of cylindrical products cooled both in water and in airPages
11.Flame cooling by a burner wallPages 635-646L.P.H. De Goey, H.C. De Lange
12.Analytic formulae for the effective conductivity of a square or hexagonal array of parallel tubesPages 647-657R.D. Manteufel, N.E. Todreas
13.Diffusion of a chemically reactive species from a stretching sheetPages 659-664Helge I. Andersson, Olav R. Hansen, Bjørn Holmedal
14.Experimental investigation of natural convection from vertical helical coiled tubesPages 665-671Mohamed E. Ali
15.Laminar flame propagation with volumetric heat loss and chain branching-termination reactionsPages 673-680B.H Chao, C.K Law
16.On the mechanism of subcooled flow boiling of binary mixturesPages 681-689P. Sivagnanam, A.R. Balakrishnan, Y.B.G. Varma
17.High frequency vibration and natural convection in Bridgman-scheme crystal growthPages 691-698V. Uspenskii, J.J. Favier
18.Laminar mixed convection on horizontal flat plates with variable surface heat fluxPages 699-704W.R. Risbeck, T.S. Chen, B.F. Armaly
19.Geometry dependent resistor model for predicting effective thermal conductivity of two phase systemsPages 705-714L.S. Verma, Ramvir Singh, D.R. Chaudhary

Volume 37, Issue 5, Pages 715-884 (March 1994)

1.Samuel Sideman on the occasion of his 65th birthdayPages 715-716
2.Etude du champ des vitesses et du transfert thermique dans un canal à parois sinusoïdales soumises à un flux de chaleur de densité constantePages 717-725A. Hassaine, M. Daguenet, G. Menguy
3.Theoretical study of combined conductive, convective and radiative heat transfer between plates and packed bedsPages 727-736J.D. Lu, G. Flamant, B. Variot
4.Models for the heat transfers during the transformations inside an emulsion—I. Crystallizations of the undercooled dropletsPages 737-746J.P. Dumas, M. Krichi, M. Strub, Y. Zeraouli
5.Models for the heat transfers during the transformations inside an emulsion—II. Melting of the crystallized dropletsPages 747-752J.P. Dumas, Y. Zeraouli, M. Strub, M. Krichi
6.A heat pipe transient analysis modelPages 753-762J.-M. Tournier, M.S. El-Genk
7.Heat transfer by nucleate pool boiling—general correlation based on thermodynamic similarityPages 763-769W. Leiner
8.A dynamic thermal insulator: Inducing resonance within a fluid saturated porous medium enclosure heated periodically from the sidePages 771-782B.V. Antohe, J.L. Lage
9.Experimental and numerical analyses of the natural convection of water through its density maximum in a rectangular enclosurePages 783-801M.W. McDonough, A. Faghri
10.Quenching experiments with a circular test section of medium thermal capacity under forced convection of waterPages 803-818X.C. Huang, G. Bartsch, D. Schroeder-Richter
11.A study on laminar film boiling of liquid along isothermal vertical plates in a pool with consideration of variable thermophysical propertiesPages 819-828De-Yi Shang, Bu-Xuan Wang, Liang-Cai Zhong
12.Convective melting of packed bedsPages 829-836O.A. Plumb
13.Modeling three-dimensional solidification with magnetic fields and reduced gravityPages 837-853George S. Dulikravich, Vineet Ahuja, Lee Seungsoo
14.Heat transfer from polygonal horizontal isothermal surfacesPages 855-864Witold M. Lewandowski, Piotr Kubski, Henryk Bieszk
15.An approximate equation for the vapour-side heat-transfer coefficient for condensation on low-finned tubesPages 865-875J.W. Rose
16.A propos des conditions aux limites de 4ème et 5ème espècesPages 877-881A. Degiovanni, J.C. Batsale
17.The effect of grid size in near-wall k—ε calculations of mass transfer rates at high Schmidt numbersPages 882-884J Herrero, F.X Grau, J Grifoll, Francesc Giralt

Volume 37, Issue 6, Pages 885-1050 (April 1994)

1.Oscillations in thermocapillary convection in a square cavityPages 885-892Michael Kanouff, Ralph Greif
2.Genetic algorithms for thermosciences research: application to the optimized cooling of electronic componentsPages 893-908N. Queipo, R. Devarakonda, J.A.C. Humphrey
3.The estimation of space and time dependent strength of a volumetric heat source in a one-dimensional platePages 909-915A.J.Silva Neto, M.N. Özi§ik
4.A study of natural convection heat transfer in a vertical rectangular enclosure with two-dimensional discrete heating: Effect of aspect ratioPages 917-925C.J. Ho, J.Y. Chang
5.Density inversion effect on transient natural convection in a rectangular enclosurePages 927-938Tong Wei, Jean N. Koster
6.Analysis of dispersion effects and non-thermal equilibrium, non-Darcian, variable porosity incompressible flow through porous mediaPages 939-954A. Amiri, K. Vafai
7.Maximum and mean droplet sizes in annular two-phase flowPages 955-965G. Kocamustafaogullari, S.R. Smits, J. Razi
8.Local heat transfer measurements from an elliptic jet impinging on a flat plate using liquid crystalPages 967-976Lee Sang-Joon, Lee Jung-Ho, Lee Dae-Hee
9.Effect of dynamic perturbation and contact condition on edge-defined fiber growth characteristicsPages 977-987Shyy Wei, Liang Shin-Jye, Daniel Y. Wei
10.Heat transfer between a fluid-saturated porous medium and a permeable wall with fluid injection or withdrawalPages 989-996H.J.H. Brouwers
11.Natural convection heat transfer from a vertical plate—I. Enhancement with gas injectionPages 997-1003Akira T. Tokuhiro, Paul S. Lykoudis
12.Natural convection heat transfer from a vertical plate—II. With gas injection and transverse magnetic fieldPages 1005-1012Akira T. Tokuhiro, Paul S. Lykoudis
13.Heat and mass transfer in a contaminated porous concrete slab with variable dielectric propertiesPages 1013-1027W. Li, M.A. Ebadian, T.L. White, R.G. Grubb, D. Foster
14.Slip and no-slip temperature boundary conditions at the interface of porous, plain media: ConvectionPages 1029-1044M Sahraoui, M Kaviany
15.The optimal spacing of a stack of plates cooled by turbulent forced convectionPages 1045-1048A. Bejan, Al.M. Morega
16.Temperature distribution within vortices in the wake of a cylinderPages 1048-1050J. Mi, R.A. Antonia

Volume 37, Issue 7, Pages 1051-1172 (May 1994)

1.In memoriam—Professor F. Bos̆njaković (1902–1993)Page 1051
2.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1053-1061I. Tanasawa, S. Nishio, K. Suzuki
3.Boundary element analysis of thermocapillary convection with a free surface in a rectangular cavityPages 1063-1071Wen-Qiang Lu
4.Analysis of CHF location sensibility following heat flux and mass flux variationsPages
5.Natural convection in porous media with anisotropic dispersive thermal conductivityPages 1081-1094L.E. Howle, J.G. Georgiadis
6.Analytic angle factors for the radiant interchange among the surface elements of two concentric cylindersPages 1095-1100H. Brockmann
7.Bifurcation phenomenon during the fixed-solid-mode melting inside a horizontal cylinderPages 1101-1109Sung Tack Ro, Charn-Jung Kim
8.Numerical simulation of Buoyancy-Marangoni convection in two superposed immiscible liquid layers with a free surfacePages 1111-1122P. Wang, R. Kahawita, D.L. Nguyen
9.The effect of mass transfer on Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the gas-liquid interface of a sonic reacting and non-reacting gas jet submerged in a liquidPages
10.The temperature of fibers during air-gap wet-spinning: Cooling by convection and evaporationPages 1133-1142Volker Simon
11.Critical heat flux in upflow convective boiling of refrigerant binary mixturesPages 1143-1153G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, T. Setaro
12.Numerical modeling and scaling of high heat flux subcooled boiling heat transferPages 1155-1163Anthony Castrogiovanni, Pasquale M. Sforza
13.Three-equation turbulence model for prediction of the mean square temperature variance in grid-generated flows and round jetsPages 1165-1172G. Mompean

Volume 37, Issue 8, Pages 1173-1283 (May 1994)

1.Modeling and testing of a silica gel packed-bed systemPages 1173-1179Jung-Yang San, Gwo-Donq Jiang
2.Modelling of combustion and heat transfer in a packed bed with embedded coolant tubesPages 1181-1191A.A. Mohamad, S. Ramadhyani, R. Viskanta
3.Analytical solution for the transient temperature distribution in a moving rod or plate of finite length with surface heat transferPages 1193-1205S. Roy Choudhury, Y. Jaluria
4.Local heat transfer to impinging liquid jets in the initially laminar, transitional, and turbulent regimesPages 1207-1216B. Elison, B.W. Webb
5.Experimental and numerical studies of evaporating wavy fuel films in turbulent air flowPages 1217-1226J. Himmelsbach, B. Noll, S. Wittig
6.Mise au point d'un calorimètre adiabatique utilisable avec des liquidesPages 1227-1233N. Semmar, J.L. Tanguier, J. Kleinclauss
7.Buoyancy induced flow transition in mixed convective flow of air through a bottom heated horizontal rectangular ductPages 1235-1255C.C Huang, T.F Lin
8.Numerical simulation of fully developed flow in a curved duct of rectangular cross-sectionPages 1257-1268M.D. Su, R. Friedrich
9.Condensation of pure vapours and binary vapour mixtures in forced flowPages 1269-1276J. Kellenbenz, E. Hahne
10.Spectral measurements and mixing correlation in simulated rod bundle subchannelsPages 1277-1281X. Wu, A.C. Trupp
11.Comments on “The optimal spacing of parallel plates cooled by forced convection”Page 1283Stoian Petrescu

Volume 37, Issue 9, Pages 1285-1421 (June 1994)

1.Heat transfer — a review of 1992 literaturePages 1285-1375E.R.G. Eckert, R.J. Goldstein, W.E. Ibele, S.V. Patankar, T.W. Simon, P.J. Strykowski, K.K. Tamma, A. Bar-Cohen, J.V.R.
2.The effect of oil on the two-phase critical flow of Refrigerant 134a through short tube orificesPages
3.Two-dimensional natural convection in an anisotropic and heterogeneous porous medium with internal heat generationPages 1387-1399J.J. Royer, L. Flores
4.Transient deformation and evaporation of droplets at intermediate Reynolds numbersPages 1401-1409R.J. Haywood, M. Renksizbulut, G.D. Raithby
5.Wall heating effect on local heat transfer in a rotating two-pass square channel with 90° rib turbulatorsPages 1411-1420James A. Parsons, Han Je-Chin, Zhang Yuming
6.A correlation for forced convective boiling heat transfer of pure refrigerants in a horizontal smooth tube: H. Takamatsu, S. Momoki and T. Fujii, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer36, 3351–3360 (1993)Page 1421H. Takamatsu, S. Momoki, T. Fujii
7.A correlation for forced convective boiling heat transfer of non-azeotropic refrigerant mixture of HCFC22/CFC114 in a horizontal smooth tube: H. Takamatsu, S. Momoki and T. Fujii, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer36, 3555–3563 (1993)Page 1421H. Takamatsu, S. Momoki, T. Fujii

Volume 37, Issue 10, Pages 1423-1543 (July 1994)

1.Nucleate boiling characteristics of R-114, distilled water (H2O) and R-134a on plain and rib-roughened tube geometriesPages 1423-1432Hsieh Shou-Shing, Hsu Pao-Tung
2.Knudsen void gas heat transport in fibrous mediaPages 1433-1440Lei Zheng, William Strieder
3.Flow and heat transfer regimes during quenching of hot surfacesPages 1441-1453Y. Barnea, E. Elias, I. Shai
4.Occurrence and development of double-diffusive convection during solidification of a binary systemPages 1455-1464Tatsuo Nishimura, Tsutomu Imoto, Hisashi Miyashita
5.Developing flow and heat transfer in radially rotating rectangular ducts with wall-transpiration effectsPages 1465-1473Wei-Mon Yan
6.Mixed convection to power-law fluids from two-dimensional or axisymmetric bodiesPages 1475-1485D.L. Meissner, D.R. Jeng, K.J. De Witt
7.Fast Galerkin methods for thermal regenerator modellingPages 1487-1494A.J. Willmott, P.Z. Maguire
8.An improved low-Reynolds-number κ—ε turbulence model for recirculating flowsPages 1495-1508H.H. Cho, R.J. Goldstein
9.Fins with temperature dependent surface heat flux—I. Single heat transfer modePages 1509-1515S.P. Liaw, R.H. Yeh
10.Fins with temperature dependent surface heat flux—II. Multi-boiling heat transferPages 1517-1524S.P. Liaw, R.H. Yeh
11.Analytical solutions of flow and heat transfer in a porous structure with partial heating and evaporation on the upper surfacePages 1525-1533Yiding Cao, Amir Faghri
12.A two-dimensional model of the chemical vapor deposition of silicon nitride in a low-pressure hot-wall reactor including multicomponent diffusionPages 1535-1543G. Evans, R. Greif

Volume 37, Issue 11, Pages 1545-1686 (July 1994)

1.Marangoni-Bénard instability in microgravity conditions with Soret effectPages 1545-1562A. Bergeon, D. Henry, H. Benhadid
2.Influence of buoyancy on floating zone convection of small Bond numberPages 1563-1567W.R. Hu, Z.M. Tang
3.Physical and hydrodynamical parameters controlling gas-liquid mass transferPages 1569-1578J. George, F. Minel, M. Grisenti
4.Thermocapillary, buoyancy and shear-driven flow within thin annular fluid collarsPages 1579-1591Russell G. Keanini
5.Conjugate heat transfer and particle deposition in the modified chemical vapor deposition process: Effects of torch speed and solid layerPages 1593-1603K.S. Park, M. Choi
6.Natural convection in a hemispherical enclosure heated from belowPages 1605-1617Yasuaki Shiina, Kaoru Fujimura, Tomoaki Kunugi, Norio Akino
7.A finite difference calculation of forced convective heat transfer from an oscillating cylinderPages 1619-1630D. Karanth, G.W. Rankin, K. Sridhar
8.Laminar convective heat transfer in a horizontal isothermal tube for high Rayleigh numbersPages 1631-1640G.J. Hwang, H.C. Lai
9.Liquid microlayer evaporation during nucleate boiling on the surface of a flat composite wallPages 1641-1655Zhanxiong Guo, Mohamed S. El-Genk
10.Time-varying heat transfer from partially insulated basementsPages 1657-1671Moncef Krarti
11.Entrainment and demixing in subsonic thermal plasma jets: Comparison of measurements and predictionsPages 1673-1682J.R. Fincke, C.H. Chang, W.D. Swank, D.C. Haggard
12.The analogy between fluid friction and heat transfer of laminar mixed convection on flat platesPages

Volume 37, Issue 12, Pages 1687-1816 (August 1994)

1.Air jet impingement heat transfer at low nozzle-plate spacingsPages 1687-1697D Lytle, B.W Webb
2.Heat and mass transfer in a cylindrical grain silo submitted to a periodical wall heat fluxPages 1699-1712Jean-Paul Fohr, Hocine Ben Moussa
3.Uncertainty of convectionPages 1713-1721L.S. Yao, S.Ghosh Moulic
4.Radiation heat transfer of a Czochralski crystal growth furnace with arbitrary specular and diffuse surfacesPages
5.Thermocapillary convection and melt-solid interface in the floating zonePages 1733-1748J.-C. Chen, C.-F. Chu, W.-F. Ueng
6.Two-phase flow regimes in narrow rectangular vertical and horizontal channelsPages 1749-1758T. Wilmarth, M. Ishii
7.Measurement of wall conductive heat flux in turbulent gas flow by laser beam deflectionPages 1759-1771F.El Ammouri, J. Taine
8.A numerical study of the effect of Coriolis force on the fluid flow and heat transfer due to wire heating on centrifugePages 1773-1781Yi Kyung-Woo, Shin Nakamura, Taketoshi Hibiya, Koichi Kakimoto
9.Unsteady mixed convection from a sphere in water-saturated porous media with variable surface temperature/heat fluxPages 1783-1793Hoa D. Nguyen, Seungho Paik
10.Natural convection above line heat sources in greenhouse canopiesPages 1795-1806M. Aubinet, J. Deltour
11.Performance evaluation criteria for enhanced heat transfer surfacesPages 1807-1816Ventsislav D. Zimparov, Nikolai L. Vulchanov

Volume 37, Issue 13, Pages 1817-1971 (September 1994)

1.Effect of molecular diffusivity on point source diffusion in the center of a numerically simulated turbulent channel flowPages 1817-1828K. Kontomaris, T. J. Hanratty
2.Effect of humid air flow rate on the filmwise condensation inside a vertical cooled pipe: numerical and experimental studyPages 1829-1837C. Pele, B. Baudoin, J. P. Barrand
3.Heat and momentum transfer in gas flowing through heated tube equipped with turbulence promotersPages 1839-1848I. Ziólkowska, M. Dolata
4.Effects of wall conduction and interface thermal resistance on the phase-change problemPages 1849-1855Chi-Chuan Hwang, Senpuu Lin, Li-Fu Shen
5.Mixed convection heat and mass transfer in inclined rectangular ductsPages 1857-1866Wei-Mon Yan
6.Laminar flow and heat tranfer from multiple impinging slot jets with an inclined confinement surfacePages 1867-1875S. H. Seyedein, M. Hasan, A. S. Mujumdar
7.Optimum spines with temperature dependent thermal parametersPages 1877-1884Rong-Hua Yeh
8.Enhancement of natural convection heat transfer of an enclosure by a rotating circular cylinderPages 1885-1897Wu-Shung Fu, Chao-Sheng Cheng, Wen-Jiann Shieh
9.Developing mixed convection flow in a horizontal tube under circumferentially non-uniform heatingPages 1899-1913D. K. Choi, D. H. Choi
10.Heat transfer of an impinging jet on a flat surfacePages 1915-1923Lianmin Huang, Mohamed S. El-Genk
11.The wall and free plumes above a horizontal line source in non-Darcian porous mediaPages 1925-1933Jin-Sheng Leu, Jiin-Yuh Jang
12.Morphological instability on Bénard-Marangoni convection during solidification: single-component systemPages 1935-1943Ming-I Char, Ko-Ta Chiang
13.Wall effects in heat conduction through a heterogeneous materialPages 1945-1955P. Furmanski, J. M. Floryan
14.The daytime circulation and temperature structure in a reservoir sidearmPages 1957-1968D. E. Farrow, J. C. Patterson
15.Comments on “Heat and mass transfer with a boundary layer flow past a flat plate of finite thickness”Page 1969Andrey G. Fedorov
16.Transport processes in engineering series, volume 3: Numerical simulations of heat transfer and fluid flow on a personal computer , Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., P.O. Box 1991, 1000 BZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Elsevier Science Publishers, Co. Inc., P. O. Box 882, Madison Square Station, NY 10159, U.S.A. Hardbound: US $209.50/Dfl 335.00, ISBN 0-444-89811-5. Paperback: US $94.00/Dfl. 150.00, ISBN 0-444-89812-3Page 1971M. I. Bhatti, G. E. Tupholme, A. S. Wood

Volume 37, Issue 14, Pages 1973-2192 (September 1994)

1.Convection thermocapillaire au cours d'une opération de refusion superficielle par laserThermocapillary convection during laser surface meltingPages 1973-1983D. Morvan, F. D. Cipriani, Ph. Bournot
2.Numerical and experimental study of mixed and forced convection in a junctionPages 1985-2006J. C. Roy, C. Bertrand, G. Le Palec
3.Etude théorique de la convection naturelle thermique à l'intérieur d'une calotte cylindrique d'axe horizontalTheoretical study of the natural convection in air-filled inclined enclosurePages 2007-2016U-cheul Shin, Joseph Khedari, Cheikh Mbow, Michel Daguenet
4.Development of thermal stratification in a two-dimensional cavity: a numerical studyPages
5.Heat transfer from pulsating flow in a channel filled with porous mediaPages 2025-2033Seo Young Kim, Byung Ha Kang, Jae Min Hyun
6.Mass transfer in induction plasma reactorsPages 2035-2046Mohamed Rahmane, Gervais Soucy, Maher I. Boulos
7.Convection induced by inclined thermal and solutal gradients, with horizontal mass flow, in a shallow horizontal layer of a porous mediumPages 2047-2057D. M. Manole, J. L. Lage, D. A. Nield
8.Transient analysis of thermo-fluid phenomena in twin-roll continuous castingPages 2059-2068Man Yeong Ha, Kuisoon Kim, Kyung Chun Kim, Sung Woo Lee
9.Heat transfer from a rigid sphere in a nonuniform flow and temperature fieldPages 2069-2076Efstathios E. Michaelides, Zhigang Feng
10.Enhancement of heat transfer in square helical ductsPages 2077-2087R. M. Eason, Y. Bayazitoglu, A. Meade
11.Interfacial fluxes at a grid-stirred diffusive interfacePages 2089-2099Joseph F. Atkinson
12.Thermal stability of a diathermanous fluid in a multi-layer system with partially transparent radiating boundariesPages 2101-2111R. F. Richards
13.A similarity solution of a multiphase Stefan problem incorporating general non-linear heat conductionPages 2113-2121P. Tritscher, P. Broadbridge
14.Cosorption characteristics of solid adsorbentsPages 2123-2129C. M. Shen, W. M. Worek
15.The influence of heat transfer on the formation of hydrate layers in pipesPages 2131-2137Frank Dorstewitz, Dieter Mewes
16.Mass transfer from a drop—I. Experimental study and comparison with existing correlationsPages 2139-2143J. Schwarz, J. Smolík
17.Heat and mass transfer boundary layers in radial creeping flowPages 2145-2153Giovanni Camera-Roda, Cristiana Boi, Aldo Saavedra, Giulio C. Sarti
18.Investigation of heat and mass transfer in the evaporation zone of a heat pipe operating by the ‘inverted meniscus’ principlePages 2155-2163A. S. Demidov, E. S. Yatsenko
19.Continued fraction representation for the effective thermal conductivity coefficient of a regular two-component compositePages 2165-2173S. May, S. Tokarzewski, A. Zachara, B. Cichocki
20.Equations of transfer in non-local mediaPages 2175-2182S. L. Sobolev
21.A compact solution of the parallel flow three-fluid heat exchanger problemPages 2183-2187Duan P. Sekulic
22.Conjugate convection from a sphere in a porous mediumPages 2187-2192Shigeo Kimura, Ioan Pop

Volume 37, Issue 15, Pages 2193-2379 (October 1994)

1.A numerical solution for natural convection in an inclined porous cavity with a discrete heat source on one wallPages 2193-2201Shih-Wen Hsiao, Chao-Kuang Chen, P. Cheng
2.Experimental study on mass transfer from a circular cylinder in pulsating flowPages 2203-2210Hyung Jin Sung, Kwon Sang Hwang, Jae Min Hyun
3.The influence of vapor-liquid interactions on the liquid pressure drop in triangular microgroovesPages 2211-2219H. B. Ma, G. P. Peterson, X. J. Lu
4.Transport phenomena in non-isothermal flow between co-rotating asymmetrically-heated disksPages 2221-2230C. Y. Soong, W. M. Yan
5.Laminar developing flow and heat transfer between a series of parallel plates with surface mounted discrete heat sourcesPages 2231-2244S. H. Kim, N. K. Anand
6.A study of bubble ebullition in forced-convective subcooled nucleate boiling at low pressurePages 2245-2259E. L. Bibeau, M. Salcudean
7.The turbulent boundary layer over single V-shaped groovesPages 2261-2271S. C. Tantirige, A. P. Iribarne, M. Ojha, O. Trass
8.Three-dimensional laminar forced convection in a rotating square duct with a rib on the leading wallPages 2273-2285Shou-Shing Hsieh, Ying-Jong Hong, Shuenn-Ren Jeng
9.Transient mass transfer of a trace species in an evaporating spherical droplet with internal circulationPages
10.Performance evaluation using exergy analysis—application to wire-coil inserts in forced convection heat transferPages 2297-2303R. C. Prasad, Jihua Shen
11.Mixed convection with flow reversal in the thermal entrance region of horizontal and vertical pipesPages 2305-2319M. Wang, T. Tsuji, Y. Nagano
12.Effect of variable viscosity in the presence of variable wall temperature on condensation on a horizontal tubePages 2321-2326S. B. Memory, J. W. Rose
13.Plane-parallel advective binary mixture flow stability in a horizontal layerPages 2327-2342G. Z. Gershuni, A. V. Shalimov, V. M. Myznikov
14.Mixed convection from a straight isothermal tube of elliptic cross-sectionPages 2343-2365H. M. Badr
15.Motion and deceleration of explosively accelerated solid particles in a metallic targetPages 2367-2375S. M. Usherenko, V. F. Nozdrin, S. I. Gubenko, G. S. Romanov
16.Critical heat flux in pool boiling of aqueous surfactant solutions as determined by the quenching methodPages 2377-2379Wuu-Tsann Wu, Horng-Shyang Lin, Yu-Min Yang, Jer-Ru Maa

Volume 37, Issue 16, Pages 2381-2599 (November 1994)

1.Transfert de chaleur dans une configuration cône-plateau et mesure de la conductivité thermique en présence d'une vitesse de cisaillementPages 2381-2389M. Chaliche, D. Delaunay, J. P. Bardon
2.Transient heat transfer through an insulation slab with simultaneous moisture redistributionPages
3.Centrifugally generated free convection in a rotating porous boxPages 2399-2404Peter Vadasz
4.Pool boiling of a non-azeotropic binary mixture under microgravityPages 2405-2413Yoshiyuki Abe, Toshiharu Oka, Yasuhiko H. Mori, Akira Nagashima
5.Numerical prediction of forced convection film boiling heat transfer from a spherePages 2415-2424K. H. Bang
6.Natural convection flow and heat transfer within a rectangular enclosure containing a vertical porous layerPages 2425-2438M. Song, R. Viskanta
7.Buoyancy-induced convection from isothermal L-shaped corners with symmetrically heated surfacesPages 2439-2463D. Angirasa, R. B. Chinnakotla, R. L. Mahajan
8.Heat transfer from vertical surfaces to dense gas-fluidized bedsPages 2465-2473D. J. Gunn, N. Hilal
9.An investigation and comparative analysis of two- and three-dimensional turbulent natural convection in a horizontal annulusPages 2475-2504C. P. Desai, K. Vafai
10.A simulation for multiple moving boundaries during melting inside an enclosure imposed with cyclic wall temperaturePages 2505-2516C. J. Ho, C. H. Chu
11.Onset of oscillatory convection in binary mixtures with Sorét effects and solidificationPages
12.The wire mesh regenerator of the Stirling cycle machinePages 2525-2534Allan J. Organ
13.Cryogenic mixing with phase change in the simulation of LO2/LH2 explosion hazards: shallow mixing modePages 2535-2546E. Y. Kwack, T. S. Luchik, L. H. Back
14.Double diffusive and direct instabilities below growing sea icePages 2547-2559M. Jeroen Molemaker, Henk A. Dijkstra
15.The onset of film boiling on small cylinders: local dryout and hydrodynamic critical heat flux mechanismsPages 2561-2569S. M. You, Y. S. Hong, J. P. O'Connor
16.Simulation of stochastic heat conduction processesPages 2571-2577A. G. Madera
17.Effect of solid conductivity on radiative heat transfer in packed bedsPages 2579-2583B. P. Singh, M. Kaviany
18.Visualization of density fields in liquid metalsPages 2583-2585R. E. Pool, J. N. Koster
19.Film boiling heat transfer for saturated drops impinging on a heating surfacePages 2588-2591Shigeaki Inada, Wen-Jei Yang
20.Study of conjugate conduction-laminar film condensation for a vertical plate finPages 2592-2597Han-Taw Chen, Zen Lan, Tzung-I Wang
21.AnnouncementPage 2599

Volume 37, Issue 17, Pages 2601-2815 (November 1994)

1.Developing laminar flow and heat transfer in a rectangular duct with one-walled injection and suctionPages 2601-2613Y. C. Cheng, G. J. Hwang, M. L. Ng
2.Green's function solution for thermal wave equation in finite bodiesPages 2615-2626A. Haji-Sheikh, J. V. Beck
3.Generalized Fourier lawPages 2627-2634Liqiu Wang
4.Radiative enhancement of tube-side heat transferPages 2635-2646K. H. Im, R. K. Ahluwalia
5.Theoretical and physical interpretation of entrainment phenomenon in capillary-driven heat pipes using hydrodynamic instability theoriesPages 2647-2660B. H. Kim, G. P. Peterson
6.An analysis of subcooled turbulent film boiling on a moving isothermal surfacePages 2661-2673J. Filipovic, R. Viskanta, F. P. Incropera
7.Transient two-dimensional radiative and conductive heat transfer in a scattering mediumPages 2675-2686Chih-Yang Wu, Nai-Rui Ou
8.Experimental study of three-dimensional natural convection in enclosures with different working fluidsPages
9.Transient heat transfer in simultaneously developing channel flow with step change in inlet temperaturePages
10.Mainstream turbulence effect on film effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient of a gas turbine blade with air and CO2 film injectionPages 2707-2714Anant B. Mehendale, Srinath V. Ekkad, Je-Chin Han
11.Numerical modeling of the steady-state two-phase closed thermosyphonPages 2715-2722Z. J. Zuo, F. S. Gunnerson
12.Heat and mass transfer in a separated flow region for high Prandtl and Schmidt numbers under pulsatile conditionsPages 2723-2736Pingping Ma, Xianming Li, David N. Ku
13.The thermal stresses and displacements in a two-dimensional convective half-space for a moving heat sourcePages 2737-2743A. A. Yevtushenko, O. M. Ukhanska
14.Efficient calculations of gas radiation from turbulent flamesPages 2745-2750Robert J. Hall, Alexander Vranos
15.Modified Zehner-Schlunder models for stagnant thermal conductivity of porous mediaPages
16.Mixed convection flow in curved annular ductsPages 2761-2769Hoon Ki Choi, Seung O. Park
17.Boiling nucleation on a very small film heater subjected to extremely rapid heatingPages
18.Development of new effective Nusselt-Reynolds correlations for air-cooling of spherical and cylindrical productsPages 2781-2787Ibrahim Dincer
19.Femtosecond laser heating of multi-layer metals—I. AnalysisPages 2789-2797T. Q. Qiu, C. L. Tien
20.Femtosecond laser heating of multi-layer metals—II. ExperimentsPages 2799-2808T. Q.
21.Surface temperature of a hot film on a wall in shear flowPages 2809-2814Tianshu Liu, Bryan T. Campbell, John P. Sullivan
22.AnnouncementPage 2815

Volume 37, Issue 18, Pages 2817-3036 (December 1994)

1.Volume contents and author index for volume 37, 1994Pages iii-xxiv
2.Direct simulation vs volume-averaged treatment of adiabatic, premixed flame in a porous mediumPages 2817-2834M. Sahraoui, M. Kaviany
3.Modélisation isotherme d'une interface diffusive en convection de double-diffusionPages 2835-2858J. P. Pulicani
4.Effect of jet-jet spacing on convective heat transfer to confined, impinging arrays of axisymmetric air jetsPages
5.Heat transfer in high-temperature liquid jetsPages 2871-2883M. Chacha, R. Occelli, L. Tadrist
6.Macroscopic modelling of heat transfer in composites with interfacial thermal barrierPages
7.Effect of gas-phase and surface radiation on the structure and extinction of diffusion flames stabilized on a condensed fuelPages 2893-2900Tae-Kyun Oh, Joon Sik Lee, Suk Ho Chung
8.Convective instability in a horizontal porous layer saturated with a chemically reacting fluidPages 2901-2908M. S. Malashetty, P. Cheng, B. H. Chao
9.Thermal instability with radiation by the method of energyPages 2909-2915G. Paul Neitzel, Marc K. Smith, Michael J. Bolander
10.Theory and modeling of phase change materials with and without mushy regionsPages 2917-2924Peter W. Egolf, Heinrich Manz
11.Eddy break-up model and fractal theory: comparisons with experimentsPages 2925-2933F. Nicolleau, J. Mathieu
12.Measurement of opposing heated line jets discharged at an angle to a confined crossflowPages 2935-2946Y. R. Chang, K. S. Chen
13.Evaporation en convection forcée d'un film mince s'écoulant en régime permanent, laminaire et sans onde, sur une surface plane inclinéePages 2947-2956A. Agunaoun, A. Daif, R. Barriol, M. Daguenet
14.The jet mixing effect on reaction flow in a bluff-body burnerPages 2957-2967H. K. Ma, J. S. Harn
15.A numerical study on natural convection of a heat-generating fluid in rectangular enclosuresPages 2969-2984A. G. Churbanov, P. N. Vabishchevich, V. V. Chudanov, V. F. Strizhov
16.Numerical study of turbulent flow in two-dimensional channel with surface mounted obstaclePages 2985-2991Yue-Tzu Yang, Shiarng Yang
17.A mixture theory for heat conduction in heterogeneous mediaPages 2993-3002Piotr Furmanski
18.Evolution of a particulate system governed by exchange with its environmentPages 3003-3014Yu. A. Buyevich, Yu. M. Goldobin, G. P. Yasnikov
19.Void fraction and pressure drop in two-phase liquid metal flows in channelsPages 3015-3020V. F. Prisnyakov, Yu. D. Morozov, A. N. Privalov
20.Convection in a porous medium with inclined temperature gradient: additional resultsPages 3021-3025D. A. Nield
21.Comparison of convective heat transfer to perimeter and center jets in a confined, impinging array of axisymmetric air jetsPages 3025-3030Aaron M. Huber, Raymond Viskanta
22.An investigation of a wave of temperature difference between solid and fluid phases in a porous packed bedPages 3030-3033A. V. Kuznetsov
23.Organizational changes at the international center for heat and mass transferPage 3035
24.Short courses on multiphase flow and heat transfer: bases, modelling and applications in (a) the nuclear power industry, and (b) the process industriesPages 3035-3036

Volume 38, Issue 1, Pages 1-187 (January 1995)

1.Editorial BoardPage CO2
2.Fully developed free convection in open-ended vertical concentric porous annuliPages 1-12M. A. Al-Nimr
3.Modeling heat and mass transfer in fabricsPages 13-21K. Ghali, B. Jones, J. Tracy
4.The anisotropic overall thermal conductivity induced by preferentially oriented poresPages 23-30Dayu Tzou
5.Effect of stress acting upon the solid network in the two-phase zone during solidificationPages 31-38Q. Yu, M. Makhlouf, D. Apelian
6.An inverse analysis for estimating the time-varying inlet temperature in laminar flow inside a parallel plate ductPages 39-45J. C. Bokar, M. N. Özisik
7.Effect of modulation on radiation-induced instabilityPages 47-53Wen-Mei Yang
8.Computation of high-temperature near-wall heat transfer using an enthalpy balancing schemePages
9.Planar solidification of a finite slab: effects of the pressure dependence of the freezing pointPages 65-70M. Conti
10.Exact solutions of Stefan problems for a heat front moving at constant velocity in a quasi-steady statePages 71-79C. K. Hsieh
11.Heat and mass transfer in the condensing flow of steam through an absorbing fibrous mediumPages 81-89C. V. Le, N. G. Ly, R. Postle
12.Laser holographic interferometry study of developing heat transfer in a duct with a detached rib arrayPages 91-100Tong-Miin Liou, Wen-Bin Wang
13.Résolution d'un problème inverse multidimensionnel de diffusion de la chaleur par la méthode des éléments analytiques et par le principe de l'entropie maximalePages 101-111Fernando M. Ramos, AndrÉ Giovannini
14.Thermal convection in small enclosures: an atypical bifurcation sequencePages 113-126D. Mukutmoni, K. T. Yang
15.Experimental investigation of heat transfer in flat plates with rectangular microchannelsPages 127-137X. F. Peng, B. X. Wang, G. P. Peterson, H. B. Ma
16.Thermal stresses and heat-mass transfer in ablating composite materialsPages 139-146YU. I. Dimitrienko
17.Experimental study of free-convective flow on a vertical plate with a constant heat flux in the presence of one or more stepsPages 147-154V. S. Burak, S. V. Volkov, O. G. Martynenko, P. P. Khramtsov, I. A. Shikh
18.Free-convective heat transfer on a vertical surface with heat-flux discontinuityPages 155-161V. S. Burak, S. V. Volkov, O. G. Martynenko, P. P. Khramtsov, I. A. Shikh
19.Radiation transfer in vibrationally nonequilibrium gasesPages 163-173E. I. Vitkin, S. L. Shuralyov, V. V. Tamanovich
20.Mechanism of condensation heat transfer enhancement in an electric field and the role of capillary processesPages 175-182M. K. Bologa, V. P. Korovkin, I. K. Savin
21.Comments on “Transition from transpiration to film cooling”Pages 183-184H. J. H. Brouwers
22.-ε turbulence model for recirculating flows : H. H. Cho and R. J. Goldstein, Int. J. Heat Mass Trasnfer37, 1495–1508Page 185
23.Heat transfer by nucleate pool boiling—general correlation based on thermodynamic similarity, : W. Leiner, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer37, 763–769 (1994).Page 185
24.2nd European Thermal-Sciences and 14th UIT National Heat Transfer ConferencePage 187

Volume 38, Issue 2, Pages 189-391 (January 1995)

1.Modelling the temperature profiles within boards during the high-temperature drying of Pinus radiata timber: the influence of airflow reversalsPages 189-205Pang Shusheng, R. B. Keey, T. A. G. Langrish
2.Aerothermic characterization of a high-power fast axial flow CO2 laserPages 207-217O. Boiron, G. Le Palec, Ph. Bournot
3.Transient conjugate free convection due to a vertical plate in a porous mediumPages 219-231Michael Vynnycky, Shigeo Kimura
4.Condensation heat transfer of a non-azeotropic binary mixture on a horizontal tubePages 233-240W. C. Wang, C. Yu, B. X. Wang
5.Numerical simulation of hot-dip metallic coating processPages 241-257Hui Zhang, M. Karim Moallemi
6.Turbulent simulation of open channel flow at low Reynolds numberPages 259-266T. G. Thomas, J. J. R. Williams
7.Use of a laser-induced fluorescence thermal imaging system for local jet impingement heat transfer measurementPages 267-274D. J. Bizzak, M. K. Chyu
8.Three-dimensional linear stability of mixed-convective flow between rotating horizontal concentric cylindersPages 275-285Jun Young Choi, Moon-Uhn Kim
9.Turbulence et chaos dans un conduit horizontal soumis à un phénomène de convection mixteChaos and turbulence in a horizontal duct submitted to a mixed convection phenomenonPages 287-294C. Abid, F. Papini, A. Ropke
10.Experimental investigation of geyser boiling in an annular two-phase closed thermosyphonPages 295-307T. F. Lin, W. T. Lin, Y. L. Tsay, J. C. Wu, R. J. Shyu
11.Heat transfer in injection moulding systems with insulation layers and heating elementsPages 309-316K. M. B. Jansen
12.Experimental analysis of intermaterial surfaces in the study of gaseous mixing characteristicsPages 317-329A. Cavaliere, M. El-Naggar, R. Ragucci
13.Numerical analysis of swirling non-reacting and reacting flows by the Reynolds stress differential methodPages 331-337Masaya Ohtsuka
14.Mass transfer limited drying of porous media containing an immobile binary liquid mixturePages 339-350Clifford K. Ho, Kent S. Udell
15.Convection patterns in a triangular domainPages 351-362Haydee Salmun
16.The stability of a single-cell steady-state solution in a triangular enclosurePages 363-369Haydee Salmun
17.Temperature distribution in the outlet of cross-flow heat exchangersPages 371-380M. Beziel, K. Stephan
18.Effective conductivity of a macroscopically inhomogeneous dispersionPages 381-389Yu. A. Buyevich, V. A. Ustinov
19.Wave flow of liquid films : S. V. ALEKSEENKO, V. E. NAKORYAKOV and B. G. POKUSAEV, All-Rusian Inc. “Nauka”, Novosibirsk, 1992, 256 pp.Page 391Chr. Boyadjiev

Volume 38, Issue 3, Pages 393-577 (February 1995)

1.A new way of obtaining heat and mass transfer at flat surfaces coated with swollen polymer by measuring recession with projected fringesPages 393-402C. A. Roberts, J. R. Leech, N. S. Girgis
2.Extended Leveque solution for laminar heat transfer to power-law fluids in pipes with wall slipPages 403-408Yen-Ping Shih, Chung-Ching Huang, Sun-Yuan Tsay
3.Radiation, thermal diffusion and kinetic effects in evaporation and combustion of large and moderate size fuel dropletsPages 409-418T. Elperin, B. Krasovitov
4.Heat transfer between a rotating cylinder and a moist granular bedPages 419-432Charles A. Cook, Vic A. Cundy
5.Theory of heat transfer-irreversible power plants—II. The optimal allocation of heat exchange equipmentPages 433-444Adrian Bejan
6.Axial development of interfacial area and void concentration profiles measured by double-sensor probe methodPages 445-453W. H. Leung, S. T. Revankar, Y. Ishii, M. Ishii
7.Analysis of one-dimensional fin assembly heat transfer with dehumidificationPages 455-462H. Kazeminejad
8.Heat and mass transfer model building in drying with multiresponse dataPages 463-480C.
9.Foundation of the interfacial area transport equation and its closure relationsPages 481-493G. Kocamustafaogullari, M. Ishii
10.Numerical investigation of turbulent flows and heat transfer in a rib-roughened channel with longitudinal vortex generatorsPages 495-501J. X. Zhu, M. Fiebig, N. K. Mitra
11.Computer simulation and flow visualization of thermocapillary flow in a silicone oil floating zonePages 503-510Y. Tao, R. Sakidja, S. Kou
12.Uncertainties in parameter estimation: the inverse problemPages 511-518Tushar D. Fadale, Aleksey V. Nenarokomov, Ashley F. Emery
13.Free stream cooling of a stack of parallel platesPages 519-531A. M. Morega, A. Bejan, S. W. Lee
14.Experiments on natural convection from two staggered vertical platesPages 533-543Giovanni Tanda
15.Thermodynamic and optical properties of gases in a wide range of parametersPages 545-556G. S. Romanov, Yu. A. Stankevich, L. K. Stanchits, K. L. Stepanov
16.Simple theoretical approach to direct-contact condensation on subcooled liquid filmPages 557-562J. Mikielewicz, A. M. A. Rageb
17.Constitutive models for anisotropic frictional heatPages 563-574Alfred Zmitrowicz
18.Energy efficiency in process technology : P. A. PILAVACHI (Editor), Elsevier Applied Science, London and New York, 1993, XXV + 1280 pp, 156 tables, 709 illustrations, £210.00Page 575N. C. Markatos
19.Short courses on multiphase flow and heat transfer: (I) bases, (IIA) water reactor applications, and (IIB) computational modellingPage 577

Volume 38, Issue 4, Pages 579-765 (March 1995)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—CIS worksPages 579-591O. G. Martynenko
2.Experimental investigation into the flow of liquid film under saturated steam condition on a vibrating surfacePages 593-597S. Saha, G. V. Tomarov, O. A. Povarov
3.Boiling heat transfer in small horizontal tube bundles at low cross-flow velocitiesPages 599-605Akhilesh Gupta, J. S. Saini, H. K. Varma
4.Finite-element method analysis of interaction effects for vaporising cylinders arranged in triangular configurationsPages 607-613S. K. Banerji, K. Sivasankaran, K. N. Seetharamu, R. Natarajan
5.An analytical model for local heat transfer coefficients for forced convective condensation inside smooth horizontal tubesPages 615-627M. S. Chitti, N. K. Anand
6.Effects of heater length and orientation on the trigger mechanism for near-saturated flow boiling critical heat flux—I. Photographic study and statistical characterization of the near-wall interfacial featuresPages 629-641Christopher O. Gersey, Issam Mudawar
7.Effects of heater length and orientation on the trigger mechanism for near-saturated flow boiling critical heat flux—II. Critical heat flux modelPages 643-654Christopher O. Gersey, Issam Mudawar
8.Thermodynamic optimization method of a triple effect absorption system with wasted heat recoveryPages 655-663D. M. Manole, J. L. Lage
9.Simultaneously developing mixed convection in radially rotating rectangular ductsPages 665-677W. M. Yan, C. Y. Soong
10.The interaction of an isolated sprinkler spray and a two-layer compartment fire environmentPages 679-690Leonard Y. Cooper
11.Mass transfer from a sublimating naphthalene flat plate to a parallel flow of airPages 691-700Naji
12.Transient natural convection and conjugate heat transfer in a crystal growth devicePages 701-712C. I. Hung, W. Shyy, H. Ouyang
13.Effects of film vaporization on turbulent mixed convection heat and mass transfer in a vertical channelPages 713-722Wei-Mon Yan
14.Spectrum of temperature fluctuations in high temperature turbulent gas-particle flowPages 723-730F. N. Lisin, G. Hetsroni
15.Interaction of a dilute mist flow with a hot bodyPages 731-744Yu A. Buyevich, V. N. Mankevich
16.Prediction of circulation rates in vertical tube thermosiphon reboilerPages 745-748Mohd. Kamil, S. S. Alam, Hamid Ali
17.Rigorous solution of unsteady forced convection heat transferPages 748-752Hsiao-Tsung Lin, Wen-Tong Cheng
18.A unified correlation of laminar convective heat transfer from hot and cold circular cylinders in a uniform air flowPages 752-755Shin-Hyoung Kang, Ki-Hyuck Hong, Sangken Kauh
19.The effect of thermofluid and geometrical parameters on convection of liquids through rectangular microchannelsPages 755-758X. F. Peng, G. P. Peterson
20.Boiling curve correlation for subcooled flow boilingPages 758-760Ronald D. Boyd, Xiaowei Meng
21.An integral treatment for combined heat and mass transfer by natural convection in a porous mediumPages 761-765A. Nakayama, M. A. Hossain

Volume 38, Issue 5, Pages 767-952 (March 1995)

1.Forced convection from a surface covered with flexible fibersPages 767-777Alex J. Fowler, Adrian Bejan
2.Local condensation rates of steam-air mixtures in direct contact with a falling liquid filmPages 779-794T. D. Karapantsios, M. Kostoglou, A. J. Karabelas
3.Direct-contact condensation in the presence of noncondensables over free-falling films with intermittent liquid feedPages 795-805T. D. Karapantsios, A. J. Karabelas
4.Predictive and diagnostic aspects of a universal thermodynamic model for chillersPages 807-818J. M. Gordon, Kim Choon Ng
5.Energy equation and the crystallization kinetics of semi-crystalline polymers: regimes of couplingPages 819-832A. Bénard, S. G. Advani
6.Confined single- and multiple-jet impingement heat transfer—I. Turbulent submerged liquid jetsPages 833-842C. T. Chang, G. Kojasoy, F. Landis, S. Downing
7.Confined single- and multiple-jet impingement heat transfer—II. Turbulent two-phase flowPages 843-851C. T. Chang, G. Kojasoy, F. Landis, S. Downing
8.Laminar forced convection in a helicoidal pipe with finite pitchPages 853-862G. Yang, Z. F. Dong, M. A. Ebadian
9.Validation of the quench factor technique in predicting hardness in heat treatable aluminum alloysPages
10.Etude de la convection mixte entre deux plans horizontaux à températures différentes—IIIPages 875-886M. T. Ouazzani, J. K. Platten, H. W. Müller, M. Lücke
11.Heat transfer within a concrete slab with a finite microwave heating sourcePages 887-897L. E. Lagos, W. Li, M. A. Ebadian, T. L. White, R. G. Grubb, D. Foster
12.Optimization of radiative-convective arrays of pin fins including mutual irradiation between finsPages 899-907D. S. Gerencser, A. Razani
13.Vapor bubble growth in heterogeneous boiling—I. FormulationPages 909-919Renwei Mei, Wenchin Chen, James F. Klausner
14.Vapor bubble growth in heterogeneous boiling—II. Growth rate and thermal fieldsPages 921-934Renwei Mei, Wenchin Chen, James F. Klausner
15.Double-diffusion from a vertical surface in a porous region saturated with a non-Newtonian fluidPages 935-946S. K. Rastogi, D. Poulikakos
16.Laser heating of a two-layer system with constant surface absorption: an exact solutionPages 947-952M. K. El-Adawi, M. A. Abdel-Naby, S. A. Shalaby

Volume 38, Issue 6, Pages 953-1140 (April 1995)

1.Etude numérique et expérimentale des transferts de matière et de quantité de mouvement dans un écoulement annulaire laminaire non établiNumerical and experimental study of mass and momentum transfer in developing laminar flow in annulusPages 953-967M. Ould-Rouis, A. Salem, J. Legrand, C. Nouar
2.Pool boiling heat transfer—I. Measurement and semi-empirical relations of detachment frequencies of coalesced bubblesPages 969-977T. Kumada, H. Sakashita, H. Yamagishi
3.Pool boiling heat transfer—II. Thickness of liquid macrolayer formed beneath vapor massesPages 979-987T. Kumada, H. Sakashita
4.Level swell in pool boiling with liquid circulationPages 989-998B. Boesmans, J. Berghmans
5.A block-correction aided strongly implicit solver for the five-point formulation of elliptic differential equationsPages 999-1008Charn-Jung Kim, Sung Tack Ro
6.A model of inverse segregation: the role of microporosityPages 1009-1018V. R. Voller, Suresh Sundarraj
7.The estimation of surface thermal behavior of the working roll in hot rolling processPages 1019-1031C. H. Huang, T. M. Ju, A. A. Tseng
8.Heat and moisture transfer and hygrostress crack formation and propagation in cylindrical, elastoplastic foodPages
9.Prandtl number effect on offset fin heat exchanger performance: predictive model for heat transfer and pressure dropPages 1043-1051Sen Hu, Keith E. Herold
10.Prandtl number effect on offset fin heat exchanger performance: experimental resultsPages 1053-1061Sen Hu, Keith E. Herold
11.Natural convection in rectangular enclosures heated from below and symmetrically cooled from the sidesPages 1063-1073Marcelo M. Ganzarolli, Luiz F. Milanez
12.La perte de température à travers la charge: intérêt pour le pilotage d'un séchoir à bois à haute températureEvolution of the temperature drop across a stack of boards during drying: improvement of kiln controlPages 1075-1088M. Martin, P. Perre, M. Moser
13.The heat flow rate in symmetrical two-dimensional conduction problemsPages 1089-1095R. A. Kuyper
14.The natural convection from a point heat source embedded in a non-Darcian porous mediumPages 1097-1104Jin-Sheng Leu, Jiin-Yuh Jang
15.Measurement of the thermal conductivity of fluids with low viscosity under reduced gravity conditions using the transient hot-wire techniquePages 1105-1110R. Greger, H. J. Rath
16.The prediction of the critical heat flux in water-subcooled flow boilingPages 1111-1119G. P. Celata, M. Cumo, A. Mariani, G. Zummo
17.Heat and mass transfer of absorption process for the falling film flow inside a porous mediumPages 1121-1126Ru Yang, Derming Jou
18.Dynamic analysis of plate heat exchangers with dispersion in both fluidsPages 1127-1140Sarit K. Das, Wilfried Roetzel

Volume 38, Issue 7, Pages 1141-1327 (May 1995)

1.Experimental study on the crystallization of a binary melt at the vertical boundary of an enclosurePages 1141-1150Josef Tanny
2.Effect of model orientation and wall heating condition on local heat transfer in a rotating two-pass square channel with rib turbulatorsPages 1151-1159James A. Parsons, Je-Chin Han, Yuming Zhang
3.Numerical modeling of multiphase plasma/soil flow and heat transfer in an electric arc furnacePages 1161-1171Seungho Paik, Hoa D. Nguyen
4.Three-dimensional heat and moisture transfer with viscoelastic strain-stress formation in composite food during dryingPages 1173-1185Yoshinori Itaya, Takashi Kobayashi, Kan-Ichi Hayakawa
5.Transferts de chaleur et de quantité de mouvement dans les jets pariétaux plans turbulentsHeat and momentum transfer in plane turbulent wall jetsPages 1187-1200P. Y. Nizou, T. Tida
6.Experimental and numerical study of quenching complex-shaped metallic alloys with multiple, overlapping spraysPages 1201-1216David D. Hall, Issam Mudawar
7.Local particle convective heat transfer along surfaces in circulating fluidized bedsPages 1217-1224Z. H. Fang, J. R. Grace, C. J. Lim
8.Turbulent heat transfer in a serpentine channel with a series of right-angle turnsPages 1225-1236J. M. Choi, N. K. Anand
9.Latent heat method for solidification process of a binary alloy systemPages 1237-1247S. L. Lee, R. Y. Tzong
10.Three-dimensional convection in rectangular domains with horizontal throughflowPages 1249-1259E. Schröder, K. Bühler
11.Convective heat and mass transfer along an inclined heated plate with film evaporationPages 1261-1269Wei-Mon Yan, Chyi-Yeou Soong
12.Extension of the continuum model for transport phenomena occurring during metal alloy solidification—I. The conservation equationsPages 1271-1284J. Ni, F. P. Incropera
13.Extension of the continuum model for transport phenomena occurring during metal alloy solidification-II. Microscopic considerationsPages 1285-1296J. Ni, F. P. Incropera
14.The influence of an impermeable surface on pore steam pressure during drying of refractory concrete slabsPages 1297-1303Zhen-Xiang Gong, Arun S. Mujumdar
15.Quasi-steady-state three-dimensional temperature distribution induced by a moving circular gaussian heat source in a finite depth solidPages 1305-1315Oronzio Manca, Biagio Morrone, Vincenzo Naso
16.A transient-state technique for the heat transfer coefficient measurement in a corrugated plate heat exchanger channel based on frequency response and residence time distributionPages 1317-1325S. Ros, C. Jallut, J. M. Grillot, M. Amblard
17.ErratumPage 1327

Volume 38, Issue 8, Pages 1329-1531 (May 1995)

1.Thermoacoustic waves in a semi-infinite mediumPages 1329-1345Yufeng Huang, Haim H. Bau
2.Nucleate pool boiling of R-114 and R-114-oil mixtures from smooth and enhanced surfaces—I. Single tubesPages 1347-1361S. B. Memory, D. C. Sugiyama, P. J. Marto
3.Nucleate pool boiling of R-114 and R-114-oil mixtures from smooth and enhanced surfaces—II. Tube bundlesPages 1363-1376S. B. Memory, N. Akcasayar, H. Eraydin, P. J. Marto
4.Propagation of condensation front in steam injection into dry porous mediaPages 1377-1386K. Hanamura, M. Kaviany
5.Thermal analysis and measurements for a molten metal drop impacting on a substrate: cooling, solidification and heat transfer coefficientPages 1387-1395W. Liu, G. X. Wang, E. F. Matthys
6.Natural convection and conduction in inclined enclosures bounded by a wall with honeycomb structurePages 1397-1407E. K. Lakhal, E. Bilgen, P. Vasseur
7.Boiling flow through a rod-bundle channel: steady states and dynamic instabilitiesPages 1409-1425K. Whitfield, R. P. Roy
8.Analysis of the critical Weber number at the onset of liquid entrainment in capillary-driven heat pipesPages 1427-1442B. H. Kim, G. P. Peterson
9.Simulation of reaction and transport in catalyst particles with partial external and internal wettingPages 1443-1455D. N. Jaguste, S. K. Bhatia
10.Experimental investigation of the mode of phase dissociation in superheated liquid jetsPages 1457-1466E. Mhina Peter, Akira Takimoto, Yujiro Hayashi
11.A new turbulence model for predicting fluid flow and heat transfer in separating and reattaching flows—II. Thermal field calculationsPages 1467-1481K. Abe, T. Kondoh, Y. Nagano
12.Fluid dynamics and condensation-heating of capillary liquid jetsPages 1483-1494J. Mitrovic, A. Ricoeur
13.Direct contact evaporation of nearly saturated R 114 in waterPages 1495-1504G. P. Celata, M. Cumo, F. D'Annibale, F. Gugliermetti, G. Inguì
14.Ice formation for turbulent flow in curved rectangular channelsPages 1505-1515J. Braun, H. Beer
15.Conjugate mixed convection on a vertical surface in a porous mediumPages 1517-1525I. Pop, D. Lesnic, D. B. Ingham
16.Correlational analysis of turbulent channel flows with injectionPages 1527-1531S. V. Kalinina

Volume 38, Issue 9, Pages 1533-1733 (June 1995)

1.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese worksPages 1533-1542I. Tanasawa, S. Nishio, K. Suzuki
2.Analytical solution of non-Darcian forced convection in an annular duct partially filled with a porous mediumPages 1543-1551S. Chikh, A. Boumedien, K. Bouhadef, G. Lauriat
3.Macrosegregation near a cast surface caused by exudation and solidification shrinkagePages 1553-1563Einar Haug, Asbjørn Mo, Håvard J. Thevik
4.Effect of material composition and localized heat generation on time-dependent conjugate heat transportPages 1565-1576J. S. Nigen, C. H. Amon
5.Heat transfer in granular activated carbon beds in the presence of adsorbable gasesPages 1577-1585R. E. Critoph, L. Turner
6.Air filtration with moisture and frosting phase changes in fiberglass insulation—I. ExperimentPages 1587-1596D. R. Mitchell, Y. -X. Tao, R. W. Besant
7.Air filtration with moisture and frosting phase changes in fiberglass insulation—II. Model validationPages 1597-1604D. R. Mitchell, Y. -X. Tao, R. W. Besant
8.Condensation in a gas-loaded thermosyphonPages 1605-1617X. Zhou, R. E. Collins
9.Laminar flow heat transfer in pipes including two-dimensional wall and fluid axial conductionPages 1619-1625Sefık Bılır
10.Prediction of transient oscillating flow in Czochralski convectionPages 1627-1636Hyung Jin Sung, Young Jean Jung, Hiroyuki Ozoe
11.Melting and solidification of thin wires: a class of phase-change problems with a mobile interface—I. AnalysisPages 1637-1645L. J. Huang, P. S. Ayyaswamy, I. M. Cohen
12.Melting and solidification of thin wires: a class of phase-change problems with a mobile interface—II. Experimental confirmationPages 1647-1659I. M. Cohen, L. J. Huang, P. S. Ayyaswamy
13.Vortex flow and thermal characteristics in mixed convection of air in a horizontal rectangular duct: effects of the Reynolds and Grashof numbersPages 1661-1674C. C. Huang, T. F. Lin
14.A mathematical model for the prediction of heat transfer from finned surfaces in a circulating fluidized bedPages 1675-1681P. K. Nag, M. Nawsher Ali, P. Basu
15.Linear stability of a double diffusive layer with variable fluid propertiesPages 1683-1691Josef Tanny, Victor A. Gotlib
16.Prediction of opposing turbulent line jets discharged laterally into a confined crossflowPages 1693-1703Y. R. Chang, K. S. Chen
17.Mass transfer from a drop—II. Theoretical analysis of temperature dependent mass flux correlationPages 1705-1708Markku Kulmala, Timo Vesala, Jaroslav Schwarz, Jiri Smolik
18.Bubble dynamics on the evolving bubble formed from the droplet at the superheat limitPages 1709-1718Ho-Young Kwak, Si-Doek Oh, Cheon-Ho Park
19.Mass transfer enhancement in a symmetric sinusoidal wavy-walled channel for pulsatile flowPages
20.Second International Thermal Energy CongressPage 1733

Volume 38, Issue 10, Pages 1735-1921 (July 1995)

1.Effects of free stream turbulence intensity on heat and mass transfers at the surface of a circular cylinder and an elliptical cylinder, axis ratio 4Pages 1735-1749A. Kondjoyan, J. D. Daudin
2.Nonlinear instability of travelling waves with a continuous spectrumPages 1751-1772L. S. Yao, S. Ghosh Moulic
3.Augmentation of convective heat transfer by an effective utilization of droplet inertiaPages 1773-1785Koichi Hishida, Tatsuto Nagayasu, Masanobu Maeda
4.Multiple solutions for double-diffusive convection in a vertical porous enclosurePages
5.Nucleate boiling on a thin heating plate: heat transfer and bubbling activity of nucleation sitesPages 1799-1811W. Bergez
6.Development and application of an absorptionline blackbody distribution function for CO2Pages 1813-1821M. K. Denison, B. W. Webb
7.Forced convection mass/heat transfer coefficient at the surface of the rotor of the sucking and forcing regenerative exchangerPages 1823-1830B. Bieniasz, J. Wilk
8.A heat balance integral model of the thermistorPages 1831-1840A. S. Wood, S. Kutluay
9.Numerical computation of fluid flow of floating-zone crystal growth of molybdenumPages 1841-1853J. -C. Chen, C. -F. Chu
10.The effect of heat transfer on the stability of laminar boundary layersPages 1855-1863P. Schäfer, J. Severin, H. Herwig
11.Unsteady analysis of non-isothermal flow and heat transfer between rotating co-axial disksPages 1865-1878C. Y. Soong, H. L. Ma
12.Turbulent natural convection and conduction in enclosures bounded by a massive wallPages 1879-1891R. Ben Yedder, E. Bilgen
13.Acoustic enhancement of heat transfer between two parallel platesPages 1893-1899P. Vainshtein, M. Fichman, C. Gutfinger
14.A study of thermophoretic transport in a reacting flow with application to external chemical vapor deposition processesPages 1901-1910H. C. Tsai, R. Greif, S. Joh
15.The effects of SiCl4 and GeCl4 oxidation, variable properties, buoyancy and tube rotation on the modified chemical vapor deposition processPages 1911-1921S. Joh, R. Greif

Volume 38, Issue 11, Pages 1923-2141 (July 1995)

1.Analysis of the heat transfer coefficient in a turbulent particle pipe flowPages 1923-1932R. Avila, J. Cervantes
2.Cooling of optical fiber in aiding and opposing forced gas flowPages 1933-1944Theodoros Vaskopulos, Constantine Polymeropoulos, Abdelfattah Zebib
3.Mixed convection laminar flow and heat transfer of liquids in isothermal horizontal circular ductsPages 1945-1956B. Shome, M. K. Jensen
4.A numerical and experimental study of three-dimensional transport in the channel of an extruder for polymeric materialsPages 1957-1973T. Sastrohartono, Y. Jaluria, M. Esseghir, V. Sernas
5.Convective heat transfer in a vertical anisotropic porous layerPages 1975-1987G. Degan, P. Vasseur, E. Bilgen
6.Local coefficients for forced convection in curved rectangular channels of large aspect ratio with unequal uniform heatingPages 1989-1999M. J. Targett, W. B. Retallick, S. W. Churchill
7.Transient conduction in eccentrically hollow cylindersPages 2001-2010Maged A. I. El-Shaarawi, Esmail Mokheimer
8.Coriolis effect on free convection in a long rotating porous box subject to uniform heat generationPages 2011-2018Peter Vadasz
9.Isokinetic sampling probe and image processing system for droplet size measurement in two-phase flowPages 2019-2027G. J. Zhang, M. Ishii
10.Calibration of a photographic method for imaging mass transfer in aqueous solutionsPages 2029-2037A. Dasgupta, P. Guenard, S. M. Anderson, J. S. Karsnitz, J. S. Ultman, K. T. Morgan
11.Effects of multiple obstructions on natural convection heat transfer in vertical channelsPages
12.The optimal spacing between horizontal cylinders in a fixed volume cooled by natural convectionPages 2047-2055Adrian Bejan, Alex J. Fowler, George Stanescu
13.Simulation of interfacial instabilities during solidification—I. Conduction and capillarity effectsPages 2057-2073H. S. Udaykumar, W. Shyy
14.Forces on bubbles growing and detaching in flow along a vertical wallPages 2075-2088W. G. J. Van Helden, C. W. M. Van Der Geld, P. G. M. Boot
15.The flows induced by a heated oscillating spherePages 2089-2100D. V. Lyubimov, A. A. Cherepanoy, T. P. Lyubimova, B. Roux
16.Unsteady conjugated heat transfer in turbulent channel flows with convection from the ambientPages 2101-2108Wei-Mon Yan
17.Numerical experiments on free and forced convection in porous mediaPages 2109-2115E. Holzbecher, Y. Yusa
18.Effects of flow turbulence on film cooling efficiencyPages 2117-2125V. P. Lebedev, V. V. Lemanov, S. Ya. Misyura, V. I. Terekhov
19.Instability of a liquid film moving under the effect of gravity and gas flowPages 2127-2134S. V. Alekseenko, V. E. Nakoryakov
20.The penetration rate of solid-liquid phase-change heat transfer interface with different kinds of boundary conditionsPages 2135-2138Ji Ma, Bu-Xuan Wang
21.Comments on “Effect of humid air flow rate on the filmwise condensation inside a vertical cooled pipe: numerical and experimental study”Pages 2139-2140H. J. H. Brouwers
22.ErratumPage 2141

Volume 38, Issue 12, Pages 2143-2329 (August 1995)

1.Stability of natural convection flow in a tall vertical enclosure under non-Boussinesq conditionsPages 2143-2157S. A. Suslov, S. Paolucci
2.Experimental study of natural convection between two compartments of a stairwellPages 2159-2168S. Ergin-Özkan, M. R. Mokhtarzadeh-Dehghan, A. J. Reynolds
3.The effect of natural convection in mass transport measurements in dilute liquid alloysPages 2169-2174J. P. Garandet, C. Barat, T. Duffar
4.Parameters dominating swirl effects on turbulent transport derived from stress-scalar-flux transport equationPages
5.An analysis of freeze-up phenomena during gas atomization of metalsPages 2183-2193H. Liu, E. J. Lavernia, R. H. Rangel
6.Limitations of the fluid-to-fluid scaling technique for critical heat flux in flow boilingPages 2195-2208R. M. Tain, D. C. Groeneveld, S. C. Cheng
7.Transient pool boiling from downward-facing curved surfacesPages 2209-2224Mohamed S. El-Genk, Alexander G. Glebov
8.Effects of variable viscosity and viscous dissipation on laminar convection heat transfer of a power law fluid in the entrance region of a semi-circular ductPages 2225-2238S. Gh. Etemad, A. S. Mujumdar
9.Numerical simulation of the fluid flow and the mixing process in a static mixerPages 2239-2250E. Lang, P. Drtina, F. Streiff, M. Fleischli
10.Improvements to the discrete transfer method of calculating radiative heat transferPages 2251-2258P. S. Cumber
11.Evaporation of liquid droplets containing small solid particlesPages 2259-2267T. Elperin, B. Krasovitov
12.Onset of Marangoni convection in a layer of fluid modulated by a weak nonplanar oscillatory shearPages 2269-2279A. C. Or, R. E. Kelly
13.Calculation of meniscus shapes and transport processes in float zonePages 2281-2295Wei Shyy, Madhukar M. Rao
14.Evaluation of heat and moisture transfer properties in a frozen-unfrozen water-soil systemPages
15.Inertial effects on thermophoretic transport of small particles to walls with streamwise curvature—I. TheoryPages 2305-2315Athanasios G. Konstandopoulos, Daniel E. Rosner
16.Inertial effects on thermophoretic transport of small particles to walls with streamwise curvature—II. ExperimentPages 2317-2327Athanasios G. Konstandopoulos, Daniel E. Rosner
17.AnnouncementPage 2329

Volume 38, Issue 13, Pages 2331-2515 (September 1995)

1.Professor Shi-Ming Yang on his 70th birthdayPages 2331-2332B. X. Wang, K. T. Yang, S. Y. Ko, Z. Y. Guo, W. Q. Tao
2.Effects of wall transpiration on mixed convection in a radial outward flow inside rotating ductsPages 2333-2342Wei-Mon Yan
3.Three-dimensional natural convection flow around two interacting isothermal cubesPages 2343-2352Don J. Cha, Soyoung S. Cha
4.Numerical studies of forced convection heat transfer from a cylinder embedded in a packed bedPages 2353-2366K. J. Nasr, S. Ramadhyani, R. Viskanta
5.A micro/macro model for fluid flow evolution and microstructure formation in solidification processesPages 2367-2381B. Q. Li, P. N. Anyalebechi
6.An experimental investigation of the solidification process in a V-shaped sumpPages 2383-2393R. Burton, G. Yang, Z. F. Dong, M. A. Ebadian
7.The transitive temperature processes in local friction contactPages 2395-2401A. A. Yevtushenko, E. G. Ivanyk, O. V. Sykora
8.Local heat transfer, solids concentration and erosion around membrane tubes in a cold model circulating fluidized bedPages 2403-2410C. Lockhart, J. Zhu, C. M. H. Brereton, C. J. Lim, J. R. Grace
9.Diffusion d'air humide avec condensation de vapeur d'eau en milieu poreuxHumid air diffusion with water vapour condensation in porous mediaPages 2411-2426S. Larbi, G. Bacon, S. A. Bories
10.Heat transfer and flow structure in laminar and turbulent flows in a rectangular channel with longitudinal vorticesPages
11.Mixed convection flow and heat transfer in a heated vertical convergent channelPages 2445-2456T. M. Huang, C. Gau, Win Aung
12.Oscillation-induced heat transport: Heat transport characteristics along liquid-columns of oscillation-controlled heat transport tubesPages 2457-2470Shigefumi Nishio, Xiao-Hong Shi, Wei-Min Zhang
13.Laminar thermal convection in a vertical slot: Transient behaviour and thermal diffusivity determinationPages 2471-2478J. K. Platten, G. Chavepeyer, M. B. Bada
14.Numerical investigations on thermal effects of laser-ocular media interactionPages 2479-2488E. H. Amara
15.Penetrative convection in a stably stratified enclosurePages 2489-2500Abdulkarim H. Abib, Yogesh Jaluria
16.A general correlation for determining optimum baffle spacing for all types of shell and tube exchangersPages 2501-2506M. Saffar-Avval, E. Damangir
17.Velocity and temperature distributions in compressible turbulent boundary layers with heat and mass transferPages 2507-2515Atila P. Silva Freire, Daniel O. A. Cruz, Cláudio C. Pellegrini

Volume 38, Issue 14, Pages 2517-2703 (September 1995)

1.In memoriam—Professor Mario Silvestri (1919–1994)Pages 2517-2518Gian Piero Celata, Maurizio Cumo
2.Mixed convection in horizontal channels with discrete material and top exhaustPages 2519-2527T. L. Bergman, Y. S. Son
3.Heat transfer by oscillating flow in a circular pipe with a sinusoidal wall temperature distributionPages 2529-2537Dae-Young Lee, Sang-Jin Park, Sung Tack Ro
4.Numerical simulations of interface viscosity effects on thermoconvective motion in two-dimensional rectangular boxesPages 2539-2548V. C. Regnier, P. M. Parmentier, G. Lebon, J. K. Platten
5.An analytical method for determining thermal conductivity from dynamic experimentsPages 2549-2556Rosemary A. MacDonald
6.Development and investigation of three-phase model of the mushy zone for analysis of porosity formation in solidifying castingsPages 2557-2567A. V. Kuznetsov, K. Vafai
7.Optical properties of thick, turbid media from picosecond time-resolved light scattering measurementsPages 2569-2581M. Q. Brewster, Y. Yamada
8.Numerical simulation of supercritical Hadley circulation, within a porous layer, induced by inclined temperature gradientsPages 2583-2593D. M. Manole, J. L. Lage
9.Effets de l'injection de gouttes sur une onde de choc stationnaire dans une tuyèreEffects of the injection of droplets on a stationary shock wave in a nozzlePages 2595-2610F. Utheza, E. Daniel, R. Saurel, J. C. Loraud
10.Theoretical investigation of transient droplet combustion by considering flame radiationPages
11.Numerical study of the compressible turbulent flow in a laser cavityPages 2623-2633G. Vlad, O. Boiron, G. Le Palec, P. Bournot
12.Momentum transfer at the boundary between a porous medium and a homogeneous fluid—I. Theoretical developmentPages 2635-2646J. Alberto Ochoa-Tapia, Stephen Whitaker
13.Momentum transfer at the boundary between a porous medium and a homogeneous fluid—II. Comparison with experimentPages 2647-2655J. Alberto Ochoa-Tapia, Stephen Whitaker
14.A nonlinear low-Reynolds-number κ-var epsilon model for turbulent separated and reattaching flows—I. Flow field computationsPages 2657-2666Tae Seon Park, Hyung Jin Sung
15.Numerical analysis of higher order harmonics in the response of a mass transfer probePages 2667-2675Zai-Sha Mao
16.Heat transfer in a channel with a counter-current wall jet injectionPages 2677-2687E. P. Volchkov, V. P. Lebedev, M. I. Nizovtsev, V. I. Terekhov
17.A numerical study of free convection in a strongly inhomogeneous gas mediumPages 2689-2695I. M. Kozlov, A. Ye. Suvorov, V. I. Tyukayev
18.Pressure perturbations method for analysis of transient compressible gas flow around wells in porous mediaPages 2697-2700Isaac Shnaid, Shmuel Olek
19.The possibility of thermal solitonsPages 2701-2703V. Majerník, E. Majerniková

Volume 38, Issue 15, Pages 2705-2922 (October 1995)

1.Chancellor Chang-Lin Tien on his 60th birthdayPages 2705-2706R. O. Buckius, S. H. Chan, B. L. Drolen, J. P. Hartnett, M. L. Hunt, W. J. Minkowycz, M. F. Modest, P. F. Peterson, K. H. Sun, L. S. Wang, K. T. Yang
2.Effect of internal radiation within crystal and melt on Czochralski crystal growth of oxidePages 2707-2714Takao Tsukada, Katsuyuki Kakinoki, Mitsunori Hozawa, Nobuyuki Imaishi
3.Flow dynamics and heat transfer of a condensate film on a vertical wall—II. Flow dynamics and heat transferPages 2715-2722Erich Stuhlträger, Akio Miyara, Haruo Uehara
4.Marangoni-Bénard instability of a floating liquid layer with an internal, permeable, heated or cooled divider and two deformable open surfacesPages 2723-2731R. V. Birikh, V. A. Briskman, R. N. Rudakov, M. G. Velarde
5.Effect of natural convection on laminar pipe flow solidificationPages 2733-2742G. J. Hwang, C. W. Tsai
6.Spectral collocation methods for one-dimensional phase-change problemsPages 2743-2748Robert Spall
7.Flow film boiling collapse and surface rewetting in normal and reduced gravity conditionsPages 2749-2760K. Adham-Khodaparast, J. J. Xu, M. Kawaji
8.Buoyant turbulent flow driven by internal energy generationPages 2761-2770Vedat S. Arpaci
9.The double integral method applied to separation calculationPages 2771-2777James Sucec
10.Local thermal equilibrium for transient heat conduction: theory and comparison with numerical experimentsPages 2779-2796Michel Quintard, Stephen Whitaker
11.Surface temperature measurement of semi-transparent material by thermocouple in real site experimental approach and simulationPages 2797-2807A. Trombe, J. A. Moreau
12.A new unified a posteriori error estimator for adaptive finite element analysis of coupled transport problemsPages 2809-2819Leandro S. Oliveira, Kamyar Haghighi
13.The temperature field in a cylindrical electric conductor with annular sectionPages 2821-2832A. Barletta, E. Zanchini
14.Fundamentals of ice making by convection cooling followed by contact meltingPages 2833-2841J. V. C. Vargas, A. Bejan
15.Numerical modeling of ablation phenomena as two-phase Stefan problemsPages 2843-2854M. Storti
16.Calculation of turbulent boundary layers with transpiration and pressure gradient effectsPages 2855-2862James Sucec, Miodrag Oljaca
17.The mechanism of heat transfer enhancement for mineral oil in 2:1 rectangular ductsPages 2863-2871F. C. Chou, C. W. Tung
18.Analytical comparison and criteria for heat and mass transfer models in metal hydride packed bedsPages 2873-2884A. V. Kuznetsov, K. Vafai
19.Using non-linear χ2 fit in flash methodPages 2885-2891Tatiana Srámková, Torgrim Log
20.Laminar and turbulent free convection in vertical cylinders with internal heat generationPages 2893-2903M. Holzbecher, A. Steiff
21.Transport phenomena of developing laminar mixed convection heat and mass transfer in inclined rectangular ductsPages 2905-2914Wei-Mon Yan
22.Analytical solution for transient heat conduction in hollow cylinders containing well-stirred fluid with uniform heat sinkPages 2915-2919Z. W. Zhou
23.Heat wave phenomena in IC chipsPages 2919-2922Yun-Sheng Xu, Zeng-Yuan Guo

Volume 38, Issue 16, Pages 2923-3110 (November 1995)

1.Dr Nakoryakov on his 60th birthdayPages 2923-2924T. Copeman, S. Alekseenko, S. Sverchkov, A. Leontiev, J. Hartnett
2.Optimization of pulsating heaters in forced convectionPages 2925-2934A. M. Morega, J. V. C. Vargas, A. Bejan
3.Solidification of porous medium saturated with aqueous solution in a rectangular cell—IIPages 2935-2943K. Matsumoto, M. Okada, M. Murakami, Y. Yabushita
4.Role of micro-convection due to non-affine motion of particles in a mono-disperse suspensionPages 2945-2958Sunil K. Gupte, Suresh G. Advani, Pablo Huq
5.Mass transfer characteristics for a rotating cup-like cylinderPages 2959-2967Won Nyun Kim, Jae Min Hyun
6.A numerical investigation of conjugate heat transfer from a flush heat source on a conductive board in laminar channel flowPages 2969-2984Ramesh Sugavanam, Alfonso Ortega, C. Y. Choi
7.Correlation of sauter mean diameter and critical heat flux for spray cooling of small surfacesPages 2985-2996Kurt A. Estes, Issam Mudawar
8.Optimal allocation of a heat-exchanger inventory in heat driven refrigeratorsPages 2997-3004A. Bejan, J. V. C. Vargas, M. Sokolov
9.An inverse analysis to estimate linearly temperature dependent thermal conductivity components and heat capacity of an orthotropic mediumPages 3005-3010B. Sawaf, M. N. Ozisik, Y. Jarny
10.A numerical solution of laminar forced convection in a heated pipe subjected to a reciprocating flowPages 3011-3022T. Zhao, P. Cheng
11.Heat and mass transfer coupling between vaporizing droplets and turbulence using a lagrangian approachPages 3023-3034A. Berlemont, M. S. Grancher, G. Gouesbet
12.Influence of the heating rate on supercritical Rayleigh-Bénard convectionPages 3035-3051R. Hernández
13.Heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of plate-array aligned at angles to the flow directionPages 3053-3063L. B. Wang, W. Q. Tao
14.Hyperbolic axial dispersion model: concept and its application to a plate heat exchangerPages
15.Numerical analysis of deterioration phenomena in heat transfer to supercritical waterPages
16.Determination of the diffusion coefficients of iron and chromium in pb17liPages 3085-3090N. Simon, T. Flament, A. Terlain, C. Deslouis
17.Heat transfer in the inverted meniscus type evaporator at high heat fluxesPages 3091-3101D. Khrustalev, A. Faghri
18.Generalized integral forms for friction, heat and mass transfer coefficientsPages 3103-3108Yu N. Kornienko
19.An improved method for smoothing approximate exchange areasPages 3109-3110D. A. Lawson

Volume 38, Issue 17, Pages 3111-3317 (November 1995)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—CIS worksPages 3111-3126O. G. Martynenko
2.Line-by-line calculations of the absorption of infrared radiation by water vapor in a box-shaped enclosure filled with humid airPages 3127-3134Gabriel N. Schenker, Bruno Keller
3.θPages 3135-3142F. El Ammouri, A. Soufiani, J. Taine
4.Temperature field in a multilayer assembly affected by a local laser heatingPages 3143-3147T. Elperin, G. Rudin
5.Heat transfer and fluid flow of natural convection adjacent to upward-facing horizontal platesPages
6.Numerical and experimental analysis of combined convective and radiative heat transfer in laminar flow over a circular cylinderPages 3161-3169D. A. Kaminski, X. D. Fu, M. K. Jensen
7.Computational analysis of convection heat transfer to non-spherical particlesPages 3171-3180J. K. Comer, C. Kleinstreuer
8.Microstructural influence on heat conductionPages 3181-3195C. Boutin
9.Heat transfer in a rectangular channel with perforated turbulence promoters using holographic interferometry measurementPages 3197-3207Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Tong-Miin Liou
10.Boundary-layer control by heat and mass transferPages 3209-3217S. Hubbard, N. Riley
11.Convective heat transfer in periodic wavy passagesPages 3219-3230G. Wang, S. P. Vanka
12.The generalized lagging response in small-scale and high-rate heatingPages 3231-3240Da Yu Tzou
13.Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent open channel flow with passive heat transferPages 3241-3251D. M. Lu, G. Hetsroni
14.Heat and mass transfer with condensation in a fibrous insulation slab bounded on one side by a cold surfacePages 3253-3262Keiji Murata
15.Unsteady heat transfer and particle behavior around a horizontal tube bundle near an expanded bed surface of a gas fluidized bed: conditional sampling statistical analysisPages 3263-3273M. Miyamoto, K. Takahashi, Jin Ren Jie, Y. Katoh, J. Kurima
16.Contact melting by a non-isothermal heating surface of arbitrary shapePages 3275-3284S. A. Fomin, P. S. Wei, V. A. Chugunov
17.Measurement and interpretation of growth of monodispersed water droplets suspended in pure vaporPages 3285-3293F. Peters, K. A. J. Meyer
18.Fractal features of oscillatory convection in the half-floating zonePages 3295-3303Ze-Mei Tang, Wen-Rui Hu
19.The influence of surface mass flux on vortex instability of a horizontal mixed convection flow in a saturated porous mediumPages 3305-3311Jiin-Yuh Jang, Kun-Nun Lie, Jiing-Lin Chen
20.2-D numerical study on a rectangular thermosyphon with vertical or horizontal heat transfer sectionsPages 3313-3317Yinxue Su, Zhongqi Chen

Volume 38, Issue 18, Pages 3319-3495 (December 1995)

1.Volume contents and author index volume 38, 1995Pages iii-xxvii
2.Three-dimensional driven-cavity flows with a vertical temperature gradientPages 3319-3328Reima Iwatsu, Jae Min Hyun
3.An experimental investigation into forced, natural and combined forced and natural convective heat transfer from stationary isothermal circular disksPages 3329-3339C. J. Kobus, G. L. Wedekind
4.Two models of fluid flow and mass transfer at the trailing edge of a gas slugPages 3341-3347T. Elperin, A. Fominykh
5.Theoretical and experimental investigation of a constant-pressure adsorption processPages 3349-3358A. Hajji, S. Khalloufi
6.Integral transform methodology for convection-diffusion problems in petroleum reservoir engineeringPages 3359-3367Alcino Resende Almeida, Renato MacHado Cotta
7.Mass exchange between droplets during head-on collisions of multisize spraysPages 3369-3383F. Anidjar, Y. Tambour, J. B. Greenberg
8.Effect of mass transfer on turbulent friction during condensation inside ductsPages 3385-3392W. Groenewald, D. G. Kröger
9.Heat conduction in a semi-infinite solid subject to steady and non-steady periodic-type surface heat fluxesPages 3393-3399Syed M. Zubair, M. Aslam Chaudhry
10.A theoretical study of the transient coupled conduction and radiation heat transfer in glass: phonic diffusivity measurements by the flash techniquePages 3401-3412S. Andre, A. Degiovanni
11.Effect of the temperature dependence of fluid properties on the migration of an interface in double-diffusive natural convectionPages 3413-3421Katsuyoshi Kamakura, Hiroyuki Ozoe
12.Evaluation of an improved hybrid six-flux/zone model for radiative transfer in rectangular enclosuresPages 3423-3431Christian Sasse, Roland Koenigsdorff, Stefan Frank
13.An inverse problem in simultaneously measuring temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and heat capacityPages
14.Experimental study of the heat transfer enhancement of an outer tube with an inner-tube insertionPages 3443-3454Wu-Shung Fu, Ching-Chi Tseng, Chin-Shung Huang
15.A numerical study of the combined effects of microsegregation, mushy zone permeability and fllow, caused by volume contraction and thermosolutal convection, on macrosegregation and eutectic formation in binary alloy solidificationPages
16.Experimental studies of laminar flow and heat transfer in a one-porous-wall square duct with wall injectionPages 3475-3484Y. C. Cheng, G. J. Hwang
17.Heat transfer and fluid flow of natural convection along a vertical flat plate in the transition region: experimental analysis of the wall temperature fieldPages

Volume 39, Issue 1, Pages 1-220 (January 1996)

1.Editorial boardPage CO2
2.Laminar, buoyancy induced flow structures in a bottom heated, aspect ratio 2 duct with throughflowPages
3.Transient three-dimensional natural convection in a rectangular enclosurePages 13-26Shou-Shing Hsieh, Shyh-Shyan Yang
4.Effects of Dean vortex pairs on surface heat transfer in curved channel flowPages 27-37P. M. Ligrani, S. Choi, A. R. Schallert and, P. Skogerboe
5.Analysis of flow instabilities and their role on critical heat flux for two-phase downflow and low pressure systemsPages 39-48S. Nair, S. Lele, M. Ishii, S. T. Revankar
6.Conjugate natural convection in a planar thermosyphon with multiple inlets—I. Velocity and temperature fieldsPages 49-59John Fleming, M. Ruhulamin
7.Conjugate natural convection in a planar thermosyphon with multiple inlets—II. Heat transferPages 61-68John Fleming, M. Ruhul Amin
8.Transient heat transfer in a semitransparent radiating layer with boundary convection and surface reflectionsPages 69-79Robert Siegel
9.Optimization of quench history of aluminum parts for superior mechanical propertiesPages 81-95David D. Hall, Issam Mudawar
10.Method of heat and mass transfer enhancement in film evaporationPages 97-108G. S. Zheng, W. M. Worek
11.Modelling of cooling tower splash packPages 109-123A. A. Dreyer, P. J. Erens
12.A numerical study of convective heat transfer from a blunt plate at low Reynolds numberPages 125-133H. Kazeminejad, M. Ghamari, M. A. Yaghoubi
13.Heat transfer enhancement in water—feldspar upflows through vertical annuliPages 135-147Tülay A. Özbelge, Sema H. Köker
14.Investigation of flow and heat transfer in corrugated passages—I. Experimental resultsPages 149-164J. Stasiek, M. W. Collins, M. Ciofalo, P. E. Chew
15.Investigation of flow and heat transfer in corrugated passages—II. Numerical simulationsPages 165-192M. Ciofalo, J. Stasiek, M. W. Collins
16.The influence of inner-wall motion on the linear stability of natural convection in a tall vertical annulusPages 193-201J. -C. Chen, G. -H. Chou, C. -K. Hsieh
17.Free convection heat transfer of non-Newtonian fluids over axisymmetric and two-dimensional bodies of arbitrary shape embedded in a fluid-saturated porous mediumPages 203-210Yue-Tzu Yang, Sae-Jan Wang
18.Heat transfer to sliding bubbles on a tube under evaporating and non-evaporating conditionsPages 211-214S. D. Houston, Keith Cornwell
19.Application of the diffuse approximation for solving fluid flow and heat transfer problemsPages 214-218H. Sadat, C. Prax
20.Remarks upon the contribution of J. Stefan to the understanding of diffusion processesPages 218-220J. Mitrovic

Volume 39, Issue 2, Pages 221-440 (January 1996)

1.Three-dimensional, transient model for laser machining of ablating/decomposing materialsPages 221-234Michael F. Modest
2.Homogeneous nucleation of vapor by depressurization at constant volumePages 235-246C. D. Sulfredge, K. A. Tagavi, L. C. Chow
3.Thermocapillary flow effects on convective droplet evaporationPages 247-257Ann T. Shih, Constantine M. Megaridis
4.Steady solution selection and existence in geothermal heat pipes—I. The convective casePages 259-274M. J. McGuinness
5.Film boiling from a downward-facing curved surface in saturated and subcooled waterPages 275-288Mohamed S. El-Genk, Alexander G. Glebov
6.Compositionally convective and morphological instabilities of a binary fluid layer under freezing with nonlinear analysisPages 289-298Jong Jhy Jou, Kuang Yuan Kung, Cheng Hsing Hsu
7.Developing three-dimensional laminar mixed convection in a circular tube inserted with longitudinal stripsPages 299-310Shou-Shing Hsieh, Mao-Yu Wen
8.The optimal spacing of cylinders in free-stream cross-flow forced convectionPages 311-317G. Stanescu, A. J. Fowler, A. Bejan
9.Convective heat transfer in porous and overlying fluid layers heated from belowPages 319-329Sung Jin Kim, Christopher Y. Choi
10.The second moments, spectra and correlation functions of velocity and temperature fluctuations in the gradient sublayer of a retarded boundary layerPages 331-346B. A. Kader
11.Effects of a moving thermal wave on Bénard convection in a horizontal saturated porous layerPages 347-354M. Mamou, L. Robillard, E. Bilgen, P. Vasseur
12.Surface transient temperature inversion for hidden corrosion characterisation: theory and applicationsPages 355-371V. Vavilov, E. Grinzato, P. G. Bison, S. Marinetti, M. J. Bales
13.Permanent three-dimensional patterns in turbulent flows with essentially two-dimensional wall configurationsPages 373-382S. Lorenz, C. Nachtigall, W. Leiner
14.Numerical simulation for conjugate problem of natural convection on both sides of a vertical wallPages 383-390Han-Taw Chen, Shiuh-Ming Chang
15.Heat transfer, condensation and fog formation in crossflow plastic heat exchangersPages 391-405H. J. H. Brouwers, C. W. M. Van Der Geld
16.Effect of interfacial deformation on the onset of convective instability in a doubly diffusive fluid layerPages 407-418Ming-I Char, Ko-Ta Chiang
17.Fin efficiency and mechanisms of heat exchange through fins in multi-stream plate-fin heat exchangers: formulationPages 419-428B. S. V. Prasad
18.Periodic heat transfer in a vertical plate fin cooled by a forced convective flowPages 429-435Chien-Hsin Chen, Jenq-Shing Chiou
19.Upstream migration of heat during combined convection in a horizontal parallel plate ductPages 437-440D. B. Ingham, P. Watson, P. J. Heggs

Volume 39, Issue 3, Pages 441-659 (February 1996)

1.Computation of turbulent evaporating sprays with well-specified measurements: a sensitivity study on droplet propertiesPages 441-454X. -Q. Chen, J. C. F. Pereira
2.An explicit algebraic heat-flux model for the temperature fieldPages 455-465R. M. C. So, T. P. Sommer
3.Steady natural convection in a double layer of immiscible liquids with density inversionPages 467-478J. N. Koster, K. Y. Nguyen
4.Enhancement of natural convection heat transfer from an array of discrete heat sourcesPages 479-490T. J. Heindel, F. P. Incropera, S. Ramadhyani
5.Theory of thermal hydraulic quenchbackPages 491-501A. Shajii, J. P. Freidberg
6.Laminar heat transfer in square duct flow of aqueous CMC solutionsPages 503-510Cheng-Xian Lin, Shao-Yen Ko, F. K. Tsou
7.Unsteady mixed convection about a rotating circular cylinder with small fluctuations in the free-stream velocityPages 511-525Hoa D. Nguyen, Seungho Paik, R. W. Douglass
8.Studies on molecular diffusion and natural convection in a multicomponent gas systemPages 527-536Tetsuaki Takeda, Makoto Hishida
9.Linear stability of Couette flow with rotating inner cylinder and radially nonuniform internal heat sourcesPages
10.An experimental investigation on natural and forced convection in liquid metalsPages 547-561Stavros A. Argyropoulos, Anthony C. Mikrovas
11.Convection naturelle en cavité carrée différentiellement chauffée: investigation expérimentale à Ra= 1,69 × 109Natural convection in a differentially heated square cavity: Experimental investigation at Ra = 1.69 × 109Pages 563-574S. Mergui, F. Penot
12.Solid-propellant fire in an enclosure fitted with a ceiling safety-ventPages 575-601B. Porterie, M. Larini, F. Giroud, J. -C. Loraud
13.Investigation of three-dimensional thermocapillary convection in a cubic container by a multi-grid methodPages
14.Buoyancy-induced flow adjacent to a periodically heated and cooled horizontal surface in porous mediaPages 615-630R. Bradean, D. B. Ingham, P. J. Heggs, I. POP
15.Growth of vapour bubbles in boiling polymer solutions—I. Rheological and diffusional effectsPages 631-638Z. P. Shulman, S. P. Levitskiy
16.Growth of vapour bubbles in boiling polymer solutions—II. Nucleate boiling heat transferPages 639-644S. P. Levitskiy, B. M. Khusid, Z. P. Shulman
17.Rheological factors in a thermal problem of local superhigh frequency hyperthermiaPages 645-652Z. P. Shulman, A. A. Makhanyok
18.Bubble detachment criteria: some criticism of ‘Das Abreissen von Dampfblasen an festen Heizflächen’Pages 653-657C. W. M. Van Der Geld
19.CorrigendaPage 659

Volume 39, Issue 4, Pages 661-884 (March 1996)

1.Computation of permeability and dispersivities of solute or heat in periodic porous mediaPages 661-676Cheo K. Lee, Chin-Cheng Sun, Chiang C. Mei
2.Determination of temperature field around a rapidly moving crack-tip in an elastic-plastic solidPages 677-690Wen Li, Xiaomin Deng, Ares J. Rosakis
3.Analysis for the optimal performance of three-channel split-flow heat exchangersPages 691-705C. L. Ko, G. L. Wedekind
4.Local heat transfer in a rotating two-pass ribbed triangular duct with two model orientationsPages 707-715Sandip Dutta, Je-Chin Han, C. Pang Lee
5.Semi-analytical solution of thermal energy storage system with conjugate laminar forced convectionPages 717-724Yuwen Zhang, Amir Faghri
6.Enhancement of energy charge-discharge rates in composite slabs of different phase change materialsPages
7.An investigation and comparative study of the pressure drop in air-water two-phase flow in vertical helicoidal pipesPages 735-743R. C. Xin, A. Awwad, Z. F. Dong, M. A. Ebadian, H. M. Soliman
8.Laminar mixed convection in vertical elliptic ductsPages 745-752K. Velusamy, Vijay K. Garg
9.Evaluation of the relaxation time of heat and mass exchange in the liquid-vapour bubble flowPages 753-759Zbigniew Bilicki, Roman Kwidzinski, Salim Ali Mohammadein
10.Numerical analysis of heat transfer in an air-filled bayonet tube under laminar conditionsPages 761-769H. Minhas, G. S. H. Lock
11.An experimental study of boiling on a wicked surfacePages 771-777M. P. Mughal, O. A. Plumb
12.Experimental study of free convection and radiation in horizontal fin arraysPages 779-789V. Rammohan Rao, S. P. Venkateshan
13.Condensation of R-12 in small hydraulic diameter extruded aluminum tubes with and without micro-finsPages 791-800C-Y. Yang, R. L. Webb
14.Friction pressure drop of R-12 in small hydraulic diameter extruded aluminum tubes with and without micro-finsPages 801-809C-Y. Yang, R. L. Webb
15.An investigation of dependent/independent scattering regimes using a discrete dipole approximationPages 811-822Z. Ivezic, M. Pinar Mengüç
16.A boundary integral equation method for nonlinear heat conduction problems with temperature-dependent material propertiesPages 823-830Takanobu Goto, Masaaki Suzuki
17.Thermal contact conductance of tool steel and comparison with modelPages 831-839M. R. Sridhar, M. M. Yovanovich
18.Thermosolutal transport phenomena in large Lewis number electrochemical systemsPages 841-850H. D. Jiang, S. Ostrach, Y. Kamotani
19.Parametric study of buoyancy-induced flow and heat transfer from L-shaped corners with asymmetrically heated surfacesPages 851-865R. B. Chinnakotla, D. Angirasa, R. L. Mahajan
20.Numerical study of steady laminar fully developed fluid flow and heat transfer in rectangular and elliptical ducts rotating about a parallel axisPages 867-875M. Mahadevappa, V. Rammohan Rao, V. M. K. Sastri
21.Nonlinear stability analysis of magnetohydrodynamic condensate film flow down a vertical plate with constant heat fluxPages 877-884Chen-I Hung, Jung-Shun Tsai, ChaO-Kuang Chen

Volume 39, Issue 5, Pages 885-1120 (March 1996)

1.Heat transfer—a review of 1993 literaturePages 885-963E. R. G. Eckert, R. J. Goldstein, W. E. Ibele, S. V. Patankar, T. W. Simon, P. J. Strykowski, K. K. Tamma, T. H. Kuehn, A. Bar-Cohen, J. V. R. Heberlein, D. L. Hofeldt, K. A. Stelson, J. H. Davidson
2.Performance of direct-contact heat and mass exchangers with steam-gas mixtures at subatmospheric pressuresPages 965-973M. C. De Andrés, E. Hoo, F. Zangrando
3.Numerical and experimental investigation of direct electric conduction in a channel flowPages 975-993A. Ould El Moctar, H. Peerhossaini, J. P. Bardon
4.Numerical simulation of the transient moisture transfer through porous insulationPages 995-1004N. E. Wijeysundera, B. F. Zheng, M. Iqbal, E. G. Hauptmann
5.Mathematical modeling and experimental measurements of moving boundary problems associated with exothermic heat of mixingPages 1005-1021Hongfa Hu, Stavros A. Argyropoulos
6.Transient heating and vaporization of a cool dense cloud of droplets in hot supercritical surroundingsPages
7.Comparison of correlations and experiment in opposing flow, mixed convection heat transfer in a vertical tube with Grashof number variationPages 1033-1038Donald D. Joye
8.Inverse finite element reduced mesh method for predicting multi-dimensional phase change boundaries and nonlinear solid phase heat transferPages 1039-1049R. G. Keanini, N. N. Desai
9.Thermal analysis of a helical heat exchanger for ground thermal energy storage in arid zonesPages 1051-1065Y. Rabin, E. Korin
10.Conjugate free convection due to a heated vertical platePages 1067-1080M. Vynnycky, S. Kimura
11.Chaotic behavior and heat transfer performance of the natural convection around a hot horizontal cylinder affected by a flat ceilingPages 1081-1091H. Koizumi, I. Hosokawa
12.Local convective mass transfer on circular cylinder with transverse annular fins in crossflowPages 1093-1101Hyung Jin Sung, Jung Seung Yang, Tae Seon Park
13.Spatial distribution of gas particles emerging from a nonisothermally heated cylindrical channel with heterogeneous processes on the surfacePages 1103-1110V. V. Levdansky, V. G. Leitsina, Hoang Van Viet
14.Two-flux method for transient radiative transfer in a semitransparent layerPages 1111-1115Robert Siegel
15.Comments on “Foundation of the interfacial area transport equation and its closure relations”Page 1117A. A. Shraiber
16.Eurotherm seminar no. 49: Physical models for thermal energy storesPage 1119
17.TIEES-96: First Trabzon international energy and environment symposiumPages 1119-1120
18.4th International symposium on heat transferPage 1120

Volume 39, Issue 6, Pages 1121-1330 (April 1996)

1.Amplitude effect on convection induced by time-periodic horizontal heatingPages 1121-1133B. V. Antohe, J. L. Lage
2.A transient spherical source method to determine thermal conductivity of liquids and gelsPages 1135-1140Ulrich B. Holeschovsky, Gregory T. Martin, Jefferson W. Tester
3.Mixed convection from a vertical cylinder embedded in a porous medium: non-Darcy modelPages 1141-1148T. K. Aldoss, M. A. Jarrah, B. J. Al-Sha'Er
4.Measurement and use of bi-directional reflectancePages 1149-1156Joseph R. Zaworski, James R. Welty, M. Kevin Drost
5.Non-Darcy mixed convection along nonisothermal vertical surfaces in porous mediaPages 1157-1164Chien-Hsin Chen, T. S. Chen, ChaO-Kuang Chen
6.Nusselt numbers in laminar flow for H2 boundary conditionsPages 1165-1174M. Spiga, G. L. Morini
7.Maximum power from fluid flowPages 1175-1181Adrian Bejan
8.Numerical simulation of unsteady convective intrusions in a thermohaline stratificationPages 1183-1201J. Wright, W. Shyy
9.Transient conjugated mixed convection inside ducts with convection from the ambientPages 1203-1211Kuan-Tzong Lee, Wei-Mon Yan
10.Thermodynamic optimization of cooling techniques for electronic packagesPages 1213-1221A. Bejan, G. A. Ledezma
11.Conjugate mixed convection in a channel: modified five percent deviation rulePages 1223-1234C. Y. Choi, S. J. Kim
12.Temperature and soot concentration in a high soot density flamePages 1235-1241M. A. Al-Nimr, V. S. Arpaci, Y. S. Najjar
13.Transient three-dimensional convection of air in a differentially heated rotating cubic cavityPages 1243-1255T. L. Lee, T. F. Lin
14.Flow boiling of binary mixtures in microchanneled platesPages 1257-1264X. F. Peng, G. P. Peterson, B. X. Wang
15.Thermal entrance region for laminar forced convection in a circular tube with a power law wall heat fluxPages 1265-1272A. Barletta, E. Zanchini
16.Determiination of moisture diffusivity in porous media using moisture concentration profilesPages
17.Efficient evaluation of diffuse view factors for radiationPages 1281-1286V. Rammohan Rao, V. M. K. Sastri
18.The turbulent Prandtl number in the near-wall region for low-Prandtl-number gas mixturesPages 1287-1295D. M. McEligot, M. F. Taylor
19.Free convective mass transfer at down-pointing pyramidal electrodesPages 1297-1305J. Krysa, A. A. Wragg
20.Hyperbolic heat conduction and thermal resonances in a cylindrical solid carrying a steady-periodic electric fieldPages 1307-1315A. Barletta, E. Zanchini
21.Heat transfer behavior of Reiner-Rivlin fluids in rectangular ductsPages 1317-1324S. X. Gao, J. P. Hartnett
22.The pressure and velocity fields in the wick structure of a localized heated flat plate heat pipePages 1325-1330X. Y. Huang, C. Y. Liu

Volume 39, Issue 7, Pages 1331-1549 (May 1996)

1.Mixed convection in a vertical parallel-plate channel partially filled with porous media of high permeabilityPages 1331-1342Wen-Jeng Chang, Wen-Lung Chang
2.Modeling the effective thermal conductivity of random packing of spheres through densificationPages 1343-1350C. Argento, D. Bouvard
3.Conjugate forced convection in crossflow over a cylinder array with volumetric heatingPages
4.Numerical study of double-diffusive natural convection in a porous cavity using the Darcy-Brinkman formulationPages 1363-1378B. Goyeau, J. -P. Songbe, D. Gobin
5.Boiling of droplets on a hot surface in low gravityPages 1379-1393Y. M. Qiao, S. Chandra
6.Local jet impingement boiling heat transferPages 1395-1406D. H. Wolf, F. P. Incropera, R. Viskanta
7.Natural convection in partitioned two-dimensional enclosures at higher Rayleigh numbersPages 1407-1427K. Hanjali, F. Durst
8.Thermophoretic deposition including an application to the outside vapor deposition processPages 1429-1438C. K. Wu, R. Greif
9.Transient natural convection heat transfer between concentric and vertically eccentric spheresPages
10.Turbulent buoyant thermal in a densitystratified atmospherePages 1453-1462G. M. Makhviladze, J. P. Roberts, S. E. Yakush
11.Radiative exchange between square parallel channels in a concentric monolith structurePages 1463-1474D. J. Worth, A. Spence, P. I. Crumpton, S. T. Kolaczkowski
12.A mechanistic model for heat transfer from a wall to a fluidPages 1475-1478G. Hetsroni, L. P. Yarin, D. Kaftori
13.Combined buoyancy effects of thermal and mass diffusion on laminar forced convection in horizontal rectangular ductsPages 1479-1488Wei-Mon Yan
14.Experimental study of heat transfer to boiling binaries in a reboiler tubePages 1489-1501M. Kamil, S. S. Alam
15.Application of the boundary element method to inverse heat conduction problemsPages 1503-1517D. Lesnic, L. Elliott, D. B. Ingham
16.Stable vortex structures in axisymmetric convective torch during oscillating combustionPages 1519-1525P. P. Khramtsov, O. G. Martynenko, V. S. Burak, I. A. Shikh
17.Conjugate free convection on a vertical surfacePages 1527-1534J. H. Merkin, I. Pop
18.Irreversibility analysis of a sieve tray in a distillation columnPages 1535-1542S. Ray, S. P. Sengupta
19.Relaxation heat conduction and generation: an analysis of the semi-infinite body case by method of Laplace transformsPages 1543-1549L. Malinowski

Volume 39, Issue 8, Pages 1551-1769 (May 1996)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography Polish works (1993–1994)Pages 1551-1554J. Bandrowski, J. Ziolo
2.Creeping flow of a Bingham plastic through axisymmetric sudden contractions with viscous dissipationPages 1555-1567Khaled J. Hammad, George C. Vradis
3.Theoretical analysis for axisymmetric mixed convection between rotating coaxial disksPages 1569-1583C. Y. Soong
4.Non-fourier heat conduction in a finite medium under periodic surface thermal disturbancePages 1585-1590D. W. Tang, N. Araki
5.The inviscid stagnation-flow solidification problemPages 1591-1602R. H. Rangel, X. Bian
6.Laminar natural convection heat transfer from isothermal spheresPages 1603-1615H. Jia, G. Gogos
7.Effect of valve lift and disk surface on two-phase critical flow at hot water relief valvePages
8.An extract analytical solution for the extended turbulent Graetz problem with Dirichlet wall boundary conditions for pipe and channel flowsPages 1625-1637B. Weigand
9.Convection and stability in a rotating porous layer with alternating direction of the centrifugal body forcePages 1639-1647P. Vadasz
10.Experimental study of unstable mixed convection of air in a bottom heated horizontal rectangular ductPages 1649-1663W. L. Lin, T. F. Lin
11.Numerical modeling of materials processing in microwave furnacesPages 1665-1675J. Clemens, C. Saltiel
12.Improving the performance of adsorption heat exchangers using a finned structurePages 1677-1686A. Hajji, S. Khalloufi
13.Effect of surface segregation kinetics on the effective thermal conductivity of porous ceramicsPages 1687-1695T. Gambaryan-Roisman, E. Y. A. Litovsky, M. Shapiro, A. Shavit
14.Numerical simulation of transitional aiding mixed convective air flow in a bottom heated inclined rectangular ductPages 1697-1710C. C. Huang, T. F. Lin
15.Finite element simulations involving simultaneous multiple interface fronts in phase change problemsPages
16.Heat transfer enhancement in a converging passage with discrete ribsPages 1719-1727Zhengjun Hu, Jiarui Shen
17.Convective heat transfer coefficients at a plane surface on a full-scale building facadePages 1729-1742D. L. Loveday, A. H. Taki
18.Modeling of non-isothermal gas flow through a heterogeneous mediumPages 1743-1748A. Buikis, N. Ulanova
19.Surface nonisothermness effect on profiled surface condensation enhancementPages 1749-1754V. G. Rifert, Ya. Ye. Trokoz
20.The effect of the tube diameter on the critical heat flux in subcooled flow boilingPages
21.Liquid nitrogen boiling around a temperature controlled heated wirePages 1758-1762M. C. Duluc, M. X. Francois, J. P. Brunet
22.Effect of transverse convex curvature on heat transfer from heated cylinders with axisymmetric backward-facing stepsPages 1763-1767K. C. Kim, Y. Lee
23.Thermal erosion of magnetoplasmadynamic thruster cathodePages 1767-1769R. C. Mehta, S. Andrews, P. V. Ramachandran

Volume 39, Issue 9, Pages 1771-2005 (June 1996)

1.Performance and optimum dimensions of different cooling fins with a temperature-dependent heat transfer coefficientPages 1993-2003K. Laor, H. Kalman
2.Mechanical quasi-equilibrium and thermovibrational convective instability in an inclined fluid layerPages 1979-1991V.A. Demin, G.Z. Gershuni, I.V. Verkholantsev
3.Laminar flow and forced convection heat transfer in plate-type monolith structures by a finite element solutionPages
4.Transient heat transfer from surfaces of defined roughness into liquid nitrogenPages 1953-1961V. Drach, N. Sack, J. Fricke
5.Etude expérimentale des coefficients d'échange d'un film de refroidissement sur plaque non-athermane: effet de la géométrie d'injectionPages 1935-1951E Dorignac, J.-J Vullierme
6.Isothermal liquid transport in porous media: capillary hysteresis effectsPages 1925-1934W. Büssing, H.-J. Bart, R. Germerdonk
7.Jet impingement drying of a moist porous solidPages 1911-1923Nicholas D. Francis, William J. Wepfer
8.Estimation of the maximum heat flux in the inverted meniscus type evaporator of a flat miniature heat pipePages 1899-1909D Khrustalev, A Faghri
9.Analysis of transport phenomena governing interfacial bonding and void dynamics during thermoplastic tow-placementPages 1883-1897R. Pitchumani, S. Ranganathan, R.C. Don, J.W. Gillespie Jr., M.A. Lamontia
10.Numerical modelling of variable density turbulent jetsPages 1865-1882A. Gharbi, E. Ruffin, F. Anselmet, R. Schiestel
11.Local analytical discrete ordinate method for the solution of the radiative transfer equationPages 1859-1864A.A. Mohamad
12.Thermal stability of horizontally superposed porous and fluid layers in a rotating systemPages 1847-1857Jong Jhy Jou, Kuang Yuan Kung, Cheng Hsing Hsu
13.Advanced micro-fin tubes for condensationPages 1839-1846L.M. Chamra, R.L. Webb, M.R. Randlett
14.Advanced micro-fin tubes for evaporationPages 1827-1838L.M. Chamra, R.L. Webb, M.R. Randlett
15.Convective heat transfer of rotating spheres and spheroids with non-uniform surface temperaturesPages 1815-1826Guoguang Zheng, Roland List
16.Measurements in buoyancy-opposing laminar flow over a vertical forward-facing stepPages 1805-1813H.I. Abu-Mulaweh, B.F. Armaly, T.S. Chen
17.Cold heat-release characteristics of phase-change emulsion by air-emulsion direct-contact heat exchange methodPages 1797-1803Hideo Inaba, Shin-Ichi Morita
18.Numerical simulation of heat penetration through a vertical rectangular phase change material/air composite cellPages 1785-1795C.J. Ho, C.H. Chu
19.Heat sinks with sloped plate fins in natural and forced convectionPages 1773-1783Gustavo Ledezma, Adrian Bejan
20.Professor Shao-Yen Ko on his 70th birthdayPage 1771B.X. Wang, S.Y. Yang, C.F. Ma, J.R. Shen
21.International centre for heat and mass transfer symposium on molecular and microscale heat transfer in materials processing and other applications : 1–5 December 1996, Yokohama, JapanPage 2005

Volume 39, Issue 10, Pages 2007-2193 (July 1996)

1.Professor Arthur E. Bergles on his 60th birthdayPages 2007-2008M. K. Jensen, R. M. Manglik, A. Bar-Cohen, J. P. Hartnett, W. J. Minkowycz
2.Measuring thermal properties with the parallel wire method: a comparison of mathematical modelsPages 2009-2013G. Grazzini, C. Balocco, U. Lucia
3.Turbulent forced convection in a helicoidal pipe with substantial pitchPages 2015-2022G. Yang, M. A. Ebadian
4.Experimental and statistical investigation of changes in surface roughness associated with spray quenchingPages 2023-2037J. D. Bernardin, I. Mudawar
5.Multi-zone simulation of the bridgman growth process of β-NiAl crystalPages 2039-2051Hong Ouyang, Wei Shyy
6.Experimental and numerical study of buoyancy-induced flow and heat transfer in an open annular cavityPages
7.Interfacial wave stability of concurrent two-phase flow in a horizontal channelPages 2067-2075Q. Wu, M. Ishii
8.Natural convection from a cylinder with multiple, low-conductivity, longitudinal bafflesPages 2077-2086G. N. Facas, H. L. Brown
9.Buoyancy induced flow and heat transfer through a vertical annulusPages 2087-2093A. K. Mohanty, M. R. Dubey
10.The effects of liquid-vapor coupling and non-Darcian transport on asymmetrical disk-shaped heat pipesPages 2095-2113N. Zhu, K. Vafai
11.Radiation-conduction interaction: an investigation on silica aerogelsPages 2115-2130U. Heinemann, R. Caps, J. Fricke
12.A thermal model for the rotary kiln including heat transfer within the bedPages 2131-2143A. A. Boateng, P. V. Barr
13.Velocity near-field of variable density turbulent jetsPages 2149-2164M. Amielh, T. Djeridane, F. Anselmet, L. Fulachier
14.Thermal enhancement in laminar channel flow with a porous blockPages 2165-2175Wu-Shung Fu, Hsin-Chien Huang, Wei-Yan Liou
15.The effect of natural convection in liquid phase mass transport coefficient measurements: the case of thermosolutal convectionPages 2177-2182C. Barat, J. P. Garandet
16.Procédures d'utilisation d'un conductivimètre à barre divisée pour des échantillons grenus: application au cas des granitesPages 2183-2187Michel Danis, Claire GobbÉ, Jean-Jacques Royer
17.Thermal ignition in buoyancy-driven boundary layer flows along inclined hot platesPages 2187-2190W. J. Sheu, M. C. Lin
18.Approximate method for combined forced-convection and radiation heat transfer in absorbing and emitting gases flowing in a black, plane-parallel ductPages 2191-2193Kouichi Kamiuto, Kuniyasu Kanemaru

Volume 39, Issue 11, Pages 2195-2382 (July 1996)

1.Experimental study of the fundamental properties of reciprocating chillers and their relation to thermodynamic modeling and chiller designPages 2195-2204H. T. Chua, K. C. Ng, J. M. Gordon
2.A numerical study of droplet-vortex interactions in an evaporating sprayPages 2205-2219T. W. Park, S. K. Aggarwal, V. R. Katta
3.Transient conjugate condensation process on a vertical plate with finite thermal inertiaPages 2221-2230C. Treviño, F. MÉndez
4.Heat transfer across a vertical wall separating two fluids at different temperaturesPages 2231-2241C. Treviño, F. MÉndez, F. J. Higuera
5.Inclined and horizontal wall plumesPages 2243-2252H. -T. Lin, J. -J. Chen, L. -W. Kung, W. -S. Yu, Y. -M. Chen
6.Convective heat transfer in rotating ribbed tubesPages 2253-2266W. D. Morris, K. Farhadi Rahmat-Abadi
7.Heat transfer correlation for natural convection in a meniscus-shaped cavity and its application to contact melting processPages 2267-2270H. S. Kim, C. -J. Kim, S. T. Ro
8.Bulk flow pulsations and film cooling—I. Injectant behaviorPages 2271-2282P. M. Ligrani, R. Gong, J. M. Cuthrell, J. S. Lee
9.Bulk flow pulsations and film cooling—II. Flow structure and film effectivenessPages 2283-2292P.
10.High temperature heat transfer of separated flow over a sudden-expansion with base mass injectionPages
11.Variation of temperature and velocity fluctuations in turbulent thermal convection over horizontal surfacesPages 2303-2310Ronald J. Adrian
12.Thin-film-heater thermal conductivity apparatus and measurement of thermal conductivity of silica aerogelPages 2311-2317J. S. Q. Zeng, P. C. Stevens, A. J. Hunt, R. Grief, Daehee Lee
13.The influence of sorption isotherms on the drying of porous materialsPages 2319-2327A. J. J. Van Der Zanden, A. M. E. Schoenmakers
14.Evaluating convective heat transfer coefficients using neural networksPages 2329-2332K. Jambunathan, S. L. Hartle, S. Ashforth-Frost, V. N. Fontama
15.Natural convection for the melting of ice in porous media in a rectangular enclosurePages
16.Two-point quasifractional approximants for effective conductivity of a simple cubic lattice of spheresPages 2349-2352I. Andrianov, V. Danishevskyi, S. Tokarzewski
17.Cooling of a superheated surface with a jet mist flowPages 2353-2362Yu. A. Buyevich, V. N. Mankevich
18.Self-oscillating regimes of nucleate, transition and film boilingPages 2363-2373Yu. A. Buyevich, I. A. Natalukha
19.Effect of aspect ratio on mass transfer from a rotating cupPages 2375-2377Won Nyun Kim, Jae Min Hyun, Hiroyuki Ozoe
20.Stability of a fluid layer with uniform heat generation and convection boundary conditionsPages 2378-2382Tae-Ho Song

Volume 39, Issue 12, Pages 2383-2618 (August 1996)

1.EditorialPage 2383
2.Heat transfer in separated and impinging turbulent flowsPages 2385-2400K. Heyerichs, A. Pollard
3.A comparison of the reduced galerkin and pseudo-spectral methods for simulation of steady Rayleigh-Bénard convectionPages 2401-2407L. E. Howle
4.Dynamics of vapour bubbles in nucleate boilingPages 2409-2426Yu. A. Buyevich, B. W. Webbon
5.Spherical vapor bubble growth in uniformly superheated liquidsPages 2427-2447Ho Sung Lee, Herman Merte Jr
6.Hemispherical vapor bubble growth in microgravity: experiments and modelPages 2449-2461Ho Sung Lee, Herman Merte Jr
7.Investigation of effects of wave motion on the performance of a falling film absorberPages 2463-2472H. Sabir, K. O. Suen, G. A. Vinnicombe
8.Mixed convection in straight and curved channels with buoyancy orthogonal to the forced flowPages 2473-2484P. M. Ligrani, S. Choi
9.Direct simulations of turbulent unstratified natural convection in a vertical slot for Pr = 0.71Pages 2485-2494J. R. Phillips
10.Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of pure liquids at low to moderate heat fluxesPages 2495-2504R. J. Benjamin, A. R. Balakrishnan
11.Prediction of turbulent heat transfer in rotating smooth square ductsPages 2505-2514Sandip Dutta, Malcolm J. Andrews, Je-Chin Han
12.Artificial roughness effects on turbulent transfer coefficients in the entrance region of a circular tubePages 2515-2523B. Mottahed, M. Molki
13.Méthode de nachtsheim et swigert étendue à l'étude des couches limites laminaires bidimensionnelles planes ou axisymétriques non isothermes, avec effusionNachtsheim and swigert method extended to the study of the two-dimensional plane or axisymmetric, nonisothermal, laminar boundary-layer with blowingPages 2525-2537G. A. Campolina França, M. Fortes, A. Lallemand
14.How to determine critical marangoni number in half floating zone convectionPages 2539-2544Y. L. Yao, F. Liu, W. R. Hu
15.Free convection fluid flow due to a periodically heated and cooled vertical flat plate embedded in a porous mediaPages 2545-2557R. Bradean, D. B. Ingham, P. J. Heggs, I. Pop
16.In-tube evaporation of HCFC-22 in a 9.52 mm micro-fin/smooth tubePages 2559-2569C. S. Kuo, C. C. Wang
17.The linear stability in systems with intensive mass transfer—I. Gas (liquid)-solidPages 2571-2580Chr. Boyadjiev, I. Halatchev, B. Tchavdarov
18.The linear stability in systems with intensive mass transfer—II. gas-liquidPages 2581-2585Chr. Boyadjiev, I. Halatchev
19.The linear stability in systems with intensive mass transfer—III. liquid-liquidPages 2587-2592I. Halatchev, Chr. Boyadjiev
20.The linear stability in systems with intensive mass transfer—IV. Gas-liquid film flowPages 2593-2597Chr. Boyadjiev, I. Halatchev
21.Convective heat transfer and flow friction for water flow in microchannel structuresPages 2599-2608X. F. Peng, G. P. Peterson
22.Shape sensitivity analysis for nonlinear steadystate heat conduction problemsPages 2609-2613A. Sluzalec, M. Kleiber
23.Inverse analysis of transient turbulent forced convection inside parallelplate ductsPages 2615-2618F. B. Liu, M. N. Ozisik

Volume 39, Issue 13, Pages 2619-2852 (September 1996)

1.Thermal effect on the recirculation zone in sudden-expansion gas flowsPages 2619-2624Zeng-Yuan Guo, De-Yu Li, Xin-Gang Liang
2.Forced convection in-tube steam condensation in the presence of noncondensable gasesPages 2625-2639H. A. Hasanein, M. S. Kazimi, M. W. Golay
3.Heat and mass transfer in wooden dowels during a simulated fire: an experimental and analytical studyPages 2641-2651J. A. Mardini, A. S. Lavine, V. K. Dhir
4.An integral approximate solution of heat transfer in the grinding processPages 2653-2662Yuwen Zhang, Amir Faghri
5.Natural convection of high Prandtl number fluids with variable viscosity in a vertical slotPages 2663-2670Y. Y. Jin, C. F. Chen
6.Cooperating thermosolutal convection in enclosures—I. Scale analysis and mass transferPages 2671-2681R. Bennacer, D. Gobin
7.Cooperating thermosolutal convection in enclosures—II. Heat transfer and flow structurePages 2683-2697D. Gobin, R. Bennacer
8.A bifurcation study of double diffusive flows in a laterally heated stably stratified liquid layerPages
9.Heat transfer in a pressurized circulating fluidized bedPages 2711-2722Prabir Basu, Leming Cheng, Kefa Cen
10.Modeling the local and average heat transfer coefficient for an isothermal vertical flat plate with assisting and opposing combined forced and natural convectionPages 2723-2733C. J. Kobus, G. L. Wedekind
11.The existence of an asymptotic thermally developed region for laminar forced convection in a circular ductPages 2735-2744A. Barletta, E. Zanchini
12.Mean fluid temperatures in direct contact heat exchangers without phase changePages 2745-2750J. Mitrovic, K. Stephan
13.Flow and transport in a multilayered fluid system—I. Influence of 1- or μ-g environmentPages 2751-2770J. -P. Fontaine, R. L. Sani
14.Heat transfer and fluid dynamics during the collision of a liquid droplet on a substrate—I. ModelingPages
15.Heat transfer and fluid dynamics during the collision of a liquid droplet on a substrate—II. ExperimentsPages
16.Turbulence model for flow through porous mediaPages 2803-2809T. Masuoka, Y. Takatsu
17.Monte Carlo simulation of radiative heat transfer in arrays of fixed discrete surfaces using cell-to-cell photon transportPages 2811-2819Bruce. J. Palmer, M. Kevin Drost, James R. Welty
18.Weakly nonlinear stability analysis of condensate film flow down a vertical cylinderPages 2821-2829Chen-I Hung, ChaO-Kuang Chen, Jung-Shun Tsai
19.Natural convection of non-Newtonian fluids along a wavy vertical plate including the magnetic field effectPages 2831-2842Yue-Tzu Yang, ChaO-Kuang Chen, Mong-Tung Lin
20.Predicting the average heat transfer coefficient for an isothermal vertical circular disk with assisting and opposing combined forced and natural convectionPages 2843-2845G. L. Wedekind, C. J. Kobus
21.Flow and transport in a multilayered fluid system—II. Influence of thermal boundary conditions and encapsulantPages 2846-2852J. -P. Fontaine, R. L. Sani

Volume 39, Issue 14, Pages 2853-3087 (September 1996)

1.g-Jitter induced free convection in a transverse magnetic fieldPages 2853-2860Ben Q. Li
2.Pore formation in hot spotsPages 2861-2867I. H. Katzarov, J. R. Popov
3.Numerical study on mode-transition of natural convection in differentially heated inclined enclosuresPages 2869-2882C. Y. Soong, P. Y. Tzeng, D. C. Chiang, T. S. Sheu
4.Simulation of two-dimensional thermosolutal convection in liquid metals induced by horizontal temperature and species gradientsPages 2883-2894T. L. Bergman, M. T. Hyun
5.Thermovibrational convection in a vertical cylinderPages 2895-2906Frank T. Ferguson, Lembit U. Lilleleht
6.Flow and heat transfer measurements of a wall attaching offset jetPages 2907-2913Dae Seong Kim, Soon Hyun Yoon, Dae Hee Lee, Kyung Chun Kim
7.Nozzle-geometry effects in liquid jet impingement heat transferPages 2915-2923Suresh V. Garimella, Boris Nenaydykh
8.Heat transfer on the base surface of threedimensional protruding elementsPages 2925-2935M. K. Chyu, V. Natarajan
9.Forced convection steam condensation experiments within thin porous coatingsPages 2937-2945Kevin J. Renken, Martin R. Raich
10.A heat transfer correlation for condensation inside horizontal smooth tubes using the population balance approachPages 2947-2956M. S. Chitti, N. K. Anand
11.Polymer melt flow and gas penetration in gasassisted injection molding of a thin part with gas channel designPages 2957-2965Shia Chung Chen, Kuo Fu Hsu, Ke Sheng Hsu
12.Thermal development of radiatively active pipe flow with nonaxisymmetric circumferential convective heat lossPages
13.Second-moment closure for turbulent scalar transport at various Prandtl numbersPages 2977-2987Naoki Shikazono, Nobuhide Kasagi
14.A review of semi-analytical solutions for flame impingement heat transferPages 2989-3002Charles E. Baukal, Benjamin Gebhart
15.Stagnation point flow of a chemically reactive fluid in a catalytic porous bedPages 3003-3019B. H. Chao, H. Wang, P. Cheng
16.Stability of boiling systemsPages 3021-3033Joachim Blum, Wolfgang Marquardt, Hein Auracher
17.Numerical simulation of heat transfer in floating zone single crystal growth process with radio frequency induction heatingPages 3035-3043Y. Masuda, T. Tsukada, M. Hozawa, N. Imaishi, N. Ohnishi
18.Experiments on heat transfer of smooth and swirl tubes under one-sided heating conditionsPages 3045-3055Masanori Araki, Masuro Ogawa, Tomoaki Kunugi, Kazuyoshi Satoh, Satoshi Suzuki
19.Numerical and experimental studies of threedimensional plate-fin and tube heat exchangersPages 3057-3066Jiin-Yuh Jang, Mu-Cheng Wu, Wen-Jeng Chang
20.Heat conduction in a semi-infinite solid due to time-dependent laser sourcePages 3067-3074S. M. Zubair, M. Aslam Chaudhry
21.Errors in one-dimensional fin optimization problem for convective heat transferPages 3075-3078Rong-Hua Yeh
22.Comparison between theoretical models and experimental data for the spreading of liquid droplets impacting a solid surfacePages 3079-3082W. M. Healy, J. G. Hartley, S. I. Abdel-Khalik
23.Heat pipe science and technology : A. Faghri, Taylor and Francis, 1995, 912 pp, 1-56032-383-3, Cloth 149.50Page 3083L. L. Vasiliev
24.CorrigendumPage 3085
25.AnnouncementPage 3087

Volume 39, Issue 15, Pages 3089-3309 (October 1996)

1.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese works 1994Pages 3089-3100I. Tanasawa, S. Nishio, K. Suzuki
2.Numerical prediction of laminar flow and forced convective heat transfer in a helical square duct with a finite pitchPages 3101-3115C. Jonas Bolinder, Bengt SundÉn
3.Pool boiling heat transfer on a thin plate: features revealed by liquid crystal thermographyPages 3117-3137D. B. R. Kenning, Youyou Yan
4.Heat transfer regime map for electronic devices coolingPages 3139-3145Kazuyoshi Fushinobu, Kunio Hijikata, Yasuo Kurosaki
5.The relationship between the colburn and silver methods of condenser designPages 3147-3156D. R. Webb, M. Fahrner, R. Schwaab
6.Estimation of directional-dependent thermal properties in a carbon-carbon compositePages 3157-3164K. J. Dowding, J. V. Beck, B. F. Blackwell
7.Heat transfer enhancement in latent heat thermal energy storage system by using the internally finned tubePages 3165-3173Yuwen Zhang, A. Faghri
8.A ray tracing method for evaluating the radiative heat transfer in porous mediaPages 3175-3180C. Argento, D. Bouvard
9.Ultrashort-pulse laser heating of silicon to reduce microstructure adhesionPages 3181-3186K. Fushinobu, L. M. Phinney, N. C. Tien
10.Effect of two-dimensional conduction in the condensate film on laminar film condensation on a horizontal tube with variable wall temperaturePages 3187-3191Y. -Q. Zhou, J. W. Rose
11.A combined numerical and experimental study of air convection in a differentially heated rotating cubic cavityPages 3193-3210Y. T. Ker, T. F. Lin
12.Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of ten radiator tubesPages 3211-3220C. -O. Olsson, B. SundÉn
13.Etude théorique de l'influence des infibrés sur le comportement radiatif des isolants fibreuxTheoretical study of the influence of slugs on the radiative behaviour of fibrous mediaPages 3221-3231P. Boulet, G. Jeandel, G. Morlot, P. De Dianous
14.Natural convection in a cubical cavity heated from below at low rayleigh numbersPages 3233-3247J. PallarÈs, I. Cuesta, F. X. Grau, Francesc Giralt
15.Turbulent vapor condensation with noncondensable gases in vertical tubesPages 3249-3260J. L. Muñoz-Cobo, L. Herranz, J. Sancho, I. Tkachenko, G. Verdú
16.Hyperbolic propagation of an axisymmetric thermal signal in an infinite solid mediumPages 3261-3271A. Barletta
17.A computationally efficient procedure for calculating gas radiative properties using the exponential wide band modelPages 3273-3286N. Lallemant, R. Weber
18.Mass transfer between a two-dimensional wall jet with a heterogeneous chemical reaction of the first order and a wall: analytical solutionPages 3287-3291T. Elperin, A. Fominykh
19.Perturbational thermodynamics of coupled electrochemical heat and mass transferPages 3293-3303S. Sieniutycz, S. K. Ratkje
20.Non-Fourier heat conduction in a finite medium under periodic surface thermal disturbance—II. Another form of solutionPages 3305-3308D. W. Tang, N. Araki
21.EUROTHERM Seminar No. 48: Pool Boiling (PB)2Page 3309

Volume 39, Issue 16, Pages 3311-3546 (November 1996)

1.Low dimensional modeling of flow reactorsPages 3311-3323H. M. Park, D. H. Cho
2.Radiation affected compressible turbulent flow over a backward facing stepPages 3325-3332Sang Soo Kim, Seung Wook Baek
3.Turbulent velocity field in isothermal and heated liquid flow through a vertical annular channelPages 3333-3346V. Velidandla, S. Putta, R. P. Roy
4.Experimental observation of interface shapes in the float zone of lithium niobate during a CO2 laser meltingPages 3347-3355Chieh Hu, Jyh-Chen Chen
5.Heat transfer from vertical inserts in gas-fluidized bedsPages 3357-3365D. J. Gunn, N. Hilal
6.Heat transfer in the flow of a cold, two-dimensional vertical liquid jet against a hot, horizontal platePages 3367-3379Jian-Jun Shu, Graham Wilks
7.Flow transitions and combined free and forced convective heat transfer in a rotating curved circular tubePages 3381-3400Liqiu Wang, K. C. Cheng
8.Phase-resolved measurements in a gas-injected liquid bathPages 3401-3415H. Turkoglu, B. Farouk
9.Thermal effects on the morphological stability in a directional solidification system with remote flowPages 3417-3423Chi-Chuan Hwang, Jin-Yuan Hsieh, Chin-Chan Chuan
10.The effect of inertia on free convection from a horizontal surface embedded in a porous mediumPages 3425-3430D. A. S. Rees
11.The optimal dimensions of circular fins with variable profile and temperature-dependent thermal conductivityPages 3431-3439S. M. Zubair, A. Z. Al-Garni, J. S. Nizami
12.Numerical and experimental determination of flow structure and heat transfer effects of longitudinal vortices in a channel flowPages 3441-3451G. Biswas, K. Torii, D. Fujii, K. Nishino
13.High pressure vaporization of LOX droplet crossing the critical conditionsPages 3453-3464Pierre Haldenwang, Colette Nicoli, Joël Daou
14.A nonlinear low-Reynolds-number k-var epsilon model for turbulent separated and reattaching flows—II. Thermal field computationsPages
15.Holographic study of suspended vaporizing volatile liquid droplets in still airPages 3475-3482G. R. Toker, J. Stricker
16.New low-Reynolds-number k-var epsilon model including damping effect due to buoyancy in a stratified flow fieldPages 3483-3496S. Murakami, S. Kato, T. Chikamoto, D. Laurence, D. Blay
17.Visualization of natural convection in a side-heated cavity: transition to the final steady statePages 3497-3509W. Schöpf, J. C. Patterson
18.Axial wall conduction preheating effects in high Péclet number laminar forced convectionPages 3511-3517Stefano Piva
19.Convective heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of various array configurations to simulate the cooling of electronic modulesPages 3519-3529B. A. Jubran, S. A. Swiety, M. A. Hamdan
20.Thermodiffusion and thermo-electric phenomena in condensed systemsPages 3531-3542Stefan Barta
21.A parametric representation of diffusive enhancement in a confined oscillatory flowPages 3543-3546Myung Bae Kim, Hyun Dong Shin

Volume 39, Issue 17, Pages 3547-3765 (November 1996)

1.Heat transfer augmentation for the flow of a viscous liquid in circular tubes using twisted tape insertsPages 3547-3557S. K. Agarwal, M. Raja Rao
2.Experimental study of simultaneous heat and moisture transfer around single short porous cylinders during convection drying by a psychrometry methodPages 3559-3565Ssu-Hsueh Sun, Thomas R. Marrero
3.A scaling analysis of the unidirectional solidification of a binary alloyPages 3567-3579Matthew John M. Krane, Frank P. Incropera
4.The viscous stagnation-flow solidification problemPages 3581-3594X. Bian, R. H. Rangel
5.Wall-bounded buoyant turbulent flow and its modelingPages 3595-3606T. P. Sommer, R. M. C. So
6.A multiphase mixture model for multiphase, multicomponent transport in capillary porous media—I. Model developmentPages 3607-3618C. Y. Wang, P. Cheng
7.A multiphase mixture model for multiphase, multicomponent transport in capillary porous media—II. Numerical simulation of the transport of organic compounds in the subsurfacePages 3619-3632P. Cheng, C. Y. Wang
8.Numerical study of a low permeability microporous heat sink for cooling phased-array radar systemsPages 3633-3647J. L. Lage, A. K. Weinert, D. C. Price, R. M. Weber
9.Comparison of some inverse heat conduction methods using experimental dataPages 3649-3657J. V. Beck, B. Blackwell, A. Haji-Sheikh
10.Analogy between electrical machines and heat transfer-irreversible heat enginesPages 3659-3666A. Bejan, N. Dan
11.Experimental observation and conjugated heat transfer analysis of vortex flow development in mixed convection of air in a horizontal rectangular ductPages 3667-3683W. L. Lin, Y. T. Ker, T. F. Lin
12.Second-order finite difference approximation for inverse determination of thermal conductivityPages 3685-3693W. K. Yeung, T. T. Lam
13.Heat transfer and flow structures in an excited circular impinging jetPages 3695-3706Tianshu Liu, J. P. Sullivan
14.Numerical computation of heat flow, fluid flow and interface shapes in the float zone of lithium niobate during a melting processPages 3707-3716Jyh-Chen Chen, Hsian-Kun Wu
15.Phénomène de constriction thermique dans les contacts glissantsThermal constriction phenomenon in sliding contactsPages 3717-3724N. Laraqi
16.The effect of liquid encapsulation on the Marangoni convection in a liquid column under microgravity conditionPages 3725-3732Mingwei Li, Danling Zeng
17.Theory of transient experimental techniques for surface heat transferPages 3733-3748Jan Taler
18.Natural convection in a liquid metal enclosure with floor coolingPages 3749-3759A. W. Stevens
19.Use of two-dimensional Fast Fourier Transform in harmonic modulated thermal diffusionPages 3761-3764Françoise Depasse, Philippe Grossel
20.ErratumPage 3765

Volume 39, Issue 18, Pages 3767-3993 (December 1996)

1.Volume contents and author index volume 39, 1996Pages iii-xxx
2.A vapor flow model for analysis of liquid-metal heat pipe startup from a frozen statePages 3767-3780Jean Michel Tournier, Mohamed S. El-Genk
3.Condensation on a spray of water drops: A cell model study—I. Flow descriptionPages 3781-3790Srinivas S. Sripada, P. S. Ayyaswamy, L. J. Huang
4.Condensation on a spray of water drops: a cell model study—II. Transport quantitiesPages 3791-3797L. J. Huang, P. S. Ayyaswamy, Srinivas S. Sripada
5.An experimental study of subcooled film boiling of refrigerants in vertical up-flowPages 3799-3812N. Hammouda, D. C. Groeneveld, S. C. Cheng
6.Calculation of wall heat transfer in pipeexpansion turbulent flowsPages 3813-3822W. D. Hsieh, K. C. Chang
7.Penetrative convection induced by the freezing of seawaterPages 3823-3834Layachi Hadji, Xian-Xi Jin
8.Ultra-shallow p+-junction formation in silicon by excimer laser doping: a heat and mass transfer perspectivePages 3835-3844X. Zhang, J. R. Ho, C. P. Grigoropoulos
9.Influences of initial concentration and supercooling degree on the permeability of a porous medium saturated with partially solidified aqueous solutionPages 3845-3853M. Okada, K. Matsumoto, M. Fukuzaki
10.Transfert de masse sur une plaque finie placée en regard d'une matrice de jets: influence des reprises et de la forme des orifices d'injectionMass transfer from a flat plate segment facing impinging jets. Influence of exhausts number and location and of nozzle geometryPages 3855-3872F. Aglat, M. Martin, P. Gardin
11.The influence of radiation absorption on solar pond stabilityPages 3873-3885M. Giestas, H. Pina, A. Joyce
12.Study of the evaporation of a droplet in its stagnant vapor by asymptotic matchingPages 3887-3898J. Margerit, O. Sero-Guillaume
13.Scaling of boundary-layer flows driven by double-diffusive convectionPages 3899-3910A. Mongruel, M. Cloitre, C. Allain
14.Modelling of a thermo-viscoelastic coupling for large deformations through finite element analysisPages 3911-3924G. Bérardi, M. Jaeger, R. Martin, C. Carpentier
15.Free convection in inclined air layers heated from abovePages 3925-3930Samy M. Elsherbiny
16.Heat transfer by forced convection in pipes packed with porous media whose matrices are composed of spheresPages 3931-3947M. Varahasamy, R. M. Fand
17.Numerical investigation of the interference effects between two burning fuel spheresPages 3949-3957K. Sivasankaran, K. N. Seetharamu, R. Natarajan
18.Analysis of heat transfer with liquid-vapor phase change in a forced-flow fluid moving through porous mediaPages 3959-3975O. Rahli, F. Topin, L. Tadrist, J. Pantaloni
19.Penetrative flow due to an isothermal vertical wall in a stable two-layer environment generated by a room firePages
20.A nonequilibrium algebraic model for turbulent density fluctuationsPages 3989-3991H. Wei, C. P. Chen
21.Principles of convective heat transfer : M. Kaviany, Springer, Berlin, 1994, xxii + 709 ppPage 3993Y. Jaluria

Volume 40, Issue 1, Pages 15-211 (October 1996)

1.Fully developed laminar forced convection in circular ducts for power-law fluids with viscous dissipationPages 15-26A. BARLETTA
2.The effects of inlet fluid flow nonuniformity on thermal performance and pressure drops in crossflow plate-fin compact heat exchangersPages 27-38CH.
3.Enhancement of heat transfer using porous convection-to-radiation converter for laminar flow in a circular ductPages
4.Regions of validity of the geometric optics approximation for angular scattering from very rough surfacesPages 49-59KAKUEN TANG, RALPH A. DIMENNA, RICHARD O. BUCKIUS
5.The measurement and calculation of radiative heat transfer between uncoated and doped tin oxide coated glass surfacesPages 61-71Q-C. ZHANG, T. M. SIMKO, C. J. DEY, R. E. COLLINS, G. M. TURNER, M. BRUNOTTE and, A. GOMBERT
6.Effects of surface roughness on water droplet impact history and heat transfer regimesPages 73-88JOHN D. BERNARDIN, CLINTON J. STEBBINS, ISSAM MUDAWAR
7.Ignition phenomenon of solid fuel in a confined rectangular enclosurePages 89-99SEUNG WOOK BAEK, TAIK YOUNG KIM, CAROLYN R. KAPLAN
8.Theoretical and experimental study of natural convection heat transfer from isothermal hemispherePages 101-109WITOLD M. LEWANDOWSKI, PIOTR KUBSKI, JAWAD M. KHUBEIZ, HENRYK BIESZK, TADEUSZ WILCZEWSKI, SŁAWOMIR SZYMANSKI
9.The effect of thermal stratification on natural convection in a vertical porous insulation layerPages 111-121D. A. S. REES, J. L. LAGE
10.Conjugate natural convection heat transfer between two porous media separated by a vertical wallPages 123-129F. J. HIGUERA, I. POP
11.Multicomponent diffusion interactions during condensation in laminar and turbulent pipe flowPages 131-139M. BRAUN, U. RENZ
12.Numerical investigation of heat transfer in impinging axial and radial jets with superimposed swirlPages 141-147B. L. OWSENEK, T. CZIESLA, N. K. MITRA, G. BISWAS
13.STUDY OF THE CRYSTALLIZATION OF NODULES CONTAINING A PHASE CHANGE MATERIAL FOR COOL THERMAL STORAGEEtude de la cristallisation de nodules contenant un materiauà changement de phase en vue du stockage par chaleur latentePages 149-157J. P. BEDECARRATS, J. P. DUMAS
14.Calculation of heat and moisture transfer in exposed building componentsPages 159-167HARTWIG M. KÜNZEL, KURT KIESSL
15.Effect of viscous dissipation on the asymptotic behaviour of laminar forced convection in circular tubesPages 169-178E. Zanchini
16.Hydrodynamics and heat transfer of wavy thin film flowPages 179-190S. JAYANTI, G. F. HEWITT
17.Heat and mass flows coupled with stress in a continuous mediumPages 191-207MAREK A. WRÓBEL
18.Bubble detachment criteriaPages 209-211J. MITROVIC

Volume 40, Issue 2, Pages 213-501 (January 1997)

1.Evaluation of discrete ordinates method for radiative transfer in rectangular furnacesPages 213-222Nevin Selçuk, Nuray Kayakol
2.Buoyancy-force-driven transitions in flow structures and their effects on heat transfer in a rotating curved channelPages 223-235Liqiu Wang
3.Rotation effects on the convection of binary alloys unidirectionally solidified from belowPages 237-246Jay W. Lu, Falin Chen
4.Mapping of impact and heat transfer regimes of water drops impinging on a polished surfacePages 247-267John D. Bernardin, Clinton J. Stebbins, Issam Mudawar
5.Thermal conductivity of polyimide foamsPages 269-280Roland Caps, Ulrich Heinemann, Jochen Fricke, Karl Keller
6.Numerical investigation of adsorptive heat pump systems with thermal wave heat regeneration under uniform-pressure conditionsPages 281-293L. M. Sun, Y. Feng, M. Pons
7.Solidification phenomena in picoliter size solder droplet deposition on a composite substratePages 295-309J. M. Waldvogel, D. Poulikakos
8.Steady-solution selection and existence in geothermal heat pipes—II. The conductive casePages 311-321Mark J. McGuinness
9.Radiative exchange between a cylindrical crystal and a monoellipsoidal mirror furnacePages 323-332Rodrigo Haya, Damián Rivas, Javier Sanz
10.Structures of moving transverse and mixed rolls in mixed convection of air in a horizontal plane channelPages
11.Changes of longitudinal vortex roll structure in a mixed convective air flow through a horizontal plane channel: an experimental studyPages 347-363M. Y. Chang, C. H. Yu, T. F. Lin
12.The isolated bubble regime in pool nucleate boilingPages 365-377Yu. A. Buyevich, B. W. Webbon
13.Transient thermal convection in a spherical enclosure containing a fluid core and a porous shellPages 379-392Hoa D. Nguyen, Seungho Paik, Ioan Pop
14.The effective thermal conductivity of a porous medium with interconnected particlesPages 393-405G. Buonanno, A. Carotenuto
15.Thermoacoustic waves in a confined mediumPages 407-419Yufeng Huang, Haim H. Bau
16.Three-dimensional mixed convection laminar boundary-layer over a horizontal surface in the neighbourhood of a plane of symmetryPages 421-433A. Ridha
17.Effect of coolant temperature and mass flow on film cooling of turbine bladesPages 435-445Vijay K. Garg, Raymond E. Gaugler
18.The nonlinear Czochralski growing process of crystals with variable thermal propertiesPages 447-459Senpuu Lin, Chi-Chuan Hwang, Hong-Yu Lay
19.Developing and periodically developed flow, temperature and heat transfer in a ribbed ductPages 461-479S. Acharya, T. Myrum, X. Qiu, S. Sinha
20.An experimental study of laminar heat transfer in a one-porous-wall square duct with suction flowPages 481-485G. J. Hwang, Y. C. Cheng, Y. W. Chiang
21.Natural convection in porous media near L-shaped cornersPages 485-490I. Pop, D. Angirasa, G. P. Peterson
22.Symbolic mathematics for the calculation of thermal efficiencies and tip temperatures in annular fins of uniform thicknessPages 490-492Antonio Campo, R. Eugene Stuffle
23.Composite correlations for convective heat transfer from arrays of three-dimensional obstaclesPages 493-498Garron K. Morris, Suresh V. Garimella
24.Heat transport along an oscillating flat plate in the presence of a transverse magnetic fieldPages

Volume 40, Issue 3, Pages 503-756 (February 1997)

1.In memoriam—Professor Michael Adol'fovich Styrikovich (1902–1995)Pages 503-504V. E. Nakoryakov, A. I. Leontiev, I. L. Mostinsky, J. P. Hartnett
2.Unsteady vortex roll structures in a mixed convective air flow through a horizontal plane channel: a numerical studyPages 505-518C. H. Yu, M. Y. Chang, C. C. Huang, T. F. Lin
3.Nucleate pool boiling from coated surfaces in saturated R-134a and R-407cPages 519-532Shou-Shing Hsieh, Chun-Jen Weng
4.A generalized heat transfer correlation for Iouver fin geometryPages 533-544Yu-Juei Chang, Chi-Chuan Wang
5.Soret effects in ternary systems heated from belowPages 545-555J. P. Larre, J. K. Platten, G. Chavepeyer
6.Heat transfer and ice formations deposited upon cold tube bundles immersed in flowing water—I. Convection analysisPages 557-572Paul Alexander Intemann, Michael Kazmierczak
7.Heat transfer and ice formations deposited upon cold tube bundles immersed in flowing water—II. Conjugate analysisPages 573-588Michael Kazmierczak, Paul Alexander Intemann
8.Combined heat and mass transfer during bubble absorption in binary solutionsPages 589-603T. L. Merrill, H. Perez-Blanco
9.Numerical studies on thermal convection in cold groundwaterPages 605-612Ekkehard Holzbecher
10.A temperature wall function formulation for variable-density turbulent flows with application to engine convective heat transfer modelingPages 613-625Zhiyu Han, Rolf D. Reitz
11.The calculation of anisotropic extinction coefficients for radiation diffusion in rigid fibrous ceramic insulationsPages 627-634Jochen Marschall, Frank S. Milos
12.Friction factors for fully developed laminar flow in ducts confined by corrugated parallel wallsPages 635-639Ludger Fischer, Holger Martin
13.Liquid-side interphase mass transfer in cocurrent vertical two-phase channel flowsPages 641-655D. Luo, S. M. Ghiaasiaan
14.Contrôle hydrodynamique des couches limites thermiques en convection mixte autour d'ellipsoïdes aplatis axisymétriquesHydrodynamic Control of Boundary Layers Around a Body of Revolution in Mixed-ConvectionPages 657-663A. Ali Chérif, C. H. R. R. Raminosoa, M. Rakotomalala, A. Daif, M. Daguenet
15.The unsteady penetration of free convection flows caused by heating and cooling flat surfaces in a porous mediaPages 665-687R. Bradean, D. B. Ingham, P. J. Heggs, I. Pop
16.Transient coupled conductive/radiative heat transfer in absorbing, emitting and scattering media: application to laser-flash measurements on ceramic materialsPages 689-698O. Hahn, F. Raether, M. C. Arduini-Schuster, J. Fricke
17.Effect of finite deformations on internal heat-mass transfer in elastomer ablating materialsPages 699-709Yu. I. Dimitrienko
18.Time-dependent double-diffusive convection due to salt-stratified fluid layer with differential heating in an inclined cavityPages 711-725Yau-Ming Chen, Jiun-Kae Liou
19.Mass transfer by simultaneous dropwise condensation and particle depositionPages 727-735M. J. Tierney, G. L. Quarini
20.Mixed binary convection in a rotating disk chemical vapor deposition reactorPages 737-744W. S. Winters, G. H. Evans, R. Greif
21.Heat transfer enhancement in laminar flow of viscoelastic fluids through rectangular ductsPages 745-756Parviz Payvar

Volume 40, Issue 4, Pages 757-991 (March 1997)

1.Numerical investigation on a simulation model of floating zone convectionPages 757-763Q. S. Chen, W. R. Hu
2.Augmentation of steam condensation heat transfer by addition of ammoniaPages 765-772J. N. A. Morrison, J. Deans
3.Mixed convection flow and heat transfer between two co-rotating porous disks with wall transpirationPages 773-784W. M. Yan, C. Y. Soong
4.Rayleigh-Marangoni thermoconvective instability with non-Boussinesq correctionsPages 785-798R. Selak, G. Lebon
5.Constructal-theory network of conducting paths for cooling a heat generating volumePages 799-811Adrian Bejan
6.Control of Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a small aspect ratio containerPages 817-822Laurens E. Howle
7.Variable density effects in axisymmetric isothermal turbulent jets: a comparison between a first- and a second-order turbulence modelPages 823-842J. P. H. Sanders, B. Sarh, I. GÖkalp
8.Simulation of the transport processes in the neck-down region of a furnace drawn optical fiberPages 843-856S. H. K. Lee, Y. Jaluria
9.Oscillatory instability analysis of Bénard-Marangoni convection in a rotating fluid with internal heat generationPages 857-867Ming-I Char, Ko-Ta Chiang, Jong-Jhy Jou
10.Axial void fraction profile in low pressure subcooled flow boilingPages 869-879O. Zeitoun, M. Shoukri
11.The role of thermocapillary instability in heat transfer in a liquid metal poolPages 881-891Valerian A.Nemchinsky
12.A numerical study of unsteady free convection from a sphere in a porous mediumPages 893-903B. Yan, I. Pop, D. B. Ingham
13.Irreversibility phenomena associated with heat transfer and fluid friction in laminar flows through singly connected ductsPages 905-914Dusan P. Sekulic, Antonio Campo, Juan C. Morales
14.Effects of wall conduction, internal heat sources and an internal baffle on natural convection heat transfer in a rectangular enclosurePages 915-929Y. S. Sun, A. F. Emery
15.An extended study on steady-state laminar film condensation of a superheated vapour on an isothermal vertical platePages 931-941De-Yi Shang, Bu-Xuan Wang
16.Effective thermal conductivity of nonlinear composite media with contact resistancePages 943-949Fusheng Ni, G. Q. Gu, K. M. Chen
17.Efficient laser heating of transparent liquids using multiphoton absorptionPages 951-959Jon P. Longtin, Chang-Lin Tien
18.Experimental study on the heat and mass transfer of a combined absorber-evaporator exchangerPages 961-971Yau-Ming Chen, Chung-Yung Sun
19.Heat transfer and friction factor correlations for artificially roughened ducts with expanded metal mesh as roughness elementPages 973-986R. P. Saini, J. S. Saini
20.High temperature gas radiative property parameters of statistical narrow-band model for H2O, CO2 and CO, and correlated-K model for H2O and CO2Pages 987-991Anouar Soufiani, Jean Taine

Volume 40, Issue 5, Pages 993-1249 (March 1997)

1.Optimum plate separation in vertical parallelplate channels for natural convective flows: incorporation of large spaces at the channel extremesPages 993-1000Biagio Morrone, Antonio Campo, Oronzio Manca
2.A perturbation solution for heating a rectangular sensible heat storage packed bed with a constant temperature at the wallsPages 1001-1006A. V. Kuznetsov
3.Hyperbolic heat conduction and local equilibrium: a second law analysisPages 1007-1016A. Barletta, E. Zanchini
4.Contact angle temperature dependence for water droplets on practical aluminum surfacesPages 1017-1033John D. Bernardin, Issam Mudawar, Christopher B. Walsh, Elias I. Franses
5.Analysis of thermally optimized fin array in boiling liquidsPages 1035-1044Rong-Hua Yeh
6.Fin efficiency enhancement using a gravity assisted planar heat pipePages 1045-1051Jie Wei, Kunio Hijikata, Takayoshi Inoue
7.Kinetic model for crystallization in porous mediaPages 1053-1059Leonid Bronfenbrener, Eli Korin
8.Heat transfer and flow field in a pipe with sinusoidal wavy surface—I. Numerical investigationPages 1061-1070G. Russ, H. Beer
9.Heat transfer and flow field in a pipe with sinusoidal wavy surface—II. Experimental investigationPages 1071-1081G. Russ, H. Beer
10.A microscopic thermal model for dry sliding contactPages 1083-1094P. Chantrenne, M. Raynaud
11.Heat transfer behaviors of a confined slot jet impingementPages 1095-1107Z. H. Lin, Y. J. Chou, Y. H. Hung
12.Séchage intermittent de maïs en lit fluidisé à flottation : étude expérimentale et modélisationIntermittent drying of corn kernels in a flotation fluidized bed. Experimental study and modelingPages 1109-1119M. Mourad, M. Hemati, C. Laguerie
13.A mechanical and geometrical approach to thermal contact resistancePages 1121-1129J. J.
14.Laser heating process and experimental validationPages 1131-1143B. S. Yilbas
15.Thermodynamic analysis of convective heat transfer in a packed duct with asymmetrical wall temperaturesPages 1145-1153Y. Demirel, H. H. Al-Ali
16.Convection naturelle instationnaire dans un cylindre rempli de grains ouvert à ses extrémités et dont la paroi est chauffée par un flux de chaleur constant: validité de l'hypothèse de l'équilibre thermique localTransient free convection in a vertical cylinder filled with granular product, open at the extremities and heated with uniform heat flux density—validity of the local thermal equilibrium hypothesisPages 1155-1168S. Ben Nasrallah, T. Amara, M. A. Du Peuty
17.Numerical simulation of natural convection of gallium in a narrow gapPages 1169-1180R. Derebail, J. N. Koster
18.Forced convection in the thermal entrance region of a circular duct with slug flow and viscous dissipationPages
19.Explicit, rigorous solutions to two-dimensional heat transfer: two-component media and optimization of cooling finsPages 1191-1196A. R. Kacimov, Yu. V. Obnosov
20.The peculiarities of turbulent heat transfer in electric-arc plasma devicesPages 1197-1203Yu. S. Levitan
21.Theory of transient multicomponent transport coupling in three-dimensional stagnation flowsPages 1205-1216Yoram Tambour
22.The response of dried materials to drying conditionsPages 1217-1226S. J. Kowalski, G. Musielak, A. Rybicki
23.A physico-mathematical model of rocket exhaust plumesPages 1227-1241E. I. Vitkin, V. G. Karelin, A. A. Kirillov, A. S. Suprun, Ju. V. Khadyka
24.Dissipative cylindrical Couette flow of yield-pseudoplastic fluidsPages 1243-1247Khaled J. Hammad, George C. Vradis
25.3rd International Thermal Energy Congress : 28 July–1 August 1997, Kitakyushu, JapanPage 1249

Volume 40, Issue 6, Pages 1251-1500 (April 1997)

1.Effect of viscous dissipation on a non-Darcy natural convection regimePages 1251-1260P. V. S. N. Murthy, P. Singh
2.The effects of longitudinal heat conduction in compact plate-fin and tube-fin heat exchangers using a finite element methodPages 1261-1277Ch. Ranganayakulu, K. N. Seetharamu, K. V. Sreevatsan
3.Film condensation induced by a natural convective flow: steady-state analysisPages 1279-1289F. Méndez, C. Treviño
4.A hydrodynamic critical heat flux model for saturated pool boiling on a downward facing curved heating surfacePages 1291-1302F. B. Cheung, K. H. Haddad
5.Transport of a passive scalar in a turbulent channel flowPages 1303-1311Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou, Thomas J. Hanratty
6.The Prandtl number effect on the optimum heating frequency of an enclosure filled with fluid or with a saturated porous mediumPages 1313-1323B. V. Antohe, J. L. Lage
7.Computations of flow and heat transfer in parallel-plate fin heat exchangers on the CM-5: effects of flow unsteadiness and three-dimensionalityPages 1325-1341L. W. Zhang, D. K. Tafti, F. M. Najjar, S. Balachandar
8.A numerical analysis of solid-liquid phase change heat transfer around a single and two horizontal, vertically spaced cylinders in a rectangular cavityPages 1343-1354K. Sasaguchi, K. Kusano, R. Viskanta
9.Impingement cooling of a confined circular air jetPages 1355-1364Jung-Yang San, Chin-Hao Huang, Ming-Hong Shu
10.An experimental study of flow and heat transfer in parallel-plate arrays: local, row-by-row and surface average behaviorPages 1365-1378N. C. Dejong, A. M. Jacobi
11.Laminar flow heat transfer to viscous powerlaw fluids in double-sine ductsPages 1379-1390R. M. Manglik, J. Ding
12.Thermal pulse propagation and dispersion in laminar flow within conduits of finite wall conductivityPages 1391-1400U. H. Kurzweg, M. J. Jaeger
13.Stability of viscoelastic fluids in a modulated gravitational fieldPages 1401-1410Wen-Mei Yang
14.Effect of gravity modulation on natural convection in a vertical slotPages 1411-1426Y. Y. Jin, C. F. Chen
15.A straightforward approximation to the equations governing convective flows in multi-component fluidsPages
16.Measurement of heat flow through vacuum glazing at elevated temperaturePages 1437-1446G. M. Turner, R. E. Collins
17.Effects of Coriolis force and surface tension on Bénard-Marangoni convective instabilityPages 1447-1458Jong Jhy Jou, Kuang Yuan Kung, Cheng Hsing Hsu
18.Use of boundary conditions of the third kind to model heat conduction between two proximate rough surfaces separated by an insulatorPages 1459-1465A. M. J. Davis, H. Brenner
19.Flow structure and temperature measurements in a 3-D vertical free convective enclosure at high Rayleigh numbersPages 1467-1480Shou-Shing Hsieh, Shyh-Shyan Yang
20.Impingement heat transfer and recovery effect with submerged jets of large Prandtl number liquid—I. Unconfined circular jetsPages 1481-1490C. F. Ma, Q. Zheng, S. C. Lee, T. Gomi
21.Impingement heat transfer and recovery effect with submerged jets of large Prandtl number liquid—II. Initially laminar confined slot jetsPages 1491-1500C. F. Ma, Y. Zhuang, S. C. Lee, T. Gomi

Volume 40, Issue 7, Pages 1501-1726 (May 1997)

1.Analysis of radiative heating of a rocket plume base with the finite-volume methodPages
2.Numerical study of a buoyancy-induced flow along a vertical plate with discretely heated integrated circuit packagesPages 1509-1520H. Y. Wang, F. Penot, J. B. Sauliner
3.Numerical simulation of two- and threedimensional free convection flows in a horizontal porous annulus using a pressure and temperature formulationPages 1521-1533M. C. Charrier-Mojtabi
4.Instabilité thermo-convective dans un cylindre avec source volumique de chaleurThermal instability in a circular cylinder with internal heat generationPages 1535-1543K. F. Wu, H. Combeau, J. P. Brancher
5.A genetic algorithm for inverse radiation problemsPages 1545-1549H. Y. Li, C. Y. Yang
6.Time-dependent free convection motion and heat transfer in an infinite porous medium induced by a heated spherePages 1551-1557R. Ganapathy
7.A model for thermocouple sensitivity during microwave heatingPages 1559-1565W. E. Olmstead, M. E. Brodwin
8.Effects of a porous medium on local heat transfer and fluid flow in a forced convection fieldPages 1567-1576Koichi Ichimiya, Takeshi Matsuda, Yasuyuki Kawai
9.A simple universal equation for bubble growth in pure liquids and binary solutions with a nonvolatile solutePages 1577-1584Osamu Miyatake, Itsuo Tanaka, Noam Lior
10.Compressible gas in porous media: a finite amplitude analysis of natural convectionPages 1585-1589P. H. Stauffer, L. H. Auer, N. D. Rosenberg
11.Spectral optical functions of silicon in the range of 1.13-4.96 eV at elevated temperaturesPages 1591-1600Byung K. Sun, Xiang Zhang, Costas P. Grigoropoulos
12.Hygrostress-multicrack formation and propagation in cylindrical viscoelastic food undergoing heat and moisture transfer processesPages 1601-1609Tomohiro Akiyama, Hong Liu, Kan-Ichi Hayakawa
13.Non-linear stability of convection in a porous medium with inclined temperature gradientPages 1611-1615P. N. Kaloni, Zongchun Qiao
14.Natural convective heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder to fluid at near-critical conditionPages
15.Mixed convection heat and mass transfer in vertical rectangular ductsPages 1621-1631Kuan-Tzong Lee, Hon-Ling Tsai, Wei-Mon Yan
16.Coupled heat air and moisture transfer in building structuresPages 1633-1642P. Häupl, J. Grunewald, H. Fechner, H. Stopp
17.The heat flux measurement method based on isotherm registrationPages 1643-1646A. K. Alekseev
18.Two data reduction methods for evaluation of thermal diffusivity from step-heating measurementsPages
19.Pool boiling of R-22, R-124 and R-134a on a plain tubePages 1657-1666Chung-Biau Chiou, Ding-Chung Lu, Chi-Chuan Wang
20.Suppression of temperature oscillation in Czochralski convection by superimposing rotating flowsPages 1667-1675Jung-Il Choi, Hyung Jun Sung
21.Numerical study of a backward-facing step with uniform normal mass bleedPages 1677-1686Yue-Tzu Yang, Chung-Lun Kuo
22.Numerical study of heat transfer enhancement of a horizontal tube with an eccentrically inserted platePages 1687-1692C. I. Hung, Y. S. Lin, J. D. Chen
23.The mixed convection plume along a vertical adiabatic surface embedded in a non-Darcian porous mediumPages
24.Internal heat-mass transfer and stresses in thinwalled structures of ablating materialsPages 1701-1711Yu. I. Dimitrienko
25.The interface temperature of two suddenly contacting bodies, one of them undergoing phase changePages 1713-1716T. Loulou, D. Delaunay
26.The unsteady solutions of a unified heat conduction equationPages 1716-1719Chaur-Kie Lin, Chi-Chuan Hwang, Yeon-Pun Chuag
27.Optimal control of the heat storage in a porous slabPages 1720-1723A. V. Kuznetsov
28.Comments on “Numerical studies of forced convection heat transfer from a cylinder embedded in a packed bed”Pages 1725-1726J. L. Lage, D. A. Nield
29.Authors' responsePage 1726K. J. Nasr, S. Ramadhyani, R. Viskanta

Volume 40, Issue 8, Pages 1727-1991 (May 1997)

1.Efficient computation of particle dispersion in turbulent flows with a stochastic-probabilistic modelPages
2.Mechanism of absorption enhancement by surfactantPages 1743-1752H. Daiguji, E. Hihara, T. Saito
3.A 3-D Eulerian-Lagrangian model of dispersed flow film boiling including a mechanistic description of the droplet spectrum evolution—I. The thermal-hydraulic modelPages 1753-1772M. Andreani, G. Yadigaroglu
4.A 3-D Eulerian-Lagrangian model of dispersed flow film boiling—II. Assessment using quasi-steady-state data and comparison with the results of 1-D analysesPages 1773-1793M. Andreani, G. Yadigaroglu
5.Optimal geometric arrangement of staggered plates in forced convectionPages 1795-1805A. J. Fowler, G. A. Ledezma, A. Bejan
6.Heat-transfer and defrosting characteristics of a horizontal array of cooled tubes immersed in a very shallow fluidized bedPages 1807-1815Toshio Aihara,
7.The Graetz problem extended to slip-flowPages 1817-1823Randall F. Barron, Xianming Wang, Timothy A. Ameel, Robert O. Warrington
8.Numerical prediction of lock-on effect on convective heat transfer from a transversely oscillating circular cylinderPages 1825-1834Chin-Hsiang Cheng, Jing-Lia Hong, Win Aung
9.Acoustic power and heat fluxes in the thermoacoustic effect due to a travelling plane wavePages 1835-1838Arturo O. Santillán, Ricardo R. Boullosa
10.Numerical analysis of turbulent pipe flow in a transverse magnetic fieldPages 1839-1851H. -C. Ji, R. A. Gardner
11.Momentum and heat transfer on a continuous moving surface in a power law fluidPages 1853-1861T. G. Howell, D. R. Jeng, K. J. De Witt
12.Potentialité d'instabilités dans un systéme thermique comportant deux températures de référencePotentially of instability of a thermal system containing two temperatures of referencePages 1863-1874C. Abid, F. Papini
13.Modelling the behaviour of stratified liquid natural gas in storage tanks: a study of the rollover phenomenonPages 1875-1884S. Bates, D. S. Morrison
14.Forced convection in an air-filled bayonet tube during the laminar-turbulent transitionPages 1885-1894Harpal Minhas, G. S. H. Lock
15.Energy absorption in a conical cavity truncated by spherical cap subject to a focused high intensity beamPages 1895-1905C. Y. Ho, P. S. Wei
16.Flow visualization and numerical simulation of transverse and mixed vortex roll formation in mixed convection of air in a horizontal flat ductPages 1907-1922M. Y. Chang, C. H. Yu, T. F. Lin
17.Prediction in stratified gas-liquid co-current flow in horizontal pipelinesPages 1923-1935P. L. Spedding, N. P. Hand
18.Second-law analysis on a pin-fin array under crossflowPages 1937-1945W. W. Lin, D. J. Lee
19.Asymptotic analysis of bipropellant droplet burning for the reaction A + B→ 2CPages 1947-1950Alexander Orlov
20.Homogeneous turbulence evolution in stably stratified flow—I. Internal gravity waves at low inverse Froude numbersPages 1951-1961V. A. Babenko
21.Homogeneous turbulence evolution in stably stratified flow—II. Asymptotic regimes of large evolution time at low inverse Froude numbersPages 1963-1976V. A. Babenko
22.Thermoacoustic phenomena at boiling subcooled liquid in channelsPages 1977-1983H. F. Smirnov, V. V. Zrodnikov, I. L. Boshkova
23.Mesure et contrôle par électrochimie d'une convection d'origine solutale á une interface entre deux liquides en présence ou non d'un champ magnétiquePages 1985-1989F. Debray, L. Davoust, Y. Fautrelle, J. Etay
24.Fouling of heat exchangers : T. R. Boot, Elsevier Science Amsterdam, 1995, 546 pp., Dfl 415.00, US$ 244.00Page 1991P. J. Heggs

Volume 40, Issue 9, Pages 1993-2247 (June 1997)

1.Heat transfer and solidification in planar-flow melt-spinning: high wheelspeedsPages 1993-2007J. K. Carpenter, P. H. Steen
2.Boiling heat transfer of a ternary refrigerant mixture inside a horizontal smooth tubePages 2009-2017Lisheng Zhang, Eiji Hihara, Takamoto Saito, Jong-Taek Oh
3.Theoretical and experimental studies of laminar mixed convection in water pipe flow with density inversion effectPages 2019-2033G. J. Hwang, C. W. Tsai
4.Gas segregation during solidification processesPages 2035-2043Marcus V. A. Bianchi, Raymond Viskanta
5.An inverse geometry problem in identifying irregular boundary configurationsPages 2045-2053Cheng-Hung Huang, Bor-Herng Chao
6.The influence of micro-scale solute diffusion and dendrite coarsening upon surface macrosegregationPages 2055-2065Håvard J. Thevik, Asbjørn Mo
7.The time constant of double pipe and one pass shell-and-tube heat exchangers in the case of varying fluid flow ratesPages 2067-2079M. Lachi, N. El Wakil, J. Padet
8.A recursive least-squares algorithm for on-line 1-D inverse heat conduction estimationPages 2081-2096Ching-China Ji, Pan-Chio Tuan, Horng-Yung Jang
9.Theory of organization in nature: pulsating physiological processesPages 2097-2104Adrian Bejan
10.Effects of buoyancy and periodic rotation on the melt flow in a vertical Bridgman configurationPages 2105-2113Seung Jae Moon, Charn-Jung Kim, Sung Tack Ro
11.Influence of periodically layered material structure on the frictional temperature during brakingPages 2115-2122A. A. Yevtushenko, S. J. Matysiak, E. G. Ivanyk
12.A critical heat flux correlation for droplet impact coolingPages 2123-2131M. L. Sawyer, S. M. Jeter, S. I. Abdel-Khalik
13.Transient conjugate heat transfer on a naturally cooled body of arbitrary shapePages 2133-2145S. L. Lee, D. W. Lin
14.Flooding limit in closed, two-phase flow thermosyphonsPages 2147-2164Mohamed S. El-Genk, Hamed H. Saber
15.A genetic algorithm for fin profile optimizationPages 2165-2172Giampietro Fabbri
16.Natural convection heat transfer in vertical channels with and without transverse square ribsPages 2173-2185Giovanni Tanda
17.The dual influence of curvature and buoyancy in fully developed tube flowsPages 2187-2199D. J. Goering, J. A. C. Humphrey, R. Greif
18.The effect of coarse particles on the heat transfer in a turbulent boundary layerPages 2201-2217G. Hetsroni, R. Rozenblit, L. P. Yarin
19.Effect of surface waves on heat transfer in natural and forced convectionPages 2219-2229G. Hetsroni, A. Mosyak, L. P. Yarin
20.Analytical solution of the diffusion equation for an extended source of infinite extent at constant temperature gradientPages 2231-2234V. I. Rudakov, V. V. Ovcharov
21.Mathematical modelling of stability of non-adiabatic laminar premixed flamePages 2235-2240L. Y. Artyukh, P. G. Itskova, A. T. Lukyanov
22.Combined radiation and conduction heat transfer in high temperature fiber thermal insulationPages 2241-2247Vadim A. Petrov

Volume 40, Issue 10, Pages 2249-2501 (July 1997)

1.Local characteristics of impingement heat transfer with oblique round free-surface jets of large Prandtl number liquidPages 2249-2259C. F. Ma, Q. Zheng, H. Sun, K. Wu, T. Gomi, B. W. Webb
2.Thermal performances of different shape porous blocks under an impinging jetPages 2261-2272Wu-Shung Fu, Hsin-Chien Huang
3.Mixed convective heat and moisture transfer from a horizontal furry cylinder in a transverse windPages 2273-2281Srinivas Budaraju, Warren E. Stewart, Warren P. Porter
4.Three-dimensional analytical temperature field and its application to solidification characteristics in high- or low-power-densitybeam weldingPages 2283-2292P. S. Wei, C. Y. Ho, M. D. Shian, C. L. Hu
5.Simulation and measurement of a vertical Bridgman growth system for β-NiAI crystalPages 2293-2305H. Ouyang, W. Shyy, V. I. Levit, M. J. Kaufman
6.Heat transfer enhancement mechanisms in inline and staggered parallel-plate fin heat exchangersPages 2307-2325L. W. Zhang, S. Balachandar, D. K. Tafti, F. M. Najjar
7.An analytical model for near-saturated pool boiling critical heat flux on vertical surfacesPages 2327-2339Issaim Mudawar, Alicia H. Howard, Christopher O. Gersey
8.Measurements of thermal performance of cryocooler regenerators using an improved single-blow methodPages 2341-2349Ping-Hei Chen, Zei-Chi Chang
9.An experimental study of the heat transfer between near-fluidized particles and an oscillating immersed surfacePages 2351-2361C. Du, R. Turton
10.Some critical transitions in pool flash evaporationPages 2363-2372Jong-Il Kim, Noam Lior
11.The Fick and Lagrange equations as a basis for the Maxwell-Stefan diffusion equationsPages 2373-2377J. Mitrovic
12.Enhancement of boiling heat transfer using highly wetting liquids with pressed-on fins at low contact forcesPages
13.Post-nucleation growth of water microdroplets in supersaturated gas mixtures: a molecular simulation studyPages 2393-2406V. P. Carey, S. M. Oyumi, S. Ahmed
14.Mathematical modelling of the performance of non-isothermal membrane reactorsPages 2407-2417M. K. Koukou, G. Chaloulou, N. Papayannakos, N. C. Markatos
15.Buoyant instabilities in downward flow in a symmetrically heated vertical channelPages 2419-2425G. Evans, R. Greif
16.Experimental mass (heat) transfer in and near a circular hole in a flat platePages 2431-2443H. H. Cho, M. Y. Jabbari, R. J. Goldstein
17.Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in wavy annular gas-liquid flow: a computational fluid dynamics studyPages 2445-2460S. Jayanti, G. F. Hewitt
18.Heat transfer in a tube with pulsating flow and constant heat fluxPages 2461-2466T. Moschandreou, M. Zamir
19.Discrete-ordinate solutions for radiative transfer in a cylindrical enclosure with Fresnel boundariesPages 2467-2475Chih-Yang Wu, Bo-Ting Liou
20.Linear stability study of waviness effect on film condensation with nonuniform surface tensionPages
21.Correction functions for a wide range of measured substrate temperature historiesPages 2482-2485A. E. Segall
22.Analysis of the Nusselt number in pulsating pipe flowPages 2486-2489Zhixiong Guo, Hyung Jin Sung
23.Theoretical study of droplet impingement on a solid surface below the Leidenfrost temperaturePages
24.The shape factor of conduction in a multiple channel slab and the effect of non-uniform temperaturesPages 2493-2498F. L. A. Ganzevles, C. W. M. van der Geld
25.Comments on “turbulence model for flow through porous media”Page 2499D. A. Nield
26.Authors' replyPages 2499-2500T. Masuoka, Y. Takatsu
27.Dynamics of multiphase flows across interfaces : ANNIE STEINCHEN (ed.), Lecture notes in physics series (Vol. 467) published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1996; ISBN 3-540-60848-6; US$ 73, 267 pp.Page 2501W. B. I. Zimmereman

Volume 40, Issue 11, Pages 2503-2753 (July 1997)

1.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese works 1995Pages 2503-2515I. Tanasawa, S. Nishio, K. Suzuki
2.Transition of oscillatory floating half zone convection from Earth's gravity to microgravityPages 2517-2524Y. L. Yao, J. Z. Shu, J. C. Xie, F. Liu, W. R. Hu, A. Hirata, S. I. Nishizawa, M. Sakurai
3.Detailed heat transfer distributions in two-pass square channels with rib turbulatorsPages 2525-2537Srinath V. Ekkad, Je-Chin Han
4.Oxygen-enhanced/natural gas flame radiationPages 2539-2547Charles E. Baukal, Benjamin Gebhart
5.Metal-droplet deposition model including liquid deformation and substrate remeltingPages 2549-2564R. H. Rangel, X. Bian
6.Parameter ranges in binary solidification from vertical boundariesPages 2565-2578Gustav Amberg
7.Film boiling heat transfer of droplet streams and spraysPages 2579-2593John D. Bernardin, Issam Mudawar
8.Experimental study of natural convection in a model alloy with a miscibility gapPages 2595-2605S. Lünskens, J. N. Koster
9.Role of gas-phase reaction and gas-solid thermal nonequilibrium in reverse combustionPages 2607-2620M. Fatehi, M. Kaviany
10.Onset of thermally induced gas convection in mine wastesPages 2621-2636Ning Lu, Yiqiang Zhang
11.Thermal boundary resistance for thin-film high-Tc superconductors at varying interfacial temperature dropsPages 2637-2645Mukul Kelkar, Patrick E. Phelan, Bei Gu
12.Numerical study of recovery effect and impingement heat transfer with submerged circular jets of large Prandtl number liquidPages 2647-2653X. C. Lee, C. F. Ma, Q. Zheng, Y. Zhuang, Y. Q. Tian
13.Two-fluid modelling of inverted annular film boilingPages 2655-2670N. Hammouda, D. C. Groeneveld, S. C. Cheng
14.Investigation on a simulation model of floating half zone convection—II. ExperimentPages
15.Experimental study of transient natural convection in an inclined rectangular enclosurePages 2679-2690T. D. Upton, D. W. Watt
16.Heat transfer at the boundary between a porous medium and a homogeneous fluidPages 2691-2707J. Alberto Ochoa-Tapia, Stephen Whitaker
17.Conjugate heat transfer from a small heated stripPages 2709-2719K. D. Cole
18.Investigation of transport equations for turbulent heat fluxes in compressible flowsPages 2721-2738C. Le Ribault, R. Friedrich
19.Perturbational dynamics of thermal processes and chemical reactions in distributed systemsPages 2739-2753Stanislaw Sieniutycz

Volume 40, Issue 12, Pages 2755-3003 (August 1997)

1.Combined heat and mass transfer by natural convection with opposing buoyancy effects in a fluid saturated porous mediumPages 2755-2773D. Angirasa, G. P. Peterson, I. Pop
2.Mass transfer to local electrodes at wall and wall friction factor in decaying turbulent swirl flowPages 2775-2783S. Yapici, G. Yazici, C. Özmetin, H. Ersahan, Ö. Çomakli
3.Electrochemical mass transfer measurements in rough surface pipe flow: geometrically similar V-shaped groovesPages 2785-2797W. Zhao, O. Trass
4.Steady natural convection in a two-layer system of immiscible liquidsPages 2799-2812A. Prakash, J. N. Koster
5.Effects of leading-edge roughness on fluid flow and heat transfer in the transitional boundary layer over a flat platePages 2813-2823Mark W. Pinson, Ting Wang
6.Some aspects of the modelling of wood chips drying in superheated steamPages 2825-2842Christian Fyhr, Anders Rasmuson
7.High temperature convective drying of wood chips with air and superheated steamPages 2843-2858Anders Johansson, Christian Fyhr, Anders Rasmuson
8.Towards a general numerical scheme for solidification systemsPages 2859-2868C. R. Swaminathan, V. R. Voller
9.A similarity solution for the solidification of a multicomponent alloyPages 2869-2877V. R. Voller
10.Experimental evaluation of the onset of subcooled flow boiling at high liquid velocity and subcoolingPages 2879-2885Gian Piero Celata, Maurizio Cumo, Andrea Mariani
11.Numerical and analytical investigation of vapor flow in a disk-shaped heat pipe incorporating secondary flowPages 2887-2900N. Zhu, K. Vafai
12.Effects of a geometric perturbation on buoyancy induced flow and heat transfer in a cylindrical annulusPages 2901-2911S. V. Iyer, K. Vafai
13.A free boundary problem related to laser beam fusion cutting: ODE approximationPages 2913-2928W. Schulz, V. Kostrykin, H. Zefferer, D. Petring, R. Poprawe
14.Critical heat flux in uniformly heated vertical tubesPages 2929-2939X. Cheng, F. J. Erbacher, U. Müller, F. G. Pang
15.Interferometric study of interaction of free convection with surface radiation in an L cornerPages 2941-2947V. Rammohan Rao, C. Balaji, S. P. Venkateshan
16.Investigation of the coupled heat transfer, fluid flow and solute transport during the strip casting processPages 2949-2961A. V. Kuznetsov
17.The evaporation coefficient of water: a reviewPages 2963-2973I. W. Eames, N. J. Marr, H. Sabir
18.Unsteady conjugated mixed convection flow and heat transfer between two co-rotating discsPages 2975-2988Wei-Mon Yan, Kuan-Tzong Lee
19.Heat flux measurements in a turbulent boundary layer on a rough wallPages 2989-2993H. S. Shafi, R. A. Antonia, P. -Å. Krogstad
20.Analysis of non-Darcian mixed convection from impermeable horizontal surfaces in porous media: the entire regimePages 2993-2997Chien-Hsin Chen
21.The use of modified Green's functions in unsteady heat transferPages 2997-3002Zhi-Gang Feng, Efstathios E. Michaelides
22.EUROTHERM Seminar no. 58: Thermal management of electronic systems : 24–26 September 1997, ISTEM, University of Nantes, FrancePage 3003Y. Scudeller
23.11th International Heat Transfer Conference : 23–28 August 1998, Kyongju, KoreaPage 3003J. S. Lee

Volume 40, Issue 13, Pages 3005-3254 (September 1997)

1.Natural convection with unsaturated humid air in vertical cavitiesPages 3005-3012G. D. McBain
2.A general two-equation macroscopic turbulence model for incompressible flow in porous mediaPages 3013-3024B. V. Antohe, J. L. Lage
3.Laminar convective heat transfer of a Bingham plastic in a circular pipe—I. Analytical approach—thermally fully developed flow and thermally developing flow (the Graetz problem extended)Pages 3025-3037Taegee Min, Jung Yul Yoo, Haecheon Choi
4.A model for convective mass transport in liquid phase epitaxial growth of semiconductorsPages 3039-3047S. Dost, Z. Qin, M. Kimura
5.A photothermal method with step heating for measuring the thermal diffusivity of anisotropic solidsPages 3049-3058A. Griesinger, W. Hurler, M. Pietralla
6.Discrete element simulations for granular material flows: effective thermal conductivity and self-diffusivityPages 3059-3068M. L. Hunt
7.Natural convection along a wavy vertical plate to non-Newtonian fluidsPages 3069-3078E. Kim
8.Heat transfer and fluid flow in microchannelsPages 3079-3088G. Mohiuddin Mala, Dongqing Li, J. D. Dale
9.The effects of chaotic advection on heat transferPages 3089-3104A. Mokrani, C. Castelain, H. Peerhossaini
10.Laminarization of turbulent gas flow inside a strongly heated tubePages 3105-3117Shuichi Torii, Wen-Jei Yang
11.Prévision à long terme de la réponse d'un stockage de chaleur sensible dans le solPages 3119-3134J. Y. Desmons, R. Ben YounÈs
12.Enhancing forced air convection heat transfer from an array of parallel plate fins using a heat pipePages 3135-3147Z. Zhao, C. T. Avedisian
13.Modeling of Darcy-Forchheimer drag for fluid flow across a bank of circular cylindersPages 3149-3155S. L. Lee, J. H. Yang
14.Conjugate natural convection heat transfer between two porous media separated by a horizontal wallPages 3157-3161F. J. Higuera
15.Vortex structure and heat transfer in the stagnation region of an impinging plane jet (simultaneous measurements of velocity and temperature fields by digital particle image velocimetry and laser-induced fluorescence)Pages 3163-3176Jun Sakakibara, Koichi Hishida, Masanobu Maeda
16.Modelling of frost growth and densificationPages 3177-3187R.Le Gall, J. M. Grillot, C. Jallut
17.Latent cold heat energy storage characteristics by means of direct-contact-freezing between oil droplets and cold water solutionPages 3189-3200Hideo Inaba, Kenji Sato
18.Natural convection of water-fine particle suspension in a rectangular cellPages 3201-3208Masashi Okada, Tetsuya Suzuki
19.Quantum molecular dynamics study on light to-heat absorption mechanism: two metallic atom systemPages 3209-3222Masahiko Shibahara, Susumu Kotake
20.Comparison of theory and experiments for reflection from microcontoured surfacesPages 3223-3235David W. Cohn, Kakuen Tang, Richard O. Buckius
21.Numerical analysis of InP solution growth by travelling heater method: transient response in the case of no heater movementPages 3237-3245Satoshi Matsumoto, Toru Maekawa, Katsumi Takahashi
22.Analysis of hyperbolic heat conduction in a semi-infinite slab with surface convectionPages 3247-3250Paul J. Antaki
23.Compressibility effect on the gas flow and heat transfer in a microtubePages 3251-3254Z. Y. Guo, X. B. Wu

Volume 40, Issue 14, Pages 3255-3495 (September 1997)

1.Experimental investigation of mass transfer in a grid-generated turbulent flow using combined optical methodsPages 3255-3266F. Lemoine, M. Wolff, M. Lebouché
2.Energy saving in chaotic laminar mixingPages
3.Effect of positioning the axis of a lamellar rotor model of a sucking and forcing regenerative exchanger on the intensity of convective mass/heat transferPages 3275-3282B. Bieniasz, K. Kiedrzynski, R. Smusz, J. Wilk
4.Convective heat transfer due to thermocapillary convection with a strong magnetic field parallel to the free surfacePages 3283-3291T. E. Morthland, J. S. Walker
5.Laminar forced convection in the entrance region of helical pipesPages 3293-3304C. X. Lin, P. Zhang, M. A. Ebadian
6.Local convective heat transfer to submerged pulsating jetsPages 3305-3321E. C. Mladin, D. A. Zumbrunnen
7.Three-dimensional natural convective flow in a vertical annulus with longitudinal finsPages 3323-3334Ranganathan Kumar
8.Time-averaged and reverse transition in oscillatory air convection in a differentially heated rotating cubic cavityPages 3335-3349Y. T. Ker, T. F. Lin
9.A generalized thermal modeling for laser drilling process—I. Mathematical modeling and numerical methodologyPages
10.A generalized thermal modeling for laser drilling process—II. Numerical simulation and resultsPages
11.Modelling of steady-state two-phase bubbly flow through a sudden enlargementPages 3375-3385A. Attou, M. Giot, J. M. Seynhaeve
12.Double-diffusive convection in a rotating cylinder with heating from belowPages 3387-3394Jinho Lee, Shin Hyung Kang, Myung Taek Hyun
13.Free and forced convection laminar film condensation on horizontal elliptical tubesPages 3395-3406S. B. Memory, V. H. Adams, P. J. Marto
14.Measurement and interpretation of growth of binary droplets suspended in a water-n-propanol-nitrogen mixture by means of a piston-expansion-tubePages 3407-3417T. Rodemann, F. Peters
15.Ray effect in ray tracing method for radiative heat transferPages 3419-3426Ben-Wen Li, Wen-Quan Tao, Ri-Xin Liu
16.Analyse des vitesse et température de l'air en convection naturelle dans une cavité carrée différentiellement chauffée à Ra = 1.69 × 109Velocity and temperature analysis of air free convection in a differentially heated square cavity at Ra = 1.69 × 109Pages 3427-3441S. Mergui, F. Penot
17.A new analytical solution for heat transfer in the entrance region of ducts: hydrodynamically developed flows of power-law fluids with constant wall temperaturePages 3443-3447K. Khellaf, G. Lauriat
18.Oscillatory natural convection of water near the density extremum at high Rayleigh numbersPages 3449-3465T. Nishimura, Y. Hayashida, M. Mineoka, A. Wake
19.Variational thermomechanical processes and chemical reactions in distributed systemsPages 3467-3485Stanislaw Sieniutycz
20.Variational method for solving non-linear problems of unsteady-state heat conductionPages 3487-3495V. A. Bondarev

Volume 40, Issue 15, Pages 3497-3727 (October 1997)

1.A new method for determining binary diffusion coefficients in dilute condensable vaporsPages 3497-3502C. C. M. Luijten, K. J. Bosschaart, M. E. H. Van Dongen
2.Using the finite element method to compute the influence of complex porosity and inclusion structures on the thermal and electrical conductivityPages 3503-3511K. Bakker
3.Time-varying heat transfer coefficients between tube-shaped casting and metal moldPages 3513-3525Tae-Gyu Kim, Zin-Hyoung Lee
4.Convection mixte défavorable et conjuguée dans un tube verticalOpposing mixed convection in vertical pipes with wall heat conductionPages 3527-3536G. Laplante, M. A. Bernier
5.A quasi-three-dimensional approach to simulate the two-phase fluid flow and heat transfer in condensersPages 3537-3546Chao Zhang, Atish Bokil
6.Predicting stochastic features of vapor bubble detachment in flow boilingPages 3547-3552J. F. Klausner, R. Mei, L. Z. Zeng
7.Heat transfer characteristics of a rectangular natural circulation loop containing water near its density extremePages 3553-3558C. J. Ho, S. P. Chiou, C. S. Hu
8.Interfacial shear models and their required asymptotic form for annular/stratified film condensation flows in inclined channels and vertical pipesPages 3559-3575A. Narain, Guang Yu, Qingyu Liu
9.The classical problem of convective heat transfer in laminar flow over a thin finite thickness plate with uniform temperature at the lower surfacePages 3577-3580C. Trevino, G. Becerra, F. Méndez
10.Simple models of spectral radiative properties of carbon dioxidePages 3581-3593Y. U. Khan, D. A. Lawson, R. J. Tucker
11.Heat and mass transfer in film absorption in the presence of non-absorbable gasesPages 3595-3606G. Grossman, K. Gommed
12.An analytical study of the optimum dimensions of rectangular fins and cylindrical pin finsPages 3607-3615Rong-Hua Yeh
13.New correlations for mixed turbulent natural and forced convection heat transfer in vertical tubesPages 3617-3626T. Aicher, H. Martin
14.Fluid flow and heat transfer in a pipe with wall suctionPages 3627-3640D. Sofialidis, P. Prinos
15.Effect of wall conduction on natural convection flow of micropolar fluids along a flat platePages
16.Effect of free-stream fluctuations on laminar forced convection from a straight tubePages 3653-3662H. M. Badr
17.The influence of an advecting vortex on the heat transfer to a liquid dropletPages 3663-3673M. Masoudi, W. A. Sirignano
18.A transient micro-convection model of nucleate pool boilingPages 3675-3688S. Imam Haider, Ralph L. Webb
19.Laminar convective heat transfer of a Bingham plastic in a circular pipe—II. Numerical approach hydrodynamically developing flow and simultaneously developing flowPages 3689-3701Taegee Min, Hyoung Gwon Choi, Jung Yul Yoo, Haecheon Choi
20.An experimental study of heat transfer in a simulated turbine blade cooling passagePages 3703-3716W. D. Morris, S. W. Chang
21.Free convective mass transfer at up-pointing pyramidal electrodesPages 3717-3727J. Krysa, A. A. Wragg

Volume 40, Issue 16, Pages 3729-3993 (October 1997)

1.Heat transfer—a review of 1994 literaturePages 3729-3804E. R. G. Eckert, R. J. Goldstein, W. E. Ibele, S. V. Patankar, T. W. Simon, P. J. Strykowski, K. K. Tamma, T. H. Kuehn, A. Bar-Cohen, J. V. R. Heberlein, D. L. Hofeldt, J. H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F. Kulacki
2.Multiplicité des solutions en convection naturelle dans une géométrie répétitivePages 3805-3818A. Amahmid, M. Hasnaoui, P. Vasseur
3.Microscales of rotating turbulent flowsPages
4.Solidification of ternary metal alloys—I. Model developmentPages 3827-3835Matthew John M. Krane, Frank P. Incropera, David R. Gaskell
5.Solidification of ternary metal alloys—II. Predictions of convective phenomena and solidification behavior in Pb-Sb-Sn alloysPages 3837-3847Matthew John M. Krane, Frank P. Incropera
6.Turbulent natural convection heat transfer in an asymmetrically heated, vertical parallel-plate channelPages 3849-3860A. G. Fedorov, R. Viskanta
7.Developing turbulent convective heat transfer in helical pipesPages 3861-3873C. X. Lin, M. A. Ebadian
8.Solute redistribution limit in coarsening dendrite arms during binary alloy solidificationPages 3875-3882Hoseon Yoo, Raymond Viskanta
9.Nonisothermal extrusion flow of viscoplastic fluids with wall slipPages 3883-3897Adeniyi Lawal, Dilhan M. Kalyon
10.Thermal instability during the melting process in an isothermally heated horizontal cylinderPages 3899-3907Jae Dong Chung, Joon Sik Lee, Hoseon Yoo
11.Effect of tube-to-tube conduction on plate-fin and tube heat exchanger performancePages 3909-3916Ricardo Romero-Méndez, Mihir Sen, K. T. Yang, Rodney L. McClain
12.Heal: Transfer through a high temperature superconducting current lead at cryogenic temperaturesPages 3917-3926D. P. Sekulic, F. J. Edeskuty, Z. Uzelac
13.Influence de la diffusion longitudinale sur le transfert de matière fluide-paroi en écoulement laminaire non-établi dans un espace annulaireInfluence of longitudinal diffusion on liquid-wall mass transfer in developing axial laminar flow in an annulusPages 3927-3935S. R. De Farias Neto, P. Legentilhomme, J. Legrand
14.A numerical simulation of the solidification process of a binary mixture in a V-shaped enclosurePages 3937-3946W. K. Jones Jr, S. E. Dezego, M. A. Ebadian, Z. F. Dong
15.A new method for solving the inverse conduction problem in steady heat flux measurementPages 3947-3953Zhaohong Fang, Donglai Xie, Nairen Diao, John R. Grace, C. Jim Lim
16.Natural convective heat transfer in a fluid saturated variable porosity mediumPages 3955-3967P. Nithiarasu, K. N. Seetharamu, T. Sundararajan
17.Analysis of vapor back flow in single-pass air-cooled condensersPages 3969-3979Giampietro Fabbri
18.Numerical analysis of heat transfer and fluid flow in a three-dimensional wavy-fin and tube heat exchangerPages 3981-3990Jiin-Yuh Jang, Li-Kwen Chen
19.EUROTHERM Seminar No. 53: Advanced Concepts and Techniques in Thermal ModellingPage 3991
20.The Tenth International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP-10) in Thermal and Process EngineeringPages 3991-3992
21.11th International Heat Transfer ConferencePage 3992
22.ErrataPage 3993

Volume 40, Issue 17, Pages 3995-4251 (October 1997)

1.Publisher's announcementPage 3995Keith Lambert
2.Professor W. J. Minkowycz on his 60th birthday and his 30th year as editor of the International Journal of Heat and Mass TransferPages 3997-3998A. Bejan, P. Cheng, D. M. France, A. Haji-Sheikh, J. P. Hartnett, T. F. Irvine Jr, O. G. Martynenko, E. M. Sparrow, C. L. Tien, R. Viskanta
3.Heat transfer during asymmetrical collision of thermal waves in a thin filmPages 3999-4006Zhi-Ming Tan, Wen-Jei Yang
4.Effects of heater surface orientation on the critical heat flux—I. An experimental evaluation of models for subcooled pool boilingPages 4007-4019Matthew J. Brusstar, Herman Merte Jr, Robert B. Keller, Brian J. Kirby
5.Effects of heater surface orientation on the critical heat flux—II. A model for pool and forced convection subcooled boilingPages 4021-4030Matthew J. Brusstar, Herman Merte Jr
6.Mechanisms of vibrational control of heat transfer in a liquid bridgePages 4031-4042Dmitry Lyubimov, Tatyana Lyubimova, Bernard Roux
7.Experimental route to heat conduction beyond the Fourier equationPages 4043-4053P. Guillemet, J. P. Bardon, C. Rauch
8.Experimental study on local heat transfer with liquid impingement flow in two-dimensional micro-channelsPages 4055-4059Y. Zhuang, C. F. Ma, M. Qin
9.Double diffusive natural convection in a square enclosure with heat and mass diffusive wallsPages 4061-4071V. A. F. Costa
10.Numerical calculation of the effect of deposit formation on heat-exchanger efficiencyPages 4073-4084D. Bouris, G. Bergeles
11.Rapid solidification within the framework of a hyperbolic conduction modelPages 4085-4094Andrew M. Mullis
12.Thermal receptivity of unstable laminar flow with heat transferPages 4095-4103H. Herwig, Xueyi You
13.Convection in a long cavity with differentially heated end wallsPages 4105-4114Bertram Boehrer
14.Transient inverse heat conduction problem solutions via Newton's methodPages 4115-4127Gregory A. Dorai, Daniel A. Tortorelli
15.An experimental investigation of the dynamic behaviour of a shell-and-tube condenserPages 4129-4135J. -L. Alcock, D. R. Webb, T. W. Botsch, K. Stephan
16.Modelling and simulation of the dynamic behaviour of a shell-and-tube condenserPages 4137-4149T.
17.Heat transfer in moving beds with a stagnant interstitial gasPages 4151-4159Otto Molerus
18.Thermal streaks regeneration in the wake of a disturbance in a turbulent boundary layerPages 4161-4165G. Hetsroni, A. Mosyak, L. P. Yarin
19.Estimation of thermal conductivity of thermoplastics under moulding conditions: an apparatus and an inverse algorithmPages 4169-4181T. Jurkowski, Y. Jarny, D. Delaunay
20.New logarithmic technique in the flash methodPages 4183-4190Marc-Antoine Thermitus, Michel Laurent
21.An extended Kays and Crawford turbulent Prandtl number modelPages 4191-4196B. Weigand, J. R. Ferguson, M. E. Crawford
22.Enhancement of mass transfer coefficients in spiral filmsPages 4197-4208L. Broniarz-Press
23.Pulsating flow and heat transfer in a pipe partially filled with a porous mediumPages 4209-4218Zhixiong Guo, Seo Young Kim, Hyung Jin Sung
24.Slug flow heat transfer in circular ducts with viscous dissipation and convective boundary conditionsPages 4219-4228Antonio Barletta
25.Steam generation in porous media by volumetric ohmic heatingPages 4229-4238C. Bouallou, G. Buzan, R. Meyrignac
26.Natural convection of micropolar fluids in an enclosure with heat sourcesPages 4239-4249Tsan-Hui Hsu, Pao-Tung Hsu, So-Yenn Tsai
27.Comments on “Time-dependent free convection motion and heat transfer in an infinite porous medium induced by a heated sphere”Page 4251T. Sano

Volume 40, Issue 18, Pages 4253-4491 (November - December 1997)

1.Volume contentsPages iii-xxvii
2.Author indexPages xxviii-xxxi
3.Professor James R. Welty on the occasion of his retirement from full academic servicePages 4253-4254Mohammad Faghri, W. J. Minkowycz, J. P. Hartnett, Lorin R. Davis, Gordon M. Reistad, Ronald L. Adams, J. Craig Dutton, Arthur
4.Calcul des flux aux parois présentant des singularitésPages 4255-4262H. Sadat, P. Salagnac
5.Mass-transfer to a channel wall downstream of a cylinderPages 4263-4271J. Deliang Yang, Ahmed Shehata, Vijay Modi, Alan C. West
6.Modeling of multicomponent diffusion in high temperature flowsPages 4273-4278Martin Désilets, Pierre Proulx, Gervais Soucy
7.Fin efficiency and mechanisms of heat exchange through fins in multi-stream plate-fin heat exchangers: development and application of a rating algorithmPages 4279-4288B. S. V. Prasad
8.Effect of the pore size distribution on the separation factor of membranes used as barriers for isotopic separation by gaseous diffusionPages 4289-4294Daniel A. Serrano, Horacio S. Wio
9.Local heat transfer and recovery factor with impinging free-surface circular jets of transformer oilPages 4295-4308C. F. Ma, Q. Zheng, S. Y. Ko
10.Formation of a liquid jet after detachment of a vapour bubblePages 4309-4317J. Mitrovic
11.Obstruction of pipelines due to paraffin deposition during the flow of crude oilsPages 4319-4328Flávio S. Ribeiro, Paulo R. Souza Mendes, Sergio L. Braga
12.Natural convection heat transfer from an isothermal vertical surface to a fluid saturated thermally stratified porous mediumPages 4329-4335D. Angirasa, G. P. Peterson
13.Flow control in a subcooled tube: an experimental investigation of the effects of crust formationPages 4337-4343J. S. Pitsillos, Y. L. Yeow, N. B. Gray
14.Single-phase heat transfer in micro-fin tubesPages 4345-4357L. J. Brognaux, Ralph L. Webb, Louay M. Chamra, Baik Young Chung
15.A one-dimensional model for frost formation on a cold flat surfacePages 4359-4365Kwan-Soo Lee, Woo-Seung Kim, Tae-Hee Lee
16.Model of the transient stratified flow into a chilled-water storage tankPages 4367-4377K. O. Homan, S. L. Soo
17.The influence of non-constant diffusivities on solar ponds stabilityPages 4379-4391M. Giestas, A. Joyce, H. Pina
18.Heat transfer analysis of stratified flow in rotating heat pipes with cylindrical and stepped wallsPages 4393-4404Lanchao Lin, Amir Faghri
19.A three-dimensional simulation of coupled turbulent flow and macroscopic solidification heat transfer for continuous slab castersPages 4405-4423S. H. Seyedein, M. Hasan
20.Melting heat transfer characteristics of a horizontal ice cylinder immersed in quiescent saline waterPages 4425-4435M. Yamada, S. Fukusako, T. Kawanami, C. Watanabe
21.Boiling heat transfer phenomena from microporous and porous surfaces in saturated FC-72Pages 4437-4447J. Y. Chang, S. M. You
22.Enhanced boiling heat transfer from microporous surfaces: effects of a coating composition and methodPages 4449-4460J. Y. Chang, S. M. You
23.An aquifer-well thermal and fluid dynamic model for downhole heat exchangers with a natural convection promoterPages 4461-4472A. Carotenuto, C. Casarosa, M. Dell'Isola, L. Martorano
24.The use of generalized configuration factors for calculating the radiant interchange between nondiffuse surfacesPages 4473-4486H. Brockmann
25.Thermal transient analysis of thin film multilayers heated by pulsed laserPages 4487-4491Nello Angelucci, Nicola Bianco, Oronzio Manca

Volume 41, Issue 1, Pages 1-249 (January 1998)

1.Editorial BoardPage CO2
2.Alexander I. Leontiev on his 70th birthdayPages 1-2V. E. Nakoryakov, S. V. Alekseenko, N. V. Medvetsakaya, I. L. Mostinski, M. I. Osipov, E. P. Volchkov, J. U. A. Zeigavnik, J. P. Hartnett
3.A note on the contact temperature during high-peclet-number flow over a flat substratePages 3-9P. S. Bashforth, J. G. Andrews, D. S. Riley
4.Free convection driven by an exothermic reaction on a vertical surface embedded in porous mediaPages
5.The solution of an inverse heat conduction problem subject to the specification of energiesPages
6.A two-dimensional model of the three dimensional mixed convection flow of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in a rectangular ductPages 33-44L. Elliott, D. B. Ingham, J. D. Wood
7.Forced convection heat transfer from a flat plate: the conjugate problemPages 45-59M. Vynnycky, S. Kimura, K. Kanev, I. Pop
8.Developing mixed convection in a coiled heat exchangerPages 61-72J. J. M. Sillekens, C. C. M. Rindt, A. A. Van Steenhoven
9.Critical working frequency of reciprocating heat-transfer devices in axially reciprocating mechanismsPages 73-80Jian Ling, Yiding Cao, Qian Wang
10.Modeling of heat transfer in dropwise condensationPages 81-87Mousa Abu-Orabi
11.Numerical simulation of melting of a horizontal substrate placed beneath a heavier liquidPages 89-99G. Son, V. K. Dhir
12.Boiling nucleation during liquid flow in microchannelsPages 101-106X. F. Peng, H. Y. Hu, B. X. Wang
13.Hyperbolic thermal waves in a solid cylinder with a non-stationary boundary heat fluxPages 107-116Antonio Barletta, Beatrice Pulvirenti
14.Mathematical model of self-sustaining combustion in inert porous medium with phase change under complex heat transferPages 117-126V. V. Martynenko, R. Echigo, H. Yoshida
15.Notes on wave theory in heat conduction: a new boundary conditionPages 127-137A. E. Kronberg, A. H. Benneker, K. R. Westerterp
16.Effect of lateral and extended fins on heat transfer in a circulating fluidized bedPages 139-146B. V. Reddy, P. K. Nag
17.Cluster motion and particle-convective heat transfer at the wall of a circulating fluidized bedPages
18.Vapor and liquid flow in an asymmetrical flat plate heat pipe: a three-dimensional analytical and numerical investigationPages 159-174N. Zhu, K. Vafai
19.Homogenization procedure and Pade approximations in the theory of composite materials with parallelepiped inclusionsPages 175-181I. V. Andrianov, G. A. Starushenko, S. Tokarzewski
20.Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman analysis of irreversible thermal exergyPages 183-195Stanislaw Sieniutycz
21.Non-linear mass transfer and Marangoni effect in gas-liquid systemsPages 197-202Chr. Boyadjiev, I. Halatchev
22.Heat-transfer rate variations from the surface of a heater probe in a magnetofluidized bedPages 203-208V. L. Ganzha, S. C. Saxena
23.Heat-transfer characteristics of magnetofluidized beds of pure and admixtures of magnetic and nonmagnetic particlesPages 209-218V. L. Ganzha, S. C. Saxena
24.Simultaneously estimating the initial and boundary conditions in a two-dimensional hollow cylinderPages 219-227Pao-Tung Hsu, Yue-Tzu Yang, ChaO-Kuang Chen
25.Transient response of the human limb to an external stimulustPages 229-239Wilfried Roetzel, Yimin Xuan
26.Convection in a porous medium with inclined temperature gradient and vertical throughflowPages 241-243D. A. Nield
27.Stagnation-flow solidification on a finite thickness substratePages 244-247X. Bian, R. H. Rangel
28.CorrigendaPage 249

Volume 41, Issue 2, Pages 251-499 (January 1998)

1.Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing.e.h. Ulrich Grigull on his 85th birthdayPages 251-252
2.Minimum thickness of a liquid film flowing down a vertical tubePages 253-260D. T. Hughes, T. R. Bott
3.Heat transfer correlations for small, uniformly heated liquid poolsPages 261-274Mohamed S. El-Genk, Hamed H. Saber
4.Inverse estimation of surface heat flux distributions during high speed rolling using remote thermal measurementsPages 275-285Russell G. Keanini
5.Velocity and temperature wall laws in a vertical concentric annular channelPages 287-292J. A. Zarate, M. Capizzani, R. P. Roy
6.Mixed convection of air between two horizontal concentric cylinders with a cooled rotating outer cylinderPages 293-302Joo-Sik Yoo
7.A dry-spot model of critical heat flux in pool and forced convection boilingPages 303-311Sang Jun Ha, Hee Cheo No
8.Application of experimental design methods to assess the effect of uncertain boundary conditions in inverse heat transfer problemsPages 313-322Pamela M. Norris
9.Convective cool-down of a contained fluid through its maximum density temperaturePages 323-333Ho Sang Kwak, Kunio Kuwahara, Jae Min Hyun
10.Local convective heat transfer from an array of wall-mounted cubesPages 335-346E. R. Meinders, T. H. Van Der Meer, K. Hanjalic
11.Transient non-Darcian forced convection flow in a pipe partially filled with a porous materialPages 347-356M. K. Alkam, M. A. Al-Nimr
12.Transient free convection flow past a vertical flat plate subject to a sudden change in surface temperaturePages 357-372S. D. Harris, L. Elliott, D. B. Ingham, I. Pop
13.Experiments and entropy generation minimization analysis of a cross-flow heat exchangerPages 373-381R. T. Ogulata, F. Doba
14.A bifurcation study of natural convection in porous media with internal heat sources: the non-Darcy effectsPages 383-392Eungsoo Choi, A. Chakma, K. Nandakumar
15.Solving the two-dimensional inverse heat source problem through the linear least squares error methodPages 393-398Ching-Yu Yang
16.Oscillatory behaviour in buoyant thermocapillary convection of fluid layers with a free surfacePages 399-409P. Wang, R. Kahawita
17.Mixed convection heat transfer in horizontal rectangular ducts with wall transpiration effectsPages 411-423Kuan-Tzong Lee, Wei-Mon Yan
18.Effect of the leakage on pressure drop and local heat transfer in shell-and-tube heat exchangers for staggered tube arrangementPages 425-433Huadong Li, Volker Kottke
19.An experimental study of heat transfer and particle deposition during the outside vapor deposition processPages 435-445Jaegeol Cho, Jaeyun Kim, Mansoo Choi
20.Experimental studies and numerical simulation of evaporative cooling of air with a water spray—I. Horizontal parallel flowPages 447-464S. S. Kachhwaha, P. L. Dhar, S. R. Kale
21.Experimental studies and numerical simulation of evaporative cooling of air with a water sprayII. Horizontal counter flowPages 465-474S. S. Kachhwaha, P. L. Dhar, S. R. Kale
22.Analysis of flow and heat transfer in twin-roll strip casting processPages 475-487Jee-Gong Chang, Cheng-I Weng
23.Heating of solid aerosol particles exposed to intense optical radiationPages 489-499L. G. Astafieva, A. P. Prishivalko

Volume 41, Issue 3, Pages 501-661 (February 1998)

1.Short ducts consisting of cylindrical segments and their convective mass/heat transfer, pressure drop and performance analysisPages 501-511B. Bieniasz
2.Transitional reactor dynamics affecting optimization of a heat-driven metal hydride refrigeratorPages 513-527G. Lloyd, A. Razani, K. T. Feldman Jr
3.Unsteady conjugate heat transfer for a single particle and in multi-particle systems at low Reynolds numbersPages 529-536GH. Juncu
4.Turbulent film condensation on a horizontal tube with external flow of pure vaporsPages 537-545P.
5.Unsteady natural convection of a dusty fluid in an infinite rectangular channelPages 547-562D. C. Dalal, N. Datta, S. K. Mukherjea
6.Heat transfer in curved and straight channels with transitional flowPages 563-573C. R. Hedlund, P. M. Ligrani
7.Strong temperature dependence of oxygen diffusion through porous platinumPages 575-581Dietmar Neuhaus
8.Heat transfer and flow visualization experiments of swirling, multi-channel, and conventional impinging jetsPages 583-600L. Huang, M. S. El-Genk
9.Modéle de résistances thermiques de contact entre deux surfaces cylindriques: approche microscopique 3 DPages
10.Heat transfer and life of metal cutting tools in turningPages 613-623Herchang Ay, Wen-Jei Yang
11.Forced convection heat transfer from two heated blocks in pulsating channel flowPages 625-634Seo Young Kim, Byung Ha Kang, Jae Min Hyun
12.Experimental analysis of internal energy transport in the presence of coherent motionPages 635-643S. Drobniak, J. W. Elsner, El-Sayed Abou-El-Kassem
13.Mechanisms of unsteady mixing of heat carrier with its flowrate variation and flow swirling—I. Calculation methods and experimental study of transient processesPages 645-651B. V. Dzyubenko, G. A. Dreitser, A. V. Kalyatka
14.Mechanisms of unsteady mixing of heat carrier with its flowrate variation and flow swirling—II. Results and analysisPages 653-661B. V. Dzyubenko, G. A. Dreitser, A. V. Kalyatka

Volume 41, Issues 4-5, Pages 663-823 (February - March 1998)

1.Professor Donald K. Edwards on his 65th birthdayPages 663-664H. Buchberg, I. Catton, S. E. Elghobashi, J. P. Hartnett, E. L. Knuth, A. F. Mills, W. J. Minkowycz, R. H. Rangel
2.The correction to take account of variable property effects on turbulent forced convection to water in a pipePages 665-669O. Büyükalaca, J. D. Jackson
3.Numerical study of heat transfer from an impinging jetPages 671-680Peter R. Voke, Shian Gao
4.Analytic analysis of heat loss from corners of buildingsPages 681-689D. Tang, G. S. Saluja
5.Continuous fractional crystallization on a moving cooled beltPages 691-697P. Ossipov
6.Flame cooling by a curved burner wallPages
7.Numerical analysis of electromagnetic wave in a partially loaded microwave applicatorPages 709-718S. Tada, R. Echigo, H. Yoshida
8.Experimental study of aspect ratio effects on longitudinal vortex flow in mixed convection of air in a horizontal rectangular ductPages 719-733M. Y. Chang, T. F. Lin
9.Vacuum assisted drying of hydrophilic plates: static drying experimentsPages 735-744S.
10.Modelling of radiative heat transfer in enclosures with obstaclesPages 745-756P. J. Coelho, J. M. GonÇalves, M. G. Carvalho, D. N. Trivic
11.Homogeneous nucleation and macroscopic growth of gas bubble in organic solutionsPages 757-767Ho-Young Kwak, Yong W. Kim
12.A study of supercooling phenomenon and freezing probability of water inside horizontal cylindersPages 769-783Sih-Li Chen, Tzong-Shing Lee
13.Heat transfer in Rayleigh-Bénard convection with air in moderate size containersPages 785-796J. G. Maveety, J. R. Leith
14.A numerical study of natural convection immersion cooling of multiple heat sources in parallel interacting open-top cavitiesPages 797-808M. Behnia, A. A. Dehghan, H. Mishima, W. Nakayama
15.Where did the Dittus and Boelter equation come from?Pages 809-810R. H. S. Winterton
16.Effect of fence thickness on pressure drop and heat transfer in a perforated-fenced channelPages 811-816Jenn Jiang Hwang, Tong Yu Lia, Tong-Miin Liou
17.An experimental study of heat transfer and friction characteristics of typical louver fin-and-tube heat exchangersPages 817-822Chi-Chuan Wang, Kuan-Yu Chi, Yu-Juei Chang, Yeon-Pun Chang
18.3rd International Conference of Multiphase Flow ICMF'98 : 8–12 June 1998, Lyon, FrancePage 823

Volume 41, Issues 6-7, Pages 825-978 (March - April 1998)

1.Influence of liquid bridge volume on instability of floating half zone convectionPages 825-837Q. S. Chen, W. R. Hu
2.Quantum molecular dynamics study of light-to-heat absorption mechanism in atomic systemsPages 839-849M. Shibahara, S. Kotake
3.An experimental investigation of single-phase forced convection in microchannelsPages 851-857T. M. Adams, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, S. M. Jeter, Z. H. Qureshi
4.Modeling of heat conduction within chamber walls for multidimensional internal combustion engine simulationsPages 859-869Yong Liu, R. D. Reitz
5.An asymptotic model of work roll heat transfer in strip rollingPages 871-879R. E. Johnson, R. G. Keanini
6.A multiphase formulation for fire propagation in heterogeneous combustible mediaPages 881-897M. Larini, F. Giroud, B. Porterie, J. -C. Loraud
7.Experimental studies of heat transfer and fluid flow across corrugated-undulated heat exchanger surfacesPages 899-914J. A. Stasiek
8.Analysis and modeling of buoyancy-generated turbulence using numerical dataPages 915-929S. S. Girimaji, S. Balachandar
9.Modelling of effective thermal conductivity for a nonhomogeneous anisotropic porous mediumPages 931-937S. L. Lee, J. H. Yang
10.The mass transfer and stability in systems with large concentration gradients—I. Mass transfer kineticsPages 939-944Chr. Boyadjiev, I. Halatchev
11.The mass transfer and stability in systems with large concentration gradients—II. Hydrodynamic stabilityPages 945-949I. Halatchev, Chr. Boyadjiev
12.Creation of unstable zones in metals under dynamic loadingPages 951-956S. K. Andilevko,
13.A hydrodynamic model of super-deep penetration of a solid axisymmetric particle into a semi-infinite metallic targetPages 957-962S. K. Andilevko
14.On the heat balance during double-gated, modulated-pressure injection mouldingPages 963-974T. Zhang, J. R. G. Evans, M. J. Bevis
15.A critical heat flux correlation for droplet impact cooling at low Weber numbers and various ambient pressuresPages 975-978W. M. Healy, P. J. Halvorson, J. G. Hartley, S. I. Abdel-Khalik

Volume 41, Issues 8-9, Pages 979-1127 (April - May 1998)

1.Three-dimensional mixed convection in a rotating multiple-pass square channelPages 979-991J. J. Hwang, D. Y. Lai
2.Evaporation of solution droplets in spray pyrolysisPages 993-1001Hsuan-Fu Yu, Wen-Haur Liao
3.Pool boiling of hydrocarbon mixtures on waterPages 1003-1011Runar Bøe
4.Heat balance over the fluid-dynamic boundary layer of a circulating fluidized bed furnacePages 1013-1024Claes Breitholtz, Bo Leckner
5.A study of the flow field of a confined and submerged impinging jetPages 1025-1034Janice A. Fitzgerald, Suresh V. Garimella
6.A continuum model for the transport of heat, mass and momentum in a deformable, multicomponent mush, undergoing solid-liquid phase changePages 1035-1048M. D. Jackson, M. J. Cheadle
7.Developing turbulent mixed convection in a horizontal circular tube with strip-type insertsPages 1049-1063Shou-Shing Hsieh, Ming-Ho Liu, Feng-Yu Wu
8.High Peclet number mass transfer in the acoustic streaming flow between two concentric cylindersPages 1065-1074J. A. Bowman, D. T. Schwartz
9.Analytical model of induced electric current from a free convection loop placed in a transverse magnetic fieldPages 1075-1086N. Ghaddar
10.Conjugate heat transfer of a plate fin in a second-grade fluid flowPages 1087-1102Cheng-Hsing Hsu, Kai-Long Hsiao
11.One-group interfacial area transport in vertical bubbly flowPages 1103-1112Q. Wu, S. Kim, M. Ishii, S. G. Beus
12.Transient natural convection in a vertical cylinder opened at the extremities and filled with a fluid saturated porous medium: validity of Darcy flow model and thermal boundary layer approximationsPages 1113-1125K. Slimi, S. Ben Nasrallah, J. -P. Fohr
13.TIEES-98, Second Trabzon International Energy and Environment Symposium : 27–29 July 1998, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, TurkeyPage 1127

Volume 41, Issue 10, Pages 1129-1369 (May 1998)

1.Analytical study of the effect of natural convection on cryogenic pipe freezingPages 1129-1138A. C. Keary, R. J. Bowen
2.Unsteady heat transfer and velocity of a cylinder in cross flow—I. Low freestream turbulencePages 1139-1148J. W. Scholten, D. B. Murray
3.Unsteady heat transfer and velocity of a cylinder in cross flow—II. High freestream turbulencePages 1149-1156J. W. Scholten, D. B. Murray
4.Numerical modelling of turbulent heat transfer from discrete heat sources in a liquid-cooled channelPages
5.Void fraction measurements in boiling cryogenic mixtures using gamma densitometerPages 1167-1175R. Bøe
6.Melting and resolidification of a substrate in contact with a molten metal: operational mapsPages 1177-1188S. -P. Wang, G. -X. Wang, E. F. Matthys
7.Heat transfer to bubbles under a horizontal tubePages 1189-1197Keith Cornwell, I. A. Grant
8.The storage capacity of a harmonically heated slab revisitedPages 1199-1204Eugen Magyari, Bruno Keller
9.Turbulent developing convective heat transfer in a tube for fluids near the critical pointPages 1205-1218Sang Ho Lee, John R. Howell
10.Time-difference schemes with spectral-like resolutionPages 1219-1222Lun-Shin Yao
11.A semiquantitative theory of convective heat transfer in a heat-generating fluidPages 1223-1227L. A. Bolshov, P. S. Kondratenko, V. F. Strizhov
12.Etude des transferts couples de chaleur et de masse dans un lit fixe de réactif solide non isotherme et non isobareStudy of coupled heat and mass transfer in a non-isothermal and non-isobaric fixed bed gas/solid reactorPages 1229-1241R. Mir, A. Bendou, Z. Zrikem, A. Gonzalez
13.Heat transfer optimization in internally finned tubes under laminar flow conditionsPages 1243-1253Giampietro Fabbri
14.Compact analytical model for overall thermal resistance of bolted jointsPages 1255-1266M. B. H. Mantelli, M. M. Yovanovich
15.Augmentation of convective heat transfer by a torsionally-oscillating endwall diskPages 1267-1277Tae Gyu Lim, Jae Min Hyun
16.Analyse expérimentale des transferts de chaleur en espace annulaire étroit et rainuré avec cylindre intérieur tournantExperimental analysis of heat transfer in a narrow and grooved annular gap with rotating inner cylinderPages 1279-1291M. Bouafia, Y. Bertin, J. B. Saulnier, P. Ropert
17.Marangoni convection in binary drops in air cooled from belowPages 1293-1295F. L. A. Ganzevles, C. W. M. Van Der Geld
18.Effect of baffle spacing on pressure drop and local heat transfer in shell-and-tube heat exchangers for staggered tube arrangementPages 1303-1311Huadong Li, Volker Kottke
19.Friction, heat and mass transfer for paper dryingPages 1313-1325S. A. Reardon, M. R. Davis, P. E. Doe
20.Weakly non-linear Marangoni instability in the presence of a magnetic fieldPages 1327-1337M. Hannaoui, G. Lebon
21.Three-dimensional analysis of heat transfer and thermophoretic particle deposition in OVD processPages
22.Similarity of heat radiation from turbulent buoyant jetsPages 1347-1356A. I. Bril, V. P. Kabashnikov, N. V. Kuzmina, V. M. Popov
23.The energy balance condition on the interface for phase change with thermal wave effectPages 1357-1359Wen-Qiang Lu
24.Prandtl number dependence of impingement heat transfer with circular free-surface liquid jetsPages 1360-1363H. Sun, C. F. Ma, Y. C. Chen
25.Effect of variable fluid properties on impingement heat transfer with submerged circular jetsPages 1363-1366H. Sun, C. F. Ma
26.Heat transfer between two opposed non-isothermal counter-rotating jetsPages 1367-1369W. J. Sheu, N. C. Liou

Volume 41, Issue 11, Pages 1371-1621 (June 1998)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography—CIS worksPages 1371-1384O. G. Martynenko
2.Approche numérique du transfert thermique convectif pour un cylindre circulaire déformableNumerical approach of convective heat transfer for a deforming circular cylinderPages
3.Heat and mass transfer across tall cavities filled with gas-vapour mixtures: the fully developed regimePages 1397-1403G. D. McBain
4.The diffusion and P1 approximations for modeling buoyant flow of an optically thick fluidPages 1405-1415Jeffrey J. Derby, Simon Brandon, Andrew G. Salinger
5.Transitions and chaos for free convection in a rotating porous layerPages 1417-1435Peter Vadasz, Shmuel Olek
6.Shape factors for conductive heat flow in circular and quadratic cross-sectionsPages 1437-1444Markus Nickolay, Ludger Fischer, Holger Martin
7.Experimental study of unsteady thermal characteristics and rotation induced stabilization of air convection in a bottom heated rotating vertical cylinderPages
8.Un modèle simplifié de transfert de chaleur et de masse dans le système sol-plante-atmosphèreA new simplified model of heat and mass transfer in the soil-plant-atmosphere systemPages
9.A network thermodynamic analysis of the heat pipePages 1473-1484Z. J. Zuo, A. Faghri
10.Numerical and experimental study of swirling flow in a model combustorPages 1485-1491J. L. Xia, G. Yadigaroglu, Y. S. Liu, J. Schmidli, B. L. Smith
11.Thermocapillary convection in two-layer systemsPages 1499-1511Q. S. Liu, B. Roux, M. G. Velarde
12.A Galerkin finite-element study of the onset of double-diffusive convection in an inclined porous enclosurePages
13.Influence of radial seepage on temperature distribution around a cylindrical cavity in a porous mediumPages 1531-1541Jim Brown, Alan Vardy, Zhaoyang Zeng
14. turbulence models in predicting heat transfer rates for pipe flowPages 1543-1547C. Hrenya, S. Miller, T. Mallo, J. Sinclair
15.Transient heat transfer in batch thermal reactors for silicon wafer processingPages 1549-1557Yong-Hui Fan, Taiqing Qiu
16.Transition to oscillatory natural convection of cold water in a vertical annulusPages 1559-1572C. J. Ho, F. J. Tu
17.Application of wide band radiation models to non-homogeneous combustion systemsPages 1573-1584P. S. Cumber, M. Fairweather, H. S. Ledin
18.Simultaneous determination of the thermal diffusivity of semiconductor lasers and resistance of their adhesive jointsPages 1585-1599V. Lepaludier, Y. Scudeller
19.Oscillatory double-diffusive convection in a rectangular enclosure with combined horizontal temperature and concentration gradientsPages 1601-1611Tatsuo
20.Finite element analysis of mixed convection over in-line tube bundlesPages 1613-1619Y. T. Krishne Gowda, P. A. Aswatha Narayana, K. N. Seetharamu
21.ErrataPage 1621

Volume 41, Issue 12, Pages 1623-1871 (June 1998)

1.Falling film evaporation of single component liquidsPages 1623-1632Abdulmalik A. Alhusseini, Kemal Tuzla, John C. Chen
2.Numerical prediction of turbulent mixed convection in a concentric horizontal rotating annulus with low-Re two-equation modelsPages 1633-1643Ming-I Char, Yuan-Hsiung Hsu
3.Undercooling and contact resistance in stagnation-flow solidification on a semi-infinite substratePages 1645-1653R. H. Rangel, X. Bian
4.Direct simulation of vapor bubble growthPages 1655-1666Samuel W. J. Welch
5.Onset and effects of instabilities from unstable stratification of density on mass transfer in channel shear layers at low Reynolds numbersPages 1667-1679Phillip M. Ligrani, Supriya Gupta, J. Calvin Giddings
6.Turbulent natural convection coupled with thermal radiation in large vertical channels with asymmetric heatingPages 1681-1692X. Cheng, U. Müller
7.Mass transfer to regular packings at low Reynolds numbers and under natural convectionPages 1693-1706María Del Carmen Rey, Paula Glasserman, Ursula Böhm
8.A transient inverse two-dimensional geometry problem in estimating time-dependent irregular boundary configurationsPages 1707-1718Cheng-Hung Huang, Chih-Chung Tsai
9.The behavior of a fire-protection foam exposed to radiant heatingPages 1719-1728Christopher F. Boyd, Marino Di Marzo
10.Effect of Sherwood number on critical constants of diffusionPages 1729-1738Abraham Sagiv, Aviel Brosh, George Z. Ecker
11.Transition to turbulent flow in curved and straight channels with heat transfer at high Dean numbersPages 1739-1748P. M. Ligrani, C. R. Hedlund
12.Parametric analysis of direct contact evaporation process in a bubble columnPages 1749-1758M. Song, A. Steiff, P. -M. Weinspach
13.The use of the Brinkman number for single phase forced convective heat transfer in microchannelsPages 1759-1769C. P. Tso, S. P. Mahulikar
14.The flow and heat transfer in the wedge-shaped liquid film formed during the growth of a vapour bubblePages 1771-1785J. Mitrovic
15.The effective Reynolds number of a heated cylinderPages 1787-1794F. Dumouchel, J. C. Lecordier, P. Paranthoën
16.Turbulent heat and fluid flow in a passage disturbed by detached perforated ribs of different heightsPages
17.Fuel oil evaporation in swirling hot gas streamsPages 1807-1820Baifang Zuo, E. Van Den Bulck
18.Dehumidification of air flow through cooling at sub-freezing temperaturesPages 1821-1831Christos
19.The influence of higher-order effects on the linear instability of thermal boundary layer flow in porous mediaPages
20.Prediction of heat transfer in an axisymmetric turbulent jet impinging on a flat platePages 1845-1855M. Behnia, S. Parneix, P. A. Durbin
21.Natural convection heat transfer from complex surfacePages 1857-1868Witold M. Lewandowski, Jawad M. Khubeiz, Piotr Kubski, Henryk Bieszk, Tadeusz Wilczewski, Snski
22.Minimum heat to environment and entropyPages 1869-1871Liqiu Wang

Volume 41, Issue 13, Pages 1873-2075 (July 1998)

1.Double diffusive layer formation near a cooled liquid-solid boundaryPages 1873-1884E. Jurjen Kranenborg, Henk A. Dijkstra
2.Double-diffusive natural convection in trapezoidal enclosuresPages 1885-1898J. T. Van Der Eyden, Th. H. Van Der Meer, K. Hanjalic, E. Biezen, J. Bruining
3.Study on plasma enhanced CVD coated material to promote dropwise condensation of steamPages 1899-1906G. Koch, D. C. Zhang, A. Leipertz, M. Grischke, K. Trojan, H. Dimigen
4.Influence of fish antifreeze proteins on the freezing of cell suspensions with cryoprotectant penetrating cellsPages
5.The natural convection of liquid metal in a cubical enclosure with various electro-conductivities of the wall under the magnetic fieldPages 1917-1928Toshio Tagawa, Hiroyuki Ozoe
6.Kinetic theory analysis of heat transfer in granular flowsPages 1929-1944V. V. R. Natarajan, M. L. Hunt
7.Constructal theory of natural crack pattern formation for fastest coolingPages 1945-1954A. Bejan, Y. Ikegami, G. A. Ledezma
8.The use of the diffusion velocity in conservation equations for multicomponent gas mixturesPages 1955-1968A. F. Mills
9.Three-dimensional laser heating including evaporation—a kinetic theory approachPages 1969-1981B. S. Yilbas, M. Sami
10.Natural convective cooling of a horizontal heat conducting plate facing up in an otherwise adiabatic cavityPages 1983-1991E. Luna, C. Treviño
11.Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer in a highly wetting liquid on micro-graphite-fiber composite surfacesPages
12.A numerical study of transient mixed convection in cylindrical thermal storage tanksPages 2003-2011Robert E. Spall
13.Thermal resistance of two solids in contact through a cylindrical jointPages 2013-2024Kek-Kiong Tio, Kok Chuan Toh
14.Maximum power from a hot streamPages 2025-2035A. Bejan, M. R. Errera
15.The geometric optics approximation for reflection from two-dimensional random rough surfacesPages
16.Modelling low order statistics of temperature increments in fully developed turbulencePages 2049-2057Stephan Bounoua, Myriem Ould-Rouis, Patrice Le Gal, Fabien Anselmet
17.Rotation effect on jet impingement heat transfer in smooth rectangular channels with heated target walls and radially outward cross flowPages 2059-2071James A. Parsons, Je-Chin Han
18.TIEES-98: Second Trabzon International Energy and Environment SymposiumPage 2073
19.ErratumPage 2075

Volume 41, Issue 14, Pages 2077-2261 (July 1998)

1.Experimental investigation on Marangoni drop migrations using drop shaft facilityPages 2077-2081J. C. Xie, H. Lin, J. H. Han, X. Q. Dong, W. R. Hu, A. Hirata, M. Sakurai
2.Transient conductive-radiative cooling of an optical quality glass diskPages 2083-2096Kong Hoon Lee, Raymond Viskanta
3.On single limits and the asymptotic behaviour of separating turbulent boundary layersPages 2097-2111Daniel O. A. Cruz, Atila P. Silva Freire
4.On the evolution of double-diffusive intrusions into a stably stratified liquid: the physics of self-propagationPages 2113-2124Henk A. Dijkstra, E. Jurjen Kranenborg
5.The mean temperature field of a buoyancyinduced boundary layer adjacent to a vertical plate immersed in a stratified mediumPages 2125-2130Josef Tanny, Jacob Cohen
6.The effect of tank geometry on thermally stratified sensible heat storage subject to low Reynolds number flowsPages 2131-2142P. C. Eames, B. Norton
7.Terrestrial and microgravity pool boiling heat transfer from a wire in an acoustic fieldPages 2143-2155J. S. Sitter, T. J. Snyder, J. N. Chung, P. L. Marston
8.Double diffusive and Marangoni convection in a multi-cavity systemPages 2157-2174M. Z. Saghir, M. Hennenberg, M. R. Islam
9.Laminar natural convection from constant heat flux helical coiled tubesPages 2175-2182Mohamed E. Ali
10.A nucleate boiling model for structured enhanced surfacesPages 2183-2195Liang-Han Chien, Ralph L. Webb
11.Etude de l'évaporation en convection mixte d'un film liquide d'un mélange binaire s'écoulant sur un plan incliné soumis à un flux de chaleur constantStudy of the evaporation in mixed convection of a liquid film of a binary mixture flowing on an inclined plane subjected to a constant heat fluxPages 2197-2210A. Agunaoun, A. Il Idrissi, A. DaÏf, R. Barriol
12.A numerical investigation of electroconductive heating in solid-liquid mixturesPages 2211-2220Saeed Orangi, Sudhir Sastry, Qiong Li
13.A novel concept for convective heat transfer enhancementPages 2221-2225Z. Y. Guo, D. Y. Li, B. X. Wang
14.Non-grey gas radiative transfer analyses using the statistical narrow-band modelPages 2227-2236F. Liu, Ö. L. Gülder, G. J. Smallwood, Y. Ju
15.Simultaneous estimations of temperaturedependent thermal conductivity and heat capacityPages 2237-2244Han-Taw Chen, Jae-Yuh Lin
16.A sequential method to estimate the strength of the heat source based on symbolic computationPages 2245-2252Ching-Yu Yang
17.Solution for non-Fourier dual phase lag heat conduction in a semiinfinite slab with surface heat fluxPages 2253-2258Paul J. Antaki
18.Comments on “Experimental study of simultaneous heat and moisture transfer around single short porous cylinders during convection drying by a psychrometry method”Page 2259Ssu-Hsueh Sun, Thomas R. Marrero
19.2nd International Symposium on Two-phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation : Pisa, Italy, 23–25 May 1999Page 2261

Volume 41, Issue 15, Pages 2263-2416 (August 1998)

1.Heat and mass transfer in wet porous media in presence of evaporation—condensationPages 2263-2277A. Bouddour, J.-L. Auriault, M. Mhamdi-Alaoui, J.-F. Bloch
2.Applicability of photothermal radiometry for temperature measurement of semiconductorsPages 2279-2285G. Chen, T. Borca-Tasciuc
3.Mass transfer properties in a grid generated turbulent flow: some experimental investigations about the concept of turbulent diffusivityPages 2287-2295F. Lemoine, Y. Antoine, M. Wolff, M. Lebouche
4.A numerical study of interfacial transport to a gas-sheared wavy liquidPages 2297-2305V. Bontozoglou
5.On the convection in an enclosed container with unstable side wall temperature distributionsPages 2307-2320Craig C. Jahnke, Vikram Subramanyan, Daniel T. Valentine
6.A general correlation for pool film boiling heat transfer from a horizontal cylinder to saturated binary liquid mixturesPages 2321-2334Ming-Huei Liu, Yu-Min Yang, Jer-Ru Maa
7.Reacting stagnation flows in catalytic porous bedsPages 2335-2346Chin-Tsau Hsu, Fu Huili
8.Quantitative infrared-thermography for wall-shear stress measurement in laminar flowPages 2347-2356R. Mayer, R.A.W.M. Henkes, J.L. van Ingen
9.Frictional losses and convective heat transfer in sparse, periodic cylinder arrays in cross flowPages
10.Modeling of non-uniform heat dissipation and prediction of hot spots in power transistorsPages 2399-2407L. Zhu, K. Vafai, L. Xu
11.Limits of mass transfer enhancement in lithium bromide-water absorbers by active techniquesPages 2409-2416Bor-Bin Tsai, Horacio Perez-Blanco

Volume 41, Issue 16, Pages 2417-2564 (August 1998)

1.In memoriam — Professor Kunio Hijikata (1943–1997)Pages 2417-2418Takayoshi Inoue, Susumu Kotake, Yasuo Kurosaki, Wataru Nakayama, Richard Buckius, Arunava Majumdar, Per Peterson, G. P. Peterson
2.Sur le refroidissement d'un cylindre chauffe en regime permanent de convection mixteOn the cooling of a heated cylinder in permanent mixed convection regimePages 2419-2428M. Amaouche, A. Chennafi
3.Heat and solute diffusion with a moving interface: a boundary element approachPages 2429-2436M. Zerroukat, H. Power, L. C. Wrobel
4.Laminar natural convection in a laterally heated and upper cooled vertical cylindrical enclosurePages 2437-2454A. Lemembre, J. -P. Petit
5.Temperature distribution in swirling jetsPages 2455-2467V. Shtern, A. Borissov, F. Hussain
6.Effects of gravity on the boiling of binary fluid mixturesPages 2469-2483S. Ahmed, V. P. Carey
7.An investigation of the solutal, thermal and flow fields in unidirectional alloy solidificationPages 2485-2502James E. Simpson, Suresh V. Garimella
8.Combustion of unsupported water-in-n-heptane emulsion droplets in a convection-free environmentPages 2503-2515G. S. Jackson, C. T. Avedisian
9.Experimental and numerical study on natural convection from vertical plates with horizontal rectangular groovesPages 2517-2528C. E. Kwak, T. H. Song
10.Several aspects of the return flows formation in horizontal CVD reactorsPages 2529-2536T. M. Makhviladze, A. V. Martjushenko
11.Visualization study of melting and solidification in convecting hypoeutectic Ga-In alloyPages 2537-2548R. Derebail, J. N. Koster
12.Non-linear convection in a porous medium with inclined temperature gradient and vertical throughflowPages 2549-2552Zongchun Qiao, P. N. Kaloni
13.Study of suspended vaporizing volatile liquid droplets by an enhanced sensitivity holographic technique: additional resultsPages 2553-2555G. Toker, J. Stricker
14.Analytical investigation of Couette flow in a composite channel partially filled with a porous medium and partially with a clear fluidPages 2556-2560A. V. Kuznetsov
15.Numerical study of a backward-facing step with uniform normal mass bleedPage 2561Y. Nagano
16.The finite element method in heat-transfer analysis : by R. W. LEWIS, K. MORGAN, H. R. THOMAS and K. N. SEETHARAMU, John Wiley, 1996Pages 2563-2564Brian Spalding

Volume 41, Issue 17, Pages 2565-2715 (September 1998)

1.Electronic anti-fouling technology to mitigate precipitation fouling in plate-and-frame heat exchangersPages 2565-2571Young I. Cho, Byung-Gap Choi, Bennat J. Drazner
2.Flow and heat transfer in convection-dominated melting in a rectangular cavity heated from belowPages 2573-2580Zhen-Xiang Gong, Arun S. Mujumdar
3.Radiative heat transfer in soot-containing combustion systems with aggregationPages 2581-2587T. L. Farias, M. G. Carvalho, Ü. Ö. Köylü
4.An analytical study of heat and mass transfer through a parallel-plate channel with recyclePages 2589-2599Chii-Dong Ho, Ho-Ming Yeh, Wen-Song Sheu
5.Direct numerical simulations of evaporating droplet dispersion in forced low Mach number turbulencePages 2601-2617F. Mashayek
6.Analytical modeling of the startup characteristics of asymmetrical flat-plate and diskshaped heat pipesPages 2619-2637N. Zhu, K. Vafai
7.Vortex interaction with a translating sphere in a stratified temperature fieldPages 2639-2652M. Masoudi, W. A. Sirignano
8.Effective medium approximation for the conductivity of sensible heat in dry snowPages 2653-2666Edward M. Arons, Samuel C. Colbeck
9.Oscillatory instability analysis of Bénard-Marangoni convection in a rotating fluid under a uniform magnetic fieldPages 2667-2675Fu-Ping Chang, Ko-Ta Chiang
10.Numerical solution of boundary layer equations in compressible cross-flow to a cylinderPages
11.Effects of buoyancy and orientation on the flow in a duct preceded with a double-step expansionPages
12.The radiation transfer in emitting, absorbing and scattering media of complex geometric formPages 2697-2704O. G. Martynenko, M. L. German, V. P. Nekrasov, E. F. Nogotov
13.Effect of magnetic fields on oscillating mixed convectionPages 2705-2710Bo Pan, Ben Q. Li
14.Experimental study on the relation between thermophoresis and size of aerosol particlesPages 2710-2713Akira Toda, Hisataka Ohnishi, Ritsu Dobashi, Toshisuke Hirano, Takashi Sakuraya
15.Industrial two-phase thermosyphons : by L. S. PIORO and I. L. PIORO, Begell House, Inc., New York, 288 pp. ISBN: 1-56700-064-9, cloth, 1997Page 2715Leonard L. Vasiliev

Volume 41, Issue 18, Pages 2717-2866 (September 1998)

1.Optimization of conduits' shape in micro heat exchangersPages 2717-2723Haim H. Bau
2.Mass transfer rate study in rotating shallow electrochemical cellsPages 2725-2733F.-B. Weng, Y. Kamotani, S. Ostrach
3.An analytical study for determining the dynamics of a boiling boundary in a channelPages 2735-2742S. Benedek, D.A. Drew
4.On the evolution of double-diffusive intrusions into a stably stratified liquid: a study of the layer merging processPages 2743-2756E. Jurjen Kranenborg, Henk A. Dijkstra
5.Integral analysis applied to radial film flowsPages 2757-2767Achuth Rao, Jaywant H. Arakeri
6.Propagation of the third sound wave in fluid: Hypothesis and theoretical foundationPages 2769-2780W. Roetzef, B. Spang, X. Luo, S.K. Das
7.Thermal interface resistance and subsurface effusivity of submicron metallic films on dielectric substrates: an experimental method for simultaneous determinationPages 2781-2798N. Hmina, Y. Scudeller
8.The developing Nusselt numbers for slug flow in rectangular ductsPages 2799-2807M. Spiga, G.L. Morini
9.Modélisation du transfert de chaleur dans un réacteur de pyrolyse sous pression réduite utilisé pour le traitement des sols contaminésPages 2809-2819C. Roy, J.C. Choque, J. Yang
10.Surface tension effect in the two-fluids equation systemPages 2821-2826Sung-Jae Lee, Keun-Shik Chang, See-Jo Kim
11.Flow and mass transfer measurements for a flat plate of finite thickness in pulsating flowPages 2827-2836Kwon Sang Hwang, Hyung Jin Sung, Jae Min Hyun
12.Resonant enhancement of natural convection heat transfer in a square enclosurePages 2837-2846Ho Sang Kwak, Kunio Kuwahara, Jae Min Hyun
13.Radiative heat transfer in anisotropic scattering media with specular boundary subjected to collimated irradiationPages 2847-2856Shigenao Maruyama
14.Rotary heat exchanger performance with axial heat dispersionPages 2857-2864Sankar Nair, Samir Verma, S.C. Dhingra
15.Flow of a micropolar fluid past a continuously moving plate by the presence of radiationPages 2865-2866A. Raptis

Volume 41, Issue 19, Pages 2867-3013 (October 1998)

1.Transient convective heat transfer in a helical coiled tube with pulsatile fully developed turbulent flowPages 2867-2875Liejin Guo, Xuejun Chen, Ziping Feng, Bofeng Bai
2.A simplified wide band model of the cumulative distribution function for water vaporPages 2877-2892O. Marin, R. O. Buckius
3.Application of the transfer configuration factors in radiation heat transferPages 2893-2907J. A. Stasiek
4.Boiling vertical two-phase flow at sub-atmospheric pressuresPages 2909-2924Henrik Kockum, Åke Jernqvist
5.Two-mode boiling on a horizontal heating wire: effects of liquid subcoolingsPages 2925-2928D. J. Lee
6.Deposition of tin droplets on a steel plate: simulations and experimentsPages 2929-2945M. Pasandideh-Fard, R. Bhola, S. Chandra, J. Mostaghimi
7.A zero-dimensional model for spray droplet vaporization at high pressures and temperaturesPages
8.Use of electronic anti-fouling technology with filtration to prevent fouling in a heat exchangerPages 2961-2966Y. I. Cho, Chunfu Fan, Byung-Gap Choi
9.Theoretical study of heat and mass transfer in a zeolite bed during water desorption: validity of local thermal equilibrium assumptionPages 2967-2977A. Mhimid
10.Control of thermal runaway—some mathematical insightsPages 2979-2990James Geer, John Fillo
11.Application of a photographic method for determining mass transfer to flow around a submerged parallelepipedPages 2991-3004Paul M. Schlosser, Matthew N. Godo, Timothy D. Fornes, Elaine Cohen Hubal
12.Effect of baffle size, perforation, and orientation on internal heat transfer enhancementPages

Volume 41, Issue 20, Pages 3015-3160 (October 1998)

1.Measurements of friction, heat transfer, and mass transfer in a severely outgassing tube bankPages
2.Buoyancy induced flow and heat transfer in a cylindrical annulus with multiple perturbationsPages 3025-3035S. V. Iyer, K. Vafai
3.Multi-dimensional modeling of thin liquid films and spray-wall interactions resulting from impinging spraysPages 3037-3054Donald W. Stanton, Christopher J. Rutland
4.Natural convection in a narrow horizontal cylindrical annulus : Pr less-than-or-equals, slant 0.3Pages 3055-3073Joo-Sik Yoo
5.Influence of fuel-side heat loss on diffusion flame extinctionPages 3075-3085Anjan Ray, Indrek S. Wichman
6.A highly radiative combustion chamber for heavy fuel oil combustionPages 3087-3097Rafael Villasenor, Rogelio Escalera
7.A guarded cold plate apparatus for absolute measurement of heat flowPages 3099-3108C. J. Dey, A. J. Read, R. E. Collins, M. Brunotte
8.Heat and mass transfer for plate fin-and-tube heat exchangers, with and without hydrophilic coatingPages 3109-3120Chi-Chuan Wang, Chang-Tsair Chang
9.Pulsed-wire technique for velocity measurements in natural convection flows--a numerical optimisation toolPages 3121-3129M. Grignon, E. Mathioulakis, P. Ngae, J. G. Poloniecki
10.Convective cooling of a heated obstacle in a channelPages 3131-3148Timothy J. Young, Kambiz Vafai
11.Transient cooling of water around a cylinder in a rectangular cavity--a numerical analysis of the effect of the position of the cylinderPages 3149-3156K. Sasaguchi, K. Kuwabara, K. Kusano, H. Kitagawa
12.Prediction of the resonance frequency of natural convection in an enclosure with time-periodic heating imposed on one sidewallPages 3157-3160Ho Sang Kwak, Kunio Kuwahara, Jae Min Hyun

Volume 41, Issue 21, Pages 3161-3337 (November 1998)

1.A new turbulence model for near-wall natural convectionPages 3161-3176W. Xu, Q. Chen, F. T. M. Nieuwstadt
2.Model reduction in linear heat conduction: use of interface fluxes for the numerical couplingPages 3177-3189D. Petit, R. Hachette
3.Observation of boiling structures in high heat-flux boilingPages 3191-3201Shigefumi Nishio, Tetsushi Gotoh, Niroh Nagai
4.Conjugate natural convection from a vertical heated slabPages 3203-3211Shigeo Kimura, Atsushi Okajima, Takahiro Kiwata
5.Heat and fluid flow in pulsed current GTA weld poolPages 3213-3227W. -H. Kim, S. -J. Na
6.Adsorption of toluene on activated carbon in a packed bedPages 3229-3238Jung-Yang San, Yuh-Ching Hsu, Liang-Jen Wu
7.Conjugate thermal transport in the channel of an extruder for non-newtonian fluidsPages 3239-3253P. Lin, Y. Jaluria
8.Heat transfer analysis of buoyancy-assisted mixed convection with asymmetric heating conditionsPages 3255-3264Xiaodong Zhang, Sandip Dutta
9.Computation of the solidification of pure metals in plate geometry using the Green's function methodPages
10.Convective flow and heat transfer in a channel containing multiple heated obstaclesPages
11.Beam focusing characteristics effect on energy reflection and absorption in a drilling or welding cavity of paraboloid of revolutionPages 3299-3308P. S. Wei, C. Y. Ho
12.Thermal influence of boundaries on the onset of Rayleigh-Bénard convectionPages 3309-3320P. Cerisier, S. Rahal, J. Cordonnier, G. Lebon
13.The thermal-hydraulic characteristics of staggered circular finned-tube heat exchangers under dry and dehumidifying conditionsPages 3321-3337Jiin-Yuh Jang, Jen-Tien Lai, Long-Chi Liu

Volume 41, Issue 22, Pages 3339-3690 (1 November 1998)

1.EditorialPages 3339-3340
2.Heat transfer bibliography—Japanese works 1996Pages 3341-3356I Tanasawa, S Nishio, K Suzuki
3.A comparative study of radiative heat transfer modelling in gas-fired furnaces using the simple grey gas and the weighted-sum-of-grey-gases modelsPages 3357-3371F. Liu, H.A. Becker, Y. Bindar
4.A mixing length model for strongly heated subsonic turbulent boundary layersPages 3373-3385R. Meignen, G. Berthoud
5.A model for the heating of slender samples in monoellipsoidal mirror furnacesPages 3387-3395Rodrigo Haya, Damián Rivas, Bela I. Myznikova
6.Unsteady free convection flow in the stagnation-point region of a three-dimensional bodyPages
7.Momentum and heat transfer from cylinders in laminar crossflow at 10−4 less-than-or-equals, slant 200Pages
8.Convective and radiative internal heat transfer augmentation with fiber arraysPages 3431-3440A.R. Martin, C. Saltiel, J. Chai, W. Shyy
9.Mass transfer from rotating circular cylinders in a submerged slot jet of airPages 3441-3450T. Pekdemir, T.W. Davies
10.Nucleate boiling of refrigerant–oil mixtures : bubble equilibrium and oil enrichment at the interface of a growing vapour bubblePages 3451-3467J. Mitrovic
11.Prediction of thermal contact resistance between polished surfacesPages 3469-3482E.G Wolff, D.A Schneider
12.Interphase fluctuation propagation and superposition model for boiling nucleationPages 3483-3489H.Y Hu, G.P Peterson, X.F Peng, B.X Wang
13.Nucleate pool boiling of mercury in the presence of a magnetic fieldPages 3491-3500Martin A.Lopez de Bertodano, Sergio Leonardi, Paul S. Lykoudis
14.Laminar mixed convection with viscous dissipation in a vertical channelPages 3501-3513Antonio Barletta
15.The effect of injection hole length on film cooling with bulk flow pulsationsPages 3515-3528H.J. Seo, J.S. Lee, P.M. Ligrani
16.Interfacial behaviour of growing bubbles in concentration boundary layerPages 3529-3535L.H. Chai, X.F. Peng, B.X. Wang, J.M. Ochterbeck
17.Isolated fluid oxygen drop behavior in fluid hydrogen at rocket chamber pressuresPages 3537-3550K. Harstad, J. Bellan
18.Interactions of fluid oxygen drops in fluid hydrogen at rocket chamber pressuresPages 3551-3558K. Harstad, J. Bellan
19.Heat transfer enhancement in three-dimensional corrugated channel flowPages 3559-3573David R. Sawyers, Mihir Sen, Hsueh-Chia Chang
20.The evolution of laminar jets of Herschel–Bulkley fluidsPages 3575-3588Ijaz H. Jafri, George C. Vradis
21.Effect of contaminant properties and temperature gradients on the efficiency of transient gaseous contaminant removal from an enclosure : a numerical studyPages 3589-3609M. Soria, A. Oliva, M. Costa, C.D. Pérez-Segarra
22.An efficient simulation of the heat and mass transfer processes during drying of capillary porous, hygroscopic materialsPages 3611-3625Christian Dietl, Edgar R.F. Winter, Raymond Viskanta
23.Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent channel flow with a linear spanwise mean temperature gradientPages 3627-3634Koji Matsubara, Mutsuo Kobayashi, Hiroshi Maekawa
24.Numerical and experimental study of transient turbulent natural convection in a horizontal cylindrical containerPages 3635-3645J.L. Xia, B.L. Smith, G. Yadigaroglu, U. Gantner, B. Sigg
25.Flame localization inside axis-symmetric cylindrical and spherical porous media burnersPages 3647-3655S.A. Zhdanok, K.V. Dobrego, S.I. Futko
26.Non-absorbable gas effect on the wavy film absorption processPages 3657-3668Ru Yang, Te-Ming Jou
27.Technical Note Layer merging during solidification of supereutectic NH4Cl–H2O systemPages 3669-3674Tatsuo Nishimura, Tsutomu Imoto, Mikio Wakamatsu
28.Technical Note Transient analysis of internally heated tubular components with exponential thermal loading and external convectionPages 3675-3678V.R. Vedula, A.E. Segall, S.K. Rangarajan
29.Technical NoteAugmentation of steam condensation heat transfer by addition of methylaminePages 3679-3683J.N.A. Morrison, C. Philpott, J. Deans
30.Technical Note A study of microencapsulated chiral nematics in the presence of electric fieldsPages 3685-3687M.K Evans, C.W Rapley, D.W Wilcock, T.H Sheldrake
31.Book reviewPages 3689-3690

Volume 41, Issue 23, Pages 3691-4035 (1 December 1998)

1.Experimental study of critical heat flux in concentric-tube open thermosyphonPages 3691-3704Md. Ashraful Islam, Masanori Monde, Mohammad Z. Hasan, Yuichi Mitsutake
2.Heat and mass transfer from internal flows to hemispheres and flat parts in betweenPages 3705-3718F. L. A. Ganzevles, C. W. M. van der Geld
3.Evaporative cooling of liquid film in turbulent mixed convection channel flowsPages 3719-3729Wei-Mon Yan
4.On the solution of parabolic and hyperbolic inverse heat conduction problemsPages 3731-3740Nehad Al-Khalidy
5.Etude des échanges convectifs sur un arbre aileté tournant, soumis à un courant d’air parallèle aux ailettesPages 3741-3757Barbara Watel, Souad Harmand, Bernard Desmet
6.Natural convection mass transfer along a dissolution boundary layer in an isothermal binary metallic systemPages 3759-3769S. W. Shiah, B. C. Yang, F. B. Cheung, Y. C. Shih
7.A dry-spot model for transition boiling heat transfer in pool boilingPages 3771-3779Sang Jun Ha, Hee Cheon No
8.Detailed heat transfer distributions in two-pass square channels with rib turbulators and bleed holesPages 3781-3791Srinath V Ekkad, Yizhe Huang, Je-Chin Han
9.Turbulent mixed convective heat transfer in the entrance region of a curved pipe with uniform wall-temperaturePages 3793-3805L. J. Li, C. X. Lin, M. A. Ebadian
10.Dynamic void fraction measurements in horizontal ducts with sudden area contractionPages 3807-3815M. Fossa, G. Guglielmini
11.On a physically-realizable benchmark problem in internal natural convectionPages 3817-3828W. H. Leong, K. G. T. Hollands, A. P. Brunger
12.Enhancement of heat transfer in an inviscid-flow thermal boundary layer due to a Rankine vortexPages 3829-3840Ricardo Romero-Méndez, Mihir Sen, K. T. Yang, R. L. McClain
13.Heat transfer mechanism for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids in 2 : 1 rectangular ductsPages 3841-3856P. Y. Chang, F. C. Chou, C. W. Tung
14.An experimental investigation of bubble growth and detachment in vertical upflow and downflow boilingPages 3857-3871G. E. Thorncroft, J. F. Klausner, R. Mei
15.Thermal analysis of a cryomicroscope : effect of heat spreading and contact resistancePages 3873-3880Marcus V. A. Bianchi, Raymond Viskanta
16.A simplified wide band model of the cumulative distribution function for carbon dioxidePages 3881-3897O. Marin, R. O. Buckius
17.Pulsative heating of surfacesPages 3899-3918S. Z. Shuja, B. S. Yilbas
18.Classification of one-dimensional steady-state two-phase geothermal flows including permeability variations—I. Theory and special casesPages 3919-3935R. M. Young
19.Classification of one-dimensional steady-state two-phase geothermal flows including permeability variations—II. The general casePages 3937-3948R. M. Young
20.Effect of viscous dissipation on mixed convection in a vertical channel with boundary conditions of the third kindPages 3949-3959Enzo Zanchini
21.Conjugate heat transfer of a finned oval tube with a punched longitudinal vortex generator in form of a delta winglet—parametric investigations of the wingletPages
22.Convection in a shallow rectangular cavity due to internal heat generationPages 3979-3987P. G. Daniels, O. K. Jones
23.Experimental analysis of a confined transitional plume with respect to subgrid-scale modellingPages 3989-4007Rob J. M. Bastiaans, C. C. M. Rindt, A. A. van Steenhoven
24.Boiling stability characteristics of methanol flowing over a nonuniformly heated surfacePages
25.Technical Note Integral solutions of diffusion-controlled dendrite tip growthPages 4025-4029X. Tong, C. Beckermann
26.Technical Note On the effect of lateral thermal convection on freely falling liquid film flowPages 4031-4033B. X. Wang, Zhang Jintao, X. F. Peng
27.AnnouncementPage 4035

Volume 41, Issue 24, Pages 4037-4397 (1 October 1998)

1.Upflow turbulent mixed convection heat transfer in vertical pipesPages 4037-4054Gian Piero Celata, Francesco Dannibale, Andrea Chiaradia, Maurizio Cumo
2.The Nusselt condensation and nonisothermalityPages 4055-4061J. Mitrovic
3.Two- and three-dimensional numerical models of flow and heat transfer over louvred fin arrays in compact heat exchangersPages 4063-4080K. N. Atkinson, R. Drakulic, M. R. Heikal, T. A. Cowell
4.Temperature fluctuations in particle-laden homogeneous turbulent flowsPages 4081-4093F. A. Jaberi
5.Chaotic map models of soot fluctuations in turbulent diffusion flamesPages 4095-4112S. Mukerji, J. M. Mcdonough, M. P. Mengüç, S. Manickavasagam, S. Chung
6.Heat transfer of dilute spray impinging on hot surface (simple model focusing on rebound motion and sensible heat of droplets)Pages 4113-4119Shigefumi Nishio, Yeung-Chan Kim
7.Multiple and unsteady solutions for buoyancy driven flows in spherical annuliPages 4121-4138Chandrasekhar Thamire, Neil T. Wright
8.Physico-chemical processes occurring inside a degrading two-dimensional anisotropic porous mediumPages 4139-4150Colomba Di Blasi
9.Heat transfer enhancement of a finned oval tube with punched longitudinal vortex generators in-linePages
10.Thermophoretic deposition of small particles in a direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flowPages 4167-4182D. G. Thakurta, M. Chen, J. B. McLaughlin, K. Kontomaris
11.Evaporation heat transfer and pressure drop of refrigerant R-134a in a small pipePages 4183-4194Yi-Yie Yan, Tsing-Fa Lin
12.Pulsed electromagnetic heating of microparticlesPages 4195-4204John F. Widmann, E. James Davis
13.Two-phase co-current flow in inclined pipePages 4205-4228P. L. Spedding, J. K. Watterson, S. R. Raghunathan, M. E. G. Ferguson
14.Modeling forced liquid convection in rectangular microchannels with electrokinetic effectsPages 4229-4249Chun Yang, Dongqing Li, Jacob H. Masliyah
15.Maximum density effect on laminar water pipe flow solidificationPages 4251-4257C. W. Tsai, S. J. Yang, G. J. Hwang
16.Transient analysis of incompressible flow through a packed bedPages 4259-4279A. Amiri, K. Vafai
17.Rotation induced stabilization of air convection in a bottom heated diverging cylinder rotating about its own axisPages 4281-4295Y. T. Ker, T. F. Lin
18.Mean structure in the viscous layer of strongly-heated internal gas flows. MeasurementsPages 4297-4313A. Mohsen Shehata, Donald M. McEligot
19.Mass transfer of CO2 through liquid CO2–water interfacePages 4315-4325Ho Teng, Akihiro Yamasaki
20.Onset of transition to turbulence in natural convection with gas along a vertical isotherm planePages 4327-4340Marcel Jannot, Thierry Kunc
21.Two-phase flow patterns and transition characteristics for in-tube condensation with different surface inclinationsPages 4341-4349W. C. Wang, X. H. Ma, Z. D. Wei, P. Yu
22.Dynamic simulation of the vertical zone-melting crystal growthPages 4351-4373C. W. Lan, D. T. Yang
23.Technical Note The role of longitudinal diffusion in fully developed forced convective slug flow in a channelPages 4375-4377D. A. Nield, J. L. Lage
24.Technical Note a refined solute diffusion model for columnar dendritic alloy solidificationPages 4379-4383H. Yoo, C. -J. Kim
25.Technical Note Flow characteristics in a heated rotating straight pipePages 4385-4392M. A. Petrakis
26.Technical Note Transient behavior of vertical buoyancy layer in a stratified fluidPages 4393-4397Jun Sang Park, Jae Min Hyun

Volume 42, Issue 1, Pages 1-195 (2 January 1999)

1.Comparison of steady state and transient methods for measurement of local heat transfer in plate fin-tube heat exchangers using liquid crystal thermography with radiant heatingPages 1-12R. E. Critoph, M. K. Holland, M. Fisher
2.Effects of a random porosity model on heat transfer performance of porous mediaPages 13-25Wu-Shung Fu, Hsin-Chien Huang
3.Unification of the streamline, heatline and massline methods for the visualization of two-dimensional transport phenomenaPages 27-33V. A. F. Costa
4.Mixed convection heat transfer in a radially rotatingsquare duct with radiation effectsPages 35-47Wei-Mon Yan, Hung-Yi Li, David Lin
5.Large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow over a two-dimensional cavity with temperature fluctuationsPages 49-59Arlindo de Matos, Francisco A. A. Pinho, Aristeu Silveira-Neto
6.Convection de Rayleigh–Benard dans les liquides magnetiques en cellule de Hele–Shaw annulairePages
7.Radiative exchange in a parallel-plate enclosure with translucent protective coatings on its wallsPages 73-84Robert Siegel
8.Laser-induced surface-tension-driven flows in liquidsPages 85-93Jon P. Longtin, Kunio Hi jikata, Kuniyasu Ogawa
9.Flow driven by a hot wire immersed in a horizontal liquid layerPages 95-110J. -F. Mercier, C. Normand
10.Convection induced by residual-g and g-jitters in diffusion experimentsPages 111-126R. Savino, R. Monti
11.On the solution of inverse heat transfer problem using the Karhunen–Loève Galerkin methodPages
12.The identification of the piecewise homogeneous thermal conductivity of conductors subjected to a heat flow testPages 143-152D. Lesnic, L. Elliott, D. B. Ingham, B. Clennell, R. J. Knipe
13.Combined mass and heat transfer during nonisothermal absorption in gas–liquid slug flow with small bubbles in liquid plugsPages 153-163T. Elperin, A. Fominykh
14.Air–water mass transfer of organics from shallow ponds under laminar recirculationPages 165-179Ildefonso
15.The effect of radiation on free convection from a porous vertical platePages 181-191M. A. Hossain, M. A. Alim, D. A. S. Rees
16.Technical Note a computationally efficient method for Monte Carlo simulation of diffuse radiant emission or reflectionPages 193-195Farshad Kowsary

Volume 42, Issue 2, Pages 219-382 (2 January 1999)

1.Three-dimensional propagation of hyperbolic thermal waves in a solid bar with rectangular cross-sectionPages 219-229A. Barletta, E. Zanchini
2.Heat transfer in a rotating two-pass smooth passage with a 180° rectangular turnPages 231-247T. -M. Liou, C. C. Chen
3.Short time-scale radiative transfer in light-emitting porous siliconPages 249-261M. Cynthia Hipwell, C. L. Tien
4.The combined effects of wall longitudinal heat conduction, inlet fluid flow nonuniformity and temperature nonuniformity in compact tube–fin heat exchangers: a finite element methodPages 263-273Ch. Ranganayakulu, K. N. Seetharamu
5.Thermal performance of a latent heat energy storage ventilated panel for electric load managementPages 275-286A. Laouadi, M. Lacroix
6.Critical heat flux of water subcooled flow in one-side heated swirl tubesPages 287-301J. Boscary, J. Fabre, J. Schlosser
7.Optimisation de la diffusion du gaz dans des matériaux réactifs, siège de transferts de chaleur, de masse et d’une réaction chimiquePages 303-321Patricia Jolly, Nathalie Mazet
8.Heat transfer simulation in vertical cylindrical enclosures for supercritical Rayleigh number and arbitrary side-wall conductivityPages 323-343A. Ivan, A. Oliva, C. D. Pérez Segarra, M. Costa
9.The determination of two heat sources in an inverse heat conduction problemPages 345-356Ching-yu Yang
10.Unsteady mixed convection boundary-layer flow on a vertical surface in a porous mediumPages
11.Technical Note An analytical approach to the conduction-dominated solidification of binary mixturesPages 373-377J. D. Chung, J. S. Lee, S. T. Ro, H. Yoo
12.Technical Note Conjugate heat and mass transfer in metal hydride beds in the hydriding processPages 379-382Zhixiong Guo, Hyung Jin Sung

Volume 42, Issue 3, Pages 385-579 (1 February 1999)

1.Wavelets and discrete ordinates method in solving one-dimensional nongray radiation problemPages 385-393Ye Wang, Yildiz Bayazitoglu
2.Numerical modeling of continuous hybrid heating of cryo-preserved tissuePages 395-403Q. Zhang, T. H. Jackson, A. Ungan, D. Gao
3.Experimental evaluation of thermal performance of Gifford–McMahon regenerator using an improved single-blow model with radial conductionPages 405-413Zei-Chi Chang, Min-Sheng Hung, Pei-Pei Ding, Ping-Hei Chen
4.Numerical investigations of the compressible flow and the energy separation in the Ranque–Hilsch vortex tubePages 415-422W. Fröhlingsdorf, H. Unger
5.Analytical characterization and conceptual assessment of solid and fluid temperature differentials in porous mediaPages 423-435Dae-Young Lee, Kambiz Vafai
6.Double diffusive convection in dual-permeability, dual-porosity porous mediaPages 437-454M. Z. Saghir, M. R. Islam
7.A unified solution for heat conduction in thin filmsPages 455-465KathyJ. Hays-Stang, A. Haji-Sheikh
8.Numerical study of magneto-fluid-mechanic combined free-and-forced convection heat transferPages 467-475M. J. Al-Khawaja, R. K. Agarwal, R. A. Gardner
9.The implications of the thermal equilibrium assumption for surrounding-driven steady conduction within a saturated porous medium layerPages 477-485J. L. Lage
10.Heat transfer in laminar flow in a concentric annulus with peripherally varying heat transferPages 487-496E. Buyruk, H. Barrow, I. Owen
11.Development of secondary flow and convective heat transfer in isothermal-45 degree ruleiso-flux rectangular ducts rotating about a parallel axisPages 497-510C. Y. Soong, W. M. Yan
12.Optimum profiles for asymmetrical longitudinal fins in cylindrical ductsPages 511-523Giampietro Fabbri
13.The effect of a uniform vertical magnetic field on the linear growth rates of steady Marangoni convection in a horizontal layer of conducting fluidPages 525-533I. Hashim, S. K. Wilson
14.Unsteady mass transport from a sphere immersed in a porous medium at finite Peclet numbersPages 535-546Z. -G. Feng, E. E. Michaelides
15.On the convective instability of a horizontal binary mixture layer with Soret effect under transversal high frequency vibrationPages 547-553G. Z. Gershuni, A. K. Kolesnikov, J. C. Legros, B. I. Myznikova
16.Oscillatory thermocapillary flows in open cylindrical containers induced by CO2 laser heatingPages
17.Estimation of thermal properties in combined conduction and radiationPages 565-572H. Y. Li
18.Numerical simulation of a 2-D crystal growth problem in vertical Bridgman–Stockbarger furnace: latent heat effect and crystal–melt interface morphologyPages 573-579D. Morvan, M. El Ganaoui, P. Bontoux

Volume 42, Issue 4, Pages 581-774 (1 February 1999)

1.Natural convection in a porous layer bounded by impervious domains: from numerical approaches to experimental realizationPages 581-597S. Chevalier, D. Bernard, N. Joly
2.Heat transfer in a wall jet at high turbulence of cocurrent streamPages 599-612V. P. Lebedev, V. V. Lemanov, V. I. Terekhov
3.Heat and momentum transfer in fluids heated in tubes with turbulence generators at moderate Prandtl and Reynolds numbersPages 613-627Iwona Ziółkowska, Mirosław Dolata, Dariusz Ziółkowski
4.Onset of oscillatory flows in double-diffusive convectionPages 629-643K. Ghorayeb, H. Khallouf, A. Mojtabi
5.Combined thermal and optical analysis of laser back-scribing for amorphous-silicon photovoltaic cells processingPages 645-656Salvatore Avagliano, Nicola Bianco, Oronzio Manca, Vincenzo Naso
6.An experimental study of heat transfer by laminar natural convection between an electrically-heated vertical plate and both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluidsPages 657-671J. F. T. Pittman, J. F. Richardson, C. P. Sherrard
7.Effect of an unsteady external flow on mass transfer to cavitiesPages 673-683Ahmed K. Shehata, J. Deliang Yang, Alan C. West, Vi jay Modi
8.Analysis of laminar mixed-convection condensation on isothermal plates using the full boundary-layer equations: mixtures of a vapor and a lighter gasPages 685-695V. Srzic, H. M. Soliman, S. J. Ormiston
9.Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of refrigerant R-134a in a small pipePages 697-708Yi-Yie Yan, Tsing-Fa Lin
10.Transition and multiplicity of flows in natural convection in a narrow horizontal cylindrical annulus: Pr = 0.4Pages 709-722Joo-Sik Yoo
11.Comparison of low Reynolds number k–var epsilon models in simulation of momentum and heat transport under high free stream turbulencePages
12.The effects of inlet turbulence on the development of fluid flow and heat transfer in a helically coiled pipePages 739-751C. X. Lin, M. A. Ebadian
13.Flow transitions in laminar Rayleigh–Bénard convection in a cubical cavity at moderate Rayleigh numbersPages 753-769J. Pallares, F. X. Grau, Francesc Giralt
14.Technical Note Natural convection driven in CO2 near its critical point under terrestrial gravity conditionsPages 771-774Hisao Azuma, Shoichi Yoshihara, Mitsuru Onishi, Koji Ishii, Shunsuke Masuda, Toru Maekawa

Volume 42, Issue 5, Pages 775-960 (1 March 1999)

1.Melting of a subcooled mixed powder bed with constant heat flux heatingPages 775-788Yuwen Zhang, Amir Faghri
2.Heat transfer on a film-cooled rotating blade using different turbulence modelsPages 789-802Vi jay K. Garg
3.Analysis of transient heat/mass transfer and adsorption/desorption interactionsPages 803-819A. G. Fedorov, R. Viskanta
4.Experimental study of double-diffusive convection in a rotating annulus with lateral heatingPages 821-832Jinho Lee, Shin Hyung Kang, Young Seok Son
5.Lid-driven cavity with heat and mass transportPages 833-853N. Alleborn, H. Raszillier, F. Durst
6.Wavy, wavelike, diffusive thermal responses of finite rigid slabs to high-speed heating of laser-pulsesPages 855-860D. W. Tang, N. Araki
7.Coupled heat and mass transfer of a stagnation point flow in a heated porous bed with liquid film evaporationPages 861-872T. S. Zhao
8.Mass transfer in turbulent impinging slot jetsPages 873-887Qian Chen, Vi jay Modi
9.Determination of operation envelopes for closed, two-phase thermosyphonsPages 889-903Mohamed S. El-Genk, Hamed H. Saber
10.Boiling heat transfer coefficients inside a vertical smooth tube for water/ammonia and ammonia lithium nitrate mixturesPages 905-921W. Rivera, R. Best
11.Two- and three-dimensional natural and mixed convection simulation using modular zonal models in buildingsPages 923-940Etienne Wurtz, Jean-Michel Nataf, Frederick Winkelmann
12.Large-eddy simulation of the combined convection around a heated rotating cylinderPages 941-949Rigoberto E. M. Morales, Augusto Balparda, Aristeu Silveira-Neto
13.Thermodynamic optimisation of a heat exchangerPages 951-960R. L. Cornelissen, G. G. Hirs

Volume 42, Issue 6, Pages 961-1156 (1 March 1999)

1.The Lewis number under supercritical conditionsPages 961-970K. Harstad, J. Bellan
2.A probability density function approach to modeling turbulence–radiation interactions in nonluminous flamesPages
3.Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of refrigerant R-134a in a plate heat exchangerPages 993-1006Yi-Yie Yan, Hsiang-Chao Lio, Tsing-Fa Lin
4.Heat transfer from a horizontal wafer-based disk of multi-chip modulesPages 1007-1022Y. R. Shieh, C. J. Li, Y. H. Hung
5.Characteristics of flow instabilities from unstable stratification of density in channel shear layers at low Reynolds numbersPages 1023-1036Supriya Gupta, Phillip M. Ligrani, J. Calvin Giddings
6.Thermoconvective instability in a rotating magnetic fieldPages 1037-1045M. P. Volz, K. Mazuruk
7.Free convection in oblique enclosures filled with a porous mediumPages 1047-1057A. C. Baytas, I. Pop
8.Role of inter- and intraparticle diffusion in nonuniform particle size gasless compacted-powder combustion synthesis—I: formulationPages 1059-1073A. A. M. Oliveira, M. Kaviany
9.Role of inter- and intraparticle diffusion in nonuniform particle size gasless compacted powder combustion synthesis—II: results and comparison with experimentPages
10.The effect of air bubbles on the diffusion-controlled solidification of water and aqueous solutions of ammonium chloridePages 1097-1110Marcus V. A. Bianchi, Raymond Viskanta
11.A numerical investigation of three-dimensional magnetoconvection in rectangular cavitiesPages 1111-1121Ralph Möiner, Ulrich Müller
12.Solution of inverse heat conduction problems using control volume approachPages 1123-1140J. Taler, W. Zima
13.Technical Note Optimization of inlet concentration profile for uniform deposition in a cylindrical chemical vapor deposition chamberPages 1141-1146W. K. Cho, D. H. Choi, M. -u. Kim
14.Technical NoteTurbulent heat transfer from a convex hemispherical surface to a round impinging jetPages 1147-1156Dae Hee Lee, Young Suk Chung, Moo Geun Kim

Volume 42, Issue 7, Pages 1157-1351 (1 April 1999)

1.Investigation of the cooling of hot walls by liquid water spraysPages 1157-1175Michele Ciofalo, Ivan Di Piazza, Valerio Brucato
2.Convective heat transfer in the entrance region of a vertical tube for water near the thermodynamic critical pointPages 1177-1187John R. Howell, Sang H. Lee
3.Boiling liquid nitrogen heat transfer in channels with porous copper insertsPages 1189-1204Tuncer M. Kuzay, Jeffrey T. Collins, Joshua Koons
4.Numerical investigation of buoyancy driven flow in a fluid saturated non-Darcian porous mediumPages 1205-1215P. Nithiarasu, K. N. Seetharamu, T. Sundararajan
5.Effect of an oblique plate on the heat transfer enhancement of mixed convection over heated blocks in a horizontal channelPages 1217-1235Horng-Wen Wu, Shiang-Wuu Perng
6.Modified effective thermal conductivity due to heat dispersion in fibrous porous mediaPages 1237-1254Kuang-Ting Hsiao, Suresh G. Advani
7.Single-phase heat transfer enhancement in a curved, rectangular channel subjected to concave heatingPages 1255-1272J. Christopher Sturgis, Issam Mudawar
8.Thermal conductance of cylindrical jointsPages 1273-1287Chakravarti V. Madhusudana
9.Heat convection from a sphere placed in an oscillating free streamPages 1289-1304R. S. Alassar, H. M. Badr, H. A. Mavromatis
10.A two-equation turbulence model and its application to a buoyant diffusion flamePages 1305-1315Zhenghua Yan, Göran Holmstedt
11.Fluid flow and heat transfer in molten metal stirred by a circular inductorPages 1317-1326Y. W. Cho, S. H. Chung, J. D. Shim, S. Dementev, S. Ivanov
12.Control of Marangoni–Bénard convectionPages 1327-1341Haim H. Bau
13.Technical Note Experimental investigation of turbulent heat transfer and fluid flow in internally finned tubesPages 1343-1351Michael K. Jensen, Alex Vlakancic

Volume 42, Issue 8, Pages 1353-1540 (1 April 1999)

1.The Sparrow–Galerkin solution of radiation exchange and transition to finite elementPages
2.Heat transfer in micro region of a rotating miniature heat pipePages 1363-1369Lanchao Lin, Amir Faghri
3.Experimental and numerical investigation of heat transfer and phase change phenomena during excimer laser interaction with nickelPages 1371-1382X. Xu, G. Chen, K. H. Song
4.Laminar mixed convection correlations for an isothermal cylinder in cross flow at different angles of attackPages 1383-1388A. Bassam, K. Abu-Hijleh
5.Near-wall hydrodynamics in a scale-model circulating fluidized bedPages 1389-1403Peter D. Noymer, Leon R. Glicksman
6.Ultra-high critical heat flux (CHF) for subcooled water flow boiling—I: CHF data and parametric effects for small diameter tubesPages 1405-1428Issam Mudawar, Morris B. Bowers
7.Ultra-high critical heat flux (CHF) for subcooled water flow boiling—II: high-CHF database and design equationsPages 1429-1456David D. Hall, Issam Mudawar
8.Prediction of the critical heat flux in water subcooled flow boiling using a new mechanistic approachPages 1457-1466G. P. Celata, M. Cumo, Y. Katto, A. Mariani
9.Spray evaporation heat transfer of R-141b on a horizontal tube bundlePages 1467-1478T. B. Chang, J. S. Chiou
10.Interfacial breakdown of double-diffusive convective layers by a horizontal temperature gradientPages 1479-1489Tatsuo Nishimura, Yasuyuki Ogata, Soshun Sakura, Alexandru M. Morega
11.Validation of an electronic anti-fouling technology in a single-tube heat exchangerPages 1491-1499Y. i. Choand, Byung-Gap Choi
12.Moisture transport in intensive microwave heating of biomaterials: a multiphase porous media modelPages 1501-1512H. Ni, A. k. Datta, K. e. Torrance
13.A variance propagation algorithm for the computation of heat conduction under stochastic conditionsPages 1513-1520Bart M. Nicolaï, Josse De Baerdemaeker
14.Heat transfer in a three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer with longitudinal vorticesPages 1521-1534S. H. Lee, H. S. Ryou, Y. K. Choi
15.Technical Note Heat transfer in turbulent pipe flow revisited: similarity law for heat and momentum transport in low-Prandtl-number fluidsPages 1535-1540V. Tricoli

Volume 42, Issue 9, Pages 1541-1734 (1 May 1999)

1.An experimental study of flow and heat transfer in sinusoidal wavy passagesPages 1541-1553T. a. Rush, T. a. Newell, A. m. Jacobi
2.Comparative analysis of jet impingement and microchannel cooling for high heat flux applicationsPages 1555-1568D. -Y. Lee, K. Vafai
3.Finite element modelling of heat transfer analysis in machining of isotropic materialsPages 1569-1583M. V. Ramesh, K. N. Seetharamu, N. Ganesan, G. Kuppuswamy
4.Turbulence phenomena in the radio frequency induction plasma torchPages 1585-1595Rubin Ye, Pierre Proulx, Maher I. Boulos
5.Heat transfer coefficient and friction factor correlations for the transitional flow regime in rib-roughened rectangular ductsPages 1597-1615R. Karwa, S. C. Solanki, J. S. Saini
6.Electroconvective heat transfer in a suspension of rod-like akageneite particle (β-FeOOH)Pages 1617-1632M. F. Haque, S. Arajs
7.Thermal and hydrodynamic analysis of the condensation and evaporation processes in horizontal tube desalination plantPages 1633-1644A. d. Al-Ansari, I. Owen
8.Large scale motions in a manipulated turbulent boundary layerPages 1645-1664N. Rashidnia, A. b. Ebiana
9.Orientation effects on pool boiling critical heat flux (CHF) and modeling of CHF for near-vertical surfacesPages
10.Buoyancy driven instability in a horizontal layer of electrically conducting fluid in the presence of a vertical magnetic fieldPages 1689-1706M. Takashima, M. Hirasawa, H. Nozaki
11.The influence of recycle on double-pass heat and mass transfer through a parallel-plate devicePages 1707-1722C. -D. Ho, H. -M. Yeh, W. -S. Sheu
12.Numerical study of coupled electromagnetic and aerothermodynamic phenomena in a circuit breaker electric arcPages 1723-1734Hélène Rachard, Pierre Chévrier, Daniel Henry, Denis Jeandel

Volume 42, Issue 10, Pages 1735-1924 (1 May 1999)

1.Heat transfer in a conjugate heat exchanger with a wavy fin surfacePages 1735-1745S. F. Tsai, T. W. H. Sheu, S. M. Lee
2.EHD-assisted external condensation of R-134a on smooth horizontal and vertical tubesPages 1747-1755K. Cheung, M. M. Ohadi, S. V. Dessiatoun
3.Finite-rate chemistry in modelling of two-dimensional jet premixed CH4/air flamePages 1757-1773X. Zhou, G. Brenner, T. Weber, F. Durst
4.Vaporization, melting and heat conduction in the laser drilling processPages 1775-1790Yuwen Zhang, A. Faghri
5.A heat transfer model for thermal fluctuations in a thin slider/disk air bearingPages 1791-1800S. Zhang, D. B. Bogy
6.Natural convection from a horizontal cylinder in a rectangular cavityPages 1801-1811G. Cesini, M. Paroncini, G. Cortella, M. Manzan
7.The role of the Brinkman number in analysing flow transitions in microchannelsPages 1813-1833C. P. Tso, S. P. Mahulikar
8.Critical heat flux in a long, rectangular channel subjected to one-sided heating—I. flow visualizationPages 1835-1847J. Christopher Sturgis, Issam Mudawar
9.Critical heat flux in a long, rectangular channel subjected to one-sided heating—II. Analysis of critical heat flux dataPages 1849-1862J. C. Sturgis, I. Mudawar
10.An implicit method for reconstructing dynamic three-dimensional phase boundaries under low Peclet number conditionsPages 1863-1884R. G. Keanini
11.Effective thermal conductivity of gas–solid composite materials and the temperature difference effect at high temperaturePages 1885-1893X. -G. Liang, W. Qu
12.Natural convective heat transfer from isothermalconicPages 1895-1907W. M. Lewandowski, S. Szymaski, P. Kubski, E. Radziemska, H. Bieszk, T. Wilczewski
13.Experimental study of surface effect on flow boiling heat transfer in horizontal smooth tubesPages 1909-1918J. Yu, S. Momoki, S. Koyama
14.Technical Note A heat transfer and friction correlation for wavy fin-and-tube heat exchangersPages 1919-1924C. -C. Wang, J. -Y. Jang, N. -F. Chiou

Volume 42, Issue 11, Pages 1925-2117 (1 June 1998)

1.Detailed measurements of local heat transfer coefficients in turbulent flow through smooth and rib-roughened serpentine passages with a 180° sharp bendPages 1925-1934S. Mochizuki, A. Murata, R. Shibata, Wen-Jei Yang
2.Heat transfer and pressure drop during condensation of refrigerant 134a in an axially grooved tubePages 1935-1944D. Graham, J. C. Chato, T. a. Newell
3.Heat transfer and friction correlation for compact louvered fin-and-tube heat exchangersPages 1945-1956C. -C. Wang, C. -J. Lee, C. -T. Chang, S. -P. Lin
4.An empirical investigation into the external heat transfer of a U-bend in cross-flowPages
5.An inverse method for estimation of the initial temperature profile and its evolution in polymer processingPages 1969-1978K. T. Nguyen, M. Prystay
6.Experimental Nusselt numbers for a cubical-cavity benchmark problem in natural convectionPages 1979-1989W. H Leong, K. G. T Hollands, A. p Brunger
7.Non-dimensional size effects on the thermodynamic properties of solidsPages 1991-2001R. S. Prasher, P. e. Phelan
8.Experimental evaluation of constants for the Rohsenow pool boiling correlationPages 2003-2013I. l. Pioro
9.Gravitational and centrifugal buoyancy effects in curved square channels with conjugated boundary conditionsPages 2015-2029T. W. Gyves, T. F. Irvine Jr., M. H. N. Naraghi
10.Heat transfer efficiency of metal honeycombsPages 2031-2040T. J. Lu
11.Suppressing free convection from a flat plate with poor conductor ribsPages 2041-2051I. Sezai, A. a. Mohamad
12.Heat transfer enhancement due to self-sustained oscillating transverse vortices in channels with periodically mounted rectangular barsPages 2053-2062A. Valencia
13.Direct statistical simulation of gas mixture mass transfer in a porous layer with condensation of one of the components and absorption of anotherPages 2063-2069S. Stefanov, A. Frezzotti, V. Levdansky, V. Leitsina, N. Pavlyukevich
14.Measurements of heat transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular duct with alternate attached–detached rib-arraysPages 2071-2083J. P. Tsia, J. J. Hwang
15.Heat transfer in gravity-driven film flow of power-law fluidsPages 2085-2099D. -Y. Shang, H. i. andersson
16.Technical Note Heat transfer characteristics of an axisymmetric jet impinging on the rib-roughened convex surfacePages 2101-2110Y. S. Chung, D. H. Lee, J. S. Lee
17.Technical NoteBuoyant convection in a non-rectangular cavity with non-vertical insulating sidewallsPages 2111-2117G. B. Kim, J. M. Hyun

Volume 42, Issue 12, Pages 2119-2311 (1 June 1999)

1.Estimation of thermal contact resistance during the first stages of metal solidification process: I—experiment principle and modelisationPages 2119-2127T. Loulou, E. A. Artyukhin, J. P. Bardon
2.Estimation of thermal contract resistance during the first stages of metal solidification process: II—experimental setup and resultsPages 2129-2142T. Loulou, E. A. Artyukhin, J. P. Bardon
3.Salt-finger convection generated by thermal and solutal capillary motion in a stratified fluidPages 2143-2159C. L. Chan, C. F. Chen
4.Energy wheel effectiveness: part I—development of dimensionless groupsPages 2161-2170C. J. Simonson, R. W. Besant
5.Energy wheel effectiveness: part II—correlationsPages 2171-2185C. J. Simonson, R. W. Besant
6.Experimental analysis of unsteady heat and moisture transfer around a heated cylinder buried into a porous mediumPages 2187-2198R. E. S. Moya, A. T. Prata, J. A. B. Cunha Neto
7.An experimental study of slot jet impingement cooling on concave surface: effects of nozzle configuration and curvaturePages 2199-2209Geunyoung Yang, Mansoo Choi, Joon Sik Lee
8.Thermal conductivity of polyurethane foamsPages 2211-2217Jhy-Wen Wu, Wen-Fa Sung, Hsin-Sen Chu
9.A fractal geometry model for evaluating permeabilities of porous preforms used in liquid composite moldingPages
10.Ice and water film growth from incoming supercooled dropletsPages 2233-2242T. G. Myers, D. W. Hammond
11.Combined forced and free convection with viscous dissipation in a vertical circular ductPages 2243-2253Antonio Barletta
12.A new application of successive approximation to radiative exchange among surfaces: direct and inverse problemsPages 2255-2267C. -Y. Wu, S. -H. Wu
13.Convective film cooling over a representative turbine blade leading-edgePages 2269-2285Siddharth Thakur, Jeffrey Wright, Wei Shyy
14.Analysis of two-layered micro-channel heat sink concept in electronic coolingPages 2287-2297Kambiz Vafai, Lu Zhu
15.A general modeling for heat transfer during reflux condensation inside vertical tubes surrounded by isothermal fluidPages

Volume 42, Issue 13, Pages 2313-2498 (July 1999)

1.Double-diffusive convection in an annular verticalporous layerPages 2313-2325M. Marcoux, M.-C. Charrier-Mojtabi, M. Azaiez
2.Pseudosteady-state natural convection inside spherical containers partially filled with a porous mediumPages 2327-2336Y. Zhang, J.M. Khodadadi, F. Shen
3.Entropy generation in a rectangular packed duct with wall heat fluxPages 2337-2344Y. Demirel, R. Kahraman
4.Natural convection in rectangular enclosures heated from one side and cooled from the ceilingPages 2345-2355Orhan Aydin, Ahmet Ünal, Teoman Ayhan
5.Turbulent mass transfer in the developing diffusion layer at large Schmidt numbersPages 2357-2362S. Martemyanov, E. Skurygin, J. Legrand
6.3-D numerical modeling of heat transfer between two sliding bodies: temperature and thermal contact resistancePages 2363-2374B. Salti, N. Laraqi
7.Investigation of heat transfer characteristics on various kinds of fin-and-tube heat exchangers with interrupted surfacesPages 2375-2385J.Y. Yun, K.S. Lee
8.Exact solution to stationary onset of convection due to surface tension variationin a multicomponent fluid layer with interfacial deformationPages 2387-2398J.R.L. Skarda, F.e. McCaughan
9.Etude numérique du transfert dechaleur et de masse entre deux plaques planes verticalesen présence dun film de liquide binaireruisselant sur lune des plaques chaufféePages 2399-2418A.Ali Cherif, A. Daı̈f
10.Pressure gradient and variable wall temperature effects during filmwise condensation from downward flowing vapors onto a horizontal tubePages 2419-2426C.-H. Hsu, S.-a. Yang
11.Natural convection of a two-layer fluid inaside-heated cavityPages 2427-2437A.m. Bethancourt L, M. Hashiguchi, K. Kuwahara, J.M. Hyun
12.Elimination of boiling incipience temperature drop in highly wetting fluids using spherical contact with a flat surfacePages 2439-2454S.J Reed, I Mudawar
13.The effect of steady streamwise surface temperature variations on vertical free convectionPages 2455-2464D.a.s. Rees
14.Mixed convection flow in a lid-driven enclosure filled with a fluid-saturated porous mediumPages 2465-2481Khalil M. Khanafer, Ali J. Chamkha
15.Technical Note Pool boiling incipience and vapor bubble growth dynamics in surfactant solutionsPages 2483-2488W.-T Wu, Y.-M Yang, J.-R Maa
16.Technical Note The effect of concave surface curvature on heat transfer from a fully developed round impinging jetPages

Volume 42, Issue 14, Pages 2499-2715 (1 July 1999)

1.Theoretical analysis of spreading and solidification of molten droplet during thermal spray depositionPages 2499-2508H. Zhang
2.Thermal mixed convection induced locally by a step change in surfacetemperature in a Poiseuille flow in the framework of Triple Deck theoryPages 2509-2524Pierre-Yves Lagree
3.Numerical prediction of heat and momentum transfer over micro-grooved surface with a nonlinear k–var epsilon modelPages 2525-2541Moktar Benhalilou, Nobuhide Kasagi
4.Process intensification: heat and mass transfer characteristics of liquid films on rotating discsPages 2543-2556A. Aoune, C. Ramshaw
5.Heat and mass transfer with phase change in aporous structure partially heated: continuum model andpore network simulationsPages 2557-2569C. Figus, Y. Le Bray, S. Bories, M. Prat
6.Chaotic mixing and mass transfer enhancement bypulsatile laminar flow in an axisymmetric wavy channelPages
7.Plane contact problem for a layer involving frictional heatingPages 2583-2589V. J. Pauk
8.Cyclic steady thermal response of rapidly switchedfixed-bed heat regenerators in counterflowPages 2591-2604F. de Monte
9.Frost formation in rotary heat and moisture exchangersPages 2605-2619S. Bilodeau, P. Brousseau, M. Lacroix, Y. Mercadier
10.Free convection boundary-layer flow along a vertical surface in a porous medium with Newtonian heatingPages
11.Secondary flow andenhancement of heat transfer in horizontalparallel-plate and convergent channelsheating from belowPages 2629-2647C. Gau, C. W. Liu, T. M. Huang, Win Aung
12.Solutions of Luikov equations of heat and masstransfer in capillary porous bodies through matrixcalculus: a new approachPages 2649-2660R. N. Pandey, S. K. Srivastava, M. D. Mikhailov
13.Inverse problem of coupled heat and moisturetransport for prediction of moisture distributions in anannular cylinderPages 2661-2672Win-Jin Chang, Cheng-I Weng
14.Effect of anisotropy on transport phenomena in anisotropic porous mediaPages 2673-2681J. H. Yang, S. L. Lee
15.Experimental and theoretical study of one- and two-component droplet vaporization in a high pressure environmentPages 2683-2694J. Stengele, K. Prommersberger, M. Willmann, S. Wittig
16.A non-equilibrium internal exchange of energy andmatter and its Onsagers-type variational theory ofrelaxationPages 2695-2715Stanislaw Sieniutycz, Antony N. Beris

Volume 42, Issue 15, Pages 2717-3017 (1 August 1999)

1.Heat transfer—a review of 1995 literaturePages 2717-2797E. r. g. Eckert, R. J. Goldstein, W. e. Ibele, S. V. Patankar, T. W. Simon, P. J. Strykowski, K. K. Tamma, T. H. Kuehn, A. Bar-Cohen, J. V. R. Heberlein, J. H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F. Kulacki, U. Kortshagen
2.Book ReviewPages 2799-2810
3.Stability of thermally driven shear flows in long inclined cavities with end-to-end temperature differencePages 2811-2822R. Delgado-Buscalioni, E. Crespo del Arco
4.Particle dispersion in forced isotropic low-Mach-number turbulencePages 2823-2836F. Mashayek, F. A. Jaberi
5.Momentum and heat transfer in a power-law fluid with arbitrary injection/suction at a moving wallPages 2837-2847J. H. Rao, D. R. Jeng, K. J. De Witt
6.Computational study of laminar flow and mass transfer around a surface-mounted obstaclePages 2849-2861G. B. Ngo Boum, S. Martemianov, A. Alemany
7.Thermal non-equilibrium effect on stabilities of falling liquid filmsPages 2863-2868B. X. Wang, J. T. Zhang, X. F. Peng
8.Characterization of two-phase flow patterns in small diameter round and rectangular tubesPages 2869-2881John W. Coleman, Srinivas Garimella
9.Conjugate heat transfer during two-phase solidification process in a continuously moving metal using average heat capacity methodPages 2883-2895M. Ruhul Amin, David Greif
10.Effects of vertical fins on local heat transfer performance in a horizontal fluid layerPages 2897-2903Shigeaki Inada, Tsuyoshi Taguchi, Wen-Jei Yang
11.A new approach for the study of turbulent boundarylayers with blowingPages 2905-2920J. Bellettre, F. Bataille, A. Lallemand
12.Pulsed radial jet reattachment nozzlePages 2921-2933D. L. James, J. a. Castleberry, J. Y. Pak
13.Heat transfer behavior of a temperature-dependent non-Newtonian fluid with Reiner–Rivlin model in a 2 : 1 rectangular ductPages 2935-2942Sehyun
14.Influence of sweeping on dropwise condensation with varying body force and surface subcoolingPages 2943-2953C. Yamali, H. Merte Jr.
15.Mixed convection heat and mass transfer in rectangular ducts rotating about a parallel axisPages 2955-2965Wei-Mon Yan
16.Transient coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer in an absorbing, emitting and scattering mediumPages 2967-2980Heping Tan, Liming Ruan, Xinlin Xia, Qizheng Yu, Timothy W. Tong
17.Experiments on melting of slush ice in a horizontal cylindrical capsulePages 2981-2990Tsuyoshi Kawanami, Shoichiro Fukusako, Masahiko Yamada, Kenji Itoh
18.Etude analytique et numérique de la convection naturelle dans une couche poreuse de Brinkman doublement diffusivePages 2991-3005A. Amahmid, M. Hasnaoui, P. Vasseur
19.Technical Note Marangoni instability of a layer of binary liquid in the presence of nonlinear Soret effectPages 3007-3011S. Slavtchev, G. Simeonov, S. Van Vaerenbergh, J. C. Legros
20.Technical Note Numerical evaluation of the Graetz seriesPages 3013-3017Christos Housiadas, Francisco Ezquerra Larrode, Yannis Drossinos

Volume 42, Issue 16, Pages 3019-3194 (August 1999)

1.Experimental study on interfacial area transport in bubbly two-phase flowsPages 3019-3035Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii
2.Control of fouling in a spirally-ribbed water chilled tube with electronic anti-fouling technologyPages 3037-3046Young I. Cho, Rong Liu
3.Local heat transfer measurements of an orthogonally rotating square duct with angled rib turbulatorsPages 3047-3056Akira Murata, Sadanari Mochizuki, Tatsuji Takahashi
4.Stochastic modeling of nonisothermal flow during resin transfer moldingPages 3057-3070S. K. Padmanabhan, R. Pitchumani
5.Instability of condensate film and capillary blocking in small-diameter-thermosyphon condensersPages
6.An analytical near wall solution for the κ–ε model for transpired boundary layer flowsPages 3085-3096M. R. Avelino, J. Su, A. P. Silva Freire
7.Appraisal of a hot-wire temperature compensation technique for velocity measurements in non-isothermal flowsPages 3097-3102S. J. Ball, S. Ashforth-Frost, K. Jambunathan, C. F. Whitney
8.Natural convection over a non-isothermal vertical platePages 3103-3112M. Havet, D. Blay
9.Heat transfer to liquid drops passing through an immiscible liquid medium between tilted parallel-plate electrodesPages 3113-3129T. Mochizuki, T. Nozaki, Y. H. Mori, N. Kaji
10.Heat transfer in a Bénard–Kármán vortex street in air and in waterPages 3131-3136J. C. Lecordier, F. Dumouchel, P. Paranthoën
11.Digital computer simulation of dropwise condensation from equilibrium droplet to detectable sizePages 3137-3146B. M. Burnside, H. A. Hadi
12.Turbulent heat transfer to near-critical water in a heated curved pipe under the conditions of mixed convectionPages 3147-3158L. J. Li, C. X. Lin, M. A. Ebadian
13.On the parametric excitation of thermoelectric instability in a liquid layer open to airPages 3159-3168B. L. Smorodin, G. Z. Gershuni, M. G. Velarde
14.On the choice of the reference temperature for fully-developed mixed convection in a vertical channelPages 3169-3181A. Barletta, E. Zanchini
15.Angular and transient characteristics of circular electrochemical friction probesPages 3183-3188P. I. Geshev, N. S. Safarova
16.Critical heat flux during natural circulation boiling on uniformly heated outer tube in vertical annular tubes submerged in saturated liquid (change in critical heat flux characteristics due to heated equivalent diameter)Pages 3189-3194Masanori Monde, Yuichi Mitsutake, Masanori Hayasi

Volume 42, Issue 17, Pages 3195-3371 (September 1999)

1.Estimation of thermal effects in cavitation of thermosensible liquidsPages 3195-3204Daniel H. Fruman, Jean-Luc Reboud, Benoît Stutz
2.Heat transfer in crossflow regeneratorsPages 3205-3216J. J. Saastamoinen
3. model to predict thermal fieldsPages 3217-3230C. B. Hwang, C. A. Lin
4.3-D numerical analysis of natural convective liquid cooling of a 3×3 heater array in rectangular enclosuresPages 3231-3244S. K. W. Tou, C. P. Tso, X. Zhang
5.Local thermal nonequilibrium effects in forced convection in a porous medium channel: a conjugate problemPages 3245-3252D. A. Nield, A. V. Kuznetsov
6.Measurement of doorway flow field in multi-enclosure building firesPages 3253-3265Yaping He
7.Packing size and shape effects on forced convection in large rectangular packed ducts with asymmetric heatingPages 3267-3277Y. Demirel, B. A. Abu-Al-Saud, H. H. Al-Ali, Y. Makkawi
8.Prandtl number effect on bifurcation and dual solutions in natural convection in a horizontal annulusPages 3279-3290Joo-Sik Yoo
9.Non-isothermal laminar flow and heat transfer between disks corotating in a fixed enclosurePages 3291-3306Joan Herrero, Fransesc Giralt, Joseph A. C. Humphrey
10.Mass diffusion-controlled bubbling and optimum schedule of thermal degradation of polymeric binders in molded powdersPages 3307-3329A. A. M. Oliveira, M. Kaviany, K. E. Hrdina, J. W. Halloran
11.Finite element method for simulation of 3-D form filling with incompressible fluidPages 3331-3336I. H. Katzarov
12.Rayleigh–Bénard stability of a solidifying porous mediumPages 3337-3350C. Mackie, P. Desai, C. Meyers
13.Numerical investigation of solidification processes of cylindrical ingots in a metal mould at variable technological circumstancesPages 3351-3359T. P. Chernogorova, P. N. Vabishchevich
14.Shape and topology design for heat conduction by Evolutionary Structural OptimizationPages 3361-3371Qing Li, Grant P. Steven, Osvaldo M. Querin, Y. M. Xie

Volume 42, Issue 18, Pages 3373-3548 (September 1999)

1.On departure from local thermal equilibrium in porous media due to a rapidly changing heat source: the Sparrow numberPages 3373-3385W. J. Minkowycz, A. Haji-Sheikh, K. Vafai
2.A three-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem in estimating surface heat flux by conjugate gradient methodPages
3.Analysis of cylindrical heat pipes incorporating the effects of liquid–vapor coupling and non-Darcian transport—a closed form solutionPages 3405-3418N. Zhu, K. Vafai
4.Effects of anisotropy and boundary plates on the critical values of a porous medium heated from belowPages 3419-3430Michael R. GustafsonII, Laurens E. Howle
5.Influence of molecular vibration and transport model on computation of the wall heat fluxPages 3431-3445Gennaro Zuppardi, Federico De Filippis
6.Enhancement of condensate drainage from a horizontal integral-fin tube by means of a solid stripPages 3447-3459Marian Trela, Dariusz Butrymowicz
7.Fin efficiency of annular fins made of two materialsPages 3461-3467S. Lalot, C. Tournier, M. Jensen
8.The influence of soot loading on weighted sum of grey gases solutions to the radiative transfer equation across mixtures of gases and sootPages 3469-3480N. W. Bressloff
9.Conditional analysis of turbulent heat transport in a quasi two-dimensional wake interacting with a boundary layerPages 3481-3494G. A. Sideridis, E. G. Kastrinakis, S. G. Nychas
10.Numerical simulation of vortex shedding past a circular cylinder under the influence of buoyancyPages 3495-3507B. S. Varaprasad Patnaik, P. A. Aswatha Narayana, K. N. Seetharamu
11.Analysis of local shellside heat and mass transfer in the shell-and-tube heat exchanger with disc-and-doughnut bafflesPages 3509-3521H. Li, V. Kottke
12.Transient cool-down of a porous medium in pulsating flowPages 3523-3527J. W. Paek, B. H. Kang, J. M. Hyun
13.Vortex motion influencing sphere heating—Reynolds analogy revisitedPages 3529-3531M. Masoudi
14.Uniform transpiration effect on combined heat and mass transfer by natural convection over a cone in saturated porous media: uniform wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass fluxPages 3533-3537K. A. Yih
15.Similarity solutions of stationary thermoelasticity with the frictional heatingPages 3539-3544A. Yevtushenko, S. Koniechny
16.Free convective mass transfer at up-pointing pyramids of constant inclined lengthPages 3545-3548J. Krýsa, F. Iino, A. A. Wragg

Volume 42, Issue 19, Pages 3557-3725 (October 1999)

1.On the homoclinic orbit for convection in a fluid layer heated from belowPages 3557-3561P. Vadasz
2.Enhancement of liquid forced convection heat transfer in microchannels due to the release of dissolved noncondensablesPages 3563-3573T. M. Adams, S. M. Ghiaasiaan, S. I. Abdel-Khalik
3.A moving-boundary nodal model for the analysis of the stability of boiling channelsPages 3575-3584Veronica B. Garea, Donald A. Drew, Richard T. LaheyJr
4.Constructal trees of circular fins for conductive and convective heat transferPages 3585-3597A. Alebrahim, A. Bejan
5.Boundary layer flows in a vertical porous enclosure induced by opposing buoyancy forcesPages 3599-3608A. Amahmid, M. Hasnaoui, M. Mamou, P. Vasseur
6.Improving the performance of double-pipe heat exchangers by using porous substratesPages 3609-3618M. K. Alkam, M. A. Al-Nimr
7.Experimental study of a double-diffusive two-layer system in a laterally heated enclosurePages
8.The temperature distribution and heat transfer in anisotropic electromechanical converterPages 3631-3641D. Spalek
9.Growth and collapse of a vapor bubble in a small tubePages 3643-3657H. Yuan, H. N. Oguz, A. Prosperetti
10.An experimental investigation of the melting process in a rectangular enclosurePages 3659-3672Y. Wang, A. Amiri, K. Vafai
11.A direct numerical simulation of natural convection between two infinite vertical differentially heated walls scaling laws and wall functionsPages 3673-3693T. A. M. Versteegh, F. T. M. Nieuwstadt
12.Numerical modeling of the distribution of radionuclides in porous media for strong damage to underground nuclear power stationPages 3695-3705N. A. Kudryashov, S. N. Kolobanov
13.Effect of inviscid stagnation flow on the freezing of fluid—a theoretical analysisPages 3707-3714J. -S. Yoo
14.Modeling the effects of a magnetic field or rotation on flow in a porous medium: momentum equation and anisotropic permeability analogyPages 3715-3718D. A. Nield
15.CorrespondencePages 3719-3721
16.CorrespondencePage 3721
17.CorrespondencePages 3722-3724
18.ErratumPage 3725

Volume 42, Issue 20, Pages 3727-3899 (October 1999)

1.The effect of Schmidt number on turbulent scalar mixing in a jet-in-crossflowPages 3727-3738Guangbin He, Yanhu Guo, Andrew T. Hsu
2.Conduction trees with spacings at the tipsPages 3739-3756Majed Almogbel, Adrian Bejan
3.Heat/mass transfer characteristics in two-pass smooth channels with a sharp 180-deg turnPages 3757-3770M. Hirota, H. Fujita, A. Syuhada, S. Araki, T. Yoshida, T. Tanaka
4.Semi-analytical solution for heat transfer from a buried pipe with convection on the exposed surfacePages 3771-3786Mo Chung, Pyung-Suk Jung, Roger H. Rangel
5.The effect of streamwise vortices on the frost growth rate in developing laminar channel flowsPages 3787-3802B. D. Storey, A. M. Jacobi
6.Effect of cross-sectional aspect ratio on turbulent heat transfer in an orthogonally rotating rectangular smooth ductPages 3803-3814Akira Murata, Sadanari Mochizuki
7.Thermal patterns on the smooth and rough walls in turbulent flowsPages 3815-3829G. Hetsroni, A. Mosyak, R. Rozenblit, L. P. Yarin
8.Critical heat flux in a long, curved channel subjected to concave heatingPages 3831-3848J. Christopher Sturgis, Issam Mudawar
9.Free convection from a point source of heat, and heat transfer from spheres at small Grashof numbersPages 3849-3860V. N. Kurdyumov, A. Liñán
10.Transfert thermique pour l’écoulement en canalisation cylindrique de fluides à seuil: cas du refroidissement à coefficient d’échange constantPages 3861-3871K. Javaherdeh, R. Devienne
11.Heat transfer by fully developed flow and viscous heating in a vertical channel with prescribed wall heat fluxesPages 3873-3885Antonio Barletta
12.Similarity of transport processes in fluidized bedsPages 3887-3899Yu. S. Teplitskiy

Volume 42, Issue 21, Pages 3905-4077 (November 1999)

1.Study of heat transfer in horizontal bare and finned annuliPages 3905-3917M. -I. Farinas, A. Garon, K. St-Louis, M. Lacroix
2.Effect of small vortex-generators on scalar mixing in the developing region of a turbulent jetPages 3919-3926J. Mi, G. J. Nathan
3.Numerical study of transient natural convection in a cavity heated periodically with different types of excitationsPages 3927-3941E. K. Lakhal, M. Hasnaoui, P. Vasseur
4.Thermophysical property measurements of building materials in a periodic statePages 3943-3958Omar Douzane, Jean-Marc Roucoult, Thierry Langlet
5.Many-length scale fractal model for turbulent mixing of reactantsPages 3959-3966V.
6.Development and validation of an advanced turbulence model for buoyancy driven flows in enclosuresPages 3967-3981F. Liu, J. X. Wen
7.Turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in low Prandtl-number fluidsPages 3983-4003S. Horanyi, L. Krebs, U. Müller
8.Detailed heat transfer characteristic comparison in straight and 90-deg turned trapezoidal ducts with pin-fin arraysPages 4005-4016Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Chau-Chin Lui
9.Combined free and forced convection laminar film condensation on an inclined circular tube with isothermal surfacePages 4017-4025M. Mosaad
10.Second law analysis of a swirling flow in a circular duct with restrictionPages 4027-4041B. S. Yilbas, S. Z. Shuja, M. O. Budair
11.Effect of temporal variation of pressure on vaporization of liquid dropletsPages 4043-4054W. J. Sheu, N. C. Liou
12.Gas pressure on the surface of condensed phase in a resonance radiation fieldPages 4055-4063V. V. Levdansky
13.Scaling in a circulating fluidized bed: particle concentration and heat transfer coefficient in a transport zonePages
14.Analytical characterization and conceptual assessment of solid and fluid temperature differentials in porous media [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 42 (1999) 423-435]Page 4077D. Y. Lee, K. Vafai

Volume 42, Issue 22, Pages 4081-4258 (November 1999)

1.Heat transfer in a swirl chamber at different temperature ratios and Reynolds numbersPages 4081-4091C. R. Hedlund, P. M. Ligrani, B. Glezer, H. -K. Moon
2.Heat transfer and fluid flow of natural convection around large horizontal cylindersPages 4093-4106K. Kitamura, F. Kami-iwa, T. Misumi
3.Condensation/evaporation coefficient and velocity distributions at liquid–vapor interfacePages 4107-4116Takaharu Tsuruta, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Takashi Masuoka
4.Direct simulation of natural convection cooling in a vertical circular cylinderPages 4117-4130Wenxian Lin, S. W. Armfield
5.Theoretical analysis of wafer temperature dynamics in a low pressure chemical vapor deposition reactorPages 4131-4142Il-Kyoung Kim, Woo-Seung Kim
6.Optimization of the inlet velocity profile for uniform epitaxial growth in a vertical metalorganic chemical vapor deposition reactorPages 4143-4152W. K. Cho, D. H. Choi, M. -U. Kim
7.Vortex flow of low concentration NH4Cl–H2O solution during the solidification processPages 4153-4163S. Y. Wang, C. X. Lin, M. A. Ebadian
8.Heat transfer and chemical reactions in exhaust system of a cold-start enginePages 4165-4183S. H. Chan, D. L. Hoang
9.Natural convection in a cylindrical porous cavity with internal heat source: a numerical study with Brinkman-extended Darcy modelPages 4185-4195H.
10.Melting of unfixed material in spherical capsule with non-isothermal wallPages 4197-4205S. A. Fomin, T. S. Saitoh
11.Three-dimensional pore network simulation of drying in capillary porous mediaPages 4207-4224Y. Le Bray, M. Prat
12.Entropy generation due to laminar natural convection over a heated rotating cylinderPages 4225-4233Bassam A. K. Abu-Hijleh, Waleed N. Heilen
13.Mathematical and experimental modelling of quenching a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis processPages 4235-4252B. M. Khusid, V. V. Kulebyakin, E. A. Bashtovaya, B. B. Khina
14.The onset of thermal convection in an initially, stably stratified fluid layerPages

Volume 42, Issue 23, Pages 4259-4426 (December 1999)

1.An inverse natural convection problem of estimating the strength of a heat sourcePages 4259-4273H.M. Park, O.Y. Chung
2.Inverse heat conduction problem of determining time-dependent heat transfer coefficientPages 4275-4285Somchart Chantasiriwan
3.Frequency response of bodies with combined convective and radiative heat transferPages 4287-4297Mark A. Hadley, Gary J. Morris, George Richards, P.C. Upadhyay
4.Effect of radiation on natural convection about a truncated conePages 4299-4305K.A Yih
5.An inverse design problem of estimating optimal shape of cooling passages in turbine bladesPages
6.Fully developed forced convection through trapezoidal and hexagonal ductsPages 4321-4331Rajashankar Sadasivam, Raj M. Manglik, Milind A. Jog
7.Film cooling subject to bulk flow pulsations: effects of blowing ratio, freestream velocity, and pulsation frequencyPages 4333-4344C.M Bell, P.M Ligrani, W.A Hull, C.M Norton
8.Effect of wall electrical conductivity and magnetic field orientation on liquid metal flow in a geometry similar to the horizontal Bridgman configuration for crystal growthPages
9.Measurements and theoretical modelling of the effective thermal conductivity of zeolitesPages
10.Solidification inside an axially rotating pipe containing a turbulent liquid flowPages 4375-4389K.-J. Rinck, H. Beer
11.Test of several versions for the k–ε type turbulence modelling of internal mixed convection flowsPages 4391-4409J.J. Costa, L.A. Oliveira, D. Blay
12.Applicability of traditional turbulent single-phase forced convection correlations to non-circular microchannelsPages 4411-4415T.M Adams, M.F Dowling, S.I Abdel-Khalik, S.M Jeter
13.Natural convection heat and mass transfer in partially heated vertical parallel platesPages 4417-4425Kuan-Tzong Lee

Volume 42, Issue 24, Pages 4427-4578 (December 1999)

2.Study of double-diffusive velocity during the solidification process using particle image velocimetryPages 4427-4445S. Y. Wang, C. X. Lin, M. A. Ebadian
3.Fourier analysis of conjugate gradient method applied to inverse heat conduction problemsPages
4.Effects of leading-wall blowing/suction on mixed convective phenomena in a radially rotating multiple-pass ductPages 4461-4474Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Yeong-Pei Tsai, Wei-Jyh Wang, Dong-Yu Lai
5.Microexplosion of aluminum slurry dropletsPages 4475-4486Do Young Byun, Seung Wook Baek, Ju Hyeong Cho
6.Thermoconvective instability in a horizontal porous cavity saturated with cold waterPages 4487-4500M. Mamou, L. Robillard, P. Vasseur
7.A 3-D version of TransPore: a comprehensive heat and mass transfer computational model for simulating the drying of porous mediaPages 4501-4521Patrick Perré, Ian W. Turner
8.Laminar natural convection heat and mass transfer in vertical rectangular ductsPages 4523-4534Kuan-Tzong Lee
9.Modelling of scattering and absorption coefficients for a polydispersionPages 4535-4548Miguel Caldas, Viriato Semião
10.Homogeneous turbulence evolution in a stably stratified flow—III. Near time span at low inverse Froude number and distant time span at arbitrary Froude numberPages 4549-4565V. A. Babenko
11.Analysis of the absorption process on a horizontal tube using Navier–Stokes equations with surface-tension effectsPages 4567-4578J. K. Min, D. H. Choi

Volume 43, Issue 1, Pages 1-163 (January 2000)

1.EditorialPage 1
2.The importance of turbulence modelling in the design of a novel delivery system for a single-belt steel casting processPages 21-37Pedro Gutemberg Q. Netto, Roderick I. L. Guthrie
3.Effect of fin spacing on convection in a plate fin and tube heat exchangerPages 39-51Ricardo Romero-Méndez, Mihir Sen, K. T. Yang, Rodney McClain
4.Conjugate forced convection and heat conduction with freezing of water content in a plate shaped foodPages 53-67Nelson O. Moraga, Enzo E. Medina
5.Heat transfer in a liquid film on an unsteady stretching surfacePages 69-74Helge I.
6.Nonlinear aspects of boiling systems and a new method for predicting the pool nucleate boiling heat transferPages
7.Evaporative heat transfer from thin liquid film on a heated cylinderPages 85-99J. Jiang, Y. -X. Tao, L. Byrd
8.Plasma flow over an array of particlesPages 101-111Alok Verma, Milind A. Jog
9.Constrained optimal duct shapes for conjugate laminar forced convectionPages 113-126T. S. Fisher, K. E. Torrance
10.Energy transfer between an aerosol particle and gas at high temperature ratios in the Knudsen transition regimePages 127-138A. V. Filippov, D. E. Rosner
11.Analytical solution for the potential flow through the wall of n-sided hollow cylinders of regular polygonal cross-sectionPages 139-145Markus Nickolay, Carsten Cramer, Holger Martin
12.Effect of disuniformities in vapor saturation pressure and coolant velocity on vapor back flow phenomena in single-pass air-cooled condensersPages 147-159Giampietro Fabbri
13.CorrespondencePages 161-162
14.CorrespondencePages 162-163

Volume 43, Issue 2, Pages 167-332 (January 2000)

1.Inlet subcooling effect on heat and mass transfer characteristics in a laminar film flowPages
2.Simultaneous heat and mass transfer during the ascension of superheated bubblesPages 179-189F. B. Campos, P. L. C. Lage
3.Power extraction from a hot stream in the presence of phase changePages 191-201J. V. C. Vargas, J. C. Ordóñez, A. Bejan
4.Study on bubble dynamics for pool nucleate boilingPages 203-208Chunxin Yang, Yuting Wu, Xiugan Yuan, Chongfang Ma
5.Liquid cooling for a multichip module using Fluorinert liquid and paraffin slurryPages 209-218Mingoo Choi, Keumnam Cho
6.A numerical study on the transient heat transfer from a sphere at high Reynolds and Peclet numbersPages 219-229Zhi-Gang Feng, Efstathios E. Michaelides
7.Asymptotic analysis of radiation extinction of stretched premixed flamesPages 231-239Yiguang Ju, Goro Masuya, Fengshan Liu, Yuji Hattori, Dirk Riechelmann
8.A dry-spot model of critical heat flux applicable to both pool boiling and subcooled forced convection boilingPages 241-250Sang Jun Ha, Hee Cheon No
9.Fluid flow and heat transfer over straight and curved rough surfacesPages 251-262A. B. Turner, S. E. Hubbe-Walker, F. J. Bayley
10.Shape of a pore trapped in solid during solidificationPages 263-280P. S. Wei, Y. K. Kuo, S. H. Chiu, C. Y. Ho
11.Pressure and power generation during explosive vaporization on a thin-film microheaterPages
12.Convective instability in a time-dependent buoyancy driven boundary layerPages 297-310A. M. H. Brooker, J. C. Patterson, T. Graham, W. Schöpf
13.Temperature response in absorbing, isotropic scattering medium caused by laser pulsePages 311-320Heping Tan, Liming Ruan, Timothy W. Tong
14.Transient vertical mixing by natural convection in a wide layerPages 321-325Michael Epstein, J. P. Burelbach
15.On the effective heat transfer parameters in a packed bedPages 327-332Y. Demirel, R. N. Sharma, H. H. Al-Ali

Volume 43, Issue 3, Pages 333-491 (February 2000)

1.Crystal ice formation of solution and its removal phenomena at cooled horizontal solid surface: Part I: ice removal phenomenaPages 333-339Tetsuo Hirata, Koji Nagasaka, Masaaki Ishikawa
2.Numerical analysis of solutal convection in rotating shallow electrochemical cellsPages 341-351F. -B. Weng, Y. Kamotani, S. Ostrach
3.Pressure-driven water flows in trapezoidal silicon microchannelsPages 353-364Qu Weilin, Gh. Mohiuddin Mala, Li Dongqing
4.Solution structure of hyperbolic heat-conduction equationPages 365-373Liqiu Wang
5.An experimental study of the flow stabilization in a channel with a swirled periphery jetPages 375-386E. P. Volchkov, V. P. Lebedev, V. I. Terekhov, N. E. Shishkin
6.Asymptotic evolution of a passive scalar field advected by an homogeneous turbulent shear flowPages 387-397M. Gonzalez
7.Three-dimensional conjugate heat transfer in the microchannel heat sink for electronic packagingPages 399-415Andrei G. Fedorov, Raymond Viskanta
8.Heat transfer enhancement of finned oval tubes with staggered punched longitudinal vortex generatorsPages
9.Estimate of the diffusion coefficient in Co based liquidsPages 437-445C. Allibert, Ph Marty, A. Gagnoud, Y. Fautrelle
10.Natural convection heat transfer around horizontal tube in vertical slotPages 447-455Wojciech T. Konka
11.Flow and heat transfer characteristics of backward-facing step laminar flow in a rectangular ductPages 457-471Hiroshi Iwai, Kazuyoshi Nakabe, Kenjiro Suzuki
12.The effects of duct inclination angle on laminar mixed convective flows over a backward-facing stepPages 473-485Hiroshi Iwai, Kazuyoshi Nakabe, Kenjiro Suzuki, Koji Matsubara
13.Double-pass heat or mass transfer through a parallel-plate channel with recyclePages 487-491Ho-Ming Yeh, Chii-Dong Ho, Wen-Song Sheu

Volume 43, Issue 4, Pages 493-652 (February 2000)

1.Conductive mass transport from a semi-infinite lattice of particlesPages 493-504C. Pozrikidis
2.An experimental study of heat transfer from a cylinder in low-amplitude zero-mean oscillatory flowsPages
3.Effects of phonon pore scattering and pore randomness on effective conductivity of porous siliconPages
4.Effective thermal conductivity of frost during the crystal growth periodPages 539-553Ahmet Z. ahin
5.The effect of nozzle aspect ratio on stagnation region heat transfer characteristics of elliptic impinging jetPages 555-575Jungho Lee, Sang-Joon Lee
6.Lattice Boltzmann scheme for cooling of packed cut flowersPages 577-587R. G. M. van der Sman, M. H. Ernst, A. C. Berkenbosch
7.Linear stability of mixed convection flows in horizontal rectangular channels of finite transversal extension heated from belowPages 589-610X. Nicolas, J. -M. Luijkx, J. -K. Platten
8.Free convection near a stagnation point in a porous medium resulting from an oscillatory wall temperaturePages 611-621J. H. Merkin, I. Pop
9.Conduction through a grooved surface and Sierpinsky fractalsPages 623-628A. R. Kacimov, Yu. V. Obnosov
10.Trapping of impurity molecules in condensation from mixtures of gasesPages 629-637V. V. Levdansky, J. Smolik, P. Moravec
11.Surface temperature of a flat plate of finite thickness under conjugate laminar forced convection heat transfer conditionPages 639-642Kikuji Chida
12.Experimental results of the time to the onset of ice formation at metal surface and a correlation based on a sub-layer reactor modelPages 643-652Xiao Dong Chen, Ping Chen, Kevin W. Free

Volume 43, Issue 5, Pages 653-847 (March 2000)

1.Effect of interface thermal resistance on heat transfer in a composite medium using the thermal wave modelPages 653-663Whey-Bin Lor, Hsin-Sen Chu
2.Revisiting the Reynolds-averaged energy equation in near-wall turbulence modelsPages 665-676Keh-Chin Chang, Ming-Juin Shyu
3.The effect of free-floating dendrites and convection on macrosegregation in direct chill cast aluminum alloys: Part I: model developmentPages 677-686Christopher J. Vreeman, Matthew John M. Krane, Frank P. Incropera
4.The effect of free-floating dendrites and convection on macrosegregation in direct chill cast aluminum alloys: Part II: predictions for Al–Cu and Al–Mg alloysPages 687-704Christopher J. Vreeman, Frank P. Incropera
5.Subcritical transitions to chaos and hysteresis in a fluid layer heated from belowPages 705-724Peter Vadasz
6.Forced convection with slug flow and viscous dissipation in a rectangular ductPages 725-740A. Barletta, B. Pulvirenti
7.Analytical determination of the temperature distribution and Nusselt numbers in rectangular ducts with constant axial heat fluxPages 741-755Gian Luca Morini
8.Crystal ice formation of solution and its removal phenomena at cooled horizontal solid surface: Part II: onset of ice removal conditionPages 757-765Tetsuo Hirata, Mitsutoshi Kato, Koji Nagasaka, Masaaki Ishikawa
9.Optimum shape and dimensions of ducts for convective heat transfer in laminar flow at constant wall temperaturePages 767-775Alper Yilmaz, Orhan Büyükalaca, Tuncay Yilmaz
10.Evaporative cooling of continuously drawn glass fibers by water spraysPages 777-790Matthew Sweetland, John H. Lienhard V
11.Echange thermique convectif local dans la zone de recirculation en aval d’une marcheInfluence of the characteristics of a aerodynamically perturbated flow on the local heat transfer by convection from a wallPages 791-806Fredáric Boizumault, Souad Harmand, Bernard Desmet
12.Mass transfer within the gas-phase of porous mediaPages 807-823W. Kast, C. -R. Hohenthanner
13.Natural convection around horizontal downward-facing plate with rectangular grooves: experiments and numerical simulationsPages 825-838C. E. Kwak, T. H. Song
14.‘Wall-adjacent layer’ analysis for developed-flow laminar heat transfer of gases in microchannelsPages 839-847Jun-Ming Li, Bu-Xuan Wang, Xiao-Feng Peng

Volume 43, Issue 6, Pages 849-1050 (March 2000)

1.Low turbulence natural convection in an air filled square cavity: Part I: the thermal and fluid flow fieldsPages 849-866Y. S. Tian, T. G. Karayiannis
2.Low turbulence natural convection in an air filled square cavity: Part II: the turbulence quantitiesPages 867-884Y. S. Tian, T. G. Karayiannis
3.Flow bifurcation and heat transfer in a spherical gapPages 885-899W. -J. Luo, R. -J. Yang
4.Flow transition in a multilouvered fin arrayPages 901-919D. K. Tafti, G. Wang, W. Lin
5.Heat transfer analysis of a diffusion flame leading edge near a cold, chemically inert surfacePages
6.Ray effect mitigation in jet fire radiation modellingPages 935-943P. S. Cumber
7.The effect of hydrodynamic conditions on heat transfer in a complex viscoplastic flow fieldPages 945-962Khaled J. Hammad
8.A computational study of transient plane front solidification of alloys in a Bridgman apparatus under microgravity conditionsPages 963-980V. Timchenko, P. Y. P. Chen, E. Leonardi, G. de Vahl Davis, R. Abbaschian
9.Radiative characteristics of fibers with a large size parameterPages 981-991Jun Yamada, Yasuo Kurosaki
10.Temperature decay in two-phase turbulent flowsPages 993-1005F. A. Jaberi, F. Mashayek
11.Combined evaporating meniscus-driven convection and radiation in annular microchannels for electronics cooling applicationPages 1007-1023C. P. Tso, S. P. Mahulikar
12.The effect of surfactants on interfacial mass transfer in binary liquid–liquid systemsPages 1025-1034D. Agble, M. A. Mendes-Tatsis
13.The heating, by viscous dissipation, of liquids flowing across an enclosed rotating discPages

Volume 43, Issue 7, Pages 1053-1270 (April 2000)

1.Phasewise numerical integration of finite element method applied to solidification processesPages 1053-1066N. Nigro, A. Huespe, V. Fachinotti
2.Combined laminar forced convection and thermal radiation in a helical pipePages 1067-1078B. Zheng, C. X. Lin, M. A. Ebadian
3.Acoustic wave prediction in flowing steam–water two-phase mixturePages 1079-1088Jinliang Xu, Tingkuan Chen
4.A visual study of phase-change heat transfer in a two-dimensional porous structure with a partial heating boundaryPages 1089-1102Q. Liao, T. S. Zhao
5.Experimental investigation of laminar mixed convection in an inclined semicircular duct under buoyancy assisted and opposed conditionsPages 1103-1111A. A. Busedra, H. M. Soliman
6.Laminar free convection from a vertical plate in partly dissociated gasesPages 1113-1120D. M. Fontana, M. Corcione, A. Lo Monaco, L. Santarpia
7.Coupling of conduction and convection past an impulsively started semi-infinite flat platePages
8.Effects of nozzle-inlet chamfering on pressure drop and heat transfer in confined air jet impingementPages 1133-1139Luis A. Brignoni, Suresh V. Garimella
9.On capillary-driven flow and phase-change heat transfer in a porous structure heated by a finned surface: measurements and modelingPages 1141-1155T. S. Zhao, Q. Liao
10.Transient supercritical droplet evaporation with emphasis on the effects of equation of statePages 1157-1171G. S. Zhu, S. K. Aggarwal
11.Suspension-to-membrane-wall heat transfer in a circulating fluidized bed combustorPages 1173-1185W. Luan, B. D. Bowen, C. J. Lim, C. M. H. Brereton, J. R. Grace
12.Some experimental investigations on the concentration variance and its dissipation rate in a grid generated turbulent flowPages 1187-1199F. Lemoine, Y. Antoine, M. Wolff, M. Lebouche
13.Relative stability of subcooled flow boiling on non-uniformly heated, inclined flat surfacePages
14.Modelling of an electric IR heater at transient and steady state conditions: Part I: model and validationPages 1209-1222Magnus Pettersson, Stig Stenström
15.Modelling of an electric IR heater at transient and steady state conditions: Part II: modelling a paper dryerPages 1223-1232Magnus Pettersson, Stig Stenström
16.A new angular discretization scheme of the finite volume method for 3-D radiative heat transfer in absorbing, emitting and anisotropically scattering mediaPages 1233-1242Seung Hyun Kim, Kang Y. Huh
17.Large eddy simulation with a dynamic subgrid-scale model of turbulent heat transfer in an orthogonally rotating rectangular duct with transverse rib turbulatorsPages
18.Determination of the temperature dependent thermophysical properties from temperature responses measured at medium’s boundariesPages 1261-1270Ching-yu Yang

Volume 43, Issue 8, Pages 1273-1492 (15 April 2000)

1.Heat transfer — a review of 1996 literaturePages 1273-1371E. R. G. Eckert, R. J. Goldstein, W. E. Ibele, T. W. Simon, T. H. Kuehn, P. J. Strykowski, K. K. Tamma, A. Bar-Cohen, J. V. R. Heberlein, J. H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F. Kulacki, U. Kortshagen
2.A finite element free convection model for the side wall heated cavityPages 1373-1389K. A. R. Ismail, V. L. Scalon
3.Condensation on the outside surface of a small/mini diameter tube for vapor flowing through a horizontal annulus surround by an adiabatic concentric tubePages 1391-1398Bu-Xuan Wang, Xiao-Ze Du
4.Prediction of heat and mass transfer for fully developed turbulent fluid flow through tubesPages 1399-1408S. Aravinth
5.Transient, three-dimensional heat transfer model for the laser assisted machining of silicon nitride: I. Comparison of predictions with measured surface temperature historiesPages 1409-1424Jay C. Rozzi, Frank E. Pfefferkorn, Frank P. Incropera, Yung C. Shin
6.Transient, three-dimensional heat transfer model for the laser assisted machining of silicon nitride: II. Assessment of parametric effectsPages 1425-1437Jay C. Rozzi, Frank P. Incropera, Yung C. Shin
7.A nonlinear low-Reynolds number heat transfer model for turbulent separated and reattaching flowsPages
8.Buoyant heat transfer in a rotating cup-like cavityPages 1449-1456Won Nyun Kim, Ho Sang Kwak, Jae Min Hyun
9.Analytical solutions to the unsteady close-contact melting on a flat platePages 1457-1467Hoseon Yoo
10.Entropy generation in turbulent liquid flow through a smooth duct subjected to constant wall temperaturePages 1469-1478Ahmet Z. ahin
11.Detailed mass transfer distribution in a ribbed coolant passage with a 180° bendPages 1479-1492Y. Chen, D. E. Nikitopoulos, R. Hibbs, S. Acharya, T. A. Myrum

Volume 43, Issue 9, Pages 1505-1677 (1 May 2000)

1.Onset of double-diffusive convection in a rectangular porous cavity subject to mixed boundary conditionsPages 1505-1522A. Mahidjiba, M. Mamou, P. Vasseur
2.Mixed convection in radial flow between horizontal plates — I. Numerical simulationsPages 1523-1535Helmar Van Santen, Chris R. Kleijn, Harry E. A. Van Den Akker
3.Mixed convection in radial flow between horizontal plates—II. ExperimentsPages 1537-1546Helmar Van Santen, Chris R. Kleijn, Harry E. A. Van Den Akker
4.Terrestrial and microgravity boiling heat transfer in a dielectrophoretic force fieldPages 1547-1562T. J. Snyder, J. N. Chung
5.Mixed convection of micropolar fluids in a cavityPages 1563-1572Tsan-Hui Hsu, Sheng-Gwo Wang
6.Entrainment and desposition rates of droplets in annular two-phase flowPages 1573-1589I. Kataoka, M. Ishii, A. Nakayama
7.The effect of concentration gradient on the melting of a horizontal ice plate from abovePages 1591-1601M. Sugawara, Thomas F. Irvine
8.Computation of heat transfer in rotating two-pass square channels by a second-moment closure modelPages 1603-1616Hamn-Ching Chen, Yong-Jun Jang, Je-Chin Han
9.Convective stability of a particle-laden fluid system in the presence of solidificationPages 1617-1627Calvin Mackie
10.Metastable pin fin boilingPages
11.Thermophoretic separation of ultrafine particles in ferrofluids in thermal diffusion column under the effect of an MHD convectionPages 1637-1649E. Blums, S. Odenbach
12.Heat transfer and friction characteristics of fin-and-tube heat exchangersPages 1651-1659Wei-Mon Yan, Pay-Jen Sheen
13.Thermal radiation from nonisothermal spherical particles of a semitransparent materialPages 1661-1672Leonid A. Dombrovsky
14.Evolution of liquid/solid contact area of a drop impinging on a solid surfacePages 1673-1677Hitoshi Fujimoto, Hiroaki Shiraishi, Natsuo Hatta

Volume 43, Issue 10, Pages 1679-1872 (15 May 2000)

1.General solutions for stationary/moving plane heat source problems in manufacturing and tribologyPages 1679-1698Z. B. Hou, R. Komanduri
2.An extension of the weighted sum of gray gases non-gray gas radiation model to a two phase mixture of non-gray gas with particlesPages 1699-1713Myoung Jong Yu, Seung Wook Baek, Jae Hyun Park
3.Convergence and accuracy of Adomian’s decomposition method for the solution of Lorenz equationsPages 1715-1734Peter Vadasz, Shmuel Olek
4.On the local thermal equilibrium in microchannel heat sinksPages 1735-1748S. J. Kim, D. Kim, D. Y. Lee
5.Limiting behavior of turbulent scalar transport close to a wallPages 1749-1758Y. Na, T. J. Hanratty
6.Turbulent heat transfer in liquid iron during electron beam evaporationPages 1759-1766Ch. Karcher, R. Schaller, Th. Boeck, Ch. Metzner, A. Thess
7.Solution of the inverse radiation problem using a conjugate gradient methodPages 1767-1776H. M. Park, T. Y. Yoon
8.Experimental balances for the second moments for a buoyant plume and their implication on turbulence modelingPages
9.The evaporation of water into air of different humidities and the inversion temperature phenomenonPages 1791-1800J. P. Schwartze, S. Bröcker
10.Radiative heat transfer in natural gas-fired furnacesPages 1801-1809E. P. Keramida, H. H. Liakos, M. A. Founti, A. G. Boudouvis, N. C. Markatos
11.Measurements of impinging jet flow and heat transfer on a semi-circular concave surfacePages 1811-1822Mansoo Choi, Han Seoung Yoo, Geunyoung Yang, Joon Sik Lee, Dong Kee Sohn
12.Mass transport in a partially covered fluid-filled cavityPages 1823-1835C. H. Driesen, J. G. M. Kuerten, H. K. Kuiken
13.Experimental verification of the role of Brinkman number in microchannels using local parametersPages 1837-1849C. P. Tso, S. P. Mahulikar
14.Optimization of a horizontal MOCVD reactor for uniform epitaxial layer growthPages 1851-1858W. K. Cho, D. H. Choi
15.Study on laminar film-wise condensation for vapor flow in an inclined small/mini-diameter tubePages 1859-1868Bu-Xuan Wang, Xiao-Ze Du
16.An airside correlation for plain fin-and-tube heat exchangers in wet conditionsPages 1869-1872Chi-Chuan Wang, Yur-Tsai Lin, Chi-Juan Lee

Volume 43, Issue 11, Pages 1873-2058 (1 June 2000)

1.Modelling droplet size distributions in polydispersed wet-steam flowsPages 1873-1884A. J. White, M. J. Hounslow
2.Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer of R-134a and bubble characteristics in a horizontal annular ductPages 1885-1896Chih-Ping Yin, Yi-Yie Yan, Tsing-Fa Lin, Bing-Chwen Yang
3.Experimental study on the dryout heat flux of falling liquid filmPages 1897-1903B. X. Wang, J. T. Zhang, X. F. Peng
4.The influence of gravity levels on the horizontal Bridgman crystal growth of an alloyPages 1905-1923James E. Simpson, Suresh V. Garimella
5.Characteristics of liquid–wall contact in post-CHF flow boilingPages 1925-1934Asuman F. Cokmez-Tuzla, Kemal Tuzla, John C. Chen
6.Modelling of turbulent scalar transport in homogeneous turbulencePages 1935-1945Hiroshi Kawamura, Yoshitsune Kurihara
7.Parametric study of mixed convection in channels with concave and convex surfacesPages 1947-1963F. Moukalled, A. Doughan, S. Acharya
8.An empirical correlation for electrohydrodynamic enhancement of natural convectionPages 1965-1974C. C. Pascual, J. H. Stromberger, S. M. Jeter, S. I. Abdel-Khalik
9.Slot jet impingement heat transfer from circular cylindersPages 1975-1985C. S. McDaniel, B. W. Webb
10.Effects of axial vibration on vertical zone-melting processingPages 1987-1997C. W. Lan
11.Pool boiling CHF on a laser heated thin platePages 1999-2008Henrik Gjerke
12.Integral equation formulation for transient radiative transfer in an anisotropically scattering mediumPages
13.The thermal behavior of thin metal films in the hyperbolic two-step modelPages 2021-2028M. A. Al-Nimr, V. S. Arpaci
14.Engineering procedure for calculating the transfer of the selective radiation of molecular gasesPages 2029-2045E. I. Vitkin, S. L. Shuralyov, V. V. Tamanovich
15.A model of microsegregation during binary alloy solidificationPages 2047-2052V. R. Voller
16.Thermophysical properties of monolithic carbonPages 2053-2058Z. Tamainot-Telto, R. E. Critoph

Volume 43, Issue 12, Pages 2059-2243 (15 June 2000)

1.A new model for the effective thermal conductivity of packed beds of solid spheroids: alumina in helium between 100 and 500°CPages 2059-2073Alan J. Slavin, Frank A. Londry, Joy Harrison
2.Combustion modeling of turbulent jet diffusion H2/air flame with detailed chemistryPages 2075-2088X. Zhou, Z. Sun, G. Brenner, F. Durst
3.Entropy generation for natural convection in an inclined porous cavityPages 2089-2099A. C. Baytas
4.Constructal T-shaped finsPages 2101-2115Adrian Bejan, Majed Almogbel
5.Evaporation from an open cylinderPages 2117-2128G. D. McBain, H. Suehrcke, J. A. Harris
6.Mass diffusion in a spherical microporous particle with thermal effect and gas-side mass transfer resistancePages 2129-2139Cheng-Chin Ni, Jung-Yang San
7.Numerical modeling of microwave induced natural convectionPages 2141-2154Qiong Zhang, Tom H. Jackson, Aydin Ungan
8.Thermocapillary effect on drying of a polymer solution under non-uniform radiant heatingPages 2155-2175Jyh-Jian Chen, Jenn-Der Lin
9.Numerical simulation of non-linear heat conduction subjected to a laser source: the effects of variable thermal propertiesPages 2177-2192Gustavo Gutierrez, Tien-Chen Jen
10.Influence of heat conduction in the wall on nucleate boiling heat transferPages 2193-2203M. Mann, K. Stephan, P. Stephan
11.An experimental identification of line heat sources in a diffusive system using the boundary element methodPages 2205-2220C. Le Niliot, F. Rigollet, D. Petit
12.The well-posedness of incompressible one-dimensional two-fluid modelPages 2221-2231Jin Ho Song, M. Ishii
13.Pool boiling of pure R134a from a single Turbo-BII-HP tubePages 2233-2236R. A. Tatara, Parviz Payvar
14.A generalized friction correlation for louver fin geometryPages 2237-2243Yu-Juei Chang, Kuei-Chang Hsu, Yur-Tsai Lin, Chi-Chuan Wang

Volume 43, Issue 13, Pages 2245-2429 (1 July 2000)

1.Thermal management of high power electronics with phase change coolingPages 2245-2256T. J. Lu
2.Natural convection from a discrete heat source on the bottom of a horizontal enclosurePages 2257-2266I. Sezai, A. A. Mohamad
3.Contribution to flow characterisation through porous mediaPages 2267-2272António F. Miguel
4.Analysis of forced convection in pipes and channels with the simplified Phan-Thien–Tanner fluidPages 2273-2287F. T. Pinho, P. J. Oliveira
5.Buoyant convection in a vertical cylinder with azimuthally-varying sidewall temperaturePages 2289-2301Kwang Hyo Chung, Jae Min Hyun, Hiroyuki Ozoe
6.Random heat flow with phase changePages 2303-2312Andrzej Salec
7.An experimental study of gas–liquid flow in a narrow conduitPages 2313-2324Z. Y. Bao, D. F. Fletcher, B. S. Haynes
8.Radiative heat transfer in inhomogeneous, nongray, and anisotropically scattering mediaPages
9.The combined Monte-Carlo and finite-volume method for radiation in a two-dimensional irregular geometryPages 2337-2344Seung Wook Baek, Do Young Byun, Shin Jae Kang
10.Radiant and convective heat transfer on pneumatic transport of particles: an analytical studyPages 2345-2363Sávio Leandro Bertoli
11.Influence of imposed oscillatory frequency on mass transfer enhancement of grooved channels for pulsatile flowPages 2365-2374Tatsuo Nishimura, Naoki Oka, Yoshimichi Yoshinaka, Koji Kunitsugu
12.Direct and large-eddy simulation of the transition of two- and three-dimensional plane plumes in a confined enclosurePages 2375-2393Rob J. M. Bastiaans, C. C. M. Rindt, F. T. M. Nieuwstadt, A. A. van Steenhoven
13.Flow and heat transfer characteristics of a two-dimensional oblique wall attaching offset jetPages 2395-2404Heung Bok Song, Soon Hyun Yoon, Dae Hee Lee
14.Heat transfer by radiation from a hot particle to ambient water through the vapor layerPages 2405-2414Leonid A. Dombrovsky
15.Improvement of one-equation boundary-layer integral method for pool film-boiling heat transfer from a downward-facing surfacePages 2415-2419K. Kamiuto, Djati Walujastono
16.Non-Darcy mixed convection in a vertical channel filled with a porous mediumPages 2421-2429Y. C. Chen, J. N. Chung, C. S. Wu, Y. F. Lue

Volume 43, Issue 14, Pages 2431-2640 (July 2000)

1.Heat transfer — a review of 1997 literaturePages 2431-2528E. R. G. Eckert, R. J. Goldstein, W. E. Ibele, S. V. Patankar, T. W. Simon, T. H. Kuehn, P. J. Strykowski, K. K. Tamma, A. Bar-Cohen, J. V. R. Heberlein, J. H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F. A. Kulacki, U. Kortshagen, S. Garrick
2.Influence of design parameters on the heat transfer and flow friction characteristics of the heat exchanger with slit finsPages 2529-2539Jeom-Yul Yun, Kwan-Soo Lee
3.Heat transfer coefficient at the metal–mould interface in the unidirectional solidification of Cu–8%Sn alloysPages 2541-2552M. A. Martorano, J. D. T. Capocchi
4.Condensation of R134a flowing inside helicoidal pipePages 2553-2564H. J. Kang, C. X. Lin, M. A. Ebadian
5.Vertical free convection in a porous medium with variable permeability effectsPages 2565-2571D. A. S. Rees, I. Pop
6.Critical heat flux (CHF) for water flow in tubes—I. Compilation and assessment of world CHF dataPages 2573-2604David D. Hall, Issam Mudawar
7.Critical heat flux (CHF) for water flow in tubes—II.: Subcooled CHF correlationsPages 2605-2640David D. Hall, Issam Mudawar

Volume 43, Issue 15, Pages 2641-2823 (1 August 2000)

1.Transient characterization of flat plate heat pipes during startup and shutdown operationsPages 2641-2655Y. Wang, K. Vafai
2.An experimental investigation of the thermal performance of an asymmetrical flat plate heat pipePages 2657-2668Y. Wang, K. Vafai
3.Slip-flow heat transfer in circular tubesPages 2669-2680Francisco Ezquerra Larrodé, Christos Housiadas, Yannis Drossinos
4.Heat transfer and friction characteristics of plain fin-and-tube heat exchangers, part I: new experimental dataPages 2681-2691Chi-Chuan Wang, Kuan-Yu Chi
5.Heat transfer and friction characteristics of plain fin-and-tube heat exchangers, part II: CorrelationPages 2693-2700Chi-Chuan Wang, Kuan-Yu Chi, Chun-Jung Chang
6.Opposite-current flows in gas–liquid boundary layers — I. Velocity distributionPages 2701-2706Chr. Boyadjiev, M. Doichinova
7.Opposite-current flows in gas–liquid boundary layers — II. Mass transfer kineticsPages 2707-2710M. Doichinova, Chr. Boyadjiev
8.One-group interfacial area transport of bubbly flows in vertical round tubesPages 2711-2726T. Hibiki, M. Ishii
9.Heat transfer from a 2D backward facing step with isotropic porous floor segmentsPages 2727-2737Bassam A/K Abu-Hijleh
10.The conjugate conduction–natural convection heat transfer along a thin vertical plate with non-uniform internal heat generationPages 2739-2748F Méndez, C Treviño
11.On the mechanism and kinetics of the transport processes in systems with intensive interphase mass transfer. 1.: Heat and mass transferPages 2749-2757Chr. Boyadjiev
12.On the mechanism and kinetics of the transport processes in systems with intensive interphase mass transfer. 2.: StabilityPages 2759-2766Chr. Boyadjiev
13.Exact formulations and nearly exact numerical solutions for convection in turbulent flow between parallel platesPages 2767-2777Stanislav N. Danov, Norio Arai, Stuart W. Churchill
14.Heat and mass transfer during drying of granular products — simulation with convective and conductive boundary conditionsPages 2779-2791A. Mhimid, S. Ben Nasrallah, J. P. Fohr
15.Sublimation and vaporization of an ice aerosol particle in the form of thin cylinder by laser radiationPages 2793-2806A. N. Kucherov
16.Measuring interfacial waves on film flowing down a vertical plate wall in the entry region using laser focus displacement metersPages 2807-2819Tomoji Takamasa, Tatsuya Hazuku
17.Comments on “Process intensification: heat and mass transfer characteristics of liquid films on rotating discs”, A. Aoune and C. Ramshaw: [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 42 (1998) 2543–2556]Pages 2821-2822Jaroslaw Mikielewicz
18.Reply to Prof. MikielewiczPages 2822-2823C. Ramshaw

Volume 43, Issue 16, Pages 2827-3011 (15 August 2000)

1.Boundary information based diagnostics on the thermal states of biological bodiesPages 2827-2839Jing Liu, Lisa X. Xu
2.Impact, recoil and splashing of molten metal dropletsPages 2841-2857Shiraz D. Aziz, Sanjeev Chandra
3.Laminar film condensation along a vertical finPages 2859-2868F. Méndez, J. J. Lizardi, C. Treviño
4.Evaporation heat transfer and pressure drop of R-22 in 7 and 9.52 mm smooth/micro-fin tubesPages 2869-2882K. Seo, Y. Kim
5.Heat and mass transfer modeling during the formation and ascension of superheated bubblesPages 2883-2894F. B. Campos, P. L. C. Lage
6.The onset of vortex instability in laminar natural convection flow over an inclined plate embedded in a porous mediumPages 2895-2908D. H. Lee, D. Y. Yoon, C. K. Choi
7.A modified form of the κ–var epsilon model for turbulent flows of an incompressible fluid in porous mediaPages 2909-2915D. Getachew, W. J. Minkowycz, J. L. Lage
8.An analytical model for transport from quasi-steady and periodic accelerations on spacecraftPages 2917-2930Robert J. Naumann
9.A lumped parameter model of the operating limits of one-well geothermal plant with down hole heat exchangersPages 2931-2948Alberto Carotenuto, Claudio Casarosa
10.Periodic forced convection with axial heat conduction in a circular ductPages 2949-2960A. Barletta, E. Rossi di Schio
11.A parametric study of radiative heat transfer in pulverised coal furnacesPages 2961-2971J. G. Marakis, C. Papapavlou, E. Kakaras
12.Film cooling on a convex surface with zero pressure gradient flowPages 2973-2987E. Lutum, J. von Wolfersdorf, B. Weigand, K. Semmler
13.Heat and moisture transfer with sorption and condensation in porous clothing assemblies and numerical simulationPages
14.Heat-transfer analysis and thermal dispersion in thermally-developing region of a sintered porous metal channelPages 3001-3011W. H. Hsieh, S. F. Lu

Volume 43, Issue 17, Pages 3013-3261 (1 September 2000)

1.Direct simulation of weak laminar plane fountains in a homogeneous fluidPages 3013-3026Wenxian Lin, S. W. Armfield
2.Low-Prandtl number natural convection in volumetrically heated rectangular enclosures: I. Slender cavity, AR = 4Pages
3.Heat transfer of a U-bend in a cross flow of air at different angles of incidencePages 3053-3059Lei Fang, Daniel K. Harris, Victor W. Goldschmidt
4.Thermal analysis of the volume absorber in pulsed excimer laser calorimetersPages 3061-3072D. H. Chen, Z. M. Zhang
5.The effect of a surfactant monolayer on the temperature field of a water surface undergoing evaporationPages 3073-3086J. R. Saylor, G. B. Smith, K. A. Flack
6.Heat transfer over a continuously moving plate embedded in non-Darcian porous mediumPages 3087-3092E. M. A. Elbashbeshy, M. A. A. Bazid
7.Forced convection from a rotationally oscillating cylinder placed in a uniform streamPages 3093-3104F. M. Mahfouz, H. M. Badr
8.Convective trees of fluid channels for volumetric coolingPages 3105-3118Adrian Bejan, Marcelo R. Errera
9.Application of the statistical narrow-band correlated-k method to low-resolution spectral intensity and radiative heat transfer calculations — effects of the quadrature schemePages 3119-3135Fengshan Liu, Gregory J. Smallwood, Ömer L. Gülder
10.Extended performance evaluation criteria for enhanced heat transfer surfaces: heat transfer through ducts with constant wall temperaturePages 3137-3155Ventsislav Zimparov
11.Multicellular natural convection in a high aspect ratio cavity: experimental and numerical resultsPages 3157-3170Bérengère Lartigue, Sylvie Lorente, Bernard Bourret
12.A three-dimensional inverse forced convection problem in estimating surface heat flux by conjugate gradient methodPages 3171-3181Cheng-Hung Huang, Wei-Chung Chen
13.Thermal characteristics of paraffin in a spherical capsule during freezing and melting processesPages 3183-3196Keumnam Cho, S. H. Choi
14.Transient measurements of the heat transfer coefficient in unsteady, turbulent pipe flowPages 3197-3207Adam R. Barker, John E. Ffowcs Williams
15.Unsteady heat and mass transfer on the codeposition of SiO2/GeO2 during the modified chemical vapor deposition processPages 3209-3217K. S. Park, M. Choi, J. D. Chung
16.Large eddy simulation of indoor airflow with a filtered dynamic subgrid scale modelPages 3219-3231Wei Zhang, Qingyan Chen
17.Non-intrusive measurements of near-wall fluid flow and surface heat transfer in a serpentine passagePages 3233-3244T. -M. Liou, C. -C. Chen, Y. -Y. Tzeng, T. -W. Tsai
18.Mixed convection in film condensation from isothermal vertical surfaces — the entire regimePages 3245-3251C. M. Winkler, T. S. Chen
19.Effect of transverse magnetic field on a flat plate thermometerPages 3253-3257Ashok K. Singh, Pallath Chandran, Nirmal C. Sacheti
20.Analytical determination of the temperature distribution and Nusselt numbers in rectangular ducts with constant axial heat flux: [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 741–755]Pages 3259-3261Gian Luca Morini

Volume 43, Issue 18, Pages 3263-3511 (15 September 2000)

1.An analytical study of laminar counterflow double-pass heat exchangers with external refluxesPages 3263-3274Chii-Dong Ho
2.Radiative transfer in arbitrarily-shaped axisymmetric enclosures with anisotropic scattering mediaPages 3275-3285Edmundo M. Nunes, Vijay Modi, Mohammad H. N. Naraghi
3.Thermally controlled bubble collapse in binary solutionsPages 3287-3298T. L. Merrill
4.Measurement of soot optical properties in the near-infrared spectrumPages 3299-3303Jinyu Zhu, Mun Young Choi, George W. Mulholland, Louis A Gritzo
5.Unsteady heat transfer in the harmonic heating of a dilute suspension of small particlesPages
6.Investigation of randomness, overlap and the interaction of bubbles forming at adjacent nucleation sites in pool boilingPages 3317-3330Robert Mallozzi, Ross Leonard Judd, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan
7.Uncertainties in parameter estimation: the optimal experiment designPages 3331-3339A. F.
8.Enhancement of CHF in open thermosyphon with heated bottom chamberPages 3341-3346M. Monde, Y. Mitsutake
9.Flow boiling heat transfer of Freon R11 and HCFC123 in narrow passagesPages 3347-3358Z. Y. Bao, D. F. Fletcher, B. S. Haynes
10.Experimental study of unsteady thermal convection in heated rotating inclined cylindersPages 3359-3370David Lin, Wei-Mon Yan
11.Prediction of critical heat flux for subcooled flow boilingPages 3371-3390W. Liu, H. Nariai, F. Inasaka
12.On the laminar free convection and instability of grade fluids in enclosuresPages 3391-3405Dennis A. Siginer, A. Valenzuela-Rendón
13.Thermal and water storage characteristics of super-absorbent polymer gel which absorbed aqueous solution of calcium chloridePages 3407-3415Zhao-Fen Jin, Yutaka Asako, Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi, Hirohisa Yoshida
14.Volumetric heat transfer coefficients in solid–fluid porous media: closure problem, thermal analysis and model improvement with fluid flowPages 3417-3432H. Y. Zhang, X. Y. Huang
15.Nucleate and convective boiling in plate fin heat exchangersPages 3433-3442A. Feldman, C. Marvillet, M. Lebouché
16.Heat and momentum transfer for compact louvered fin-and-tube heat exchangers in wet conditionsPages 3443-3452Chi-Chuan Wang, Yur-Tsai Lin, Chi-Juan Lee
17.Dynamic programming approach to a Fermat type principle for heat flowPages 3453-3468Stanislaw Sieniutycz
18.Effect of porous media transparency on spherical and cylindrical filtrational combustion heaters performancePages 3469-3480S. A. Zhdanok, K. V. Dobrego, S. I. Futko
19.Diffusion within a porous medium with randomly distributed heat sinksPages 3481-3496Vladimir V. Kulish, José L. Lage
20.The effect of nozzle configuration on stagnation region heat transfer enhancement of axisymmetric jet impingementPages 3497-3509Jungho Lee, Sang-Joon Lee
21.Study on bubble dynamics for pool nucleate [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 203-208]Page 3511Chunxin Yang, Yuting Wu, Xiugan Yuan, Chongfang Ma

Volume 43, Issue 19, Pages 3513-3753 (1 October 2000)

1.Analysis of momentum and energy transfer in a lid-driven cavity filled with a porous mediumPages 3513-3527Abdalla M. Al-Amiri
2.Active control of laminar stability by feedback control strategyPages 3529-3538X. Y. You, Xia Xiao
3.The collapse of vapor bubbles in a spatially non-uniform flowPages 3539-3550Y. Hao, A. Prosperetti
4.Mechanisms for the heat transfer enhancement in zero-mean oscillatory flows in short channelsPages 3551-3566P. Li, K. T. Yang
5.Fouling in enhanced tubes using cooling tower water: Part I: long-term fouling dataPages 3567-3578Ralph L. Webb, Wei Li
6.Fouling in enhanced tubes using cooling tower water: Part II: combined particulate and precipitation foulingPages 3579-3588Wei Li, Ralph L. Webb
7.Free surface profiles and thermal convection in electrostatically levitated dropletsPages 3589-3606S. P. Song, B. Q. Li
8.Transient heat conduction in one-dimensional composite slab. A ‘natural’ analytic approachPages 3607-3619F. de Monte
9.An analytical solution to coupled heat and moisture diffusion transfer in porous materialsPages 3621-3632Win-Jin Chang, Cheng-I Weng
10.Thermal conductance of randomly oriented composites of thin layersPages 3633-3640Xin-Gang Liang, Xu Ji
11.The effect of bed diameter on near-wall hydrodynamics in scale-model circulating fluidized bedsPages 3641-3649Peter D. Noymer, Matthew R. Hyre, Leon R. Glicksman
12.Evaporation heat transfer of R-32, R-134a, R-32/134a, and R-32/125/134a inside a horizontal smooth tubePages 3651-3660T. Y. Choi, Y. J. Kim, M. S. Kim, S. T. Ro
13.Closed-form analytical solutions for radially rotating miniature high-temperature heat pipes including non-condensable gas effectsPages 3661-3671Jian Ling, Yiding Cao
14.Combined forced and free flow of a power-law fluid in a vertical annular ductPages 3673-3686A. Barletta
15.Experimental and numerical characterisation of mixing in a steady spatially chaotic flow by means of residence time distribution measurementsPages 3687-3700C. Castelain, D. Berger, P. Legentilhomme, A. Mokrani, H. Peerhossaini
16.Conceptions for heat transfer correlation of nanofluidsPages 3701-3707Yimin Xuan, Wilfried Roetzel
17.Statistical modelling of mass transfer in turbulent two-phase dispersed flows — 1. Model developmentPages 3709-3723I. V. Derevich
18.Statistical modelling of mass transfer in turbulent two-phase dispersed flows — 2. Calculation resultsPages 3725-3734I. V. Derevich
19.Fully developed combined convection in a seven-rod horizontal bundlePages 3735-3742S. C. Haldar
20.The near wall mixing length formulation revisitedPages 3743-3746J. Grifoll, Francesc Giralt
21.Oscillatory enclosed buoyant convection of a fluid with the density maximumPages 3747-3751Chang Ho Lee, Jae Min Hyun, Ho Sang Kwak
22.An experimental investigation of the thermal performance of an asymmetrical flat plate heat pipe: [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2657–2668]Page 3753Y. Wang, K. Vafai

Volume 43, Issue 20, Pages 3755-3905 (15 October 2000)

1.A study of multiple heat sources on a flat plate heat pipe using a point source approachPages 3755-3764B. K. Tan, X. Y. Huang, T. N. Wong, K. T. Ooi
2.Heatline and massline visualization of laminar natural convection boundary layers near a vertical wallPages 3765-3774V. A. F. Costa
3.Thermoconvective instability in a bounded vertical cylinder with internal heat generationPages 3775-3784K. F. Wu, J. P. Brancher
4.Forced convection in thermally developing turbulent flow of drag-reducing fluids within circular tubesPages 3785-3794E. N. Macêdo, C. E. Maneschy, J. N. N. Quaresma
5.Design and control of interfacial temperature gradients in solidificationPages 3795-3810S. W. Hale, M. Keyhani, J. I. Frankel
6.Simulation of coupled turbulent flow and heat transfer in the wedge-shaped pool of a twin-roll strip casting processPages 3811-3822Woo-Seung Kim, Deok-Soo Kim, A. V. Kuznetsov
7.Simulation of vertical slot convection using ‘one-dimensional turbulence’Pages 3823-3834Thomas D. Dreeben, Alan R. Kerstein
8.Thermal modeling of selective area laser deposition of titanium nitride on a finite slab with stationary and moving laser beamsPages 3835-3846Yuwen Zhang, A. Faghri
9.Experimental investigation on the hydrodynamics of falling liquid film flow by nonlinear description procedurePages 3847-3852J. T. Zhang, X. F. Peng, G. P. Peterson
10.Thermal dispersion in porous media: one-equation modelPages 3853-3867C. Moyne, S.
11.Accurate approximate equations for intensive sub-sonic evaporationPages 3869-3875John W. Rose
12.Chemical deposition of substance from gas phase in nonisothermal channelsPages 3877-3882H. Y. Kim, H. C. Kim, V. V. Levdansky, V. G. . Leitsina, J. Smolik
13.Axisymmetric transient solutions of the heat diffusion problem in layered composite mediaPages
14.Limiting angular dependencies of heat transfer and stratification in a heat-generating fluidPages

Volume 43, Issue 21, Pages 3907-4060 (1 November 2000)

1.High Schmidt mass transfer in a laminar impinging slot jet flowPages 3907-3915Mingyong Chen, Radek Chalupa, Alan C. West, Vijay Modi
2.Effective conductivity computation of a packed bed using constriction resistance and contact angle effectsPages 3917-3924W. W. M. Siu, S. H. -K. Lee
3.Heat transfer for water flow in trapezoidal silicon microchannelsPages 3925-3936Weilin Qu, Gh. Mohiuddin Mala, Dongqing Li
4.Thermal transients in a capillary evaporator prior to the initiation of boilingPages 3937-3952Tim J. LaClair, Issam Mudawar
5.Laminar conjugated forced convection heat transfer in curved rectangular channelsPages 3953-3964T. W. Gyves, T. F. IrvineJr.
6.Analytical method in inverse heat transfer problem using laplace transform techniquePages 3965-3975Masanori Monde
7.Integral transform solutions of transient natural convection in enclosures with variable fluid propertiesPages 3977-3990M. A. Leal, H. A. Machado, R. M. Cotta
8.The inverse estimation of the thermal boundary behavior of a heated cylinder normal to a laminar air streamPages 3991-4001Jiin-Hong Lin, Cha’o-Kuang Chen, Yue-Tzu Yang
9.Stochastic convective heat transfer equations in finite differences methodPages 4003-4008Maksym Grzywialec
10.Heat-transfer enhancement and pressure loss by surface roughness in turbulent channel flowsPages 4009-4017Kenji Katoh, Kwing-So Choi, Tsuneo Azuma
11.Investigation of a spectral formulation for radiative heat transfer in one-dimensional fires and combustion systemsPages
12.Turbulent film condensation of high pressure steam in a vertical tubePages 4031-4042Sang Jae Kim, Hee Cheon No
13.A first incursion into the 3D structure of natural convection of air in a differentially heated cubic cavity, from accurate numerical solutionsPages 4043-4056E. Tric, G. Labrosse, M. Betrouni
14.Effect of a thin layer on the measurement of the thermal diffusivity of a material by a flash methodPages

Volume 43, Issue 22, Pages 4061-4212 (15 November 2000)

1.A two-dimensional inverse problem in imaging the thermal conductivity of a non-homogeneous mediumPages 4061-4071Cheng-Hung Huang, Sheng-Chieh Chin
2.Effect of surface roughness on pool boiling heat transferPages 4073-4085Myeong-Gie Kang
3.Buoyancy-driven flow and heat transfer in open-ended enclosures: elimination of the extended boundariesPages 4087-4100K. Khanafer, K. Vafai
4.Development of the miniaturized four-sensor conductivity probe and the signal processing schemePages 4101-4118S. Kim, X. Y. Fu, X. Wang, M. Ishii
5.Effects of heterogeneity in forced convection in a porous medium: parallel plate channel or circular ductPages 4119-4134D. A. Nield, A. V. Kuznetsov
6.Reaction–diffusion model of surface and grain boundary segregation kineticsPages 4135-4151T. Gambaryan-Roisman, E. Litovsky, M. Shapiro, A. Shavit
7.A non-equilibrium phenomenological theory of the mass and heat transfer in physical and chemical interactions: Part I — application to NH3/H2O and other working systemsPages 4153-4173M. D. Staicovici
8.A non-equilibrium phenomenological theory of the mass and heat transfer in physical and chemical interactions: Part II — modeling of the NH3/H2O bubble absorption, analytical study of absorption and experimentsPages 4175-4188M. D. Staicovici
9.Rationalisation of second law analysis of heat exchangersPages 4189-4204J. E. Hesselgreaves
10.Thermodynamic analysis of thermomechanical coupling in Couette flowPages 4205-4212Y. Demirel

Volume 43, Issue 23, Pages 4217-4366 (1 December 2000)

1.High temperature contact conductance measurement across cylindrical joint by the periodic method: feasibility and first resultsPages 4217-4227P. Benigni, C. Marchionni, J. Rogez
2.A numerical study on three-dimensional conjugate heat transfer of natural convection and conduction in a differentially heated cubic enclosure with a heat-generating cubic conducting bodyPages 4229-4248Man Yeong Ha, Mi Jung Jung
3.Nucleation site interaction during boilingPages 4249-4258L. H. Chai, X. F. Peng, B. X. Wang
4.Cluster dynamics and fictitious boiling in microchannelsPages 4259-4265X. F. Peng, D. Liu, D. J. Lee, Y. Yan, B. X. Wang
5.Buoyancy effects on heat transfer and temperature profiles in horizontal pipe flow of drag-reducing fluidsPages 4267-4274K. Gasljevic, G. Aguilar, E. F. Matthys
6.Thermal conductivity of suspensions in shear flow fieldsPages 4275-4284Sehyun Shin, Sung-Hyuk Lee
7.Cylindrical trees of pin finsPages 4285-4297M. Almogbel, A. Bejan
8.Heat transfer optimization in corrugated wall channelsPages 4299-4310Giampietro Fabbri
9.Analyse des effets de variation de volume des gaz dans les équations générales de bilanAnalysis of the volume variation effects for gases in general budget equationsPages 4311-4326Claude Rey
10.Transient response of multipass plate heat exchangers with axial thermal dispersion in fluidPages
11.Three-dimensional numerical simulation of rotating spoke pattern in an oxide melt under a magnetic fieldPages 4347-4359C. J. Jing, N. Imaishi, S. Yasuhiro, T. Sato, Y. Miyazawa
12.Simultaneous estimation of the profiles of the temperature and the scattering albedo in an absorbing, emitting, and isotropically scattering medium by inverse analysisPages 4361-4364Huai-Chun Zhou, Ping Yuan, Feng Sheng, Chu-Guang Zheng
13.On the effect of thermocapillarity for falling liquid film flow with consideration of humidity conditionPages 4365-4366J. T. Zhang, B. X. Wang, X. F. Peng

Volume 43, Issue 24, Pages 4367-4487 (15 December 2000)

2.Natural convection heat transfer in horizontal eccentric elliptic annuli containing saturated porous mediaPages 4367-4379J. P. B. Mota, I. A. A. C. Esteves, C. A. M. Portugal, J. M. S. S. Esperança, E. Saatdjian
3.Interaction between the Ekman layer and the Couette–Taylor instabilityPages 4381-4393V. Sobolík, B. Izrar, F. Lusseyran, S. Skali
4.Fire resistance test for fire protection materials with high water contentPages 4395-4404Zhao-Fen Jin, Yutaka Asako, Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi, Minoru Harada
5.Flow and impingement cooling heat transfer along triangular rib-roughened wallsPages 4405-4418C. Gau, I. C. Lee
6.Heat exchanger design effect on the system performance of silica gel adsorption refrigeration systemsPages 4419-4431K. C. A. Alam, B. B. Saha, Y. T. Kang, A. Akisawa, T. Kashiwagi
7.Une méthode caractérisant l’influence réciproque entre parois: application aux échanges thermiques dans une cavité rotor–statorA method characterising the respective influence of the heated walls: application to the heat transfer in a rotor–stator cavityPages 4433-4445S. Raguenet, E. Laroche
8.An exact solution for surface temperature in down grindingPages 4447-4456Adrienne S. Lavine
9.Thermocapillary flow in an annular liquid layer painted on a moving fiberPages 4457-4466W. R. Hu, N. Imaishi
10.Efficient finite-difference scheme for solving some heat transfer problems with convection in multilayer mediaPages 4467-4474H. Kalis
11.An experimental study of the airside performance of the superslit fin-and-tube heat exchangersPages 4475-4482Yuan-Jan Du, Chi-Chuan Wang
12.Gap conductance in contact heat transferPages 4483-4487Syed M. S. Wahid, C. V. Madhusudana

Volume 44, Issue 1, Pages 1-251 (1 January 2001)

1.Transient two-phase flow in arbitrary inclined tubes caused by depressurization of liquid with dissolved gasesPages 1-15S. Richter, S. Fleischer, M. Aritomi, R. Hampel
2.Nucleate pool boiling on structured enhanced tubes having pores with connecting gapsPages 17-28Nae-Hyun Kim, Kuk-Kwang Choi
3.Radiant heat transfer between grey surfaces: an alternative approachPages 29-37G. E. Cossali
4.Analysis of the evaporation coefficient and the condensation coefficient of waterPages 39-53R. Marek, J. Straub
5.Effect of the aspect ratio of rectangular channels on the heat transfer and hydrodynamics of paraffin slurry flowPages 55-61Mingoo Choi, Keumnam Cho
6.Inverse radiation problem of sources and emissivities in one-dimensional semitransparent mediaPages 63-72L. H. Liu, H. P. Tan, Q. Z. Yu
7.Comparison of CHF measurements in R-134a cooled tubes and the water CHF look-up tablePages 73-88I. L. Pioro, D. C. Groeneveld, S. C. Cheng, S. Doerffer, A. , Yu. V. Antoshko
8.Heat transfer induced by a body moving in opposition to a flowing fluidPages 89-98Wu-Shung Fu, Suh-Jenq Yang
9.Numerical simulation of the stability of steadily cooled flowing layerPages 99-110K. M. Moon, T. H. Song
10.Porosity formation in axi-symmetric castings produced by counter-pressure casting methodPages 111-119I. H. Katzarov, Y. B. Arsov, P. Stoyanov, T. Zeuner, A. Buehrig-Polaczek, P. R. Sahm
11.The single-blow transient testing technique considering longitudinal core conduction and fluid dispersionPages 121-129Xing Luo, Wilfried Roetzel, Ulrich Lüdersen
12.Application of narrow and wide band models for radiative transfer in planar mediaPages 131-142J. G. Marakis
13.Interactions between laser-activated nucleation sites in pool boilingPages 143-153Iztok Golobi
14.The Karhunen–Loève Galerkin method for the inverse natural convection problemsPages 155-167H. M. Park, W. S. Jung
15.Extended performance evaluation criteria for enhanced heat transfer surfaces: heat transfer through ducts with constant heat fluxPages 169-180Ventsislav Zimparov
16.Transitional droplet growth and diffusion coefficientsPages 181-193P. Peeters, C. C. M. Luijten, M. E. H. van Dongen
17.Numerical investigation of bubble growth and detachment by the lattice-Boltzmann methodPages 195-206Z. L. Yang, T. N. Dinh, R. R. Nourgaliev, B. R. Sehgal
18.Turbulent film boiling on a horizontal cylinderPages 207-214P. K. Sarma, T. Subrahmanyam, V. D. Rao, A. E. Bergles
19.A method of control of transfer processesPages 215-233P. Furmanski, J. M. Floryan
20.Surface wetting effects on the spreading of liquid droplets impacting a solid surface at low Weber numbersPages 235-240W. M. Healy, J. G. Hartley, S. I. Abdel-Khalik
21.Boiling of methanol and HFE-7100 on heated surface covered with a layer of meshPages 241-246J. W. Liu, D. J. Lee, A. Su
22.A model for the thermal conductivity of unconsolidated porous media based on capillary pressure–saturation relationPages 247-251Xue-Jiao Hu, Jian-Hua Du, Shu-Ye Lei, Bu-Xuan Wang

Volume 44, Issue 2, Pages 253-503 (January 2001)

1.Heat transfer: a review of 1998 literaturePages 253-366R. J. Goldstein, E. R. G. Eckert, W. E. Ibele, S. V. Patankar, T. W. Simon, T. H. Kuehn, P. J. Strykowski, K. K. Tamma, A. Bar-Cohen, J. V. R. Heberlein, J. H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F. A. Kulacki, U. Kortshagen, S. Garrick
2.Natural convection from a confined horizontal cylinder: the optimum distance between the confining wallsPages 367-374M. Sadegh Sadeghipour, Yazdan Pedram Razi
3.Melting in a side heated tall enclosure by a uniformly dissipating heat sourcePages 375-387Debabrata Pal, Yogendra K. Joshi
4.Mixed convection in an unequally heated loop: steady solutionsPages 389-397Min-Joon Kim, Yong-Bum Lee, Yong-Kyun Kim, Byoung-Hae Choi, Ho-Yun Nam
5.A study of bubble dynamics in reduced gravity forced-convection boilingPages 399-415Yue Ma, J. N. Chung
6.Heat transfer and fluid flow in a partially or fully penetrated weld pool in gas tungsten arc weldingPages
7.Temperature profile in countercurrent/cocurrent spray towersPages 429-442N. Makkinejad
8.Boiling heat transfer on machined porous surfaces with structural optimizationPages 443-456Y. Y. Jiang, W. C. Wang, D. Wang, B. X. Wang
9.Effects of initial molten pool and Marangoni flow on solid meltingPages 457-470X. F. Peng, X. P. Lin, D. J. Lee, Y. Yan, B. X. Wang
10.Solutions of the extended Graetz problemPages 471-483A. Silva Telles, E. M. Queiroz, G. Elmôr Filho
11.The effect of surfactants on bubble growth, wall thermal patterns and heat transfer in pool boilingPages 485-497G. Hetsroni, J. L. Zakin, Z. Lin, A. Mosyak, E. A. Pancallo, R. Rozenblit
12.Heat transfer enhancement with impinging free surface liquid jets flowing over heated wall coated by a ferrofluidPages 499-502Y. C. Chen, C. F. Ma, Z. X. Yuan, Z. Z. Xia, Z. Y. Guo
13.Effect of transverse magnetic field on a flat plate thermometer [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 3253–3257]Page 503Ashok K. Singh, Pallath Chandran, Nirmal C. Sacheti

Volume 44, Issue 3, Pages 525-689 (February 2001)

1.Vertical mixing above a steady circular source of buoyancyPages 525-536Michael Epstein, James P. Burelbach
2.Low-Prandtl number natural convection in volumetrically heated rectangular enclosures: II. Square cavity, AR=1Pages 537-550Salvatore Arcidiacono, Ivan Di Piazza, Michele Ciofalo
3.Enhancement of heat transfer by a combination of three-start spirally corrugated tubes with a twisted tapePages 551-574Ventsislav Zimparov
4.A hybrid spatial differencing scheme for discrete ordinates method in 2D rectangular enclosuresPages 575-586Il-Kyoung Kim, Woo-Seung Kim
5.A numerical simulation of the convective heat transfer in confined channel flow past square cylinders: comparison of inline and offset tandem pairsPages 587-603J. L. Rosales, A. Ortega, J. A. C. Humphrey
6.Parametric study of metal droplet deposition and solidification process including contact resistance and undercooling effectsPages 605-618Mo Chung, R. H. Rangel
7.The origin of thermocapillary convection in subcooled nucleate pool boilingPages 619-632R. Marek, J. Straub
8.Augmented longitudinal diffusion in grooved tubes for oscillatory flowPages 633-644Xiaofeng Ye, Masashi Shimizu
9.Laser-based thermal pulse measurement of liquid thermophysical propertiesPages 645-657J. Sun, J. P. Longtin, T. F. IrvineJr
10.On multiple stability of mixed-convection flows in a chemical vapor deposition reactorPages 659-672Helmar van Santen, Chris R. Kleijn, Harry E. A. van den Akker
11.Method for predicting boiling curves of saturated nucleate boilingPages 673-682Hiroto Sakashita, Toshiaki Kumada
12.An experimental study on cool-down of a heterogeneous porous body in throughflowPages 683-687J. W. Paek, B. H. Kang, J. M. Hyun
13.Sublimation and vaporization of an ice aerosol particle in the form of thin cylinder by laser radiation: [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2793–2806]Page 689A. N. Kucherov

Volume 44, Issue 4, Pages 691-891 (February 2001)

1.A near-wall two-equation heat transfer model for wall turbulent flowsPages 691-698Baoqing Deng, Wenquan Wu, Shitong Xi
2.The tree of convective heat streams: its thermal insulation function and the predicted 3/4-power relation between body heat loss and body sizePages 699-704Adrian Bejan
3.Vortex flow patterns near critical state for onset of convection in air flow through a bottom heated horizontal flat ductPages 705-719J. T. Lir, M. Y. Chang, Tsing-Fa Lin
4.Finite-wall effect on buoyant convection in an enclosure with pulsating exterior surface temperaturePages 721-732Kwang Hyo Chung, Ho Sang Kwak, Jae Min Hyun
5.Lateral freezing of an anisotropic porous medium saturated with an aqueous salt solutionPages 733-751M. Song, R. Viskanta
6.Characterization of energy transport by mass diffusion including an application to elliptic channel flowPages 753-761G. Evans, R. Greif
7.Neural network analysis of fin-tube refrigerating heat exchanger with limited experimental dataPages 763-770Arturo Pacheco-Vega, Mihir Sen, K. T. Yang, Rodney L. McClain
8.Bubble departure from cavitiesPages
9.Regularities of unsteady radiative–conductive heat transfer in evaporating semitransparent liquid dropletsPages 785-798G. Miliauskas
10.Similarity simulation for Marangoni convection around a vapor bubble during nucleation and growthPages
11.Evaporation of water by free convection in a vertical channel including effects of wall radiative propertiesPages 811-826C. Debbissi, J. Orfi, S. Ben Nasrallah
12.On the effective thermal conductivity of a three-dimensionally structured fluid-saturated metal foamPages 827-836K. Boomsma, D. Poulikakos
13.Initial solidification in liquid metal film flow over a moving boundaryPages 837-842H. B. Löfgren, H. O. Åkerstedt
14.Transient cooling effect by wall mass injection after backstep in high temperature flow fieldPages 843-855Jing-Tang Yang, Jing-Der Gu, Wan-June Ma
15.Buoyant convection in a side-heated cavity under gravity and oscillationsPages 857-861Ki Hyun Kim, Jae Min Hyun, Ho Sang Kwak
16.Spatial extrema of advected scalarsPages 863-865G. D. McBain
17.Aerosol particle transport in a natural convection flow onto a vertical flat platePages 867-870R. Tsai
18.Law of the wall for two-phase turbulent boundary layersPages 871-875A. A. Troshko, Y. A. Hassan
19.The effect of g-jitter on free convection near a stagnation point in a porous mediumPages 877-883D. A. S. Rees, I. Pop
20.Buoyant convection of a two-layer liquid system in a cavity: effects of property variationsPages 885-889Angel M. Bethancourt L, Kunio Kuwahara, Jae Min Hyun
21.A new model for the effective thermal conductivity of packed beds of solid spheroids: alumina in helium between 100 and 500°C [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2059–2073]Page 891A. J. Slavin, F. A. Londry, J. Harrison

Volume 44, Issue 5, Pages 897-1079 (March 2001)

1.Optimal work flux in sequential systems with complex heat exchangePages 897-918Stanislaw Sieniutycz
2.Fluctuating characteristics and rotation induced stabilization of thermal buoyancy driven water flow in a vertical rotating cylinderPages 919-930C. P. Yin, Y. T. Ker, T. H. Huang, T. F. Lin
3.Enhancing heat transfer in parallel-plate channels by using porous insertsPages 931-938M. K. Alkam, M. A. Al-Nimr, M. O. Hamdan
4.An experimental investigation of film cooling on a convex surface subjected to favourable pressure gradient flowPages 939-951E. Lutum, J. von Wolfersdorf, K. Semmler, J. Dittmar, B. Weigand
5.Fluid flow, heat transfer and solidification in the mold of continuous casters during ladle changePages 953-965X. K. Lan, J. M. Khodadadi
6.Limit value of the Nusselt number for particles of different shapePages 967-975Antje Wadewitz, Eckehard Specht
7.Invariance relations for laminar forced convection in ducts with slowly varying cross-sectionPages 977-987Helmut Brod
8.Monte Carlo simulation of a nephelometric experimentPages 989-998J. G. Marakis, G. Brenner, F. Durst
9.Analytical approximations of the shape factors for conductive heat flow in circular and regular polygonal cross-sectionsPages 999-1012Jan A. Koek
10.Effect of thermal losses on the microscopic two-step heat conduction modelPages 1013-1018M. A. Al-Nimr, S. Kiwan
11.Heat transfer measurements in transitional boundary layersPages 1019-1030R. Schook, H. C. de Lange, A. A. van Steenhoven
12.Forced convection in a porous medium heated by a permeable wall perpendicular to flow direction: analyses and measurementsPages 1031-1037T. S. Zhao, Y. J. Song
13.Thermal–hydraulic performance of small scale micro-channel and porous-media heat-exchangersPages 1039-1051Pei-Xue Jiang, Ming-Hong Fan, Guang-Shu Si, Ze-Pei Ren
14.Impingement cooling in triangular ducts using an array of side-entry wall jetsPages 1053-1063Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Chung-Shen Cheng
15.Effect of electromagnetic fields on transfer processes in heterogeneous systemsPages 1065-1071V. V. Levdansky, H. Y. Kim, H. C. Kim, J. Smolik, P. Moravec
16.A comparison of two methods used to evaluate thermal conductivity for some soilsPages 1073-1078N. H. Abu-Hamdeh, A. I. Khdair, R. C. Reeder
17.Heat and moisture transfer with sorption and condensation in porous clothing assemblies and numerical simulation [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 43 (2000) 2989–3000]Page 1079Jintu Fan, Zhongxuan Luo, Yi Li

Volume 44, Issue 6, Pages 1081-1268 (March 2001)

1.Macroscopic turbulence modeling for incompressible flow through undeformable porous mediaPages 1081-1093Marcos H. J. Pedras, Marcelo J. S. de Lemos
2.On the use of a low-Reynolds extension to the Chen–Kim (k–var epsilon) model to predict thermal exchanges in the case of an impinging plasma jetPages 1095-1106Rodolphe Bolot, Michel Imbert, Christian Coddet
3.Experimental study of natural convection in a square enclosure using differential interferometerPages 1107-1117N. Ramesh, S. P. Venkateshan
4.On the mechanism and kinetics of the transport processes in systems with intensive interphase mass transfer. 3. Comparative analysis of the absorption and desorption ratesPages 1119-1125Chr. Boyadjiev
5.Comparison between laminar and turbulent heat transfer in a stationary square duct with transverse or angled rib turbulatorsPages 1127-1141Akira Murata, Sadanari Mochizuki
6.Natural convection heat and mass transfer in vertical annuli with film evaporation and condensationPages 1143-1151Wei-Mon Yan, David Lin
7.A numerical study of interfacial convective heat transfer coefficient in two-energy equation model for convection in porous mediaPages 1153-1159Fujio Kuwahara, Mitsuhiro Shirota, Akira Nakayama
8.Semi-analytic solutions for freezing induced by evaporative coolingPages 1161-1170Carsie A. Hall III, Calvin Mackie
9.Isothermal and heated turbulent upflow in a vertical annular channel – Part I. Experimental measurementsPages 1171-1184S. Kang, B. Patil, J. A. Zarate, R. P. Roy
10.Isothermal and heated turbulent upflow in a vertical annular channel – Part II. Numerical simulationsPages 1185-1199J. A. Zarate, R. P. Roy, A. Laporta
11.A statistical analysis of EHD-enhanced nucleate boiling along a heated wirePages 1201-1212C. C. Pascual, S. M. Jeter, S. I. Abdel-Khalik
12.Numerical analysis model for thermal conductivities of packed beds with high solid-to-gas conductivity ratioPages 1213-1221Shigeto Kikuchi
13.The heat/mass transfer analogy factor, Nu/Sh, for boundary layers on turbine blade profilesPages 1223-1233E. R. G. Eckert, H. Sakamoto, T. W. Simon
14.Numerical simulation of steady and transient mass transfer to a single drop dominated by external resistancePages 1235-1247Zai-Sha Mao, Tianwen Li, Jiayong Chen
15.Transitions of natural convection in a horizontal annulusPages 1249-1257Jiro Mizushima, Sachiko Hayashi, Takahiro Adachi
16.The effect of non-absorbable gas on an absorption process for the falling film flow inside a porous mediumPages 1259-1266Ru Yang, Te-Ming Jou
17.A model for the thermal conductivity of unconsolidated porous media based on capillary pressure–saturation relation [Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 247–251]Pages 1267-1268Xue-Jiao Hu, Jian-Hua Du, Shu-Ye Lei, Bu-Xuan Wang

Volume 44, Issue 7, Pages 1269-1454 (April 2001)

1.Impinging jets confined by a conical wall – high Schmidt mass transfer predictions in laminar flowPages 1269-1284João M. Miranda, João B. L. M. Campos
2.Modeling Soret coefficient measurement experiments in porous media considering thermal and solutal convectionPages 1285-1297L. B. Benano-Melly, J. -P. Caltagirone, B. Faissat, F. Montel, P. Costeseque
3.Two bifurcation transitions of the floating half zone convection in a fat liquid bridge of larger PrPages 1299-1307Z. M. Tang, W. R. Hu, N. Imaishi
4.Determination of heat sources and heat transfer coefficient for two-dimensional heat flow – numerical and experimental studyPages 1309-1322Refahi Abou khachfe, Yvon Jarny
5.Determination of the quench velocity and rewetting temperature of hot surfaces. Part I: analytical solution of the micro-scale hydrodynamic modelPages 1323-1342M. Ben David, Y. Zimmels, Y. Zvirin
6.Determination of the quench velocity and rewetting temperature of hot surfaces. Part II: an integrated approach of hydrodynamic–thermodynamic micro- and macro-scale modelsPages 1343-1371M. Ben David, Y. Zimmels, Y. Zvirin
7.Heat transfer enhancement by using metallic filament insert in channel flowPages 1373-1378S. Wang, Z. Y. Guo, Z. X. Li
8.An improved data reduction method for transient liquid crystal thermography on film cooling measurementsPages 1379-1387Ping-Hei Chen, Pei-Pei Ding, Di Ai
9.The selection criterion of injection temperature pair for transient liquid crystal thermography on film cooling measurementsPages 1389-1399Di Ai, Pei-Pei Ding, Ping-Hei Chen
10.Radiation effects on mixed convection heat transfer in a vertical square ductPages 1401-1410Wei-Mon Yan, Hung-Yi Li
11.Non-spherical bubble collapse mechanics in binary solutionsPages 1411-1423J. Cao, R. N. Christensen
12.A method for multiple steady line heat sources identification in a diffusive system: application to an experimental 2D problemPages 1425-1438C. Le Niliot, F. Lefèvre
13.The prediction of Marangoni convection in binary liquid–liquid systems with added surfactantsPages
14.Forced convection from aluminum foam materials in an asymmetrically heated channelPages 1451-1454Seo Young Kim, Byung Ha Kang, Jin-Ho Kim

Volume 44, Issue 8, Pages 1455-1638 (April 2001)

1.Estimation of surface temperature in two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problemsPages 1455-1463Han-Taw Chen, Shen-Yih Lin, Lih-Chuan Fang
2.Forced convective boiling of binary mixtures in annular flow. Part I: liquid phase mass transportPages
3.Forced convective boiling of binary mixtures in annular flow. Part II: heat and mass transferPages
4.Numerical simulation of thermal fluid instability between two horizontal parallel platesPages 1485-1493Hongxing Yang, Zuojin Zhu, John Gilleard
5.Enhanced heat transfer of drag reducing surfactant solutions with fluted tube-in-tube heat exchangerPages 1495-1505Yunying Qi, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Zhiqing Lin, Mark Ewing, Richard N. Christensen, Jacques L. Zakin
6.A unified analysis of filling and solidification in casting with natural convectionPages 1507-1515Ik-Tae Im, Woo-Seung Kim, Kwan-Soo Lee
7.Dynamics of evaporating drops. Part I: formulation and evaporation modelPages 1517-1526Farzad Mashayek
8.Dynamics of evaporating drops. Part II: free oscillationsPages 1527-1541Farzad Mashayek
9.Mass flow through a horizontal vent in an enclosure due to pressure and density differencesPages 1543-1553Qing Tan, Yogesh Jaluria
10.Pressure drop oscillation of steam–water two-phase flow in a helically coiled tubePages 1555-1564Lie-Jin Guo, Zi-Ping Feng, Xue-Jun Chen
11.The effect of the local inertial term on the fluid flow in channels partially filled with porous materialPages
12.Revisiting heat transfer analysis for rapid solidification of metal dropletsPages 1573-1583Keh-Chin Chang, Chih-Ming Chen
13.Non-linear convection in a porous medium with inclined temperature gradient and variable gravity effectsPages 1585-1591P. N. Kaloni, Zongchun Qiao
14.Heat transfer studies of a porous heat sink characterized by straight circular ductsPages 1593-1603H. Y. Zhang, X. Y. Huang
15.Effects of buoyancy-driven convection on melting within spherical containersPages 1605-1618J. M. Khodadadi, Y. Zhang
16.Phase-change phenomena in porous media – a non-local thermal equilibrium modelPages 1619-1625Kendall T. Harris, A. Haji-Sheikh, A. G. Agwu Nnanna
17.Enhanced laminar-flow heat transfer at fiber-flocked surfacesPages 1627-1636Kurt O. Lund, Timothy R. Knowles
18.Liquid Cooling of Electronic Devices by Single-Phase Convection; Frank P. IncroperaPages 1637-1638Yogendra Joshi

Volume 44, Issue 9, Pages 1639-1822 (May 2001)

1.Measurement of solute diffusivities. Part I. Analysis of coupled solute buoyancy-driven convection and mass transportPages 1639-1648D. J. Maclean, T. Alboussière
2.Photophoresis of micrometer-sized particles in the free-molecular regimePages 1649-1657Shahram Tehranian, Frank Giovane, Jürgen Blum, Yu-Lin Xu, Bo Å. S. Gustafson
3.Well-posedness and solution structure of dual-phase-lagging heat conductionPages 1659-1669Liqiu Wang, Mingtian Xu, Xuesheng Zhou
4.Dynamic prediction and control of heat exchangers using artificial neural networksPages 1671-1679Gerardo Díaz, Mihir Sen, K. T. Yang, Rodney L. McClain
5.Thermodynamic aspect of the shift of concave liquid–vapor interfacial phase equilibrium temperature and its effect on bubble formationPages 1681-1686J. T. Zhang, B. X. Wang, X. F. Peng
6.A new model for heat transfer of fins swinging back and forth in a flowPages 1687-1697Wu-Shung Fu, Suh-Jenq Yang
7.On the transition from conduction to convection regime in a cubical enclosure with a partially heated wallPages 1699-1709Ramón L. Frederick, Fernando Quiroz
8.Experimental and numerical analysis of heat transfer phenomena in a sensor tube of a mass flow controllerPages 1711-1724Sung Jin Kim, Seok Pil Jang
9.Temperature-dependent thermal lagging in ultrafast laser heatingPages 1725-1734D. Y. Tzou, K. S. Chiu
10.Analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer interfacial conditions between a porous medium and a fluid layerPages 1735-1749B. Alazmi, K. Vafai
11.Direct flame impingement heating for rapid thermal materials processingPages 1751-1758G. K. Malikov, D. L. Lobanov, K. Y. Malikov, V. G. Lisienko, R. Viskanta, A. G. Fedorov
12.Numerical study of formation of longitudinal vortices in natural convection flow over horizontal and inclined surfacesPages 1759-1766Ming-Han Lin
13.Determination of airside heat transfer coefficient on wire-on-tube type heat exchangerPages 1767-1776Tae-Hee Lee, Jeom-Yul Yun, Jang-Seok Lee, Jong-Jin Park, Kwan-Soo Lee
14.TLCT and LDV measurements of heat transfer and fluid flow in a rotating sharp turning ductPages 1777-1787T. -M. Liou, C. -C. Chen, M. -Y. Chen
15.Conductive heat transport across rough surfaces and interfaces between two conforming mediaPages
16.A mass transfer model for simulating volatile organic compound emissions from ‘wet’ coating materials applied to absorptive substratesPages 1803-1815X.
17.A CFD based correlation for mass transfer coefficient in elbowsPages 1817-1822Jianrong Wang, Siamack A. Shirazi

Volume 44, Issue 10, Pages 1823-2009 (May 2001)

1.Three-dimensional bifurcations of a two-phase Rayleigh–Benard problem in a cylinderPages 1823-1836C. W. Lan, C. H. Wang
2.A new numerical formulation for incompressible viscous free surface flow without smearing the free surfacePages 1837-1848S. L. Lee, S. R. Sheu
3.A molecular dynamics study on surface tension of microbubblesPages 1849-1856S. H. Park, J. G. Weng, C. L. Tien
4.A computer-aided parametric analysis of mixed convection in ductsPages 1857-1867G. J. Hwang, S. C. Tzeng, C. Y. Soong
5.Axial interfacial area transport of vertical bubbly flowsPages 1869-1888Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii, Zheng Xiao
6.Effect of ambient temperature on vertical turbulent buoyant water jetsPages 1889-1898Asterios Pantokratoras
7.Model reduction for the resolution of multidimensional inverse heat conduction problemsPages 1899-1911E. Videcoq, D. Petit
8.The density field of coaxial jets with large velocity ratio and large density differencesPages 1913-1924M. Favre-Marinet, E. B. Camano Schettini
9.Electron kinetic theory approach – one- and three-dimensional heating with pulsed laserPages 1925-1936B. S. Yilbas
10.An iterative boundary element method for solving the one-dimensional backward heat conduction problemPages 1937-1946N. S. Mera, L. Elliott, D. B. Ingham, D. Lesnic
11.Flow and heat transfer regimes in inclined differentially heated cavitiesPages 1947-1962R. Delgado-Buscalioni, E. Crespo del Arco
12.Stability of supercritical fluid flow in a single-channel natural-convection loopPages 1963-1972Vijay Chatoorgoon
13.Natural convection heat transfer within multi-layer domesPages 1973-1981Abdelaziz Laouadi, Morad R. Atif
14.Three-dimensional numerical simulation of Marangoni instabilities in non-cylindrical liquid bridges in microgravityPages 1983-2003M. Lappa, R. Savino, R. Monti
15.Film cooling subject to bulk flow pulsations: effects of density ratio, hole length-to-diameter ratio, and pulsation frequencyPages 2005-2009P. M. Ligrani, C. M. Bell

Volume 44, Issue 11, Pages 2011-2197 (June 2001)

1.Solution of inverse free convection problems by conjugate gradient method: effects of Rayleigh numberPages
2.Numerical prediction of mass-exchange between cathode and anode channels in a PEM fuel cellPages 2029-2042Sandip Dutta, Sirivatch Shimpalee, J. W. Van Zee
3.Condensation heat transfer for R-22 and R-407C refrigerant–oil mixtures in a microfin tube with a U-bendPages 2043-2051Keumnam Cho, Sang-Jin Tae
4.Recursive solution of an inverse heat transfer problem in rapid thermal processing systemsPages 2053-2065H. M. Park, W. S. Jung
5.Impingement of filler droplets and weld pool dynamics during gas metal arc welding processPages 2067-2080Y. Wang, H. L. Tsai
6.Experimental investigation on ammonia spray evaporator with triangular-pitch plain-tube bundle, Part II: evaporator performancePages 2081-2092X. Zeng, M. -C. Chyu, Z. H. Ayub
7.Freezing of a porous medium in contact with a concentrated aqueous freezant: numerical modelling of coupled heat and mass transportPages 2093-2106T. Lucas, J. M. Chourot, Ph. Bohuon, D. Flick
8.Mixed convection heat transfer in the entrance region of horizontal annuliPages 2107-2120Nazrul Islam, U. N. Gaitonde, G. K. Sharma
9.Opposite-current flows in gas–liquid layers—III. Non-linear mass transferPages 2121-2125M. Doichinova, Chr. Boyadjiev
10.Experimental and analytical investigation of the gas filtration combustion inclination instabilityPages 2127-2136K. V. Dobrego, S. A. Zhdanok, A. I. Zaruba
11.Study of a laminar falling film flowing over a wavy wall column: Part I. Numerical investigation of the flow pattern and the coupled heat and mass transferPages 2137-2146S. Negny, M. Meyer, M. Prevost
12.Study of a laminar falling film flowing over a wavy wall column: Part II. Experimental validation of hydrodynamic modelPages 2147-2154S. Negny, M. Meyer, M. Prevost
13.Two friendly rules for the turbulent heat transfer enhancementPages 2155-2161A. iauskas
14.On the design of two-dimensional cellular metals for combined heat dissipation and structural load capacityPages 2163-2175S. Gu, T. J. Lu, A. G. Evans
15.Survival conditions of a vapour bubble in saturated liquid flowing inside a micro-channelPages 2177-2181J. Mitrovic
16.A finite element–boundary element method for advection–diffusion problems with variable advective fields and infinite domainsPages 2183-2191Brian J. Driessen, Jeffrey L. Dohner
17.Initial transient behavior during close-contact melting induced by convective heatingPages 2193-2197Hoseon Yoo

Volume 44, Issue 12, Pages 2199-2383 (June 2001)

1.In memoriam – Professor Taik Sik Lee (192 000 RoPages 2199-2200
2.Determination of mass transfer coefficient of a cross-corrugated membrane reactor by the limiting-current techniquePages 2201-2207D. W. Hall, K. Scott, R. J. J. Jachuck
3.Calibrating for viewing angle effect during heat transfer measurements on a curved surfacePages 2209-2223T. L. Chan, S. Ashforth-Frost, K. Jambunathan
4.Model-based experimental analysis of pool boiling heat transfer with controlled wall temperature transientsPages 2225-2238R. Hohl, J. Blum, M. Buchholz, T. Lüttich, H. Auracher, W. Marquardt
5.Unsteady heat and/or mass transfer from a fluid sphere in creeping flowPages 2239-2246Gh. Juncu
6.Numerical simulation of mixed convection heat and mass transfer in a human inhalation test chamberPages 2247-2260S. Hyun, C. Kleinstreuer
7.Thermal and flow analysis of a heated electronic componentPages 2261-2275R. -J. Yang, L. -M. Fu
8.Turbulent heat transfer with phase change material suspensionsPages 2277-2285Sanjay K. Roy, Branko L. Avanic
9.Analysis of the operational characteristics and limits of a loop heat pipe with porous element in the condenserPages 2287-2297I. Muraoka, F. M. Ramos, V. V. Vlassov
10.Experimental investigation on ammonia spray evaporator with triangular-pitch plain-tube bundle, Part I: tube bundle effectPages 2299-2310X. Zeng, M. -C. Chyu, Z. H. Ayub
11.Natural convection from a vertical flat plate with a surface temperature oscillationPages 2311-2322Jian Li, D. B. Ingham, I. Pop
12.Computational study of turbulent natural convection in a side-heated near-cubic enclosure at a high Rayleigh numberPages 2323-2344H. S. Dol, K. Hanjalic
13.Transient cooling of a two-phase medium of spherical shape when exposed to the rarefied cold environmentPages 2345-2356Seung Wook Baek, Jae Hyun Park, Shin Jae Kang
14.Numerical study of high heat flux pool boiling heat transferPages 2357-2373Ying He, Masahiro Shoji, Shigeo Maruyama
15.An efficient procedure to evaluate asymptotic limits of particles scattering efficiency and asymmetry factorPages 2375-2378Miguel Caldas, Viriato Semião
16.Thermodynamically consistent thermal energy equation for an adsorbent/fluid systemPages 2379-2382A. M. W. Wojcik, J. C. Jansen, Th. Maschmeyer
17.Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers and Cooling Towers, Detlev G. Kröger (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Stellenbosch) (1998), 875 p. Distributed by Begell House, Inc., New YorkPage 2383Holger Martin

Volume 44, Issue 13, Pages 2385-2587 (July 2001)

1.Laminar forced convection in a channel with a moving blockPages 2385-2394Wu-Shung Fu, Wen-Wang Ke, Ke-Nan Wang
2.Heat transfer in microtubes with viscous dissipationPages 2395-2403Gokturk Tunc, Yildiz Bayazitoglu
3.Interactive thermal and solutal Marangoni convection during compound semiconductor growth in a rectangular open boatPages 2405-2411K. Arafune, K. Yamamoto, A. Hirata
4.Autoignition of sprays in a cylindrical combustorPages 2413-2422Sang Hun Kang, Seung Wook Baek, Ji Hun Choi
5.Transient thermal conduction analysis of a rectangular plate with multiple insulated cracks by the alternating methodPages 2423-2437Chih-Yi Chang, Chien-Ching Ma
6.Linear-nonequilibrium thermodynamics theory for coupled heat and mass transportPages 2439-2451Y. Demirel, S. I. Sandler
7.Effect of non-uniform heat flux on wall friction and convection heat transfer coefficient in a trapezoidal channelPages 2453-2459T. J. Remley, S. I. Abdel-Khalik, S. M. Jeter, S. M. Ghiaasiaan, M. F. Dowling
8.Classification and effects of thermal wakes on heat transfer in multilouvered finsPages 2461-2473X. Zhang, D. K. Tafti
9.Study on film boiling heat transfer for water jet impinging on high temperature flat platePages 2475-2481Zhen-Hua Liu, Jing Wang
10.A refined similarity solution for the multicomponent alloy solidificationPages 2483-2492Jae
11.Analysis of flow and heat transfer in a regenerator mesh using a non-Darcy thermally non-equilibrium modelPages 2493-2504K. Muralidhar, K. Suzuki
12.On the mechanism and kinetics of the transport processes in system with intensive interphase mass transfer. 4. Effect of the interface concentrationPages 2505-2509B. Boyadjiev, Chr. Boyadjiev
13.Experimental investigation of natural convective heat transfer from a round plate of complex configurationPages
14.Pressure drop characteristics of gas–liquid two-phase flow in vertical miniature triangular channelsPages 2523-2534T. S. Zhao, Q. C. Bi
15.On diffusion processes in a two-phase random nonhomogeneous stratified semispacePages 2535-2539O. Chernukha
16.Heat transfer and fluid flow in a high-intensity free-burning arc: an improved modeling approachPages 2541-2553Xi Chen, He-Ping Li
17.Choked flow of low density gas in a narrow parallel-plate channel with adiabatic wallsPages 2555-2565W. Shi, M. Miyamoto, Y. Katoh, J. Kurima
18.Soot processes in a methane-fueled furnace and their impact on radiation heat transfer to furnace wallsPages 2567-2581Salah-Addin B. Al-Omari, Kazuhiko Kawajiri, Takashi Yonesawa
19.Effect of circumferential variation of sidewall temperature on buoyant convection in a vertical cylinderPages

Volume 44, Issue 14, Pages 2589-2789 (July 2001)

1.Effects of heater size and orientation on pool boiling heat transfer from microporous coated surfacesPages 2589-2599K. N. Rainey, S. M. You
2.An experimental investigation of the frictional pressure drop of steam–water two-phase flow in helical coilsPages 2601-2610Liejin Guo, Ziping Feng, Xuejun Chen
3.Time-resolved spatial distribution of scattered radiative energy in a two-dimensional cylindrical medium with a large mean free path for scatteringPages 2611-2619Shang-Hsuang Wu, Chih-Yang Wu
4.An investigation of a block moving back and forth on a heat plate under a slot jetPages 2621-2631Wu-Shung Fu, Ke-Nan Wang, Wen-Wang Ke
5.A hydrodynamic and thermodynamic simulation of droplet impacts on hot surfaces, Part I: theoretical modelPages 2633-2642Dalton J. E. Harvie, David F. Fletcher
6.A hydrodynamic and thermodynamic simulation of droplet impacts on hot surfaces, Part II: validation and applicationsPages 2643-2659Dalton J. E. Harvie, David F. Fletcher
7.Turbulent mixed convection flow over a backward-facing stepPages 2661-2669H. I. Abu-Mulaweh, B. F. Armaly, T. S. Chen
8.Solving an inverse heat conduction problem using a non-integer identified modelPages 2671-2680J. -L. Battaglia, O. Cois, L. Puigsegur, A. Oustaloup
9.Numerical and laboratory experiments of sidewall heating thermohaline convectionPages 2681-2697C. Sabbah, R. Pasquetti, R. Peyret, V. Levitsky, Y. D. Chashechkin
10.Bubble growth in a uniform and spatially distributed temperature fieldPages 2699-2710A. J. Robinson, R. L. Judd
11.Effect of slot gas injection to the flow field and coherent structure characteristics of a backstep flowPages 2711-2726Harinaldi, Toshihisa Ueda, Masahiko Mizomoto
12.Paraffin/porous-graphite-matrix composite as a high and constant power thermal storage materialPages 2727-2737Xavier Py, Régis Olives, Sylvain Mauran
13.Effect of centrifugal buoyancy on turbulent heat transfer in an orthogonally rotating square duct with transverse or angled rib turbulatorsPages 2739-2750Akira Murata, Sadanari Mochizuki
14.Numerical investigations of Lorentz force influenced Marangoni convection relevant to aluminum surface alloyingPages 2751-2762O. Velde, R. Gritzki, R. Grundmann
15.Bubbling features from a single artificial cavityPages 2763-2776Masahiro Shoji, Yuto Takagi
16.Turbulent forced convection in microtubesPages
17.On the fractal description of active nucleation site density for pool boilingPages 2783-2786S. R. Yang, Z. M. Xu, J. W. Wang, X. T. Zhao
18.Comments on “A fractal geometry model for evaluating permeabilities of porous preforms used in liquid composite molding”Pages 2787-2789B. M. Yu

Volume 44, Issue 15, Pages 2791-2994 (August 2001)

1.Unsteady MHD convection flow of polar fluids past a vertical moving porous plate in a porous mediumPages 2791-2799Youn J. Kim
2.Solutions for the correction of temperature measurements based on beaded thermocouplesPages 2801-2808A. E. Segall
3.Minimum thickness of a flowing down liquid film on a vertical surfacePages 2809-2825Mohamed S. El-Genk, Hamed H. Saber
4.Equipartition of forces as a lower bound on the entropy production in heat exchangePages 2827-2833Lars Nummedal, Signe Kjelstrup
5.Asymptotes of maximum friction and heat transfer reductions for drag-reducing surfactant solutionsPages 2835-2843Guillermo Aguilar, Kazimir Gasljevic, Eric F. Matthys
6.Thermal analysis of the laser surface transformation hardening processPages 2845-2862R. Komanduri, Z. B. Hou
7.Effect of free stream turbulence on local mass transfer from a circular cylinderPages 2863-2875S. Sanitjai, R. J. Goldstein
8.A model for heat transfer in a pressurized circulating fluidized bed furnacePages 2877-2887B. V. Reddy, P. Basu
9.Visualization of roll patterns in Rayleigh–Bénard convection of air in a rectangular shallow cavityPages 2889-2902J. T. Lir, T. F. Lin
10.Establishing heat–entropy analogies for interface tracking in phase change heat transfer with fluid flowPages 2903-2916G. F. Naterer
11.Applying heat–entropy analogies with experimental study of interface tracking in phase change heat transferPages 2917-2932G. F. Naterer
12.Isothermal surface production and regulation for high heat flux applications utilizing porous insertsPages 2933-2947K. Khanafer, K. Vafai
13.A multidimensional inverse radiation problem of estimating the strength of a heat source in participating mediaPages 2949-2956H. M. Park, D. H. Yoo
14.Bubble nucleation in microchannels: statistical mechanics approachPages 2957-2964X. F. Peng, Y. Tien, D. J. Lee
15.Effect of pressure and carbon dioxide concentration on heat transfer at high temperature in a Pressurized Circulating Fluidized Bed (PCFB) combustorPages 2965-2971Nyoman S. Winaya, Prabir Basu
16.Natural convection of water–fine particle suspension in a rectangular vessel heated and cooled from opposing vertical walls (classification of the natural convection in the case of suspension with a narrow-size distribution)Pages 2973-2982Chaedong Kang, Masashi Okada, Atsushi Hattori, Kazuya Oyama
17.Collapse of vapor locks by condensation over moving subcooled liquidPages 2983-2994K. Ramamurthi, S. Sunil Kumar

Volume 44, Issue 16, Pages 2995-3187 (August 2001)

1.Professor Ralph Greif on his 65th birthdayPages 2995-2996
2.Heat transfer bibliography – Japanese works 1998Pages 2997-3015K. Suzuki, S. Nishio
3.Non-uniform mass transfer or wall enthalpy into a compressible flow over yawed cylinderPages 3017-3024S. Roy
4.Heat transfer of reciprocating helical tube fitted with full circumferential ribsPages 3025-3042S. W. Chang, L. M. Su
5.Magnetic control of thermal convection in electrically non-conducting or low-conducting paramagnetic fluidsPages 3043-3052Jianwei Qi, Nobuko I. Wakayama, Akira Yabe
6.Low-Prandtl number natural convection in volumetrically heated rectangular enclosures III. Shallow cavity, AR=0.25Pages 3053-3065Salvatore Arcidiacono, Michele Ciofalo
7.Numerical investigation of transient buoyant flow in a room with a displacement ventilation and chilled ceiling systemPages 3067-3080S. J. Rees, J. J. McGuirk, P. Haves
8.Gas-phase unsteadiness and its influence on droplet vaporization in sub- and super-critical environmentsPages 3081-3093Guang-Sheng Zhu, Rolf D. Reitz, Suresh K. Aggarwal
9.Movement of impingement heat transfer by a single circular jet with a confined wallPages 3095-3102Koichi Ichimiya, Shoichi Takema, Shunichi Morimoto, Tomoaki Kunugi, Norio Akino
10.Friction in micro-channel flows of a liquid and vapor in trapezoidal and sinusoidal groovesPages 3103-3109Jeong-Se Suh, Ralph Greif, Costas P. Grigoropoulos
11.Tree-shaped insulated designs for the uniform distribution of hot water over an areaPages 3111-3123W. Wechsatol, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
12.Interfacial electrokinetic effects on liquid flow in microchannelsPages 3125-3134Liqing Ren, Weilin Qu, Dongqing Li
13.Microscale permeability predictions of porous fibrous mediaPages 3135-3145N. D. Ngo, K. K. Tamma
14.The liquid temperature in diffusion controlled vapor condensation: analysis and experimental verificationPages 3147-3153Franz Peters, Arne Graßmann
15.Natural convection inside ventilated enclosure heated by downward-facing plate: experiments and numerical simulationsPages 3155-3168V. Dubovsky, G. Ziskind, S. Druckman, E. Moshka, Y. Weiss, R. Letan
16.A new estimation method of thermal diffusivity using analytical inverse solution for one-dimensional heat conductionPages 3169-3177Masanori Monde, Yuichi Mitsutake
17.Local heat transfer and flow distribution in a three-pass industrial heat exchangerPages 3179-3187D. N. Sørensen, S. L. Hvid, M. B. Hansen, K. E. Meyer

Volume 44, Issue 17, Pages 3189-3384 (September 2001)

1.Analysis of heat transfer enhancement in coiled-tube heat exchangersPages 3189-3199Narasimha Acharya, Mihir Sen, Hsueh-Chia Chang
2.Theoretical and experimental analysis of droplet diameter, temperature, and evaporation rate evolution in cryogenic spraysPages 3201-3211G. Aguilar, B. Majaron, W. Verkruysse, Y. Zhou, J. S. Nelson, E. J. Lavernia
3.Mass transfer process during the NaClO3 crystal growth processPages 3213-3222Q. Kang, L. Duan, W. R. Hu
4.Optimal shape and arrangement of staggered pins in the channel of a plate heat exchangerPages 3223-3231Kwan-Soo Lee, Woo-Seung Kim, Jong-Min Si
5.Condensation of vapours on a fin in the presence of non-condensable gasPages 3233-3240P. K. Sarma, M. Anjaneya Reddy, A. E. Bergles, Sadik Kakac
6.Transient force and free convection along a vertical wavy surface in micropolar fluidsPages
7.Elliptic temperature contours under a transverse magnetic field computed for a Czochralski meltPages 3253-3264Masato Akamatsu, Mitsuo Higano, Hiroyuki Ozoe
8.Modeling of diffusion filtration combustion radiative burnerPages 3265-3272Kirill V. Dobrego, Igor M. Kozlov, Serguei A. Zhdanok, Nikolai N. Gnesdilov
9.Conjugate natural convection in a square enclosure containing volumetric sourcesPages 3273-3280A. Liaqat, A. C. Baytas
10.Symmetrical impulsive thermo-fluid dynamic field along a thick platePages 3281-3293Amilcare Pozzi, Renato Tognaccini
11.Dispersion radiale et axiale dans les écoulements tourbillonnaires de Taylor–Couette et Poiseuille: Radial and axial dispersion in Taylor–Couette and Poiseuille vortex flowsPages 3295-3306L. Guy Raguin, Mark Shannon, John G. Georgiadis
12.A new finite integral transform pair for hyperbolic conduction problems in heterogeneous mediaPages 3307-3320P. Duhamel
13.Numerical study of natural convection in an eccentric annulus between a square outer cylinder and a circular inner cylinder using DQ methodPages 3321-3333C. Shu, H. Xue, Y. D. Zhu
14.Non-Fourier effects on transient temperature response in semitransparent medium caused by laser pulsePages
15.Measurement of solute diffusivities. Part II. Experimental measurements in a convection-controlled shear cell. Interest of a uniform magnetic fieldPages 3345-3357V. Botton, P. Lehmann, R. Bolcato, R. Moreau, R. Haettel
16.Removing the marching breakdown of the boundary-layer equations for mixed convection above a horizontal platePages 3359-3372Pierre-Yves Lagrée
17.Heat transfer enhancement in turbulent upward flows of liquid–solid suspensions through vertical annuliPages 3373-3379Tülay A. Özbelge
18.An experimental investigation into natural convection heat transfer from horizontal isothermal circular disksPages 3381-3384C. J. Kobus, G. L. Wedekind

Volume 44, Issue 18, Pages 3385-3577 (September 2001)

1.Local heat transfer around a wall-mounted cube in the turbulent boundary layerPages 3385-3395Hajime Nakamura, Tamotsu Igarashi, Takayuki Tsutsui
2.Fully developed laminar flow in trapezoidal grooves with shear stress at the liquid–vapor interfacePages 3397-3412Scott K. Thomas, Richard C. Lykins, Kirk L. Yerkes
3.A conservation-based discretization approach for conjugate heat transfer calculations in hot-gas ducting turbomachinery componentsPages 3413-3429E. Papanicolaou, D. Giebert, R. Koch, A. Schulz
4.Liquid steel flow, heat transfer and solidification in mold of continuous casters during grade transitionPages 3431-3442X. K. Lan, J. M. Khodadadi
5.Interfacial area concentration in steady fully-developed bubbly flowPages 3443-3461Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii
6.Convection in a square cavity filled with an anisotropic porous medium saturated with water near 4°CPages 3463-3470W. Zheng, L. Robillard, P. Vasseur
7.Prandtl-number effects and generalized correlations for confined and submerged jet impingementPages 3471-3480Chin-Yuan Li, Suresh V. Garimella
8.Analysis of flow reversal for laminar mixed convection in a vertical rectangular duct with one or more isothermal wallsPages 3481-3497A. Barletta
9.Growth of a dry spot under a vapor bubble at high heat flux and high pressurePages 3499-3511V. S. Nikolayev, D. A. Beysens, G. -L. Lagier, J. Hegseth
10.Freezing dynamics of molten solder droplets impacting onto flat substrates in reduced gravityPages 3513-3528S. Haferl, V. Butty, D. Poulikakos, J. Giannakouros, K. Boomsma, C. M. Megaridis, V. Nayagam
11.Heat transfer and pressure drop in a rectangular channel with diamond-shaped elementsPages 3529-3541Giovanni Tanda
12.Heat transfer and internal flow characteristics of a coil-inserted rotating heat pipePages 3543-3551Jin S. Lee, Chul J. Kim
13.Approximate solutions for metallic regenerative heat exchangersPages 3553-3563H. Klein, G. Eigenberger
14.A comparative study of compact enhanced fin-and-tube heat exchangersPages 3565-3573Chi-Chuan Wang, Wei-Song Lee, Wen-Jenn Sheu
15.Comment on the paper W.W. Lin, J.C. Yang, D.J. Lee, “Metastable pin fin boiling”, IJHMT 43 (9) (2000) 1629–1635Pages 3575-3577S. A. Kovalev, V. M. Zhukov, S. V. Usatikov

Volume 44, Issue 19, Pages 3579-3774 (October 2001)

1.Heat transfer – a review of 1999 literaturePages 3579-3699R. J. Goldstein, E. R. G. Eckert, W. E. Ibele, S. V. Patankar, T. W. Simon, T. H. Kuehn, P. J. Strykowski, K. K. Tamma, A. Bar-Cohen, J. V. R. Heberlein, J. H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F. A. Kulacki, U. Kortshagen, S. Garrick
2.Near wake of a circular cylinder submitted to blowing – I: Boundary layers evolutionPages 3701-3708L. Mathelin, F. Bataille, A. Lallemand
3.Near wake of a circular cylinder submitted to blowing – II: Impact on the dynamicsPages 3709-3719L. Mathelin, F. Bataille, A. Lallemand
4.Analytical and experimental response time to flow rate step along a counter flow double pipe heat exchangerPages 3721-3730M. A. Abdelghani-Idrissi, F. Bagui, L. Estel
5.Utilisation d'une double enceinte pour déterminer le coefficient de diffusion d'eau liée dans le bois en régime transitoire: recours à la simulation numérique pour valider la méthode d'identification: A double climatic chamber used to measure the diffusion coefficient of water in wood in unsteady-state conditions: determination of the best fitting method by numerical simulationPages 3731-3744Eusèbe Agoua, Sylvain Zohoun, Patrick Perré
6.The single-blow transient testing technique for plate–fin heat exchangersPages 3745-3753Xing Luo, Wilfried Roetzel
7.Holographic interferometry applied to coupled free convection and radiative transfer in a cavity containing a vertical plate between 290 and 650 KPages 3755-3764E. Lacona, J. Taine
8.Three-dimensional oscillatory thermocapillary convection in liquid bridge under microgravityPages 3765-3774Zhong Zeng, Hiroshi Mizuseki, Kiyoshi Simamura, Tsuguo Fukuda, Kazuyuki Higashino, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe

Volume 44, Issue 20, Pages 3775-3984 (October 2001)

1.High Schmidt mass transfer in a turbulent impinging slot–jet flowPages 3775-3785Radek
2.Material response to thermal loading due to short pulse laser heatingPages 3787-3798B. S. Yilbas, A. F. M. Arif
3.Fully developed turbulent flow and heat transfer at fiber-flocked surfacesPages 3799-3810Kurt O. Lund
4.Tuning of a fuzzy rule set for controlling convergence of a CFD solver in turbulent flowPages 3811-3822Zoran Dragojlovic, Deborah A. Kaminski, Juntaek Ryoo
5.An algorithm for solving multidimensional inverse heat conduction problemPages 3823-3832Somchart Chantasiriwan
6.High Schmidt number mass transfer using Chapman–Kuhn's near wall coherent structure modelPages 3833-3842Mingyong Chen, Qian Chen, Jiang Zhe, Vijay Modi
7.Interferometric probing of rapid vaporization at a solid–liquid interface induced by pulsed-laser irradiationPages 3843-3853Dongsik Kim, Hee K. Park, Costas P. Grigoropoulos
8.Numerical study of bottom-wall temperature modulation effects on thermal instability and oscillatory cellular convection in a rectangular enclosurePages 3855-3868C. Y. Soong, P. Y. Tzeng, C. D. Hsieh
9.On the validity of the adiabatic spreading assumption in droplet impact coolingPages 3869-3881W. M. Healy, J. G. Hartley, S. I. Abdel-Khalik
10.Green's functions, temperature and heat flux in the rectanglePages 3883-3894Kevin D. Cole, David H. Y. Yen
11.Flow around a bubble on a heated wall in a cross-flowing liquid under microgravity conditionPages
12.Integrative thermodynamic optimization of the environmental control system of an aircraftPages
13.Transient mass and heat transfer in a smooth pipePages 3919-3930N. Mahinpey, M. Ojha, O. Trass
14.Liquid blockage of vapor transport lines in low Bond number systems due to capillary-driven flows in condensed annular filmsPages 3931-3940Jeffrey S. Allen, Kevin P. Hallinan
15.The extended Graetz problem with piecewise constant wall heat flux for pipe and channel flowsPages
16.Optimization study and heat transfer comparison of staggered circular and elliptic tubes in forced convectionPages 3953-3961R. S. Matos, J. V. C. Vargas, T. A. Laursen, F. E. M. Saboya
17.Natural convection heat transfer in an enclosure with a heated backward stepPages 3963-3971T. S. Chang, Y. L. Tsay
18.Use of genetic algorithms for the simultaneous estimation of thin films thermal conductivity and contact resistancesPages 3973-3984S. Orain, Y. Scudeller, S. Garcia, T. Brousse

Volume 44, Issue 21, Pages 3985-4184 (November 2001)

1.Two-dimensional large-eddy simulation of turbulent natural convection due to internal heat generationPages 3985-3995Andrej Horvat, Ivo Kljenak, Jure Marn
2.Optimum jet-to-jet spacing of heat transfer for staggered arrays of impinging air jetsPages 3997-4007Jung-Yang San, Mao-De Lai
3.New-wall modeling for complex flows using the large eddy simulation technique in curvilinear coordinatesPages
4.Determination of temperature in glass with a fluorescence methodPages 4027-4034C. L. Shepard, B. D. Cannon, M. A. Khaleel
5.Thermal phase lag in a solid containing periodic planar cracksPages 4035-4046John R. Dryden, Frank Zok
6.Simulation of fully developed laminar heat and mass transfer in fuel cell ducts with different cross-sectionsPages 4047-4058Jinliang Yuan, Masoud Rokni, Bengt Sundén
7.A statistical model of wave scattering from random rough surfacesPages 4059-4073Kakuen Tang, Richard O. Buckius
8.A theoretical model of brick drying as a conjugate problemPages 4075-4086K. Murugesan, H. N. Suresh, K. N. Seetharamu, P. A. Aswatha Narayana, T. Sundararajan
9.An experimental study of a vibrating screen as means of absorption enhancementPages 4087-4094Hirojuki Tsuda, Horacio Perez-Blanco
10.Temperature measurements by CARS and intrusive probe in an air–hydrogen supersonic combustionPages 4095-4105P. Magre, G. Collin, O. Pin, J. M. Badie, G. Olalde, M. Clément
11.Le contact thermique pièce–outil lors d'une opération de forgeage à chaud: validation de l'hypothèse de résistance thermique de contact et influence de la loi de comportement de la pièce: The workpiece–die thermal contact during a hot forging process: validation of the thermal contact resistance assumption and influence of the workpiece constitutive lawPages 4107-4117B. Bourouga, V. Goizet, J. P. Bardon
12.Numerical analysis of strong evaporation–condensation through the porous matterPages 4119-4125A. P. Kryukov, V. Yu. Levashov, I. N. Shishkova
13.The onset of convection in an inclined anisotropic porous layerPages 4127-4138D. A. S. Rees, A. Postelnicu
14.Analysis of micro-Couette flow using the Burnett equationsPages 4139-4146H. Xue, H. M. Ji, C. Shu
15.Approach for incorporating narrow band nonuniformity into nongray analysis of radiative heat transfer in nonisothermal and nonhomogeneous gas fieldsPages 4147-4156Tatsuyuki Okamoto, Tetsuo Mutou, Toshimi Takagi
16.Use of the boundary element method to determine the thermal conductivity tensor of an anisotropic mediumPages 4157-4167N. S. Mera, L. Elliott, D. B. Ingham, D. Lesnic
17.Dry patch interaction caused by lateral conduction in transition boilingPages 4169-4173L. H. Chai, M. Shoji, X. F. Peng
18.Boiling curves – bifurcation and catastrophePages 4175-4179L. H. Chai, M. Shoji
19.“Integer” and “fractional” solutions of Fourier's problem of a ring heated by moving δ-source of energyPages 4181-4184Y. S. Yoon, V. N. Cherinko, S. V. Kletsky, S. J. Kang

Volume 44, Issue 22, Pages 4185-4379 (November 2001)

1.Constructal optimization of nonuniformly distributed tree-shaped flow structures for conductionPages 4185-4194M. Almogbel, A. Bejan
2.Geometry effects on flow transition in multilouvered fins – onset, propagation, and characteristic frequenciesPages 4195-4210D. K. Tafti, X. Zhang
3.Friction and heat transfer characteristics of laminar swirl flow through a circular tube fitted with regularly spaced twisted-tape elementsPages 4211-4223S. K. Saha, A. Dutta, S. K. Dhal
4.Slip-flow heat transfer in rectangular microchannelsPages 4225-4234Shiping Yu, Timothy A. Ameel
5.A numerical investigation of louvered fin-and-tube heat exchangers having circular and oval tube configurationsPages 4235-4243Jin-Sheng Leu, Min-Sheng Liu, Jane-Sunn Liaw, Chi-Chuan Wang
6.Film condensation of water in a vertical tube with countercurrent vapour flowPages 4245-4256S. Thumm, Ch. Philipp, U. Gross
7.Effects of water vapor condensation on the convection heat transfer of wet flue gas in a vertical tubePages 4257-4265L. Jia, X. F. Peng, Y. Yan, J. D. Sun, X. P. Li
8.Mixed convection with viscous dissipation in an inclined channel with prescribed wall temperaturesPages 4267-4275A. Barletta, E. Zanchini
9.Heat- and mass-transfer analysis for the condensing film flow along a vertical grooved tubePages 4277-4285I. S. Park, D. H. Choi
10.Pool-boiling CHF enhancement by modulated porous-layer coating: theory and experimentPages
11.An experimental investigation of a mass exchanger for transferring water vapor and inhibiting the transfer of other gasesPages 4313-4321E. M. Sparrow, J. P. Abraham, G. P. Martin, J. C. Y. Tong
12.Critical heat flux prediction for saturated flow boiling of water in vertical tubesPages 4323-4331Gian
13.Correlation between heat transfer and pressure drop in channels with periodically grooved partsPages
14.Heat transfer enhancement by the chimney effect in a vertical isoflux channelPages 4345-4357A. Auletta, O. Manca, B. Morrone, V. Naso
15.Spatial development of disturbances in plane Poiseuille flow: a direct numerical simulation using a commercial CFD codePages 4359-4367J. Severin, K. Beckert, H. Herwig
16.The interaction of thermal nonequilibrium and heterogeneous conductivity effects in forced convection in layered porous channelsPages 4369-4373D. A. Nield, A. V. Kuznetsov
17.A two-energy equation model for conduction and convection in porous mediaPages 4375-4379Akira Nakayama, Fujio Kuwahara, Masazumi Sugiyama, Guoliang Xu

Volume 44, Issue 23, Pages 4381-4566 (December 2001)

1.Experimental study of the forces associated with mixed convection from a heated sphere at small Reynolds and Grashof numbers. Part I: cross-flowPages 4381-4389G. Ziskind, B. Zhao, D. Katoshevski, E. Bar-Ziv
2.Effects of internal heat transfer and preferential diffusion on stretched spray flamesPages 4391-4400Shuhn-Shyurng Hou, Ta-Hui Lin
3.Analysis of non-Darcian effects on temperature differentials in porous mediaPages 4401-4411A. Marafie, K. Vafai
4.Flow structure and local Nusselt number variations in a channel with dimples and protrusions on opposite wallsPages 4413-4425P. M. Ligrani, G. I. Mahmood, J. L. Harrison, C. M. Clayton, D. L. Nelson
5.Acoustically controlled heat transfer of ferromagnetic fluidPages 4427-4432Feng Wu, Chih Wu, Fangzhong Guo, Duanyong Li
6.On the discrepancies between theoretical and experimental results for microgravity droplet evaporationPages
7.Heat and mass transfer coefficients of viscous spheresPages 4445-4454Zhi-Gang Feng, Efstathios E. Michaelides
8.Drop distributions and numerical simulation of dropwise condensation heat transferPages 4455-4464Yu-Ting Wu, Chun-Xin Yang, Xiu-Gan Yuan
9.Numerical modeling and experimental investigation on the characteristics of molten pool during laser processingPages 4465-4473L. X. Yang, X. F. Peng, B. X. Wang
10.Condensation characteristics inside a vertical tube considering the presence of mass transfer, vapor velocity and interfacial shearPages 4475-4482Yang Pan
11.A phenomenological approach to correcting DNB-type critical heat flux for non-uniform axial power shapesPages 4483-4492Dae-Hyun Hwang, Cheol Park, Sung-Quun Zee
12.Multiple solutions for double diffusive convection in a shallow porous cavity with vertical fluxes of heat and massPages 4493-4504L. Kalla, M. Mamou, P. Vasseur, L. Robillard
13.Influence of internal turbulent structure on intensity of velocity and temperature fluctuations of particlesPages 4505-4521I. V. Derevich
14.Active control of phase change from supercooled water to ice by ultrasonic vibration 1. Control of freezing temperaturePages 4523-4531Takaaki Inada, Xu Zhang, Akira Yabe, Yoshiyuki Kozawa
15.Active control of phase change from supercooled water to ice by ultrasonic vibration 2. Generation of ice slurries and effect of bubble nucleiPages 4533-4539Xu Zhang, Takaaki Inada, Akira Yabe, Shushen Lu, Yoshiyuki Kozawa
16.Exact solutions for heat and mass transfer in a falling laminar filmPages 4541-4552J. L. Lockshin, M. K. Zakharov
17.Numerical treatment of rapidly changing and discontinuous conductivitiesPages 4553-4556V. R. Voller
18.Prediction of CHF enhancement due to flow obstaclesPages 4557-4561Y. Guo, D. C. Groeneveld, S. C. Cheng
19.Exact dual solutions occurring in the Darcy mixed convection flowPages 4563-4566E. Magyari, I. Pop, B. Keller

Volume 44, Issue 24, Pages 4567-4736 (December 2001)

1.Volume contentsPages III-XXVIII
2.Author indexPages XXIX-XXXIII
3.Subcooled water critical pressure and critical flow rate in a safety valvePages 4567-4577Se Won Kim, Hee Cheon No
4.Studies of splat morphology and rapid solidification during thermal sprayingPages 4579-4592H. Zhang, X. Y. Wang, L. L. Zheng, X. Y. Jiang
5.Effects of ambient turbulence and fuel properties on the evaporation rate of single dropletsPages 4593-4603J. -S. Wu, Y. -J. Liu, H. -J. Sheen
6.Fundamental correlations for laminar and turbulent free convection from a uniformly heated vertical platePages 4605-4611Orhan Aydın, Laila Guessous
7.Effect of inclination on the air-side performance of a brazed aluminum heat exchanger under dry and wet conditionsPages 4613-4623Man-Hoe Kim, Baek Youn, Clark W. Bullard
8.Stability analysis of double-diffusive convection in superposed fluid and porous layers using a one-equation modelPages 4625-4633Pinghua Zhao, C. F. Chen
9.On the linear heat transfer correlation of a heated circular cylinder in laminar crossflow using a new representative temperature conceptPages 4635-4647An-Bang Wang, Zdenek
10.An investigation of a block moving back and forth on a heat plate under a slot jet. Part II (the effects of block moving distance and vacant distance)Pages 4649-4665Wu-Shung Fu, Ke-Nan Wang
11.In-flight oxidation of composite powder particles during thermal sprayingPages 4667-4677A. M. Ahmed, R. H. Rangel, V. V. Sobolev, J. M. Guilemany
12.Simulation by solutal convection of a thermal plume in a confined stratified environment: application to displacement ventilationPages 4679-4691O. Auban, F. Lemoine, P. Vallette, J. R. Fontaine
13.On the heat removal characteristics and the analytical model of a thermal energy storage capsule using gelled Glauber's salt as the PCMPages 4693-4701Akio Saito, Seiji Okawa, Tadafumi Shintani, Ryuichiro Iwamoto
14.Transient laminar natural convection along rectangular ductsPages 4703-4710G. L. Morini, M. Spiga
15.Thermal convection over flat plates possessing an irregular leading edgePages 4711-4715P. D. Weidman
16.Diffusive mass transfer with superimposed frictional flowPages 4717-4724W. Kast
17.A study of buoyancy-driven flow in a confined fluid overlying a porous layerPages 4725-4736J. J. Valencia-López, J. A. Ochoa-Tapia

Volume 45, Issue 1, Pages 1-236 (January 2002)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliographyPages 1-14
2.Estimation of two-sided boundary conditions for two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problemsPages 15-23Han-Taw Chen, Sheng-Yih Lin, Hung-Ru Wang, Lih-Chuan Fang
3.Thermally developing flow in elliptic ducts with axially variable wall temperature distributionPages 25-35V. D. Sakalis, P. M. Hatzikonstantinou, N. Kafousias
4.A new correlation for turbulent mass transfer from liquid dropletsPages 37-45Madjid Birouk, Iskender Gökalp
5.Energy separation in shear layersPages
6.Heat transfer in condensing, pulsating flowsPages 57-65Scott E. Hommema, Keith A. Temple, James D. Jones, Victor W. Goldschmidt
7.Solution to inverse heat conduction problems employing singular value decomposition and model-reductionPages 67-74J. R. Shenefelt, R. Luck, R. P. Taylor, J. T. Berry
8.Effects of concentration and temperature on the coupled heat and mass transport in liquid mixturesPages 75-86Y. Demirel, S. I. Sandler
9.New entrainment rate correlation in annular two-phase flow applicable to wide range of flow conditionPages 87-98Tomio Okawa, Tsuyoshi Kitahara, Kenji Yoshida, Tadayoshi Matsumoto, Isao Kataoka
10.Compressible flow and heat transfer in ultracentrifuges: hybrid analysis via integral tranformsPages 99-112L. M. Pereira, J. S. Pérez Guerrero, N. Brazão, R. M. Cotta
11.Effect of bulk flow pulsations on film cooling with compound angle holesPages 113-123Joon Sik Lee, In Sung Jung
12.Magnetic field effects on g-jitter induced flow and solute transportPages 125-144Bo Pan, D-Y Shang, B. Q. Li, H. C. de Groh
13.Flow visualization and film cooling effectiveness measurements around shaped holes with compound angle orientationsPages 145-156Hong-Wook Lee, Jung Joon Park, Joon Sik Lee
14.Instability of the Marangoni convection in a liquid bridge with liquid encapsulation under microgravity conditionPages 157-164Mingwei Li, Danling Zeng, Tingxia Zhu
15.Rapid vaporization of subcooled liquid in a capillary structurePages 165-172T. S. Zhao, Q. Liao
16.Comparison between local and homogenized models of radiative transfer in a set of parallel ducts considered as a porous mediumPages 173-180M. Tancrez, M. Hilka, J. Taine
17.Observation of volume variation effects in turbulent free convectionPages 181-192Michel Pavageau, Claude Rey
18.Contact temperature and wear of composite friction elements during brakingPages 193-199S. J. Matysiak, A. A. Yevtushenko, E. G. Ivanyk
19.Augmentation of heat transfer during filmwise condensation of steam and R-134a over single horizontal finned tubesPages 201-211Ravi Kumar, H. K. Varma, Bikash Mohanty, K. N. Agrawal
20.Heat transfer enhancement by the perforated plate installed between an impinging jet and the target platePages 213-217Dae Hee Lee, Young Min Lee, Yun Taek Kim, Se Youl Won, Young Suk Chung
21.A note on the prediction of liquid hold-up with the stratified roll wave regime for gas/liquid co-current flow in horizontal pipesPages 219-222P. L. Spedding, R. K. Cooper
22.Turbulent heat transfer from a flat surface to a swirling round impinging jetPages 223-227Dae Hee Lee, Se Youl Won, Yun Taek Kim, Young Suk Chung
23.Momentum boundary layer and its influence on the convective heat transfer in porous mediaPages
24.Call for papers: The 13th InternationalPages 235-236

Volume 45, Issue 2, Pages 237-464 (January 2002)

1.Spatio-temporal analysis of nucleate pool boiling: identification of nucleation sites using non-orthogonal empirical functionsPages 237-253Patrick E. McSharry, Jerome H. Ellepola, Jost von Hardenberg, Leonard A. Smith, David B. R. Kenning, Kevin Judd
2.Experimental study of pressurized gas-fluidized bed heat transferPages 255-265Art Yew Looi, Qi-Ming Mao, Martin Rhodes
3.Magnetizing force modeled and numerically solved for natural convection of air in a cubic enclosure: effect of the direction of the magnetic fieldPages 267-277Toshio Tagawa, Ryoji Shigemitsu, Hiroyuki Ozoe
4.Application of a hybrid model of mushy zone to macrosegregation in alloy solidificationPages
5.Development of a diabatic two-phase flow pattern map for horizontal flow boilingPages 291-301O. Zürcher, D. Favrat, J. R. Thome
6.Evaporation of refrigerants in a horizontal tube: an improved flow pattern dependent heat transfer model compared to ammonia dataPages 303-317O. Zürcher, D. Favrat, J. R. Thome
7.Laminar free convection from a vertical plate with uniform surface heat flux in chemically reacting systemsPages 319-329C. Cianfrini, M. Corcione, D. M. Fontana
8.Conjugate forced convection–conduction heat transfer analysis of a heat generating vertical cylinderPages 331-341G. Jilani, S. Jayaraj, M. Adeel Ahmad
9.Thermocline dynamics in a thermally stratified storePages 343-356J. van Berkel, C. C. M. Rindt, A. A. van Steenhoven
10.A model of through-air drying of tufted textile materialsPages 357-366H. Stephen Lee, Wallace W. Carr, Haskell W. Beckham, Johannes Leisen
11.An investigation of microscale explosive vaporization of water on an ultrathin Pt wirePages 367-379S. Glod, D. Poulikakos, Z. Zhao, G. Yadigaroglu
12.Solution of inverse heat conduction problems using maximum entropy methodPages 381-391Sun Kyoung Kim, Woo Il Lee
13.Natural convection of non-Newtonian fluids through permeable axisymmetric and two-dimensional bodies in a porous mediumPages 393-408Shih-Chieh Wang, Cha'o-Kuang Chen, Yue-Tzu Yang
14.On the profile of the liquid wedge underneath a growing vapour bubble and the reversal of the wall heat fluxPages 409-415J. Mitrovic
15.Internal distribution of radiation absorption in one-dimensional semitransparent mediumPages 417-424L. H. Liu, H. P. Tan, Q. Z. Yu
16.Transient thermal analysis of semitransparent composite layer with an opaque boundaryPages 425-440Ping-Yang Wang, Hui-Er Cheng, He-Ping Tan
17.Similarity of transport processes in disperse systems with suspended particlesPages 441-449Yu. S. Teplitskiy
18.Unsteady natural convection boundary-layer flow along a vertical isothermal plate in a linearly stratified fluid with Pr>1Pages 451-459Wenxian Lin, S. W. Armfield, P. L. Morgan
19.Effect of viscous dissipation on forced-convection heat transfer in cylindrical packed-bedsPages 461-464San San Yee, Kouichi Kamiuto

Volume 45, Issue 3, Pages 465-700 (January 2002)

1.Experimental study of the convective heat transfer from in-line and staggered configurations of two wall-mounted cubesPages 465-482E. R. Meinders, K. Hanjalic
2.The influence of additive molecular weight and ionic nature on the pool boiling performance of aqueous surfactant solutionsPages 483-493Vivek M. Wasekar, Raj M. Manglik
3.A model for high-pressure vaporization of droplets of complex liquid mixtures using continuous thermodynamicsPages 495-507Guang-Sheng Zhu, Rolf D. Reitz
4.A new mathematical method to solve highly coupled equations of heat and mass transfer in porous mediaPages 509-518N. Mendes, P. C. Philippi, R. Lamberts
5.Exploring injected droplet size effects on steady liquid penetration in a Diesel spray with a two-fluid modelPages
6.Transient convective heat transfer of steam–water two-phase flow in a helical tube under pressure drop type oscillationsPages 533-542Lie-Jin Guo, Zi-Ping Feng, Xue-jun Chen
7.Heat transfer and pressure drop for low Reynolds turbulent flow in helically dimpled tubesPages 543-553Pedro G. Vicente, Alberto García, Antonio Viedma
8.Enhancement of mass transfer in a two-layer Taylor–Couette apparatus with axial flowPages 555-570A. L. Yarin, A. Yu. Gelfgat, P. Z. Bar-Yoseph
9.Heat transfer and friction coefficients in corrugated ducts confined by sinusoidal and arc curvesPages 571-578J. L. Niu, L. Z. Zhang
10.Calculating transient wall heat flux from measurements of surface temperaturePages 579-584L. Reichelt, U. Meingast, U. Renz
11.Flow characteristics on a heated rotating disc under natural convection dominant conditionsPages 585-595Fumimaru Ogino, Takaji Inamuro, Kei Mizuta, Atsushi Kino, Ryuji Tomita
12.A study of CaCO3 fouling with a microscopic imaging techniquePages 597-607Won Tae Kim, Cheolho Bai, Young I. Cho
13.Experimental and numerical study on a miniature Joule–Thomson cooler for steady-state characteristicsPages 609-618K. C. Ng, H. Xue, J. B. Wang
14.3-D finite element simulation of wafer thermal distortion and stress fields in exposure processPages 619-630Zone-Ching Lin, Wen-Jang Wu
15.Numerical simulation of bubbly two-phase flow in a narrow channelPages 631-639Z. L. Yang, B. Palm, B. R. Sehgal
16.Fully developed mixed convection and flow reversal in a vertical rectangular duct with uniform wall heat fluxPages 641-654A. Barletta
17.Conjugated heat transfer in circular ducts with a power-law laminar convection fluid flowPages 655-666N. Luna, F. Méndez, C. Treviño
18.Active control of natural convection in a fluid layer with volume heat dissipationPages 667-678T.
19.Wall shear rate in the Taylor–Couette–Poiseuille flow at low axial Reynolds numberPages 679-689Eric Dumont, Francine Fayolle, Václav Sobolík, Jack Legrand
20.Visualization of boiling bubble dynamics using a flat uniformly heated transparent surfacePages 691-696C. C. Pascual, S. M. Jeter, S. I. Abdel-Khalik
21.Radiative heat transfer in absorbing–emitting–scattering gray medium inside 1-D gray Cartesian enclosure using the collapsed dimension methodPages

Volume 45, Issue 4, Pages 701-935 (February 2002)

1.Professor Suhas V. Patankar on his 60th birthdayPages 701-702
2.Measuring flow velocity at elevated temperature with a hot wire anemometer calibrated in cold flowPages 703-706S. F. Benjamin, C. A. Roberts
3.Distribution parameter and drift velocity of drift-flux model in bubbly flowPages 707-721T. Hibiki, M. Ishii
4.Development of tree-shaped flows by adding new users to existing networks of hot water pipesPages
5.Heat transfer enhancement with a surfactant on horizontal bundle tubes of an absorberPages 735-741J. I. Yoon, E. Kim, K. H. Choi, W. S. Seol
6.Mathematical description of the diffusion in a temperature field and measuring the heat of transportPages 743-753V. I. Rudakov, V. V. Ovcharov
7.Heat transfer in a pulsating heat pipe with open endPages 755-764Yuwen Zhang, Amir Faghri
8.Heat transfer in rectangular microchannelsPages
9.Numerical investigation of the three-dimensional natural convection inside horizontal concentric annulus with specified wall temperature or heat fluxPages 775-784Chun-Lang Yeh
10.Numerical computations of Factor Xa and thrombin productions using a finite-volume methodPages 785-792John C. Chai, T. M. Tsai, Ji Jinn Foo, Vincent Chan
11.Influence of the Prandtl number on the location of recirculation eddies in thermocapillary flowsPages 793-801Jean-François Mercier, Christiane Normand
12.Thermal processing of viscous non-Newtonian fluids in annular ducts: effects of power-law rheology, duct eccentricity, and thermal boundary conditionsPages 803-814R. M. Manglik, P. Fang
13.Prediction of turbine blade heat transfer and aerodynamics using a new unsteady boundary layer transition modelPages 815-829M. T. Schobeiri, P. Chakka
14.Secondary flow and forced convection heat transfer near endwall boundary layer fences in a 90° turning ductPages 831-843Cengiz Camci, Dean H. Rizzo
15.Non-iterative condensation modeling for steam condensation with non-condensable gas in a vertical tubePages 845-854Hee Cheon No, Hyun Sik Park
16.Mechanisms of heat flow in suspensions of nano-sized particles (nanofluids)Pages 855-863P. Keblinski, S. R. Phillpot, S. U. S. Choi, J. A. Eastman
17.Numerical analysis for photothermal poling process of nonlinear optical polymer filmPages 865-875Hiroaki Kobayashi, Masaki Kubo, Takao Tsukada, Mitsunori Hozawa
18.Measurement of endwall heat transfer and pressure drop in a pin-fin wedge ductPages 877-889Jenn-Jiang Hwang, Chau-Chin Lui
19.Etude des transferts couplés de matière et de chaleur dans une cavité rectangulaire: application à une cellule de distillation: Study of heat and mass transfer in a rectangular cavity: application to a distillation cellPages 891-904S. Ben Jabrallah, A. Belghith, J. P. Corriou
20.Prévision numérique des écarts entre grandeurs statistiques au sens de Favre et grandeurs statistiques au sens de Reynolds à partir d'un modèle au second ordrePages 905-918M. A. Ould Sid Ahmed, T. Lili
21.Experimental investigation of forced convection heat transfer augmentation with metallic fibrous materialsPages 919-922Devarakonda Angirasa
22.Thermal entry region analysis through the finite integral transform technique in laminar flow of Bingham fluids within concentric annular ductsPages 923-929U.
23.Effects of radiation and variable viscosity on a MHD free convection flow past a semi-infinite flat plate with an aligned magnetic field in the case of unsteady flowPages 931-935M. A. Seddeek

Volume 45, Issue 5, Pages 937-1171 (February 2002)

1.Laminar–turbulent transition behavior of fully developed air flow in a heated horizontal tubePages 937-949H. Koizumi
2.An analytical and experimental study of heat transfer in fixed bedPages 951-961Licínio M.
3.Laminar free-convection over a vertical isothermal plate with uniform blowing or suction in water with variable physical propertiesPages 963-977A. Pantokratoras
4.Heat transfer from an impinging premixed butane/air slot flame jetPages 979-992L. L. Dong, C. S. Cheung, C. W. Leung
5.Heat transfer characteristics of a slot jet impinging on a semi-circular convex surfacePages 993-1006T. L. Chan, C. W. Leung, K. Jambunathan, S. Ashforth-Frost, Y. Zhou, M. H. Liu
6.Modeling and experimental observation of evaporation from oxidizing molybdenum particles entrained in a thermal plasma jetPages 1007-1015Y. P. Wan, J. R. Fincke, S. Sampath, V. Prasad, H. Herman
7.Thermophysical properties of high porosity metal foamsPages 1017-1031A. Bhattacharya, V. V. Calmidi, R. L. Mahajan
8.Saturated flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop of refrigerant R-410A in a vertical plate heat exchangerPages 1033-1044Y. Y. Hsieh, T. F. Lin
9.Identification of furnace thermal characteristics from resistance measurementsPages 1045-1054J. P. Garandet, C. Salvi
10.Thermal oscillation and resonance in dual-phase-lagging heat conductionPages 1055-1061Mingtian Xu, Liqiu Wang
11.Approach towards spatial phase reconstruction in transient bubbly flow using a wire-mesh sensorPages 1063-1075S. Richter, M. Aritomi, H. -M. Prasser, R. Hampel
12.Metal droplet deposition on non-flat surfaces: effect of substrate morphologyPages 1077-1091A. M. Ahmed, R. H. Rangel
13.Heat (mass) transfer in rectangular cross-sectioned two-pass channels with an inclined divider wallPages 1093-1107M. Hirota, H. Fujita, L. Cai, H. Nakayama, M. Yanagida, A. Syafa'at
14.Morphology of soot collected in microgravity droplet flamesPages 1109-1116Samuel L. Manzello, Mun Y. Choi
15.Pool boiling heat transfer and simplified one-dimensional model for prediction on coated porous surfaces with vapor channelsPages 1117-1125Wei Wu, Jian-Hua Du, Xue-Jiao Hu, Bu-Xuan Wang
16.Heat transfer by laminar Hartmann flow in thermal entrance region with a step change in wall temperatures: the Graetz problem extendedPages 1127-1148J. Lahjomri, A. Oubarra, A. Alemany
17.Augmentation of heat transfer by deflectors on circulating fluidized bed membrane wallsPages 1149-1154M. R. Golriz, J. R. Grace
18.Solution of periodic heating problems by the transfer matrix methodPages 1155-1158Shiqing Fan, J. R. Barber
19.An empirical correlation for natural convection heat transfer from thin isothermal circular disks at arbitrary angles of inclinationPages 1159-1163C. J. Kobus, G. L. Wedekind
20.Well-posedness of dual-phase-lagging heat conduction equation: higher dimensionsPages 1165-1171Liqiu Wang, Mingtian Xu

Volume 45, Issue 6, Pages 1173-1376 (March 2002)

1.Modeling of heat transfer in turbulent gas–solid flowPages 1173-1184Z. Mansoori, M. Saffar-Avval, H. Basirat Tabrizi, G. Ahmadi
2.Stability analysis of natural convection in porous cavities through integral transformsPages 1185-1195L. S. de B. Alves, R. M. Cotta, J. Pontes
3.On numerical modelling of low-pressure subcooled boiling flowsPages 1197-1209J. Y. Tu, G. H. Yeoh
4.Stationary transverse rolls and U-rolls in limiting low Reynolds number mixed convective air flow near the convective threshold in a horizontal flat ductPages
5.Stagnation flow thermophoretic deposition with variable particle concentration in the mainstreamPages 1229-1235Frank K. Hsu, Ralph Greif
6.A numerical study of the unsteady flow and heat transfer in a transitional confined slot jet impinging on an isothermal surfacePages 1237-1248Victor A. Chiriac, Alfonso Ortega
7.The effect of Lewis number on radiative extinction and flamelet modelingPages 1249-1259Tariq Shamim
8.Hyperbolic axial dispersion model for heat exchangersPages 1261-1270Ranjit Kumar Sahoo, Wilfried Roetzel
9.Prediction of swirling confined diffusion flame with a Monte Carlo and a presumed-PDF-modelPages 1271-1285S. Repp, A. Sadiki, C. Schneider, A. Hinz, T. Landenfeld, J. Janicka
10.Proposition de méthodes et modèles eulériens pour les problèmes à interfaces entre fluides compressibles en présence de transfert de chaleur: Some models and Eulerian methods for interface problems between compressible fluids with heat transferPages 1287-1307J. Massoni, R. Saurel, B. Nkonga, R. Abgrall
11.Wall effect on heat transfer from a micro-cylinder in near-wall shear flowPages 1309-1320J. -M. Shi, M. Breuer, F. Durst
12.Stability of natural convective motion in pure water near 4°C contained in a slot with a moving sidewallPages 1321-1332S. Saravanan, P. Kandaswamy
13.An analytic approach to the unsteady heat conduction processes in one-dimensional composite mediaPages 1333-1343F. de Monte
14.Unsteady mixed convection flow in the stagnation region of a heated vertical plate due to impulsive motionPages 1345-1352Rajeswari Seshadri, Nalini Sreeshylan, G. Nath
15.Measurement of the mass diffusivity in cement mortar: use of initial rates of water absorptionPages 1353-1357Halina Garbalinska
16.Jet flow phenomena during nucleate boilingPages 1359-1363H. Wang, X. F. Peng, B. X. Wang, D. J. Lee
17.Oscillatory double-diffusive convection in a porous enclosure due to opposing heat and mass fluxes on the vertical wallsPages 1365-1369Yoshio Masuda, Michio Yoneya, Tamio Ikeshoji, Shigeo Kimura, Farid Alavyoon, Takao Tsukada, Mitsunori Hozawa
18.A study of heat transfer effectiveness of circular tubes with internal longitudinal fins having tapered lateral profilesPages 1371-1376Iftakhar Alam, P. S. Ghoshdastidar

Volume 45, Issue 7, Pages 1377-1583 (March 2002)

1.Professor Bu-Xuan Wang, Chinese AcademiciPages 1377-1378
2.Nonlinear analysis of tilted toroidal thermosyphon modelsPages 1379-1391Arturo Pacheco-Vega, Walfre Franco, Hsueh-Chia Chang, Mihir Sen
3.On a subgrid-scale heat flux model for large eddy simulation of turbulent thermal flowPages 1393-1405Shia-Hui Peng, Lars Davidson
4.Experimental characteristics of a storage tank on a harvest-type ice storage systemPages 1407-1412I. S. Choi, J. D. Kim, E. Kim, J. I. Yoon
5.Fully developed forced convection of the Phan-Thien–Tanner fluid in ducts with a constant wall temperaturePages 1413-1423P. M. Coelho, F. T. Pinho, P. J. Oliveira
6.Transient natural convection in a cylindrical enclosure at high Rayleigh numbersPages
7.Falling-film and droplet mode heat and mass transfer in a horizontal tube LiBr/water absorberPages 1445-1458Siyoung Jeong, Srinivas Garimella
8.Note on a thermal law of the wall for separating and recirculating flowsPages 1459-1465Daniel O. A. Cruz, Atila P. Silva Freire
9.Direct contact melting of porous materialPages 1467-1475Hiroyuki Kumano, Akio Saito, Seiji Okawa
10.MHD free convection in a liquid-metal filled cubic enclosure. I. Differential heatingPages
11.MHD free convection in a liquid-metal filled cubic enclosure. II. Internal heatingPages 1493-1511Ivan Di Piazza, Michele Ciofalo
12.Modified theoretical models of film condensation in horizontal microfin tubesPages 1513-1523H. S. Wang, H. Honda, S. Nozu
13.A linear and non-linear analysis on interfacial instability of gas–liquid two-phase flow through a circular pipePages 1525-1534Lie-Jin Guo, Guang-Jun Li, Xue-Jun Chen
14.Experimental and theoretical study of axial dryout point for evaporation from V-shaped microgroovesPages 1535-1543Sivaraman Anand, Sirshendu De, Sunando Dasgupta
15.Optimality of nonequilibrium systems and problems of statistical thermodynamicsPages 1545-1561Stanislaw Sieniutycz
16.Unsteady forced convection heat transfer on a flat plate embedded in the fluid-saturated porous medium with inertia effect and thermal dispersionPages 1563-1569Wen T. Cheng, Hsiao T. Lin
17.Analytical solution for pulsed laser heating process: convective boundary condition casePages 1571-1582B. S. Yilbas, M. Kalyon
18.Shape and Structure, from Engineering to Nature, A. Bejan, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000, 344 pp, hbk $110.00/£70.00 (ISBN 0-521-79049-2), pbk $39.95/£24.95 (ISBN 0-521-79388-2)Page 1583J. Cervantes-de Gortari

Volume 45, Issue 8, Pages 1585-1788 (April 2002)

1.An approximate analytic method for solving 1D dual-phase-lagging heat transport equationsPages 1585-1593Weizhong Dai, Raja Nassar
2.Numerical study of thermal instability in mixed convection flow over horizontal and inclined surfacesPages 1595-1603Ming-Han Lin, Chin-Tai Chen
3.Conjugate heat transfer measurements in a non-uniformly heated circular flow channel under flow boiling conditionsPages 1605-1613Ronald D. Boyd Sr., Penrose Cofie, Ali Ekhlassi
4.An experimental and numerical study of heat transfer off an inclined surface subject to an impinging airflowPages 1615-1629Subrata Roy, Karim Nasr, Paresh Patel, Bashar AbdulNour
5.Unsteady forced convection with sinusoidal duct wall generation: the conjugate heat transfer problemPages 1631-1642James Sucec
6.Constructal design for cooling a disc-shaped area by conductionPages 1643-1652L. A. O. Rocha, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
7.Modeling of gaseous radiant exchange with the smooth (reordered) band modelPages 1653-1660A. Runstedtler, K. G. T. Hollands
8.Turbulent unsteady flow and heat transfer in channels with periodically mounted square barsPages 1661-1673Alvaro Valencia, Marcela Cid
9.A methodology to reduce thermal gradients due to the exothermic reactions in composites processingPages 1675-1684Vincenza Antonucci, Michele Giordano, Kuang-Ting Hsiao, Suresh G. Advani
10.Fouling characteristics of internal helical-rib roughness tubes using low-velocity cooling tower waterPages 1685-1691Wei Li, Ralph L. Webb
11.Direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flow under stable density stratificationPages 1693-1703O. Iida, N. Kasagi, Y. Nagano
12.Modelling forest fires. Part I: a complete set of equations derived by extended irreversible thermodynamicsPages
13.Modelling forest fires. Part II: reduction to two-dimensional models and simulation of propagationPages
14.Effects of surface wettability on nucleate pool boiling heat transfer for surfactant solutionsPages 1739-1747D. S. Wen, B. X. Wang
15.Development of a new moisture transfer (Bi–Re) correlation for food drying applicationsPages 1749-1755I. Dincer, M. M. Hussain, A. Z. Sahin, B. S. Yilbas
16.Determination of drying times for regular multi-dimensional objectsPages 1757-1766A. Z. Sahin, I. Dincer, B. S. Yilbas, M. M. Hussain
17.Theoretical analysis of heat transfer in laminar pulsating flowPages 1767-1780H. N.
18.Transient conjugated heat transfer in pipes involving two-dimensional wall and axial fluid conductionPages 1781-1788Sefik Bilir

Volume 45, Issue 9, Pages 1789-2000 (April 2002)

1.Congratulations to Prof. Erich Hahne on the occasion of your 70th birthday!Pages 1789-1790
2.Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer of R-134a and the associated bubble characteristics in a vertical plate heat exchangerPages 1791-1806Y. Y. Hsieh, L. J. Chiang, T. F. Lin
3.Second law analysis of a waste heat recovery steam generatorPages 1807-1814B. V. Reddy, G. Ramkiran, K. Ashok Kumar, P. K. Nag
4.Convective heat transfer of exothermic reactive gas flowing across a heating cylinder coated with platinum catalyst in a narrow ductPages 1815-1821Yoshinori Itaya, Tooru Hiroi, Hitoki Matsuda, Masanobu Hasatani
5.Flow and heat transfer in rotating two-pass rectangular channels (AR=2) by Reynolds stress turbulence modelPages 1823-1838Mohammad Al-Qahtani, Yong-Jun Jang, Hamn-Ching Chen, Je-Chin Han
6.Measurement of apparent solid-side mass diffusivity of a water vapor–silica gel systemPages 1839-1847Cheng-Chin Ni, Jung-Yang San
7.Computational modeling for honeycomb-stator gas annular sealPages 1849-1863G. Chochua, W. Shyy, J. Moore
8.Temperature solution in multi-dimensional multi-layer bodiesPages 1865-1877A. Haji-Sheikh, J. V. Beck
9.Effects of radius and heat transfer on the profile of evaporating thin liquid film and meniscus in capillary tubesPages 1879-1887Wei Qu, Tongze Ma, Jianyin Miao, Jinliang Wang
10.Energy analysis of evaporating thin falling film instability in vertical tubePages 1889-1893Xiao-Ze
11.Analytical solutions of 1-D heat conduction problem for a single fin with temperature dependent heat transfer coefficient – I. Closed-form inverse solutionPages 1895-1903I. N. Dul'kin, G. I. Garas'ko
12.Analytical solutions of the 1-D heat conduction problem for a single fin with temperature dependent heat transfer coefficient – II. Recurrent direct solutionPages
13.Measurement and numerical analysis of freezing in solutions enclosed in a small containerPages 1915-1931Ramachandra V. Devireddy, Perry H. Leo, John S. Lowengrub, John C. Bischof
14.Flow visualization of wave-type vortex generators having inline fin-tube arrangementPages 1933-1944Chi-Chuan Wang, Jerry Lo, Yur-Tsai Lin, Min-Sheng Liu
15.A Monte Carlo model for predicting the effective emissivity of the silicon wafer in rapid thermal processing furnacesPages 1945-1949Y. H. Zhou, Y. J. Shen, Z. M. Zhang, B. K. Tsai, D. P. DeWitt
16.Multiple transient point heat sources identification in heat diffusion: application to experimental 2D problemsPages 1951-1964Frédéric Lefèvre, Christophe Le Niliot
17.Scalar transport in a quasi two-dimensional turbulent wake interacting with a boundary layerPages 1965-1982G. A. Sideridis, E. G. Kastrinakis, S. G. Nychas
18.Determination of the temperature and concentrations for the products of combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel on the basis of their infrared self-radiationPages 1983-1991E. Vitkin, O. Zhdanovich, V. Tamanovich, V. Senchenko, V. Dozhdikov, M. Ignatiev, I. Smurov
19.A closed form solution for temperature rise inside solid substrate due to time exponentially varying pulsePages 1993-2000B. S. Yilbas

Volume 45, Issue 10, Pages 2001-2212 (May 2002)

1.Professor Dr.-Ing.Dr-Ing e.h. Ulrich Grigull on his 90th birthdayPages 2001-2002
2.A generalized correlation for evaporation heat transfer of refrigerants in micro-fin tubesPages 2003-2010Rin Yun, Yongchan Kim, Kookjeong Seo, Ho Young Kim
3.Heat transfer in a dimpled channel: combined influences of aspect ratio, temperature ratio, Reynolds number, and flow structurePages 2011-2020G. I. Mahmood, P. M. Ligrani
4.Accuracy of measurements of curvature and apparent contact angle in a constrained vapor bubble heat exchangerPages 2021-2030Ling Zheng, Ying-Xin Wang, Joel L. Plawsky, Peter C. Wayner Jr.
5.Forced convection heat transfer at an inclined and yawed round tubePages 2031-2042Mao-Yu Wen, Kuen-Jang Jang
6.Interfacial thermal conductance in rapid contact solidification processPages 2043-2053W. Wang, H. -H. Qiu
7.Thermal effect of surface tension on the inward solidification of spheresPages 2055-2065T. Wu, H. -C. Liaw, Y. -Z. Chen
8.A decomposition method for solving the convective longitudinal fins with variable thermal conductivityPages 2067-2075Ching-Huang Chiu, Cha'o-Kuang Chen
9.Numerical study of heat transfer in a laminar mist flow over a isothermal flat platePages
10.Molecular dynamics simulation of vaporization of an ultra-thin liquid argon layer on a surfacePages 2087-2100Pan Yi, D. Poulikakos, J. Walther, G. Yadigaroglu
11.The effect of layer depth on mixing in a double-diffusive two-layer systemPages 2101-2105Josef Tanny, Bachtiyar Yakubov
12.Experimental study on laminar flow forced-convection in a channel with upper V-corrugated plate heated by radiationPages 2107-2117Ahmed Hamza H. Ali, Yutaka Hanaoka
13.Theoretical analysis and experimental confirmation of the uniformity principle of temperature difference field in heat exchangerPages 2119-2127Zeng-Yuan Guo, Sen-Quan Zhou, Zhi-Xin Li, Lin-Gen Chen
14.On the application of the exponential wide band model to the calculation of radiative heat transfer in one- and two-dimensional enclosuresPages 2129-2139Jochen Ströhle, Pedro J. Coelho
15.Laminar natural convection in an inclined cavity with a wavy wallPages 2141-2152L. Adjlout, O. Imine, A. Azzi, M. Belkadi
16.Thermal instabilities in a horizontal cylindrical duct: a physical approachPages 2153-2157C. Abid, R. Martin, F. Papini
17.Analysis of conduction–radiation problem in absorbing, emitting and anisotropically scattering media using the collapsed dimension methodPages 2159-2168Prabal Talukdar, Subhash C. Mishra
18.Slip flow and temperature jump on the impulsively started platePages 2169-2175L. M. de Socio, L. Marino
19.Heat transfer through periodic macro-contact with constrictionPages 2177-2190Hao Wang, Alain Degiovanni
20.Combined free and forced convection in a cornerPages 2191-2205A. Ridha
21.Natural convection flow due to a heat source in a vertical channelPages 2207-2212F. J. Higuera, Yu. S. Ryazantsev

Volume 45, Issue 11, Pages 2213-2422 (May 2002)

1.The onset of Darcy–Brinkman convection in a porous layer: an asymptotic analysisPages 2213-2220D. A. S. Rees
2.Onset of Darcy–Bénard convection using a thermal non-equilibrium modelPages 2221-2228Nurzahan Banu, D. A. S. Rees
3.A three-dimensional model of droplet impact and solidificationPages 2229-2242M. Pasandideh-Fard, S. Chandra, J. Mostaghimi
4.Effective thermal conductivity of compressed woodsPages 2243-2253Yutaka Asako, Hisayoshi
5.Experiments on discretely heated, vented/unvented enclosures for various radiation surface characteristics of the thermal load, enclosure temperature sensor, and enclosure wallsPages 2255-2263John P. Abraham, Ephraim M. Sparrow
6.Inertia effects on non-parallel thermal instability of natural convection flow over horizontal and inclined plates in porous mediaPages 2265-2276J. Z. Zhao, T. S. Chen
7.A two-phase flow and transport model for the cathode of PEM fuel cellsPages 2277-2287Lixin You, Hongtan Liu
8.An integrated model for interaction between melt flow and non-equilibrium solidification in thermal sprayingPages 2289-2301X. Y. Wang, H. Zhang, L. L. Zheng, S. Sampath
9.Analysis of heat transfer in the rapid thermal processing of the plasma display panelPages 2303-2314Man Yeong Ha, Kong Hoon Lee, Moon Gun Bae, Jong Rae Cho, Hee Seung Lee, Jin Ho Choi
10.LES analysis of turbulent flow and heat transfer in motored engines with various SGS modelsPages
11.Coalescence of bubbles in nucleate boiling on microheatersPages 2329-2341Tailian Chen, J. N. Chung
12.Modeling of eddy characteristic time in LES for calculating turbulent diffusion flamePages 2343-2349Mitsuru Yaga, Hajime Endo, Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Hideyuki Aoki, Takatoshi Miura
13.Development of one-group interfacial area transport equation in bubbly flow systemsPages 2351-2372Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii
14.Numerical visualization of mass and heat transport for conjugate natural convection/heat conduction by streamline and heatlinePages 2373-2385Qi-Hong Deng, Guang-Fa Tang
15.Numerical visualization of mass and heat transport for mixed convective heat transfer by streamline and heatlinePages 2387-2396Qi-Hong Deng, Guang-Fa Tang
16.Mushy zone equilibrium solidification of a semitransparent layer subject to radiative and convective coolingPages 2397-2405Chengcai Yao, B. T. F. Chung, G. -X. Wang
17.Analytical and numerical investigation of the characteristics of a soil heat exchanger for ventilation systemsPages 2407-2418V. P. Kabashnikov, L. N. Danilevskii, V. P. Nekrasov, I. P. Vityaz
18.Inlet temperature influence on the departure from Darcy flow of a fluid with variable viscosityPages

Volume 45, Issue 12, Pages 2423-2632 (June 2002)

1.Experimental study of the forces associated with mixed convection from a heated sphere at small Reynolds and Grashof numbers. Part II: Assisting and opposing flowsPages 2423-2430E. Mograbi, G. Ziskind, D. Katoshevski, E. Bar-Ziv
2.Three-dimensional convective flow adjacent to backward-facing step - effects of step heightPages 2431-2438J. H. Nie, B. F. Armaly
3.Thermal conductivity of amorphous silicon thin filmsPages 2439-2447Seungjae Moon, Mutsuko Hatano, Minghong Lee, Costas P. Grigoropoulos
4.Forced convective boiling of pure refrigerants in a bundle of enhanced tubes having pores and connecting gapsPages 2449-2463Nae-Hyun Kim, Jin-Pyo Cho, Baek Youn
5.Hydromagnetic double-diffusive convection in a rectangular enclosure with opposing temperature and concentration gradientsPages 2465-2483Ali J. Chamkha, Hameed Al-Naser
6.An analytical asymptotic solution to a conjugate heat transfer problemPages 2485-2500Carl Fredrik Stein, Peter Johansson, Jöran Bergh, Lennart Löfdahl, Mihir Sen, Mohamed Gad-el-Hak
7.Analysis of liquid–vapor pulsating flow in a U-shaped miniature tubePages 2501-2508Yuwen Zhang, A. Faghri, M. B. Shafii
8.On laminar hydromagnetic mixed convection flow in a vertical channel with symmetric and asymmetric wall heating conditionsPages 2509-2525Ali J. Chamkha
9.Effective boundary conditions for buoyancy-driven flows and heat transfer in fully open-ended two-dimensional enclosuresPages 2527-2538K. Khanafer, K. Vafai
10.Wickless network heat pipes for high heat flux spreading applicationsPages 2539-2547Y. Cao, M. Gao
11.Experimental and numerical study of pressure drop and heat transfer in a single-phase micro-channel heat sinkPages 2549-2565Weilin Qu, Issam Mudawar
12.A numerical model for the mixing of an inclined submerged heated plane water jet in calm fluidPages 2567-2575P. B. Angelidis
13.Experimental and numerical investigation of circularly lobed nozzle with/without central plugPages 2577-2585You-Hong Liu
14.Forced convection in a wavy-wall channelPages 2587-2595C. -C. Wang, C. -K. Chen
15.Complete map out of the heat transfer coefficient at the surface of two circular cylinders H/D=3.0 and 0.3 subjected to a cross-flow of airPages 2597-2609Laetitia Ghisalberti, Alain Kondjoyan
16.Dynamics of three-dimensional temperature field in electrical system of floor heatingPages 2611-2622Jerzy Gobiowski, Sckowski
17.Explicit analytical solutions of incompressible unsteady 2-D laminar flow with heat transferPages 2623-2627Ruixian Cai, Na Zhang
18.Parametric study of transient free convection heat transferPages 2629-2632Thierry de Lorenzo, Jacques Padet

Volume 45, Issue 13, Pages 2633-2851 (June 2002)

1.Numerical analysis of boiling on high heat-flux and high subcooling condition using MPS-MAFLPages 2633-2642S. Heo, S. Koshizuka, Y. Oka
2.Heat transfer and pressure drop in fractal tree-like microchannel netsPages 2643-2648Yongping Chen, Ping Cheng
3.Minimizing the entropy production in heat exchangePages 2649-2654Eivind Johannessen, Lars Nummedal, Signe Kjelstrup
4.Forced convective boiling of ternary mixtures at high qualitiesPages 2655-2665J. R. Barbosa Jr., T. Kandlbinder, G. F. Hewitt
5.Skin friction and heat transfer in power-law fluid laminar boundary layer along a moving surfacePages 2667-2672L. C. Zheng, X. X. Zhang
6.Simultaneous radiation and conduction heat transfer in a graded index semitransparent slab with gray boundariesPages 2673-2688Xin-Lin Xia, Yong Huang, He-Ping Tan, Xiao-Bin Zhang
7.Effect of capillarity at liquid–vapor interface on phase change without surfactantPages 2689-2694J. T. Zhang, B. X. Wang
8.A general solution for one-dimensional multistream heat exchangers and their networksPages 2695-2705Xing Luo, Meiling Li, Wilfried Roetzel
9.Numerical modelling and experimental investigation of the fluid flow and contaminant dispersion in a channelPages 2707-2718S. Hancu, T. Ghinda, L. Ma, D. Lesnic, D. B. Ingham
10.Shape optimization of rib-roughened surface to enhance turbulent heat transferPages 2719-2727Kwang-Yong Kim, Sun-Soo Kim
11.Characteristics of falling film flow on completely wetted horizontal tubes and the associated gas absorptionPages
12.Heat induced transition of a stable vortex streetPages 2739-2753R. N. Kieft, C. C. M. Rindt, A. A. van Steenhoven
13.A formal averaging procedure for radiation heat transfer in particulate mediaPages 2755-2768J. L. Consalvi, B. Porterie, J. C. Loraud
14.Stability analysis of the mechanism of jet attachment to wallsPages 2769-2775Alain Triboix, Daniel Marchal
15.Conjugate free convection above a heated finite horizontal flat plate embedded in a porous mediumPages 2777-2795A. Z. Vaszi, L. Elliott, D. B. Ingham, I. Pop
16.Radiative transfer in real gases using reciprocal and forward Monte Carlo methods and a correlated-k approachPages 2797-2814Lionel Tessé, Francis Dupoirieux, Bernard Zamuner, Jean Taine
17.A new numerical method to simulate the non-Fourier heat conduction in a single-phase mediumPages 2815-2821Qing-Mei Fan, Wen-Qiang Lu
18.Numerical optimization of the thermal performance of a microchannel heat sinkPages 2823-2827J. H. Ryu, D. H. Choi, S. J. Kim
19.Theoretical analysis of film condensation heat transfer inside vertical mini triangular channelsPages 2829-2842T. S. Zhao, Q. Liao
20.Numerical analysis of LEC growth of GaAs with an axial magnetic fieldPages 2843-2851Mingwei Li, Wenrui Hu, Nuohu Chen, Danling Zeng, Zemei Tang

Volume 45, Issue 14, Pages 2853-3064 (July 2002)

1.Heat transfer – a review of 2000 literaturePages 2853-2957R. J. Goldstein, E. R. G. Eckert, W. E. Ibele, S. V. Patankar, T. W. Simon, T. H. Kuehn, P. J. Strykowski, K. K. Tamma, A. Bar-Cohen, J. V. R. Heberlein, J. H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F. A. Kulacki, U. Kortshagen, S. Garrick
2.Initial inverse problem in heat equation with Bessel operatorPages 2959-2965Khalid Masood, Salim Messaoudi, F. D. Zaman
3.Natural convection in a shallow cylindrical annuliPages 2967-2981D. M. Leppinen
4.A fractal permeability model for bi-dispersed porous mediaPages 2983-2993Boming Yu, Ping Cheng
5.Dynamical energy limits in traditional and work-driven operations I. Heat-mechanical systemsPages 2995-3012Stanislaw Sieniutycz, Monika Kubiak
6.Natural convection in three-dimensional porous cavities: integral transform methodPages 3013-3032H. Luz Neto, J. N. N. Quaresma, R. M. Cotta
7.Numerical investigation of heat transfer from a heated oscillating cylinder in a cross flowPages 3033-3043Wu-Shung Fu, Bao-Hong Tong
8.Shape-factor effect on melting in an elliptic capsulePages 3045-3054Sergei A. Fomin, Alexander V. Wilchinsky
9.Employment of non-symmetrical saw-tooth argument transformation method in the elasticity theory for layered compositesPages 3055-3060G. Starushenko, N. Krulik, S. Tokarzewski
10.The onset of vortex instability in laminar forced convection flow through a horizontal porous channelPages 3061-3064T. J. Chung, J. H. Park, C. K. Choi, D. -Y. Yoon

Volume 45, Issue 15, Pages 3065-3266 (July 2002)

1.Development of a new Bi–Di correlation for solids dryingPages 3065-3069I. Dincer, M. M. Hussain
2.Constant wall heat flux boundary conditions in porous media under local thermal non-equilibrium conditionsPages 3071-3087Bader Alazmi, Kambiz Vafai
3.A Reynolds analogy for real component surface roughnessPages 3089-3099B. J. Belnap, J. A. van Rij, P. M. Ligrani
4.Extended Graetz problem accompanied by Dufour and Soret effectsPages 3101-3110R. M. L. Coelho, A. Silva Telles
5.Interfacial area transport equation: model development and benchmark experimentsPages 3111-3123M. Ishii, S. Kim, J. Uhle
6.Entropy generation in a plane turbulent oscillating jetPages 3125-3129J. Cervantes, F. Solorio
7.High performance miniature heat pipePages 3131-3142Lanchao Lin, Rengasamy Ponnappan, John Leland
8.On the displacement in origin for turbulent boundary layers subjected to sudden changes in wall temperature and roughnessPages 3143-3153Mila R. Avelino, Atila P. Silva Freire
9.Resonance of natural convection in a side heated enclosure with a mechanically oscillating bottom wallPages 3155-3162Sung Ki Kim, Seo Young Kim, Young Don Choi
10.Novel insight and numerical analysis of convective heat transfer enhancement with microencapsulated phase change material slurries: laminar flow in a circular tube with constant heat fluxPages 3163-3172Xianxu Hu, Yinping Zhang
11.Analytic solution for the non-linear drying problemPages 3173-3180L. Pel, K. A. Landman, E. F. Kaasschieter
12.Forced convection in horizontal porous channels with hydrodynamic anisotropyPages 3181-3188G. Degan, S. Zohoun, P. Vasseur
13.Unified theoretical prediction of fully developed nucleate boiling and critical heat flux based on a dynamic microlayer modelPages 3189-3197Yao-Hua Zhao, Takashi Masuoka, Takaharu Tsuruta
14.An experimental heat transfer study for periodically varying-curvature curved-pipePages 3199-3204Ru Yang, Fan Pin Chiang
15.Double-diffusive natural convection in an anisotropic porous cavity with opposing buoyancy forces: multi-solutions and oscillationsPages 3205-3222P. Bera, A. Khalili
16.Heat transfer characterization of support structures for catalytic combustionPages 3223-3231Andreas Brautsch, Timothy Griffin, Andreas Schlegel
17.Temperatures and the condensate heat resistance in dropwise condensation of multicomponent mixtures with inert gasesPages 3233-3243F. L. A. Ganzevles, C. W. M. van der Geld
18.Pool boiling heat transfer in vertical annular crevicesPages 3245-3249Myeong-Gie Kang
19.Investigation of impinging diffusion flames with inert gasPages 3251-3257Ay Su, Ying-Chieh Liu
20.On the discrete ordinates method for radiative heat transfer in anisotropically scattering mediaPages
21.Improved approximation for the Nusselt number for hydrodynamically developed laminar flow between parallel platesPages 3263-3266Markus Nickolay, Holger Martin

Volume 45, Issue 16, Pages 3267-3476 (July 2002)

1.Graphical determination of drying process and moisture transfer parameters for solids dryingPages 3267-3273A. Z. Sahin, I. Dincer
2.A uniform temperature heat sink for cooling of electronic devicesPages 3275-3286G. Hetsroni, A. Mosyak, Z. Segal, G. Ziskind
3.Techniques for detailed heat transfer measurements in cold supersonic blowdown tunnels using thermochromic liquid crystalsPages 3287-3297D. J. Mee, H. S. Chiu, P. T. Ireland
4.Tree-shaped flow structures designed by minimizing path lengthsPages 3299-3312S. Lorente, W. Wechsatol, A. Bejan
5.Combined ‘flow and strength' geometric optimization: internal structure in a vertical insulating wall with air cavities and prescribed strengthPages 3313-3320S. Lorente, A. Bejan
6.A non-uniform temperature non-uniform pressure dynamic model of heat and mass transfer in compact adsorbent bedsPages 3321-3330L. Marletta, G. Maggio, A. Freni, M. Ingrasciotta, G. Restuccia
7.Effect of surface radiation on conjugate mixed convection in a vertical channel with a discrete heat source in each wallPages 3331-3347C. Gururaja Rao, C. Balaji, S. P. Venkateshan
8.An experimental study of heat transfer characteristics of a pair of longitudinal vortices using color capturing techniquePages 3349-3356E. Kim, J. S. Yang
9.Visualization of mixed convective vortex rolls in an impinging jet flow of air through a cylindrical chamberPages 3357-3368T. C. Cheng, P. H. Chiou, T. F. Lin
10.Hot-electron blast induced by ultrashort-pulsed lasers in layered mediaPages 3369-3382D. Y. Tzou, J. K. Chen, J. E. Beraun
11.Heat transfer and friction in solar air heater duct with V-shaped rib roughness on absorber platePages 3383-3396Abdul-Malik Ebrahim Momin, J. S. Saini, S. C. Solanki
12.Microscopic phenomena and macroscopic evaluation of heat transfer from plate fins/circular tube assembly using naphthalene sublimation techniquePages 3397-3404Jin-Yoon Kim, Tae-Ho Song
13.Influence of processing conditions of polymer film on dropwise condensation heat transferPages 3405-3411Xuehu Ma, Jiabin Chen, Dunqi Xu, Jifang Lin, Chunsheng Ren, Zhenhu Long
14.Experimental estimation of the transient free convection heat transfer coefficient on a vertical flat plate in airPages 3413-3427Gaël Maranzana, Sophie Didierjean, Benjamin Rémy, Denis Maillet
15.Bed-to-wall heat transfer behavior in a pressurized circulating fluidized bedPages 3429-3436A. V. S. S. K. S. Gupta, P. K. Nag
16.A combined temperature scale for analyzing natural convection in rectangular enclosures with discrete wall heat sourcesPages 3437-3446Qi-Hong Deng, Guang-Fa Tang, Yuguo Li
17.Experimental study of flash evaporation of a water filmPages 3447-3457D. Saury, S. Harmand, M. Siroux
18.Thermal convection in a porous toroidal thermosyphonPages 3459-3470Y. Y. Jiang, M. Shoji
19.Stability and chaotic characteristics of a wall plumePages 3471-3476Hideshi Ishida, Takayuki Yamashita, Hideo Kimoto

Volume 45, Issue 17, Pages 3477-3680 (August 2002)

1.Characterization of frictional pressure drop for liquid flows through microchannelsPages 3477-3489J. Judy, D. Maynes, B. W. Webb
2.A transient liquid crystal method using a 3-D inverse transient conduction schemePages 3491-3501Mingjie Lin, Ting Wang
3.An immersed-boundary method for the dynamics of premixed flamesPages 3503-3516K. L. Pan, W. Shyy, C. K. Law
4.DPIV/T-driven convective heat transfer simulationPages 3517-3527X. Ma, G. E. Karniadakis, H. Park, M. Gharib
5.Improvement in performance of multi-pass laminar counterflow heat exchangers with external refluxesPages 3529-3547Chii-Dong Ho, Ho-Ming Yeh, Yu-Chuan Tsai
6.Ignition delay of non-premixed stagnation-point flowsPages 3549-3558W. J. Sheu, C. J. Sun
7.Improvement in performance on laminar counterflow concentric circular heat exchangers with external refluxesPages 3559-3569Chii-Dong Ho, Ho-Ming Yeh, Wen-Yi Yang
8.Turbulent transport from continuous sources at the wall of a channelPages 3571-3583Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou
9.Fast-converging steady-state heat conduction in a rectangular parallelepipedPages 3585-3596Paul E. Crittenden, Kevin D. Cole
10.Heat transfer coefficients and other performance parameters for variously positioned and supported thermal loads in ovens with/without water-filled or empty blockagesPages 3597-3607Ephraim M. Sparrow, John P. Abraham
11.Heat transfer in pulse-stabilized fluidization – Part 1: overall cylinder and average local analysesPages 3609-3619Deborah V. Pence, Donald E. Beasley
12.Heat transfer in pulse-stabilized fluidization – Part 2: local, instantaneous analysisPages 3621-3629Deborah V. Pence, Donald E. Beasley
13.Performance of annular fins with different profiles subject to variable heat transfer coefficientPages 3631-3642Esmail M. A. Mokheimer
14.The joint analysis of general aspects of the phenomenological thermodynamics and the kinetic Boltzmann theoryPages
15.Average momentum equation for interdendritic flow in a solidifying columnar mushy zonePages 3651-3665P. Bousquet-Melou, B. Goyeau, M. Quintard, F. Fichot, D. Gobin
16.An empirical correlation for two-phase frictional performance in small diameter tubesPages 3667-3671Ing Youn Chen, Kai-Shing Yang, Chi-Chung Wang
17.One dimensional heat transfer on the thermal diffusion and piston effect of supercritical waterPages 3673-3677Yoshio Masuda, Takafumi Aizawa, Mitsuhiro Kanakubo, Norio Saito, Yutaka Ikushima
18.“Development of one-group interfacial area transport equation in bubbly flow systems” [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 45 (2002) 2351–2372]Pages 3679-3680Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii

Volume 45, Issue 18, Pages 3681-3884 (August 2002)

1.An experimental and theoretical investigation into the hyperbolic nature of axial dispersion in packed bedsPages 3681-3688V. Sastha Prasad, S. K. Das
2.Fully coupled solution of a two-phase model for laminar film condensation of vapor–gas mixtures in horizontal channelsPages 3689-3702E. C. Siow, S. J. Ormiston, H. M. Soliman
3.Modeling of heat and moisture transport by periodic ventilation of thin cotton fibrous mediaPages 3703-3714Kamel Ghali, Nesreen Ghaddar, Byron Jones
4.Single-sided steam condensing inside a rectangular horizontal channelPages 3715-3724W. Yu, S. U. -S. Choi, D. M. France, M. W. Wambsganss
5.Double diffusion, natural convection in an enclosure filled with saturated porous medium subjected to cross gradients; stably stratified fluidPages 3725-3740A. A. Mohamad, R. Bennacer
6.Heat transfer enhancement in a grooved channel with curved vanesPages 3741-3757Cila Herman, Eric Kang
7.Numerical simulations of a low power microchannel thermal cycling reactorPages 3759-3770David Erickson, Dongqing Li
8.Contact angles and interface behavior during rapid evaporation of liquid on a heated surfacePages 3771-3780Satish G. Kandlikar, Mark E. Steinke
9.Non-Darcy natural convection in high porosity metal foamsPages 3781-3793M. S. Phanikumar, R. L. Mahajan
10.Heat transfer enhancement accompanying pressure-loss reduction with winglet-type vortex generators for fin-tube heat exchangersPages 3795-3801K. Torii, K. M. Kwak, K. Nishino
11.Flow visualization of annular and delta winlet vortex generators in fin-and-tube heat exchanger applicationPages 3803-3815Chi-Chuan Wang, Jerry Lo, Yur-Tsai Lin, Chung-Szu Wei
12.Conjugate mass transfer to a spherical drop accompanied by a second-order chemical reaction inside the dropPages 3817-3829Gh. Juncu
13.Growth and evaporation of aerosol particles in the presence of adsorbable gasesPages 3831-3837V.
14.A two-dimensional fin efficiency analysis of combined heat and mass transfer in elliptic finsPages 3839-3847Chien-Nan Lin, Jiin-Yuh Jang
15.Field synergy principle for enhancing convective heat transfer––its extension and numerical verificationsPages 3849-3856Wen-Quan Tao, Zeng-Yuan Guo, Bu-Xuan Wang
16.Boiling heat transfer from a vertical row of horizontal tubesPages 3857-3864Shalendra Kumar, B. Mohanty, S. C. Gupta
17.Influence of coherent structures on mass transfer near stagnation region in agitated small tanksPages 3865-3873L. Gbahoue, F. Barbeu, S. Martemianov
18.Neural network-based prediction of the oscillating behaviour of a closed loop thermosyphonPages 3875-3884A. Fichera, A. Pagano

Volume 45, Issue 19, Pages 3885-4067 (September 2002)

1.Effects of the Darcy number, the Prandtl number, and the Reynolds number on local thermal non-equilibriumPages 3885-3896Sung Jin Kim, Seok Pil Jang
2.Internal flow structure description of slug flow-pattern in a horizontal pipePages 3897-3910S. Lewis, W. L. Fu, G. Kojasoy
3.Heat transfer and phase change during picosecond laser ablation of nickelPages 3911-3918David A. Willis, Xianfan Xu
4.Pool boiling heat transfer on small heaters: effect of gravity and subcoolingPages 3919-3932Jungho Kim, John F. Benton, Derek Wisniewski
5.Prediction and measurement of incipient boiling heat flux in micro-channel heat sinksPages 3933-3945Weilin Qu, Issam Mudawar
6.Interfacial heat transfer during subcooled flow boilingPages 3947-3959Gopinath R. Warrier, Nilanjana Basu, Vijay K. Dhir
7.An experimental study of high Weber number impact of methoxy-nonafluorobutane C4F9OCH3 (HFE-7100) and n-heptane droplets on a heated solid surfacePages 3961-3971Samuel L. Manzello, Jiann C. Yang
8.Analysis of three-dimensional heat transfer in micro-channel heat sinksPages 3973-3985Weilin Qu, Issam Mudawar
9.Non-heating simulation of pool-boiling critical heat fluxPages 3987-3996Yong-Hoon Jeong, Won-Pil Baek, Soon Heung Chang
10.A numerical study of steady flow and temperature fields within a melt spinning puddlePages 3997-4010M. Bussmann, J. Mostaghimi, D. W. Kirk, J. W. Graydon
11.The effect of time-dependent gravity with multiple frequencies on the thermal convective stability of a fluid layerPages 4011-4020Pavan K. Shukla, R. Narayanan
12.Laminar free convection underneath a hot horizontal infinite flat stripPages 4021-4031A. Dayan, R. Kushnir, A. Ullmann
13.Effects of spray characteristics on critical heat flux in subcooled water spray coolingPages 4033-4043Ruey-Hung Chen, Louis C. Chow, Jose E. Navedo
14.Modeling heat and moisture transfer through fibrous insulation with phase change and mobile condensatesPages 4045-4055Jintu Fan, Xinghuo Wen
15.A comparison between the enhanced mass transfer in boundary and pressure driven oscillatory flowPages
16.Importance of nonequilibrium thermal conductivity during short-pulse laser-induced desorption from metalsPages 4063-4067Paul J. Antaki

Volume 45, Issue 20, Pages 4069-4239 (September 2002)

1.Local heat transfer measurements of plate finned-tube heat exchangers by infrared thermographyPages 4069-4078Herchang Ay, JiinYuh Jang, Jer-Nan Yeh
2.Experimental assessment of the effects of body force, surface tension force, and inertia on flow boiling CHFPages 4079-4095Hui Zhang, Issam Mudawar, Mohammad M. Hasan
3.Contact melting inside an elastic capsulePages 4097-4106Alexander V. Wilchinsky, Sergei A. Fomin, Toshiyuki Hashida
4.Critical heat flux correlation for subcooled boiling flow in narrow channelsPages 4107-4115M. Kureta, H. Akimoto
5.Analytical investigations for heat conduction problems in anisotropic thin-layer media with embedded heat sourcesPages 4117-4132Ming-Hsien Hsieh, Chien-Ching Ma
6.Critical heat flux of natural circulation boiling in a vertical tube: Effect of oscillation and circulation on CHFPages 4133-4139Masanori Monde, Yuhichi Mitsutake
7.Fringe probing of an evaporating microdroplet on a hot surfacePages 4141-4150Wangcun Jia, Huihe Qiu
8.Theoretical model for the thermal conductivity of a packed bed of solid spheroids in the presence of a static gas, with no adjustable parameters except at low pressure and temperaturePages 4151-4161A. J. Slavin, V. Arcas, C. A. Greenhalgh, E. R. Irvine, D. B. Marshall
9.Velocity effect on electronic-antifouling technology to mitigate mineral fouling in enhanced-tube heat exchangerPages 4163-4174Sung H. Lee, Young I. Cho
10.Theory of thermal resistance between solids with randomly sized and located contactsPages 4175-4180N. Laraqi, A. Bairi
11.Experimental and numerical investigation of the steady periodic solid–liquid phase-change heat transferPages
12.Heat transfer to a row of impinging jets in consideration of optimizationPages 4191-4200P. Brevet, C. Dejeu, E. Dorignac, M. Jolly, J. J. Vullierme
13.Influence of the particle–turbulence modulation modelling in the simulation of a non-isothermal gas–solid flowPages 4201-4216P. Boulet, S. Moissette
14.Laminar natural convection in differentially heated rectangular enclosures with vertical diffusive wallsPages 4217-4225V. A. F. Costa
15.Stability of natural convection between spherical shells: energy theoryPages 4227-4235Vadim V. Travnikov, Hans J. Rath, Christoph Egbers
16.Thermodynamically consistent thermal energy equation for an adsorbent/fluid systemPages 4237-4239Jovan Mitrovic

Volume 45, Issue 21, Pages 4241-4380 (October 2002)

1.Laminar mixed convection boundary layers induced by a linearly stretching permeable surfacePages 4241-4250Mohamed Ali, Fahd Al-Yousef
2.Concentration fields in the solidification processing of metal matrix compositesPages 4251-4266Bechir Moussa, James E. Simpson, Suresh V. Garimella
3.Solution of an initial-boundary value problem for heat conduction in a parallelepiped by time partitioningPages 4267-4279David H. Y. Yen, James V. Beck, Robert L. McMasters, Donald E. Amos
4.Radiation and mass transfer effects on flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past a moving vertical cylinderPages 4281-4288P. Ganesan, P. Loganathan
5.Frost formation and frost crystal growth on a cold plate in atmospheric air flowPages 4289-4303Chin-Hsiang Cheng, Chiuan-Che Shiu
6.Non-Darcy effects in buoyancy driven flows in an enclosure filled with vertically layered porous mediaPages 4305-4313A. A. Merrikh, A. A. Mohamad
7.Effects of preheating and operation conditions on combustion in a porous mediumPages
8.Theoretical studies on transient pool boiling based on microlayer modelPages 4325-4331Yao-Hua Zhao, Takashi Masuoka, Takaharu Tsuruta
9.Temperature, velocity and mean turbulence structure in strongly heated internal gas flows: Comparison of numerical predictions with dataPages 4333-4352Dariusz P. Mikielewicz, A. Mohsen Shehata, J. Derek Jackson, Donald M. McEligot
10.Numerical simulation for heat and fluid characteristics of square duct with discrete rib turbulatorsPages
11.Thermal mixing in a water tank during heating processPages 4361-4366Myeong-Gie Kang
12.A note on the modeling of local thermal non-equilibrium in a structured porous mediumPages 4367-4368D. A. Nield
13.On the ratio of heat to mass transfer coefficient for water evaporation and its impact upon drying modelingPages 4369-4372Xiao Dong Chen, Sean X. Q. Lin, Guohua Chen
14.Effect of turbulence on Taylor dispersion for oscillatory flowsPages 4373-4380Xiaofeng Ye, Jiangwu Zhang

Volume 45, Issue 22, Pages 4381-4542 (October 2002)

1.Heat and Mass Transfer Bibliography - CIS WorksPages 4381-4399
2.Experimental studies of combined heat transfer in turbulent mixed convection fluid flows in double-skin-façadesPages 4401-4408A. Zöllner, E. R. F. Winter, R. Viskanta
3.Pool boiling heat transfer in binary mixtures of ammonia/waterPages 4409-4415Toshiaki Inoue, Masanori Monde, Yoshio Teruya
4.Effects of flow obstacles on the critical heat flux in a vertical tube cooled with upward flow of R-134aPages 4417-4433I. L. Pioro, D. C. Groeneveld, S. S. Doerffer, Y. Guo, S. C. Cheng, A. Vasic
5.Comparison of CHF measurements in horizontal and vertical tubes cooled with R-134aPages 4435-4450I. L. Pioro, D. C. Groeneveld, L. K. H. Leung, S. S. Doerffer, S. C. Cheng, Yu. V. Antoshko, Y. Guo, A. Vasic
6.Mixing and film cooling in supersonic duct flowsPages 4451-4461V. Schuchkin, M. Osipov, W. Shyy, S. Thakur
7.Experimental and theoretical study of orientation effects on flow boiling CHFPages 4463-4477Hui Zhang, Issam Mudawar, Mohammad M. Hasan
8.An experimental investigation into the heat transfer on wing walls in a circulating fluidized bed boilerPages 4479-4491Animesh Dutta, Prabir Basu
9.Numerical simulation of turbulent flow field and heat transfer in a two-dimensional channel with periodic slit ribsPages 4493-4505Tong-Miin Liou, Shih-Hui Chen, Kuan-Chen Shih
10.Mass transfer by free and forced convection from single spherical liquid dropsPages 4507-4514M.
11.Photoacoustic detection of drug diffusion into a membrane: theory and numerical analysisPages 4515-4523Jerzy Bodzenta, Roman J. Bukowski, Andreas Christ, Tomasz Pogoda
12.Convective heat transfer to temperature dependent property fluids in the entry region of corrugated tubesPages 4525-4536S. Rainieri, G. Pagliarini
13.Feedback control of the instability of a fluid layer flowing down a vertical cylinderPages 4537-4542X. Y. You

Volume 45, Issue 23, Pages 4543-4713 (November 2002)

1.Role of length scales on microwave thawing dynamics in 2D cylindersPages 4543-4559Tanmay Basak, K. G. Ayappa
2.Splashing of molten tin droplets on a rough steel surfacePages 4561-4575Saeid Shakeri, Sanjeev Chandra
3.Linear stability analysis of the solidification of a supercooled liquid in a half-spacePages 4577-4587R. A. Lambert, R. H. Rangel
4.An experimental and theoretical study of the effects of heat conduction through the support fiber on the evaporation of a droplet in a weakly convective flowPages
5.Boiling incipience in microchannelsPages 4599-4606S. M. Ghiaasiaan, R. C. Chedester
6.Dendritic constructal heat exchanger with small-scale crossflows and larger-scales counterflowsPages 4607-4620Adrian Bejan
7.Combined thermocapillary and natural convection in rectangular containers with localized heatingPages 4621-4630Kyu-Jung Lee, Yasuhiro Kamotani, Shinichi Yoda
8.A study of the effect of ultrasonic vibrations on phase-change heat transferPages
9.An inverse problem in simultaneous estimating the Biot numbers of heat and moisture transfer for a porous materialPages 4643-4653Cheng-Hung Huang, Chun-Ying Yeh
10.Heat transfer characteristics of a two-phase closed thermosyphon to the fill charge ratioPages 4655-4661Yong Joo Park, Hwan Kook Kang, Chul Ju Kim
11.Simultaneous estimation of extinction coefficient distribution, scattering albedo and phase function of a two-dimensional mediumPages 4663-4674Nai-Rui Ou, Chih-Yang Wu
12.Thermodynamics bifurcations of boiling structurePages 4675-4682L. H. Chai, M. Shoji
13.Evaporative cooling of water in a natural draft cooling towerPages 4683-4694S. P. Fisenko, A. I. Petruchik, A. D. Solodukhin
14.Solutocapillary convection in the float-zone process with a strong magnetic fieldPages 4695-4702J. S. Walker, P. Dold, A. Cröll, M. P. Volz, F. R. Szofran
15.Creeping flow of a polymeric liquid passing over a transverse slot with viscous dissipationPages 4703-4711G. H. Wu, Y. M. Lin
16.Announcement: Computational thermal radiation in participating mediaPage 4713

Volume 45, Issue 24, Pages 4715-4910 (November 2002)

1.Influence of dispersion forces on phase equilibria between thin liquid films and their vapourPages 4715-4725Karl Stephan
2.On the transition from partial to fully developed subcooled flow boilingPages 4727-4738V. Prodanovic, D. Fraser, M. Salcudean
3.Performance analysis and optimization of straight taper fins with variable heat transfer coefficientPages 4739-4751B. Kundu, P. K. Das
4.Two-fluid large-eddy simulation approach for particle-laden turbulent flowsPages 4753-4759R. V. R. Pandya, F. Mashayek
5.High-speed visualization of boiling from an enhanced structurePages 4761-4771C. Ramaswamy, Y. Joshi, W. Nakayama, W. B. Johnson
6.Optimization of the design factors for thermal performance of a parallel-flow heat exchangerPages 4773-4780Kilyoan Chung, Kwan-Soo Lee, Woo-Seung Kim
7.Effect of carbon-fiber brushes on conductive heat transfer in phase change materialsPages 4781-4792Jun Fukai, Yuichi Hamada, Yoshio Morozumi, Osamu Miyatake
8.Sharp-interface simulation of dendritic solidification of solutionsPages 4793-4808H. S. Udaykumar, L. Mao
9.PIV flow measurements for heat transfer characterization in two-pass square channels with smooth and 90° ribbed wallsPages 4809-4822S. Y. Son, K. D. Kihm, J. -C. Han
10.Boiling heat transfer characteristics of R-113 in a vertical small diameter tube under natural circulation conditionPages 4823-4829Chowdhury Feroz Md, Fumito Kaminaga
11.Numerical simulation of steady state heat transfer in a ceramic-coated gas turbine bladePages 4831-4845N. Asok Kumar, S. R. Kale
12.Conductivity of granular media with stagnant interstitial fluids via thermal particle dynamics simulationPages
13.Analysis of microchannel heat sinks for electronics coolingPages 4857-4869C. Y. Zhao, T. J. Lu
14.A unified analysis on enhancing single phase convective heat transfer with field synergy principlePages 4871-4879W. Q. Tao, Y. L. He, Q. W. Wang, Z. G. Qu, F. Q. Song
15.A fixed-grid finite element based enthalpy formulation for generalized phase change problems: role of superficial mushy regionPages 4881-4898Madhuchhanda Bhattacharya, Tanmay Basak, K. G. Ayappa
16.Measurements of turbulent mass transport of a circular wall jetPages 4899-4905Herlina, Adrian Wing-Keung Law
17.Emissive power of semitransparent spherical particle with nonuniform temperaturePages 4907-4910L. H. Liu, B. X. Li, H. P. Tan, Q. Z. Yu

Volume 45, Issue 25, Pages 4911-5089 (December 2002)

1.Optimal tree-shaped networks for fluid flow in a disc-shaped bodyPages 4911-4924W. Wechsatol, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
2.Heat exchange in an attic spacePages 4925-4936P. M. Haese, M. D. Teubner
3.Instability of subcooled boiling film on a vertical wallPages 4937-4948B. Y. Rubinstein, S. G. Bankoff, S. H. Davis
4.Effect of local thermal non-equilibrium on thermally developing forced convection in a porous mediumPages 4949-4955D. A. Nield, A. V. Kuznetsov, Ming Xiong
5.Heat transfer enhancement from enclosed discrete components using pin–fin heat sinksPages 4957-4966Enchao Yu, Yogendra Joshi
6.Experimental determination of the interfacial heat transfer during cooling and solidification of molten metal droplets impacting on a metallic substrate: effect of roughness and superheatPages 4967-4981G. -X. Wang, E. F. Matthys
7.Thermocapillary convection with undeformable curved surfaces in open cylindersPages 4983-4994Bok-Cheol Sim, Abdelfattah Zebib
8.Liquid–solid separation phenomena of two-phase turbulent flow in curved pipesPages
9.Computations of flow and heat transfer in a three-dimensional multilouvered fin geometryPages 5007-5023J. Cui, D. K. Tafti
10.An experimental investigation of convection heat transfer to supercritical carbon dioxide in miniature tubesPages 5025-5034S. M. Liao, T. S. Zhao
11.Performance of the herringbone wavy fin under dehumidifying conditionsPages 5035-5044Yur-Tsai Lin, Young-Ming Hwang, Chi-Chuan Wang
12.Power laws for sizes and growth times of double-diffusive convection cellsPages 5045-5051Karsten Kötter, Mario Markus
13.Energetic budget on an evaporating monodisperse droplet stream using combined optical methods: Evaluation of the convective heat transferPages 5053-5067G. Castanet, P. Lavieille, F. Lemoine, M. Lebouché, A. Atthasit, Y. Biscos, G. Lavergne
14.Spectrally correlated radiation and laminar forced convection in the entrance region of a circular ductPages 5069-5081EzEddine Sediki, Anouar Soufiani, Mohamed Salah Sifaoui
15.Neural network analysis of boiling heat transfer enhancement using additivesPages 5083-5089Tianqing Liu, Xiangyu Sun, Xiangqin Li, Hongling Wang

Volume 45, Issue 26, Pages 5091-5242 (December 2002)

1.Experimental study of mixed convection and pressure drop in helically dimpled tubes for laminar and transition flowPages 5091-5105Pedro G. Vicente, Alberto García, Antonio Viedma
2.Flow and heat transfer inside thin films supported by soft seals in the presence of internal and external pressure pulsationsPages 5107-5115A. -R. A. Khaled, K. Vafai
3.Interaction between discrete heat sources in horizontal natural convection enclosuresPages 5117-5132Qi-Hong Deng, Guang-Fa Tang, Yuguo Li, Man Yeong Ha
4.Numerical computation of fluid flow and heat transfer in microchannelsPages 5133-5141K. C. Toh, X. Y. Chen, J. C. Chai
5.Onset of Marangoni instability of a two-component evaporating dropletPages 5143-5158Vai-Meng Ha, Chun-Liang Lai
6.A general model for studying effects of interface layers on thermoelectric devices performancePages 5159-5170X. C. Xuan, K. C. Ng, C. Yap, H. T. Chua
7.Mixed convection heat transfer in two-dimensional open-ended enclosuresPages 5171-5190Khalil Khanafer, Kambiz Vafai, Marilyn Lightstone
8.Evolution of convection pattern during the solidification process of a binary mixture: effect of initial solutal concentrationPages 5191-5200P. V. Skudarnov,
9.On the surface tension corrections in nonuniform and nonequilibrium liquid–gas systemsPages 5201-5208Stanislav P. Malyshenko, Dmitri O. Dunikov
10.Heat transfer and phase change of liquid in an inclined enclosure packed with unsaturated porous mediaPages
11.Dynamical energy limits in traditional and work-driven operations II.: Systems with heat and mass transferPages 5221-5238Stanislaw Sieniutycz, Monika Kubiak
12.Radiative transfer in one-dimensional hollow cylindrical geometry with anisotropic scattering and variable medium propertiesPages 5239-5242Zekeriya Altaç

Volume 46, Issue 1, Pages 1-191 (January 2003)

1.Publishers announcementPages 1-2
2.Heat transfer bibliography––Japanese work 1999Pages 3-14
3.A heat transfer model for deep penetration laser welding based on an actual keyholePages 15-22XiangzhongJin, Lijun Li, Yi Zhang
4.Effect of pressure, subcooling, and dissolved gas on pool boiling heat transfer from microporous, square pin-finned surfaces in FC-72Pages 23-35K. N. Rainey, S. M. You, S. Lee
5.Molecular dynamics calculation of heat dissipation during sliding frictionPages 37-43B. Li, P. C. Clapp, J. A. Rifkin, X. M. Zhang
6.Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal and thermomechanical phenomena in picosecond laser material interactionPages 45-53Xinwei Wang, Xianfan Xu
7.Study of heat transfer in multilayered structure within the framework of dual-phase-lag heat conduction model using lattice Boltzmann methodPages 55-69Jeng-Rong Ho, Chun-Pao Kuo, Wen-Shu Jiaung
8.Experimental investigations on heat transfer from suspension to impact separators in the riser column of a circulating fluidized bed combustorPages 71-75N. S. Winaya, P. Basu, B. V. Reddy
9.Coalescence collision of liquid dropsPages 77-89F. Mashayek, N. Ashgriz, W. J. Minkowycz, B. Shotorban
10.Laminar fluid flow and mass transfer in a standard field and laboratory emission cellPages 91-100L. Z. Zhang, J. L. Niu
11.Shape design for a cylinder with uniform temperature distribution on the outer surface by inverse heat transfer methodPages 101-111Chin-Hsiang Cheng, Mei-Hsia Chang
12.Heat transfer of a row of three butane/air flame jets impinging on a flat platePages 113-125L. L. Dong, C. W. Leung, C. S. Cheung
13.Three-dimensional numerical simulation of natural convection in an inclined liquid-filled enclosure with an array of discrete heatersPages 127-138S. K. W. Tou, X. F. Zhang
14.Boiling curve in temperature wave regionPages 139-148B. A. Gabaraev, S. A. Kovalev, Yu. S. Molochnikov, S. L. Soloviev, S. V. Usatikov
15.Size effect on microscale single-phase flow and heat transferPages 149-159Zeng-Yuan Guo, Zhi-Xin Li
16.Predicting turbulence and heat transfer in 3-D curved ducts by near-wall second moment closuresPages 161-173Kazuhiko Suga
17.Heat transfer and pressure loss penalty for the number of tube rows of staggered finned-tube bundles with a single transverse row of wingletsPages 175-180K. M. Kwak, K. Torii, K. Nishino
18.On the treatment of open boundary condition for radiative transfer equationPages 181-183L. H. Liu, L. M. Ruan, H. P. Tan
19.Comment on the paper by Qi-Hong Deng, Guang-Fa Tang, “Numerical visualization of mass and heat transport for conjugate natural convection/heat conduction by streamline and heatline”: IJHMT 45 (11) (2002) 2373–2385Pages 185-186V. A. F. Costa
20.Reply to V.A.F. Costa’s commentPage 187Qi-Hong Deng
21.‘Hydrodynamique physique’ by E. Guyon, J.P. Hulin, L. Petit, EDP Sciences, 2002, 674 pp., 53.35 Euros, paperback, ISBN 2-86883-502-3.Pages 189-191H. Peerhossaini

Volume 46, Issue 2, Pages 193-384 (January 2003)

1.Heat transfer bibliography - Japanese work 2000Pages 193-206
2.Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in bubbly flow in the turbulent boundary layerPages 207-220Dariusz Mikielewicz
3.Film cooling characteristics of a single round hole at various streamwise angles in a crossflow: Part I effectivenessPages 221-235C. H. N. Yuen, R. F. Martinez-Botas
4.Film cooling characteristics of a single round hole at various streamwise angles in a crossflow: Part II: heat transfer coefficientsPages 237-249C. H. N. Yuen, R. F. Martinez-Botas
5.Streamline upwind numerical simulation of two-dimensional confined impinging slot jetsPages 251-262T. H. Park, H. G. Choi, J. Y. Yoo, S. J. Kim
6.Impingement heat transfer in an under-expanded axisymmetric air jetPages 263-272M. Rahimi, I. Owen, J. Mistry
7.Experimental study on the kinetics of water vapor sorption on selective water sorbents, silica gel and alumina under typical operating conditions of sorption heat pumpsPages 273-281Belal Dawoud, Yuri Aristov
8.Effects of gravity and ambient pressure on liquid fuel droplet evaporationPages 283-296George Gogos, Siang Soh, Daniel N. Pope
9.Convection in a horizontal rectangular duct under constant and variable property formulationsPages 297-310Qinghua Wang, Hoseon Yoo, Yogesh Jaluria
10.The interaction between internal heat loss and external heat loss on the extinction of stretched spray flames with nonunity Lewis numberPages 311-322Shuhn-Shyurng Hou
11.Linear stability of cold water layer saturating an anisotropic porous medium––effect of confinementPages 323-332A. Mahidjiba, L. Robillard, P. Vasseur
12.Use of the microscopic parabolic heat conduction model in place of the macroscopic model validation criterion under harmonic boundary heatingPages 333-339M. A. Al-Nimr, M. Hader, M. Naji
13.Transient natural convection and conjugate transients around a line heat sourcePages 341-354Marie-Christine Duluc, Shihe Xin, Patrick Le Quéré
14.Onset of transient nucleate boiling from a thick flat samplePages 355-365Sébastien Héas, Herveline Robidou, Martin Raynaud, Monique Lallemand
15.On modelling the multidimensional coupled fluid flow and heat or mass transport in porous mediaPages 367-379Anis Younes
16.Thermal convection in a vertical porous slot with spatially periodic boundary temperatures: low Ra flowPages 381-384Joo-Sik Yoo

Volume 46, Issue 3, Pages 385-576 (January 2003)

1.Influence of gas emission on heat transfer in porous ceramicsPages 385-397T. Gambaryan-Roisman, M. Shapiro, E. Litovsky, A. Shavit
2.Heat transfer and bubble characteristics in a fluidized bed with immersed horizontal tube bundlePages 399-409Sung Won Kim, Jung Yeul Ahn, Sang Done Kim, Dong Hyun Lee
3.Study of heat transfer for a pair of rectangular jets impinging on an inclined surfacePages 411-425Subrata Roy, Paresh Patel
4.Experimental study on interfacial area transport in vertical upward bubbly two-phase flow in an annulusPages 427-441Takashi Hibiki, Rong Situ, Ye Mi, Mamoru Ishii
5.Localized flow and heat transfer interactions in louvered-fin arraysPages 443-455N. C. DeJong, A. M. Jacobi
6.Gas absorption into “string-of-beads” liquid flow with chemical reaction: application to carbon dioxide separationPages 457-468Kazunori Uchiyama, Hirofumi Migita, Ryo Ohmura, Yasuhiko H. Mori
7.Heat transfer predictions with a cubic k–var epsilon model for axisymmetric turbulent jets impinging onto a flat platePages 469-480Bart Merci, Erik Dick
8.Heat transfer and friction behaviors in rectangular channels with varying number of ribbed wallsPages 481-495P. R. Chandra, C. R. Alexander, J. C. Han
9.Chimney-enhanced natural convection from a vertical plate: experiments and numerical simulationsPages 497-512S. Kazansky, V. Dubovsky, G. Ziskind, R. Letan
10.Nucleation site interaction in pool boiling on the artificial surfacePages 513-522Lei Zhang, Masahiro Shoji
11.The effect of laser light propagation through a self-induced inhomogeneous process gas on temperature dependent laser-assisted chemical etchingPages 523-534James S. Hammonds Jr., Mark A. Shannon
12.Experimental investigation of the transient impact fluid dynamics and solidification of a molten microdroplet pile-upPages 535-550S. Haferl, D. Poulikakos
13.Time-periodic laminar mixed convection in an inclined channelPages 551-563A. Barletta, E. Zanchini
14.Modèle predictif de résistance thermique de contact dynamique adapté au cas de l’interface pièce–outil de forgeagePages 565-576Brahim Bourouga, Vincent Goizet, Jean Pierre Bardon

Volume 46, Issue 4, Pages 577-760 (February 2003)

1.Transient behaviors of ignition of premixed stagnation-point flows with catalytic reactionsPages 577-587W. J. Sheu, C. J. Sun
2.Viscous dissipation effects on the asymptotic behaviour of laminar forced convection for Bingham plastics in circular ductsPages 589-598R. Khatyr, D. Ouldhadda, A. Il Idrissi
3.TVD schemes for unstructured gridsPages 599-611M. S. Darwish, F. Moukalled
4.Bifurcation and stability of combined free and forced convection in rotating curved ducts of square cross-sectionPages 613-629Tianliang Yang, Liqiu Wang
5.Analysis of flow and heat transfer inside oscillatory squeezed thin films subject to a varying clearancePages 631-641A. -R. A. Khaled, K. Vafai
6.Thermally developing forced convection in a porous medium: parallel plate channel with walls at uniform temperature, with axial conduction and viscous dissipation effectsPages 643-651D. A. Nield, A. V. Kuznetsov, Ming Xiong
7.Effect of rotation on heat transfer in two-pass square channels with five different orientations of 45° angled rib turbulatorsPages 653-669Luai Al-Hadhrami, Je-Chin Han
8.Startup of a horizontal lithium–molybdenum heat pipe from a frozen statePages 671-685Jean-Michel Tournier, Mohamed S. El-Genk
9.The radiative transfer solution of a rectangular enclosure using angular domain discrete waveletsPages
10.Analytical and numerical studies on viscous energy dissipation in laterally driven microcomb structuresPages
11.Dynamic behaviour of one-dimensional flow multistream heat exchangers and their networksPages 705-715Xing Luo, Xin Guan, Meiling Li, Wilfried Roetzel
12.Calculation of temperature field in a thin moving sheet heated with laser beamPages 717-723R.
13.Laminar free-convection in water with variable physical properties adjacent to a vertical plate with uniform heat fluxPages 725-729A. Pantokratoras
14.Transient coupled heat transfer in multilayer composite with one specular boundary coatedPages 731-747He-Ping Tan, Jian-Feng Luo, Xin-Lin Xia, Qi-Zheng Yu
15.Numerical study of stratified oil–water two-phase turbulent flow in a horizontal tubePages
16.Frictional performance of R-22 and R-410A inside a 5.0 mm wavy diameter tubePages 755-760Chi-Chung Wang, Ing Youn Chen, Horng-Jye Shyu

Volume 46, Issue 5, Pages 761-937 (February 2003)

1.Heat transfer analysis of mutually irradiating finsPages 761-769C. K. Krishnaprakas, K. Badari Narayana
2.Calculation of turbulent flow and heat transfer in a porous-baffled channelPages 771-780Yue-Tzu Yang, Chih-Zong Hwang
3.Influence of anisotropy on convection in porous media with nonuniform thermal gradientPages 781-789Gerard Degan, Patrick Vasseur
4.Three-dimensional convective cooling in a vertical channel with flush-mounted heat sourcesPages 791-808H. Gunes, A. Liakopoulos
5.Three-dimensional computational analysis of gas and heat transport phenomena in ducts relevant for anode-supported solid oxide fuel cellsPages 809-821Jinliang Yuan, Masoud Rokni, Bengt Sundén
6.Turbulent heat transfer and flow characteristics in a horizontal circular tube with strip-type inserts. Part I. Fluid mechanicsPages 823-835Shou-Shing Hsieh, Feng-Yu Wu, Huang-Hsiu Tsai
7.Turbulent heat transfer and flow characteristics in a horizontal circular tube with strip-type inserts. Part II. Heat transferPages 837-849Shou-Shing Hsieh, Ming-Ho Liu, Huang-Hsiu Tsai
8.Pool boiling characteristics of nano-fluidsPages 851-862Sarit K. Das, Nandy Putra, Wilfried Roetzel
9.Bubble sweeping and jet flows during nucleate boiling of subcooled liquidsPages 863-869H. Wang, X. F. Peng, B. X. Wang, D. J. Lee
10.Performance of finned tube heat exchangers operating under frosting conditionsPages 871-877Wei-Mon Yan, Hung-Yi Li, Yeun-Jong Wu, Jian-Yuan Lin, Wen-Ruey Chang
11.Real-time laser-based measurement of interface temperature during droplet impingement on a cold surfacePages 879-888Q. Chen, Y. Li, J. P. Longtin
12.Friction and heat transfer characteristics of flow through square duct with twisted tape insertPages 889-902S. Ray, A. W. Date
13.Temperature effect on single bubble rise characteristics in stagnant distilled waterPages 903-913Tomio Okawa, Tomoe Tanaka, Isao Kataoka, Michitsugu Mori
14.Exact solution of the problem of gas segregation in the process of crystallizationPages
15.Simulation of the microstructure of a thin metal layer quenched from a liquid statePages 921-929A. I. Fedorchenko, A. A. Chernov
16.Explicit analytical solutions of 2-D laminar natural convectionPages 931-934Ruixian Cai, Na Zhang
17.Critical view on “new results in micro-fluid mechanics”: an examplePages 935-937H. Herwig, O. Hausner

Volume 46, Issue 6, Pages 939-1113 (March 2003)

1.On the stability analysis of thermally stratified channel flow with a compliant boundaryPages 939-948Sandile S. Motsa, P. Sibanda
2.A reciprocal flow filtration combustor with embedded heat exchangers: numerical studyPages 949-961Fabiano Contarin, Alexei V. Saveliev, Alexander A. Fridman, Lawrence A. Kennedy
3.A theoretical study on Bunsen spray flamesPages 963-971Jiann-Chang Lin, Shuhn-Shyurng Hou, Ta-Hui Lin
4.Buoyancy-driven single-sided natural ventilation in buildings with large openingsPages 973-988Yi Jiang, Qingyan Chen
5.Transient non-isothermal behavior during the growth and collapse of spherical fluid shellsPages 989-997Xundong Qin, Roger E. Khayat, Ky T. Nguyen
6.Effects of mass transfer on the transient free convection flow of a dissipative fluid along a semi-infinite vertical plate with constant heat fluxPages 999-1011M. Y. Gokhale, Fathia Moh. Al Samman
7.An optimal control algorithm for entrance concurrent flow problemsPages 1013-1027Cheng-Hung Huang, Chun-Ying Yeh
8.Simultaneous determination of in- and over-tube heat transfer correlations in heat exchangers by global regressionPages 1029-1040Arturo Pacheco-Vega, Mihir Sen, K. T. Yang
9.Identification of wall heat flux for turbulent forced convection by inverse analysisPages 1041-1048Hung-Yi Li, Wei-Mon Yan
10.Local heat/mass transfer and flow characteristics of array impinging jets with effusion holes ejecting spent airPages 1049-1061Dong-Ho Rhee, Pil-Hyun Yoon, Hyung Hee Cho
11.Lagrangian stochastic simulation of turbulent dispersion of heat markers in a channel flowPages 1063-1073Y. Mito, T. J. Hanratty
12.Natural convection heat and mass transfer along a vertical wavy surfacePages 1075-1083Jer-Huan Jang, Wei-Mon Yan, Hui-Chung Liu
13.Heat transfer studies during natural convection boiling in an internally heated annulusPages 1085-1095M. Khalid Usmani, M. Altamush Siddiqui, S. S. Alam, A. M. Jairajpuri, M. Kamil
14.The effect of large-amplitude g-jitter vertical free convection boundary-layer flow in porous mediaPages 1097-1102D. Andrew S. Rees, Ioan Pop
15.Contact thermal conductivity of a powder bed in selective laser sinteringPages 1103-1109A. V. Gusarov, T. Laoui, L. Froyen, V. I. Titov
16.Letter to the EditorsPages 1111-1112Ralph L. Webb, Jin Wook Paek
17.Reply to Prof. R.L. Webb’s and Dr. J.W. Paek’s commentsPages 1112-1113Y. -Y. Yan, T. -F. Lin

Volume 46, Issue 7, Pages 1115-1307 (March 2003)

1.Studies on turbulent momentum, heat and species transport during binary alloy solidification in a top-cooled rectangular cavityPages 1115-1137S.
2.Analysis of forced convection heat transfer to supercritical carbon dioxide inside tubes using neural networksPages 1139-1154G. Scalabrin, L. Piazza
3.Inverse influence of initial diameter on droplet burning rate in cold and hot ambiences: a thermal action of flame in balance with heat lossPages 1155-1169Guangwen Xu, Masiki Ikegami, Senji Honma, Kouji Ikeda, Xiaoxun Ma, Hiroshi Nagaishi, Daniel L. Dietrich, Peter M. Struk
4.Study on point of net vapor generation by neutron radiography in subcooled boiling flow along narrow rectangular channels with short heated lengthPages 1171-1181M. Kureta, T. Hibiki, K. Mishima, H. Akimoto
5.A direct three-dimensional simulation of radiation-induced natural convection in a shallow wedgePages
6.Experimental and numerical analysis of the temperature transition of a suspended freezing water dropletPages 1199-1213J. P. Hindmarsh, A. B. Russell, X. D. Chen
7.Geometric and aero-thermal influences on multiholed plate temperature: application on combustor wallPages
8.Nucleate pool boiling characteristics from coated tube bundles in saturated R-134aPages 1223-1239Shou-Shing Hsieh, Guo-Zhen Huang, Huang-Hsiu Tsai
9.Cooling enhancement in an air-cooled finned heat exchanger by thin water film evaporationPages 1241-1249Chan Ho Song, Dae-Young Lee, Sung Tack Ro
10.Nonlinear coupling between thermal mass and natural ventilation in buildingsPages 1251-1264Jimmy Yam, Yuguo Li, Zuohuan Zheng
11.Aerodynamic and mass transfer characteristics of an annular bistable impinging jet with a fluidic flip–flop controlPages 1265-1278Zdenek, Sylwester Wawrzyniak
12.Investigation of the evaporation of embedded liquid droplets from porous surfaces using magnetic resonance imagingPages 1279-1292N. C. Reis Jr., R. F. Griffiths, M. D. Mantle, L. F. Gladden
13.Pore network simulations of drying of capillary porous media. Influence of thermal gradientsPages 1293-1307F. Plourde, M. Prat

Volume 46, Issue 8, Pages 1309-1501 (April 2003)

1.Unified streamline, heatline and massline methods for the visualization of two-dimensional heat and mass transfer in anisotropic mediaPages 1309-1320V. A. F. Costa
2.Minimization of entropy generation by asymmetric convective coolingPages 1321-1328Guillermo Ibáñez, Sergio Cuevas, Mariano López de Haro
3.Heat conduction across irregular and fractal-like surfacesPages 1329-1339M. G. Blyth, C. Pozrikidis
4.Structure of mixed convective longitudinal vortex air flow driven by a heated circular plate embedded in the bottom of a horizontal flat ductPages 1341-1357J. L. Tuh, T. F. Lin
5.Fully developed electro-osmotic heat transfer in microchannelsPages 1359-1369D. Maynes, B. W. Webb
6.Stability analysis for three-dimensional Rayleigh–Bénard convection with radiatively participating medium using spectral methodsPages 1371-1383C. H. Lan, O. A. Ezekoye, J. R. Howell, K. S. Ball
7.Heat transfer in subcooled jet impingement boiling at high wall temperaturesPages 1385-1393W. Timm, K. Weinzierl, A. Leipertz
8.Interactions between molten metal droplets impinging on a solid surfacePages 1395-1407R. Ghafouri-Azar, S. Shakeri, S. Chandra, J. Mostaghimi
9.Modeling of bubble-layer thickness for formulation of one-dimensional interfacial area transport equation in subcooled boiling two-phase flowPages 1409-1423Takashi Hibiki, Rong Situ, Ye Mi, Mamoru Ishii
10.Periodicity and bifurcations in capillary tube boiling with a concentric heating wirePages 1425-1442Narasimha Acharya, Mihir Sen, Eduardo Ramos
11.The reactive thermal conductivity for a two-temperature plasmaPages 1443-1454Xi Chen, He-Ping Li
12.Unsteady heat conduction in two-dimensional two slab-shaped regions. Exact closed-form solution and resultsPages 1455-1469F. de Monte
13.Effect of suction/injection on the flow of a micropolar fluid past a continuously moving plate in the presence of radiationPages 1471-1477Hassan A. M. El-Arabawy
14.Local flow measurements of vertical upward bubbly flow in an annulusPages 1479-1496Takashi Hibiki, Rong Situ, Ye Mi, Mamoru Ishii
15.On the perturbation method for the Stefan problem with time-dependent boundary conditionsPages 1497-1501J. Caldwell, Y. Y. Kwan

Volume 46, Issue 9, Pages 1503-1692 (April 2003)

1.Numerical simulations of hydrodynamics and convective heat transfer in a turbulent tube mist flowPages
2.Nonlinear analysis on fluctuation feature of two-phase flow through a T-junctionPages 1519-1528S. F. Wang, R. Mosdorfand, M. Shoji
3.Large eddy simulation of turbulent channel flow with mass transfer at high-Schmidt numbersPages 1529-1539Yu-Hong Dong, Xi-Yun Lu, Li-Xian Zhuang
4.Bejan’s constructal theory of equal potential distributionPages 1541-1543Jeffery Lewins
5.Finite element modeling of the porosity formation in castingsPages 1545-1552I. H. Katzarov
6.Three-dimensional numerical optimization of a manifold microchannel heat sinkPages 1553-1562J. H. Ryu, D. H. Choi, S. J. Kim
7.Conjugate heat transfer in inclined open shallow cavitiesPages 1563-1573O. Polat, E. Bilgen
8.Effect of the history term on the transient energy equation for a spherePages 1575-1586Mickaël Gay, Efstathios E. Michaelides
9.An inverse problem of parameter estimation for heat and mass transfer in capillary porous mediaPages 1587-1598L. B. Dantas, H. R. B. Orlande, R. M. Cotta
10.Magnetic field effects upon heat transfer for laminar flow of electrically conducting liquid over a melting slabPages 1599-1605R. V. Seeniraj, N. P. Kannan
11.Thermal waves propagation in porous material undergoing thermal loadingPages 1607-1611Andrzej Szalec
12.Direct numerical simulation of heated vertical air flows in fully developed turbulent mixed convectionPages 1613-1627Jongwoo You, Jung Y. Yoo, Haecheon Choi
13.Effects of internal radiation on heat flow and facet formation in Bridgman growth of YAG crystalsPages
14.Effect of thermocapillary convection in an industrial Czochralski crucible: numerical simulationPages 1641-1652V. Kumar, G. Biswas, G. Brenner, F. Durst
15.3D modeling of evaporation of water injected into a plasma jetPages 1653-1663Kandasamy Ramachandran, Takehiko Sato, Hideya Nishiyama
16.Mass transfer in field of fast-moving deformation disturbancePages 1665-1673G. L. Buchbinder
17.Laminar free-convection in glycerol with variable physical properties adjacent to a vertical plate with uniform heat fluxPages 1675-1678A. Pantokratoras
18.On the non-stationary evaporation kinetics.: I. Mathematical model and experimental dataPages 1679-1685Chr. Boyadjiev, B. Boyadjiev
19.On the non-stationary evaporation kinetics. II. StabilityPages 1687-1692B. Boyadjiev, Chr. Boyadjiev

Volume 46, Issue 10, Pages 1693-1886 (May 2003)

1.Fitting the duct to the “body” of the convective flowPages 1693-1701Tunde Bello-Ochende, Adrian Bejan
2.Simultaneous visualization of flow field and evaluation of local heat transfer by transitional impinging jetsPages 1703-1713M. Angioletti, R. M. Di Tommaso, E. Nino, G. Ruocco
3.Mass transfer into liquid falling film in straight and helically coiled tubesPages 1715-1724Mohammed Salah Hameed, Mehdi Saleh Muhammed
4.Mixed convection within a porous heat generating horizontal annulusPages 1725-1735Khalil Khanafer, Ali J. Chamkha
5.Flow efficiency in multi-louvered finsPages 1737-1750X. Zhang, D. K. Tafti
6.Transient mixed radiative convection flow of a micropolar fluid past a moving, semi-infinite vertical porous platePages
7.Effect of surface tension on convection in a binary fluid layer under a zero gravity environmentPages 1759-1771A. Bahloul, R. Delahaye, P. Vasseur, L. Robillard
8.One-dimensional drift–flux model for two-phase flow in a large diameter pipePages 1773-1790Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii
9.Numerical solution of the phase change problem around a horizontal cylinder in the presence of natural convection in the melt regionPages 1791-1799Kamal A. R. Ismail, Maria das Graças E. da Silva
10.Non-iterative estimation of temperature-dependent thermal conductivity without internal measurementsPages 1801-1810Sin Kim, Min Chan Kim, Kyung Youn Kim
11.Large eddy simulation of heat and mass transport in turbulent flows. Part 1: Velocity fieldPages 1811-1825Farhad A. Jaberi, Paul J. Colucci
12.Large eddy simulation of heat and mass transport in turbulent flows. Part 2: Scalar fieldPages 1827-1840Farhad A. Jaberi, Paul J. Colucci
13.Saturation boiling of HFE-7100 from a copper surface, simulating a microelectronic chipPages 1841-1854Mohamed S. EL-Genk, Huseyin Bostanci
14.On the explicit analytic solution of Cheng–Chang equationPages 1855-1860C. Wang, J. M. Zhu, S. J. Liao, I. Pop
15.Evaporative characteristics of R-134a and R-600a in horizontal tubes with perforated strip-type insertsPages 1861-1872Shou-Shing Hsieh, Kuen-Jang Jang, Huang-Hsiu Tsai
16.Gas jet heat release inside a cylindrical cavityPages 1873-1878K. Kessaev, R. Vidal, M. Niwa
17.1/f noise and self-organized criticality in crisis regimes of heat and mass transferPages 1879-1883V. N. Skokov, V. P. Koverda, A. V. Reshetnikov, V. P. Skripov, N. A. Mazheiko, A. V. Vinogradov
18.Constructal comment on a Fermat-type principle for heat flowPages 1885-1886Adrian Bejan

Volume 46, Issue 11, Pages 1887-2101 (May 2003)

1.Heat transfer––a review of 2001 literaturePages 1887-1992R. J. Goldstein, E. R. G. Eckert, W. E. Ibele, S. V. Patankar, T. W. Simon, T. H. Kuehn, P. J. Strykowski, K. K. Tamma, J. V. R. Heberlein, J. H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F. A. Kulacki, U. Kortshagen, S. Garrick
2.High speed bubbly nozzle flow with heat, mass, and momentum interactionsPages 1993-2003David Albagli, Alon Gany
3.Solution of radiative heat transfer in a semitransparent slab with an arbitrary refractive index distribution and diffuse gray boundariesPages 2005-2014He-Ping Tan, Yong Huang, Xin-Lin Xia
4.Cooling of cylindrical vertical tanks submitted to natural internal convectionPages 2015-2026Rejane De Césaro Oliveski, Arno Krenzinger, Horácio A. Vielmo
5.Fin–tube junction effects on flow and heat transfer in flat tube multilouvered heat exchangersPages 2027-2038D. K. Tafti, J. Cui
6.Effect of mixed convection on transient hydrodynamic removal of a contaminant from a cavityPages 2039-2049Lih-Chuan Fang
7.Analytical and experimental investigation on the operational characteristics and the thermal optimization of a miniature heat pipe with a grooved wick structurePages 2051-2063Sung Jin Kim, Joung Ki Seo, Kyu Hyung Do
8.Determination of a heat source in porous medium with convective mass diffusion by an inverse methodPages 2065-2075M. Prud’homme, S. Jasmin
9.On the impingement heat transfer of an oblique free surface plane jetPages 2077-2085Albert Y. Tong
10.3D numerical modeling of non-isotropic turbulent buoyant helicoidal flow and heat transfer in a curved open channelPages 2087-2093Yong-Ming Shen, Chiu-On Ng, Hao-Qing Ni
11.Study on transport phenomena for flow film condensation in vertical mini-tube with interfacial wavesPages 2095-2101Xiao-Ze Du, Bu-Xuan Wang

Volume 46, Issue 12, Pages 2103-2303 (June 2003)

1.The influences of recycle on a double-pass laminar counterflow concentric circular heat exchangersPages 2103-2113Chii-Dong Ho, Wen-Yi Yang
2.Three-dimensional double-diffusive convection and macrosegregation during non-equilibrium solidification of binary mixturesPages 2115-2134S. Chakraborty, P. Dutta
3.An analytical solution for two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problems using Laplace transformPages 2135-2148Masanori Monde, Hirofumi Arima, Wei Liu, Yuhichi Mitutake, Jaffar A. Hammad
4.Role of the contact layer between liquid and solid on a solidification processPages 2149-2154Zygmunt Lipnicki
5.Numerical technique for modeling conjugate heat transfer in an electronic device heat sinkPages 2155-2168Andrej Horvat, Ivan Catton
6.Natural convective heat transfer from isothermal cuboidsPages 2169-2178Ewa Radziemska, Witold M. Lewandowski
7.Two-dimensional model of heat transfer in circulating fluidized beds. Part I: Model development and validationPages 2179-2191D. Xie, B. D. Bowen, J. R. Grace, C. J. Lim
8.Two-dimensional model of heat transfer in circulating fluidized beds. Part II: Heat transfer in a high density CFB and sensitivity analysisPages 2193-2205D. Xie, B. D. Bowen, J. R. Grace, C. J. Lim
9.Turbulent heat transfer on the stationary disk in a rotor–stator systemPages 2207-2218Z. X. Yuan, N. Saniei, X. T. Yan
10.Surfactant effects on passive scalar transport in a fully developed turbulent flowPages 2219-2238R. A. Handler, R. I. Leighton, G. B. Smith, Ryuichi Nagaosa
11.Simultaneous visualization of dry spots and bubbles for pool boiling of R-113 on a horizontal heaterPages
12.Numerical simulation of developing natural convection in an enclosure due to rapid heatingPages
13.Stability analysis of the perturbed rest state and of the finite amplitude steady double-diffusive convection in a shallow porous enclosurePages 2263-2277Mahmoud Mamou
14.Mist/steam cooling by a row of impinging jetsPages 2279-2290X. Li, J. L. Gaddis, T. Wang
15.Evaluation of the radiative properties of a dispersed particulate medium for construction material applicationsPages

Volume 46, Issue 13, Pages 2305-2514 (June 2003)

1.Influence of viscous dissipation and radiation on unsteady MHD free-convection flow past an infinite heated vertical plate in a porous medium with time-dependent suctionPages 2305-2311C. Israel-Cookey, A. Ogulu, V. B. Omubo-Pepple
2.Thermosolutal transport and macrosegregation during freeze coating of a binary substance on a continuous moving objectPages 2313-2327C. Tangthieng, F. B. Cheung
3.Influence of viscosity variations on the forced convection flow through two types of heterogeneous porous media with isoflux boundary conditionPages 2329-2339K. Sundaravadivelu, C. P. Tso
4.Complex combination solution for radiation–conduction transport with periodic boundary conditionsPages 2341-2351Ted D. Bennett
5.Boiling heat transfer and dryout phenomenon of CO2 in a horizontal smooth tubePages 2353-2361Rin Yun, Yongchan Kim, Min Soo Kim, Youngdon Choi
6.Steady-state heat conduction in multi-layer bodiesPages 2363-2379A. Haji-Sheikh, J. V. Beck, D. Agonafer
7.Transport phenomena in the thin-film region of a micro-channelPages 2381-2388Kyoungwoo Park, Kwan-Joong Noh, Kwan-Soo Lee
8.Natural convection from narrow horizontal plates at moderate Rayleigh numbersPages 2389-2402Ingrid Martorell, Joan Herrero, Francesc X. Grau
9.Mixed convection in the copper dissolution technique of studying mass transferPages 2403-2413Rainer Gruber, Thomas Melin
10.Mass transfer of volatile organic compounds from painting material in a standard field and laboratory emission cellPages 2415-2423L. Z. Zhang, J. L. Niu
11.Modelling and control of rectangular natural circulation loopsPages 2425-2444A. Fichera, A. Pagano
12.Online fouling detection in electrical circulation heaters using neural networksPages
13.Two-dimensional simulation of turbulent flow and transfer through stacked spheresPages 2459-2469Graciela Alvarez, Pierre-Emmanuel Bournet, Denis Flick
14.Analysis of convective momentum and wall heat transfer: application to vortex boundary layer interactionPages
15.Numerical simulation of the cooling of a hot disk rapidly subjected to combined convective and radiant heat lossesPages 2485-2493A. Ferriere, C. Chaussavoine, J. -P. Leyris, J. Hameury
16.On steady one-dimensional diffusion in binary ideal gas mixturesPages 2495-2497A. F. Mills
17.Dual free-convective flows in a horizontal annulus with a constant heat flux wallPages 2499-2503Joo-Sik Yoo
18.A note on the influence of droplet interchange on evaporation and condensation of multicomponent mixtures in annular flowPages 2505-2509J. R. Barbosa Jr., G. F. Hewitt, S. M. Richardson
19.Thermal dispersion effect on MHD flow of dusty gas and dust particles through hexagonal channelPages

Volume 46, Issue 14, Pages 2515-2713 (July 2003)

1.Professor Chang-Lin Tien (1935–2002)Pages 2515-2517A. Majumdar, P. F. Peterson, J. P. Hartnett, W. J. Minkowycz
2.Friction factors in smooth trapezoidal silicon microchannels with different aspect ratiosPages 2519-2525H. Y. Wu, Ping Cheng
3.Critical quality prediction for saturated flow boiling of CO2 in horizontal small diameter tubesPages 2527-2535Rin Yun, Yongchan Kim
4.Heat transfer and banks formation in a slag bath with embedded heat sourcesPages 2537-2545Louis Gosselin, Marcel Lacroix
5.An experimental study of convective heat transfer in silicon microchannels with different surface conditionsPages 2547-2556H. Y. Wu, Ping Cheng
6.Heat transfer to impinging round jets with triangular tabsPages 2557-2569N. Gao, H. Sun, D. Ewing
7.Modeling of plate heat exchangers with generalized configurationsPages 2571-2585Jorge A. W. Gut, José M. Pinto
8.Active nucleation site density in boiling systemsPages 2587-2601Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii
9.Visualization and measurements of periodic boiling in silicon microchannelsPages 2603-2614H. Y. Wu, Ping Cheng
10.Sharp-interface simulation of dendritic growth with convection: benchmarksPages 2615-2627H. S. Udaykumar, S. Marella, S. Krishnan
11.The onset of convective instability in the thermal entrance region of plane Poiseuille flow heated uniformly from belowPages 2629-2636Min Chan Kim, Tae Joon Chung, Chang Kyun Choi
12.Influence of sleeve tube on the flow and heat transfer behavior at a T-junctionPages 2637-2644H. L. Wu, X. F. Peng, T. K. Chen
13.Simultaneous reconstruction of temperature distribution, absorptivity of wall surface and absorption coefficient of medium in a 2-D furnace systemPages 2645-2653Huai-Chun Zhou, Shu-Dong Han
14.Numerical study for enhancement of laminar flow mixing using multiple confined jets in a micro-can combustorPages 2655-2663Peter L. Woodfield, Kazuyoshi Nakabe, Kenjiro Suzuki
15.A fractal model for predicting the effective thermal conductivity of liquid with suspension of nanoparticlesPages 2665-2672Bu-Xuan Wang, Le-Ping Zhou, Xiao-Feng Peng
16.Extension of the compensated distortion method to the critical heat flux modelling in rectangular inclined channelPages 2673-2684F. François, G. Berthoud
17.Choked flow and heat transfer of low density gas in a narrow parallel-plate channel with uniformly heating wallsPages 2685-2693M. Miyamoto, W. Shi, Y. Katoh, J. Kurima
18.Unsteady flow of a non-Newtonian fluid above a rotating disk with heat transferPages 2695-2700H. A. Attia
19.Transient conjugated heat transfer in thick walled pipes with convective boundary conditionsPages 2701-2709
20.Comment on the paper by H. Wang, X.F. Peng, B.X. Wang, and D.J. Lee “Jet flow phenomena during nucleate boiling” IJHMT 45 (6) (2002) 1359–1363Pages 2711-2712I. G. Shekriladze
21.Announcement: Microgravity transport processes in fluid, thermal, materials and biological sciences IIIPage 2713

Volume 46, Issue 15, Pages 2715-2923 (July 2003)

1.Flow and heat transfer in cavities between rotor and stator disksPages 2715-2726Gian Paolo Beretta, Enrico Malfa
2.Heat exchange between two coupled fixed beds by fluid flowPages 2727-2735J. J. Saastamoinen
3.Measurement and prediction of pressure drop in two-phase micro-channel heat sinksPages 2737-2753Weilin Qu, Issam Mudawar
4.Flow boiling heat transfer in two-phase micro-channel heat sinks––I. Experimental investigation and assessment of correlation methodsPages 2755-2771Weilin Qu, Issam Mudawar
5.Flow boiling heat transfer in two-phase micro-channel heat sinks––II. Annular two-phase flow modelPages 2773-2784Weilin Qu, Issam Mudawar
6.Constructal tree-shaped two-phase flow for cooling a surfacePages 2785-2797C. Zamfirescu, A. Bejan
7.Radial mass-transfer enhancement in bubble-train flowPages 2799-2808Rainer Gruber, Thomas Melin
8.Effect of the potential field on non-Fickian diffusion problems in a spherePages 2809-2818Han-Taw Chen, Kuo-Chi Liu
9.Influence of convection and grain movement on globular equiaxed solidificationPages 2819-2832Menghuai Wu, Andreas Ludwig, Andreas Bührig-Polaczek, Martin Fehlbier, Peter R. Sahm
10.Shape optimization of cut-off in a multi-blade fan/scroll system using neural networkPages 2833-2839S. -Y. Han, J. -S. Maeng
11.Heat transfer enhancement in cross-flow heat exchangers using oval tubes and multiple delta wingletsPages 2841-2856S. Tiwari, D. Maurya, G. Biswas, V. Eswaran
12.The onset of transient convection in bottom heated porous mediaPages 2857-2873Ka-Kheng Tan, Torng Sam, Hishamuddin Jamaludin
13.Simultaneous heat and mass transport in paper sheets during moisture sorption from humid airPages 2875-2886W. R. Foss, C. A. Bronkhorst, K. A. Bennett
14.Global simulation of a silicon Czochralski furnace in an axial magnetic fieldPages 2887-2898You-Rong Li, Deng-Fang Ruan, Nobuyuki Imaishi, Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Peng, Dan-Ling Zeng
15.Recirculation model of kettle reboilerPages 2899-2909S. Kumar, A. Jain, B. Mohanty, S. C. Gupta
16.Finite difference solution of one-dimensional Stefan problem with periodic boundary conditionsPages 2911-2916Svetislav Savovic, James Caldwell
17.Temperature distributions in an absorbing–emitting–scattering semitransparent slab with variable spatial refractive indexPages 2917-2920L. H. Liu, H. P. Tan, Q. Z. Yu
18.Call for papersPage 2921
19.CHT-04 3RD ICHMT symposium on advances in computational heat TransferPage 2923

Volume 46, Issue 16, Pages 2925-3133 (July 2003)

1.Professor Sadik Kakaç on his 70th birthdayPages 2925-2926R. Cotta, J. Padet, W. J. Minkowycz, R. I. Nigmatulin, W. -J. Yang
2.Forced and mixed convective heat transfer from accelerated flow past an elliptic cylinderPages 2927-2946S. J. D. D’Alessio, M. G. Saunders, D. L. Harmsworth
3.Confined swirling jet impingement onto an adiabatic wallPages 2947-2955S. Z. Shuja, B. S. Yilbas, M. Rashid
4.Experimental study of unsteady convective boiling in heated minichannelsPages 2957-2965D. Brutin, F. Topin, L. Tadrist
5.A new ideal evaporative freezing cyclePages 2967-2974Yunus Cerci
6.Two-phase flow pattern in small diameter tubes with the presence of horizontal return bendPages 2975-2981Chi-Chung Wang, Ing Youn Chen, Yung-Wei Yang, Yu-Juei Chang
7.A fiber-optic Bragg grating sensor for simultaneous static and dynamic temperature measurement on a heated cylinder in cross-flowPages 2983-2992Z. J. Wang, Y. Zhou, X. W. Wang, W. Jin
8.Formation characteristics of nitric oxide in a three-staged air/LPG flamePages 2993-3008Han Seok Kim, Seung Wook Baek, Myoung Jong Yu
9.Thermocapillarity in a liquid film on an unsteady stretching surfacePages 3009-3015Bhabani
10.Numerical simulation of fuel sprays at high ambient pressure: the influence of real gas effects and gas solubility on droplet vaporisationPages 3017-3028S. Hohmann, U. Renz
11.Heat and mass transfer of a convective-stratified flow in a trough type tundishPages 3029-3039A. Vargas-Zamora, R. D. Morales, M. Díaz-Cruz, J. Palafox-Ramos, L. García Demedices
12.Effect of compressibility on gaseous flows in micro-channelsPages 3041-3050Yutaka Asako, Tianqi Pi, Stephen E. Turner, Mohammad Faghri
13.Effect of tube alignment on the heat/mass transfer from a plate fin and two-tube assembly: naphthalene sublimation resultsPages 3051-3059Jin-Yoon Kim, Tae-Ho Song
14.Multi-phase flow and drying characteristics in a semi-circular impinging stream dryerPages 3061-3067X. L. Huai, X. F. Peng, G. X. Wang, D. Y. Liu
15.The influence of heat on the 3D-transition of the von Kármán vortex streetPages 3069-3081W. J. P. M. Maas, C. C. M. Rindt, A. A. van Steenhoven
16.Computational efficiency improvements of the radiative transfer problems with or without conduction––a comparison of the collapsed dimension method and the discrete transfer methodPages 3083-3095Subhash C. Mishra, Prabal Talukdar, D. Trimis, Franz Durst
17.Finite element solutions of heat transfer in molten polymer flow in tubes with viscous dissipationPages 3097-3108Dongming Wei, Haibiao Luo
18.Natural convection heat transfer increase at the laminar–turbulent transition in the presence of instationary longitudinal vorticesPages 3109-3117R. Biertümpfel, H. Beer
19.Effect of cross-sectional aspect ratio on turbulent heat transfer in an orthogonally rotating rectangular duct with angled rib turbulatorsPages 3119-3133Akira Murata, Sadanari Mochizuki

Volume 46, Issue 17, Pages 3135-3328 (August 2003)

1.Heat transfer between an under-expanded jet and a cylindrical surfacePages 3135-3142M. Rahimi, I. Owen, J. Mistry
2.An investigation of dryout/rewetting in subcooled two-phase flow boilingPages 3143-3152R. C. Jones, R. L. Judd
3.Flow structure and local Nusselt number variations in a channel with angled crossed-rib turbulatorsPages 3153-3166S. Y. Won, G. I. Mahmood, P. M. Ligrani
4.The Brinkman model for the mixed convection boundary layer flow past a horizontal circular cylinder in a porous mediumPages 3167-3178Roslinda Nazar, Norsarahaida Amin, Diana Filip, Ioan Pop
5.A molecular dynamics simulation of droplet evaporationPages 3179-3188Lorenzo Consolini, Suresh K. Aggarwal, Sohail Murad
6.Unsteady flow and heat transfer in plane channels with spatially periodic vortex generatorsPages 3189-3199Alvaro Valencia, Mihir Sen
7.Estimation of particle volume fraction, mass fraction and number density in thermophoretic deposition systemsPages 3201-3209Pushkar Tandon, James P. Terrell, Xiaodong Fu, Amy Rovelstad
8.Free surface heat loss effect on oscillatory thermocapillary flow in liquid bridges of high Prandtl number fluidsPages 3211-3220Y. Kamotani, L. Wang, S. Hatta, A. Wang, S. Yoda
9.Simulation and experiment of the unsteady heat transport in the onset time of nucleation and crystallization of ice from the subcooled solutionPages 3221-3231Frank G. F. Qin, Jian Chao Zhao, Andrew B. Russell, Xiao Dong Chen, John J. Chen, Lindsay Robertson
10.Effect of physiology on the temperature distribution of a layered head with external convectionPages
11.Thermal action of a short light pulse on biological tissuesPages 3243-3254V. V. Barun, A. P. Ivanov
12.Analytic model for transient heat exchanger responsePages 3255-3264Juan Yin, Michael K. Jensen
13.A general formula for the evaluation of thermodynamic and aerodynamic losses in nucleating steam flowPages 3265-3278M. J. Kermani, A. G. Gerber
14.Dynamics of filtration combustion front perturbation in the tubular porous media burnerPages 3279-3289K. V. Dobrego, I. M. Kozlov, V. I. Bubnovich, C. E. Rosas
15.Annular synthetic jet used for impinging flow mass-transferPages 3291-3297Zden
16.Validation of a model for the absorption process of H2O(vap) by a LiBr(aq) in a horizontal tube bundle, using a multi-factorial analysisPages 3299-3312Victor Manuel Soto Francés, José Manuel Pinazo Ojer
17.A numerical model for segmented flow in a microreactorPages 3313-3322N. Harries, J. R. Burns, D. A. Barrow, C. Ramshaw
18.Three-dimensional diffusion in a multiphase body with randomly disposed inclusions of a spherical formPages

Volume 46, Issue 18, Pages 3329-3550 (August 2003)

1.Study on heat driven pump. Part 1––experimental measurementsPages 3329-3335J. L. Xu, X. Y. Huang, T. N. Wong
2.Study on heat driven pump. Part 2––Mathematical modelingPages 3337-3347J. L. Xu, T. N. Wong, X. Y. Huang
3.Condensation in horizontal tubes, part 1: two-phase flow pattern mapPages 3349-3363J. El Hajal, J. R. Thome, A. Cavallini
4.Condensation in horizontal tubes, part 2: new heat transfer model based on flow regimesPages 3365-3387J. R. Thome, J. El Hajal, A. Cavallini
5.Non-uniform slot injection (suction) into steady laminar water boundary layer flow over a rotating spherePages 3389-3396S. Roy, P. Saikrishnan
6.A methodology to work on geometrically complex heat transfer systems: the cases of heat conduction through composite slabsPages 3397-3409Wataru Nakayama
7.Concerning the magnitude of the maximum heat flux and the mechanisms of superintensive bubble boilingPages 3411-3427S. A. Zhukov, S. Yu. Afanas’ev, S. B.Echmaev
8.Numerical analysis of the transient turbulent flow in a fuel oil storage tankPages 3429-3440Nurten Vardar
9.Entropy generation at the onset of natural convectionPages 3441-3450M. Magherbi, H. Abbassi, A. Ben Brahim
10.Condensation of bubbles in miscible liquidsPages 3451-3463H. Kalman
11.Effect of the viscosity on the thermal transfer at early time to an impulsively started translating dropletPages 3465-3475D. Léger, R. Askovic
12.Study of the influence of the number of holes rows on the convective heat transfer in the case of full coverage film cooling: Etude de l’influence du nombre de rangées de trous sur les échanges convectifs dans le cas du refroidissement par multiperforationPages 3477-3496Brice Petre, Eva Dorignac, J. J. Vullierme
13.Cocurrent turbulent mixed convection heat and mass transfer in falling film of water inside a vertical heated tubePages 3497-3509M. Feddaoui, A. Mir, E. Belahmidi
14.Laser shortpulse heating of gold: variable properties casePages 3511-3520Bekir Sami Yilbas
15.Impingement heat transfer of a single thermal plume on the upper wallPages 3521-3528Koichi Ichimiya, Toshihisa Abe
16.Control of laminar natural convection in differentially heated square enclosures using solid inserts at the cornersPages 3529-3537V. A. F. Costa, M. S. A. Oliveira, A. C. M. Sousa
17.Helmholtz behavior and transfer function of an industrial fuel swirl burner used in heating systemsPages
18.Erratum to “Modeling of bubble-layer thickness for formulation of one-dimensional interfacial area transport equation in subcooled boiling two-phase flow” [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 1409–1423]Pages 3549-3550Takashi Hibiki, Rong Situ, Ye Mi, Mamoru Ishii

Volume 46, Issue 19, Pages 3551-3735 (September 2003)

1.Experimental benchmark data for turbulent natural convection in an air filled square cavityPages 3551-3572F. Ampofo, T. G. Karayiannis
2.Measurements in three-dimensional laminar separated flowPages 3573-3582B. F. Armaly, A. Li, J. H. Nie
3.A new buoyancy model replacing the standard pseudo-density difference for internal natural convection in gasesPages 3583-3591E. M. Sparrow, J. P. Abraham
4.Multi-group full-spectrum k-distribution database for water vapor mixtures in radiative transfer calculationsPages
5.Transient buoyant convection of a power-law non-Newtonian fluid in an enclosurePages 3605-3617Gi Bin Kim, Jae Min Hyun, Ho Sang Kwak
6.Effects of particle sizes on transport phenomena in single char combustionPages 3619-3627Rong He, Toshiyuki Suda, Toshiro Fujimori, Jun’ichi Sato
7.A three-dimensional inverse problem in imaging the local heat transfer coefficients for plate finned-tube heat exchangersPages 3629-3638Cheng-Hung Huang, I-Cha Yuan, Herchang Ay
8.Buoyancy-driven heat transfer enhancement in a two-dimensional enclosure utilizing nanofluidsPages 3639-3653Khalil Khanafer, Kambiz Vafai, Marilyn Lightstone
9.Cubical-cavity natural-convection benchmark experiments: an extensionPages 3655-3660M. A. H. Mamun, W. H. Leong, K. G. T. Hollands, D. A. Johnson
10.Natural convection around a horizontal heated cylinder: The effects of vertical confinementPages 3661-3672Mohamed A. Atmane, Victor S. S. Chan, Darina B. Murray
11.Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer in narrow passagesPages 3673-3682B. S. Haynes, D. F. Fletcher
12.Validation of the use of heat transfer models in liquid/solid fluidized beds for ice slurry generationPages 3683-3695J. W. Meewisse, C. A. Infante Ferreira
13.Stability of a fluid-saturated porous medium heated from below by forced convectionPages 3697-3705J. P. Kubitschek, P. D. Weidman
14.A numerical study of turbulent flow and conjugate heat transfer in concentric annuli with moving inner rodPages
15.On the rate of evaporation of water into a stream of dry air, humidified air and superheated steam, and the inversion temperaturePages 3717-3726V. A. F. Costa, F. Neto da Silva
16.Thermal resistance of a multi-constrictions contact: A simple modelPages 3727-3735Alain Degiovanni, Benjamin Remy, Stéphane Andre

Volume 46, Issue 20, Pages 3737-3945 (September 2003)

1.Heat transfer characteristics of spray cooling in a closed loopPages 3737-3746Lanchao Lin, Rengasamy Ponnappan
2.Optimal control of accelerator concentration for resin transfer molding processPages 3747-3754Sun K. Kim, Dae-Hwan Kim, Isaac M. Daniel
3.Effusivity-based correlation of surface property effects in pool boiling CHF of dielectric liquidsPages 3755-3764Mehmet Arik, Avram Bar-Cohen
4.Characterization of the effect of Froude number on surface waves and heat transfer in inclined turbulent open channel water flowsPages 3765-3775B. Freeze, S. Smolentsev, N. Morley, M. Abdou
5.Effect of inlet flow maldistribution on the thermal performance of a three-fluid crossflow heat exchangerPages 3777-3787Ping Yuan
6.Prediction of the frost formation on a cold flat surfacePages 3789-3796Kwan-Soo Lee, Sung Jhee, Dong-Keun Yang
7.A fundamental understanding of factors affecting frost nucleationPages 3797-3808Byeongchul Na, Ralph L. Webb
8.Microscales of saturated pool film boilingPages
9.Parametric study of unsteady flow and heat transfer in a pin-fin heat exchangerPages 3815-3830A. K. Saha, Sumanta Acharya
10.Convection in a vertical cavity submitted to crossed uniform heat fluxesPages 3831-3840Michel Prud’homme, Habiba Bougherara, Ali Bahloul
11.Structures of scalar transport in 2D transitional jet diffusion flames by LESPages 3841-3851Y. Liu, K. S. Lau, C. K. Chan, Y. C. Guo, W. Y. Lin
12.Thermodynamically consistent description of heat conduction with finite speed of heat propagationPages 3853-3863Isaac Shnaid
13.Thermal entry flow for a viscoelastic fluid: the Graetz problem for the PTT modelPages 3865-3880P. M. Coelho, F. T. Pinho, P. J. Oliveira
14.The stability of boundary-layer flows under conditions of intense interfacial mass transfer: the effect of interfacial couplingPages 3881-3895Iordan A. Halatchev, James P. Denier
15.Bubble nucleation on micro line heaters under steady or finite pulse of voltage inputPages 3897-3907Jung-Yeul Jung, Jung-Yeop Lee, Hong-Chul Park, Ho-Young Kwak
16.Computation of low Mach thermical flows with implicit upwind methodsPages 3909-3926Eric Schall, Cecile Viozat, Bruno Koobus, Alain Dervieux
17.Linear analysis of an aerothermal instability occurring in diffusion-controlled premixed catalytic combustionPages 3927-3934Gérard Capitaine
18.Correlations for natural convection heat transfer in two-layer fluids with internal heat generationPages 3935-3940Askar A. Gubaidullin
19.Comments on “critical view on new results in micro-fluid mechanics”Pages 3941-3945Mohamed Gad-el-Hak

Volume 46, Issue 21, Pages 3947-4143 (October 2003)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography––CIS worksPages 3947-3966
2.Examination of ratiometric laser induced fluorescence thermometry for microscale spatial measurement resolutionPages 3967-3974H. J. Kim, K. D. Kihm, J. S. Allen
3.Instantaneous energy separation in a free jet. Part I. Flow measurement and visualizationPages 3975-3981B. Han, R. J. Goldstein
4.Instantaneous energy separation in a free jet––Part II. Total temperature measurementPages 3983-3990B. Han, R. J. Goldstein
5.Measurements of wall heat (mass) transfer for flow through blockages with round and square holes in a wide rectangular channelPages 3991-4001S. C. Lau, J. Cervantes, J. C. Han, R. J. Rudolph, K. Flannery
6.Effect of uniform suction on laminar filmwise condensation on a finite-size horizontal flat surface in a porous mediumPages 4003-4011Shih-Chieh Wang, Yue-Tzu Yang, Cha’o-Kuang Chen
7.Solidification of a supercooled liquid in stagnation-point flowPages 4013-4021R. A. Lambert, R. H. Rangel
8.Local turbulent opposing mixed convection heat transfer in inclined flat channel for stably stratified airflowPages 4023-4032P. Poskas, R. Poskas
9.Two-dimensional heat and moisture transfer analysis of a cylindrical moist object subjected to drying: A finite-difference approachPages 4033-4039M. M. Hussain, I. Dincer
10.The growth and collapse of a micro-bubble under pulse heatingPages 4041-4050Peigang Deng, Yi-Kuen Lee, Ping Cheng
11.A void fraction model for annular flow in horizontal tubesPages 4051-4057Todd M. Harms, Daqing Li, Eckhard A. Groll, James E. Braun
12.Effects of fin geometry on boiling heat transfer from silicon chips with micro-pin-fins immersed in FC-72Pages 4059-4070J. J. Wei, H. Honda
13.Momentum transport at a fluid–porous interfacePages 4071-4081B. Goyeau, D. Lhuillier, D. Gobin, M. G. Velarde
14.Numerical analysis of wave-type heat transfer propagating in a thin foil irradiated by short-pulsed laserPages 4083-4095Eiji Hoashi, Takehiko Yokomine, Akihiko Shimizu, Tomoaki Kunugi
15.Numerical computation for Rayleigh–Benard convection of water in a magnetic fieldPages 4097-4104Toshio Tagawa, Azusa Ujihara, Hiroyuki Ozoe
16.High heat flux removal using water subcooled flow boiling in a single-side heated circular channelPages 4105-4117Ronald D. Boyd, Marcella Strahan, Penrose Cofie, Ali Ekhlassi, Rashad Martin
17.Interaction of the transfer processes in semitransparent liquid dropletsPages 4119-4138G. Miliauskas
18.Thermal contact conductance: effect of overloading and load cyclingPages 4139-4143Syed M. S. Wahid, C. V. Madhusudana

Volume 46, Issue 22, Pages 4145-4354 (October 2003)

1.AdvertPage IV
2.Study of free-convective onset on a horizontal wire using speckle pattern interferometryPages 4145-4155D. Ambrosini, D. Paoletti, G. Schirripa Spagnolo
3.Chemical reacting transport phenomena in a PEM fuel cellPages 4157-4168Tien-Chien Jen, Tuanzhou Yan, Shih-Hung Chan
4.Visualization of two-phase flow through microgrooved tubes for understanding enhanced heat transferPages
5.The effects of the number and angle of microgrooves on the liquid film in horizontal annular two-phase flowPages 4179-4189Timothy A. Shedd, Ty A. Newell, Pei Keow Lee
6.Use of porous baffles to enhance heat transfer in a rectangular channelPages 4191-4199Kang-Hoon Ko, N. K. Anand
7.Entrainment in high-velocity, high-temperature plasma jets. Part I: experimental resultsPages 4201-4213J. R. Fincke, D. M. Crawford, S. C. Snyder, W. D. Swank, D. C. Haggard, R. L. Williamson
8.Entrainment in high-velocity, high-temperature plasma jets.: Part II: computational results and comparison to experimentPages 4215-4228R. L. Williamson, J. R. Fincke, D. M. Crawford, S. C. Snyder, W. D. Swank, D. C. Haggard
9.Study of high temperature thermal boundary conditions on active surfaces of the cylinder shaped ultrasonic transducersPages 4229-4234Viktorija Valinius
10.A lattice Boltzmann model for electrokinetic microchannel flow of electrolyte solution in the presence of external forces with the Poisson–Boltzmann equationPages 4235-4244Baoming Li, Daniel Y. Kwok
11.Boiling incipience of highly wetting liquids in horizontal confined spacePages 4245-4256V. Dupont, M. Miscevic, J. L. Joly, V. Platel
12.Semi-analytical model for boiling from enhanced structuresPages 4257-4269C.
13.Turbulent film condensation on a half oval bodyPages 4271-4277Cha’o-Kuang Chen, Hai-Ping Hu
14.Analysis of resonances during microwave thawing of slabsPages 4279-4301Tanmay Basak
15.Analytical characterisation of amplitude-dampening and phase-shifting in air/soil heat-exchangersPages 4303-4317Pierre Hollmuller
16.Numerical study of momentum and heat transfer in a pulsed plane laminar jetPages 4319-4334Salwa Marzouk, Hatem Mhiri, Salem El Golli, Georges Le Palec, Philippe Bournot
17.Axial solids mixing in a circulating fluidized bedPages 4335-4343Yu. S. Teplitsky, V. A. Borodulya, E. F. Nogotov
18.The internal surface area basis, a key issue of modeling fouling in enhanced heat transfer tubesPages 4345-4349Wei Li
19.The stability of flow in a channel or duct occupied by a porous mediumPages 4351-4354D. A. Nield

Volume 46, Issue 23, Pages 4355-4559 (November 2003)

1.Heat transfer bibliography - Japanese works 2001Pages 4355-4368
2.Heat transfer bibliography - Japanese works 2002Pages 4369-4380
3.Dendritic heat convection on a discPages 4381-4391W. Wechsatol, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
4.Fluid flow and heat transfer model for high-speed rotating heat pipesPages 4393-4401F. Song, D. Ewing, C. Y. Ching
5.Droplet evaporation modeling by the distillation curve model: accounting for kerosene fuel and elevated pressuresPages 4403-4412M. Burger, R. Schmehl,
6.Convective cooling of supercritical carbon dioxide inside tubes: heat transfer analysis through neural networksPages 4413-4425G. Scalabrin, L. Piazza, M. Condosta
7.Natural convection heat transfer of microemulsion phase-change-material slurry in rectangular cavities heated from below and cooled from abovePages 4427-4438H. Inaba, C. Dai, A. Horibe
8.Experimental study of nucleate boiling of halocarbon refrigerants on cylindrical surfacesPages 4439-4451Gherhardt Ribatski, José M. Saiz Jabardo
9.Local condensation heat transfer rates in fine passagesPages 4453-4466J. R. Baird, D. F. Fletcher, B. S. Haynes
10.Heat transfer analysis of boreholes in vertical ground heat exchangersPages 4467-4481Heyi Zeng, Nairen Diao, Zhaohong Fang
11.Experimental study of natural convection heat transfer of air in a cube below atmospheric pressurePages
12.The structure of plumes generated in the unidirectional solidification process for a binary systemPages 4489-4497T. Nishimura, J. Sasaki, T. T. Htoo
13.Non-axisymmetric forced and free flow in a vertical circular ductPages 4499-4512A. Barletta, S. Lazzari, E. Zanchini
14.Improvement of thermal characteristics of latent heat thermal energy storage units using carbon-fiber brushes: experiments and modelingPages 4513-4525Jun Fukai, Yuichi Hamada, Yoshio Morozumi, Osamu Miyatake
15.Experimental study of evaporating water–ethanol mixture sessile drop: influence of concentrationPages 4527-4534K. Sefiane, L. Tadrist, M. Douglas
16.Heat transfer in turbulent separated flows in the presence of high free-stream turbulencePages 4535-4551V. I. Terekhov, N. I. Yarygina, R. F. Zhdanov
17.2D-heat transfer modelling within limited regions using moving sources: application to electron beam weldingPages 4553-4559D. Couëdel, P. Rogeon, P. Lemasson, M. Carin, J. C. Parpillon, R. Berthet

Volume 46, Issue 24, Pages 4561-4754 (November 2003)

1.Mechanism of gas absorption enhancement in a slurry droplet containing reactive, sparingly soluble microparticlesPages 4561-4571M. K. Akbar, J. Yan, S. M. Ghiaasiaan
2.Theoretical and experimental studies of a bi-metallic heat switch for space applicationsPages 4573-4586Fernando H. Milanez, Marcia B. H. Mantelli
3.Flow and heat transfer characteristics of the evaporating extended meniscus in a micro-capillary channelPages 4587-4594Kyoungwoo Park, Kwan-Soo Lee
4.Effective diffusivity and water-saturation distribution in single- and two-layer PEMFC diffusion mediumPages
5.Calcium carbonate scaling in a plate heat exchanger in the presence of particlesPages 4613-4627N. Andritsos, A. J. Karabelas
6.Turbulent convection of air-cooled rectangular duct with surface-mounted cross-ribsPages 4629-4638T. T. Wong, C. W. Leung, Z. Y. Li, W. Q. Tao
7.Characteristics of vortex flow in a low speed air jet impinging onto a heated disk in a vertical cylindrical chamberPages 4639-4656J. C. Hsieh, T. C. Cheng, T. F. Lin
8.An impingement cooling on a flat surface by using circular jet with longitudinal swirling stripsPages 4657-4667Mao-Yu Wen, Kuen-Jang Jang
9.Analysis of film condensation heat transfer inside a vertical micro tube with consideration of the meniscus draining effectPages 4669-4679X. Z. Du, T. S. Zhao
10.A new stochastic approach to transient heat conduction modeling with uncertaintyPages 4681-4693Dongbin Xiu, George Em Karniadakis
11.Study on boiling heat transfer in liquid saturated particle bed and fluidized bedPages 4695-4702Mingheng Shi, Yanbing Zhao, Zhongliang Liu
12.Evaporation of water by free or mixed convection into humid air and superheated steamPages 4703-4715C. Debbissi, J. Orfi, S. Ben Nasrallah
13.Interaction of a moving shock wave with a two-phase reacting mediumPages 4717-4732Jun Sung Park, Seung Wook Baek
14.Non-isothermal flow of a polymeric fluid past a submerged circular cylinderPages 4733-4739G. H. Wu, B. Y. Wu, S. H. Ju, C. C. Wu
15.Evaporation model of a single hydrocarbon fuel droplet due to ambient turbulence at intermediate Reynolds numbersPages 4741-4745J. -S. Wu, K. -H. Hsu, P. -M. Kuo, H. -J. Sheen
16.Thermal convection in a horizontal porous layer with spatially periodic boundary temperatures: small Ra flowPages
17.Numerical analysis of heat flow in contact heat transferPages 4751-4754Syed M. S. Wahid

Volume 46, Issue 25, Pages 4755-4983 (December 2003)

1.Species heat and mass transfer in a human upper airway modelPages 4755-4768Z. Zhang, C. Kleinstreuer
2.Heat flow rate at a bore-face and temperature in the multi-layer media surrounding a boreholePages 4769-4778Vladimir Chugunov, Sergei Fomin, Toshiyuki Hashida
3.Convective boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow characteristics inside a small horizontal helically coiled tubing once-through steam generatorPages 4779-4788Liang Zhao, Liejin Guo, Bofeng Bai, Yucheng Hou, Ximin Zhang
4.A numerical simulation of pool boiling using CAS modelPages 4789-4797Jing Yang, Liejin Guo, Ximin Zhang
5.Effect of magnetic field on g-jitter induced convection and solute striation during solidification in spacePages
6.An explicit solution for the combined heat and mass transfer by natural convection from a vertical wall in a non-Darcy porous mediumPages 4813-4822Chun Wang, Shijun Liao, Jimao Zhu
7.Low Reynolds number mixed convection in vertical tubes with uniform wall heat fluxPages 4823-4833A. Behzadmehr, N. Galanis, A. Laneville
8.Drift-flux model for downward two-phase flowPages 4835-4844Hiroshi Goda, Takashi Hibiki, Seungjin Kim, Mamoru Ishii, Jennifer Uhle
9.Heat transfer of impinging air and liquid nitrogen mist jet onto superheated flat surfacePages 4845-4862L. M. Su, S. W. Chang, C. I. Yeh, Y. C. Hsu
10.Non-Darcian thermal stability of a heat generating fluid in a porous annulusPages 4863-4875S. Saravanan, P. Kandaswamy
11.Characteristics and correlations of VOC emissions from building materialsPages 4877-4883Yinping Zhang, Ying Xu
12.Fluid dynamical view of pressure checkerboarding problem and smoothing pressure correction on meshes with colocated variablesPages 4885-4898A. W. Date
13.Theoretical and numerical analysis of convective heat transfer in the rotating helical pipesPages 4899-4909Huajun Chen, Benzhao Zhang, Jianfeng Ma
14.LDV assisted bubble dynamic parameter measurements from two enhanced tubes boiling in saturated R-134aPages 4911-4923Shou-Shing Hsieh, Wen-Chuan Lai, Huang-Hsiu Tsai
15.Study of free convective heat transfer from horizontal conicPages 4925-4934W. M. Lewandowski, S. Leble
16.One-dimensional drift-flux model and constitutive equations for relative motion between phases in various two-phase flow regimesPages 4935-4948Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii
17.Interfacial area transport of vertical upward bubbly two-phase flow in an annulusPages 4949-4962Takashi Hibiki, Ye Mi, Rong Situ, Mamoru Ishii
18.Numerical simulation of laser-induced transient temperature field in film-substrate system by finite element methodPages 4963-4968B. Q. Xu, Z. H. Shen, J. Lu, X. W. Ni, S. Y. Zhang
19.Suppression of Marangoni convection of silicon melt by a non-contaminating methodPages 4969-4973Jie Li, Mingwei Li, Wenrui Hu, Danling Zeng
20.Limiting cross-flow velocity below which heat flux is determined by natural convection lawsPages 4975-4978H. Veeraraghava Raju, R. Narasimha
21.Effect of viscous dissipation and pressure stress work in natural convection along a vertical isothermal plate. New resultsPages 4979-4983A. Pantokratoras

Volume 46, Issue 26, Pages 4985-5182 (December 2003)

1.Volume ContentsPages III-XXXII
2.Author IndexPages XXXIII-XXXVIII
3.EditorialPage 4985
4.Professor D. Brian Spalding on his eightieth birthdayPages 4987-4988Suhas V. Patankar, J. P. Hartnett, W. J. Minkowycz
5.The role of porous media in modeling flow and heat transfer in biological tissuesPages 4989-5003A. -R. A. Khaled, K. Vafai
6.Thermal-fluid flow in parallel boards with heat generating blocksPages 5005-5015Takahiro Furukawa, Wen-Jei Yang
7.Non-thermal equilibrium melting of granular packed bed in horizontal forced convection. Part I: experimentPages 5017-5030Y. L. Hao, Y. -X. Tao
8.Non-thermal equilibrium melting of granular packed bed in horizontal forced convection. Part II: numerical simulationPages 5031-5044Y. L. Hao, Y. -X. Tao
9.The characteristics of turbulent flow and convection in concentric circular annuli. Part I: flowPages 5045-5057Masayuki Kaneda, Bo Yu, Hiroyuki Ozoe, Stuart W. Churchill
10.Study on the interfacial evaporation of aqueous solution of SDS surfactant self-assembly monolayerPages 5059-5064J. T. Zhang, B. X. Wang
11.Thermal instability of viscoelastic fluids in porous mediaPages 5065-5072Min Chan Kim, Sang Baek Lee, Sin Kim, Bum Jin Chung
12.The influence of preferential diffusion and stretch on the burning intensity of a curved flame front with fuel sprayPages 5073-5085Shuhn-Shyurng Hou, Jiann-Chang Lin
13.Quasi-homogeneous boiling nucleation on a small spherical heater in microgravityPages 5087-5097Ho Sung Lee, Herman Merte Jr., Gerold Picker, Johannes Straub
14.Effects of pore size distribution and fiber diameter on the coupled heat and liquid moisture transfer in porous textilesPages 5099-5111Qingyong Zhu, Yi Li
15.Turbulent flow in a channel occupied by a porous layer considering the stress jump at the interfacePages 5113-5121Renato A. Silva, Marcelo J. S. de Lemos
16.Simulation of micro-scale interaction between ice and biological cellsPages 5123-5136L. Mao, H. S. Udaykumar, J. O. M. Karlsson
17.Thermal wave propagation in a bi-layered composite sphere due to a sudden temperature change on the outer surfacePages 5137-5144Chin-Shan Tsai, Chen-I Hung
18.A new minimum volume straight cooling fin taking into account the “length of arc”Pages 5145-5152Leonid Hanin, Antonio Campo
19.High-speed visualisation of nucleate boiling in vertical annular flowPages 5153-5160J. R. Barbosa Jr., G. F. Hewitt, S. M. Richardson
20.Enhancing heat transfer ability of drag reducing surfactant solutions with static mixers and honeycombsPages 5161-5173Yunying Qi, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Richard N. Christensen, Jacques L. Zakin
21.Non-isothermal steady-state diffusion within Glaser’s condensation modelPages 5175-5182T. Ficker

Volume 47, Issue 1, Pages 1-190 (January 2004)

1.A one-dimensional numerical study of the salt diffusion in a salinity-gradient solar pondPages 1-10Celestino Angeli, Erminia Leonardi
2.Experimental analysis of the use of wet porous media for thermal protection against high intensity heat fluxesPages 11-19A. R. Figueiredo, J. J. Costa
3.A Fourier transform based data reduction method for the evaluation of the local convective heat transfer coefficientPages 21-30G. E. Cossali
4.Heat transfer characteristics of a boundary-layer flow driven by a power-law shear over a semi-infinite flat platePages 31-34E. Magyari, B. Keller, I. Pop
5.The LDA study of flow gas-dynamics in a vortex chamberPages 35-42E. P. Volchkov, V. P. Lebedev, V. V. Lukashov
6.Effects of a first-order chemical reaction on turbulent mass transferPages 43-61Bojan M. Mitrovic, Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou
7.Estimation of the nucleation probability in emulsionsPages 63-74S. Gibout, M. Strub, J. P. Dumas
8.Explicit analytic solution for similarity boundary layer equationsPages 75-85Shi-Jun Liao, Ioan Pop
9.Heat and mass transfer in a square microchannel with asymmetric heatingPages 87-99P. van Male, M. H. J. M. de Croon, R. M. Tiggelaar, A. van den Berg, J. C. Schouten
10.Solution of the radiative integral transfer equations in rectangular participating and isotropically scattering inhomogeneous mediumPages 101-109Zekeriya Altaç, Mesut Tekkalmaz
11.Dendritic fins optimization for a coaxial two-stream heat exchangerPages 111-124J. Bonjour, L. A. O. Rocha, A. Bejan, F. Meunier
12.The effect of the macroscopic local inertial term on the non-Newtonian fluid flow in channels filled with porous mediumPages 125-133M. A. Al-Nimr, T. K. Aldoss
13.Numerical and experimental analysis of chemical dehydration, heat and mass transfers in a concrete hollow cylinder submitted to high temperaturesPages 135-147S. Dal Pont, A. Ehrlacher
14.Numerical study of cavitating flow characteristics of liquid helium in a pipePages 149-163Jun Ishimoto, Kenjiro Kamijo
15.Evaporative cooling of water in a mechanical draft cooling towerPages 165-177S. P. Fisenko, A. A. Brin, A. I. Petruchik
16.Effect of interphase matter transfer on condensation on low-finned tubes––a theoretical investigationPages 179-184H. S. Wang, J. W. Rose
17.Effects of solid layer thickness and nominal composition on double-diffusive instabilities during solidification of a binary alloy cooled from the topPages 185-190Suman Chakraborty, Pradip Dutta

Volume 47, Issue 2, Pages 191-417 (January 2004)

1.Transverse eigenproblem of steady-state heat conduction for multi-dimensional two-layered slabs with automatic computation of eigenvaluesPages 191-201F. de Monte
2.Optimal distribution of discrete heat sources on a wall with natural convectionPages 203-214A. K. da Silva, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
3.Joule heating effect on electroosmotic flow and mass species transport in a microcapillaryPages 215-227G. Y. Tang, C. Yang, J. C. Chai, H. Q. Gong
4.Heat transfer in rectangular channels with transverse and V-shaped broken ribsPages 229-243Giovanni Tanda
5.Influence of shaped injection holes on turbine blade leading edge film coolingPages 245-256Youn J. Kim, S. -M. Kim
6.Three-dimensional numerical simulation of convection and radiation in a differentially heated cavity using the discrete ordinates methodPages 257-269G. Colomer, M. Costa, R. Cònsul, A. Oliva
7.Numerical study on supersonic combustion with cavity-based fuel injectionPages 271-286Kyung Moo Kim, Seung Wook Baek, Cho Young Han
8.Heat transfer in a swinging rectangular duct with two opposite walls roughened by 45° staggered ribsPages
9.Volumetric interfacial area prediction in upward bubbly two-phase flowPages 307-328Wei Yao, Christophe Morel
10.Continuously distributed sensors for steady-state temperature profile measurements: main principles and numerical algorithmPages 329-340Yu. K. Evdokimov, S. Martemianov
11.Numerical investigation of heat transfer characteristics of the heated blocks in the channel with a transversely oscillating cylinderPages 341-351Wu-Shung Fu, Bao-Hong Tong
12.Experimental shell-side heat transfer and pressure drop in gas flow for spiral-wound LNG heat exchangerPages 353-361Bengt O. Neeraas, Arne O. Fredheim, Bjørn Aunan
13.3D unsteady numerical analysis of conjugate heat transport and turbulent/laminar flows in LEC growth of GaAs crystalsPages 363-371O. V. Smirnova, V. V. Kalaev
14.Direct identification of absorption and scattering coefficients and phase function of a porous medium by a Monte Carlo techniquePages 373-383M. Tancrez, J. Taine
15.Prediction of friction factors and heat transfer coefficients for turbulent flow in corrugated tubes combined with twisted tape inserts. Part 2: heat transfer coefficientsPages 385-393Ventsislav Zimparov
16.Simplified models for coupled heat and mass transfer in falling-film absorbersPages 395-406Md. Raisul Islam, N. E. Wijeysundera, J. C. Ho
17.Pool boiling heat transfer experiments in silica–water nano-fluidsPages 407-411Peter Vassallo, Ranganathan Kumar, Stephen D’Amico
18.On void fraction distribution during two-phase boiling flow instabilityPages 413-417G. H. Yeoh, J. Y. Tu, Y. Li

Volume 47, Issue 3, Pages 419-643 (January 2004)

1.Mixed convection heat and mass transfer along a vertical wavy surfacePages 419-428Jer-Huan Jang, Wei-Mon Yan
2.A numerical analysis of buoyancy-driven melting and freezingPages 429-436T. J. Scanlon, M. T. Stickland
3.Large eddy simulation of heated vertical annular pipe flow in fully developed turbulent mixed convectionPages 437-446Joon Sang Lee, Xiaofeng Xu, Richard H. Pletcher
4.An inverse biotechnology problem in estimating the optical diffusion and absorption coefficients of tissuePages 447-457Cheng-Hung Huang, Chu-Ya Huang
5.Heat transfer flow in a parallel-plate channel by inserting in parallel impermeable sheets for multi-pass coolers or heatersPages 459-476Chii-Dong Ho, Yu-Chuan Tsai, Jr-Wei Tu
6.Diffusivity measurement of semi-transparent media: model of the coupled transient heat transfer and experiments on glass, silica glass and zinc selenidePages 477-487M. Lazard, S. André, D. Maillet
7.Heat transfer and wall pressure characteristics of a twin premixed butane/air flame jetsPages 489-500L. L. Dong, C. W. Leung, C. S. Cheung
8.Effects of interface wettability on microscale flow by molecular dynamics simulationPages 501-513Gyoko Nagayama, Ping Cheng
9.Nonlinear macrokinetics of heat and mass transfer and chemical or electrochemical reactionsPages 515-526Stanislaw Sieniutycz
10.Modeling of pressure and shear-driven flows in open rectangular microchannelsPages 527-538S. W. Tchikanda, R. H. Nilson, S. K. Griffiths
11.The role of free-surface turbulence and surfactants in air–water gas transferPages 539-553S. P. McKenna, W. R. McGillis
12.Monte Carlo modeling of radiative transfer in a turbulent sooty flamePages 555-572Lionel Tessé, Francis Dupoirieux, Jean Taine
13.Application of a new finite integral transform method to the wave model of conductionPages 573-588P. Duhamel
14.Prediction of friction factors and heat transfer coefficients for turbulent flow in corrugated tubes combined with twisted tape inserts. Part 1: friction factorsPages 589-599Ventsislav Zimparov
15.Dissolution and solutal convection in partially miscibile liquid systemsPages 601-612Raffaele Savino, Marcello Lappa
16.A local thermal non-equilibrium model for two-phase flows with phase-change in porous mediaPages
17.Comments on “The onset of transient convection in bottom heated porous media”, by K.-K. Tan, T. Sam and H. Jamaludin: Rayleigh and Biot numbersPages 641-643D. A. Nield

Volume 47, Issue 4, Pages 645-875 (February 2004)

1.A new model for thermodynamic analysis of a drying processPages 645-652I. Dincer, A. Z. Sahin
2.Development of a new Biot number and lag factor correlation for drying applicationsPages 653-658I. Dincer, M. M. Hussain
3.Transient modeling of a two-bed silica gel–water adsorption chillerPages 659-669H. T. Chua, K. C. Ng, W. Wang, C. Yap, X. L. Wang
4.Experimental investigation on heat transfer and frictional characteristics of spirally corrugated tubes in turbulent flow at different Prandtl numbersPages 671-681P. G. Vicente, A. García, A. Viedma
5.Large eddy simulation of turbulent heat transfer in a rotating two-pass smooth square channel with sharp 180° turnsPages 683-698Akira Murata, Sadanari Mochizuki
6.Reducing spatial dimensionality in a model of moisture diffusion in a solid materialPages 699-705Romas Baronas, Feliksas Ivanauskas
7.Computational simulation of a particle-laden RF inductively coupled plasma with seeded potassiumPages
8.Heat transfer in scraped eutectic crystallizersPages 717-728R. J. C. Vaessen, M. M. Seckler, G. J. Witkamp
9.Pool boiling heat transfer to electrolyte solutionsPages 729-742M. Jamialahmadi, A. Helalizadeh, H. Müller-Steinhagen
10.Analysis of heat and mass transfer between air and falling film in a cross flow configurationPages
11.Effects of a flow disturbing plate on pool boiling heat transferPages 757-773Myeong-Gie Kang
12.Mass transport regimes in a laminar boundary layer with suction––parallel flow and high Peclet numberPages 775-785João M. Miranda, João B. L. M. Campos
13.The limits of the analogy between boiling and gas evolution at electrodesPages 787-795H. Vogt, Ö. Aras, R. J. Balzer
14.Numerical simulation of natural convection between two elliptical cylinders using DQ methodPages
15.On the equilibrium conditions of curved interfacesPages 809-818J. Mitrovic
16.Counter gradient diffusion vs “counter diffusion” temperature profile?Pages 819-825Pierre Paranthoën, Gilles Godard, Franck Weiss, Michel Gonzalez
17.A parameter estimation approach to solve the inverse problem of point heat sources identificationPages 827-841Christophe Le Niliot, Frédéric Lefèvre
18.Mathematical modelling of two-phase flow in a vertical well considering paraffin deposits and external heat exchangePages 843-851V. Sh. Shagapov, N. G. Musakaev, N. S. Khabeev, S. S. Bailey
19.Benchmark solutions for natural convection in a cubic cavity using the high-order time–space methodPages 853-864Shinichiro Wakashima, Takeo S. Saitoh
20.Heat and mass transfer in vacuum membrane distillationPages 865-875J. I. Mengual, M. Khayet, M. P. Godino

Volume 47, Issue 5, Pages 877-1103 (February 2004)

1.Effect of pressure on the rate of evaporation from capillaries: statistical rate theory approachPages 877-886P. Rahimi, C. A. Ward
2.Transient temperature computation of spheres in three-dimensional random packingsPages 887-898W. W. M. Siu, S. H. -K. Lee
3.Mass transfer on and within a frost layerPages 899-911Byeongchul Na, Ralph L. Webb
4.Controllability of cross-flow heat exchangersPages 913-924Sorour Alotaibi, Mihir Sen, Bill Goodwine, K. T. Yang
5.New model for frost growth ratePages 925-936Byeongchul Na, Ralph L. Webb
6.Theoretical and experimental investigation of microwave thawing of frozen layer using a microwave oven (effects of layered configurations and layer thickness)Pages 937-945P. Rattanadecho
7.An experimental study on combustion characteristics of flames in a coaxial flow with a stagnation pointPages 947-958Shuhn-Shyurng Hou, Shuhn-Shing Yang, Ta-Hui Lin
8.Statistical treatment of scalar transfer in isotropic turbulencePages 959-968Iwao Hosokawa
9.Mixed convection boundary layer flow over a thin vertical cylinder with localized injection/suction and cooling/heatingPages 969-976M. Kumari, G. Nath
10.Effect of laser radiation upon heat and mass transfer in two-component elastic semitransparent layerPages 977-985Taras Kournyts’kyi, Stanislaw Matysiak, Alexander Gachkevich
11.The effect of viscous dissipation in thermally fully-developed electro-osmotic heat transfer in microchannelsPages 987-999D. Maynes, B. W. Webb
12.Combined radiation and convection heat transfer in a porous channel bounded by isothermal parallel platesPages 1001-1013Prabal Talukdar, Subhash C. Mishra, D. Trimis, Franz Durst
13.Analytical model for the thermal conductivity of a binary bed of packed spheroids in the presence of a static gas, with no adjustable parameters provided contact conductance is negligiblePages 1015-1021A. J. Slavin, E. Irvine, S. Penson
14. model and second-order closurePages 1023-1035C. -P. Chou, J. -Y. Chen, J. Janicka, E. Mastorakos
15.Numerical investigation of a transient free jet resembling a laser-produced vapor jetPages 1037-1052G. M. Arshed, S. Z. Shuja, B. S. Yilbas, M. O. Budair
16.Bubble growth on an impulsively powered microheaterPages 1053-1067Z. Yin, A. Prosperetti, J. Kim
17.Multiple-scale analysis of oscillatory thermocapillary convection of high Prandtl number fluids in a rectangular cavityPages 1069-1078Chun-Liang Lai
18.Modelling and numerical simulation of convection driven high pressure induced phase changesPages 1079-1089W. Kowalczyk, Chr. Hartmann, A. Delgado
19.A new method for numerical simulation of thermal contact resistance in cylindrical coordinatesPages 1091-1098Xing Zhang, Peizhong Cong, Seiji Fujiwara, Motoo Fujii
20.Effect of tip clearance on the cooling performance of a microchannel heat sinkPages 1099-1103Jung Yim Min, Seok Pil Jang, Sung Jin Kim

Volume 47, Issues 6-7, Pages 1105-1567 (March 2004)

1.Studies of boiling chaos: a reviewPages 1105-1128Masahiro Shoji
2.Fluid-flow and endwall heat-transfer characteristics of an ultralight lattice-frame materialPages
3.Accounting for temperature-dependent properties in viscoelastic duct flowsPages 1141-1158J. M. Nóbrega, F. T. Pinho, P. J. Oliveira, O. S. Carneiro
4.Comparison of volumetric and surface heating sources in the modeling of laser melting of ceramic materialsPages 1159-1174J. F. Li, L. Li, F. H. Stott
5.Flow visualization of free convection in a vertical cylinder of water in the vicinity of the density maximumPages 1175-1186M. F. Cawley, P. McBride
6.Heat transfer and evaporation rates of small liquid droplets on heated horizontal surfacesPages
7.Inverse natural convection problem of simultaneous estimation of two boundary heat fluxes in irregular cavitiesPages 1201-1215Marcelo J. Colaço, Helcio R. B. Orlande
8.Exploring super-critical properties of secondary flows of natural convection in inclined channelsPages 1217-1226Hongxing Yang, Zuojin Zhu
9.Natural convection due to a heat source on a vertical platePages 1227-1232Tito Dias Jr., Luiz Fernando Milanez
10.Stability of heat pipes in vapor-dominated systemsPages 1233-1246Pouya Amili, Yannis C. Yortsos
11.A dual reciprocity BE-based sequential function specification solution method for inverse heat conduction problemsPages 1247-1255A. Behbahani-nia, F. Kowsary
12.Non-Darcy flow stability of mixed convection in a vertical channel filled with a porous mediumPages 1257-1266Yen-Cho Chen
13.An inverse problem for the estimation of upstream velocity profiles in an incompressible turbulent boundary layerPages 1267-1274Wagner M. Brasil, Jian Su, Atila P. Silva Freire
14.Investigation of interfacial behavior during the flow boiling CHF transientPages 1275-1288Hui Zhang, Issam Mudawar, Mohammad M. Hasan
15.Effect of aspect ratio on forced convection heat transfer from cylindersPages 1289-1296B. H. Chang, A. F. Mills
16.Control of insulating properties using flexible soft sealsPages 1297-1304A. -R. A. Khaled, K. Vafai
17.Studies on high-temperature multilayer thermal insulationsPages 1305-1312Markus Spinnler, Edgar R. F. Winter, Raymond Viskanta
18.Investigation of influence of thermal accommodation on oscillating micro-flowPages 1313-1323Jae Hyun Park, Seung Wook Baek
19.Population balance model for particle-to-particle heat transfer in gas–solid systemsPages 1325-1334Cs. Mihálykó, B. G. Lakatos, A. Matejdesz, T. Blickle
20.Numerical simulation of forced convective evaporation system for tannery effluentPages 1335-1346G. V. S. Sesha Girish, A. Mani
21.Optimally staggered finned circular and elliptic tubes in forced convectionPages 1347-1359R. S. Matos, J. V. C. Vargas, T. A. Laursen, A. Bejan
22.Heat transfer analysis using ANNs with experimental data for air flowing in corrugated channelsPages 1361-1365Y. Islamoglu, A. Kurt
23.Modeling of 3-D non-gray gases radiation by coupling the finite volume method with weighted sum of gray gases modelPages 1367-1382D. N. Trivic
24.Self-similar solidification: morphological stability of the regimePages 1383-1389D. V. Alexandrov
25.The impact of compressible liquid droplet on hot rigid surfacePages 1391-1401Anton V. Chizhov, Kazuyoshi Takayama
26.Rib-induced secondary flow effects on local circumferential heat transfer distribution inside a circular rib-roughened tubePages 1403-1412Robert Kiml, Adrian Magda, Sadanari Mochizuki, Akira Murata
27.Natural convection from an elliptic tube with major axis horizontal and placed in a micropolar fluidPages 1413-1422F. M. Mahfouz
28.Solidification of a binary mixture in a shear flowPages 1423-1432S. Mergui, B. Feroual, D. Gobin, C. Bénard
29.Velocity and temperature measurements in an axisymmetric turbulent jet with cloud-like off-source heatingPages 1433-1444Amit Agrawal, K. R. Sreenivas, Ajay K. Prasad
30.Mixed convection heat transfer along a continuously moving heated vertical plate with suction or injectionPages 1445-1465Sami A. Al-Sanea
31.Influence of a magnetic field on heat and mass transfer by natural convection from vertical surfaces in porous media considering Soret and Dufour effectsPages 1467-1472Adrian Postelnicu
32.A numerical study of boundary-layer heat and mass transfer in a forced flow of humid air with surface steam condensationPages 1473-1481E. P. Volchkov, V. V. Terekhov, V. I. Terekhov
33.The finite element model of non-isothermal semi-solid fluid flowPages 1483-1498Jerzy Petera, Monika Kotynia
34.Modelling of local two-phase flow parameters in upward subcooled flow boiling at low pressurePages 1499-1513Boar, Ivo Kljenak, Borut Mavko
35.Chaos in nucleate boiling––nonlinear analysis and modellingPages 1515-1524R. Mosdorf, M. Shoji
36.Vapor absorption by immobile solution layerPages 1525-1533V. E. Nakoryakov, N. S. Bufetov, N. I. Grigorieva, R. A. Dekhtyar, I. V. Marchuk
37.Heat exchange between two coupled moving beds by fluid flowPages 1535-1547J. J. Saastamoinen
38.Multi-region heat conduction problems by boundary element methodPages 1549-1553M. Akif Atalay, E. Dilara Aydin, Murat Aydin
39.On transient heat conduction in a one-dimensional composite slabPages 1555-1559Yuzhi Sun, Indrek S. Wichman
40.Laminar mixing induced by a twisted quadripolar Stokes flowPages 1561-1567J. P. Brancher, J. C. Leprevost

Volume 47, Issues 8-9, Pages 1569-2044 (April 2004)

1.Prof. Dr.-Ing., Dr.-Ing.e.h. Ulrich Grigull (1912–2003)Pages 1569-1571E. Hahne, J. P. Hartnett, F. Mayinger, W. Minkowycz, J. Straub
2.Comparisons of flow structure and local Nusselt numbers in channels with parallel- and crossed-rib turbulatorsPages 1573-1586S. Y. Won, P. M. Ligrani
3.Comparison between heat transfer and heat mass transfer models for transportation process in an adsorbent bedPages 1587-1598Li Yong, K. Sumathy
4.Control of exit flow and thermal conditions using two-layered thin films supported by flexible complex sealsPages 1599-1611A. -R. A. Khaled, K. Vafai
5.Flow field of an unconfined low-Reynolds-number binary-mixture slot jetPages 1613-1625An-Kuo Hsu, Jen-Yung Pu, Shuhn-Shyurng Hou, Ta-Hui Lin
6.Analytical solution of transient heat conduction in a two-layer anisotropic cylindrical slab excited superficially by a short laser pulsePages 1627-1641N. D. Miloevic, M. Raynaud
7.Analytical exact solutions of heat conduction problems for anisotropic multi-layered mediaPages
8.An analysis of black liquor falling film evaporationPages 1657-1671Fang C. Chen, Zhiming Gao
9.Unsteady mixed convection from a rotating cone in a rotating fluid due to the combined effects of thermal and mass diffusionPages 1673-1684S. Roy, D. Anilkumar
10.Transient natural convection heat transfer of fluids with variable viscosity between concentric and vertically eccentric spheresPages 1685-1700Horng Wen Wu, Wen Ching Tsai, Huann-Ming Chou
11.An experimental investigation of water droplet impingement on a heated wax surfacePages
12.Enhancement and reversal heat transfer by competing modes in jet impingementPages 1711-1718F. Sarghini, G. Ruocco
13.Effect of fin waviness and spacing on the lateral vortex structure and laminar heat transfer in wavy-plate-fin coresPages 1719-1730Jiehai Zhang, Jaydeep Kundu, Raj M. Manglik
14.Spatially-resolved heat transfer and flow structure in a rectangular channel with pin finsPages 1731-1743S. Y. Won, G. I. Mahmood, P. M. Ligrani
15.An investigation of heat and mass transfer between air and desiccant film in an inclined parallel and counter flow channelsPages 1745-1760A. Ali, K. Vafai
16.Mixed convection in two-sided lid-driven differentially heated square cavityPages 1761-1769Hakan F. Oztop, Ihsan Dagtekin
17.Turbulent scalar transport mechanisms in plane channel and Couette flowsPages 1771-1781B. Debusschere, C. J. Rutland
18.Thermal conductivity decomposition and analysis using molecular dynamics simulations. Part I. Lennard-Jones argonPages 1783-1798A. J. H. McGaughey, M. Kaviany
19.Thermal conductivity decomposition and analysis using molecular dynamics simulations: Part II. Complex silica structuresPages 1799-1816A. J. H. McGaughey, M. Kaviany
20.A stable and convergent three-level finite difference scheme for solving a dual-phase-lagging heat transport equation in spherical coordinatesPages 1817-1825Weizhong Dai, Lixin Shen, Raja Nassar, Teng Zhu
21.An experimental study of fluid mechanics and heat transfer in an impinging slot jet flowPages 1827-1845V. Narayanan, J. Seyed-Yagoobi, R. H. Page
22.Structure of vertical downward bubbly flowPages 1847-1862Takashi Hibiki, Hiroshi Goda, Seungjin Kim, Mamoru Ishii, Jennifer Uhle
23.Direct contact condensation in Hiemenz flow boundary layersPages 1863-1875J. Davis, G. Yadigaroglu
24.Rayleigh–Bénard instability in a vertical cylinder with a rotating magnetic fieldPages 1877-1887J. S. Walker, M. P. Volz, K. Mazuruk
25.Analysis of flow and heat transfer in porous media imbedded inside various-shaped ductsPages 1889-1905A. Haji-Sheikh, K. Vafai
26.Heterogeneous thermochemical decomposition under direct irradiationPages 1907-1916W. Lipinski, A. Steinfeld
27.Transient free convection in a square cavity filled with a porous mediumPages 1917-1924Nawaf H. Saeid, I. Pop
28.Control and effect of dissolved air in water during flow boiling in microchannelsPages 1925-1935Mark E. Steinke, Satish G. Kandlikar
29.Perturbation analysis to the nonlinear stability characterization of thin condensate falling film on the outer surface of a rotating vertical cylinderPages 1937-1951C. I. Chen, C. K. Chen, Y. T. Yang
30.Numerical study of fin-spacing effects in annular-finned tube heat exchangersPages 1953-1964Mi Sandar Mon, Ulrich Gross
31.Study on propagative collapse of a vapor film in film boiling (mechanism of vapor-film collapse at wall temperature above the thermodynamic limit of liquid superheat)Pages
32.Mass/heat transfer coefficient in the radially rotating circular channels of the rotor of the high-speed heat regeneratorPages 1979-1988Joanna Wilk
33.Non-isothermal flow of a polymeric liquid passing an asymmetrically confined cylinderPages 1989-1996Y. M. Lin, G. H. Wu, S. H. Ju
34.Influence of the magnetic field and the conductance ratio on the mass transfer rotating lid driven flowPages 1997-2014A. Kharicha, A. Alemany, D. Bornas
35.Heat transfer with mechanically driven thermal contact resistance at the polymer–mold interface in injection molding of polymersPages 2015-2027H. Massé, É.
36.Interactive influences of convective flow and initial droplet diameter on isolated droplet burning ratePages 2029-2035Guangwen Xu, Masiki Ikegami, Senji Honma, Kouji Ikeda, Daniel L. Dietrich, Peter M. Struk
37.Validation of the local thermal equilibrium assumption in natural convection from a vertical plate embedded in porous medium: non-Darcian modelPages 2037-2042O. M. Haddad, M. A. Al-Nimr, A. N. Al-Khateeb
38.Comments on the comment S.A. Kovalev, V.M. Zhukov, S.V. Usatikov, comment on the paper W.W. Lin, J.C. Yang, D.J. Lee, “Metastable pin fin boiling,” IJHMT 43 (9) (2000) 1629–1635Pages 2043-2044D. J. Lee

Volume 47, Issues 10-11, Pages 2045-2509 (May 2004)

1.Measurement and correlation of critical heat flux in two-phase micro-channel heat sinksPages 2045-2059Weilin Qu, Issam Mudawar
2.Determination of water vapor diffusion and partition coefficients in cement using one FLECPages 2061-2072R. Luo, J. L. Niu
3.Boundary conditions and wall effect for forced convection heat transfer in sintered porous plate channelsPages 2073-2083Pei-Xue Jiang, Meng Li, Yong-Chang Ma, Ze-Pei Ren
4.Experimental research on convection heat transfer in sintered porous plate channelsPages 2085-2096Pei-Xue Jiang, Meng Li, Tian-Jian Lu, Lei Yu, Ze-Pei Ren
5.Heat transfer enhancement of impinging jets using mesh screensPages 2097-2108D. W. Zhou, Sang-Joon Lee
6.Large eddy simulation of a thermally stratified turbulent channel flow with temperature oscillation on the wallPages 2109-2122Yu-Hong Dong, Xi-Yun Lu
7.A numerical solution of composite heat transfer problems using meshless methodPages 2123-2138I. V. Singh
8.Optimal distribution of discrete heat sources on a plate with laminar forced convectionPages 2139-2148A. K. da Silva, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
9.Bubble nucleation in response to a step change in heat fluxPages 2149-2159Ross L. Judd, Andrej Simjanov
10.An investigation of turbulent oscillatory heat transfer in channel flows by large eddy simulationPages 2161-2172Lei Wang, Xi-Yun Lu
11.Stability boundary analysis of boiling flow in a narrow vertical annulus heated by counterflow fluids from inner and outer surfacesPages 2173-2182Yaojiang Hu, Huiping Cheng
12.High heat flux removal from a single-side heated monoblock using flow boilingPages 2183-2189Ronald D. Boyd, Ali Ekhlassi, Penrose Cofie, Hongtao Zhang
13.Numerical simulation of nucleation, solidification, and microstructure formation in thermal sprayingPages 2191-2203H. Zhang, X. Y. Wang, L. L. Zheng, S. Sampath
14.Local entropy production in turbulent shear flows: a high-Reynolds number model with wall functionsPages 2205-2215Fabian Kock, Heinz Herwig
15.A pressure based Eulerian–Eulerian multi-phase model for non-equilibrium condensation in transonic steam flowPages 2217-2231A. G. Gerber, M. J. Kermani
16.Conjugate of natural convection and conduction in a complicated enclosurePages 2233-2239Shao-Feng Dong, Yin-Tang Li
17.Measurements and correlations of frictional single-phase and two-phase pressure drops of R-410A flow in small U-type return bendsPages 2241-2249Ing Youn Chen, Chi-Chuan Wang, Shy Yau Lin
18.Rayleigh–Bénard convection of viscoelastic fluids in arbitrary finite domainsPages 2251-2259H. M. Park, K. S. Park
19.Ultrafast investigation of electron dynamics in multi-layer metalsPages 2261-2268Wael M. G. Ibrahim, Hani E. Elsayed-Ali, Carl E. Bonner Jr., Michelle Shinn
20.Heat transfer from a rotating sphere interacting with a vortexPages 2269-2281H. Niazmand, M. Renksizbulut
21.Enhanced heat transfer due to curvature-induced lateral vortices in laminar flows in sinusoidal corrugated-plate channelsPages 2283-2292H. M. Metwally, R. M. Manglik
22.Dynamic response of a capillary pumped loop subjected to various heat load transientsPages 2293-2316E. Pouzet, J. -L. Joly, V. Platel, J. -Y. Grandpeix, C. Butto
23.Effect of time-periodic boundary temperatures on the onset of double diffusive convection in a horizontal anisotropic porous layerPages 2317-2327M. S. Malashetty, D. Basavaraja
24.Annular impinging jet with recirculation zone expanded by acoustic excitationPages 2329-2341Zdenk Trávní
25.An improved model of heat and moisture transfer with phase change and mobile condensates in fibrous insulation and comparison with experimental resultsPages 2343-2352Jintu Fan, Xiaoyin Cheng, Xinhuo Wen, Weiwei Sun
26.Non-Darcy free convection induced by a vertical wavy surface in a thermally stratified porous mediumPages 2353-2363B. V. Rathish Kumar, Shalini
27.Pressure drop and heat transfer analysis of flow boiling in a minichannel: influence of the inlet condition on two-phase flow stabilityPages 2365-2377D. Brutin, L. Tadrist
28.On heat transfer enhancement in swirl pipe flowsPages 2379-2393S. Martemianov, V. L. Okulov
29.Instability analysis of Marangoni convection for absorption process accompanied by heat transferPages 2395-2402Jake Kim, Chang Kyun Choi, Yong Tae Kang
30.–fμ model and its application to the flow and heat transfer in a channel having one undulant wallPages 2403-2415Tae Seon Park, Hang Seok Choi, Kenjiro Suzuki
31.Micro-thermoelectric cooler: interfacial effects on thermal and electrical transportPages 2417-2435Luciana W. da Silva, Massoud Kaviany
32.Heat diffusion at the boundary of stratified media: Homogenized temperature field and thermal constrictionPages 2437-2447Olivier Fudym, Jean-Christophe Batsale, Didier Lecomte
33.Induction relaxation of thermodynamic parameters in nonstationary evaporationPages 2449-2455O. G. Martynenko, P. P. Khramtsov
34.Measurement of solute diffusivities. Part III. From solutal convection dominated transport to quasi-diffusive transportPages 2457-2467V. Botton, P. Lehmann, R. Bolcato, R. Moreau
35.Unsteady conjugate heat/mass transfer from a circular cylinder in laminar crossflow at low Reynolds numbersPages 2469-2480Gh. Juncu
36.Two-dimensional transient thermal analysis of diamond/Si structures heated by a pulsed circular Gaussian laser beamPages
37.Full spectrum k-distribution correlations for CO2 from the CDSD-1000 spectroscopic databankPages 2487-2491Michael F. Modest, Ranjan S. Mehta
38.Mass transfer from a rotating cylinder with and without crossflowPages 2493-2499L. Labraga, T. Berkah
39.Numerical resolution of the radiative transfer equation in a cylindrical enclosure with the finite-volume methodPages 2501-2509M. Ben Salah, F. Askri, K. Slimi, S. Ben Nasrallah

Volume 47, Issues 12-13, Pages 2511-2889 (June 2004)

1.Literature AlertPages 2511-2521
2.Numerical studies and experimental observations of whirling flamesPages 2523-2539A. Yu. Snegirev, J. A. Marsden, J. Francis, G. M. Makhviladze
3.Evaporation of diesel fuel droplets: kinetic versus hydrodynamic modelsPages 2541-2549A. P. Kryukov, V. Yu. Levashov, S. S. Sazhin
4.Effect of axial conduction on the heat transfer in micro-channelsPages 2551-2565I. Tiselj, G. Hetsroni, B. Mavko, A. Mosyak, E. Pogrebnyak, Z. Segal
5.Group preserving scheme for backward heat conduction problemsPages 2567-2576Chein-Shan Liu
6.Inverted fins: geometric optimization of the intrusion into a conducting wallPages 2577-2586C. Biserni, L. A. O. Rocha, A. Bejan
7.Wave-augmented mass transfer in a liquid film falling inside a vertical tubePages 2587-2598C. D. Park, T. Nosoko, S. Gima, S. T. Ro
8.Effect of rib orientation and channel rotation on turbulent heat transfer in a two-pass square channel with sharp 180° turns investigated by using large eddy simulationPages
9.Heat transfer dynamics associated with the simultaneous growth of solid–liquid melt layersPages 2619-2628Thirunavukarasu Bala, Deborah V. Pence, James A. Liburdy
10.Buoyancy effects in plane Couette flow heated uniformly from below with constant heat fluxPages 2629-2636Chang Kyun Choi, Tae Joon Chung, Min Chan Kim
11.Numerical modeling of pulse combustor tail pipe heat transferPages 2637-2651Sridhar Thyageswaran
12.Heat and mass transfer during absorption of ammonia vapour by LiNO3–NH3 solution dropletsPages 2653-2667M. Venegas, M. Izquierdo, P. Rodríguez, A. Lecuona
13.A modified sequential approach for solving inverse heat conduction problemsPages 2669-2680Shih-Ming Lin, Chao-Kuang Chen, Yue-Tzu Yang
14.Unsteady mixed convection boundary layer flow near the stagnation point on a vertical surface in a porous mediumPages 2681-2688Roslinda Nazar, Norsarahaida Amin, Ioan Pop
15.Bubble cavitation in a microchannelPages 2689-2698J. Li, P. Cheng
16.Double-diffusive natural convection in parallelogrammic enclosures filled with fluid-saturated porous mediaPages 2699-2714V. A. F. Costa
17.Thermal regulation of building-integrated photovoltaics using phase change materialsPages 2715-2733M. J. Huang, P. C. Eames, B. Norton
18.A one-dimensional thermo-fluid model of blood circulation in the human upper limbPages
19.The extended Graetz problem for dipolar fluidsPages 2747-2753Fahir Talay Akyildiz, Hamid Bellout
20.Flow pattern and heat transfer of swirling flows in cylindrical container with rotating top and stable temperature gradientPages 2755-2767Reima Iwatsu
21.Local heat transfer in rotating square-rib-roughened and smooth channels with jet impingementPages 2769-2784Shou-Shing Hsieh, Huang-Hsiu Tsai, Shih-Chi Chan
22.Conjugate free convection from a vertical plate fin with a rounded tip embedded in a porous mediumPages 2785-2794A. Z. Vaszi, L. Elliott, D. B. Ingham, I. Pop
23.Heat transfer under a precessing jet: effects of unsteady jet impingementPages 2795-2806S. Göppert, T. Gürtler, H. Mocikat, H. Herwig
24.A heat transfer model for slug flow in a horizontal tubePages 2807-2816G. Sun, G. F. Hewitt, V. V. Wadekar
25.The experimental research on microtube heat transfer and fluid flow of distilled waterPages 2817-2830Dorin Lelea, Shigefumi Nishio, Kiyoshi Takano
26.Enhancement of natural convection and pool boiling heat transfer via ultrasonic vibrationPages 2831-2840Ho-Young Kim, Yi Gu Kim, Byung Ha Kang
27.An experimental study of enhanced heat transfer in rectangular PCM thermal storagePages 2841-2847Uro Stritih
28.Laminar free convection underneath a downward facing hot fin arrayPages 2849-2860A. Dayan, R. Kushnir, G. Mittelman, A. Ullmann
29.An analysis of convective dispersion and reaction in the fixed-bed reactorPages 2861-2875D. J. Gunn
30.A study of transient processes in a closed vessel due to injection of hot liquid spraysPages
31.A matrix based correction scheme of the liquid fraction during columnar solidificationPages 2883-2887M. Hainke, J. Friedrich, G. Müller
32.6th International Symposium on Heat Transfer Beijing, China, June 15–19, 2004Page 2889

Volume 47, Issues 14-16, Pages 2891-3589 (July 2004)

1.Bubble-top jet flow on microwiresPages 2891-2900H. Wang, X. F. Peng, W. K. Lin, C. Pan, B. X. Wang
2.A numerical study of thermo-fluid phenomena in metal hydride beds in the hydriding processPages 2901-2912Man Yeong Ha, In Kyu Kim, Ha Doo Song, Sikyong Sung, Dong Hyuk Lee
3.Double-diffusive natural convection in parallelogrammic enclosuresPages 2913-2926V. A. F. Costa
4.Thermal radiation in ultralight metal foams with open cellsPages 2927-2939C. Y. Zhao, T. J. Lu, H. P. Hodson
5.Numerical investigation of FZ-growth of GaAs with encapsulantPages 2941-2947Mingwei Li, Wenrui Hu, Shuxian Chen
6.Cluster potentials for multi-scale interactionsPages 2949-2959D. Y. Tzou, J. K. Chen, R. Roybal, J. E. Beraun
7.Constructal network for heat and mass transfer in a solid–gas reactive porous mediumPages
8.Bifurcation and stability of forced convection in curved ducts of square cross-sectionPages 2971-2987Liqiu Wang, Tianliang Yang
9.Transport phenomena in an aluminum nitride induction heating sublimation growth systemPages 2989-3001Bei Wu, Hui Zhang
10.Effect of viscous dissipation on the optimization of the heat transfer in internally finned tubesPages 3003-3015Giampietro Fabbri
11.Cavity flow in a porous medium driven by differential heatingPages 3017-3030P. G. Daniels, M. Punpocha
12.Suppression of buoyancy-driven vortex flow resulting from a low speed jet impinging onto a heated disk in a vertical cylinder by cylinder top tiltingPages 3031-3045J. C. Hsieh, C. W. Cheng, T. F. Lin
13.Macrosegregation during alloyed semiconductor crystal growth in strong axial and transverse magnetic fieldsPages 3047-3055Martin V. Farrell, Nancy Ma
14.Tube bundle flows with the large Eddy simulation technique in curvilinear coordinatesPages 3057-3071Y. A. Hassan, H. R. Barsamian
15.Designed porous media: maximal heat transfer density at decreasing length scalesPages 3073-3083Adrian Bejan
16.Joule heating effects in electroosmotically driven microchannel flowsPages 3085-3095Keisuke Horiuchi, Prashanta Dutta
17.Role of surface structure in heterogeneous nucleationPages 3097-3107Yusen Qi, James F. Klausner, Renwei Mei
18.Heat transfer enhancement of copper nanofluid with acoustic cavitationPages 3109-3117D. W. Zhou
19.Temperature distribution and heat transfer characteristics of an inverse diffusion flame with circumferentially arranged fuel portsPages 3119-3129L. K. Sze, C. S. Cheung, C. W. Leung
20.Steady natural convection in a vertical cylindrical envelope with adiabatic lateral wallPages 3131-3144Y. L. He, W. Q. Tao, Z. G. Qu, Z. Q. Chen
21.Thermal end effects on electroosmotic flow in a capillaryPages 3145-3157Xiangchun Xuan, David Sinton, Dongqing Li
22.Viscous dissipation effects in microtubes and microchannelsPages 3159-3169J. Koo, C. Kleinstreuer
23.The effects of topology upon fluid-flow and heat-transfer within cellular copper structuresPages 3171-3186J. Tian, T. Kim, T. J. Lu, H. P. Hodson, D. T. Queheillalt, D. J. Sypeck, H. N. G. Wadley
24.Mixed convection flow in a vertical circular duct with time-periodic boundary conditions: steady-periodic regimePages
25.Numerical investigations of heat transfer from impinging annular jetPages 3197-3201Himadri Chattopadhyay
26.The constructal law and the thermodynamics of flow systems with configurationPages 3203-3214A. Bejan, S. Lorente
27.Centrifugal buoyancy effect on turbulent heat transfer in a rotating two-pass smooth square channel with sharp 180-deg turnsPages 3215-3231Akira Murata, Sadanari Mochizuki
28.Performance analysis of the transient thermo-reflectance method for measuring the thermal conductivity of single layer materialsPages 3233-3244Pavel L. Komarov, Peter E. Raad
29.Magnetohydrodynamic free convection and entropy generation in a square porous cavityPages 3245-3256Shohel Mahmud, Roydon Andrew Fraser
30.Microscale heat transfer measurements during pool boiling of FC-72: effect of subcoolingPages 3257-3268Fatih Demiray, Jungho Kim
31.Marangoni instability in binary liquid–liquid systemsPages 3269-3278S. Slavtchev, M. A. Mendes
32.Radiation effects on transient hot-wire measurements in absorbing and emitting porous mediaPages
33.Inverse radiative design in human thermal environmentPages 3291-3300Guillaume Leduc, Françoise Monchoux, Françoise Thellier
34.Entrapment of air at 45° oblique collision of a water drop with a smooth solid surface at room temperaturePages 3301-3305Hitoshi Fujimoto, Hirohiko Takuda
35.Evaporative spray cooling of plain and microporous coated surfacesPages 3307-3315J. H. Kim, S. M. You, Stephen U. S. Choi
36.An exact solution to steady heat conduction in a two-dimensional slab on a one-dimensional fin: application to frosted heat exchangersPages 3317-3326Y. Xia, A. M. Jacobi
37.Transient heating of diesel fuel dropletsPages 3327-3340S. S. Sazhin, P. A. Krutitskii, W. A. Abdelghaffar, E. M. Sazhina, S. V. Mikhalovsky, S. T. Meikle, M. R. Heikal
38.Optimal experimental estimation of thermal dispersion coefficients in porous mediaPages 3341-3353T. Metzger, S. Didierjean, D. Maillet
39.Multi-factorial study of the absorption process of H2O(vap) by a LiBr(aq) in a horizontal tube bundle using 2-ethyl-1-hexanol as surfactantPages 3355-3373Victor Manuel Soto Francés, José Manuel Pinazo Ojer
40.Heat transfer model for evaporation in microchannels. Part I: presentation of the modelPages 3375-3385J. R. Thome, V. Dupont, A. M. Jacobi
41.Heat transfer model for evaporation in microchannels. Part II: comparison with the databasePages 3387-3401V. Dupont, J. R. Thome, A. M. Jacobi
42.Effects of anisotropy and solid/liquid thermal conductivity ratio on flow instabilities during inverted Bridgman growthPages 3403-3413J. Kaenton, E. Semma, V. Timchenko, M. El Ganaoui, E. Leonardi, G. de Vahl Davis
43.Analysis of heat and mass transfer in porous sorbents used in rotary regeneratorsPages 3415-3430L. A. Sphaier, W. M. Worek
44.A numerical study on the flow over a novel tube for heat-transfer enhancement with a linear Eddy-viscosity modelPages 3431-3439Wen-Lih Chen, Zengyuan Guo, Chao-Kuang Chen
45.Effect of free-stream turbulence on turbine blade heat transfer and pressure coefficients in low Reynolds number flowsPages 3441-3452Jungho Choi, Shuye Teng, Je-Chin Han, Foluso Ladeinde
46.Effective thermal conductivity of composite spheres in a continuous medium with contact resistancePages 3453-3461J. D. Felske
47.Numerical study of the enhancement produced in absorption processes using surfactantsPages 3463-3476J. Castro, L. Leal, C. D. Pérez-Segarra, P. Pozo
48.Combined ‘heat flow and strength' optimization of geometry: mechanical structures most resistant to thermal attackPages 3477-3489L. Gosselin, A. Bejan, S. Lorente
49.Some observations of the frost formation in free convection: with and without the presence of electric fieldPages 3491-3505Chi-Chuan Wang, Ren-Tsung Huang, Wen-Jenn Sheu, Yu-Juei Chang
50.Inverse determination of surface temperature in thin-film/substrate systems with interface thermal resistancePages 3507-3515Shih-Kuo Wu, Hsin-Sen Chu
51.Permeability determination of a deep argillite in saturated and partially saturated conditionsPages 3517-3531F. Homand, A. Giraud, S. Escoffier, A. Koriche, D. Hoxha
52.Three-dimensional Marangoni convection in electrostatically positioned droplets under microgravityPages 3533-3547Y. Huo, B. Q. Li
53.Natural convection in rectangular tanks heated locally from belowPages 3549-3563I. E. Sarris, I. Lekakis, N. S. Vlachos
54.Experimental data and model for heat transfer, in liquid falling film flow on shell-side, for spiral-wound LNG heat exchangerPages 3565-3572Bengt O. Neeraas, Arne O. Fredheim, Bjørn Aunan
55.Mass transfer with heterogeneous chemical reaction in a Glauert flow of non-Newtonian fluidPages 3573-3576T. Elperin, A. Fominykh, Z. Orenbakh
56.Transient laminar conjugate heat transfer of a rotating disk: theory and numerical simulationsPages 3577-3581T. Indinger, I. V. Shevchuk
57.Nucleation site interaction in pool nucleate boiling on a heated surface with triple artificial cavitiesPages 3583-3587Surapong Chatpun, Makoto Watanabe, Masahiro Shoji
58.Announcement to Transport phenomena in micro and nanodevices

Volume 47, Issues 17-18, Pages 3591-4004 (August 2004)

1.Emissivity characteristics of roughened aluminum alloy surfaces and assessment of multispectral radiation thermometry (MRT) emissivity modelsPages 3591-3605Chang-Da Wen, Issam Mudawar
2.An optimal control problem for controlling the cell volume in dehydration and rehydration processPages
3.Three-dimensional simulation of chemically reacting gas flows in the porous support structure of an integrated-planar solid oxide fuel cellPages 3617-3629B. A. Haberman, J. B. Young
4.Boiling instability in parallel silicon microchannels at different heat fluxPages 3631-3641H. Y. Wu, Ping Cheng
5.Measurement of light extinction constant of JP-8 soot in the visible and near-infrared spectrumPages 3643-3648Jinyu Zhu, Andrea Irrera, Mun Young Choi, George W. Mulholland, Jill Suo-Anttila, Louis A. Gritzo
6.Interaction of interfacial convection and mass transfer effects in the system CO2–waterPages
7.Photographic study of bubble behaviors in forced convection subcooled boilingPages 3659-3667Rong Situ, Ye Mi, Mamoru Ishii, Michitsugu Mori
8.Heat and mass transfer between gas and liquid streams in direct contactPages 3669-3681K. Boulama, N. Galanis, J. Orfi
9.The enhancement of steam condensation heat transfer in a horizontal shell and tube condenser by addition of ammoniaPages 3683-3693Chris Philpott, Joe Deans
10.Transient analysis of heat and mass transfer by natural convection over a vertical wavy surfacePages 3695-3705Jer-Huan Jang, Wei-Mon Yan
11.A transient self-adaptive technique for modeling thermal problems with large variations in physical scalesPages
12.Aiding and opposing contributions of centrifugal buoyancy on turbulent heat transfer in a two-pass transverse- or angled-rib-roughened channel with sharp 180° turnsPages
13.A study on the performance of the airside heat exchanger under frosting in an air source heat pump water heater/chiller unitPages 3745-3756Yang Yao, Yiqiang Jiang, Shiming Deng, Zuiliang Ma
14.Solutions for multi-dimensional transient heat conduction with solid body motionPages 3757-3768James V. Beck, Robert L. McMasters
15.Marangoni convection basic mechanism explanation using the two-point theory (TPT) of mass and heat transfer and the ammonia/water mediumPages 3769-3782D. Isvoranu, M. D. Staicovici
16.Some unexpected effects of wavelength and perturbation strength on heat transfer enhancement by Görtler instabilityPages 3783-3795Ladan Momayez, Pascal Dupont, Hassan Peerhossaini
17.Drag reduction and heat transfer of surfactants flowing in a capillary tubePages 3797-3809G.
18.Theoretical analysis of Marangoni instability of an evaporating droplet by energy methodPages 3811-3823Vai-Meng Ha, Chun-Liang Lai
19.Direct-contact evaporation in the homogeneous and heterogeneous bubbling regimes. Part I: experimental analysisPages 3825-3840Cláudio P. Ribeiro Jr., Paulo L. C. Lage
20.Direct-contact evaporation in the homogeneous and heterogeneous bubbling regimes. Part II: dynamic simulationPages 3841-3854Cláudio P. Ribeiro Jr., Paulo L. C. Lage
21.Three-fluid heat exchangers with three thermal communications. Part A: general mathematical modelPages 3855-3865Devashish Shrivastava, Timothy A. Ameel
22.Three-fluid heat exchangers with three thermal communications. Part B: effectiveness evaluationPages 3867-3875Devashish Shrivastava, Timothy A. Ameel
23.Gas flow in a long microchannelPages 3877-3887Shou-Shing Hsieh, Huang-Hsiu Tsai, Chih-Yi Lin, Ching-Feng Huang, Cheng-Ming Chien
24.Stability of free convection in air-filled horizontal annuli: influence of the radius ratioPages 3889-3907G. Petrone, E. Chénier, G. Lauriat
25.Resolution of linear inverse forced convection problems using model reduction by the Modal Identification Method: application to turbulent flow in parallel-plate ductPages 3909-3925Manuel Girault, Daniel Petit
26.A Bayesian inference approach to the inverse heat conduction problemPages 3927-3941Jingbo Wang, Nicholas Zabaras
27.Minimum gas speed in heat exchangers to avoid particulate foulingPages 3943-3955M. S. Abd-Elhady, C. C. M. Rindt, J. G. Wijers, A. A. van Steenhoven, E. A. Bramer, Th. H. van der Meer
28.Hydrodynamic and thermal oscillations in a non-isothermal laminar jetPages 3957-3969S. Suyambazhahan, Sarit K. Das, T. Sundararajan
29.Theoretical study of evaporation heat transfer in horizontal microfin tubes: stratified flow modelPages 3971-3983H. Honda, Y. S. Wang
30.Forced convection heat transfer of Couette–Poiseuille flow of nonlinear viscoelastic fluids between parallel platesPages 3985-3991S. H. Hashemabadi, S. Gh. Etemad, J. Thibault
31.Mini- and micro-channels: influence of axial conduction in the wallsPages 3993-4004Gaël Maranzana, Isabelle Perry, Denis Maillet

Volume 47, Issues 19-20, Pages 4005-4495 (September 2004)

1.Heat and mass transfer bibliography––CIS worksPages 4005-4018O. G. Martynenko
2.Plasma energy transport to an electrically biased surfacePages 4019-4029F. B. Yeh, P. S. Wei
3.Experimental and theoretical investigation of reflux condensation in an inclined small diameter tubePages 4031-4043S. Fiedler, H. Auracher
4.Ray tracing method for transient coupled heat transfer in an anisotropic scattering layerPages 4045-4059He-Ping Tan, Hong-Liang Yi, Ping-Yang Wang, Li-Ming Ruan, Timothy W. Tong
5.Flow pattern evolution in natural convection cooling from an array of discrete heat sources in a rectangular cavity at various orientationsPages 4061-4073C. P. Tso, L. F. Jin, S. K. W. Tou, X. F. Zhang
6.A numerical study on the fluid flow and heat transfer around a circular cylinder in an aligned magnetic fieldPages 4075-4087H. S. Yoon, H. H. Chun, M. Y. Ha, H. G. Lee
7.Liquid-mixed convection in a closed enclosure with highly-intensive heat fluxesPages 4089-4099A. Rivas-Cardona, A. Hernandez-Guerrero, R. Romero-Méndez, R. Lesso-Arroyo
8.Rayleigh Bénard convective instability of a fluid under high-frequency vibrationPages 4101-4112I. Cisse, G. Bardan, A. Mojtabi
9.Large eddy simulation of turbulent forced gas flows in vertical pipes with high heat transfer ratesPages 4113-4123Xiaofeng Xu, Joon Sang Lee, Richard H. Pletcher, A. Mohsen Shehata, Donald M. McEligot
10.Experimental heat transfer coefficients during refrigerant vaporisation and condensation inside herringbone-type plate heat exchangers with enhanced surfacesPages 4125-4136G. A. Longo, A. Gasparella, R. Sartori
11.Stabilization and elimination of transient unstable mixed convective vortex flow of air in a bottom heated horizontal flat duct by top plate heatingPages 4137-4152S. W. Chen, C. Y. Chang, J. T. Lir, T. F. Lin
12.Numerical modeling of scanning laser-induced melting, vaporization and resolidification in metals subjected to step heat flux inputPages 4153-4164Haseung Chung, Suman Das
13.Numerical modeling of scanning laser-induced melting, vaporization and resolidification in metals subjected to time-dependent heat flux inputsPages 4165-4175Haseung Chung, Suman Das
14.Constructal flow structure for a PEM fuel cellPages 4177-4193J. V. C. Vargas, J. C. Ordonez, A. Bejan
15.Radiative heat transfer in discretely heated irregular geometry with an absorbing, emitting, and anisotropically scattering medium using combined Monte-Carlo and finite volume methodPages 4195-4203Doyoung Byun, Changjin Lee, Seung Wook Baek
16.Navier–Stokes simulation of the flow field in laterally driven microcomb structuresPages 4205-4213Ching-Shung Chen
17.Three-dimensional analysis of heat transfer in a micro-heat sink with single phase flowPages
18.Modeling of double-diffusive turbulent natural convection in porous mediaPages 4233-4241Marcelo J. S. de Lemos, Luzia A. Tofaneli
19.Verification solution for partial heating of rectangular solidsPages 4243-4255James V.
20.Disc cooled with high-conductivity inserts that extend inward from the perimeterPages 4257-4263A. K. da Silva, C. Vasile, A. Bejan
21.The role of thermal radiation on the initiation of flashover in a compartment firePages 4265-4276W. W. Yuen, W. K. Chow
22.Effect of liquid layering at the liquid–solid interface on thermal transportPages 4277-4284L. Xue, P. Keblinski, S. R. Phillpot, S. U. -S. Choi, J. A. Eastman
23.A laser induced diagnostic technique for velocity measurements using liquid crystal thermographyPages 4285-4292Emily M. Hunt, Michelle L. Pantoya
24.An analytical derivation of source term dependent, 2-D ‘generalized Poisson conduction shape factors'Pages 4293-4300Devashish Shrivastava, Robert B. Roemer
25.Enhancement of convective heat transfer in the developing region of circular tubes using corona windPages 4301-4314Majid Molki, Kanthi Latha Bhamidipati
26.Determination of the Soret coefficient of magnetic particles in a ferrofluid from the steady and unsteady part of the separation curvePages 4315-4325Th. Völker, E. Blums, S. Odenbach
27.Heat transfer and fluid flow analysis in plate-fin and tube heat exchangers with a pair of block shape vortex generatorsPages 4327-4338Jin-Sheng Leu, Ying-Hao Wu, Jiin-Yuh Jang
28.Stochastic modeling of evaporating droplets polydispered in turbulent flowsPages 4339-4348Z. Gao, F. Mashayek
29.Visualization of the subcooled flow boiling of R-134a in a vertical rectangular channel with an electrically heated wallPages 4349-4363In Cheol Bang, Soon Heung Chang, Won-Pil Baek
30.Experimental study of local thermal non-equilibrium phenomena during phase change in porous mediaPages 4365-4375A. G. Agwu Nnanna, A. Haji-Sheikh, Kendall T. Harris
31.The onset of convective instability in a horizontal fluid layer subjected to a constant heat flux from belowPages 4377-4384Chang Kyun Choi, Joung Hwan Park, Min Chan Kim, Jong Dae Lee, Jae Jin Kim, E. James Davis
32.Numerical investigation of the influence of laser beam mode on melt poolPages 4385-4402L. Han, F. W. Liou
33.Pendant droplet motion for absorption on horizontal tube banksPages 4403-4414Jesse D. Killion, Srinivas Garimella
34.Void fraction predictions in forced convective subcooled boiling of water between 10 and 18 MPaPages 4415-4425J. M. Delhaye, F. Maugin, J. M. Ochterbeck
35.Flow and heat transfer of an electrically conducting fluid of second grade over a stretching sheet subject to a transverse magnetic fieldPages 4427-4437I. -Chung Liu
36.Numerical investigation of laminar natural convection on a heated vertical plate subjected to a periodic oscillationPages 4439-4448X. R. Zhang, S. Maruyama, S. Sakai
37.Finite difference analysis of unsteady natural convection MHD flow past an inclined plate with variable surface heat and mass fluxPages 4449-4457P. Ganesan, G. Palani
38.Drying of a porous spherical rock for compressed air energy storagePages 4459-4468Abraham Dayan, Joseph Flesh, Craig Saltiel
39.Spreading and solidification of a molten metal droplet impinging on a heated surfacePages 4469-4478D. Sivakumar, H. Nishiyama
40.Numerical modeling of heat and mass transfer in porous medium during combined hot air, infrared and microwaves dryingPages 4479-4489P. Salagnac, P. Glouannec, D. Lecharpentier
41.On the natural convection of water near its density inversion in an inclined square cavityPages

Volume 47, Issue 21, Pages 4497-4672 (October 2004)

   Festschrift issue of International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer honouring Professors Echigo, Hirata and Tanasawa
Edited by Profs. Y. Fujita, S. Nishio, F. Ogino and K. Suzuki
1.Laudatio to Professors Ryozo Echigo, Masaru Hirata and Ichiro TanasawaPage 4497Y. Fujita, K. Suzuki
2.Professor Ryozo EchigoPages 4499-4501Hideo Yoshida
3.Professor Masaru HirataPages
4.Professor Ichiro TanasawaPages 4505-4506S. Nishio, R. Shirakashi
5.Characteristic curves and the promotion effect of ethanol addition on steam condensation heat transferPages 4507-4516Yoshio Utaka, Shixue Wang
6.Measurement of the permeability and resealing time constant of the electroporated mammalian cell membranesPages 4517-4524Ryo Shirakashi, Vladimir L. Sukhorukov, Ichiro Tanasawa, Ulrich Zimmermann
7.Effect of high frequency magnetic field on CZ silicon melt convectionPages 4525-4533Tetsuo Munakata, Satoshi Someya, Ichiro Tanasawa
8.Numerical analysis of crystal growth of an InAs–GaAs binary semiconductor by the Travelling Liquidus-Zone method under microgravity conditionsPages 4535-4546Toru Maekawa, Yoshihiro Sugiki, Satoshi Matsumoto, Satoshi Adachi, Shinichi Yoda, Kyoichi Kinoshita
9.Pressure drop and heat transfer of arrays of in-line circular blocks on the wall of parallel channelPages 4547-4557Tamotsu Igarashi, Hajime Nakamura, Taketo Fukuoka
10.Visualization of boiling structures in high heat–flux pool-boilingPages 4559-4568Shigefumi Nishio, Hiroaki Tanaka
11.Effects of non-isothermal heating on drag reduction in surfactant aqueous solution flowPages 4569-4577Kimitoshi Sato, Noriyuki Furuichi, Naoki Matsumoto, Masaya Kumada
12.Turbulent heat transfer in a channel flow with arbitrary directional system rotationPages 4579-4591Haibin Wu, Nohuhide Kasagi
13.Diffusion flames in plane-parallel packed bedsPages 4593-4599Kouichi Kamiuto, Sinji Miyamoto
14.Development of gas–solid direct contact heat exchanger by use of axial flow cyclonePages 4601-4614Akihiko Shimizu, Takehiko Yokomine, Tatsuro Nagafuchi
15.Experimental study on multi-layered type of gas-to-gas heat exchanger using porous mediaPages 4615-4623T. Tomimura, K. Hamano, Y. Honda, R. Echigo
16.Modeling of soot particles growth in fuel-rich premixed flamePages 4625-4635Masaaki Okuyama, Ryozo Echigo, Katsunori Hanamura, Hideo Yoshida, Motoi Koda, Tomomi Koganezawa
17.Nucleate boiling of two and three-component mixturesPages 4637-4648Yasunobu Fujita, Masayuki Tsutsui
18.Lattice Boltzmann simulation of droplet collision dynamicsPages 4649-4657T. Inamuro, S. Tajima, F. Ogino
19.Laminar convective heat transfer from a circular cylinder exposed to a low frequency zero-mean velocity oscillating flowPages 4659-4672Hiroshi Iwai, Tomoyuki Mambo, Naoki Yamamoto, Kenjiro Suzuki

Volume 47, Issue 22, Pages 4673-4938 (October 2004)

1.Numerical study of the effects of rotation on heat transfer in channels with and without ribsPages 4673-4684Joon Sang Lee, Ning Meng, Richard H. Pletcher, Yang Liu
2.Green's function solution of temperature field for flow in porous passagesPages 4685-4695A. Haji-Sheikh, W. J. Minkowycz, E. M. Sparrow
3.Effect of heat transfer on stability and transition characteristics of boundary-layersPages 4697-4712Serkan Özgen
4.Reverse flow regions in three-dimensional backward-facing step flowPages 4713-4720J.H. Nie, B.F. Armaly
5.Experimental investigation on the heat transfer characteristics of axial rotating heat pipesPages
6.Three-dimensional thermal analysis of heat sinks with circular cooling micro-channelsPages 4733-4744C.J. Kroeker, H.M. Soliman, S.J. Ormiston
7.Interacting effects of uniform flow, plane shear, and near-wall proximity on the heat and mass transfer of respiratory aerosolsPages 4745-4759P. Worth Longest, Clement Kleinstreuer
8.Numerical study of a combined heat and mass recovery adsorption cooling cyclePages 4761-4770K.C. Leong, Y. Liu
9.Dynamic bubble behavior during boiling in bead-packed structuresPages 4771-4783Z. Wang, X.F. Peng, J.M. Ochterbeck
10.Heat transfer from a circular cylinder to mixtures of water and ethylene glycolPages 4785-4794S. Sanitjai, R. J. Goldstein
11.Forced convection heat transfer from a circular cylinder in crossflow to air and liquidsPages 4795-4805S. Sanitjai, R. J. Goldstein
12.A helical tow model and numerical simulation of on-line thermal curing of thermoset composites in filament windingPages 4807-4820Xuefeng Wang, David Y. S. Lou, Nengli Zhang
13.Controlled interface acceleration in unidirectional solidificationPages 4821-4832R. Xu, G. F. Naterer
14.Optimal configuration design for plate heat exchangersPages 4833-4848Jorge A. W. Gut, José M. Pinto
15.Double porous media model for mass transfer of hemodialyzersPages 4849-4855Weiping Ding, Liqun He, Gang Zhao, Haifeng Zhang, Zhiquan Shu, Dayong Gao
16.Combustion of propanol–glycerol mixture droplets in reduced gravityPages 4857-4867V. Dee, B. D. Shaw
17.Numerical simulation of laminar and turbulent buoyancy-driven flows using a lattice Boltzmann based algorithmPages 4869-4879Y. Zhou, R. Zhang, I. Staroselsky, H. Chen
18.Frost formation on a plate with different surface hydrophilicityPages 4881-4893Hyunuk Lee, Jongmin Shin, Samchul Ha, Bongjun Choi, Jaekeun Lee
19.Prediction of dryout and post-dryout heat transfer at high pressures using a one-dimensional three-fluid modelPages 4895-4910Sreenivas Jayanti, Michel Valette
20.Prandtl number dependence of unsteady natural convection along a vertical plate in a stably stratified fluidPages
21.Temperature distribution in an oscillatory flow with a sinusoidal wall temperaturePages 4929-4938Eduardo Ramos, Brian D. Storey, Fernando Sierra, Raúl A. Zúñiga, Andriy Avramenko

Volume 47, Issue 23, Pages 4939-5173 (November 2004)

1.An experimental and numerical study on heat transfer enhancement for gas heat exchangers fitted with porous mediaPages 4939-4952Bogdan I. Pavel, Abdulmajeed A. Mohamad
2.Optimal shape profiles for cooling fins of high and low conductivityPages 4953-4966Florin Bobaru, Srinivas Rachakonda
3.A numerically-based parametric study of heat transfer off an inclined surface subject to impinging airflowPages 4967-4977Srinivasan C. Rasipuram, Karim J. Nasr
4.Fluid flow and transport processes in a large area atmospheric pressure stagnation flow CVD reactor for deposition of thin filmsPages 4979-4994G. Luo, S.P. Vanka, N. Glumac
5.Flow-based control of temperature in long ductsPages 4995-5009Sorour Alotaibi, Mihir Sen, Bill Goodwine, K.T. Yang
6.Simulation of phase states for water in nanoscale systems by molecular dynamics methodPages
7.Impinging premixed butane/air circular laminar flame jet––influence of impingement plate on heat transfer characteristicsPages 5021-5031Z. Zhao, T.T. Wong, C.W. Leung
8.Nucleate pool-boiling heat transfer. I: review of parametric effects of boiling surfacePages 5033-5044I.L. Pioro, W. Rohsenow, S.S. Doerffer
9.Nucleate pool-boiling heat transfer. II: assessment of prediction methodsPages 5045-5057I.L. Pioro, W. Rohsenow, S.S. Doerffer
10.Transition boiling at jet impingementPages 5059-5070Nathalie Seiler-Marie, Jean-Marie Seiler, Olivier Simonin
11.Evolutionary topology optimization for temperature reduction of heat conducting fieldsPages 5071-5083Qing Li, Grant P. Steven, Y.M. Xie, Osvaldo M. Querin
12.A new methodology for experimental determination of liquid–gas interphase positions on a heated solidPages 5085-5093M.E. Rojas, M.C. de Andrés
13.Optimal spray characteristics in water spray coolingPages 5095-5099Ruey-Hung Chen, Louis C. Chow, Jose E. Navedo
14.The dynamics of spherical bubble growthPages 5101-5113A. J. Robinson, R. L. Judd
15.Marangoni heat transfer in subcooled nucleate pool boilingPages 5115-5128Sanja Petrovic, Tony Robinson, Ross L. Judd
16.Effects of void-induced convection on interface morphology and segregation during low-g solidificationPages 5129-5137S. Barsi, M. Kassemi, J. I. D. Alexander
17.Prediction of the entrainment of ambient air into a turbulent argon plasma jet using a turbulence-enhanced combined-diffusion-coefficient methodPages 5139-5148Kai Cheng, Xi Chen
18.Experimental investigation of heat-transfer characteristics of aluminum-foam heat sinksPages 5149-5157W.H. Hsieh, J.Y. Wu, W.H. Shih, W.C. Chiu
19.Design optimization of rib-roughened channel to enhance turbulent heat transferPages 5159-5168Hong-Min Kim, Kwang-Yong Kim
20.Variation of Nusselt number with flow regimes behind a circular cylinder for Reynolds numbers from 70 to 30 000Pages 5169-5173Hajime Nakamura, Tamotsu Igarashi

Volume 47, Issue 24, Pages 5175-5390 (November 2004)

1.Forced convection in a helical pipe filled with a saturated porous mediumPages 5175-5180D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov
2.Experimental investigation into convective heat transfer of nanofluids at the entrance region under laminar flow conditionsPages 5181-5188Dongsheng Wen, Yulong Ding
3.Three-dimensional simulation of plasma spray: effects of carrier gas flow and particle injection on plasma jet and entrained particle behaviorPages 5189-5200Hong-Bing Xiong, Li-Li Zheng, Sanjay Sampath, Richard L. Williamson, Jim R. Fincke
4.Effects of fuel properties on the combustion behavior of different types of porous beds soaked with combustible liquidPages 5201-5210Christopher Y.H. Chao, J.H. Wang, Wenjun Kong
5.Buoyant convection in a cubical enclosure under time-periodic magnetizing forcePages 5211-5218Ki Hyun Kim, Jae Min Hyun
6.Transient thermal structure, turbulence, and heat transfer in a reattaching slot jet flowPages 5219-5234V. Narayanan, J. Seyed-Yagoobi, R.H. Page
7.Measurement of detailed heat transfer on a surface under arrays of impinging elliptic jets by a transient liquid crystal techniquePages 5235-5245W.M. Yan, S.C. Mei, H.C. Liu, C.Y. Soong, W.-J. Yang
8.A methodology to control direct-fired furnacesPages 5247-5256Soumik Banerjee, Dipankar Sanyal, Swarnendu Sen, Ishwar K. Puri
9.Fluid, heat and contaminant transport structures of laminar double-diffusive mixed convection in a two-dimensional ventilated enclosurePages 5257-5269Qi-Hong Deng, Jiemin Zhou, Chi Mei, Yong-Ming Shen
10.Base to apex thermal conductance of a cone embedded in a non-ideal insulatorPages 5271-5283William F. Pickard
11.Archival correlations for average heat transfer coefficients for non-circular and circular cylinders and for spheres in cross-flowPages 5285-5296Ephraim M. Sparrow, John P. Abraham, Jimmy C.K. Tong
12.An analytical study of pulsating laminar heat convection in a circular tube with constant heat fluxPages 5297-5301Jie-Cheng Yu, Zhi-Xin Li, T.S. Zhao
13.The extended Graetz problem with piecewise constant wall temperature for pipe and channel flowsPages 5303-5312B. Weigand, D. Lauffer
14.Analysis of a transient heat transfer experiment in a two pass internal coolant passagePages 5313-5322D. Chanteloup, J. von Wolfersdorf
15.A three-fluid model of two-phase dispersed-annular flowPages 5323-5338V.M. Alipchenkov, R.I. Nigmatulin, S.L. Soloviev, O.G. Stonik, L.I. Zaichik, Y.A. Zeigarnik
16.Solidification characteristics of rising immiscible oil droplets in coolantPages 5339-5349Y. Nakao, M. Hishida, G. Tanaka, Y. Shiina
17.Flow structure of subcooled boiling flow in an internally heated annulusPages 5351-5364Rong Situ, Takashi Hibiki, Xiaodong Sun, Ye Mi, Mamoru Ishii
18.Axisymmetric thermocapillary convection in open cylindrical annuli with deforming interfacesPages 5365-5373Bok-Cheol Sim, Woo-Seung Kim, Abdelfattah Zebib
19.Forced convection in a bi-disperse porous medium channel: a conjugate problemPages 5375-5380D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov
20.An experimental investigation of sootshell formation in microgravity droplet combustionPages 5381-5385Samuel L. Manzello, Ahmet Yozgatligil, Mun Young Choi
21.An analytical solution for a Stefan problem with variable latent heatPages 5387-5390V.R. Voller, J.B. Swenson, C. Paola

Volume 47, Issue 25, Pages 5391-5618 (December 2004)

1.Spray cooling in a closed system with different fractions of non-condensibles in the environmentPages
2.Convection in laminar three-dimensional separated flowPages 5407-5416J.H. Nie, B.F. Armaly
3.Marangoni effects on the boiling of 2-propanol/water mixtures in a confined spacePages 5417-5426Chen-li. Sun, Van P. Carey
4.Onset of secondary flow and enhancement of heat transfer in horizontal convergent and divergent channels heated from belowPages 5427-5438C.W. Liu, C. Gau
5.Forced convection and flow friction characteristics of air-cooled horizontal equilateral triangular ducts with ribbed internal surfacesPages 5439-5450D.D. Luo, C.W. Leung, T.L. Chan
6.Computations of film boiling. Part I: numerical methodPages 5451-5461Asghar Esmaeeli, Grétar Tryggvason
7.Computations of film boiling. Part II: multi-mode film boilingPages 5463-5476Asghar Esmaeeli, Grétar Tryggvason
8.Transient boiling crisis of cryogenic liquidsPages 5477-5482V.I. Deev, V.S. Kharitonov, K.V. Kutsenko, A.A. Lavrukhin
9.A mathematical model for atmospheric ice accretion and water flow on a cold surfacePages 5483-5500T.G. Myers, J.P.F. Charpin
10.Numerical simulation of the Czochralski growth process of oxide crystals with a relatively thin optical thicknessPages 5501-5509Akira Hayashi, Masaki Kobayashi, Chengjun Jing, Takao Tsukada, Mitsunori Hozawa
11.Absorption of thermal radiation in large semi-transparent particles at arbitrary illumination of the polydisperse systemPages 5511-5522Leonid A. Dombrovsky
12.A three-dimensional numerical model for a convection–diffusion phase change process during laser melting of ceramic materialsPages 5523-5539J.F. Li, L. Li, F.H. Stott
13.Transient nucleate boiling under stepwise heat generation for highly wetting fluidsPages 5541-5553Marie-Christine Duluc, Benoit Stutz, Monique Lallemand
14.Enhancement of pool boiling heat transfer in water and ethanol/water mixtures with surface-active agentPages 5555-5563Toshiaki Inoue, Yoshio Teruya, Masanori Monde
15.Effective thermal conductivity of wet particle assembliesPages 5565-5574M. Kohout, A.P. Collier, F. Štěpánek
16.Bubble dynamics in microchannels. Part I: single microchannelPages 5575-5589P.C. Lee, F.G. Tseng, Chin Pan
17.Bubble dynamics in microchannels. Part II: two parallel microchannelsPages 5591-5601H.Y. Li, F.G. Tseng, Chin Pan
18.Bulk mean temperature in porous medium analysisPages 5603-5607Seok Pil Jang, Sung Jin Kim, Stephen U.S. Choi
19.Forced convection in a parallel plate channel with asymmetric heatingPages 5609-5612D.A. Nield
20.Acknowledgement of reviewers 2003Pages 5613-5618

Volume 47, Issue 26, Pages 5619-5828 (December 2004)

1.Volume ContentsPages I-XXXIV
2.Author IndexPages XXXV-XL
3.Analysis of mixed convection in a vertical porous layer using non-equilibrium modelPages 5619-5627Nawaf H. Saeid
4.Mathematical modeling of heat transfer, condensation, and capillary flow in porous insulation on a cold pipePages 5629-5638M.K. Choudhary, K.C. Karki, S.V. Patankar
5.Turbulent natural convection in a porous square cavity computed with a macroscopic κ–ε modelPages 5639-5650Edimilson J. Braga, Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
6.Effects of rim location, rim height, and tip clearance on the tip and near tip region heat transfer of a gas turbine bladePages 5651-5663Jae Su Kwak, Jaeyong Ahn, Je-Chin Han
7.Computation of flow and heat transfer in rotating two-pass rectangular channels (AR = 1:1, 1:2, and 1:4) with smooth walls by a Reynolds stress turbulence modelPages 5665-5683Guoguang Su, Hamn-Ching Chen, Je-Chin Han, James D. Heidmann
8.Measurements and modeling of the flow and heat transfer in a contoured vane-endwall passagePages 5685-5702Hugo D. Pasinato, Kyle D. Squires, Ramendra P. Roy
9.Spray cooling characteristics of water and R-134a. Part I: nucleate boilingPages 5703-5712Shou-Shing Hsieh, Tsung-Cheng Fan, Huang-Hsui Tsai
10.Spray cooling characteristics of water and R-134a. Part II: transient coolingPages 5713-5724Shou-Shing Hsieh, Tsung-Cheng Fan, Huang-Hsui Tsai
11.Gas–liquid two-phase flow patterns in a miniature square channel with a gas permeable sidewallPages 5725-5739H. Yang, T.S. Zhao, P. Cheng
12.End effects of heat conduction in circular cylinders of functionally graded materials and laminated compositesPages
13.Correlation for flow boiling heat transfer in mini-channelsPages 5749-5763W. Zhang, T. Hibiki, K. Mishima
14.Modeling the radiation of anisotropically scattering media by coupling Mie theory with finite volume methodPages 5765-5780D.N. Trivic, T.J. O’Brien, C.H. Amon
15.A numerical method for natural convection and heat conduction around and in a horizontal circular pipePages 5781-5792Satoru Yamamoto, Daisuke Niiyama, Byeong Rog Shin
16.Guaranteed fillet weld geometry from heat transfer model and multivariable optimizationPages 5793-5806A. Kumar, T. DebRoy
17.Sooting characteristics of isolated droplet burning in heated ambients under microgravityPages 5807-5821Guangwen Xu, Masiki Ikegami, Senji Honma, Khoji Ikeda, Daniel L. Dietrich, Peter M. Struk
18.Effective method for construction of low-dimensional models for heat transfer processPages 5823-5828D.G. Blinov, V.G. Prokopov, Yu.V. Sherenkovskii, N.M. Fialko, V.L. Yurchuk

Volume 48, Issue 1, Pages 1-234 (January 2005)

1.Experimental and numerical characterization of the transverse dispersion at the exit of a short ceramic foam inside a pipePages 1-14J.C.F. Pereira, I. Malico, T.C. Hayashi, J. Raposo
2.Using Bayesian statistics in the estimation of heat source in radiationPages 15-29Jingbo Wang, Nicholas Zabaras
3.Toward to the control system of mechanical draft cooling tower of film typePages 31-35S.P. Fisenko, A.I. Petruchik
4.A method for predicting heat and moisture transfer through multilayered walls based on temperature and moisture content gradientsPages 37-51N. Mendes, P.C. Philippi
5.Long-term behavior of cooling fluid in a vertical cylinderPages 53-66Wenxian Lin, S.W. Armfield
6.PIV measurements of velocity of water in the presence of ice and comparison with calculated valuesPages 67-73Christopher D. Seybert, James W. Evans
7.Numerical and experimental study on silica generating counterflow diffusion flamesPages 75-81J.I. Kim, J.Y. Hwang, J. Lee, M. Choi, S.H. Chung
8.Condensation induced non-condensables accumulation in a non-vented vertical pipePages 83-103Vladimir D. Stevanovic, Zoran V. Stosic, Uwe Stoll
9.Identification methods in nonlinear heat conduction. Part I: Model reductionPages 105-118Manuel Girault, Daniel Petit
10.Identification methods in nonlinear heat conduction. Part II: inverse problem using a reduced modelPages 119-133Manuel Girault, Daniel Petit
11.Predicting Marangoni convection caused by transient gas diffusion in liquidsPages 135-144Ka Kheng Tan
12.Convection in modulated thermal gradients and gravity: experimental measurements and numerical simulationsPages
13.Jet impingement on a dimpled surface with different crossflow schemesPages 161-170Koonlaya Kanokjaruvijit, Ricardo F. Martinez-botas
14.An analysis of entropy generation through a circular duct with different shaped longitudinal fins for laminar flowPages 171-181İhsan Dağtekin, Hakan F. Öztop, Ahmet Z. Şahin
15.Statistical optimization of a DC–RF hybrid plasma flow system for in-flight particle treatmentPages 183-190K. Kawajiri, K. Ramachandran, H. Nishiyama
16.Double-diffusive natural convection in an asymmetric trapezoidal enclosure: unsteady behavior in the laminar and the turbulent-flow regimePages 191-209E. Papanicolaou, V. Belessiotis
17.Two-phase phase distribution in a vertical large diameter pipePages 211-225Xiuzhong Shen, Kaichiro Mishima, Hideo Nakamura
18.Laser-induced micro-bubbles in cellsPages 227-234Dmitri Lapotko, Ekaterina Lukianova

Volume 48, Issue 2, Pages 235-459 (January 2005)

1.Convective boiling heat transfer characteristics of CO2 in microchannelsPages
2.An experimental study of heat transfer in oscillating flow through a channel filled with an aluminum foamPages 243-253K.C. Leong, L.W. Jin
3.Effects of pool subcooling on boiling heat transfer in a vertical annulus with closed bottomPages 255-263Myeong-Gie Kang
4.Effects of the liquid polarity and the wall slip on the heat and mass transport characteristics of the micro-scale evaporating transition filmPages 265-278Sang-Kwon Wee, Kenneth D. Kihm, Kevin P. Hallinan
5.Computational modelling of unsaturated flow of liquid in heap leaching—using the results of column tests to calibrate the modelPages 279-292G.A. Sheikhzadeh, M.A. Mehrabian, S.H. Mansouri, A. Sarrafi
6.The heat transfer limit of step-graded metal felt heat pipe wicksPages 293-305Richard R. Williams, Daniel K. Harris
7.An integrated study of dropwise condensation heat transfer on self-assembled organic surfaces through Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy and ellipsometryPages 307-316Guoxin Pang, J. Doug Dale, Daniel Y. Kwok
8.New design equations for liquid/solid fluidized bed heat exchangersPages 317-329M.
9.Combustion of liquid fuel inside inert porous media: an analytical approachPages 331-339Tarun K. Kayal, Mithiles Chakravarty
10.Experimental and large eddy simulation results for the purging of salt water from a cavity by an overflow of fresh waterPages 341-359M.P. Kirkpatrick, S.W. Armfield
11.Hierarchic modeling of heat transfer processes in heat exchangersPages 361-371Andrej Horvat, Borut Mavko
12.Study on the efficiency of effective thermal conductivities on melting characteristics of latent heat storage capsulesPages 373-383Yasuaki Shiina, Terumi Inagaki
13.A borehole temperature during drilling in a fractured rock formationPages 385-394S. Fomin, T. Hashida, V. Chugunov, A.V. Kuznetsov
14.Concentration fields in evaporating dropletsPages 395-402G. Brenn
15.Surprising effects of combined vapour and liquid mass transfer resistances when condensing a mixture outside tube banksPages 403-412Tord Karlsson, Lennart Vamling
16.The influence of the Thomson effect on the performance of a thermoelectric coolerPages 413-418Mei-Jiau Huang, Ruey-Hor Yen, An-Bang Wang
17.Conjugate heat/mass transfer from a circular cylinder with an internal heat/mass source in laminar crossflow at low Reynolds numbersPages 419-424Gh. Juncu
18.Quasi-static bubble formation on submerged orificesPages 425-438D. Gerlach, G. Biswas, F. Durst, V. Kolobaric
19.Numerical prediction of flow and heat transfer in a channel in the presence of a built-in circular tube with and without an integral wake splitterPages 439-453S.
20.Dimensional analysis for Gorter–Mellink counter flow convection in pressurized superfluid heliumPages 455-459Thomas C. Chuang

Volume 48, Issues 3-4, Pages 461-817 (January-February 2005)

1.Two-dimensional model for the double glass naturally ventilated windowPages 461-475K.A.R. Ismail, J.R. Henríquez
2.Numerical modeling of unidirectional stratified flow with and without phase changePages 477-486Y.F. Yap, J.C. Chai, K.C. Toh, T.N. Wong, Y.C. Lam
3.Energy transport and material removal in wide bandgap materials by a femtosecond laser pulsePages 487-499L. Jiang, H.L. Tsai
4.Numerical investigation of ultrashort laser damage in semiconductorsPages 501-509J.K. Chen, D.Y. Tzou, J.E. Beraun
5.Effects of jet-to-disk separation distance on the characteristics of mixed convective vortex flow in an impinging air jet confined in a cylindrical chamberPages 511-525J.C. Hsieh, T.F. Lin
6.Heat sink applications of extruded metal honeycombsPages 527-535B.M. Dempsey, S. Eisele, D.L. McDowell
7.Heat transfer mechanisms in thin film with laser heat sourcePages 537-544Shuichi Torii, Wen-Jei Yang
8.Flow structures and heat transfer of swirling jet impinging on a flat surface with micro-vibrationsPages 545-560Mao-Yu Wen
9.Numerical simulation of conjugate heat and mass transfer process within cylindrical porous media with cylindrical dielectric cores in microwave freeze-dryingPages 561-572Zhi Tao, Hongwei Wu, Guohua Chen, Hongwu Deng
10.Tree-shaped networks with loopsPages
11.Experiments for liquid phase mass transfer rate in annular regime for a small vertical tubePages 585-598Tomio Okawa, Akio Kotani, Isao Kataoka
12.Effects of Hall current and heat transfer on flow due to a pull of eccentric rotating disksPages 599-607S. Asghar, Muhammad R. Mohyuddin, T. Hayat
13.Optimal geometry of L and C-shaped channels for maximum heat transfer rate in natural convectionPages 609-620A.K. da Silva, L. Gosselin
14.The computed characteristics of turbulent flow and convection in concentric circular annuli. Part II. Uniform heating on the inner surfacePages 621-634Bo Yu, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Masayuki Kaneda, Hiroyuki Ozoe, Stuart W. Churchill
15.The computed characteristics of turbulent flow and convection in concentric circular annuli. Part III. Alternative thermal boundary conditionsPages 635-646Bo Yu, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Hiroyuki Ozoe, Stuart W. Churchill
16.Enhancement of forced-convection cooling of multiple heated blocks in a channel using porous coversPages 647-664P.C. Huang, C.F. Yang, J.J. Hwang, M.T. Chiu
17.Non-iterative estimation of heat transfer coefficients using artificial neural network modelsPages 665-679S.S. Sablani, A. Kacimov, J. Perret, A.S. Mujumdar, A. Campo
18.Equilibrium Eulerian approach for predicting the thermal field of a dispersion of small particlesPages 681-689Jim Ferry, S. Balachandar
19.Flow characteristics and heat transfer performances of a semi-confined impinging array of jets: effect of nozzle geometryPages 691-701Bertrand P.E.
20.Investigation of convective heat transfer augmentation using acoustic streaming generated by ultrasonic vibrationsPages 703-718Sinjae Hyun, Dong-Ryul Lee, Byoung-Gook Loh
21.Nonlinear models for mechanical energy production in imperfect generators driven by thermal or solar energyPages
22.Thermodynamic analysis of human heat and mass transfer and their impact on thermal comfortPages 731-739Matjaz Prek
23.Optimal control of forced cool-down processesPages 741-748Viorel Badescu
24.Axial development of interfacial structure of vertical downward bubbly flowPages 749-764Takashi Hibiki, Hiroshi Goda, Seungjin Kim, Mamoru Ishii, Jennifer Uhle
25.A critical investigation into the heat and mass transfer analysis of counterflow wet-cooling towersPages 765-777J.C. Kloppers, D.G. Kröger
26.Laminar natural convection in a vertical stack of parallelogrammic partial enclosures with variable geometryPages 779-792V.A.F. Costa, M.S.A. Oliveira, A.C.M. Sousa
27.Effects of variable properties and non-uniform heating on natural convection flows in vertical channelsPages 793-807J. Hernández, B. Zamora
28.The influence of higher order effects on the linear wave instability of vertical free convective boundary layer flowPages 809-817Manosh C. Paul, D. Andrew S. Rees, Michael Wilson

Volume 48, Issue 5, Pages 819-1037 (February 2005)

1.Heat transfer—a review of 2002 literaturePages 819-927R.J. Goldstein, E.R.G. Eckert, W.E. Ibele, S.V. Patankar, T.W. Simon, T.H. Kuehn, P.J. Strykowski, K.K. Tamma, A. Bar-Cohen, J.V.R. Heberlein, J.H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F.A. Kulacki, U. Kortshagen, S. Garrick, V. Srinivasan
2.Two-phase flow in high-heat-flux micro-channel heat sink for refrigeration cooling applications: Part I––pressure drop characteristicsPages 928-940Jaeseon Lee, Issam Mudawar
3.Two-phase flow in high-heat-flux micro-channel heat sink for refrigeration cooling applications: Part II—heat transfer characteristicsPages 941-955Jaeseon Lee, Issam Mudawar
4.Local turbulent opposing mixed convection heat transfer in inclined flat channel for unstably stratified airflowPages
5.Structural analysis of turbulent transport in a heated drag-reducing channel flow with surfactant additivesPages 965-973Feng-Chen Li, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Koichi Hishida
6.Prediction of thermal contact conductance based on the statistics of the roughness profile characteristicsPages 974-985Jian-Feng Zhao, An-Liang Wang, Chun-Xin Yang
7.Numerical model of evaporative cooling processes in a new type of cooling towerPages 986-999A.S. Kaiser, M. Lucas, A. Viedma, B. Zamora
8.Flow velocities in an experimental kettle reboiler determined by particle image velocimetryPages 1000-1016B.M. Burnside, K.M. Miller, D.A. McNeil, T. Bruce
9.Using magnetic resonance to validate predictions of the solid fraction formed during recalescence of freezing dropsPages 1017-1021J.P. Hindmarsh, D.I. Wilson, M.L. Johns
10.Absolute and convective instabilities in the incompressible boundary layer on a rotating disk with temperature-dependent viscosityPages 1022-1037H.A. Jasmine, J.S.B. Gajjar

Volume 48, Issue 6, Pages 1039-1224 (March 2005)

1.Influence of condensation on the stability of a liquid film moving under the effect of gravity and turbulent vapor flowPages 1039-1052S.P. Aktershev, S.V. Alekseenko
2.Development of a theoretical model for predicting the thermal performance characteristics of a vertical pin-fin array heat sink under combined forced and natural convection with impinging flowPages 1053-1063C.J. Kobus, T. Oshio
3.Magnetic resonance imaging of water freezing in packed beds cooled from belowPages 1064-1075John G. Georgiadis, Mahadevan Ramaswamy
4.Velocity slip and temperature jump coefficients for gaseous mixtures. IV. Temperature jump coefficientPages
5.The effect of the liquid motion induced by air and vapor bubbles on heat transfer around a cylinderPages 1084-1095Mohamed A. Atmane, Darina B. Murray
6.Sudden or smooth transitions in porous media natural convectionPages 1096-1106Johnathan J. Vadasz, Joseph E.A. Roy-Aikins, Peter Vadasz
7.Heat transfer properties of nanoparticle-in-fluid dispersions (nanofluids) in laminar flowPages 1107-1116Ying Yang, Z. George Zhang, Eric A. Grulke, William B. Anderson, Gefei Wu
8.Solution of transport equations on unstructured meshes with cell-centered colocated variables. Part I: DiscretizationPages 1117-1127A.W. Date
9.Solution of transport equations on unstructured meshes with cell-centered colocated variables. Part II: ApplicationsPages 1128-1136S. Pimpalnerkar, M. Kulkarni, A.W. Date
10.Melting and dynamic-surface deformation in laser surface heatingPages 1137-1144Bok-Cheol Sim, Woo-Seung Kim
11.3D modelling of radiative heat transfer in circulating fluidized bed combustors: influence of the particulate compositionPages 1145-1154Yulong Hua, Gilles Flamant, Jidong Lu, Daniel Gauthier
12.The onset of Lapwood–Brinkman convection using a thermal non-equilibrium modelPages 1155-1163M.S.
13.Effects of heat source distribution on natural convection induced by internal heatingPages 1164-1174Yuji Tasaka, Yasushi Takeda
14.Heat and mass transfer in porous media with ice inclusions near the freezing-pointPages 1175-1185V.S. Kolunin
15.Swelling controlled release of drug in spherical polymer-penetrant systemsPages 1186-1194Jenn-Sen Lin, Yu-Lin Peng
16.Food freezing with simultaneous surface dehydration: approximate prediction of weight loss during freezing and storagePages 1195-1204Laura A. Campañone, Viviana O. Salvadori, Rodolfo H. Mascheroni
17.Food freezing with simultaneous surface dehydration: approximate prediction of freezing timePages 1205-1213Laura A. Campañone, Viviana O. Salvadori, Rodolfo H. Mascheroni
18.Thermally developing forced convection in a channel occupied by a porous medium saturated by a non-Newtonian fluidPages 1214-1218D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov
19.Comments on paper “Study on propagative collapse of a vapor film in film boiling (mechanism of vapor-film collapse at wall temperature above the thermodynamic limit of liquid superheat)” by Hiroysu Ohtake and Yasuo Koisumi published in Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 1965–1977Pages 1219-1221S.A. Zhukov
20.Erratum to: “One-dimensional drift-flux model and constitutive equations for relative motion between phases in various two-phase flow regimes” [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 4935–4948]Pages 1222-1223T. Hibiki, M. Ishii
21.Erratum to “Cubical-cavity natural-convection benchmark experiments: an extention” [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 3655–3660]Page 1224M.A.H. Mamun, W.H. Leong, K.G.T. Hollands, D.A. Johnson

Volume 48, Issue 7, Pages 1225-1415 (March 2005)

1.Embedded converging surface microchannels for minimized friction and thermal irreversibilitiesPages 1225-1235G.F. Naterer
2.Convective heat transfer from a partially premixed impinging flame jet. Part I: Time-averaged resultsPages 1236-1251S.G. Tuttle, B.W. Webb, M.Q. McQuay
3.Convective heat transfer from a partially premixed impinging flame jet. Part II: Time-resolved resultsPages 1252-1266S.G. Tuttle, B.W. Webb, M.Q. McQuay
4.Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a vertical channel with buoyancy orthogonal to mean flowPages 1267-1282O.A. El-Samni, H.S. Yoon, H.H. Chun
5.Analysis of a counter-current vapor flow absorberPages 1283-1292Nitin Goel, D. Yogi Goswami
6.Modeling of condensation heat transfer of pure refrigerants in micro-fin tubesPages 1293-1302Louay M. Chamra, Pedro J. Mago, Meng-Onn Tan, Chea-Chun Kung
7.A single-phase, non-isothermal model for PEM fuel cellsPages 1303-1315Hyunchul Ju, Hua Meng, Chao-Yang Wang
8.Emissivity characteristics of polished aluminum alloy surfaces and assessment of multispectral radiation thermometry (MRT) emissivity modelsPages 1316-1329Chang-Da Wen, Issam Mudawar
9.Heat transfer to flow through porous passages using extended weighted residuals method—a Green’s function solutionPages 1330-1349A. Haji-Sheikh, E.M. Sparrow, W.J. Minkowycz
10.On the similarity between gravity and magneto-gravity convection within a non-electroconducting fluid in a differentially heated rectangular cavityPages
11.Natural convection in an enclosure with disconnected and conducting solid blocksPages 1361-1372Ali A. Merrikh, José L. Lage
12.Constructal multi-scale cylinders in cross-flowPages 1373-1383T. Bello-Ochende, A. Bejan
13.Comparing the flow on the bounded and unbounded sides of a platePages 1384-1387D.W. Guillaume, J.C. LaRue
14.Effects of chemical reaction, heat and mass transfer along a wedge with heat source and concentration in the presence of suction or injectionPages 1388-1394R.
15.Development of an algorithm to extract thermal diffusivity for the radial converging wave techniquePages 1395-1402F. Murphy, T. Kehoe, M. Pietralla, R. Winfield, L. Floyd
16.Pressure variation in a natural circulation loop with end heat exchangersPages 1403-1412N.M. Rao, B. Maiti, P.K. Das
17.A. Bejan, I. Dincer, S. Lorente, A.F. Miguel and A.H. Rei, Porous and Complex Flow Structures in Modern Technologies, Springer-Verlag, New York (2004) ISBN 0-387-202250 pp. 396.Pages 1413-1415Ioan Pop

Volume 48, Issue 8, Pages 1417-1647 (April 2005)

1.The influence of higher order effects on the vortex instability of thermal boundary layer flow in a wedge-shaped domainPages 1417-1424Manosh C. Paul, D. Andrew S. Rees, Michael Wilson
2.Single nozzle spray cooling heat transfer mechanismsPages 1425-1438Bohumil Horacek, Kenneth T. Kiger, Jungho Kim
3.Low Reynolds number forced convection in three-dimensional wavy-plate-fin compact channels: fin density effectsPages 1439-1449Raj M. Manglik, Jiehai Zhang, Arun Muley
4.Experimental uncertainty of measured entropy production with pulsed laser PIV and planar laser induced fluorescencePages 1450-1461O.B. Adeyinka, G.F. Naterer
5.Distribution of heat sources in vertical open channels with natural convectionPages 1462-1469A.K. da Silva, G. Lorenzini, A. Bejan
6.Natural convection heat transfer in partially open inclined square cavitiesPages 1470-1479E. Bilgen, H. Oztop
7.Impact of leading edge delta-wing vortex generators on the thermal performance of a flat tube, louvered-fin compact heat exchangerPages 1480-1493A. Joardar, A.M. Jacobi
8.Effect of oscillatory motion on heat transfer at vertical flat surfacesPages 1494-1504H. Gomaa, A.M. Al Taweel
9.Heat transfer from a cylinder in axial turbulent flowsPages 1505-1517Roland Wiberg, Noam Lior
10.An experimental investigation of microchannel flow with internal pressure measurementsPages 1518-1533M.J. Kohl, S.I. Abdel-Khalik, S.M. Jeter, D.L. Sadowski
11.Viscoelastic boundary layer flow and heat transfer over an exponential stretching sheetPages 1534-1542Sujit Kumar Khan, Emmanuel Sanjayanand
12.Analysis of pool boiling heat transfer: effect of bubbles sliding on the heating surfacePages 1543-1553G. Sateesh, Sarit K. Das, A.R. Balakrishnan
13.Heat transport in Stokes’ problem with melting: a two-layer approachPages 1554-1562Arup Mukherjee, John G. Stevens
14.A method to dynamically estimate the diffusion boundary layer from local velocity conditions in laminar flowsPages 1563-1571Fabien Jousse, Thibauld Jongen, Wim Agterof
15.Phase change phenomena in silicon microchannelsPages 1572-1582Lian Zhang, Evelyn N. Wang, Kenneth E. Goodson, Thomas W. Kenny
16.Predictions of flow and heat transfer in multiple impinging jets with an elliptic-blending second-moment closurePages 1583-1598L. Thielen, K. Hanjalić, H. Jonker, R. Manceau
17.Thermoacoustic streaming in a tube with isothermal outer surfacePages 1599-1607G.Q. Lu, P. Cheng
18.Modeling and effect of leakages on heat transfer performance of fixed matrix regeneratorsPages
19.Transient modeling of micro-grooved heat pipePages 1633-1646Balram Suman, Sirshendu De, Sunando DasGupta
20.Third M.I.T. conference on computational fluid and solid mechanicsPage 1647

Volume 48, Issue 9, Pages 1649-1882 (April 2005)

1.On heat transfer in gas–solid pipe flows: Effects of collision induced alterations of the flow dynamicsPages 1649-1661V. Chagras, B. Oesterlé, P. Boulet
2.Microscale heat transfer enhancement using thermal boundary layer redeveloping conceptPages 1662-1674J.L. Xu, Y.H. Gan, D.C. Zhang, X.H. Li
3.Freeze-drying of pharmaceuticals in vials on trays: effects of drying chamber wall temperature and tray side on lyophilization performancePages 1675-1687K.H. Gan, R. Bruttini, O.K. Crosser, A.I. Liapis
4.Investigation of heat transfer in rectangular microchannelsPages 1688-1704Poh-Seng Lee, Suresh V. Garimella, Dong Liu
5.Simulation of mass transfer from an oscillating microdropletPages 1705-1715Guoqiang Guan, Jiahua Zhu, Sulan Xia, Zhaohua Feng, E. James Davis
6.Fluid flow and mass transfer modelling in lysozyme ultrafiltrationPages 1716-1726Vítor
7.Heat transfer characteristics of an array of impinging pre-mixed slot flame jetsPages 1727-1738L.C. Kwok, C.W. Leung, C.S. Cheung
8.Analysis of flexible microchannel heat sink systemsPages 1739-1746K. Vafai, A.-R.A. Khaled
9.The thermal efficiency of near-wall gas-droplets screens. Part I. Numerical modelingPages 1747-1759V.I. Terekhov, M.A. Pakhomov
10.Thermal efficiency of near-wall gas-droplet screens II. Experimental study and comparison with numerical resultsPages 1760-1771V.I. Terekhov, M.A. Pakhomov, K.A. Sharov, N.E. Shishkin
11.Laminar mixed convection heat and mass transfer in vertical rectangular ducts with film evaporation and condensationPages 1772-1784Chien-Chang Huang, Wei-Mon Yan, Jer-Huan Jang
12.Preparation of psychrometric charts for water vapour in Martian atmospherePages 1785-1796David C. Shallcross
13.The field synergy (coordination) principle and its applications in enhancing single phase convective heat transferPages
14.Gas bubble dynamics—experiment and fractal analysisPages 1808-1818J.T. Cieslinski, R. Mosdorf
15.A decomposition solution for fins with temperature dependent surface heat fluxPages 1819-1824Min-Hsing Chang
16.Calculation of dry out and post-dry out heat transfer in rod bundles using a three field modelPages 1825-1839Sreenivas Jayanti, Michel Valette
17.Free convection in a wavy cavity filled with a porous mediumPages 1840-1850Aydin Misirlioglu, A. Cihat Baytas, Ioan Pop
18.Heuristics as an alternative to variational calculus for optimization of a class of thermal insulation systemsPages 1851-1857A.K. Pramanick, P.K. Das
19.Three-dimensional numerical computation for magnetic convection of air inside a cylinder heated and cooled isothermally from a side wallPages 1858-1867P. Filar, E. Fornalik, M. Kaneda, T. Tagawa, H. Ozoe, J.S. Szmyd
20.Droplet vaporization model in the presence of thermal radiationPages 1868-1873B. Abramzon, S. Sazhin
21.Solution of the Graetz–Brinkman problem with the Laplace transform Galerkin methodPages 1874-1882Peter P. Valkó

Volume 48, Issue 10, Pages 1883-2116 (May 2005)

1.Large eddy simulation of stably stratified turbulent open channel flows with low- to high-Prandtl numberPages 1883-1897Lei Wang, Xi-Yun Lu
2.Convective heat and solute transfer in partially porous cavitiesPages 1898-1908D. Gobin, B. Goyeau, A. Neculae
3.Local analysis of heat transfer inside corrugated channelPages 1909-1915M. Gradeck, B. Hoareau, M. Lebouché
4.Heat transfer augmentation in 3D internally finned and microfinned helical tubePages 1916-1925Longjian Li, Wenzhi Cui, Quan Liao, Xin Mingdao, Tien-Chien Jen, Qinghua Chen
5.An experimental study on local interfacial area concentration using a double-sensor probePages 1926-1935Dongjian Zhao, Liejin Guo, Changzhi Lin, Ximin Zhang
6.Transient natural convection of micropolar fluids between concentric and vertically eccentric spheresPages 1936-1951Wen Ruey Chen
7.Three-dimensional thermocapillary-buoyancy flow in a shallow molten silicon pool with Cz configurationPages 1952-1960You-Rong Li, Xiao-Jun Quan, Lan Peng, Nobuyuki Imaishi, Shuang-Ying Wu, Dan-Ling Zeng
8.CFD analysis and experimental investigations towards optimizing the parameters of Ranque–Hilsch vortex tubePages 1961-1973Upendra Behera, P.J. Paul, S. Kasthurirengan, R. Karunanithi, S.N. Ram, K. Dinesh, S. Jacob
9.Note on constructal theory of organization in naturePages 1974-1981A.K. Pramanick, P.K. Das
10.Fluid flow in micro-channelsPages 1982-1998G. Hetsroni, A. Mosyak, E. Pogrebnyak, L.P. Yarin
11.Heat transfer model of semi-transparent ceramics undergoing laser-assisted machiningPages 1999-2012Frank E. Pfefferkorn, Frank P. Incropera, Yung C. Shin
12.An alternative two-equation turbulent heat diffusivity closurePages 2013-2022Michał Karcz, Janusz Badur
13.Thermal property measurement of thin aluminum oxide layers for giant magnetoresistive (GMR) head applicationsPages 2023-2031Bahareh Behkam, Yizhang Yang, Mehdi Asheghi
14.Observations of high temperature impinging-jet boiling phenomenaPages 2032-2041Peter Lloyd Woodfield, Masanori Monde, Aloke Kumar Mozumder
15.On the existence of parallel flow for mixed convection in an inclined ductPages 2042-2049A. Barletta
16.Effects of ridged walls on the heat transfer in a heated square ductPages 2050-2063M. Salinas Vázquez, W. Vicente Rodríguez, R. Issa
17.Momentum functions and momentum lines for fluid flow visualization and analysisPages 2064-2078V.A.F. Costa
18.Average temperature of the rotor of high-speed rotating heat exchanger during the period of thermal start-upPages 2079-2089Joanna Wilk
19.Effect of variations in thermophysical properties and design parameters on the performance of a V-shaped micro grooved heat pipePages 2090-2101Balram Suman, Nazish Hoda
20.Heat and mass transfer characteristics of a helical absorber using LiBr and LiBr + LiI + LiNO3 + LiCl solutionsPages 2102-2109Jung-In Yoon, Oh-Kyung Kwon, Choon-Geon Moon, Ho-Saeng Lee, Pradeep Bansal
21.Remarkable improvement of the Lévêque solution for isoflux heating with a combination of the transversal method of lines (TMOL) and a computer-extended Fröbenius power seriesPages

Volume 48, Issue 11, Pages 2117-2349 (May 2005)

1.Mixed convection heat transfer enhancement through film evaporation in inclined square ductsPages 2117-2125Jer-Huan Jang, Wei-Mon Yan, Chien-Chang Huang
2.Optimal design of heat exchangers using the progressive quadratic response surface modelPages 2126-2139Kyoungwoo Park, Seungjae Moon
3.A fixed-grid approach for diffusion- and reaction-controlled wet chemical etchingPages 2140-2149P. Rath, J.C. Chai, H. Zheng, Y.C. Lam, V.M. Murukeshan, H. Zhu
4.Thermal conductivity bounds for isotropic, porous materialsPages 2150-2158James K. Carson, Simon J. Lovatt, David J. Tanner, Andrew C. Cleland
5.Minimum pumping power fluid tree networks without a priori flow regime assumptionPages 2159-2171Louis Gosselin
6.Heat transfer enhancement through control of thermal dispersion effectsPages 2172-2185A.-R.A. Khaled, K. Vafai
7.Condensation flow patterns in silicon microchannelsPages 2186-2197H.Y. Wu, P. Cheng
8.The effect of sheath on plasma momentum transport to an electrically biased surfacePages 2198-2208F.B. Yeh, P.S. Wei
9.Momentum and mass transfer on sandpaper-roughened surfaces in pipe flowPages 2209-2218Saimir A. Lolja
10.Heat, mass and momentum transport behaviors in directionally solidifying blade-like castings in different electromagnetic fields described using a continuum modelPages 2219-2232Daming Xu, Yunfeng Bai, Hengzhi Fu, Jingjie Guo
11.Comparison of the solutions of a phase-lagging heat transport equation and damped wave equationPages 2233-2241S. Su, W. Dai, P.M. Jordan, R.E. Mickens
12.CHF characteristics of R-134a flowing upward in uniformly heated vertical tubePages 2242-2249Chang Ho Kim, Soon Heung Chang
13.Spray flames in a one-dimensional duct of varying cross-sectional areaPages 2250-2259Chih-Hsin Tsai, Shuhn-Shyurng Hou, Ta-Hui Lin
14.Finite element solution of radiative transfer across a slab with variable spatial refractive indexPages 2260-2265L.H. Liu
15.Thermal analysis of a longitudinal fin with variable thermal properties by recursive formulationPages 2266-2277Hong-Sen Kou, Ji-Jen Lee, Chi-Yuan Lai
16.Weakly non linear convection in a shallow horizontal cavity under uniform crossed heat fluxesPages 2278-2289Michel Prud’homme, Habiba Bougherara
17.Admixture mass transfer in a body with horizontally periodical structurePages 2290-2298Olha Chernukha
18.Apparatus for investigation of evaporation at free liquid–vapour interfacesPages 2299-2309S. Popov, A. Melling, F. Durst, C.A. Ward
19.Pool boiling heat transfer of propane, isobutane and their mixtures on enhanced tubes with reentrant channelsPages 2310-2322Yuming Chen, Manfred Groll, Rainer Mertz, Rudi Kulenovic
20.Free convective mass transfer at circular thin disk electrodes with varying inclinationPages
21.Thermodynamics of natural convection in enclosures with viscous dissipationPages 2333-2341V.A.F. Costa
22.Two-phase slug flow across small diameter tubes with the presence of vertical return bendPages 2342-2346Chi-Chuan Wang, Ing Youn Chen, Pi-Shan Huang
23.Letter to the EditorPages 2347-2348Nawaf H. Saeid
24.Author’s responsePage 2349Xin-Rong Zhang

Volume 48, Issue 12, Pages 2351-2581 (June 2005)

1.Evaporating heat transfer and pressure drop of hydrocarbon refrigerants in 9.52 and 12.70 mm smooth tubePages 2351-2359H.S. Lee, J.I. Yoon, J.D. Kim, Pradeep Bansal
2.Convective heat transfer characteristics of electro-osmotically generated flow in microtubes at high wall potentialPages 2360-2371B.C. Liechty, B.W. Webb, R.D. Maynes
3.Dendritic growth in Al–Si alloys during brazing. Part 1: Experimental evidence and kineticsPages 2372-2384D.P. Sekulic, P.K. Galenko, M.D. Krivilyov, L. Walker, F. Gao
4.Dendritic growth in Al–Si alloys during brazing. Part 2: Computational modelingPages 2385-2396D.P. Sekulic, P.K. Galenko, M.D. Krivilyov, L. Walker, F. Gao
5.Relativistic heat conductionPages 2397-2406Y.M. Ali, L.C. Zhang
6.Boiling heat transfer performance and phenomena of Al2O3–water nano-fluids from a plain surface in a poolPages 2407-2419In Cheol Bang, Soon Heung Chang
7.Experimental study of impinging heat transfer along rib-roughened walls by using transient liquid crystal techniquePages 2420-2428W.M. Yan, H.C. Liu, C.Y. Soong, W.-J. Yang
8.Time and space resolved wall temperature and heat flux measurements during nucleate boiling with constant heat flux boundary conditionsPages 2429-2442Jerry G. Myers, Vamsee K. Yerramilli, Sam W. Hussey, Glenda F. Yee, Jungho Kim
9.Mesoscale simulation of ferrofluid structurePages
10.Natural convection in metal foams with open cellsPages 2452-2463C.Y. Zhao, T.J. Lu, H.P. Hodson
11.Sorption heat pipe—a new thermal control device for space and ground applicationPages 2464-2472L. Vasiliev, L. Vasiliev Jr.
12.Experimental study of heat transfer in oscillating flowPages 2473-2482Pascale Bouvier, Pascal Stouffs, Jean-Pierre Bardon
13.Predictions of heat transfer coefficients of supercritical carbon dioxide using the overlapped type of local neural networkPages 2483-2492Junghui Chen, Kuan-Po Wang, Ming-Tsai Liang
14.A simple design of fins for boiling heat transferPages 2493-2502Shih-Pin Liaw, Rong-Hua Yeh, Wen-Tong Yeh
15.Measurement of CO2 solubility in pure water and the pressure effect on it in the presence of clathrate hydratePages 2503-2507Satoshi Someya, Shigeru
16.DeLIF measurement of pH distribution around dissolving CO2 droplet in high pressure vesselPages 2508-2515Satoshi Someya, Shigeru Bando, Yongchen Song, Baixin Chen, Masahiro Nishio
17.Visualization and mechanisms of pool boiling of propane, isobutane and their mixtures on enhanced tubes with reentrant channelsPages 2516-2528Yuming Chen, Manfred Groll, Rainer Mertz, Rudi Kulenovic
18.A new branch of solutions of boundary-layer flows over an impermeable stretched platePages 2529-2539Shijun Liao
19.Determination of liquid–solid mass transfer coefficients for a spinning disc reactor using a limiting current techniquePages 2540-2547J.R. Burns, R.J.J. Jachuck
20.Entropy generation in conduits filled with porous medium totally and partiallyPages 2548-2560T.V. Morosuk
21.Improvement of a thermal energy storage using plates with paraffin–graphite compositePages 2561-2570José M. Marín, Belén Zalba, Luisa F. Cabeza, Harald Mehling
22.MHD effect on flow structures and heat transfer characteristics of liquid metal–gas annular flow in a vertical pipePages 2571-2581Feng-Chen Li, Tomoaki Kunugi, Akimi Serizawa

Volume 48, Issue 13, Pages 2583-2813 (June 2005)

1.Study on the transient characteristics of the sensor tube of a thermal mass flow meterPages 2583-2592Il Young Han, Dong-Kwon Kim, Sung Jin Kim
2.Explosive vapor bubble growth in uniformly superheated liquids: R-113 and mercuryPages 2593-2600Ho Sung Lee, Herman Merte Jr.
3.Enhancement of oxygen transfer in liquid lead and lead–bismuth eutectic by natural convectionPages 2601-2612Jian Ma, Peng Guo, Jinsuo Zhang, Ning Li, Bingmei M. Fu
4.Efficient defrosting of an inclined flat surfacePages 2613-2624Subrata Roy, Haribalan Kumar, Richard Anderson
5.Analysis of surface roughness effects on heat transfer in micro-conduitsPages 2625-2634J. Koo, C. Kleinstreuer
6.Analysis of pulsating heat pipe with capillary wick and varying channel diameterPages 2635-2651Brian Holley, Amir Faghri
7.Laminar nanofluid flow in microheat-sinksPages 2652-2661J. Koo, C. Kleinstreuer
8.Constructal multi-scale structures with asymmetric heat sources of finite thicknessPages 2662-2672A.K. da Silva, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
9.Heat transfer enhancement in nano-fluids suspensions: Possible mechanisms and explanationsPages 2673-2683Johnathan J. Vadasz, Saneshan Govender, Peter Vadasz
10.Predicting the thermal performance characteristics of staggered vertical pin fin array heat sinks under combined mode radiation and mixed convection with impinging flowPages 2684-2696C.J. Kobus, T. Oshio
11.Prediction of heat transfer coefficient on the fin inside one-tube plate finned-tube heat exchangersPages 2697-2707Han-Taw Chen, Jen-Pin Song, Yi-Tong Wang
12.Unsteady turbulent heat transfer of mixed convection in a reciprocating circular ribbed channelPages 2708-2721Horng-Wen Wu, Chin-Teck Lau
13.Heat and mass transfer predictions of the early contact of a liquid metal on an intensely cooled moving substratePages 2722-2734A.G. Gerber
14.Taylor diffusion in time-dependent flowPages 2735-2740Karim Azer
15.Relativistic moving heat sourcePages 2741-2758Y.M. Ali, L.C. Zhang
16.Method to improve geometry for heat transfer enhancement in PCM composite heat sinksPages 2759-2770R. Akhilesh, Arunn Narasimhan, C. Balaji
17.Transient laminar compressible boundary layers over a permeable circular cone near a plane of symmetryPages 2771-2778M. Kumari, G. Nath
18.Heat and mass transfer coefficients of falling-film absorption processPages 2779-2786Isamu Fujita, Eiji Hihara
19.Permeability of fractal porous media by Monte Carlo simulationsPages 2787-2794Boming Yu, Mingqing Zou, Yongjin Feng
20.Effects of outer tube length on saturated pool boiling heat transfer in a vertical annulus with closed bottomsPages 2795-2800Myeong-Gie Kang
21.Heat transfer in an evaporating thin liquid film moving slowly along the walls of an inclined microchannelPages 2801-2805Suman Chakraborty, S.K. Som
22.Influence of channel height on heat transfer augmentation in rectangular channels with two opposite rib-roughened wallsPages 2806-2813Shyy Woei Chang, Tong-Miin Liou, Wei-Chen Juan

Volume 48, Issue 14, Pages 2815-3033 (July 2005)

1.Dimensionless and analytical studies of the thermal stability of a high temperature superconducting tubePages 2815-2821J. Lévêque, A. Rezzoug
2.Lack of oscillations in Dual-Phase-Lagging heat conduction for a porous slab subject to imposed heat flux and temperaturePages 2822-2828Peter Vadasz
3.The near wall behavior of an impinging jetPages 2829-2840Danielle R.S. Guerra, Jian Su, Atila P. Silva Freire
4.Influence of number of simulated particles on DSMC modeling of micro-scale Rayleigh–Bénard flowsPages 2841-2855Pei-Yuan Tzeng, Ming-Ho Liu
5.Mechanically aspirated radiation shields: A CFD and neural network design analysisPages 2856-2867R.L. Mahajan, B.M. Fichera, T.W. Horst
6.Critical heat flux performance for flow boiling of R-134a in vertical uniformly heated smooth tube and rifled tubesPages 2868-2877Chang Ho Kim, In Cheol Bang, Soon Heung Chang
7.Transient rotating flow over a moving surface with a magnetic fieldPages 2878-2885M. Kumari, G. Nath
8.Geometrical and flow configurations for enhanced microcantilever detection within a fluidic cellPages 2886-2895K. Khanafer, K. Vafai
9.Conjugate forced convection heat transfer from a flat plate by laminar plane wall jet flowPages
10.The effect on pressure drop across horizontal pipe and control valve for air/palm oil two-phase flowPages 2911-2921R. Rani Hemamalini, P. Partheeban, J. Sarat Chandrababu, S. Sundaram
11.Dynamical cooling of semiconductor by contact layerPages 2922-2925Zygmunt Lipnicki, Fabian Król
12.Effect of interfacial nanolayer on the effective thermal conductivity of nanoparticle-fluid mixturePages 2926-2932Huaqing Xie, Motoo Fujii, Xing Zhang
13.Experimental studies on transient features of natural convection in particles suspensionsPages
14.Conduction and entrance effects on laminar liquid flow and heat transfer in rectangular microchannelsPages 2943-2954Gabriel Gamrat, Michel Favre-Marinet, Dariusz Asendrych
15.Investigation of flow boiling in horizontal tubes: Part I—A new diabatic two-phase flow pattern mapPages 2955-2969Leszek Wojtan, Thierry Ursenbacher, John R. Thome
16.Investigation of flow boiling in horizontal tubes: Part II—Development of a new heat transfer model for stratified-wavy, dryout and mist flow regimesPages 2970-2985Leszek Wojtan, Thierry Ursenbacher, John R. Thome
17.Laminar natural convection in an inclined complicated cavity with spatially variable wall temperaturePages
18.Measurement and correlation of hydraulic resistance of flow through woven metal screensPages 3008-3017W.T. Wu, J.F. Liu, W.J. Li, W.H. Hsieh
19.Two-dimensional thermal analysis of a polygonal fin with two tubes on a square pitchPages 3018-3033L. Marin, L. Elliott, P.J. Heggs, D.B. Ingham, D. Lesnic, X. Wen

Volume 48, Issue 15, Pages 3035-3260 (July 2005)

1.Numerical simulation data for assessment of particle-laden turbulent flow modelsPages 3035-3046K.
2.Universal solutions for the streamwise variation of the temperature of a moving sheet in the presence of a moving fluidPages 3047-3056Ephraim M. Sparrow, John P. Abraham
3.The computed characteristics of turbulent flow and convection in concentric circular annuli. Part IV: GeneralizationsPages 3057-3072Bo Yu, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Hiroyuki Ozoe, Stuart W. Churchill
4.Thermofluid characteristics of frosted finned-tube heat exchangersPages 3073-3080Wei-Mon Yan, Hung-Yi Li, Yeong-Ley Tsay
5.Mechanical nonequilibrium considerations in homogeneous bubble nucleation for unsteady-state boilingPages
6.Transient buoyant convection of air in an enclosure under strong magnetic effectPages 3097-3106Seung Ho Lee, Jae Min Hyun
7.Flow boiling CHF in microgravityPages 3107-3118Hui Zhang, Issam Mudawar, Mohammad M. Hasan
8.Constructal design of forced convection cooled microchannel heat sinks and heat exchangersPages 3119-3127Y.S. Muzychka
9.Bifurcated three-dimensional forced convection in plane symmetric sudden expansionPages 3128-3139M. Thiruvengadam, J.H. Nie, B.F. Armaly
10.A semi-empirical model for estimating permeability and inertial coefficient of pin-fin heat sinksPages 3140-3150Tzer-Ming Jeng, Sheng-Chung Tzeng
11.Ventilation rates of micro-climate air annulus of the clothing-skin system under periodic motionPages 3151-3166N. Ghaddar, K. Ghali, J. Harathani, E. Jaroudi
12.Spray impingement cooling with single- and multiple-nozzle arrays. Part I: Heat transfer data using FC-72Pages 3167-3175A.G. Pautsch, T.A. Shedd
13.Spray impingement cooling with single- and multiple-nozzle arrays. Part II: Visualization and empirical modelsPages 3176-3184T.A. Shedd, A.G. Pautsch
14.Dynamic performance of a natural circulation loop with end heat exchangers under different excitationsPages 3185-3196N.M. Rao, B. Maiti, P.K. Das
15.Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in two-dimensional minichannelsPages 3197-3211Sylvain Reynaud, François Debray, Jean-Pierre Franc, Thierry Maitre
16.Study of direct contact melting with hydrocarbon mixtures as the PCMPages 3212-3220Hiroyuki Kumano, Akio Saito, Seiji Okawa, Kazunari Takeda, Atsuko Okuda
17.Direct contact melting with asymmetric loadPages 3221-3230Hiroyuki Kumano, Akio Saito, Seiji Okawa, Yuichi Yamada
18.Transient response of plate heat exchangers considering effect of flow maldistributionPages 3231-3243N. Srihari, B. Prabhakara Rao, Bengt Sunden, Sarit K. Das
19.Comparison of dynamic performance for direct and fluid coupled indirect heat exchange systemsPages 3244-3252N.M. Rao, B. Maiti, P.K. Das
20.Effects of natural convection on the characteristics of a long laminar argon plasma jet issuing horizontally into ambient airPages 3253-3255Dong-Yan Xu, Xi Chen, Wenxia Pan
21.Mass transfer in plane and square ductsPages 3256-3260S.B. Beale

Volume 48, Issue 16, Pages 3261-3483 (July 2005)

1.Heat and mass transfer of combusting monodisperse droplets in a linear streamPages 3261-3275G. Castanet, M. Lebouché, F. Lemoine
2.Effect of dilute and dense phase operating conditions on bed-to-wall heat transfer mechanism in a circulating fluidized bed combustorPages 3276-3283G. Nirmal Vijay, B.V. Reddy
3.Thermal contact resistance at low contact pressure: Effect of elastic deformationPages 3284-3293Majid
4.Effects of thermal spot configurations on the flow through porous media driven by natural and forced convectionPages 3294-3307R.A. Bortolozzi, J.A. Deiber
5.A numerical study of natural convection in a horizontal enclosure with a conducting bodyPages 3308-3318Jae Ryong Lee, Man Yeong Ha
6.Measuring and modeling vapor boundary layer growth during transient diffusion heat and moisture transfer in cellulose insulationPages 3319-3330Stephen O. Olutimayin, Carey J. Simonson
7.Field synergy optimization and enhanced heat transfer by multi-longitudinal vortexes flow in tubePages 3331-3337Ji-An Meng, Xin-Gang Liang, Zhi-Xin Li
8.High speed flow visualization of a closed loop pulsating heat pipePages 3338-3351J.L. Xu, Y.X. Li, T.N. Wong
9.Gas–liquid mass transfer in a cross-flow hollow fiber module: Analytical model and experimental validationPages 3352-3362V.Y. Dindore, G.F. Versteeg
10.Features of convective heat transfer in heated helium channel flowPages 3363-3380S. Gordeev, V. Heinzel, V. Slobodtchouk
11.Theoretical study on impingement heat transfer with single-phase free-surface slot jetsPages 3381-3386Y.C. Chen, C.F. Ma, M. Qin, Y.X. Li
12.Ablation of carbon-based materials: Investigation of roughness set-up from heterogeneous reactionsPages 3387-3401Georges Duffa, Gérard L. Vignoles, Jean-Marc Goyhénèche, Yvan Aspa
13.Sensitivity study for the mass transfer at a single dropletPages 3402-3410A.R. Paschedag, W.H. Piarah, M. Kraume
14.Investigation of mixing mechanisms and energy balance in reactive extrusion using three-dimensional numerical simulation methodPages 3411-3422Linjie Zhu, Kwabena A. Narh, Kun S. Hyun
15.Modelling of radiation transfer in metallic powders at laser treatmentPages 3423-3434A.V. Gusarov, J.-P. Kruth
16.Exact solutions for a longitudinal steady mixed convection flow over a permeable vertical thin cylinder in a porous mediumPages 3435-3442E. Magyari, I. Pop, B. Keller
17.MHD natural convection in a laterally and volumetrically heated square cavityPages 3443-3453I.E. Sarris, S.C. Kakarantzas, A.P. Grecos, N.S. Vlachos
18.Note on the mechanism of interfacial mass transfer of absorption processesPages 3454-3460Youguang Ma, Guocong Yu, Huai Z. Li
19.Behavior of thermal plumes from two-heat sources in an enclosurePages 3461-3468Koichi Ichimiya, Hideyuki Saiki
20.Experimental thermomechanic study of Newtonian and non-Newtonian suspension flowsPages 3469-3477M. Gradeck, B.F.Z. Fagla, C. Baravian, M. Lebouché
21.Erratum to “Validation of the use of heat transfer models in liquid/solid fluidized beds for ice slurry generation” [International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (2003) 3683–3695]Pages 3478-3483P. Pronk, J.W. Meewisse, C.A. Infante Ferreira

Volume 48, Issue 17, Pages 3485-3712 (August 2005)

1.A scaling analysis to characterize thermomagnetic convectionPages 3485-3492Achintya Mukhopadhyay, Ranjan Ganguly, Swarnendu Sen, Ishwar K. Puri
2.Natural convection in cavities with a thin fin on the hot wallPages 3493-3505E. Bilgen
3.Estimation of the periodic thermal conditions on the non-Fourier fin problemPages 3506-3515Ching-yu Yang
4.Molecular dynamics simulation of a thin water layer evaporation and evaporation coefficientPages 3516-3526T.H. Yang, Chin Pan
5.Thermal and flow behavior of ice slurries in a vertical rectangular channel. Part I: Local distribution measurements in adiabatic flowPages 3527-3543E. Stamatiou, M. Kawaji
6.Thermal and flow behavior of ice slurries in a vertical rectangular channel—Part II. Forced convective melting heat transferPages 3544-3559E. Stamatiou, M. Kawaji
7.Optimization of a thermal manufacturing process: Drawing of optical fibersPages 3560-3573Xu Cheng, Yogesh Jaluria
8.Effect of a swirling ladle shroud on fluid flow and mass transfer in a water model of a tundishPages 3574-3590G. Solorio-Díaz, R.D. Morales, A. Ramos-Banderas
9.Stability of an oscillatory shear flow in a differentially heated vertical channelPages 3591-3603Y.C. Chen
10.Soot graphitic order in laminar diffusion flames and a large-scale JP-8 pool firePages 3604-3614Christopher R. Shaddix, Árpád B. Palotás, Constantine M. Megaridis, Mun Y. Choi, Nancy Y.C. Yang
11.Forced convective heat transfer across a pin fin micro heat sinkPages 3615-3627Yoav Peles, Ali Koşar, Chandan Mishra, Chih-Jung Kuo, Brandon Schneider
12.The creeping flow of a polymeric fluid through bent square ducts with heat dissipationPages 3628-3636G.H. Wu
13.Viscous heating in liquid flows in micro-channelsPages 3637-3647Gian Luca Morini
14.Application of the lattice Boltzmann method for solving the energy equation of a 2-D transient conduction–radiation problemPages 3648-3659Subhash C. Mishra, Anjaneyulu Lankadasu, Kamen N. Beronov
15.Correlating equations for free convection heat transfer from horizontal isothermal cylinders set in a vertical arrayPages 3660-3673Massimo Corcione
16.Modeling of transport phenomena in continuous casting of non-dendritic billetsPages 3674-3688Arvind Kumar, Pradip Dutta
17.Numerical investigation of a PCM-based heat sink with internal finsPages 3689-3706V. Shatikian, G. Ziskind, R. Letan
18.Heat transfer due to supersonic flow impingement on a vertical platePages 3707-3712V. Ramanujachari, S. Vijaykant, R.D. Roy, P.M. Ghanegaonkar

Volume 48, Issue 18, Pages 3713-3890 (August 2005)

1.Thermal model of the MUPUS penetratorPages 3713-3721K. Seweryn, M. Banaszkiewicz, M. Grunwald, J. Grygorczuk, T. Spohn
2.Heat and mass fluxes across density interfaces in a grid-generated turbulencePages 3722-3735Y. Zellouf, P. Dupont, H. Peerhossaini
3.Enhanced saturation and subcooled boiling of FC-72 dielectric liquidPages 3736-3752Jack L. Parker, Mohamed S. El-Genk
4.Enhanced food sterilization through inclination of the container walls and geometry modificationsPages 3753-3762Mahesh N. Varma, A. Kannan
5.Enhancement of boiling heat transfer in a 5 × 3 tube bundlePages 3763-3772Akhilesh Gupta
6.Thermoacoustics and related oscillatory heat and fluid flows in micro heat exchangersPages 3773-3792Philippe Nika, Yannick Bailly, François Guermeur
7.Metal foam heat sink for transmission windowPages 3793-3803G. Hetsroni, M. Gurevich, R. Rozenblit
8.Experimental study on condensation heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop penalty factors in four microfin tubesPages 3804-3816D. Han, Kyu-Jung Lee
9.Design of a novel, intensified heat exchanger for reduced fouling ratesPages 3817-3832D. Bouris, E. Konstantinidis, S. Balabani, D. Castiglia, G. Bergeles
10.Laminar natural convection in an inclined complicated cavity with spatially variable wall temperaturePages
11.Periodic free convection from a vertical plate in a saturated porous medium, non-equilibrium modelPages 3855-3863Nawaf H. Saeid, Abdulmajeed A. Mohamad
12.Numerical prediction of turbulent convective heat transfer in mini/micro channels for carbon dioxide at supercritical pressurePages 3864-3879Pietro Asinari
13.A new approach for thermal performance calculation of cross-flow heat exchangersPages 3880-3888Hélio Aparecido Navarro, Luben Cabezas-Gómez
14.Corrigendum to “Experimental uncertainty of measured entropy production with pulsed laser PIV and planar laser induced fluorescence” [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 48 (2005) 1450–1461]Page 3889O.B. Adeyinka, G.F. Naterer

Volume 48, Issues 19-20, Pages 3891-4286 (September 2005)

1.Challenges and opportunities of thermal management issues related to fuel cell technology and modelingPages 3891-3920Amir Faghri, Zhen Guo
2.Heat transfer of rectangular narrow channel with two opposite scale-roughened wallsPages 3921-3931Shyy Woei Chang, Tong-Miin Liou, Ming Hsin Lu
3.Analysis of melting and resolidification in a two-component metal powder bed subjected to temporal Gaussian heat fluxPages 3932-3944Chad Konrad, Yuwen Zhang, Bin Xiao
4.Microfluidic exergy loss in a non-polarized thermomagnetic fieldPages 3945-3956G.F. Naterer, O.B. Adeyinka
5.Numerical analysis of heat transfer in pulsating turbulent flow in a pipePages 3957-3970Xuefeng Wang, Nengli Zhang
6.Estimation of unknown outer-wall heat flux in turbulent circular pipe flow with conduction in the pipe wallPages 3971-3981Cha’o-Kuang Chen, Li-Wen Wu, Yue-Tzu Yang
7.Effects of rotation on natural convection cooling from three rows of heat sources in a rectangular cavityPages 3982-3994L.F. Jin, K.W. Tou, C.P. Tso
8.Developing fluid flow and heat transfer in a channel partially filled with porous mediumPages 3995-4009Tien-Chien Jen, T.Z. Yan
9.Free convection in a liquid-encapsulated molten semiconductor in a vertical magnetic fieldPages 4010-4018Mei Yang, Nancy Ma
10.Three-dimensional numerical simulation of an inclined jet with cross-flowPages 4019-4027Yue-Tzu Yang, Yong-Xun Wang
11.Design of thermoelectric heat pump unit for active building envelope systemsPages 4028-4040Ritesh A. Khire, Achille Messac, Steven Van Dessel
12.Coalescence of colliding van der Waals liquid dropsPages 4041-4061Yasmin Meleán, Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti
13.Momentum and heat transfer in a turbulent cylinder wake behind a streamwise oscillating cylinderPages 4062-4072G. Xu, Y. Zhou
14.Measurement and modeling of single-phase and flow-boiling heat transfer in microtubesPages 4073-4089S. Grohmann
15.An analytical study of heat transfer in a finite tissue region with two blood vessels and general Dirichlet boundary conditionsPages 4090-4102Devashish Shrivastava, Robert Roemer
16.Parameters estimation and measurement of thermophysical properties of liquidsPages 4103-4120Benjamin Remy, Alain Degiovanni
17.Experimental study of thermal stratification in ventilated confined spacesPages 4121-4131Abdelhakim Bouzinaoui, Paul Vallette, Fabrice Lemoine, Jean Raymond Fontaine, René Devienne
18.A foam ablation model for lost foam casting of aluminumPages 4132-4149M.R. Barone, D.A. Caulk
19.Mixed convection from two thermal sources in a vertical porous layerPages 4150-4160Nawaf H. Saeid, Ioan Pop
20.A wall heat transfer model for subcooled boiling flowPages 4161-4173Helfried Steiner, Alexander Kobor, Ludwig Gebhard
21.On the control of solidification using magnetic fields and magnetic field gradientsPages 4174-4189Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, Nicholas Zabaras
22.Flow pulsation and baffle’s effects on the opposing mixed convection in a vertical channelPages
23.Transient performance of an autothermal reformer—A 2-D modeling approachPages 4205-4214S.H. Chan, D.L. Hoang, O.L. Ding
24.New approaches to numerical modelling of droplet transient heating and evaporationPages 4215-4228S.S. Sazhin, W.A. Abdelghaffar, P.A. Krutitskii, E.M. Sazhina, M.R. Heikal
25.Numerical simulation of virus diffusion in facemask during breathing cyclesPages 4229-4242Li Yi, Li Fengzhi, Zhu Qingyong
26.Contribution of vortex structures and flow separation to local and overall pressure and heat transfer characteristics in an ultralightweight lattice materialPages 4243-4264T. Kim, H.P. Hodson, T.J. Lu
27.Mass transfer relations for transpiration evaporation experimentsPages 4265-4281Hans van Limpt, Ruud Beerkens, Adriaan Lankhorst, Andries Habraken
28.Performance of the two-phase ejector expansion refrigeration cyclePages 4282-4286Somchai Wongwises, Somjin Disawas

Volume 48, Issues 21-22, Pages 4287-4684 (October 2005)

1.Visualization study of pool boiling from thin confined enhanced structuresPages 4287-4299Camil-Daniel Ghiu, Yogendra K. Joshi
2.Constructal multi-scale cylinders with natural convectionPages 4300-4306T. Bello-Ochende, A. Bejan
3.Bed-to-wall heat transfer modelling in the top region of a CFB riser column with abrupt riser exit geometriesPages
4.Microscale heterogeneous boiling on smooth surfaces—from bubble nucleation to bubble dynamicsPages 4316-4332J. Li, G.P. Peterson
5.Development of a heat transfer dimensionless correlation for spheres immersed in a wide range of Prandtl number fluidsPages 4333-4341Blas Melissari, Stavros A. Argyropoulos
6.A generalized analysis for liquid-fuel vaporization and burningPages 4342-4353Randall T. Imaoka, William A. Sirignano
7.Transient vaporization and burning in dense droplet arraysPages 4354-4366Randall T. Imaoka, William A. Sirignano
8.Modeling of axially and transversely injected precursor droplets into a plasma environmentPages
9.Numerical investigations on cold gas dynamic spray process with nano- and microsize particlesPages 4384-4396Tien-Chien Jen, Longjian Li, Wenzhi Cui, Qinghua Chen, Xinming Zhang
10.Flow pattern transition instability in a microchannel with CO2 bubbles produced by chemical reactionsPages 4397-4409B.R. Fu, Chin Pan
11.Constructal PEM fuel cell stack designPages 4410-4427J.V.C. Vargas, J.C. Ordonez, A. Bejan
12.Advances in control of frost on evaporator coils with an applied electric fieldPages 4428-4434V. Tudor, M. Ohadi, M.A. Salehi, J.V. Lawler
13.The onset of thermal instability of a two-dimensional hydromagnetic stagnation point flowPages 4435-4445Mustapha Amaouche, Faïçal Nait Bouda, Hamou Sadat
14.On the rise paths of single vapor bubbles after the departure from nucleation sites in subcooled upflow boilingPages 4446-4459Tomio Okawa, Tatsuhiro Ishida, Isao Kataoka, Michitsugu Mori
15.Study of MHD boundary layer flow over a heated stretching sheet with variable viscosityPages 4460-4466S. Mukhopadhyay, G.C. Layek, Sk.A. Samad
16.Experiments and a model of turbulent exchange flow in a vertical pipePages 4467-4473Murali R. Cholemari, Jaywant H. Arakeri
17.Heat transfer of conjugated Graetz problems with laminar counterflow in double-pass concentric circular heat exchangersPages 4474-4480Chii-Dong Ho, Wen-Yi Yang
18.Partly three-dimensional global modeling of a silicon Czochralski furnace. I. Principles, formulation and implementation of the modelPages 4481-4491Lijun Liu, Koichi Kakimoto
19.Partly three-dimensional global modeling of a silicon Czochralski furnace. II. Model application: Analysis of a silicon Czochralski furnace in a transverse magnetic fieldPages 4492-4497Lijun Liu, Koichi Kakimoto
20.An analytical model for fluid flow and heat transfer in a micro-heat pipe of polygonal shapePages 4498-4509Balram Suman, Prabhat Kumar
21.Mass transport and fluid flow in stenotic arteries: Axisymmetric and asymmetric modelsPages 4510-4517M.R. Kaazempur-Mofrad, S. Wada, J.G. Myers, C.R. Ethier
22.Natural convection in an annulus between coaxial horizontal cylinders with internal heat generationPages 4518-4525N.A. Roschina, A.V. Uvarov, A.I. Osipov
23.The effect of g-jitter on double diffusion by natural convection from a spherePages 4526-4540Sharidan Shafie, Norsarahaida Amin, Ioan Pop
24.Numerical study of macrosegregation in Aluminum alloys solidifying on uneven surfacesPages
25.Chemical reaction, heat and mass transfer on MHD flow over a vertical stretching surface with heat source and thermal stratification effectsPages 4557-4561R.
26.Detection of hot spot through inverse thermal analysis in superconducting RF cavitiesPages 4562-4568A. Aizaz, R.L. McMasters
27.DNS of fully developed turbulent heat transfer of a viscoelastic drag-reducing flowPages 4569-4578Bo Yu, Yasuo Kawaguchi
28.Study of heat and moisture transfer in soil with a dry surface layerPages 4579-4589B.C. Liu, W. Liu, S.W. Peng
29.Critical heat flux of steady boiling for saturated liquids jet impinging on the stagnation zonePages 4590-4597Yu-hao Qiu, Zhen-hua Liu
30.Flow and heat transfer across a confined square cylinder in the steady flow regime: Effect of Peclet numberPages 4598-4614A.K. Dhiman, R.P. Chhabra, V. Eswaran
31.CHF characteristics and correlations of concentric-tube open thermosyphon working with R22Pages 4615-4622M. Ashraful Islam, Masanori Monde, Yuichi Mitsutake
32.Experimental and numerical investigation of gaseous fuel combustion in swirl chamberPages 4623-4632Stevan Nemoda, Vukman Bakić, Simeon Oka, Goran Zivković, Nenad Crnomarković
33.The effect of thermodiffusion on the stability of a salinity gradient solar pondPages 4633-4639Celestino Angeli, Erminia Leonardi
34.Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement with wire coil inserts in laminar-transition-turbulent regimes at different Prandtl numbersPages 4640-4651Alberto García, Pedro G. Vicente, Antonio Viedma
35.Heat transfer from a chemically oxidized or anodized copper plate to liquid heliumPages 4652-4656Qiang Chen, Bingjun Gao, Jinglin Chen, Yu Wu, Shen Wang, Zhiyou Chen
36.Finite volume method in 3-D curvilinear coordinates with multiblocking procedure for radiative transport problemsPages 4657-4666P. Talukdar, M. Steven, F.V. Issendorff, D. Trimis
37.Non-linear analyses of flow boiling in microchannelsPages 4667-4683R. Mosdorf, Ping Cheng, H.Y. Wu, M. Shoji

Volume 48, Issues 23-24, Pages 4685-5088 (November 2005)

1.Numerical study of confined slot jet impinging on porous metallic foam heat sinkPages
2.Numerical investigation of the new regenerator–recuperator scheme of VOC oxidizerPages 4695-4703K.V. Dobrego, N.N. Gnesdilov, I.M. Kozlov, V.I. Bubnovich, H.A. Gonzalez
3.Unsteady RANS simulation of turbulent flow and heat transfer in ribbed coolant passages of different aspect ratiosPages
4.Bubble separation and collision on thin wires during subcooled boilingPages 4726-4737J.F. Lu, X.F. Peng
5.Heat transfer enhancement by pin elementsPages
6.Heat transfer in enclosures having a fixed amount of solid material simulated with heterogeneous and homogeneous modelsPages 4748-4765Edimilson J. Braga, Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
7.Correlations for the mass transfer rate of droplets in vertical upward annular flowPages 4766-4778Tomio Okawa, Isao Kataoka
8.Effective thermal conductivity of common geometric shapesPages 4779-4796Kyle A. Brucker, Joseph Majdalani
9.Boiling nucleation and two-phase flow patterns in forced liquid flow in microchannelsPages 4797-4810J. Li, G.P. Peterson
10.Numerical simulation of steady flow fields in coiled flow inverterPages 4811-4828Vimal Kumar, K.D.P. Nigam
11.A method for contact angle measurements under flow conditionsPages 4829-4834Andrzej Gajewski
12.Dual mixed convection flows in a vertical channelPages 4835-4845A. Barletta, E. Magyari, B. Keller
13.Periodic heat transfer by forced laminar boundary layer flow over a semi-infinite flat platePages 4846-4853G.E. Cossali
14.Numerical study of swirling flows in a cylindrical container with co-/counter-rotating end disks under stable temperature differencePages 4854-4866Yuka Omi, Reima Iwatsu
15.Boiling heat transfer in rectangular microchannels with reentrant cavitiesPages 4867-4886Ali Koşar, Chih-Jung Kuo, Yoav Peles
16.Flow and heat transfer of confined impingement jets cooling using a 3-D transient liquid crystal schemePages 4887-4903Ting Wang, Mingjie Lin, Ronald S. Bunker
17.Frequency-dependent heat transfer enhancement from rectangular heated block array in a pulsating channel flowPages 4904-4913Jeong Woo Moon, Seo Young Kim, Hyung Hee Cho
18.Mathematical modelling and experimental investigation of tropical fruits dryingPages 4914-4925Md Azharul Karim, M.N.A. Hawlader
19.The structure of a double-diffusive interface in a laterally heated enclosurePages 4926-4941J. Tanny, R. Dviri, A. Svizher, J. Cohen
20.Thermal boundary resistance of nanocompositesPages 4942-4952Ravi Prasher
21.Heat and mass transfer during silica gel–moisture interactionsPages 4953-4962Jin Sun, Robert W. Besant
22.The effects of variable properties and hall current on steady MHD laminar convective fluid flow due to a porous rotating diskPages 4963-4972Kh. Abdul Maleque, Md. Abdus Sattar
23.Effect of tube diameter on boiling heat transfer of R-134a in horizontal small-diameter tubesPages 4973-4984Shizuo Saitoh, Hirofumi Daiguji, Eiji Hihara
24.Effect of compressibility on gaseous flows in a micro-tubePages 4985-4994Yutaka Asako, Kenji Nakayama, Tetsuya Shinozuka
25.Film cooling characteristics of rows of round holes at various streamwise angles in a crossflow: Part I. EffectivenessPages 4995-5016C.H.N. Yuen, R.F. Martinez-Botas
26.Film cooling characteristics of rows of round holes at various streamwise angles in a crossflow: Part II. Heat transfer coefficientsPages 5017-5035C.H.N. Yuen, R.F. Martinez-Botas
27.Heat transfer analysis for the Falkner–Skan wedge flow by the differential transformation methodPages 5036-5046Bor-Lih Kuo
28.Analysis of thermal effects in a spherical adsorbent pelletPages 5047-5057Krzysztof Kupiec, Andreas Georgiou
29.Experiments and modeling of the hydraulic resistance and heat transfer of in-line square pin fin heat sinks with top by-pass flowPages 5058-5071M. Baris Dogruoz, Mario Urdaneta, Alfonso Ortega
30.Heat transfer of a viscoelastic fluid in a porous channelPages 5072-5077C. Kurtcebe, M.Z. Erim
31.The influence of radiation absorption on unsteady free convection and mass transfer flow of a polar fluid in the presence of a uniform magnetic fieldPages 5078-5080A. Ogulu
32.Dual influence of temperature and gas composition of selected helium-based binary gas mixtures on the thermal convection enhancement in Rayleigh–Bénard enclosuresPages 5081-5088Mohammad M. Papari, Darren L. Hitt, Antonio Campo

Volume 48, Issues 25-26, Pages 5089-5638 (December 2005)

1.Air-side data interpretation and performance analysis for heat exchangers with simultaneous heat and mass transfer: Wet and frosted surfacesPages 5089-5102Yanping Xia, Anthony M. Jacobi
2.Numerical simulation of two-fluid electroosmotic flow in microchannelsPages 5103-5111Yandong Gao, T.N. Wong, J.C. Chai, C. Yang, K.T. Ooi
3.One-dimensional heat transfer analysis in open-cell 10-ppi metal foamPages 5112-5120Nihad Dukhan, Pablo D. Quiñones-Ramos, Edmundo Cruz-Ruiz, Miguel Vélez-Reyes, Elaine P. Scott
4.Melting and oxidation behavior of in-flight particles in plasma spray processPages 5121-5133Hong-Bing Xiong, Li-Li Zheng, Li Li, Anirudha Vaidya
5.Prediction of the onset of nucleate boiling in microchannel flowPages 5134-5149Dong Liu, Poh-Seng Lee, Suresh V. Garimella
6.An experimental study of the gas entrapment process in closed-end microchannelsPages 5150-5165Ana V. Pesse, Gopinath R. Warrier, Vijay K. Dhir
7.A three-dimensional conjugate model with realistic boundary conditions for flow and heat transfer in an industry scale hydrothermal autoclavePages 5166-5178Hongmin Li, Edward A. Evans, G.-X. Wang
8.Mist/steam heat transfer of multiple rows of impinging jetsPages 5179-5191Ting Wang, J. Leo Gaddis, Xianchang Li
9.Analysis of a free surface film from a controlled liquid impinging jet over a rotating disk including conjugate effects, with and without evaporationPages 5192-5204Jeremy Rice, Amir Faghri, Baki Cetegen
10.Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of refrigerant R-410A flow in a vertical plate heat exchangerPages 5205-5220W.S. Kuo, Y.M. Lie, Y.Y. Hsieh, T.F. Lin
11.Evaluation of flame emission models combined with the discrete transfer method for combustion system simulationPages 5221-5239P.S. Cumber, M. Fairweather
12.Experimental and theoretical analysis of heat and mass transfer in a packed column dehumidifier/regenerator with liquid desiccantPages 5240-5254G.A. Longo, A. Gasparella
13.Heat transfer and film-cooling for the endwall of a first stage turbine vanePages 5255-5269Karen A. Thole, Daniel G. Knost
14.Sharp interface simulation of interaction of a growing dendrite with a stationary solid particlePages 5270-5283Yi Yang, J.W. Garvin, H.S. Udaykumar
15.Scaling heat transfer in fully developed turbulent channel flowPages 5284-5296Tie Wei, Paul Fife, Joseph Klewicki, Patrick McMurtry
16.A numerical study on the fluid flow and heat transfer in the confined jet flow in the presence of magnetic fieldPages 5297-5309H.G. Lee, M.Y. Ha, H.S. Yoon
17.Effect of channel-confinement and aiding/opposing buoyancy on the two-dimensional laminar flow and heat transfer across a square cylinderPages 5310-5322Atul Sharma, V. Eswaran
18.Periodic state of fluid flow and heat transfer in a lid-driven cavity due to an oscillating thin finPages 5323-5337Xundan Shi, J.M. Khodadadi
19.Modelling of multi-component gas flows in capillaries and porous solidsPages 5338-5353J.B. Young, B. Todd
20.Flame shapes and burning rates of spherical fuel particles in a mixed convective environmentPages 5354-5370V. Raghavan, V. Babu, T. Sundararajan, R. Natarajan
21.Visualization of a principle mechanism of critical heat flux in pool boilingPages 5371-5385In Cheol Bang, Soon Heung Chang, Won-Pil Baek
22.Thermal performance measurement of heat sinks with confined impinging jet by infrared thermographyPages 5386-5394Hung-Yi Li, Shung-Ming Chao, Go-Long Tsai
23.Delay of wetting propagation during jet impingement quenching for a high temperature surfacePages 5395-5407Aloke Kumar Mozumder, Masanori Monde, Peter Lloyd Woodfield
24.Heat exchange by mass transfer in isothermal environment: A two-parameters non-linear modelPages 5408-5416Gilles Courret, Derrick Ata-Caesar, Peter Egolf
25.Study and modeling of heat transfer during the solidification of semi-crystalline polymersPages 5417-5430R. Le Goff, G. Poutot, D. Delaunay, R. Fulchiron, E. Koscher
26.Thermodynamic analysis of near-wall effects on phase stability and homogeneous nucleation during rapid surface heatingPages 5431-5445V.P. Carey, A.P. Wemhoff
27.An experimentally validated thermo-mechanical model for the prediction of thermal contact conductancePages 5446-5459Vishal Singhal, Paul
28.Enhancement of heat transfer: Combined convection and radiation in the entrance region of circular ducts with porous insertsPages 5460-5474Xuelei Chen, William H. Sutton
29.Numerical investigation of the air flow through a bundle of IP-SOFC modulesPages 5475-5487B.A. Haberman, J.B. Young
30.The accuracy and parametric sensitivity of algebraic models for turbulent flow and convectionPages 5488-5503Stuart W. Churchill, Bo Yu, Yasuo Kawaguchi
31.Steady ablation on the surface of a two-layer compositePages 5504-5519Wen-Shan Lin
32.Thermal convection for a thermo-dependent yield stress fluid in an axisymmetric horizontal ductPages 5520-5535C. Nouar
33.Bubble lift-off size in forced convective subcooled boiling flowPages 5536-5548Rong Situ, Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii, Michitsugu Mori
34.Identification of boundary heat fluxes in a falling film experiment using high resolution temperature measurementsPages 5549-5562Sven Groß, Marcus Soemers, Adel Mhamdi, Faruk Al Sibai, Arnold Reusken, Wolfgang Marquardt, Ulrich Renz
35.A two-phase flow pattern map for annular channels under a DC applied voltage and the application to electrohydrodynamic convective boiling analysisPages 5563-5579J. Cotton, A.J. Robinson, M. Shoukri, J.S. Chang
36.Heat transfer in micro-channels: Comparison of experiments with theory and numerical resultsPages 5580-5601G. Hetsroni, A. Mosyak, E. Pogrebnyak, L.P. Yarin
37.Saturated flow boiling heat transfer and associated bubble characteristics of R-134a in a narrow annular ductPages 5602-5615Y.M. Lie, T.F. Lin
38.Dual-phase-lagging heat conduction based on Boltzmann transport equationPages 5616-5624Mingtian Xu, Liqiu Wang
39.Freezing-induced splashing during impact of molten metal droplets with high Weber numbersPages
40.Volume Contents, 2005Pages I-XXXIV
41.Author Index, 2005Pages XXXV-XL

Volume 49, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-446 (January 2006)

1.Professor James P. Hartnett (1924–2005)Pages 1-2W.J. Minkowycz, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, W.M. Rohsenow, D.B. Spalding, W. Begell, R.M. Szandra, W.M. Worek, Y.I. Cho
2.Professor Ernst R.G. Eckert (1904–2004)Pages 3-4W.J. Minkowycz, E.M. Sparrow, R.J. Goldstein, W.E. Ibele, E. Pfender, P.L. Blackshear Jr.
3.Single-phase and two-phase cooling characteristics of upward-facing and downward-facing spraysPages 5-16Jon R. Rybicki, Issam Mudawar
4.Single-phase and two-phase cooling with an array of rectangular jetsPages 17-29Michael T. Meyer, Issam Mudawar, Chad. E. Boyack, Charles A. Hale
5.The DOM approach to the collapsed dimension method for solving radiative transport problems with participating mediaPages 30-41Subhash C. Mishra, Neeraj Kuar, Hillol K. Roy
6.A correlation to evaluate critical heat flux in small diameter tubes under subcooled conditions of the coolantPages 42-51P.K. Sarma, V. Srinivas, K.V. Sharma, V. Dharma Rao, G.P. Celata
7.Effectiveness of energy wheels from transient measurements. Part I: Prediction of effectiveness and uncertaintyPages 52-62O.O. Abe, C.J. Simonson, R.W. Besant, W. Shang
8.Effectiveness of energy wheels from transient measurements: Part II—Results and verificationPages 63-77O.O. Abe, C.J. Simonson, R.W. Besant, W. Shang
9.Experimental study of forced convection in asymmetrically heated sintered porous channels with/without periodic bafflesPages 78-88Sheng-Chung Tzeng, Tzer-Ming Jeng, Yen-Chan Wang
10.The effect of stable thermal stratification on the onset of double-diffusive convection in electrochemical systemsPages 89-96Min Chan Kim, Sang Baek Lee, Sin Kim, Bum-Jin Chung
11.Multi-length and time scale thermal transport using the lattice Boltzmann method with application to electronics coolingPages 97-107Rodrigo A. Escobar, Sartaj S. Ghai, Myung S. Jhon, Cristina H. Amon
12.Natural convection in enclosures with floor cooling subjected to a heated vertical wallPages 108-121A.A. Mohamad, J. Sicard, R. Bennacer
13.Effects of heater size and working fluids on nucleate boiling heat transferPages 122-131J.H. Kim, S.M. You, J.Y. Pak
14.Simultaneous heat and mass transfer characteristics for wavy fin-and-tube heat exchangers under dehumidifying conditionsPages 132-143Worachest Pirompugd, Somchai Wongwises, Chi-Chuan Wang
15.Conjugated shear stress and Prandtl number effects on reflux condensation heat transfer inside a vertical tubePages 144-153U. Gross, Ch. Philipp
16.Theoretical analysis on flame dimension in turbulent ceiling firesPages 154-158W.G. Weng, Y. Hasemi
17.Measurement of detailed heat transfer along rib-roughened surface under arrays of impinging elliptic jetsPages 159-170W.M. Yan, S.C. Mei
18.Choking flow modeling with mechanical and thermal non-equilibriumPages 171-186H.J. Yoon, M. Ishii, S.T. Revankar
19.Implementation of an analytical two-dimensional inverse heat conduction technique to practical problemsPages 187-197P.L. Woodfield, M. Monde, Y. Mitsutake
20.Flame dynamics in thin semi-closed tubes at different heat loss conditionsPages 198-206K.V. Dobrego, I.M. Kozlov, V.V. Vasiliev
21.Experimental study of evaporation heat transfer characteristics of refrigerants R-134a and R-407C in horizontal small tubesPages 207-218Y.M. Lie, F.Q. Su, R.L. Lai, T.F. Lin
22.Meshless method for radiation heat transfer in graded index mediumPages 219-229L.H. Liu
23.An experimental study on the quantitative interpretation of local convective heat transfer for a plate fin and tube heat exchanger using the lumped capacitance methodPages 230-239Ye Yong Kim, Kui Soon Kim, Gi Ho Jeong, Sooin Jeong
24.Heat transfer of aqueous suspensions of carbon nanotubes (CNT nanofluids)Pages 240-250Yulong Ding, Hajar Alias, Dongsheng Wen, Richard A. Williams
25.Nanoscale heat transfer at contact between a hot tip and a substratePages 251-258Stéphane
26.Studies on critical heat flux in flow boiling at near critical pressuresPages 259-268B.R. Vijayarangan, S. Jayanti, A.R. Balakrishnan
27.Thermal stability of a nonuniformly heat generating annular fluid layerPages 269-280S. Saravanan, P. Kandaswamy
28.Natural convection along a vertical complex wavy surfacePages 281-286Lun-Shin Yao
29.A parametric study on the laminar flow in an alternating horizontal or vertical oval cross-section pipe with computational fluid dynamicsPages 287-296Wen-Lih Chen, King-Leung Wong, Ching-Te Huang
30.The effects of plasma characteristics on the melting time at the front surface of a film on a substrate: An exact solutionPages 297-306F.B. Yeh
31.A semiclassical two-temperature model for ultrafast laser heatingPages 307-316J.K. Chen, D.Y. Tzou, J.E. Beraun
32.An estimation of effective thermal conductivity of a fibrous dual-scale porous medium during unsaturated flowPages 317-328Murthy S. Munagavalasa, Krishna M. Pillai
33.Regenerative heat exchangers with significant entrained fluid heat capacityPages 329-340Gregory F. Nellis, Sanford A. Klein
34.Transient analytical solution to heat conduction in composite circular cylinderPages 341-348X. Lu, P. Tervola, M. Viljanen
35.Numerical study of liquid film cooling in a rocket combustion chamberPages 349-358H.W. Zhang, W.Q. Tao, Y.L. He, W. Zhang
36.Modelling of heat transfer in an infiltrated granular bed in view of the difference of phase temperaturesPages
37.Direct simulation of falling droplet in a closed channelPages 366-376Ming-Jiu Ni, Satoru Komori, Neil B. Morley
38.Two-fluid modeling for low-pressure subcooled flow boilingPages 377-386J.L. Xu, T.N. Wong, X.Y. Huang
39.Microscopic analysis of interfacial electrothermal phenomena––definition of a heat generation factorPages 387-401Grégory Le Meur, Brahim Bourouga, Jean-Pierre Bardon
40.Direct simulation of flashing liquid jets using the MPS methodPages 402-405Ri-Qiang Duan, Sheng-Yao Jiang, Seiichi Koshizuka, Yoshiaki Oka, Akira Yamaguchi
41.Forced convective heat transfer with impinging slot jets of meso-scalePages 406-410Y.C. Chen, C.F. Ma, M. Qin, Y.X. Li
42.An experimental investigation into impinging forced convection heat transfer from stationary isothermal circular disksPages 411-414C.J. Kobus, G. Shumway
43.Large eddy simulation of particle response to turbulence along its trajectory in a backward-facing step turbulent flowPages 415-420B. Wang, H.Q. Zhang, X.L. Wang
44.Studies of the effect of a coal concentrator on NO formation in swirling coal combustionPages 421-426Y. Zhang, L.X. Zhou, X.L. Wei, H.Z. Sheng
45.Numerical simulations of periodic flow oscillations in low Prandtl number fluidsPages 427-438Daniel W. Crunkleton, Ranga Narayanan, Timothy J. Anderson
46.Comments on “Bulk mean temperature in porous medium analysis”Page 439D.A. Nield
47.Acknowledgement of reviewers 2004Pages 440-444
48.A. Bejan and S. Lorente, The Constructal Law (La Loi Constructale), L’Harmatan, Paris (2005) ISBN 2-7475-8417-8 pp. 109.Page 445A. Heitor Reis

Volume 49, Issues 3-4, Pages 447-814 (February 2006)

1.Professor Arthur E. Bergles on his 70th birthdayPages 447-448R.M. Manglik, J.P. Hartnett, W.J. Minkowycz
2.70th birthday of Professor Mikhail Dimitrov MikhailovPages 449-450Renato M. Cotta, Sadik Kakaç, Leonard Vasiliev, Franz Mayinger, Yaman Yener, James P. Hartnett, W.J. Minkowycz
3.Heat transfer—A review of 2003 literaturePages 451-534R.J. Goldstein, W.E. Ibele, S.V. Patankar, T.W. Simon, T.H. Kuehn, P.J. Strykowski, K.K. Tamma, J.V.R. Heberlein, J.H. Davidson, J. Bischof, F.A. Kulacki, U. Kortshagen, S. Garrick, V. Srinivasan
4.Exact factorization technique for numerical simulations of incompressible Navier–Stokes flowsPages 535-545K.K.Q. Zhang, W.J. Minkowycz, F. Mashayek
5.Turbulent flow over a layer of a highly permeable medium simulated with a diffusion-jump model for the interfacePages 546-556Marcelo J.S. de Lemos, Renato A. Silva
6.Numerical simulation of film-cooling concave plate as coolant jet passes through two rows of holes with various orientations of coolant flowPages 557-574Jr-Ming Miao, Hong-Ka Ching
7.Measurement of thermo-acoustic waves induced by rapid heating of nickel sheet in open and confined spacesPages 575-581In-Ju Hwang, Youn-Jea Kim
8.A numerical study of the Hampson-type miniature Joule–Thomson cryocoolerPages 582-593Hui Tong Chua, Xiaolin Wang, Hwee Yean Teo
9.Film condensation in presence of non-condensable gases over horizontal tubes with progressively increasing radius of curvature in the direction of gravityPages 594-600S.K. Som, Suman Chakraborty
10.Modeling for shell-side pressure drop for liquid flow in shell-and-tube heat exchangerPages 601-610Uday C. Kapale, Satish Chand
11.Analysis of thermal diffusivity by parameter estimation in converging thermal-wave techniquePages 611-616Sok Won Kim, Jong Chul Kim, Sang Hyun Lee
12.An analytical model for the heat and mass transfer processes in indirect evaporative cooling with parallel/counter flow configurationsPages 617-627Ren Chengqin, Yang Hongxing
13.Heat transfer in a viscoelastic fluid flow over a stretching surface with heat source/sink, suction/blowing and radiationPages 628-639Sujit Kumar Khan
14.Simplified approach of turbulent film condensation on an inclined elliptical tubePages 640-648Hai-Ping Hu, Cha’o-Kuang Chen
15.An experimental and theoretical study on the concept of dropwise condensationPages 649-657S. Vemuri, K.J. Kim
16.Evaporation heat transfer and pressure drop of HFC-134a in a helically coiled concentric tube-in-tube heat exchangerPages 658-670Somchai Wongwises, Maitree Polsongkram
17.Effect of oscillatory frequency on heat transfer in metal foam heat sinks of various pore densitiesPages 671-681K.C. Leong, L.W. Jin
18.Experimental and numerical investigation of single-phase heat transfer using a hybrid jet-impingement/micro-channel cooling schemePages 682-694Myung Ki Sung, Issam Mudawar
19.Averaging approach for microchannel heat sinks subject to the uniform wall temperature conditionPages 695-706Dong-Kwon Kim, Sung Jin Kim
20.Nonlinear stability analysis of thin condensate falling film inside a rotating vertical cylinderPages
21.Numerical analysis of entropy generation and optimal Reynolds number for developing laminar forced convection in double-sine ducts with various aspect ratiosPages 718-726T.H. Ko
22.Simulation of high Rayleigh number natural convection in a square cavity using the lattice Boltzmann methodPages 727-739H.N. Dixit, V. Babu
23.Comparison of volume-of-fluid methods for surface tension-dominant two-phase flowsPages 740-754D. Gerlach, G. Tomar, G. Biswas, F. Durst
24.Concerning the heat and mass transfer features on permeable surfacesPages 755-762E.P. Volchkov
25.Self-similar solidification of an alloy from a cooled boundaryPages 763-769D.V. Alexandrov, A.P. Malygin
26.A novel design and experimental study of a cryogenic loop heat pipe with high heat transfer capabilityPages 770-776Q. Mo, J.T. Liang
27.Effects of primary soot particle size distribution on the temperature of soot particles heated by a nanosecond pulsed laser in an atmospheric laminar diffusion flamePages 777-788Fengshan Liu, Barry J. Stagg, David R. Snelling, Gregory J. Smallwood
28.Development of generalized (rate dependent) availabilityPages 789-795Stanislaw Sieniutycz
29.Diffusion models and scale-upPages 796-799Christo B. Boyadjiev
30.Effect of nozzle geometry on pressure drop and heat transfer in submerged jet arraysPages 800-804Anja Royne, Christopher J. Dey
31.Interface temperature and heat transfer in forced convection laminar film condensation of binary mixturesPages 805-809K. Stephan
32.Analytical solutions of Nusselt number for thermally fully developed flow in microtubes under a combined action of electroosmotic forces and imposed pressure gradientsPages 810-813Suman Chakraborty

Volume 49, Issues 5-6, Pages 815-1208 (March 2006)

1.Characterization of liquid flows in microfluidic systemsPages 815-824Tuba Bayraktar, Srikanth B. Pidugu
2.Experimental and theoretical temperature distributions in a solar pondPages 825-835M. Karakilcik, K. Kıymaç, I. Dincer
3.Transitional and turbulent heat transfer of swept cylinder attachment line in hypersonic flowPages 836-843E. Benard, R.K. Cooper, A. Sidorenko
4.Critical heat flux in thin, uniform particle coatingsPages 844-849G.-S. Hwang, M. Kaviany
5.Modeling of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) transport in the artery—effects of hypertensionPages 850-867Ning Yang, Kambiz Vafai
6.Temperatures near the interface between an ideal heat exchanger and a thermal buffer tube or pulse tubePages 868-878Konstantin I. Matveev, Gregory W. Swift, Scott Backhaus
7.Molecular dynamics study of thin film instability and nanostructure formationPages 879-888Minsub
8.Flow visualization of natural convection in a tall, air-filled vertical cavityPages 889-904J.L. Wright, H. Jin, K.G.T. Hollands, D. Naylor
9.The thermal characteristics of a hot wire in a near-wall flowPages 905-918Li Wenzhong, B.C. Khoo, Xu Diao
10.Numerical approach to hole shape effect on film cooling effectiveness over flat plate including internal impingement cooling chamberPages 919-938Jr-Ming Miao, Chen-Yuan Wu
11.A Markov random field model of contamination source identification in porous media flowPages 939-950Jingbo Wang, Nicholas Zabaras
12.MRI investigation of the evaporation of embedded liquid droplets from porous surfaces under different drying regimesPages 951-961N.C. Reis Jr., R.F.
13.Evaporative heat transfer characteristics of a water spray on micro-structured silicon surfacesPages
14.Modeling of trickle flow liquid fuel combustion in inert porous mediumPages 975-983Tarun K. Kayal, Mithiles Chakravarty
15.A numerical study on the forced convection heat transfer from an isothermal and isoflux sphere in the steady symmetric flow regimePages 984-994S.D. Dhole, R.P. Chhabra, V. Eswaran
16.Time evolution of double-diffusive convection in a vertical cylinder with radial temperature and axial solutal gradientsPages 995-1003Kefeng Shi, Wen-Qiang Lu
17.Heat and mass transfer and condensation interference in a laminar flow diffusion chamberPages 1004-1014S.P. Fisenko, A.A. Brin
18.“3D layered thermography” method to map the temperature distribution of a free flowing bulk in case of microwave dryingPages 1015-1021Akos Kelen, Sandor Ress, Tibor Nagy, Erzsebet Pallai-Varsanyi, Klara Pintye-Hodi
19.Resonance properties of soluble gas bubblesPages 1022-1026Nail S. Khabeev
20.Comparison of heat transfer conditions in tube bundle cross-flow for different tube shapesPages 1027-1038Andrej Horvat, Matjaž Leskovar, Borut Mavko
21.Numerical simulation of natural convection heat transfer in a porous cavity heated from below using a non-Darcian and thermal non-equilibrium modelPages 1039-1049S.A. Khashan, A.M. Al-Amiri, I. Pop
22.Behaviour of a heavy fuel oil droplet on a hot surfacePages 1050-1057Anupras Šlančiauskas, Regina Kalpokaitė
23.Correlation of critical heat flux for flow boiling of water in mini-channelsPages 1058-1072W. Zhang, T. Hibiki, K. Mishima, Y. Mi
24.Modeling of non-equilibrium argon–oxygen induction plasmas under atmospheric pressurePages 1073-1082Nobuhiko Atsuchi, Masaya Shigeta, Takayuki Watanabe
25.Transient behaviour of crossflow heat exchangers due to perturbations in temperature and flowPages 1083-1089Manish Mishra, P.K. Das, Sunil Sarangi
26.Optimization of micro heat exchanger: CFD, analytical approach and multi-objective evolutionary algorithmsPages 1090-1099Kwasi Foli, Tatsuya Okabe, Markus Olhofer, Yaochu Jin, Bernhard Sendhoff
27.High resolution measurements of wall temperature distribution underneath a single vapour bubble under low gravity conditionsPages 1100-1106Christof
28.Transient analytical solution to heat conduction in multi-dimensional composite cylinder slabPages
29.Dynamics and shape of bubbles on heating surfaces: A simulation studyPages 1115-1128Yuming Chen, Manfred Groll
30.Asymptotic analysis of heat transfer in turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convectionPages 1129-1136M. Hölling, H. Herwig
31.Inverse analysis for estimating the unsteady inlet temperature distribution for two-phase laminar flow in a channelPages 1137-1147Yun Ky Hong, Seung Wook Baek
32.Molecular simulations of droplet evaporation processes: Adiabatic pressure jump evaporationPages
33.Direct numerical simulation of wall-normal rotating turbulent channel flow with heat transferPages 1162-1175Bu-Yang Li, Nan-Sheng Liu, Xi-Yun Lu
34.Investigation of moisture transfer effectiveness through a hydrophilic polymer membrane with a field and laboratory emission cellPages 1176-1184Li-Zhi Zhang
35.A numerical study of flow and heat transfer in internally finned rotating straight pipes and stationary curved pipesPages 1185-1194M.R.H. Nobari, K. Gharali
36.Lattice Boltzmann method simulation of backward-facing step on convective heat transfer with field synergy principlePages 1195-1204Chao-Kuang Chen, Tzu-Shuang Yen, Yue-Tzu Yang
37.Comments on papers: I.L. Pioro, W. Rosenow, S.S. Doerffer, “Nucleate pool-boiling heat transfer, 1: review of parametric effects of boiling surface”, IJHMT 47 (23) (2004) 5033–5044 and I.L. Pioro, W. Rosenow, S.S. Doerffer, “Nucleate pool-boiling heat transfer, 2: assessment of prediction methods”, IJHMT 47 (23) (2004) 5045–5057Pages 1205-1207Irakli G. Shekriladze, Jondo G. Rusishvili

Volume 49, Issues 7-8, Pages 1209-1556 (April 2006)

1.A note on stability in dual-phase-lag heat conductionPages 1209-1213Ramón Quintanilla, Reinhard Racke
2.A two-dimensional model of the kettle reboiler shell side thermal-hydraulicsPages 1214-1224Milada
3.Direct-contact condensation heat transfer on downcommerless trays for steam–water systemPages 1225-1230Srbislav B. Genić
4.Three-dimensional study of multiple transitions for natural convection in horizontal annuliPages 1231-1241G. Petrone, E. Chénier, G. Lauriat
5.Inverse method for electrodiffusional diagnostics of flowsPages 1242-1254F. Rehimi, F. Aloui, S. Ben Nasrallah, L. Doubliez, J. Legrand
6.Exergetic optimization of solar collector and thermal energy storage systemPages 1255-1263F. Aghbalou, F. Badia, J. Illa
7.A non-linear approach for the analysis and modelling of the dynamics of systems exhibiting Vapotron effectPages 1264-1273C. Biserni, A. Fichera, I.D. Guglielmino, E. Lorenzini, A. Pagano
8.A comparative study on showerhead cooling performancePages 1274-1286C. Falcoz, B. Weigand, P. Ott
9.Experimental investigations on showerhead cooling on a blunt bodyPages 1287-1298C. Falcoz, B. Weigand, P. Ott
10.Modeling capability of R134a for a critical heat flux of water in a vertical 5 × 5 rod bundle geometryPages 1299-1309Syed Waseem Akhtar, Sang-Ki Moon, Se-Young Chun, Sung-Deok Hong, Won-Pil Baek
11.An optimized reciprocity Monte Carlo method for the calculation of radiative transfer in media of various optical thicknessesPages 1310-1319Francis Dupoirieux, Lionel Tessé, Sébastien Avila, Jean Taine
12.Conjugate heat transfer measurements with single-phase and water flow boiling in a single-side heated monoblock flow channelPages 1320-1328Ronald D. Boyd, Hongtao Zhang
13.Numerical simulation of wall roughness on gaseous flow and heat transfer in a microchannelPages 1329-1339Yan Ji, Kun Yuan, J.N. Chung
14.Effects of a vibrational heat surface on natural convection in a vertical channel flowPages 1340-1349Wu-Shung Fu, Chien-Ping Huang
15.Development of the film-splitting look-up table applicable to mechanistic annular film dryout model in annulus geometryPages 1350-1357Ji-Han Chun, Won-Jae Lee, Un-Chul Lee
16.An analytical model for laser drilling incorporating effects of exothermic reaction, pulse width and hole geometryPages 1358-1374G.K.L. Ng, P.L. Crouse, L. Li
17.Coupled thermal and hydrodynamic models of flat micro heat pipes for the cooling of multiple electronic componentsPages 1375-1383F. Lefèvre, M. Lallemand
18.Study of the transient thermal wave heat transfer in a channel immersed in a bath of superfluid heliumPages
19.Combined effects of inertia and thermophoresis on particle deposition onto a wafer with wavy surfacePages 1395-1402Chi-Chang Wang
20.Flows in a fluid layer induced by the combined action of a shear stress and the Soret effectPages 1403-1411A. Mahidjiba, R. Bennacer, P. Vasseur
21.The effect of axial diffusion in desiccant and enthalpy wheelsPages 1412-1419L.A. Sphaier, W.M. Worek
22.Constructal design of a thermoelectric devicePages 1420-1429A.K. Pramanick, P.K. Das
23.Natural convection in a square cavity filled with a porous medium: Effects of various thermal boundary conditionsPages 1430-1441Tanmay Basak, S. Roy, T. Paul, I. Pop
24.The onset of nonpenetrative convection in a suddenly cooled layer of fluidPages 1442-1451Christian F. Ihle, Yarko Niño
25.Convective heat transfer in porous channels with 90-deg turned flowPages 1452-1461Sheng-Chung Tzeng, Tzer-Ming Jeng
26.Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement in a drag-reducing two-dimensional channel flowPages
27.Modeling for predicting frosting behavior of a fin–tube heat exchangerPages 1472-1479Dong-Keun Yang, Kwan-Soo Lee, Simon Song
28.Modeling two-dimensional diffusion-controlled wet chemical etching using a total concentration approachPages 1480-1488P. Rath, J.C. Chai, H. Zheng, Y.C. Lam, V.M. Murukeshan
29.A partial shrinkage model for selective laser sintering of a two-component metal powder layerPages 1489-1492Tiebing Chen, Yuwen Zhang
30.A numerical study on ultra-short pulse laser-induced damage on dielectrics using the Fokker–Planck equationPages 1493-1500Young Min Oh, Seong Hyuk Lee, Seungho Park, Joon Sik Lee
31.A numerical study of unidirectional solidification of a binary metal alloy under influence of a rotating magnetic fieldPages 1501-1515P.A. Nikrityuk, K. Eckert, R. Grundmann
32.Pyramidal direct methanol fuel cellsPages 1516-1528S.M. Senn, D. Poulikakos
33.On the Rayleigh–Taylor instability for confined liquid films with injection through the bounding surfacesPages 1529-1546F.F. Abdelall, S.I. Abdel-Khalik, D.L. Sadowski, S. Shin, M. Yoda
34.A study on the thermal contact conductance in fin–tube heat exchangers with 7 mm tubePages 1547-1555Jin Jeong, Chang Nyung Kim, Baek Youn

Volume 49, Issues 9-10, Pages 1557-1760 (May 2006)

1.Professor Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Roetzel on his 70th birthdayPages 1557-1558G. Fieg, E. Hahne, X. Luo, B. Spang, K. Spindler, Y. Xuan
2.Effect of flow geometry parameters on transient heat transfer for turbulent flow in a circular tube with baffle insertsPages 1559-1567Ahmet Tandiroglu
3.A coupling model for macromolecule transport in a stenosed arterial wallPages 1568-1591L. Ai, K. Vafai
4.Adiabatic water absorption properties of an aqueous absorbent at very low pressures in a spray absorberPages 1592-1602F.S.K. Warnakulasuriya, W.M. Worek
5.Steady evaporating flow in rectangular microchannelsPages 1603-1618R.H. Nilson, S.W. Tchikanda, S.K. Griffiths, M.J. Martinez
6.Thermodynamic optimization of tree-shaped flow geometriesPages 1619-1630V.D. Zimparov, A.K. da Silva, A. Bejan
7.Estimation of heat transfer coefficients in oscillating flows: The thermoacoustic casePages 1631-1642A. Piccolo, G. Pistone
8.Evaluation of concepts of fin efficiency using Monte Carlo Simulation methodPages 1643-1646Uma Maheswaran, S.C. Sekhar
9.Electrohydrodynamic enhancement of in-tube convective condensation heat transferPages 1647-1657H. Sadek, A.J. Robinson, J.S. Cotton, C.Y. Ching, M. Shoukri
10.Enhancement of thermal interface materials with carbon nanotube arraysPages 1658-1666Jun Xu, Timothy S. Fisher
11.An experimental and numerical investigation of flow patterns in the entrance of plate-fin heat exchangerPages 1667-1678Jian Wen, Yanzhong Li, Aimin Zhou, Ke Zhang
12.Application of the time discontinuous Galerkin finite element method to heat wave simulationPages 1679-1684Wenhua Wu, Xikui Li
13.Numerical simulation of fluid flow and convection heat transfer in sintered porous plate channelsPages 1685-1695Pei-Xue Jiang, Xiao-Chen Lu
14.Gas mixing in microchannels using the direct simulation Monte Carlo methodPages 1696-1702Moran Wang, Zhixin Li
15.Nanoscale radiation heat transfer for silicon at different doping levelsPages 1703-1718C.J. Fu, Z.M. Zhang
16.Radial heat transfer behavior of impinging submerged circular jetsPages 1719-1722D.W. Zhou, C.F. Ma
17.Heat and fluid flow characteristics of gases in micropipesPages 1723-1730Orhan Aydın, Mete Avcı
18.Condensation from gas–vapour mixtures in small non-circular tubesPages 1731-1737S. Krishnaswamy, H.S. Wang, J.W. Rose
19.Numerical simulation of LEC growth of InP crystal with an axial magnetic fieldPages 1738-1746Mingwei Li, Chunmei Liu, Pingqing Wang
20.Dispersion in the near wake of idealized car modelPages 1747-1752Kévin Gosse, Pierre Paranthoën, Béatrice Patte-Rouland, Michel Gonzalez
21.Analysis of moisture purge in high purity gas distribution systemsPages 1753-1759Tian-Shiang Yang, Chuan-Hsieh Wu, Chia-Feng Yeh

Volume 49, Issues 11-12, Pages 1761-2008 (June 2006)

1.Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Franz Mayinger on his 75th birthdayPages 1761-1762S. Kakaç, V.K. Dhir, E. Hahne, W.J. Minkowycz, R.I. Nigmatulin, D. Mewes
2.Measurement of the temperature of density maximum of water solutions using a convective flow techniquePages 1763-1772M.F. Cawley, D. McGlynn, P.A. Mooney
3.Recommendations and guidelines for the performance of accurate heat transfer measurements in rapid forming processesPages 1773-1789G. Dour, M. Dargusch, C. Davidson
4.Interaction of transfer processes during unsteady evaporation of water dropletsPages 1790-1803G. Miliauskas, V. Sabanas
5.The pressure drop in microtubes and the correlation developmentPages 1804-1812Yun Wook Hwang, Min Soo Kim
6.Local heat transfer during reflux condensation mode in a U-tube with and without noncondensible gasesPages 1813-1819Kyung-Won Lee, Hee Cheon NO, In-Cheol Chu, Young Min Moon, Moon-Hyun Chun
7.Development and comparison of the DTM, the DOM and the FVM formulations for the short-pulse laser transport through a participating mediumPages 1820-1832Subhash C. Mishra, Pranshu Chugh, Pranav Kumar, Kunal Mitra
8.A numerical model for heat sinks with phase change materials and thermal conductivity enhancersPages 1833-1844K.C. Nayak, S.K. Saha, K. Srinivasan, P. Dutta
9.Thermodynamic formulation of temperature–entropy diagram for the transient operation of a pulsed thermoelectric coolerPages 1845-1850Anutosh Chakraborty, Kim Choon Ng
10.Flow and heat transfer of an electrically conducting fluid of second grade over a stretching sheet subject to suction and to a transverse magnetic fieldPages 1851-1856Rafael Cortell
11.Constructal theory of global circulation and climatePages 1857-1875A. Heitor Reis, Adrian Bejan
12.Crystallisation of undercooled aqueous solutions: Experimental study of free dendritic growth in cylindrical geometryPages 1876-1884V. Ayel, O. Lottin, M. Faucheux, D. Sallier, H. Peerhossaini
13.Enhanced boiling heat transfer simulation from structured surfaces: Semi-analytical modelPages 1885-1895S. Murthy, Y. Joshi, S. Gurrum, W. Nakayama
14.Forced convection in a square cavity with inlet and outlet portsPages 1896-1906S.M. Saeidi, J.M. Khodadadi
15.An analytical study of local thermal equilibrium in porous heat sinks using fin theoryPages 1907-1914Tzer-Ming Jeng, Sheng-Chung Tzeng, Ying-Huei Hung
16.Modeling of condensation heat transfer of refrigerant mixture in micro-fin tubesPages 1915-1921Louay M. Chamra, Pedro J. Mago
17.Condensing heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of hydrocarbon refrigerantsPages 1922-1927Ho-Saeng Lee, Jung-In Yoon, Jae-Dol Kim, P.K. Bansal
18.Effect of the dielectric transition on laser-induced phase explosion in metalsPages 1928-1936Cristian Porneala, David A. Willis
19.Heat and mass transfer for liquid film evaporation along a vertical plate covered with a thin porous layerPages 1937-1945Jin-Sheng Leu, Jiin-Yuh Jang, Yin Chou
20.Free convection frost growth in a narrow vertical channelPages 1946-1957G. Tanda, M. Fossa
21.Macroscopic thermal properties of real fibrous materials: Volume averaging method and 3D image analysisPages 1958-1973J. Lux, A. Ahmadi, C. Gobbé, C. Delisée
22.Non-adiabatic boundaries and thermal stratification in a confined volumePages 1974-1980C.
23.A similarity solution for solidification of an under-cooled binary alloyPages 1981-1985V.R. Voller
24.Effect of rounded corners on the secondary flow of viscoelastic fluids through non-circular ductsPages
25.Thermal characterization of porous carbon foam—convection in parallel flowPages 1991-1998A.G.
26.The effect of the top and bottom wall temperatures on the laminar natural convection in an air-filled square cavityPages 1999-2008W. Wu, D. Ewing, C.Y. Ching

Volume 49, Issues 13-14, Pages 2009-2396 (July 2006)

1.An experimental study of thermally induced convection of molten gallium in magnetic fieldsPages 2009-2019B. Xu, B.Q. Li, D.E. Stock
2.Improvement in device performance on laminar counterflow concentric circular heat exchangers with uniform wall fluxesPages 2020-2032Chii-Dong Ho, Shih-Cheng Yeh
3.Sensitivity analysis and shape optimization for transient heat conduction with radiationPages 2033-2043Ryszard Korycki
4.Oscillatory nucleation in counter flows of vapor and dropletsPages 2044-2052S.P. Fisenko, M. Rusyniak, D.B. Kane, M.S. El-Shall
5.On the modeling of an airlift reactorPages 2053-2057Christo Boyadjiev
6.Effects of exit-condition, gravity, and surface-tension on stability and noise-sensitivity issues for steady condensing flows inside tubes and channelsPages 2058-2076L. Phan, X. Wang, A. Narain
7.Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer and associated bubble characteristics of R-134a in a narrow annular ductPages 2077-2089Y.M. Lie, T.F. Lin
8.Optimal location of heat sources on a vertical wall with natural convection through genetic algorithmsPages 2090-2096Tito Dias Jr., Luiz Fernando Milanez
9.Numerical study on the dopant concentration and refractive index profile evolution in an optical fiber manufacturing processPages 2097-2112Y. Yan, R. Pitchumani
10.Direct numerical simulations of a planar jet laden with evaporating dropletsPages 2113-2123Thomas G. Almeida, Farhad A. Jaberi
11.A foam melting model for lost foam casting of aluminumPages 2124-2136D.A. Caulk
12.Boundary conditions at a planar fluid–porous interface for a Poiseuille flowPages 2137-2150M. Chandesris, D. Jamet
13.Extended Graetz problem including streamwise conduction and viscous dissipation in microchannelPages
14.Influence of Lewis number on strain rate effects in turbulent premixed flame propagationPages
15.Large eddy simulation (LES) for synthetic jet thermal managementPages 2173-2179Yong Wang, Guang Yuan, Yong-Kyu Yoon, Mark G. Allen, Sue Ann Bidstrup
16.Prediction of protective banks in high temperature smelting furnaces by inverse heat transferPages
17.Mixed convection in a square vented enclosure filled with a porous mediumPages 2190-2206Shohel Mahmud, Ioan Pop
18.Boiling propagation of water on a smooth film heater surfacePages 2207-2214Kunito
19.On natural convection in enclosures filled with fluid-saturated porous media including viscous dissipationPages 2215-2226V.A.F. Costa
20.Improved formulation of electron kinetic theory approach for laser ultra-short-pulse heatingPages 2227-2238Bekir Sami Yilbas
21.Heat and mass transfer in tubular ceramic membranes for membrane reactorsPages 2239-2253A. Hussain, A. Seidel-Morgenstern, E. Tsotsas
22.Three-dimensional modeling of heat transfer and fluid flow in laminar-plasma material re-melting processingPages 2254-2264Hai-Xing Wang, Kai Cheng, Xi Chen, Wenxia Pan
23.Pattern formation of drops in thermocapillary migrationPages 2265-2276S. Nas, M. Muradoglu, G. Tryggvason
24.Mathematical models based on heat transfer and coupled heat and mass transfers for rapid high temperature treatment in fluidized bed: Application for grain heat disinfestationPages 2277-2290T. Madhiyanon, A. Techaprasan, S. Soponronnarit
25.Dynamic object-oriented heat exchanger models for simulation of fluid property transitionsPages 2291-2303Tomas Skoglund, Karl-Erik Årzén, Petr Dejmek
26.Multiple modes of a natural circulation evaporatorPages 2304-2314A. Baars, A. Delgado
27.Heat/mass transfer in porous electrodes of fuel cellsPages 2315-2327J.J. Hwang, P.Y. Chen
28.New theoretical models of evaporation heat transfer in horizontal microfin tubesPages 2328-2336Osamu Makishi, Hiroshi Honda, Y.S. Wang
29.Bubble slippage on thin wires during subcooled boilingPages 2337-2346J.F. Lu, X.F. Peng
30.Detailed numerical simulation of thermal radiation influence in Sandia flame DPages 2347-2355Xiao Xu, YiLiang Chen, Haifeng Wang
31.Free-molecular gas flow in channels (pores) with physicochemical transformations on the surfacePages 2356-2365V.V. Levdansky, J. Smolik, P. Moravec
32.Effect of non-uniform slot injection (suction) on a forced flow over a slender cylinderPages 2366-2371Prabal Datta, D. Anilkumar, S. Roy, N.C. Mahanti
33.Stability of natural convection in an inclined square duct with perfectly conducting side wallsPages 2372-2380Takahiro Adachi
34.Heat transfer in parallel plates and circular porous passages with axial conductionPages
35.Condensation of a bubble train in immiscible liquidsPages 2391-2395H. Kalman

Volume 49, Issues 15-16, Pages 2397-2780 (July 2006)

1.Exergetic analysis of fuel cell micropowerplants fed by methanolPages 2397-2411Nico Hotz, Ming-Tsang Lee, Costas P. Grigoropoulos, Stephan M. Senn, Dimos Poulikakos
2.Constructal theory of droplet impact geometryPages 2412-2419A. Bejan, D. Gobin
3.Three-dimensional numerical simulation of non-condensables accumulation induced by steam condensation in a non-vented pipelinePages 2420-2436Vladimir D. Stevanovic, Zoran V. Stosic, Uwe Stoll
4.Series solutions for a nonlinear model of combined convective and radiative cooling of a spherical bodyPages 2437-2445Shijun Liao, Jian Su, Allen T. Chwang
5.Prediction of two-phase pressure drop and void fraction in microchannels using probabilistic flow regime mappingPages 2446-2457E.W. Jassim, T.A. Newell
6.Generalized neural network correlation for flow boiling heat transfer of R22 and its alternative refrigerants inside horizontal smooth tubesPages 2458-2465Wei-Juan Wang, Ling-Xiao Zhao, Chun-Lu Zhang
7.Self-learning finite elements for inverse estimation of thermal constitutive modelsPages
8.Open loop thermal control of exothermal chemical reactions in multifunctional heat exchangersPages 2479-2490S. Ferrouillat, P. Tochon, D. Della Valle, H. Peerhossaini
9.Local heat transfer measurements of steam/air mixtures in horizontal condenser tubesPages 2491-2501Tiejun Wu, Karen Vierow
10.The effect of gaseous slip on microscale heat transfer: An extended Graetz problemPages 2502-2513R.S. Myong, D.A. Lockerby, J.M. Reese
11.Heat and mass transfer in saturated porous media with ice inclusionsPages 2514-2522V.S. Kolunin, A.V. Kolunin
12.Experimental and theoretical investigation of film condensation with noncondensable gasPages
13.An experimental study of heater size effect on micro bubble generationPages 2535-2544Peigang Deng, Yi-Kuen Lee, Ping Cheng
14.Image based heating rate calculation from thermographic data considering lateral heat conductionPages 2545-2556Malte Estorf
15.Analysis of tracer particle migration in inhomogeneous turbulencePages 2557-2566H.C. Strutt, M.F. Lightstone
16.Multi-objective shape optimization of a heat exchanger using parallel genetic algorithmsPages 2567-2577Renan Hilbert, Gábor Janiga, Romain Baron, Dominique Thévenin
17.Analytical study of the combustion waves propagation under filtration of methane–air mixture in a packed bedPages 2578-2586V.I. Bubnovich, S.A. Zhdanok, K.V. Dobrego
18.Effect of fin thickness on the air-side performance of wavy fin-and-tube heat exchangers under dehumidifying conditionsPages 2587-2596Thirapat Kuvannarat, Chi-Chuan Wang, Somchai Wongwises
19.Cooling an array of multiple heat sources by a row of slot air jetsPages 2597-2609A.S. Huzayyin, S.A. Nada, M.A. Rady, A. Faris
20.Adiabatic and diabatic measurements of the liquid film thickness during spray cooling with FC-72Pages 2610-2618A.G. Pautsch, T.A. Shedd
21.Fin spacing optimization of a fin-tube heat exchanger under frosting conditionsPages 2619-2625Dong-Keun Yang, Kwan-Soo Lee, Simon Song
22.Conduction tree networks with loops for cooling a heat generating volumePages 2626-2635L.A.O. Rocha, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
23.Experimental investigations on interaction of two drops by thermocapillary-buoyancy migrationPages 2636-2641Q. Kang, L. Hu, C. Huang, H.L. Cui, L. Duan, W.R. Hu
24.Effect of a magnetic field on the convection of paramagnetic fluid in unstable and stable thermosyphon-like configurationsPages 2642-2651Elżbieta Fornalik, Piotr Filar, Toshio Tagawa, Hiroyuki Ozoe, Janusz S. Szmyd
25.Investigation of mixed convection heat transfer in a horizontal channel with discrete heat sources at the top and at the bottomPages 2652-2662A. Dogan, M. Sivrioglu, S. Baskaya
26.Correlation of critical heat flux in hybrid jet impingement/micro-channel cooling schemePages 2663-2672Myung Ki Sung, Issam Mudawar
27.Fuel cell entropy production with ohmic heating and diffusive polarizationPages 2673-2683G.F. Naterer, C.D. Tokarz, J. Avsec
28.Numerical simulation of natural convection in a horizontal enclosure with a heat-generating conducting bodyPages 2684-2702Jae Ryong Lee, Man Yeong Ha
29.System performance of a combined heat and mass recovery adsorption cooling cycle: A parametric studyPages 2703-2711K.C. Leong, Y. Liu
30.A finite difference method for studying thermal deformation in a thin film exposed to ultrashort-pulsed lasersPages 2712-2723Haojie Wang, Weizhong Dai, Raja Nassar, Roderick Melnik
31.Experimental and numerical study of melting in a cylinderPages 2724-2738Benjamin J. Jones,
32.A macroscopic turbulence model for flow in porous media suited for channel, pipe and rod bundle flowsPages 2739-2750M. Chandesris, G. Serre, P. Sagaut
33.Thermal analysis on metal-foam filled heat exchangers. Part I: Metal-foam filled pipesPages 2751-2761W. Lu, C.Y. Zhao, S.A. Tassou
34.Thermal analysis on metal-foam filled heat exchangers. Part II: Tube heat exchangersPages 2762-2770C.Y. Zhao, W. Lu, S.A. Tassou
35.Dynamics of boiling succeeding spontaneous nucleation on a rapidly heated small surfacePages 2771-2780Kunito Okuyama, Shoji Mori, Kimihiro Sawa, Yoshihiro Iida

Volume 49, Issues 17-18, Pages 2781-3284 (August 2006)

1.Publisher’s NotePage 2781
2.High heat-flux accelerator targets: Cooling with liquid metal jet impingementPages 2782-2792I. Silverman, A.L. Yarin, S.N. Reznik, A. Arenshtam, D. Kijet, A. Nagler
3.Comparison of the solutions of a phase-lagging heat transport equation and damped wave equation with a heat sourcePages 2793-2801Shengjun Su, Weizhong Dai
4.Sorption properties for different types of molecular sieve and their influence on optimum dehumidification performance of desiccant wheelsPages 2802-2809Mihajlo N. Golubovic, H.D.M. Hettiarachchi, William M. Worek
5.Determination of the anisotropic radiative properties of a porous material by radiative distribution function identification (RDFI)Pages 2810-2819Barbar Zeghondy, Estelle Iacona, Jean Taine
6.Onset of penetrative convection of cold water in a porous layer under mixed boundary conditionsPages 2820-2828A. Mahidjiba, L. Robillard, P. Vasseur
7.Effect of nucleation site spacing on the pool boiling characteristics of a structured surfacePages 2829-2839Nitesh D. Nimkar, Sushil H. Bhavnani, Richard C. Jaeger
8.Control of temperature uniformity during the manufacture of stable thin-film photovoltaic devicesPages 2840-2850Chetan P. Malhotra, Roop L. Mahajan, W.S. Sampath, Kurt L. Barth, Robert A. Enzenroth
9.A heat transfer correlation of flow boiling in micro-finned helically coiled tubePages 2851-2858Wenzhi Cui, Longjian Li, Mingdao Xin, Tien-Chien Jen, Qinghua Chen, Quan Liao
10.Analytical function theory approach to the heat transfer problem of a cylinder in cross-flow at small Péclet numbersPages 2859-2863Volfango Bertola, Emilio Cafaro
11.Improved analytical solution for inverse heat conduction problems on thermally thick and semi-infinite solidsPages 2864-2876P.L. Woodfield, M. Monde, Y. Mitsutake
12.Maximum heat flux in relation to quenching of a high temperature surface with liquid jet impingementPages 2877-2888Aloke Kumar Mozumder, Masanori Monde, Peter Lloyd Woodfield, Md. Ashraful Islam
13.An alternate algorithm for the analysis of multistream plate fin heat exchangersPages 2889-2902I. Ghosh, S.K. Sarangi, P.K. Das
14.The effect of a barrier on laminar convection in a box with differentially heated endwallsPages 2903-2911Melissa A. Coman, Graham O. Hughes, Ross C. Kerr, Ross W. Griffiths
15.Laminar flow and heat transfer in a periodic serpentine channel with semi-circular cross-sectionPages 2912-2923Nathan R. Rosaguti, David F. Fletcher, Brian S. Haynes
16.Characterization of transition to turbulence in microchannelsPages 2924-2930C. Rands, B.W. Webb, D. Maynes
17.Mass transfer coefficients associated with the mixing of a confined gas volume by the random motion of loose spheresPages 2931-2938Herek L. Clack, Aamer A. Mohammed
18.One-dimensional mixed MHD convectionPages 2939-2949Giuseppe Sposito, Michele Ciofalo
19.Characterization of the temperature oscillation technique to measure the thermal conductivity of fluidsPages 2950-2956P. Bhattacharya, S. Nara, P. Vijayan, T. Tang, W. Lai, P.E. Phelan, R.S. Prasher, D.W. Song, J. Wang
20.Tree-shaped flow structures with local junction lossesPages 2957-2964W. Wechsatol, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
21.Heat transfer enhancement of transverse ribs in circular tubes with consideration of entrance effectPages
22.Non-gray radiative convective conductive modeling of a double glass window with a cavity filled with a mixture of absorbing gasesPages 2972-2983Kamal A.R. Ismail, Carlos Salinas S.
23.Intrinsic verification methods in linear heat conductionPages 2984-2994James V. Beck,
24.Heating/melting of a fused silica particle by convection and radiationPages 2995-3003C.C. Tseng, R. Viskanta
25.Heat transfer in the thermal entrance region for flow through rectangular porous passagesPages 3004-3015A. Haji-Sheikh, D.A. Nield, K. Hooman
26.Natural convection in a concentric annulus with a porous sleevePages 3016-3027J.C. Leong, F.C. Lai
27.Enhancement of thermal conductivity with Cu for nanofluids using chemical reduction methodPages 3028-3033Min-Sheng Liu, Mark Ching-Cheng Lin, C.Y. Tsai, Chi-Chuan Wang
28.Investigation of natural-convection heat transfer coefficient on a vertical square fin of finned-tube heat exchangersPages 3034-3044Han-Taw Chen, Jui-Che Chou
29.Heat transfer of impinging jet-array over convex-dimpled surfacePages 3045-3059Shyy Woei Chang, Yih Jena Jan, Shuen Fei Chang
30.Thermally developing flow and heat transfer in rectangular microchannels of different aspect ratiosPages 3060-3067Poh-Seng Lee, Suresh V. Garimella
31.The onset of convection in a bidisperse porous mediumPages 3068-3074D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov
32.A new approach to modelling the effective thermal conductivity of heterogeneous materialsPages 3075-3083Jianfeng Wang, James K. Carson, Mike F. North, Donald J. Cleland
33.One-step GPS for the estimation of temperature-dependent thermal conductivityPages 3084-3093Chein-Shan Liu
34.Numerical modeling of heat and mass transfer during forced convection drying of rectangular moist objectsPages 3094-3103Ahmet Kaya, Orhan Aydın, Ibrahim Dincer
35.A study on the kinetics of ethanol-activated carbon fiber: Theory and experimentsPages 3104-3110Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut B. Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Kim Choon Ng
36.Soret effect on the boundary layer flow regime in a vertical porous enclosure subject to horizontal heat and mass fluxesPages 3111-3120M. Er-Raki, M. Hasnaoui, A. Amahmid, M. Mamou
37.Interfacial condensation for countercurrent steam–water stratified wavy flow in a horizontal circular pipePages 3121-3129Kyung-Won Lee, In-Cheol Chu, Seon-Oh Yu, Hee Cheon No
38.Design criteria for ribbed channels: Experimental investigation and theoretical analysisPages 3130-3141Bruno Facchini, Luca Innocenti, Marco Surace
39.Convective flow of refrigerant (R-123) across a bank of micro pin finsPages 3142-3155Ali Koşar, Yoav Peles
40.Temperature fluctuation at twin cavity in nucleate boiling—wavelet analysis and modellingPages 3156-3166R. Mosdorf, M. Shoji
41.Onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection in acetone liquid bridges: The effect of evaporationPages 3167-3179S. Simic-Stefani, M. Kawaji, S. Yoda
42.Effect of inundation for condensation of steam on smooth and enhanced condenser tubesPages
43.Using oscillations to enhance heat transfer for a circular cylinderPages 3190-3210Tait Sherman Pottebaum, Mory Gharib
44.Numerical analysis of heat and mass transfer in the capillary structure of a loop heat pipePages 3211-3220Tarik Kaya, John Goldak
45.Entropy generation in natural convection in a symmetrically and uniformly heated vertical channelPages 3221-3228Assunta Andreozzi, Antonio Auletta, Oronzio Manca
46.Effects of pressure on thermal transport in plutonium oxide powderPages 3229-3239Patricia A. Bielenberg, F. Coyne Prenger, D. Kirk Veirs, Gerard F. Jones
47.Steady free convection boundary layer over a vertical flat plate embedded in a porous medium filled with water at 4 °CPages 3240-3252V. Kumaran, I. Pop
48.An analytical solution for the stationary behaviour of binary mixtures and pure fluids in a horizontal annular cavityPages 3253-3263G. Desrayaud, A. Fichera, M. Marcoux, A. Pagano
49.Modeling thermal behavior and work flux in finite-rate systems with radiationPages 3264-3283Stanislaw Sieniutycz, Piotr Kuran

Volume 49, Issues 19-20, Pages 3285-3784 (September 2006)

1.3D predictions of thermally sprayed polymer splats: Modeling particle acceleration, heating and deformation on impact with a flat substratePages 3285-3297Milan
2.Flow bifurcation due to opposing buoyancy in two vertically connected open cavitiesPages 3298-3312Yuguo Li, Pengcheng Xu, Hua Qian, Qi-Hong Deng, Jingyi Wu
3.Forced convection in metallic honeycomb structuresPages 3313-3324T. Wen, J. Tian, T.J. Lu, D.T. Queheillalt, H.N.G. Wadley
4.Bias effects on heat transfer measurements in microchannel flowsPages 3325-3337Roland
5.Characterizing particle dispersion by image analysis in ICFBPages 3338-3342Xiaolin Wei, Hongzhi Sheng, Wendong Tian
6.Experimental study on performance improvement of a four-bed adsorption chiller by using heat and mass recoveryPages 3343-3348Kim Choon Ng, Xiaolin Wang, Yee Sern Lim, Bidyut Baran Saha, Anutosh Chakarborty, Shigeru Koyama, Atsushi Akisawa, Takao Kashiwagi
7.Fully-developed heat transfer in annuli with viscous dissipationPages 3349-3359P.M. Coelho, F.T. Pinho
8.Improved milk fouling simulation in a helical triple tube heat exchangerPages 3360-3370P.K. Nema, A.K. Datta
9.Three-dimensional modeling of utility boiler pulverized coal tangentially fired furnacePages 3371-3378Srdjan Belosevic, Miroslav Sijercic, Simeon Oka, Dragan Tucakovic
10.Heat transfer from a horizontal fin array by natural convection and radiation—A conjugate analysisPages 3379-3391V. Dharma Rao, S.V. Naidu, B. Govinda Rao, K.V. Sharma
11.Strategy for selection of elements for heat transfer enhancementPages 3392-3400N. Sahiti, F. Durst, A. Dewan
12.Molecular dynamics simulations of heat and momentum transfer at a solid–fluid interface: Relationship between thermal and velocity slipPages 3401-3407Rajesh Khare, Pawel Keblinski, Arun Yethiraj
13.Total concentration approach for three-dimensional diffusion-controlled wet chemical etchingPages 3408-3416P. Rath, J.C. Chai, H. Zheng, Y.C. Lam, V.M. Murukeshan
14.Gas entrainment in an evaporating spray jetPages 3417-3428Muhammad Mushahid Rafique Qureshi, Chao Zhu
15.Solute segregation during modified vertical gradient freezing of alloyed compound semiconductor crystals with magnetic and electric fieldsPages 3429-3438X. Wang, N. Ma, D.F. Bliss, G.W. Iseler
16.The application of the CFD and Kriging method to an optimization of heat sinkPages 3439-3447Kyoungwoo Park, Park-Kyoun Oh, Hyo-Jae Lim
17.The thermagoustic irreversibility for a single-plate thermoacoustic systemPages 3448-3461Shohel Mahmud, Roydon Andrew Fraser
18.Flow structure and heat transfer in a lower half heated and upper half cooled rectangular enclosurePages 3462-3476Hongmin Li, Minel J. Braun, Govind Paudel
19.Effects of jet plate size and plate spacing on the stagnation Nusselt number for a confined circular air jet impinging on a flat surfacePages 3477-3486Jung-Yang San, Wen-Zheng Shiao
20.Heat transfer during pool boiling based on evaporation from micro and macrolayerPages 3487-3499A.K. Das, P.K. Das, P. Saha
21.Numerical simulation of liquid metals in differentially heated enclosure undergoing orthogonal rotationPages 3500-3513M.F. Baig, M. Zunaid
22.Structure of turbulent heat flux in a flow over a heated wavy wallPages 3514-3529Nils Kruse, Philipp Rudolf von Rohr
23.Unsteady conjugate laminar heat transfer of a rotating non-uniformly heated disk: Application to the transient experimental techniquePages 3530-3537I.V. Shevchuk
24.Microtube liquid single-phase heat transfer in laminar flowPages 3538-3546G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, V. Marconi, S.J. McPhail, G. Zummo
25.Thermodynamic modelling of a solid state thermoelectric cooling device: Temperature–entropy analysisPages 3547-3554A. Chakraborty, B.B. Saha, S. Koyama, K.C. Ng
26.Average heat transfer rates measured in two different temperature ranges for magnetic convection of horizontal water layer heated from belowPages 3555-3560Azusa Ujihara, Toshio Tagawa, Hiroyuki Ozoe
27.Effects of droplet size and solute concentration on drying process of polymer solution droplets deposited on homogeneous surfacesPages 3561-3567Jun Fukai, Hirotaka Ishizuka, Yosuke Sakai, Masayuki Kaneda, Masamichi Morita, Atsushi Takahara
28.Conjugate mixed convection with surface radiation from a horizontal channel with protruding heat sourcesPages 3568-3582B. Premachandran, C. Balaji
29.Interface conditions governing evaporation of stored liquids in presence of non-condensable gasPages 3583-3594K. Ramamurthi, S. Sunil Kumar, B.S. Chaitanya
30.Numerical simulation of the natural convection plume about line heat source in micropolar fluidPages 3595-3600Cheng-Long Chang
31.Numerical study of the influence of a longitudinal sound field on natural convection in a cavityPages 3601-3616Hong Lei, Daniel Henry, Hamda BenHadid
32.Study on flow characteristics and pressure distribution along a heated channel in subcooled flow boilingPages
33.Numerical analysis of the dynamics of moving vapor bubblesPages 3626-3633David M. Christopher, Hao Wang, Xiaofeng Peng
34.Study on main flow and fuel injector configurations for Scramjet applicationsPages
35.Thermal protection with liquid film in turbulent mixed convection channel flowsPages 3645-3654Jer-Huan Jang, Wei-Mon Yan
36.Buoyancy driven vortex flow and its stability in mixed convection of air through a blocked horizontal flat duct heated from belowPages 3655-3669S.W. Chen, D.S. Shu, J.T. Lir, T.F. Lin
37.Turbulent separated convection flow adjacent to backward-facing step—effects of step heightPages 3670-3680Y.T. Chen, J.H. Nie, B.F. Armaly, H.T. Hsieh
38.On temperature prediction at low Re turbulent flows using the Churchill turbulent heat flux correlationPages 3681-3690Phuong M. Le, Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou
39.Effective thermal conductivity of rough spherical packed bedsPages 3691-3701Majid
40.Experimental and RDFI calculated radiative properties of a mullite foamPages 3702-3707Barbar Zeghondy, Estelle Iacona, Jean Taine
41.The onset of longitudinal vortex rolls in the thermal entrance region of plane Poiseuille flow heated with a constant heat fluxPages 3708-3716Joung Hwan Park, Tae Joon Chung, Eun Suk Yun, Min Chan Kim, Chang Kyun Choi
42.Experimental and numerical study of downward bubbly flow in a pipePages 3717-3727O.N. Kashinsky, P.D. Lobanov, M.A. Pakhomov, V.V. Randin, V.I. Terekhov
43.Intense heat simulation studies on window of high density liquid metal spallation target module for accelerator driven systemsPages 3728-3745V. Mantha, R. Chaudhary, S. Pal, S. Gourai, P.S.S. Murthy, S.N. Sahasrabudhe, G. Biswas, A.K. Das, P. Satyamurthy
44.Heat conduction in fractal tree-like branched networksPages 3746-3751Peng Xu, Boming Yu, Meijuan Yun, Mingqing Zou
45.Pool boiling heat transfer in a vertical annulus with controlled inflow area at its bottomPages 3752-3756Myeong-Gie Kang
46.Corrigendum to “Simultaneous heat and mass transfer characteristics for wavy fin-and-tube heat exchangers under dehumidifying conditions” [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 49 (2006) 132–143]Page
47.Heat transfer bibliography – Japanese works 2003Pages 3758-3770
48.Heat transfer bibliography – Japanese works 2004Pages 3771-3783
49.Contents list, run on from IBCPage II

Volume 49, Issues 21-22, Pages 3785-4264 (October 2006)

1.Heat transfer behavior in the impingement zone under circular water jetPages 3785-3799Fuchang Xu, Mohamed S. Gadala
2.Further study on the influence of particle coating on fluidized bed heat transferPages 3800-3806Jerry Sjösten, Mohammad R. Golriz, John R. Grace
3.Natural convection heat transfer enhancement using adiabatic block: Optimal block size and Prandtl number effectPages 3807-3818Prasad Bhave, Arunn Narasimhan, D.A.S. Rees
4.Optimal active cooling performance of metallic sandwich panels with prismatic coresPages 3819-3830L. Valdevit, A. Pantano, H.A. Stone, A.G. Evans
5.A foam engulfment model for lost foam casting of aluminumPages 3831-3845D.A. Caulk
6.Simulation of infrared rapid surface heating for injection moldingPages 3846-3854Pei-Chi Chang, Sheng-Jye Hwang
7.Mechanical and thermal characteristics of a mixed convection boundary-layer flow in a saturated porous mediumPages 3855-3865E. Magyari, Emad H. Aly
8.Numerical prediction of a two-phase fluid driving system using cavitating flow of magnetic fluidPages 3866-3878Jun Ishimoto
9.Experimental study on thermal characteristics of suspended platinum nanofilm sensorsPages 3879-3883Xing Zhang, Huaqing Xie, Motoo Fujii, Koji Takahashi, Tatsuya Ikuta, Hiroki Ago, Hidekazu Abe, Tetsuo Shimizu
10.Visualization of convective boiling heat transfer in single microchannels with different shaped cross-sectionsPages 3884-3894Tzu-Hsiang Yen, Masahiro Shoji, Fumio Takemura, Yuji Suzuki, Nobuhide Kasagi
11.Heat transfer model for small-scale air-cooled spark-ignition four-stroke enginesPages 3895-3905Yuh-Yih Wu, Bo-Chiuan Chen, Feng-Chi Hsieh
12.Jet impingement cooling of a horizontal surface in a confined porous medium: Mixed convection regimePages 3906-3913Nawaf H. Saeid, Abdulmajeed A. Mohamad
13.Computational prediction of a slightly heated turbulent rectangular jet discharged into a narrow channel crossflow using two different turbulence modelsPages 3914-3928Manabendra Pathak, Anupam Dewan, Anoop K. Dass
14.Conjugate heat transfer study of backward-facing step flow – A benchmark problemPages
15.Mixing of confined coaxial flowsPages 3942-3956Valery Zhdanov, Nikolay Kornev, Egon Hassel, Andrei Chorny
16.A steady state model and maximum heat transport capacity of an electrohydrodynamically augmented micro-grooved heat pipePages 3957-3967Balram Suman
17.Electrochemical reaction with RedOx electrolyte in toroidal conduits in the presence of natural convectionPages 3968-3976Shizhi Qian, Zongyuan Chen, Jing Wang, Haim H. Bau
18.Power series solutions of momentum and energy boundary layer equations for a power-law shear driven flow over a semi-infinite flat platePages 3977-3983G.E. Cossali
19.Effect of optical properties on oscillatory hydromagnetic double-diffusive convection within semitransparent fluidPages 3984-3996Mohamed Naceur Borjini, Habib Ben Aissia, Kamel Halouani, Belkacem Zeghmati
20.Exact solutions of double diffusive convection in cylindrical coordinates with Le = 1Pages 3997-4002Ruixian Cai, Chenhua Gou
21.Thermal instability of viscoelastic fluids in horizontal porous layers as initial value problemPages 4003-4012V. Bertola, E. Cafaro
22.Shape optimization of three-dimensional channel roughened by angled ribs with RANS analysis of turbulent heat transferPages 4013-4022Hong-Min Kim, Kwang-Yong Kim
23.Experimental and numerical investigation of premixed acetylene flamePages 4023-4032Vukman Bakić, Stevan Nemoda, Miroslav Sijerčić, Valentina Turanjanin, Branislav Stanković
24.Mechanistic study for the interfacial area transport phenomena in an air/water flow condition by using fine-size bubble group modelPages 4033-4042B.G. Huh, D.J. Euh, H.Y. Yoon, B.J. Yun, C.-H. Song, C.H. Chung
25.Numerical study of base effects on population inversion in DF chemical laser cavityPages
26.Effects of winglets to augment tube wall heat transfer in louvered fin heat exchangersPages
27.Thermal response of a flat heat pipe sandwich structure to a localized heat fluxPages 4070-4081G. Carbajal, C.B. Sobhan, G.P. Peterson, D.T. Queheillalt, H.N.G. Wadley
28.New flow boiling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating inside horizontal tubesPages 4082-4094Lixin Cheng, Gherhardt Ribatski, Leszek Wojtan, John R. Thome
29.The effective thermal conductivity of wire screenPages 4095-4105Chen Li, G.P. Peterson
30.Influence of natural convection on the melting of ice block surrounded by water on all sidesPages 4106-4115Zdravko Virag, Marija Živić, Antun Galović
31.The prediction of effective thermal conductivities perpendicular to the fibres of wood using a fractal model and an improved transient measurement techniquePages 4116-4123Li-Wu Fan, Ya-Cai Hu, Tian Tian, Zi-Tao Yu
32.Analytical solution for a transient, three-dimensional temperature distribution due to a moving laser beamPages 4124-4131Guillermo Araya, Gustavo Gutierrez
33.Heat transfer at multiple-intermittent impacts of a hollow cone sprayPages 4132-4151A.L.N. Moreira, M.R.O. Panão
34.Thermodynamic analysis of building heating or cooling using the soil as heat reservoirPages 4152-4160V.A.F. Costa
35.Experimental and analytical study of the effect of contact angle on liquid convective heat transfer in microchannelsPages 4161-4170G. Rosengarten, J. Cooper-White, G. Metcalfe
36.Heat and mass transfer effectiveness and correlations for counter-flow absorbersPages 4171-4182Md. Raisul Islam, N.E. Wijeysundera, J.C. Ho
37.Solids mixing in a circulating fluidized bedPages 4183-4193Yu.S. Teplitskii, V.I. Kovenskii, E.F. Nogotov, V.A. Borodulya
38.A rapid method for counter-flow heat regenerator calculationPages 4194-4199Jerzy Tomeczek, Mariusz Wne¸k
39.The effect of gap distance on the heat transfer between a heated finned surface and a saturated porous platePages 4200-4208M.J. Schertzer, D. Ewing, C.Y. Ching
40.Estimating effective thermal conductivity of two-phase materialsPages 4209-4219Prasant Kumar Samantray, P. Karthikeyan, K.S. Reddy
41.The effect of tube diameter on vertical two-phase flow regimes in small tubesPages 4220-4230L. Chen, Y.S. Tian, T.G. Karayiannis
42.3-D modeling of the dynamics and heat transfer characteristics of subcooled droplet impact on a surface with film boilingPages 4231-4249Yang Ge, L.-S. Fan
43.An amendment of the generalized friction correlation for louver fin geometryPages 4250-4253Yu-Juei Chang, Wen-Jeng Chang, Ming-Chia Li, Chi-Chuan Wang
44.Experimental study on marangoni convection and solidification in BaB2O4 meltPages 4254-4257Y. Hong, W.Q. Jin, X.H. Pan, Y. Shinichi
45.Thermally stratified swirling flows in cylindrical container with co-rotating disks and differentially rotating sidewallPages 4258-4263Reima Iwatsu

Volume 49, Issues 23-24, Pages 4265-4696 (November 2006)

1.Direct simulation of spray cooling: Effect of vapor bubble growth and liquid droplet impact on heat transferPages 4265-4278R. Panneer Selvam, Lancho Lin, Rengasamy Ponnappan
2.Modeling the effects of surface roughness on the emissivity of aluminum alloysPages 4279-4289Chang-Da Wen, Issam Mudawar
3.Statistical modeling of particles relative motion in a turbulent gas flowPages 4290-4304I.V. Derevich
4.Turbulent transport of passive scalar behind line sources in an unstably stratified open channel flowPages
5.Effect of ceramic supports on microwave processing of porous food samplesPages 4325-4339Tanmay
6.Simulation of turbulent natural convection in a porous cylindrical annulus using a macroscopic two-equation modelPages 4340-4351Edimilson J. Braga, Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
7.Heat transfer correlations by symbolic regressionPages 4352-4359Weihua Cai, Arturo Pacheco-Vega, Mihir Sen, K.T. Yang
8.An investigation of heat transfer of a reciprocating pistonPages 4360-4371Wu-Shung Fu, Sin-Hong Lian, Liao-Ying Hao
9.Effects of water subcooling on heat transfer in vertical annuliPages 4372-4385Myeong-Gie Kang
10.Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of HFC-134a in a helically coiled concentric tube-in-tube heat exchangerPages 4386-4398Somchai Wongwises, Maitree Polsongkram
11.Subcooled boiling incipience on a highly smooth microheaterPages 4399-4406Tailian Chen, James F. Klausner, Suresh V. Garimella, Jacob N. Chung
12.Study of close contact melting of ice from a sliding heated flat platePages 4407-4416Dominic Groulx, Marcel Lacroix
13.Heat transfer and pressure drop experimental correlations for air–water bubbly flowPages 4417-4423Wenzhi Cui, Longjian Li, Qinghua Chen, Quan Liao, Tien-Chien Jen
14.Surface tension and frictional resistance of thermocapillary pumping in a closed microchannelPages 4424-4436P.S. Glockner, G.F. Naterer
15.Molecular dynamics simulation on bubble formation in a nanochannelPages 4437-4443Gyoko Nagayama, Takaharu Tsuruta, Ping Cheng
16.Synchronization of self-sustained thermostatic oscillations in a thermal-hydraulic networkPages 4444-4453Weihua Cai, Mihir Sen, K.T. Yang, Rodney L. McClain
17.Modeling of coupled spectral radiation, thermal and carrier transport in a silicon photovoltaic cellPages 4454-4468Rodolphe Vaillon, Lucile Robin, Cristian Muresan, Christophe Ménézo
18.Temperature dependent viscosity effects on laminar forced convection in the entrance region of straight ductsPages 4469-4481C. Nonino, S. Del Giudice, S. Savino
19.Directional radiative properties of anisotropic rough silicon and gold surfacesPages
20.Chemical non-equilibrium modelling of columnar solidificationPages 4496-4510P. Roux, B. Goyeau, D. Gobin, F. Fichot, M. Quintard
21.Experimental and theoretical study of the hot-wire method applied to low-density thermal insulatorsPages 4511-4524R. Coquard, D. Baillis, D. Quenard
22.Effects of thermal boundary conditions on natural convection flows within a square cavityPages 4525-4535Tanmay Basak, S. Roy, A.R. Balakrishnan
23.Application of multiple magnetic coils to drive the air flow in a long pipePages 4536-4542Shu-Shen Lu, Hiroyuki Ozoe
24.Effect of surface condition on boiling heat transfer from silicon chip with submicron-scale roughnessPages
25.Constructal design of Y-shaped assembly of finsPages 4552-4557Giulio Lorenzini, Luiz Alberto Oliveira Rocha
26.Constructal tree-shaped parallel flow heat exchangersPages 4558-4566V.D. Zimparov, A.K. da Silva, A. Bejan
27.Numerical simulation of thermocapillary nonwettingPages 4567-4576J.-C. Chen, C.-W. Kuo, G.P. Neitzel
28.Initial growth of electrohydrodynamic instability of two-layered miscible fluids in T-shaped microchannelsPages 4577-4583Kwan Hyoung Kang, Jaewan Park, In Seok Kang, Kang Y. Huh
29.Comprehensive optimization of a heat pipe radiator assembly filled with ammonia or acetonePages 4584-4595Valeri V. Vlassov, Fabiano L. de Sousa, Walter K. Takahashi
30.Transient convective diffusion to a circular sink at finite Peclet numberPages 4596-4607Ondrej Wein, Valentin V. Tovcigrecko, Vaclav Sobolik
31.A numerical study of natural convection around a square, horizontal, heated cylinder placed in an enclosurePages
32.An inverse heat transfer method to provide near-isothermal surface for disc heaters used in microlithographyPages
33.Thermal hydraulics of the spallation target module of an accelerator driven sub-critical system: A numerical studyPages 4633-4652K. Arul Prakash, G. Biswas, B.V. Rathish Kumar
34.Confined growth of a vapour bubble in a capillary tube at initially uniform superheat: Experiments and modellingPages 4653-4671D.B.R. Kenning, D.S. Wen, K.S. Das, S.K. Wilson
35.Thermal lattice-BGK model based on large-eddy simulation of turbulent natural convection due to internal heat generationPages 4672-4680Hongjuan Liu, Chun Zou, Baochang Shi, Zhiwei Tian, Liqi Zhang, Chuguang Zheng
36.Final steady flow near a stagnation point on a vertical surface in a porous mediumPages 4681-4686Keith Merrill, Matthew Beauchesne, Joseph Previte, Joseph Paullet, Patrick Weidman
37.Integral transform solution for natural convection in three-dimensional porous cavities: Aspect ratio effectsPages 4687-4695H. Luz Neto, J.N.N. Quaresma, R.M. Cotta
38.Contents, run on from IBCPage II

Volume 49, Issues 25-26, Pages 4697-5086 (December 2006)

1.Unstable vortex flow and new inertia-driven vortex rolls resulting from an air jet impinging onto a confined heated horizontal diskPages 4697-4711F.C. Hsieh, J.H. Wu, J.C. Hsieh, T.F. Lin
2.In situ investigation of water transport in an operating PEM fuel cell using neutron radiography: Part 1 – Experimental method and serpentine flow field resultsPages 4712-4720T.A. Trabold, J.P. Owejan, D.L. Jacobson, M. Arif, P.R. Huffman
3.In situ investigation of water transport in an operating PEM fuel cell using neutron radiography: Part 2 – Transient water accumulation in an interdigitated cathode flow fieldPages 4721-4731J.P. Owejan, T.A. Trabold, D.L. Jacobson, D.R. Baker, D.S. Hussey, M. Arif
4.Applying neural networks to the solution of forward and inverse heat conduction problemsPages 4732-4750S. Deng, Y. Hwang
5.Direct contact condensation in packed bedsPages 4751-4761Yi Li, James F. Klausner, Renwei Mei, Jessica Knight
6.Analysis of moisture flow in porous materials using microfocus X-ray radiographyPages 4762-4772Staf Roels, Jan Carmeliet
7.2D natural convection flows in tilted cavities: Porous media and homogeneous fluidsPages 4773-4785Elsa Báez, Alfredo Nicolás
8.Numerical simulation of the He II/He I phase transition in superconducting magnetsPages 4786-4794Shaolin Mao, Cesar A. Luongo, David A. Kopriva
9.Three-dimensional convection flow adjacent to inclined backward-facing stepPages 4795-4803Y.T. Chen, J.H. Nie, H.T. Hsieh, L.J. Sun
10.A transient, multi-phase and multi-component model of a new passive DMFCPages 4804-4820Jeremy Rice, Amir Faghri
11.Buoyancy convection in cylindrical conducting melt with low Grashof number under uniform static magnetic fieldPages 4821-4830Yuko Inatomi
12.Convection heat transfer from tube banks in crossflow: Analytical approachPages 4831-4838W.A. Khan, J.R. Culham, M.M. Yovanovich
13.Thermodynamic optimization of tree-shaped flow geometries with constant channel wall temperaturePages 4839-4849V.D. Zimparov, A.K. da Silva, A. Bejan
14.Control of macrosegregation during the solidification of alloys using magnetic fieldsPages
15.Two-temperature chemically-non-equilibrium modeling of argon induction plasmas with diatomic gasPages 4867-4876Takayuki Watanabe, Masaya Shigeta, Nobuhiko Atsuchi
16.Thermal conductance measurement on vacuum glazingPages 4877-4885N. Ng, R.E. Collins, L. So
17.Exclusion of oscillations in heterogeneous and bi-composite media thermal conductionPages 4886-4892Peter Vadasz
18.An iterative regularization method in estimating the base temperature for non-Fourier finsPages
19.Directional solidification of binary melts with a non-equilibrium mushy layerPages 4903-4909D.L. Aseev, D.V. Alexandrov
20.Spray cooling of enhanced surfaces: Impact of structured surface geometry and spray axis inclinationPages 4910-4920Eric A. Silk, Jungho Kim, Ken Kiger
21.A molecular dynamics study of interfacial thermal transport in heterogeneous systemsPages 4921-4931Phil J. Hegedus, Alexis R. Abramson
22.Buoyancy and wall conduction effects on forced convection of micropolar fluid flow along a vertical slender hollow circular cylinderPages 4932-4942Cheng-Long Chang
23.Experimental methodology and heat transfer model for identification of ignition kinetics of powdered fuelsPages 4943-4954Trent S. Ward, Mikhaylo A. Trunov, Mirko Schoenitz, Edward L. Dreizin
24.Thermal non-equilibrium modeling of heat transfer through vertical annulus embedded with porous mediumPages 4955-4965Irfan Anjum Badruddin, Z.A. Zainal, P.A. Aswatha Narayana, K.N. Seetharamu
25.Thermal analysis of plate condensers in presence of flow maldistributionPages 4966-4977Prabhakara Rao Bobbili, Bengt Sunden, Sarit Kumar Das
26.A comprehensive analysis of conduction-controlled rewetting by the Heat Balance Integral MethodPages 4978-4986S.K. Sahu, P.K. Das, S. Bhattacharyya
27.Conjugate natural convection heat transfer in an inclined square cavity containing a conducting blockPages 4987-5000Manab Kumar Das, K. Saran Kumar Reddy
28.A numerical model for the analyses of heat transfer and leakages in a rotary air preheaterPages 5001-5009Boštjan Drobnič, Janez Oman, Matija Tuma
29.Prediction of soil thermal conductivity based on penetration resistance and water content or air-filled porosityPages 5010-5017B. Usowicz, J. Lipiec, A. Ferrero
30.Experimental study of dropwise condensation on plasma-ion implanted stainless steel tubesPages 5018-5026A. Bani Kananeh, M.H. Rausch, A.P. Fröba, A. Leipertz
31.Performance study of an evaporator tube working under high heat fluxesPages 5027-5034P.K. Sarma, V. Srinivas, K.V. Sharma, V. Dharma Rao, T. Subramanyam, A.E. Bergles
32.The second largest Lyapunov exponent and transition to chaos of natural convection in a rectangular cavityPages 5035-5048Hideshi Ishida, Shojiro Kawase, Hideo Kimoto
33.Simultaneous measurement of local film thickness and temperature distribution in wavy liquid films using a luminescence techniquePages 5049-5061A. Schagen, M. Modigell, G. Dietze, R. Kneer
34.Numerical study and optimization of the porous media VOC oxidizer with electric heating elementsPages 5062-5069N.N. Gnesdilov, K.V. Dobrego, I.M. Kozlov, E.S. Shmelev
35.Effect of nanoparticles on CHF enhancement in pool boiling of nano-fluidsPages 5070-5074Hyungdae Kim, Jeongbae Kim, Moo Hwan Kim
36.On the role of heat and mass transport during the mutual annihilation of two premixed propane–air flamesPages
37.Transient thermal behavior of porous media under oscillating flow conditionPages 5081-5085S.Y. Byun, S.T. Ro, J.Y. Shin, Y.S. Son, D.-Y. Lee
38.Volume Index, layout sheets att’edPages I-XXXIV
39.Contents page, run on contents from IBCPage XXXVI

Volume 50, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-392 (January 2007)

1.Two-phase flow in converging and diverging microchannels with CO2 bubbles produced by chemical reactionsPages 1-14B.R. Fu, F.G. Tseng, Chin Pan
2.Effect of rotation on leading edge region film cooling of a gas turbine blade with three rows of film cooling holesPages 15-25Jaeyong Ahn, M.T. Schobeiri, Je-Chin Han, Hee-Koo Moon
3.Forced convection with viscous dissipation in the thermal entrance region of a circular duct with prescribed wall heat fluxPages 26-35A. Barletta, E. Magyari
4.An experimental investigation of natural convection with solidification in a differentially heated cavityPages 36-44M.T. Stickland, T.J. Scanlon, J. MacKenzie
5.Estimation of heat transfer coefficient on the vertical plate fin of finned-tube heat exchangers for various air speeds and fin spacingsPages 45-57Han-Taw Chen, Juei-Che Chou, Hung-Chih Wang
6.Effects of angular vibration on the flow, segregation, and interface morphology in vertical Bridgman crystal growthPages 58-66W.C. Yu, Z.B. Chen, W.T. Hsu, B. Roux, T.P. Lyubimova, C.W. Lan
7.A new lattice thermal conductivity model of a thin-film semiconductorPages 67-74Mei-Jiau Huang, Tai-Ming Chang, Wen-Yen Chong, Chun-Kai Liu, Chih-Kuang Yu
8.Analytic solution for axisymmetric flow and heat transfer of a second grade fluid past a stretching sheetPages 75-84T. Hayat, M. Sajid
9.Conjugate heat transfer analysis of a heat generating vertical platePages 85-93S. Jahangeer, M.K. Ramis, G. Jilani
10.Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer coefficients of pure HFC134a, HC290, HC600a and their binary and ternary mixturesPages 94-104Zhaohu Sun, Maoqiong Gong, Zhijian Li, Jianfeng Wu
11.Thermal damage reduction associated with in vivo skin electroporation: A numerical investigation justifying aggressive pre-coolingPages 105-116S.M. Becker, A.V. Kuznetsov
12.Spatial thermal regulation of aluminum foam heat sink using a sintered porous conductive pipePages 117-126Sheng-Chung Tzeng
13.Numerical study of single bubbles with dynamic contact angle during nucleate pool boilingPages 127-138Abhijit Mukherjee, Satish G. Kandlikar
14.Natural convection in enclosure with heating and cooling by sinusoidal temperature profiles on one sidePages 139-150E. Bilgen, R. Ben Yedder
15.Heat and mass transfer in a cross-flow membrane-based enthalpy exchanger under naturally formed boundary conditionsPages 151-162Li-Zhi Zhang
16.Microbubble return phenomena during subcooled boiling on small wiresPages 163-172Hao Wang, Xiaofeng Peng, Suresh V. Garimella, David M. Christopher
17.Performance analysis and optimization of elliptic fins circumscribing a circular tubePages 173-180B. Kundu, P.K. Das
18.Non-similar solution of an unsteady mixed convection flow over a vertical cone with suction or injectionPages
19.Unsteady fluid and heat flow induced by a submerged stretching surface while its steady motion is slowed down graduallyPages 188-195M.E. Ali, E. Magyari
20.Influence of sintering on the growth rate of particulate fouling layersPages 196-207M.S. Abd-Elhady, S.H. Clevers, T.N.G. Adriaans, C.C.M. Rindt, J.G. Wijers, A.A. van Steenhoven
21.Experimental investigation and modelling of heat transfer during convective boiling in a minichannelPages 208-215H. Boye, Y. Staate, J. Schmidt
22.Matched asymptotic solution for the solute boundary layer in a converging axisymmetric stagnation point flowPages 216-225Jānis Priede, Gunter Gerbeth
23.Analysis of flow patterns emerging during evaporation in parallel microchannelsPages 226-239S. Hardt, B. Schilder, D. Tiemann, G. Kolb, V. Hessel, P. Stephan
24.Transient heat, mass and momentum transfer of an evaporating stationary droplet containing dissolved cerium nitrate in a rf thermal argon–oxygen plasma under reduced pressurePages 240-256I. Castillo, R.J. Munz
25.Improving convergence of summations in heat conductionPages 257-268James V. Beck, Kevin D. Cole
26.The effects of dissolved salt on the Leidenfrost transitionPages 269-282Chen-Kang Huang, Van P. Carey
27.A Photographic study of subcooled flow boiling burnout at high heat flux and velocityPages 283-291G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, D. Gallo, A. Mariani, G. Zummo
28.Conduction through an assembly of spherical particles at low liquid contentsPages 292-302E.G. Youngs, A.R. Kacimov
29.A numerical investigation of the evaporation process of a liquid droplet impinging onto a hot substratePages 303-319N. Nikolopoulos, A. Theodorakakos, G. Bergeles
30.Application issues of the streamline, heatline and massline for conjugate heat and mass transferPages
31.Effect of stable-density stratification on counter gradient flux of a homogeneous shear flowPages 335-347Oaki Iida, Yasutaka Nagano
32.Effects of gravity modulation on convection in a horizontal annulusPages 348-360Mark P. Dyko, Kambiz Vafai
33.Effect of inclination angle on free convection thermal performance of louver finned heat exchangerPages 361-366Atipoang Nuntaphan, Sanparwat Vithayasai, Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, Chi-Chuan Wang
34.Effects of Mach number and Reynolds number on jet array impingement heat transferPages 367-380Matt Goodro, Jongmyung Park, Phil Ligrani, Mike Fox, Hee-Koo Moon
35.Heat transfer enhancement of Taylor–Couette–Poiseuille flow in an annulus by mounting longitudinal ribs on the rotating inner cylinderPages 381-390Tzer-Ming Jeng, Sheng-Chung Tzeng, Chao-Hsien Lin
36.Erratum to: “New flow boiling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating inside horizontal tubes” [Heat Mass Transfer 49 (21–22) (2006) 4082–4094]Page 391Lixin Cheng, Gherhardt Ribatski, Leszek Wojtan, John R. Thome

Volume 50, Issues 3-4, Pages 393-788 (February 2007)

1.Thermal conductivity of metal-organic framework 5 (MOF-5): Part I. Molecular dynamics simulationsPages 393-404B.L. Huang, A.J.H. McGaughey, M. Kaviany
2.Thermal conductivity of a metal-organic framework (MOF-5): Part II. MeasurementPages 405-411B.L. Huang, Z. Ni, A. Millward, A.J.H. McGaughey, C. Uher, M. Kaviany, O. Yaghi
3.Numerical investigation of combustion with non-gray thermal radiation and soot formation effect in a liquid rocket enginePages 412-422Doyoung Byun, Seung Wook Baek
4.Pool boiling heat transfer on a vertical tube with a partial annulus of closed bottomsPages 423-432Myeong-Gie Kang
5.A comparative evaluation of two different heat-recovery schemes as applied to a two-bed adsorption chillerPages 433-443Xiaolin Wang, H.T. Chua
6.Effect of curvature ratios on the heat transfer and flow developments in the horizontal spirally coiled tubesPages
7.Assessment of the effectiveness of nanofluids for single-phase and two-phase heat transfer in micro-channelsPages 452-463Jaeseon Lee, Issam Mudawar
8.Layered porous media architecture for maximal coolingPages 464-478Philippe Wildi-Tremblay, Louis Gosselin
9.Velocity–vorticity formulation for 3D natural convection in an inclined cavity by DQ methodPages 479-491D.C. Lo, D.L. Young, K. Murugesan, C.C. Tsai, M.H. Gou
10.Investigation on the characteristics of the flow and heat transfer in bilaterally heated narrow annuliPages 492-501H.Y. Zeng, S.Z. Qiu, D.N. Jia
11.R-134a spray dynamics and impingement cooling in the non-boiling regimePages 502-512Shou-Shing Hsieh, Chi-Hsun Tien
12.An investigation on spill plume development and natural filling in large full-scale atrium under retail shop firePages 513-529C.L. Shi, W.Z. Lu, W.K. Chow, R. Huo
13.Transient flow and heat transfer leading to periodic state in a cavity with inlet and outlet ports due to incoming flow oscillationPages 530-538S.M. Saeidi, J.M. Khodadadi
14.Reduced-order modeling of turbulent forced convection with parametric conditionsPages 539-551Jeffrey Rambo, Yogendra Joshi
15.Finite circular fin method for heat and mass transfer characteristics for plain fin-and-tube heat exchangers under fully and partially wet surface conditionsPages 552-565Worachest Pirompugd, Chi-Chuan Wang, Somchai Wongwises
16.Measuring temperature of the ice surface during its formation by using infrared instrumentationPages 566-579Anatolij R. Karev, Masoud Farzaneh, László E. Kollár
17.A lamp thermoelectricity based integrated bake/chill system for photoresist processingPages 580-594Arthur Tay, Hui Tong Chua, Xiaodong Wu
18.Experimental characterization of anode heating by electron emission from a multi-walled carbon nanotubePages 595-604T. Westover, T.S. Fisher, F. Pfefferkorn
19.Buoyant convection in an enclosure under time-periodic magnetizing forcePages 605-615Dong Gu Kang, Jae Min Hyun
20.A mathematical simulation of high temperature induction heating of electroconductive solidsPages 616-624B. Drobenko, O. Hachkevych, T. Kournyts’kyi
21.Conjugate turbulent natural convection with surface radiation in air filled rectangular enclosuresPages 625-639Anil Kumar Sharma, K. Velusamy, C. Balaji, S.P. Venkateshan
22.Heat transfer characteristics of three interacting methane/air flame jets impinging on a flat surfacePages 640-653Subhash Chander, Anjan Ray
23.A benchmark solidification experiment on an Sn–10%wtBi alloyPages 654-666G. Quillet, A. Ciobanas, P. Lehmann, Y. Fautrelle
24.Natural convection heat transfer in horizontal and vertical closed narrow enclosures with heated rectangular finned base platePages 667-679S.A. Nada
25.Thermal field around a partially debonded spherical particlePages 680-686A. Ghobeity, A.S. Deakin, J.R. Dryden
26.Analysis of chemical-reaction-coupled mass and heat transport phenomena in a methane reformer duct for PEMFCsPages 687-701Jinliang Yuan, Fuan Ren, Bengt Sundén
27.Entropy flow and generation in radiative transfer between surfacesPages 702-712Z.M. Zhang, S. Basu
28.Three-dimensional thermal boundary layer corrections for circular heat flux gauges mounted in a flat plate with a surface temperature discontinuityPages 713-722M. Kandula, G.F. Haddad, R.-H. Chen
29.A dynamic study of steam-methane reformingPages 723-733M.A. El-Bousiffi, D.J. Gunn
30.Modeling study on the characteristics of laminar and turbulent argon plasma jets impinging normally upon a flat plate in ambient airPages 734-745Hai-Xing Wang, Xi Chen, Kai Cheng, Wenxia Pan
31.Numerical analysis of heat removal enhancement with extended surfacesPages 746-755Giulio Lorenzini, Simone Moretti
32.Unsteady state temperature fields in a slab induced by line sourcesPages 756-765J.J. Saastamoinen
33.Steady natural convection flows in a square cavity with linearly heated side wall(s)Pages 766-775M. Sathiyamoorthy, Tanmay Basak, S. Roy, I. Pop
34.Mathematical model of chemical reactions in polydisperse porous mediaPages 776-781I.L. Maikov, L.B. Director
35.Limitations of the standard Bernoulli equation method for evaluating Pitot/impact tube dataPages 782-788S.K.S. Boetcher, E.M. Sparrow

Volume 50, Issues 5-6, Pages 789-1220 (March 2007)

2.A semi-analytical method to study the temperature evolutions of a slab and a semi-infinite target for plasma immersion ion implantationPages 789-798F.B. Yeh
3.Numerical study of transient conjugate heat transfer of a turbulent impinging jetPages 799-807Yue-Tzu Yang, Shiang-Yi Tsai
4.Heat and mass transfer in gas metal arc welding. Part II: The metalPages 808-820J. Hu, H.L. Tsai
5.Numerical investigation of the thermal separation in a Ranque–Hilsch vortex tubePages 821-832Smith Eiamsa-ard, Pongjet Promvonge
6.Heat and mass transfer in gas metal arc welding. Part I: The arcPages 833-846J. Hu, H.L. Tsai
7.An iterative stabilized CNBS–CG scheme for incompressible non-isothermal non-Newtonian fluid flowPages 847-856Xianhong Han, Xikui Li
8.Transient flow patterns and bubble slug lengths in parallel microchannels with oxygen gas bubbles produced by catalytic chemical reactionsPages 857-871Jinliang Xu, Yi Feng, Jiwen Cen
9.Three-dimensional thermocapillary–buoyancy flow of silicone oil in a differentially heated annular poolPages 872-880Lan Peng, You-Rong Li, Wan-Yuan Shi, Nobuyuki Imaishi
10.Forced convection in slightly curved microchannelsPages 881-896Liqiu Wang, Fang Liu
11.Analytical solution for temperature profiles at the ends of thermal buffer tubesPages 897-901Konstantin I. Matveev, Gregory W. Swift, Scott Backhaus
12.Isosteric heats of adsorption extracted from experiments of ethanol and HFC 134a on carbon based adsorbentsPages 902-907Ibrahim I. El-Sharkawy, Bidyut B. Saha, Shigeru Koyama, Kandadai Srinivasan
13.A dominant geometrical parameter affecting the turbulent mixing rate in rod bundlesPages 908-918Hae-Yong Jeong, Kwi-Seok Ha, Young-Min Kwon, Yong-Bum Lee, Dohee Hahn
14.Endwall heat transfer and fluid flow around an inclined short cylinderPages 919-930I.K. Choi, T. Kim, S.J. Song, T.J. Lu
15.The influence of thermal radiation on MHD flow of a second grade fluidPages 931-941T. Hayat, Z. Abbas, M. Sajid, S. Asghar
16.Buoyancy-driven convection of water near its density maximum with partially active vertical wallsPages 942-948P. Kandaswamy, S. Sivasankaran, N. Nithyadevi
17.Unsteady mixed convection flow over a vertical cone due to impulsive motionPages 949-959Param Jeet Singh, S. Roy
18.Heat transfer in a viscoelastic boundary layer flow over a stretching sheet with viscous dissipation and non-uniform heat sourcePages 960-966M. Subhas
19.Two-dimensional simulation of gas–solid heat transfer in pneumatic conveyingPages 967-976K.S.
20.Steady forced convection heat transfer from a heated circular cylinder to power-law fluidsPages 977-990Ram Prakash Bharti, R.P. Chhabra, V. Eswaran
21.The effects of variable fluid properties and thermocapillarity on the flow of a thin film on an unsteady stretching sheetPages 991-996B.S. Dandapat, B. Santra, K. Vajravelu
22.Enhancement of pool boiling critical heat flux in dielectric liquids by microporous coatingsPages 997-1009Mehmet Arik, Avram Bar-Cohen, Seung Mun You
23.Buoyant instability in a laterally heated vertical cylinderPages 1010-1017L.E. Gemeny, L. Martin Witkowski, J.S. Walker
24.Boiling heat transfer in a hydrofoil-based micro pin fin heat sinkPages 1018-1034Ali Koşar, Yoav Peles
25.Extended Shvab–Zel’dovich formulation for multicomponent-fuel diffusion flamesPages 1035-1048Fernando F. Fachini
26.Flow pattern transition instability during flow boiling in a single microchannelPages 1049-1060Cheol Huh, Jeongbae Kim, Moo Hwan Kim
27.Interactive free convection from a pair of vertical tube-arrays at moderate Rayleigh numbersPages 1061-1074Massimo Corcione
28.Experimental investigation on natural convection in horizontal channels with the upper wall at uniform heat fluxPages 1075-1086O. Manca, S. Nardini
29.An analytical solution for thermally fully developed combined pressure – electroosmotically driven flow in microchannelsPages 1087-1096Azad Qazi Zade, Mehrdad T. Manzari, Siamak K. Hannani
30.The effect of wall conduction for the extended Graetz problem for laminar and turbulent channel flowsPages 1097-1105B. Weigand, G. Gassner
31.Heat transfer with laminar forced convection in a porous channel exposed to a thermal asymmetryPages 1106-1121J. Mitrovic, B. Maletic
32.Influence of lateral conduction due to flow temperature variations in transient heat transfer measurementsPages 1122-1127J. von Wolfersdorf
33.Conservative modelling of the moisture and heat transfer in building components under atmospheric excitationPages 1128-1140Hans Janssen, Bert Blocken, Jan Carmeliet
34.On the thermal performance of wire-screen meshes as heat exchanger materialPages 1141-1154J. Xu, J. Tian, T.J. Lu, H.P. Hodson
35.Orthotropic thermal conductivity effect on cylindrical pin fin heat transferPages 1155-1162Raj Bahadur, Avram Bar-Cohen
36.Three-dimensional numerical study of wavy fin-and-tube heat exchangers and field synergy principle analysisPages 1163-1175Y.B. Tao, Y.L. He, J. Huang, Z.G. Wu, W.Q. Tao
37.Fluid flow and heat transfer in an optical fiber coating processPages 1176-1185Sang-Yeoun Yoo, Yogesh Jaluria
38.Simulation of refrigerant flow boiling in serpentine tubesPages 1186-1195H.L. Wu, X.F. Peng, P. Ye, Y. Eric Gong
39.Quasi-steady solutions for the ablation of charring materialsPages 1196-1201Wen-Shan Lin
40.On estimating thermal diffusivity using analytical inverse solution for unsteady one-dimensional heat conductionPages 1202-1205Peter Lloyd Woodfield, Masanori Monde, Yuichi Mitsutake
41.Study on the steady-state characteristics of the sensor tube of a thermal mass flow meterPages 1206-1211Dong-Kwon Kim, Il Young Han, Sung Jin Kim
42.Meshless element free Galerkin method for unsteady nonlinear heat transfer problemsPages 1212-1219Akhilendra Singh, Indra Vir Singh, Ravi Prakash

Volume 50, Issues 7-8, Pages 1221-1640 (April 2007)

2.A novel method to increase the growth rate in sublimation crystal growth of advanced materialsPages 1221-1230Xiaolin Wang, Dang Cai, Hui Zhang
3.Heat transfer performance in 3D internally finned heat pipePages 1231-1237Quan Liao, Tien-Chen Jen, Qinghua Chen, Longjian Li, Wenzhi Cui
4.Chaotic analysis of mixing enhancement in steady laminar flows through multiple pipe bendsPages 1238-1247A. Yamagishi, T. Inaba, Y. Yamaguchi
5.Effects of entrance region transport processes on free convection slip flow in vertical microchannels with isothermally heated wallsPages 1248-1254Laxmidhar Biswal, S.K. Som, Suman Chakraborty
6.Prediction of the maximum heat transfer capability of two-phase heat spreaders – Experimental validationPages 1255-1262Romuald Rullière, Frédéric Lefèvre, Monique Lallemand
7.A consideration on the relation between the oscillatory thermocapillary flow in a liquid bridge and the hydrothermal wave in a thin liquid layerPages 1263-1268Hiroshi Kawamura, Emi Tagaya, Yuta Hoshino
8.Chaotic mixing of fluids in a planar serpentine channelPages 1269-1277Kuo-Wei Lin, Jing-Tang Yang
9.A variational theory for frictional flow of fluids in inhomogeneous porous systemsPages 1278-1287Stanisław Sieniutycz
10.Experimental research of highly viscous fluid cooling in cross-flow to a tube bundlePages 1288-1294Srbislav B. Genić, Branislav M. Jaćimović, Bojan Janjić
11.Permeability and effective thermal conductivity of bisized porous mediaPages 1295-1301Ricardo P. Dias, Carla S. Fernandes, Manuel Mota, José A. Teixeira, Alexander Yelshin
12.Analytical and experimental study of premixed methane–air flame propagation in narrow channelsPages 1302-1313C.Y.H. Chao, K.S. Hui, W. Kong, P. Cheng, J.H. Wang
13.Near-wall modeling of an isothermal vertical wall using one-dimensional turbulencePages 1314-1327Harmanjeet Shihn, Paul E. DesJardin
14.A 3-dimensional, coupled, DNS, heat transfer model and solution for multi-hole coolingPages
15.Entropy production for cylinder drying of linerboard and newsprintPages 1344-1355G.J.M. Koper, S. Kjelstrup, T. van de Ven, M. Sadeghi, W.J.M. Douglas
16.Linear stability of natural convection in superposed fluid and porous layers: Influence of the interfacial modellingPages 1356-1367S.C. Hirata, B. Goyeau, D. Gobin, M. Carr, R.M. Cotta
17.Coagulation kernel of particles in a turbulent gas flowPages 1368-1387I.V. Derevich
18.Three-dimensional linear stability of natural convection in horizontal concentric annuliPages 1388-1396Takahiro Adachi, Satoru Imai
19.Analysis of thermal behavior in multi-layer metal thin films based on hyperbolic two-step modelPages 1397-1407Kuo-Chi Liu
20.New solutions for the short-time analysis of geothermal vertical boreholesPages 1408-1419Louis Lamarche, Benoit Beauchamp
21.Modulated wick heat pipePages 1420-1434G.S. Hwang, M. Kaviany, W.G. Anderson, J. Zuo
22.Numerical investigation of thermo-bioconvection in a suspension of gravitactic microorganismsPages 1435-1441Z. Alloui, T.H. Nguyen, E. Bilgen
23.Saturated flow boiling heat transfer of refrigerant R-410A in a horizontal annular finned ductPages
24.On the influence of pore shape, contact angle and film flows on drying of capillary porous mediaPages 1455-1468M. Prat
25.Thermal dispersion for water or air flow through a bed of glass beadsPages 1469-1484A. Testu, S. Didierjean, D. Maillet, C. Moyne, T. Metzger, T. Niass
26.Spatio-temporal stability analysis of mixed convection flows in porous media heated from below: Comparison with experimentsPages 1485-1499A. Delache, M.N. Ouarzazi, M. Combarnous
27.Modeling of turbulent heat transfer and thermal dispersion for flows in flat plate heat exchangersPages 1500-1515F. Pinson, O. Gregoire, M. Quintard, M. Prat, O. Simonin
28.Infrared radiative properties of polymer coatings containing hollow microspheresPages 1516-1527Leonid A. Dombrovsky, Jaona H. Randrianalisoa, Dominique Baillis
29.Numerical modeling of heat transfer and fluid flow in rotor–stator cavities with throughflowPages 1528-1544S. Poncet, R. Schiestel
30.Performance and optimization analysis of SRC profile fins subject to simultaneous heat and mass transferPages 1545-1558B. Kundu
31.Maximum heat flux propagation velocity during quenching by water jet impingementPages 1559-1568Aloke Kumar Mozumder, Peter Lloyd Woodfield, Md. Ashraful Islam, Masanori Monde
32.Radiative heat transfer in preforms for microstructured optical fibresPages 1569-1576S.-C. Xue, L. Poladian, G.W. Barton, M.C.J. Large
33.Nucleate boiling heat transfer from a structured surface – Effect of liquid intakePages 1577-1591A.K. Das, P.K. Das, S. Bhattacharyya, P. Saha
34.Scaling investigation of the natural convection boundary layer on an evenly heated platePages 1592-1602S.W. Armfield, John C. Patterson, Wenxian Lin
35.Taylor dispersion coefficients for laminar, longitudinal flow past arrays of circular tubesPages 1603-1615Sangkyun Koo
36.Measurement of the dimensionless extinction coefficient of soot within laminar diffusion flamesPages 1616-1630T.C. Williams, C.R. Shaddix, K.A. Jensen, J.M. Suo-Anttila
37.Heat and mass transfer characteristics of a rotating regenerative total energy wheelPages 1631-1636Ephraim M. Sparrow, Jimmy C.K. Tong, Mark R. Johnson, Gerry P. Martin
38.Laminar flow and heat transfer in plate-fin triangular ducts in thermally developing entry regionPages 1637-1640Li-Zhi Zhang

Volume 50, Issues 9-10, Pages 1641-2036 (May 2007)

2.A modified k–ε turbulence model for the simulation of two-phase flow and heat transfer in condensersPages 1641-1648Hong Gang Hu, Chao Zhang
3.Natural convection with distributed heat source modulationPages 1649-1655A. Bazylak, N. Djilali, D. Sinton
4.Solidification of a ternary alloy liquid layer on a substrate subject to self-consistent meltingPages 1656-1667F.B. Yeh
5.Unsteady MHD free convective flow of a compressible fluid past a moving vertical plate in the presence of radiative heat transferPages 1668-1674I.U. Mbeledogu, A.R.C. Amakiri, A. Ogulu
6.Optimization of heat conduction using combinatorial optimization algorithmsPages 1675-1682Xianghua Xu, Xingang Liang, Jianxun Ren
7.Numerical investigation of turbulent natural convection in an inclined square cavity with a hot wavy wallPages 1683-1693M. Aounallah, Y. Addad, S. Benhamadouche, O. Imine, L. Adjlout, D. Laurence
8.One-dimensional ice growth due to incoming supercooled droplets impacting on a thin conducting substratePages 1694-1705T.W. Brakel, J.P.F. Charpin, T.G. Myers
9.Multi-parameter estimation in combined conduction–radiation from a plane parallel participating medium using genetic algorithmsPages 1706-1714Swati Verma, C. Balaji
10.Modeling of a conceptual self-sustained liquid fuel vaporization – combustion system with radiative output using inert porous mediaPages 1715-1722Tarun K. Kayal, Mithiles Chakravarty
11.Non-similar analytic solution for MHD flow and heat transfer in a third-order fluid over a stretching sheetPages
12.Thermal contact resistance between plasma-sprayed particles and flat surfacesPages 1737-1749André McDonald, Christian Moreau, Sanjeev Chandra
13.Estimation of heat transfer coefficient on the fin of annular-finned tube heat exchangers in natural convection for various fin spacingsPages 1750-1761Han-Taw Chen, Wei-Lun Hsu
14.Three-dimensional condensation regime diagram for direct contact condensation of steam injected into waterPages 1762-1770A. Petrovic de With, R.K. Calay, G. de With
15.Effect of sinusoidal wavy bottom surface on mixed convection heat transfer in a lid-driven cavityPages 1771-1780Abdalla Al-Amiri, Khalil Khanafer, Joseph Bull, Ioan Pop
16.New scaling of turbulence statistics for incompressible thermal channel flow with different total heat flux gradientsPages 1781-1789Youhei Morinishi, Shinji Tamano, Eisuke Nakamura
17.Numerical and experimental study of melting in a spherical shellPages 1790-1804E. Assis, L. Katsman, G. Ziskind, R. Letan
18.Modelling of turbulent molten pool convection in laser welding of a copper–nickel dissimilar couplePages 1805-1822Nilanjan Chakraborty, Suman Chakraborty
19.Method of synthetic constraint, Fermat’s principle and the constructal law in the fundamental principle of conductive heat transportPages 1823-1832A.K. Pramanick, P.K. Das
20.A general implementation of the H1 boundary condition in CFD simulations of heat transfer in swept passagesPages 1833-1842Nathan R. Rosaguti, David F. Fletcher, Brian S. Haynes
21.Optimal temperature distribution in a 3D triple-layered skin structure embedded with artery and vein vasculature and induced by electromagnetic radiationPages 1843-1854Haojie Wang, Weizhong Dai, Adrian Bejan
22.Numerical study of fluid flow and heat transfer in microchannel cooling passagesPages 1855-1864Jiang-Tao Liu, Xiao-Feng Peng, Wei-Mon Yan
23.Numerical investigation of the influence of roughness on the laminar incompressible fluid flow through annular microchannelsPages 1865-1878José R. Valdés, Mario J. Miana, José Luis Pelegay, José Luis Núñez, Thomas Pütz
24.Pressure drop studies on two-phase flow in a uniformly heated vertical tube at pressures up to the critical pointPages 1879-1891B.R. Vijayarangan, S. Jayanti, A.R. Balakrishnan
25.Steady natural convection flow in a square cavity filled with a porous medium for linearly heated side wall(s)Pages 1892-1901M. Sathiyamoorthy, Tanmay Basak, S. Roy, I. Pop
26.Heat and mass transfer of an unsteady MHD natural convection flow of a rotating fluid past a vertical porous flat plate in the presence of radiative heat transferPages 1902-1908I.U. Mbeledogu, A. Ogulu
27.The effects of combined horizontal and vertical heterogeneity on the onset of convection in a porous mediumPages 1909-1915D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov
28.Forced convective heat transfer with impinging rectangular jetsPages 1916-1926D.W. Zhou, Sang-Joon Lee
29.Stability and heat transfer characteristics of unsteady condensing and evaporating filmsPages 1927-1937Sanjoy M. Som, Jeramy T. Kimball, James C. Hermanson, Jeffrey S. Allen
30.Thermal performance of microencapsulated phase change material slurry in turbulent flow under constant heat fluxPages 1938-1952Jorge L. Alvarado, Charles Marsh, Chang Sohn, Gary Phetteplace, Ty Newell
31.Local heat transfer coefficients in spray cooling systems measured with temperature oscillation IR thermographyPages 1953-1962S. Freund, A.G. Pautsch, T.A. Shedd, S. Kabelac
32.Thermal performance of plate-fin heat sinks under confined impinging jet conditionsPages 1963-1970Hung-Yi Li, Kuan-Ying Chen
33.Numerical and experimental investigation of pressure drop characteristics during upward boiling two-phase flow of nitrogenPages 1971-1981Xiangdong Li, Rongshun Wang, Rongguo Huang, Yumei Shi
34.Analysis on the cooling performance of the thermoelectric micro-coolerPages 1982-1992Kong Hoon Lee, Ook Joong Kim
35.Single-phase pressure drop and heat transfer characteristics of turbulent liquid nitrogen flow in micro-tubesPages 1993-2001S.L. Qi, P. Zhang, R.Z. Wang, L.X. Xu
36.Heat transfer augmentation in a two-sided lid-driven differentially heated square cavity utilizing nanofluidsPages 2002-2018Raj Kamal Tiwari, Manab Kumar Das
37.Numerical analysis of heating characteristics of a slab in a bench scale reheating furnacePages 2019-2023Sang Heon Han, Seung Wook Baek, Sang Hun Kang, Chang Young Kim
38.Experimental investigation on transfer characteristics of temperature fluctuation from liquid sodium to wall in parallel triple-jetPages 2024-2036Nobuyuki Kimura, Hiroyuki Miyakoshi, Hideki Kamide

Volume 50, Issues 11-12, Pages 2037-2446 (June 2007)

2.Dr. Suhas V. Patankar on his 65th birthdayPage 2037W.J. Minkowycz, E.M. Sparrow
3.Multiplicity analysis of a nonisothermal finite cylindrical catalyst pelletPages 2038-2050Gheorghe Juncu
4.Heat transfer and entropy generation optimization of forced convection in porous-saturated ducts of rectangular cross-sectionPages 2051-2059K. Hooman, H. Gurgenci, A.A. Merrikh
5.Inverse estimation of heat flux and temperature in multi-layer gun barrelPages 2060-2068Tsung-Chien Chen, Chiun-Chien Liu, Horng-Yuan Jang, Pan-Chio Tuan
6.An analytical mass transfer model for predicting VOC emissions from multi-layered building materials with convective surfaces on both sidesPages 2069-2077H.P. Hu, Y.P. Zhang, X.K. Wang, J.C. Little
7.Two-phase flow instability for boiling in a microchannel heat sinkPages 2078-2088K.H. Chang, Chin Pan
8.Solution of inverse heat conduction problems using Kalman filter-enhanced Bayesian back propagation neural network data fusionPages 2089-2100S. Deng, Y. Hwang
9.Finding the inversion temperature for water evaporation into an air–steam mixturePages 2101-2106E.P. Volchkov, A.I. Leontiev, S.N. Makarova
10.Experimental and numerical investigation of downward gas-dispersed turbulent pipe flowPages 2107-2116M.A. Pakhomov, M.V. Protasov, V.I. Terekhov, A.Yu. Varaksin
11.Transient temperature and thermal stress profiles in semi-transparent particles under high-flux irradiationPages 2117-2123Leonid Dombrovsky, Wojciech Lipiński
12.Onset of natural convection of electrolyte on horizontal electrode under non-steady-state mass-transfer conditionsPages 2124-2131V.M. Volgin, D.A. Bograchev, A.D. Davydov
13.Constructal H-shaped cavities according to Bejan’s theoryPages 2132-2138C. Biserni, L.A.O. Rocha, G. Stanescu, E. Lorenzini
14.Numerical investigation on enhancement of oxygen transfer by forced convection in liquid lead–bismuth eutectic systemPages 2139-2147Yitung Chen, Huajun Chen, Jinsuo Zhang
15.Onset of thermosolutal convection in a shallow porous layer heated and salted from below and subject to a horizontal heat flux balanced by a Soret mass fluxPages 2148-2160A. Mansour, A. Amahmid, M. Hasnaoui, M. Mamou
16.Analysis of melting of alloy powder bed with constant heat fluxPages 2161-2169Bin Xiao, Yuwen Zhang
17.Solution of a stationary inverse heat conduction problem by means of Trefftz non-continuous methodPages 2170-2181Michał J. Ciałkowski, Andrzej Frąckowiak, Krzysztof Grysa
18.Forced convection heat transfer in microchannel heat sinksPages 2182-2189Chien-Hsin Chen
19.Non-isothermal adsorption kinetics of water vapour into a consolidated zeolite layerPages 2190-2199B. Dawoud, U. Vedder, E.-H. Amer, S. Dunne
20.Is a direct numerical simulation of chaos possible? A study of a model nonlinearityPages 2200-2207Lun-Shin Yao
21.Double-pass flow heat transfer in a parallel-plate channel for improved device performance under uniform heat fluxesPages 2208-2216Chii-Dong Ho, Yu-Jui Chuang, Jr-Wei Tu
22.Effects of electromagnetic force on melt flow and porosity prevention in pulsed laser keyhole weldingPages 2217-2235Jun Zhou, Hai-Lung Tsai
23.Melting and resolidification of a subcooled metal powder particle subjected to nanosecond laser heatingPages
24.On vapor bubble formation around heated nanoparticles in liquidsPages 2246-2259Mathias Dietzel, Dimos Poulikakos
25.Conjugate natural convection around a finned pipe in a square enclosure with internal heat generationPages 2260-2271Abdullatif Ben-Nakhi, Ali J. Chamkha
26.Heat transfer and flow behaviour of aqueous suspensions of TiO2 nanoparticles (nanofluids) flowing upward through a vertical pipePages 2272-2281Yurong He, Yi Jin, Haisheng Chen, Yulong Ding, Daqiang Cang, Huilin Lu
27.Experimental study of compressibility, roughness and rarefaction influences on microchannel flowPages 2282-2295G.H. Tang, Zhuo Li, Y.L. He, W.Q. Tao
28.Heat transfer with flow and evaporation in loop heat pipe’s wick at low or moderate heat fluxesPages 2296-2308Chuan Ren, Qing-Song Wu, Mao-Bin Hu
29.Theoretical analysis of startup of a pulsating heat pipePages 2309-2316W. Qu, H.B. Ma
30.Use of non local equilibrium theory to predict transient temperature during non-isothermal resin flow in a fibrous mediumPages 2317-2324Mylene Deléglise, Christophe Binétruy, Philippe Castaing, Patricia Krawczak
31.A new shooting method for quasi-boundary regularization of backward heat conduction problemsPages 2325-2332Jiang-Ren Chang, Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang
32.Vapor condensation on nanoparticles in the mixer of a particle size magnifierPages 2333-2338Sergey P. Fisenko, Wei-Ning Wang, Manabu Shimada, Kikuo Okuyama
33.Flow boiling heat transfer characteristics of nitrogen in plain and wire coil inserted tubesPages 2339-2345Rin Yun, Jee-Sang Hwang, Jin Tack Chung, Yongchan Kim
34.Effects of a finite section with linearly varying wall temperature on mixed convection in a vertical channelPages 2346-2354Tsai-Shou Chang
35.Second law analysis of a waste heat recovery based power generation systemPages 2355-2363C.J. Butcher, B.V. Reddy
36.Pressure drop and heat transfer of square pin-fin arrays in in-line and staggered arrangementsPages 2364-2375Tzer-Ming Jeng, Sheng-Chung Tzeng
37.Convective mass transfer coefficient for a hydrodynamically developed airflow in a short rectangular ductPages 2376-2393Conrad R. Iskra, Carey J. Simonson
38.Multiple fluid flow and heat transfer solutions in a two-sided lid-driven cavityPages 2394-2405W.-J. Luo, R.-J. Yang
39.Analysis of laminar dissipative flow and heat transfer in a porous saturated circular tube with constant wall heat fluxPages 2406-2413Shigeru Tada, Koichi Ichimiya
40.Heat transfer improvement by arranging detached ribs on suction surfaces of rotating internal coolant passagesPages 2414-2424Tong-Miin Liou, Yi-Sian Hwang, Meng-Yu Chen
41.Analysis of heat-aided membrane-controlled drug release from a process control perspectivePages 2425-2433Laurent Simon
42.Two-dimensional numerical simulations of shock waves in micro convergent–divergent nozzlesPages 2434-2438Jinliang Xu, Chuangxin Zhao
43.An experimental study of the statistical parameters of gas–liquid two-phase slug flow in horizontal pipelinePages 2439-2443Xin Wang, Liejin Guo, Ximin Zhang
44.A. Bejan, Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics (third ed.), Wiley, Hoboken, NJ (2006) ISBN 978-0-471-67763-5.Pages 2444-2445Jaime Cervantes-de Gortari

Volume 50, Issues 13-14, Pages 2447-2858 (July 2007)

2.Professor John R. Howell on his 70th birthdayPages 2447-2448Manohar S. Sohal, Ray Viskanta, Leonid A. Dombrovsky, W.J. Minkowycz, Michael F. Modest, Kyle J. Daun, Ephraim M. Sparrow, Jean Taine, M. Pinar Mengüç, Arthur C. Ratzel III
3.Professor Simon Ostrach on the occasion of his retirementPages 2449-2450
4.Natural convection in triangular enclosures with protruding isothermal heaterPages 2451-2462Yasin Varol, Hakan F. Oztop, Tuncay Yilmaz
5.Non-equilibrium solidification of the molten metal droplets impacting on a solid surfacePages
6.Laminar convective heat transfer in chaotic configurationPages 2469-2479Vimal Kumar, K.D.P. Nigam
7.Flow and heat transfer behaviors of phase change material slurries in a horizontal circular tubePages 2480-2491Xichun Wang, Jianlei Niu, Yi Li, Xin Wang, Binjiao
8.A novel solution for pressure drop in singly connected microchannels of arbitrary cross-sectionPages 2492-2502Majid Bahrami, M. Michael Yovanovich, J. Richard Culham
9.Estimation of spray cooling characteristics on a hot surface using the hybrid inverse schemePages 2503-2513Han-Taw Chen, Hung-Chih Lee
10.Peripheral fins for blockage robustnessPages 2514-2520Hailing Wu, Diana Ma, Massoud Kaviany
11.Cross flow heat exchange of textile cellular metal core sandwich panelsPages 2521-2536J. Tian, T.J. Lu, H.P. Hodson, D.T. Queheillalt, H.N.G. Wadley
12.A thermal-ablation bioheat model including liquid-to-vapor phase change, pressure- and necrosis-dependent perfusion, and moisture-dependent propertiesPages 2537-2544J.P. Abraham, E.M. Sparrow
13.Entransy—A physical quantity describing heat transfer abilityPages 2545-2556Zeng-Yuan Guo, Hong-Ye Zhu, Xin-Gang Liang
14.Dynamics of a vapor bubble on a heated substratePages 2557-2570S.W. Joo, M.S. Park
15.Boundary conditions at the solid–liquid surface over the multiscale channel size from nanometer to micronPages 2571-2581Jinliang Xu, Yuxiu Li
16.Laminar free convection underneath a downward facing inclined hot fin arrayPages 2582-2589G.
17.Structural optimization of two-dimensional cellular metals cooled by forced convectionPages 2590-2604T. Wen, F. Xu, T.J. Lu
18.Experimental study of forced convection heat transfer from a cam shaped tube in cross flowsPages
19.Turbulent natural convection in a vertical parallel-plate channel with asymmetric heatingPages
20.Perturbation solution for solidification of pure metals on a sinusoidal mold surfacePages 2624-2633Faruk Yigit
21.Solution of radiative heat transfer in graded index media by least square spectral element methodPages 2634-2642J.M. Zhao, L.H. Liu
22.Use of extended Kalman filtering in detecting fouling in heat exchangersPages 2643-2655Gudmundur R. Jonsson, Sylvain Lalot, Olafur P. Palsson, Bernard Desmet
23.A numerical study of laminar free convection heat transfer between inner sphere and outer vertical cylinderPages 2656-2666Wen Ruey Chen
24.On the heat transfer characteristics of heat sinks: Influence of fin spacing at low Reynolds number regionPages 2667-2674Kai-Shing Yang, Ching-Ming Chiang, Yur-Tsai Lin, Kuo-Hsiang Chien, Chi-Chuan Wang
25.Evaporation of droplets into a background gas: Kinetic modellingPages 2675-2691S.S. Sazhin, I.N. Shishkova, A.P. Kryukov, V.Yu. Levashov, M.R. Heikal
26.Implications of solid phase interaction mechanisms on momentum, heat and solute transport in semi-solid materials processingPages 2692-2703Joydeep Chowdhury, Suvankar Ganguly, Suman Chakraborty
27.Operating temperature and distribution of a working fluid in LHPPages 2704-2713M.A. Chernysheva, S.V. Vershinin, Yu. F. Maydanik
28.Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations and dynamic programming for power-maximizing relaxation of radiationPages 2714-2732Stanislaw Sieniutycz
29.Dynamics of plate heat exchangers subject to flow variationsPages 2733-2743Anil Kumar Dwivedi, Sarit Kumar Das
30.Boiling phenomena with surfactants and polymeric additives: A state-of-the-art reviewPages 2744-2771Lixin Cheng, Dieter Mewes, Andrea Luke
31.Experimental investigation on natural convection in a convergent channel with uniformly heated platesPages 2772-2786Nicola Bianco, Oronzio Manca, Sergio Nardini
32.Parametric study of recuperative VOC oxidation reactor with porous mediaPages 2787-2794N.N. Gnesdilov, K.V. Dobrego, I.M. Kozlov
33.Numerical study on transverse asymmetry in the temperature profile of a regenerator in a pulse tube coolerPages 2795-2804Stig Kildegaard Andersen, Marc Dietrich, Henrik Carlsen, Günter Thummes
34.Interaction of Marangoni convection with mass transfer effects at dropletsPages 2805-2815B. Arendt, R. Eggers
35.Analysis of the heat transfer of an impinging laminar flame jetPages 2816-2827M.J. Remie, M.F.G. Cremers, K.R.A.M. Schreel, L.P.H. de Goey
36.Inverse radiation–conduction design problem in a participating concentric cylindrical mediumPages 2828-2837Ki Wan Kim, Seung Wook Baek
37.Hydrodynamic cavitation and boiling in refrigerant (R-123) flow inside microchannelsPages 2838-2854Brandon Schneider, Ali Koşar, Yoav Peles
38.13th International Heat Transfer Conference, Syndey, Australia, 13–18 August 2006Pages 2855-2856Graham de Vahl Davis
39.Amir Faghri and Yuwen Zhang, Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems, Elsevier (2006) ISBN 0-12-370610-6 1064 pp., 403 Figures, 292 Problems and 62 Examples, Hardcover, $89.95.Pages 2857-2858Kambiz Vafai

Volume 50, Issues 15-16, Pages 2859-3264 (July 2007)

2.Topology optimization of convection-dominated, steady-state heat transfer problemsPages 2859-2873T.E. Bruns
3.Mixed convection heat transfer in horizontal rectangular ducts with radiation effectsPages 2874-2882Han-Chieh Chiu, Jer-Huan Jang, Wei-Mon Yan
4.Temperature distribution in a thin composite plate exposed to a concentrated heat sourcePages 2883-2894C. Corlay, S.G. Advani
5.3-Dimensional numerical optimization of silicon-based high performance parallel microchannel heat sink with liquid flowPages 2895-2904J. Li, G.P. Peterson
6.Evaporation heat transfer characteristics of a grooved heat pipe with micro-trapezoidal groovesPages
7.A numerical investigation on the influence of liquid properties and interfacial heat transfer during microdroplet deposition onto a glass substratePages 2912-2923Rajneesh Bhardwaj, Jon P. Longtin, Daniel Attinger
8.Effects of variable density on response of spherical diffusion flames under rotationPages 2924-2935S.W. Yoo, C.K. Law
9.Non-thermal equilibrium model of the coupled heat and mass transfer in strong endothermic chemical reaction system of porous mediaPages 2936-2943Mingchun Li, Yusheng Wu, Yanwen Tian, Yuchun Zhai
10.A nucleate boiling limitation model for the prediction of pool boiling CHFPages 2944-2951Heung June Chung, Hee Cheon No
11.Multiscale modeling of particle–solidification front dynamics, Part I: MethodologyPages 2952-2968J.W. Garvin, Y. Yang, H.S. Udaykumar
12.Multiscale modeling of particle–solidification front dynamics. Part II: Pushing–engulfment transitionPages 2969-2980J.W. Garvin, Y. Yang, H.S. Udaykumar
13.Effects of thermophoresis particle deposition in free convection boundary layer from a horizontal flat plate embedded in a porous mediumPages 2981-2985Adrian Postelnicu
14.Interfacial area concentration in annular two-phase flowPages 2986-2995Tatsuya Hazuku, Tomoji Takamasa, Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii
15.Optimal conduction pathways for cooling a heat-generating body: A comparison exercisePages 2996-3006François Mathieu-Potvin, Louis Gosselin
16.Dimensional analysis of thermo-fluid-dynamics of high hydrostatic pressure processes with phase transitionPages 3007-3018W. Kowalczyk, A. Delgado
17.Local effects of longitudinal heat conduction in plate heat exchangersPages 3019-3025Michele Ciofalo
18.Melting effect on mixed convective heat transfer with aiding and opposing external flows from the vertical plate in a liquid-saturated porous mediumPages 3026-3034Wen T. Cheng, Chung H. Lin
19.Stabilities of combined radiation and Rayleigh–Bénard–Marangoni convection in an open vertical cylinderPages 3035-3046B. Xu, X. Ai, B.Q. Li
20.The auto-ignition of single n-heptane/iso-octane dropletsPages 3047-3053R. Stauch, U. Maas
21.Determination of thermal conductivity and emissivity of electromagnetically levitated high-temperature droplet based on the periodic laser-heating method: TheoryPages 3054-3061Takao Tsukada, Hiroyuki Fukuyama, Hidekazu Kobatake
22.Effects of the pulsating flow agitation on the heat transfer in a triangular grooved channelPages
23.Role of metallic and composite (ceramic–metallic) supports on microwave heating of porous dielectricsPages 3072-3089K. Aparna, Tanmay Basak, A.R. Balakrishnan
24.The linear stability of a developing thermal front in a porous medium: The effect of local thermal non-equilibriumPages 3090-3099Ali Nouri-Borujerdi, Amin R. Noghrehabadi, D. Andrew S. Rees
25.Effect of developing flow and thermal regime on momentum and heat transfer in micro-scale heat sinkPages 3100-3114Y. Mishan, A. Mosyak, E. Pogrebnyak, G. Hetsroni
26.Characterization of electroosmotic flow in rectangular microchannelsPages 3115-3121Cheng Wang, Teck Neng Wong, Chun Yang, Kim Tiow Ooi
27.Nonlinear thermohaline convection in rotating fluidsPages 3122-3140S.G. Tagare, M.V. Ramana Murthy, Y. Rameshwar
28.Natural convection between two floors of a building via a horizontal opening – Measurements in a one-half scale modelPages 3141-3151M.R. Mokhtarzadeh-Dehghan
29.Viscoelastic fluid flow and heat transfer over a stretching sheet under the effects of a non-uniform heat source, viscous dissipation and thermal radiationPages 3152-3162Rafael Cortell Bataller
30.Heat transfer analysis of phase change process in a finned-tube thermal energy storage system using artificial neural networkPages 3163-3175Kemal Ermis, Aytunc Erek, Ibrahim Dincer
31.Enhancement of laminar and transitional flow heat transfer in tubes by means of wire coil insertsPages 3176-3189Alberto García, Juan P. Solano, Pedro G. Vicente, Antonio Viedma
32.Non-uniform double slot injection (suction) on a forced flow over a slender cylinderPages 3190-3194S. Roy, Prabal Datta, R. Ravindran, E. Momoniat
33.Influence of capillary forces on water injection into hot rock, saturated with superheated vapourPages 3195-3202G.G. Tsypkin, C. Calore
34.Turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection of water in cubical cavities: A numerical and experimental studyPages 3203-3215Leonardo Valencia, Jordi Pallares, Ildefonso Cuesta, Francesc Xavier Grau
35.Simulation of a cross-flow cooling tower performancePages 3216-3223S.P. Fisenko, A.A. Brin
36.An experimental investigation of a block moving back and forth on a heat plate under a slot jetPages 3224-3233Wu-Shung Fu, Ching-Chi Tseng, Chien-Ping Huang, Ke-Nan Wang
37.Simultaneous inverse determination of temperature-dependent thermophysical properties in fluids using the network simulation methodPages 3234-3243J. Zueco, F. Alhama
38.The effect of local thermal non-equilibrium on impulsive conduction in porous mediaPages 3244-3249Ali Nouri-Borujerdi, Amin R. Noghrehabadi, D. Andrew S. Rees
39.Heat and mass transfer bibliography - CIS worksPages 3250-3263
40.Contents continuedPage IV

Volume 50, Issues 17-18, Pages 3265-3700 (August 2007)

2.A three-dimensional inverse problem in estimating the applied heat flux of a titanium drilling – Theoretical and experimental studiesPages 3265-3277Cheng-Hung Huang, Li-Chun Jan, Rui Li, Albert J. Shih
3.Modeling of thermo-physical processes in liquid ceramic precursor droplets injected into a plasma jetPages
4.Jet impingement heat transfer – Part I: Mean and root-mean-square heat transfer and velocity distributionsPages 3291-3301Tadhg S. O’Donovan, Darina B. Murray
5.Jet impingement heat transfer – Part II: A temporal investigation of heat transfer and local fluid velocitiesPages 3302-3314Tadhg S. O’Donovan, Darina B. Murray
6.Simulating oscillatory flows in Rayleigh–Bénard convection using the lattice Boltzmann methodPages 3315-3328P.-H. Kao, R.-J. Yang
7.The effect of combined vertical and horizontal heterogeneity on the onset of convection in a bidisperse porous mediumPages 3329-3339D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov
8.Entrance effect on heat transfer to laminar flow through passagesPages 3340-3350A. Haji-Sheikh, J.V. Beck
9.Model for fouling deposition on power plant steam condensers cooled with seawater: Effect of water velocity and tube materialPages 3351-3358E. Nebot, J.F. Casanueva, T. Casanueva, D. Sales
10.Combustion of suspended fine solid fuel in air inside inert porous medium: A heat transfer analysisPages 3359-3365Tarun K. Kayal, Mithiles Chakravarty
11.Experimental investigation on the heat transfer of an impinging inverse diffusion flamePages
12.Local current density and water management in PEMFCsPages 3376-3389Dewan Hasan Ahmed, Hyung Jin Sung
13.Generalized stability theory of vapor film in subcooled film boiling on a spherePages 3390-3400Hiroshi Honda, Osamu Makishi, Hikaru Yamashiro
14.Large-cell model of radiation heat transfer in multiphase flows typical for fuel–coolant interactionPages 3401-3410Leonid Dombrovsky
15.Analytical solution of gaseous slip flow in long microchannelsPages 3411-3421Nishanth Dongari, Abhishek Agrawal, Amit Agrawal
16.Boundary conditions at a fluid–porous interface: An a priori estimation of the stress jump coefficientsPages 3422-3436M. Chandesris, D. Jamet
17.A generalized mathematical description for comparative assessment of various horizontal polar tube geometries with regard to external film condensation in presence of non-condensable gasesPages 3437-3446Saumyadip Mukhopadhyay, S.K. Som, Suman Chakraborty
18.Experimental and numerical studies of liquid flow and heat transfer in microtubesPages 3447-3460Zhuo Li, Ya-Ling He, Gui-Hua Tang, Wen-Quan Tao
19.Modeling of ultrashort laser pulse-train processing of metal thin filmsPages 3461-3470Lan Jiang, Hai-Lung Tsai
20.Laminar flow and heat transfer in a periodic trapezoidal channel with semi-circular cross-sectionPages 3471-3480Paul. E. Geyer, David F. Fletcher, Brian S. Haynes
21.Liquid–vapor structure near heating surface at high heat flux in subcooled pool boilingPages 3481-3489Ayako Ono, Hiroto Sakashita
22.Effect of gravity on cryogenic boiling heat transfer during tube quenchingPages 3490-3497Osamu Kawanami, Hisao Azuma, Haruhiko Ohta
23.Vascularized materials with heating from one side and coolant forced from the other sidePages 3498-3506S. Kim, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
24.A numerical study on the fluid flow and heat transfer around a circular cylinder near a moving wallPages
25.Thermally developing Brinkman–Brinkman forced convection in rectangular ducts with isothermal wallsPages 3521-3533K. Hooman, A. Haji-Sheikh, D.A. Nield
26.Heat transfer characteristics of two-phase He I (4.2 K) thermosiphon flowPages 3534-3544L. Benkheira, B. Baudouy, M. Souhar
27.An analytical model for heat and mass transfer processes in internally cooled or heated liquid desiccant–air contact unitsPages 3545-3555Cheng Qin Ren, Min Tu, Hua Hui Wang
28.Diffusion effects in the oscillation of vapor–gas bubbles in a sound fieldPages 3556-3560Nail S. Khabeev
29.Laminar conjugate mixed convection in a vertical channel with heat generating componentsPages 3561-3574G. Madhusudhana Rao, G.S.V.L. Narasimham
30.Effects of cavitation in a nozzle on liquid jet atomizationPages 3575-3582Akira Sou, Shigeo Hosokawa, Akio Tomiyama
31.Hopf bifurcation in mixed convection flow inside a rectangular cavityPages 3583-3598Y. Sunil Prasad, Manab Kumar Das
32.Natural convection for large temperature gradients around a square solid body within a rectangular cavityPages 3599-3615M. Bouafia, O. Daube
33.Nonlinear dynamics of directional solidification with a mushy layer. Analytic solutions of the problemPages 3616-3623D.V. Alexandrov, D.L. Aseev, I.G. Nizovtseva, H.-N. Huang, D. Lee
34.Pool boiling heat transfer on horizontal rectangular fin array in saturated FC-72Pages 3624-3637Chih Kuang Yu, Ding Chong Lu
35.Influence of a pulsation on heat transfer and flow structure in submerged impinging jetsPages 3638-3648Herbert Martin Hofmann, Daniela Luminita Movileanu, Matthias Kind, Holger Martin
36.Subcooled flow boiling CHF enhancement with porous surface coatingsPages 3649-3657Mohammad
37.Mass diffusion through two-layer porous media: an application to the drug-eluting stentPages 3658-3669Giuseppe Pontrelli, Filippo de Monte
38.Investigation of heat and mass transfer between the two phases of an evaporating droplet stream using laser-induced fluorescence techniques: Comparison with modelingPages 3670-3683G. Castanet, C. Maqua, M. Orain, F. Grisch, F. Lemoine
39.Numerical investigation of natural convection in an inclined enclosure filled with porous medium under magnetic fieldPages 3684-3689Q.W. Wang, M. Zeng, Z.P. Huang, G. Wang, H. Ozoe
40.Stratified Poiseuille gas flows in horizontal channelsPages 3690-3694P. Carlotti
41.On the growth behavior of bubbles during saturated nucleate pool boiling at sub-atmospheric pressurePages 3695-3699Jeongbae Kim, Cheol Huh, Moo Hwan Kim

Volume 50, Issues 19-20, Pages 3701-4116 (September 2007)

2.Buoyancy-aided/opposed convection heat transfer for unsteady turbulent flow across a square cylinder in a vertical channelPages 3701-3717Shiang-Wuu Perng, Horng-Wen Wu
3.Impingement heat transfer of staggered arrays of air jets confined in a channelPages 3718-3727Jung-Yang San, Yi-Ming Tsou, Zheng-Chieh Chen
4.Improvement of particle concentration prediction in large-eddy simulation by defilteringPages 3728-3739B. Shotorban, K.K.Q. Zhang, F. Mashayek
5.A heat transfer model for the analysis of transient heating of the slab in a direct-fired walking beam type reheating furnacePages 3740-3748Man Young Kim
6.Analysis of different RANS models applied to turbulent forced convectionPages 3749-3766J.E. Jaramillo, C.D. Pérez-Segarra, A. Oliva, K. Claramunt
7.Geometry estimation of the furnace inner wall by an inverse approachPages 3767-3773Chin-Ru Su, Cha’o-Kuang Chen
8.Marangoni condensation of steam–ethanol mixtures on a horizontal tubePages 3774-3779T. Murase, H.S. Wang, J.W. Rose
9.Critical heat flux modeling in water pool boiling during power transientsPages 3780-3787V.I. Deev, Htay Lwin Oo, V.S. Kharitonov, K.V. Kutsenko, A.A. Lavrukhin
10.A numerical study of momentum and forced convection heat transfer around two tandem circular cylinders at low Reynolds numbers. Part I: Momentum transferPages 3788-3798Gheorghe Juncu
11.A numerical study of momentum and forced convection heat transfer around two tandem circular cylinders at low Reynolds numbers. Part II: Forced convection heat transferPages 3799-3808Gheorghe Juncu
12.Microstructures and macroscopic conductivity of randomly packed and uniaxially pressed sphere compactsPages
13.Determination of temperature wall functions for high Rayleigh number flows using asymptotics: A systematic approachPages
14.An estimate of stability of large solidifying droplets in fuel–coolant interactionPages 3832-3836Leonid Dombrovsky
15.Impact of soil compaction and wetness on thermal properties of sloping vineyard soilPages
16.Large-eddy simulation of combined forced and natural convection in a vertical plane channelPages 3848-3861Jing Yin, Bing-Chen Wang, Donald J. Bergstrom
17.Saturated flow boiling heat transfer and associated bubble characteristics of FC-72 on a heated micro-pin-finned silicon chipPages 3862-3876Y.M. Lie, J.H. Ke, W.R. Chang, T.C. Cheng, T.F. Lin
18.Spectral Monte Carlo models for nongray radiation analyses in inhomogeneous participating mediaPages
19.Development of optical naphthalene sublimation methodPages 3890-3898Kiho Hong, Tae-Ho Song
20.Numerical solution of film condensation from turbulent flow of vapor–gas mixtures in vertical tubesPages 3899-3912M.K. Groff, S.J. Ormiston, H.M. Soliman
21.Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of laminar air flows moving in a parallel-plate channel with transverse hemi-cylindrical cavitiesPages
22.A fractal resistance model for flow through porous mediaPages 3925-3932Jinsui Wu, Boming Yu
23.Characteristics of an evaporating thin film in a microchannelPages 3933-3942Hao Wang, Suresh V. Garimella, Jayathi Y. Murthy
24.Dynamic response of a non-homogeneous 1D slab under periodic thermal excitationPages 3943-3948G.E. Cossali
25.Improved semi-empirical method for determination of heat transfer coefficient in flow boiling in conventional and small diameter tubesPages 3949-3956Dariusz
26.Measurements on steady state heat transfer and flow structure and new correlations for heat and mass transfer in submerged impinging jetsPages 3957-3965Herbert Martin Hofmann, Matthias Kind, Holger Martin
27.Bubble jet flow formation during boiling of subcooled water on fine wiresPages 3966-3976J.F. Lu, X.F. Peng
28.Effects of temperature and disorder on thermal boundary conductance at solid–solid interfaces: Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulationsPages 3977-3989Robert
29.Visualizing energy flows through energy streamlines and pathlinesPages 3990-4002Shohel Mahmud, Roydon Andrew Fraser
30.Buoyancy-driven heat transfer of water-based Al2O3 nanofluids in a rectangular cavityPages 4003-4010Kyo Sik Hwang, Ji-Hwan Lee, Seok Pil Jang
31.Cryogenic chilldown process under low flow ratesPages 4011-4022Kun Yuan, Yan Ji, J.N. Chung
32.Effects of carbon nanotube arrays on nucleate pool boilingPages 4023-4038Sebastine Ujereh, Timothy Fisher, Issam Mudawar
33.CHF model for subcooled flow boiling in Earth gravity and microgravityPages 4039-4051Hui Zhang, Issam Mudawar, Mohammad M. Hasan
34.Effect of variable permeability porous medium inter-connectors on the thermo-hydraulics of heat exchanger modelled as porous mediaPages 4052-4062Arunn Narasimhan, K. Sumithra Raju
35.High rotation number heat transfer of a 45° rib-roughened rectangular duct with two channel orientationsPages 4063-4078T.M. Liou, S.W. Chang, J.H. Hung, S.F. Chiou
36.Thermal blob convection in spherical shellsPages 4079-4088B. Futterer, A. Brucks, R. Hollerbach, C. Egbers
37.Spray cooling on micro structured surfacesPages
38.Effect of internal flux on the heat transfer coefficient in circular cylinders in cross flowPages 4098-4104Guillermo G. Aguirre Varela, Nesvit E. Castellano, Eldo E. Avila
39.Surface wettability change during pool boiling of nanofluids and its effect on critical heat fluxPages 4105-4116S.J. Kim, I.C. Bang, J. Buongiorno, L.W. Hu

Volume 50, Issues 21-22, Pages 4117-4512 (October 2007)

2.Estimation of time-dependent heat flux and measurement bias in two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problemsPages 4117-4130Umer Zeeshan Ijaz, Anil Kumar Khambampati, Min-Chan Kim, Sin Kim, Kyung-Youn Kim
3.On the paradox of heat conduction in porous media subject to lack of local thermal equilibriumPages 4131-4140Peter Vadasz
4.Constructal cooling channels for micro-channel heat sinksPages 4141-4150T. Bello-Ochende, L. Liebenberg, J.P. Meyer
5.CFD simulations of hydrodynamic characteristics in a gas–liquid vertical upward slug flowPages 4151-4165Donghong Zheng, Xiao He, Defu Che
6.The effects of buoyancy on the performance of a PEM fuel cell with a wave-like gas flow channel design by numerical investigationPages 4166-4179Jenn-Kun Kuo, Cha’o-Kuang Chen
7.Analysis of heat transfer and entropy generation for a thermally developing Brinkman–Brinkman forced convection problem in a rectangular duct with isoflux wallsPages 4180-4194K. Hooman, A. Haji-Sheikh
8.Oscillatory thermocapillary flow in liquid bridges of high Prandtl number fluid with free surface heat gainPages 4195-4205Aihua Wang, Yasuhiro Kamotani, Shinichi Yoda
9.Subsonic compressible flow in two-sided lid-driven cavity. Part I: Equal walls temperaturesPages 4206-4218P. Shah, B. Rovagnati, F. Mashayek, G.B. Jacobs
10.Subsonic compressible flow in two-sided lid-driven cavity. Part II: Unequal walls temperaturesPages 4219-4228P. Shah, B. Rovagnati, F. Mashayek, G.B. Jacobs
11.Combined mixed convection and radiation heat transfer in rectangular ducts rotating about a parallel axisPages 4229-4242Han-Chieh Chiu, Jer-Huan Jang, Wei-Mon Yan
12.An investigation into fixed-bed microreactors using lattice Boltzmann method simulationsPages
13.Condensation heat transfer and pressure drop of R134a in annular helicoidal pipe at different orientationsPages 4256-4264C.X. Lin, M.A. Ebadian
14.Jet impingement interaction with cross flow in horizontal porous layer under thermal non-equilibrium conditionsPages 4265-4274Nawaf H. Saeid
15.Effects of water and iso-propyl alcohol relative humidities on single wafer cleaning system performancePages 4275-4285J. Koo, T. Kim, C. Jung, J. Lee, T. Kim
16.A quasi-3D analysis of the thermal performance of a flat heat pipePages 4286-4296G. Carbajal, C.B. Sobhan, G.P. “Bud” Peterson, D.T. Queheillalt, Haydn N.G. Wadley
17.Unstable and stable flow boiling in parallel microchannels and in a single microchannelPages 4297-4310Guodong Wang, Ping Cheng, Huiying Wu
18.Optimal control of flow in solar collectors for maximum exergy extractionPages 4311-4322Viorel Badescu
19.Nonlinear interaction and reflection of waves in vapor–liquid bubbly mixturesPages 4323-4330Nail S. Khabeev
20.The calculation of thermal conductivity, viscosity and thermodynamic properties for nanofluids on the basis of statistical nanomechanicsPages 4331-4341Jurij Avsec, Maks Oblak
21.Heat transfer and friction factor correlation for artificially roughened duct with metal grit ribsPages 4342-4351S.V. Karmare, A.N. Tikekar
22.Participating media exposed to collimated short-pulse irradiation – A Laguerre–Galerkin solutionPages 4352-4359Tuba Okutucu, Yaman Yener
23.Temperature wall modelling for large-eddy simulation in a heated turbulent plane channel flowPages 4360-4370Y. Benarafa, O. Cioni, F. Ducros, P. Sagaut
24.Modelling the pyrolysis of wet wood – I. Three-dimensional formulation and analysisPages 4371-4386R.K.K. Yuen, G.H. Yeoh, G. de Vahl Davis, E. Leonardi
25.Modelling the pyrolysis of wet wood – II. Three-dimensional cone calorimeter simulationPages 4387-4399R.K.K. Yuen, G.H. Yeoh, G. de Vahl Davis, E. Leonardi
26.Fast transient thermal analysis of Fourier and non-Fourier heat conductionPages 4400-4408J.S. Loh, I.A. Azid, K.N. Seetharamu, G.A. Quadir
27.A regularization method for the inverse design of solidification processes with natural convectionPages 4409-4423K. Okamoto, B.Q. Li
28.Numerical solution of hyperbolic heat conduction in thin surface layersPages 4424-4429Tzer-Ming Chen
29.Phemonenological model of heat transfer in an infiltrated granular bed at moderate Reynolds numbersPages 4430-4438Yu.S. Teplitskii, V.I. Kovenskii, M.V. Vinogradova
30.Computer simulation and experimental verification of welding in thin steel sheet containmentPages 4439-4445Anuj Chaudhri, Masood Parang, B.E. Nelson
31.Comparison of the CHF data for water and refrigerant HFC-134a by using the fluid-to-fluid modeling methodsPages 4446-4456Se-Young Chun, Sung-Deok Hong, Yeon-Sik Cho, Won-Pil Baek
32.Thermal impedances of thin platesPages 4457-4460G. De Mey, B. Vermeersch, J. Banaszczyk, T.
33.Theoretical prediction and experimental verification of temperature distribution in FGM cylindrical plates subjected to thermal shockPages 4461-4467T.
34.Transient modeling of heat, mass and momentum transfer of an evaporating cerium nitrate solution droplet with a surrounding shell in a rf thermal argon–oxygen plasma under reduced pressurePages 4468-4487I. Castillo, R.J. Munz
35.Heat transfer characteristics of precessing jets impinging on a flat plate: Further investigationsPages 4488-4492J.W. Zhou, H. Herwig
36.Influences of pressure gradients on freezing Poiseuille–Couette flowsPages 4493-4498Saptarshi Basu, Souma Chowdhury, Suman Chakraborty
37.Enhancement of nucleate boiling heat transfer using carbon nanotubesPages 4499-4502Ki-Jung Park, Dongsoo Jung
38.An experimental investigation on capillary pumped loop with the meshes wickPages 4503-4507Jianlin Yu, Hua Chen, Hua Zhao, Yanzhong Li
39.On oscillatory Marangoni convection in rotating fluid layer with flat free surface subject to uniform heat flux from belowPages 4508-4511Wartono Sarma, Ishak Hashim
40.Erratum to “The effects of combined horizontal and vertical heterogeneity on the onset of convection in a porous medium” [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 50 (2007) 1909–1915]Page 4512D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov

Volume 50, Issues 23-24, Pages 4513-4912 (November 2007)

2.Local measurement of flow boiling in structured surface microchannelsPages 4513-4526C.-J. Kuo, Y. Peles
3.An experimental data set for benchmarking 1-D, transient heat and moisture transfer models of hygroscopic building materials. Part I: Experimental facility and material property dataPages 4527-4539Prabal Talukdar, Stephen O. Olutmayin, Olalekan F. Osanyintola, Carey J. Simonson
4.Oscillatory double-diffusive mixed convection in a two-dimensional ventilated enclosurePages 4540-4553Brahim Ben Beya, Taieb Lili
5.In-flight thermal control of molten metal droplet streamsPages 4554-4558B. Matthew Michaelis, Derek Dunn-Rankin, Robert F. Smith Jr., James E. Bobrow
6.Controllability of cross-flow two-phase heat exchangersPages 4559-4567Gerardo Diaz
7.Assessment of dimensionless CHF correlations for subcooled flow boiling in microgravity and Earth gravityPages 4568-4580Hui Zhang, Issam Mudawar, Mohammad M. Hasan
8.Influence of channel-height on heat transfer in rectangular channels with skewed ribs at different bleed conditionsPages 4581-4599Shyy Woei Chang, Tsun Lirng Yang, Rong Fung Huang, Kuei Chih Sung
9.Theoretical and experimental studies on laser transformation hardening of steel by customized beamPages 4600-4606Michael K.H. Leung, H.C. Man, J.K. Yu
10.Thermodynamic optimization of free convection film condensation on a horizontal elliptical tube with variable wall temperaturePages 4607-4613Sheng-An Yang, Guan-Cyun Li, Wen-Jei Yang
11.The zero-phase Stefan problemPages 4614-4622C. Naaktgeboren
12.Thermal conductivity estimation in non-linear problemsPages 4623-4628M.H. Adjali, M. Laurent
13.Transient natural convection of non-Newtonian fluids about a vertical surface embedded in an anisotropic porous mediumPages 4629-4639G. Degan, C. Akowanou, N.C. Awanou
14.Experimental and numerical study of sidewall profile effects on flow and heat transfer inside microchannelsPages 4640-4651Xiaojin Wei, Yogendra Joshi
15.Bioconvection of gravitactic micro-organisms in rectangular enclosuresPages 4652-4660M. Taheri, E. Bilgen
16.A comparative study of the airside performance of heat sinks having pin fin configurationsPages 4661-4667Kai-Shing Yang, Wei-Hsin Chu, Ing-Yong Chen, Chi-Chuan Wang
17.Mixing effect on the enhancement of the effective thermal conductivity of nanoparticle suspensions (nanofluids)Pages 4668-4677C.H. Li, G.P. Peterson
18.Studies on piston and soret effects in a binary mixture supercritical fluidPages 4678-4687A. Nakano
19.Natural convection in a rectangular cavity with partially active side wallsPages 4688-4697N. Nithyadevi, P. Kandaswamy, J. Lee
20.Numerical studies on an air-breathing proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cellPages 4698-4712Y. Zhang, R. Pitchumani
21.Correlating heat transfer and friction in helically-finned tubes using artificial neural networksPages 4713-4723Gregory J. Zdaniuk, Louay M. Chamra, D. Keith Walters
22.Large eddy simulations of the flow field and temperature separation in the Ranque–Hilsch vortex tubePages
23.An experimental investigation on forced convection heat transfer performance in micro tubes by the method of liquid crystal thermographyPages 4736-4742Ting-Yu Lin, Chien-Yuh Yang
24.Boundary-layer flow of a micropolar fluid on a continuously moving or fixed permeable surfacePages 4743-4748Anuar Ishak, Roslinda Nazar, Ioan Pop
25.An experimental study on the pressure drop of nanofluids containing carbon nanotubes in a horizontal tubePages 4749-4753Gwon Hyun Ko, Kyoungyoon Heo, Kyoungjun Lee, Dae Seong Kim, Chongyoup Kim, Yangsoo Sohn, Mansoo Choi
26.Second law analysis of counter flow cryogenic heat exchangers in presence of ambient heat-in-leak and longitudinal conduction through wallPages 4754-4766Prabhat Kumar Gupta, P.K. Kush, Ashesh Tiwari
27.Experimental investigation of microchannel coolers for the high heat flux thermal management of GaN-on-SiC semiconductor devicesPages 4767-4779J.P. Calame, R.E. Myers, S.C. Binari, F.N. Wood, M. Garven
28.1D plane numerical model for boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE)Pages 4780-4795G.A. Pinhasi, A. Ullmann, A. Dayan
29.Convective gas cooling heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of supercritical CO2/oil mixture in a minichannel tubePages 4796-4804Rin Yun, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher
30.Improvement on device performance in multi-pass heat transfer through a parallel-plate channel with external recyclePages 4805-4811Chii-Dong Ho, Yu-Chuan Tsai, Jr-Wei Tu
31.On the behaviour of hygroscopic wheels: Part I – channel modellingPages 4812-4822C.R. Ruivo, J.J. Costa, A.R. Figueiredo
32.On the behaviour of hygroscopic wheels: Part II – rotor performancePages 4823-4832C.R. Ruivo, J.J. Costa, A.R. Figueiredo
33.Conductive heat transfer across a bolted automotive joint and the influence of interface conditioningPages 4833-4844G.P. Voller, M. Tirovic
34.Heat transfer and friction characteristics for artificially roughened ducts with compound turbulatorsPages 4845-4854Apurba Layek, J.S. Saini, S.C. Solanki
35.Mixed convection flow near a non-orthogonal stagnation point towards a stretching vertical platePages 4855-4863Lok Yian Yian, Norsarahaida Amin, Ioan Pop
36.Condensation heat transfer of R-134a inside a microfin tube with different tube inclinationsPages 4864-4871M.A. Akhavan-Behabadi, Ravi Kumar, S.G. Mohseni
37.Solutions for modelling moving heat sources in a semi-infinite medium and applications to laser material processingPages 4872-4882M. Van Elsen, M. Baelmans, P. Mercelis, J.-P. Kruth
38.Influence of pulsatile blood flow and heating scheme on the temperature distribution during hyperthermia treatmentPages 4883-4890Khalil Khanafer, Joseph L. Bull, Ioan Pop, Ramon Berguer
39.Numerical simulation of conjugate heat and mass transfer during multi-dimensional freeze drying of slab-shaped food productsPages 4891-4900Jin Hyun Nam, Chi Sung Song
40.Stationary convection–diffusion between two co-axial cylindersPages 4901-4907F. Plouraboué, C. Pierre
41.Wall temperature measurements with turbulent flow in heated vertical circular/non-circular channels of supercritical pressure carbon-dioxidePages 4908-4911Jong Kyu Kim, Hong Kyu Jeon, Joon Sik Lee

Volume 50, Issues 25-26, Pages 4913-5344 (December 2007)

2.Professor Erich Hahne on his 75th birthdayPages 4913-4914H. Müller-Steinhagen, K. Spindler, W.J. Minkowycz, R.J. Goldstein, U. Gross, K. Stephan, F. Mayinger, W. Heidemann, G.F. Hewitt, O.G. Martynenko
3.An experimental data set for benchmarking 1-D, transient heat and moisture transfer models of hygroscopic building materials. Part II: Experimental, numerical and analytical dataPages 4915-4926Prabal Talukdar, Olalekan F. Osanyintola, Stephen O. Olutimayin, Carey J. Simonson
4.Combined forced and free flow in a vertical circular duct subjected to non-axisymmetric wall heating conditionsPages 4927-4936A. Barletta, S. Lazzari
5.Large eddy simulation of flow and heat transfer in a rotating ribbed channelPages 4937-4947Joon Ahn, Haecheon Choi, Joon Sik Lee
6.The Nukiyama curve in water spray cooling: Its derivation from temperature–time histories and its dependence on the quantities that characterize drop impactPages 4948-4966Michele Ciofalo, Antonino Caronia, Massimiliano Di Liberto, Salvo Puleo
7.Computation of high Prandtl number turbulent thermal fields by the analytical wall-functionPages 4967-4974Kazuhiko Suga
8.The impact of air saturation on the flow structure beneath air–water interface during natural convectionPages 4975-4985Syed J.K. Bukhari, M.H. Kamran Siddiqui
9.Conjugate heat transfer in fractal-shaped microchannel network heat sink for integrated microelectronic cooling applicationPages 4986-4998F.J. Hong, P. Cheng, H. Ge, Goh Teck Joo
10.Flow boiling of liquid nitrogen in micro-tubes: Part I – The onset of nucleate boiling, two-phase flow instability and two-phase flow pressure dropPages 4999-5016S.L. Qi, P. Zhang, R.Z. Wang, L.X. Xu
11.Flow boiling of liquid nitrogen in micro-tubes: Part II – Heat transfer characteristics and critical heat fluxPages 5017-5030S.L. Qi, P. Zhang, R.Z. Wang, L.X. Xu
12.Effects of cycle patterns of accelerated crucible rotation technique (ACRT) on the flows, interface, and segregation in vertical Bridgman crystal growthPages 5031-5040Y.C. Liu, B. Roux, C.W. Lan
13.Modeling of the condensation sink term in an interfacial area transport equationPages 5041-5053Hyun-Sik Park, Tae-Ho Lee, Takashi Hibiki, Won-Pil Baek, Mamoru Ishii
14.Numerical simulation of density-driven natural convection in porous media with application for CO2 injection projectsPages 5054-5064Rouhollah Farajzadeh, Hamidreza Salimi, Pacelli L.J. Zitha, Hans Bruining
15.Effect of a delta-winglet vortex pair on the performance of a tube–fin heat exchangerPages 5065-5072C.B. Allison, B.B. Dally
16.Evaporation of acoustically levitated multi-component liquid dropletsPages 5073-5086G. Brenn, L.J. Deviprasath, F. Durst, C. Fink
17.Diffusion creepPages 5087-5098A.F. Mills
18.Thermal conduction induced by electron-beamPages 5099-5107Basil T. Wong, M. Pinar Mengüç, R. Ryan Vallance
19.Heat transfer characteristics of an impinging inverse diffusion flame jet – Part I: Free flame structurePages 5108-5123L.L. Dong, C.S. Cheung, C.W. Leung
20.Heat transfer characteristics of an impinging inverse diffusion flame jet. Part II: Impinging flame structure and impingement heat transferPages 5124-5138L.L. Dong, C.S. Cheung, C.W. Leung
21.Effect of surface radiation on buoyant convection in vertical triangular cavities with variable aperture anglesPages 5139-5149Jaime Sieres, Antonio Campo, El Hassan Ridouane, José Fernández-Seara
22.Reconstruction of thermal conductivity and heat capacity using a tomographic approachPages 5150-5160V. Kolehmainen, J.P. Kaipio, H.R.B. Orlande
23.Analytical modeling of electrokinetic effects on flow and heat transfer in microchannelsPages
24.Discussion on the convective heat transfer and field synergy principlePages 5168-5176Ruixian Cai, Chenhua Gou
25.Examination of heat transfer correlations and a model for flow boiling of R134a in small diameter tubesPages 5177-5193D. Shiferaw, X. Huo, T.G. Karayiannis, D.B.R. Kenning
26.Heat transfer and pressure drop during HFC refrigerant vaporisation inside a brazed plate heat exchangerPages 5194-5203G.A. Longo, A. Gasparella
27.An analytical and numerical study of coupled transient natural convection and solidification in a rectangular enclosurePages 5204-5214Michael Vynnycky, Shigeo Kimura
28.Correlation for boiling heat transfer of R-134a in horizontal tubes including effect of tube diameterPages 5215-5225Shizuo Saitoh, Hirofumi Daiguji, Eiji Hihara
29.Influence of natural convection on the parameters of thermal explosion in the horizontal cylinderPages 5226-5231A.I. Osipov, A.V. Uvarov, N.A. Roschina
30.Investigation of pulsations of the operating temperature in a miniature loop heat pipePages
31.Thermo-optical modeling of polymer fiber Bragg grating illuminated by light emitting diodePages 5241-5248Kyoung Joon Kim, Avram Bar-Cohen, Bongtae Han
32.Three-dimensional roughness effect on microchannel heat transfer and pressure dropPages 5249-5259Giulio Croce, Paola D’agaro, Carlo Nonino
33.Assessment of simplified thermal radiation models for engineering calculations in natural gas-fired furnacePages 5260-5268D.A. Kontogeorgos, E.P. Keramida, M.A. Founti
34.Interfacial thermocapillary pressure of an accelerated droplet in microchannels: Part I. Fluid flow formulationPages 5269-5282P.S. Glockner, G.F. Naterer
35.Interfacial thermocapillary pressure of an accelerated droplet in microchannels: Part II. Heat transfer formulationPages 5283-5291P.S. Glockner, G.F. Naterer
36.Heat and moisture transfer from skin to environment through fabrics: A mathematical modelPages 5292-5304Kyunghoon Min, Yangsoo Son, Chongyoup Kim, Yejin Lee, Kyunghi Hong
37.A cubic heat balance integral method for one-dimensional melting of a finite thickness layerPages 5305-5317T.G. Myers, S.L. Mitchell, G. Muchatibaya, M.Y. Myers
38.Closed-form correlations for thermal optimization of microchannelsPages 5318-5322Dong-Kwon Kim, Sung Jin Kim
39.Heat transfer and pressure drop in serpentine μDMFC flow channelsPages 5323-5327Shou-Shing Hsieh, Bing-Shyan Her
40.A model for droplet evaporation near Leidenfrost pointPages 5328-5333Heng Xie, Zhiwei Zhou
41.Field synergy equation for turbulent heat transfer and its applicationPages 5334-5339Qun Chen, Jianxun Ren, Ji-an Meng
42.Duhamel integral form for the interface heat flux between bubble and liquidPages 5340-5343Nail S. Khabeev

Volume 51, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-396 (January 2008)

2.Numerical simulations of nucleate boiling in impinging jets: Applications in power electronics coolingPages 1-12Sreekant Narumanchi, Andrey Troshko, Desikan Bharathan, Vahab Hassani
3.Experimental and numerical study of the heat transfer along a blunt flat platePages 13-23Ph. Marty, F. Michel, P. Tochon
4.A note on stability in three-phase-lag heat conductionPages 24-29Ramón Quintanilla, Reinhard Racke
5.Mixed convection with variable viscosity in a vertical annulus with uniform wall temperaturesPages 30-40Enzo Zanchini
6.Analysis of the mass transfer controlled regime in automotive catalytic convertersPages 41-51H. Santos, M. Costa
7.Heat transfer and pressure drop properties of high viscous solutions in plate heat exchangersPages
8.Lattice Boltzmann method applied to the solution of the energy equations of the transient conduction and radiation problems on non-uniform latticesPages 68-82Bittagopal Mondal, Subhash C. Mishra
9.Combined conduction and radiation heat transfer with variable thermal conductivity and variable refractive indexPages 83-90Subhash C. Mishra, N.A. Krishna, N. Gupta, G.R. Chaitanya
10.The characteristics and visualization of critical heat flux of R-134a flowing in a vertical annular geometry with spacer gridsPages 91-103Kwi Lim Lee, In Cheol Bang, Soon Heung Chang
11.Study of MHD boundary layer flow over a heated stretching sheet with variable viscosity: A numerical reinvestigationPages 104-110Asterios Pantokratoras
12.New prediction methods for CO2 evaporation inside tubes: Part I – A two-phase flow pattern map and a flow pattern based phenomenological model for two-phase flow frictional pressure dropsPages 111-124Lixin Cheng, Gherhardt Ribatski, Jesús Moreno Quibén, John R. Thome
13.New prediction methods for CO2 evaporation inside tubes: Part II—An updated general flow boiling heat transfer model based on flow patternsPages 125-135Lixin Cheng, Gherhardt Ribatski, John R. Thome
14.Comparison between a composition PDF transport equation model and an ASOM model for simulating a turbulent jet flamePages 136-144F. Wang, L.X. Zhou, C.X. Xu, G.M. Goldin
15.Analysis of convective heat transfer characteristics for a channel containing short multi-boards mounted with heat generating blocksPages 145-154Yeong-Ley Tsay, Jen-Chieh Cheng
16.Sharp interface numerical simulation of directional solidification of binary alloy in the presence of a ceramic particlePages 155-168Yi Yang, J.W. Garvin, H.S. Udaykumar
17.An experimental study of flow pattern and pressure drop for flow boiling inside microfinned helically coiled tubePages 169-175Wenzhi Cui, Longjian Li, Mingdao Xin, Tien-Chien Jen, Quan Liao, Qinghua Chen
18.Estimation of inhomogeneous zeta potential in the electroosmotic flow by means of mode reductionPages 176-185H.M. Park, S.M. Hong, J.S. Lee
19.Numerical analysis of blast furnace hearth inner profile by using CFD and heat transfer model for different time periodsPages 186-197Yu Zhang, Rohit Deshpande,
20.Heat transfer of a non-Newtonian fluid (Carbopol aqueous solution) in transitional pipe flowPages 198-209J. Peixinho, C. Desaubry, M. Lebouché
21.Investigation of variable-property microchannel flows with electro-thermo-hydrodynamic interactions at constant pressure gradient or constant flow ratePages 210-223P.W. Hwang, C.Y. Soong
22.Asymmetrical heat transfer through composites of water and aqueous solutions in the presence of the density maximumPages 224-236M.F. Cawley, P.A. Mooney, P. O’Connor
23.Corrections to the simple effectiveness-NTU method for counterflow cooling towers and packed bed liquid desiccant–air contact systemsPages 237-245Cheng-Qin Ren
24.A new methodology of studying the dynamics of water sorption/desorption under real operating conditions of adsorption heat pumps: Modelling of coupled heat and mass transfer in a single adsorbent grainPages 246-252B.N.
25.Analysis of staggered tube bundle heat transfer to vertical foam flowPages 253-262J. Gylys, S. Sinkunas, T. Zdankus
26.Heatline method for the visualization of natural convection in a complicated cavityPages 263-272Amaresh Dalal, Manab Kumar Das
27.Dynamic characteristics of transient boiling on a square platinum microheater under millisecond pulsed heatingPages 273-282J. Li, G.P. Peterson, P. Cheng
28.Free convective heat transfer in an enclosure with an internal louvered blindPages 283-293T. Avedissian, D. Naylor
29.Experimental study of evaporation pressure drop characteristics of refrigerants R-134a and R-407C in horizontal small tubesPages 294-301Y.M. Lie, F.Q. Su, R.L. Lai, T.F. Lin
30.On predicting two-dimensional heat transfer in a cylindrical porous media combustorPages 302-311Nelson O. Moraga, César E. Rosas, Valeri I. Bubnovich, Nicola A. Solari
31.A multifunctional heat pipe sandwich panel structurePages 312-326Douglas T. Queheillalt,
32.Unsteady natural convection boundary-layer flow of a linearly-stratified fluid with Pr<1 on an evenly heated semi-infinite vertical platePages 327-343Wenxian Lin, S.W. Armfield, J.C. Patterson
33.Effects of pore size distribution and pore-architecture assembly on drying characteristics of pore networksPages 344-352Somkiat Prachayawarakorn, Preeda Prakotmak, Somchart Soponronnarit
34.Single bubble dynamics and transient pressure during subcooled nucleate pool boilingPages 353-360Andreas Bode
35.Variation of population inversion and gain characteristics with D2 injection angle in DF chemical laser cavityPages 361-377Jun Sung Park, Seung Wook Baek, Doyoung Byun
36.Numerical analysis of two contaminants removal from a three-dimensional cavityPages 378-382Di Liu, Fu-Yun Zhao, Guang-Fa Tang
37.Numerical analysis of double-diffusive convection in a porous enclosure due to opposing heat and mass fluxes on the vertical walls – Why does peculiar oscillation occur?Pages 383-388Yoshio Masuda, Michio Yoneya, Akira Suzuki, Shigeo Kimura, Farid Alavyoon
38.Effect of pulse heating parameters on the microscale bubble dynamics at a microheater surfacePages 389-396Jinliang Xu, Wei Zhang

Volume 51, Issues 3-4, Pages 397-976 (February 2008)

2.Academician Alexander Ivanovich Leontiev on his 80th birthdayPages 397-398Graham de Vahl Davis, Leonid Dombrovsky, Richard Goldstein, Kemal Hanjalic, Geoff Hewitt, John Howell, John Lloyd, W.J. Minkowycz, Samuel Sideman, Natalie Medvetskaya
3.A Review of two-phase flow dynamic instabilities in tube boiling systemsPages 399-433S. Kakac, B. Bon
4.Entrance heat transfer in rectangular ducts with constant axial energy inputPages 434-444A. Haji-Sheikh, J.V. Beck
5.Atomistic simulation of rarefied gas natural convection in a finite enclosure using a novel wall-fluid molecular collision rule for adiabatic solid wallsPages 445-456P.Y. Tzeng, C.Y. Soong, M.H. Liu, T.H. Yen
6.Heat transfer and pressure drop in rectangular channel with compound roughness of V-shaped ribs and deepened scalesPages 457-468S.W. Chang, T.-M. Liou, K.F. Chiang, G.F. Hong
7.Thermal and electrical energy management in a PEMFC stack – An analytical approachPages 469-473S. Pandiyan, K. Jayakumar, N. Rajalakshmi, K.S. Dhathathreyan
8.Assessment of Bejan’s heat exchanger allocation model under the influence of generalized thermal resistance, relaxation effect, bypass heat leak and internal irreversibilityPages 474-484A.K. Pramanick, P.K. Das
9.Prediction of two-phase condensation in horizontal tubes using probabilistic flow regime mapsPages 485-496E.W. Jassim, T.A. Newell, J.C. Chato
10.Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) transport in an artery – A simplified analytical solutionPages 497-505Ning Yang, Kambiz Vafai
11.A one-dimensional transient analytical model for earth-to-air heat exchangers, taking into account condensation phenomena and thermal perturbation from the upper free surface as well as around the buried pipesPages 506-516M. Cucumo, S. Cucumo, L. Montoro, A. Vulcano
12.Conjugate conduction-forced convection heat transfer analysis of a rectangular nuclear fuel element with non-uniform volumetric energy generationPages 517-525M.K. Ramis, G. Jilani, S. Jahangeer
13.Comparative study of heat transfer and wetting behaviour of conventional and bioquenchants for industrial heat treatmentPages 526-538Peter Fernandes, K. Narayan Prabhu
14.Effective thermal conductivity of moistened insulation materials as a function of temperaturePages 539-552F. Ochs, W. Heidemann, H. Müller-Steinhagen
15.Numerical predictions for stable buoyant regimes within a square cavity containing a heated horizontal cylinderPages 553-565Diego Angeli, Paolo Levoni, Giovanni S. Barozzi
16.Fluid-to-fluid modeling of natural circulation boiling loops for stability analysisPages 566-575C.P. Marcel, M. Rohde, T.H.J.J. Van der Hagen
17.Application of grey prediction to inverse nonlinear heat conduction problemPages 576-585Jaw-Yeong Chiang, Cha’o-Kuang Chen
18.Simplified model and lattice Boltzmann algorithm for microscale electro-osmotic flows and heat transferPages
19.Thermal impact of the products pipeline on the crude oil pipeline laid in one ditch – The effect of pipeline intervalPages 597-609Bo Yu, Yi Wang, Jinjun Zhang, Xin Liu, Zhengwei Zhang, Kai Wang
20.An improved r-factor algorithm for TVD schemesPages 610-617Lian-xia Li, Hua-sheng Liao, Li-jian Qi
21.Heat and mass transfer in plate-fin sinusoidal passages with vapor-permeable wall materialsPages 618-629Li-Zhi Zhang
22.Forced oscillation in diffusion flames near diffusive–thermal resonancePages 630-639H.Y. Wang, J.K. Bechtold, C.K. Law
23.A quantitative analysis on the thermal properties of phosphate buffered saline with glycerol at subzero temperaturesPages 640-649Jeung Hwan Choi, John C. Bischof
24.Multi-component gas mixture diffusion through porous media: A 1D analytical solutionPages 650-660Lorenzo Pisani
25.Theoretical analysis of convective heat transfer of Oldroyd-B fluids in a curved pipePages 661-671Mingkan Zhang, Xinrong Shen, Jianfeng Ma, Benzhao Zhang
26.A numerical study of solidification in powder injection molding processPages 672-682Sudip K. Samanta, Himadri Chattopadhyay, Björn Pustal, Ralf Berger, Mahadev Malhar Godkhindi, Andreas Bührig-Polaczek
27.Large-eddy simulation of a dispersed particle-laden turbulent round jetPages 683-695Thomas G. Almeida, Farhad A. Jaberi
28.A numerical method for the Rubinstein binary-alloy problem in the presence of an under-cooled liquidPages 696-706V.R. Voller
29.Transition from annular flow to plug/slug flow in condensation of steam in microchannelsPages 707-716Xiaojun Quan, Ping Cheng, Huiying Wu
30.Mixed convection along a rotating vertical slender cylinder in an axial flowPages 717-723Param Jeet Singh, S. Roy
31.The influence of secondary refrigerant air chiller U-bends on fluid temperature profile and downstream heat transfer for laminar flow conditionsPages 724-735Richard Clarke, Donal P. Finn
32.Effect of wall proximity in fluid flow and heat transfer from a rectangular prism placed inside a wind tunnelPages 736-746Dipes Chakrabarty, Ranajit Kumar Brahma
33.Natural convection flows in a trapezoidal enclosure with uniform and non-uniform heating of bottom wallPages
34.Thermal fatigue on pistons induced by shaped high power laser. Part I: Experimental study of transient temperature field and temperature oscillationPages 757-767Hong-Wei Song, Gang Yu, Jian-Song Tan, Liang Zhou, Xiao-Li Yu
35.Thermal fatigue on pistons induced by shaped high power laser. Part II: Design of spatial intensity distribution via numerical simulationPages 768-778Hong-Wei Song, Gang Yu, Alexander F.H. Kaplan, Jian-Song Tan, Xiao-Li Yu
36.Conjugate heat transfer in open cavities with a discrete heater at its optimized positionPages 779-788A. Muftuoglu, E. Bilgen
37.Saturated flow boiling heat transfer and pressure drop in silicon microchannel arraysPages
38.Critical assessment of arterial transport modelsPages 807-822Mehrzad Khakpour, Kambiz Vafai
39.An enthalpy method for modeling dendritic growth in a binary alloyPages 823-834V.R. Voller
40.Experimental study of drag-reduction mechanism for a dilute surfactant solution flowPages 835-843Feng-Chen Li, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Bo Yu, Jin-Jia Wei, Koichi Hishida
41.Numerical simulation of liquid-encapsulant float zone growth of indium phosphide crystals in zero gravityPages 844-852Mingwei Li, Chunmei Liu, Tingxia Zhu
42.Numerical study of heat transfer over banks of rods in small Reynolds number cross-flowPages 853-864Gabriel Gamrat, Michel Favre-Marinet, Stéphane Le Person
43.Temperature distribution in a rectangular plate heated by a moving heat sourcePages 865-872J. Kidawa-Kukla
44.Field synergy analysis and optimization of decontamination ventilation designsPages 873-881Qun Chen, Jianxun Ren, Zengyuan Guo
45.Error reduction, evaluation and correction for the intrusive optical four-sensor probe measurement in multi-dimensional two-phase flowPages 882-895Xiuzhong Shen, Kaichiro Mishima, Hideo Nakamura
46.Convective boiling of pure and mixed refrigerants: An experimental study of the major parameters affecting heat transferPages 896-909A. Greco
47.Determination of the flow and heat transfer characteristics in non-Newtonian media agitated using the electrochemical techniquePages 910-919Lubomira Broniarz-Press, Sylwia Rozanska
48.Unsteady heat transfer from an elliptic cylinderPages 920-928Gheorghe Juncu
49.Analytical considerations of thermal radiation in cellular metal foams with open cellsPages
50.An experimental study of heat transfer in a two-dimensional T-junction operating at a low momentum flux ratioPages 941-947A. de Tilly, J.M.M. Sousa
51.Analysis of a passive vapor feed direct methanol fuel cellPages 948-959Jeremy Rice, Amir Faghri
52.Computation of buoyancy-induced flow in a heated rotating cavity with an axial throughflow of cooling airPages 960-968Shuqing Tian, Zhi Tao, Shuiting Ding, Guoqiang Xu
53.Temperature fields of the extruded pipe under conditions of co-current coolingPages 969-972Pavel Élesztős, Ladislav Écsi
54.Comments on “Constructal design of a thermoelectric device”, IJHMT 49 (2006) 1420–1429Pages 973-976Min Chen, Lasse Rosendahl, Inger Bach, Thomas Condra

Volume 51, Issues 5-6, Pages 977-1496 (March 2008)

2.Distribution of air–water annular flow in a header of a parallel flow heat exchangerPages 977-992Nae-Hyun Kim, Sung-Pil Han
3.Inverse problem of unsteady conjugated forced convection in parallel plate channelsPages 993-1002David T.W. Lin, Wei-Mon Yan, Hung-Yi Li
4.Numerical and experimental investigation of two phase flow during boiling in a coiled tubePages 1003-1016Z. Yang, X.F. Peng, P. Ye
5.Determination of thermal contact resistance from transient temperature measurementsPages 1017-1023C. Fieberg, R. Kneer
6.Radiation effects on MHD flow in a porous spacePages 1024-1033Zaheer Abbas, Tasawar Hayat
7.Mixed convection from an isolated spherical particlePages 1034-1048S. Bhattacharyya, A. Singh
8.A simplistic model to study the influence of film cooling on low temperature hot corrosion rate in coal gas/syngas fired gas turbinesPages 1049-1060Vaidyanathan Krishnan, Sanjeev Bharani, J.S. Kapat, Y.H. Sohn, V.H. Desai
9.Dropwise condensation heat transfer on ion implanted aluminum surfacesPages 1061-1070M.H. Rausch, A.P. Fröba, A. Leipertz
10.A new critical heat flux correlation for vertical water flow through multiple thin rectangular channelsPages 1071-1084C.T. Wright, J.E. O’Brien, R.E. Spall
11.Mixed convection heat transfer in inclined rectangular ducts with radiation effectsPages 1085-1094Han-Chieh Chiu, Wei-Mon Yan
12.Experimental analysis of the unit cell approach for two-phase flow dynamics in curved flow channelsPages 1095-1103D.M. Kirpalani, T. Patel, P. Mehrani, A. Macchi
13.Effects of pressure gradients on entropy generation in the viscous layers of turbulent wall flowsPages 1104-1114Donald M. McEligot, Kevin P. Nolan, Edmond J. Walsh, Eckart Laurien
14.Wide band cumulative absorption coefficient distribution model for overlapping absorption in H2O and CO2 mixturesPages 1115-1129Jing He, Way Lee Cheng, Richard O. Buckius
15.Experiments on heat transfer enhancement from a heated square cylinder in a pulsating channel flowPages 1130-1138Tae Ho Ji, Seo Young Kim, Jae Min Hyun
16.Effects of temperature-dependent viscosity on Bénard convection in a porous medium using a non-Darcy modelPages 1139-1149K. Hooman, H. Gurgenci
17.Dual solutions in mixed convection flow near a stagnation point on a vertical surface in a porous mediumPages 1150-1155Anuar Ishak, Roslinda Nazar, Ioan Pop
18.Three-dimensional simulation of saturated film boiling on a horizontal cylinderPages 1156-1167Gihun Son, Vijay K. Dhir
19.Rayleigh–Benard convection in rotating fluidsPages 1168-1178S.G. Tagare, A. Benerji Babu, Y. Rameshwar
20.Numerical study on laminar convection heat transfer in a rectangular channel with longitudinal vortex generator. Part A: Verification of field synergy principlePages 1179-1191J.M. Wu, W.Q. Tao
21.Two-phase flow modeling of liquid-feed direct methanol fuel cellPages 1192-1204T.Z. Yan, Tien-Chien Jen
22.Heat transfer behavior in a rotating aluminum foam heat sink with a circular impinging jetPages 1205-1215Tzer-Ming Jeng, Sheng-Chung Tzeng, Tung-Chun Liu
23.A theoretical model for the prediction of the critical heat flux in heated microchannelsPages 1216-1225Rémi Revellin, John R. Thome
24.Jet impingement quenching phenomena for hot surfaces well above the limiting temperature for solid–liquid contactPages 1226-1237Md. Ashraful Islam, Masanori Monde, Peter Lloyd Woodfield, Yuichi Mitsutake
25.Numerical investigation into the effects of wall roughness on a gas–particle flow in a 90° bendPages 1238-1250Z.F. Tian, K. Inthavong, J.Y. Tu, G.H. Yeoh
26.Reynolds analogy in combustor modelingPages 1251-1263Lei-Yong Jiang, Ian Campbell
27.Thermodynamic and kinetic study of transport and reaction phenomena in gallium nitride epitaxy growthPages 1264-1280D. Cai, W.J. Mecouch, L.L. Zheng, H. Zhang, Z. Sitar
28.Evaluating constitutive scaling models for application to compressible microflowsPages 1281-1292Lynne O’Hare, Thomas J. Scanlon, David R. Emerson, Jason M. Reese
29.Assessment by comparison with DNS data of turbulence models used in simulations of mixed convectionPages
30.Droplet heat and mass transfer in a turbulent hot airstreamPages 1313-1324Maher M. Abou Al-Sood, Madjid Birouk
31.Modeling and prediction of the effective thermal conductivity of random open-cell porous foamsPages 1325-1331Moran Wang, Ning Pan
32.Natural convection of microparticle suspensions in thin enclosuresPages 1332-1341B.H. Chang, A.F. Mills, E. Hernandez
33.Discussion of proposed mechanisms of thermal conductivity enhancement in nanofluidsPages 1342-1348Chu Nie, W.H. Marlow, Y.A. Hassan
34.Flow boiling of water in a circular staggered micro-pin fin heat sinkPages 1349-1364Santosh Krishnamurthy, Yoav Peles
35.Thermal and chemical kinetic characterization of multiphase and multicomponent substances by laser heatingPages 1365-1378Ashot Nazarian, Cary Presser
36.Free convection from elliptic cylinders at small Grashof numbersPages 1379-1392S.J.D. D’Alessio, L.A. Finlay, J.P. Pascal
37.Pressure drop predictions for laminar flows of extended modified power law fluids in rectangular ductsPages 1393-1401Massimo Capobianchi
38.A fractal model for the starting pressure gradient for Bingham fluids in porous mediaPages 1402-1408Meijuan Yun, Boming Yu, Jianchao Cai
39.The relative importance of external and internal transport phenomena in three way catalystsPages 1409-1422H. Santos, M. Costa
40.Unsteady mixed convection from a rotating vertical slender cylinder in an axial flowPages
41.Effect of aggregation and interfacial thermal resistance on thermal conductivity of nanocomposites and colloidal nanofluidsPages 1431-1438William Evans, Ravi Prasher, Jacob Fish, Paul Meakin, Patrick Phelan, Pawel Keblinski
42.An efficient BEM formulation for three-dimensional steady-state heat conduction analysis of compositesPages 1439-1452J. Chatterjee, D.P. Henry, F. Ma, P.K. Banerjee
43.Prediction of enthalpy production from fractured geothermal reservoirs using partitioning tracersPages 1453-1466Xingru Wu, Gary A. Pope, G. Michael Shook, Sanjay Srinivasan
44.Improved band parameters for a simplified wide band cumulative absorption coefficient distribution model for H2O and CO2Pages 1467-1474Jing He, Richard O. Buckius
45.Extending the Duhamel theorem to dual phase applicationsPages 1475-1479P. Vadasz, D.A. Nield
46.Pyrolysis of a finite thickness composite materialPages 1480-1487M.A. Delichatsios, J. Zhang
47.Numerical investigation of a PCM-based heat sink with internal fins: Constant heat fluxPages 1488-1493V. Shatikian, G. Ziskind, R. Letan
48.Nano/Microscale Heat Transfer, Zhoumin Zhang. McGraw-Hill, 2007. 479 pp., 10 Chapters., 253 problems, 56 examples, 404 references.Pages 1494-1495John R. Lloyd

Volume 51, Issues 7-8, Pages 1497-2108 (April 2008)

2.Onset of gravitactic bioconvection in a square anisotropic porous medium with arbitrary orientation of the principal axesPages 1497-1504Tri Nguyen-Quang
3.Near-infrared light heating of a slab by embedded nanoparticlesPages 1505-1515Indra K. Tjahjono, Yildiz Bayazitoglu
4.Numerical investigation on the evaporation of droplets depositing on heated surfaces at low Weber numbersPages 1516-1529George Strotos, Manolis Gavaises, Andreas Theodorakakos, George Bergeles
5.Nonlinear thermal optimization of external light concrete multi-holed brick walls by the finite element methodPages 1530-1541J.J. del Coz Díaz, P.J. García Nieto, J.L. Suárez Sierra, C. Betegón Biempica
6.Heat transfer in the evaporator section of moderate-speed rotating heat pipesPages 1542-1550F. Song, D. Ewing, C.Y. Ching
7.Investigation of a large top wall temperature on the natural convection plume along a heated vertical wall in a square cavityPages 1551-1561W. Wu, D. Ewing, C.Y. Ching
8.Convective heat transfer on a rotating disk with a centred impinging round jetPages 1562-1572T. Astarita, G. Cardone
9.Experimental study on the loop heat pipe with a planar bifacial wick structurePages 1573-1581Wukchul Joung, Taeu Yu, Jinho Lee
10.Isotherms and thermodynamics for the adsorption of n-butane on pitch based activated carbonPages 1582-1589Bidyut Baran Saha, Anutosh Chakraborty, Shigeru Koyama, Seong-Ho Yoon, Isao
11.Free-convective heat transfer in fluids with non-uniform volumetric heat generationPages 1590-1595P.S. Kondratenko, D.V. Nikolski, V.F. Strizhov
12.Entropy generation of vapor condensation in the presence of a non-condensable gas in a shell and tube condenserPages 1596-1602Y. Haseli, I. Dincer, G.F. Naterer
13.Numerical simulation of turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of heated blocks in the channel with an oscillating cylinderPages 1603-1612Yue-Tzu Yang, Cheng-Hua Chen
14.Numerical analysis of natural convection heat transfer in a horizontal annulus partially filled with a fluid-saturated porous substratePages 1613-1627Khalil Khanafer, Abdalla Al-Amiri, Ioan Pop
15.Peculiarities of boiling of emulsions with a low-boiling disperse phasePages 1628-1632N.V. Bulanov, B.M. Gasanov
16.Population balance model of heat transfer in gas–solid particulate systemsPages 1633-1645B.G. Lakatos, Z. Süle, Cs. Mihálykó
17.Numerical simulation of film boiling on a sphere with a volume of fluid interface tracking methodPages 1646-1657M.H. Yuan, Y.H. Yang, T.S. Li, Z.H. Hu
18.Natural convection about a vertical plate embedded in a bidisperse porous mediumPages 1658-1664D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov
19.Interactions of thermally induced acoustic waves with buoyancy induced flows in rectangular enclosuresPages 1665-1674Yiqiang Lin, Bakhtier Farouk, Elaine S. Oran
20.Uni-directional heat flux through the horizontal fluid layer with sinusoidal wall temperature at the top or bottom boundariesPages 1675-1682Qiu-Wang Wang, Gang Wang, Min Zeng, Hiroyuki Ozoe
21.Nucleate boiling on the superhydrophilic surface with a small water impingement jetPages 1683-1690Yu-hao Qiu, Zhen-hua Liu
22.A distance-function-based Cartesian (DIFCA) grid method for irregular geometriesPages 1691-1706J.C. Chai, Y.F. Yap
23.Effects of the location of side inflow holes on pool boiling heat transfer in a vertical annulusPages 1707-1712Myeong-Gie Kang
24.Notable physical anomalies manifested in non-Fourier heat conduction under the dual-phase-lag modelPages 1713-1727B. Shen, P. Zhang
25.Condensation heat transfer enhancement in the presence of non-condensable gas using the interfacial effect of dropwise condensationPages 1728-1737Xue-Hu Ma,
26.Boiling incipience in liquid nitrogen induced by a step change in heat fluxPages 1738-1750Marie-Christine Duluc, Benoît Stutz, Monique Lallemand
27.Equivalence between dual-phase-lagging and two-phase-system heat conduction processesPages 1751-1756Liqiu Wang, Xiaohao Wei
28.Thermal analysis of a wet-disk clutch subjected to a constant energy engagementPages 1757-1769Tien-Chen Jen, Daniel James Nemecek
29.A comparative study on poiseuille flow of simple fluids through cylindrical and slit-like nanochannelsPages 1770-1779X. Song, J.K. Chen
30.Mathematical model for gas–liquid two-phase flow and biodegradation of a low concentration volatile organic compound (VOC) in a trickling biofilterPages 1780-1792Q. Liao, X. Tian, R. Chen, X. Zhu
31.Effectiveness–NTU relation for packed bed liquid desiccant–air contact systems with a double film model for heat and mass transferPages 1793-1803Cheng Qin Ren
32.A self-similar unsteady flow with conjugated heat transferPages 1804-1809Amilcare Pozzi, Giuliano Quaranta, Renato Tognaccini
33.Effect of pool rotation on flow pattern transition of silicon melt thermocapillary flow in a slowly rotating shallow annular poolPages 1810-1817You-Rong Li, Lan Xiao, Shuang-Ying Wu, Nobuyuki Imaishi
34.Numerical simulation and theoretical analysis of premixed low-velocity filtration combustionPages 1818-1829Jun-Rui Shi, Mao-Zhao Xie, Hong Liu, Gang Li, Lei Zhou
35.Effect of baffle–cavity ratios on buoyancy convection in a cavity with mutually orthogonal heated bafflesPages 1830-1837P. Kandaswamy, Jinho Lee, A.K. Abdul Hakeem, S. Saravanan
36.Forced convection heat transfer from an elliptical cylinder to power-law fluidsPages 1838-1853R.P. Bharti, P. Sivakumar, R.P. Chhabra
37.Extended heat-transfer relation for an impinging laminar flame jet to a flat platePages 1854-1865M.J. Remie, G. Särner, M.F.G. Cremers, A. Omrane, K.R.A.M. Schreel, M. Aldén, L.P.H. de Goey
38.Reconstruction of thermal conductivity and heat capacity using a tomographic approachPages 1866-1876V. Kolehmainen, J.P. Kaipio, H.R.B. Orlande
39.Infrared micro-particle image velocimetry measurements and predictions of flow distribution in a microchannel heat sinkPages 1877-1887Benjamin J. Jones, Poh-Seng Lee, Suresh V. Garimella
40.A numerical study of natural convection in a square enclosure with a circular cylinder at different vertical locationsPages 1888-1906B.S. Kim, D.S. Lee, M.Y. Ha, H.S. Yoon
41.A critical analysis of the minimum entropy production theorem and its application to heat and fluid flowPages 1907-1912V. Bertola, E. Cafaro
42.Flow boiling CHF enhancement with surfactant solutions under atmospheric pressurePages 1913-1919Yong Hoon Jeong, Mohammad Sohail Sarwar, Soon Heung Chang
43.Estimation of heat-transfer characteristics on a vertical annular circular fin of finned-tube heat exchangers in forced convectionPages 1920-1932Han-Taw Chen, Wei-Lun Hsu
44.Inverse radiation problem to retrieve hydrometeors from satellite microwave radiancesPages 1933-1945V. Swaminathan, R.M. Gairola, C. Balaji, V.K. Agarwal, S.P. Venkateshan
45.Magnetoconvection in an enclosure with partially active vertical wallsPages 1946-1954P. Kandaswamy, S. Malliga Sundari, N. Nithyadevi
46.Density maximum effect on buoyancy-driven convection of water in a porous cavity with variable side wall temperaturesPages 1955-1961P. Kandaswamy, M. Eswaramurthi
47.Influence of fuel fraction gradient on triple flame velocity in plain and axis-symmetrical channelsPages 1962-1969K.V. Dobrego, I.M. Kozlov, V.V. Vasiliev, J.-P. Martin, P. Gillon
48.A numerical study of pulverized coal ignition by means of plasma torches in air–coal dust mixture ducts of utility boiler furnacesPages 1970-1978Srdjan
49.A finite difference method for studying thermal deformation in a 3D thin film exposed to ultrashort pulsed lasersPages 1979-1995Suyang Zhang, Weizhong Dai, Haojie Wang, Roderick V.N. Melnik
50.Experimental study of the blowing impact on a hot turbulent boundary layerPages 1996-2005G. Brillant, S. Husson, F. Bataille
51.Reactants flow behavior and water management for different current densities in PEMFCPages 2006-2019Dewan Hasan Ahmed, Hyung Jin Sung, Joongmyeon Bae, Dong-Ryul Lee
52.Heat transfer from immersed vertical tube in a fluidized bed of group A particles near the transition to the turbulent fluidization flow regimePages 2020-2028A. Stefanova, H.T. Bi, C.J. Lim, J.R. Grace
53.Vascularization with trees matched canopy to canopy: Diagonal channels with multiple sizesPages 2029-2040J. Lee, S. Kim, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
54.A complex but accurate correlation for predicting critical heat flux in a round tube for low and medium pressures under circumferentially non-uniform heating conditionsPages 2041-2054A. Olekhnovitch, J. Sun, A. Teyssedou
55.On the heat and mass analogy of fin-and-tube heat exchangerPages 2055-2059Chi-Chuan Wang
56.Thermal in vivo skin electroporation pore development and charged macromolecule transdermal delivery: A numerical study of the influence of chemically enhanced lower lipid phase transition temperaturesPages 2060-2074S.M. Becker, A.V. Kuznetsov
57.Laminar heat transfer enhancement downstream of a backward facing step by using a pulsating flowPages 2075-2089A. Velazquez, J.R. Arias, B. Mendez
58.Temperature variations in the simulation of high-pressure injection-system transient flows under cavitationPages 2090-2107A.E. Catania, A. Ferrari, E. Spessa
59.Erratum to: “Forced convection in a parallel plates channel with asymmetric heating” [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 47 (2004) 5609–5612]Page 2108D.A. Nield

Volume 51, Issues 9-10, Pages 2109-2636 (May 2008)

2.Rapid microfluidic thermal cycler for polymerase chain reaction nucleic acid amplificationPages 2109-2122Shadi Mahjoob, Kambiz Vafai, N. Reginald Beer
3.Estimation of heat-transfer characteristics on a fin under wet conditionsPages 2123-2138Han-Taw Chen, Hung-Chih Wang
4.Film cooling on a gas turbine blade pressure side or suction side with axial shaped holesPages 2139-2152Zhihong Gao, Diganta P. Narzary, Je-Chin Han
5.Efficiency of composite fins of variable thicknessPages 2153-2166Cristóbal Cortés, Luis I. Díez, Antonio Campo
6.Effects of thermal radiation and variable fluid viscosity on free convective flow and heat transfer past a porous stretching surfacePages 2167-2178S. Mukhopadhyay, G.C. Layek
7.Simultaneous heat and moisture transfer through a composite supported liquid membranePages 2179-2189Li-Zhi Zhang, Fu Xiao
8.Lean combustibility limit of methane in reciprocal flow filtration combustion reactorPages 2190-2198K.V. Dobrego, N.N. Gnesdilov, S.H. Lee, H.K. Choi
9.Flow and heat transfer characteristics of the boundary layers over a stretching surface with a uniform-shear free streamPages 2199-2213Tiegang Fang
10.A porous model for the square pin-fin heat sink situated in a rectangular channel with laminar side-bypass flowPages 2214-2226Tzer-Ming Jeng
11.Comparison of a 2D axisymmetric CFD model of a natural draft wet cooling tower and a 1D modelPages 2227-2236N. Williamson, M. Behnia, S. Armfield
12.Non-Fourier analysis of skin biothermomechanicsPages 2237-2259F. Xu, K.A. Seffen, T.J. Lu
13.Optimum design of double pipe heat exchangerPages 2260-2266Prabhata K. Swamee, Nitin Aggarwal, Vijay Aggarwal
14.Effects of inlet/outlet configurations on flow boiling instability in parallel microchannelsPages 2267-2281Guodong Wang, Ping Cheng, A.E. Bergles
15.Transport of a train of short-pulse radiation of step temporal profile through a 2-D participating mediumPages 2282-2298R. Muthukumaran, Subhash C. Mishra
16.Optimization of the location of multiple discrete heat sources in a ventilated cavity using artificial neural networks and micro genetic algorithmPages 2299-2312Rajeev Reddy Madadi, C. Balaji
17.Estimation of parameters in multi-mode heat transfer problems using Bayesian inference – Effect of noise and a prioriPages 2313-2334Siddharth Parthasarathy, C. Balaji
18.Shape design of millimeter-scale air channels for enhancing heat transfer and reducing pressure dropPages 2335-2345Chin-Hsiang Cheng, Chi-Kang Chan, Guang-Jer Lai
19.Heat transfer augmentation along the tube wall of a louvered fin heat exchanger using practical delta wingletsPages 2346-2360Michael J. Lawson, Karen A. Thole
20.The effects of combined horizontal and vertical heterogeneity on the onset of convection in a porous medium: Moderate heterogeneityPages 2361-2367D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov
21.Orientation effect on natural convective performance of square pin fin heat sinksPages 2368-2376Ren-Tsung Huang, Wen-Junn Sheu, Chi-Chuan Wang
22.Treatment of turbulent heat fluxes with the elliptic-blending second-moment closure for turbulent natural convection flowsPages 2377-2388Seok-Ki Choi, Seong-O Kim
23.A new structural model of effective thermal conductivity for heterogeneous materials with co-continuous phasesPages 2389-2397Jianfeng Wang, James K. Carson, Mike F. North, Donald J. Cleland
24.Theoretical and experimental study of the effects of spray inclination on two-phase spray cooling and critical heat fluxPages 2398-2410Milan Visaria, Issam Mudawar
25.Investigation on the effects of fly ash particles on the thermal radiation in biomass fired boilersPages 2411-2417M. Bahador, B. Sundén
26.Transient response of a planar participating medium subjected to a train of short-pulse radiationPages 2418-2432R. Muthukumaran, Subhash C. Mishra
27.Numerical simulation of a fountain flow on nonstaggered Cartesian grid systemPages 2433-2443Shong-Leih Lee, Wei-Ching Liao
28.Classification of turbulent jets in a T-junction area with a 90-deg bend upstreamPages 2444-2454Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, Kazuhisa Yuki, Hidetoshi Hashizume
29.Spreading and solidification of a highly undercooled Y3Al5O12 droplet impinging on a substratePages 2455-2461K. Nagashio, K. Kodaira, K. Kuribayashi, T. Motegi
30.Optimum temperatures in a shell and tube condenser with respect to exergyPages 2462-2470Y. Haseli, I. Dincer, G.F. Naterer
31.Effect of surface diffusion on transfer processes in heterogeneous systemsPages 2471-2481V.V. Levdansky, J. Smolik, P. Moravec
32.Experimental and theoretical studies on subcooled flow boiling of pure liquids and multicomponent mixturesPages 2482-2493M. Jamialahmadi, H. Müller-Steinhagen, H. Abdollahi, A. Shariati
33.A porous medium analogy for the helium flow in CICCsPages 2494-2505L. Bottura, C. Marinucci
34.Consideration of heat transfer in pore network modelling of convective dryingPages 2506-2518V.K. Surasani, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
35.Numerical simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow past a rotating isothermal cylinder – A LBM approachPages 2519-2536Y.Y. Yan, Y.Q. Zu
36.Weld pool dynamics and the formation of ripples in 3D gas metal arc weldingPages 2537-2552J. Hu, H. Guo, H.L. Tsai
37.Transient power variation in surface conditions in heat conduction for platesPages 2553-2565James V. Beck, Neil T. Wright, A. Haji-Sheikh
38.Numerical simulation of nucleate boiling on a horizontal surface at high heat fluxesPages 2566-2582Gihun Son, Vijay K. Dhir
39.Effect of temperature and flow nonuniformity on transient behaviour of crossflow heat exchangerPages 2583-2592Manish Mishra, P.K. Das, Sunil Sarangi
40.Sorption and agglutination phenomenon of nanofluids on a plain heating surface during pool boilingPages 2593-2602Zhen-hua Liu, Liang Liao
41.An LGSM to identify nonhomogeneous heat conductivity functions by an extra measurement of temperaturePages 2603-2613Chein-Shan Liu
42.Analytical modeling of the steady state ablation of a 3D C/C compositePages 2614-2627Jean Lachaud, Yvan Aspa, Gérard L. Vignoles
43.Multilayer differential discrete ordinate method for inhomogeneous participating mediaPages 2628-2635K.T.V.S. Abhiram, M. Deiveegan, C. Balaji, S.P. Venkateshan

Volume 51, Issues 11-12, Pages 2637-3256 (June 2008)

2.Unsteady natural convection in a water-filled isosceles triangular enclosure heated from belowPages 2637-2650Chengwang Lei, Steven W. Armfield, John C. Patterson
3.Effective viscosities and thermal conductivities of aqueous nanofluids containing low volume concentrations of Al2O3 nanoparticlesPages 2651-2656Ji-Hwan Lee, Kyo Sik Hwang, Seok Pil Jang, Byeong Ho
4.Combined effects of thermophoresis and electrophoresis on particle deposition onto a wavy surface diskPages
5.Variational setting for reversible and irreversible fluids with heat flowPages 2665-2675Stanislaw Sieniutycz
6.Spatial variation of heat flux at the metal–mold interface due to mold filling effects in gravity die-castingPages 2676-2685S. Arunkumar, K.V. Sreenivas Rao, T.S. Prasanna Kumar
7.Loss of axisymmetry in the mixed convection, assisting flow past a heated spherePages 2686-2700Miroslav Kotouč, Gilles Bouchet, Jan Dušek
8.Azimuthally dependent radiative transfer in a slab with variable refractive indexPages 2701-2710C.C. Chang, Chih-Yang Wu
9.Modeling the 3-D radiation of anisotropically scattering media by two different numerical methodsPages 2711-2732D.N. Trivic, C.H. Amon
10.Finite element simulations of natural convection flow in an isosceles triangular enclosure filled with a porous medium: Effects of various thermal boundary conditionsPages 2733-2741Tanmay Basak, S. Roy, S. Krishna Babu, I. Pop
11.Determination of convective heat transfer for fenestration with between-the-glass louvered shadesPages 2742-2751Mike Collins, Syeda Tasnim, John Wright
12.Modelling of stratified gas–liquid two-phase flow in horizontal circular pipesPages 2752-2761Paulo A.B. de Sampaio, José L.H. Faccini, Jian Su
13.Interference of spherical wave of thermal radiation emitted by a film systemPages 2762-2771Hidenobu Wakabayashi, Toshiro Makino
14.Inverse radiation analysis using repulsive particle swarm optimization algorithmPages 2772-2783Kyun Ho Lee, Seung Wook Baek, Ki Wan Kim
15.An improved model for two-phase hydrogen flow dynamicsPages 2784-2800James Pasch, Samim Anghaie
16.Studies on gas–solid heat transfer during pneumatic conveyingPages 2801-2813K.S. Rajan, K. Dhasandhan, S.N. Srivastava, B. Pitchumani
17.Effect of thermal modulation on the onset of convection in a rotating fluid layerPages 2814-2823M.S. Malashetty, Mahantesh Swamy
18.Heat transfer analysis of blast furnace stavePages 2824-2833Lijun Wu, Xun Xu, Weiguo Zhou, Yunlong Su, Xiaojing Li
19.Performance of two equation turbulence models for prediction of flow and heat transfer over a wall mounted cubePages
20.A coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-damage model for concrete subjected to moderate temperaturesPages 2847-2862Benoît Bary, Guillaume Ranc, Sabine Durand, Olivier Carpentier
21.Field synergy analysis and optimization of the convective mass transfer in photocatalytic oxidation reactorsPages 2863-2870Qun Chen, Ji-an Meng
22.Volume balance equation, availability analysis and the fundamental relation in the thermodynamics for the heat transfer manPages 2871-2876V.A.F. Costa
23.Bejan’s Thermodynamics for the heat transfer man, and the law of volume increasePages 2877-2888V.A.F. Costa
24.Natural convection in an enclosure with localized heating and salting from belowPages 2889-2904Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Guang-Fa Tang
25.A comprehensive analytical solution of macromolecular transport within an arteryPages
26.Effects of miter bend on pressure drop and flow structure in micro-fluidic channelsPages
27.Thermohydraulic performance of a periodic trapezoidal channel with a triangular cross-sectionPages 2925-2929Raghvendra Gupta, Paul E. Geyer, David F. Fletcher, Brian S. Haynes
28.Convective heat transfer to water near the critical region in a horizontal square ductPages 2930-2939Sang-Ho Lee
29.Effects of a reacting channel wall on turbulent mass transferPages 2940-2949Kien T. Nguyen, Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou
30.Investigation of dimpled fins for heat transfer enhancement in compact heat exchangersPages 2950-2966Mohammad A. Elyyan, Ali Rozati, Danesh K. Tafti
31.Thermal instability of nanofluids in natural convectionPages 2967-2979D.Y. Tzou
32.Buoyant convection in a parallelogrammic enclosure filled with a porous medium – General analysis and numerical simulationsPages 2980-2989Hun Sik Han, Jae Min Hyun
33.The extraordinary effects of energetic reactions on the Nusselt number in a round tube with a uniform heat flux density on the wallPages 2990-3006Bo Yu, Stuart W. Churchill
34.Transport from a volatile meniscus inside an open microtubePages 3007-3017Hao Wang, Jayathi Y. Murthy, Suresh V. Garimella
35.Heat flux field for one spherical inhomogeneity embedded in a functionally graded material matrixPages 3018-3024H.M. Yin, G.H. Paulino, W.G. Buttlar, L.Z. Sun
36.Wettability of heated surfaces under pool boiling using surfactant solutions and nano-fluidsPages 3025-3031Yong Hoon Jeong, Won Joon Chang, Soon Heung Chang
37.Synchronization of thermostatically controlled first-order systemsPages 3032-3043Weihua Cai, Mihir Sen
38.Linear stability analysis of a fluid-saturated porous layer subjected to time-dependent heatingPages 3044-3051Joung Sook Hong, Min Chan Kim, Do-Young Yoon, Bum-Jin Chung, Sin Kim
39.Experimental and numerical investigation of convection heat transfer of CO2 at supercritical pressures in a vertical mini-tubePages 3052-3056Pei-Xue Jiang, Yu Zhang, Run-Fu Shi
40.Numerical study of periodically fully-developed convection in channels with periodically grooved partsPages
41.Numerical study of film cooled rotor leading edge with tip clearance in 1-1/2 turbine stagePages 3066-3081Huitao Yang, Hamn-Ching Chen, Je-Chin Han, Hee-Koo Moon
42.Numerical simulations of gas resonant oscillations in a closed tube using lattice Boltzmann methodPages 3082-3090Y. Wang, Y.L. He, Q. Li, G.H. Tang
43.Combined heat and mass transfer for laminar flow of moist air in a 3D rectangular duct: CFD simulation and validation with experimental dataPages 3091-3102Prabal Talukdar, Conrad R. Iskra, Carey J. Simonson
44.Meshless method based on the local weak-forms for steady-state heat conduction problemsPages 3103-3112Xue-Hong Wu, Wen-Quan Tao
45.A three-dimensional thermal-fluid analysis of flat heat pipesPages 3113-3126Bin Xiao, Amir Faghri
46.Transient modeling and analysis of a passive liquid-feed DMFCPages 3127-3143Bin Xiao, Amir Faghri
47.Heat-transfer distribution for an impinging laminar flame jet to a flat platePages 3144-3152M.J. Remie, G. Särner, M.F.G. Cremers, A. Omrane, K.R.A.M. Schreel, L.E.M. Aldén, L.P.H. de Goey
48.Experimental study of post-dryout with R-134a upward flow in smooth tube and rifled tubesPages
49.Development of optical digital interferometry technique for measurement of thermodiffusion coefficientsPages 3164-3178A. Mialdun, V.M. Shevtsova
50.Heat transfer in a rectangular chamber with differentially heated horizontal walls: Effects of a vibrating sidewallPages 3179-3189Yiqiang Lin, Bakhtier Farouk
51.A general bioheat transfer model based on the theory of porous mediaPages 3190-3199A. Nakayama, F. Kuwahara
52.Mixed convection in the stagnation point flow adjacent to a vertical surface in a viscoelastic fluidPages 3200-3206T. Hayat, Z. Abbas, I. Pop
53.Lattice Boltzmann simulation of collision dynamics of two unequal-size dropletsPages 3207-3216Bumpei Sakakibara, Takaji Inamuro
54.Inverse design involving combined radiative and turbulent convective heat transferPages 3217-3226A.C.
55.The heat/mass transfer analogy for a simulated turbine endwallPages 3227-3244S. Han, R.J. Goldstein
56.A boundary layer analysis for entrance region heat transfer in vertical microchannels within the slip flow regimePages 3245-3250Suman Chakraborty, S.K. Som, Rahul
57.Effect of thermal diffusion on absorption during dissolution of short gas plugsPages 3251-3254Tov Elperin, Andrew Fominykh
58.Erratum to “Conjugate heat/mass transfer from a circular cylinder with an internal heat/mass source in laminar crossflow at low Reynolds numbers” [Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 48 (2005) 419–424] and “Unsteady conjugate heat/mass transfer from a circular cylinder in laminar crossflow at low Reynolds numbers” [Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 47 (2004) 2469–2480]Pages 3255-3256Gh. Juncu

Volume 51, Issues 13-14, Pages 3257-3700 (1 July 2008)

2.Professor Kenjiro Suzuki (1940–2007)Pages 3257-3258W.J. Minkowycz, Ichiro Tanasawa, Ryozo Echigo, Fumimaru Ogino, Yasunobu Fujita, Masahiro Shoji, Nobuhide Kasagi, Toshiro Makino, Shigefumi Nishio, Janusz S. Szmyd, Hideo Yoshida, Shigeo Maruyama
3.Deteriorated turbulent heat transfer (DTHT) of gas up-flow in a circular tube: Experimental dataPages 3259-3266J.I. Lee, P. Hejzlar, P. Saha, P. Stahle, M.S. Kazimi, D.M. McEligot
4.Scroll heat sink: A novel heat sink with the moving fins inserted between the cooling finsPages 3267-3274Tae Young Kim, Dong-Kwon Kim, Sung Jin Kim
5.Vortex formation and heat transfer in turbulent flow past a transverse cavity with inclined frontal and rear wallsPages 3275-3286A.Yu. D’yachenko, V.I. Terekhov, N.I. Yarygina
6.A new method for determining coupled heat and mass transfer coefficients between air and liquid desiccantPages 3287-3297Yonggao Yin, Xiaosong Zhang
7.Heat transfer study in a discoidal system: The influence of rotation and space between disksPages 3298-3308Julien Pellé, Souad Harmand
8.Analysis of the 1-D heat conduction problem for a single fin with temperature dependent heat transfer coefficient: Part I – Extended inverse and direct solutionsPages 3309-3324I.N. Dul’kin, G.I. Garas’ko
9.Analysis of the 1D heat conduction problem for a single fin with temperature dependent heat transfer coefficient – Part II. Optimum characteristics of straight plate and cylindrical pin finsPages 3325-3341I.N. Dul’kin, G.I. Garas’ko
10.Modeling and simulation of wetted porous thermal barriers operating under high temperature or high heat fluxPages 3342-3354V.A.F. Costa, M.L. Mendonça, A.R. Figueiredo
11.Weighted effective medium approximations for conductivity of random compositesPages 3355-3361Duc Chinh Pham
12.Drop formation of swirl-jet nozzles with high viscous solution in vacuum-new absorbent in spray absorption refrigerationPages 3362-3368F.S.K. Warnakulasuriya, W.M. Worek
13.Pool boiling heat transfer in a vertical annulus as the bottom inflow area changesPages 3369-3377Myeong-Gie Kang
14.Hydrodynamic aspects of interaction between nucleation sitesPages 3378-3386R. Mosdorf, M. Shoji
15.Mathematical formulation and numerical modeling of wax deposition in pipelines from enthalpy–porosity approach and irreversible thermodynamicsPages 3387-3398R. Banki, H. Hoteit, A. Firoozabadi
16.An explicit–implicit time stepping scheme for solidification modelsPages 3399-3409R. Pardeshi, V.R. Voller, A.K. Singh, P. Dutta
17.Simulation of droplet spreading, splashing and solidification using smoothed particle hydrodynamics methodPages
18.Periodic bubble emission and appearance of an ordered bubble sequence (train) during condensation in a single microchannelPages 3420-3433Wei Zhang, Jinliang Xu, John R. Thome
19.Inverse radiation problem of temperature field in three-dimensional rectangular enclosure containing inhomogeneous, anisotropically scattering mediaPages 3434-3441D. Liu, F. Wang, J.H. Yan, Q.X. Huang, Y. Chi, K.F. Cen
20.Instantaneous and objective flow regime identification method for the vertical upward and downward co-current two-phase flowPages 3442-3459Jae Young Lee, Mamoru Ishii, Nam Seok Kim
21.Laminar forced convection slip-flow in a micro-annulus between two concentric cylindersPages 3460-3467Mete Avcı, Orhan Aydın
22.Transient natural convection and heat transfer during the storage of granular mediaPages
23.Optimum length of tubes for heat transfer in turbulent flow at constant wall temperaturePages 3478-3485Alper Yılmaz
24.Role of ‘Bejan’s heatlines’ in heat flow visualization and optimal thermal mixing for differentially heated square enclosuresPages 3486-3503Tanmay Basak, S. Roy
25.Heat transfer to longitudinal laminar flow between thin cylindersPages 3504-3513Andrzej Szaniawski, Zygmunt Lipnicki
26.Large Eddy simulation of passive scalar in compressible mixing layersPages 3514-3524C. Le Ribault
27.Application of CESE method to simulate non-Fourier heat conduction in finite medium with pulse surface heatingPages 3525-3534Yin Chou, Ruey-Jen Yang
28.Thermo-bioconvection in a suspension of gravitactic micro-organisms in vertical cylindersPages 3535-3547M. Taheri, E. Bilgen
29.Linear correlation of heat transfer and friction in helically-finned tubes using five simple groups of parametersPages 3548-3555Gregory J. Zdaniuk, Rogelio Luck, Louay M. Chamra
30.Transient heat conduction in a medium with two circular cavities: Semi-analytical solutionPages 3556-3570Elizaveta Gordeliy, Steven L. Crouch, Sofia G. Mogilevskaya
31.Inverse estimation of heat flux and temperature on nozzle throat-insert inner contourPages 3571-3581Tsung-Chien Chen, Chiun-Chien Liu
32.Thermal performance of a multi-block heat exchanger designed on the basis of Bejan’s constructal theoryPages 3582-3594V. Arun Prasad Raja, Tanmay Basak, Sarit Kumar Das
33.An experimental and numerical study of stagnation point heat transfer for methane/air laminar flame impinging on a flat surfacePages 3595-3607Subhash Chander, Anjan Ray
34.Lateral wetting angle of falling film in dense fluidPages 3608-3614Y. Sutjiadi-Sia, R. Eggers
35.Numerical simulation of compression of the single spherical vapor bubble on a basis of the uniform modelPages 3615-3622Hyunik Yang, A.V. Desyatov, S.G. Cherkasov, D.N. Il’mov, D.B. McConnell
36.On the fulfillment of the energy conservation law in mathematical models of evolution of single spherical bubblePages 3623-3629Hyunik Yang, A.V. Desyatov, S.G. Cherkasov, D.B. McConnell
37.Analyses of gas flows in micro- and nanochannelsPages 3630-3641Moran Wang, Xudong Lan, Zhixin Li
38.Linear analysis of rapidly switched heat regenerators in counterflowPages 3642-3655Filippo de Monte, Paolo Rosa
39.Large-eddy simulation of transition to turbulence in natural convection in a horizontal annular cavityPages
40.Numerical thermal optimization of the configuration of multi-holed clay bricks used for constructing building walls by the finite volume methodPages 3669-3682L.P. Li, Z.G. Wu, Z.Y. Li, Y.L. He, W.Q. Tao
41.Numerical study on laminar convection heat transfer in a channel with longitudinal vortex generator. Part B: Parametric study of major influence factorsPages 3683-3692J.M. Wu, W.Q.Tao
42.Mixed convection boundary layer flow adjacent to a vertical surface embedded in a stable stratified mediumPages 3693-3695Anuar Ishak, Roslinda Nazar, Ioan Pop
43.Evaporation dynamics of sessile liquid drops in still air with constant contact radiusPages 3696-3699Friedhelm Schönfeld, Karl-Heinz Graf, Steffen Hardt, Hans-Jürgen Butt

Volume 51, Issues 15-16, Pages 3701-4144 (15 July 2008)

2.A synthesis of fluid and thermal transport models for metal foam heat exchangersPages 3701-3711Shadi Mahjoob, Kambiz Vafai
3.Analysis of transport phenomena within PEM fuel cells – An analytical solutionPages 3712-3723Mehrzad Khakpour, Kambiz Vafai
4.Microchannel size effects on local flow boiling heat transfer to a dielectric fluidPages 3724-3735Tannaz Harirchian, Suresh V. Garimella
5.Three-fluid model predictions of pressure changes in condensing vertical tubesPages 3736-3744Vladimir D. Stevanovic, Miroslav Stanojevic, Dejan Radic, Milorad Jovanovic
6.A modified genetic algorithm for solving the inverse heat transfer problem of estimating plan heat sourcePages 3745-3752Fung-Bao Liu
7.A superposition approach to study slip-flow forced convection in straight microchannels of uniform but arbitrary cross-sectionPages 3753-3762K. Hooman
8.Saturated flow boiling heat transfer of R-407C and associated bubble characteristics in a narrow annular ductPages 3763-3775F.C. Hsieh, K.W. Li, Y.M. Lie, C.A. Chen, T.F. Lin
9.Simulations of the macroscopic and mesoscopic natural convection flows within rectangular cavitiesPages 3776-3793P.-H. Kao, Y.-H. Chen, R.-J. Yang
10.Natural convection in water-saturated metal foamPages 3794-3802V. Kathare, J.H. Davidson, F.A. Kulacki
11.On the double-layer structure of the boundary layer adjacent to a sidewall of a differentially heated cavityPages 3803-3815Feng Xu, John C. Patterson, Chengwang Lei
12.Transient heat transfer in packed beds: The significance of the history termPages 3816-3824Nico Zobel, Frank Behrendt
13.Single-phase and two-phase cooling using hybrid micro-channel/slot-jet modulePages 3825-3839Myung Ki Sung, Issam Mudawar
14.Fundamental consideration of wall heat partition of vertical subcooled boiling flowsPages 3840-3853G.H. Yeoh, Sherman C.P. Cheung, J.Y. Tu, Mark K.M. Ho
15.Exergy analysis of freeze drying of pharmaceuticals in vials on traysPages 3854-3868A.I. Liapis, R. Bruttini
16.A dual reciprocity boundary element method for photothermal interactions in laser-induced thermotherapyPages 3869-3881Jianhua Zhou, Yuwen Zhang, J.K. Chen
17.Single-phase and two-phase heat transfer characteristics of low temperature hybrid micro-channel/micro-jet impingement cooling modulePages 3882-3895Myung Ki Sung, Issam Mudawar
18.Modeling liquid jet breakup in high speed cross-flow with finite-conductivity evaporationPages
19.Effect of a moving plate on heat transfer in a uniform heat flux vertical channelPages 3906-3912Assunta Andreozzi, Nicola Bianco, Oronzio Manca, Vincenzo Naso
20.Estimation of thermal and mass diffusivity in a porous medium of complex structure using a lattice Boltzmann methodPages 3913-3923Namgyun Jeong, Do Hyung Choi, Ching-Long Lin
21.Numerical study of phonon radiative transfer in porous nanostructuresPages 3924-3931Sheng-Yen Li, Hsin-Sen Chu, Wei-Mon Yan
22.Monodisperse droplet heating and evaporation: Experimental study and modellingPages 3932-3945C. Maqua, G. Castanet, F. Grisch, F. Lemoine, T. Kristyadi, S.S. Sazhin
23.Dimensionless correlations of frost properties on a cold cylinder surfacePages 3946-3952Jung-Soo Kim, Dong-Keun Yang, Kwan-Soo Lee
24.Effects of duct inclination angle on thermal entrance region of laminar and transition mixed convectionPages 3953-3962DaoTong Chong, JiPing Liu, JunJie Yan
25.Effect of corrugated plates in an in-phase arrangement on the heat transfer and flow developmentsPages 3963-3971Paisarn Naphon
26.Heat transfer enhancement in a horizontal channel by the addition of curved deflectorsPages 3972-3984L. Luviano-Ortiz, A. Hernandez-Guerrero, C. Rubio-Arana, R. Romero-Mendez
27.Second law analysis of a disturbed flow in a thin slit with wall suction or injectionPages 3985-4001Fethi Kamışlı
28.Finite circular fin method for wavy fin-and-tube heat exchangers under fully and partially wet surface conditionsPages 4002-4017Worachest Pirompugd, Chi-Chuan Wang, Somchai Wongwises
29.Heat transfer over a bidirectional stretching sheet with variable thermal conditionsPages
30.Minimizing hot spot temperature of porous stackings in natural convectionPages 4025-4037Charles Villemure, Louis Gosselin, Guy Gendron
31.Optimal package design of stacks of convection-cooled printed circuit boards using entropy generation minimization methodPages 4038-4046Wen-Jei Yang, Takahiro Furukawa, Shuichi Torii
32.Experimental investigation of capillary-assisted evaporation on the outside surface of horizontal tubesPages 4047-4054Z.Z. Xia, G.Z. Yang, R.Z. Wang
33.A numerical investigation on the fluid flow and heat transfer in the confined impinging slot jet in the low Reynolds number region for different channel heightsPages 4055-4068H.G. Lee, H.S. Yoon, M.Y. Ha
34.Modeling of the microconvective contribution to wall heat transfer in subcooled boiling flowPages 4069-4082Franz Ramstorfer, Helfried Steiner, Günter Brenn
35.Prediction of the temperature field in flat plate heat pipes with micro-grooves – Experimental validationPages 4083-4094Frédéric Lefèvre, Romuald Rullière, Guillaume Pandraud, Monique Lallemand
36.Rotating Rayleigh–Bénard convection under the influence of transverse magnetic fieldPages 4095-4108Hirdesh Varshney, Mirza Faisal Baig
37.Vertical buoyancy preserving and non-preserving fountains, in a homogeneous calm ambientPages 4109-4120Panos N. Papanicolaou, Thanos J. Kokkalis
38.Numerical modelling of metal droplet cooling and solidificationPages 4121-4131N. Zeoli, S. Gu, S. Kamnis
39.Heat transfer analysis of intermittent grinding processesPages 4132-4138J. Pérez, S. Hoyas, D.L. Skuratov, Yu.L. Ratis, I.A. Selezneva, P. Fernández de Córdoba, J.F. Urchueguía
40.Burnett simulation of gas flow and heat transfer in micro Poiseuille flowPages 4139-4144Fubing Bao, Jianzhong Lin

Volume 51, Issues 17-18, Pages 4145-4588 (August 2008)

1.Editorial boardPage IFC
2.The peculiarities of sprayed liquid’s thermal state change, as droplets are heated by conductionPages 4145-4160Gintautas Miliauskas, Vaidotas Sabanas, Ramunas Bankauskas, Giedrius Miliauskas, Viktorija Sankauskaite
3.Determination of moisture diffusivity in porous materials using gamma-methodPages 4161-4167M.I. Nizovtsev, S.V. Stankus, A.N. Sterlyagov, V.I. Terekhov, R.A. Khairulin
4.Intelligent fuzzy weighted input estimation method applied to inverse heat conduction problemsPages
5.On the inverse heat convection problem of the flow over a cascade of rectangular bladesPages 4184-4194Wen-Lih Chen, Yu-Ching Yang
6.Effects of turbulence and inlet moisture on two-phase spontaneously condensing flows in transonic nozzlesPages 4195-4203A.R. Avetissian, G.A. Philippov, L.I. Zaichik
7.Numerical simulation of transient heat and mass transfer in a cylindrical evaporator of a loop heat pipePages
8.Application of the proper orthogonal decomposition to turbulent convective flows in a simulated Czochralski systemPages 4216-4227S. Rahal, P. Cerisier, H. Azuma
9.Experimental characterization of buoyancy- and surface tension-driven convection during the drying of a polymer solutionPages 4228-4237Guillaume Toussaint, Hugues Bodiguel, Frédéric Doumenc, Béatrice Guerrier, Catherine Allain
10.Experimental study of temperature distribution and local heat flux for turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection of air in a long rectangular enclosurePages 4238-4248Anna Ebert, Christian Resagk, AndréThess
11.Visualization and performance measurement of operating mesh-wicked heat pipesPages 4249-4259Shwin-Chung Wong, Yi-Huan Kao
12.Steady-state conjugate natural convection in a fluid-saturated porous cavityPages 4260-4275Abdalla Al-Amiri, Khalil Khanafer, Ioan Pop
13.Turbulent mixing of a passive scalar in confined multiple jet flows of a micro combustorPages 4276-4286Hang Seok Choi, Tae Seon Park, Kenjiro Suzuki
14.Investigation of soot transport and radiative heat transfer in an ethylene jet diffusion flamePages 4287-4299C.B. Saji, C. Balaji, T. Sundararajan
15.Extensive study on laminar free film condensation from vapor–gas mixturePages 4300-4314De-Yi Shang, Liang-Cai Zhong
16.Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of low temperature two-phase micro-channel heat sinks – Part 1: Experimental methods and flow visualization resultsPages 4315-4326Jaeseon Lee, Issam Mudawar
17.Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of low temperature two-phase micro-channel heat sinks – Part 2. Subcooled boiling pressure drop and heat transferPages 4327-4341Jaeseon Lee, Issam Mudawar
18.Single-phase hybrid micro-channel/micro-jet impingement coolingPages 4342-4352Myung Ki Sung, Issam Mudawar
19.Modeling of transport phenomena in hybrid laser-MIG keyhole weldingPages 4353-4366J. Zhou, H.L. Tsai
20.Rapid macromolecular synthesis in a microfluidic channel with an oscillating flapPages 4367-4378Ruth A. Lambert, Siddhartha Das, Marc J. Madou, Suman Chakraborty, Roger H. Rangel
21.An analytical solution for the coupled heat and mass transfer during the freezing of high-water content materialsPages 4379-4391Mariela C. Olguín, Viviana O. Salvadori, Rodolfo H. Mascheroni, Domingo A. Tarzia
22.Joule heating in magnetohydrodynamic flows in channels with thin conducting wallsPages 4392-4399J. Mao, S. Aleksandrova, S. Molokov
23.Heat transfer from a spinning disk during semi-confined axial impingement from a rotating nozzlePages 4400-4414Muhammad M. Rahman, Jorge C. Lallave, Ashok Kumar
24.A computational strategy for simulating heat transfer and flow past deformable objectsPages
25.Explosive vaporization and microbubble oscillations on submicron width thin film strip heatersPages 4427-4438G. Romera-Guereca, T.Y. Choi, D. Poulikakos
26.Effect of surface property of molten metal pools on triggering of vapor explosions in water droplet impingementPages 4439-4446M. Furuya, T. Arai
27.Solidification of a 2-D semitransparent medium using the lattice Boltzmann method and the finite volume methodPages 4447-4460Subhash C. Mishra, Nikhil C. Behera, Atul K. Garg, Abhishek Mishra
28.Bubble oscillation on thin wire during subcooled boilingPages 4461-4469J.F. Lu, X.F. Peng
29.A theoretical study of the specific heat and Debye temperature of low-dimensional materialsPages 4470-4479Mei-Jiau Huang, Tai-Ming Chang, Chun-Kai Liu, Chih-Kuang Yu
30.Experimental study and theoretical analysis of local heat transfer distribution between smooth flat surface and impinging air jet from a circular straight pipe nozzlePages 4480-4495Vadiraj Katti, S.V. Prabhu
31.Finite element analysis of natural convection flow in a isosceles triangular enclosure due to uniform and non-uniform heating at the side wallsPages 4496-4505Tanmay
32.Numerical simulation of natural convection of nanofluid in a square enclosure: Effects due to uncertainties of viscosity and thermal conductivityPages 4506-4516C.J. Ho, M.W. Chen, Z.W. Li
33.Velocity–vorticity formulation for 3D natural convection in an inclined enclosure by BEMPages
34.Slip flow and heat transfer of a second grade fluid past a stretching sheet through a porous spacePages 4528-4534T. Hayat, T. Javed, Z. Abbas
35.Friction factor and heat transfer in multiple microchannels with uniform flow distributionPages 4535-4543Hee Sung Park, Jeff Punch
36.Steam condensing – liquid CO2 boiling heat transfer in a steam condenser for a new heat recovery systemPages 4544-4550Konstantin Nikitin, Yasuyoshi Kato, Takao Ishizuka
37.Optimization of zeta potential distributions for minimal dispersion in an electroosmotic microchannelPages 4551-4562Hwa Sung Woo, Byung Jun Yoon, In Seok Kang
38.Analytical solution of combined heat and mass transfer performance in a cross-flow packed bed liquid desiccant air dehumidifierPages 4563-4572Xiao-Hua Liu, Yi Jiang, Kai-Yang Qu
39.Introduction of a length correction factor for the calculation of laminar flow through microchannels with high surface roughnessPages 4573-4582José R. Valdés, Mario J. Miana, Miguel Martínez, Leticia Gracia, Thomas Pütz
40.A note on methods for analysis of flow through microchannelsPages 4583-4588G. Chakraborty

Volume 51, Issues 19-20, Pages 4589-5032 (September 2008)

2.The combined analysis of phonon and electron heat transfer mechanism on thermal conductivity for nanofluidsPages 4589-4598Jurij Avsec
3.Frontiers in transport phenomena research and education: Energy systems, biological systems, security, information technology and nanotechnologyPages 4599-4613T.L. Bergman, A. Faghri, R. Viskanta
4.Effects of jet pattern on single-phase cooling performance of hybrid micro-channel/micro-circular-jet-impingement thermal management schemePages 4614-4627Myung Ki Sung, Issam Mudawar
5.Contact angle and sessile drop diameter hysteresis on metal surfacesPages 4628-4636Andrzej Gajewski
6.A mathematical model for analyzing the thermal characteristics of a flat micro heat pipe with a grooved wickPages 4637-4650Kyu Hyung Do, Sung Jin Kim, Suresh V. Garimella
7.Axial heat conduction in a moving semi-infinite fluidPages 4651-4658A. Haji-Sheikh, Donald E. Amos, J.V. Beck
8.Assessment of performance of turbulence models in predicting supercritical pressure heat transfer in a vertical tubePages 4659-4675S. He, W.S. Kim, J.H. Bae
9.Conduction in rectangular plates with boundary temperatures specifiedPages 4676-4690James V. Beck, Neil T. Wright, A. Haji-Sheikh, Kevin D. Cole, Donald E. Amos
10.Natural convection in a heat generating hydrodynamically and thermally anisotropic non-Darcy porous mediumPages 4691-4703D. Jaya Krishna, Tanmay Basak, Sarit K. Das
11.Heat and mass transfer during drying of a bed of shrinking particles – Simulation for carrot cubes dried in a spout-fluidized-bed drierPages 4704-4716Ireneusz Białobrzewski, Magdalena Zielińska, Arun S. Mujumdar, Marek Markowski
12.Height and stability of laminar plane fountains in a homogeneous fluidPages 4717-4727N.
13.Numerical investigation of the cooling effectiveness of a droplet impinging on a heated surfacePages 4728-4742George Strotos, Manolis Gavaises, Andreas Theodorakakos, George Bergeles
14.Heat source identification and on-line temperature control by a Branch Eigenmodes Reduced ModelPages 4743-4752Etienne Videcoq, Olivier Quemener, Myriam Lazard, Alain Neveu
15.Frequency response of an electrochemical probe to the wall shear stress fluctuations of a turbulent channel flowPages 4753-4758J. Pallares, F.X. Grau
16.Multicomponent-liquid–fuel vaporization with complex configurationPages 4759-4774William A. Sirignano, Guang Wu
17.Refrigerant flow boiling heat transfer in parallel microchannels as a function of local vapor qualityPages 4775-4787Stefan S. Bertsch, Eckhard A. Groll, Suresh V. Garimella
18.Numerical study of pin-fin heat sink with un-uniform fin height designPages 4788-4796Yue-Tzu Yang, Huan-Sen Peng
19.Shear-driven flows of locally heated liquid filmsPages 4797-4810Elizaveta Ya. Gatapova, Oleg A. Kabov
20.Parametric study of multi-splat solidification/remelting including contact resistance effectsPages 4811-4819Wei Wang, Ruth A. Lambert, Roger H. Rangel
21.Prediction of radiative heat transfer between two concentric spherical enclosures with the finite volume methodPages 4820-4828Man Young Kim, Seung Wook Baek, Chang Yeop Lee
22.Numerical comparison of thermoacoustic couples with modified stack plate edgesPages 4829-4840L. Zoontjens, C.Q. Howard, A.C. Zander, B.S. Cazzolato
23.On the eruptive boiling in silicon-based microchannelsPages 4841-4849P.C. Lee, Chin Pan
24.Effect of vent aspect ratio on unsteady laminar buoyant flow through rectangular vents in large enclosuresPages 4850-4861A.K. Sleiti
25.Nonequilibrium heat conduction in a nanofluid layer with periodic heat fluxPages 4862-4874Yuwen Zhang, H.B. Ma
26.Semi-analytical solution of the extended Graetz problem for combined electroosmotically and pressure-driven microchannel flows with step-change in wall temperaturePages
27.Linear stability of Rayleigh–Benard–Poiseuille convection for electrochemical systemPages 4886-4891D.A. Bograchev, A.D. Davydov, V.M. Volgin
28.Effect of oxide layers on spray water cooling heat transfer at high surface temperaturesPages 4892-4901R. Wendelstorf, K.-H. Spitzer, J. Wendelstorf
29.Spray water cooling heat transfer at high temperatures and liquid mass fluxesPages 4902-4910J. Wendelstorf, K.-H. Spitzer, R. Wendelstorf
30.Device scaling effect on the spectral-directional absorptance of wafer’s front sidePages 4911-4925Kang Fu, Yu-Bin Chen, Pei-feng Hsu, Zhuomin M. Zhang, Paul J. Timans
31.Two-phase pressure drops in a helically coiled steam generatorPages 4926-4939Lorenzo Santini, Andrea Cioncolini, Carlo Lombardi, Marco Ricotti
32.Analysis of wall-function approaches using two-equation turbulence modelsPages 4940-4957X. Albets-Chico, C.D. Pérez-Segarra, A. Oliva, J. Bredberg
33.Mechanisms of thermal nanofluids on enhanced critical heat flux (CHF)Pages 4958-4965Dongsheng Wen
34.A new methodology of studying the dynamics of water sorption/desorption under real operating conditions of adsorption heat pumps: ExperimentPages 4966-4972Yu.I. Aristov, B. Dawoud, I.S. Glaznev, A. Elyas
35.Three-dimensional modelling of electric-arc development in a low-voltage circuit-breakerPages 4973-4984L. Piqueras, D. Henry, D. Jeandel, J. Scott, J. Wild
36.On the effects of Rayleigh number and inlet turbulence intensity upon the buoyancy-induced mass flow rate in sloping and convergent channelsPages 4985-5000B. Zamora, A.S. Kaiser, A. Viedma
37.Unsteady natural convection from a horizontal annulus filled with a porous mediumPages 5001-5007M. Kumari, G. Nath
38.New aspects of the diffusion approximation for radiative transferPages 5008-5017Hans Rudolf Tschudi
39.Effects of the inclination angle on pool boiling in an annulusPages 5018-5023Myeong-Gie Kang
40.Natural convection in a vertical annulus driven by a central heat generating rodPages 5024-5032P. Venkata Reddy, G.S.V.L. Narasimham

Volume 51, Issues 21-22, Pages 5033-5476 (October 2008)

2.Investigation on operational characteristics of a miniature automatic cooling devicePages 5033-5039Qiang Li, Wenlei Lian, Hui Sun, Yimin Xuan
3.Visualization of natural convection heat transport using heatline method in porous non-isothermally heated triangular cavityPages 5040-5051Yasin Varol, Hakan F. Oztop, Moghtada Mobedi, Ioan Pop
4.Simulations of a prototypical device using pyroelectric materials for harvesting waste heatPages 5052-5062Damien Vanderpool, Jeong Hwan Yoon, Laurent Pilon
5.Slip/jump boundary conditions for rarefied reacting/non-reacting multi-component gaseous flowsPages 5063-5071Azad Qazi Zade, Metin Renksizbulut, Jacob Friedman
6.Reconstruction of local heat fluxes in pool boiling experiments along the entire boiling curve from high resolution transient temperature measurementsPages 5072-5087Yi Heng, Adel Mhamdi, Sven Groß, Arnold Reusken, Martin Buchholz, Hein Auracher, Wolfgang Marquardt
7.Three-dimensional laminar slip-flow and heat transfer in a rectangular microchannel with constant wall temperaturePages 5088-5096H.D. Madhawa Hettiarachchi, Mihajlo Golubovic, William M. Worek, W.J. Minkowycz
8.Analysis of the onset of buoyancy-driven convection in a water layer formed by ice melting from belowPages 5097-5101Min Chan Kim, Chang Kyun Choi, Do-Young Yoon
9.Influence of free surface curvature of a liquid layer on the critical Marangoni convectionPages 5102-5107Z.M. Tang, K. Li, W.R. Hu
10.Heat transfer enhancement in dense suspensions of agitated solids. Part I: TheoryPages 5108-5118Xinglong Chen, Michel Louge
11.Heat transfer enhancement in dense suspensions of agitated solids. Part II: Experiments in the exchange limitPages 5119-5129Xinglong Chen, Michel Louge
12.Heat transfer enhancement in suspensions of agitated solids. Part III: Thermophoretic transport of nanoparticles in the diffusion limitPages 5130-5143Michel Louge, Xinglong Chen
13.Assessment of the axisymmetric radiative heat transfer in a cylindrical enclosure with the finite volume methodPages 5144-5153Man Young Kim
14.Forced convection of non-Newtonian fluids on a heated flat platePages 5154-5159Lun-Shin Yao, Md. Mamun Molla
15.A temperature fluctuation equation model dedicated to the computation of turbulent thermal layers in high Reynolds internal flowsPages 5160-5174Karine Truffin, Adlène Benkenida
16.Heat and mass transfer intensification at steam absorption by surfactant additivesPages 5175-5181V.E. Nakoryakov, N.I. Grigoryeva, N.S. Bufetov, R.A. Dekhtyar
17.Three-dimensional laminar flow and heat transfer in a parallel array of microchannels etched on a substratePages 5182-5191Justin D. Mlcak, N.K. Anand, Michael J. Rightley
18.Lattice Boltzmann simulation to study multiple bubble dynamicsPages 5192-5203Amit Gupta, Ranganathan Kumar
19.To the theory of underwater ice evolution, or nonlinear dynamics of “false bottoms”Pages
20.The heat/mass transfer analogy for a simulated turbine bladePages 5209-5225S. Han, R.J. Goldstein
21.Onset of entrainment in transitional round fountainsPages 5226-5237Wenxian Lin, S.W. Armfield
22.A transient three-dimensional inverse geometry problem in estimating the space and time-dependent irregular boundary shapesPages 5238-5246Cheng-Hung Huang, Meng-Ting Chaing
23.Endwall heat transfer and pressure drop in rectangular channels with attached and detached circular pin-fin arrayPages 5247-5259S.W. Chang, T.L. Yang, C.C. Huang, K.F. Chiang
24.Numerical modeling of bed-to-wall heat transfer in a circulating fluidized bed combustor based on cluster energy balancePages 5260-5268Nirmal V. Gnanapragasam, B.V. Reddy
25.Effects of high subcooling on two-phase spray cooling and critical heat fluxPages 5269-5278Milan Visaria, Issam Mudawar
26.Computation of turbulent free convection in left and right tilted porous enclosures using a macroscopic k–ε modelPages 5279-5287Edimilson J. Braga, Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
27.A fractal model for gas permeation through porous membranesPages 5288-5295Li-Zhi Zhang
28.Interphase transfer at oscillatory rough surfacesPages 5296-5304H.G. Gomaa
29.Mist film cooling simulation at gas turbine operating conditionsPages 5305-5317Ting Wang, Xianchang Li
30.Deteriorated turbulent heat transfer (DTHT) of gas up-flow in a circular tube: Heat transfer correlationsPages 5318-5326J.I. Lee, P. Hejzlar, P. Saha, M.S. Kazimi, D.M. McEligot
31.On the non-linear Maxwell–Cattaneo equation with non-constant diffusivity: Shock and discontinuity wavesPages 5327-5332Andrea Pietro Reverberi, Patrizia Bagnerini, Luigi Maga, Agostino Giacinto Bruzzone
32.Effect of an interfacial shear stress on steam condensation in the presence of a noncondensable gas in a vertical tubePages 5333-5343Kwon-Yeong Lee, Moo Hwan Kim
33.The application of plastic microcapillary films for fast transient micro-heat exchangePages 5344-5358Bart Hallmark, Christian H. Hornung, David Broady, Christopher Price-Kuehne, Malcolm R. Mackley
34.Thermal dispersion in porous media as a function of the solid–fluid conductivity ratioPages 5359-5367Marcos H.J. Pedras, Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
35.Comprehensive experimental and theoretical study of fluid flow and heat transfer in a microscopic evaporating meniscus in a miniature heat exchangerPages 5368-5379Sashidhar S. Panchamgam, Arya Chatterjee, Joel L. Plawsky, Peter C. Wayner Jr.
36.A regularized integral equation method for the inverse geometry heat conduction problemPages 5380-5388Chein-Shan Liu, Chih-Wen Chang, Chia-Yen Chiang
37.Heat transfer correlation for hexagonal and in-line arrays of impinging jetsPages 5389-5399L.F.G.
38.High heat flux flow boiling in silicon multi-microchannels – Part I: Heat transfer characteristics of refrigerant R236faPages 5400-5414Bruno Agostini, John Richard Thome, Matteo Fabbri, Bruno Michel, Daniele Calmi, Urs Kloter
39.High heat flux flow boiling in silicon multi-microchannels – Part II: Heat transfer characteristics of refrigerant R245faPages 5415-5425Bruno Agostini, John Richard Thome, Matteo Fabbri, Bruno Michel, Daniele Calmi, Urs Kloter
40.High heat flux flow boiling in silicon multi-microchannels – Part III: Saturated critical heat flux of R236fa and two-phase pressure dropsPages 5426-5442Bruno Agostini, Rémi Revellin, John Richard Thome, Matteo Fabbri, Bruno Michel, Daniele Calmi, Urs Kloter
41.Design of a deflected membrane electrode assembly for PEMFCsPages 5443-5453Dewan Hasan Ahmed, Hyung Jin Sung
42.An experimental investigation on pressure drop of steam condensing in silicon microchannelsPages 5454-5458Xiaojun Quan, Ping Cheng, Huiying Wu
43.Application of artificial neural network method for performance prediction of a gas cooler in a CO2 heat pumpPages 5459-5464Z.G. Wu, J.Z. Zhang, Y.B. Tao, Y.L. He, W.Q. Tao
44.A boundary layer analysis of electro-magneto-hydrodynamic forced convective transport over a melting slabPages 5465-5474Suman Bose, Suman Chakraborty
45.Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics, C. Tropea, A.L. Yarin, J.F. Foss (Eds.), Springer (2007). XXVIII, 1557 pp., 1240 illustrations, in color, DVD-ROM with full contents, ISBN: 978-3-540-25141-5.Pages 5475-5476Günter Brenn

Volume 51, Issues 23-24, Pages 5477-5758 (November 2008)

   Biomedical-Related Special Issue
Edited by John P. Abraham and Ephraim M. Sparrow   
2.Biomedical-related special issuePage 5477W.J. Minkowycz
3.Evaluation of alternate cooling and heating for tumor treatmentPages 5478-5485Jianqi Sun, Aili Zhang, Lisa X. Xu
4.Comprehensive evaluation on the heating capacities of four typical whole body hyperthermia strategies via compartmental modelPages 5486-5496Shi-Hai Xiang, Jing Liu
5.A mathematical model for skin burn injury induced by radiation heatingPages 5497-5510Weizhong Dai, Haojie Wang, Pedro M. Jordan, Ronald E. Mickens, Adrian Bejan
6.Bio-heat transfer analysis during short pulse laser irradiation of tissuesPages 5511-5521Megan Jaunich, Shreya Raje, Kyunghan Kim, Kunal Mitra, Zhixiong Guo
7.A multi-segmented human bioheat model for transient and asymmetric radiative environmentsPages 5522-5533M. Al-Othmani, N. Ghaddar, K. Ghali
8.A bioheat transfer model: Forced convection in a channel occupied by a porous medium with counterflowPages 5534-5541D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov
9.Effects of gender-related geometrical characteristics of aorta–iliac bifurcation on hemodynamics and macromolecule concentration distributionPages
10.Transport profiles in the conducting airways of the human lungPages 5552-5561F.E. Fresconi, A.S. Wexler, A.K. Prasad
11.Numerical predictions of submicrometer aerosol deposition in the nasal cavity using a novel drift flux approachPages
12.A new methodology for targeting drug-aerosols in the human respiratory systemPages 5578-5589Clement Kleinstreuer, Zhe Zhang, Zheng Li, William L. Roberts, Carlye Rojas
13.Microfluidics of nano-drug deliveryPages 5590-5597Clement Kleinstreuer, Jie Li, Junemo Koo
14.Computational modeling of intravitreal drug delivery in the vitreous chamber with different vitreous substitutesPages
15.Mass transfer model for drug delivery in tissue cells with reversible electroporationPages 5610-5616Yair Granot, Boris Rubinsky
16.Temperature considerations during irreversible electroporationPages 5617-5622Rafael V. Davalos, Boris Rubinsky
17.Water and solute active transport through human epidermis: Contribution of electromigrationPages 5623-5632Cibele V. Falkenberg, John G. Georgiadis
18.Unsteady, three-dimensional fluid mechanic analysis of blood flow in plaque-narrowed and plaque-freed arteriesPages 5633-5641J.P. Abraham, E.M. Sparrow, R.D. Lovik
19.Three-dimensional microscopic freezing and thawing behavior of biological tissues revealed by real-time imaging using confocal laser scanning microscopyPages 5642-5649Hiroshi Ishiguro, Takashi Horimizu
20.The effect of two different freezing methods on the immediate post-thaw membrane integrity of adipose tissue derived stem cellsPages 5650-5654R. Fuller, R.V. Devireddy
21.Numerical simulation of local temperature distortions during ice nucleation of cells in suspensionPages 5655-5661D. Kandra, R.V. Devireddy
22.Targeted brain hypothermia induced by an interstitial cooling device in the rat neck: Experimental study and model validationPages 5662-5670Yunjian Wang, Liang Zhu, Axel J. Rosengart
23.Computerized planning of cryosurgery using bubble packing: An experimental validation on a phantom materialPages 5671-5678Michael R. Rossi, Daigo Tanaka, Kenji Shimada, Yoed Rabin
24.Freezing of blood perfused tissue: An improved quasi-steady solutionPages 5679-5686Latif M. Jiji, Peter Ganatos
25.A microfluidic study of mouse dendritic cell membrane transport properties of water and cryoprotectantsPages 5687-5694Hsiu-hung Chen, Hong Shen, Shelly Heimfeld, Kenny K. Tran, Joanna Reems, Albert Folch, Dayong Gao
26.Modeling traffic jams in intracellular transport in axonsPages 5695-5699A.V. Kuznetsov, K. Hooman
27.A boundary element model of microbubble sticking and sliding in the microcirculationPages 5700-5711Brijesh Eshpuniyani, J. Brian Fowlkes, Joseph L. Bull
28.Plasma microcirculation in alveolar capillaries: Effect of parachute-shaped red cells on gas exchangePages 5712-5720A.A. Merrikh, J.L. Lage
29.Vapor/liquid phase interaction in flare flashing sprays used in dermatologic coolingPages 5721-5731H. Vu, O. García-Valladares, G. Aguilar
30.Precise dental ablation using ultra-short-pulsed 1552 nm laserPages 5732-5739Molly Fahey, Ogugua Onyejekwe, H. Lawrence Mason, Kunal Mitra
31.Non-invasive blood perfusion measurements using a combined temperature and heat flux surface probePages 5740-5748Patricia L. Ricketts, Ashvinikumar V. Mudaliar, Brent E. Ellis, Clay A. Pullins, Leah A. Meyers, Otto I. Lanz, Elaine P. Scott, Thomas E. Diller
32.Optimization of a microfluidic device for diffusion-based extraction of DMSO from a cell suspensionPages 5749-5757K.K. Fleming Glass, E.K. Longmire, A. Hubel

Volume 51, Issues 25-26, Pages 5759-6362 (December 2008)

2.Professor Adrian Bejan on his 60th birthdayPages 5759-5761José L. Lage, Ren Anderson, Vitor Costa, Marcelo R. Errera, Alex J. Fowler, Louis Gosselin, Shigeo Kimura, Gustavo A. Ledezma, Jong S. Lim, Sylvie Lorente, Antonio Miguel, W.J. Minkowycz, Alexandru M. Morega, Tunde Bello-Ochende, Juan C. Ordóñez, Dimos Poulikakos, Heitor Reis, Luiz A.O. Rocha, Alexandre K. da Silva, Osvair V. Trevisan, et al.
3.Contact angle and rivulet width hysteresis on metallic surfaces. Part I: With heated surfacePages 5762-5771Andrzej Gajewski
4.Heat transfer rate of direct-contact condensation on baffle traysPages 5772-5776Srbislav B. Genić, Branislav M. Jaćimović, Ljubiša A. Vladić
5.Mixed convection with heating effects in a vertical porous annulus with a radially varying magnetic fieldPages 5777-5784A. Barletta, S. Lazzari, E. Magyari, I. Pop
6.Mixed convection analysis of laminar pulsating flow and heat transfer over a backward-facing stepPages 5785-5793Khalil Khanafer, Bader Al-Azmi, Awadh Al-Shammari, Ioan Pop
7.Experiments and models for the thermal response of railroad tapered-roller bearingsPages 5794-5803Constantine M. Tarawneh, Kevin D. Cole, Brent M. Wilson, Fadi Alnaimat
8.Heat and fluid flow in a rectangular microchannel filled with a porous mediumPages 5804-5810K. Hooman
9.Axial heat conduction effects in the entrance region of parallel plate ductsPages 5811-5822A. Haji-Sheikh, J.V. Beck, Donald E. Amos
10.Kinetics of water adsorption on loose grains of SWS-1L under isobaric stages of adsorption heat pumps: The effect of residual airPages 5823-5827I.S. Glaznev, Yu.I. Aristov
11.Simulation of a regression-model and PCA based searching method developed for setting the robust injection molding parameters of multi-quality characteristicsPages 5828-5837M.-S. Huang, T.-Y. Lin
12.Boundary layer flow over a shrinking sheet with power-law velocityPages 5838-5843Tiegang Fang
13.A new method for designing the heat exchangers constructed based on infinite regular polyhedrons geometryPages 5844-5850Miroslaw Zukowski
14.An application of infinite regular polyhedrons geometry to design heat exchangersPages 5851-5858Miroslaw Zukowski
15.Analysis of power and entropy generation in a chemical enginePages 5859-5871Stanislaw Sieniutycz
16.Dynamics of water sorption on a single adsorbent grain caused by a large pressure jump: Modeling of coupled heat and mass transferPages 5872-5876B.N.
17.Dendritic vascularization for countering intense heating from the sidePages 5877-5886S. Kim, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
18.Iterative and direct Chebyshev collocation spectral methods for one-dimensional radiative heat transferPages
19.Experimental study of onset of laminar–turbulent transition in mixed convection in a vertical heated tubePages 5895-5905A. Behzadmehr, A. Laneville, N. Galanis
20.Numerical simulations of interrupted and conventional microchannel heat sinksPages 5906-5917Jinliang
21.Transient coupled heat transfer in an anisotropic scattering composite slab with semitransparent surfacesPages 5918-5930Hong-Liang Yi, Ming Xie, He-Ping Tan
22.Diffusion of thermal disturbances in two-dimensional Cartesian transient heat conductionPages 5931-5941Filippo de Monte, James V. Beck, Donald E. Amos
23.Wall-to-bed heat transfer in vertical hydraulic transport and in particulate fluidized bedsPages 5942-5948Radmila Garić-Grulović, Nevenka Bošković-Vragolović, Željko Grbavčić, Zorana Arsenijević
24.Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of natural convection in square cavities due to discrete source–sink pairsPages 5949-5957Qi-Hong Deng
25.Turbulent conjugate heat and mass transfer from the surface of a binary mixture of ethanol/iso-octane in a countercurrent stratified two-phase flow systemPages 5958-5974R. Banerjee
26.Frost formation on a super-hydrophobic surface under natural convection conditionsPages 5975-5982Zhongliang Liu, Yunjun Gou, Jieteng Wang, Shuiyuan Cheng
27.Experimental investigations of Poiseuille number laminar flow of water and air in minichannelsPages 5983-5990Krzysztof Dutkowski
28.Transient laminar opposing mixed convection in a differentially and asymmetrically heated vertical channel of finite lengthPages 5991-6005L. Martínez-Suástegui, C. Treviño
29.Transient thermal and hydrodynamic model of flat heat pipe for the cooling of electronics componentsPages 6006-6017R. Sonan, S. Harmand, J. Pellé, D. Leger, M. Fakès
30.From Boltzmann transport equation to single-phase-lagging heat conductionPages 6018-6023Lin Cheng, Mingtian Xu, Liqiu Wang
31.On the solution of damped wave conduction and relaxation equation in a semi-infinite medium subject to constant wall fluxPages 6024-6031Kal Renganathan Sharma
32.Determination of the heat transfer coefficient at metal–die interface of high pressure die casting process of AM50 alloyPages 6032-6038Guo Zhi-peng, Xiong Shou-mei, Liu Bai-cheng, Mei Li, John Allison
33.Characterization of evaporator and condenser thermal resistances of a screen mesh wicked heat pipePages 6039-6046R. Kempers, A.J. Robinson, D. Ewing, C.Y. Ching
34.Enhancement of external forced convection by ionic windPages 6047-6053David B. Go, Raul A.
35.Conjugate heat transfer by natural convection, conduction and radiation in open cavitiesPages 6054-6062H. Nouanegue, A. Muftuoglu, E. Bilgen
36.Reduced order modeling and experimental validation of steady turbulent convection in connected domainsPages 6063-6076Qihong Nie, Yogendra Joshi
37.Numerical investigations on flow behaviour and energy separation in Ranque–Hilsch vortex tubePages 6077-6089Upendra Behera, P.J. Paul, K. Dinesh, S. Jacob
38.Convective condensation of vapor in the presence of a non-condensable gas of high concentration in laminar flow in a vertical pipePages 6090-6101V. Dharma Rao, V. Murali Krishna, K.V. Sharma, P.V.J. Mohana Rao
39.Modeling of axial bed-to-wall heat transfer in a CFB combustor with abrupt riser exit geometryPages 6102-6109Nirmal V. Gnanapragasam, B.V. Reddy
40.Mixed convection MHD flow in a vertical channel: Effects of Joule heating and viscous dissipationPages 6110-6117A. Barletta, M. Celli
41.Combined effects of curvature, radiation, and stretch on the extinction of premixed tubular flamesPages 6118-6125Zheng Chen, Yiguang Ju
42.Developing slip-flow and heat transfer in trapezoidal microchannelsPages 6126-6135Hamid Niazmand, Metin Renksizbulut, Ehsan Saeedi
43.Theoretical analysis on microwave heating of oil–water emulsions supported on ceramic, metallic or composite platesPages 6136-6156Sujoy Kumar Samanta, Tanmay Basak, Bhaskar Sengupta
44.3D conjugate heat transfer with thermal radiation in a hollow cube exposed to external flowPages 6157-6168C. Albanakis, D. Bouris
45.Fluctuating fluid flow and heat transfer of an obliquely impinging air jetPages 6169-6179Tadhg S. O’Donovan, Darina B. Murray
46.Effect of rear slant angle on flow structures, and pollutant dispersion and concentration fields in the wake of the studied model vehiclePages 6180-6193T.L. Chan, K. Gosse, Y. Zhou, S.C. Lee, X.W. Wang, J.F. Huang
47.Similarity analysis of planar and axisymmetric turbulent synthetic jetsPages 6194-6198Amit Agrawal, Gunjan Verma
48.New alcohol solutions for heat pipes: Marangoni effect and heat transfer enhancementPages 6199-6207Nicola di Francescantonio, Raffaele Savino, Yoshiyuki Abe
49.Effect of turbulent Prandtl number on the computation of film-cooling effectivenessPages 6208-6218Cun-Liang Liu, Hui-Ren Zhu, Jiang-Tao Bai
50.DNS of rotating buoyancy– and surface tension–driven flowPages 6219-6234A. Raufeisen, M. Breuer, T. Botsch, A. Delgado
51.Flow boiling of R134a and ammonia in a plate heat exchangerPages 6235-6242E. Djordjevic, S. Kabelac
52.Effects of hole spacing on spatially-resolved jet array impingement heat transferPages 6243-6253Matt Goodro, Jongmyung Park, Phil Ligrani, Mike Fox, Hee-Koo Moon
53.New analytical model for heat transfer efficiency of metallic honeycomb structuresPages 6254-6258Shutian Liu, Yongcun Zhang, Peng Liu
54.An experimental study on the thermal conductivity of aluminium foams by using the transient plane source methodPages 6259-6267E. Solórzano, J.A. Reglero, M.A. Rodríguez-Pérez, D. Lehmhus, M. Wichmann, J.A. de Saja
55.Bubble departure frequency in forced convective subcooled boiling flowPages 6268-6282R. Situ, M. Ishii, T. Hibiki, J.Y. Tu, G.H. Yeoh, M. Mori
56.Experimental and numerical study of convection heat transfer of CO2 at supercritical pressures in vertical porous tubesPages 6283-6293Pei-Xue Jiang, Run-Fu Shi, Chen-Ru Zhao, Yi-Jun Xu
57.Analysis of pulsating convection from two heat sources mounted with porous blocksPages 6294-6311Po-Chuan Huang, Chao-Fu Yang
58.Comments on a paradox of viscous dissipation and its relation to the Oberbeck–Boussinesq approachPages 6312-6316A. Barletta
59.An analytical solution for the total heat transfer in the thin-film region of an evaporating meniscusPages 6317-6322Hao Wang, Suresh V. Garimella, Jayathi Y. Murthy
60.Validation of Navier–Stokes equations for slip flow analysis within transition regionPages 6323-6327Tiantian Zhang, Li Jia, Zhicheng Wang
61.Influence of Rayleigh effect combined with Marangoni effect on the onset of convection in a liquid layer overlying a porous layerPages 6328-6331Rong Liu, Qiu Sheng Liu, Si Cheng Zhao
62.Numerical investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics by common-flow-upPages
63.Heat transfer bibliography – Japanese works 2005Pages 6337-6345
64.Heat transfer bibliography – Japanese works 2006Pages 6346-6354
65.Heat transfer bibliography – Japanese works 2007Pages 6355-6360
66.Erratum to “Academician Alexander Ivanovich Leontiev on his 80th birthday”Page 6361
67.Academician Alexander Ivanovich Leontiev on his 80th birthdayPage 6362Graham de Vahl Davis, Leonid Dombrovsky, Richard Goldstein, Kemal Hanjalic, Geoff Hewitt, John Howell, John Lloyd, W.J. Minkowycz, Samuel Sideman, Natalie Medvetskaya

Volume 52, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-542 (15 January 2009)

2.Conjugate heat transfer in an enclosure under the condition of internal mass transfer and in the presence of the local heat sourcePages 1-8G.V. Kuznetsov, M.A. Sheremet
3.Modelling He I–He II phase transformation in long channels containing superconductorsPages 9-16M. Sitko, B. Skoczeń
4.A simple dissipation model of circular hydraulic jumpPages 17-21Jarosław Mikielewicz, Dariusz Mikielewicz
5.Transient two-dimensional model of frost formation on a fin-and-tube heat exchangerPages 22-32Kristian Lenic, Anica Trp, Bernard Frankovic
6.A performance evaluation plot of enhanced heat transfer techniques oriented for energy-savingPages 33-44J.F. Fan, W.K. Ding, J.F. Zhang, Y.L. He, W.Q. Tao
7.Conjugated heat transfer in double-pass laminar counterflow concentric-tube heat exchangers with sinusoidal wall fluxesPages 45-55Chii-Dong Ho, Jr-Wei Tu, Chih-Ming Yang
8.A numerical study of unsteady natural convection induced by iso-flux surface cooling in a reservoir modelPages 56-66Tomasz P. Bednarz, Chengwang Lei, John C. Patterson
9.The analytical solution of the one alloy solidification problemPages 67-69E.N. Kondrashov
10.Finite element simulation of natural convection flow in a trapezoidal enclosure filled with porous medium due to uniform and non-uniform heatingPages 70-78Tanmay Basak, S. Roy, Amit Singh, I. Pop
11.Subcooled flow boiling and microbubble emission boiling phenomena in a partially heated microchannelPages 79-91Guodong Wang, Ping Cheng
12.Analysis of flux-base fins for estimation of heat transfer coefficientPages 92-99K.D. Cole, C. Tarawneh, B. Wilson
13.A mathematical model for the spray freeze drying process: The drying of frozen particles in trays and in vials on traysPages 100-111A.I. Liapis, R. Bruttini
14.Hybrid formulation and solution for transient conjugated conduction–external convectionPages 112-123C.P. Naveira, M. Lachi, R.M. Cotta, J. Padet
15.Numerical investigation of non-isothermal phase change phenomena in vertical Bridgman crystal growthPages 124-132Jie Liu, Wen-Qiang Lu
16.Analytical solution for solidification of close-celled metal foamsPages 133-141B. Zhang, T. Kim, T.J. Lu
17.Experimental investigation of convective heat transfer coefficient during downward laminar flow condensation of R134a in a vertical smooth tubePages 142-150A.S. Dalkilic, S. Yildiz, S. Wongwises
18.Effects of variable density for film evaporation on laminar mixed convection in a vertical channelPages 151-164N. Laaroussi, G. Lauriat, G. Desrayaud
19.Influence of vertical vibrations on the separation of a binary mixture in a horizontal porous layer heated from belowPages 165-172Bilal Elhajjar, Abdelkader Mojtabi, Marie-Catherine Charrier-Mojtabi
20.Simulation of one method of laser welding of metal plates involving an SHS-reacting powder mixturePages 173-180V.V. Belyaev, O.B. Kovalev
21.Experimental and numerical study of transient natural convection due to mass transfer in inclined enclosuresPages 181-192D.Z. Jeng, C.S. Yang, C. Gau
22.Flow and convective heat transfer characteristics of water-based Al2O3 nanofluids in fully developed laminar flow regimePages 193-199Kyo Sik Hwang, Seok Pil Jang, Stephen U.S. Choi
23.Prediction of wall shear for horizontal annular air–water flowPages 200-209D. Schubring, T.A. Shedd
24.Practical application of inverse heat conduction for wall condition estimation on a rotating cylinderPages 210-221F. Volle, D. Maillet, M. Gradeck, A. Kouachi, M. Lebouché
25.Thermally enhanced solubility for the shrinking of a nanoink droplet in a surrounding liquidPages 222-231Magnus Fischer, Mathias Dietzel, Dimos Poulikakos
26.The functional identification approach for numerical reconstruction of the temperature-dependent thermal-conductivity coefficientPages 232-238V.T. Borukhov, V.A. Tsurko, G.M. Zayats
27.Two-dimensional Dual-Phase-Lag thermal behavior in single-/multi-layer structures using CESE methodPages 239-249Yin Chou, Ruey-Jen Yang
28.Magnetohydrodynamic natural convection in a vertical cylindrical cavity with sinusoidal upper wall temperaturePages 250-259S.C. Kakarantzas, I.E. Sarris, A.P. Grecos, N.S. Vlachos
29.Convective heat transfer in liquid microchannels with hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfacesPages 260-270Shou-Shing Hsieh, Chih-Yi Lin
30.Pressure effects on flow boiling instabilities in parallel microchannelsPages 271-280C.-J. Kuo, Y. Peles
31.Convective heat transfer and pressure losses across novel heat sinks fabricated by Selective Laser MeltingPages 281-288M. Wong, I. Owen, C.J. Sutcliffe, A. Puri
32.On the intrinsic nature of jump coefficients at the interface between a porous medium and a free fluid regionPages 289-300D. Jamet, M. Chandesris
33.Loop heat pipe for cooling of high-power electronic componentsPages 301-308Leonid Vasiliev, David Lossouarn, Cyril Romestant, Alain Alexandre, Yves
34.Sublimation rate and the mass-transfer coefficient for snow sublimationPages 309-315Thomas A. Neumann, Mary R. Albert, Chandler Engel, Zoe Courville, Frank Perron
35.Fluid dynamics and oxygen transport in a micro-bioreactor with a tissue engineering scaffoldPages 316-327Peng Yu, Thong See Lee, Yan Zeng, Hong Tong Low
36.Loss characteristics and flow rectification property of diffuser valves for micropump applicationsPages 328-336Yi-Chun Wang, Jui-Cheng Hsu, Ping-Chi Kuo, Yung-Chun Lee
37.The onset of convection in a porous layer induced by viscous dissipation: A linear stability analysisPages
38.Waviness effect of a wavy circular cylinder on the heat transfer at a Reynolds number of 300Pages 345-354C.T. Ahn, H.S. Yoon, M.Y. Ha, H.G. Lee
39.An experimental study of natural convection in a differentially heated cavity through a 2D-PIV systemPages 355-365F. Corvaro, M. Paroncini
40.Transition from natural to mixed convection for steam–gas flow condensing along a vertical platePages 366-375Y. Liao, K. Vierow, A. Dehbi, S. Guentay
41.Influence of the protective strip properties on distribution of the temperature at transient frictional heatingPages 376-384A.A. Yevtushenko, M. Kuciej
42.Heat and mass transfer analysis of a suspension of reacting particles subjected to concentrated solar radiation – Application to the steam-gasification of carbonaceous materialsPages 385-395A. Z’Graggen, A. Steinfeld
43.A numerical study of heat transfer performance of oscillatory impinging jetsPages 396-406Buddhika N. Hewakandamby
44.A new transient thermal fouling probe for cross flow tubular heat exchangersPages 407-414L. Perez, B. Ladevie, P. Tochon, J.C. Batsale
45.Unsteady mixed convection flow over a vertical wedgePages 415-421Param Jeet Singh, S. Roy, R. Ravindran
46.Conjugate numerical analysis of flow and heat transfer with phase change in a miniature flat plate CPL evaporatorPages 422-430Z.M. Wan, W. Liu, Z.K. Tu, A. Nakayama
47.Experimental study on spreading and evaporation of inkjet printed pico-liter droplet on a heated substratePages 431-441Taewoong Lim, Sewoon Han, Jaewon Chung, Jin Taek Chung, Seunghwan Ko, Costas P. Grigoropoulos
48.General characteristics of two-phase flow distribution in a compact heat exchangerPages 442-450Mohammad Ahmad, Georges Berthoud, Pierre Mercier
49.Interfacial heat transfer coefficients and solidification of an aluminum alloy in a rotary continuous casterPages 451-459Noé Cheung, Newton S. Santos, José M.V. Quaresma, George S. Dulikravich, Amauri Garcia
50.On the size of the boiling region in jet impingement quenchingPages 460-465Peter Lloyd
51.Forced convective heat transfer of nanofluids in microchannelsPages 466-472Jung-Yeul Jung, Hoo-Suk Oh, Ho-Young Kwak
52.Axial developments of interfacial area and void concentration profiles in subcooled boiling flow of waterPages 473-487Tae-Ho Lee, Rong Situ, Takashi Hibiki, Hyun-Sik Park, Mamoru Ishii, Michitsugu Mori
53.Methods of optimizing separation of compressible turbulent boundary-layer over a wedge with heat and mass transferPages 488-496M. Xenos, E. Tzirtzilakis, N. Kafoussias
54.Analytical solution of the laser-induced temperature distribution across internal material interfacesPages 497-503Klaus Zimmer
55.Neural-finite difference method (NFDM) in development of improved differential approximation (IDA) and its application for coupled conduction and radiation heat transfer in a square enclosure: An experimental validationPages 504-515R.K. Mallik, S.K. Mahapatra, A. Sarkar
56.A new generation cooling device employing CaCl2-in-silica gel–water systemPages 516-524Bidyut Baran Saha, Anutosh Chakraborty, Shigeru Koyama, Yu I. Aristov
57.Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids in conjunction with electrical double layer (EDL)Pages 525-528Jung-Yeul Jung, Jung Yul Yoo
58.Numerical implementation of thermal boundary conditions in the lattice Boltzmann methodPages 529-532Long-Sheng Kuo, Ping-Hei Chen
59.Stability of natural convection in superposed fluid and porous layers: Equivalence of the one- and two-domain approachesPages 533-536S.C. Hirata, B. Goyeau, D. Gobin, M. Chandesris, D. Jamet
60.Letter to the editor: Comment on the paper “Extensive study on laminar free film condensation from vapor–gas mixtures”Pages 537-538Y. Liao

Volume 52, Issues 3-4, Pages 543-1084 (31 January 2009)

2.On the scale effect and scale-up in the column apparatuses 1. Influence of the velocity distributionPages 543-547K. Panayotova, M. Doichinova, Chr. Boyadjiev
3.About use of a method of direct numerical solution for simulation of bulk condensation of supersaturated vaporPages 548-556N.M. Kortsensteyn, E.V. Samuilov, A.K. Yastrebov
4.Heat transfer in all pipe flow regimes: laminar, transitional/intermittent, and turbulentPages 557-563J.P. Abraham, E.M. Sparrow, J.C.K. Tong
5.Gold nanoshell density variation with laser power for induced hyperthermiaPages 564-573Jerry Vera, Yildiz Bayazitoglu
6.Biofilm affected characteristics of porous structuresPages 574-581Maryam Shafahi, Kambiz Vafai
7.Approximate model for break-up of solidifying melt particles due to thermal stresses in surface crust layerPages 582-587Leonid A. Dombrovsky
8.Laminar and turbulent free convection in a composite enclosurePages 588-596Edimilson J. Braga, Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
9.Numerical simulation of parabolic trough solar collector: Improvement using counter flow concentric circular heat exchangersPages 597-609O. García-Valladares, N. Velázquez
10.CHF determination for high-heat flux phase change cooling system incorporating both micro-channel flow and jet impingementPages 610-619Myung Ki Sung, Issam Mudawar
11.Transition to a periodic flow induced by a thin fin on the sidewall of a differentially heated cavityPages 620-628Feng Xu, John C. Patterson, Chengwang Lei
12.Multi-artery, heat-pipe spreaderPages
13.Study on flow and heat transfer characteristics of heat pipe with axial “Ω”-shaped microgroovesPages 636-643Yongping Chen, Chengbin Zhang, Mingheng Shi, Jiafeng Wu, G.P. Peterson
14.Incorporating boundary conditions in the heat conduction modelPages 644-646V. Bertola, E. Cafaro
15.Pulsating flow and convective heat transfer in a cavity with inlet and outlet sectionsPages 647-654A. Velazquez, J.R. Arias, J.L. Montanes
16.Low Reynolds number scalar transport enhancement in viscous and non-Newtonian fluidsPages
17.Thermal conductivity of a clay-based aerogelPages 665-669S.R. Hostler, A.R. Abramson, M.D. Gawryla, S.A. Bandi, D.A. Schiraldi
18.Dynamics and temperature of droplets impacting onto a heated wallPages 670-679G. Castanet, T. Liénart, F. Lemoine
19.Simulation of turbulent impinging jet into a cylindrical chamber with and without a porous layer at the bottomPages 680-693Daniel R. Graminho, Marcelo J.S. de Lemos
20.Numerical solution for the linear transient heat conduction equation using an Explicit Green’s ApproachPages 694-701W.J. Mansur, C.A.B. Vasconcellos, N.J.M. Zambrozuski, O.C. Rotunno Filho
21.Approximate solutions of lean premixed combustion in porous media with reciprocating flowPages 702-708Jun-Rui Shi, Mao-Zhao Xie, Gang Li, Hong Liu, Ji-Tang Liu, Hong-Tao Li
22.Stability of conducting viscous film flowing down an inclined plane with linear temperature variation in the presence of a uniform normal electric fieldPages 709-715Asim Mukhopadhyay, Anandamoy Mukhopadhyay
23.Theoretical model for fast bubble growth in small channels with reference to startup of capillary pumped loops used in spacecraft thermal management systemsPages 716-723Tim J. LaClair, Issam Mudawar
24.Numerical prediction of natural convection in vented cavities using restricted domain approachPages 724-734S. Anil Lal, C. Reji
25.Transport properties of liquid argon in krypton nanochannels: Anisotropy and non-homogeneity introduced by the solid wallsPages 735-743F. Sofos, T. Karakasidis, A. Liakopoulos
26.Boiling behaviors and critical heat flux on a horizontal plate in saturated pool boiling of water at high pressuresPages 744-750Hiroto Sakashita, Ayako Ono
27.Coupled heat and mass transfer through asymmetric porous membranes with finger-like macrovoids structurePages 751-759Li-Zhi Zhang
28.Modeling of the heat transfer and flow features of the thermal plasma reactor with counter-flow gas injectionPages 760-766Gui-Qing Wu, He-Ping Li, Cheng-Yu Bao, Xi Chen
29.Bubble growth with chemical reactions in microchannelsPages 767-776B.R. Fu, Chin Pan
30.Heat transfer in particulate flows with Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)Pages 777-786Zhi-Gang Feng, Efstathios E. Michaelides
31.Experimental and numerical studies of AISI1020 steel in grind-hardeningPages 787-795Jianhua Zhang, Peiqi Ge, Tien-Chien Jen, Lei Zhang
32.Assessment of structure effects on the thermal conductivity of two-phase porous geomaterialsPages 796-804Jean Côté, Jean-Marie Konrad
33.Study on condensation heat transfer characteristics of wet paper in steam heating processPages 805-813Tsutomu Kawamizu, Takeshi Kaneko, Setsuo Suzuki, Takaharu Tsuruta
34.Measurement of surface dryout near heating surface at high heat fluxes in subcooled pool boilingPages 814-821Ayako Ono, Hiroto Sakashita
35.Numerical studies on laminar natural convection inside inclined cylinders of unity aspect ratioPages 822-838Vinoj Kurian, Mahesh N. Varma, A. Kannan
36.Effects of Reynolds and Prandtl numbers on heat transfer from a square cylinder in the unsteady flow regimePages 839-850Akhilesh K. Sahu, R.P. Chhabra, V. Eswaran
37.Numerical heat transfer analysis of encapsulated ice thermal energy storage system with variable heat transfer coefficient in downstreamPages 851-859Aytunc Erek, Ibrahim Dincer
38.Modeling heat transfer in Bi2Te3–Sb2Te3 nanostructuresPages 860-869Arvind Pattamatta, Cyrus K. Madnia
39.Critical review of flow boiling heat transfer of CO2–lubricant mixturesPages 870-879Xiumin Zhao, Pradeep Bansal
40.Heat transfer in tilted reciprocating anti-gravity open thermosyphonPages 880-893Tsun Lirng Yang, Shyy Woei Chang
41.Non-uniform double slot suction (injection) into water boundary layer flows over a cylinderPages 894-898P. Saikrishnan, S. Roy, I. Mohammed Rizwan Sadiq, Bishun D. Pandey
42.Three dimensional mixed convection in plane symmetric-sudden expansion: Symmetric flow regimePages 899-907M. Thiruvengadam, B.F. Armaly, J.A. Drallmeier
43.Investigation of coated tubes in cross-flow boilingPages 908-920Vikas J. Lakhera, Akhilesh Gupta, Ravi Kumar
44.Large-eddy simulation of an impinging jet in a cross-flow on a heated wall-mounted cubePages 921-931D. Rundström, B. Moshfegh
45.Pulsating convective cooling across two porous-covering heated blocksPages 932-951Po-Chuan Huang, Yen-Jen Chen, Meir-Chyun Tzou
46.Capillary-assisted flow and evaporation inside circumferential rectangular micro groovePages 952-961Z.Z. Xia, G.Z. Yang, R.Z. Wang
47.Turbulent flow and heat transfer in discrete double inclined ribs tubePages 962-970Xiao-wei Li, Ji-an Meng, Zeng-yuan Guo
48.Experimental study of multi-hole cooling for integrally-woven, ceramic matrix composite walls for gas turbine applicationsPages 971-985Fengquan Zhong, Garry L. Brown
49.Experimental and theoretical studies of a two-stage pulse tube cryocooler operating down to 3 KPages 986-995S. Kasthurirengan, G. Srinivasa, G.S. Karthik, D.S. Nadig, U. Behera, K.A. Shafi
50.Unsteady heat conduction involving phase changes for an irregular bubble/particle entrapped in a solid during freezing – An extension of the heat-balance integral methodPages
51.Transient radiative heating characteristics of slabs in a walking beam type reheating furnacePages 1005-1011Sang Heon Han, Seung Wook Baek, Man Young Kim
52.Hybrid DNS/LES of high Schmidt number mass transfer across turbulent air–water interfacePages
53.Numerical study of mixed convection in a two-dimensional laminar incompressible offset jet flowPages 1023-1035K. Kumar Raja, Manab Kumar Das, P. Rajesh Kanna
54.Laminar natural convection in a square cavity: Low Prandtl numbers and large density differencesPages 1036-1043T. Pesso, S. Piva
55.Field synergy analysis of laminar forced convection between two parallel penetrable wallsPages 1044-1052Chenhua Gou, Ruixian Cai, Qibin Liu
56.Heat transfer enhancement by flow-induced vibration in heat exchangersPages 1053-1057L. Cheng, T. Luan, W. Du, M. Xu
57.Transitional flow patterns behind a backstep with porous-based fluid injectionPages 1058-1069Go-Long Tsai, Y.C. Lin, W.J. Ma, H.W. Wang, J.T. Yang
58.An experimental and numerical study of forced convection in a microchannel with negligible axial heat conductionPages 1070-1074Guodong Wang, Liang Hao, Ping Cheng
59.Drag reduction and heat transfer enhancement over a heated wall of a vertical annular microchannelPages
60.Erratum to “Flow boiling of liquid nitrogen in micro-tubes: Part II – Heat transfer characteristics and critical heat flux” [Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer 50 (2007) 5017–5030]Page

Volume 52, Issues 5-6, Pages 1085-1626 (February 2009)

2.A model for solid bubbles formation in melt–coolant interactionPages 1085-1093Leonid A. Dombrovsky
3.Boiling curves in relation to quenching of a high temperature moving surface with liquid jet impingementPages 1094-1104M. Gradeck, A. Kouachi, M. Lebouché, F. Volle, D. Maillet, J.L. Borean
4.Thermal conductivity measurement of insulating materials with a three layers devicePages 1105-1111Y. Jannot, A. Degiovanni, G. Payet
5.Direct-contact condensation of pure steam on co-current and counter-current stratified liquid flow in a circular pipePages 1112-1122Hyun-Sik Park, Sung-Won Choi, Hee Cheon No
6.Pore migration under high temperature and stress gradientsPages 1123-1131Simon P.A. Gill
7.A fast modelling tool for plate heat exchangers based on depth-averaged equationsPages 1132-1137Marko Lyytikäinen, Taija Hämäläinen, Jari Hämäläinen
8.Heat transfer enhancement in self-sustained oscillatory flow in a grooved channel with oblique platesPages 1138-1148Abdelkader Korichi, Lounes Oufer, Guillaume Polidori
9.Robust reduced order modeling of heat transfer in a back step flowPages 1149-1157D. Alonso, A. Velazquez, J.M. Vega
10.Adaptive phase field simulation of dendritic crystal growth in a forced flow: 2D vs 3D morphologiesPages
11.Multi-objective genetic optimization of the heat transfer from longitudinal wavy finsPages
12.A comparison of hyperbolic and parabolic models of phase change of a pure metalPages 1177-1184Haibo Liu, Markus Bussmann, Javad Mostaghimi
13.Analysis for the dual-phase-lag bio-heat transfer during magnetic hyperthermia treatmentPages 1185-1192Kuo-Chi Liu, Han-Taw Chen
14.Entropy generation due to natural convection in non-uniformly heated porous isosceles triangular enclosures at different positionsPages 1193-1205Yasin Varol, Hakan F. Oztop, Ioan Pop
15.Thermal lagging in multi-carrier systemsPages 1206-1213Da Yu Tzou, Weizhong Dai
16.Numerical investigation on combined multiple shell-pass shell-and-tube heat exchanger with continuous helical bafflesPages 1214-1222Qiuwang Wang, Qiuyang Chen, Guidong Chen, Min Zeng
17.Model of a porous regenerator used for magnetic refrigeration at room temperaturePages 1223-1229Jonathan Bouchard, Hakim Nesreddine, Nicolas Galanis
18.Vascular materials cooled with grids and radial channelsPages 1230-1239K.-M. Wang, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
19.Effect of reduced specific heats of nanofluids on single phase, laminar internal forced convectionPages 1240-1244T.L. Bergman
20.Freezing on subcooled surfaces, phenomena, modeling and applicationsPages 1245-1253Frank G.F. Qin, Xiao Dong Chen, Kevin Free
21.Jet-array impingement heat transfer in a concentric annular channel with rotating inner cylinderPages 1254-1267Shyy Woei Chang, Tsun Lirng Yang, Dar-Wei Shih
22.Suitability of three different two-equation turbulence models in predicting film cooling performance over a rotating bladePages 1268-1275Zhi Tao, Zhenming Zhao, Shuiting Ding, Guoqiang Xu, Hongwei Wu
23.Development of a multiple layer vacuum insulation chipPages 1276-1283Il Seob Yoon, Tae-Ho Song
24.Physical mechanisms of heat transfer during single bubble nucleate boiling of FC-72 under saturation conditions-I. Experimental investigationPages 1284-1294Saeed Moghaddam, Ken Kiger
25.Physical mechanisms of heat transfer during single bubble nucleate boiling of FC-72 under saturation conditions. II: Theoretical analysisPages 1295-1303Saeed Moghaddam, Ken Kiger
26.Microbubble or pendant drop control described by a general phase diagramPages 1304-1312P.S. Wei, C.C. Hsiao
27.Experimental investigation of forced and mixed convection heat transfer in a foam-filled horizontal rectangular channelPages 1313-1325Irfan Kurtbas, Nevin Celik
28.Experimental and numerical investigation of natural convection effects on confined impinging jet heat transferPages 1326-1336M.F. Koseoglu, S. Baskaya
29.Fluid flow and convective heat transfer in flat microchannelsPages 1337-1352Omar Mokrani, Brahim Bourouga, Cathy Castelain, Hassan Peerhossaini
30.Multi-Prandtl correlating equations for free convection heat transfer from a horizontal tube of elliptic cross-sectionPages 1353-1364Massimo Corcione, Emanuele Habib
31.Distributed dynamic modeling and experimental study of PV evaporator in a PV/T solar-assisted heat pumpPages 1365-1373Jie Ji, Hanfeng He, Tintai Chow, Gang Pei, Wei He, Keliang Liu
32.Thermal characterisation of embedded heat spreading layers in rectangular heat-generating electronic modulesPages 1374-1384J. Dirker, J.P. Meyer
33.Heat transfer enhancement via liquid–liquid phase separationPages 1385-1399S. Gat, N. Brauner, A. Ullmann
34.Mass transfer enhancement by gravity waves at a liquid–vapour interfacePages 1400-1411S.P. Das, E.J. Hopfinger
35.Analysis of NO formation in high temperature diluted air combustion in a coaxial jet flame using an unsteady flamelet modelPages 1412-1420K.W. Lee, D.H. Choi
36.Efficiency of optimized bifurcating tree-like and parallel microchannel networks in the cooling of electronicsPages 1421-1430W. Escher, B. Michel, D. Poulikakos
37.On the applicability of the heat and mass transfer analogy in indoor air flowsPages 1431-1442H.-J. Steeman, A. Janssens, M. De Paepe
38.On-line temperature measurements for polymer thermal conductivity estimation under injection molding conditionsPages 1443-1450R. Le Goff, D. Delaunay, N. Boyard, Y. Jarny, T. Jurkowski, R. Deterre
39.Investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop in plate heat exchangers having different surface profilesPages 1451-1457Aydın Durmuş, Hüseyin Benli, İrfan Kurtbaş, Hasan Gül
40.Constructal design of T–Y assembly of fins for an optimized heat removalPages 1458-1463Giulio Lorenzini, Luiz Alberto Oliveira Rocha
41.A node-based smoothed point interpolation method (NS-PIM) for thermoelastic problems with solution boundsPages 1464-1471S.C. Wu, G.R. Liu, H.O. Zhang, G.Y. Zhang
42.On the bubble departure diameter and release frequency based on numerical simulation resultsPages 1472-1480Gabor Hazi, Attila Markus
43.Drag force acting on bubbles in a subchannel of triangular array of rodsPages 1481-1487Gabor Hazi, Gusztav Mayer, Attila Markus
44.Heat transfer correlation for high-porosity open-cell foamPages 1488-1494Indranil Ghosh
45.Experimental and numerical investigation of the thermal effects during hydrogen charging in packed bed storage tankPages 1495-1503G. Momen, G. Hermosilla, A. Michau, M. Pons, M. Firdaous, Ph. Marty, K. Hassouni
46.Effectiveness correlations for heat and mass transfer in membrane humidifiersPages 1504-1509David Kadylak, Peter Cave, Walter Mérida
47.Numerical and experimental investigation of heat transfer on heating surface during subcooled boiling flow of liquid nitrogenPages 1510-1516Xiangdong Li, Wei Wei, Rongshun Wang, Yumei Shi
48.A new method for identification of thermal boundary conditions in water-wall tubes of boiler furnacesPages 1517-1524Piotr Duda, Jan Taler
49.Magnetic field and internal heat generation effects on the free convection in a rectangular cavity filled with a porous mediumPages 1525-1533T. Grosan, C. Revnic, I. Pop, D.B. Ingham
50.Bubble generation in micro-volumes of “nanofluids”Pages 1534-1539L. Vasiliev, E. Hleb, A. Shnip, D. Lapotko
51.Pulsed photothermal heating of the media during bubble generation around gold nanoparticlesPages 1540-1543Dmitri Lapotko
52.RDFI determination of anisotropic and scattering dependent radiative conductivity tensors in porous media: Application to rod bundlesPages 1544-1551Fabien Bellet, Elie Chalopin, Florian Fichot, Estelle Iacona, Jean Taine
53.An experimental investigation of the effect of longitudinal fin orientation on heat transfer in membrane water wall tubes in a circulating fluidized bedPages 1552-1560Anusorn Chinsuwan, Animesh Dutta
54.A novel split-dimple interrupted fin configuration for heat transfer augmentationPages 1561-1572Mohammad A. Elyyan, Danesh K. Tafti
55.Turbulence modeling for flow in a distribution manifoldPages 1573-1581Andrew Chen, Ephraim M. Sparrow
56.Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of TiO2–R141b nanofluidsPages 1582-1588Visinee Trisaksri, Somchai Wongwises
57.Numerical investigation and optimization of the thermal performance of a brushless DC motorPages 1589-1599Min-Soo Kim, Kwan-Soo Lee, Sukkee Um
58.Transient heat conduction in rolling/sliding components by a dual reciprocity boundary element methodPages 1600-1607Jun Wen, M.M. Khonsari
59.Analytical characterization of heat transport through biological media incorporating hyperthermia treatmentPages 1608-1618Shadi Mahjoob, Kambiz Vafai
60.Two-phase wavy-annular flow in small tubesPages 1619-1622D. Schubring, T.A. Shedd

Volume 52, Issues 7-8, Pages 1627-2168 (March 2009)

2.Electrical cross effects in porous media with ice inclusions. 1. Diffusion mechanismPages 1627-1634V.S. Kolunin, A.V. Kolunin
3.A two-stage LGSM to identify time-dependent heat source through an internal measurement of temperaturePages 1635-1642Chein-Shan Liu
4.A study on slow evaporation of liquids in a dual-porosity porous medium using square network modelPages
5.Numerical modeling of axial bed-to-wall heat transfer in a circulating fluidized bed combustorPages 1657-1666Nirmal V. Gnanapragasam, Bale V. Reddy
6.Magnetoconvection in an enclosure of water near its density maximum with Soret and Dufour effectsPages 1667-1676N. Nithyadevi, Ruey-Jen Yang
7.3D hybrid Cartesian/immersed-boundary finite-element analysis of heat and flow patterns in a two-roll millPages
8.Three-dimensional simulation of turbulent forced convection in a duct with backward-facing stepPages 1690-1700H. Lan, B.F. Armaly, J.A. Drallmeier
9.Instability phenomena in a two-phase microchannel thermosyphonPages 1701-1708Patrick T. Garrity, James F. Klausner, Renwei Mei
10.Three-dimensional modeling of arc plasma and metal transfer in gas metal arc weldingPages 1709-1724G. Xu, J. Hu, H.L. Tsai
11.Thermodiffusion in porous media: Multi-domain constitutant separationPages 1725-1733R. Bennacer, A.A. Mohamad, M. El Ganaoui
12.Numerical analysis of an equivalent heat transfer coefficient in a porous model for simulating a biological tissue in a hyperthermia therapyPages 1734-1740Ping Yuan
13.Measurement of flow maldistribution in parallel channels and its application to ex-situ and in-situ experiments in PEMFC water management studiesPages 1741-1752S.G. Kandlikar, Z. Lu, W.E. Domigan, A.D. White, M.W. Benedict
14.An enhanced thermal conduction model for the prediction of convection dominated solid–liquid phase changePages 1753-1760Guillaume Vidalain, Louis Gosselin, Marcel Lacroix
15.Vascular structures with flow uniformity and small resistancePages 1761-1768J. Lee, S. Lorente, A. Bejan, M. Kim
16.Numerical method for multicomponent diffusion with a posteriori evaluation of calculation accuracy on the basis of mass balancePages 1769-1773M.S. Makarov
17.Kinetics of water adsorption/desorption under isobaric stages of adsorption heat transformers: The effect of isobar shapePages 1774-1777I.S. Glaznev, D.S. Ovoshchnikov, Yu.I. Aristov
18.Activated air plasma flow generated by pulsed arc discharge for combustion enhancementPages 1778-1785H. Nishiyama, K. Tsuri, H. Shimizu, K. Katagiri, H. Takana, Y. Nakano
19.An experimental study of bouncing Leidenfrost drops: Comparison between Newtonian and viscoelastic liquidsPages 1786-1793V. Bertola
20.Numerical study of the relationship between heat transfer enhancement and absolute vorticity flux along main flow direction in a channel formed by a flat tube bank fin with vortex generatorsPages 1794-1801Li-Min Chang, Liang-Bi Wang, Ke-Wei Song, Dong-Liang Sun, Ju-Fang Fan
21.Performance evaluation of mixed convection in an inclined square channel with uniform temperature wallsPages 1802-1810Koichi Ichimiya, Yasuhiro Matsushima
22.Operational strategy of adsorption desalination systemsPages 1811-1816Kyaw Thu, Kim Choon Ng, Bidyut B. Saha, Anutosh Chakraborty, Shigeru Koyama
23.Unsteady conjugate forced convection heat/mass transfer in ensembles of spherical particles with cell modelsPages 1817-1826Gheorghe Juncu
24.Dispersion of a buoyant plume in a turbulent pressure-driven channel flowPages 1827-1842Alexandre Fabregat, Jordi Pallarès, Ildefonso Cuesta, Francesc Xavier Grau
25.Micro thermoelectric cooler: Planar multistagePages 1843-1852G.S. Hwang, A.J. Gross, H. Kim, S.W. Lee, N. Ghafouri, B.L. Huang, C. Lawrence, C. Uher, K. Najafi, M. Kaviany
26.Experimental study of saturated flow boiling heat transfer in an array of staggered micro-pin-finsPages 1853-1863Weilin Qu, Abel Siu-Ho
27.An analytical model for the prediction of strip temperatures in hot strip rollingPages 1864-1874Jaeboo Kim, Junghyeung Lee, Sang Moo Hwang
28.Heat transfer model for small-scale spark-ignition enginesPages 1875-1886Yuh-Yih
29.Non-Darcian effects on natural convection heat transfer in a wavy porous enclosurePages 1887-1896Khalil Khanafer, Bader Al-Azmi, Alia Marafie, Ioan Pop
30.Effect of thermal buoyancy on vortex shedding past a circular cylinder in cross-flow at low Reynolds numbersPages 1897-1912G. Biswas, Sandip Sarkar
31.Numerical solution of a moving-boundary problem with variable latent heatPages 1913-1917Rajeev, K.N. Rai, S. Das
32.Investigation on heat transfer and pressure drop during swirl flow boiling of R-134a in a horizontal tubePages 1918-1927M.A. Akhavan-Behabadi, Ravi Kumar, M. Jamali
33.An iterative regularization method in simultaneously estimating the inlet temperature and heat-transfer rate in a forced-convection pipePages 1928-1937Yu-Ching Yang, Wen-Lih Chen
34.Heat transfer and pressure drop in a spirally grooved tube with twisted tape insertPages 1938-1944P. Bharadwaj, A.D. Khondge, A.W. Date
35.Magnetoconvection in a square cavity with partially active vertical walls: Time periodic boundary conditionPages 1945-1953N. Nithyadevi, P. Kandaswamy, S. Malliga Sundari
36.A hybrid optimization technique for developing heat transfer correlations based on transient experimentsPages 1954-1964G. Venugopal, Suryakant, C. Balaji, S.P. Venkateshan
37.Unsteady thin-film flow over a heated stretching sheetPages 1965-1970Bidyut Santra, Bhabani S. Dandapat
38.Suction/injection effects on thermophoresis particle deposition in a non-Darcy porous medium under the influence of Soret, Dufour effectsPages 1971-1979M.K. Partha
39.Variations in gas properties in laminar micro-convection with entrance effectPages 1980-1990Nitin P. Gulhane, Shripad P. Mahulikar
40.Augmentation of heat transfer from a solid cylinder wrapped with a porous layerPages 1991-2001S. Bhattacharyya, A.K. Singh
41.Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal conductivity of nanocrystalline composite filmsPages 2002-2008N.A. Roberts, D.G. Walker, D.Y. Li
42.Thermal performance of dimpled surfaces in laminar flowsPages 2009-2017Nian Xiao, Qiang Zhang, Phillip M. Ligrani, Rajiv Mongia
43.Thermodynamically coupled heat and mass flows in a reaction-transport system with external resistancesPages 2018-2025Yaşar Demirel
44.Analysis of the vaporization process for a nano-scale liquid thread by molecular dynamics simulationPages 2026-2041Chun-Lang Yeh
45.Laminar convective heat transfer and viscous pressure loss of alumina–water and zirconia–water nanofluidsPages 2042-2048Ulzie Rea, Tom McKrell, Lin-wen Hu, Jacopo Buongiorno
46.Nonlinear optimal on-line heat-dissipation control methodology in electronic devicesPages
47.Heat transfer enhancement and pressure drop characteristics of TiO2–water nanofluid in a double-tube counter flow heat exchangerPages 2059-2067Weerapun Duangthongsuk, Somchai Wongwises
48.Heat conduction with seasonal freezing and thawing in an active layer near a tower foundationPages 2068-2078X. Duan, G.F. Naterer
49.A three-dimensional inverse geometry problem in estimating the space and time-dependent shape of an irregular internal cavityPages 2079-2091Cheng-Hung Huang, Chi-An Chen
50.Temperature field in a moving semi-infinite region with a prescribed wall heat fluxPages 2092-2101A. Haji-Sheikh, Donald E. Amos, J.V. Beck
51.Analysis of the 3-omega method for thermal conductivity measurementPages 2102-2109Hainan Wang, Mihir Sen
52.A composite heat transfer correlation for saturated flow boiling in small channelsPages 2110-2118Stefan S. Bertsch, Eckhard A. Groll, Suresh V. Garimella
53.Flow visualizations and heat transfer measurements for a rotating pin-fin heat sink with a circular impinging jetPages 2119-2131Tzer-Ming Jeng, Sheng-Chung Tzeng, Hong-Ru Liao
54.Modeling and simulation of heat transfer phenomena during investment castingPages 2132-2139M.M.A. Rafique, J. Iqbal
55.Study of the sensitivity of a thermal flow sensorPages 2140-2144Tae Hoon Kim, Dong-Kwon Kim, Sung Jin Kim
56.Fully developed hydrodynamic and thermal transport in combined pressure and electrokinetically driven flow in a microchannel with asymmetric boundary conditionsPages 2145-2154Achintya Mukhopadhyay, Sayak Banerjee, Chandrasekhar Gupta
57.Heat transfer through woven textilesPages 2155-2160Debarati Bhattacharjee, V.K. Kothari
58.Matrix free meshless method for transient heat conduction problemsPages 2161-2165Xiao Hua Zhang, Jie Ouyang, Lin Zhang

Volume 52, Issues 9-10, Pages 2169-2422 (April 2009)

2.Review of utilization of genetic algorithms in heat transfer problemsPages 2169-2188Louis Gosselin, Maxime Tye-Gingras, François Mathieu-Potvin
3.Effect of particle size on the convective heat transfer in nanofluid in the developing regionPages 2189-2195K.B. Anoop, T. Sundararajan, Sarit K. Das
4.Effects of compressibility and transition to turbulence on flow through microchannelsPages 2196-2204K. Vijayalakshmi, K.B. Anoop, H.E. Patel, P.V. Harikrishna, T. Sundararajan, Sarit K. Das
5.Configuration of the micro-layer and characteristics of heat transfer in a narrow gap mini/micro-channel boiling systemPages 2205-2214Yoshio Utaka, Shuhei Okuda, Yutaka Tasaki
6.Conjugate natural convection with radiation in an enclosurePages 2215-2223G.V. Kuznetsov, M.A. Sheremet
7.Analysis of mixed convection flows within a square cavity with linearly heated side wall(s)Pages 2224-2242Tanmay Basak, S. Roy, Pawan Kumar Sharma, I. Pop
8.Analysis of the turbulence–radiation interactions for large eddy simulations of turbulent flowsPages 2243-2254Maxime Roger, Carlos B. Da Silva, Pedro J. Coelho
9.Temperature amplification during laser heating of polycrystalline silicon microcantilevers due to temperature-dependent optical propertiesPages 2255-2264Justin R. Serrano, Leslie M. Phinney, James W. Rogers
10.Parametric analysis of heat and mass transfer regenerators using a generalized effectiveness-NTU methodPages 2265-2272L.A. Sphaier, W.M. Worek
11.Ammonia two-phase flow in a horizontal smooth tube: Flow pattern observations, diabatic and adiabatic frictional pressure drops and assessment of prediction methodsPages 2273-2288Ricardo J. da Silva Lima, Jesús Moreno Quibén, Cornel Kuhn, Tahsin Boyman, John R. Thome
12.Sintered porous heat sink for cooling of high-powered microprocessors for server applicationsPages 2289-2299Randeep Singh, Aliakbar Akbarzadeh, Masataka Mochizuki
13.Stability analysis of dual adiabatic flows in a horizontal porous layerPages 2300-2310A. Barletta, D.A.S. Rees
14.Experimental study on condensation heat transfer inside a single circular minichannelPages 2311-2323Marko Matkovic, Alberto Cavallini, Davide Del Col, Luisa Rossetto
15.Marangoni condensation heat transfer of water–ethanol mixtures on a vertical surface with temperature gradientsPages 2324-2334JinShi Wang, JunJie Yan, ShenHua Hu, JiPing Liu
16.Optimum heating of thick platePages 2335-2342D. Taler, J. Taler
17.Heat flux estimation of a plasma rocket helicon source by solution of the inverse heat conduction problemPages 2343-2357James M. Mulcahy, David J. Browne, Kenneth T. Stanton, Franklin R. Chang Diaz, Leonard D. Cassady, Daniel F. Berisford, Roger D. Bengtson
18.On the scale effect and scale-up in the column apparatuses. 2. Scale effect modelingPages 2358-2361K. Panayotova, M. Doichinova, Chr. Boyadjiev
19.Constructal steam generator architecturePages 2362-2369Yong Sung Kim, Sylvie Lorente, Adrian Bejan
20.A review on reduction method for heat and mass transfer characteristics of fin-and-tube heat exchangers under dehumidifying conditionsPages 2370-2378Worachest Pirompugd, Chi-Chuan Wang, Somchai Wongwises
21.A hyperbolic microscopic model and its numerical scheme for thermal analysis in an N-carrier systemPages 2379-2389Weizhong Dai
22.Heat, air and moisture transfer through hollow porous blocksPages 2390-2398Gerson Henrique dos Santos, Nathan Mendes
23.Heat and mass transfer for Soret and Dufour’s effects on Hiemenz flow through porous medium onto a stretching surfacePages 2399-2406R. Tsai, J.S. Huang
24.Analytical determination of viscous permeability of fibrous porous mediaPages 2407-2414A. Tamayol, M. Bahrami
25.Investigation on mechanism of critical cavitating flow in liquid jet pumps under operating limitsPages 2415-2420X. Long, H. Yao, J. Zhao
26.A. Bejan, S. Lorente, Design with Constructal Theory, John Wiley ; Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2008, 528 pages, ISBN:978-0-471-99816-7.Page 2421Cesare Biserni

Volume 52, Issues 11-12, Pages 2423-2920 (May 2009)

2.Professor Sung Tack Ro on his 65th birthdayPages 2423-2424Joon Sik Lee, W.J. Minkowycz, Hideo Yoshida
3.Professor Emeritus M. Necati Özisik 1923–2008Pages 2425-2426Helcio R.B. Orlande, Renato M. Cotta, W.J. Minkowycz, Mikhail D. Mikhailov, Sadik Kakaç, Yaman Yener, Yildiz Bayazitoglu, Woo S. Kim, T. Nejat Veziroglu, E.M. Sparrow, Jean François Sacadura
4.Confinement effects on nucleate boiling and critical heat flux in buoyancy-driven microchannelsPages 2427-2436K.J.L. Geisler, A. Bar-Cohen
5.Heat transfer during condensation of moving steam in a narrow channelPages 2437-2443M.A. Chernysheva, S.V. Vershinin, Yu.F. Maydanik
6.An ablation model for the thermal decomposition of porous zinc oxide layer heated by concentrated solar radiationPages 2444-2452Leonid Dombrovsky,
7.Complex chemical systems with power production driven by heat and mass transferPages 2453-2465Stanisław Sieniutycz
8.Onset of convection in a horizontal porous layer driven by catalytic surface reaction on the lower wallPages 2466-2470Adrian Postelnicu
9.Heat flow analysis for natural convection within trapezoidal enclosures based on heatline conceptPages 2471-2483Tanmay Basak, S. Roy, I. Pop
10.Performance predictions of laminar and turbulent heat transfer and fluid flow of heat exchangers having large tube-diameter and large tube-row by artificial neural networksPages 2484-2497Gongnan Xie, Bengt Sunden, Qiuwang Wang, Linghong Tang
11.Impingement of an impact jet onto a spherical cavity. Flow structure and heat transferPages 2498-2506V.I. Terekhov, S.V. Kalinina, Yu.M. Mshvidobadze, K.A. Sharov
12.Fluid-particle mass transport of cupric chloride hydrolysis in a fluidized bedPages 2507-2515Y. Haseli, G.F. Naterer, I. Dincer
13.Prediction of thermal conductivity of nanostructures: Influence of phonon dispersion approximationPages
14.An Eulerian/Lagrangian method for the numerical simulation of incompressible convection flows interacting with complex obstacles: Application to the natural convection in the Lascaux cavePages 2528-2542Delphine Lacanette, Stéphane Vincent, Arthur Sarthou, Philippe Malaurent, Jean-Paul Caltagirone
15.Impact of Marangoni instabilities on the fluid dynamic behaviour of organic dropletsPages 2543-2551M. Wegener, M. Fevre, A.R. Paschedag, M. Kraume
16.Shaker-based heat and mass transfer in liquid metal cooled engine valvesPages 2552-2564Wolfgang Sander, Bernhard Weigand
17.Heat transfer by a piezoelectric fan on a flat surface subject to the influence of horizontal/vertical arrangementPages 2565-2570Sheng-Fu Liu, Ren-Tsung Huang, Wen-Jenn Sheu, Chi-Chuan Wang
18.An investigation of a high temperature difference natural convection in a finite length channel without Bossinesq assumptionPages 2571-2580Wu-Shung Fu, Chung-Gang Li, Chien-Ping Huang, Jieh-Chau Huang
19.Frost behavior on a fin considering the heat conduction of heat exchanger finsPages 2581-2588Jung-Soo Kim, Kwan-Soo Lee, Se-Jin Yook
20.Experimental investigation of heat transfer of supercritical carbon dioxide flowing in a cooled vertical tubePages 2589-2598A. Bruch, A. Bontemps, S. Colasson
21.Numerical investigation of the heat and mass transfer in a vertical tube evaporator with the three-zone analysisPages 2599-2606Il Seouk Park, Man Young Kim
22.2-D and 3-D modulated porous coatings for enhanced pool boilingPages 2607-2613D.H. Min,
23.Impinging plane fountains in a homogeneous fluidPages 2614-2623N. Srinarayana, S.W. Armfield, W.X. Lin
24.Single-phase heat transfer, friction, and fouling characteristics of three-dimensional cone roughness in tube flowPages 2624-2631Ralph L. Webb
25.Analysis of electrical and thermal responses of n-doped silicon to an impinging electron beam and joule heatingPages
26.Analysis of thermal performance and optimization of concentric circular fins under dehumidifying conditionsPages 2646-2659B. Kundu
27.Micro-scale thermo-fluidic transport in two immiscible liquid layers subject to combined electroosmotic and pressure-driven transportPages 2660-2666Anirban Garai, Suman Chakraborty
28.Experimental investigation of heat transfer in oscillating annular flowPages 2667-2672Unal Akdag, A. Feridun Ozguc
29.Mass transfer enhancement through Marangoni instabilities during single drop formationPages 2673-2677M. Wegener, A.R. Paschedag, M. Kraume
30.Simulation and experimental investigation of pressure loss and heat transfer in microchannel networks containing bends and T-junctionsPages 2678-2689Daniel Haller, Peter Woias, Norbert Kockmann
31.Simulation of airflow in one- and two-room enclosures containing a fire sourcePages 2690-2703G.M. Stavrakakis, N.C. Markatos
32.Heat and mass transfer in plate-fin enthalpy exchangers with different plate and fin materialsPages 2704-2713Li-Zhi Zhang
33.Inverse problem of transpiration cooling for estimating wall heat flux by LTNE model and CGM methodPages 2714-2720Junxiang Shi, Jianhua Wang
34.Topology optimization for thermal conductors considering design-dependent effects, including heat conduction and convectionPages 2721-2732A. Iga, S. Nishiwaki, K. Izui, M. Yoshimura
35.Nucleate pool boiling of liquid methane and its natural gas mixturesPages 2733-2739Maoqiong Gong, Jia Ma, Jianfeng Wu, Yu Zhang, Zhaohu Sun, Yuan Zhou
36.Heat transfer from a turbulent swirling inverse diffusion flame to a flat surfacePages 2740-2748H.S. Zhen, C.W. Leung, C.S. Cheung
37.Retrieval of thermal properties in a transient conduction–radiation problem with variable thermal conductivityPages 2749-2758Ranjan Das, Subhash C. Mishra, R. Uppaluri
38.Heat transfer in evaporating black liquor falling filmPages 2759-2768M. Johansson, L. Vamling, L. Olausson
39.Falling film hydrodynamics of black liquor under evaporative conditionsPages 2769-2778M. Johansson, I. Leifer, L. Vamling, L. Olausson
40.Microporous layer for water morphology control in PEMFCPages 2779-2791Jin Hyun Nam, Kyu-Jin Lee, Gi-Suk Hwang, Charn-Jung Kim, Massoud Kaviany
41.An evaluation of secondary effects on microchannel frictional and convective heat transfer characteristicsPages
42.An integral treatment for combined heat and mass transfer by natural convection along a horizontal surface in a porous mediumPages 2802-2806V.J. Bansod, R.K. Jadhav
43.Quenching experiments inside 6.0 mm tube at reduced gravityPages 2807-2814G.P. Celata, M. Cumo, M. Gervasi, G. Zummo
44.Darcy–Benard–Marangoni convection in porous mediaPages 2815-2823I.S. Shivakumara, C.E. Nanjundappa, Krishna B. Chavaraddi
45.Visualization of heat flow due to natural convection within triangular cavities using Bejan’s heatline conceptPages
46.Experimental investigations on heat transfer and frictional characteristics of a turbulator roughened solar air heater ductPages 2834-2848Santosh B. Bopche, Madhukar S. Tandale
47.Solar pond modeling with density and viscosity dependent on temperature and salinityPages 2849-2857M.C. Giestas, Heitor L. Pina, Jorge P. Milhazes, Célia Tavares
48.Turbulent natural convection of sodium in a cylindrical enclosure with multiple internal heat sources: A conjugate heat transfer studyPages 2858-2870Anil Kumar Sharma, K. Velusamy, C. Balaji
49.Investigation on thermal radiation spectra of coal ash depositsPages 2871-2884Aleksandar Saljnikov, Mirko Komatina, Vasilije Manović, Milan Gojak, Darko Goričanec
50.Low-temperature lattice thermal conductivity in free-standing GaN thin filmsPages 2885-2892M.D. Kamatagi, R.G. Vaidya, N.S. Sankeshwar, B.G. Mulimani
51.Radiation driven evaporation for polydisperse water spraysPages 2893-2901William F. Godoy, Paul E. DesJardin
52.Flow and heat transfer in a power-law fluid over a stretching sheet with variable thermal conductivity and non-uniform heat sourcePages 2902-2913M. Subhas Abel, P.S. Datti, N. Mahesha
53.Simple two-layer model for temperature distribution in the inner part of turbulent boundary layers in adverse pressure gradientsPages 2914-2917Sedat F. Tardu
54.Erratum to “Mixed convection with variable viscosity in a vertical annulus with uniform wall temperatures” [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 30–40]Page 2918Enzo Zanchini

Volume 52, Issues 13-14, Pages 2921-3408 (June 2009)

2.Professor Eddie Leonardi (1952–2008)Pages 2921-2922Graham de Vahl Davis, Faruk Arinç, Tracie Barber, Rachid Bennacer, Ernest Donnelley, Mohamed El Ganaoui, Marco Fossa, Tomek Kowalewski, Sami Kara, Christophe Menezo, Chris Menictas, Wally Minkowycz, Alan Obrart, John Reizes, Brian Spalding, Fulvio Stella, Micha Wolfshtein, Richard Yuen
3.Professor Kwang-Tzu Yang on his 80th birthdayPages 2923-2924Liqiu Wang, Yogesh Jaluria, Matthew Kelleher, John Lloyd, W.J. Minkowycz, Mihir Sen, Ramesh Shah
4.Enhanced flow boiling heat transfer of FC-72 on micro-pin-finned surfacesPages 2925-2931Aixiang Ma, Jinjia Wei, Minzhe Yuan, Jiabin Fang
5.Chaotic behavior of pulsating heat pipesPages 2932-2941Yanxi Song, Jinliang Xu
6.Frictional heating during braking in a three-element tribosystemPages 2942-2948A.A. Yevtushenko, М. Kuciej
7.Measurement of performance of plate-fin heat sinks with cross flow coolingPages 2949-2955Hung-Yi Li, Shung-Ming Chao
8.Numerical simulation of turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in heat exchangers fitted with porous mediaPages 2956-2965Yue-Tzu Yang, Ming-Lu Hwang
9.Experimental and numerical study of melting of particle-laden materials in a cylinderPages 2966-2978Dawei Sun, S. Ravi Annapragada, Suresh V. Garimella
10.A superposition-based parallel discrete operator splitting method for incompressible flowsPages 2979-2991K.K.Q. Zhang, K. Sengupta, K. Xia, W.J. Minkowycz, F. Mashayek
11.Electroosmotic flow in sludge flocsPages 2992-2999Z. Yang, X.F. Peng, D.J. Lee
12.Growth and detachment of carbon dioxide bubbles on a horizontal porous surface with a uniform mass injectionPages 3000-3008Shong-Leih Lee, Wen-Bin Tien
13.Flow and heat transfer in a driven square cavity with double-sided oscillating lids in anti-phasePages 3009-3023Dedy Zulhidayat Noor, P. Rajesh Kanna, Ming-Jyh Chern
14.Spatial and temporal coherence of thermal radiation in asymmetric Fabry–Perot resonance cavitiesPages 3024-3031L.P. Wang, B.J. Lee, X.J. Wang, Z.M. Zhang
15.Drift-flux model in a sub-channel of rod bundle geometryPages 3032-3041J. Enrique Julia, Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii, Byong-Jo Yun, Goon-Cherl Park
16.Modelling non-isothermal absorption of vapour into expanding liquid sheetsPages 3042-3054A. Acosta-Iborra, N. García, D. Santana
17.A study of the Sherwood–Rayleigh relation for water undergoing natural convection-driven evaporationPages 3055-3063S.M. Bower, J.R. Saylor
18.Natural convection from a vertical cone in a porous medium due to the combined effects of heat and mass diffusion with non-uniform wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass flux and suction/injectionPages 3064-3069M. Kumari, G. Nath
19.Heat transfer in a conical cylinder with porous mediumPages 3070-3078N.J. Salman Ahmed, Irfan Anjum Badruddin, Z.A. Zainal, H.M.T. Khaleed, Jeevan Kanesan
20.Flow separation in a diverging conical duct: Effect of Reynolds number and divergence anglePages 3079-3083E.M. Sparrow, J.P. Abraham, W.J. Minkowycz
21.The effects of PE additive on the performance of polystyrene vacuum insulation panelsPages 3084-3090P.C. Tseng, H.S. Chu
22.Ultrafast solid–liquid–vapor phase change in a thin gold film irradiated by multiple femtosecond laser pulsesPages 3091-3100Jing Huang, Yuwen Zhang, J.K. Chen
23.Asymptotic behaviors of heat transfer in porous passages with axial conductionPages 3101-3108W.J. Minkowycz, A. Haji-Sheikh
24.Heat/mass transfer in rotating impingement/effusion cooling with rib turbulatorsPages 3109-3117Sung Kook Hong, Dong Hyun Lee, Hyung Hee Cho
25.DNS study of pulsed film cooling for enhanced cooling effectivenessPages 3118-3127Frank Muldoon, Sumanta Acharya
26.Numerical study of forced turbulent heat convection in a straight square ductPages 3128-3136Hongxing Yang, Tingyao Chen, Zuojin Zhu
27.Numerical simulation of laser irradiation to a randomly packed bimodal powder bedPages 3137-3146Jianhua Zhou, Yuwen Zhang, J.K. Chen
28.Subcooled flow boiling heat transfer of R-407C and associated bubble characteristics in a narrow annular ductPages 3147-3158C.A. Chen, W.R. Chang, K.W. Li, Y.M. Lie, T.F. Lin
29.RAD-NNET, a neural network based correlation developed for a realistic simulation of the non-gray radiative heat transfer effect in three-dimensional gas-particle mixturesPages 3159-3168Walter W. Yuen
30.Heat transfer characteristics of a micro-scale impinging slot jetPages 3169-3175Kyo Sung Choo, Young Jik Youn, Sung Jin Kim, Dae Hee Lee
31.Numerical investigation of laminar natural convective heat transfer from a horizontal triangular cylinder to its concentric cylindrical enclosurePages 3176-3186Xu Xu, Gonggang Sun, Zitao Yu, Yacai Hu, Liwu Fan, Kefa Cen
32.Review of convective heat transfer enhancement with nanofluidsPages 3187-3196Sadik Kakaç, Anchasa Pramuanjaroenkij
33.Contact angle and rivulet width hysteresis on metallic surfaces. Part II: With cooled surfacePages 3197-3204Andrzej Gajewski
34.Numerical investigation of heat and fluid flow across a rotating circular cylinder maintained at constant temperature in 2-D laminar flow regimePages 3205-3216Sachin B. Paramane, Atul Sharma
35.Formulation of fully implicit method for simulation of flows with interfaces using primitive variablesPages 3217-3224Kausik Nandi, A.W. Date
36.Validation of fully implicit method for simulation of flows with interfaces using primitive variablesPages 3225-3234Kausik Nandi, A.W. Date
37.Study of the critical heat flux condition with water and R-123 during flow boiling in microtubes. Part I: Experimental results and discussion of parametric effectsPages 3235-3249A.P. Roday, M.K. Jensen
38.Study of the critical heat flux condition with water and R-123 during flow boiling in microtubes. Part II – Comparison of data with correlations and establishment of a new subcooled CHF correlationPages 3250-3256A.P. Roday, M.K. Jensen
39.Heat transfer coefficients for the laminar fully developed flow of viscoplastic liquids through annuliPages 3257-3260Maria H. Farias, Carlos V.M. Braga, Paulo R. de Souza Mendes
40.Effect of thermal radiation on unsteady mixed convection flow and heat transfer over a porous stretching surface in porous mediumPages 3261-3265S. Mukhopadhyay
41.Mixed convection of non-Newtonian fluids along a heated vertical flat platePages 3266-3271M.M. Molla, L.S. Yao
42.Analysis of seepage characters in fractal porous mediaPages 3272-3278Meijuan Yun, Boming Yu, Jianchao Cai
43.Effect of pressure work and viscous dissipation in the analysis of the Rayleigh–Bénard problemPages 3279-3289A. Barletta, D.A. Nield
44.Theory of volumetric crystallization of the undercooled meltPages 3290-3296A.A. Chernov
45.Analytical solution of the advection–diffusion transport equation using a change-of-variable and integral transform techniquePages 3297-3304J.S. Pérez Guerrero, L.C.G. Pimentel, T.H. Skaggs, M.Th. van Genuchten
46.Evaporation rates of pure hydrocarbon liquids under the influences of natural convection and diffusionPages 3305-3313Peter L. Kelly-Zion, Christopher J. Pursell, Ryan S. Booth, Alec N. VanTilburg
47.Modeling of turbulent reacting flows on the base of the equation for the scalar field correlation functionPages 3314-3319V.A. Babenko, V.A. Frost
48.Simulation of gas species and temperature separation in the counter-flow Ranque–Hilsch vortex tube using the large eddy simulation techniquePages 3320-3333Tanvir Farouk, Bakhtier Farouk, Alexander Gutsol
49.Inverse prediction of wall temperature distribution on a cylinder exposed to radiatively active flowPages 3334-3340Sang Heon Han, Seung Wook Baek, Ju Hyeong Cho
50.Critical heat flux for subcooled flow boiling in micro-channel heat sinksPages 3341-3352Jaeseon Lee, Issam Mudawar
51.Unsteady fluid mechanics and heat transfer study in a double-tube air–combustor heat exchanger with porous mediumPages 3353-3363Nelson O. Moraga, César E. Rosas, Valeri I. Bubnovich, José R. Tobar
52.Effects of jet pattern on two-phase performance of hybrid micro-channel/micro-circular-jet-impingement thermal management schemePages 3364-3372Myung Ki Sung, Issam Mudawar
53.Numerical simulation of electromagnetically controlled thermal convection of glass melt in a cruciblePages 3373-3389C. Giessler, A. Thess
54.Convective flow past an accelerated porous plate in rotating system in presence of magnetic fieldPages 3390-3395Ajay Kumar Singh, N.P. Singh, Usha Singh, Hukum Singh
55.Analytical solution of Graetz problem in pipe flow with periodic inlet temperature variationPages 3396-3401G.E. Cossali
56.A note on laser penetration in nanoshell deposited tissuePages 3402-3406Jerry Vera, Yildiz Bayazitoglu

Volume 52, Issues 15-16, Pages 3409-3880 (July 2009)

2.Intensive literature review of condensation inside smooth and enhanced tubesPages 3409-3426A.S. Dalkilic, S. Wongwises
3.Numerical model of gaseous fuel jet injection into a fluidized furnacePages 3427-3438Stevan Nemoda, Milica Mladenović, Srdjan Belošević, Rastko Mladenović, Dragoljub Dakić
4.Minimizing entropy generation in internal flows by adjusting the shape of the cross-sectionPages 3439-3445Todd A. Jankowski
5.Using cognitive computing to extend the range of Grashof number in numerical simulation of natural convectionPages 3446-3455Abhishek Jain, Deborah A. Kaminski
6.Modeling and testing of an advanced compact two-phase cooler for electronics coolingPages 3456-3463Mark Aaron Chan, Christopher R. Yap, Kim Choon Ng
7.Experimental and computational study of constrained melting of phase change materials (PCM) inside a spherical capsulePages 3464-3472F.L. Tan, S.F. Hosseinizadeh, J.M. Khodadadi, Liwu Fan
8.Numerical study of the heat sink with un-uniform fin width designsPages 3473-3480Yue-Tzu Yang, Huan-Sen Peng
9.Non-linear analyses of temperature oscillations in a closed-loop pulsating heat pipePages 3481-3489Jian Qu, Huiying Wu, Ping Cheng, Xiong Wang
10.Contact mechanics and thermal conductance of carbon nanotube array interfacesPages 3490-3503Baratunde A. Cola, Jun Xu, Timothy S. Fisher
11.Experimental investigation of cryogenic oscillating heat pipesPages 3504-3509A.J. Jiao, H.B. Ma, J.K. Critser
12.Comparison of thermal performances of plate-fin and pin-fin heat sinks subject to an impinging flowPages 3510-3517Dong-Kwon Kim, Sung Jin Kim, Jin-Kwon Bae
13.Potential tissue damage from transcutaneous recharge of neuromodulation implantsPages 3518-3524Ryan D. Lovik, John P. Abraham, Ephraim M. Sparrow
14.Numerical analysis for a vapor feed miniature direct methanol fuel cell systemPages 3525-3533Bin Xiao, Amir Faghri
15.Wall heat flux partitioning during subcooled forced flow film boiling of water on a vertical surfacePages 3534-3546Phani K. Meduri, Gopinath R. Warrier, Vijay K. Dhir
16.Drag-reducing and heat transfer characteristics of a novel zwitterionic surfactant solutionPages 3547-3554J.J. Wei, Y. Kawaguchi, F.C. Li, B. Yu, J.L. Zakin, D.J. Hart, Y. Zhang
17.Asymmetric wall heat fluxes boundary conditions in double-pass parallel-plate heat exchangersPages 3555-3563Chii-Dong Ho, Wei-Zum Chen, Jr-Wei Tu
18.Optimization of water and air management systems for a passive direct methanol fuel cellPages 3564-3575Gregory Jewett, Amir Faghri, Bin Xiao
19.Dynamical and thermal performance of molten salt pipe during filling processPages 3576-3584Jianfeng Lu, Jing Ding
20.Three-dimensional polymer melt flow in sudden expansions: Non-isothermal flow topologyPages 3585-3594P.S.B. Zdanski, M. Vaz Jr.
21.Estimation for inner surface geometry of furnace wall using inverse process combined with grey prediction modelPages 3595-3605Chin-Ru Su, Cha’o-Kuang Chen, Wei-Long Liu, Hsin-Yi Lai
22.Heat transfer to a silicon carbide/water nanofluidPages 3606-3612Wenhua Yu, David M. France, David S. Smith, Dileep Singh, Elena V. Timofeeva, Jules L. Routbort
23. shape channel subject to a reciprocating motionPages 3613-3627Wu-Shung Fu, Sin-Hong Lian, Ching-Lun Lin, Chung-Lin Yang
24.Constructal ducts with wrinkled entrancesPages 3628-3633T. Bello-Ochende, J.P. Meyer, A. Bejan
25.Flow boiling in horizontal flattened tubes: Part I – Two-phase frictional pressure drop results and modelPages 3634-3644Jesús Moreno Quibén, Lixin Cheng, Ricardo J. da Silva Lima, John R. Thome
26.Flow boiling in horizontal flattened tubes: Part II – Flow boiling heat transfer results and modelPages 3645-3653Jesús Moreno Quibén, Lixin Cheng, Ricardo J. da Silva Lima, John R. Thome
27.Film cooling at hypersonic Mach numbers using forward facing array of micro-jetsPages 3654-3664R. Sriram, G. Jagadeesh
28.Liquid film dryout in a boiling channel under flow oscillation conditionsPages 3665-3675Tomio Okawa, Taisuke Goto, Jun Minamitani, Yosuke Yamagoe
29.The characteristics of puffing of the carbonated emulsified fuelPages 3676-3684Hirotatsu Watanabe, Takuji Harada, Yohsuke Matsushita, Hideyuki Aoki, Takatoshi Miura
30.Method of measuring oxygen diffusivity in microporous mediaPages 3685-3692Yoshio Utaka, Yutaka Tasaki, Shixue Wang, Toru Ishiji, Shoich Uchikoshi
31.The physics of heat transfer from hot wires in the proximity of walls of different materialsPages
32.Effect of boundary phonon scattering on Dual-Phase-Lag model to simulate micro- and nano-scale heat conductionPages 3706-3711J. Ghazanfarian, A. Abbassi
33.Effective boundary conditions for rough reactive walls in laminar boundary layersPages 3712-3725Stéphanie Veran, Yvan Aspa, Michel Quintard
34.The peculiarities of hot liquid droplets heating and evaporationPages 3726-3737Gintautas Miliauskas, Valdas Garmus
35.Experimental and numerical investigation of droplet evaporation under diesel engine conditionsPages 3738-3746C. Fieberg, L. Reichelt, D. Martin, U. Renz, R. Kneer
36.Suppression of melt convection in a proposed Bridgman crystal growth systemPages 3747-3756J.A. Wei, L.L. Zheng, H. Zhang
37.Evaluation of the different definitions of the convective mass transfer coefficient for water evaporation into airPages 3757-3766H.-J. Steeman, C. T’Joen, M. Van Belleghem, A. Janssens, M. De Paepe
38.One-dimensional model of evaporation and condensation in the presence of a noncondensable gas with applications to cryogenic fluid storagePages 3767-3777Charles Panzarella, Mohammad Kassemi
39.Heat transfer enhancement by flow bifurcations in asymmetric wavy wall channelsPages 3778-3789Amador M. Guzmán, Maria J. Cárdenas, Felipe A. Urzúa, Pablo E. Araya
40.The effects of Prandtl number on wavy weld boundaryPages 3790-3798P.S. Wei, J.S. Yeh, C.N. Ting, T. DebRoy, F.K. Chung, C.L. Lin
41.Characteristics of direct-contact, skin-surface temperature sensorsPages 3799-3804S.K.S. Boetcher, E.M. Sparrow, M.V. Dugay
42.Effects of carbon nanotube coating on flow boiling in a micro-channelPages 3805-3817Vikash Khanikar, Issam Mudawar, Timothy Fisher
43.Buoyancy-induced flow and heat transfer in a partially divided square enclosurePages 3818-3828Abdalla AlAmiri, Khalil Khanafer, Ioan Pop
44.Slip effects on mixed convective flow and heat transfer from a vertical platePages 3829-3841Kang Cao, John Baker
45.Low pressure evaporative cooling of micron-sized droplets of solutions and its novel applicationsPages 3842-3849Sergey P. Fisenko, Julia A. Khodyko
46.Buoyancy-induced flow in an open-ended cavity: Assessment of a similarity solution and of numerical simulation modelsPages 3850-3856S.K.S. Boetcher, E.M. Sparrow
47.Prevention of fouling and scaling in stationary and circulating liquid–solid fluidized bed heat exchangers: Particle impact measurements and analysisPages 3857-3868P. Pronk, C.A. Infante Ferreira, G.J. Witkamp
48.On the role of the fluid effusivity in unsteady heat transfer between a boundary layer and a solid wallPages 3869-3872A. de Tilly, J.M.M. Sousa
49.The nonsimilar laminar wall plume in a constant transverse magnetic fieldPages 3873-3878Asterios Pantokratoras

Volume 52, Issues 17-18, Pages 3881-4134 (August 2009)

   Honoring Professor D. Brian Spalding. Edited by Steven B. Beale and Graham de Vahl Davis   
2.Guest editorialPage 3881Steven Beale, Graham de Vahl Davis
3.Professor D. Brian Spalding Sc.D., Ph.D., F.I.Mech.E., F.Inst.F., F.R.S., F.Eng.Pages 3882-3883S.B. Beale, G. de Vahl Davis
4.A tribute to D.B. Spalding and his contributions in science and engineeringPages 3884-3905V. Artemov, S.B. Beale, G. de Vahl Davis, M.P. Escudier, N. Fueyo, B.E. Launder, E. Leonardi, M.R. Malin, W.J. Minkowycz, S.V. Patankar, A. Pollard, W. Rodi, A. Runchal, S.P. Vanka
5.3D Simulations to investigate initial condition effects on the growth of Rayleigh–Taylor mixingPages 3906-3917Arindam Banerjee, Malcolm J. Andrews
6.Large-eddy simulation of mixed convection-radiation heat transfer in a vertical channelPages 3918-3928Darioush G. Barhaghi, Lars Davidson
7.Computational optimization of the thermal performance of internally finned ductsPages 3929-3942Eric Duplain, B. Rabi Baliga
8.Reynolds number effects within the development region of a turbulent round free jetPages 3943-3954H. Fellouah, C.G. Ball, A. Pollard
9.Source identification for unsteady atmospheric dispersion of hazardous materials using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methodPages 3955-3962Shaodong Guo, Rui Yang, Hui Zhang, Wenguo Weng, Weicheng Fan
10.Heat transfer of gas–liquid mixture in micro-channel heat sinkPages 3963-3971G. Hetsroni, A. Mosyak, E. Pogrebnyak, Z. Segal
11.Numerical study of flow patterns of compact plate-fin heat exchangers and generation of design data for offset and wavy finsPages 3972-3983L. Sheik Ismail, C. Ranganayakulu, Ramesh K. Shah
12.Analysis of convective two-phase flow instabilities in vertical and horizontal in-tube boiling systemsPages 3984-3993Sadık Kakaç, Liping Cao
13.Energy separation in the wake of a cylinder: Effect of Reynolds number and acoustic resonancePages
14.A heat-insulated permeable wall with suction in a compressible gas flowPages 4001-4007A.I. Leontiev, V.G. Lushchik, A.E. Yakubenko
15.Vector lines and potentials for computational heat transfer visualisationPages 4008-4020G.D. Mallinson
16.Mathematical modeling of toxic pollutants dispersion from large tank fires and assessment of acute effects for fire fightersPages 4021-4030N.C. Markatos, C. Christolis, C. Argyropoulos
17.A multigrid method for the Poisson–Nernst–Planck equationsPages 4031-4039Sanjay R. Mathur, Jayathi Y. Murthy
18.Numerical simulation of laminar breakdown and subsequent intermittent and turbulent flow in parallel-plate channels: Effects of inlet velocity profile and turbulence intensityPages 4040-4046W.J. Minkowycz, J.P. Abraham, E.M. Sparrow
19.Vortices and heat flux around a wall-mounted cube cooled simultaneously by a jet and a crossflowPages 4047-4062M. Popovac, K. Hanjalić
20.Brian Spalding: CFD and reality – A personal recollectionPages 4063-4073Akshai K. Runchal
21.Calculations of transport phenomena and reaction distribution in a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cellPages 4074-4081D.H. Schwarz, S.B. Beale
22.Immersed boundary computations of shear- and buoyancy-driven flows in complex enclosuresPages 4082-4089A.F. Shinn, M.A. Goodwin, S.P. Vanka
23.Influence of boundary conditions on the structure of laminar boundary layer with hydrogen combustion on a permeable surfacePages 4090-4094E.P. Volchkov, V.V. Terekhov, V.I. Terekhov
24.Numerical simulation for natural convection in vertical channelsPages 4095-4102Xiuling Wang, Darrell W. Pepper
25.Some comments on turbulence modellingPages 4103-4107Micha Wolfshtein
26.Feasibility and optimization of the hollow optical fiber drawing processPages 4108-4116Jing Yang, Yogesh Jaluria
27.Turbulent momentum transport and kinetic energy production in plane-channel flowsPages 4117-4124E.-S. Zanoun, F. Durst
28.Discrete reaction model for composition of sooting flamesPages 4125-4133S.V. Zhubrin

Volume 52, Issues 19-20, Pages 4135-4674 (September 2009)

2.Finite element simulation of natural convection within porous trapezoidal enclosures for various inclination angles: Effect of various wall heatingPages 4135-4150Tanmay Basak, S. Roy, Sandeep Kumar Singh, I. Pop
3.Monte Carlo simulation of transient radiative transfer in a medium with a variable refractive indexPages 4151-4159C.Y. Wu
4.Off-centre binary collision of droplets: A numerical investigationPages 4160-4174N. Nikolopoulos, A. Theodorakakos, G. Bergeles
5.The transient response of vascular composites cooled with grids and radial channelsPages
6.Carbon dioxide local heat transfer coefficients during flow boiling in a horizontal circular smooth tubePages 4184-4194R. Mastrullo, A.W. Mauro, A. Rosato, G.P. Vanoli
7.A numerical and experimental investigation of different containers and PCM options for cold storage modular units for domestic applicationsPages 4195-4202K.A.R. Ismail, R.I.R. Moraes
8.A new comprehensive model for nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of pure liquid at low to high heat fluxes including CHFPages 4203-4210Huaqiang Chu, Boming Yu
9.Effect of interfacial heat transfer on the onset of oscillatory convection in liquid bridgePages 4211-4220Bo Xun, Kai Li, Paul Gang Chen, Wen-Rui Hu
10.Temperature imaging of sub-millimeter-thick water using a near-infrared cameraPages 4221-4228Naoto Kakuta, Katsuya Kondo, Atsushi Ozaki, Hidenobu Arimoto, Yukio Yamada
11.Radiative heat transfer in a participating medium with specular–diffuse surfacesPages 4229-4235Hong-Liang Yi, Bing Zhen, He-Ping Tan, Timothy W. Tong
12.The effect of chemical reaction on the mixing flow between aqueous solutions of acetic acid and ammoniaPages 4236-4243Satoshi Someya, Satoshi Yoshida, Takahide Tabata, Koji Okamoto
13.Mixed convection with viscous dissipation and pressure work in a lid-driven square enclosurePages 4244-4253A. Barletta, D.A. Nield
14.On the onset of natural convection in differentially heated shallow fluid layers with internal heat generationPages
15.A new turbulence model for porous media flows. Part I: Constitutive equations and model closurePages
16.A hybrid Green’s function method for the hyperbolic heat conduction problemsPages 4273-4278Tzer-Ming Chen
17.Electroosmotic flow driven by oscillating zeta potentials: Comparison of the Poisson–Boltzmann model, the Debye–Hückel model and the Nernst–Planck modelPages 4279-4295H.M. Park, Y.J. Choi
18.Thermal characterization of porous graphitic foam – Convection in impinging flowPages 4296-4301K. Sultan, C.T. DeGroot, A.G. Straatman, N.C. Gallego, H. Hangan
19.Effective thermal parameters of layered films: An application to pulsed photothermal techniquesPages 4302-4307Yu.G. Gurevich, I. Lashkevich, G. Gonzalez de la Cruz
20.The influence of rotational charge motion intensity on nitric oxide formation in gas-engine cylinderPages 4308-4316R.Z. Kavtaradze, D.O. Onishchenko, A.A. Zelentsov, S.S. Sergeev
21.Multi-objective thermal design optimization and comparative analysis of electronics cooling technologiesPages 4317-4326Sidy Ndao, Yoav Peles, Michael K. Jensen
22.Vascularization with line-to-line trees in counterflow heat exchangePages 4327-4342Houlei Zhang, Sylvie Lorente, Adrian Bejan
23.The non-synergy field of convectionPages 4343-4349Ruixian Cai, Qibin Liu, Chenhua Gou
24.Optimal porosity distribution of fibrous insulationPages 4350-4357Ning Du, Jintu Fan, Huijun Wu, Weiwei Sun
25.Airside characteristics of heat, mass transfer and pressure drop for heat exchangers of tube-in hydrophilic coating wavy fin under dehumidifying conditionsPages 4358-4370Xiaokui Ma, Guoliang Ding, Yuanming Zhang, Kaijian Wang
26.Synthesis and thermal conductivity of Cu2O nanofluidsPages 4371-4374Xiaohao Wei, Haitao Zhu, Tiantian Kong, Liqiu Wang
27.Turbulent open channel flow with heat transfer subjected to the control of a spanwise travelling wavePages 4375-4385Nan-Sheng Liu, Lei Wang, Xi-Yun Lu
28.An experimental study on moisture transport through a porous plate with micro poresPages 4386-4389Shixue Wang, Yoshio Utaka, Yutaka Tasaki
29.Thermomechanical effects on transient temperature in non-conformal contacts experiencing reciprocating sliding motionPages 4390-4399Jun Wen, M.M. Khonsari
30.Direct and inverse mixed convections in an enclosure with ventilation portsPages 4400-4412Fu-Yun Zhao, Di Liu, Li Tang, Yu-Long Ding, Guang-Fa Tang
31.Natural convection flow simulation for various angles in a trapezoidal enclosure with linearly heated side wall(s)Pages 4413-4425Tanmay Basak, S. Roy, Amit Singh, Bishun D. Pandey
32.Heat transfer analysis of a loop heat pipe with biporous wicksPages 4426-4434Chien-Chih Yeh, Chun-Nan Chen, Yau-Ming Chen
33.Experimental study on the heat transfer under impinging elliptic jet array along a film hole surface using liquid crystal thermographPages 4435-4448Han-Chieh Chiu, Jer-Huan Jang, Wei-Mon Yan
34.Analytical solutions of fluid flow and heat transfer in parallel-plate micro-channels at high zeta-potentialsPages 4449-4458A. Elazhary, H.M. Soliman
35.Analytical model of mixed electroosmotic/pressure driven three immiscible fluids in a rectangular microchannelPages 4459-4469Li Haiwang, Teck Neng Wong, Nam-Trung Nguyen
36.Measurement and prediction of the cooling characteristics of a generalized vibrating piezoelectric fanPages
37.Natural convection in water-saturated reticulated vitreous carbon foamPages 4479-4483Jane H. Davidson, F.A. Kulacki, D. Savela
38.Heat transfer of impinging jet-array onto concave- and convex-dimpled surfaces with effusionPages
39.Flow maldistribution and thermal performance deterioration in a cross-flow air to air heat exchanger with plate-fin coresPages 4500-4509Li-Zhi Zhang
40.Immersed boundary method for the simulation of flows with heat transferPages 4510-4518Zeli Wang, Jianren Fan, Kun Luo, Kefa Cen
41.Operating limit of heat transport in two-phase thermosyphon with connecting pipe (heated surface temperature fluctuation and flow pattern)Pages 4519-4524Toshiaki Inoue, Masanori Monde
42.Direct numerical simulation for a time-developing natural-convection boundary layer along a vertical flat platePages 4525-4534Mohammad Zoynal Abedin, Toshihiro Tsuji, Yasuo Hattori
43.Tree-shaped vascular wall designs for localized intense coolingPages 4535-4544L.A.O. Rocha, S. Lorente, A. Bejan
44.Laminar plane fountains impinging on a ceiling with an opposing heat fluxPages 4545-4552N. Srinarayana, S.W. Armfield, Wenxian Lin
45.Generalized correlations for predicting heat transfer and pressure drop in plate heat exchanger channels of arbitrary geometryPages 4553-4563D. Dović, B. Palm, S. Švaić
46.A simple criterion for estimating the effect of pressure gradients during hydrogen absorption in a hydride reactorPages 4564-4572A. Chaise, P. Marty, P. de Rango, D. Fruchart
47.Performance characteristics of a vapor feed passive miniature direct methanol fuel cellPages 4573-4583Gregory Jewett, Zhen Guo, Amir Faghri
48.Transient detailed numerical simulation of the combustion of carbon particlesPages 4584-4591R. Stauch, U. Maas
49.Heat transfer and pressure drop in furrowed channels with transverse and skewed sinusoidal wavy wallsPages 4592-4603Shyy Woei Chang, Arthur William Lees, Tsu Chien Chou
50.A boundary element approach for topology design in diffusive problems containing heat sourcesPages 4604-4611Carla T.M. Anflor, Rogério J. Marczak
51.Natural convection flows in porous trapezoidal enclosures with various inclination anglesPages 4612-4623Tanmay Basak, S. Roy, Amit Singh, A.R. Balakrishnan
52.Measurement and prediction of the rate of deposition of flocculated asphaltene particles from oilPages 4624-4634M. Jamialahmadi, B. Soltani, H. Müller-Steinhagen, D. Rashtchian
53.Effect of rib height on heat transfer in a two pass rectangular channel (AR = 1:4) with a sharp entrance at high rotation numbersPages 4635-4649Michael Huh, Yao-Hsein Liu, Je-Chin Han
54.Experimental study on the effect of heat transfer enhancement devices in flat-plate solar collectorsPages
55.Effects of the upper inflow area on pool boiling heat transfer in a vertical annulusPages 4659-4663Myeong-Gie Kang
56.Saturation evolution induced by inner pore structural effects in a porous material during wettingPages 4664-4668D. Wu, X.F. Peng
57.Physical quantity synergy in laminar flow field and its application in heat transfer enhancementPages 4669-4672Liu Wei, Liu Zhichun, Ming Tingzhen, Guo Zengyuan

Volume 52, Issues 21-22, Pages 4675-5282 (October 2009)

2.Experimental determination of thermal conductivity of three nanofluids and development of new correlationsPages 4675-4682Ravikanth S. Vajjha, Debendra K. Das
3.Geometric optimization of T-Y-shaped cavity according to Constructal designPages 4683-4688Giulio Lorenzini, Luiz Alberto Oliveira Rocha
4.Composite relation for laminar free convection in inclined channels with uniform heat flux boundariesPages 4689-4694Gur Mittelman, Aiman Alshare, Jane H. Davidson
5.Effect of particle morphology on thermophoretic velocity of aggregated soot particlesPages 4695-4700Sayaka Suzuki, Kazunori Kuwana, Ritsu Dobashi
6.Thermal conductivity of Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquidsPages 4701-4710Lubomira Broniarz-Press, Karol Pralat
7.Predictions of turbulent flow and heat transfer in gas–droplets flow downstream of a sudden pipe expansionPages 4711-4721V.I. Terekhov, M.A. Pakhomov
8.On the influence of heat transfer in peristalsis with variable viscosityPages 4722-4730S.
9.Convection film boiling on horizontal cylindersPages 4731-4747Erik de Malmazet, Georges Berthoud
10.Experimental and numerical study of convection heat transfer of CO2 at super-critical pressures during cooling in small vertical tubePages 4748-4756Pei-Xue Jiang, Chen-Ru Zhao, Run-Fu Shi, Yang Chen, Walter Ambrosini
11.Analytic modelling of a falling film absorber and experimental determination of transfer coefficientsPages
12.The thermodynamics of the liquid phase migration in nanodispersed composite bodiesPages 4766-4768A.F. Lisovsky
13.Asymptotic solution of thermocapillary convection in thin annular two-layer system with upper free surfacePages 4769-4777You-Rong Li, Shuang-Cheng Wang, Shuang-Ying Wu, Lan Peng
14.Optimization for a heat exchanger couple based on the minimum thermal resistance principlePages 4778-4784Lin Chen, Qun Chen, Zhen Li, Zeng-Yuan Guo
15.Numerical studies on the combustion properties of char particle clustersPages 4785-4795Xiang Jun Liu, Li Li
16.Mathematical modeling of the primary and secondary vacuum freeze drying of random solids at microwave heatingPages 4796-4806J.F. Nastaj, K. Witkiewicz
17.Solidification of a ternary melt from a cooled boundary, or nonlinear dynamics of mushy layersPages 4807-4811D.V. Alexandrov, A.A. Ivanov
18.Effects of doping on the optical fiber drawing processPages 4812-4822Chunming Chen, Yogesh Jaluria
19.A fractal analysis of dropwise condensation heat transferPages 4823-4828Maofei Mei, Boming Yu, Jianchao Cai, Liang Luo
20.Generalized dual-phase lag bioheat equations based on nonequilibrium heat transfer in living biological tissuesPages 4829-4834Yuwen Zhang
21.Transient thermo-solutal convection of water near 4 °C with opposing gradients in a square cavityPages 4835-4850Jung Bae Yoon, Jinho Lee, P. Kandaswamy
22.Numerical simulation of thermal convection of viscoelastic fluids using the grid-by-grid inversion methodPages
23.A building corner model for hygrothermal performance and mould growth risk analysesPages 4862-4872Gerson Henrique dos Santos, Nathan Mendes, Paulo Cesar Philippi
24.A physical picture of the mechanism of turbulent heat transfer from the wallPages 4873-4882Phuong M. Le, Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou
25.An experimental study in determining the local heat transfer coefficients for the plate finned-tube heat exchangersPages 4883-4893Cheng-Hung Huang, I-Cha Yuan, Herchang Ay
26.A three-dimensional numerical simulation of impinging jet arrays on a moving platePages 4894-4900L.B.Y. Aldabbagh, A.A. Mohamad
27.Removal of CaCO3 scales on a filter membrane using plasma discharge in waterPages 4901-4906Yong Yang, Alexander Gutsol, Alexander Fridman, Young I. Cho
28.Experimental investigations of the coupled conductive and radiative heat transfer in metallic/ceramic foamsPages 4907-4918R. Coquard, D. Rochais, D. Baillis
29.Dilution and hydrate forming process in shock wavesPages 4919-4928V.E. Dontsov, A.A. Chernov
30.Gaseous bubble nucleation under shear flowPages 4929-4937Ho-Young Kwak, Ki-Moon Kang
31.Theoretical analysis of premixed low-velocity filtration combustion for Lewis number different from onePages 4938-4945A. Knyazeva, V. Bubnovich, C. Rosas, N. Moraga
32.Experimental study on the heat transfer characteristics during the pressure transients under supercritical pressuresPages 4946-4955Kyoung-Ho Kang, Soon-Heung Chang
33.Heat transfer in the MHD flow of a power law fluid over a non-isothermal stretching sheetPages 4956-4965K.V. Prasad, K. Vajravelu
34.Heat transfer through coupled thermal boundary layers induced by a suddenly generated temperature differencePages 4966-4975Feng Xu, John C. Patterson, Chengwang Lei
35.Numerical simulation of diffusive processes in solids of revolution via the finite volume method and generalized coordinatesPages 4976-4985Wilton Pereira da Silva, Jürgen W. Precker, Diogo D.P.S. e Silva, Cleiton D.P.S. e Silva, Antonio Gilson Barbosa de Lima
36.Transient temperature profile inside thermoacoustic refrigeratorsPages 4986-4996Pierrick Lotton, Philippe Blanc-Benon, Michel Bruneau, Vitaly Gusev, Serge Duffourd, Mikhail Mironov, Gaelle Poignand
37.Particle–gas reacting flow under concentrated solar irradiationPages 4997-5004G. Maag, W. Lipiński, A. Steinfeld
38.Numerical study of a nuclear fuel element dissipating fission heat into its surrounding fluid mediumPages 5005-5012M.K. Ramis, G. Jilani
39.Diffusion and reaction controlled dissolution of oxygen microbubbles in bloodPages 5013-5019Magnus Fischer, Igor Zinovik, Dimos Poulikakos
40.Bubble sweeping and interactions on wires during subcooled boilingPages 5020-5028David M. Christopher, Jun Jiang
41.Eigenfunction expansions for transient diffusion in heterogeneous mediaPages 5029-5039Carolina P. Naveira-Cotta, Renato M. Cotta, Helcio R.B. Orlande, Olivier Fudym
42.Frequency response and spatial resolution of a thin foil for heat transfer measurements using infrared thermographyPages 5040-5045Hajime Nakamura
43.Fluid-to-fluid modeling of supercritical water loops for stability analysisPages 5046-5054C.P. Marcel, M. Rohde, V.P. Masson, T.H.J.J. Van der Hagen
44.Mixed convective heat transfer in rectangular enclosures driven by a continuously moving horizontal platePages 5055-5063M.A. Waheed
45.Conduction and radiation in a rectangular isotropic scattering medium with black surfaces by the RTNAMPages 5064-5071Jian-Feng Luo, Sheng-Li Chang, Jian-Kun Yang, Jun-Cai Yang
46.On Taylor dispersion effects for transient solutions in geothermal heating systemsPages 5072-5080Alexandra Ortan, Vincent Quenneville-Bélair, B.S. Tilley, J. Townsend
47.Thermal accommodation coefficients between polyatomic gas molecules and soot in laser-induced incandescence experimentsPages 5081-5089K.J. Daun
48.An experimental study on the effect of ultrasonication on viscosity and heat transfer performance of multi-wall carbon nanotube-based aqueous nanofluidsPages 5090-5101Paritosh Garg, Jorge L. Alvarado, Charles Marsh, Thomas
49.Bubble growth characterization during fast boiling in an enclosed geometryPages 5102-5112S.Escobar-Vargas, D. Fabris, J.E. Gonzalez, R. Sharma, C. Bash, O.E. Ruiz
50.Experimental study of biporous wicks for high heat flux applicationsPages 5113-5121Tadej Semenic, Ivan Catton
51.Visualization study of steam condensation in triangular microchannelsPages 5122-5129Yongping Chen, Rui Wu, Mingheng Shi, Jiafeng Wu, G.P. Peterson
52.Numerical study of convective flow with condensation of a pure fluid in capillary regimePages 5130-5140M. Miscevic, P. Lavieille, B. Piaud
53.Development of a mesoscopic particle model for synthesis of uranium-ceramic nuclear fuelPages 5141-5151Xiaolin Wang, Hui Zhang, Lili Zheng, Jiuan Wei
54.Effect of static magnetic field on a thermal conductivity measurement of a molten droplet using an electromagnetic levitation techniquePages 5152-5157Takao Tsukada, Ken-ichi Sugioka, Tomoya Tsutsumino, Hiroyuki Fukuyama, Hidekazu Kobatake
55.Two-phase hydrodynamics in a miniature direct methanol fuel cellPages 5158-5166Cullen R. Buie, Juan G. Santiago
56.Formation and sublimation of ice structures over cylindrical collectorsPages 5167-5172Guillermo G. Aguirre Varela, Nesvit E. Castellano, Eldo E. Ávila
57.Measurement and prediction of pressure drop in a two-phase micro-pin-fin heat sinkPages 5173-5184Weilin Qu, Abel Siu-Ho
58.Two-phase pressure drop of air–water in minichannelsPages 5185-5192Krzysztof Dutkowski
59.A new turbulence model for porous media flows. Part II: Analysis and validation using microscopic simulationsPages
60.The effect of inlet constriction on bubble growth during flow boiling in microchannelsPages 5204-5212A. Mukherjee, S.G. Kandlikar
61.Unsteady boundary layer flow and heat transfer past a porous stretching sheet in presence of variable viscosity and thermal diffusivityPages 5213-5217S. Mukhopadhyay
62.Modeling of the fluctuating component in the form of the sum of an infinite number of random quantities. Part 1: k–ε ModelingPages 5218-5228B.P. Golovnya
63.Modeling of the fluctuating component in the form of the sum of an infinite number of random quantities. Part 2. Model of transfer of turbulent stresses and turbulent heat fluxesPages 5229-5240B.P. Golovnya
64.Generic features and puzzles of nucleate boilingPages 5241-5249V.V. Yagov
65.Asymmetric entrainment effect on the local surface temperature of a flat plate heated by an obliquely impinging two-dimensional jetPages 5250-5257O. Vipat, S.S. Feng, T. Kim, A.M. Pradeep, T.J. Lu
66.Micromixing enhanced by pulsating flowsPages 5258-5261W.B. Mao, J.L. Xu
67.Numerical analysis and evaluation of an open-type thermal storage system using composite sorbentsPages 5262-5265Huijun Wu, Shengwei Wang, Dongsheng Zhu, Yunfei Ding
68.Local energy balance, specific heats and the Oberbeck–Boussinesq approximationPages 5266-5270A. Barletta
69.Analysis and optimization of electrokinetic microchannel heat sinkPages 5271-5275Afzal Husain, Kwang-Yong Kim
70.Experimental study on pulsating heat pipe with functional thermal fluidsPages 5276-5279Shuangfeng Wang, Zirong Lin, Weibao Zhang, Jinjian Chen

Volume 52, Issues 23-24, Pages 5283-5660 (November 2009)

2.Professor Yogesh Jaluria on his 60th birthdayPages 5283-5284Yildiz Bayazitoglu, Van P. Carey, Wilson K.S. Chiu, Srinivas Garimella, Mahesh Gupta, Michael K. Jensen, Yogendra Joshi, Mukund V. Karwe, Steven H.-K. Lee, W.J. Minkowycz, Jayathi Y. Murthy, G.P. “Bud” Peterson, Vishwanath Prasad, Kwang-Tzu Yang
3.Effect of pulsed magnetic field on superalloy meltPages 5285-5292Xiaoping Ma, Yuansheng Yang, Bin Wang
4.Influences of nozzle-plate spacing on boiling heat transfer of confined planar dielectric liquid impinging jetPages 5293-5301Chang Hwan Shin, Kyung Min Kim, Sung Hwan Lim, Hyung Hee Cho
5.Surface cooling based on the thermomagnetic convection: Numerical simulation and experimentPages 5302-5308D. Zablotsky, A. Mezulis, E. Blums
6.Influence of channel aspect ratio on heat transfer in rotating rectangular ducts with skewed ribs at high rotation numbersPages 5309-5322T.-M. Liou, S.W. Chang, J.S. Chen, T.L. Yang, Yi-An Lan
7.An evaluation of prediction methods for saturated flow boiling heat transfer in mini-channelsPages
8.A numerical method for predicting the performance of a randomly packed distillation columnPages 5330-5338Guo Biao Liu, K.T. Yu, X.G. Yuan, C.J. Liu
9.Pool boiling of nanofluids: Comprehensive review of existing data and limited new dataPages 5339-5347Robert A. Taylor, Patrick E. Phelan
10.A further investigation of effects of jet-disk separation distance on steady mixed convective vortex flow resulting from a confined impinging air jetPages 5348-5357K.M. Chen, F.C. Hsieh, J.C. Hsieh, T.F. Lin
11.Fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of cross-cut heat sinksPages 5358-5370Tae Young Kim, Sung Jin Kim
12.3D numerical simulation on shell-and-tube heat exchangers with middle-overlapped helical baffles and continuous baffles – Part I: Numerical model and results of whole heat exchanger with middle-overlapped helical bafflesPages 5371-5380Jian-Fei Zhang, Ya-Ling He, Wen-Quan Tao
13.3D numerical simulation on shell-and-tube heat exchangers with middle-overlapped helical baffles and continuous baffles – Part II: Simulation results of periodic model and comparison between continuous and noncontinuous helical bafflesPages 5381-5389Jian-Fei Zhang, Ya-Ling He, Wen-Quan Tao
14.CFD modeling of mass transfer in annular reactorsPages 5390-5401J. Esteban Duran, Fariborz Taghipour, Madjid Mohseni
15.A numerical study of convective heat transfer from a rotating cylinder with cross-flow oscillationPages
16.Heating of saturated porous media in practice: Several causes of local thermal non-equilibriumPages 5412-5422L. Virto, M. Carbonell, R. Castilla, P.J. Gamez-Montero
17.Nonlinear analysis on dynamic behavior of buoyancy-induced flame oscillation under swirling flowPages 5423-5432Hiroshi Gotoda, Yuta Asano, Keng Hoo Chuah, Genichiro Kushida
18.Experimental investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer in a single-phase liquid flow micro-heat exchangerPages 5433-5446N. García-Hernando, A. Acosta-Iborra, U. Ruiz-Rivas, M. Izquierdo
19.Convection heat and mass transfer along a vertical heated plate with film evaporation in a non-Darcian porous mediumPages 5447-5450Jin-Sheng Leu, Jiin-Yuh Jang, Wen-Cheng Chou
20.Design method of automatic energy transport devices based on the thermomagnetic effect of magnetic fluidsPages 5451-5458Wenlei Lian, Yimin Xuan, Qiang Li
21.Surface wettability control by nanocoating: The effects on pool boiling heat transfer and nucleation mechanismPages 5459-5471Hai Trieu Phan, Nadia Caney, Philippe Marty, Stéphane Colasson, Jérôme Gavillet
22.Heat transfer enhancement in oscillatory flows of Newtonian and viscoelastic fluidsPages 5472-5478A.A. Lambert, S. Cuevas, J.A. del Río, M. López de Haro
23.Measurements of jet flows impinging into a channel containing a rod bundle using dynamic PIVPages
24.Numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a Ranque–Hilsch vortex tubePages 5496-5511A. Secchiaroli, R. Ricci, S. Montelpare, V. D’Alessandro
25.Unsteady conjugate water/air mixed convection in a square cavityPages 5512-5524Nelson
26.Effective thermal conductivity of various filling materials for vacuum insulation panelsPages 5525-5532Jae-Sung Kwon, Choong Hyo Jang, Haeyong Jung, Tae-Ho Song
27.Formation of weld crater in GMAW of aluminum alloysPages 5533-5546H. Guo, J. Hu, H.L. Tsai
28.Flux-blending schemes for interface capture in two-fluid flowsPages 5547-5556Yeng-Yung
29.Modeling of nucleate boiling heat transfer under an impinging free jetPages 5557-5566A.M.T. Omar, M.S. Hamed, M. Shoukri
30.“Eigen-periodic”-in-space surface heating in conduction with application to conductivity measurement of thin filmsPages
31.Electrical cross effects in porous media with ice inclusions. Part II: Double electrical layer mechanismPages 5577-5584V.S. Kolunin, A.V. Kolunin
32.Evaporation in mixture of vapor and gas mixturePages 5585-5590A.P. Kryukov, V.Yu. Levashov, I.N. Shishkova
33.A numerical study on the effective thermal conductivity of biological fluids containing single-walled carbon nanotubesPages 5591-5597Hai M. Duong, Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou, Kieran J. Mullen, Brian L. Wardle, Shigeo Maruyama
34.Numerical simulation of concrete hollow bricks by the finite volume methodPages 5598-5607Jiapeng Sun, Liang Fang
35.Non-linear dynamical analyses of transient surface temperature fluctuations during subcooled pool boiling on a horizontal diskPages 5608-5623Vijaykumar Sathyamurthi, Debjyoti Banerjee
36.An investigation of the influence of natural convection on tin solidification using a quasi two-dimensional experimental benchmarkPages 5624-5633Xiaodong Wang, Yves Fautrelle
37.Heat transportation by oscillatory flow in a new type of heat transportation pipePages 5634-5642Makoto
38.Experimental study on flash evaporation from superheated water jets: Influencing factors and formulation of correlationPages 5643-5651Sami Mutair, Yasuyuki Ikegami
39.Evaluation and modification of gas-particle covariance models by Large Eddy Simulation of a particle-laden turbulent flows over a backward-facing stepPages 5652-5656K.F. Yu, Eric W.M. Lee
40.Pressure drop on water accumulation distribution for a micro PEM fuel cell with different flow field platesPages 5657-5659Shou-Shing Hsieh, Yi-Ji Huang, Bing-Shyan Her

Volume 52, Issues 25-26, Pages 5661-6064 (December 2009)

2.Ledinegg instability in microchannelsPages 5661-5674Tiejun Zhang, Tao Tong, Je-Young Chang, Yoav Peles, Ravi Prasher, Michael K. Jensen, John T. Wen, Patrick Phelan
3.Thermal diffusivity estimation using numerical inverse solution for 1D heat conductionPages 5675-5681Neven Ukrainczyk
4.Traveling void wave in horizontal two-phase flowPages 5682-5690Takeyuki Ami, Hisashi Umekawa, Mamoru Ozawa, Masahiro Shoji
5.Experimental and numerical study of heat and moisture transfers by natural convection in a cavity filled with solid obstaclesPages 5691-5700O. Laguerre, S. Benamara, D. Remy, D. Flick
6.Improved flow pattern map for accurate prediction of the heat transfer coefficients during condensation of R-134a in smooth horizontal tubes and within the low-mass flux rangePages 5701-5711R. Suliman, L. Liebenberg, J.P. Meyer
7.Convective flow and heat transfer in a tall porous cavity side-cooled with temperature profilePages
8.Effect of heat and mass transfer on non-Newtonian flow – Links to atherosclerosisPages 5719-5730Sarifuddin, Santabrata Chakravarty, Prashanta Kumar Mandal
9.Analysis of vapor–gas bubbles in a single artery heat pipePages 5731-5739Tarik Kaya
10.Numerical study on high-temperature diluted air combustion for the turbulent jet flame in crossflow using an unsteady flamelet modelPages 5740-5750K.W. Lee, D.H. Choi
11.Simulation of compressible flow in high pressure buried gas pipelinesPages 5751-5758Ali Nouri-Borujerdi, Masoud Ziaei-Rad
12.Effect of surface radiation on conjugate natural convection in a horizontal annulus driven by inner heat generating solid cylinderPages 5759-5769A. Shaija, G.S.V.L. Narasimham
13.Effects of rotation and feedback control on Bénard–Marangoni convectionPages 5770-5775Z. Siri, Z. Mustafa, I. Hashim
14.Critical times in multilayer diffusion. Part 1: Exact solutionsPages 5776-5783R.I. Hickson, S.I. Barry, G.N. Mercer
15.Critical times in multilayer diffusion. Part 2: Approximate solutionsPages 5784-5791R.I. Hickson, S.I. Barry, G.N. Mercer
16.The Cheng–Minkowycz problem for natural convective boundary-layer flow in a porous medium saturated by a nanofluidPages 5792-5795D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov
17.Thermal instability in a porous medium layer saturated by a nanofluidPages 5796-5801D.A. Nield, A.V. Kuznetsov
18.Enhanced boiling heat transfer in mesochannelsPages 5802-5813John D.
19.Nanofiber coating of surfaces for intensification of drop or spray impact coolingPages 5814-5826R. Srikar, T. Gambaryan-Roisman, C. Steffes, P. Stephan, C. Tropea, A.L. Yarin
20.Numerical model and effectiveness correlations for a run-around heat recovery system with combined counter and cross flow exchangersPages 5827-5840Alireza Vali, Carey J. Simonson, Robert W. Besant, Gazi Mahmood
21.Unsteady 2D coupled heat and mass transfer in porous media with biological and chemical heat generationsPages 5841-5848N.O. Moraga, F. Corvalán, M. Escudey, A. Arias, C.E. Zambra
22.Analysis on multiplicity and stability of convective heat transfer in tightly curved rectangular ductsPages 5849-5866Fang Liu, Liqiu Wang
23.Modeling of coaxial powder flow for the laser direct deposition processPages 5867-5877S.Y. Wen, Y.C. Shin, J.Y. Murthy, P.E. Sojka
24.Characterization of a porous medium employing numerical tools: Permeability and pressure-drop from Darcy to turbulencePages 5878-5888Federico E. Teruel, Rizwan-uddin
25.Micro film cooling performancePages 5889-5894P.L. Li, H.S. Ko, D.Z. Jeng, C.W. Liu, C. Gau
26.Hydromagnetic free convection of a radiating fluidPages 5895-5908Cho Young Han
27.Natural convection in a vertically divided square enclosure by a solid partition into air and water regionsPages 5909-5921Hakan F. Oztop, Yasin Varol, Ahmet Koca
28.Effects of incidence angle on endwall convective transport within a high-turning turbine rotor passagePages 5922-5931Sang Woo Lee, Jin Jae Park
29.Magnetohydrodynamic simulations using radial basis functionsPages 5932-5939Marcelo J.
30.Unsteady free convection from elliptic cylinders at large Grashof numbersPages 5940-5953S.J.D. D’Alessio, R.N. Perera
31.Natural convection cooling of a hot vertical wall wet by a falling liquid filmPages 5954-5961Gaetano Aiello, Michele Ciofalo
32.Mass transfer effects on MHD flow and heat transfer past a vertical porous plate through a porous medium under oscillatory suction and heat sourcePages 5962-5969S.S. Das, A. Satapathy, J.K. Das, J.P. Panda
33.Heat transfer and friction characteristics of solar air heater ducts having integral inclined discrete ribs on absorber platePages 5970-5977K.R. Aharwal, Bhupendra K. Gandhi, J.S. Saini
34.Heat transfer and fluid flow in shrouded pin fin arrays with and without tip clearancePages 5978-5989Kevin A. Moores, Jungho Kim, Yogendra K. Joshi
35.Cooling transients in a sudden-expansion channel with varied rates of wall transpirationPages 5990-5999Go-Long Tsai, Y.C. Lin, H.W. Wang, Y.F. Lin, Y.C. Su, J.T. Yang
36.Transient behavior of run-around heat and moisture exchanger system. Part І: Model formulation and verificationPages 6000-6011Mehran Seyed-Ahmadi, Blake Erb, Carey J. Simonson, Robert W. Besant
37.Transient behavior of run-around heat and moisture exchanger system. Part IІ: Sensitivity studies for a range of initial conditionsPages 6012-6020Mehran Seyed-Ahmadi, Blake Erb, Carey J. Simonson, Robert W. Besant
38.Heat transfer analysis of soil heating systemsPages 6021-6027C.C. Ngo, F.C. Lai
39.DNS and modeling of the turbulent boundary layer over an evaporating liquid filmPages 6028-6041Gaëtan Desoutter, Chawki Habchi, Bénédicte Cuenot, Thierry Poinsot
40.Diffusion measurements using the shear cell technique: Investigation of the role of Marangoni convection by pre-flight experiments on the ground and during the Foton M2 missionPages 6042-6049Raluca Roşu-Pflumm, Wolfgang Wendl, German Müller-Vogt, Shinsuke Suzuki, K.-H. Kraatz, G. Frohberg
41.Static research of flow in rotor channels of the regeneratorPages 6050-6058Bogumił Bieniasz
42.Corrigendum to “Mathematical modeling of toxic pollutants dispersion from large tank fires and assessment of acute effects for fire fighters” [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 4021–4030]Page 6059N.C. Markatos, M. Christolis, C. Argyropoulos
43.Corrigendum to “A hyperbolic microscopic model and its numerical scheme for thermal analysis in an N-carrier system” [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 2379–2389]Page 6060Weizhong Dai
44.Erratum to “Physical mechanisms of heat transfer during single bubble nucleate boiling of FC-72 under saturation conditions-II: Theoretical analysis” [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 1295--1303]Page 6061Saeed Moghaddam, Ken Kiger
45.Erratum to “Effectiveness correlations for heat and mass transfer in membrane humidifiers” [Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 52 (2009) 1504–1509]Page 6062David Kadylak, Peter Cave, Walter Mérida